557 t IL6of 1989-4


3 3051 00007 0213 Bibliography and Index

of Illinois Geology


Selected from Publications Indexed in GeoRef in 1989

Open File Series 1989-4

Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820


GeoRef Information System

American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY


AAPG Dulletln. T\ilsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum The Earth Science News (Earth Science Club of Northern D-

Geologists. ISSN: 01491423. CODEN: AABUD2. liuois). [s. 1.]: Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois. ISSN: 07308558. Abstracts - Society of Economic Paleontologists and

Mineralogists, Annual Midyear Meeting, [s. 1.: Society of Environmental Geology Notes. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists]. Geological Survey, 1965-. ISSN: 00735086, CODEN: lEGNAH.

Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, National Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Washington. Meeting. Washington. DC: American Chemical Society, 1937-. DC: American Geophysical Union. ISSN: 00963941. CODEN: ISSN: 00657727. EOSTAJ.

Field Trip Guide Leaflet - BUnois State Geological Survey. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. Champaign, EL: Department of and Natural Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. ISSN: 00167592, Energy Resources, State CODEN: GAAPBC. Geological Survey Division.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Oxford: Pergamon Press, American Journal of Botany. Lawrence, KS: Botanical Society 1950-. ISSN: 00167037, CODEN: GCACAK. of America, 19 14-. ISSN: 00029122, CODEN: AJBOAA. Geological Society of America Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Geologi- American Water Resources Association Technical Publication cal Society of America, 1890-. ISSN: 00167606, CODEN: BUG- Series TPS. Bethesda, MD: American Water Resources Associa- MAF. tion, 1979-. ISSN: 07319789. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. Annual Report • University of Dlinois at Urbana-Champaign, [s. 1.]: Geological Society of NeW^Zealand. Water Resources Center. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center. Geological Survey Circular. Reston. VA: U.S. Geological Sur- vey, 1950-. ISSN: 03646017, CODEN: XICL\5. Auto-carto. [Falls Church, VA: American Congress on Survey- ing and Mapping and the American Society of Photogrammetry]. Geological Survey Professional Paper. Washington, DC: U.S. ISSN: 02705133. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1902-. ISSN: 00960446, CODEN: XGPPA9. Bulletin - Illinois State Water Survey. Uibana, IL: Illinois State Geology (Boulder). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of Water Survey. 19 17-. ISSN: 03609804. America, 1973-. ISSN: 00917613, CODEN: GLGYBA. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. Washington, DC: Ground Water. Urbana, IL: National Water Well Association, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1919-. ISSN: Ground-Water Technology Division. ISSN: 0017467X. CODEN: 00961922. CODEN: XBML\6. GRWAAP.

Chemical Geology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publisliing Ground Water Monitoring Review. Worthington, OH: Water Company, 1966-. ISSN: 00092541, CODEN: CHGEAD. WeU Journal PubUshing Co., 1981 -. ISSN: 02771926.

Circular - Illinois State Geological Survey. Urbana, IL: Illinois Health Physics. Long Island, NY: Pergamon Press, 1958-. ISSN: State Geological Survey, 1906-. ISSN: 0073506X, CODEN: 00179078. ILGCAX. Illinois Petroleum. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular - Illinois State Water Survey. Urbana, IL: Illinois State 1926-. ISSN: 00735108, CODEN: ILGPA4. Water Survey. 1928-. ISSN: 00975524. CODEN: ILWCAB. International Journal of Coal Geology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Clays and Clay Minerals. Claricson, NY: The Clay Minerals Scientific PubUshing Company, 1980-. ISSN: 01665162. Society, 1952-. ISSN: 00098604, CODEN: CLCMAB. Iowa Geology. [Iowa City, lA]: Iowa Geological Survey, I979-. The Compass. Norman, OK: National Council of Sigma Gamma ISSN: 01934856. Epsilon, University of Oklahoma, 1984-. ISSN: 0894802X. Journal of Climate. Boston, MA: American Meteorological 1988-. Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research, Society. ISSN: 08948755. [s. 1.: International Union for Quaternary Research]. The Journal of Coal Quality. Charleston, WV: Coal Testing Conference, 198 1-. ISSN: 07328087. Cooperative Groundwater Report (Illinois State Geological Survey: 1981). Champaign, IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, Journal of Geology. Chicago. IL: The University of Ciiicago 1-." 198 ISSN: 07317662. Press, 1893-. ISSN: 00221376, CODEN: JGEOAZ.

DOE Low-Level Waste Management Forum. Idaho Falls. ID: Journal of Hydrology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientiilc Publisli- National Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Program. ijig Company. 1 963-. ISSN: 00221694, CODEN: JHYDA7.

Bibliography SERIALS

Journal of Paleontology. Tulsa, OK: Society of Economic I^ogram - Association of Engineering Geologists, National Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1927-. ISSN: 00223360. Meeting. [San Francisco, CA: Association of Engineering CODEN: JPALAZ Geologists]. ISSN: 03755738, CODEN: AEGMBT.

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Tulsa, OK: Society of Quaternary Research (New York). New York, NY: Academic Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1931-.. ISSN: Press, 1970-. ISSN: 00335894. CODEN: QRESAV. 00224472, CODEN: JSEPAK. Remote Sensing of Environment. New Yoik. NY: Elsevier. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Ankeny, lA: Soil 1968-. ISSN: 00344257. CODEN: RSEEA7. Conservation Society of America. ISSN: 00224561, CODEN: of Investigation - State Water Survey. Uibana, JSWCA3. Report nUnois IL: Illinois State Water Survey. ISSN: 00975672. CODEN: IL- Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Nomian, OK: University WIAT.

of Oklahoma, 1981 -. ISSN: 02724634. Research Reports • Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Lapidary Journal. San Diego, CA: Lapidary Journal, Inc., 19- Smithsonian Institution, 1972-. ISSN: 03640175. 47-. ISSN: 00238457, CODEN: LAJ0A6. Rocks and Minerals. Washington, DC: Heldref Publications. Lethaia. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1968-. ISSN: 00241164. ISSN: 00357529, CODEN: ROCMAR. CODEN: LETHAT. Scismological Research Letters. [El Cerrito, CA]: Eastern Sec- The Log Analyst. Houston, TX: Society of Professional Well tion of the Scismological Society of America, 1987-. ISSN: Log Analysts. ISSN: 002458 IX, CODEN: LGALAS. 08950695.

Micropaleontology. New York, NY: American Museum of Seminar Proceedings - Water Quality. Charleston, SC: U. S. Natural History. ISSN: 00262803, CODEN: MCPLAL Army Corps of Engineers.

Miscellaneous Field Studies Map (United States Geological Sur- Soil Science. Baltimore, MD: Tlie Williams & Wilkins Company, vey). Reston. VA: U.S. Geological Survey. CODEN: 1916-. ISSN: 0038075X, CODEN: SOSCAK. XMFSDD. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Madison, WI: Soil National Geograplilc Research. Washington, DC: National Ge- Science Society of America, 1976-. ISSN: 03615995, CODEN: ographic Society, 1985-. ISSN: 8755724X. SSSJD4.

Northeast Oil World. Denver. CO: Hart Publications, Inc., 19- Special Publication - Missouri Department of Natural Resour- 85-. ISSN: 08844771. ces. Rolla, MO: Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

NUREG/CR (United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Special Publication - Society of Economic Paleontologists and Washington, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory DC: Commission, Office of Mineralogists. Tulsa, OK: Society of Economic Paleontologists Nuclear Regulatory Research. ISSN: 02781670. and Mineralogists. ISSN: 00973270, CODEN: SPMIAF.

Oil and Gas Journal. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Publisliing Co., SSSA Special Publication. Madison, WI: Soil Science Society of I910-. ISSN: 00301388, OIGJAV. CODEN: America, 1967-. ISSN: 00811904, CODEN: SSAPAV. Open-File Report (United States Geological Survey. 1978). Technical Report - University of New Brunswick. Fredericton, Reston, VA: U. S. Geological Survey. ISSN: 01961497, NB: University of New Brunswick, Department of Surveying En- CODEN: XGROAG. gineering. Palaios. Tulsa, OK: The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Mineralogists. 1986-. ISSN: 08831351. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Academy of Science. ISSN: Physical Geography. Silver Spring. MD: V. H. Winston & 00192252, CODEN: TISAAH. Sons, 1980-. ISSN: 02723646. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper. Reston, VA: Proceedings - Coalbed Methane Symposium. Tuscaloosa. AL: U.S. Geological Survey. ISSN: 08869308. CODEN: XIWSAX. Eastern Region Coalbed Methane Resource Center. W.R.C. Research Report. Uibana, IL: University at Urbana-

Proceedings - Water Resources Symposium (Indiana). Li- Champaign, Water Resources Center, 1973-. ISSN: 00735442. dianapolis, IN: Indiana Water Resources Association. CODEN: lUWRAH.

Proceedings of the Industrial Waste Conference. Ann Arbor, Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana). Minneapolis, MN: MI: Ann Arbor Science PubUshers, 1946-. ISSN: 00737682. American Water Resources Association, St. Anthony Falls HydrauUc Laboratory, 1965-. ISSN: 00431370, CODEN: WAR- Proceedings of the National Conference on Energy and the BAQ. Environment. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Science Publishers. Water Resources Research. Washington, DC: American Geo- Proceedings of the National Outdoor Action Conference on physical Union, 1 965-. ISSN: 00431397, CODEN: WRERAQ. Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geophys- ical Methods. Dublin, OH: National Water Well Association. Water-Resources Investigations. [Reston, VA]: U.S. Geologi- cal Survey, 1972-. ISSN: 0092332X. CODEN: WRIND3. Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Manage- ment. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers. World Oil. Houston. TX: [IRM. Lie, etc.], 1947-. ISSN: ISSN: 07317646. 00438790. CODEN: WOOIAS.

Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY


Abegg, Frederick E. Carbonate petrology, paleoecology, anil Bellomo, R. J. (Univ. Wis., Dep. Antlu-opol., Milwaukee, WI, dcpositional environments of the (upper United States) and Kean, W. F. Comparison of arvheomagnetic

Chesterian) in southern Illinois: 222 p., 96 rcf., Master's, 1986, studies of suspected hearths from Koobi Fora, Africa with known

Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. hearths from Modoc, II. [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America 1988 centenial celebration; program with abstracts. Albrecht, K. A. (Dl. State Gaol. Surv., Nat. Resour., Cliam- Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(7), p. paign, IL, United States) and Cartwrlght, K. Infiltration and 35, 1988. Meeiing: Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1988. Denver, CO. United hydraulic conductivity of a compacted earthen liner: Ground States. Water, 27(1). p. 14-19. illus. inch 1 table. lOtef., Febraary 1989. Benson, C R. see Sasman. R. T. Allison, Peter E. (Univ. Bristol, Dep. Geol., Bristol, Great Britain). A new cephalopod with soft-parts from the Upper Car- Berg, Ricliard C. (Dl. Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States) boniferous Francis Creek Shale of Uliitois, USA: Lethaia, 20(2), and Kempton, John P. Stack-unit mapping of geologic materials p. 117-121.illus.. 17ref.. 1987. in Illinois to a depth of 15 meters: Circular - Illinois State Geologi-

cal Survey, Rep. No. 542, 23 p., illus. incl. 1 table; stratigr. maps Archer, Alien W. see Kvale, Erik P. 1:250.000, 28 ref., 1988.

Avila, John (Ashland Explor., Ashland, KY, United States). Curry, Typical stratigraphic entrapment in southern Illinois [abstr.]: in Berg, Richard C. see also B. Brandon

AAPG Eastern Section meeting. AAPG Bulletin, 72(8). p. 956, August 1988. Meeiing: Sept. 13-15, 1988, Charleston. WV, Bergeron, Marcel P. (Pac. Northwest Lab., Richland, WA. United United States. States); Murphy, Ellyn M. and Deering, Lynn D. Hydrogeologic performance assessment of the inactive commercial

Banner, J. L. (State Univ. N.Y., Dep. Earth and Space Sci., low-level radioactive waste disposal facility near Sheffield. Illinois Stony Brook, NY, United States); Hanson, G. N. and Meyers, [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. Northeastern Section, W. J. Water-rock interaction history of regionally extensive 23rd annual meeting; abstracts. Abstracts with Programs - Geologi- dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk Formation (); cal Society of America, 2(K1), p. 6. January 1988. Meeiing: Mar. isotopic evidence: in Sedimentology and geochemistry of dolos- 10-12. 1988, Portland, ME, United States. tones, ba.sed on a symposium (Shukla, Vijai, editor; ct al.). Special Publication - Society of Economic Paleontologists and Bernlng, G. V. (U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. Serv., United

Mineralogists, 43, p. 97-113, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 100 States). Soil survey of Brown County, Illinois: 163 p., illus. ref., November 1988. Meeiing; Sept. 26-28, 1986, Raleigh. NC, incl. 19 tables, sect., block diags., sketch maps, 12 ref., October United States. 1988. Available from: U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. Serv.,

United States. (Prep, in coop, with 111. Agric. Exper. Stn.). Barber, D. E. (Univ. Minn.. Sch. Public Health. Minneapolis, United States) and Giorgio, H. R. Gamma-ray activity in MN, Bettler, Richard see Bicki, Tliomas J. bituminous, subbituminous and lignite coals: Health Physics,

32(2), p. 83-88. illus. incl. 5 tables, 12 ref., February 1977. Parts Bhagwat, S. B. see Curran, L. M. of paper were presented at Health Phys. Soc., annual meeting, July 16, 1975, Buffalo, NY. Bhowmik, Nanl G. (Dl. State Water Surv., Surf. Water Sect., Champaign, IL, United States). The need for a systematic lake Bargh, Margaret see Treworgy, Colin sedimentation survey program in Illinois: Transactions of the Il- linois State Academy of Science, 81(1-2), 79-86, illus. incl. Barnes, Diane K. see Clark, Peter U. p. sketch maps, 5 ref., 1988. Bauer, R. A. see Graese, A. M. Bhowmik, Nanl G. (Dl. State Water Surv., Champaign. IL, United Bauer, Robert A. see Kempton, John P. States) and Demissie, M. Sedimentation in the Illinois River val- ley and backwater lakes: Journal of Hydrology, 105(1-2), p. 187- — see Leighton, Morris W. 195, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map. 9 ref., January 30, 1989.

Baumgardner, Marion F. see Weismiller, Richard A. Bhowmik, Nanl G. see also Fitzpatrick, William P.

Baxter, James W. see Johnson, Bruce R. Blckl, Thomas J. (Univ. El., Dep. Agron., Urbana, IL. United Beavers, A. H. see Olson, K. R. States). Hydrogen peroxide treatment of septic systems and its negative effects on shallow ground water: Ground Water Monitor-

Beissel, T. see Krapac, I. G. ing Review, 8(4), p. 108-1 11, illus., 19 ref., 1988.

Bibliography Bicki • Chou

Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 336, March BIckl, Thomas J. (Univ. 111., Dep. Agron.. Urbana, EL, United 1988. Meeting: States. States) and Bettler, Richard. Potential nitrate contamination of Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH, United shallow ground water following chemical rehabilitation of a septic Brown, L. see Pratt, T. system: in Proceedings of the FOCUS; conference on Eastern regional ground water issues (National Water Well Association). Brown, Louis (Carnegie Inst. Washington, Dep. Terr. Magn.. Natl. Water Weil Assoc.. Dublin. OH, United States, p. 169-177. Wasliington, DC, United States); Stensland, Gary J.; Klein, Jef- illus.. 19 ref., 1988. Meeting: Sept. 27-29, 1988, Stamford, CT, frey and Mlddleton, Roy. Atmospheric deposition of Be and United States. Be: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 53(1), p. 135-142, illus. incl. 2 tables, 40 ref., January 1989. Bird, Shone R. see Utgaord, John E.

Brutcher, David F. see Su, Wen-June Blake, Daniel B. (Univ. Dl., Dep. Geol., Uibana. IL, United States) and Guensburg, Thomas E. Two new multiamied Mis- Cahili, Richard A. see Gendron. Craig R. sissippian asteroids (Echinodermata) from the Upper Mississippi Valley [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 22nd annual Gander, H. S. (State Univ. N.Y., Dep. Earth and Space Sci., meeting, North-Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Stony Brook, NY, United States); Kaufman, J.; Daniels, L. D. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. and Meyers, W. J. Regional dolomltization of shelf carbonates 335. March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH, United in the Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Mississippian), Illinois and States, new taxa Missouri; constraints from cathodoluminescent zonal stratigraphy: in Sedimentology and geochemistry of dolostones, based on a sym- Blake, Daniel B. (Univ. El., Dep. Geol., UAana. EL. United posium (Shukla, Vijai, editor, et al.). Special Publication - Society States) and Guensburg, Thomas E. Two new multiarmed of Paleozoic (Mississippian) asteroids (Echinodermata) and some Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 43, p. 129-144, illus. incl. sects., sketch maps," 37 ref., November 1988. Meeting: paleobiologic implications: Journal of Paleontology, 63(3), p. Sept. 26-28, 1986, Raleigh, NC, United States. 331-340. Ulus. iiicl. 1 table, 40 ref.. May 1989.

Bleuer, N. K. see Fraser, Gordon S. Cardamone, M. A. see Mitsch^W. J.

Bloom, Tom see Yeskis, Doug Carman, Mary R. (Field Mus. Nat; Hist., Cliicago, IL, United States). The monster of Illinois; paleontology and politics: Bodus, Theresa M. (Univ. Wis., Dep. Geosci., Milwaukee, WI, Rocks and Minerals, 64(1), p. 36-41, illus. incl. sketch map, 5 United States). Tlie relationship of clay fabric and roof collapse in ref., February 1989. the shales above the Herrin Coal, southern Blinois [abstr.]: in

Geological Society of America, 22nd annual meeting, North- Carozzl, Albert V. (Univ. HI., Uibana-Champaign, Dep. Geol., Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with USA) and Ou, Joyce Ling-Mel. Petrography and reservoir Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 336, March properties of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, southern 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH. United States. Illinois: Transactions of the Blinois State Academy of Science, 81(1-2), p. 87-98, illus. incL table, strat. col., sketch map, 11 ref., Bogner, WUIlam C. see Fitzpatrick, WiUiam P. 1988.

Booth, Colin J. (North. HI. Univ., Dep. Geol., De Kalb. IL. Cartwrlght, K. see Albrecht, K. A. United States) and Price, Bethany C. Infiltration, soil moisture, and related measurements at a landfill with a fractured cover, D- — see Poole, V. L. linois: Journal of Hydrology. 108(1^), p. 175-188, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map, 19 ref., June 1989. Cathcart, J. V, see Kopp, O. C.

Bowden, J. B. (South. Dl. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbondale, IL, Changnon, Stanley A. (III. State Water Surv., Climate and

United States) and Sexton, J. L. Wide-angle reflection/refrac- Meteoroi. Sect., Champaign, IL. United States); Huff, Floyd A. tion experiment in the Illinois Basin [abstr.]: in AGU 1989 spring and Hsu, Chln-Fel. Relations between precipitation and shallow meeting. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 70(15), groundwater in Illinois: Journal of Climate, 1(12), p. 1239-1250, p. 277, April 11, 1989. Meeting: May 7-12, 1989, Baltimore, MD, illus. incl. 6 tables, 11 ref., December 1988. United States. Chazin, Barbara see Erickson, R. L. Bowman, Jean A. (Dl. State Water Surv., Champaign, IL, United States) and Clark, Gary R. Transitions in Midwestern ground Chhi, Edwhi H. see Glatfelter, Dale R. waterlaw: Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana), 25(2), p. 413-420, Ulus., 23 ref., April 1989. Chlu, Ken see Yeskis, Doug

Bradford, Susan Carol (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, Chou, Mel-hi M. (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL. United United States); KlUey, Myrna M. and Krumm, Robert J. An States); Dlckerson, Donald R. and Sargent, Michael L. Rock- tictive landslide in Iroquois County. Illinois; conclusions [abstr.]: Eval data relating to oil-source potential of sliales of New Albany in Geological Society of America. 22nd annual meeting, North- Group (-Mississippian) in Illinois Basin [abstr.]: in

Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with AAPG Eastern Section meeting. AAPG Bulletin. 72(8). p. 958,

Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Chrzastowski • Cordell

August 1988. Meeting: Sept. 13-15. 1988, Charleston, WV, Cole, Charles Andrew. Wetland ecosystem development on a United States. reclaimed surface coal mine in soutliem Illinois: 307 p.. Doctoral, 1988, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. Available from: Chrzastowski, M. J. see Schlee, J. S. Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, United States.

Chrzastowski, Michael J. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Qiampaign. IL, Cole, Robert D, (South. 111. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbondale. D, United States). Changes in coastal sedimentary dynamics result- United States) and Fraunfelter, George H. Depositional facics ing from water-level change and altered coastal geography [abstr.]: analysis of the Aux Vases (Mississippian) Formation from in Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 23rd an- southeastern Missouri to southeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in Geologi- nual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of cal Sociery of America, North-Central Section, 23rd annual meet- America, 21(4). p. 6-7, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, ing. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Notre Dame, IN, United States. 21(4), p. 7, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-2 1 , 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United States. Chrzastowski, Michael J. (III. State Geol. Surv., Cliampaign, IL,

United States). Examination of nearshore bathymetry and shore- Coleman, Dennis D. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, defense structures along Chicago's northside lakefront [abstr.]: in United States); Liu, Chao-Li and Riley, Kerry M. Microbial Geological Society of Americn, 22nd annual meeting, North- methane in the shallow Paleozoic sediments and glacial deposits of Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with Illinois, U.S.A.: in Origins of methane in the Earth (Schoell, Mar- - Programs Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 339, March tin, editor). Chemical Geology, 71(1-3), p. 23-40, illus. incl. 5

1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH, United States. tables, 18 ref., December 15, 1988. Meeting: Geological Society of America annual meeting. Organic Geochemistry Division sym- Chrzastowski, Michael J. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, posium, Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix, AZ, United States. United States) and RIggs, Matthew H. Hydrographic monitoring program in vicinity of North Point Marina on the Illinois Lake CoUtnson, Charles (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United Michigan shore [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North- States). Lake Michigan water levels, geologic data and public Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - policy in Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. 22nd Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. 6, March 1989. Meeting: annual meeting, North-Central S^cction; abstracts with programs Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United States. 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America,

20(5), p. 339, March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22. 1988, Akron, Chrzastowski, Michael J. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, OH, United States. United States) and Schlee, John Stevens. Preliminary sidescan- sonar investigation of shore-defense structures along Chicago's Conkln, James E. (Univ. Louisville, Geol. Dep., Louisville, KY, northside lake front; Wilson Avenue Groin to Ohio Street Beach: United States). Late Oncsquethawan mctabentonite in the Grand its [abstr.]: Environmental Geology Notes, Rep. No. 128, 32 p., illus. incl. 3 Tower Formation of central Illinois and correlation in meeting. tables, sects., sketch maps, 12 ref., 1988. Available from: 111. State Geological Society of America, 22nd annual North- Geol. Surv., Champaign, EL, United States. Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 339-340,

Chugh, Yoginder P. (South. 111. Univ.. Carbondale, IL, United March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH, United States). Laboratory characterization of immediate floor strata as- States. sociated with coal seams in Illinois: Rep. No. IMSRP-2, 112 p., Conkin, James E. (Univ. Louisville, Dep. Geol., Louisville, KY. illus. incl. 17 tables. May 1986. Available from: El. Geol. Surv., United States) and Dasari, M. Rao. Onondaga Indian Nation Champaign, IL, United States. and Kawkawlin metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian (late Clark, Gary R. see Bowman, Jean A. Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Foimation of central Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 23rd an- - Geological Society Clark, Peter U. (Univ. El., Dep. Geol. Sci., Chicago. IL, United nual meeting. Abstracts with Programs of Apr. 20-21, States); Nelson, Alan R.; McCoy, William D.; Miller, Barry B. America, 21(4), p. 7, March 1989. Meeting: 1989, and Barnes, Diane K. Quaternary aminostratigraphy of Missis- Notre Dame, IN, United States. sippi Valley loess: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Cordell, Lindrith (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States) and Mc- 101(7), p. 918-926, Ulus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map, 69 ref., July Calferty, Anne E. Geophysical studies in central Miclcontinent 1989. CUSMAP quadrangles [abstr.]: in U.S. Geological Sui-vey-Mis- souri Geological Survey symposium; mineral-resource potential of Clarke, Joan U. (U. S. Army Corps Eng., Waterw. Exp. Stn., tlie Midcontinent; program and abstracts (Pratt. Walden P., editor; Vicksburg, MS, United States); McFarland, Victor A. and et al.). Open-File Report (United States Geological Survey. 1978), Dorkln, John. Evaluating bioavailability of neutral organic U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States, Rep. No. OF 89- chemicals in sediments; a confined disposal facility case study: in 0169, p. 5, 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, Water quality '88 (Willey, R. G., editor). Seminar Proceedings - CO, United States. Meeting: Apr. 11-12, 1989, St. Louis, MO, Water Quality, p. 251-268, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps. 10 United States. ref., 1988. Meeting: Feb. 23-25, 1988, Charleston, SC, United States.

Cleaveland, Thomas H. see Utgaard, John E.

Bibliography Cosgrave • Dickerson

Cosgrave, Timothy (ENSR Consult, and Eng., Acton, MA, United Curry, B. Brandon (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, States)! Shanahan, Peter; Craiin, John C. and Haney, Mark. United States) and Follmer, Leon R, Sedimentological, Gradient control wells for aquifer remediation; n modeling and field pedogenic, pollen, and microfauna records of the Sangamonian case suidy: in Solving ground water problems with models (Na- Stage and Altonian Substage (early Wisconsinan) in Illinois [abstr.]: tionol Water Well Association). Natl. Water Well Assoc., Dublin, in Geological Society of America 1988 centennial celebration;

OH, United States, p. 1083-1107, illus. incl. sketch map, 7 ref., abstracts wdth programs. Abstracts with Programs - Geological 1989. Meeting: Fourth international conference on the use of Society of America, 20(7), p. 3, 1988. Meeting: Oct. 31-Nov. 3, models to analyze and find working solutions to ground water 1988. Denver, CO, United States. problems, Feb. 7-9, 1989. hidinnapohs, IN, United States. Curry, B. Brandon see also Graese, A. M.

Cox, Randel Tom (Univ. Arkansas, Dep. Geol., Fayetteville, AR, — see also Kempton, John P. United States). Evidence of late Cenozoic activity along the Bolivar-Mansfield tectonic zone, Midcontinent, USA: in Univer- Daniels, L. D. see Cander, H. S. sity of Arkansas geology, biennial convention, Fayetteville '88 (Merriam, D. F., editor). Tlie Compass, 65(4), p. 207-213, geol. Darmody, Robert G. see McSweeney. Y. K. sketch maps, 44 ref., 1988. Meeting: 1988, Fayetteville, AR, — see Olson. IC R. United States.

Dasari, M. Rao see Conkin, James E. Crane, Peter R. (Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Dep. Geol., Chicago, IL, United States). Seeds and pollen organs from the Mazon Creek Dauzvardis, Peter A. see Gasper, John R. flora of northeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in Botanical Society of Davis, Harold G. (Tenneco Oklahoma City, United America, 1988 annual meeting; abstracts (Baskin, Jerry M., con- OU E&P, OK. States). Paleo-luglis may be key to deeper production: World vener). American Journal of Botany, 75(6, Part 2), p. 105-106, Oil. 65-72, illus. incl. strat. col., sects., sketch June 1988. Meeting: 1988 annual meeting of the Botanical Society 208(3). p. map, 25 ref., March 1989. of America, Aug. 14-18, 1988, Davis, CA, United States.

Deering, Lynn D. see Bergeron, Marcel P. Craun, John C. see Cosgrave, Timothy Demissie, M. see Bhowmik, Nani G. CuIotta,R. C. see Pratt, T. deVrles, M. P. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Urbana, IL, United States). Instrumentation and field methods for hydraulic and tracer tests in Curran, L. M. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United discrete fractures in northeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in International States); Bhagwat, S. B. and Hindman, C. A. Disposal alterna- conference on Ruid flow in fractured rocks; program and abstracts. tives for material to be excavated from the proposed site of the Ga. State Univ., Atlanta, GA, United States, p. 10,1988. Meeting: superconducting super collider in Illinois: Environmental Geol- May 15-18. 1988, Atlanta, GA, United States. ogy Notes, Rep. No. 125, 17 p., illus. incl. 5 tables, sketch maps,

18 ref., 1988. deVrles, M. P. see also Healy, R. W.

Curran, Lucille M. see Gross, David L. deVrles, M. Peter (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States) and Healy, Richard W. Microclimate, evapotranspiration, and tritium release by plants: in Results research at a low-level radioac- Curry, B. Brandon (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, of hydrologic United States). Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois: tive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Ryan, Barbara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States Geological Survey. Quaternary Research (New York), 31(1), p. 1-13, iUus. incl. 2 U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, States, No. tables, sect., sketch map, 36 ref., January 1989. 1978), VA, United Rep. OF 88-0318, p. 24-35, illus., 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States. Curry, B. Brandon (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States); Berg, Richard C. and Troost, Kathy Goetz. deVrles, M. Peter see also Healy, Richard W. Regional Quaternary geology of western Claric County, Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, — see also Mills, Patrick C.

23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological — see also Shapiro, Allen M. Society of America, 21(4), p. 8-9, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United States. Diamond, W. P. (U. S. Bur. Mines, Ground and Methane Con- trol Group. United States). Characterization of fracture geometry Curry, B. Brandon (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, and roof penetrations associated with stimulation treatments in coal- United States) and Follmer, L. R. Additional evidence for ab- beds: in Proceedings; the 1987 coalbed methane symposium.

sence of Altonian glaciation in northeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in Proceedings - Coalbed Methane Symposium. 1987, p. 243-253, Geological Society of America, 22nd annual meeting, North- illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps, 22 ref., 1987. Meeting: Nov. Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with 16-19, 1987, Tuscaloosa. AL. United States. Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 341, March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988. Akron, OH, United States. Dickerson, Donald R. see Chou, Mei-in M.

Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Dimichele • Evans

see Roy. W. R. — Eckerl, Allan W. The Northeastern Quadrant; a precise guide to more than 1.000 specific locations including Connecticut, DImicbele, WtlUam A. (Natl. Mus. Nat. Hist., Dep. Pideonto!., Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts. Washington, DC. United States) and NelsoD, W. J. Variation in Micliigan, New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York. Ohio. Pennsyl- the breadth of ecotones separating three Middle Pcnnsyhvanian vania. Rliode Island. Vermont, and Wisconsin: in the collection coal-swamp plant assemblages [abstr.]: in Botanical Society of Earth treasures; where to collect minerals, rocks, and in the America, 1988 annual meeting; abstracts (Baskin, Jciry M.. con- United Slates. Harper & Row Publ., New York, NY, United States, vener). American Journal of Botany, 75(6, Part 2), p. 107, June l,476p..illus., 1987. ISBN: 00-6096-101-5. 1988. Meeting: 1988 annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Aug. 14-18, 1988, Davis, CA, United States. Edwards, Ronald (Peoria Disposal Co., Peoria, IL, United States) and Yacko, David G. Field measurement of landfill clay linear Dimichele, WilUam A. (Smithson. Inst., Dep. Paleobiol., Wash- permeability: in Proceedings of the 43rd industrial waste con- ington, DC. United States) and Nelson, W. John. Small-scale ference (Bell, John M., editor). Proceedings of the Industrial Waste spatial heterogeneity in -age vegetation from the roof Conference, 43. p. 141-146. illus. incl. 1 table. 1989. Meeting: shale of the Springfield Coal (Illinois Basin): Palaios, 4(3), p. May 10-12. 1988, West Lafayette, IN. United States. 276-280. iUus., 29 ref., June 1989.

Eggert, Donald L. (Indiana Geol. Surv., Bloomington, IN, United Dixon, W. G., Jr. see Graese. A. M. States). Coal deposition in the cratonic Illinois Basin; evidence for tectonic control of sedimentation [abstr.]: in Sediments down- Dixon, William G., Jr. see Kempton. John P. under; 12lh international sedimentological congress; abstracts.

Dorkin, John see Clarke. Joan U. Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. and Geophys., Canberra. Australia, p. 91,1986. Meeting: Ang. 24-30, 1986, Canberra. Australia.

Duffln, Michael E. (Univ. 111.. Dep. Geol., Urbana, IL, United Slates); Lee, Mingchou; Klein, George deVrles and Hay, Eidel, J. James see Johnson, Bruce R. Richard L. Potassic diagenesis of sandstones and Pre- — see Kolata, Dennis R. cambrian granitic basement in UPH-3 deep hole, Upper Mississippi Valley, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 59(5), p. 848- Erlckson, M. S. see Erickson, R. L. 861,illus. incl. 5 tables, strat. col., sketch map, 50 ref., September 1989. Erickson, R. L. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States); Chazln, Barbara; Erickson, M. S.; Mosier, Elwin L. and Whitney, DuMontelle, Paul B. see Stohr, Guistopher J. Helen A. Tectonic and stratigraphic control of subsurface [abstr.]: in U.S. — see Su, Wen-June geochemical patterns in the Ozark region Geological Survey-Missouri Geological Survey symposium; Dumsday, Robert G. (La Trobe Univ., Sch. Agric, Bundooro, mineral-resource potential of the Midcontinent; program and Australia) and Seltz, Wesley D. A model for quantifying incen- abstracts (Pratt, Walden P., editor; et al.). Open-File Report (United tive payments for soil conservation in cropping regions subject to States Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv.. Reston. VA. water erosion: in International conference on soil erosion and United States. Rep. No. OF 89-0169. p. 7-8. 1989. Available conservation, "Malnmo Aina 83" (El-Swaify. Samir Aly. editor; et from: U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver. CO. United States. Meeting: al.). Soil Conserv. Soc. Am., Ankeny, lA, United States, p. 296- Apr. 11-12, 1989, St. Louis, MO, United States. 306.illus. incl. 4 tables, 10 ref., 1985. Meeting: iu\. 16-22,1983, Honolulu, HI, United States. Esling, S. P. (South. Dl. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbondale, IL, United States); Hughes, W. B. and Graham, R. C. Analysis Durgunoglu, All see Singh. Krishan P. of the Cache Valley deposits in Dlinois and implications regarding the late Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Ohio River val-

Durham, Lisa A. (Argonne Natl. Lab., Argonne, IL, United ley; reply: Geology (Boulder), 17(12), p. 1160-1161. December States); Schubert, Jeffrey P.; Leap, Darrcll I. and Fritz, Steven 1989. For reference to discussion, see Leach, Elizabeth K., Geol-

J. Hydrologic and geochemical factors affecting the chemistry of ogy (Boulder), Vol. 17, No. 12, p. 1160, 1989; for reference to ground water in the vicinity of a reclaimed strip mine lake [abstr.]: original, see Eslingm S. P., Hughes, W. B. and Graham, R. C, in Geological Society of America 1988 centennial celebration. Geology (Boulder). Vol. 17. No. 5, p. 434-437. 1989.

Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(7), p.

173. 1988. Meeting: Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1988, Denver, Co. United Esling, Steven P. (South. Dl. Univ.. Dep. Geol.. Carbondale. IL. States. United States); Hughes, W. Brian and Graham, Richard C. Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois and implications Duval, Joseph S. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. Reston. VA. United States) regarding the late Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Ohio and Jones, William J. Regional aerial gamma-ray maps for Il- River valley: Geology (Boulder). 17(5), p. 434-437, charts, linois and parts of Wisconsin. Iowa. Michigan, Indiana. Missouri, sects., sketch maps, 19 ref.. May 1989. and Kentucky: in Geologic causes of natural radionuclide anomalies (Marikos, Mark Alan, editor, et al.). Special Publication Evans, Ralph (111. State Water Surv., Champaign, DL, United

— MissouriDepartment of Natural Resources. 4, p. 157-165. 39 ref., States); HUl, Thomas G.; Schnepper, Donald and Hiillinger, 1988. Meeting: GEORAD conference. Apr. 21-22, 1987, St. David. Waste from the water treatment plant at Alton and its Louis, MO, United States. impact on the Mississippi Riven Circular - Illinois Stale Water

Bibliography Ewing • Frest

Survey, Rep. No. ISWS/CIR-156/82. 62 p.. iUus. incl. 13 tables, Follmer, L. R. see Curry, B. Brandon 12 ref.. 1982. — see Heizog, Beverly L. Ewlng, Loyd K. (Univ. HI., Dep. Agric. Eng., Urbana, IL. United see States). Hydrology and sedimentology modeling on Dlinois — Putman, B. R. agricultural watersheds: in Fiscal year 1987 program report Follmer, Leon R. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, EL, United (University of Illinois, Water Resources Center). Annual Report - States) and McKay, E. Donald, UL. Farm Creek, central Illinois; University of Illinois at Uibana-Champaign, Water Resources Cen- a notable Pleistocene section: in North-central section of the ter, 23, p. 12-15, September 1988. (Prep, for U. S. Geol. Surv., Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald L., editor), in the Report No. G 1420-01). collection Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. Am., Boulder, CO,

Ewlng, Loyd K. (Univ. HI.. Dep. Agric. Eng., Urbana-Cham- United Slates, 3, p. 23 1-236, illus. incl. 1 table, sect., sketch maps, paign, EL, United States). Hydrology and sedimentology modeling 7 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). on Illinois agricultural watersheds: W.R.C. Research Report, Follmer, Leon R. see also Curry, B. Brandon 211.22p.. illus. incl. 5 tables, sketch maps, 12 ref., February 1989.

— see also Hajic, Edwin R. EytoD, J. Ronald (Univ. Alberta, Dep. Geogr., Edmonton, AB, Canada). Low-relief topographic enhancement in a Landsat snow- —. see also Johnson, W. Hilton cover scene: Remote Sensing of Environment, 27(2), p. 105-118, see David L. illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps, 20 ref., February 1989. — also Reinertsen,

Faulkerson, Joe C. (Univ. Tenn., Dep. Geol. Sci., Knoxville, Franzmeier, D. P. (Purdue Univ., Agron. Dep., West Lafayette, TN, United States) and Kopp, Otto C. Geochemical conditions IN, United States); Norton, L. D. and Steinhardt, G. C. loess in during tlie deposition of the Tertiary Porters Creek Qay detemiined Fragipan formation in of the Midwestern United States: from its mineralogy and trace fossils [abstr.]: in Geological Fragipans; their occurrence, classification, and genesis (Smeck, Society of America, Southeastern Section, 38th annual meeting. Neil E.. editor; et al.). SSSA Special Publication, 24, p. 69-97, Ulus. incl. 5 tables, geol. sketch>map, 48 ref., 1989. Meeting: Soil Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 21(3), p. 15, Febniary 1989. Meeting: Apr. 6-7, 1989, Atlanta, GA. Science Society of America symposium, Dec. 1, 1987, Atlanta, GA, United States. Purdue Univ. Exp. Stn.,J. Pap. No. 11452. Ferguson, Jacqueline A. see Warren, Robert E. Eraser, Gordon S. (Indiana Geol. Surv., Bloomington, IN, United Fischbach, John F. (Lake Forest City Manager. Lake Forest, XL, States) and Bleuer, N. K. Internal architecture of the Valparaiso United States) and Werren, David J. Civic solution; Lake Forest Moraine [abstr.]: Abstracts - Society of Economic Paleontologists shoreline restoration: in Coastal zone '87 (Magoon, OrviUe T., and Mineralogists, Annual Midyear Meeting, 5, p. 20, 1988. Meet- editor, et al.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal and Ocean ing: Aug. 21-24, 1988, Columbus, OH, United States.

Management, 5, Vol. 3, p. 4406-4420, illus., 1987. Meeting: Fifth symposium on Coastal and ocean management. May 26-29, 1987, Fraunfelter, George H. (South. El. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbon- Seattle, WA, United States. dale, IL, United States). Geologic features near Grand Tower, Illinois; the Devil's Backbone, the Devil's Bake Oven, and Foun- Fitzpatrick, William P. (HI. State Water Surv., Qiampaign, IL, tain Bluff: in North-central section of the Geological Society of United States); Bogner, WllUam C. and Bhowmik, Nani G. America (Biggs, Donald L., editor), in the collection Centennial

Sedimentation and hydrologic processes in Lake Decatur and its field guides. Geol. Soc. Am., Boulder, CO, United States, 3, p. watershed: Report of Investigation - Illinois State Water Survey, 245-250, illus. incl. strat. cols., sketch maps, 21 ref., 1987. Rep. No. ISWS/RI- 107/87, 96 p., illus. incl. 11 tables, sketch (Decade Nortli Am. Geol. Proj.). maps, 29 ref., 1987. Fraunfelter, George H. see also Cole, Robert D.

Flemal, Ronald C. see Fleming, Alfred J. Freeman, W. O. see Schmidt, Arthur R. Fleming, Alfred J. (Olivet Nazarene Univ., Dep. Geol. Sci., Kankakee, EL, United States) and Flemal, Ronald C. Historical Frest, Terrence J. (Univ. Wash., Div. Geol. and Paleontol., stream channel disequilibrium in north-central Dlinois; causes and Burke Mus., Seattle, WA, United Stales). Eastem North Ainericnn contemporary manifestations [abstr.]: in Geological Society of land snjvil communities in tiie Pleistocene [abstr.]: in hUemationiil

America, 22nd annual meeting, North-Central Section; abstracts Union for Quaternary Research; Xn* ' international congress; pro- with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society gramme and abstracts—Union international pourl'etude du Quater- of America, 20(5), p. 343, March 19SS. Meeting: Apr. 21-22. naire; XlT congres international; programme et resumes. Congress 1988, Akron, OH, United States. of the International Union for Quaternary Research, p. 168, 1987. Afee/fVi^; July 3 1-Aug. 9, 1987, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr. (Ball State Univ., Dep. Geol., Mun- cie, IN, United States) and Masters, John M. Paleocene Frest, Terrence J. (Univ. Wash., Burke Mus., Seattle, WA, United foraminifera from southern Illinois; biostratigraphy and paleoecolo- States) and Schwert, Donald P. Paleoenvironnient of some in- gy [abstr.]: Abstracts - Society of Economic Paleontologists and vertebrates (molluscs and beetles) from the Tonica thenmokarst, Mineralogists, Annual Midyear Meeting, 5, p. 19, 1988. Meeting: north-central Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, Aug. 21-24, 1988, Columbus, OH, United States. North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with

Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Fritz • Grantham

Programs - Gcologicul Society of America, 12, March 21(4), p. Goldhaber, Martin D, (U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver, CO, United 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN. United States. States). Contrasting sulfur sources for lower versus upjjer Mid- continent mississippi valley-type ores; implications for ore genesis Fritz, Steven J. see Durham, Lisa A. [abstr.]: in USGS research on mineral resources, 1989; program and abstracts (Schindler, Katharine S., editor). Geological Survey Fuller, E.L. see Kopp, O. C. Circular, U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States. Rep. No.

C 1035. p. 23. 1988. Meeting: Fifth annual V. E. McKelvey Fiirman, F. C. (Univ. Tenn., Dep. Geol. Sci., Knoxville, TN, forum on Mineral and energy resources. Jan. 24-26, 1989, Reno, United States); Misra, K. C. and Sassen R. The New Albany NV, United States. Shale; potential source of brines for the main-stage MVT mineralization in the Cave-in-Rock District, Dlinois-Kentucky Goldhaber, Martin B. see also Mosier, Elwin L. [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America 1988 centenial celebra- tion; program with abstracts. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Goode, Daniel J. (U. S. Nucl. ReguL Comm., Off. Nucl.

Society of America. 20(7), p. 39,1988. Meeting : Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Mater. Saf. and Safeguards, Washington, DC, United States). 1988, Denver, CO. United States. Nonradiological groundwater quality at low-level radioactive waste disposal sites: NUREG/CR (Urvited States. Nuclear Regulatory

Garklavs, George see Healy, Richard W. Commission), Rep. No. NUREG-1183, 207 p., illus. incl. 11 tables, sects., sketch maps, 31 ref., April 1986. Available from: Garrelts, Mary L., compiler (U. S. Geol. Surv., Urbana, IL, NTIS, Springfield, VA, United States.

United States). Water-resources activities of tlie U.S. Geological Survey in Dlinois, 1988: Open-File Report (United States Gotsch, K. A. (U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. Serv., United Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States). Soil survey of Morgan and Scott counties, Dlinois: U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. ^Serv., United States, 182 illus. States, Rep. No. OF 89-0031. 85 p., iUus. incl. 3 table, sketch p., incl. 19 tables, block diags., sketch maps; soils maps, 85 ref., 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, maps 1:15,840; CO, United States. colored soils map 1:316,800, 14 ref., September 1988. (Publ. in coop, with El. Agric. Exper. Sti\,).

Gasper, John R. (Argonne Natl. Lab., Energy and Environ. Syst. Graese, A. M. (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United Div., Argonne, IL. United States) and Dauzvardis, Peter A. As- States); Bauer, R. A.; Curry, B. Brandon; Valden, R. C; sessment of trace element body burdens due to projected coal DLxon, W. G., Jr. and Kempton, J. P. Geological-geotechni- utilization in the Illinois River basin: in Proceedings of the Fifth cal studies for siting the superconducting super collider in Illinois; national conference on Energy and environment (Nichols, Duanc regional summary: Environmental Geology Notes, Rep. No. G., editor, et al.). Proceedings of the National Conference on Ener- 123. 100 p.. Ulus. incl. 17 tables, sketch maps, 105 ref.. 1988. gy and the Environment, 5, p. 350-354, illus., 1978. Meeting: Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1977, Cincinnati, OH, United States. Graese, Anne M. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Qiampaign, XL, United States). Facies distribution within the Maquoketa and Gidena- Ge, Y. P. (Univ. HI., Dep. Mater. Sci. and Eng., Urbana, IL, Platteville groups and their relationship to structiu-al United States) and Wert, C. A. Spatial variation of organic sul- history in northeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of fur in coal [abstr.]: in Abstracts of papers; 197th national ACS America, 22nd annual meeting, North-Central Section; abstracts meeting. Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, Na- with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society tional Meeting, 197, p. GEOC 13, 1989. Meeting: Apr. 9-14, of America, 20(5), p. 345, March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1989, Dallas, TX, United States. 1988, Akron, OH. United States.

Cendron, Craig R. (Caswell, Eichler and Hill, Portsmouth, NH, Graese, Anne M. see also Kempton, Jolin P. United States); CahiU, Richard A. and GUkeson, Robert H. Comparison of spectral gamma ray (SGR) well logging data with Graham, M. A. see Graham, R. W. instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) data for rock types Graham, R. C. see Esling, S. P. in northern Illinois: The Log Analyst, 29(5), p. 345-357, illus. incl. 2 tables, strat. col., sketch map, 10 ref., October 1988. Graham, R. W. (111. State Mus.. Springfield. IL, United States) and Graham, M. A. Taphonomy and paleoecology of stag- GUkesoD, Robert H. see Gendron. Craig R. moose (Ceivalces scotti) from tliemiokarst deposits. Toiiica. nurtii- central Dlinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, — see Laymon, Douglas E. North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with

Programs - Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. 12-13, March Giorgio, H. R. see Barber. D. E. 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United States.

Glatfelter, Dale R. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. United States) and Chin, Graham, Richard C. see Esling, Steven P. Edwin H. Floods of March 1982 in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois: Geological Survey Professional Paper, U.S. Geol. Surv., Grantham, Dana R. (U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. Serv..

Reston, VA, United States, Rep. No. P 1467, 36 p., illus. incl. 3 United States) and Indorante, Sam J. Soil survey of I'eny Coun- tables, sketch maps, 8 ref., 1988. Prepared jointly by U. S. Geol. ty'. Illinois: 172 p., illus. incl. 19 tables, block diags.. sketch map; Surv. and NOAA. soils maps 1:15.840; colored soils map 1:190,080, 19 ref., Scptcm-

Bibliography Gray • Heaiy

ber 1988. Available U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. from: Hajlc, Edwin R. (Univ. Dl.. Dep. Geol., Urbana, IL. United Serv., United States. (Publ. in coop, with Dl. Agric. Exper. States). Anatomy and sedimentary environments of a late Wiscon- Stn.). sinan tliaw lake in north-central Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Gray, John R. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. United States). Runoff and Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. land modification: in Results of hydrologic research at a low-level 14, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21. 1989. Notre Dame, IN. radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Ryan, Bar- United States. bara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States Geological Sur- vey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States, Rep. Hajlc, Edwin R. (Univ. DL. Dep. Geol.. Urbana. IL. United No. OF 88-0318, p. 35-41. illus. incl. sketch maps, 1989. Avail- States); Kukla, George; Johnson, W. Hilton and Follmer, Leon able U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States. from: R. Stratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of a multiple loess- Paleosol section. Pancake Hollow, west-central Illinois, U.S.A. Gray, John R. see also Healy, Richard W. [abstr.]: in International Union for Quaternary Research, XIT' Greb, Stephen F. (Ky. Geol. Surv.. Lexington, KY, United international congress; programme and abstracts—Union intema- tionale pour r^tude du Quatemaire, XII* congres international; pro- States). Structural controls on the formation of the sub-Absaroka et resumes. Congress of the International Union for unconformity in the U.S. Eastern Interior basin: Geology gramme Quaternary Research, p. 180. 1987. Meeting: July 31-Aug. 9. (Boulder), 17(10), p. 889-892, illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 20 1987, Ottawa, ON, Canada. rcf.. October 1989.

Greegor, Robert B. see Huggins. Frank E. Hamburger, M. W. (Indiana Univ.. Dep. Geol., Bloomington, IN. United States) and Rupp, J. A. The June 1987 southeastern Griffin, R. A. see Heizog, Beverly L. Illinois earthquake; possible tectonism associated with the La Salle

anticlijial belt: Seismoiogical Research Letters, 59(4), p. 151- — see Krapac. I. G. 157, illus. incl. block diag., geol. sketch maps, 28 ref., December — see Roy. W. R. 1988.


Griffin, Robert A. see Stohr, Christopher J. Haney, Mark see Cosgrave, Timothy

Grimm, Eric C. (111. State Mus., Res. and Collect. Cent.. Hansel, Ardith K. see Johnson, W. Hilton Springfield, IL, United States) and King, Frances B. Palynologi- cal and plant-macrofossil studies of the Tonica thermokarst, LasaUe Hanson, G. N. see Banner, J. L. County, Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North- Harney, Thomas (Smithson. Inst., Natl. Mus. Nat. Hist.. Wash- Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - ington. DC. United States). collection serves as link to Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. 13, March 1989. Meet- ancient Paleozoic forests: Research Reports - Smithsonian Institu- ing: Apr. 20-21, 1989. Noti« Dame, IN, United States. tion. 57. p. 1.4. 8. illus. incl. poitr.. 1989.

Grober, Mary J. see Voelker, David C. Harris, Clayton D. Facies. depositional and diageneric environ- Gross, DaWd L. (m. Geol. Surv., Ciiampaign, IL, United States); ments of the Golconda Group (Mississippian) in southwestem D-

Mines, J. K.; Curran, Lucille M. and Hindman, Carol A. Use Unois and southeastern Missouri: 167 p., 88 ref., Master's, 1987, of a geographic information system to optimize siting of the super- Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. conducting super collider in Illinois [abstr.]: in International Union for Quaternary Research. XIi international congress; pro- Harvey, Richard D. (El. Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United gramme and abstracts—Union intemationale pour I'etude du States) and Kruse, Carl W. The Illinois Basin Coal Sample Pro- status characterization: Tlie Quatemaire. XU* congr&s international; programme et resumes. gram; and sample Journal of Coal Quality. 109-113, illus. incl. 7 tables, 10 ref.. December Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research, p. 7(4), p. 1988. 177. 1987. Meeting: July 31-Aug. 9. 1987. Ottawa. ON. Canada.

Gross, David L. see also Leighton, Morris W. Harvey, Richard D. see also Trask, C. Brian

Grubb, M. D. (South. Dl. Univ.. Caibondale. IL. United States); Hauser, E. see Pratt, T. Kochel. R. C; Ritter, D. F. and MlUer, M. Sedimentologic Hay, Richard L. see Duffin, Michael E. and gcomorphic variation m two fan-deltas, Peoria Lake, Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. North-Central Section, Healy, R. W. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver. CO, United States). 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Seepage through a hazardous-waste trench cover: Journal of Society of America, 21(4), p. 13, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20- Hydrology. 108(1-4), p. 213-234, illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch map. 21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN. United States. 43 ref., June 1989.

Grunwald, Claus see Szafoni. Diane Healy, R. VV. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States): deVrlcs. M. P. Grutzeck, Michael W. see Johnson, C. B. and Sturrock, A. M., Jr. Evapotranspiration and microclimate at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site in noilliweslem Il- Guensburg, Thomas E. see Blake, Daniel B. linois: U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper, US. Geol.

10 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Healy • Muggins

Surv.. Rcston. VA. United States. Rep. No. 2327. 44 illus. W p.. Heyl, Allen V. see Spirokis. Charles S. iiicl. 6 tables, sketch maps, 58 ref.. 1989. Supersedes Open-file report 86-301. Hickman, Daniel see Smith, Lisa R.

Healy, R. W. see also Striegi. Robert G. Hill, P. L., Jr. see Mitsch, W. J.

Healy, Richard W. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States). Water Hill, Thomas G. see Evans. Ralph movement through a trench cover in Results of hydrologjc re-

search at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Hlndman, C. A. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, DL, United

Illinois (Ryan, Baibara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States States) and Treworgy, C. G. Use of a geographic infomiation Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United system to evaluate the potential for damage from subsidence of

States. Rep. No. OF 88-0318, p. 42-53. illus.. 1989. Available underground mines in Illinois: in Proceedings; Ninth international from: [J. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver. CO, United States. symposium on Computer-assisted cartography (Anderson, Eric,

prefacer). Auto-carto, 9, p. 483-492, iUus. incl. 3 tables. 11 ref.. Healy, Richard W. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver. CO. United 1989. Meeting: Apr. 2-7. 1989. Bahimore, MD, United States. States); Gray, John R.; deVrles, M. Peter and Mills, Patrick C. Water balance at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site: Hindman, C. A. see also Curran, L. M.

Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana). 25(2). p. 381-390. illus. mcl. Hindman, Carol A. see Gross, David L. 1 table, sketch map. 17 ref.. April 1989.

Hines, see Gross, David L. Ilealy, Richard W. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. United States); Ryan, J. K.

Barbara J. and Garldavs, George. Water and tritium move- Hinze, W. see Pratt. T. ment in the saturated zone: in Results of hydrologic research at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois Hlseler, Robert B. Variables controlling permeability of oolitic (Ryan. Barbara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States calcarenites of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian). Geological Survey. 1978). U.S. Geol. Surv.. Reston. VA. United southern Illinois: Master's. 1977, Univ. of Illinois. States, Rep. No. OF 88-0318. p. 79-88, illus. incl. sketch maps, 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver. CO, United Horowitz, Alan Stanley (Indiana Univ., Geol. Dep., Bloomington. States. IN. United States) and Pachut, Joseph F. Strotopora Ulrich and Cliotrypa Ulrich and Sassier (Cystoporida. Bryozoa) [abstr.]: in Healy, Richard W. see also deVries, M. Peter Geological Society of America. 22nd annual meeting. North- Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow. Stack unit mapping and Quater- Programs - Geological Society of America. 20(5). p. 349. March nary history EddyvUle 7.5 minute quadrangle, southern Illinois: 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22. 1988. Akron, OH, United States. 185 p., map 1:24.000. 23 ref., Master's, 1987, Southern Illinois Univ.. Carfjondale. EL. Howard, R. H. and Whltaker, Stephen T. Hydrocarbon ac- cumulation in a paleovalley at Mississippion-Pennsylvanian uncon- Hensel, Bruce R. (Dl. State Geol. Surv.. Champaign. IL. United formity near Hardinville, Crawford County, Ulinois; a model States) and McKenna, Dennis P. Case studies of oil field brine paleogeomorphic trap: Illinois Petroleum, Rep. No. 129, 26 p., contamination at two holding ponds in Clay County, Illinois illus. incl. 1 table, sects., strat. cols., sketch maps. 18 ref.. 1988. [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 22nd annual meeting. Available from: Dl. State Geol. Surv.. Champaign. IL. United North-Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts States. with Programs - Geological Society of America. 20(5). p. 347. 1988. Meeting: 21-22. March Apr. 1988. Akron, OH, United Hsieh, Chang-hstn. Empirical orthogonal function analysis of Slates. hydrologic data: 278 p.. Doctoral, 1988, Purdue Univ.. West Lafayette. IN. Available from: Univ. Microfilms. Ann Arbor. MI. Hensel, Bruce R. see also Heizog, Beverly L. United States.

Hermann, R. B. see Taylor, K. B. Hsu, Chin-Fel see Changnon. Stanley A.

Herzog, Beverly L. (HI. State Geol. Surv.,Champaign.IL. United Huang, Scott L. (Univ. Alaska, Dep. Miji. find Geol. Eiijr., Faii- States); GrllTln, R. A.; Stohr, C. J.; Folimer, L. R.; Morse, W. banks. AK, United States). Tlie influence of disaggreg-.ition meth- and Su, W. Investigation of failure mechanisms and migra- J. J. ods on X-ray diffraction of clay minerals: Journal of Sedimentary tion of organic chemicals at Wilsonville, Illinois: Ground Water Petrology, 59(6). p. 997-1001, illus. ijicl. 1 table. 8 ref., Novem- Monitoring Review, 82-89, illus. incl. 2 tables. 19 ref., 9(2), p. ber 1989. 1989. Huff, Floyd A. see Changnon. Stanley A. Herzog, Beverly L. (Dl. State Geol. Surv.. Champaign. H, United

States); Hensel, Bruce R.; Mehnert, Edward; MlUer, Jerry R. Huffman, Gerald P. see Huggins. Frank E. and Johnson, Thomas M. Evaluation of groundwater monitoring programs at hazardous waste disposal facilities in Illinois: Envi- Huggins, Frank E. (Univ. Ky.. Lexington. KY. United States);

ronmental Geology Notes, Rep. No. 129, 86 p., illus. incl. 18 HufTman, Gerald P.; Lytle, Farrel W. and Greegor, K()l>ert B. tables, sects., sketch maps. 18 ref.. 1988. Tlie form-of-occurrence of chlorine in U.S. coals; an XAFS inves-

Bibliography 11 —

Hughes • Johnston

ttgation [abstr.]: in Abstracts of papers; 197th ACS national meet- p. 1427, November 1, 1988. Meeting: Dec. 6-11, 1988, San Fran- ing. Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, National cisco, CA, United States.

Meeting. 197. p. FUEL 81. 1989. Meeting: Apr. 9-14, 1989, Dal- Jnasen, I. see Putman, B. R. las', TX. United States. J.

Hughes, W. B. see Esling. S. P. Johnson, Bruce R. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States); Eldel, J. James; Baxter, James W.; Nelson, W. John and McKay, E. Hughes, W. Brian see Esling, Steven P. Donald, m. Present stams of the Paducah CUSMAP project [abstr.]: in U.S. Geological Survey- Missouri Geological Survey Hughes, Wllliam Brian. The Quaternary history of the lower symposium; mineral-resource potential of the Midcontinent; pro- valley, southern Illinois: 181 ref.. Master's. Cache River p.. 25 gram and abstracts (Pratt, Walden P., editor; et al.). Op)cn-File 1987, Southern Illinois Univ.. Carbondale, IL. Report (United States Geological Survey. 1978). U.S. Geol.

Surv., Reston, VA, United States, Rep. No. OF 89-0169, p. 15- Hull, Bryan G. (111. State Geol. Surv., Cliampaign, IL, United 16, 1989. Availablefrom: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States). Oil and gas developments in Illinois, 1986: Illinois States. Meeting: Apr. 11-12, 1989. St. Louis. MO, United States. Petroleum, Rep. No. IP 131. 76 p., illus. incl. 8 tables, sketch map. 1989. Johnson, C. B. (Tex. A&M Univ.. Dep. Geol.. College Station. TX. United States); Marshall, J. R.; MazzuUo, J. M. and Grut- HuUinger, David see Evans. Ralph zeck, Michael W. St. Peter Sandstone; a closer look ; discussion

and reply: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 59(3). p. 494-497. Hulse, William see Thomas, Gilbert E. illus., 24 ref.. May 1989. For reference to original see Grutzeck,

Ililnois State Geological Survey. Crops and coal; Illinois Mine M.. J. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 56, p. 669-673, 1986.

Subsidence Research Program: Rep. No. IMSRP-1, 18 p., illus., Johnson, Gary V. see Venkataraman R.. Ravi 1988. Available from: Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States. Johnson, Thomas M. see Herzog, Beverly L.

