Get ready to mount up on your Monstie(they are your Monster Bestie!), pal, because you are going to the world of Stories.

Monster Hunter Stories is a world that lives alongside the world of Monster Hunter, but where Monster Hunters go out to kill monsters in order to make new gear so that they can kill monsters better, Monster Riders bond with monsters to do most of the killing for them!

So grab your Monster Egg, perform the Rite of Kinship, and go forth with your new Monstie pal to conquer whatever problems lie before you!


Your gender is the same as the previous jump. You may pay 50cp to change this. Drop In: 0 cp You are yourself; nothing more, and nothing less. You are inserted outside of your starting location, with only the things that you have purchased with you. You may choose your age, between 11 and 30 years old. Rider Initiate: 0 cp You are a young 10 year old, the day before your 11th birthday. You have spent your entire life up to this point admiring the Monster Riders that protect your village, dreaming of the day that you will become one. You are locked to the starting location of Hakum Village. Mature Rider: 100 cp You are an experience rider, between 14 and 18 years old. Genius: 200 cp You are a genius, a god of the mind able to create machines and tools to control the minds of Monsters. At least, one day you will be. For now, you are simply a gifted child of 13, ready to help your master create the devices that will secure your greatness. You will start in a remote location near your starting area, in the lair of your master. Guide Felyne: 200 cp You are a Felyne that came from somewhere, that is fur sure. That said, you don’t actually remember where. Or anything that came before just now. Something might happen in the course of this jump that allows you to regain your memories of your previous lives, but what that is fur sure is that, if you choose to become it, you will become one of the greatest guide felynes of all time. You have an age(equivalent of a human 18 year old), though you do not know it. Location: Roll 1d8 for your location, or pay 50cp to choose a location.

(1-2)Hakum Village: A village that exists isolated from the rest of the world, the people of Hakum Village live alongside their Monsties in peace. Due to their living with monsters, they purposefully isolate themselves from the Hunters who would judge them, and hunt their Monsties. (3-4)Gildegaran: The capital of the Hunters Guild, and the Hall of Scriviners, Gildegaran is a port city with a large presence of Hunters. While a rider will not have their Monsties attacked on sight, if their Monstie causes issues with the wrong person, than a dead Monstie or hunter might be the result. (5) Oasum: A temperary settlement set up in the past week due to the destruction of nearby Albarax. Oasum is a city of hunters and refugees who are seeking to retake and rebuild their city. (6) Geo-Fulkright: A mining settlement set up in the shadows of the Dovan Volcano, Geo-Fulkright is a city of miners and hunters. It is a hard city, filled with hard people, and the nearby areas are dangerous to traverse. (7) Koapni Village: A beautiful island settlement of Felynes, Koapni Village is ruled by Chief Mallorie, a lovely lady who knows each of the Felynes by name. You would be well taken care of here, though there are threats on the horizon for this peaceful settlement. (8) Free Choice:

Perks: 100 cp perks are free to their Origin. Origins perks are half price. General: Rite of Kinship: 0 cp/200 cp The Rite of Kinship is the act of using Kinship ore to hatch a Monster egg, turning that Monster into a Monstie. Doing so unlocks new abilities for the Monstie, and bonuses when the Rider and Monstie fight alongside each other.

Monsties that you have bonded with through the Rite of Kinship cannot be truly killed, unless you do it(or it is done with your consent). One week after the Monsties death, you will receive an Egg in your warehouse that you can rehatch them from, though it must be done as soon as you are able to, else it will spoil. Attempting to game this will result in your Monstie’s death becoming permanent.

Purcahsing the 0 cp version of this perk will allow you to make Monsters into Monsties only in this jump, while paying 200 cp will allow you to take the ability into further jumps.

