Creating a permanent Aviation Museum in Far North



Contact Details JRM Braes Rd, Airport QLD 4880 President Brendan Kent 0422 379 984 Postal: PO Box 987, Kuranda QLD 4881 Email: [email protected]


The FNQ Aviation Museum sets out to establish a significant museum that showcases the incredible contribution that aviation has played in Far whilst creating employment in our local community and training opportunities for the attainment of numerous skills.


To establish a world class Aviation Museum that provides an interactive and captivating experience for visitors and provides a facility for training and development within our community.

PRESERVE – Preservation of our local history and related artefacts relevant to the area INSPIRE – Create an interactive and captivating world class facility that captures the interest of all demographics EDUCATE – Create an interesting and different learning experience for all ages RESTORE - Provide training opportunities for school students, prisoners reintegrating to the community, retired persons, work for the dole and other community based groups to gain experience restoring aircraft, engines and other aviation related history artefacts


A decade after the beginning of powered flight in 1903, the first aircraft to fly in FNQ in August 1914 was a small French Caudron G3 – a primitive wood & fabric biplane that came to by ship.

Ever since Far North Queensland has played a key element in various aspects in the development of aviation technology & methods.

Mareeba played a significant role in World War II with its two airstrips built in 1942 supporting one of the largest military bases in Australia at the time.

Local aviation history is currently not on display with the exception of several memorials & monuments.

One of the main collections that was on display was the Beck collection, the owner sadly passing away. Unfortunately much of the contents of this former museum & others are being sold off, leaving the area.

This is where the FNQ Aviation Museum comes in as a community-based, not-for-profit organisation. The aviation museum will display anything of heritage relevance from 1914 to the present day. Mareeba’s wartime history and the building of the airfield runways makes the location of the museum historically significant.




The FNQ Aviation Museum will provide a number of benefits to the local community including:

 Increased tourism in the Far North Queensland both as a standalone Museum and partnerships with already established tourism entities.  Construction jobs of the Museum facility and creation of numerous ongoing local jobs  Food and Beverage facility to service the newly upgraded Mareeba Aerodrome and surrounding areas  Foster a culture of volunteering in the community  Capturing Aviation interest in the community through education and learning untold stories  Increasing social inclusion through a place to meet & combat mental health issues  Partnering with Flight Training organisations to address the growing worldwide pilot shortage  Skill building workshops to assist school age students enter the workforce, prisoners reintegrating into the community, retirement age groups looking to learn new skills and meet new people.  Educational tours & workshops venue for Schools, Scouts and other community groups  Board room and function area for visitors that require a nearby function room  Historical research base for aviation related historical groups.


The FNQ Aviation museum concept has received overwhelming support and positive encouragement from the community. A vast range of contacts in the local community and in the Aviation Industry provide the FNQAM with the necessary background skills and expertise to ensure the venture is successful. Being fully inclusive in the community across a broad cross section of industries ensures that the FNQAM is able to welcome everyone to be involved in some way.

The FNQAM currently has access to members & partners with the following skills and backgrounds:

 Pilots and Test Pilots  Engineers  Historians  Ex Servicemen  RAAF  Builders  Insurance Professionals  Legal personnel  Accountants with Tax, Accounts and Auditing  Project management

We welcome new people interested in helping the museum & prefer to have as many people involved as possible.

What is different about our Model

Input from Not an individually members is taken owned entity. on board to COMMUNITY MEMBER The FNQAM is establish better DRIVEN BASED established to ideas and skills to incorporate the achieve better whole community outcomes

Acquisition, Funds are restoration and reinvested into the preservation of Museum for NOT FOR PRESERVED history to ensure acquisition of new the stories of years artefacts, aircraft PROFIT gone by remain for and restoration years to come projects


Schools Provision of skills gaps that Schools cannot provide by partnering with TAFE, Universities or other RTOs to provide module based training

Example: John is a high school student wishing to enter into the Aviation Industry upon completion of secondary schooling. The FNQAM may offer a module for example of aluminum welding as a stand-alone subject that can be recognised as RPL when he starts an Aeronautical Engineering Course.