*\ Indorante, Sam J. see Grantham, Dana R. Johnson, W. Hilton (U. S. Army Cold Reg. Res. and Eng. Lab., Hanover, NH, United States) and FoUmer, Leon R. Source Ingram, David K. (U. S. Bur. Mines, Pittsburgh Res. Cent., Pit- and origin of Roxana Silt and middle Wisconsinan midcontinent tsburgh, PA, United States) and MoUnda, Gregory M. Relation- glacial activity: Quaternary Research (New Yoric), 31(3), 319- ship between horizontal stresses and geologic anomalies in two coal p. 331, geol. sketch maps, 61 ref.. May 1989. mines in soutliem Illinois: Bureau of Mines Report of Investiga- tions, Rep. No. RI 9189, 18 p., illus. incl. 2 tables, strat. col., Johnson, W. Hilton (Univ. HI., Dep. Geol., Urbana, IL, United sketch maps, 27 ref., 1988. Available from: U. S. Bur. Mines, States) and Hansel, Ardith K. Age, stratigraphic position, and Pittsburgh, PA, United States. significance of the Lemont Drift, northeastern Illinois: Journal of

Geology, 301-318, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps, 50 Injerd, Dan (HI. Dep. Transp., Lake Mich. Manage. Sect., 97(3), p. ref.. May 1989. United States). Groundwater management in northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory approach be successful?: in Water resource Johnson, W. Hilton (Univ. 111., Dep. Geol., Uibana, IL, United development and management and managing the Great Lakes States) and Hansel, Ardith K. Ructuations of tlie Late Wiscon- (Lardner, John P., editor). Proceedings - Water Resources Sym- sinan (Woodfordian) Lake Michigan lobe in Dlinois, U.S.A. posium (Indiana), 7, p. 23-34, 1986. Meeting: 7th annual water [abstr.]: Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Re- resources symposium, June 4-6, 1986, Angola, IN, United States. search, p. 195, 1987. Meeting: International Union for Quaternary

IshU, A. L. see Striegl, Robert G. Research; Xllth International Congress; programme and abstracts programme et resumes; Union Internationale pour I'Etude du Iverson, L. R. see Risser, Paul G. Quatemaire; Xlf Congress International, July 31-Aug. 9, 1987, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Iverson, Louis see Szafoni, Diane Johnson, W. Hilton (Univ. HI., Dep. Geol.. Urbana. IL. United Jacobson, Russell J. (111. State Geol. Surv., Cliampaign, IL. States); Hansel, Ardith K. and FoUmer, Leon R. Wedron sec-

United States). Huvial-deltaic deposits (Caseyville and Abbott tion, Wedron, Illinois; concepts of Woodfordian glaciation in Il- formations) of Early Pennsylvanian age exposed along the Pounds linois: in North-central section of the Geological Society of Escarpment, southern Illinois: in North-central section of the America (Biggs. Donald L.. editor), in the collection Centennial

Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald L., editor), in the field guides. Geol. Soc. Am.. Boulder. CO. United States. 3, p. collection Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. Am.. Boulder, CO, 213-217. iUus. incl. 1 table, sketch map. 9 lef., 1987. (Decade United States. 3, p. 251-256, sects., strat. col., sketch maps. 4 ref., North Am. Geol. Proj.). 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). Johnson, W. Hilton see also Hajic, Edwin R. Jang, B. A. (Univ. Wis.. Dep. Geol. and Geophys., Madison. WI. United States) and Wang, H. F. Microcrack study of Illinois Johnston, Arch C. (Memphis State Univ., Cent. Earthquake Res., granite from deep borehole UPH-2 [abstr.]: in AGU 1988 fall Memphis, TN. United States). Seismic hazard assessment in the meeting. Eos, Transactions, Americein Geophysical Union, 69(44), central United States [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America,

12 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Jones * Kolata

1987 annual meeting and exposition (Dickinson, William R.. chair- [ubstr.]: in Association of Engineering Geologists 31st annual person). Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, meeting; abstracts and program; Exploration methods and applica-

19(7). p. 719, 1987. Meeting: Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix. AZ, tions, new and revisited (Bryson, William, chairperson). Program -

United States. Association of Engineering Geologists, National Meeting, 31, p. 49-50, 1988. Meeting: Oct. 16-21, 1988. Kansas City. MO. United Jones, D. see Street. R. States.

Jones, D. W.(Peabody Coal Co.. Cent. Lab.. Freeburg, IL, Uiiited Kllley, Myrna M. see also Bradford, Susan Carol Slates); McElligott, M. J. and Mannz, R. H. Summary of biological, chemical, and morphological characterizations of 33 — see also Trask, C. Brian surface-mine lakes in Illinois and Missouri: in Wetlands and water King, Frances see Eric C. management on mined lands; proceedings of a conference (Brooks, D. Grimm,

Robert P., editor, et al.). Pa. State Univ., University Poik, PA, Kirchner, James Gary (111. State Univ., Dep. Geogr.-Gcol., Nor- United States, p. 211-238, illus. incl. 23 tables. 15 ref., 1985. mal, IL, United States). Origin of pyrite nodules in the St. Peter Meeting: Oct. 23-24, 1985. University Paik, PA, United States. Sandstone, Buffalo Rock State Park, Illinois: Transactions of tlie

Illinois State of Science. 47-56. illus. incl. Jones, Henry D. Stable isotope systematics in the Dlinois-Ken- Academy 82(1-2). p. sect., geol. sketch map, 11 ref., 1989. lucky fluorspar district: 129 p.. illus.. 35 ref.. Master's, 1987. Iowa State Univ., Ames, LA. Kirk, J. R. see Sasman,R. T.

Jones, Robert L. (Univ. 111. at Uibona, Dep. Agron., Urbona, IL, Klein, George deVries see Duffin. Michael E. United States). Rubidium in surface horizons of Dlinois soils:

Soil Science Society of America Joumol, 53(2), p. 588-591, illus. Klein, Jeffrey see Brown, Louis incl. sketch map, 16 ref., April 1989.

Klimstra, W. D. (South. 111. Univ., Coop. Wildl. Res. Lab., Jones, WUUam J. see Duval, Joseph S. Carbondale, IL, United States) and Nawrot, J. R. Wetlands as a byproduct of surface mining; Midwest perspective: Wetlands Kakuris, Paul A. (Great Lakes Environ. Mar., Chicago, EL, United m and water management on mined lands; proceedings of a con- States). Combination of cobble and sill controls erosion: in ference (Brooks, Robert P., editor; et al.). Pa. State Univ., Univer- Coastal zone '87 (Magoon, Orville T., editor, et al.). Proceedings sity Park, PA, United States, p. 107-119. illus. incl. sketch maps, of the Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management. 5, Vol. 3. p. 41 ref.. 1985. Meeting: Oct. 23-24, 1985. University Park, PA, 4589-4599. illus., 5 ref.. 1987. Meeting: Fifth symposium on Coas- United States. tal and ocean management. May 26-29. 1987, Seattle, WA, United States. Kluessendorf, Joanne see Mikulic, Donald G.

Kaufman, J. see Cander, H. S. ICnox, J. C. see McSwcency, Y. K.

Kaufman, S. see Pratt, T. Kochel,R. C. see Grubb, M. D.

Kay, S. H. see Simmers, J. W. — see Miller, J. R.

Kean, W.F. see BeUomo. R.J. — see Orbock MiUer, S. M.

Keefer, Donald A. see McKenna, Dermis P. Kochel, R. Craig see McGovem, Gregory J.

Kempton, P. see Graese, A. M. J. Koeilncr, Mark S. A study of the fluid inclusion, stable isotope and mineralogical characteristics of the Denton fluorspar deposit, Kempton, John P. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United Cave-in-Rock. Illinois: 1 10 p., iUus.. 38 ref.. Master's. 1987, Iowa States); Bauer, Robert A.; Curry, B. Brandon; Dixon, William State Univ.. Ames, lA. G., Jr.; Graese, Anne M. and Vaiden, Robert C. Applied geol- ogy of the proposed site for the superconducting super collider Koeliner, Mark S. (Iowa State Univ.. Dep. Eartii Sci.. Ajnes. lA. (SSC) in Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. 1987 United States); Spry, Paul G. and Richnrdsoa, Catherine IC. annual meeting and exposition (Dickinson, William R.. chaiiper- Cliemical nnd themial changes in the ore fluid during deposition at son). Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, the Denton Mine. Cave-In-Rock fluorspar district. Illinois [abslr.]: 19(7), p. 725, 1987. Meeting: Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix, AZ, in Geological Society of America. 1987 annual meeting and exposi- United States. tion (Dickinson, William R., chairperson). Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 19(7), p. 731, 1987. Kempton, John P. see also Berg, Richard C. Meeting: Oct. 26-29. 1987, Plioenix. AZ, United States. — see also Leighton, Morris W. Kolata, Dennis R. (EI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United

KiUey, Myrna M. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States). Stai-ved Rock, Illinois: in Nortli-central section of tlie States) and Trask, C. Brian. Geotechnological site investigation Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald L., editor), in the for a 7 GeV synchrotron at Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois collection Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. Am.. Boulder, CO,

Bibliography 13 Kolata • Leigh

illus. sect., sketch ref., United States, 3, p. 2 19-220, incl. map, 6 Kukia, George see Hajic, Edwin R. 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.).

Kutz, Keith Brian. A stable isotope and fluid inclusion study of Kolata, DeonU R.

Konecny, Jim and Konecny, Sylvia. Tlie naming of the TuIIy Kvale, Erik P. (Indiana Geol. Surv., Dep. Natl. Resour., Monster: The Earth Science News (Earth Science Club of North- Bloomington, IN, United States) and Uhllr, David M. Tidal in- em Illinois), 40(4). p. 25-26, iUus., 4 ref., April 1989. fluence in an upper Caseyville (Lower Pennsylvanian) gilbert-type Konecny, Sylvia see Konecny, Jim deltaic sequence, southern Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. 22nd annual meeting, North-Central Section; abstracts Kopp, O. C. (Oak Ridge Natl. Lab., Met. and Ceram. Div., Oak with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society

Ridge, TN, United States); Fuller, E. L. and Cathcart, J. V. of America, 20(5), p. 353, March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, Micromechanical properties of coal maceral surfaces [abstr.]: in 1988, Akron, OH, United States. Geological Society of America, Southeastem Section, 38th annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of Lasmanis, Raymond (Wash. Dep. Nat. Resour., Olympia, WA,

America. 21(3). p. 45. February 1989. Meeting: Apr. 6-7. 1989. United States). Galena from mississippi valley-type deposits: Atlanta. GA, United States. Rocks and Minerals, 64(1), p. 10-34, illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch maps. 60 ref., February 1989. Kopp, Otto C. see Faulkerson, Joe C. Latz, Kathleen see Wcismiller, Richard A. Kott, Robert see Miller. Barry B.

Laymon, Douglas E. (TEAM, Lemont, BL, United States) and Krapac, L G. (Bl. State Geol. Surv., United States); Roy, W. Gilkeson, Robert H. Application of seismic refraction methods R.; Griffin, R. A. and Beissel, T. Impact of dolomite and shale to evaluate regional ground-water resources: in Proceedings of the spoil materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies: Trans- Third national outdoor action conference on Aquifer restoration, actions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 81(1-2), p. 99- ground water monitoring and geophysical methods (Association of 112, illus. incl. 4 tables, 39 anal., strat.col., 14 ref., 1988. Ground Water Scientists and Engineers). Proceedings of the Na- tional Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Krapac, L G.; Roy, W. R.; GrifTIn, R. A. and Beissel, T. Water Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, 3, p. 1021-1033, Potential impact of material to be excavated from tlie Illinois SSC illus. incl. 2 tables, 14 ref., 1989. Meeting: May 22-25, 1989, tunnel on surface water and groundwater resources: Environ- Oriando, FL, United States. mental Geology Notes, Rep. No. 126, 19 p., illus. incl. 5 tables, 10 ref., 1988. Available from: Bl. State Geol. Surv.. Champaign, Leach, Elizabeth K. (Univ. Mich., Mus. Anthropol., Arbor, IL, United States. Ann MI, United States). Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in D- Krapac, L G. see also Roy. W. R. linois and implications regarding the late Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Ohio River valley; discussion: Geology Krapac, Ivan G. see Su, Wen-June (Boulder), 17(12), p. 1160, December 1989. For reference to

reply, see Esling. S. P.. et al.. Geology (Boulder). Vol. 17. No. 12.

Knimm, Robert J. see Bradford, Susan Carol p. 1160, 1989; for reference to original, see Esling, S. P., et. al..

Geology (Boulder), Vol. 17, No. 5, p. 434-437,1989. Krumm, Robert R. (Bl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL. United States); Pool, Robert R.; McKay, E. Donald and Smith, Lisa R. Leap, D. see Poole, V. L. Geologic applications of an extensive GIS database; examples from Illinois [abstr.]: in GIS; integrating technology and geoscience Leap, Darrell I. see Durham, Lisa A. applications (Thomas. Hugo F.. chairperson). Natl. Acad. Sci..

Washington, DC, United States, p. 70-71. 1988. Meeting: Sept. Lee, Jae K. Tliematic mapper-based areal land-cover assessment: 26-30, 1988, Denver, CO. United States. a comparative study of principal component analysis with factor analysis: Master's, 1987, Lidiana State Univ., Terre Haute. IN. Krumm, Robert R. see also Pool, Robert R.

— see also Smith, Lisa R. Lee, Mingchou see Duffin, Michael E.

Kruse, Carl W. see Harvey, Richard D. Leigh, D. S. see McSweeney, Y. K.

14 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Leighton • McFarlane

Leighton, Morris W. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, Marquenie, J. M. see Simmers, J. W. United States); Kempton, John P.; Gross, David L. and Bauer, Robert A. Geological program to site the superconducting super Marshall, Charles R. (Univ. Chicago. Comm. Evol. Biol., collider in Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America cen- Chicago, IL, United States). A large, well preserved specimen of tennial celebration. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society the Middle Pennsylvanian lungfish Conchopma edesi (Osteich- of America, 20(7), p. 23, 1988. Meeting: Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1988. thyes; Dipnoi) from Mazon Creek, Illinois, U.S.A.: Journal of Denver. CO, United States. Vertebrate Paleontology, 8(4), p. 383-394, illus., 16 ref., December 14, 1988. Lewis, Richard D. (Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay. ON, Canada)

and Mltcheii, Roger H. Alnoite intrusions associated with Per- Marshall, J. R, see Johnson, C. B. mian rifting in the New Madrid seismic rift complex [abstr.]: in

Geological Society of America. 1987 annual meeting and exposi- Marshall, J. S. see Singh, H. tion (Dickinson. William R.. chairperson). Abstracts with

Programs - Geological Society of America, 19(7). p. 745-746. Martin, Elizabeth see Silliman. Stephen E. 1987. Meeting: Oct. 26-29. 1987. Phoenix. AZ, United States. MaslowskI, Andy (Northeast Oil World. Columbus, OH. United

Liu, Chao-Li see Coleman, Dennis D. States). Popular haunts still draw a crowd: Northeast Oil World. 9(3). p. 10. 12-13, illus., March 1989. Loewenherz, Deborah S. (Univ. HI.. Dep. Theor. and Appl.

Mech., Urbana, IL, United States) and Wendland, Wayne M. Masters, Jack see Mosier, Elwin L. Seasonal ground frost occurrence; developing a statistically-based

predictive model: Pliysical Geograpiiy. 186-198. illus. 9(2). p. Masters, John M. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United incl. 1 table, sketch maps, 18 ref., June 1988. States) and Reinertsen, David L. Tlie Cache Valley of southern Illinois: in North-central section of the Geological Society of Losonsky, G. (Univ. Cininnati, Cincinnati. OH. United States) America (Biggs, Donald L., editor), in the collection Centennial and Pryor, W. A. Burial depth, lithofacies, and stylolite density field guides. Geol. Soc. Am., Bpulder, CO, United States, 3. p. in the , Illinois Basin [abstr.]: Abstracts - Society 257-262, illus. incl. geol. sketch map, 27 ref., 1987. (Decade of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Midyear North Am. Geol. Proj.). Meeting, 5. p. 32, 1988. Meeting: Aug. 21-24. 1988. Columbus. OH. United States. Masters, John M. see also Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr.

Ludvigson, Greg A. Plum River fault zone: Iowa Geology, 14. — see also Reinertsen, David L. p. 20-23. iUus.. 1989.

Matthews, James Coert. Nature and origin of potassic alteration Ludvigson, Gregory Alan. Petrology of fault-related diagenetic of the Ordovician Spechts Ferry Formation in the Upper Mississippi features in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of the Plum River fault VaUey: Master's, 1988, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL. zone, eastern Iowa and Northwest Illinois: 453 p.. Doctoral, 1988, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, lA. Available from: Univ. Microfilms, MazzuUo, J. M. see Johnson, C. B. Ann Arbor. MI. United States.

McCabe, Chad (La. State Univ.. Dep. Geol., Baton Rouge, LA, Ludwlgs, R. S. see Sasman. R. T. United States) and Sassen, Roger. Magnetic anomalies and crude oil biodegradation [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, Lumm, D. K. see Nelson, W. J. 99th amiual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society Lytle, Farrel W. see Huggins. Fnmk E. of America, 18(6), p. 687,1986. Meeting: no\. 10-13. 1986, San Antonio. TX, United States. Mahaffy, James F. (Dordt Coll., Biol. Dep., Sioux Center, lA, United States). Vegetational history of the Springfield Coal (Mid- McCafferty, Anne E. see Cordell. Lindrith dle Pennsylvanian of Illinois) and distribution patterns of a tree-fem miosporc, Tliymospora pseudothiessenii, based on miospore McCoy, William D. see Claik. Peter U.

profiles: International Journal of Coal Geology, 10(3), p. 239- City. 259, 2 tables, sketch map, 23 ref., November 1988. McDonnell, John J. (Waste Manage. N.A.. Calumel IL, United States). Ground water assessments: more ihiui jusl review- Manger, Walter L. (Univ. Arkansas, Dep. Geol., FayetteviUe, ing data: Proceedings of the National Outdoor Action Conference AR, United States) and Sutherland, Patrick K. Mississippian- on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geopiiysical

Pennsylvanian boundary, southern Midcontinent; conformity or Methods, 2, p. 539-553, illus. incl. 1 table, 1988. Meeting: May disconfomiity; conodont biofacies or biostratigraphy? [abstr.]: in 23-26. 1988. Las Vegas, NV, United States. Geological Society of America, 1987 annual meeting and exposi- tion (Dickinson, William R., chairperson). Abstracts with McEUlgott, M. J. see Jones. D. W.

Programs - Geological Society of America, 19(7), p. 758, 1987. Meeting: Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix, AZ. United States. McFarland, Victor A. see Clarke, Joan U.

Mannz, R. H. see Jones, D. W. McFarlane, R. D. see Schmidt. Arthur R.

Bibliography 15 McGovern • Mills

McGovern, Gregory J. (South. HI. Univ., Geol. Dep., Carbon- Meyers, W. J. see Banner, J. L. dale, IL, United States) and Kochel, R. Craig. Sedimentology — see Cander, H. S. and historical sedimentation rates of a delta in a Mississippi River oxbow lake, southern Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of Middleton, Roy see Brown, Louis America, North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 41, 21(4), p. MlkuUc, Donald G. (m. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame. IN. United States). The reef at Thornton, Illinois: in North-central States. section of the Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald L.,

editor), /n r/i^ co//^cf»ofi Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. Am., McGovney, J. E. (Exxon Co. U.S.A.. Houston, TX, United Boulder, CO. United States. 3, p. 209-212, illus. incl. sketch States). Tliomton Reef, Silurian, northeastern Illinois [abstr.]: in maps, 10 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). 1987 Canadian reef research symposium. Can. Soc. Pet. Geol., Can. Reef Inventory Proj., Banff, AB, Canada, p. 43,1987. Meet- Mikullc, Donald G.(I11. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United ing: Jan. 27-30, 1987, Banff, AB. Canada. States) and Kluessendorf, Joanne. Ordovician-Silurian uncon- formity at Kankakee lliver State Paric, Illinois: in North-central McHone, John F. (Ariz. State Univ.. Dep. Geol., Tempe. AZ. section of the Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald L., United States); Sargent, Michael L. and Nelson, W. John. editor), in the collection Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. Am., Shatter cones and other shock effects at Des Plaines, Illinois; Boulder, CO, United States, 3, p. 227-230, strat. cols., sketch map, evidence for meteoroid impact [abstr.]: in Geological Society of 6 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). America, 99th annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geologi- cal Society of America, 18(6), p. 689,1986. Meeting:Nov. 10-13, Miles, C. C. (U. S. Dep. Agric, Soil Conserv. Serv., Unhed 1986, San Antonio, TX, United States. States). Soil survey of Randolph County, Llinois: 264 p., illus. incl. 19 tables, sect., block diags., sketch maps; soils maps McKay, E. Donald see Krumm, Robert R. 1:15,840; colored soils map 1:253,440, 12 ref., September 1988. — see Pool, Robert R. Available from: U. S. Dep. Aric, Soil Conserv. Serv., United

States. (Prep, in coop, with 111. 'Agric. Exp. Stn.). — see Smith, Lisa R.

MlUen, Timothy M. (Nortli. Dl. Univ., Dep. Geol., De Kalb, IL, McKay, E. Donald, HI see Follmer, Leon R. United States); Montgomery, Carla W. and Perry, Eugene C, — see Johnson, Bruce R. Jr. Anomalous Mississippi Valley leads; another suggestion: in Geologic causes of natural radionuclide anomalies (Maiikos, Mark McKenna, Dennis P. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, Alan, editor; et al.). Special Publication - Missouri Department of United States); Schock, Susan C; Mehnert, Edward; Mravlk, Natural Resources, 4, p. 103-117, illus. incl. strat. col., geol. Susan C. and Keefer, Donald A. Agricultural chemicals in sketch maps, 25 ref., 1988. Meeting: GEORAD conference, Apr. rural, private water wells in Illinois; recommendations for a 21-22, 1987, St. Louis, MO, United States. statewide survey: Cooperative Groundwater Report (Illinois State

Geological Survey: 1981), Rep. No. 11, 109 p.. illus. incl. 15 Miller, Barry B. (Kent State Univ., Dep. Geol., Kent, OH, United tables, sketch maps, 1989. States) and Kott, Robert. Molluscan faunal changes in the Lake

Michigan Basin during the past 1 1,000 years: National Geograph- McKenna, Dennis P. see also Hensel, Bruce R. ic Research. 5(3), p. 364-373, illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map, 22 — see also Schock, Susan C. ref., 1989.

McSweeney, Y. K. (Univ. Wis., Madison. WI. United States); Miller, Barry B. see also Claik, Peter U. Leigh, D. S.; Knox, J. C. and Darmody, Robert G. Miller, R. (South. El. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbondale, IL, Micromorphological analysis of mixed zones associated with loess J. United States); Schneider, N. P.; Kochel, R. C. and Rltter, D. deposits of the Midcontinental United States: in Loess; its dis- F. Stratigraphic control on landslip kinematics; impUcations from tribution, geology and soils (Eden, D. N., editor; et al.). A. A. hillslope failure in Williamson County, southern Dlinois [abstr.]: Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, p. 117-130, illus. incl. 1 table, in Geological Society of America, 1987 annual meeting and exposi- sketch map, 34 ref., 1988. Meeting: INQUA Loess Commission, tion (Dickinson, William R., chairperson). Abslracl.s with Western Pacific Working Group, 3rd meeting, Feb. 14-21, 1987, - Society America, 772, 1987, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Programs Geological of 19(7), p. Meeting: Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix, AZ, United States. McSweeney, Y. K. see also Norton, L. D. Miller, Jerry R. see Herzog, Beverly L. Mehnert, Edward see Herzog, Beverly L. Miller, M. see Grubb, M. D. — see McKenna, Dennis P.

Mills, Patrick C. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States). Water and — see Schock, Susan C. tritium movement in the unsaturated zone: in Results of

Melnicoff, P. E. see Winans, Randall E. liydrologic research at a low-level radioactive-waste dispiisiil site near Sheffield, Illinois (Ryan, Barbara J., editor). Open-File Report

Meyers, Suzanne see Yeskis. Doug (United States Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Siii"v., Res-

16 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Mills • Norton

United States, Rep. 88-0318, 53-69, illus. ton, VA, No. OF p. Murray, Haydn H. see Tliomas, Andrew R. incl. sects., 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver,

CO, United States. Nawrot, J. R. see Klimstra, W. D.

MlUs, Patrick C. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Uibana, EL. United States) Neill,P.H. see Winans, RandaU E. and deVrles, M. Peter. Leachate movement tlirough unsaturated sand at a low-level radioactive- waste disposal site in northwestern Nelson, Alan R. see Clark, Peter U. Illinois: in Tenth annual DOE low-level waste management con- ference; Proceedings; Session HI; Disposal technology and facility Nelson, D. see Pratt, T. development. DOE Low-Level Waste Management Forum, Rep. Nelson, and D. K. Geologic the No. 10, p. 54-68, Ulus. incl. 5 tables, sketch map, 8 ref., 1988. W. J. Lumm, map of Shawneetown Quadrangle, Gallatin County, Illinois: 111. Geol. (CONF-880839). Meeting: Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1980, Denver, CO, United States. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States, IGQ-1, 1 sheet, sect.; colored geol. map 1:24,000, 1986. Mills, Patrick C. see also Hcaly, Richard W. Nelson, W. J. see also Dimichele, WiUiam A. Min, G. see Street, R. Nelson, W. John (01. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United Mlsra, K. C. see Punnan. F. C. States). Horseshoe Quarry, Shawneetown fault zone, Illinois: in North-central section of the Geological Society of America (Biggs, Mitchell, Roger H. see Lewis, Richard D. Donald L., editor), in the collection Centennial field puides. Geol.

Soc. Am., Boulder, CO, United States, 3, p. 241-244, illus. incl. MItsch, W. (Univ. Louisville, Cent. Environ. Sci. and J. sects., sketch map, 9 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). Manage., Louisville. KY. United States); Cardamone, M. A.; Taylor, J. R. and Hlil, P. L., Jr. Wetlands and water quality Nelson, W. John see also Dimichele, William A. management in the Eastern Interior coal basin: in Wetlands and water management on mined lands; proceedings of a conference — see also Johnson, Bruce R. >;

(Brooks, Robert P.. editor, et al.). Pa. State Univ., University Park, — see also Kolata, Dennis R. PA. United States, p. 121-137, illus. incl. 2 tables, 36 ref., 1985. Meeting: Oct. 23-24, 1985, University Paik, PA, United States. — see also McHone, John F.

MoUnda, Gregory see Ingram, David K. M. Nicholas, J. R. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Urbana, IL. United States). Overview of a hydrogeological study of fractured dolomite in north- Montgomery, Caria W. see Millen, Timothy M. eastern Illinois [abstr.]: in International conference on Huid flow

in fractured rocks; program and abstracts. Ga. State Univ., Atlanta, Morse, W. J. see Heizog, Beverly L. GA, United States, p. 6,1988. A/^e///»^.- May 15-18, 1988, Atlanta, GA, United States. Morse, Walter J. see Su, Wen-June

Nicholas, James R. see Shapiro. Allen M. Mosler, Elwln L. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States); Goldhaber, Martin B. and Masters, Jack. Geochemical anomalies and sul- NIzeyimana, E. (Univ. 111., Agron. Dep., Urbana, IL, United fur isotope systematics of Upper Cambrian elastics in the Midcon- States) and Olson, K. R. Chemical, mineralogical, and physical tinent; relation to ore fluid movement [abstr.]: in U.S. Geological property differences between moderately and severely eroded D- Survey-Missouri Geological Survey symposium; mineral-resource linois soils: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52(6), p. potential of the Midcontinent; program and abstracts (Pratt, Walden 1740-1748, illus. incl. 6 tables, 31 ref., December 1988. P., editor, et al.). Open-Rle Report (United States Geological Sur- vey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv.. Reston, VA, United States, Rep. Norby, R. D. see Shaw, T. H. No. OF 89-0169, p. 23-24, 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. States. 11-12, St. Surv.. Denver, CO, United Meeting: Apr. 1989, Norby, Rodney D. (HI. State Geol. Surv.. Qiampaign, IL. United Louis, MO, United States. States). Valmcycr Anticline of Monroe County. Illinois: in North-central section of the Geological Society of America (Biggs. Mosler, Elwin L. see also Erickson, R. L. Donald L., editor), in the collection Centennial field guides. Geo!.

Soc. Am., Boulder, CO. United States, 3, p. 237-240, .sccl., strat. Mravlk, Susan C. see McKenna, Dennis P. col., sketch maps, 13 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). — see Roy, W. R. North, L. D. see Schlee, J. S.

Mulvaney, R. L. (Univ. 111.. Dep. Agron., Urbana, IL, United Erosion Res. Lab., States) and Vanden Heuvel, R. M. Evaluation of nitrogen- 15 Norton, L. D. (U. S. Dep. Agric, Natl. Soil McSweeney, tracer techniques for direct measurement of denitrification in soil; West Lafayette, IN, United States); West, L. T. and the Midcon- rV, Field studies: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52(5), Y. K. Soil development and loess stratigraphy of finental in Loess; its distribution, geology and soils (Eden, p. 1332-1337, iUus. incl. 4 tables. 19 ref.. October 1988. USA: D. N., editor et al.). A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, p. Murphy, EUyn M. see Bergeron, Marcel P. 145-159, illus. incl. geol. sketch map, 40 ref., 1988. Meeting:

Bibliography 17 Norton • Reinertsen

INQUA Loess Commission, Western Pacific Working Group, 3rd vey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States, Rep. meeting, Feb. 14-21, 1987, Palmcrston North, New Zealand. No. OF 88-0318, p. 88-102, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch maps, 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United - Norton, L. D. see also Franzmeier, DP. States.

O'Connell, Dennb B. see Utgoord, John E. Pool, Robert R. (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States); Krumm, Robert R.; Smith, Lisa R. and McKay, E. Daniel see Voelker, David C. Oberg, J. Donald. Developing a geologic database for assessing mineral

resource potential of the Paducah Quadrangle [abstr.]: in CIS; Oliver, J. see Pratt, T. integrating technology and geoscience applications (Thomas, Hugo F., chairperson). Natl. Acad. Sci., Washington, DC, United Olson, K. R.(Univ. Ill.,Agron. Dep., Urbana.IL, United States); States, p. 109-110, 1988. Meeting: Sept. 26-30, 1988, Denver, Darmody, Robert G.;Stelner, J. S. and Beavers, A. H. X-ray CO, United States. technique to evaluate pedon and erosion variability of an Ava map

unit: Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52(6), p. 1748- Pool, Robert R. see also Krumm, Robert R. 1753, 7 tables, 15 rcf., December 1988.