Den Finder: 0 cp/200 cp, requires Rite of Kinship All Monster Riders require monsters to ride, and to acquire a Monstie one needs an egg to hatch it from. Thankfully, you have a seemingly supernatural ability to find Monster Dens. These Dens contain a local monster, and a few Eggs that you can choose from to take with you. That said, these eggs are large, averaging 30 pounds each, so in order to remove them safely you will likely only be able to take one with you(this isn’t a hard limit). Purchasing the 0 cp version of this perk will allow you to find Monster dens in this world, but you will not be able to find them outside of this jump. If you have purchased the 200 cp version of Rite of Kinship, then you will be able to purchase the 200 cp version of Den Finder, allowing you to find dens containing Monsters(and Eggs!) in future worlds. The only limit on this is that you can only bond with 6 Monsties at once post jump, so in order to take on additional Monsties you will need to leave behind old ones. You do not need this perk to find Monster Eggs post jump that you can hatch, but some things don’t lay eggs, and in order to find Eggs of those Monsters you will need to either be creative, or use this perk.

Rite of Channeling: 0 cp/200 cp, requires Rite of Kinship All Monsters have Genes. Most Monsters have the potential to have more genes. Fire breathing giant rabbits, dragons with the regeneration of a troll, all of this is possible, with but the right components. You are able to undergo the Right of Channeling, taking a single Gene from one of your Monsties, and giving it to another. You might use this to replace a trait that the receiving Monstie had, or it might just be placed alongside it’s other abilities. The only thing for certain is that the Monstie that gave up the Gene will be released from your Rite of Kinship, leaving if your are still in Jump, or simply fading if not.

Purchasing the 0 cp version of this perk will allow you to use the Rite in jump, while the 200 cp version of this perk is required to use it post jump. You must buy the 200 cp version of Rite of Kinship in order to buy the 200 cp version of Rite of Channeling.

Drop In: An Alien in a Foreign Land: 100 cp Monsties? Riders?? Rite of Kinship??? What the hell does all of this mean?!? You are not from here. In fact, you are not from a lot of places. That does not mean that you are lost, though. In fact, you have gotten quite good at finding your way in foreign places. From now on, you will acclimate to new cultures in ¼ the time that it would normally take you to.

Bridging the Gap: 200 cp Hunters? Riders? Many of both groups want the same thing. They want to see the world become a better place, it’s just the process through which each group wants to do so is different. The things is, though, that both groups fear the other for those differences. You now have an innate ability to understand the things that keep groups separate, and an understanding on how to reconcile those differences. A Brighter Future: 400 cp People band together for many reasons, but in the end they band together because they want a better future for themselves. You now know have an innate ability to look at a world and understand the metaphysics by which it functions, and figure out methods by which a society can be structured in order to best function.

A Solid Foundation: 600 cp All cultures are built on some foundation. America on the immigrants who went there seeking a better life. Gildegaran on the Hunters traveling constantly through it’s gates. Hakum Village, on the bonds that Riders share with their Monsties. You have seen many cultures, and you have gained insight into the things that bond a society, and the things that break them. From now on, you have an innate ability to guide the development of a society, just through the actions that you take. Starting a soup kitchen could create a culture of caring, while starting a Hunters Guild could create the start of a martial and scientific culture who seeks to learn of their enemies by forcefully dissecting them in their natural environment.

Initiate Rider: Will to Succeed: 100 cp Being a rider is hard. Fighting Monsters, seeing your friends hurt. It takes a toll on the Rider. But you are able to take that stress, and fight through it. Your will is strong, and you will fight with all that you have against the things that you detest.

A Monsties Best Pal: 200 cp Some Monsties have that spot behind their ear that they just love having scratched. Others have a treat that is just perfect for them after a hard day’s work. You have a knack for figuring out just what these little things are for your Monsties(and in other people, to a lesser extent).

Beat Back that Black Blight: 400 cp The Black Blight. A Terrible scourge that threatens the land. While any Rider might be able to fight it back given they are in the right circumstances, you have exceptional talent at doing so. You are able to cleanse areas of corruption, both here and in the future, if you simply find where the source is.

Potential: 600 cp There are Riders, and then they are Riders. You are on the level of Reden, the first Rider. You are able to bond with Monsties without a Kinship Stone, and your ability to ride is exceptional. Your Monsties will love you, and will grow powerful in your care.

