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NET PRESS RUN A.VERAGB DAILY CIRCULATION Foreeaot br 0> S* Weather Bnreinu. for tlie month of July, 1028 New H avea Fah: and slightly cooler tonlig^t; 5,125 Thnrsday increasing clondiness fol­ Hember •( the Andit Bnremi of I- lowed by showers at night. Clrenlatlone ^ ^ ^ VOL. XLH., NO. 271. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1928. (FOUftlTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO T -r ❖ - ii. ENFORCEMENT 16 Months Old Child SOUTBSURVEYS Mother of Twd Kills Rival’ LASTING PEACE IS OF “D R f UW, Is Killed By Exp ress LOSSES CAUSED TEXT OF COOLIDGE H O O r a PLAN Nantasket Beach, Mass., Aug. 15. William Galuzzo, 16 months old, crawling baby before the engineer Torrential Rains in Past Few was killed by the “Millionaires’ saw the little figure. While the Express,” Duxbury to Boston over mother was in another part of the nee Will Try to Make Na­ house, the baby had crawled out oi Days Wash Out Roads President Addresses Ameri­ the , New Haven & Hart­ the back door and through a hole CASE COMPANY tion Bone Dry— No Half ford Railroad. The scene of the ac­ in thg fence and onto the railroad and Flood Rivers and cident was near the home of the tracks. can Legion Memberr, Way Measures. Creeks. BOARD MILL AT Praises Kellogg’s Treaty KIDNAP GEM SALESMAN; Ontlawing War— Crowd Stanford University, Cal., Aug. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 15.-^—The ANDOVERBURNS'1 ' * . 15—The American people can ex­ south today surveyed the damage pect a bone-dry enforcement of the $100,000 IN JEWELS TAKEN and took measures to combat the of 10.000 Hears talk; eighteenth Amendment and modifi­ floods resulting from the torentlal $75;000 Loss in Destruction cation of the Volstead Act to prove rains that accompanied the storms Presidential Party Re­ stricter enforcement of GIRL OF FIFTEEN of the past few'days. of Only Industry in the if Herbert Hoover is elected presi­ Held Dp in Omaha He Is From Macon, Ga., south to Okee­ turns to Summer White dent, it was learned today on the SHOOTS OLD MAN chobee, Fla., on both sides of the Town — Early Morning highest authority. Found in Chicago Suhurh coast, creeks and rivers were swol­ Honse. All doubt over the Republican Her Father Also Uses Gun— len to near-flood stage. Many roads nominee’s dryness was dissipated Both Flee—Wounded Man is were impassable, with; highways Blaze. throujgh the discovery of two Hoo­ Handcuffed and Blind­ Dying. inundated and littered with fallen ver utterances on prohibition, made trees and wires. Wausau, Wis., Aug. 15—A new back in 1918 under wartime law. New York, Aug. 15.—A The tail-end of the second tropi­ The plant of the Case Board hope for lasting peace was held up A ‘•‘teinpest in a teapot” controversy folded— His Story. strange drama of Latin pas­ cal disturbance which swept up the Company; Andover’s only manu- today by President Coolidge before had raged here since Saturday due sions was enacted not far from Florida west coast Tuesday was to a “wet” interpretation, placed facturing concern, was destroyed the men who fought ten years ag« police headquarters when a felt as far north as Atlanta, which with that goal in view. on Hoover’s prohibition declaration, •Chicago, Aug. 15.—A long dis­ young Italian girl and her experienced a sharp drop in tem­ by fire early today at a loss of by one of his closest political ad­ tance kidnaping and robbery epi­ father fired a rain of bullets Addressing the Wisconsin Ameri­ visers. His dryness however, had perature and a terrific downpour. approximately $75,000, The cause can Legion, in convention here, the sode, which netted the perpetrators from two revolvers at Saferio It still was raining here today. of the fire is not known but It *is been announced by International Pantellina, 59, as he sat on his Rivers Rising President pointed to the multila­ News Service on July 25 th. $100,000 in unset gems, terminat­ doorstep. said to have started in the dryloft. teral treaty outlawing war recently The 1918 utterances revealed The Ocmulgee, Oconee, Alta- negotiated between the United ed in Wheaton, 111., West Chicago Pantellina, in a critical con­ maha and Flint rivers in south The fire was discovered a few Hoover as a strict prohibitionist, dition at St. Vincent’s hospital States and fourteeU other powers as a man who sought to establish suburbs, early today. Georgia -were reported rising minutes before six o’clock just as as “one of the greatest blessings The two victims, Morris Keen, a named his assailants and po­ steadily today, owing to hea-vy temperance in America and as one lice sent out alarms for Mary the night watchmen were relieved, ever bestowed upon humanity.” who deplored the drinking of in­ New York jewelry salesman, and rains on the water shed above Alth(/ugh desperate efforts were “It Is a fitting consummation for Elmer Kibett, taxicab driver, were Arenchia, 15, and her father, Macon. All of the tributaries and toxicating liquors. He announced Joseph. Neighbors said they the first decade of peace,” he told himself fiatly as a “lifelong believer found at dawn on the outskirts of creeks pouring into these rivers made to check the blaze, the two the crowd of 10,000 assembled on Wheaton by Joseph Meyer, a farm­ had heard the Arenchias quar­ were out of their banks. brick buildings, wooden barn ahd in national temperance.” The ut­ relling wit’i Pantellina who supply yard of unfinished material the race track of the fair grounds. terances; a public statement and a er. The men were in an automobile, lives across the hall. Many automobile tourists are Here are Mrs. Ida Cross Ferkins, 27, of Whitley City, Ky.,’and her No More Isolation marooned in Macon because high­ two daughters, Jean, left, and Mildred. Mrs. Perkins was arrested for were a mass of flames in less than letter to Senator Morris Sheppard bound hand and fot, handcuffed The girl according to wit­ half an hour. The executive also voiced a for­ (D) of Texas, placed Hoover in the and blindfolded. nesses to the shooting, pull- • ways leading to Savanah, Augusta the slaying of Pearl Owens, of Louisville, whom she. found iil.^.Q^Iiany mal abandonment of the policy of and Athens are impassable. Hundreds of persons were atr category of the “bone-drys.” They told police they had been ed a paper wrapper from her with her husband on a train near Somerset, Ky. - .Mrsi< Perki«i*K^as traded'to the scene by the blaze international isolation to which More Proof kidnapped in Omaha, Neb., late revolver as the pair approach­ The situation at Lake Okeecho­ freed under $5,000 bond and trial was set for October 7 at SdrmerSietr America once held. : S’. If any further doubt might exist and their number was greatly in­ “It (the war) demonstrated so yesterday, and had been on the ed Pantellina and began firing. bee on the east Florida coast was creased by passing motorists who as to his dryness, it would disapper road, as helpless captives, all night. Her father also shot at the still acute today, with sharp dif­ clearly th# interdependence of all through the action of Daniel A. stopped to view the fire, the mill Keen works for F. Fuchs & Co., seated man who collapsed on ferences arising between residents being located only a few rods from people that we are not likely to hear Poling, editor of the Christian Her­ of New York. Kihett is an Omaha the pavement as father and there and drainage engineers at again in responsible quarters what ald and president of the Interna­ USING REAL BANDWAGONS th® state highway through the cen­ other nations do is no concern of taxi driver. daughter fled. The girl scream­ Tallahassee. Residents at Okeecho­ tional Society of Christian En­ ter of the village. The ruins were Keen’s Story ed invectives at Pantellina in bee claim the lake is at the 17 foot still ablaze this afternoon. ours,” he said. Met at the station deavor, in endorsing his acceptance “I got into Omaha yesterday Italian as she fired but police level, while the Tallahassee en­ this morning by State Legion Com­ speech declaration on prohibition. Future Unsettled mander Frank Schneller and a small morning from Minneapolis,” Keen .could not learn what she had gineers claim it is only '• fraction TO TOUR U. S. FOR G:iO. P. The Case Board Company em­ Poling,- one of the outstanding dry told Deputy Sheriff John Petzel of said. less than 15 feet. If the lake over­ committee, the President and Mrs. leaders, wired Hoover: ployed between twenty and twenty- Coolidge and their son John were- Wheaton. “I had Intended to leave flows tremendous damage would be five men, til of whom live in An­ “It was economically sound, done ft) farms anfi other private escorted through several miles of morally right and a challenge to on a 1:30 train for Denver. I took dover, Lawrence W. Case of High­ streets closely packed with ap­ a cab to the depot from the busi­ property. The danger mark is 18 HENRY FORD NOW land Park, Is president of the com-, the highest patriotism. The cam­ IOWA GETS READY feet. Ejuipped With Movies^ Loud plauding crowds to Marathon Park, paign has all the proportions of ness. district of Omaha. Kjbett’s DANCING. MASTER pany.’tttifi’.O:. C.,,Case*Qf.' Willlmantlc where a special speaker’s stand* had a crusade. We shall follow you cab.’ Stoppih]^ for a traffic signal, Red Cross Optfinlistic ' is vice-president, and general-man­ been erected in the infield opposite with enthusiasm.” two men jumped on the running Some relief, was felt however, Speakers and SpeUbind- ager, A. L. Crowell of Highland the grand stand for the executivei The letter to Senator Sheppard board. They drew pistols and forc­ FOR HOOVER VISIT when the Kissimmee river north of Park Is-treasurpr. Vice-President Okeechobee fell two inches, and Shows Maine Young Fplks How Case said that it probably would speech. was written July 4, 1918, in reply ed Kibett to get in the rear seat ers They Will Travel to Execute Country Dance Legionnaires in colorful uniforms to a request from the Texan that with me. One of the men drove this led Red CrOss workers to as­ take $75,000 to replace the mill. blended with the crowd assembled while the other kept us covered sume a more optimistic view' of the Steps. , Whether ,or not this wil be done, bad not been determined this noon. there to give the scene a holiday (Gontinned on page. 11) with a gun. Expect Crowd of 30.000 at situation. A statement was issued From Coast to Coast. aspect. “After a while we pulled into a saying the Red Cross had things Benson, Vt., Aug. 15.—Henry In addition to many tons of pa­ Immediately following his ad­ side lane and Kibett and I were “well in hand.’’ Ford, the world’s richest man, per stock, both finished and unfin- dress, the President returned to his blindfolded and handcuffed. Then Reception— Candidate to Meantime, millions of mosqui­ today was cast in a new role Ish. a new Terry steam turbine en- \ Washington, Aug. 15.— The Her-* gind recently lUstalled was destroy­ special train and started back to. \ we drove some more and were toes came in from the everglades in America’s game of life^ a Cedar Island Lodge. OEMS ■ SATlSFffiD finally transferred into another district and ma.de life miserable for bert Hoover bandwagon is twins. dancing teacher. ed. The company manufactured car. Meet Fanners. inhabitants of the Okeechobee dis­ Equipped with naotion pictures, Mr.' and Mrs. Ford were vis­ what is known as counter or fiber “They piled out, with mji satchel, trict. loud speakers, amplified talking iting at a cafiip on-Lake B'opio- boards which nre used in the man­ WITH OHIO RESULT and they pulled us out. They .Quitman suffered the most dam- machines .and a staff of nigh-power- seen, near Hyde hfanor. The ufacture of shoes. Most of the ma­ tightened the bandages and drove Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Aug. 15.— _age of the South Georgia towns hit ed spellbinders, a pair of motor automobile inagnato , his terial manufactured was shipped to STATE’S DEMOCRATS wife were invited’ last night'-.to concerns in eastern' Massachusetts. away, leaving us there by the road­ Plans were completed here today by the disturbance. After a night of buses win be sent into the Republi­ Lawrence W. Case, who was first side.” high winds, the storm unloosed its can presidential campaign late this a real old JM^ew England coun­ for the reception of Herbert Hoo­ try dance in Town Hall here. notified of the fire by a Herald re­ TO MEET SEPT. 7TH Chicago police were immediately week, it was learned today. porter, said that the company was Hunt’s Victory in Home notified to be on the lookout for ver, Republican nominee for presi­ (Continued on Page 8) The buses, innovations in na­ Waltzes, polkas and the square dances were 'in order founded 8 years ago. Since that the bandit-kidnapers. Keen said his dent, next Wednesday and Thurs­ tional politkaj campaigns, will be time there have been several addi­ Convention to Be Held in the jewels were insured. assigned the task of spreading and Mr. Ford had a wonderful State of Anti-Saloon day when thirty thousard people time. ; ’ ■ tions and alterations'. The mill was Arena in New Haven. are expected. The major part of the SMITH-STRATON DEBATE “Who "But Hooverism,” through operated by water power. the country from top to bottom and He discovered a group ,of nominee’s time will be devoted to young folks to whom the old When the fire was first, discover­ New Haven, Cohn.,^ Arg. 16.— League, Gratifies Leaders. end to end. They.'will be directed steps were unfamiliar. Gather­ ed, efforts were made to put it out The Democratic state' convention FIND TWO DRUNK receiving farm delegations and dis­ WILL NOT TAKE PLACE by the speakers bureau headquar­ cussing their problems. ing the group, about him: and with buckets of water and then a will be held in the Arena here on ters Of the G; O. P. at, Chicago and with the agility of Youth, Mr. hose was run from, the brook to the September seventh and eighth. On Tuesday, shortly after his ar­ New Ti^ork. New York, Aug. 15.—Democra­ rival, Mr. Hoover will receive a Principals Cannot Agree on Ford demonstrated'j'how the building, but both proved in -vain. Primaries of the Demo-.ratic Party tic leaders were gratified today by AUTOISTS GUILTY . , First Assignment " dances should be done.' Two horses were rescued from in Connecticut Will 'be held on delegation of Iowa farmer and Meeting Place—Clergyman First assigntn^ents of the buses the the barn in the hick of time. No the apparent victory of Graham P. give them an hour and a half to Mrs. Ford watched-hfer hqiS- August 24th for nomination of Announces Plans. will be at West BrancH* Iowa; band with a smile as for hatlj one was injured or burned or oth­ delegates to the various conven­ Hunt of Cincinnati in the Ohio present their side of th-e trouble­ where Hoover will arrive in his old erwise injured. tions and lists of delegates must be some question. On Thursday morn­ New York, Aug. 15.—The. pro­ an. hour he assumed the role Democratic primary. Hunt, an One Hartford; One Manches­ ing he will receive farm delega­ home town August 21, and at of dancing master. ’ filed with the recretary of the stats avowed modificationist and describ­ posed debate on morality between Providence, R. I., Aug. 28 where central committee by August 28. tions from Ohio, Illinois, Ken­ Gov. Alfred E. Smith and the Rev. the vice-presidential candidate Definite announcement of the dates ed as a 100 per cent Smith man, ter Man Pay Heavy Fines tucky and Tennessee, and on that John Roach Straton probably will Senator .Charles Curtis of Kansas was made here today by Alexander won the Dpmocratic nomination for afternoon he will give an hour and not be held, it appeared today, be­ will open his drive for election. S. Lynch, the secretary. Conven­ United States Senator, to fill the a half to farmer delegations from cause the two principals are unable After these assignments ,the two tions to be arranged for are State, vacancy created by the death of In Court Today. Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin, to agree upon a meeting place. Minnesota, Oklahoma, the Dakotas buses will be put on the road and Gongressional, Senatorial and Pro­ Frank B. WiUis, Republican. His Answering the ultimatum of the kept^m,oving steadily until election FOR TRIP ABROAD bate, • victory was over Senator Cyrus and Kansas. Democratic presidential . nominee day. It is expected 15 towns can be The Democ^ts had intended to Locher, appointed to the Senate by Two cases of drunken driving were To Meet Leaders that the debate be held in Dr. Stra- covered daily in each bus. In each use Music Hall, New Haven, for the Gov. Donahey. Locher was support­ These, delegations are to be ton’s Calvary Baptist church here town, the small “crew” of three or disposed of In the Manchester po­ chosen at farm meetings to be held state convention but d«lay in set­ ed by the Anti-Saloon League in lice court this morning when or not at all, .Dr. Strgton reiterated four men will unload and, much ting the date led the owners of the the state of its founding and na­ here the morning of the Interviews. today at his summer home at like tithe.'old time medicine shows; Elect William J. as EveiytliiBg Rot a High Hat hall to make another contract for tional headquarters. Antony Hajduk of Hartford and Harrison E. Spangler, ch-.irman of Greenwood lake that this was im­ cry their ■ wares—^said ware being its use next month. Music Hall had “This primary is but another in­ Bernard Smith of 76 Ridge street the local entertainment committee, possible but declared that he would Herbert Hoover. First Vice-President of Goes Into Trunks of For- housed histofic Democratic state dication of the dissatisfaction of this town were found guilty. who has just returned from (Chica­ present his side of the case in some go where he was in conference .Getting the Buses conventions of other days, and Was the American people with the pres­ Hajduk was fined $100 and costs large hall whether or not’the gov­ Two men left Washington today a favorite meeting place of the, ent prohibition regime,” said Chair­ with James W Good, of the west­ ernor appeared to defend himself. for driving while under the in- for Greensboro, N. G., to bring tho State Association. ’ mer Champion. . party. The arena is the largest man John J. RaskobV^f the Demo­ ern headquarters, says Mi. Hoover The Rev. Straton informed re­ buses 'here' to' be inspected’ by head­ building of the sort in the state cratic national comimittee. “The fiuence of liquor and $50 for evad­ is anxious to meet the farm repre­ porters that Gov. Smith’s reply was sentatives and go over with them quarters before the long campaign and is in winter the home ground dry forces are perhaps better ing responsibility. He was defend­ “just childish.” grind begins. New Havien,, Conn., Aug 15'.— of the Yale team. organized in Ohio, their home state, the problems they want solved. “I am not going to allow Gov. New York, Aug. 15.