Olson, K. R. see also Nizeyimana, E. — see also Smith, Lisa R.

Olson, Robert D. see Woller, Dorothy M. Poole, V. L. (El. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States); Cartwright, K. and Leap, D. Use of geophysical logs to 111. Dep. Orbock Miller, S. M. (South. Univ., Geol., Caibon- estimate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian sandstones, south- dale. IL, United States); Rltter, D. F. and Kochel, R. C. westem Illinois: Ground Water, 27(5), p. 682-688, illus. incl. Modem adjustments of channel morphology to changes in sediment geol. sketch map, 14 ref., 1989. load; an example from southern Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Powell, Larry R. (U. S. Bur. Mines, Minneapolis, MN, United Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. States) and Yarbrough, Ronald .E. Analysis of level survey data 43, Mart:h 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, over mine subsidence events in Illinois, U.S.A.; abandoned and United States. active mines [abstr.]: in Conference 1988 on deformation surveys; executive summaries (ChrzanowsJci, Adam, chairperson). Techni- Ou, Joyce Ling-Mel see Carozzi, Albert V. cal Report - University of New Branswick, 5, p. 93-95, June 1988. Meeting: 5th Canadian symposium on mining surveying and rock Ovens, Stephen (N. Z. State Coal Mines, Huntly, New 2^aland). deformation measurements, June 6-9, 1988, Fredericton, NB, Airborne time domain reflectometry [abstr.]: in Geological Canada. Society of New Zealand, 16th annual conference; programme and abstracts. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Pub- Pratt, T. (Cornell Univ.. Inst. Study Cont., Ithaca, NY, United Ucation. 35A, p. 82, 1986. Meeting: Dec. 1-5, 1986, Pahnerston States); Culotta, R. Hauser, E.; Nelson, D.; Brown, L.; Noith, New Zealand. C; Kaufman, S.; Oliver, J. and Hinze, W. Major Proterozoic base- Pachut, Joseph F. see Horowitz, Alan Stanley ment features of the eastern Midcontinent of North America revealed by recent COCORP profiling: Geology (Boulder), 17(6), Padgltt,Merrltt (U. S. Dep. Agric, Econ. Res. Serv., Washing- p. 505-509, iUus. incl. sketch map, 33 ref., June 1989. Cornell ton. DC, United States). Soil diversity and tlie effects of field Univ., Inst. Study Cont. (INSTOC), Contrib. No. 109. eligibility mles in implementing soil conservation programs tar-

geted to highly erodible land: Journal of Soil and Water Conserva- Price, Bethany C. see Bootli, Colin J. tion, 44(1), p. 91-95, illus. incl. 5 tables, February 1989. Pryor, W. A. see Losonsky, G. Pazar, Steven E. see Weismiller, Richard A.

Putman, B. R. (Univ. HI., Dep. Agron., Urbana, IL, United Peppers, Russei A. (111. Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States); Jansen, I. J. and FoIImer, L. R. Loessial soijs; their States). Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian (Upper relationship to width of the source valley in Illinois: Soil Science. ) time- strati graphic boundaries in the Illinois Basin 146(4), p. 241-247, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 17 rcf., Oc- with those in other coal regions of Euramerica [abstr.]: in Geologi- tober 1988. cal Society of America, 22nd annual meeting, North-Central Sec- tion; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Reed, Philip C. see Reinertsen, David L. Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 384, March 1988. Meet- ing: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron, OH, United States. — see Weibel, C. Pius

Perry, Eugene C, Jr. see Millen. Timothy M. Reinertsen, David L. A guide to the geology of the Cunlon area, Peters, Charles A. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States). Water Fulton County: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Geological

chemistry: in Results of hydrologic research at a low-level Sur^'ey, Rep. No. 1988B, 64 p., illus. incl. strat. cols., block radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Ryan, Bar- diags., charts, sketch maps, 32 ref., 1988. Field trip held May 21,

bara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States Geological Sur- 1988.

18 Bibliography and Index of IllinoLs Geology Reinertsen • Sassen R.

Available U. S. Corps Eng., St. Relnertsen, David L. A guide to the geology of the Shawneetown from: Army Louis, MO, United States. Final report. area, Gallatin County: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Geological Survey, Rep. No. 1988A, 60p.. illus. incl. sect., strat. Ritter, D. F. see Grubb, M. D. cols., block diags., charts, sketch maps, 31 ref., April 16^ 1988. Field trip held April 16, 1988. — see Miller, J. R.

Relnertsen, David L. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, — see Orbock Miller, S. M. United States). Guide to the geology of the Savanna area, Carroll and Jo Daviess counties: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Robbins, Kevin Douglas. Simulated climate data inputs for

Geological Survey, 1989B, 46 p., illus. incl. sects., strat. cols., DRAINMOD: 226 p.. Doctoral, 1988, North Carolina State Univ.. charts, block diags., sketch maps, 19 ref., May 20, 1989. Raleigh, NC. Available from: Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor. MI, United States. Reinertsen, David L. Park Ridge-Nortli Shore area; Cook and Lake counties: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Geological Robinson, R. see Silliman, S. Survey, Rep. No. 1987C, unpaginated, sects., block diags., charts, Rovey, C. W., n (Univ. Wis., Dep. Geosci., Milwaukee, WI. sketch maps, 12 ref., October 3, 1987. Field trip held Oct. 3. 1987. United States). The Shorewood Till problem of Illinois and Wis- Relnertsen, David L.; FoUmer, Leon R.; Masters, Jolin M. and consin [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central Reed, PhlUp C. A guide to the geology of the Forrest area, Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geologi- Livingston County: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State cal Society of America, 21(4), p. 46, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. States. Geological Survey, Rep. No. 1988C, 49 p., illus. incl. strat. 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United cols., charts, block diags., sketch maps, October 8, 1988. Available Roy, W. R. (m. Geol. Surv.. Champaign, EL, United States); from: HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States. Mravik, Susan C; Krapac, L G.; Dickerson, Donald R. and Reinertsen, David L. and Reed, Philip C. A guide to the geol- GriiTIn, R. A. Geochemical interactions of hazardous wastes ogy of the Wolf Lake area. Union and Jackson counties: Held with geological formations in deep-well systems: Environmental Trip Guide Leaflet - lUinois State Geological Survey, Rep. No. Geology Notes, Rep. No. EGN 130, 52 p., illus. incL 16 tables,

1988-D, 64 p., illus. incl. sects., strat. cols., block diags., chaits, 48 ref., 1989. sketch maps, 20 ref., November 5, 1988. Field trip held Nov. 5, Roy, R. see also Krapac, L G. 1988. W.

see Hamburger, Reinertsen, David L. see also Masters, John M. Rupp, J. A. M. W.

— see also Weibel, C. Kus Ryan, Barbara J., editor (U. S. Geol. Surv., Uibana, IL, United States). Results of hydrologic research at a low-level radioactive-

Reising, J. W. (HI. Dep. Mines and Miner., Land Reclam. Div., waste disposal site near Sheffield, Dlinois: Open-File Report Springfield, IL, United States). Development of wetlands and (United States Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv., Res-

water on coal mining operations in Illinois within the constraints of ton, VA, United States, Rep. No. OF 88-0318, 114 p., illus. incl. regulations; a regulatory authority perspective: in Wetlands and 4 tables, sketch maps, 70 ref.. 1989. Available from: U. S. Geol. water management on mined lands; proceedings of a conference Surv., Denver, CO, United States. Individual papers are cited

(Brooks, Robert P., editor; et al.). Pa. State Univ., University Park, separately.

PA, United States, p. 67-73, 3 ref., 1985. Meeting: Oct. 23-24, 1985. University Park, PA, United States. Ryan, Barbara J. see also Healy, Richard W.

Rliett, R. G. see Simmers, J. W. Sanderson, Ellis W. see Woller, Dorothy M.

Richardson, Catherine K. see Koellner, Marie S. Sargent, M. L. see Shaw, T. H.

Rlggs, Matthew H. see Chraastowski, Michael J. Sargent, Michael L. see Chou, Mei-in M.

see McHone, John F. Riley, Kerry M. see Coleman, Dennis D. — — see Shaw, Tliomas H. RIsser, Paul G. (Univ. N.M., Albuquerque, NM, United States) and Iverson, L. R. Geographic information systems and natural — see Woller. Dorothy M. resource issues at the state level: in Changing the global environ-

ment; perspectives on human involvement (Botkin, Daniel B., Sasman, R. T. (111. State Water Surv.. Champaign, IL, United

editor; et al.). Academic Press, Boston, MA, United States, p. 233- States); Ludwlgs, R. S.; Benson, C. R. and Kirk, J. R. 240, 5 plates, 1989. Meeting: Oct. 21-26, 1985, Venice, Italy. Water-level trends and pumpage in the Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers in the Chicago region, 1980-1985: Circular - Illinois State

RItchey, Joseph D. (111. State Water Surv., Champaign, EL, United Water Survey, Rep. No. ISWS/CER-166/86, 47 p., illus. incl. 4

States); Schicht, Richard J. and Weiss, Linda S. Groundwater tables, sketch maps, 18 ref., December 1986. level analysis by computer modeling American Bottoms

groundwater study: 226 p., illus. incl. sketch maps, March 1984. Sassen R. see Furman, F. C.

Bibliography 19 Sassen • Silliman

Sassen, Roger see McCabc, Qiad Sexton, J. L. see Bowden, J. B.

Schlcht, Richard J. see Ritchey, Joseph D. Seyler, Beverly (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, DL, United States). Preliminary reservoir characterization of a Chesterian Schlee, J. S. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States); Chrzastowskl, Cypress Sandstone in Illinois Basin [abstr.]: in AAPG Eastern M. J. and North, L. D. Maps showing the bottom topography Section meeting. AAPG Bulletin, 72(8), p. 971-972, August 1988. of the Chicago near-northside lake front: Miscellaneous Field Meeting: Sept. 13-15, 1988, Charleston, WV, United States. Studies Map (United States Geological Survey), U.S. Gcol. Surv., Rcston, VA, United States, Rep. No. MF-2064. 1 sheet, maps Shanahan, Peter see Cosgrave. Timothy 1:12,000, 1988. Prepared in cooperation with Dl. Dep. Energy and Nat. Resour., and Dl. Geol. Surv. Shapiro, Allen M. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. Reston. VA. United States). Interpretation of osciDatory water levels in observation Stevens see Chizastowski, J. Schlee, John Michael wells during aquifer tests in fractured rock: Water Resources Re-

search, 25(10), p. 2129-2137, Ulus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, 17 Schmidt, Arthur R. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Urbana, IL, United ref.. October 1989. States); Freeman, W. O. and McFarlane, R. D. Assessment of processes affecting low-flow water quality of Cedar Creek, west- Shapiro, Allen M. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United central Illinois: Water-Resources Investigations, U.S. Geol. States). Interpretation of tracer tests conducted in an areaUy exten- Surv., Reston, VA. United States. Rep. No. WRI 88-4141. 70 p.. sive fracture in a northeastern Illinois dolomite [abstr.]: in Interna- illus. incl. 15 tables, sketch maps, 15 ref., 1989. Available from: tional conference on Fluid flow in fractured rocks; program and U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver, CO, United States. (Prepared in abstracts. Ga. State Univ., Atlanta. GA. United States, p. 6, 1988. cooperation with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency). Meeting: May 15-18. 1988, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Schneider, N. P. see Miller, J. R. Shapiro, ADen M. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United States) and Nicholas, James R. Assessing the validity of the channel Schnepper, Donald see Evans, Ralph model of fracture af>erture under'field conditions: Water Resour-

ces Research. 25(5). p. 817-828, iUus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map. Schock, Susan C. (Bl. State Water Surv., Champaign, IL, United 24 ref.. May 1989. States); Mehnert, Edward and McKenna, Dennis P. Design of a sampling system for agricultural chemicals in.rural, private, water- Shapiro, Allen M. (U. S. Geol. Surv., United States); Nicholas, supply wells: in Proceedings of the Third national outdoor action James R. and deVries, M. Peter. Using hydraulic and tracer conference on Aquifer restoration, ground water monitoring and tests to identify spatial heterogeneity of transmissivity in an areally geophysical methods (Association of Ground Water Scientists and extensive fracture [abstr.]: in Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, Engineers). Proceedings of the National Outdoor Action Con- problems, and practical applications. Ground Water, 27(5), p. 722, ference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Ge- 1989. Meeting: Oct. 30-Nov. 1. 1989. Houston, TX, United ophysical Methods, 3, p. 477-483, illus. incl. 1 table, sketch map, States. 7 ref., 1989. Meeting; May 22-25, 1989. Orlando, PL, United States. Shaver, Robert H. (Indiana Geol. Surv., Bloomington, IN, United States) and Sunderman, Jack A. Silurian seascapes; water depth, Schock, Susan C. see also McKenna, Dennis P. clinothems, reef geometry, and other motifs; a critical review of the SDurian reef model: Geological Society of America BuUetin, Schram, Frederick R. (San Diego Nat. Hist. Mus., Dep. Paleon- 101(7). p. 939-951, illus. incl. sects., sketch map, 94 ref., July tol., San Diego, CA, United States). Designation of a new name 1989. and tyjje for the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian, Francis Creek Shale) tannidacean [abstr.]: Journal of Paleontology, 63(4), p. 536, 3 Shaw, T. H. (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL. United ref., July 1989. new names, revision States); Norby, R. D. and Sargent, M. L. Lower Ordovician

Schubert, Jeffrey P. see Durham, Lisa A. conodonts from the Shakojjee Dolomite (upper Prairie du Chien Group) in southwestern Dlinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of Section; abstracts Schuberth, Christopher J. (Dl. State Mus., Springfield, IL, United America, 22nd annual meeting, North-Central Slates). A view of the past; an introduction to Illinois geology: with programs 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geologicni Society of America, March 1988. Meeting: 21-22, m. State Mus., Springfield, IL, United States. 181 p.. illus., 1986. 20(5), p. 388, Apr ISBN: 0-89792-104-6. 1988, Akron, OH, United States.

Schwcrt, Donald P. see Frest, Terrence J. Shaw, Thomas H. (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, DL, United States) and Sargent, Michael L. Catalog of cores from the sub-

Seigley, Lynette Sue. Origin of cherts in the Burlington Lime- GiUena Group in Dlinois: Dlinois Petroleum, Rep. No. 132, 30 p., stone (lower Middle Mississippian) of southeastern Iowa and iDus. incl. sketch maps, 1989. western Illinois: 119 p., 94 ref.. Master's, 1987. Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City. lA. SUUman, S. (Univ. Notre Dame, Dep. Civ. Eng., Notre Dame, ID< United States) and Robinson, R. Identifying fracture intercon-

Scitz, Wesley D. see Dumsday, Robert G. nections between boreholes using natural temperature profiling; I,

20 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology SiUiman • Striegl

Conceptual basis: Ground Water, 393-402, illus. inci. 27(3). p. StafTord, Mark R. Hydrogeology. groundwater chemistry, and sketch map. 35 ref.. June 1989. resistivity of a contaminated shallow aquifer system in southern

Bond County. Illinois: 167 p.. 44 ref.. Master's, 1987, Southern SUUman, Stephen E. (Univ. Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United Dlinois Univ., Curbondale. IL. States) and Martin, Elizabeth. Directional aperture estimates derived from single fracture hydraulic and tracer tests in a fractured Stall, John B. (John B. Stall. Urbana. IL. United States). Upland dolomite [abstr.]: in Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, erosion and downstream sediment delivery: in International con- problems, and practical applications. Ground Water, 27(5), p. 728, ference on soil erosion and conservation. "Malama Aina 83" (El- 1989. Meeting: Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1989, Houston, TX, United Swaify. Samir Aly, editor; et al.). Soil Conserv. Soc. Am.. States. Ajikcny. lA, United Stales, p. 200-205. illus. incl. 1 table. 6 ref., 1985. Meeting: Jan. 16-22. 1983. Honolulu, HI, United States. Simmers, J. W. (U. S. Aimy Eng. Waterw. Exper. Stn., Vick- sbury, MS, United States); Wilhelm, G. S.; Marquenie, J. M.; Stanke, Faith Alane. Fluvial geomoiphology of two contrasting Rhett, R. G. and Kay, S. H. Reclamation of pyiitic mine spoil tributaries of the Vermilion River, east-central Dlinois: Master's, using contaminated dredged material: in Environmental manage- 1988. Univ. of DUnois. Urbana. IL. ment of solid waste; dredged material and mine tailings (Salomons, Stelner.J.S. see Olson, K. R. Wim, editor et al.). Springer-Verlag, New York, United States, p. 208-223. illus. incl. 8 tables, 9 ref., 1988. Steinhardt, G. C. see Franzmeier, D. P.

Singh, H. (Savannah State Coll., Biol. Dep., Savannah. GA, Stensland, Gary J. see Brown, Louis United States) and Marshall, J. S. A preliminary assessment of Pu concentrations in o stream near Argonne National Stidd, Benton M. (West. Dl. Univ., Dep. Biol. Sci., Macomb. IL, Laboratory: Health Physics, 32(3). p. 195-198, 3 tables, 10 ref., United States). A new meduilosan pollen organ [abstr.]: in March 1977. Botanical Society of America, 1988 annual meeting; abstracts (Bas- kin. Jerry M.. convener). American Journal of Botany. 75(6. Part

Shigh, Krlshan P. (Dl. State Water Surv., Champaign, IL, United 2). p. 117. June 1988. Meeting: 1988 annual meeting of the States) and Durgunoglu, AIL A new method for estimating future Botanical Society of America. Aug. 14-18. 1988. Davis. CA, reservoir storage capacities: Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana), United States.

25(2). p. 263-274. Ulus. incl. 4 tables. 7 ref., April 1989. Stock, Leon M. (Univ. Chicago. Dep. Qiem..Chicago.IL. United States). Elemental sulfur in coal [abstr.]: in Abstracts of paf>ers; Smith, Lisa R. (111. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United 197th ACS national meeting. Abstracts of Papers - American States); McKay, E. Donald; Krumm, Robert R.; Pool, Robert Chemical Society. National Meeting. 197, p. GEOC 15. 1989. R. and Hickman, Daniel. Siting a low-level radioactive waste Meeting: Apr. 9-14, 1989, Dallas, TX, United States. disposal facility in Illinois; a GIS approach [abstr.]: in GIS; in- tegrating technology and geoscience applications (Thomas. Hugo Stohr, C. J. see Herzog, Beverly L. F.. chairperson). Natl. Acad. Sci.. Washington. DC. United

States, p. 66-67. 1988. Meeting: Sept. 26-30. 1988, Denver, CO, Stohr, Christopher J. (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL.

United States. United States); Su, W. J.; DiiMontelle, Paul B. and Griffin, Robert A. Remote sensing investigations at a hazardous waste Smith, Lisa R. see also Krumm, Robert R. landfiU [abstr.]: in Association of Engineering Geologists 31st annual meeting; abstracts and program; Exploration methods and applications, new and revisited (Bryson, WiUiam. chairperson). — see also Pool, Robert R. Program - Association of Engineering Geologists, National Meet-

ing. 31, p. 59, 1988. Meeting: Oct. 16-21, 1988, Kansas City, Sohn, I. G. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Washington, DC, United States). MO. United States. Revision of the Late Mississippian new ostracode genera in Coryell and Johnson 1939: Micropaleontology, 34(1). p. 52-62. illus. Stohr, Christopher J. see also Su. Wen-June incl. 2 tables, 2 plates, 41 ref., March 30, 1988. Street, R. (Univ. Kentucky. Dep. Geol. Sci., Lexingloii. KY. United States); Zekulln, A.; Jones, D. and Mln, G. A prelimi- Sonnenberg, Frank P. see Thomas, Gilbert E. nary report on the variability in the particle velocity recordings of the June 10, 1987 southeastern Illinois earthquake: Seismological Sph-akis, Charles S. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO. United Research Letters, 59(3). p. 91-97. 1988. States) and Heyl, Allen V. A possible mechanism for fluorite precipitation in the southern Dlinois- Kentucky fluorspar district Striegl, Robert G.(U. S. Geol. Surv.. Urbana, IL, United States). [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America. 1987 annual meeting Distribution of gases in the unsaturated zone at a low-level radioac- and exposition (Dickinson, William R.. chairperson). Abstracts tive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Dlinois: Water-Resources with Programs - Geological Society of America, 19(7), p. 853, Investigations, U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United Slates, Rep. 1987. Meeting: Oct. 26-29, 1987, Phoenix, United States. AZ. No. WRI 88-4025, 69 p., iUus. incl. 10 tables, sketch maps, 26 ref.. 1988. Available from: U. S. Geol. Surv.. Denver. CO. Spry, Paul G. see Koellner. Mark S. United States.

Bibliography 21 Striegl • Treworgy

Striegl, Robert G. Exchange and transport of 14-carbon dioxide Tangchawal, Sanga. Engineering properties and clay mineralogy

in the unsaturated zone: 175 p.. Doctoral. 1988, Univ. of Wiscon- of Illinois coal-mine roof shales and underclays: 248 p.. Doctoral, sin, Madison. WL Available front: Univ. Microfilms, Ann Aibor, 1988, Univ. of Missouri, RoUa. MO. Available from: Univ. MI. United States. Microfilms, Ann Aibor, MI, United States.

Striegl, Robert G. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. United States). Gases in Taylor, Gall (HI. State Water Surv., Champaign. EL, United tlie unsaturated zone: in Results of hydrologic research at a low- States). Erosion and sedimentation; a threat to our water resour- level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield. Illinois (Ryan, ces: 11 p., illus., April 1983. Available from: III. Dep. Energy Barbara J., editor). Open-File Report (United States Geological and Nat. Resour., Champaign, IL, United States. Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol. Surv.. Reston, VA. United States, Rep. No. OF 88-0318, p. 69-79, Ulus., 1989. Available from: U. S. Taylor, J. R. see Mitsch, W. J. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States.

Taylor, K. B. (St. Louis Univ., Dep. Earth and Atmos. Sci., St. Striegl, Robert G. (U. S. Geol. Surv.. Lakewood, CO, United Louis, MO. United States) and Hermann, R. B. Tlie Cairo. Il- States). Suspended sediment and metals removal from urban linois earthquake swami of 1983-1984 [abstr.]: in 60th annual runoff by a small lake: Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana), 23(6), meeting, Seismological Society of America, Eastern Section; pro- p. 985-996, illus. incl. 11 tables, sketch map, 21 ref., December gram, abstracts and minutes. Seismological Research Letters, 1987. 59(3), p. 108, 1988. Meeting: October 12-14, 1988, State College, PA, United States. Striegl, Robert G. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Resour. Div., Ur- banaJL, United States); Healy, R. W. and Ishll, A. L. Geo- Thomas, Andrew R. (Texaco, New Orleans, LA, United States) chemistry and transport of CO2 near buried low-level radioactive and Murray, Haydn H. Clay mineral segregation by flocculation waste [abstr.]: in 196th ACS national meeting (American Chemi- in the Porters Creek Formation: Clays and Clay Minerals, 37(2), cal Society). Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society. p. 179-184, illus. incl. strat. col., geol. sketch maps, 28 ref., National Meeting. 196. p. GEOC 106. 1988. Meeting: Sept. 25- April 1989. 30. 1988, Los Angeles, CA, United States. v^

Sturrock, A. M., Jr. see Healy, R. W. Thomas, Gilbert E. (Thomas & Assoc, Denver, CO, United States); Sonnenberg, Frank P. and Hulse, William. A

Su, W. J. see Herzog, Beverly L. paleotopographic approach to the Silurian reefs of the Illinois Basin: Oil and Gas Journal, 87(17), p. 78-84, iUus. incl. sect., sketch — see Stohr, Christopher J. maps. 5 ref., April 24, 1989.

Su, Wen-June (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United Trask, C. Brian (HI. State Geol. Surv., Champaign, IL, United States); DuMonteile, Paul B.; Brutcher, David F.; Krapac, Ivan States). Cyclothems in the Carbondale Fomiation (Pennsylvanian; G. and Morse, Walter Evaluation of five Illinois soils for J. Desmoinesian Series) of La Salle County, Illinois: in North- earthen liners [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, 22nd central section of the Geological Society of America (Biggs, Donald annual meeting, North-Central Section; abstracts with programs L., editor), in the collection Centennial field guides. Geol. Soc. 1988. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Am., Boulder, CO, United States, 3, p. 221-226, illus. incl. strat. 20(5), p. 391, March 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22, 1988, Akron. cols., sketch maps, 16 ref., 1987. (Decade North Am. Geol. Proj.). OH. United States.

Trask, C. Brian (El. State Geol. Surv., Qiampaign, EL, United Su, Wen-June (El. State Geol. Surv., Champaign. IL, United States) and Harvey, Richard D. Coal data available on-line at the States); Stohr, Christopher J. and DuMonteile, Paul B. Deter- Illinois Geological Survey [abstr.]: in Geological Society of mination of true orientation for tiltmeters and its application to America, North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts trench cover movement [abstr.]: in Association of Engineering with Programs - Geological Society of America, 21(4), p. 50, Geologists 31st annual meeting; abstracts and program; Exploration March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21. 1989, Notre, Dame, IN, United methods and af)plications, new and revisited (Bryson, William, States. chaiqjerson). Program - Association of Engineering Geologists,

National Meeting. 31, p. 59-60,1988. Meeting: Oct. 16-21,1988, Trask, C. Brian (111. State Geol. Surv.. Champaign, IL. United Kansas City, MO, United States. States) and ICllley, Myrna M. Differentiating a conlimiou.s sand body from isolated a geotechnical investigation Sunderman, Jack A. see Shaver, Robert H. sand lenses during for a proposed 7 GeV synchrotron at Argonne National Laboratory.

Sutherland, Patrick K. see Manger, Walter L. Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geologi-

SzafonI, Diane (111. Nat. Hist. Surv., Sect. Bot. and Plant cal Society of America. 21(4). p. 50, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. Pathol., Champaign, IL, United States); Grunwald, Claus and 20-21. 1989, Notre Dame, IN. United States.

Iverson, Louis. Illinois barren longwall mine waste, fifty years after abandonment: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Trask, C. Brian see also Killey, Myma M.

Science, 81(1-2). p. 113-130, illus. incl. 6 tables, sketch map. 33 ref., 1988. Treworgy, C. G. see Hindman. C. A.

22 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Treworgy • Weis miller

Treworgy, Colin (El. State Geo!. Surv., Champaign, IL, Uoited Voelker, David C. (U. S. Geol. Surv., Urbana, IL, United States);

States) and Bargb, Margaret. Use of a CIS as a tool for geologic Oberg, Daniel J. and Grober, Mary J. Water-quality data for mapping and analysis [abstr.]: in CIS; integrating technology and the observation-well network in Illinois, 1985-87: Open-File geoscience applications (Tliomas, Hugo P., chairperson), Natl. Report (United States Geological Survey. 1978), U.S. Geol.

Acad. Sci.. Washington, DC. United States, p. 29-30.1988. Meet- Surv., Reston, VA, United States. Rep. No. OF 87-0538, 725 p., ing: Sept. 26-30, 1988. Denver. CO, United States. illus. incl. 8 tables, sketch map, 6 ref., 1988. Available from: U. S. Gcol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States. Prepared in coopera- Troost, Kathy Goetz see Curry, B. Brandon tion with HI. Environ. Prot. Agency.

UhUr, David M. see Kvale,ErikP. Wang, H. F. see Jang, B. A.

University of DUnols, Water Resources Center. Fiscal year Ward, CoUn R. (Univ. N.S.W., Dep. Appl. Geol., Kensington. 1987 program report: Annual Report - University of Illinois at N.S.W., Australia). Minerals in bituminous coals of the Sydney

Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center, 23, 30 p., illus., Sep- Basin (Australia) and the Illinois Basin (U.S.A.): in Coal; clas- tember 1988. (Prep, for U. S. Gcol. Surv., Report No. G1420- sification, coalification, mineralogy, trace-element chemistry, and

01). Lidividual paper within scope is cited separately. oil and gas potential (Lyons, Paul C, editor; ct al.). Intemationai

Journal of Coal Geology, 13(1-4), p. 455-479, illus. incl. 2 tables,

Utgaard, John E. (South. El. Univ., Dep. Geol., Carbondale, IL, sketch maps, 63 ref., July 1989. United Slates); O'Conneil, Dennis B.; Cleaveland, Thomas H. and Bird, Shane R. Paleoecology applied to coal geology; the Warren, Robert E. (Dl. State Mus., Springfield, IL, United relationship of the distribution of biofacies in the Brereton Lime- States). Geology, paleobiology, and archaeology of the Tonica stone Member (Carbondale Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian) to Thermokarst, north-central Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society variability in coal-mine roof strata, southwestern Illinois [abstr.]: of America, Noith-Central Section. 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts in Geological Society of America, 22nd annual meeting, North- with Programs - Geological Society of America. 21(4). p. 51. Central Section; abstracts with programs 1988. Abstracts with March 1989. Meeting: Apr. 20-21. 1989. Notre Dame. IN. United

Programs - Geological Society of America, 20(5), p. 393, March States. -^ 1988. Meeting: Apr. 21-22. 1988, Akron, OH, United States. Warren, Robert E. (Dl. State Mus., Springfield, BL, United States)

Vagt, Peter J. (Warzyn Eng., Chicago, IL, United States). Ran- and Ferguson, Jacqueline A. Prehistoric settlement and dom Walk versus MOC: in Solving ground water problems with Holocene environmental change in the Tonica region, north-central models (National Water Well Association). Natl. Water Well Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, North-Central

Assoc., Dublin, OH, United States, p. 843-867, illus. incl. 1 table, Section, 23rd annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geologi- sect., sketch maps, 9 ref., 1989. Meeting: Fourth international con- cal Society of America, 21(4), p. 51, March 1989. Meeting: Apr. ference on the use of models to analyze and find working solutions 20-21, 1989, Notre Dame, IN, United States. to ground water problems, Feb. 7-9, 1989, Indianapolis, IN, United States. Weaverllng, Paul Harrison. Early Paleozoic tectonic and sedi- mentary evolution of the Reelfoot-Rough Creek rift system. Mid-

Valden, R. C. see Graese. A. M. continent, U. S.: 116 p., illus. incl. 8 plates, sects., 87 ref.. Master's, 1987, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Valden, Robert C. see Kempton, John P. Welbel, C. Plus (Dl. State Geol. Surv., Champoign, EL, United Van Scoyoc, George E. see Weismiller. Richard A. States). Diagenetic features in transgressive limestones suggest minor regressions in Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothem, Illinois Basin Vanden Heuvel, R. M. see Mulvaney. R. L. [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America 1988 centennial celebration. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of Venkataraman R., Ravi (Univ. HI.. Dep. Agric. Econ., Cham- America, 20(7), p. 165, 1988. Meeting: Oct. 31 -Nov. 3. 1988. paign, IL, United States) and Johnson, Gary V. Impact of risk Denver, Co, United States. and planning horizons on the selection of soil conservation manage- ment systems: in Proceedings of the Symposium on nonpoint Welbel, C. Pius; Reinertsen, David L. and Reed, PhUlp C. pollution; 1988, policy, economy, management, and appropriate Guide to the geology of the Newton area, Jasper County; geological

technology (Novotny, Vladimir, editor). American Water Resour- science field trip: Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illijiois Stale Geologi- ces Association Technical Publication Series TPS. 4, p. 107-116, cal Survey, 1989A, 30 p., sects., strat. cols., block dings., sketch ilJus. incl. 4 tables, 8 ref.. November 1988. Meeting: Nov. 1988, maps, 23 ref., April 15, 1989. Milwaukee, WL United States. Welbel, Carl Plus. Stratigraphy, depositional history, and Voelker, David C. (U. S. Geol. Surv., UAana.IL, United States). brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of east-central Illinois:

Quolity of water from public-supply wells in principal aquifers of 257 p., Doctoral, 1988, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL. Available Illinois, 1984-87: Water-Resources Investigations, U.S. Geol. from: Univ. Microfilms, Arm Arbor, MI, United States.

