The Conservation Requirements of New Zealands Nationally
The Conservation Requirements of New Zealand’s Nationally Threatened Invertebrates THREATENED SPECIES OCCASIONAL PUBLICATION NO. 20 Carl A. McGuinness Published by Biodiversity Recovery Unit Department of Conservation P.O. Box 10-420 Wellington New Zealand Cover Illustration: Northern pimelea cutworm moth Meterana pictula, Mangarakau area, north-west Nelson coast, 1998. Photo: Brian Patrick. ©May 2001, Department of Conservation ISSN 1170-3709 ISBN 0-478 22048-0 Cataloguing in Publication McGuinness, Carl A. The conservation requirements of New Zealand’s nationally threatened invertebrates/ Carl A McGiunness. Wellington, N.Z. : Dept. of Conservation, Biodiversity Recovery Unit, 2001. 1.v.; 30 cm (Threatened species occasional publication, 1170-3709; 20.) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0478220480 1. Invertebrates - New Zealand 2. Endangered species - New Zealand. I. Title. Series: Threatened species occasional publication 20. 2 Acknowledgements Many people have generously shared their knowledge, expertise, and time to enable completion of this document. Thanks to the following for either discussions, initial information, comments on draft manuscripts, or all of the above: Hilary Aikman, Mike Aviss, Gary Barker, Barbara Barratt, Paul Barrett, Jo Berry, Andrea Booth, Phil Bradfield, Pete Brady, Fred Brook, Barbara Brown, Fin Buchanan, John Buckeridge, Lindsay Chadderton, Ann Chapman, Rob Chappell, Frank Climo, Kevin Collier, Robin Craw, Trevor Crosby, Barry Donovan, John Dugdale, Kelly Duncan, John Early, Dave Eastwood, Greg Edgecombe,
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