—^Everything ed by Attorney F. J. Rundbaken of Twenty-six stations in 19 states, The annual battle of firemen. of than in any )ther state in the Hartford, who entered a plea of not Hoover is giving an hour and a Smith to run away from a fight,” ranging- from Colorado to Massa­ but a h i^ hat went into two com- union, yet they could not elect guilty of driving while under the half to each farm organization with he. .said. “I .will hlr^ the largest chusetts ’Will be included in the Connecticut ^has ended in th mpdious trunks being packed at their man in the Democratic pri­ infiuence of liquoi; and nolb con­ the hope each will be able to in­ hall I can and go ahead with the election of William P. Carleton, a Gene Tunney’s suite at* the Bilt- LEGIONNAIRES ARRIVE form him just what is wanted. He mary, even against a late entry.” tendere to the evading charge. debate anyway,” (Continued on Page 3) captain in the’New Haven Fire de­ mdre today. Raskob admitted that the Smith Sunday Crash will give a half hour to labor repre­ partment, .as, pjresident of th e, §tate sentatives on the same day. James Mahaney,/efficient secre­ FOR STATE CONVENTION campaign man; gers harbored large The accident which brought Firemen’s a^QCfatipn. WllUfim J tary of the' retired heavyweight hopes for Ohio in November and Hajduk to court took place on Oak­ Mr. Hoover also has consented Crockett, of,'Sduth Manchester, is to head an industrial and agricul­ champion; put in a busy day get­ that these had been greatly stimu­ land street Sunday evening when in line for the next presidency,!'hav- ting Ills employer’s _ duds assembled Expect 900 Delegates by To­ lated by Hunt’s vote. the car he- was driving struck tural parade on Aug. 23, which ing been elected’ f i ^ vicer-Jjresident, promises to be the biggest event In for his sailihg tomorrow on t’ae night in Middletown When Get Farm Leader another parked on Oakland street David W.-Harford", .of ’South Nor­ Mauretania for Europe. Continuing its drive to line up and owned by Clinton Webb. Har­ the recent history of Iowa. Thirty Shoots Two Whb fht^^&re walk, is . secretary and treasurer the Parley Opens. thousand' people are expected to James; Joseph himself, the re­ middle-western farm leacers be­ old Clemson who heard the crash again, and R'ev. M. J. .Ryan, of doubtable conquerer of Jack Demp­ hind the Smith-Robinson ticket. followed the man and overtook him take part in it. Mr. and Mrs. Hoo­ Meriden, is chaplain.'” Middletown, Aug. 15.' ^— The ver, on Aug. 22 will review a sey, newly advanced into the ranks van guard of nine hundred dele­ Democratic headquarters today an­ at Depot Square and detained him Chicago, Aug.. 15. — United<|!arm with a blackjack. A male cora- County vice-presidents 'are;’. of social tegiaterltes through his nounced its enlistment of Wiiliam there until Patrolman Cavagnaro parade of 10,000 boys and girls States Deputy Marshal lliehard J. panion of the girl .leaped from the New Haven.— Charles Berry, gates and alternates who will at­ engagement to.Miss Mary Josephine tend the tenth annual conventions Hlrth, Columbia, Mo., farm pub­ placed him. under arrest. At the from this state, Illinois and Nebras­ Murphy today was held for ques­ car 'and struck at the dry as^ut, Meriden. . Lkuder, heiress to inilliohs, 'was up police station he was examined by ka, these are the only public ap­ who struck back. . • Hartford—^Edwafd T. -Prior, of the American Legion and its lisher and a leader in the fight fo'r tioning in connection with the at. Greenwich, Conm^ making a the McNary-Haugen bill. Dr. Moore who said the man was pearances he will make here. A cro’vl^d. taking sides •with the Plainville. farewell call on some of his neigh­ auxiliaries reached Middletown this Hirth, in a long public statement in a stupor and had evidently been shooting of two men following a girl’s-: party, surged s around the Fairfield-rrr'Victor. vVeit, Stamford. bors. afternon and planned the opening announcing his support of Smith, drinking. The doctor examined him SENTENCED FOR THEFT traffic argument with a .motorist. battling motorists-.When the crowd New LondQU^Calvln’r: M. - Ed­ . Getting the Tunney \tunics and of the convention in Masonic Hal} describea the utterance o|--Herbert about two hours after he haitt been Murphy, assigned to “dry” duty grew,'menacing;-Murphy is" said to munds; Ne’#‘lfcdiia,Qn.;:' hbiidayi haberdashery into two this evening. Hoover’s acceptance address on arrested. Captain Schendei said Stamford, Conn., Aug. 15.—Jane with the. local prohibition iohees, have pulled a revolver and fired. Middlesex—(leorge <. H. . 'Pitt, trunks was up small feat, e'ven for Mayor Frederick J. Bielefield there was no question- In his mind Matthews, 48, was sent to jail for was enroute la ah automobile last Two h)rstanders, Arthur ' Band) Middletown. plans to welcome the -vlsitprs and agriculture as “a lot of cleverly- that Hajduk was intoxicated and Mahanqy. There were twenty suits p'ut-together bunk— that will not three months here today after she night to siervd' 15 warrants charg­ and' Ed Wir'd TraCy, fell wounded. Tolland—Gdorge.H. Mliue^, Rock- pf i:lotbing,-'moSt pf.them grays and his address wl}! -be answered by 'Wf. unfit to drive a car. • IJe said he had been convicted of stealing ing, liquor law' violation. A car In A^ter the shooting Murphy. seized TUle- .-. H , light l^rowns. E. Smith, district commander. State fool the thinking farmers of the walked unsteady and his general ap­ $365 from Mrs. Mary Hart,.a local country.” front blocked hla way. < ■ one '"ef the . wounded men, dragged Windham—Frederick ^ D.uihas, There, •were twp tuxedos, two CommaUdfer Ea?l P. Richards, of pearance was that of a drunken resident, last Sunday, The Mat­ The dry agent, according to wit­ him into his car and drove to a po­ Putnam. ; , , ' dress suits and yes, a mprniug coat. West Haven, will deliver hit an­ “Mr. Hoover has made a des­ man. thews ’Woman was arrested at perate effort Ito soothe the farm­ nesses, yelled at the driver of the lice station. Members of> the crowd Litchfield—^John H. Griffin, Nor­ As-stated before, there was no high nual report this evening, one fea­ The defense was based largely on Westport yesterday when Mr4. C. stalled car £o “m o v e n ” and then followed to prefer^charges against folk. hat Gene wears a black felt ■with ture of which will be an urgent ap­ ers' wrath by a lot of glittering the number of miles the man bad ■H. Jennings reported seeing her generalities, and those o' us who crashed h|s o’wu . ear-into the one the dry agent. *• Commltuees. / hla formal attire. peal to.get, out the vote at'next driven during the day. His at­ hide a bag in a stone wall on the in front..He had been, drinking,, the At the station, it was charged, Comnilttees: for the year to come la Pairs^^of Shoes . fall’s election. . ' , are familiar with his record reach­ torney claimed he had driven from Jennings place. Mrs. Jennings was police say. , Murphy threatened to kill t-Wo po­ "Were: named % "President' Cafrl^tbu ing back to the World War, and AMo to go In were a dozen pair Eust Orange, to Rockville, through the state’s chief witness , today. Po-' Hits Girl lice .©Ificers 'who tried to take' him today as follpw’s; ' of shoes, two dozen suits: of under­ TREASURY BALANCE ' who know his real attitude toward New York City that he was tired and lice say they found over $400 on A 17-year-oId , girl was at the into -.^stody. The :two- civilian vlc- Legislative—Thomas J.'Bracken, wear, two^ dozen shirts, two dozen the woman’s person though she de­ wheel of the stalled c*r. Murphy is tims-'of Murphy’s gun are expected ((^Btlnned on ^ Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) p^ir of: sooks. and four d,ozen ties, : Washington, Auj 6.j^XreaSul nied having -any money. .said -to have- struck her over the to recover, v (Coutinned on Page 8)^^ most of the latter In fancy colors. balance Aug. 13:

...... ■' ■ V ..-ii p a g e TWO ' "rf ■ «>- W-. -V ^ MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15,1928.

> »■• ■ ______- -■ c______«. RESCUE WORK ENDS PLAYGROUND REVUE FOR £ .N .G : NOTES Rockville NdRTH ENB CHDIDREN IN BURNING A CAR Dr. lie 'Verae SoImesV c t - this town,, a major in BOlsf Reserve Carrying Other MlUs. Saturday Afternoon Affair Medical Regiment,; wiR/ceihptete The claim was made in Hockville - Will Include Several ‘Shows’ his two lweek's encampflxefic atvNl- when the lohal plant of the Belding- antlc 'Sunday.' *"■• — - v-- In One. \ ■ Unusual Accident in Bolton Hemingway Company was closed Walter Tedford , and H last year and the machinery moved Von Deck, staff serg^iitil'ih the from the factory, that the Rock­ A playground revue for north Involves Close Call and end children will- he held at the 43rd DlVislbii: Headunarters De­ ville mill whs one that was carrying tachment are also completing theii many of the others, seems to be Community Club Playgrounds at 3; o’clock Saturday afternoon, it was two weeks’ eti%aihl>inent at Camp Some Incidents. born out with the, atatement is­ Trumbull.'s - \ sued showing the comparison of stated to'day by Director Jerry Pay.' profits for the first six months of Nine prizes will be awarded to Walter Crockett, Company G. this year as compared with the six the winners of various events. The private, is convalescing from an op­ An Essex coach driven by Louis months of last year. affair is in line with the series of eration for hernia at Mhmorlaii.Hos- Sewick of 114 Broad street, New programs staged at the West Side pltal. ^ • ' • . During the first six months of Playgrounds, with the exception, Britain, burned up after gasoline this year the net profits of the com­ Sfdward J. Moiiarty of Division flowing from the vacuum tank ig­ that at the nor4.h end the shows are street enllstisd In Company G last nited. Sewick was trying to back pany was $91,026 as aaginst the all combined in one. $566,349 In the first half of 1927. night bis car up an embankment on to Prizes will be offered for the fol­ This is equal to a payment of but Sunday concludes the .summer WEUE GOING ID HOLD A the road, assisted by the power of lowing: Best dressed doll, best dec-- encampments of Connecticut mili­ another car, after his machine ffiCfl 21 cents a .share on the common orated doll carriage, best dressed and preferred stock as against' a tary organizations at Qamp Trum­ been crowded off the road and had boy, best dressed girl, most orig-, bull, Niantlc. gone over the fifteen foot embank­ dividend of $1.35 on the common inally dressed boy or girl, oldest ment beside the road at- Bolton stock a year ago. bicycle, best decorated.bicycle, best first pond, east of the Rainbow Inn. To Marry In Hartford. decorated pet, most originally According to Sewick’s story he * Marriage application filed yester­ dressed pet (anything from cows to was headed towards Manchester, day in Hartford Indicated that two chickens will be^ considered) and EVERYBODY IS. driving not faster than 35 miles an Rockville residents are to be mar­ the funniest dressed boy or girl. ' hour, when a large coupe, either a ried in that city, Samuel Guttln, s e a r c h i n g f o r Buick or a Studebaker, coming a local baker, has applied for a CONSOLIDATION from Manchester rounded the marriage license and Is to marry PUBUC RECORDS THE curve at such a rate of speed that Miss Minnie Letofsky of 19 Harper it hogged the greater part of the street, Hartford. Miss Doris E MYSTERIOUS road. Sewick pulled over to his Chandler of his city is to be mar­ WARRANTEE DEEDS extreme right onto the soft sandy ried to Richard W. Johnson of 32 John T. Hayes to John and LADY shoulder in order to give the coupe Village street, Hartford. Maria DiSalvo, lot No. 56 In the room to pass without hitting him. George W. Ely tract, located on the FEND h IbIU-AND Hack From <7allfonila. west side of Emerson street. 11 A wheel of his car sank into the Colonel George E. Sykes, a for­ RECEIVE ^ sand, the front wheels pulled to Richard Novickl to Mary Krasr- mer resident of his city, but now niak, land and building known as MERCHAND5E the right and before Sewick could residing in San Benita, Cal., Is visit­ 126 North Elm street. straighten out the car shot off the ing in this state and is at present road and down the embankment. $10 00 staying at Eastern Point. f S P U T H E < ‘i It was brought to a gradual stop •Colonel Sykes made the trip from about twenty feet from the road by California by air. He is a reserve EMIELSTREDE WHICHMEANSJUSTTHIS- saplings and btishes. STATE ■ \ i: officer in the air forces and has \ No Harm From Crash been visiting In Washington, D. C., Concrete Contractor Examination revealed that the before coming into Connecticut. He Fonndatloiis, Sidewalks, etc. t h e a t e r car had escaped damage. A passing :l^- is a brother of Mrs. Everet J. Lake Quality work at reasonable price. MANAGEMENT WeareflosingOutOurRodiviDe Store and Havii^ Removed Modi of motorist hitched a tow rope onto of Hartford and Mrs. Charles MANCHESTER GREEN the Essex and with the added aid Phelps of his city. Phone 345-i of spectators hauled it back up to Can Have Water. the peak of the embankment, and tlie Mercliaiidise to Ths Store That Means that oor Locid Store is Overstodied then the tow rope snapped. The Celia Lipman, who conducts a -V. -41 brakes and the grip of many spec­ store in Ellington will be allowed to tators kept the car from - falling use water in the store again. She back till the rope was retied. At has been deprived of the use of wa­ THEREFORE YOD PROFIT AT THE PRICES AT WHICH WE ARE GOING TO the suggestion of one of the spec­ ter by action taken by Cora and, tators Sewick started his engine Wilton DImock, who started to re­ THURSDAY with the intention of using its pow­ move water pipes that furnished water to the store. Through her SELL THIS SURPIOS STOCK er to help the car that was towing. and The volunteer helpers and the tow- attorney,.J. W. B. Smith of Hart­ ’ \ car drew the rope taut and Sewick ford application was made for an COOLEST PLACE injunction restraining the Dlmocks threw his car in gear. At the word IN T O W N ,* ^ ^ “ go” spectators, tow-c»r and from cutting off the water and at a FRIDAY Sewick in the Essex were going to hearing held In Hartford Judge Ed­ make a supreme effort to get the ward M. Yeomans granted the tem­ car up the last few feet of grade porary injunction restraining the A SPLENDID DOUBLE FEATURE BILL JSale Starts Thursday Morning and onto the road. Dlmocks from cutting off the water [i^ The word had scarcely been ut­ supply. tered when with a resoundln.g “ puff” the engine burst into flames. (Additional Rockville News Sewick leaped from the car just in on Page 7) the nick of time as the flames ran ^/vVlLLIA'/lVI FOX -prejenij back into the car almost with the TO START STORM WATER rapidity of an explosion. SEWER WORK AT ONCE. Five minutes later the entice S U I T S car was a burning torch, throwing flames ten feet in the air. Motoi’- No time is to be lost in starting New Merchandise, Wanted Patterns, Good Wearing Materials. This includes our ists approaching from both direc­ the storm water sewer on Henry tions were warned of the danger of street. This sewer will take care of own stock, new fall merchandise and the sui ts from our Rockville store. the gas tank explosion. The car, such trouble as was caused by the however, burned till it was nothing heavy rains last week, when the but a shell of twisted metal and the street was washed out. The work GROUPED IN-3 LOTS AT THESE 3 PHENOMENAL PRICES tank did not explode. started today and a new pipe line is Spectators had several thrills to be laid from the head of Henry, when the tires blew as their over­ street, near North ,Elm street, down m i\f)\ I' heated air was released by the the grade through North Eim A Masterpiece of Emotion Enacted in the-Mad Swirl of burning through of the shoes and street, to empty into the brook that tubes, each time thinking the tank flows from the Starkweather lea New York’s Gayest Night Ofe.' II had gone up. pond on the east side of North Elm —STARRING------. About Insurance street. VIRGINIA VALLI AND WILLIAM RUSSELL ^ Sewick had insurance on his car By getting the work started at a year ago, but whether or not it once it is hoped to have it complet­ ASSOCIATE FEATURE < was still In force he wasn’t sure. ed before heavy fall rains wash The rapid advance of the flames away the roads again. \ drove him from the car so quickly \ that he was unable to get his hat And for Only $5 More an Extra Pair of Trousers may be had with most any suit. and coat which were on the back THE lOTH SKASO.V Sydney Chaplin seat. Sewick said he was lucky to HILLSIDE INN Slight charge for alterations. t > - escape with his life so he wasn't In Bull on on State Hoad to wasting regrets on the car, the coaL WilHinanlic. -m- or the hat. He was sorry, however, CHOP. BEEF AND CHICKEN that he was unable to get the num­ DINNERS ber of the coupe that crowded hm 83c 81.00 81.50 His long awaited FELT HATS ODD TROUSERS I STRAW HATS $2.00 SHIRTS off the road. A passing ^ motorist A Id CaVte Service carried him into Manchester, where Telephone Manchester 2421*4 comedy of During This Sale Fancy patterns for Remaining stock of hit In fancy patterns, collar he took a trolley for Hartford. wear. Conservative pat­ or miss styles. Values to attached or neckband styles The only thing in the entire af­ Only at terns for dress. Durable fair in which Sewick could see matrimonial / $4.00 anything humorous was” when he fabrics for work. was talking about the accident, ai- misadventures! All at 59 c $ 1 4 9 the same time watching the flames eat up what remained of his car. 3 for $4.25 A solicitious elderly woman stop­ 5 Panama Hats ped her car, watched the flames You Don’t Know What Laughing I^ ’TUI You’ve" 25% Off Values to $8.00. If we leaping ten feet in the air, turned Seen This Onel ' have your size to Sewick and in a sweet voice SHOES said, “ What’s the matter? Is it LAST TIMES TONIGHT just the brake bands burning?” BEBE DANIELS Values to $6 95 $2.49 NECKWEAR The igniting of the gasoline is Your choice the stock at Large display of designs supposed to have resulted from the flooding of the engine by the tiU DINING DANCING KNICKERS and fabrics. Regular $1.00 of the car, the loose gas taking fire as soon as a spark was establish­ Hartford-Rockville Road, Sta. 14 We have just 7 pair left. Olive Green 79 c ed. ' 655 North Main St., Manchester Mostly small sizes. Values Chase’s portrait is to bV placed to $7.00. If we have your Two for $1.50 Steak and Fried Chicken on the new $10,000 bill. Some peo­ Dinners with our Farm Vege­ size a bargain at SLICKERS ple seem to be just doomed to ob­ tables. An exceptionally well scurity. J White Broadcloth made slicker— suitable for $149 Pair out of door work or for V9»»X9G9G9GX9»X9G9»»X9G9GKKXKX3G9CX9GSC3(9S9G^^ semi-dress occasions. Regu­ SOCKS lar $4.00 value Fancy patterns. Regu­ The Beautiful Collar attached styles only. lar 39c pair Regular $1.69 i O $3.49 Dofii Miss Sale Price.. * 29 c Three for $3.75 THE BIG . Biggest assortment of 4 Pair for $1.00 styles in town. We'carry Numerous $2.50 White and Fancy one grade of caps at $1.95 Patterns at all times. During our Theatre, Rockville Consolidation of Merchan­ Other Items SHIRTS dise Sale ' have been reduced corre­ B . V ; D .’ S ^ ■■■ ; ^ spondingly low. Every Held under auspice o f Manchester Home Club, Neckband and collar at* item in stodc marked down. composed of Moose members.. tached styles $1.59 Each Nothing reserved. Consol­ idating our stocks gives us R E - d P E N S - $L 89 too much merchandise. It 9 4 c Three for $5.50 Two for $3.00 must go. Come prepared ; , ■ to buy. Only 2 to a customer. Just off Main Street at Johnson Block; ' ; if': TONIGHT . . f