Mature Rider: Combinations: 100 cp You have a great talent in combining the plants and objects of this world into more powerful combinations. Healing herbs and mushroomed mixed together into a healing potion more powerful than either. Healing potions and honey into yet a more powerful Mega Potion. This talent is not locked behind this perk, this perk simply lets you learn more quickly. This enhances your alchemy in future worlds as well. Battle Hardened: 200 cp You are an experienced fighter, used to fighting alongside your Monstie. You have a talent at knowing when to dodge, where to strike, and how to feint. This is only talent, but talent can take you far in this world.

Prepared: 400 cp You are a master of preparation. You know almost exactly the type of Monstie to use, and armor to wear, in order to overcome any challenge. Whats more, you are a master of having that Monstie and armor ready well before it is needed.

Master Rider: 600 cp You and your Monstie are as one. You are so in sync that you would be able to stand on it’s back when it’s flying, with no fear of falling. Likewise, your Monstie and you would strike with half again as much force when you are riding it. All of your enemies will learn to fear you and your Monsties.

Genius: Well Versed: 100 cp You know your role, and you play it well. When you are put into a role, be it henchman to a mad scientist, or merchant king, you understand your role, and know instinctively how to fit the expectations others put onto you because of that role.

Plotting: 200 cp You know how to plot, how to tail a hero to the Macguffin, and steal it from under their nose. You also know how to find others to use the Macguffin for you, when you don’t know how to yourself.

Controlling: 400 cp You have great talent at creating machines to ensnare the minds of others. These machines are large, and bulky, but that just means that you can also use those machines to enhance the Monster’s abilities further!

Mad Scientist: 600 cp Rather than a simple henchman apprentice, you are now a mid 50’s genius, dedicating his life to controlling all monsters. You might have an apprentice of your own, but what you definitely have is an immense amount of knowledge of the science of the Monster Hunter world. Your intelligence is greatly enhanced as a result of this perk.

Guide Felyne: Furocious Fursonality: 100 cp You have a talent at picking up new speaking patterns, to the point where you do not have to prepare what you are going to say before hand. Your talent is such that you would simply be able to speak, and what you want to say will come out according to the pattern that you are following.

A Love of Doughnuts: 200 cp You love doughnuts. This isn’t a bad thing, everyone has something that they love. But your love of doughnuts is enough to help ground you after almost any stressful situation. You may choose something mundane to replace doughnuts, if want to be a filthy heathen. Great Guide: 400 cp You are a natural guide. You can tell how strong a monster hatched from an Egg will be just based off of how heavy and smelly it is, you can find your way through unknown territory just by following your instincts, and to top it all off, you have the confidence to convince others that you know exactly what you are doing! Just don’t let them know you are suffering from severe amnesia.

Number: 600 cp You have some special ability, like the Numbers. You may choose any of the Numbers, and take a copy of their power for your own. The options are:

1. Beats: You become a pyrokinetic 2. Cryo: You become a Cryokinetic 3. Fifi: You become almost blindingly beautiful 4. Spex: You become increadibly intelligent, and gain enhanced vision 5. Novirou: You become a eletrokinetic 6. Floof: You gain the ability to put others(or yourself) to sleep with your yawns

Items: 100 cp items are free to their origins, and all origins get 50% off of their items. All items are replaced after 1 week, unless otherwise specified. General: Zenny: 25 cp each purchased You get 5,000 Zenny, which is enough to buy a good set of armor, or commission a better suit of armor, if you supply the parts.

Kinship Stone: 100 cp, free to both Rider origins A Kinship Stone of high quality and make, in a container commonly mounted on the wrist. This enhances one’s ability to bond with a Monstie, though unless on is an exceptional Rider, they will need one in order to perform the Rite of Kinship.

Monster Stables: 100 cp each, max 3 Each purchase of this gives you, or expands for you, a warehouse attachment, maintained by a batch of Felynes, and supplied/cleaned by magic, in order to store another 18 Monsties.

For an additional 300 cp, you can have the Felynes here send your Monsties on ingredient expeditions. These can go to any world that you have previously visited, gathering mostly mundane ingredients, and returning them to a room in your warehouse.

Kinship Ore: 300 cp You now have a room attached to your warehouse that contains a large vein of Kinship Ore. This can be used to forge new Kinship Amulets, or as a supply of Kinship Ore with which you can experiment with it.