Surv., Reston, VA, United States, Rep. No. WRI 88-4111. 29 p.. 2,756 anal., 11 tables, sketch maps, 25 ref., 1989. Available from: WelsmlUer, Richard A. (Univ. Md., Dep. Agron., College Park, U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States. (Prepared in MD, United States); Van Scoyoc, George E.; Pazar, Steven E.; cooperation with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency). Latz, Kathleen and Baumgardner, Marlon F. Use ol soil and

Bibliography 23 Weiss • Zeitner

in International spectral properties for monitoring soil erosion: WInans, Randall E. (Argonne Natl. Lab., Chem. Div., Argonne, 83" conference on soil erosion and conservation, "Malama Aina IL. United States); MehilcolT, P. E. and NeUl, P. H. Sulfur editor; et al.). Conserv. Soc. (El-Swaify, Saniir AJy, Soil Am., compounds in coals containing multiple heteroatoms [abstr.]: in Ankeny, lA. United States, p. 119-127, illus. incl. 2 tables, 13 ref., Abstracts of papers; 197th ACS national meeting. Abstracts of 1985. Meeting: Jan. 16-22. 1983, Honolulu, HI, United States. Papers - American Chemical Society. National Meeting, 197, p. GEOC 7, 1989. Meeting: Apr. 9-14, 1989, Dallas, TX, United Weiss, Joe see Yeskis, Doug States.

Weiss, Linda S. see Ritchey, Joseph D. WIsslnger, Diane E. Paleoecology and paleoenvironment of the

Wendland, Wayne M. (HI. State Water Surv., ainmpaign, IL, Brereton Limestone (Pennsylvanian, Desmoinesian) in a portion of United States). Reconstructed hydrological parameters of the Mis- the Illinois Basin: 100 p., 2 plates, 74 ref.. Master's. 1987. sissippi River since the mid-1800s from tree rings [abstr.]: in Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale. IL. International Union for Quaternary Research; XET* international congress; programme and abstracts—programme et resumes; Union Woller, Dorothy M. (111. State Water Surv.. Champaign. IL. Internationale pour I'Etude du Quatemaire; XII* congrfes interna- United States); Olson, Robert D.; Sargent, Michael L. and tional. Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Re- Sanderson, Ellis W. Public groilnd-water supplies in Livingston search, p. 287,1987. Meeting: My 31-Aug. 9, 1987, Ottawa. ON, County: Bulletin - Illinois State Water Survey. Rep. No.

Canada. ISW/BUL-60(33)/186. 37 p.. Ulus. incl. sketch maps. 1986.

Wendland, Wayne M. see also Loewenherz. Deborah S. Woller, Dorothy M. (111. State Water Surv.. Champaign. IL. United States); Sanderson, Ellis W. and Sargent, Michael L. Werren, David J. see Rschbach. John F. Public ground-water supplies in DuPage County: Bulletin - D- linois State Water Survey, Rep. No. ISWS/BUL-60(32)/186. 267 Wert, C. A. see Ge, Y. P. p., illus. incl. sketch maps. 1986.

West.L. T. see Norton, L.D. Woller, Dorothy M. (111. State Water Surv., Qiampaign. IL. Wetzel, K. (Acad. Sci. Ger. Democr. Repub.. Cent. Inst. Isot. United States); Sanderson, Ellis W.; Sargent, \Uchael L. and and Radiat. Res.. Leipzig, German Democratic Republic). Olson, Robert D. Public ground-water supplies in Knox County: Natural element and isotope separations by phase transformations: Bulletin - Dlinois State Water Survey, Rep. No. ISWS/BUL-

in Isotopes in nature (Wand, Ulrich. editor; et al.). Acad. Sci. Ger. 60(34)/88. 42 p.. illus.. 1988. Democr. Repub.. Cent. Inst. Isot. and Radiat. Res.. Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, p. 81-106. illus. incl. 6 tables. 32 Yacko, David G. see Edwards, Ronald ref., 1987. Meeting: Acad. Sci. Ger. Democr. Repub., Cent.

Inst. Isot. and Radiat. Res., fourth working meeting, Sept. 22-26, Yarbrough, Ronald E. see Powell. Larry R. 1986, Leipzig. German Democratic Republic.

Yeskis, Doug (U. S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Chicago, IL. United WTiltaker, Stephen T. Silurian pinnacle reef distribution in Il- States); Chlu, Ken; Meyers, Suzanne; Weiss, Joe and Bloom, linois; model for hydrocarbon exploration: Illinois Petroleum. Tom. A field study of various sampling devices and their effects Rep. No. 130. 32 p.. illus. incl. 1 table, sects., strat. cols., sketch on volatile organic contaminants: Proceedings of the National maps; colored econ. geol. map 1:1,000,000; colored isopach map Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration. Ground Water 1:1,000,000, 35 ref., 1988. Available from: 111. State Geol. Surv., Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, 2. p. 471-479. 2 tables. 6 Champaign, IL, United States. ref.. 1988. Meeting: May 23-26, 1988, Las Vegas, NV. United States. Whitaker, Stephen T. see also Howard, R. H.

Whitney, Helen A. see Erickson, R. L. Zeitner, June Culp. Great Lakes, great trips: Lapidary Journal, 43(1). p. 58-59. 61-62. 64, illus. incl. sketch maps, 7 ref., April Wllhclm, G. S. see Simmers, J. W. 1989.

24 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY


Missouri to southeastern Illinois (Cole, Brereton Limestone Member Robert D.) Paleoecology and palcocnvironment of the Brereton Limestone Abbolt Formation — Petrography and reservoir properties of (Pennsylvanian, Des- Cliesterian (Upper Mississippian) arcnites, moinesian) in a portion of the Illinois Basin Fluvial-dcluic deposits (Caseyvillc and Abbott southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) (Wissinger, Diane E.) formalions) of Early Pennsylvanian age ex- — Paleoecology applied to coal geology; the posed along the Pounds Escaq>menC, soulhem relationship of the distribution of biofacies in Illinois (Jacobson, Russell J.) the Brereton Limestone Member (Carbondale — Use of geophysical logs to estimate water Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian) to quality of basal Pennsylvanian sandstones, variability in coal-mine roof strata, south- southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. L., et al.) base metals see under economic geology; western Illinois (Utgaard, John E., et al.) isotopes; mineral deposits, genesis absohile age see geochronology; isotopes brown coal see lignite absolute age—dates Datestown Till melamorphic rocks: Nature and origin of potas- Evaluation of five Illinois soils for earthen Brown County—economic geology sic alteration of the Ordovician Spechta Ferry liners (Su, Wen-June, et al.) coal: Airborne time domain reflectometry Formation in the Upper Mississippi Valley Member (Ovens, Stephen) (Matthews, James Coert) Silurian pinnacle reef distribution in IHinois; sediments: Analysis of the Cache Valley depos- Brown County—geophysical surveys model for hydrocarbon exploration its in Illinois and implications regarding tlie remote sensing: Airborne time domain reflec- (Whitaker, Stephen T.) late Pleistocene-Holocene development of the tometry (Ovens, Stephen) Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) beryllium isotopes — Brown County—soils radioactive tracers: Atmospheric deposition of Soil of Illinois acoustical surveys see under geophysical surveys 7 10 maps: survey Brown County, Be and Be (Brown, Louis, et al.) under Cook County (Beming, O. V.) aerial photography see remote sensing Bryozoa set under paleontology Petrography and reservoir properties of aeromagnctic surveys see magnetic surveys Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, Bureau County—engineering geology Alexander County—geomorphology southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) waste disposal: Leachate movement through fluvial features: The Cache Valley of southern unsaturated sand at a low-level radioactive- biogeography—mollusks Illinois (Masters, John M.) waste disposal site in northwestern Illinois Quaternary: Molluscan faunal changes in die (Mills, Patrick C.) Anna Shale Lake Michigan Basin during the past 11,000 The relationship of clay fabric and roof collapse years (Miller, Barry B.) Bureau County^-environmental geology in the shales above the Hcrrin Coal, southern pollution: Distribution of gases in the un- bismuth—Isotopes Illinois (Bodus, Theresa M.) saturated zone at a low-level radioactive-waste Bi-214: Oamma-ray activity in bituminous, sub- disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Striegl, applied geophysics see geophysical surveys bituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. E.) Robert O.) aquifers see ground water Bogota Cyclothem — Oases in the unsaturated zone (Striegl, archaeology see under stratigraphy Ouide to the geology of the Newton area, Jasper Robert G.) County; geological science field trip — Water and tritium movement in the saturated archeology see archaeology (Weibel, C. Pius, et al.) zone (Healy, Richard W., et al.) areal geology reclamation: Illinois barren longwall mine Bogota Limestone Member guidebook: The Northeastern Quadrant; a waste, fifty years after abandonment Diagnetic features in transgressive limestones precise guide to more than 1,000 specific loca- (Szafoni, Diane, et al.) suggest minor regressions in Upper Pennsylva- tions including Connecticut, Delaware, Il- waste disposal: Distribution of gases in the un- nian cyclothem, Illinois Basin (Weibel, C. linois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, saturated zone at a low-level radioactive-waste Pius) Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Striegl, — Stratigraphy, depositional history, and New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Robert G.) brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin — Evaluation of groundwater monitoring east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) (Eckert, Allan W.) programs at hazardous waste disposal facilities regional: A view of the past; an introduction to Bond County—environmental geology in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly L., et al.) Illinois geology (Schuberth, Christopher J.) pollution: Hydrogeology, groundwater — Evapotranspiration and microclimate at a and resistivity of a contaminated low-level radioactive-waste disposal site in artesian waters see ground water chemistry, shallow aquifer system in southern Bond northwestern Illinois (Healy, R. W., et al.) Crustacea Arthropod a— County, Illinois (Stafford, Mark R.) — Gases in the unsaturated zone (Striegl, Pennsylvanian: Designation of a new name and Robert G.) type for the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian, — Geochemistry and transport of CO2 near Francis Creek Shale) tanaidacean (Schram, Depositional environment of the Livingston buried low-level radioactive waste (Striegl, Limestone of the Bond Formation Frederick R.) Member Robert G., et al.) near Fainnount, Vermilion County, Illinois — Hydrogeologic performance assessment of artifacts jee archaeology (Oager, Barry) the inactive commercial low-level radioactive associations j«f museums; survey organizations wa.ste disposal facility near Slwfficld. Illinois boreholes see well-logging Asteroidea see under Echinodemiata (Bergeron, Marcel P., ct al.) brachiopods—blostrntlgraphy — Microclimate, evapotranspiration, and automatic data prtKessIng see data processing Pennsvlvanian: Stratigraphy, depositional his- tritium release by plants (dcVries, M. Peter) Aux Vases Sandstone tory, and brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian — Results of hydrologic research at a low-level Deposilional facies analysis of the Aux Vases strata of east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, (Mississippian) Formation from southeastern Pius) Illinois (Ryan, Barbara J.)

Bibliography 25 Bureau County—hydrogeology

— Runoff and land modification (Gray, Jolin teichiJtycs; Dipnoi) from Mazon Creek, Il- clay mineralogy—areal studies

R.) linois, U.S.A. (Marshall, Charles R.) Illinois: Absence of Altonian glaciation in Il- — Seepage through a hazardous-waste trench — Cyclothems in the Carbondale Formation linois (Curry, B. Brandon) cover (Healy, R. W.) (Pennsyivanian; Desmoinesian Series) of La — Clay mineral segregation by flocculation in — Water and tritium movement in the saturated Salle County, Illinois (Trask, C. Brian) the Porters Creek Formation (Thomas, zone (Hcaly, Richard W., et al.) — Paleoccology and paleoenvironment of the Andrew R.) — Water and tritium movement in the un- BreretorL Limestone (Pennsyivanian, Des- — Engineering properties and clay mineralogy saturated zone (Mills, Patrick C.) moinesian) in a portion of the Illinois Basin of Illinois coal-mine roof shales and undcrclays — Water balance at a low-level radioactive- (Wissingcr, Diane E.) (Tangchawal, Sanga) waste disposal site (Healy, Richard W., et al.) — The monster of Illinois; paleontology and — Fluvial geomorphology of two contrasting — Water chemistry (Peters, Charles A.) politics (Carman, Mary R.) tributaries of the Vermilion River, east-central — Water movement through a trench cover — The naming of the Tully Monster (Koncc- Illinois (Stanke, Faith Alane) (Healy. Richard W.) ny, Jim) Johnson County: Analysis of the Cache Valley — Vegclational history of the Springfield Coal deposits in Illinois and implications regarding Bureau County—liydrogcology (Middle Pennsyivanian of Illinois) and dis- the late Pleistocene-Holocene development of ground water: Evaluation of groundwater tribution patterns of a tree-fern miospore, tlie Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- Thymospora pscudolhiesscnii, based on mio- al.) posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly spore profiles (Mahaffy, James F.) Massac County: Analysis of the Cache Valley L.,etal.) deposits in Illinois and implications regarding — Exchange and transport of 14-carbon dioxide Carboniferous see Mississippian; Pennsyivanian the late Pleistocene-Holocene development of in the uiuaturaled zone (Striegl, Robert O.) Carroll County—areal geology tlie Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et Burlington Limestone Savanna Illinois: Guide to the geology of the al.) Origin of cherts in the Burlington Limestone Savanna area, Carroll and Jo Daviess counties Pulaski County: Analysis of the Cache Valley (lower Middle Mississippian) of southeastern (Reinertsen, David L.) deposits in Illinois and implications regarding Iowa and western Illinois (Seiglcy, Lyncttc tlie late Pleistocene-Holocene development of cartography see maps Sue) the Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et — Regional dolomitization of shelf carbonates Caseyville Formation al.) in the Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Missis- Fluvial-deltaic deposits (Caseyville and Abbott clay mineralogy—experimental studies sippian), Illinois and Missouri; constraints formatioivs) of Early Pennsyivanian age ex- data: influence of disag- from cathodoluminescent zonal stratigraphy posed along the Pounds Escarpment, southern X-ray diffraction The gregation methods on X-ray diffraction of clay (Cander, H. S., et al.) Illinois (Jacobson, Russell J.) miiteral^ (Huang, Scott L.) — Water-rock interaction history of regionally — Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary, extensive dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk southern Midcontinent; conformity or discon- Clayton Formatton Formation (Mississippian); isotopic evideiKe formity; conodont biofacics or biostratig- Paleoccnc foraminifera from southern Illinois; (Banner, J. L., ct al.) raphy? (Manger, Walter L.) biostratigraphy and paleoecology — Tidal influence in an upper Caseyville (Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr.) (Lower Pennsyivanian) gilbert-type deltaic se- quence, soutiiem Illinois (Kvale, Erik P.) Clore Limestone Use of geophysical logs to estimate water — Carbonate petrology, paleoecology, and deposi- Cahokia Alluvium quality of basal Pennsyivanian sandstones, tional environments of tlic Clorc Formation southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. L., et al.) Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois (upper Chesterian) in southern Illinois and implications regarding the late Pleis- Cenozoic see Holocene; Paleogene; Pleistocene; (Abegg, Frederick E.) tocene-Holocene development of the Ohio Quaternary — Revision of the Late Mississippian new River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) ostracodc genera in Coryell and Johnson 1939 Cephalopoda see under Mollusca — Stack unit mapping and Quaternary history (Sohn, I.G.) Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, southern Il- Champaign County—engineering geology linois (Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow) coal see under economic geology; geochemistry waste disposal: Hydrogen peroxide treatment of — The Quaternary history of the lower Cache see lignite septic systems and its negative effects on shal- River valley, southern Illinois (Hughes, Wil- see under economic geology under Brown County low ground water (Bicki, Thomas J.) liam Brian) see under geochemistry under data processing Champaign County—hydrogeology see under organic residues under sedimentary carbon—isotopes ground water: Hydrogen peroxide treatment of rocks C-13/C-J2: A study of the fluid inclusion, stable septic systems and its rwgative effects on shal- isotope andmineralogicalcharacteristicsof the low ground water (Bicki, Thomas J.) coal geochemistry Denton fluorspar deposit, Cave-in-Rock, Il- — level radioactive isotopes: Gamma-ray activity in linois (Koellner, Mark S.) changes of see under geomorphology bituminous, subbituminous and lignite coals — Petrology of fault-related diagenetic features chemical analysis methods — (Barber, D. E.) in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of Ilie Plum neutron activation analysis: Comparison of River fault zone, eastern Iowa and Northwest spectral gamma ray (SGR) well logging data Colchester Coal Member Illinois (Ludvigson, Gregory Alan) with instrumental neutron activation analysis Coal data available on-line al the Illinois Stable isotope systematics in the — Illinois- (INAA) data for rock types in northern Illinois Geological Survey (Trask, C. Brian) Kentucky fluorspar district (Jones, Henry D.) (Gendron, Craig R., et al.) — Origin of py rite nodules in tlic St. Peter Sand- — Water-rock interaction history of regionally stone, Buffalo Rock State Park, Illinois extensive dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk Clark County geomorphology — (Kirchner, James Gary) Formation (Mississippian); isotopic evidence glacial geology: Regional Quaternary geology of western Clark County, Illinois (Curry, B. (Banner, J. L., et al.) computer applications see data processing Brandon, al.) C-14: Exchange and transport of 14-carbon et dioxide in the unsaturated zone (Striegl, clastic rocks see under sedimentary rocks conservation see under environmental geology Robert G.) see land use; reclamation clastic sediments see under sediments see under environmental geology under Cook carbonate rocka see under sedimentary rocks Clay County—environmental geology County; data processing; DuPage County; Kane Carbondale Formation pollution: Case studies of oil field brine con- County; Lake County; McHenry County; Will A large, well preserved specimen of the Middle tamination at two holding ponds in Clay Coun- County

Pennsyivanian lungfish Conchopmaedesi (C>s- ty, Illinois (Hcnscl, Bruce R.) see under soils

26 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Cook County—areal gcologj — Identifying fracture interconnections be- data processing—environmental geology guidebook: Park Kidgc-North Shore area; Cook tween boreholes using natural temperature conservation: A model for quantifying incen- and Lake counties (Reinertsen, David L.) profiling; I, CoiKeptual basis (Silliman, S.) tive payments for soil conservation in cropping — Interpretation of oscillatory water levels in regions subject to water erosion (Dumsday, Cook County—economic geology observation wells during aquifer tests in frac- Roberto.) resources; tured rock (Shapiro, Allen M.) water Evaluating bioavailability of — Geographic information systems and natural neutral organic chemicals in sediments; a — Water-level trends and pumpage in the con- resource issues at the slate level (Risser, Paul Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers in the fined disposal facility case study (Clarke, O.) Chicago region. 1980-1985 (Sasman, R. T., Joan U., ct al.) pollution: Random Walk versus MOC (Vagt, etal.) — Oroundwater management in nortlieasteiTi Il- Peter J.) hydrology: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil linois; will a non-regulatory approach be suc- materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory data processing geochemistry cessful? (Injerd, Dan) — studies (Krapac, I. O.. et al.) coal: The Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program; Cook County—engineering geology Cook County—sedimentary petrok>gy status and sample characterization (Harvey, sliorelines: Examination of nearshore Richard D.) reefs: llic Silurian reef at Tliomlon, Illinois bathymetry and shore-defense structures along (Mikulic, Donald G.) data processing geophysical surveys Chicago's northsidc lakefront (Chrzas- — remote sensing: Regional aerial gamma-ray towski, Michael J.) Cook County—stratigraphy maps for Illinois and parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, — Preliminary sidescan-sonar investigation of Quaternary: Age, stratigraphic position, and Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky shore-defense structures along Chicago's significance of the Lemont Drift, northeastern (Duval, Joseph S.) northside lake front; Wilson Avenue Oroin to Illinois (Johnson, W. Hilton) — Thematic mapper-based areal land-cover as- Ohio Street Beach (Chrzastowski, Michael Silurian: The Silurian reef at Thornton, Illinois sessment; a comparative study of principal J.) (Mikulic, Donald G.) component analysis with factor analysis Crawford County—economic geology Cook County—environmental geology (Lee. Jae K.) petroleum: Hydrocarbon accumulation in a conservation: Groundwater management in data processing palcovalley at Mississippian-Pennsylvanian —liydrogeology northeastern Illinois: will a non-regulatory ap- unconformity near Hardinville, Crawford hydrology: Hydrology and sedimentology proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) modeling Illinois agricultural watersheds County, Illinois; a model paleogeomorphic on land use: Thematic mapper-based areal land- trap (Howard, R. H.) (Ewing, Loyd K.) cover assessment; a comparative study of prin- De Kalb areal geology cipal component analysis with factor analysis Crawford County—environmental geology County— regional: the proposed site (Lee, Jae K.) waste disposal: Evaluation of groundwater Applied geology of for the superconducting supercollider in pollution: Assessing the validity of the channel monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- (SSQ Illinois (Kcmpton, John P., ct al.) model of fracture aperture under field condi- posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly tions (Shapiro, Allen M.) L., ct al.) De Kalb County—engineering geology — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials tunnels: Disposal alternatives for material to be on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies Crawford County—hydrogeok>gy ground water: Evaluation of groundwater excavated from the proposed site of the super- (ICrapac, I. O., et al.) conducting supercollider in Illinois (Curran, — Lake Michigan water levels, geologic data monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- L. M.,etal.) and public policy in Illinois (Collinson, posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly — Gcological-gcotcchnical studies for siting Charles) L., et al.) tlie superconducting super collider in Illinois; waste disposal: Evaluating bioavailability of Crawford County—stratigraphy regional summary (Graese, A. M., et al.) neutral organic chemicals in sediments; a con- Pennsylvanian: Hydrocarbon accumulation in a underground installations: Disposal alterna- fined disposal facility case study (Clarke, paleovalley at Mississippian-Pennsylvanian tives for material to be excavated from the Joan U., el al.) unconformity near Hardinville, Crawford proposed site of the superconducting super col- — Evaluation of groundwater monitoring County, Illinois; a model paleogeomorphic lider in Illinois (Curran, L. M., et al.) programs at hazardous waste disposal facilities trap (Howard, R. H.) — Geological program to site the superconduct- in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly L., et al.) ing super collider in Illinois (Leighton, Mor- crust see under tectonophysics under North ris W., etal.) Cook County geomorphology America — Use of a geographic information system to crypioexplosion features: Shatter cones and — optimize siting of the superconducting super other shock effects at Des Plaines, Illinois; Crustacea see under Artliropoda collider in Illinois (Gross, David L., cl al.) evidence for mctcoroid impact (McHonc, Cypress Sandstone John F., ct al.) De Kalb County environmental geology Petrography and reservoir properties of — maps: Maps showing the bottom topography of impact statements: Potential impact of material Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, the Chicago near-northside lake front to be excavated from the Illinois SSC tunnel on southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) (Schlcc, J. S., et al.) surface water and groundwater resources — Preliminary reservoir characterization of a (Krapac, I. G., el al.) Cook County geophysical surveys Chesterian Cypress Sandstone in Illinois Basin — pollution: Impact of dolomite and .shale spoil acoustical surveys: Preliminary sidescan-sonar (Seyler, Beverly) materials on Illinois water quality: laboratory investigation of shore -defense structures along studies (Krapac, I. G., et al.) Chicago 's northside lake front; Wilson Avenue Oroin to Ohio Street Beach (Quzastowski, De Kalb County—hydrogeology Michael J.) hydrology: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil remote sensing: Thematic mapper-based areal dams see reservoirs materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory land-cover assessment; a comparative study of studies (Krapac, I. G., et al.) principal component analysis with factor anal- data processing—engineering geology ysis (Lee, Jae K.) land subsidence: Use of a geographic informa- Petrography and reservoir properties of tion system to evaluate the potential for Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, Cook County—hydrogeology damage from subsidence of underground southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) ground water: Evaluation of groundwater mines in Illinois (Hindman, C. A.) monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- waste disposal: Dclcrminalion of true orienta- deposition of ores see mineral deposits, genesis posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly tion for tiltmeters and its application to trench

L., et ai.) cover movcnKnt (Su, Wen-June, et al.) deuterium see tritium

Bibliography 27 diagenesis—cementation

Devonian see under stratigraphy under Douglas Du Page County—environmental geology coal: Coal data available on-liiK at the Illinois County conservation: Groundwater management in Geological Survey (Trask, C. Brian) northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- — Minerals in bituminous coals of the Sydney diagenesb see under sedimentary petrology proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) Basin (Australia) and the Illinois Basin see sedimentation 239 240r\ pollution: A preliminary assessment of '^Tu (U.S,A.) (Ward, Colin R.) concentrations in a stream near Argonne Na- — The form-of-occurrence of chlorine in U.S. d (agenesis—c«mefltatIon tional Laboratory (Singh, H.) coals; an XAFS investigation (Huggins, larhonale rocks: Petrology of fault-related — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials Frank E., et al.) diagenetic features in the Paleozoic carbonate on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies fluorspar: A possible mechanism for fluorite rocks of the Plum River fault zone, eastern (Krapac, I. G., et al.) precipitation in the southern Illinois-Kentucky Iowa and Northwest Illinois (Ludvigson, — Suspended sediment and metals removal fluorspar district (Spirakis, Charles S.) Gregory Alan) from urban runoff by a small lake (Striegl, — Chemicid and thennal changes in tlie ore silica: Origin of chcrti in the Burlington Lime- Robert G.) fluid during deposition at the Denton Mine, stone (lower Middle Mississippian) of waste disposal: Infiltration, soil moisture, and Cave-ln-Rock fluorspar district, Illinois southeastern Iowa and western Illinois related measurements at a landfill with a frac- (Kocllner, Marks., etal.) (Seigley, Lynetle Sue) tured cover, Illinois (Booth, Colin J.) lead ores: Anomalous Mississippi Valley leads; diagenesis—dolomlHzatlon another suggestion (Millen, Timothy M., et Du Page County geophysical surveys rock-water interface: Water-rock interaction — al.) well-logging: Comparison of spectral gamma history of regionally extensive dolomites of the ray (SGR) well logging data with instrumental lead-zinc deposits: Contrasting sulfur sources Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Mississip- neutron activation analysis (INAA) data for for lower versus upper Midcontinent mississip- pian); isotopic evidence (Banner, J. L., et ai.) rock types in northern Illinois (Gendron, pi valley-type ores; implications for ore genesis dolomitization shelf environment: Regional of (Goldhaber, Martin B.) Craig R.. ct al.) shelf carbonates in the Burlington-Keokuk — The ; potential source of Formation (Mississippian), Illinois and Mis- Du Page County hydrogeology — brines for the main-stage MVT mineralization souri: constraints from cathodoluminescent hydrology: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil in the Cave-in-Rock District, Illinois-Ken- zonal stratigraphy (Cander, H. S., et al.) materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory tucky (Furman, F. C, et al.) studies (Krapac, I. G., et al.) d lagenesIs—environment metal ores: Geochemical anomalies and sulfur anaerobic environment: Origin of pyritc Dykersburg Shale isotope systematics of UpperCambrianclastics nodules in the St. Peter Sandstone, Buffalo Relationship between horizontal stresses and in the Midcontinent; relation to ore fluid move- Rock State Park, Illinois (Kirchner, James geologic anomalies in two coal mines in ment (Mosier, Elwin L., et al.) Gary) southern Illinois (Ingram, David K.) petroletuni A paleotopographic approach to the Silurian reefs of tlie Illinois Basin (Thomas, materials diagenesis— Gilbert E., etal.) sandstone: St. Peter Sandstone; a closer look ; — Magnetic anomalies and crude oil discussion and reply (Johnson, C. B., et al.) biodegradation (McCabe, Chad) — Oil and gas developments in Illinois, 1986 d lagenesls—processes earthquakes see engineering geology (Hull, Bryan G.) alteration: Potassic diagenesis of Cambrian see under engineering geology under United Paleo-highs may be key to deeper production sandstones and Precambrian granitic basement States — (Davis, Harold G.) in UPH-3 deep hole. Upper Mississippi Valley, see under seismology — Popular haunts still draw a crowd (Mas- U.Sj\. (Duffin, Michael E., et al.) Echlnodermata see under paleontology lowski, Andy) pressure solution: Petrography and reservoir properties of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Echlnodermata—AsteroMea — Rock-Eval data relating to oil-source poten- arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert Mississippian: Two new multiarmed Paleozoic tial of shales of New Albany Group (Devonian- V.) (Mississippian) asteroids (Echinodennata) and Mississippian) in Illinois Basin (Chou, some paleobiologic implications (Blake, Mei-in M., etal.) diastrophism see tectonics Daniel B.) — Silurian pinnacle reef distribution in Illinois; dolomitization see under diagenesis model for hydrocarbon exploration ecology—In terpretatlon (Whitaker, Stephen T.) fresh-water environment: A preliminary assess- stratigraphy aerial Douglas County— • uranium ores: Regional gamma-ray maps . c 239,240r, , , , mcnt of Pu concentrations in a stream Devonian: Late Onesquethawan metabentonite for Illinois and parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, near Argonne National Laboratory (Singh, in the Grand Tower Formation of central Il- Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky H.) linois and its correlation (Conkin, James E.) (Duval, Joseph S.) ecology^-observations water resources: Erosion and sedimentation; a drainage patterns see under glaciation under gla- wetlands: Wetland ecosystem development on a threat to our water resources (Taylor, Gail) cial geology reclaimed surface coal mine insouthem Illinois — Fiscal year 1987 program report (Univer- (Cole, Charles Andrew) sity of Illinois, Water Resources Center) drift see ii/i(/«r clastic sediments Mn<4«r sediments — Transitions in Midwestern ground water law ecology plants Du Page County—economic geology — (Bowman, Jean A.) abandoned mines: Illinois barren longwall mine water resources: Groundwater management in — Water-resources activities of the U.S. waste, fifty years after abandonment northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- Geological Survey in Illinois, 1988 (Oarrelts, (Szafoni, Diane, et al.) proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) Mary L.) terrestrial environment : Microclimate, — Public ground-water supplies in DuPage evapotranspiration, and tritium release by Edgecliff Member County (Woller. Dorothy M., et al.) plants (deVries, M. Peter) Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin Du Page County engineering geology — economic geology metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian Differentiating a continuous sand foundations: (late Onesquethawan) (jrand Tower Formation base metals: stable isotope and fluid inclusion body from isolated sand lenses during a A of central Illinois (Conkin. James E.) study of minor upper mississippi valley-type geotechnical investigation for a proposed 7 sulfide mineralization Iowa, Illinois, and GeV synchrotron at Argonne National in Effingham Limestone Member Wisconsin (Kutz, Keith Brian) Laboratory, Illinois (Trask, C. Brian) Diagnetic features in transgressive limestones