f: '-r% . ■ OOP’S H OM E-'------NEVERS-PALMER OEMS. SATISFIED WOMAN HALTS TRIP ^ Chicago, Aug. J.B.— Je^sbt N*Y. Stocks Andover, Conn., ;Aug. 15.-^ housing a candy store SOUTHSURVEYS Henry Myers, of Vernon," today bbme of'a police officer #as ^ eek -. . Miss Leona A. Palmer, daughter WITH OMO RESULT TO SOUTH BY G. A. R. posted a-fifty dollar bond.; tq appeal ed by a bomb today and 'dainagedv of Arthur D. Palmer of 129 Oak­ to the Tolland county 'Superior,' to the extent Ql>$5,0p0J ' / . land street-, and Judson B. Nevers, High Low 1 p. m. Court hia con^ction by a j|U8tlce 'qf- Policeman Louis A. StachowskV LOSSES CAUSED (Continued from page 1) Furnished by Putnam & Co. ■3 son of Judson C. Nevers of South Says She Owns Civil War Hartford, Conn. Alied Chem . .179 177/ 179 the peace on a .charge of fishing with his wife and five smalL chil­ Windsor, were married this after­ Trophies and Loaned Them Am Bosch ... .. 33% 32% 32% in. the waters of a private corpora­ dren lived in the rear of the stops, ; agriculture, knew, that this was operated by Mrs. -Stachowskl. 171IA noon at 4 o’clock in Second Congre­ to Post. Bank Stocks Am' Can ...... 94 % 91% 94% tion on Andover lake on July K , BY HURRICANES gational church. The ceremony was exactly what he would do.” Am Car &■ Fdy 90% 90 90 family narrowly escaped serious in- White’s Statement Bid Asked last. Myers was arrested by the performed by the pastor. Rev. ‘ Stamford, Conn., A^ug. 15— Mayor Aqi Loco . 90% 90% t'90% state and his case was tried befpre jury. • V , Frederick C. Allen, in the presence William Allen White’s cabled Bankers Trust Co , . .300 Am Shii.elt . .*201 199% 200% ' “ It must have been someone , (Continned from Page 1.) statement fron Lis European vaca­ A. N. Phillips, Jr., today called off Capitol Nat B & T ___ 305 Hubert P; Cplllns,. of Columbia,' - - ' of a large number of relatives and Am St Fdy 51% 51% 51% who had it in for me because of/ tion haven that he had "made no a proposed trip to Richmond to help City Bank & Trt .. .1070 1125 after other officers had refused‘ to fury about 8 a. m., putting the, friends of the young couple from Am Sugar , 69% 69% 69% my activities ' as a policeiSan,” said ■ retraction” of any of ais blanket local Grand Army officers return to Conn River ...... 400 prosecute. the oiHcer.''“ Wd'have had no trou­ powerhouses and telephone ex­ this town and South Windsor. Virginia various trophies that were Am T. & T , ..175% 173% 175% charges based upon Gov. Smith’s First Bond & Mort . . — 60 16% 16% 16% • ' (jolllnk-fined Myers , five dollars ble with racketeers over the opera- ; change out of business and felling The platform was banked with a captured during the Civil War, Am Woolen and costs/ ' profusion of vari-colored gladiolus record' as a member of the New First Nat (Htfd) ..." — 290 Anaconda 1. 66 64% 66 tion of the candy store.” scores of trees and generally doing Mrs. William J. Raiss, daughter of Hifd-Conn Trust Co. 810 against a background of ferns and York Assembly, left politicians in a Atchison,.. 189 188 188% -1 i ■ 1 . , ,, ...... - ■ — havoc to crops. Business was para- a Civil War veterau, put a halt to 590 greenery. Mrs. R. K. Anderson for­ quandry today as to where White Htfd-Nat Bank Tr ..570 B & O .... 105% 105% 105"% layzed. plans for the trip when she claimed Land Mtg & T itle ... — 60 a • merly organist of the church gave stood. f the trophies belong to her and.not Beth Steel . 56% 56% 56%, Tallahassee, Fla., was cut off Morris Plan Bank ...160 Can Pac .^. . .203% _031a from the outside world for a time, a short concert as the guests as­ On July 31, a few days after he to the local G. A. R. Post which 203% sembled. As the bridal party enter­ made public the detailed record of Phoenix St B&T ,v..475 C M & St Paul 35% ^ % 35% and considerable damage was done Mayor Phillips was expecting to Park St Bank ....:.840 ed the auditorium she played the Smith’s votes on the saloon ques­ do pfd *... 46 % 45% 46 to property in Wakulla county, lead to Richmond. Riverside. Trust ....600 bridal march from Lohengrin,, and tion in the Assembly, White issued Mrs. Raiss Insists she lent the Chi&NW ... 80' 80 80 ’ bordering on the gulf south of the after the ceremony, Mendelssohn’s West Hart Trust . . 260 Chi Roc Isl . .116 116 116 a statement in which he declared: trophies to Mindr Post, G.-A.’ R., Bunds Florida capital. The storm blew recessional. “ I desire to withdraw the charges Cons (las. . 146,% 144% 146% .down ten houses and a large frame while the Post members say she Htfd & Conn Wst 6 . .95 The attendants were Miss Muriel formally insofar as they affect his Corn Prod 78% 77% 78% hotel building at Panacea Springs, gave them outrigh.. East Conn pow 5s .101 102 Palmer, sister of the bride as votes on gambling and vice, but not Del & Hud ..186% 186% 186% while the business section was Pending settlement of the dispute Conn L P 7s ...... 11? 120 bridesmaid, and George Nevers, his position as to the saloon.” Dodge Bros ..19% 18% 19% flooded from water which hacked the mayor decided to call off the Conn L P 5 %,s ___ 107% 109 brother of the bridegroom, best Today’s addenda, made public Du Poht------361% 361% 361% up from Dickson bay. trip and today telephoned to Rich­ Conn L ? 4 % s ...... 100% 10.1% man. by former Gov. Henry J. Allen of Erie ...... 51 50% 51 A large pleasure boat was blown mond that ha, would not start his Brid Hyd 5s ...... M02 104 The bride who was given in mar­ Kansas, national director of Re­ Gen' E l e c ___ 148% 147% 148% inland some distance and left high journey tomorrow as he had expect­ Insurance Stocks Gen Mot ____ 181% 177% 181% Store Oosed for, riage by her father wore a gown publican campaign publicity, de­ and dry. Crawfordville reported ed. Aetna Insurance ...;770 790 Gillett Raz . . 99% 99% 99% of white silk crepe with large clared : 860 Annual several dwellings demolished by white hat to match. She carried a Aetna L i f e ...... 845 Inspirat ...... 21 20 21 falling trees and part of the court shower bouquet of bridal roses and "In m ^ a s e against Gov. Smith, Automobile ...... 380 400 Int H arv.,..267 267 i 267 Employees’ liliejs of the valley. The brides­ I have made no retraction. On the Conn General ...... 1650 Int Nickel ....99% 97% 99% house there was damaged. COLUMBIA Hart Fire ...... 770 780 No casualties were reported. maid’s dress was of robin’s egg prostitution issue I proved my Int Paper"'. . ., 68% ' 67% 67% Vacation o blue chiflon. She -Wore a picture hat case, got a conviction and sus­ Htfd Steam Boil ....750 780 Kennecott ... . 96% 94% 96% pended sentence. I did this, only be­ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchins Lincoln Nat Life .... — 135 1 to match and carried an arm bou­ have returned from a three days Mack Truck . 90% 88% 90% quet of Madame Butterfly roses and cause I felt that a debate on the National ...... 1025 1075 Marl Oil . . . . 38 37% 37% UNNELL-JOHNSTON subject of harlotry -?Yas not worthy auto trip through New England. Phoenix ...... 770 790 blue delphiniums. Columbia was visited by a severe New Haven . 56 55% '56 August 13th to 25th Inclusive of a presidential campaign. But if Travelers ...... 1540 1560 Nor Am Co ..71% 71% 71% Mr. and Mrs. Nevers are leaving thunder shower Friday evening in 245 Miss Dinah Johnston, daughter later in the day for an automobile Gov. Smith tries to wise-crack his Travelers rights ....240 Penn R R .. ..63% 63% 63% Open for Business as Usual Monday, August 27th. the course of which a bolt struck a Public Utility Stocks of Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of trip and will spend most of their way out of his record I shall come cottage at the lake, knocking down Pere Mar Pr ..94 94 94 41 Madison street, and Frank A. honeymoon in Maine., The bride’s back at him wirth the proven evi­ Conn Elec pfd ...... 90 95 Postum Cer . 65% 64% • 65 WATCH FOR THE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT canned goods from the kitchen Cohn L P 8% ...... 110 122 Linnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses traveling costume is a blue ensem­ dence. shelves and frightening the occu­ Pull irew . . . ..79 78% 78% Linnell of Moosup formerly of ble. They will be at home to their “ The complete photostatic trans­ Conn L P 7% ...... 116 120 Radio‘ Corp . .178% 175% 177% TELEPHONE CALLS North Main street, were married cript of the Smith record is in New pants considerably. Conn LP 6% % pfdl-l 114 Sears Roe '.. .127% 124% 126% friends after September 15 at their 103 ‘ IN CASE YOU NEED US. yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at new home on Erie street in the York, and ^ will order it produced The Windham Community Club Conn L P 5% % pfd. 100 Sou Pac .... .119 119 119 held a picnic at the lake Saturday Conn Power Co ....139 143 St. Mary’s Episcopal church. The southwestern section of the town. if the Democratic candidate acts Sou Rail . . . .146% 146% 146% G. E. K e ith ...... 159 R. Sanderson...... 148*2 afternoon, ending up with a dance Greenwich W&G 6 .. 98 101 ceremony was performed by the as­ The bride was graduated from up.” S O of'N J . ..45% 45 45 1/4 W. 1. Keith ...... 1818 sistant pastor. Rev. Alfred Clarke. Saturday evening, in spite of the Hart El L t ...... 132 137 Studebaker . 73 70% 72% Wm. Murphy, the local high school with the class 140 John Gill ...... ,98.5-5 The bridal attendants were Miss of 1922 and lias studledj.for several hard shower, about the middle of do vtc ...... — Tob prod .., ..94 94 94 the afternoon, the program of Rockville .. 513 Mary Johnston, sister of the bride seasons at the Yale summer school Hart Gas c o m ...... 90 100 United Fruit .135 135 135 Ed K r a t t ...... 128-3 as bridesmaid, and Leonard Col­ in New Haven. She has taught in games were carried out. do pfd 70 U S Rubber , .31% 31% 31% Frank Chamberlin .122-4 F. W. Prelie, lins, best man. HOSPITAL NOTES The Methodist S. S. of Wllliman- S N E T Co ...... 168 175 U S Steel .. .143% 142% 143% *J. F. S h e a ...... 2589J Rockville ...... 432-12 the public schools at South Wind­ Manufacturing Stocks The bride’s gown was of tur- sor and on Keeney street in this tlc also held a picnic at the lake Westing .... . 94 93%' 94 I quoise blue georgette with hat to town. The bridegroom attended Saturday afternoon. . Am Hardware...... 72 74 Willys' Over . 21% 21% 21% match. She carried a shower bou­ foAn Weir if Lilley street was Mrs. Barker of Willimantic is American Hosiery ... 22 East Hartford hfgh school and is admitted to the Manchester Me­ quet of bridal roses and lilies of now engaged in tobacco raising. caring for Miss Hutchins in the ab American Silver .... 25 morial hospital today. Mrs. Fred sence of Mrs. Brown, who is taking Arrow Elec pfd ....105 107 the valley. The bridesmaid’s dress It is believed that many prod­ G. E. Keith Furniture Co./ Inc was of powder blue silk crepe with Jackson of Summit street ^and in­ a vacation, ' Automac Refrig .... — 20 fant son were discharged. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fulford of New Acme W ir e ...... 11 14 ucts which are now looked upon hat to match and her arm bouquet as animal food or by-products will 0pp. High School, South Manchester was of pink Premier roses. ABOUT TOWN A well-baby clinic will be held Haven are spending two weeks at Bill Spen c o m ...... 2 6 tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Jennie Hunt. do pfd ...... 6 10 be refined. In the future, and until- ' A wedding reception for the rel­ Ized as human foods. atives and intimate friends was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartenstein the hospital annex. Carleton Hutchins has returned BigelOw-Htfd com . . 89 93 held at the home of the bride’s of Summit street and Mr. and Mrs. to his home after completing the do pfd ...... 100 parents following the ceremony. Arthur Seymour and son Herbert junior short course at Storrs. Bristol B ra ss...... 19 21 /, Mr. and Mrs. Linnell on their re- of Buckland, spent yesterday at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lyman Case, Lockwd & Bra 375 ^ turu' from a two weeks’ wedding Rocky Point, R. I. USE REAL BANDWAGONS and family motored to Bridgeport Colts Firearms ...... 34 36 ; trip! will occupy their newly fur- Sunday afternoon and visited the Collins C o ...... 115 125 nished home at 827 Main street. Local friends have received invi­ birthplace of Mr. Lyman. Eagle L o c k ...... 55 • 65 U The bride was tendered a gift tations to the marriage of Miss T0TOURU.S.FORG.O.P. Miss Barbara Stoltenfelt of Man­ Fafnir Bearing .... 140 Shower recently by her young wom- Doris Brown of East Hartford and chester ‘has returned home after Fuller Brush Class A. — 22 spending a week with Eleanor San­ do class A A ...... — 88 ; in friends. The wedding gilts were DeLoss Clinton Bemont, which will (Continued from Page 1) numerous and beautiful. The bride take place at the First Congrega­ derson. Hart & Cooley . . . . ‘/>40 > has been employed by Cheney tional church in East Hartford, Sat­ The largest congregation of International Sll . . 135 145 hook-up for the vice-presidential the summer was present at the Sun­ do pfd ...... 122 128 Brothers and the bridegroom is a urday, September 1 at 7:30, Miss notifications at Topeki,, Kansas, MN clerk for the G. E. Keith Furni- Brown was formerly kindergarten day morning service at the Con­ Jewell Belt com . . — 15 'fture company. teacher in the Manchester Green Aug. 21, officials announced today. gregational church, to hear the Latader, Frary & Clrk 74 74 It is estimated such a network of school. farewell sermon of Rev. Mr. Wain. — Manning & Bow A..17% 19 radio reaches the ears of more than He preached from the text, “ My do Class B ...... 10 12 FIND TWO DRUNK Miss Helen Stanfield of 39 El- 20,000,000 persons. Peace I Leave With You” . Mr. N B Mach p f d ...... 101 dridge street motored to the White Plans for a systematic and and Mrs. Wain and little son leave do com ...... 26 29 E FAIR Mountains and Canada with friends thorough organization of industrial Thursday morning for Niantic, Niles, Bement, Pone . 60 65 women workers in the United where they will remain a short % ft6mvWft^Hartf^rd;-'She!^ to do pfd ...... 10,0 be gone two weeks.' States for the Republican cause time, sailing from New York for North & J u d d ...... 31 * 33 were, going forward under the di­ Portugal. August 28th, where they J R Alont pfd ...... —“ 75 (Continned from Page 1.) The regular mid-week service rection of Mrs. Raymond Robins, will remain a year studying the do com ...... 50 of Chicago. She • predicted that language, at the end of that time Pratt & Whit pf___ 99 the fact that he drank two bottles will be held this evening at the church of the Nazarene with one Hoover’s “ economic stability and they will go to Africa as Misslt Peck, Stowe & Wilcox 18 21 of near beer and ate a sandwich in ability would appeal to and, draw arles. They have made many friends Russell Mfg Co . . .;120 130 Rockville was probably the reason of the local church preachers in in their three years in Columbia, charge. the votes of most of America’s in­ Seth Thom Cl comi.. 30 t for his being in. somewhat of a dustrialized women,” and it is with great regret that do pfd ...... 26 •? stupor. everyone bids them farewell and Mrs. R. W. Garrard of Edwards Smyth Mfg Co new ..100 Found Guilty Godspeed. Stand Screw ...... 109 116 street is entertaining Mrs. Evans Judge Johnson was satisfied Miss Lila Seeley was the leader Stan Wrks com ..... 58 60 with the testimony of Captain and daughter Lillian of Providence, AL SMITH’S ADVISORS of the C. E. meeting Sunday even­ Taylor & Fenn .....125 ■ Schendel and Patrolman jDavagnaro R. I. ing. Her subject was “ True and TOrrington...... 110 115 when they said the man was in- false standards of success” Foster Underwood-El Fish .. 67 68 " toxicated and unfit to drive a car. William Atkins and Harold HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Kay, a summer visitor, played a Union Mfg ...... 16 20 It was a serious matter and he found Turklngton leave Saturday for a violin solo at this service. U S Envelope pf ... .120 125 him guilty on both charges. two weeks automobile trip. They Mrs. Clulow and son Donald of do c o m ...... 250 280 Bernard Smith of Ridge street will first visit the Salvation Army Important Politicians Drop Manchester are guests of Mr. and Whitlock Coil Pipe —— 21 was arrested, by Sergeant John Camp Meeting at Old Orchard, Me., With Elevator in Hotel. Mrs. Robert Sanderson. Crockett early Sunday morning. and later drive to Montreal, Cana­ Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Winsor The car he was driving ran up da, where they will remain a few New York Aug. 15.— Seven of land two children, and Miss Alice against a tree on the lawn of days and then continue on to the most important members of Gov Winsor of Johnston, R. I., motored Charles I. Balch on North Main , returning by way of 'Smith’s campaign advisory cabinet to Columbia Tuesday. Mrs. Winsor TWO MORE MURDERS street. The car was the property Niagara Falls and Syracuse. are congratulating themselves to­ and the twd children remaining as of Michael Fogerty. Dr. Moore day on narro.wly escaping death or guests of Mrs. Winsor’s sister, Mrs. IN NEW YORK TODAY who examined him said that Smith Grand Tall Cedar James 0. Mc- possible injury in the fall of an Clayton Hunt. ^ was very drunk. Captain Schendel Caw of Nutmeg* Forest, No. 116, elevator last night at the Savoy Miss Doris Pinckney of New said he was so drunk when brought Tall Cedars of Lebanon, has called Plaza. Haven is visiting her cousin. Miss New York, Aug, 15.— Arrest of to the station he was absolutely a special meeting of that order for The group, among them National Gladys Rice. a suspect in one of two new unsolv­ dead to the world. Smith admitted Thursday evening, August 23, in Democratic Chairman John J. Mrs. Stearns of New York who ed murders today spurred police in he had been drinking but claimed the Masonic Temple. All members Raskob, had a moment, of panic has been spending several weeks at their efforts to find the solution of he was not driving the car at the are requested to be present wear­ when the elevator, going out of Overlook left on Monday. the other case. time of the accident. He said a ing their pyramids. Membership Rev. Duane Wain spent Tuesday Prank Olmstead, 26, was taken Wapping man was at the wheel and control above the 23rd floor, fell cards will be mailed previous to the and dropped to a point between the in Hartford. into custody today by Brooklyn po­ when the accident occurred made a meeting. Mr. Fulford spent Tuesday in speedy getaway. Judge Johnson 21st and 22nd floors before it could lice in connection with the murder be halted. Putnam. of Prank McKnlght, ,whose body found him guilty and imposed a fine An error in quoting prices on Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchpll, Mrs. of $125 and costs for driving while For thirty minutes they and was found in a vacant lot early yes­ new-^Fords was made in a news ar­ other occupants were ' imprisoned Anna Dart and Mrs. Curtis A. terday. under the influence of liquor, and ticle in The Herald yesterday. The Holmes motored to Providence Sun­ from $15 for driving without a license. before elevator experts could effect Meanwhile scores of detectives prices should have read as follows: their release. day. were at work on the case involving Standard coupe, fully equipped, de­ Also in the car with Raskob, the fatal shooting last night of livered at the door, $660; truck, were Advisory Committee Chairman L ouIA Stabile, an insurance collec­ Buck Lucas’ Rodeo Ranch DECISION ON BLACKMER delivered at the door, $718.00. Senator Peter Goelet Gerry and FIREMEN ELECT tor in the courtyard of a Bronx Hereafter all deliveries of Fords in Mrs. Gerry, Senator Burton K. apartment house. Broiico Riding * .