Schools have the opportunity to attend the museum for educational purposes, lessons on local history, aviation history and wartime history will be able to be provided at the museum.

Prisoners and Reintegration into the Community With an aim to provide skills to offenders returning to the community following incarceration the prisoners will have the opportunity to attain skills which will assist them in obtaining employment, thus reducing the recidivism rate. We would also welcome them to volunteer within the museum where their newly acquired skills could be utilised. This may include assisting in the restoration of aircraft, aircraft engines and other relevant artifacts. The prisoner population at Lotus Glen is predominately Indigenous and the FNQAM looks forward to being able to assist with integration back into the community.

To engage the prisoners in the museum we would ideally work with Queensland Corrective Services, in particular the Lotus Glen low custody farm to discuss possible options.

Activities for retirement The FNQAM will provide activities for those in retirement, being restoration projects, setting up dioramas, assisting with the food and beverage, provision of relevant skills. This would engage local groups such as the Men’s Shed. Community Groups The FNQAM is a community focused organisation & will offer access to all groups such as the RSL Sub-branch, Veterans, Scouts, Girl Guides, Rotary & Lions Clubs. The multi purpose facility will allow use of the function area for meetings, dinners, air activities, workshops or history lessons.

Royal Flying Doctor Service The FNQAM will not only house a display based on the significant contribution that the RDFS has in Far North Queensland, but provide a facility to house, stretchers and other vital medical equipment which may be required when the RFDS are required to retrieve a patient from the Mareeba Aerodrome. It will also allow a place for the pilots to obtain refreshments, of which are currently unavailable within 10km of the aerodrome.

QANTAS QANTAS is a significant contributor to Aviation in Australia, including locally during World War 2 with their flying boats. The QANTAS founders museum located in Longreach is world class and the there is potential opportunity to work with the QFM to create a mini display and cross promote their facility.

Aviation Groups – a Meeting Place The FNQAM will serve as a place to host meetings and informal gatherings of the many flying groups in the local area include Sports Aircraft Association, Innisfail Aero Club, Atherton Aero Club, North Queensland Aero Club, FNQ Flyers & other visiting aviators.

Aeronautical Skills The FNQAM will have the opportunity to work with local schools like the Atherton State High School Aeronautical class to provide a facility where students will build a project aircraft. The teacher of the subject is a licenced private pilot and amateur aircraft builder.

VH-FDY was first registered in 1966 and served with the RFDS, the aircraft still flies today in charter operations and is based at Mareeba in Far North Queensland

QANTAS was founded in Winton QLD on 16th November 1920 – 2020 Marks 100 years A STAGED APPROACH

The successful execution of the FNQAM project is a staged process. An indication of these stages involves:

• Background administration including formation of the Company, application for ABN, Deductible Gift Recipient and Not for Profit Status. Appointment of Auditor & Accountant, information kit, policies and procedures • Set up Website, email hosting, Social media – post regular updates Promote membership and the fund raising process


• Create a museum that displays history & objects at Mareeba Airport • Grant opportunities, identify funding opportunities to expand the museum • Obtain letters of support • Public consultation and awareness of the project • Work with architects and builders to develop a building plan to suit the allocated area • Development of strategic, business and marketing plans 2

• Finalise building plan and work with council for approval of plans • Continue fundraising, through grants, donations, go fund me and other identified methods • Actively locate aircraft and artefacts relevant to the museum


• Building construction(Stage 1) – museum & hangar building • Continue public awareness and updates on progress • Prepare storage & exhibits


• Building construction works(Stage 2) including restoration hangar • Continue fundraising for further development and grant applications for improvements • Continue public awareness and updates on progress • Begin main income generating activities (Restaurant/Café, Museum admission, Functions, 55 Hangarage etc) CURRENT POSITION

The FNQ Aviation Museum is incorporated as an Australian Company Limited by Guarantee that was registered in September 2018. The management team are members of the organisation and have a substantial interest in Aviation.