— Geotechnological site investigation for a 7 — Tectonic and stratigraphic control of subsur- suggest minor regressions in Upper Pcnnsy I va-

GcV synchrotron at Argonne National face geochemical patterns in tlic Ozark region nian cyclothcm, Illinois Basin (Wcibel, C. Laboratory, Illinois (Killey, Myma M.) (Erickson, R. L., el ai.) Pius)

28 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology fluid Inclusions—paleosalinity electrical logging see under well-logging — Overviewof a hydrogeological study of frac- reclamation: Development of wetlands and

tured dolomite in northeastern Illinois water on coal mining operations in Illinois electron microscopy see chemical analysis (Nicholas, J. R.) within the constraints of regulations; a

— Random Walk versus MOC (Vagt, Peter J.) regulatory authority perspective (Reising, J. Energy Shale — Reclamation of pyritic mine spoil using con- W.) Tlic relationship of clay fabric and roofcollapse taminated dredged material (Simmers, J. W., — Geographic information systems and natural In the shales above the Herrin Coal, southern etal.) resource issues at the state level (Risser, Paul Illinois (Bodus, 'Ilicresa M.) — Remote sensing investigations at a hazardous O.) energy sources j«r coal; lignite; oil and gas fields; waste landfill (Stolir, Oiristopher J., et al.) — Reclamation of pyritic mine spoil using con- peiroleum; uranium ores — Siting a low-level radioactive waste disposal taminated dredged material (Simmers, J. W., facility in Illinois; a GIS approach (Smith, etal.) engineering geology see earthquakes; environ- Lisa R., et al.) — Wetland ecosystem development on a mental geology; geologic hazards; ground water; reclaimed surface coal mine in southern Il- engineering geology petroleum engineering highways; impact statements; land subsidence; — linois (Cole, Charles Andrew) hydraulic fracturing: Oiaracterization of frac- land use; mining geology; reservoirs; rock, me- — Wetlands and water quality management in ture geometry and roof penetrations associated chanics; shorelines; slope stability; soil mechanics; the Eastern Interior coal basin (Mitsch, W. J., with stimulation treatments in coalbeds tunnels; underground installations; waste disposal et al.) (Diamond, W. P.) — WetlaiKls as a byproduct of surface mining; engineering geology environmental geology see conservation; en- Midwest perspective (Klimstra, W. D.) land subsidence: Analysis of level survey data gineering geology; geologic hazards; impact state- waste disposal: Nonradiological groundwater over mine subsidence events in Illinois, ments; land use; pollution; reclamation; waste quality at low-level radioactive waste disposal U.S.A.; abandoned and active mines disposal sites (Goode, Daniel J.) (Powell, Larry R.) eolian features see under — Crops and coal; Illinois Mine Subsidence environmental geology geomorphology

Research Program (Illinois State Geological conservation: A model for quantifying incen- epeirogeny see changes of level; tectonics Survey) tive payments for soil conservation in cropping Equality Formation — Laboratory characterization of immediate regions subject to water erosion (Dumsday, Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois floor strata associated with coal seams in Il- Robert G.) and implications regarding the late Pleis- linois (CThugh, Yoginder P.) — Geographic information systems and natural tocene-Holocene development of the Ohio — Use of a geographic information system to resource issues at the state level (Risser, Paul River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) evaluate the potential for damage from sub- G.) — Stack'Unit mapping and Quaternary history sidence of underground mines in Illinois — Impact of risk and planning horizons on the Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, southern Il- (Hindman, C. A.) selection of soil conservation management sys- linois (Heixlerson, Elizabeth Darrow) mining geology: Crops and coal; Illinois Mine tems (Venkataraman R., Ravi) — The Quaternary history of the lower Cache Subsidence Research Program (Illinois State geologic hazards: Floods of March 1982 in In- River valley, southern Illinois (Hughes, Wil- Geological Survey) diana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois (Glatfel- liam Brian) petroleum engineering: Preliminary reservoir tcr. Dale R.) characterization of a Chesterian Cypress Saixl- land use: Development of wetlands and water erosion features see under geomorphology stone in Illinois Basin (Seyler, Beverly) on coal mining operations in Illinois within the excursions see guidebook reservoirs: A new method for estimating future constraints of regulations; a regulatory reservoir storage capacities (Singh, Krishan authority perspective (Rcising, J. W.) experimental studies see under clay mineralogy P.) — Geographic information systems and natural — Erosion and sedimentation; a threat to our resource issues at the state level (Risser, Paul water resources (Taylor, Gail) G.) — The need for a systematic lake sedimentation — Hydrology and sedimentology modeling on faulting J«e faults survey program in Illinois (Bhowmik, Nani Illinois agricultural watersheds (Ewing,

O.) LoydK.) faults see folds; tectonics rock mechanics: Engineering properties and — Wetlands as a byproduct of surface mining; see under structural geology clay mineralogy of Illinois coal-mine roof Midwest perspective (Klimstra, W. D.) faults—displacements shales and underclays (Tangchawal, Sanga) pollution: A field study of various sampling dip-slip faults: Horseshoe Quarry, — The relationship of clay fabric and roof col- devices and their effects on volatile organic Shawneetown fault zone, Illinois (Nelson, lapse in the shales above the Herrin Coal, contaminants (Yeskis, Doug, et al.) W. John) southern Illinois (Bodus, Theresa M.) — Agricultural chemicals in rural, private water reactivation: Structural controls on the forma- shorelines: Combination of cobble and sill con- wells in Illinois; recommendations for a tion of the sub-Absaroka unconformity in the trols erosion (Kakuris, Paul A.) statewide survey (McKeiuia, Dennis P., et U.S. Eastern Interior basin (Greb, Stephen — Hydrographic monitoring program in al.) F.) vicinity of North Point Marina on the Illinois — Assessment of trace element body burdens Lake Michigan shore (Chrzastowski, due to projected coal utilization in the Illinois faults—Interpretation Michael J.) River basin (Gasper, John R.) fault zones: Plum River fault zone (Ludvig- waste disposal: Determination of true orienta- — Design of a sampling system for agricultural son, Greg A.) tion for tiltmeters and its application to trench chemicals in rural, private, water-supply wells ferns see ptcridophytes cover movement (Su, Wen-June, et al.) (Schock, Susan C, ct al.) — Evaluation of five Illinois soils for earthen — Hydrologic and geochemical factors affect- ferns—paleoecology liners (Su, Wen-June, et al.) ing the chemistry of ground water in the Pennsylvanian: Vegetational history of the — Field measurement of landnil clay linear per- vicinity of a reclaimed strip mine lake (Dur- Springfield Coal (Middle Pennsylvanian of Il- meability (Edwards, Ronald) ham, Lisa A., et al.) linois) and distribution patterns of a tree-fern — Oeochemical interactions of hazardous was- — Impact of risk and planning horizons on the miosporc, Thymospora pscudotliiessenii, tes with geological formations in deep-well selection of soilconservaiionmanagementsys- based on miospore profiles (Mahaffy, James systems (Roy, W. R., et al.) tems (Venkataraman R., Ravi) F.) — Ground water assessments; more than just — Infiltration and hydraulic conductivity of a fish see Pisces reviewing data (McDonnell, Jolui J.) compacted earthen liner (Aibrccht, K. A.) — Interpretation of tracer tests conducted in an — Potential nitrate contamination of shallow fluid inclusions—paleosalinity areally extensive fracture in a northeastern Il- ground water foilowiiig chemical rehabilita- ore-forming fluids: A study of the fluid in- linois dolomite (Shapiro, Allen M.) tion of a septic system (Bicki, Thomas J.) clusion, stable isotope and mineralogicai char-

Bibliography 29 folds—style

acleristics of the Denton fluorspar deposit, — Facies distribution within the Maquoketa and — Sedimentologic and geomorphic variation in Cave-in-Rock, Illinois (Kocllncr, Mark S.) Galena-Platteville groups and their relation- two fan-deltas, Peoria Lake, Illinois (Gnibb, stable isotopes: A stable isotope and fluid in- ship to Ordovician structural history in north- M. D., et al.) clusion study of minor upper mississippi val- eastern Illinois (Oraese, Anne M.) frost action: Seasonal ground frost occurrence; ley-type sulfide mineralization in Iowa, — Geological program to site the superconduct- developing a statistically-based predictive Illinois, and Wisconsin (Kutz, Keidi Brian) ing super collider in Illinois (Leighton, Mor- model (Loewenherz, Deborah S.) ris W., ct al.) glacial geology: Internal architecture of the Val- fluorspar see under economic geology; isotopes; — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials paraiso MoraiiK (Eraser, Gordon S.) mineral deposits, genesis; paragencsis on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies see under economic geology under Hardin County geomorphology—eolian features (Krapac, I. O., et al.) loess: Soil development loess stratigraphy fluvial features see under geomorphology and Gallatin County—areal geology of the Midcontinental USA (Norton, L. D., et folding see folds guidebook: A guide to the geology of the al.) Shawneetown area, Gallatin County folds see faults; tectonics (Reinertsen, David L.) geomorphology—erosion features folds—style maps: Geologic map of the Shawneetown Quad- landform description: Geologic features near anticlines: Valmeyer Anticline of Monroe rangle, Gallatin County, Illinois (Nelson, W. Grand Tower, Illinois; the Devil's Backbone,

County, Illinois (Norby, Rodney D.) J.) the Devil's Bake Oven, and Fountain Bluff (Fraunfcltcr, George H.) foliation see folds gas inclusions see fluid inclusions — Starved Rock, Illinois (Kolata, Dennis R.) Ford County—geophysical surveys genesis of ore deposits see mineral deposits, geomorpliology fluvial features remote sensing: Use of soil and spectral proper- genesis — rivers: Fluvial geomorphology of two contrast- ties for monitoring soil erosion (Weismillcr, geochemistry ing tributaries of the Vermilion River, east- Richard A., ct al.) coal: The Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program; central Illinois (Stanke, Faith Alane) fossils, problematic see problematic fossils status and sample characterization (Harvey, valleys: Analysis of the Caclw Valley deposits in Illinois the late foundations j«« rock mechanics; soil mechanics Richard D.) and implications regarding see under engineering geology under Du Page organic materials: Microbial methane in the PIcistocene-Holocene development of the County shallow Paleozoic sediments and glacial de- Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) posits of Illinois, U.SA. (Cbleman, Dennis — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Francis Creek Shale D., et al.) Illinois and implications regarding the late large, well preserved specimen of the Middle A sulfur: Elemental sulfur in coal (Stock, Leon Pleisto^ene-Holocene development of the Pennsylvanian lungfish Conchopmacdcsi (Os- M.) Ohio River valley; discussion (Leach, teichthyes; from Creeic, Il- Dipnoi) Mazon — Spatial variation of organic sulfur in coal Elizabeth K.) linois, U.SA. (Marshall, Qiarles R.) (Gc, Y. P.) — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in new cephalopod with soft-parts from the — A — Sulfur compounds in coals containing multi- Illinois and implications regarding the late Upper Carboniferous Francis Creek Shale of ple heteroatoms (Winans, RaiKlall E., et al.) Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Illinois, (Allison, Peter E.) USA trace elements: Assessment of trace clement Ohio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., et al.) Designation of a new and type for the — name body burdens due to projected coal utilization — The Cache Valley of southern Illinois Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian, Francis Creek in the Illinois River basin (Gasper, John R.) (Masters, John M.) Shale) tanaidacean (Schram, Frederick R.) geochronology see absolute age — The monster of Illinois; paleontology and geomorphology—lacustrine features politics (Carman, Mary R.) geochronology lakes: Maps showing the bottom topography of The naming of the Tully Monster (Koncc- the Chicago near-northside lake front — Holocene: Additional evidence for absence of ny, Jim) (Schlee, J. S., et al.) Allonian glaciation in northeastern Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon) Fredonla Limestone Member geomorphology processes Pleistocene: Quaternary aminostraligraphy of — Dcpositional facies analysis of the Aux Vases sedimentation: Sedimentation in the Illinois Mississippi Valley loess (Clark, Peter U., ct (Mississippian) Formation from souliteastem River valley and backwater lakes (Bhowmik, Missouri to southeastern Illinois (Cole, al.) NaniG.) Robert D.) geochronology—racemization geophysical methods see geophysical surveys frost action see under geomorphology; soil me- gastropods: Quaternary aminostraligraphy of chanics Mississippi Valley loess (Clark, Peter U., ct geophysical surveys see under geomoqihology under La Salle County al.) magnetic surveys: Comparison of archeomag- ftjel resources see coal; lignite; oil and gas fields; geologic hazards see under environmental geol- netic studies of suspected hearths from Koobi petroleum ogy Fora, Africa with known heartlis from Modoc,

see land subsidence II. (Bellomo, R. J.) FUlton County areal geology — remote sensing: Low-relief topographic enhan- guidebook: A guide to the geology of the Canton geologic time see absolute age; geochronology cement in a Landsat snow-cover scene area, Fulton County (Reinertsen, David L.) geomorphology jee glacial geology (Eyton, J. Ronald) Fulton County paleontology — Remote sensing investigations at a hazardous — geomorphology Invertehrata: Tlie monster of Illinois; paleontol- waste landfill (Stohr, Giristophcr J., et al.) changes of level: (Thanges in coastal sedimenta- ogy and politics (Carman, Mary R.) seismic surveys: Major Protcrozoic basement ry dynamics resulting from water-level change problematic fossils: The monster of Illinois; features of the eastern Midcontinent of North and altered coastal geography (Chrzas- paleontology and politics (Carman, Mary R.) America revealed by recent COCORP profil- towski, Michael J.) ing (Pratt, T.. et al.) fluvial features: Fluvial geomorphology of two — Wide-angle reflection/refraction experiment G contrasting tributaries of the Vermilion River, in the Illinois Basin (Bowden, J. B.) east-central Illinois (Stanke, Faith Alanc) surveys: Geophysical studies in central Midcon- Galena Dolomite — Historical stream channel disequilibrium in tinent CUSMAP quadrangles (Cordcll, Applied geology of the proposed site for the north-central Illinois: causes and contemporary Lindrith) superconducting super collider (SSQ in Il- manifestations (Fleming, Alfred J.) linois (Kempton, John P., et al.) — Modem adjustments of channel morphology geosynciines see tectonics — Catalog of cores from the sub-Oalena Group to changes in sediment load; an example from in Illinois (Shaw, Thomas H.) southern Illinois (Orbock Miller, S. M., et al.) geotechnics see engineering geology

30 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology ground water—surveys

Gilmore City Formation Greenup Limestone — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials Two new multiarmcd Misaissippian aaleroidi Stratigraphy, depositional history, and on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies

(Bchinodermala) from the Upper Mississippi brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of (Krapac, I. G., et al.) Valley (Blake. Daniel B.) cast-central Illinois (Weibcl, Carl Pius) — Public ground-water supplies in DuPage — Two new mulliarmed Paleozoic (Mississip- County (Woller, Dorothy M., et al.) ground water j'««i(m/«rhydrogeology;hydrology j>ian) asteroids (Echinodermata) and some Illinois: A field study of various sampling paleobiologic implications (Blake, Daniel devices and their effects on volatile organic ground water hydrodynamics B.) — contanunants (Yeskis, Doug, et al.) field studies: Assessing the validity of the chan- — Agricultural chemicals in rural, private water glacial geology see under geomoq)hology nel model of fracture aperture under field con- wells in Illinois; recommendations for a ditions (Shapiro, Allen M.) statewide survey (McKeiuia, Dennis P., et glacial geology—glaclation al.) deposition: Age, stratigrapluc position, and sig- ground water—levels nificance of the Lemont Drift, northeastern fluctuations: Interpretation of oscillatory water — Design of a sampling system for agricultural Illinois (Johnson, W. Hilton) levels in observation wells during aquifer tests chemicals in rural, private, water-supply wells — Source and origin of Roxana Silt and middle in fractured rock (Shapiro, Allen M.) (Schock, Susan C, et al.) Wisconsinan midcontinent glacial activity — Grourtd water assessments; more than just (Johnson, W. Hilton) ground water—movement reviewing data (McDonnell, John J.) — Wedron section, Wedron, Illinois; concepts fractures: Identifying fracture intereonnections — - Impact of risk and planning horizons on the of Woodfordian glaciation in Illinois between boreholes using natural temperature -e lection of soi I conservation management sys- (Johnson, W. Hilton, et al.) profiling; I, Conceptual basis (Silliman, S.) tems (Vcnkataraman R., Ravi) drainage patterns: The Quaternary history of unsaturated zone: Exchange and transport of — Infiltration and hydraulic conductivity of a the lower CaclK River valley, southern Illinois 14-carbon dioxide in the unsaturated zone compacted earthen liiter (Albrecht, K. A.) (Hughes, William Brian) (Striegl, Roberto.) — Microbial metJiane in the shallow Paleozoic glacial extent: Absence of Allonian glaciation ground water—surveys sediments and glacial deposits of Illinois, in Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon) Bond County: Hydrogeology, groundwater U.S A. (Coleman, Dennis D., et al.) Nonradiological groundwater quality at low- glaciation see under glacial geology chemistry, and resistivity of a contaminated — sites shallow aquifer system in southern Bond level radioactive waste disposal Glasford Formation (Goode, Daniel J.) County, Illinois (Stafford, Mark R.) Absence of Allonian glaciation in Illinois Bureau County: Evaluation of groundwater — Potential nitrate contamination of shallow (Curry, B. Brandon) monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- ground water following chemical rehabilita- — Hydrogeology, groundwater chemistry, and posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly tion of a'iseptic system (Bicki, Thomas J.) resistivity of a contaminated shallow aquifer L., et al.) — Quality of water from public-supply wells in system in southern Bond County, Illinois — Lcachate movement through unsaturated principal aquifers of Illinois, 1984-87 (Stafford, Mark R.) sand at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal (Voelker, David C.) Quaternary geology of western — Regional site in northwestern Illinois (Mills, Patrick — Random Walk versus MOC (Vagt,Peter J.) Clark County, Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon, et C.) — Reclamation of pyritic mine spoil using con- al.) — Water and tritium movement in the saturated taminated dredged material (Simmers, J. W., hydrologic research at a low-level — Results of zone (Healy, Richard W., et al.) et al.) radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, — Water balance at a low-level radioactive- — Relations between precipitation and shallow Illinois (Ryan, Barbara J.) waste disposal site (Healy, Richard W., et al.) groundwater in Illinois (Changnon, Stanley — Water chemistry (Peters, Charles A.) Golconda Group A., et al.) Champaign County: Hydrogen peroxide treat- Facies, depositional and diagenetic environ- — Remote sensing investigations at a hazardous ment of septic systems and its negative effects ments of tlie Golconda Oroup (Mississippian) waste landfill (Stohr, Christopher J., et al.) on shallow ground water (Bicki, Thomas J.) in southwestern Illinois and southeastern Mis- — Transitions in Midwestern ground water law Cook County: Evaluation of groundwater souri (Harris, Clayton D.) (Bowman, Jean A.) monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- Water-iquality data for the observation-well Grand Tower Limestone posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly — network in Illinois, 1985-87 (Voelker, David Late Onesquethawan metabentonite in the L.. et al.) C, et al.) Grand Tower Formation of central lllinob and — Groundwater management in nortlieastem Il- its correlation (Conkin, James E.) linois; will a non-regulatory approach be suc- — Water-resources activities of the U.S. Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin — cessful? (Injerd, Dan) Geological Survey in Illinois, 1988 (Garrelts, metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials Mary L.) (late Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Formation on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies Jackson County: Use of geophysical logs to es- of central Illinois (Conkin, James E.) (Krapac, I. G., et al.) timate water quality of basal Penruylvanion — Water-level trends and pumpage in the gravity surveys see under geophysical surveys sandstotKS, southwestcm Illinois (Poole, V. Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers in the under Jackson County L.,etal.) Chicago region, 1980-1985 (Sasman, R. T., Kane County: Application of seismic refraction mineralogy et al.) Great Lakes region— methods to evaluate regional ground-water Crawford County: Evaluation of groundwater miscellaneous minerals: Great Lakes, great resources (Laymon, Douglas E.) monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- trips (Zeitner, Jur»e Culp) — Geological-geotechnical studies for siting posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly superconducting super collider in Illinois: region paleontology the Great Lakes — L., etal.) regional summary (Graese, A. M., et al.) Invertebrata: Great Lakes, great trips (Zeit- De Kalb County: Geological-geotechnical — Groundwater managenrKnt in northeastcm Il- ner, June Culp) studies for siting the superconducting super linois; will a non-regulatory approach be suc- Great Lakes region—sedimentary petrology collider in Illinois; regional summary cessful? (Injerd, Dan) reefs: Silurian seascapes; water depth, (Graese, A. M., et al.) — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil nialcrials clinolhems, reef geometry, and other motifs; a — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies critical review of the Silurian reef model on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies (Krapac, I. G., et al.) (Shaver, Robert H.) (Krapac, I. G., et al.) Kendall County: Gcological-geoccchnical Great Lakes region—stratigraphy Du Page County: Groundwater management in studies for siting the superconducting super Pleistocene: The Shorewood Till problem of northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- collider in Illinois; regional summary Illinois and Wisconsin (Rovey, C. W., II) proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) (Graese, A. M., et al.)

Bibliography 31 SURVEY LIBRAHY

— Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials gymnosperms—floral studies • - Thyirteepero pseudothiessenii, based on mio- on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies Pennsylvanian: A new medullosan pollen organ spore profiles (Mahaffy, James F.)

(Krapac. I. O., et al.) (Stidd, Benton M.) highways see under engineering geology Knox County: Public ground-water supplies in — Seeds and pollen organs from the Mazon

al.) northeastern (CratK, Knox County (Wollcr, Dorothy M., ct Creek flora of Illinois Holocene see under stratigraphy under La Salle Lake County: Groundwater management in Peter R.) County northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) Hunton Megagroup Lawrence County: Evaluation of groundwater H A paleotopographic approach to the Silurian monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- reefs of the Illinois Basin (Thomas, Gilbert posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly Hagarstown Member E., ct al.) Paleo-highs be key to deeper production L.,etal.) Hydrogcology, groundwater chemistry, and — may (Davis, Harold G.) Livingston County: Public ground-water sup- resistivity of a contaminated shallow aquifer plies in Livingston County (Wollcr, Dorolliy system in southern Bond County, Illinois hydrocarbons see under organic materials M.,elal.) (Stafford, Mark R.) Macoupin County: Evaluation of groundwater hydrogen fee tritium monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- Haney Formation Mississippian asteroids posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly Two new multiarmed hydrogeology see ground water; hydrology L..etal.) (Echinodermata) from the Upper Mississippi hydrogeology — Investigation of failure mechanisms and mi- Valley (Blake, Daniel B.) ground water: Directional aperture estimates gration of organic chemicals at Wilsonville, — Two new multiarmed Paleozoic (Mississip- derived from single fracture hydraulic and Illinois (Herzog, Beverly L., et al.) pian) asteroids (Echinodermata) and some tracer tests in a fractured dolomite (Silliman, Madison County: Evaluation of groundwater palcobiologic implications (Blake, Daniel Stephen E.) monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- B.) — Instrumentation and field methods for posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly Hardin County—economic geology hydraulic and tracer tests in discrete fractures L., et al.) fluorspar: A study of the fluid inclusion, stable in northeastern Illinois (deVries, M. P.) — Gradient control wells for aquifer remedia- isotope and mineralogical characteristics of the — Potential nitrate contamination of shallow tion; a modeling and field case study Denton fluorspar deposit, Cave-in-Rock, Il- ground waterfollowing chemical rehabilitation (Cosgravc, Timotliy, et al.) linois (Koellner, Mark S.) of a septic system (Bicki, Tliomas J.) McHenry County: Groundwater management in — Stable isotope systematics in the Illinois- — Quality of water from public -supply wells in northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- Kentucky fluorspar district (Jones, Henry D.) principal aquifers of Illinois, 1984-87 proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) petroleum: Petrography and reservoir properties (Voelker. David C.) Peoria County: Evaluation of groundwater of Qicsterian (Upper Mississippian) arcnites, — Relations between precipitation and shallow monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) groundwater in Illinois (Giatignon, Stanley posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly A., etal.) Hardin paleontology L., et al.) County— — Using hydraulic and tracer tests to identify Perry County: Use of geophysical logs to es- Ostracoda: Revision of the Late Mississippian spatial heterogeneity of transmissivity in an timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian new osiracode genera in Coryell and Johnson arcally extensive fracture (Shapiro, Allen M., sandstoiKS, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. 1939 (Sohn,LG.) et al.) L., et al.) Hardin County—stratigraphy — Water-quality data for the observation-well Randolph County: Use of geophysical logs to Mississippian: Petrography and reservoir network in Illinois, 1985-87 (Voelker, David estimate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian properties ofChesterian (Upper Mississippian) C. ct al.) sandstones, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert hydrology: Hydrology and scdimentology L., et al.) V.) modeling on Illinois agricultural watersheds Saint Clair County: Groundwater level analysis (Ewing, Loyd K.) by computer modeling American Bottoms Hardlnsburg Formation — Sedimentation in the Illinois River valley and groundwater study (Ritchey, Joseph D., et Petrography and reservoir properties of backwater lakes (Bhowmik, Nani G.) al.) Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, — Scdimentology and historical sedimentation Will County: Evaluation of groundwater southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) rates of a delta in a Mississippi River oxbow monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- Henderson County—hydrogeology lake, southern Illinois (McGovem, Gregory posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly hydrology: Assessment of processes affecting J.) L., etal.) low-flow water quality of Cedar Creek, west- — Summary of biological, chemical, and mor- — Groundwater management in northeastern Il- central Illinois (Schmidt, Arthur R., et al.) phological characterizations of 33 surface- linois; will a non-regulatory approach be suc- mine lakes in Illinois and Missouri (Jones, D. cessful? (Injerd, Dan) Henry Formation W.,etal.) Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois Grove Church Shale — The need for a systematic lake sedimentation and implications regarding the late Pleis- survey program in Illinois (Bhowmik, Nani Mississippi an- Pennsylvanian boundary, tocenc-IIoloccnc development of the Ohio a.) southern Midcontinent; conformity or discon- River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) formily; conodont biofacies or biostratig- — The Quaternary history of the lower Cache hydrogeology—data processing raphy? (Manger, Walter L.) River valley, southern Illinois (Hughes, Wil- computer programs: Random Walk versus liam Brian) MOC (Vagt, Peter J.) Grundy County—paleontology Arthropoda: Designation of a new name and Herrin Coal Member Iiyd rogeoiogy—Instruments type for the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian, Paleoecology and palcocnviroiunent of the samplers: Design of a sampling system for Francis Creek Shale) tanaidacean (Scliram, Brereton Limestone (Pennsylvanian, Des- agricultural chemicals in rural, private, water- Frederick R.) moinesian) in a portion of the Illinois Basin supply wells (Scliock, Susan C, el al.) (Wissingcr, Diane E.) theoretical studies under areal hydrogeology— guidebook see geology — The relationship of clay fabric and roof col- ground water: Interpretation of oscillatory see under areal geology under County; Ful- Cook lapse in tlie shales above tlic Herrin Coal, water levels in observation wells during aquifer ton County; Gallatin County; Jackson County; southern Illinois (Bodus, Theresa M.) tests in fractured rock (Shapiro, Allen M.) Lake County; Union County — Vegetational history of the Springfield Coal (Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois) and dis- hydrology see ground water gymnosperms see under paleobotany tribution patterns of a tree-fern miospore. see under hydrogeology

32 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Johnson County—economic geology hyd rology—methods hydrothermal alteration see under processes Isotopes—plutonlum under metasomatism Pu-239: A preliminary assessment of "'-^^Vu mathematical methods: Empirical onhogonal concentrations in a stream near Argonne Na- function analysis of hydrologic data (Hsich, tional Laboratory (Singh, H.) Chong-hsin) isotopes—pollution hyd rology-r