« Bulldogging Manchester will be made from the Wheeler, of Montana; Col. Herbert MANCHESTER MAN Stabile died instantly as three EXPECTED THIS MONTH Somerville, Mass., plant instead of H. Lehman, campaign finance di­ young men opened fire on him Trick Riding. . . Fancy Roping from the factory at Kearny, N. J. rector; Senator Pat Harrison, cf when he emerged from the apart­ ment house foyer into the court In Wild Brahma Steer Riding . Paris, Aug. 15— The French for­ Miss,; and Dr. and Mrs. Henry (Continned from Page 1.) Notices have been received in Moskowitz and Congressman Park­ full view of dozens of residents of eign office’s reply to the request of town of Governors’ Day at Camp er Corning, of New Yorkl -. New Haven; William H. Daley, the building. ' ' the United States for extradition Trumbull, Niantic, in connection The dead man, father of .five Thrills and Spills Galore of Henry M. Blackmer, wealthy with the encampment there of part Hartford; M. J. Whalen, Hamden; W. C. Darby. West Haven. children, was employed by the Pru­ American oil operator and missing of the officers and men in the dential Insurance Co., and so far Teapot Dome witness, may be given Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island and LONG LEGAL RATTLE . Resolutions— D. W. Harford, South Norwalk; William Sheehey, as police could learn today, had while Secretary of State Frank B. Connecticut National Guard. The no enemies. There is a theory he Kellogg is in Paris to sign the anti­ occasion will be held on Friday of Shelton; John H. Bayes, Bristol. Trotting Races • . Running Races IS ENDED IN WINSTED Auditing— George S. Pitt, Mid­ was mistaken for someone else for war treaty, according to indications this week at two o’clock, daylight whom the three gunmen had been Automobile Racing: . . . . today. saving time. The review will be dletown; Stephen J. Blumfield, lying In waiting. An attache of the foreign office held at four o’clock. Waterbury • and Irving Hamilton, Auto ’ . C . Pony Polo said he expected the reply to be Woman Would Not Give Up New Haven. handed to the United States em­ Possession of Cottage at Following the closing session of BOOTLEG KING SICE Dog Show ; Circus Acts . Horse Sho’W bassy “ towards the end of the BIG STEEL MERGER Highland Lake. - > the convention today the firemen month.” were guests of the New Haven New York,iAug. 15— William V. Agricultural and Industrial Show The treaty is to be signed on Wlnsted, Conn., Aug. 15.— Mrs. Police Department in the annual ( “ Big Bill” ) Dwyer, one time czar Fireworks Eyc^ Evening . . . • Aug, 27 and Secretary Kellogg is OF OHIO COMPANIES Marlon Hemming, of Highland police games at Lighthouse Point. of the bootleg industry, was in a expected to remain a day or two Lake, and Louis S. Grlffing, of state of collapse today at his beauti­ longer. Hartford, have ended ’their/long­ ful home in Belle Harbor, Lon^ z' A Week of Thrills and Fun A presidential warrant was issued Cleveland, Aug. 14.— ^Negotia­ standing legal battle by a private NATION PROSPEROUS, Island, following his release f^ m for Blackmer in the United States tions for the merger of the Repub­ settlement between theiF- counsel, Atlanta penitentiary on, parole. " charging perjury in connection lic Iron & Steel Company of according to announceinent here His wife said that he had been with Income tax returns made in Youngstown and Steel & Tubes, today and no further court action LABOR DEPT. REPORTS visited several times by'his physi­ Colorado. Blackmer no longer has Inc., Into a new company with ■will result. cian and would ))e unable to leave assets of more than $157,000,000 a passport and could^ not leave Mrs. Hemming, two years ago, Washington, Aug. 15. — The his bed. for at least a week. France legally without it. The have been practically completed, it was beselged in Griffing’s cottage After thqt, she said, Dwyer .will Document was obtained from him was learned today. United States is enjoying prosperi­ at Highland Lake by private detec­ ty and a feeling of optimism pre­ try to regain his health by basking by a United States vice consul in E. T.^cCleary, president of the tives from Hartford, and "was res­ In the sun of Florida’s tropical Southern France about six months Youngstown Co., and Myron A. cued by local police who arrested vails, the United States Employ­ ment Service, Department of Labor, clime. ago through a ruse. Wick, president of Steel & Tubes, the Hartford agents. Dwyer, although , he is happy to announced the merger following a Mrs. Hemming refused td vacate declared today In a_, statement showing that “ a fairly^satisfactpry be. out of Atlanta prison, has noth­ meeting of the Republic directors. the cottage at Griffing’s request, in­ ing but praise for' the offieials there NEW STATE INDUSTRY sisting he had ^iven it to her. Mrs. volume of employment was regis­ The merger has not been agreed tered in July.” an dthe treatment they gave/hinu to by directors of the Cleveland Hemming and her young son were • ' • " ' ■' ' ..ii I v / I ' I •’-r' Middletown, Conn., Aug. 15.— The auto industry continued on Company, but their formal ratifica­ Imprisoned in the cottage when CALL FOR TOWN REPORTS The Lyman Gunsight Corporation tion is expected within a short the detectives boarded up doors a high employment basis, while of Middlefield, today announced the time. and windows. After their arrest tire employment in- the iron and steel pttrcbaee of the telscope sight bus-r Hartford, Conn., Aug. 15.— Wil­ ■' The Youngstown concern is to detectives were fined In Snp''rlor mills was well maintained. A large liam H. Blodsett-tpday issued bis ness of the J. Stevens Arms & Court here. Meanwhile Grlffing number of men are t t used in ^tanufacturing Co., of Chicopee take over a controlling majority of call for a quadrennial report from Steel & Tubes common stock, ac­ deeded the property to his mother^ the harvest fields, while buildings all town, city, hot'pugh and. fire 'alls. Mass., and the immediate re- and since then married another “ continued In good volume In prac­ ■oval to Middlefield of all that cording to the announcement. A district treasurers. The reports are woman. Mrs, Hemming hks remain­ tically all of the large cities.” due to reach the state tax commis-. )mpany’B telescope sight machln- financing arrangement has been worked out whereby stockholders ed in possession of the property “ Prom reports received by the sionet on Odtpher 8.. and 'will B© , rv and... equipment since the episode and the civil will receive new shares wqrth ap­ service, the prospects are bright fdf used to fOrip ^ e . basis of his qued-'l The Lyman Corporation has been courts were called uphn to decide sustained employment,” , the stated rennial report to the Legislature [ jn business upward of forty years. proximately 1170 for each of their the issue. ' ^ , shares in local oomnanv. ment said. next January* " I /i ’ • • - ' -^'5 - .1

W w i

- > V''K ■

MANCniESTER (GONN;)-EIVBINING ’H K ^ m WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15,192^ '?f} cl DAILY RADIO PROQIAM 10:30 9:80—Two dance orchestras. ^ Wednesday, August 15. 11:80 10:30—Memory Garden hour. Leading DX Stations, t XiUolen Schmitt, alUAmeiican ‘cel­ 440.9—W eX-W JR,. DETROiT—680. (DST) (S'D 1 list for the past three years, will bo 8:00 7:00—Goldkette’s orchestra. 475.9—WSB, ATI.ANTA—630. the most artist of the program by the 8:30 7:30—Magic'melodies. 8:3.0 7:30—Concert orchestra. Troubadours orchestra to be broadcast 9:00 8:00—W. presentations. other light opera, "The Gondoliers" 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENQLAND^900. 12:00 ll:00^Sludio programs, artists. may be tuned in from WEAF or a 6:55 5:55—; orchestra. 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720. S; N. B. C. station, and still a third 7:30 6:30—Radio Nature league, 8:00 7:00—Orch; "Tommy’s Soiree.'* operetta "Olivette” will oe offered at 8:00 ,7:00—Studio players. 9:00 8:00—WEAF progs. (1% hrs.) 10:00 by the Columbia system. Other 8:30 7:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 10:30 9:30—Mexican baritone; quintet OFOUR highlights for Wednesday night will 10:05 9:05—Newcomb’s orchestra. 11:30 10:S0^Tenor, orchestra, ship.: V © i f be the schedule of . ‘‘Alma Mater" 491.6—WEAF, NEW YORK—610. 12:15 11:15—Male quartet; band. melodies by the Foresters male uuar- 6:00 6:00—Waldorf-Astoria music. 12:45 11:45—Wadsworth’s orchestra. tet through the WJZ chain, Goldman’ s 6:30 5:30—b’ur traders program, 344.6—WLS. CHICAGO—870. band with Del Staigers, cornetlst, 7:00 6:00—Synagogue services. 10:00 9:00—Musical program. . through WNVC, and a group of box­ 7:30 6:30—St. Regis orchestra. 11:00 10:00—"Forgotten opergs," organ ing bouts from Ebbet’s Field through 8KI0 7:00—National mixed quartet. 12:00 11:00—Artists entertainment. . WGBS. all at 8:30. Ten o’clock will 8:30 7:30—Venetian nights. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. find .Frankel’s band in possession of 9:00 8:00—Troubadours orchestra. 7:00 . 6:00—Orchestral music (2 hrs.) the microphone of WPG and a one- 9:30 8:30—Palmolive music hour. 9:00 8:00—WOR Columbia hour. act comedy, "Rosalie" may be tuned 10:30 9:30—Light Opera, “ Gondoliers" 10:30 9:30—Orchestra; music prog. In from WNYC at 10:15. 11:30 10:30—Waldorf-Astoria orch. 12:00 11:00—Studio dance orchestra, 454.3- WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 374.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—800. Wave lengths in meters on left ol 6:25 5:25—Baseball scores; orchs. 9:30 8:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) station title, kilocycles on the right. 6:4b 5:45—Poems; political talk. 11:30 10:30—Contralto, tenor, pianist. Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 7:35 6:85—Baritone, planisL 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras. and Eastern Standard. Black type 8:00 7:00—Songs, saxophonist. 325.9—KOA, DENVER—920, Indicates beat features. 8:30 •7:30—Foresters male quartet. 11:30 10:30—Studio mixed quartet. AND 9:.00- 8:00—Philco hour with musical 12:00 11:00—The novelty shop. Leading East Stations. play, “ Babette." 1:00 12:0(h—Dance orchestra. _ / 10:00 9:00—Venetian gondoliers. 535.^W HO, DES MOINES—560. (DST) (ST) 10:30 9:30—The Wayside Inn. 8:00 7;0ii—Little Symphony orch. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY —1100. 11:00 10:00—Slumber music. 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (3 Urs.) 8:40 7:40—Strumming Crooners. 405.2— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—740. 400—PWX, HAVANA—750.- 9:00 8:00—Hill’s concert orchestra. 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (1 hrs.) 9:00 8:00—Military orchestra. 10:00 .9:00—Frankel’s band, soprano. 9:00 8:00—Stanley theater hour. 10:00 9:00—Cuban troubadours, 10:.30 f9;30—Three dance orchestras. 9:30 8:30—WEAF Palmolive hour. 11:00 10:00—^^Stiidlo music hour. 285.6—WEAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 10:30 9:30—WEAF light opera. 370.2— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810. 7:30 6:30—Dinner music; tenor. 315.6— KDKA. PITTSBURGH—950. 9:30 8:30—WEAK I’ulmblive hour. 8:30 7:30—The melodeers. 6:30 5:30—Ensemble; baseball scores 10:30 9:30—Katz boys program. 10:00 9:00—Tenor, pianisL 7:45 6:45—WJZ progbams (2*4 hrs.) 11:30 10:30—Sin-a-Bar orch'estra. 10:30 9:30—The music box. 10:00 9:00—Ramblers happiness hour. 1:45 12:45—Nighthawk dance frolie. AU® CLEARANCE 461.6—WNAC, BOSTON—650. 10:30 9:30—Power’s concert: baseball. 468.5—KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. 8:00 7:00—Musical program. 461.6— WCAE. PITTSBURGH—650. 12:30 11:30—Isuan Limles broadcast 8:30 7:30—Kalua Hawaiians. 6:0(1 5:00—Dinner music; baseball. 1:00 12:00—Orchestra: male quartet. 9:00 8:00—Columbia prog. (2 hrs.) 7:00 6:00—Recital; Uncle Gimbee. 2:00 1:00—Dance orchestra. Fagan has nothing to say. 302.8—WGR. BUFFALO—990. 7:45 6:45—Book review; time. 416.4— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—720. 7:30 6:80—Graphology broadcasL 8:00 7:00—WEAF progs. hrs.) 12:00 11:00—Orchestra', vocal soloists. 8:00 7:00—WEAK progs. (314 hrs.) 280.2— WHAM. ROCHESTER—1070. 1:00 12:00—Studio entertainments. Odds and Ends O f Our Great Stock That New York.— Perhaps if he had­ 11:40 10:40—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 7:00 6:00—Stocks: baseball scores. 2:00 1:00—Dance orchestra. n’t been named- Fagan, things 546.1—WMAK*, BUFFALO—550. 7:30 6:30—WGY studio program.' 384.4—KGO. OAKLAND—780. 8:00 7:00—Mag'gio’s orchestra. 8:00 7:00—Seneca dinner music. 12:30 11:30—Laugh with Isuan. would have been different. 8:.30 7:30—WGY Madrigal quartet. 8:30 7:30—WGY mixed quartet. 1:00 12:0()—Orchestra, male quartet. But with such an evil moniker • 9:00 8:00—Columbia prog. (2 hrs.) 9:00 8:00—WJZ I’hilco hour. 2:00 1:00—Southwest exposition. to live down, it is small wonder 11:00 10:00—Elmwood organ recital. 10:00 9:00—Wings of Song; contralto. 2:.30 lv30—Trocaderans music. 428.3—WLW, ClNCINNATI-700. that this most, innocent-faced of Must Go To Make Room For New Merchandise 379.5—WGY. SCHENECTADY—790. 254.1—WRVA, RICHM'o ND—1180. 9:00 8:00—Cossacks orchestra. 12:55 11:55—Time; weather; markets. collies found, himself in trouble 10:00 9:OPT-Concert; Professor Ryrocli 6:20 5:20—Race results; baseball. 8:00 7:00—Trig.; organ recital. 11:00 10:00^Artists variety hour. 6:28 5:28—String quartet, soprano. 10:00 9:00—('lub meeting; variety. sooner or laten 11:30 10:30—Dance music; organist. 7:30 6:30—Tenor; aviation talk. 12:00 11:00—Richmond orchestra. It isn’t his fault, to be sure. 399.8—WTAM, CLEVELAND—750. 8:45 7:45—Studio program. 422.3- t KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. Like the good dog that he is, he ONE LOT OF 8:30 7:30—Crystal gazer; orchestra. 8:30 7:30—Madrigal mixed quartet. 12:00 H:00—N* B.-C. entertainments. dedicated himself to the service 9:00 8:00—WEAK ’Troubadours orch. 9:00- 8:00—WEAK progs. (2^4 hrs.) 2:00 1:00—Trocaderan.s orchestra. Secondary DX' Stations. of his master. He must share the ONE LOT OF MEN’S HIGH ■/MEN’S Secondary Eastern Stations. takes as,well as the gives. 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 8:30 7:30— bouts. ' 288.3—WENR, CHICAGO—1040. That Predatory Urge 8:00 7:00—WEAK progs. (2V6 nrs.) 10:35 9:.35—Arcadia dance music, 7:00 6:00—Organ; artists; stocks. SH m TS 10:86 9:85—Atlantic feature hour. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 9:00 8:00—Samovar orch; artists. And, since Leon . Isaacs is ac­ 11:00 10:00—C. of C. organ recital. 7:50 6:60—Song recital, baritone. 305.2—WHT. CHICAGO—980. cused of taking a few pieces of GRADE SHIRTS Values to $4.00 361.2— W8AI. CINCINNATI—830. 8:30 7:30—Goldman band. 9:30 8:30—Soprano, pianist. money from a garage cash regis­ 8:30 7:30—Brunswick concert 10:00 9:00—Ramblers entertainment. 10:15 9:15—Comedy, ‘ ‘Rosalie.” ter, the suspicion of complicity Neckband Styles 9:00 8:00—WEAF progs. (2% hrs.) 293.9—WSYR, SYRACUSE—1020. 10:30 9:30—Your hour league. Sizes 14,14^ 11:30 10:30—Coney Island orchestra. 7:3(1 6:30—Dinner music; baseball. ' 319—KOIL. COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. falls upon the shaggy mane of Values to $2.50. 265.3— WHK, CLEVELAND—1130. 8:^!0 7:30—Health talk; music. 9:30 8:30— WOR Columlila hour. Fagan. The insinuation 13 that, 15 Only 8:35 7:35—Players; orch; soprano. 9:00 8:00—Studio concerts, dance. 11:30 10:30—Biilladeer; hummers. 10:35 9:35—Orchestra; quintet. 1:00 12:00—Orchestra, tenor; organ. like his namesake. Pagan is most 11;00 10:00—Harmonica, accordion. cunning in the art of taking what Must Go a t ...... 12:00 11:00—Watkin’s dance music, 11:15 10:16—Supper dance music. 499.7—KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—600. . Must Go at ...... 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 11:00 10:00—Cla.saicnl concert; soprano doesn’t belong to him. Insofar as 7:30 6:30—Concert; Gypsy barons. 357—CKCL, TORONTO—840, 12:30 11:30—Ellis orchestra. 9:00 8:00—WEAF progs, (2V4 hrs.) 9:00 8:00—Puppy club; philosopher. 394.5— KOB,„NEW MEXICO—760. that point' is concerned, Fagan 11:30 10:30—Studio organ recital. 9:40 8:40—Microphone Mummers. 10:30 9:30—Music; bridge; mijslc. isn’t much different from any 309.1—WABC, NEW YORK—970. 11:00 10:00—Orchestra, tenor; organ. 336.9—WSM, NASHVILLE—890, other dog. The predatory instinct 9:00 8:00—Studio program. 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON-^40. 10:30 9:30—Dinner concert; organist. is not entirely dead in him. 348.6—WGBS, NEW YORK—860. 6:00 5:00—WEAF programs (5 hrs.) 11:30 10:30—Minstrel men’s frolic. 7:40 6:40—Jolly dance orchestra. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. 12:15 11:15—Studio program. Ignorance of the law, says the code, is no defense. Wherefore Fagan lies In the kennels. of the BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ One Lot of Crocheted One Lot of Yard Goods Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Aninials.t technically under ar­ INCLUDING. ■ i.t j j^be Plan New Hunt For W&alth Buried rest. waiting to see what the law WTIC holds for his master. FANCY SOCKS BUREAU SCARFS Prints, 1 On Badre Island Before Civil War If, as has been implied, he was taught to steal, and if his master Values to 59c Values to Voiles, Travelers Insurance Co, was his tutor, then a very fine Hartford point may be raised concerning his Come in and 95c. Values to M. F. DACEY. a Northerner and decided that he individual responsibility. For, al­ Get Them To Go 39c yd. 535.4 m. ^ 560 k. c.' had bett^E^Sell the greater part of leges the owner of the shop where Denver.