Prior to the formation of the company the FNQAM discussed the proposed museum over an extended period of time and continues to secure relevant artefacts, aircraft and other items relevant to aviation history in the area.

The museum has accumulated a significant collection of period uniforms, patches, badges, aircraft parts, historical photo albums, books, model aircraft, and much more. The value of these items are priceless to the museum. In addition to the artefacts the museum has already secured a number of aircraft to be displayed in the museum, both on static and flying basis.

The most notable aircraft that will form part of the collection is a CAC12 Boomerang which was a significant World War II Australian-built fighter aircraft, which operated out of the Mareeba Aerodrome. The limited number of these aircraft on display will make it a drawcard to the region.

The FNQAM will also accept the donation of a Robinson R22 Helicopter which will form the basis of a helicopter mustering diorama. Heli mustering was pioneered by Rex Budd in Far North Queensland.

The Mareeba Shire Council has been extremely supportive of the project to date and have allocated over 5000m2 of leased airport land.


 Dept of Veteran’s Affairs $80k & Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal grants for stage 1 of expansion project.

 Meritorious status for future funding releases for the Tourism Infrastructure Fund.

 Gambling grant $35,000 early 2019 - Building design, engineering, quantity surveying & economic impact assessment reports to position museum in a shovel-ready position.

 Member of the Australian Museums and Galleries Association.

 Member of the Australian Aviation Museum National Network (AMNN). Engaged support of well-established museums such as Queensland Air Museum, NT Aviation Heritage Centre, SA Aviation Museum & Evan’s Head Aviation Museum.

 Bendigo Building Active Connected Communities grants funding used to create history information boards of Mareeba's aviation history for museum.

 Cazalys Club grant to support FNQAM host Funflight event for children affected by adversity receive the gift of flight.

 Negotiations in progress to preserve & construct a historic hangar in 2021/22.

The FNQAM has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status from the ATO. All donations over $2 are Tax Deductible


The latest approved site plans on the west end of the Mareeba Airport:

"Boomerang" and "Wirraway" aircraft of 5 squadron at Mareeba airport 21 July 1944. Photo courtesy of the Australian War Memorial.


In 2019 FNQAM members gave a space in the unused Mareeba airport terminal building a makeover including cleaning of the walls, floor & painting the entire building including toilets. We created a museum in the building which is adjacent to the existing memorials for visitors to the airfield. On open days & on request from school groups, unsecurable items will also be made available. There they will be able to learn about:

- US & Australian Air Force units & aircraft that were based at Mareeba in World War 2 - Aviators who pioneered aviation businesses, crop dusting & helicopter mustering in the area - Local aircraft crashes honouring the deceased - Timeline of the airfield - Map of the airfield highlighting the past & present - Aircraft objects - Library of aviation books & magazines.

The museum has also participated in the local military muster displaying artefacts & history.


 Architects have developed a site plan & building design for the complex’s hangars & museum. This will house the museum’s collection in one precinct.

 Quantity surveying/costing the facility to enable a staging the project where required.

 Maintaining current letters of support & contributions from the community organisations to assist in funding applications.

 Financial backing, whereby grant applications, crowd funding and other fundraising initiatives will take place to begin raising the capital to see this project take shape.

 Members of FNQAM will continue to collect artefacts, secure aircraft, restore artefacts, continue discussions with stake holders, grow the membership base, and finalise the design of the building.

 The development of Policies and Procedures manuals, has been completed and regular review will take place as the organisation develops.


Cash contributions (tax deductible) - use for capital improvements to construct museum facility - use to secure aircraft & artefacts for display - leverage government grants to receive additional funding In-kind contributions - Business/individual contribution of materials, services or time

Please get in touch for a full list of services required.