Bibliography 33 Johnson County—geomorphology

arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert Kane County—environmental geology Kendall County-^-envlronmental geology V.) conservation: Groundwater management in impact statements: Potential impact of material nortlieaslem Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- to be excavated from the Illinois SSC tunnel on —geomorphology Johnson County proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) surface water and groundwater resources features: The Cache Valley of southern fluvial impact statements: Potential impact of material (Krapac, I. G., et al.) Illinois (Masters, John M.) to be excavated from (he Illinois SSC tunnel on pollution: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil surface .water and groundwater resources materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory Johnson County—stratigraphy (Krapac, I. G., et al.) studies (Krapac, I. O., et al.) Mississippian: Petrography and reservoir pollution: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil properties of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Kendall County—geophysical surveys materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert well-logging: Comparison of spectral gamma studies (Krapac, I. O., et al.) V.) ray (SGR) well logging data with iiutrumental Peiwsylvanian: Fluvial-deltaic deposits Kane County—geophysical surveys neutron activation analysis (INAA) data for (Caseyville and Abbott formations) of Early seismic surveys: Application of seismic refrac- rock types in northern Illinois (Gcndron,

Pennsylvanian age exposed along the Pounds tion methods to evaluate regional ground-water Craig R., et al.) Escarpment, southern Illinois (Jacobson, resources (Laymon, Douglas E.) Kendall County—hydrogeoktgy Russell J.) well-logging: Comparison of spectral gamma hydrology: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil — Tidal influence in an upper Caseyville ray (SGR) well logging data with instrumental materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory (Lower Pennsylvanian) gilbert-type deltaic se- neutron activation analysis (INAA) data for studies (Krapac, I. G., et ai.) queiKe, southern Illinois (Kvale, Erik P.) rock types in northern Illinois (Gcndron, Quaternary: Analysis of the Cache Valley de- Craig R., et al.) Ke«kuk Limestone posits in Illinois and implications regarding tlie Kane County—hydrogeology Regional dolomitization of shelf carbonates in late development of the Pleistocene-Holocene the Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Mississip- hydrology: Impact of dolomite and shale spoil Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) pian), Illinois aiKl Missouri; constraints from materials on Illinois water quality; laboratory — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in cathodoluminescent zonal stratigraphy studies (Krapac, I. G., et al.) Illinois and implications regarding the late (Cander, H. S., et al.) Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Kankakee County—paleontology — Water-rock interaction history of regionally River valley; discussion (Leach, Ohio Inverlebrala: The monster of Illinois; paleontol- extensive dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk Elizabeth K.) ogy and politics (Carman, Mary R.) Formation (Mississippian); isotopic evidence — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Pisces: A large, well preserved specimen of the (Baiuwr, J. L., et al.) Illinois and implications regarding the late Middle Pennsylvanian lungfish Conchopma Pleistocene-Holocene development of the edesi (Osteichthyes; Dipnoi) from Mazon Kewanee Group guide to the geology of the Forrest area, Ohio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., ct al.) Creek, Illinois, U.S A. (Marshall, Charles R.) A Livingston County (Reinertsen, David L., et problematic fossils: The monster of Illinois; Joppa Limestone Member paleontology and politics (Carman, Mary R.) al.) Depositional facies analysis of the Aux Vases (Mississippian) Formation from southeastern Kankakee County—stratigraphy Knox County—economic geotogy Missouri to southeastern Illinois (Cole, Ordovician: Ordovician-Silurian unconformity water resources: Public ground-water supplies Robert D.) at Kankakee River State Park, Illinois in Knox County (Woller, Dorothy M., et al.) (Mikulic, Donald G.) Knox County—hydrogeology Silurian: Ordovician-Silurian unconformity at hydrology: Assessment of processes affecting Kankakee River State Park, Illinois (Mikulic, low-flow water quality of Cedar Creek, west- Donald G.) central Illinois (Schmidt, Arthur R., et al.) Kawkawlln Metabentonite Kane County area! geology — Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin regional: Applied geology of the proposed site melabenlonites in surface Middle Devonian for the superconducting super collider (SSC) in (late Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Formation Illinois (Kempton, John P., et al.) of central Illinois (Conkin, James £.) La Salle County—geomorphotogy erosion features: Starved Rock, Illinois Kane County—economic geology Kendall County—areal geology (Koiata, Dermis R.) water resources: Groundwater manageitKnt in regional: Applied geology of the proposed site frost action : Anatomy and sedimentary environ- northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- for the superconducting super collider (SSC) in ments of a late Wisconsinan thaw lake in north- proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) Illinois (Kempton, John P., ct al.) central Illinois (Hajic, Edwin R.) Kane County—engineering geology Kendall County—engineering geology La Salle County^-stratigraphy tunnels: Disposal alternatives for material to be tunnels: Disposal alternatives for material to be Holocene: Taphonomy and paleoecology of excavated from the proposed site of tlie super- excavated from the proposed site of the super- stag-moose (Cervalces scotti) from iher- conducting super collider in Illinois (Curran, conducting super collider in Illinois (Curran, mokarst deposits, Tonica, north-central Illinois L. M.,etal.) L. M., et al.) (Graham. R. W.) — Oeological-geotechnical studies for siting — Gcological-geotechnical studies for siting Pennsylvanian: Cyclotheins in the Carbondale (he superconducting super collider in Illinois; the superconducting super collider in Illinois; Formation (Pennsylvanian; Dcsmoincsian regional summary (Graese, A. M., et al.) regional summary (Graese, A. M., et al.) Series) of Salle County, Illinois (Trask, underground installations: Disposal alterna- underground installations: Disposal alterna- La C. Brian) tives for material to be excavated from the tives for material to be excavated from tlie Pleistocene: Palynological and plant-macrofos- proposed site of the superconducting super col- proposed site of tjic superconducting supercol- sil studies of the Tonica tlKrmokarst, Lasalle lider in Illinois (Curran, L. M., et al.) lider in Illinois (Curran, L. M., et al.) County, Illinois (Grimm, Eric C.) — Geological program to site the superconduct- — Geological program to site the superconduct- — Wcdron section, Wedron, Illinois; concepts ing super collider in Illinois (Lcighton, Mor- ing super collider in Illinois (Lcighton, Mor- of Woodfordian glaciatioii in Illiiiuis ris W., et al.) ris W., et al.) (Johnson, W. Hilton, et al.) — Relationship between horizontal stresses and — Relationship between horizontal stresses and geologic anomalies in two coal mines in geologic anomalies in two coal mines in lacustrine features see under geomorphology southern Illinois (Ingram, David K.) southern Illinois (Ingram, David K.) — Use of a geographic information system to — Use of a geographic information system to Lake County—areal geology optimize siting of the superconducting super optimize siting of the superconducting super guidebook: Park Ridge-North Shore area; Cook

collider in Illinois (Gross, David L., ct ai.) collider in Illinois (Gross, David L., ct al.) and Lake counties (Reinertsen, David L.)

34 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology McLeansboro Group

Lake County—economic geology (laleOnesquethawan)GrandTowerFormation see under soils under Brown County; Morgan water resources: Groundwater management in of central Illinois (Conkin, James B.) County; Perry County; Randolph County; Scott northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- County liquid Inclusions see fluid inclusions proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) Livingston County—areal geology map*—cartography Lake County—engineering geok>gy automatic cartograpfry: Use a Forrest Illinois: A guide to the geology of the of OlS as a tool Shorelines: Civic solution; Lake Forest for geologic Forrest area, Livingston County (Reinertsen, mapping and analysis (Trewor- shoreline restoration (Fischbach, John F.) Colin) David L^ et al.) gy, Lake County—environmental geok>gy Livingston County—economic geok>gy Maquoketa Formation conservation: Groundwater management in water resources: Public ground-water supplies Application of seismic refraction methods to northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- in Livingston County (Woller, Dorothy M., evaluate regional ground-water resources proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) et al.) (Laymon, Douglas E.) pollution: Lake Michigan water levels, geologic — Faciesdistributionwidiinthe Maquoketa and data and public policy in Illinois (Collinson, Livingston Limestone Meml>er Galena-Platteville groups and their relation- Charles) Depositional environment of the Livingston ship to Ordovician structural history in nortli- Limestone Member of the Bond Formation lakes see under lacustrine features under geomor- eastem Illinois (Graese, Anne M.) near Fairmount, Vermilion County, Illinois phology — Shatter cones and other shock effects at Etes (Oager, Barry) Plaines, Illinois; evidence for meleoroid im- land subsidence see under engineering geology; loess see under clastic sediments under sediments pact (McHone, John F., et al.) mining geology see under col'itn features under geomorphology — Silurian pinnacle reef distribution in Illinois; ^mingy see under envirorunental geology under Cook — The Quaternary history of the lower Cache reclamation: Illinois barren longwall mine County; Macon County River valley, soudiem Illinois (Hughes, Wil- waste, fifty years after abandonment see under environmental geology liam Brian) (Szafoni, Diane, et al.) lava see magmas M Massac County—economic geotogy Lawrence County—environmental geology mineral resources: Developing a geologic waste disposal: Evaluation of groundwater database for assessing mineral resource poten- Macon County—environmental geology monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- tial of tiie Paducah Quadrangle (Pool, Robert land use: Sedimentation and hydrologic proces- posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly R., el al.) in its watershed L.,etal.) ses Lake Decatur and — Present status of the Paducah CUSMAP (Fitzpatrick, William P., el al.) project (Johnson, Bruce R., et al.) Lawrence County—hydrogeology Macoupin County—environmental geok>gy ground water: Evaluation of groundwater Massac County geomorpliology pollution: Investigation of failure mechanisms — monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- fluvial features: The Cache Valley of southern posal facilities Illinois and migration of organic chemicals at Wilson- in (Herzog, Beverly Illinois (Masters, John M.) ville, Illinois (Herzog, Beverly L., et al.) L., et al.) waste disposal: Evaluation of groundwater Massac County—stratigraphy Lawson Shale monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- Quaternary: Analysis of the Caclte Valley de- The relationship of clay fabric and roof collapse posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly posits in Illinois and implications regarding the in the shales above the Herrin Coal, southern L., et al.) late Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Illinois (Bodus, Theresa M.) Macoupin County—hydrogeology Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) lead—Isotopes ground water: Evaluation of groundwater — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois and implications regarding the late Pb-206/Pb-204 : Anomalous Mississippi Valley monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- leads; Pleistocene-Holocene development of the another suggestion (Millen, Timothy posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly Ohio River valley; discussion (Leach, M.,etal.) L., et al.) — Stable isotope systematica in the Illinois- Elizabeth K.) environmental geok>gy Kentucky fluorspardislrict (Jones, Henry D.) Madison County— — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in pollution: Gradient control wells for aquifer ratios: Petrology of fault-related diagenetic fea- Illinois and implications regarding the late remediation; a modeling and Tield case study tures in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of tlie Pleistocene-Holocene development of the (Cosgrave, Timothy, et al.) Plum River fault zone, eastern Iowa and Ohio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., et al.) waste disposal: Evaluation of groundwater Northwest Illinois (Ludvigson, Gregory moititoring programs at hazardous waste dis- mathematical geok>gy see data processing Alan) posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly

lead ores see under economic geology L., et al.) Mattoon Formation see lead-zinc deposits — Waste from the water treatment plant at Stratigraphy, depositional history, and

Alton and its impact on the Mississippi River brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of lead-zinc deposits see under economic geology (Evans, Ralph, et al.) cast-central Illinois (Weibcl, Carl Pius) see lead ores see under economic geology under United States Madison County—hydrogeology McHenry County—economic geology ground water: Evaluation of groundwater water resources: Groundwater management in Lemont Drift monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- nortlKastem Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- Age, stj-atigraphic position, and significance of posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) the Lemont Drift, northeastern Illinois L.,ctal.) (Johnson, W. Hilton) McHenry County—environmental geology magmas—geochemistry conservation: Groundwater management in lignite—geochemistry isotopes: Natural element and isotope separa- ap- radioactive isotopes: Oamma-ray activity in northeastern Illinois: will a non-regulatory tions by phase transformations (Wetzel, K.) (Injerd, bituminous, subbituminous and lignite coals proach be successful? Dun) (Barber, D. E.) magnetic surveys see under geophysical surveys McLeansboro Group LIngle Limestone maps see under areal geology under Gallatin A guide to tiie geology of tlie Forrest area, Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin County Livingston County (Reinertsen, David L., et metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian see under geomorphology under Cook County al.)

Bibliography 35 Mercer County—hydrogeology

Mercer County—hydrogeology Mississlpplanjeeuniier stratigraphy uruyerHardin North America—stratigraphy hydrology: Assessment of proccsaes affecting County; Jackson County; Johnson County; Ran- Pleistocene: Eastern North American land snail low-flow water quality of Cedar Creek, west- dolph County; Union County communities in the Pleistocene (Frest, Ter-

central Illinois (Schmidt, Arthur R., et al.) rence J.) Mollusca see under paleontology metal ores see base metals; lead ores; lead-zinc North America—structural geology MolliKca Cephalopoda deposits; uranium ores — tectonics: Structural controls on the formation Pennsytvanian: A rKW cephalopod with soft- see under economic geology of the sub-Absaroka unconformity in the U.S. parts from the Upper Carboniferous Francis Eastern Litcrior basin (Grcb, Steplien F.) metallogeny see mineral deposits, genesis Creek Shale of Illinois, USA (Allison, Peter North America—tectonophyslcs metaU geochemistry E.) — crust: Major Proterozoic basement features of sediments: Suspended sediment and metals mollusks biogcography — the eastern Midcontinent of North America removal from urban runoff by a small lake Quaternary: Molluscan faunal changes in the revealed by recent COCORP profiling (Pratt, (Stricgl, Robert O.) Lake Michigan Basin during the past 1 1,000 T., ct al.) metamorphk rocks see metasomatism years (Miller, Barry B.) Monroe County stratigraphy metamorphic rocks—metasedlmentary rocks — Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin Ordovician: Ordovician composition: Nature and origin of potassic al- Lower conodonts from metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian the (upper Prairie du Chien teration of the Ordovician Spechts Ferry For- (late Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Formation Group) in southwestern Illinois mation in the Upper Mississippi Valley (Shaw, T. H., of central Illinois (Conkin, James E.) (Matthews, James Cocrt) et al.) Paleozoic: Valmcyer Anticline of Monroe Northern Hemisphere see North America see rocks; metaso- metamorphtsm metamorphic County, Illinois (Norby, Rodney D.) matism Morgan County—«oi Is metasomatic rocks see metamorphic rocks; meta- maps: Soil survey of Morgan and Scott counties, somatism Illinois (Golsch, K. A.) oil see petroleum metasomatism—processes oil and gas fields see petroleum liydrothermal alteration: Nature and origin of Ocochemical anomalies and sulfur isotope sys- see under economic geology under Saline County potassic alteration of the Ordovician Spechts lematics of Upper Cambrian elastics in the Ferry Formation in the Upper Mississippi Val- Omega Limestone Midcontinent; relation to ore fluid movement ley (Matthews, James Cocrt) Stratigraphy, depositional history, and (Mosicr, Elwin L., et al.) brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of mineral deposits, genesis base metals — Geochemical interactions of hazardous was- — east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) sedimentary processes: A stable isotope and tes with geological formations in deep-well fluid inclusion study of minor upper mississip- systems (Roy, W. R., ct al.) Onondaga Limestone pi valley-type sulfide mineralization in Iowa, — Potassic diagenesis of Cambrian sandstones Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin

Illinois, and Wisconsin (Kutz, Keith Brian) and Precambrian granitic basement in UPH-3 metabentonites in surface Middle Devonian deep hole. Upper Mississippi Valley, U.SA. (late Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Formation mineral deposits, genesis—fluorspar (DufHn. Michael E., ct al.) of central Illinois (Conkin, James E.) ore-forming fluids: A study of the fluid in- clusion, stable isotope and mincralogical char- museums see survey organizations Ordovician see under stratigraphy under acteristics of the Denton fluorspar deposit, Kankakee County; Monroe County; Will County museums paleontology Cavc-in-Rock, Illinois (Koellner, Mark S.) — Smithsonian Institution: Fossil collection serves organic materials see lignite; petroleum mineral resources see metal ores as link to ancient Paleozoic forests (Harney, organic materials geochemistry see under economic geology under Massac Coun- Thomas) — ground water: Lcachate movement through un- ty saturated sand at a low-level radioactive-waste minerals—mbcellaneous minerals N disposal site in northwestern Illinois (Mills, mineral localities: Great Lakes, great trips Patrick C.) (2^itner, June Culp) natural gas see oil aixl gas fields organic materials—hydrocarbons minerals—sulfides methane: Microbial methane in the shallow neotectonks see changes of level; tectonics galena: Oalena from mississippi valley-type de- Paleozoic sediments and glacial deposits of posits (Lasmanis, Raymond) New Albany Shale Illinois, U.S.A. (Coleman, Dennis D., et al.) mining geology see under engineering geology Rock-Eval data relating to oil-source potential orogeny see tectonics of shales of New Albany Group (Dcvonian- mining geology land subsidence Ostracoda taxonomy — Mississippian) in Illinois Basin (Chou, Mei- — programs: Crops and coal; Illinois revision: Revision of the Late Mississippian Mine Sub- in M., et al.) sidence Research Program (Illinois State new ostracode genera in Coryell and Johnson — The New Albany Shale: potential source of Geological Survey) 1939 (Sohn, LG.) brines for tlie main-stage MVT mineralization underground mining: Use of a geographic infor- in the Cave-in-Rock District, Illinois-Ken- oxygen—isotopes mation system to evaluate the potential for tucky (Furman, F. C, et al.) 0-18IO-16: A study of the fluid inclusion, stable damage from subsidence of underground mines isotope and mincralogical characteristics of the in Illinois (Hindman, C. A.) Newton Cyclothem Denton fluorspar deposit, Cave-in-Rock, Il- Guide to the geology of the Newton area, Jasper mining geology methods linois (Koellner, Mark S.) — County; geological science field trip underground mining: Laboratory charac- — Petrology of fault-related diagenelic features (Weibel, C. Pius, ct al.) terization of immediate floor strata associated in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of the Plum with coal seams in Illinois (Chugh, Yogindcr Newton Limestone River fault zone, eastern Iowa and Northwest P.) Stratigraphy, depositional history, and Illinois (Ludvigson, Gregory Alan) brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of — Stable isotope systematics in the Illinois- Mint Creek Limestone east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) Kentucky fluorspar district (Jones, Henry D.) Stratigraphy, depositional history, and — Water-rock interaction history of regionally brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of nonmetal deposits see fluorspar extensive dolomites of the Burlinglon-Kcokuk east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) North America see Great Lakes region; United Formation (Mississippian); isotopic evidence miosporcs see under palynomorphs States (Banner, J. L., et al.)

36 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology PlatteviUe Formation

see under stratigraphy under Jackson County; Perry County—hydrogeology Monroe County; United States ground water: Use of geophysical logs to es- timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanlan paleobotany paleozoogeography see biogcography sandstones, southwestem Illinois (Poole, V. gymnosperms: new medullosan pollen A organ L.,etal.) (Slidd, Benton M.) — Seeds and pollen organs from the Mazon Petrography and reservoir properties of Perry County—«olls Creek flora of northeastern Illinois (Crane, Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, maps: Soil survey of Perry County, Illinois Peter R.) southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) (Grantham, Dana R.) pleridophyles: Variation in the breadth of Perry County stratigraphy ccotoncs separating three Middle Pennsylva- palynomorphs—miospores — Pennsyhanian: Vegetational nian coal-swamp plant assemblages Pennsyhanian: Vegetational history of the history of the Springfield Coal (Middle Pennsylvanlan of Il- (Dimichele, William A.) Springfield Coal (Middle Pcnnsylvanian of Il- linois) and distribution patterns of a tree-fern linois) and distribution patterns of a tree-fern paleoecology—khnofosslb miospore, Thymospora pseudothiessenii, miospore, Thymospora pseudothiessenii, Mississippian: Carbonate petrology, paleoecol- based on miospore profiles (Mahaffy, James based on aiiospore profiles (Mahaffy, James ogy, and depositional environments of tlie F.) F-) Clore Formation (upper Chesterian) in petroleum see under southern Illinois (Abegg, Frederick E.) para genes is—fluorspar economic geology Hardin County: A study of the fluid inclusion, see oil and gas fields paieoeeology—Invertebrates stable isotope and mineralogical charac- see under economic geology under Crawford Pennsyhanian: Paieoeeology and paleoen- teristics of the Denton fluorspar deposit, Cave- County; Hardin County; Jackson County; Johnson vironment of the Brereton Limestone (Penn- in-Rock, Illinois (Koellner, Mark S.) County; Randolph County; Union County sylvanian, Desmoinesian) in a portion of the Illinois Basin (Wissinger, Diane E.) Peddkord Formation petrology Wedron section. Wedron, Illinois; concepts of igneous rocks: Alnoite intrusions associated paieoeeology—Paleozoic Woodfordian glaciation in Illinois (Johnson, with Pennian rifting in tlie New Madrid seis- United Stales: Early Paleozoic tectonic and sed- W. Hilton, et al.) mic rift complex (Lewis, Richard D.) imentary evolution of the Reelfoot-Rough Creek rift system, Midcontinent, U. S. Pennsylvanlan see under stratigraphy under Peyton Colluvium (Weaverling, Paul Harrison) Crawford County; Johnson County; La Salle Stack unit mapping and Quaternary history Ed-

County; Perry County dyville 7.S minute quadrangle, southern Il- paieoeeology—Pennsylvanlan linois '(Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow) Perry County: Vegetational history of the Peoria County^-environmental geology Springfield Coal (Middle Pennsylvanlan of Il- Devonian; waste disposal: Evaluation of groundwater Phanerozoic see Holocene; Mississip- linois) and distribution patterns of a tree-fern pian; Ordovician; Paleogene; Paleozoic; Pennsyl- monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- miospore, Thymospora pseudothiesscnii, vanian; Pleistocene; Quaternary; Silurian posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly based on miospore profiles (Mahaffy, James L., et al.) F.) phase equilibria—magmas interpretation: Natural element and isotope Palcogene see under stratigraphy under Pulaski Peoria County—hydrogeology separations by phase transformations (Wet- County ground water: Evaluation of groundwater monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- zel, K.) paleogeography Quaternary posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly — physical geography see geomorphology United States: Soil development and loess L., etal.) stratigraphy of the Midcontinental USA Peoria Loess Piatt Till Member (Norton, L. D., et al.) five for Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois Evaluation of Illinois soils earthen paleontology (Curry, B. Brandon) liners (Su, Wen-June, et al.) Dryozoa: Strotopora Ulrich and Cliotrypa Ul- — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Pisces—Dipnoi rich and Bassler (Cystoporida, Bryozoa) Illinois and implications regarding the late Pennsyhanian: A large, well preserved (Horowitz, Alan Stanley) Pleistocene-Holocene development of the specimen of the Middle Pennsylvanlan Echinodermata: Two new multiarmed Missis- Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) lungfish Conchopma edesi (Osteichthyes; Dip- sippian asteroids (Echinodermata) from the — Regional Quaternary geology of western noi) from Mazon Creek, Illinois, U.S.A. Upper Mississippi Valley (Blake, Daniel B.) Clark County, Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon, et (Marshall, Charles R.) — Two new multiarmed Paleozoic (Mississip- al.) (Echinodermata) pian) asteroids and some — Results of hydrologic research at a low-level Plantae see ferns; gynuiosperms; palynomorphs; paleobiologic implications (Blake, Daniel radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, problematic fossils; ptcridophytes B.) Illinois (Ryan, Barbara J.) Invertebrala: Paieoeeology and paJeocnviron- — Soil development and loess stratigraphy of PlatteviUe Formation ment of the Brereton Limestone (Pennsylva- the MidcontinenUl USA (Norton, L. D., et Applied geology of the proposed site for the

nian, Desmoinesian) in a portion of the Illinois al.) superconducting super collider (SSC) in Il- Basin (Wissinger, Diane E.) — Stack unit mapping and Quaternary history linois (Kcmplon, John P., et al.) soft-parts Moliusca: A new cephalopod with Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, southern Il- — Faciesdistribution within the Maquoketaand from the Upper Carboniferous Francis Creek linois (Henderson, Elizabetli Darrow) Galena-Platteviile groups and tlieir relation- Shale Illinois, of USA (Allison, Peter E.) — The Quaternary history of tlie lower Cache ship to Ordovician structural history in north- problematic fossils: The naming of the Tully Rivervalley, southern Illinois (Hughes, Wil- eastern Illinois (Graese, Anne M.) Monster (Konecny, Jim) liam Brian) — Geological program to site the superconduct- — X-ray technique to evaluate pedon and ing super collider in Illinois (Lcighlon, Mor- paleontology—practice erosion variability of an Ava map unit ris W., et al.) collecting: Fossil collection serves as link to (Olson, K. R., et al.) — Impact of dolomite and shale spoil materials aiKient Paleozoic forests (Harney, Thomas) on Illinois water quality; laboratory studies Perry County geophysical surveys Paleosols see under clastic sediments under sedi- — (Krapac, I. G., et al.) ments well-logging: Use of geophysical logs to es- timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanlan Pleistocene see under stratigraphy under Great Paleozoic see Devonian; Mississippian; Ordovi- sandstones, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. Lakes region; La Salle County: North America; cian; Pennsylvanlan; Silurian L., et al.) Tazewell County

Bibliography 37 plutonlum—Isotopes plutonlum—Isotopes — Variation in the breadth of ecotones separat- Clore Formation (upper Chesterian) in Pu-239: A preliminary assessment of ^'u ing three Middle Pennsylvanian coal-swamp southern Illinois (Abegg, Frederick E.) concentrations in a stream near Argonnc Na- plant assemblages (Dimichele, William A.) Randolph County—soils tional Laboratory (Singh, H.) Pulaski County—geomorphology maps: Soil survey of Randolph County, Illinois pollen see palynomorphs fluvial features: The Cache Valley of southern (Miles, C. C.) llliiiois (Masters, John M.} pollution see under environmental geology; Randolph County—stratigraphy isotopes Pulaski County—sedimentary petrology Mississippian: Petrography and reservoir see reclamation; waste disposal sedimentation: Geochemical conditions during properties of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) see under environmental geology under Bond the deposition of the Tertiary Porters Creek arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert County; Bureau County; Clay County; Cook Coun- Clay determined from its mineralogy and trace V.) ty: data processing; De Kalb County; Du Page fossils (Faulkerson, Joe C.) reclamation .r«e conservation; land use; pollution County; Kane County; Kendall County; Lake Pulaski County—stratigraphy see under envirotunental geology under Bureau County; Macoupin County; Madison County; Paleogene: Paleocene foraminifera from County; Marshall County; Putnam County United Sutes southern Illinois; biostratigraphy and paleo- see itnc/er environmental geology pollution ground water ecology (Fluegeman, Richard H., Jr.) — reefs see under sedimentary petrology transport: Assessing the validity of the channel Quaternary: Analysis of the Cache Valley de- Reelfoot model of fracture aperture under field condi- posits in Illinois and implications regarding the Arkose tectonic tions (Shapiro, Allen M.) late Pleistocene-Holoccne development of the Early Paleozoic and sedimentary Ohio River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) evolution of the Ree Ifoot-Rougli Creek rift sys- Pope County gcomorpbology — — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in tem, Midcontinent, U. S. (Weaverling, Paul fluvial features: The Caclie Valley of southern Illinois and implications regarding the late Harrison) Illinois (Masters, John M.) Plcistocene-Holocene development of the remote sensing see under geophysical surveys Porters Creek Formation Ohio River valley; discussion (Leach, see under geophysical surveys under Brown Coun- Clay mineral segregation by flocculation in the Elizabeth K.) ty; Cook County; data processing; Ford County Porters Creek Formation (Thomas, Andrew — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in reservoirs see under engineering geology R.) Illinois and implications regarding the late — Oeochemical conditions during the deposi- Pleistocene-Holocene development of the RIdenhower Formation tion of the Tertiary Porters Creek Clay deter- Ohio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., et al.) Petrography and reservoir properties of mined from its mineralogy and trace fossils Putnam County—environmental geology (Thesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, (Faulkerson, Joe C.) southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) reclamation: Illinois barren longwall mine waste, fifty years potassium—geochemistry after abandonment rift zones see under environment under sedimen- sedimentary rocks: Potassic diagcnesis of (Szafoni, Diane, et al.) tation Cambrian sandstones and Precambrian granitic pyrite see under diagenesis under sedimentary rivers see hydrology basement in UPH-3 deep hole. Upper Missis- rocks see under fluvial features under geomorphology sippi Valley, U.S.A. (Duffin, Michael E., et

al.) Robein Silt Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois potasslum^lsotopes (Curry, B. Brandon) K-40: Oamma-ray activity in bituminous, sub- Quaternary see Holocene; Pleistocene bituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. E.) rock mechanics see under engineering geology see under stratigraphy see soil mechanics; underground installations Geochemical interactions of hazardous wastes R rock mechanics—materials, properties with geological formations in deep-well sys- engineering properties: Engineering properties tems (Roy, W.R., etal.) and clay mineralogy of Illinois coal-mine roof racemization see under gcochronology shales and underclays (Tangchawal, Sanga) Prairie du Chlen Group hydraulic conductivity: Assessing the validity of Lower Ordovician conodonts from the Racine Dolomite the channel model of fracture aperture under Shakopee Dolomite (upper Prairie du Chien The Silurian reef at Thornton, Illinois field conditions (Shapiro, Alien M.) Group) in southwestern Illinois (Shaw, T. H., (Mikulic, Donald G.) et al.) rock mechanics site exploration radioactive dating see absolute age — superconducting super collider: Geological- problematic fossils see under paleontology radioactivity see under well-logging geotechnical studies for siting the supercon- problematic fossils—faunal studies ducting super collider in Illinois; regional radiocarbon dating j«« absolute age Pennsylvanian: The monster of Illinois; paleon- summary (Graese, A. M., et al.) tology and politics (Carman, Mary R.) Randolph County—economic geology Roxana Silt petroleum: Petrography andreservoirpropcrtics problematic fossils—taxonomy Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in Illinois of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, Pennsylvanian: The naming of the Tully and implications regarding (lie lale Plcis- southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) Monster (Konecny, Jim) tocene-Holocene development of the Ohio Randolph County geophysical surveys River valley (Esling, Steven P., et al.) problematic mlcrofosslb see problematic fossils — well-logging: Use of geophysical logs to es- — Regional Quaternary geology of western Proviso Sandstone timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian Clark County, Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon, el Geochemical interactions of hazardous wastes sandstones, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. al.) with geological formations in deep-well sys- L., et al.) — Sedimentological, pedogenic, pollen, and tems (Roy, W. R., et al.) microfauna records of the Sangamonian Stage Randolph County—hydrogeology and Altonian Substage (early Wisconsinan) in pteridophytes see ferns ground water: Use of geophysical logs to es- Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon) see under paleobotany timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian — Source and origin of Roxana Silt and middle sandstones, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. p terid ophytes—Lycopsida Wisconsinan midcontinent glacial activity L., et al.) Pennsylvanian: Small-scale spatial (Johnson. W. Hilton) heterogeneity in Pennsylvanian-agc vegetation Randolph County—sedimentary petrology — Stack unit mapping and Quaternary history from the roof shale of the Springfield Coal sedimentary rocks: Carbonate petrology, paleo- Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, soulliem Il- (Illinois Basin) (Dimichele, William A.) ecology, and depositional environments of the linois (Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow)