— Buripd treasure in the I his holdings on the island and re­ Isaacs is reported to have been a t ______a t ...... twentieth century? No, say most of turn to the mainland to live, 'rhls familiar with the till, he believes he did, only after burying the Program for Wednesday us. But Mrs. Marie Antoinette the collie took a few bills and bridal couple’s combined fortune of Eastern Daylight Singer Bowen, 101 year old nelce of buried them in good dog fashion. over $50,000 and the library con­ Saving Time the Inventor df the Singer Sewing Money Disappeared taining many original manuscripts P. M. Machine, believes there is. To prove Anyway, the man who owned .6:20— Summary of Program and her belief she has retained Frank andf first editions; also they had the shop declared he saw Fagan’s News Bulletins McDonough, Jr., local attorney, to quite valuable household goods master reach in the cash re.gister ONE LOT OF CHILDREN’S FANCY PRINTED WINDSOR 6 :2 5— “ Sportograms” go to Texas in the fall to trace her which they buried. The Singers and take out a roll of bills. When 6 :3 0 — Hotel Bond Trio— Emil claims, at first hand. dug the trencb> together and placed he shouted, the man and dog fled Heimberger, Director; ^Program Padre Island, ju§t off the coast the money, which was in American — the man to be caught immedi­ gold coins In iron wash tubs, ac­ WASH SUITS CREPES of Request Music ’ of Texas, is the scene of the buried ately, the dog to disappear just 6 :5 5— Baseball Scores treasure, according to Mrs. Bowen. cording to Mrs. Bowden’s story. It about long enough to hide the ,7:00— ^Vocal Recital— She believes there is over $50,000 is believed that ng record of the money. Values to $2. Just the Things for Homing ...... Del Relge in gold, besides rare collections of place where the gold and treasures Both Fagan and Ishacs stoically Sizes 3 to 5. Undies. Border Ballad ...... Cowen original manuscripts and first edi­ were buried was made for fear that submitted to search. The money Danny Boy ...... Weatherly tions, which probably could never some one not entitled to it should was not found. Must Clean Them Out Yard wide. I Coming H o m e ...... Willeby be replaced, lying where the blue find it and recover it. This makes Maybe Fa^an, true to his name * Thy Beaming Eyes . .MacDowell waters of the Gulf of Mexico have the recovery of the treasures much and his master, took the money This Week at ...... Regular 29c Yard. Robert 0. Rider, Baritone flowed over It for a lifetime. doubted. and hid it. Which, however, still remains to be proved. Fagan, as Laura CJ. Gaudel, Accompanist John V. Singer, Mrs. Bowmen’s Return to Failure. is his custom, says nothing. ^ ,;7.:15— Oliver’s Silverstring Players father and brothel of the inventor At the end of the war the Singers Polke: Beautiful Mary of the sewing machine, loaned $500 began to long for their life of free­ Descriptieve Intermezzo: Sunset to start the industry which later dom again which had been so care­ CHILDREN’S One Lot of March: Ideal was destined to make millions of free from the worries of mainland Serenade of Olden Times dollars. Then he set out with a life. They removed again from the 7 :8 0— Jack says “ Ask Me Another" K H A K I MEN’S BLACK second wife, after having left his mainland to the island, after having 8:00— WTIC Studio Party first family of which Mrs. Bowen purchased back their ranch and ;9:00— Tpaua Troubadours from N. PLAY SUITS WORK SHIRTS was a member, and sailed from other extensive holdings on the B. C. Studios New York in a sloop, with no par­ island. Sizes 3 to 5 Sizes 14, HV 15 S:30— Palmolive Hour from N. B. 2 9 ticular destination. A change had come over the C. Studios At Padre Island. .1 0 :3 0 — ^Hipward Correct Time land, though, during their absence. The first thing that attracted 10:30— ^Hotel Bond Dance Orches­ The .wind and waves had changed their attention at all in the way of tra— ^Emil Heimberger, Director the whole contour of the island and Ladies’ Silk Underwear a possible settlement was the island ONE LOT OF MEN’S 1 1 :0 0 — News and Weather they could not find the spot where which later became known as Padre they had cached the treasure. Values to $1.9^8^^^- SHOES Island. This narrow strip of land, Through the many sales and re­ 125 miles long had heed granted sales of small parcels of the land Sizes. 6^4 to 7. A DOUBLE STRATEGY to Don Nicolas Balll, priest, and in the Intervening time the abstract 79c Values to $5.00. Juan Jose Balli, his nephew, in of title to the island Is very com­ Woodbury, N. J.— A double play 1829 by the government of the plicated. Out They on strategy was accomplished here State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. The January of this 3'ear found an A Few Children’s Panty when Mrs. Mary Batten, 50, object­ island had been inhabited by the army of explorers seeking for the ^jo a^t . 1, ed to having an electric light pole priest for a long period of time treasure. They found nothing of ,, Dresses - ,,,,,, erected near her home. To prevent when Singer and his bride found it, the treasure ivhich they were look­ workers from setting the pole she and had been used for a solitary ing for but they did find some One Lot of Ladies’ Shoes jumped into the five-fOot excava­ life of religious devotion. smooth, hardly disceraable, Spanish tion and sat down. But the light John Singer and his bride bought coins which led them to feeT that Sizes 4 to 6^/2 company foreman won the argu­ a tract of nearly 20,000 acres f9r there is. in all probability other ment by having his men set the Values to $5.00. a few hundred dollars, the named treasure buried off the Island. But Children’s Play Oxfords' pole ten feet away, leaving Mrs. this tract the Santa Crus Ranch, the search for the Singer treasure Ncc4 Money to Pay Out They Batten to hold the empty hole. Big Values at - and lived on it for several years. was given up and has not been at­ Up T onr Bills? Go a t ...... Pair Then came the Civil War, and tempted since. Another expedition ; P a ^ V y -- Texas, the newly constituted state, to the island Is being planned‘ for ARTISTIC WRANGLE joined the Confederacy. Singer was the near future, it is understood. Our FaAidly I»o m i 8erW c« • i Ladies’ Muslin Nightgowns ✓ New York.— The Supreme Court m u Solve AB T our w 6 l f I WOLF! NEVER TOO LATE Men’s Fancy HosO R egular $1.25. _ ^ has been asked to decide whether Bioaey Preblemi A. A. Anderson, 78-year-old por­ Values to 35c/ B ig Value trait painter, shall retain his studio Cleveland.— Walter Dugan had a Milwaukee.— After 62 'years, Al­ bert Schmidt received $6,612, the S tO O L O A N pa^fabie $5 A t This I in his building. It seems the aged quarrel with his sweetheart. He monthly, plus lawful artist leased his property to the walked Into another room and amount he was ^warded for the loss of an arm severed.in a railroad interest. 19c Price o f ______Beaux Arts Corporation for 18 when he came back announced “ I accident. Schmidt lost the arm ;years, at the same time taking a have taken poison, I’m through." when only 18 months old. After his SaOO LOAN payable $10 i lease from the corporation for his plus lawful His sister called police who rushed father died his. brother, Michael, monthly, top floor studio for five years. interest. ;i him to a hosgltal. But when atten­ became his guardian and guardian IF YOU HAVEN’T ATTENDED THIS SALE BEFORE, COl^E NOW DURII^G THE Anderson charges, the company dants preparea to apply the stom­ of the $6,612. Albert then became waived a thirty day written notice ach pump Dugan figured the joke A 3 0 0 L 0 A N payable $15 ■ insane. Recently Me'was again pro­ monthly, plus lawful clause in his lease and attempted had gone far enough. He absolutely nounced sane. Then Michael died LAST THI^EE DAYS. There are plenty of good values for you too .to dispossess him of his studio. refused to be pumped physically Interest. and Albert filed suit to recover the Odiet Amcmaa la. Froponlon and questioning finally brought money’" from brother’s estate. out that he was only “ fooling”^ to IT W ONT BE LONG NOW '' ------7 ------, I Cpft fixed by law. Every tepay- Win his girl back thro'ugh sym­ meat teduces the Cost, ’ M pathy. MORE THAN JUSTICE Paris.;:—The big question of the loans i n strict privacy. World .War wljl soon be settled. LondoAt—A.ffian charged with PERSONAL PINAKr-* ;More" than a score of prominent being drunk and diaoi'derly con­ Uooiiis '’J and 8, State Theater ^.atadents, historians and ..strategist UNDfiR THE MOON duct appeared .before the Justicei Uulidi'iig, 758 Main Street, l^ave hefen named by the govern- at East Hami recently. A fine was SO. MANClIKMTKIt, CONN. .ment to find the answer to “Who “ No, you’re not going to kiiis assessed, after the hearing, and Call, Write or Phone i-0-4. 'started the war?'* This step was me.” wh^n the prisoner did not have Oiieu »!80 to ft. Hat. 8:80 to L 243 NORTH MAIN STREET taken ah a x "o n t’' on a topic ^bei&g '•You’ll see!” enough money to pay the full Licensed by state. Tiforously debated throiighont the “No, I won’t. I’ll close ,my amount the Justices chipped in and bonded to public. country. ^ eyes;*'— Life. naid the difference, 'i ^ ...... DOESN’T UKE IDEA ■ ,7 A list of operators whose licenses r J S' •• to drive automobiles in Connecticut have been suspended for one yeiar OF PICTURE IN BED for'driving while under the influ­

^ By DAN THOMAS ence o f liquor was given, out today ■ \ . ' t t '. Hollywood, Callt.— Breakfast In at the state motor vehicle depart­ l)ed'->>and Dolores Del Rio. They’re ment as a pUrt of the effort to-re­ as inseparable as twins. duce this highway menace. The But though Dolores enjoys be­ department statement advised peo­ yond words this manner of taking ple to notify the department or the ner first dally meal, she refuses to police in case they should see any be photographed while partaking of thosh drivers operating motor of the *^ham and." She wouldn’t vehicles. | . even listen to me when 1 broached Black- Hall, Howard Brooks. the suggestion. Bridgeport: Pedro Alves, William *T think a girl’s bedroom is her Skarnulis. most private retreat and should • Bilstoi^-Jaines Cornelli, Eloy Le- not be invated by any camera,' Blanc, Frederick Selleck, Jos. Wag­ was Dolores’ reply. "I don’t care ner.. what the girl is doing, whether it’s Cos Cob: Karl Anderson. epting breakfast or getting dress­ Danbury: Angelino Bonacci. ed, It is no place for cameras. 1 DerbY; Joseph Svehlak. have been photographed in almost , E. Norwalk: Peter A. Surrett. every other conceivable place, but - Greenwich-^Albert Martin, G. I will not have my picture takep Benj. Shorten.. In my bedroom. Hartford: John J. Grehan, Geo. Jones, Geo. Kundrot’, Geo. F. Ma­ Nice Room, Too her, Bryon J. Travers, Geo. Utz. Take Pliice TJiere During The It’s a shame, too— because Hartland: Henry Lemere. Dolores has a really gorgeous bed­ Meriden: Stanley Crzybeh. room. Cloudy weather giving her Nuugatuck: Stanley Poskavage. a day off from her current film, New Brltaih: Frank Gaber, Frank Weeks "Revenge," she was there, propped H. Jester, John .Radzevius, Petei up in bed and eating a most deli­ Wrobel. cious breakfast, when I dropped in. New Haven: Steve Anderson. Of all the beautiful homes Frederick Breault, Sr., Cbas. F. El- If any house can truthfi^y boast of low overhead it is us for we are our own shipping owned by moviedom’s stars. Miss derd, Augusto Guerrl, Stanley Mi- Del Rio’s is one of the foremost. kula, Guiseppe Speazeanto. clerks, bookkeepers, manage]^, buyers and salemen. Built in true Spanish style at the New London: Walter Benedict. | \foot of the Hollywood • Hills and Dolores E(el Rio is shown above$ No. Haven: Frederick E. Smith] surrounded by enormous trees, it with her cat before the fireplace in Norwalk: Ralph Crabbe. ^ is one of the show places of Holly­ her new Hollywood home, and Norwich: Paul Calande, Chas. wood. This is the home which (right) "curled up with a good West. was finished shortly before her dog." Old Mystic: John H. Marchands. Lower Than Usual separation from her husband, Riverside: Gustav Kroeger. Jamie, whom she recently di- I’m alone 1 like to sit in' front of Sharon: LeRoy T. Cone. vbrced. So. .Manchester: Chas. H. Stur- Dolores lives alone in her man- it and read or just look into the aion-like home except for occa­ flames and dream— and sometimes tevant. fall asleep. Deedee and Ivan like Springdale^ Erving G. Hotch­ Sale Prices! sional visits of her mother and father from Mexico City. Her chief the fire, too.” kiss. Stamford: Joseph Mammone, THESE PRICES ARE IN EFFECT UNTIL SEPT. 1st. amusements are derived from her Deede and Ivan are the dog Claude Ray. books, her dog and her cat. The and , cat. And if ever a dog and actress can often be found in her cat found a comfortable home, Stratford: Worden C. Curtis. yard playing with the dog or sit­ they did when Dolores bought Torrington,: John A. Knaus, Jos. ting under one of the huge, trees them. But at times I think they Whalen. ^ watching the dog and cat playing are a bit unappreciative. I have Warehouse Pt.: Jos. Herberts. together. seen th3m both sleep soundly Waterbury: Arthur Swenden. Fireplace Favored Spot while Dolores played the piano. West Haven: Kenneth J. Ferris, Bernard 'T. Joyce. | One of Dolores’ favorite spots Carewe Often Visits in her entire home is in front of Dinner time is always an aus­ week afterwards When Holly- Willimantic: Dona Bernard. the huge open fireplace in the liv­ picious occasion at the Del Rio wood talKis about anything for a Brooklyn, N. Y.: Martin Nilson, ing room. Almost every evening, home. Dolores always dresses for week, it is worth talking about. Bronx, N. Y.: Victor Peterson. whether necessary for its warmth this meal whether she eats alone, Her guest list usually leads like New York City: Andrew Doug­ or not, a fire can be found burn­ which is seldom, or entertains. Ed­ cinemaland’s "blue book." lass, Jos. S. John, Niels E. Nielson, ing brightly in this fireplace. win Carewe, Dolores’ produder Starting with a dinner, often Samuel Simonello. "I like to hear the logs crackle," and director, is a frequent visitor consisting of Mexican food served Omaha, Neb.: Wm. C. Hobson. says Dolores, "Oh, yes, a fire often for this evening meal. in true Mexican style, the party Westchester, N. Y.: Frank A. makes the room a 'bit too warm. Dolores’ parties are always the will continue for hours with en­ Erickson. J)ut it also makes it cozy. And when talk of the film colony for fully a tertainment in progress at all BOY SOLOMON EEACEFULLY SETTLED Three Lovely Bedroom Pieces A Charming* Dining Room Smte University Lad 7b Live With Indians Hamilton, Ont., — Billy Miller, 5-year-old son o f John Miller has at In Far North To Study Unknown Past his tongua’s tip answers to many London.—^D.fierencet, in govern­ questions that would stump the $149 $89 mental belief had stirred the two average adult. Billy knows what Gracefully designed bedroom suito coiholstlng of bed, dresser, I and your choice of vanity or chifforobe, nicely constructed. Our Seven graceful pieces—table, host chair and five din­ factions of Eexhill, the Bexhill day any date has fallen on during Chicago. — Cornelius Osgood,<^can Indians from the regions which the last two years and can name the fine walnut veneers over gum wood attractively finished. Fully ing chairs. The table extends to' six feet. This suite husky 23-year-old graduate student Osgood will visit. This mi.xed Na­ Corporation, and the Bexhill Rate­ day of the 'vkeek of any date in 1929. dust-proof. A suite that you would expeetto pay imuch mor'e •will add beauty to your dining room, at small cost. Large of the University of Chicago, has set vaho culture is also fairly well payers’ Assm iation. To settle the He can recite any line of poetry for, at a remarkably low price. ... buffet to match— $39.00. * out upon what is, without doubt, known. Osgood will supply the strife peaceably, a newspaper after hearing it once. But he can­ the most adventurous doctor’s the­ knowledge of the original primi­ organized a contest to de­ not read or write. sis ever contemplated. tive northern group and thus en­ termine the issue. The proceeds The Chicago University lad wifi able ethnologists to see exactly went to, the Bexhill Cotiage Hospi­ The first rubber road was laid Cotton Has Advanced penetrate alone into Northernmost what happened. tal Fund; in London in 1913. Canada beyond the Arctic circle, Preliminary Trip V . - on a 15 months’ trip there to live Osgood spent three months last - 1 0 % • with, and study an obscure India r.j summer on a 1300 mile preliminary That means that maf^ress- tribe, whose life and culture are canoe trip through the region south will be higher soon. extremely Important from the point of the Great Bear Lake accustoming of view of anthropology and eth­ himself to the Indian life. From nology. a bungling tenderfoot from the LOANS UP TO $300 MADE Young Osgood will be the first “ South" who took 50 minutes to white man ever to live in the start a fire with matches, he was Creat Bear Lake Region, if he is able to transform himself' into a IN 24 HOURS successful. Two missionaries, who hardened woodsman and could CALL—PHONE—WRITE tried it in 1912, were slain by the start a fire in the rain in four LIVING ROOM natives. minutes. Whichever proves convenient you will find our service 'The only other white me , who To Win Confidence have penetrated the dis'trict are PROMPT, COURTEOUS, CONFIDENTIAL, HELPFUL •' Armed with rifles, cameras, note­ Sleffanson, the Arctic explorer, SUITES books, recording phonograph discs and hi§ companion D’arcy Arden, a Money For Any Emergency ’ and a sleeping bag to withstan'l famous figure of the North, and a Can Be Obtained Here More Confidentially Than the 79 degree below zero weather, Northwest Mounted Policeman wuo Elsewhere.^ Osgood will seek to win the confi­ captured the murderers of the mis­ WOOLEN MOHAIR SUITE dence of the natives, living their sionaries. Consider These Easy Terms 4 Reaytiful Pieces with BUY NOW lives, helping in their work and reverse cushions ...... eating their food. | ; OUR TWENTY PAYMENT PLAN $139.00 permits you to repay as you earn. By spreading the required pay­ LAMPS \ The Canadian governmenr, i ERROR OF CO.ALMISSIOX ments over a period ,ot twenty months, each installment is so small AND I^ V E through Its National Museum, is that you can easily meet it under any circumstances. Large variety of bridge, ?2 a mpntl\ repays a J40 loan $3 a month repays a $60 loan ' CUT VELOUR SUITE financing the trip. The Museum Cedar Point, Kan., — Because $5 a month repays a $100'loan floor and table-lamps at ■ of fme web-construction riCl and the University of Chicago An­ errors of commission are supposed Other amounts on proportionate .payments,. Interest is chai-ged on 2 0 % ^ thropology department believe to be excusable, the dog wasn’t the unpaid balance, .just for the actual tihie you .use the m'oney. lyith reversible cu sh ion s...... ^ 4/ O *, U U that Osgood’s work will clear up whipped, but Mrs. Ida Diinkwater NOTICE THE LOW COST OF OUR LOANS: 0^ any mattress in our store. many obscure points in the prob­ is going to let him corner his own Total Cost—No Extra Charges 20 % OFF . Other equally as good buys in other suites. lem o f what happens when two prey hereafter. The dog, you see, Amount of Loan Guaranteed for one year. : cultures inter-mingle. was after a mouse, and the good 1 Mo. 4 Mo. 6 Mo. 10 Mo. 1 ■ The primitive trite, of which madam held a rug in the doorway $ 10.00 $0.35 . $0.88 $ 1.22 $ 1.93 only a thousand survive in many to prevent the fugitive’s escape. i 25.00 0.88 2.19 3.06 4.81 thousand square miles of barren The mouse jumped into the rug, 60.00 2.10 5.25 7.35 11.55 territory, constitute the unknown closely followed by the dog, but in 100.00 3.50 8.75 12.25 19.25 factor in the ^ Navaho civilization the scramble the canine lost track of New Mexico. Groups from the of the mouse and bit thp lady’s toe. IDEAL FINANCING ASSOCIATION, Inc Aztec-Maya civilization of Central P;S; The mouse got away. 083 Mnin Street R o o m 408 Hartford, Conn. America whose lives are known tn Aiueriean industrial Building anthropologists, many hundreds “ McAdoo’s Silence Arouses Gos­ Hours 9—S;30;.Saturdnys J. F. W. Hnwkinaon, Mgr. Phone 2-8052 of years ago, moved North to what sip,” says newspaper headlines; LicensM by and Bonded to the State for yonr protection nbw is the southwest States region Now if Senator Heflin should be and there met a group of Athabas- silent— that would be NEWS! BED OUTFIT BABY CARRIAGES COXWELL CHAIRS $lSi50ahdup $22.50 $25 and up A complete line of fibre Spring filled construction baby carriages in new fin­ throughout and upholstered ishes. Nearly all are up­ Three pieces con­ in excellent tapestry, and holstered inside. ' ‘ damask. A comfortable tinuous" post metal bed, chair'at a low price. linked fabric spring, and ■45-p6uii(i all, cotton mat­ WE MUST VACATE BY SEPTEMBER 1st tress;" Big value at our August price r ! RUGS . ‘ .‘i ^ o :

Your Last Chance! 15 Good Used Cars Very Special Prices to choose from—to be sold at * On Axminsters - * . . 25% on AU END TABLES i or KITCHEN SETS $1.98 andBrussells greatly reduced prices Sim Porch $ i o . o a ' 8-legged end tables with \^Ite qnamel -kitchen the popular, pie-crest ‘ top, Sets During This Sale table, with porcelain, top, finished in antique, walnut and two etufdlly construct­ The Down Payment Will Be Low Enough to Satisfy You. or mahogany. Worth 16.75. ed enamel chairs to'match.