Initiate Rider: Rider Gear: 100 cp A set of basic Rider Armor and an Iron Greatsword. This gear will self maintain, and adapt to your style as you use it. Hunter Medicine Box: 200 cp This box will resupply every month with new medicine, and rarely will have a rare bit of medicine(like a stim). The only guarantee is that it will always have something that you can use.

House: 400 cp A cozy home to call your own. You will rarely find a better place to lay your head. It is the size and quality of an upper-middle class home, and can be imported into an appropriate location in any future jumps. Replaced at the start of each jump, if lost.

Legendary Kinship Stone: 600 cp Most might think that all Kinship Stones are made the same, but yours proves that this isn’t the case. With this stone, the potential of your Monsties is nearly limitless, with the only real limit being time.

Mature Rider: Monster Snacks: 100 cp This box of snacks will contain the perfect treat for any Monstie just as soon as you reach in to grab it out. These treats will never harm you, as long as you are just giving them to your Monstie, and will be completely mundane, if delicious(to the Monstie. And maybe you.)

Combat Drugs: 200 cp You now have a medicine box, roughly 1 foot cubic, that is filled with different combat drugs, like Demondrug, or a Fleetfoot Potion. Rare medicines will appear less frequently. All medicines that this provides will work on any Monstie you have acquired via the Bond of Kinship. This refills on a weekly basis.

Advanced Gear: 400 cp You get an advanced piece of Armor, and a weapon. This can be anything up to level 5 in rarity, for both your armor and weapon. For reference, this would mean that you could use Rathalos gear, or Yian Garuga. Whatever gear you end up choosing, it will maintain it’s self, and change to adapt to how you use it.

Rider’s Saddle: 600 cp A saddle that refits to any Monstie that you put it on. While the Monstie is wearing it, your Kinship raises at 3x speed while in battle, and your Monstie deals more damage.

Genius: Supply Crate: 100 cp A crate, 1 meter cubed, that refills every week with random supplies from the Monster Hunter universe. There is an order manifest on the side that you can write in things you want to slightly increase or decrease the chance that they show up, but rare things will always be rare.

Controlling Rig: 200 cp A rig that, when placed onto a Monster, will control it. This makes the monster upset with you, but lacking free will it can’t express that, so is it really a problem? You have blueprints to make more of these, though this is the only one that will be replaced if it is destroyed. This resizes to fit the Monster. Invincible Armor: 400 cp While it is not truly invincible, this armor will enhance the defenses of the Monster that it is equipped to immensely. This armor resizes to fit the Monster.

Secret Base: 600 cp An extremely well hidden base, in a remote area where people rarely go. This base is almost completely self contained, having it’s own water, electricity, and waste disposal systems, though it does need to be in an appropriate atmosphere. This base can be placed at the start of each jump, and maintains any experiments between them, but only if the metaphysics of the receiving jump would accept the experiment. Otherwise, you can simply attach it to the warehouse. This cannot be used as a storage area, only an experimenting area. Replaced at the start of the next jump if destroyed.

Guide Felyne: Adorable Awesome Costumes: 100 cp You have a collection of costumes to wear. These are all awesome, and do a great job of enhancing you Felyne traits of being adorable awesome.

Box of Doughnuts: 200 cp A box of doughnuts, all mundane in terms of their properties, but almost magical in terms of their quality. You will almost never find a better doughnut than the ones in this box, and certainly not in any world that isn’t dedicated to cooking.

Felyne-Sized Weapons: 400 cp You are not the kind to let your pal go into the fray without you. Now you don’t have to. You have a mighty weapon small enough for you to use, but powerful enough to still be useful. You still are small, so you still have to be careful, but you have something that you can use to help your friends now.

Naubaka Island: 600 cp It hurts, having to leave your old life behind. So bring some of it with you. You gain a portal to Naubaka island. You spend up to 1 month on Naubaka Island per jump, with time never passing in the jump that you are in. You can never leave Naubaka Island during your stay, but you can spend time with those that you love, and that is enough.