38 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology sedldientatlon^-envlronment

— Tlie Quaternary history of ihe lower Cache — Water-rock interaction history of regionally sedimentary rocks—diagenesis River valley, souUiem Illinois (Huglies, Wil- extensive dolomites of the Burlington-Keokuk pyrite: Origin of pyrite nodules in Ihe St. Peter

liam Brian) Formation (Mississippian); isotopic evidence Sandstone, Buffalo Rock State Park, Illinois — X-ray technique to evaluate pcdon and (Banner, J. L., ct al.) (Kirchner, James Gary)

erosion variability of an Ava map unit reefs: lliomton Reef, Silurian, northeastern Il- sedimentary rocks llthofacles .(Olson, K.R..etal.) linois (McGovfKy, J. E.) — environmental analysis: Carbonate petrology, sedimentary rocks: Coal deposition in the rubidium geochemistry paleoecology, and dcpositional environments — cratonic Illinois Basin; evidence for tectonic soils: in surface horizons of Illinois Rubidium of tlie Clore Formation (upper Chesterian) control of sedimentation (Eggert, Donald L.) in soils (Jones, Robert L.) southern Illinois (Abcgg, Frederick — Facies, dcpositional and diagenclic environ- E.) Facies, dcpositional and diagcnetic environ- ments of the Golconda Group (Mississippian) — ments of the Golconda Group (Mississippian) in southwestern Illinois and southeastern Mis- in southwestern Illinois and souri (Harris, Clayton D.) southeastern Mis- souri (Harris, Clayton D.) Saint Clair County—economic geology — Origin of pyrite nodules in the St. Peter Sand- — Fluvial-deltaic deposits (Caseyville and Ab- waler resources: Groundwater level analysis by stone, Buffalo Rock State Park, Illinois bott formations) of Early Pennsylvanian age computer modeling American Bottoms (Kirchner, James Gary) exposed along the Pounds Escarpment, groundwater study (Rilchey, Joseph D., et — Regional dolomitization of shelf carbonates southern Illinois (Jacobson, Russell J.) in the al.) Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Missis- sippian), Illinois and Missouri; constraints sedimentary rocks—llthostratigraphy Saint Francob Formation from cathodoluminescent zonal stratigraphy Paleozoic: Geologic features near Grand tectonic and sedimentary Early Paleozoic (Cander, H. S.,etal.) Tower, Illinois; die Devil's Backbone, the evolution of the Reelfoot-Rough Creek riftsys- St. Peter Sandstone; a closer look ; discussion — Devil's Bake Oven, and Fountain Bluff tem, Midcontinent, (J. S. (Wcavcrling, Paul and reply (Johnson, C. B., et al.) (Fraunfelter, George H.) Harrison) — Variables controlling permeability of oolitic — Valmeyer Anticline of Monroe County, Il- calcarenites of ti»c Ste. Genevieve Limestone Saint Peter Sandstone linois (Norby, Rodney D.) Origin of pyritc nodules in the St. Peter Sand- (Mississippian), soulliern Illinois (Hiseler, stone, Buffalo Rock State Park, Illinois Robert B.) sedimentary rocks—organic residues (Kirchner, James Gary) sedimentation: Tlie association of rhythmic coal: Coal deposition in the cratonic Illinois tidalites — Shatter cones and other shock effects at Dcs and coals in the Illinois Basin Basin; evidence for tectonic control of sedi- Plaines, Illinois; evidence for meteoroid im- (Kvale.ErikP.) mentation (Eggert, Donald L.)

pact (McHone, John P., et al.) — Gamma-ray activity in bituminous, sub- sedimentary rocks see under sedimentary petrol- Starved Rock, Illinois (Kolata, Dennis R.) bituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. E.) — ogy — Minerals in bituminous coals of the Sydney Sainte Genevieve Limestone see sedimentary structures; sedimentation; sedi- Basin (Australia) and the Illinois Basin Dcpositional facies analysis of the Vases ments Aux (U.S A.) (Ward, Colin R-) (Mississippian) Formation from southeastern macerals: Micromechanical properties of coal Missouri to southeastern Illinois (Cole, sedimentary rocks—carbonate rocks maceral surfaces (Kopp, O. C, et al.) Robert D.) calcarenite: Variables controlling permeability of oolitic — Variables controlling permeability of oolitic calcarenites of the Ste. Genevieve sedimentary structures see sedimentary rocks; calcarenites of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone Limestone (Mississippian), southern Illinois sediments (Hiseler. (Mississippian), southern Illinois (Hiseler, Robert B.) dolostone: Water-rock Robert B.) interaction history of sedimentary structures—planarbeddingstnic- regionally extensive dolomites of the Bur- tures Salem Limestone lington-Keokuk Formation (Mississippian); cyclothems: Cyclothcms in the Carbondale For- Burial depth, lithofaciea, and stylolite density isotopic evidence (Banner, J. L., et al.) mation (Pennsylvanian: Dcsmoinesian Series) in the Salem Limestone, Illinois Basin environmental analysis: Silurian seascapes; of La Salle County, Illinois (Trask, C. Brian) (Losonsky,G.) water depth, clinolhems, reef geometry, and sedimentation see diagenesis Saline County—economic geology other motifs; a critical review of the Silurian see under sedimentary petrology oil and gas fields: Typical stratigraphic entrap- reef model (Shaver, Robert H.) ment in southern Illinois (Avila, John) limestone: Regional dolomitization ofshelfcar- sedimentation—controls bonates in the Burlington-Keokuk Formation structural geology tectonic controls: Structural controls on the for- Saline County— (Mississippian). Illinois and Missouri; con- Horseshoe Quarry, Shawnectown fault mation of the sub-Absaroka unconformity in faults: straints from cathodoluminescent zonal zone, Illinois (Nelson, W. John) the U.S. Eastern Interior basin (Oreb, stratigraphy (Cander, H. S., et al.) Stephen F.) outcrops: Scott County—soils The Silurian reef at Tliomton, Illinois maps: Soil survey of Morgan and Scott coun- (Mikulic, Donald G.) sedimentation——environment ties, Illinois (Gotsch, K. A.) em-ironmeni: Analysis of Ihe Cache Val- sedimentary rocks—chemically precipitated fluvial ley deposits in Illinois and implications regard- sea-level fluctuations see changes of level rocks ing the late Pleistocene-Holocene chert: Origin of cherts in the Burlington Lime- sedimentary petrology development of the Ohio River valley (Es- stone (lower Middle Mississippian) of clay mineralogy: Clay mineral segregation by ling, Steven P., et al.) southeastern Iowa and western Illinois flocculalion in the Porters Creek Formation — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in (Seigley, Lynelte Sue) (TTiomaa, Andrew R.) Illinois and implications regarding the late — The influence of disaggregation methods on sedimentary rocks—clastic rocks Pleistocene-Holocene development of the X-ray diffraction of clay minerals (Huang, arenite: Petrography and reservoir properties of Ohio River valley; discussion (Leach, Scott L.) Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, Elizabeth K.) diagenesis: Diagnetic features in transgressive southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in limestones suggest minorregressions in Upper reservoir properties: Hydrocarbon accumula- Illinois and implications regarding ihe late Pennsylvanian cyclothem, Illinois Basin tion in a paleovalley at Mississippian-Pennsyl- Pleistocene-Holocene development of the (Wcibel, C. Pius) vanian unconformity near Hardinville, Oliio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., cl al.) — Petrology of fault-related diagcnetic features Crawford County, Illinois; a model — Fluvial-deltaic deposits (Caseyville and Ab- in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of the Plum palcogeomorphic trap (Howard, R. H.) bott formations) of Early Pennsylvanian age fault zone, eastern Iowa and Northwest sandstone: St. the Pounds Escarpment, River Peter Sandstone; a closer look ; exposed along Illinois (Ludvigson, Gregory Alan) discussion and reply (Johnson, C. B., et al.) southern Illinois (Jacobson, Russell J.)

Bibliography 39 sedimentation—processes

lacustrine environment: A new method for es- sediments—geociiemistry Snider Member timating future reservoir storage capacities metals: Suspended sediment and metals Evaluation of five Illinois soils forearthen liners (Singh. Krishan P.) removal from urban runoff by a small lake (Su, Wen-June, et al.) — Suspended sediment and metals removal (Striegl, Roberto.) soil see rock mechanics; from urban runoff by a small lake (Stricgl, organic materials: Evaluating bioavailability of mechanics underground installations , Robert O.) neutral organic chemicals in sediments; a con- — The need for a systematic lake sedimentation fined disposal facility case study (Clarke, survey program in Illinois (Bhowmik, Nani Joan U., et al.) soil mechanics—frost action O.) models: Seasonal ground frost occurrence; sediments—litliostratigraphy reefs: Silurian seascapes; water depth, developing a statistically-based predictive Pleistocene: Farm Creek, central Illinois; a clinothcms, reef geometry, and other motifa; a model (Locwcnherz, Deborah S.) notable Pleistocene section (Follmer, Leon critical review of the Silurian reef model R.) soil materials, properties (Shaver, Robert H.) mechanics— Quater- Quaternary: Stack unit mapping and engineering properties: Engineering properties zones: Early Paleozoic tectonic and sedi- rift Eddyvillc 7.5 minute quadrangle, nary history and clay mineralogy of Illinois coal-mine roof mentary evolution of the Reelfoot-Rough - southern Illinois (Henderson, Elizabeth Dar- shales and underclays (Tangchawal, Sanga) Creek rift system, Midcontincnt, U. S. row) (Weavcrling, Paul Harrison) soils seismic surveys see under geophysical surveys sedimentation processes conservation: Soil diversity and the effects of — see under geophysical surveys under Kane County glaciolacustrine sedimentation: Age, field eligibility rules in implementing soil con- stratigraphic position, and significance of the seismology see engineering geology servation programs targeted to highly erodible Lemont Drift, northeastern Illinois (Johnson, land (Padgitt, Mcrritt) seismology W. Hilton) geochemistry: Evaluation of nitrogen- 15 tracer earthquakes: A preliminary report on the techniques for direct measurement of sedimentation—sedimentation rates variability in the particle velocity recordings of dcnitrification in soil; IV, Field studies (Mul- Illinois fluvial sedimentation: Sedimentation in the Il- the June 10, 1987 southeastern earth- vaney, R. L.) linois River valley and backwater lakes quake (Street, R., ct al.) morpltology: Locssial soils; their relationship to (Bhowmik, Nani O.) — Tlie June 1987 southeastern Illinois earth- width of the source valley in Illinois (Putman, lacustrine sedimentation: Sedimentation and quake; possible tectonism associated with the B.R.,etal.) hydrologic processes in Lake Decatur and its La Salle anticlinal belt (Hamburger, M. W.) — Rubidium in surface horizons of Illinois soils watershed (Fitzpatrick, William P., et al.) microearthquakes: The Cairo, Illinois earth- (Jones, Robert L.) quake swarm of 1983-1984 (Taylor, K. B.) sedimentation—transport pedogenesis: Fragipan formation in loess of the glacial transport: Source and origin of Roxana seismology—earthquakes Midwestern United States (Franzmeier, D. networks: preliminary report on the Silt and middle Wisconsinan midcontinent gla- A P., et al.) . cial activity (Johnson, W. Hilton) variability in the particle velocity recordings of soil erosion: Chemical, mineralogical, and stream transport: Runoff aixi land modification the June 10, 1987 southeastern Illinois earth- physical property differences between (Oray, John R.) quake (Street, R., ct al.) moderately and severely eroded Illinois soils wind transport: Atmospheric deposition of Be seismotectonics: TlicJune 1987 southeastern Il- (Nizcyimana, E.) and Be (Brown, Louis, et al.) linois earthquake; possible tectonism as- — Upland erosion and downstream sediment sociated with the La Salle anticlinal belt delivery (Stall, John B.) sediments see sedimentary rocks; sedimentary (Hamburger, M. W.) structures; sedimentation soils—surveys seismology—«eismicity Brown County: Soil survey of Brown County, sediments—clastic sediments seismotectonics: Evidence of late Cenozoic ac- Illinois (Beming, O. V.) drift: Age, stratigraphic position, and sig- tivity along the Bolivar-Mansfield tectonic Bureau County: Distribution of gases in tlie un- nificance of the Lemont Drift, northeastern Il- zone, Midcontinent, USA (Cox, Randcl saturated zone at a low-level radioactive-waste linois (Johnson, W. Hilton) Tom) disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois (Striegl, dust: Atmospheric deposition of Be and Be Shakopee Dolomite Robert G.) (Brown, Louis, et al.) Lower Ordovician conodonts from the — Evapotranspiration and microclimate at a environmental analysis: Analysis of titc Cache Shakopee Dolomite (upper Prairie du Chien low-level radioactive-waste disposal site in Valley deposits in Illinois and implications Oroup) in southwestern Illinois (Shaw, T. H., northwestern Illinois (Healy, R. W., et al.) regarding the late Pleistocene-Holocene etal.) — Water and tritium movement in the un- development of ilic Ohio River valley (Ea- saturated zone (Mills, Patrick C.) ling, Steven P., et al.) shorelines see under engineering geology — Water balance at a low-level radioactive- — Analysis of the Cache Valley deposits in see under engineering geology under Cook Coun- waste disposal site (Healy, Richard W., et al.) Illinois and implications regarding the late ty; Lake County — Water movement through a trench cover Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Shorewood Till Member (Healy, Richard W.) Ohio River valley; discussion (Leach, The Shorewood Till problem of Illinois and Du Page County: Infiltration, soil moisture, and Elizabeth K.) Wisconsin (Rovey, C. W., II) related measuremenl.s al a landfill willi a frac- — Analysis of the Caciie Valley deposits in tured cover, Illinois (Booth, Colin J.) Illinois and implications regarding the laic Shumway Limestone Ford County: Use of soil and spectral properties Pleistocene-Holocene development of the Stratigraphy, dcpositional history, and for monitoring soil erosion (Weismiller, Ohio River valley; reply (Esling, S. P., et al.) brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of Richard A., et al.) loess: Quaternary aminostratigraphy of Missis- east-central Illinois (Weibcl, Carl Pius) Illinois: A model for quantifying incentive pay- sippi Valley loess (Qark, Peter U., et al.) silt see under clastic sediments under sediments ments for soil conservation in cropping regions — Soil development and loess stratigraphy of subject to water erosion (Dumsday, Robert the Midcontinenlal USA (Norton, L. D., et Silurian see iimier stratigraphy under Cook Coun- G.) al.) ty; Kankakee County; Will County — Chemical, mineralogical, and physical Paleosols: Micromorphological analysis of slope stability see geomorphology property differences between moderately and mixed zones associated with loess deposits of see under engineering geology under Iroquois severely eroded Illinois soils (Nizcyimana, the Midcontinenlal United States (Mc- County; Williamson County E.) Sweeney, Y. K., et al.)

silt: Source and origin of Roxana Silt and middle Smlthboro Till Member — Evaluation of nitrogen- 1 5 tracer techniques Wisconsinan midcontincnt glacial activity Regional Quaternary geology of western Qark for direct measurement of dcnitrification in (Johnson, W. Hihon) County, Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon, et al.) soil; rv, Field studies (Mulvaney, R. L.)

40 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology sulfur—Isotopes

— Fragipan formation in loess of the Mid- Stephenson County—engineering geology — Stratigraphy, depositional history, and western United Stales (Pranzmeier, D. P., ct rock mecltanics: Microcrack study of Illinois brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of

al.) granite from deep borehole UPH-2 (Jang, B. east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) — Hydrology and sedimenlology modeling on A.) Pleistocene: Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois agricultural watersheds (Ewing, Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon) Stephenson County—sedimentary petrology . Uyd K.) — Fluctuations of the Late Wisconainan — hnpaci of risk and planning horizons on the diagenesis: Potassic diagenesis of Cambrian (Woodfordian) Lake Michigan lobe in Illinois,

se lection of soi I conserv ation management sys- sandstones and Precambrian granitic basement U.S.A. (Johnson, W. Hilton) tems (Venkataraman R., Ravi) in UPH-3 deep hole. Upper Mississippi Valley, — Paleocnvironment of some invertebrates

— Locssial soils; tlieir relationship to widtli of U.SA. (Duffin, Michael E., et al.) (molluscs and beetles) from the Tonica ther- the source valley in Illinois (Putman, B. R., mokarst, north-central Illinois (Frest, Ter-

etal.) stratigraphy rence J.) Rubidium in surface horizons of Illinois soils — Sedimentological, pedogenic, pollen, and — archaeology: Comparison of archeomagnelic (Jones, Robert L.) microfauna records of tlie Sangamonian Stage studies of suspected hearths from Koobi Fora, — Soil diversity and the effects of field and Altonian Substage (early Wisconsinan) in Africa witli known hearths from Modoc, II. eligibility rules in implementing soil conserva- Illinois (Curry, B. Brandon) (Bellomo, R- J.) tion programs targeted to highly erodible land — Source and origin of Roxana Silt and middle Carboniferous: Stratigraphy and petrography of (Padgitt, Merritt) Wisconsinan midcontinent glacial activity the Livingston Limestone Member, Bond For- — Stratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of a (Johnson, W. Hilton) mation (Mississippian, Pennsylvanian), of multiple loess-Paleosol section, Pancake Hol- — Stratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of a east-central Illinois and western Indiana low, west-central Illinois, U.S^. (Hajic, multiple locss-Palcosol section. Pancake Hol- (Giffin, Jon W.) Edwin R.. et al.) low, west-central Illinois, U.SA. (Hajic, catalogs: Catalog of cores from the sub-Galena — Upland erosion and downstream sediment Edwin R., et al.) Group in Illinois (Shaw, Thomas H.) delivery (Stall, John B.) Quaternary: Geology, paleobiology, and ar- Devonian: Onondaga Indian Nation and Kaw- Morgan County: Soil survey of Morgan and chaeology of the Tonica Thermokarst, north- kawlin metabentonites in surface Middle Scott counties, Illinois (Oolsch, K. A.) central Illinois (Warren, Robert E.) Devonian (late Onesqueihawan) Grand Tower Perry County: Soil survey of Perry County, Il- — Molluscan faunal changes in the Lake Formation of central Illinois (Conkin, James linois (Grantham, Dana R.) Michigan Basin during the past 1 1,000 years E.) Randolph County: Soil survey of Randolph (Miller, BanyB.) Holocene: Prehistoric settlement and Holocene County, Illinois (Miles. C. C.) — Stack unit mapping and Quaternary history environmental change in the Tonica region, Scott County: Soil survey of Morgan and Scott Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, southern Il- north-central Illinois (Warren, Robert E.) counties, Illinois (Gotsch, K. A.) linois (Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow) — Reconstructed hydrological parameters of UniledSlales: Simulated climate data inputs for — The Quaternary history of the lower Cache the Mississippi River since the mid- 1 800s from DRAINMOD (Robbins, Kevin Douglas) River valley, southern Illinois (Hughes, Wil- tree rings (Wendland, Wayne M.) — Soil development and loess stratigraphy of liam Brian) maps: Slack unit mapping and Quaternary his- the Midcontinental USA (Norton, L. D., et Silurian: A paleotopographic approach to the tory Eddyville 7.5 minute quadrangle, soutltem al.) Silurian reefs of the Illinois Basin (Thomas, Illinois (Henderson, Elizabeth Darrow) Williamson County: X-ray technique to Gilbert E.,ctal.) — Stack-unit mapping of geologic materials in evaluate pedon and erosion variability of an — Silurian pinnacle reef distribution in Illinois; Illinois to a depth of IS meters (Berg, Ava map unit (Olson, K. R., et al.) model for hydrocarbon exploration Richard C.) (Whitakcr, Stephen T.) Spechts Ferry Shale Member Mississippian: Burial depth, lithofacies, and streams see hydrology Nature and origin of potassic alteration of tlie stylolite deiuity in the Salem Limestone, Il- linois Basin (Losonsky, G.) Ordovician Spechts Ferry Formation in the strontium—Isotopes Upper Mississippi Valley (Mattlicws, James — Dcpositional facics analysis of the Aux Sr-87ISr-86: Water-rock interaction history of Coert) Vases (Mississippian) Formation from regionally extensive dolomites of tlie Bur- southeastern Missouri to southeastern Illinois lington-Keokuk Formation (Mississippian); spectroscopy see chemical analysis (Cole, Robert D.) isotopic evidence (Banner, J. L., ct al.) Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary, Spoon Formation — structural analysis see folds; tectonics Midcontinent; conformity ordiscon- Use of geophysical logs to estimate water southern structural geology quality of basal Pennsylvanian sandstones, formity; conodont biofacies or biostratig- (Manger, Waller faults: Plum River fault zone (Ludvigson, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. L., et al.) raphy? L.) Greg A.) — Vegetational history of the Springfield Coal Ordovician: Facies distribution within the Ma- Oalena-Platteville tectonics: Tectonic history of the Illinois Basin; (Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois) and dis- quoketa and groups and an overview (Kolata, Dennis R., ct al.) tribution patterns of a tree-fern miospore, their relationship to Ordovician structural his- tory in northeastern Illinois (Graesc, Anne Thymospora pseudothiessenii, based on mio- sulfides see under minerals spore profiles (Mahaffy, James F.) M.) Paleozoic: Catalog of cores from the sub- sulfur see under geochemistry spores see palynomorphs Galena Group in Illinois (Shaw, Tliomas H.) sulfur—Isotopes Pennsylvanian: Fossil collection serves as link S-34IS-32: Petrology of fault-related diagcnetic Springfield Coal Member to ancient Paleozoic forests (Harney, features in the Paleozoic carbonate rocks of the Coal data available on-line at the Illinois Thomas) Plum River fault zone, eastern Iowa and Geological Survey (Trask, C. Brian) — Paleoccology applied to coal geology; the Northwest Illinois (Ludvigson, Gregory — Small-scale spatial heterogeneity in Pennsyl- relationship of the distribution of biofacies in Alan) vanian-age vegetation from tlie roof shale of the Brereton Limestone Member (Carbondale — Stable isotope systcmatics in the Illinois- the Springfield Coal (Illinois Basin) Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian) to Kentucky fluorspardistrict (Jones, Henry D.) (Dimichele, William A.) variability in coal-mine roof strata, south- stable isotopes: A study of the fluid inclusion, — Vegetational history of the Springfield Coal western Illinois (Utgaard, John E., et al.) stable isotope and mineralogical charac- (Middle Pcnnsylvaniiui of Illinois) and dis- Palynological correlation of major Pcnnsyl- teristics of tlie Denton fluorspar deposit, Cavc- tribution patterns of a tree-fern miospore, — vanian (Upper Carboniferous) time- in-Rock, Illinois (KocUner, Mark S.) Thymospora pseudothiessenii, based on mio- stratigraphic boundaries in the Illinois Basin spore profiles (Mahaffy, James F.) sulphur see sulfur with those in other coal regions of Euramerica springs see ground water (Peppers, RusscI A.) surface water see hydrology

Bibliography 41 survey organizations—current research

survey organizations see museums Union County—economic geology Waltersburg Formation petroleum: Petrography andrcservoirproperties Petrography and reservoir properties of survey organizations—current research of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) areniles, Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, Illinois Stale Geological Survey: Ocologic ap- southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) plications of an extensive OIS database; ex- — Typical stratigraphic enU'apment in southern amples from Illinois (Krumm, Robert R., et Union County—geomorphology Illinois (Avila, John) fluvial features : TIk Cache Valley of southern — The Illinois Basin Coal Somple Program; Illinois (Masters, Jolui M.) Warren County—liydrogeology status and sample characterization (Harvey, hydrology: Assessment of processes affecting Union County—stratigraphy Richard D.) low-flow water quality of Cedar Creek, west- Mississippian: Petrography and reservoir U. S. Geological Survey: Waler-resourccs ac- ccnual Illinois (Schmidt, Arthur R., et al.) properties of Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) tivities of (he U.S. Geological Survey in Il- arenites, southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert waste disposal see under engineering geology; linois, 1988 (Oarrelts, Mary L.) V.) environmental geology see under cngiiKering geology under Bureau United States—economic geology County; Champaign County; data processing lead-zinc deposits: Galena from mississippi val- see under enviroiunental geology under Bureau ley-type deposits (Lasmanis, Raymond) County; Cook County; Crawford County; Du Page Petrography and reservoir properties of United States—engineering geology County; Lawrence County; Macoupin County; Chcsterian (Upper Mississippian) arenites, earthquakes: Seismic hazard assessment in the Madison County; Peoria County; Will County southern Illinois (Carozzi, Albert V.) central United States (Johnston, Arch C.) water J«e ground water; hydrogeology; hydrology; — Typical atratigraphic entrapment in southern United States—environmental geology water resources Illinois (Avila, John) pollution: Oamma-ray activity in bituminous, Tazewell County—stratigraphy subbituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. water resources see under economic geology Pleistocene: Farm Creek, central Illinois; a E.) see under economic geology under Cook County; notable Pleistocene section (Pollmer, Leon DuPagc County; Kane County; Knox County; United States soils R.) — Lake County: Livingston County; McIIenry Coun- water regimes: Simulated climate data inputs ty; Saint Clair County; Will County tectonics j«e faults; folds for DRAINMOD (Robbins. Kevin Douglas) see under structural geology under North water supply see water resources United States stratigraphy America; United States — Paleozoic: Early Paleozoic tectonic and sedi- see under structural geology Wayside Sandstone Meml>er mentary evolution of the Reelfoot-Rough Mississippi an-Pennsylvani an boundary, terrestrial crust see crust Creek rift system, Midcontinent, U. S. southern Midcontinent; conformity or discon- (Weaverling, Paul Harrison) Tertiary see Palcogene formity; conodont biofacies or bioslratig- Quaternary: Soil development and loess stratig- raphy? (Manger, Walter L.) theoretical studies see under hydrogeology raphy of the Midcontinental USA (Norton, L. Wedroa Formation D., et al.) thermal analysis see chemical analysis Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois United States—structural geology thorium—isotopes (Chirry, B. Brandon) tectonics: Early Paleozoic tectonic and sedi- Th-232: Oamma-ray activity in bituminous, — The Shorewood Till problem of Illinois aiKl mentary evolution of the Rcclfoot-Rough subbituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. Wisconsin (Rovcy, C. W., II) Creek rift system, Midcontinent, U. S. E.) — Wedron section, Wedron, Illinois; concepts (Weaverling, Paul Harrison) of Woodfordian glaciation in Illinois Tioga Bentonite — Evidence of late Cenozoic activity along the (Johnson, W. Hilton, et al.) Onondaga Indian Nation and Kawkawlin Bolivar-Mansfield tectonic zone, Midcon- well-logging see geophysical surveys metabentoniles in surface Middle Devonian tinent, USA (Cox, Randcl Tom) (late Onesquethawan) Grand Tower Formation uranium isotopes well-logging—electrical logging of central Illinois (Conkin, James E.) — U-238: Gamma-ray activity in bituminous, sub- interpretation: Use of geophysical logs to es- Toledo Formation bituminous and lignite coals (Barber, D. E.) timate water quality of basal Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy, depositional history, and U-238/U-234: Anomalous Mississippi Valley sandstones, southwestern Illinois (Poole, V. brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of leads; anotiier suggestion (Millen, Timotliy L.,etal.) east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) M., et al.) well-logging—rad ioactivity trace elements see under geochemistry uranium ores see under economic geology interpretation: Comparison of spectral gamma ray (SGR) well logging data with instrumental tritium—geochemistry neutron activation analysis (INAA) data for water: Water and tritium movement in the rock types in northern Illinois (Gendron, saturated zone (Healy, Richard W., et al.) Craig R., et al.) — Water and tritium movement in the un- valleys see under fluvial features under geomor- saturated zone (Mills, Patrick C.) Western Hemisphere see North America phology tunnels see under engineering geology under Dc wetlands see under observations under ecology Kalb County; Kane County; Keixlall County Vertebrate see Pisces; problematic fossils Will County—economic geology U W water resources: Groundwater management in northeastern Illinois; will a non-regulatory ap- proach be successful? (Injerd, Dan) underground Installations see i

(Reinertsen, David L.) Wisconsin (Rovcy, C. W., II) L.,etai.)

42 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology Woodbury Limestone

Will Coontj—lijdrogeology Williamson County—engineering geology Woodbury Limcatone ground water: Evaluation of groundwater slope stability: Stratigraphic control on laixlslip Stratigraphy, depositional history, and monitoring programs at hazardous waste dis- kinematics; implications from hillslope failure brachiopod paleontology of Virgilian strata of posal facilities in Illinois (Herzog, Beverly in Williamson County, southern Illinois east-central Illinois (Weibel, Carl Pius) L., ct al.) (Miller, J. IL. ct al.)

Will County—paleontologj Wliliamaon County—sedimentary petrology Inverlebrala: The monster of Illinois; paleon- sediments: Micromorphological analysis of tology and politics (Carman, Mary R.) mixed zones associated with loess deposits of problematic fossils: The monster of Illinois; the Midcontinental United States (Mc- paleontology and politics (Carman, Mary R.) X-ray analysis Sweeney, Y. K., et al.) see chemical analysis Will County—fitnitlgriiplij Winianuon County—soils Ordovician: Ordovician-Silurian unconformity soil erosion: X-ray technique to evaluate pedon al Kankakee River State Park, Illinois and erosion variability of an Ava map unit (Mikulic, Donald O.) (OUon, K. R.. ct al.) Silurian: Ordovician-Silurian unconformity at Kankakee River State Park, Illinois zinc ores see lead-zinc deposits (Mikulic, Donald O.)

zoogeography see biogeography

Bibliography 43