*■ 'y r ' l ' . ’..'.V .‘■-'i'J*. 1/u,.: • -.,.1 II,- I i ti 't • I ■ ••


story. He did not run In a straight her wjill probably be, while ample iUtuui|»Btier line but slg-zagged from one curb for' the purposes o f the case, far to the other. He must have been less than it wduld |^e If the state iEttenins 39fra lb reading a book—one about mer­ organ4zution -were td' display some PUBLlSn&O BT chant ships dodging subs in the MV. Hoover ' PHB HUKAUJ PKIN'i'lNG CO. war. He was not hit. A woman who President even'Tf it was not Inter­ Foundad by Blwood & Bla, had nothing to do with the affair Oot 1. 1811 ested in making him the nomiheei Sample Upholstered Furniture from the Every Bventns Except Sundeya and was—-In the Jaw. Qtlfer innocent There Is not and can hardly Holidays citizens felt the wind of the bul­ Entered at the Poet OfBoe at Man* arlsis the slightest-danger that Con- Chester as Second Ulaaa Mail MaUer. lets. Wessell came off without a necticut'^411 Join the list of doubt­ SUBSCaiPTlON RATES: By Mall scratch. six dollars a year, alzty cents s ful states; ^Connecticut people as a month tor shorter perloda Wherefore we marvel. If he had whole are- too keenly alive to- the By carrier, elahtaan cents a week. not been ao clever and tricky and 101 economic Interests of the state for st Grand Ra Single copies three cents, had run straightaway without dam­ that. But if the campaign jn this SPECIAL AUVEUTISINO REPRW- age tin he had put eight or' ten SENTa TIVB, Hamilton*Ue Ulsser. state Is permitted to deteriorate Inc., 88K Madison Avenue, New Turk yards between him and the five Into^ the - voters’ perusal of fantas­ and 612 North , Michigan Avenue brought to Manchester for Chicago. I gangster marksmen, his complete tic attacks on the character of the selection! The Manchester Evening Herald la escape would be worthy of no com- on sale.jn New York City at Sohults's Democratic candidate by sensation News Stand, Sixth Avenue and 48nd. mentvwhatever. The limit of range seekers, and if there Is no honest Street and 42nd. Street entrance of for any gang gunman we ever Grand Central Station and at all effort ihade to present Mr. Hoo­ Easy Terms and “Gasfr Hoatling News Standa heard about seems to be about six • • 9 * ver’s superlative* merits to the peo­ Client of International News Serv feet— and he is a good deal surer ple with special reference to Con­ Prices vice. if be cau press the muzzle against necticut’s economic situation, there “ International News Service has the feature tbe . exclusive rights to use for republioa* the victim’s coat. But when Wesseil need be no surprise If. the Republi­ tion In any form all news dispatches began covering the whole width of can majority In this common­ credited to or not otherwise credited In this paper. It is siso axcliislvely the street with his course he sure­ wealth next fall turns out to be far Range Club entitled to use tor reuuhllcation all ly look his life in his hands. F,ive smaller than it has any right to * the local or undated news published herein." Full Service Client of N E A gangsters shooting at a mark be. Service. eighteen Inches wide are morally There is a growing Impression certain to fill the air for the entire that there is a singularly pallid WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1928 width of any street, excepting only quality in the enthusiasm, of the the particular eighteen Inches they state Republican organization. If “ YESSING" HOOVER are shooting at, with bullets. And the party leaders are not feeling In a general way, and cautious­ how Wessell'escaped colliding with quite well politically perhaps they ly, the Democratic national plat­ some of the rotten shooting no one would be soundly advised to take form trailed the Republican plat­ Sofa, arm chair q,nd'a tufted-back,-'wing chair-to the will ever be able to explain. a vacation and turn over the job form In the matter of farm relief. suite sketched above,' in taupe moiialr wlth^ frieze If we were asked for advice as of running the Connecticut cam­ seats. '‘S' So far as the favoring of ImporU to the best way to make a running paign to people whase interest Is Regular 1369.00 ...... ant measures for the agrarian In­ escape from gangsters’ guns the less jaded and who really give a terests “ in principle’’ is concerned, answer would' depend entirely on damn whether Hoover is elected or Goyernor Smith is followjng Her­ who asked for it. To the Wessells not. a n c h e s t e r wants the newest when it is new. " Manchester, wants, bert Hoover like a good old hound variety of citizens, we should say, dog with his nose to the ground. the best, always. In^ upholstered furniture, Manchester can' now Goal Ranges emphatically, “ Zig-zag,” because JOBS FOR LAWYERS \ We shall see after the Hoover Included In our stock ot Craw­ we would be willing to bet U I During a lifetime we recall hav- have both these features and at worth-while savings. For we have speech at the latter’s Iowa birth­ M ford afid Roselands is juat the coal couldn’t be done again. But for , Ing seen a great many proposals range tO fit your' hotne and your^ place, whether Smith will continue persons whom we should prefer to for the reorganization of legal brought a part of the upholstered exhibit from the Grand Rapids, Market to budget-—in plaliv .i?t black or to say “ me, too,’’ to every proposi­ see get away alive and unwounded staffs of cities and states. Hartford Iiearl gray enamel— priced from tion as to agriculture laid down Manchester. -The very newest in designs and coverings / are repreisented— flSOJSO to 9112.50. it would be, “ Run straight as now has such a proposal presented by his opponent. It is perhaps un­ straight can be until fifty feet to it. No criticism of the latter pro­ ■—and nowhere else will these identical sample'pieces be found—^nowhere else fortunate that he will only have a away. Then quit worrying. posal la intended, because It Is a few hours, relatively. In which to at these low sample prices. And, of course, there is only Itpiece of.each de­ matter on which we have no infor­ digest the plan of farm relief that mation whatever. But the thought sign, so come just as soon a you can for the best selection. ta b Mr. Hoover Is pretty suri to ex­ APPENDiaTIS arises that never once, in all this pound in Iowa, before he is com­ Commenting on the Increasing multitude of legal department re­ pelled to say something further, number of deaths from appendici­ organization schemes, has. there Two pieces, Georgian style, with sofa and arm Three pieces with roll arms and ball feet in about that subject in his own tis In. the United. States the Water- ever been either a suggestion of re­ chair. Plain checked frieze with figured frieze heavy antiqu^e tapestry in rich greens and mul- speech of acceptance. Else he bury Republican refers to an in­ ducing the number o f lawyers em­ seats. O O might sa / the same thing In suffi­ surance statistician who “ gives sug­ ployed— or even of keeping the Regular $294.00 ...... Regular $313,00 ...... ciently differing words. gestion of surgical work that is not $259 number pf such ejnployes where it As a matter of fact, so" long as done with the finest skill or with was. Always there Is a crying need Mr. Hoover continues to speak first a knowledge that times the opera­ of uijire.^JawyerB.. Three pieces in all over tapestry with large, and so long as Mr. Smith has no tion In the best way.” Three piece in rich, antique tapestry. Sofa, For a great many years we have- sofa, tufted back wing ch'air and co x w ^ chair. Ideas whatever on the farm relief Whether we shall hear from the arm and wing chair with roll arms; ^ O /f Q been watching, merely from curl*' Regular subject,* it would seem be as surgical fraternity in answer to ball feet. Regular $295.00 ...... osity, for the first occasion, on $319.00 ...... $ ^ 5 9 Gas Ranges good as any for him to announce this implied criticism or not re­ which some chief law officer of a Lenox, Wlncroft, Crawford and new; “ Whatever the other fellow mains to be seen, but the probabili­ Chambers, are the well known government of any kind shall say: offers you I’ll give you the same, ty Is that It will go unanswered, for names present in our ,gas range' “ There are more employes in this Three pieces in Queen Anne style with ratine mister, and a happy-warrlor smile If there Is any body of men who Three Queen Anne pieces, in taupe mohair with section. Blacks, grays and greens' department ..than are-necessary; a tapestry cover. So^, w’ing chair and club are the colors, priced from '929.75 into the bargain;-ain’t that fair?” shrink from publicly tooting their frieze seat cushions. Sofa,, wing chair and reduction is recommended,” When occasional chair. d»0/\ o to 9198.' None the less the farm voters, if own horns It is the surgeons. that time comes we intend to cele­ Regular $311.00...... $249 Reg. $375.00 ...... we are nnywise correctly informed It occurs to us, in this connec­ brate it by shooting off a ten cent about tlvem, are rather more apt to tion however, that one Connecticut firecracker. place their confidence in the origi­ surgeon not long s|ince dead as tho Uuholstered chair, Queen h nator of relief measures than in a consequence of overwork, upon the ^Three pieces with carved ,Jrtiuoj-(Sj f '■ Anne style, with tufted back and town-bred and town-experienced completion of his one-thousandth SPORTY BASKOB bases and Queen, Anne feet. Wal­ seat. . Heavy ribbed tapestry. politician who can do no better appendicitis operation, could, had Chairman Raskob of the Demo nut mohair and. frieze. Regular C O Sofa, with agricultural problems than to he so desired, have pointed out that ciatic National Committee boasts arm and wing chair. $75.00 ...... “ yes’’ his opponent. only two of the thousand patients that he customarily drives from his Reg. $440.00 . , $349 died, and that In both these cases home in Centerville, Md., to Wil­ BUSY GOVERNOR the operation was resorted to as a mington, ;Del., a distance of eighty- Governor Huey Long of Louisi­ forlorn hope, the cases having be­ five miles, in an- hour and thirty- Upholstered chair with tufted five minutes. John Bunny chair with tufted ana, who Is very young for a gov­ come utterly desperate through back in small patterned tapette Perhaps this sheds as much covering. back and loose seat cushidn. Rib­ ernor, must be either a very good prolonged delay. bed tapestry cover. governor or a very bad one. No­ light as anything on certain aspects Reg. $75.00 .. If the average of results in ap­ $67.50 Regular $155.00 ... body could raise so much rim as pendicitis surgery in this country of the Raskob character. It is per­ $119 he has In such a short time unless even approaches such a record as haps not altogether surprising that ■/ he were one or thn other. It Is Im­ this, there would seem to be no a. person whose idea of a correct Queen Anne period wing chair possible that Governor Long can great amount of room for criticism read speed is eighty-five miles In with loose seat cushion. Heavy Chesterfield Sofa covered 'Vrith ^ Combination Ranges’ . bf. just a medium sort of a gover­ ifi that direction. ninety-five minutes should be will ribbed tapestry covering. Solid, hand carved mahog­ heavy tapette in a small all-^yer ing to gamble the prosperity of a Coal and gas are combined., in nor. Probably there Is more appendi­ any chair, sketched above, desi^. , Down and spring 'these combination ranges— Mono­ huge business enterprise ^on life with heavy tapestry upholstery. A good many people will decide citis here than In other countries $139.00 ...... cushions. Ofi gram. Magee and Crawford thrill of conducting a pollltcal bat­ $ 1 06 Reg. Regular $155.00 ____ $ makes.. Plain blacks, pearl g n y that he is very good because he has simply because the American peo­ 879.00 ...... i ^made a lot of sensational raids on ple eat-too much and, since the tle. or green porcelains— and the prices range from 993 to 9251* high-toned gambling resorts in universal Incoming of the automo- Louisiana’s Monte Carlo, which is ' bile, exercise not at all. \ I St, Bernard Parish. Many of the Ewellest of Louisiana’s swells have FRED STONE nc been caught In these raids. Fred Stone, famous comedian Health and Diet WATKINS BROTHERS. I . On the other hand it is asserted who was converted into pulp when 1 • EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES FOR CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES that Governor Long is capturing his airplane was wrecked because, Advice ^ majorities In all the state boards as he puts It, the earth rose up too with a view to building an air­ high and collided with the ma­ By DR. FRANK McCOY tight Huey Long machine, one of chine, Is so far phenomenally im­ his maneuvers being to cut the ap­ proved that he Is beginning to propriation of the State Board of think about his stage future. Health down to 875,000 from There must be something about Dis McCoy will gladly answer about half a million; a result of personal questions on health this dancing game, after all, that aud diet, addressed to him,' care marked influence. The girls now in terested in the result of this expe­ which is that the board can *no the dummer wear as little as one Answer: You probably do not them ln> for weeks Im Detroit where friends, 'who -dcop in trom Michi­ has heretofore been overlooked. of The Herald. Enclose stamp­ riment, as it proves conclusively have paralysis of the colon, as auch longer supply antl-toxlns and vac­ Certainly an ordinary citizen of ed, addressed large envelope for or two pounds of clothing, and as that this new artificially produced Gene Back puts on his premieres gan, Ohio, California oF way states. reply. t the, shoes usually weigh a half trouble.is quite rare. I! your qolun because It happens to 'be- bis, home When they ask j&y opinion of cer- cines to the state’s extremely nu­ Fred Stone’s age who received one- type of cloth Is the best for sum­ was paralyzed, your entire,bod^ hor ------— ------tQwn. Buck never forgets the town! UUn performances I can but haiig merous poor. pound, you will see that there Is mer wear for those who wish to half the fractures, displacements now a vast difference between the low th‘e Waist would be paralyzed that was kind to him In a..^ay'.when my head and . admit that I’vp b e ^ LET THE BLESSED SUNSHINE IN take advantage of the beneficial also. There is no better treatment Louisiana is a good long way and general mashing up which the weight and type of cloth used In rays of. the summer sun. it seemed, certain that his eyesight too. busy to get nrbttnd to attendliu When I was a boy we used to for a ^sluggish colon that- a few and, what is worse, 1 haven’t even from almost anywhere In America, actor experienced In bis tumble at dresses than, that of ten or twenty would' be lost: Parfamore Is tl i sing about letting the blessed su.n- years ago. Most of the light coloj;- Questions and Answers weeks’ course of treatment with the young man who wrote "The Ballad read -much abont; the play in nuOs-. but we shall probably hear some’ enema twice daily. -If. you, will use Grotpn— the ordinary citizen wTio shine in, but with the prudery and ed and light Weight dresses a d ^ t Question:-Mrs. J. H. asks: “ 'What of Yukon Jake” while newspaper- tljOn. They have, - on the oth«r more presently about Governor eats heavily, drinks gin occasion­ false modesty of those days no one causes headaches on top of the the right food after, stopping the ing in Portland, Ore.*-ra slapstick hand, absorbed every line'appear­ more of the ultraviolet rays aud at enetna, your bowels should move Huey Long. Perhaps somebody will ally and does all his footwork on seemed to take such advice very the same time shuf out the heating head, and is tep. bad for one’s Satire on 'Robert -Service which was ing in theatrical pabUcationa .dr- literally. Even at the bathing naturally,,two’ or t^ree. times daily. say it with a gun— it’s a way they the pedals of an automobile— rays of the sun. nerves? I always notice I am raore reprinted on tour occasions by newspapers ; and. iuro prepared to beaches the boys had to wear bath­ nervous after drinking tea. Is but­ If they do not,. It is probably* bp*, 'Vanity. Fair. I’m told that au­ spend 60 per cent of their New York have down there. would have been sleeping his last ing suits with at least quarter- The ultraviolet is really u cold cause o f a kind o f paralysis of your ray, but has the most Influence on termilk good for one?” ' thors, producers and "interested visit catching up with the new sleep some time since. But Stone length sleeves, and trunks that Answer: Headaches at the top of intestines. Tbis/condltlon could be parties’’ expect this to prove a sec­ plays, T h e New, Yc^rker,; pn the; , reached to the knees. The girls qhanglng the hemoglobin of the determined by an. X-ray examina-. GANGSTER MARKSMEN gives every indication of intending blopd uEd Increasing the rea blood the head frequently come from cys­ ond "BroMway.” other hand, is prone to s'ay to him*, were compelled by' the bathing titis or some form of bladder irri­ tion and can be corrected by deep The newspaper plays will follow self: “ Oh, I can always go. What’s/ New York’s Bronx gangsters are not only to get well but to get beach ordinances to also wear c«*il8. Heai^ clothing, such as wool, massage manipulations and electri­ probably just as good marksmen shutH' these beneficial rays out al­ tation. I do not consider a moder­ a sattrlca) trend, getting awayvfrom the hurry. Fll get around tp it/ whole and lively again. stockings and some kind of queer ate amount of tea drinking ba'd for cal treatments.- the old pattern of “ hold-the-press” sooner Of later.’* . ^ith a pistol as any other gang­ bloomer suits. Maybe this was why most entirely, and cotton clothing If this expectation should be ful­ has a like effect. Silk permits more the nerves, but find that nervous dramas. ^First will: be. Ben Hecht’s sters. Hence Thomas WesseU’a es­ filled the terrific accident he went the girls did not learn to swim people seem to like to drink hot "The Front Page.’* ' Later vflll come. A friehd, who -falkly- livei in' much in those days. Certainly at oiE the health-giving rays to pass, the Broadway world,.took .a va-. cape unharmed from a fusilade of through may, after all, turn out but,, the new'"Celanese" material Is drinks, as they feel more quieted Ward Moreboase’s "Gentlemen of that time out skins were starved just afterwards;' Buttermilk is a the P ress."A n d the flvst gangster cation trip through the jhiUs .&» bullets delivered by five enemies to have been a blessing. Because for the health-giving rays pf the the best of all for summer use, ow­ ing to the fact that its material and good food, but should not be con- play pf the seasPo will, be Willard upper New York state, Cohnecticut^ seems to us worthy of some Fred now announces that as an sun, with its beneficent ulti^aviolet slderea merely ' as a “ drink;” it Mack’s *^Gang War.” and New England. He tells mi*- thought. vibratibns. weave permit a larger percentage aviator he is all done, through, of the blood building ultraviolet should be used as a meal, and not that, even in the most remote hill-: The change to the simple one- in addition to other foods. Ottlmes when thls-apd-that■ top point, he found thesnaUvee OT: Mr. Wessell Is a bootlegger. He washed np and gone home. And piece bathing suit started on the rays to reach the skin. admits it. Also he knows who the Question: Mrs. R. G. writes: theatHeal pr iuetlon is mentioned. conversant' with the aiBairs bt.i there are many thousands of Amer­ Pacific coast, but now within the ■ I have Jtist concluded an experi­ “ Please advise what you think I. receive a fi I sarcastic notes fro^ Broadway as the complete Broafl-l- men are who sought his life. It is icans who wljll rejoice at the cur­ last few years the custom has ment to prove the facts I am giving about spices.”