The FNQAM has chosen the Mareeba Aerodrome or Hoevet Field as it was named during WW2 as the most suitable location for the Museum. The FNQAM will complement the recent $23m expansion of the Mareeba Aerodrome by adding further infrastructure to the project that will benefit the community from an economic and community aspect. Contributing factors in the selection of the location include:

 A suitable space for flying and static aircraft  A proactive and supportive Council  A significant history and contribution to aviation  An easily accessible location from a tourism perspective  Ease of access to the tarmac and the best vantage points for flying displays

The Mareeba Shire Council has been very supportive of the project and have allocated 5000m2 to accommodate the FNQAM within the new Western Aviation Precinct.

The establishment of a museum on the airfield will further enhance the recent $23 million expansion of the Aerodrome.

The FNQAM allocated blocks marked in Black. AIRCRAFT

A significant part of the display at the FNQ Aviation Museum is aircraft that have provenance and relevant to the local area. Our aim is to preserve and restore these magnificent machines while inspiring and educating visitors to the museum.

Some of the aircraft you can expect to see on display at the FNQAM include:

Douglas C-47 (DC3) Dakota

RAAF Registration: A65-73

Built in 1945 During World War II, the armed forces of many countries used the C-47 and modified DC-3s for the transport of troops, cargo, and wounded. More than 10,000 aircraft were produced. The C-47 differed from the civilian DC-3 in numerous modifications, with a cargo door, hoist attachment, and strengthened floor, along with a shortened tail cone for glider-towing shackles, and an astrodome in the cabin roof.

Boeing Stearman

1930’s Ex US Military training aircraft Approximately 10,600 built This particular aircraft has a significant history and starred in the movie ‘Tora Tora Tora’

CAC Boomerang

First Flight 1942 First combat aircraft to be both designed and constructed in Australia. The Boomerang was based at Mareeba during WWII.

Piper Pawnee

The Piper Pawnee is predominately used in agricultural spraying and is still widely used for the purpose today. The Pawnee was also used as a glider tow aircraft.

Auster J2 Arrow

First Flight 1940’s Side by side two seat touring aircraft Auster’s were used by Bush Pilots Airways that were based in the local area.

Robinson R22

The Robinson R22 is a two seat helicopter predominately used for initial training. R22’s are significantly utilised throughout northern Queensland for aerial mustering.

The FNQAM has secured a retired R22 that will be displayed in the museum.

Corby Starlet

1960s Australian designed amateur built single seat aircraft. There are a few examples of this type flying locally.

Caudron G3

The Caudron G3 was the first aircraft operated in North Queensland. The G3 was operated from the mud flats of .

From paper plans the museum will construct a static replica for display in the museum.

DeHavilland DH82 Tiger Moth

1930’s Primary training aircraft for both military and civilian roles. The DH82 was used predominately for flight training post WWII and for Joy Flights out of Cairns in the 80’s and 90’s

Other aircraft relevant to the area, to be sought as they become available:


The FNQAM will include the following attributes:




Static and Flying Aircraft Displays: • Pre War • Post War • Modern Era

Tributes to Significant local Aviators: • Harry Squires – Pioneered Crop Spraying in North Queensland • Sir Robert Norman – Founder of Bush Pilot Airways • Rex Budd – Significance in rotary wing operations • Tom McDonald – Pioneered commercial flying and flight training from Cairns

Dioramas • Heli mustering • Mareeba through the war • Significant aircraft wrecks and their stories (Mt Emerald, Bill Forewell, daylight limited B17)

Displays • Memorabilia • Maps • Artefacts • Uniforms • Stories • Photographs • Badges and Patches

Interactive Displays • Voice overs and narrated displays • Technology enhanced displays • Virtual Reality

Significant Milestones to note

• RAF 100th Anniversary in 2018 • RAAF 100th Anniversary in 2021 • RFDS 90th Anniversary in 2018 • QANTAS 100th Anniversary 16th November 2020 • North Queensland Aero Club 70th Anniversary in 2019

