Utah Bar® JOURNAL Volume 34 No. 3 May/Jun 2021 HUNGRY for MENTORSHIP? LEARN THE INS AND OUTS OF PLAINTIFFS’ LAW DURING YOUR LUNCH BREAK. PLAINTIFFS’ CONNECTION is an invitation-only online training hosted by Eisenberg, Cutt, Kendell, and Olson. Spend one lunch hour each month learning to successfully navigate the practical and legal challenges of plaintiffs’ personal injury litigation. Attendees learn FREE-OF-CHARGE from attorneys with decades of experience trying personal injury cases. Eisenberg, Cutt, Kendell, and Olson has been training Utah lawyers through educational seminars for more than 20 years. ECKO also works with other lawyers and firms, accepting referrals and entering into co-counsel agreements to handle all types of tort and insurance cases. Contact us today for an invitation to the next live event or access to previously recorded sessions. 801-901-3470 |
[email protected] Plaintiffs’ Connection is a no-cost program and does not provide Utah Bar CLE credits The Utah Bar Journal Published by the Utah State Bar | 645 South 200 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 | 801-531-9077 | www.utahbar.org BAR JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Departments Editor Editors Emeritus Paralegal Representative Alisha Giles Ryan Beckstrom William D. Holyoak Greg Wayment Judge Catherine E. Roberts (Ret.) Managing Editor Utah Law Developments Editor Bar Staff Liaison Andrea Valenti Arthur Victoria Carlton Editor at Large Christine Critchley Todd Zagorec Articles Editors Judicial Advisor Advertising/Design Manager Victoria Luman Judge Gregory K. Orme Southern Utah Laniece Roberts Jacqueline Carlton Correspondent LaShel Shaw Copy Editors Stephen Dent Jessame Reyes Hal Armstrong Erin Burke Paul Justensen Young Lawyer Representative Nicole Lagemann Cedar Q.