. readers askl f. how many !^f.ee wayite.. The radio was responsibli^ a habit with them, seeking Wea- tain to his flying career because spread all oyer America m that you. Using the ultraviolet burner Answer: The main fault I have New York, Aug. 1 5 ^ Kotee bn tickets t get ton my trouble', or Even the biUbilUes had been UaiiH^ those with the old fashioned suits which is used in therapeutic- work,- to find with spices is that they tend nothing in particular and every­ "who the .dickenS’ gives ,a'-\ bang ing in on the broadcasted abng!|j^ sell’s life. Once before they shot they are in no wise ready to wit- by the yardage look queer on any I held the burner against my skin him three times, bat he got over to over-increase the appetite which thing in general: about plays since they no longer go and the weekly theater talks am^ nesB the fall of that final oblitera­ American bathing beach. 'The sum­ fpr ten seconds, then successively encourages tone to eat more -than Styles in Broadway p l(^ durlhfl on the noadbnd we can’t get to New Could whistle the late*^'^ it and returned to his more or less tion on his career as a player and mer sun which was formerly shut through cloth made of silk, wpoi. he woulr otherwise. There is no the winter of 4988t29 .Will'ruU to York.” from the Vanities.. Which more: off from our bodies now gets in its useful calling. He will not tell the aa a citizen. >■ cotton and Celanese. In a few doubt but what all condiments have boxing gloves, newspaper SCar^ The tact is that I generally have- than he could do, bjLthe-waiyr' ; good work. This is unquestionably hours a perceptible burn appeared some irritating effect upon the mu­ heads and continued gangsterism. as much difflcullty buying a S'eai to GILBERT; SfTAN. police who his assailants are, ad­ one of the reasdns why ,s«ch. dis­ on my skin from use of the direct herings to the code of the under­ cous membranes of the stomach The successful ingredients pt the the first ;nt|ght of a’ hit as any of ' SNAP OUT OP IT eases as tuberculosis are being pre­ rays of the ultraviolet light which and intestines, and therefore may past season will be fbiind'. again: the lina-standers. only rarely, when ..1-^ world. It the Republican campaign in vented overcome, and in a finally developed into a deep sun­ be one of the causes in the devel­ that is, there will hr low comedy, 1 chance to know the playwright, burn. The bum through lue Celan­ When the gang, with crook- Gonnectici^t is to be left to the large m<^ufe;,fbi^’the fact that the opment of stomach and duodenal high satire, gore and melodrama. do I inarch happily down the aisle avehige length of life Is now over ese cloth 1 estimated as about one- land’s usual conception of a sport­ casual and incidental minlstra* ulcprs. . Two . prizefight eposes wbtCh- wiU with the^;"who’s who." And fur­ A m fifty-eight- years. third of the direct'illtraviolet radi­ Question: O. H. writes: “ Would appear early in the seasoh are Jack ther, I find an interest still clings ing proposition, showed Wessell ation; through the silk, only a tions of such people as Rev, John Our study of food habits,, Pur In­ like to ask your advice on 9 para­ Dempsey’s vehicle, " t h e Knock- tc the Broadw"- affislrs which Is He iliar is creased Interest in exerclised and slight amount, and through the cot­ live simultaneous guns and invited, Roach Stratpn and William Allen lyzed colon. Is there any curt for Out.” sponsored by none other than even greater out-oMown than in against m e.~i him into their car "for a ride," he ■White the potential huge majority buidoor games have alsj plpyed ton and wool no showing at all It? Is there any way of getting it. David Belasco, and "Ringside;’ by proper. iheir part. 'bbit blif' Cnaiagu to sensi­ was made on the skin. A merely may^ fled. And this is the point of the^ In favor of Mr. Hoover next Novem- back to normal and thus dispense Ted Parramore and Hy Daab. fftUs again but tM ' ble clothinE has undoubtedly had a i .1 am sure my readers will be in,- with the dally enema?” latter already has been packing I am Invarlablf put tci. shame by

. . . . ■> s

.1.. >-v*- - . *, «•[ Z ''> • . '.’! j ''’^--V-i?;<-;:' \ "■'■ i, •! Wk,^iWr’i MANCHESTER (CONN,) E Y E IN G UERAl^D, WEDNESUA)f^rAUUU»T 15, 14«JI^. rV "vff:’ ^ '.^ y-'irr: i ■ ■ . ..Jr.- ' . . I •\' s s To the Rescue your correspondent ever becomes a •\ candidate for anything/ pdblic. dll' mand for such spectacles will never A*' Rockville be'denied. - \ ^Probably n ost of us have always had a ffecre*:, hankerinj;'' to see : Fish and Game Clnb Activities President Ooclldge in a bathing, • At the regular meeting of the si^it—7>a yearning intensified by the' RockTille Fish and Game Club inn^uinerable; photos that have Vblch was held in Mechanic Hi.ll shewn him with ,his,clothes on. But last evening, plans were discussed Cai, for all his liking ‘ for the tor the Annual Field Day of the cr^erci, has never 'satlt.fled our Connecticut Fish and Game Clubs oOTlosity, Thnre is even some doubt to be held at Lake Compounce on whether he ever went swimming. Saturday, September 1, The Club has voted to send a trap shooting team and it alsp donated $1C to be used for prizes for the outing. /8 date ir\. Harold Weber, chairman of the Fish and Game committee reported A merican that Mr. Cobb, Field Agent from ; the State Board of Fisheries and NISrORY Game, had been in Rockville last week and Inspected some, of the places that were under considera­ tion for the raising of Adult trout. AUG. 16 Mr. Cobb decided that the prepar­ •'Mvx.... One Special Lot of About 50 ing of the places named would be a 1824— Lafayette revisited America. considerable cost, and in addition 1863— New York City voted |3,» aOOOIFOnAO to feeding the fish, would say that 000,000 to buy substitutes it was inadvisable for the Club to for conscripts. MEN’S AND YOUNG proceed with the undertaking. It 1870— Railroad completed from Flannel Pants and was voted to buy some adult trout Kansas. City to Denver. 1911— President Taft vetoed bill to for spring delivery as they can be X'.'- bought now at a much lower price admit New Mexico and Ari­ MEN’S SUITS 0 zona to the Union because than in the springtime. To Close Out at Edward Wraight, chairman of the \ mm their proposed constitutions provided for the recall of Game committee reported that 171 Vh Judges. „ pheasants had been released by the \Ji> club and 26 more were to be re­ X m 1912— —New York Supreme Court allowed trustees of Sailors' $25.00 (IDOOirOnAll leased this week. Fairly good suc- 1^ ^ i ,cess has been reported from the Snug Harbor to sell real es­ hundreds of pheasant eggs that was tate purchased in 17.90 for hi $10,000 for $26,000,000. BOYS’ SWEATERS distributed among the members for O'/ $2.00, now ...... ;.$ 1 .7 5 Boys’ Suits hatching purposes. JK N It was further voted to hold a $2.50, n o w ...... ] ...... $2.00 -THE ANSWER $3.00, now ...... $2.35 -ti^ap shoot and outing the last Sun­ V I \ Here is the answer to the Letter MEN’S SWEATERS day in October at Maple Grove. $3.50, now ...... $2.75 (y\ Golf puzzle on the comics page; $9.00, n o w ...... $7.00 The committee follows: Chairman, HARD, BARD, BALD, BALL, $5.50, now ‘$3.75 $8.00, n o w ...... Tienry Market, Walter Murphy, P. Iff BAIL, BOIL. ! Keune, Lawrence Southwlck. Archie $7.50, n o w ...... $6.50 - Hewitt, H. Simons, William Flaaer- l\\!t t N $6.00, n o w ...... : . . $5,00 ty, Mr. Gaebler and Mr. Fiedler. STR A W HATS $3.50, n o w ...... $2.50 Plans are also under way for a ALL STRAW HATS field trial to be held in tht fall and it is expected to be one of the best J 1/2 PRICE 10% Off All Trunks^ Bags field trials that Rockville has seen. d a The following committee has and Cases been appointed to take charge: Chairman, F. W. Stengel, E, G. GARTERS Wraight, Edward Weber, NelLBen- street has returned from a fishing eating oil has slightly decreased. 1 Lot 50c BOYS’BLOUSES ton, Leo Flaherty, J. Bently; C. The United States continues to Myers, J.. A.' Trail and H. C. Bar- trip at Giants Neck, where he went SINGLE GRIP g a r t e r s - ^ 1 Lot Boys’ Blouses with a party of friends. consume aboijt 70 per cent of the ‘StO w» 25c C. E. Meeting at Vernon Center • Miss Lillian Lockwood of West- world’s oil production. (h » t'p m n » a d y 75c i Very unfortunately the Salvation field, Mass., is spending a few weeks as the guest of her uncle, ' $1.00 Values Army Band will not be able to play If Mr. Aaron Saenz had not had There are many instances One Broken Lot of Ladies’ i at the outdoor song service on the Carlton Buckminster and family of where your screens ' would Longview. a reputation-'for honesty he would Pumps ind Oxfords ...... 'lawn of the.church at Vernon Cen­ not be slated to be the next presi­ serve many years longer if $2.49 BATHING SUITS ter tonight. Mrs. Eldna H. John- Mrs. Carlton Buckminster aud dent of Mexico. daughter Shirley of Longview have they were given the prbtection •‘ston has very" kindly "offered to fill BY RODNEY DUTOHEER Saenz owes his rise in Mexican One Broken Lot of 20% OFF ALL in with some vocal selections. returned from several days visit politics to the late President-elect with relatives in Westfield, Mass. Ladies’ Pumps .... BATHING SUITS \ There will be a choir of young peo­ Washington, Aug. 15.— If you Obregon. $3.49 Miss Florence Herzog has return­ ple and some Instruments from the can’t decide what to name the new Obregon, in the revolutionary PAINT lUnlon Churfeh orchestra to.lead in ed to her home In Westfield, Mass., after several days visit with her baby, write the Children’d Bureau. days, made Saenz his chief of staff Let us do the work for you. ’the singing. A good time is guaran- Lots of people do that. and the two continued to be closely Heed in the games which will be aunt Mrs. Herbert Hewitt of Tal­ Or if you wish to do it yourself cott avenue and other relatives in The Children’s Bureau has a list associated and attracted to each ^under the direction of Harold of names, probably culled from a other. we have the paint for you. Durand, president of the Rockville this city. Miss Naomi Binhelnver of Union large dictionary, which, it sends out The reason Obregon made Saenz C. E. Union. There will be a marsh- on mimeographed sheets in answer his chief of staff, according to a f mallow roast and refreshments will street was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Herzog and family of to all such requests. man who knew them both in those John I. Olson HOUSE & SON, INC. jbe served. days, was that Saenz was the only' * Rev. OsboiTie Camping Westfield, Mass., on Sunday. A woman in Kentucky has solv­ Painting and Decorating ed her problem neatly, according to man he could trust with the armys’ ■ * Rev\ Melville Osborne, pastor of Miss Mabel Conrady of High Contractor. *the Methodist Church and two sons street has returned from a visit the report Oi a child welfare au­ payroll. with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Bell thority from that state visiting 699 Main St., So« Manchester and Harold Durrand who have been ----- ...... — 1.1 II I...... 1 — camping at Crystal lake left today and family at Circle Beach, East here. Possibly some other presidential for Plymouth where they will camp River. She had lost every chila she ever candidate in the past has allowed Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conrady and himself to be photographed in a for this week. Rev. Osborne will had and someone had suggested } preach at the Washington Park- daughter of Ward street, are en­ that this time she apply to the bathing suit, but A1 Smith is cer­ iMethodist Churfth. In^.i.^rgyidepc^u joying (this week at Rau’s cottage, Slate Board of Health for the tainly the first one in 1928. The ■ R. 1. on Sundayr '(Tn^Shday Rev.” Crystal Lake. Miss-MabSl- Gon- Bureau’s series of adv'sory prena­ photograph disclosed no resem­ Osborne with his two ions will.go rady of High street accompanied tal letters. She did that, studlel blance to the god known as Apollo, them. but the grin on Al’s face Indicated The Smart Shop to the Wlllimantlc Camp grounds, and followed instructions afid this August elegance Sale of Miss Doris Hartenstein of Spring where the pastor will give an ad-- time her child did not die *at the that he wasn’t worrying about.that. “ Always Something New” dress at the meeting of the Wom­ street is assistin,g Rev. George S. time of 1 irth. The Democratic candidate never an’s Foreign Missionary Society and Biookes at his office at the Union The mother was so grateful that bothers about trying to be dignified State Theater Building, South Manchester ;wlll have as his subjebt “ The Church for severai weeks. except when dignity is obviously Mrs. Mary Woods of High street she named the Infant State Board 'Heathen Conception on Missionary of Health. culled for. ' Work.’’ His two sons will appear has returned from a visit with Mr. It is virtually certain that Her­ and Mrs. Wlliiam Liske of Benning­ And fehe calls him "Statie” for -witn him in costumes of India. short! bert Hoover v ill not pose befof Baseball Game Thursday ton, Vt.. formerly of this city. She RADIO Fmal Clearance Of All thn cameras in a bathing suit. One was accompanied on the trip by Mr. " The First Lutheran Ball toara Gasoline consumption in the would half suspect that such a will play a fast game of baseball and Mrs. William VanHaverback and daughter of South Manchester. United States this year is showing celebrity couldn’t get away from against the St. Bernard Aces at the an Increase of about 14 per cent. the Pacific Coast without posing on - AT Rockville Fair grounds on Thurs­ Miss Bessie Devlin of Grove street is the guest of the Misses The rate of consumption for fuel the sards witi a few ..evles of day evening. ’This will be the de­ oil has remalneo practically sta­ Colifornia’s famou-s bath..g beam ciding game in a series and it Is Margaret and Helen Heffernan of Grove street at the Ohme Ohmi cot­ tionary. Use oj kerosene and lubri- tics, but one fears that he will. If Summer Dresses '^expected there will be a large num- ,ber of local fans out to see the tage, Crystal Lake. , •game, which promises to be an ex­ The Misses Teresa and Anna W e piust dispose of these to make room, citing one. The public is cordially O’Rourke of Lawreqce street are GREZEL’S invited to attend. the guests of their sister Mrs. James ! Emblem Club Outing Tobin of Holyoke, Mass., at her for our new faU shipment. Many members of the Emblem summer home in Woodmont. NOW GOING ON Club are planning to attend the A daughter was born to Mr. and All dresses formerly priced at $9.95 on outing which will be held on Thurs­ Mrs. F. W. Burke of Windsor day afternoon and evening at avenue at the Rockville hospital on “ Chucks” the summer home of Mr. Tuesday. Mrs. Burke was formerly Every Set Must Go Regardless of Cost- sale and Mrs. Stephen Connors at Crys- Miss Bernice Harrison. 'tal Lake. Mrs. Connors has. kind­ Mrs. Gertrude Fitzgerald, Chief THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ly donated the use of her cottage operator at the local telephone ex­ for the day. A good program has change has returned to her duties been arranged which Includes bath­ after enjoying two weeks’ vacation. ing, , bridge and dancing. We are so impressed with the Members are requested to bring re­ freshments, such as sandwiches, SIMUL.ATES TWO-PIECE MODE. operation of the ALFRED A . (RIEZEL salads, cakes, etc. Headquarters for Plumbing and Heating Supplies. Those not going to the lake in private cars are requested to take A striking printed jersey that Main St., 0pp. Park St. South Manchester subscribes to simulated two-piece $4.95 the bus leaving Rockville at 1:50 p. m., daylight saving tinje. styling, reveals the popular long- Gas Electrolux Bowlers Coming To Rockville. walsted bodice that gives the idea Mrs. William Bowler has sold of snug hipband. The skirt with her farm *in the eastern part of grouped plaits at one side is at­ \ Tolland to John DeCarli of Elling­ tached to bodice in a deep tuck Sizesl4-50 ton. Mr. DeCa^ will take posses­ effect. Embroidery in simple out­ line stitch in - angora wool is ex­ Refrigerator sion of the farm September 1 and ‘the Bowler family will move ti ceptionally chic. Lustrous crepe Rockville, where they will reside In satin, wool crepe, georgette crepe, the future. They have purchased flat silk crepe, canton-faille crepe, that we want you to know about the Ransom property on St. Ber­ crepe. Elizabeth and sheer velvet, nard’s Terrace. Both Mr. and Mrs. add youthful charm for its develop­ it too. Bowler are widely known through­ ment. Style No. 271 is designed in Another Assortment out Tolland County and their many sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 Rockville friends will be pleased to and 42 inches bust. Pattern, price hear they will reside here. 15 cents in stamps or coin (coin Yalues to $7.95, Special at Dogs Killing Pheasants is preferred.) Wrap coin carefully. JUST IMAGINE Roaming dogs are chasing and Emb. No. 11011 (blue) costs 16 killing ' young pheasants. The cents extra. owners of these dogs are requested We suggest that when you send to keep them confined. If they do for this pattern, you enclose 10 not do so, it is expected that more cents additional for a copy of our No Noise No Repairs $3.95 drastic measures will be taken new Fall Fashion Magazine, show­ Already several pheasants have ing all the most attractive Autumn been killed by roaming dogs and the and early Winter styles, and con­ Your ic/eflihx would be perfect if HIGH M ILEAGE local Fish and Game club are tak taining some valuable dressmaking x.r, -jj I ing measures to stop it. . articles, embroidery pages, otc. you did hot have to put ice in it. Notes ’Mrs. James B. Quinn and son Richard of Talcott avenue are Electrolux is■. t just . . that—we install spending this week at Money Is­ In Manchester- it and it just operates year after BIG REDUCTIONS land as the guests of Mr. and Mrs 10 large rooms Joseph Tracey. Mr. Quinn spent S Porches year— no bother— no repair, ‘ he week-end there. Oak floors - “ b n - Mrs. James R. Quinn and ’ ^rs. Steam heat .'nlfer Deltzel of Talcott av.enue Fireplace AND MOTOR OILS 't on Tuesday morning for Bran- Large bam and garage •d Point, where they will spend 70 fruit trees week. Large shade trees THE MANCHESTER •Irs. Robert Carroll of Union 10 acres of land • -et underwent an operation at Price $12,000, $2,500 cash Rockville City hospital on Sun- Or wUl take building lots in ’ afternoon. trade. ' - » GAS COMPANY - J '-' Miss Madelyn 'Donegan has re- A flue place. END FOXING RATION ' .urned to'her home on Lawrence Better look it over. street after a week’s vacation spent Phone 74 for appointment. Main and Hilliard Struts in East Greenwich and Providence, B. I. Advertise in Samtorth ol South W . Hairy England S- i \

^ -J .i -