Start up Funding

Government Grants Crowd Funding Bequeathal Contributions Local, State, Federal

Other Grants Online Donations Investors Community Gambling Fund

Local Business Contributions Fundraising Events Partnership Contributions

Income Sources

Membership & Donations Open Days Airshows / Joy Flights

Museum Guided Tours Exclusive Events Merchandise

Museum Entrance Fee Gala Balls Food and Beverages

Aircraft Sources

Locally Owned Member Aircraft Ex Museum Exhibits Donated Aircraft

Retired RAAF Aircraft Rebuilds & Projects by volunteers The Beck Collection

Cross-hired aircraft from other Australian Museums


The current board of directors of the FNQAM have a significant interest and involvement in the the local community and aviation.

Title Name Skills and Strengths

President Brendan Kent  International Airline Pilot, former Chief Pilot & Safety Manager  Justice of the Peace (Qualified) – 18 years+  Aviation enthusiast - visited a number of museums and airshows across the world.  FNQ Flyers event promotion & director at NQ Aero Club(2018/19) Treasurer Scott Brady  Queensland Government Officer  Private pilot and aviation enthusiast  Past director & president of the North Queensland Aero Club  Experience with Not for Profit organisations in a variety of roles Secretary Michael Hull  Airline Pilot with an array of management experience  Data analysis and technology knowledge Director Len Harris  Former Queensland Senator  Significant building industry experience – 30 years +

MEMBERSHIP Our members help shape the future of the museum and are involved with sub-committees and a various projects such as restoration, building design & administration.


2017 Working group formed to discuss the establishment of the FNQAM


Mar Proposal for the FNQAM delivered to Mareeba Shire Mayor, Tom Gilmore and potential sites discussed

Jun Mareeba Shire Council offered suitable sites on the Western Aviation Precinct at Mareeba Aerodrome

Aug Public meeting held, unanimous vote to set up FNQ Aviation Museum Ltd Sept as a limited Company. Directors elected. Company set up

ABN, A.C.N. Not for Profit status and company register issued. Social October Media platforms launched, website construction in progress

Bank account opened with Bendigo Bank for their community

orientation. Planning for Building and Grant Applications commence

Identify potential partnership opportunities, community groups, schools and other organisations and seek letters of support

Commence Grant and Funding application processes

2019 Work with Architects to develop a site plan and functional building plan inclusive of the attributes in the Museum information section of this doc

Develop website and social media following. Work on acquisition of aircraft and artefacts

Public consultation to determine if there are any other attributes to the facility that will make it more appealing and useful for the community

Develop Business plans for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years Marketing Plan, Strategic Plan, Policy and Procedures

2020 Continue to obtain funding, work in with other tourism operators and Museums locally to create partnerships


Goal Timeframe Progress

Obtain funding to assist with building design with a focus for construction by local businesses 1 Year COMPLETE

Building constructed and Museum operational 3 Years In Progress

Financially self-sufficient business model 10 years In Progress

Acquisition of one new aircraft per year Ongoing In Progress

Develop website and Social Media Following Ongoing In Progress


1000 Followers within 1 year Weekly/ Fortnightly Posts - Museum updates FACEBOOK - Aircraft Profile - Aviation Pioneers Biographies Monthly Update 1000+ Likes within 1 year INSTAGRAM Weekly Post fed to Facebook

Set up sign up form to receive General Newsletter Bi- m onthly newsletter or as news develops. Email Members News and Exclusive Event emails as required

Community Impact Survey to gauge community response to the Survey Monkey project and obtain vital feedback to ensure maximum community engagement and utilisation Professionally displayed single page layout Feeds from Instagram or Facebook into the website • About Us • Aircraft Profiles Website – Stage 1 • Artefacts • Location • Membership • Contact

Introduce e-commerce for membership online Website – Stage 2 Set up online store for FNQAM merchandise



Tell your friends Become a about us member ONLINE

Connect FNQ Make a with us on AVIATION Financial Social MUSEUM Donation Media

Contribute Offer the BY POST items for services of PHOTOS museum your displays Business IT


Click here to sign up to monthly newsletter

Donations can be made by direct transfer or via credit card using paypal.