Companions: Companion Import: 50 cp each, or 200 cp for up to 8 You can either import a companion, or create a new one to join you. Either way, they have one of the above Origins(with created Drop Ins having severe amnesia) for free, 300 cp to spend, and half of the cp you get from drawbacks.

Canon Companion: 200 cp You may now attempt to convince a canon character to come with you. You must convince them, but you can now go on great mushroom adventures with Reverto, or bring a redeemed Cheval with you to try and atone. Or none of those things! Monsties: Riders get 500 cp free to spend here. Mature Riders get a discount on everything. Companions only get 200 cp to spend here Monster Rarity: 100 cp each rarity beyond 1 Monsters have a rarity ranging from 1 to 9. Rarity 1 Monsters include things like Velocidromes and Aptonoth, while rarity 9 tends to be special things, like the Silver Rathalos. Each level of rarity beyond 1 for your starting Monstie costs an additional 100 cp.

This will also determine your Monstie’s relative base strength. So, for example, if you didn’t pay anything extra and got a Velocidrome, it would be an utterly mundane Velocidrome, beyond any boosts that being with you eventually got it. If, on the other hand, you purchased 5 ranks of levels, that same Velocidrome would be an exceptional example of it’s species. There isn’t a requirement to overpay to get that bonus. A Rathalos is always going to be at least powerful due to it being a Rarity 5, but it will always be more powerful if you purchase more rarity levels for it.

Gene Slots: 50 cp each slot beyond 3 All Monsties have between 3 and 9 Gene slots, organized in a 3 by 3 grid. These slots provide bonuses to the Monstie, as do certain patterns of genes. At least, that’s how it works in the games. Your Monstie starts with the equivalent of 3 gene slots, and each 50 cp opens up another 1 slot without the need to purchase/find stims.

Drawbacks: Max 600 cp from Drawbacks

Plot bound: 0 cp, can be taken by companions You take the place of one of the main cast, appropriate to your Origin. Drop in’s and Initiate Riders take the place of Lute, the main character. Mature Riders take the place of Avinia. Genius take the place of either Itsy-Bits(don’t worry, you’re not a porn star) or, if you took the Mad Scientist perk, Doctor Manelger. If you are a Guide Felyne, then you will take the place of Navirou. You are bound to accomplish your goal(either stopping the Black Blight, or controlling all Monsters), and failing to accomplish it will count as failing the jump.

No, Jumper, YOU Are The Monstie: 0 cp, can be taken by companions You are a new rider’s Monstie. The stats that you bought in the Monstie section go to you, and should you take Plot bound, than you can replace the canon Monstie of your Origin. Drop in’s, Initiate Riders, and Guide Felynes replace either Ratha, or the starting Velocidrome, Mature Riders replace Avinia’s Barioth, and Genius replace one of the Doctor’s Monsters. You can choose an imported companion to be the Monstie of.

Sucker: 100 cp Shopkeepers of the world seem to think you’re a sucker, and will charge double whatever they normally would Expect to have a lot of money issues.

Tasty: 100 cp Monsters seem to think you would make quite an excellent meal, and go out of their way to try and eat you. Expect to have a lot of experience fighting multiple enemies at once by the end of this jump. Clash of Cultures: 200 cp Monsters? In MY City? While before Hunters will mostly just leave you alone, even if they didn’t trust your monsters, they will now actively oppose your bringing them into their city. Expect this to cause issues.

Scriveners Source: 200 cp Someone convinced the Scriveners that you are not of this world, and they will never let you have a moment alone until they can learn all that they believe that they can from you. You will always have Scriveners coming to investigate you, accompanied by Hunters if you show yourself to be dangerous. Expect this to become very tiring.

There Can Only Be One: 300 cp Any Monstie that you capture will immediately start to fight with the other Monsties that you have. This won’t even provide any experience or useful materials when it dies to your older Monsties, as it is a newborn. Your older Monsties will take every opportunity they can to kill each other. The Monsties that spend time with you will start to act more and more like a Yandere as well.

Blighted: 300 cp You are effected by the Black Blight, driving you to aggression and anger. If anyone finds out about that, then they will attempt to cleanse you of the Blight, as you spread it with just your presence. And by cleanse you, I mean kill you.