Account Name: FNQ Aviation Museum Ltd BSB: 633 000 ACC: 164 132 367

Paypal: & click “Donate”

FNQ AVIATION MUSEUM LTD A.C.N. 628 738 545 ABN: 22 628 738 545 PO Box 987 KURANDA QLD 4881 [email protected]


Do you or anyone you know have a connection with Aviation History in Far North Queensland in any capacity? Pilots (Current, War time, Military, Civilian) Cabin Crew, Aerial Agriculture, Sky diving, Gliding, Hot Air ballooning are a few examples.

Could the FNQ Aviation Museum be the custodian of your Aviation History Memorabilia?

We are building our collection of stories, artefacts and displays about the people who made Aviation in Northern Queensland what it is today.

Please share your story with us, ask us how. FAR NORTH UEENSLAND




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Contact Number



Ο ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP – $25.00 per year and Renewable each calendar year

Account DIRECT CREDIT Bank Bendigo Bank Mareeba BSB 633000 164 132 367 Ο Numbe

Account Name FNQ Aviation Museum Limited Reference

I hereby apply for admission as a Member of the FNQ Aviation Museum Limited. In consideration of me being accepted as a member I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the FNQ Aviation Museum Constitution, policies and procedures.

Section 4: DONATIONS (please complete section 1 and section 4 for donations only)


Wish to make a tax $ .00 to the FNQ Aviation Museum Limited. deductible donation of Thank you for your generosity. Donations can also be made online through facebook or Please ensure contact details are clearly written so a receipt for membership and or your kind donation can be provided.

FNQAM-01B MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION & DONATION FORM (10/18) The FNQAM aims to keep its members updated with progress of the museum and associated projects, to keep you updated, How would you like to receive information from us? □ Email | □ Post | □ No Contact

I have read the FNQ Aviation Museum Privacy Policy Ο




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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 requires companies to comply with the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). This document describes FNQ Aviation Museum Club Privacy Policy. The Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM) committed to the new Australian privacy legislation in the way it collects, uses, secures and discloses personal information.

The information we collect

We lawfully collect personal information that is necessary for our business to function. The information we collect and hold will depend upon the products and services you request from us and may include: Information you provide us when you purchase goods or services. This information will include your name, address and contact details. Information derived from communications between us and you. The use of the facilities and services available through our website will determine the amount and type of information we collect. The only personal information we collect when you use our website is what you tell us about yourself, for example, by completing an online form when you request product information, or when you send us an email we will record your mail address.

How we use your information

We use the information we collect for the purpose disclosed at the time of collection, or otherwise as set out in this Privacy Statement. We will no use your personal information for any other purpose without first seeking your consent, unless authorized or required by law. Generally we will only use and disclose your personal information: – To establish and maintain your relationship as a member of the Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM). – To provide the products and services you have requested from the Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM). – To administer and manage those products and services. – To answer your enquiry.

For direct marketing by email, specials on products or services you have shown interest in. If we contact you in this way without obtaining your prior consent, we will provide you with the opportunity to decline any further marketing communications. If you at any time receive any communication from the Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM) which you would not like to receive, please contact us and we will remove you name from the mailing list. Access to your personal information In most cases, you can gain access to the personal information that the Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM) holds about you, subject to some exceptions allowed by law.

If you would like to check or amend your contact details, please contact us. We will deal with all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible. Security The Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM) will take reasonable steps to keep secure any personal information which we hold and to keep this information accurate and up to date. Personal information is stored in a secure server or secure files. The internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, the Far North Queensland Aviation Museum (FNQAM) cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to, or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorized access or use of that information. Member information may be released to law enforcement agencies if requested.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

It may be necessary for us to review and revise our Privacy Policy from time to time. An amended version will be posted on our website at we suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Contact us

If you would like any further information, or have any queries, problems or complaints in relation to this Privacy Policy or our information handling practices in general, please contact us on [email protected]