Risko and Robert! Bout Major Leasrue Local - Earns With Boys * Team Standings Gili$on Out To W r ^ ! Sport’ New York Girl Would Like To Be Are Even Stephen Affair / YESTBRuAY’S RESULTS a Major Leaguer. Eastem League * \ ' Chatter Pittsfield 8, Hartford 7 (1 st., 11) Pittsfield 3, Hartford 2 (2nd). Johnny Not FuUy Recovered \ Waterbury 6, New Haven 5 (1st) ^ X Y YHA*iN^ Ne'W York; Aug. 15.—-Perhaps it New Haven 6, Waterbury 3 (2nd) The wrestler that loses the Judging from the comment heard won't be long before scime young Albany 4, Providence 2. From Body Beating by ifall at least gets a loa d about town, there’s going to be a lady will break into the Tlne-up of Bridgeport 5, Springfield 0. lo^ of excitement up at Manchester a professional baseball team. American League YOUTHFUL GOLFER SHOWS off his chest Green tomorrow night when the UNCLE HOW TO PLAY The extremely young young la­ Chicago 5, New York 2. Seeking Revenge for Pren­ Godfrey, It Is Said; Any­ home team stacks up against Gib­ Detroit 4, Philadelphia 1. son’s Garage in their all-important dles have shattered tradition Cleveland 2, Boston 1. Youth must be served! thing May Happen. twilight league argument. , three times this summer and Washington 3, St. Louis 0. This time-worn axiom was tice’s Victory in Protest gained positions oh teams -virith National League given further I support here the If sleep is a conditioner for play­ boys. St. Louis 6, Boston 1. other day when Elmer Hulteen, By DAVIS J. WALSH ing. , theh “ Frenchy” Mer- New York 10, Chicago 2. twelve-year-old local golfing Airing; Soap Makers Ont New York, Aug, 15.— The panic rer ought to be in fine shape when First there, was Alice Buckman , Pittsbui^gh 4, Brooklyn 2. star, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl among calili-culturists, seeking the the Cubs start their 1928 campaign,' at Griswold, la. She made the high Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 4. Hulteen of Hackmatack street, to Wash Heights Tomor­ man who will succeed the man who They say that bunk fatigue is all school team and was one of- the almost beat his uncle, John 1. he does down at Niantic where he Olson, well known local paint­ withdrew himself from the vulgar stars the entire iseason. is with the Medical Regiment. Eastern League ing contractor, at golf. Despit-* contacts of the trar’ e, will be de­ W. u. , . PC. row Night clared officially at Ebbets Field to­ Then a few weeks later Margaret a great deal more experience, night when Roberto Roberti, or (^isolo got on the Blanford, Ind., ju- New H aven ...... 74 43 , .627 Mr. Olson was unable to defeat It won’t be long now before high Pittsfield . . . '...... G1 50 .550 maybe I mean two other fellows, school sports will be back in the n'tor team in the American Legion his young nephew by more than will meet Johnny Risko, the ali- limelight, again after a summer’s I’rovidenc...... 60 54 .526 three strokes in eighteen holes It goes without saying that grant­ tournament p.nd slie proved a big ing favorable weather, the largest day sucker of the profession— lick obscurity. HARTFORD ___ 60 57 .513 of play, much to his discontent. him and lick him but he remains factor in that team’s winning of the Albany ...... 60 57 .51 Incidentally young Hulteen, who crowd of the present baseball sea­ son should watch the grudge battle whole. That’s John all over, except One rabid rooter for Gibson’s state championship. Bridgeport ...... 58 58 .500 won the junior caddies’ golf . for the title. The sucker usually is Springfield ...... 55 56 .495 title at the Manchester Country between Sam Prentice's Manchester Garage says his team will be so far Now, Carmela Yuli, 15-year-old the man who agrees to meet him. Waterbury ...... 29 82 .261 Club last fall, is also quite a Green colts and Bert (ilbsori’s plat­ -ftlECANVaVp ahead of the Green at the end of ers tomorrow night up at Wood- John is one of those negative the second inning tomorrow night New York girl, has gained a place American Leaguu swimmer. specimens that Rickard calls a with the West Side Rangers'of W. L. PC. bridge Field. These two teams ar® 'ioo’em 't Toot that one wifi not be able to tell bitter rivals. The last .time they “ spoiler.” He can’t box and he cow's., from the score whether the boys Chelsea Park. And they say she's New Y o r k ...... 77 36 .681 can’t punch, which leaves him noth­ Philadelphia...... 72 4t .643 met, the automobile repairers came are playing baseball or \)asketball. about the best player on the team. out on the top of the skirmish by ing to worry about. He can’t lose TfWOtSTo SS eCT SOMK i Some of the opposite faction are St. L o u is ...... 59 56 .513 his form. He hasn’t any. . HiSSouiA/.MOKr. ^ She’s the only girl on the team C hicago...... 52 61 .480 a scant margin of 3 to 1. Then the just^as cocky. Junior Horseshoe Green submitted its famous protest, It seems too bad that a durable and she got her job because she Cleveland ...... 52 62 .456 citizen like John can’t do some­ won, and now we are about to have It’s a shame that we haven't one could hit and could field and could Detroit ...... 49 62 .441 the second edition of the same thing about his deficiencies, for a pitch. It took some persuasion on Washington ...... 50 64 .439 knockout punch would make a real decent baseball field in town, de­ game. clared a local player to the writer her part to he given a chance by B oston ...... 41 71 .366 Pitchers Are Tied The other game in the league champion of him. J. J. Tunney, the the boys to try for the team, but National League private citizen, says he himself BIG LEAGUE TEAMS last night. It’s about time some­ finds the Bon Ami treking up to body got bus^ and fixed up. at least they’re glad of it now. W, L. PC. Following are the results of the the Heights’ Field for combat. This, learned to punch by secret prac­ She likes baseball and says she Is St. Louis ...... 69 42 .622 tice. If Jotin tried the same thing, one field, he added. More truth Junior horseshoe pitching tourna­ , too, should warrant the efforts of than poetry in that. sorry she’s not a boy because she New Y o r k ...... 63 41 .606 ment at the East Side playgrounds (anyone who journeys there. The maybe he, too, could persuade some TO CHANGE PILOTS C hicago...... 63 50 .558 of the lads to relieve him. He at would like to be lu the big leagues. Carmela Yuli. Tuesday morning. Heights have a mighty fine team Cincinnati ...... 61 49 .555 least-could say he learned, which The letterheads being used by the Rossie-Bieber 21, Prete-Anderson just at ' present, defensively, at has been known to answer the pur­ officials of the Cubs Football 'To a Pittsburgh ...... 58 49 .542 11. least, and if they show a bit more pose. Three or Four Clubs to Have bear the followin,g names: Peter J. Brooklyn ...... 54 57 .486 Correntl-Haberern 21, Vlnce- strength with the willow, they may First Eliininatiun Vendrillo, manager; Jack Dwyer, Boston ...... 32 68 .320 Russell 14. beat any team in the circuit. Gib­ Anyhow, John and Roberto will New Leaders Next Sea­ secretary and treasurer; Peter J. Philadelphia...... 29 73 ,275 O’Leary-De Sinone 21, Urbanet- son’s team is all set to hand the engage one another for ten heats Happeny, assistant manager and Dr. ti-Georgettl 13. Green its first official beating of the and 1 may mean chills, at that. It Charles W. Goff. The latter’s ser­ GA.MES TQDAY Kovis-Johnson 21, Edwards-Tom- league season. Bert won’t be satis­ will be the first episode of the new son; Inside Bope Reveal­ vices have been obtained to treat Eastern League linson 16. fied^ unless his team wins by a big­ championship elimination serial injured players. Hartford at Pittsfie*d (2X. League Standing ger'margin than last time. He will ind, if anything happens, it will vi­ Springfield at Bridgeport (2). W. L. use Lampreebt, Sipples, Burkhart, tiate all precedent. However, the ed. The New York Yankees play the HOW ABOUT A SHERH’F? *as good in lootwork but a taster Waterbury at New Haven (2). Vince-Russell ...... 8 . . 4 Kotsch, Wright, Brennan, Wilson, chance that the future champion Hartford Eastern Leagub Club an ------/ ' and more accurate hitter. Ever Providence at Albany. Rossi-Bleber ...... 8 4 Cervlni. Hanna and La Frances in O’Leary-DeSinone ...... 7 5 may be in there disguised as a pa- exhibition game at Buckley Stadium Johnny Risko, the wealthiest!®®® Lajole play baseball’? Re- American League the game. Manager Gibson wants to on Wednesday afternoon, ‘ August Correnti-Haberern...... 7 5 mak/e a wreck of the Green team Jooka will have many of the popu­ By HENRY L. FARRELL. and most prominent citizen of member what a captivating, con­ Chicago at New York. lace -gazing very pensively at the 2 9. This Is a week from today. summate craftsman he was, his Cleveland at Boston. Edwards-Tomlinson...... 6 6 and then tow it back to his garage Two or three and perhaps four Sheffield Lake Village, Ohio, re­ Kovis-Johnson ...... 6 6 proceedings. poise and finish and style? That's Detroit at Philadelphia. as a souvenir of the battle. major league clubs will make a cently had himself appointed a Pr.ete-Anderson ...... 4 8 Roberto is said to be a changed Efforts are being made to get Tunney in the ring, Mathewson St. Louis at Washington. change in management before the deputy (marshal of the village. Urbanettl-Georgetti . . . .4 8 HAS SE.VS.UriONAL DEBUT. man over his last start in the big Red Sheridan or some other lo- _I on the slab, Hagen on the links, National licaguc 1929 season starts. The clubs prac­ And behind it is a story showing Rookie outfielder Charley Klein, stakes with Phil Scott. All I can tically committed to a reorgaijiza- sprinter who is in pretty good con­ Schaefer on the green cloth. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. dition to race Sam Prentice when that John is not only a good citi­ A new rule bars Radcliffe girls with Lh? Phils, slammed out two say about that is, if Roberto has tion are the Detroit Tigers and the zen but a very shrewd business Next to Tunney in the ring the Philadelphia at Cincinnati. changed at all, it is doubtless for the latter attempts to beat man’s one that caught my eye most was from taking airplane rides. These homers the first day he pla.ved Pittsburgh Pirates. Tha Chicago man. New York at Chicago. flighty modern girls must be curb­ in the majors. Ho Ii^ from Fort the better. Scott stabbed him silly White Sox, in spite of a provisional fastest time with his automobile in little George Dixon. Corbett Boston at St. Louis. a hundred yard dash. Anyone .’^-ho Jawn admitted after he had. ed. Wayne ii^ the Cen\ral League. that night. promise to Lena Blackburne, are been decorated with the badge of comes second among the ,heavy­ An Even Chance thinks he can beat the auto, please weights, but I’d rather see Tun­ dickering for another new leader. step forward and make yourself office that he wanted to sock guys However, he isn’t meeting a box­ And, more surprising, the Wash­ without being sued for It. ney in the ring than any! other er this time and, for all anyone known. The car will be In neutral ington Senators probably will start Several months ago a truck fighter I ever saw, and seeing him knows, he may not be facing the gear when the pistol is fired. The was the biggest treat.” the next campaign without Bucky attempt will be made August 29th, driver tried to crowd Jawn’s swell shock-absorber of old, either. John Harris. car off the road and Jawn got took quite a body beating from at night. Considering that Harris gave out and sjammed the driver. two Chamoiampions in one Godfrey\and they are saying now When the driver learned who. the that his durability is not what it Washington two championships and was. Some color was lent this,tale. has been doing very well with an guy was that slammed him he m too, when Risko showed no particu­ Inferior and “ bad-lucked” team, it sued Jawn for' a large number of lar inclination for meeting Jack may be surprising that the club HUGGINS IS AFTER' grands. TYDOL & ETHYL^ Sharkey in September, his mana­ owners are considering a change in That put ideas in the heads of ger, Danny Dunn, claiming that management. But, if nothing hap­ other guys, apeording to Jaw.i’s John needed a rest. The natural in­ pens before the winter, meetings to story. Large numbers of other ANOTHER PITCHERguys went into the business of ference was that they didn’t con- block the transfer; Harris will be­ S—"* L '%■ • sider themselves ready for a first come the manager of the Tigers. trying to get,,Ja,w.n to slam t^em opponent, which should be some­ The circumstances that; almost so-they pould sue him, and they used to come in groups and roll thing off their minds as far as to­ compel the Washington owners to By the time the American boys make a change in-management c.re around on the lawn of his beauti­ night’s program is concerned. If His Latest Recruit Fromf the get back from the Olympics. Oie Roberto is a first class anything, entirely of a financial nature. Har­ ful estate acting like drunks. When Jawn tried to get them chances are that most of them will then he has'changed, indeed, since ris is one of the highest salaried be see: sick. last I viewed him. managers in the game. . The club Minors is Defeated by off his grass they would invite Still, he is a good puncher and, lost a lot of moiity lest year and him tb slam them so they c >ul ’ run to a lawyer and get a suit. *: It would seem that some * if it comes to pass that John is no lias lost so much already this sea­ of them will see about all *' longer able tq block them deftly son that it really is in financial the White Sox. But Jawn was too wise and with his chin, the seemingly impos­ difficulties. ^ when someone told him he ought j to be a cop or something so he . sible may become possible, not to Clark Griffith, owner of the club, say quite probable. Stranger things New York, Aug. 15.— Manager could slam guys in line of duty 1 IS grateful for the valuable serv without getting sued Jawn went i have happened— but not much ices that Harris has given to the Miller Huggins of the Yankees ad­ stranger. mits today that be probably will se­ to the village board and got aim- | club but he knows that the club has self appointed as a deputy mar­ to be rebuilt entirely and that the cure another, pitcher from a minor league in the near future to rein­ shal, material available cannot be made- With his badge now as an ar­ into another winning combination force his mound staff. Fred Hei- mach, the St. Paul southpaw who mor he can go out slamming guys ♦ there is to see, if they don’t • Hartford Game for several years even under tbs without having, to pay a grand a most brilliant manager or miracle- was hailed as a life-saver for the ♦ travel any faster than they * world’s champions when . he beat slam. HILLIES 8. 3, SENATORS 7, 3 maker in the orld. ♦ did on the track. • Boston in his first start as a Yank, (First Game) Harris knows of the financial Pittsfield was handed a 6 to 2 beating by the . l^ERE YOU ARE, EUGENE! condition of the club and he is pre­ Ty Ck>bb is having his two sons AB. R. H. PO. A. E. White Sox yesterday and Huggins This column hasn’t beem very taught the manly art of self-de­ Wilkie, ss ,. . . 4 2‘ •2 0 G 2 pared to take a cut in salary when O f> needs one more dependable hurler. sparing in its criticism of fense. Ty must have learned of the Grant, If ...... 5 2 0 0 his contract expires at the termi­ Loepp, cf ... . . 4 1 1 1 0 9 The Sox got to Heimach in the Gene Tunney, the retired heavy­ birth of a Son in some American Small, rf ...... 3 0 z 1 0 0 nation of this season. He feels that last "two innings and snapped Nqw weight champion. But, it is open League umpire’s family. Baldwin, lb . .. 3 0 1 17 0 1 when the club is losing money he York’s winning streak of five tb bbth sides ef a debate bn the Parkinson, 2b .. 5 1 1 3 3 0 should be willing to take a reduc­ fighting qualities b f . the ybung Sheridan. 3b . .. 4 0 0 2 5 1 games. The Yanks had no luck with They’re playing golf at, niight Wilder, c .. . .. 4 1 1' 7 1 0 tion in salary because it is largely young Grady Adkins after Babe man whb gave up the richest jeb in Florida now. But up north Wilson, p .. . . . 3 1 0 0 4 0 up to the manager to keep the gates Ruth walloped his 44th home run. in the (werld. they get away with just as much clicking. Bill Hanna, dean bf the New 35 8 10 33 19 4 The Athletics passed up a chance in broad daylight. Hartford He wants to stay In Washington to gain on the leaders when Van Yerk sperts writers, saw Tunney AB. R. H. PO. A. E. even at a reduced salary but he Gilder of Detroit, their ancient jinx, in actibn fbr the first time in his , That’s not a game for golf- Martineck, lb I* » •.. 4 2 2 7 2 0 figures the club might benefit by a trimmed them 4 to 1. Grandpa Ty fight 'With Heeney and here is bugs— it’s a game for lightning like adding Johnny Farrell’s smooth control Watson, If .. .. 4 0 1 3 0 1 change. He feels confident that what he wrnte In the Herald- Roser, rf ...... 6 0 3 1 0 0 Cobb, Daddy Tris Speaker and Un­ bugs. Padden, c ...... 5 1 1 1 1 0 if a change is to be made he will cle Eddie Collins again failed as Tribune: Siayback, 2b ...... 4 0 0 7 0 0 not be transferred to a club he pinch hitters. The A’s had won five "Being nb expert in matters Schmehl. 3b *. 2 * You don’t have to try It to * .. 5 1 1 0 0 would not care to play with and he straight. pugilistic the epinlen that Tunney • know that, you -have to be a * to Johnny Maiben’s dash and drive Hohman, cf . .. 5 1 3 8 i 0 Is-^—nr was— the greatest ring Maderas, ss ...... 5 0 0 1 3 0 would like to go to Detroit. The National League race also Owen, p ...... 1 man the ring ever has had dbesn’t A IP .. 5 1 2 4 0 It is known that Frank Navfn remained in status quo, as both St. .. 1 A 0 1 0 0 wants him if Griffith wllPlet him Louis and New York won. The ameunt te much, but that Is mv Woodman, x .. 0 1 0 0 0 0 bpinibn. Greater than Jbhn L.. The smooth, easy, rhythmic swing of Johnny Farrell Iteaman. c .. .. 1 0 0 1 1 0 go and Griffith is said to be will­ Cards looked like a different team ing to discuss the transfer. with Grover Alexander on the Cbrbett. Dempsey. Fltzslmilnens that floats a golf ball two hundred and fifty yards .. 45 7 12 z32 14 1 It would be the obviously fair mound after ^n illness of nearly er Jeffries, all ef whem I've seen. Pittsfield 200 041 000 01--8 thing for Griffith to consider the two weeks. High on third in place Is Tunney. He is a cleaner fight­ down the fairway or up to the green, dead to the pin Hanford .... 000 014 Oil 00--7 * V. ,0*110,11. flUllilJOll preference of his young mailager if of Holm and Thevenow filling Ma- er than Dempsey, a better sperts- without seeming effort, and the dash and drive that Loeijji, Martin. Wilkie: sacrifices, he is to make a change. Harris ranville s shoes at short. Alex man in the ring, mere accurate ♦ star to shine on a course at • Loepp, Baldwin 2. Sheridan. Slay- has earned and returned dividends breezed home to a 6 to 1 win over hitter, if not as hard a one., has • night. * send the horses Johnny Maihen rides down the baca. Wilson; double plays. Hohman a better head and Is better in to 1 addeii to Siayback. Sheridan to on the salary paid to him and it Boston. ^ stretch a winner . •. Man, what a combination that Baldwin; left on bases. Hartford 10 would be Imposing upon fine sports­ Giants Win combined offense and defense. Next, they'll be trying night horse I iiiMleid 6, base on balls, off Owen manship for the Washington offi­ The Giants fifth straight win He is a better general than racing— entry lists limited to night­ w ould b e ! 6, off Wilson 4; struck out. by Owen and their second victory in Chicago Corbett, harder hitter, not quite mares. 1. by Wilson C; wild pitch. Wilson: cials to waack his salary in half u.npirea, I-aace and Summers: time. and saddle him with a team that this season gave the pennant aspi­ A perfect parallel to another perfect combination ^ 2:30. fo not going any place for at least rations of the Cubs a terrific jolt. . . . TYDOL ETHYL ... a super-fuel for your car. ' X— Woodman ran for Padden In 9th- two years. Washington is a tough The New Yorkers scored six runs z— Two out when winning run wa.s in the ninth, nine men getting on scored. town on a losing ball club and the TYDOL, to give it power in the sprints . . . faster (Second Game) suffering that goes with the man­ base before the Cubs could retire Pittsfield ...... 000 300 OOx— 3 agement of a losing ball club is one Jsatter. The final score was 10 getaway... greater speed. ETHYL, to keep the motor Hartford ...... 200 000 000— 2 worth real money. to 2. Chicago used up five pitchers- Batteries: Pittsfield — Shea and whlle Larry Benton registered his smooth . . . to keep carbonized and high-compres* Wilder* Hartford— Glard. Van Atta Detroit has a better ball club SPORT and Redman and Padden- than It appears to be in the league 19 th victory for the Giants. > sion motors free from knocks. \ Home run— Roser. standing and v(Ith a playing mana­ The Phils got a break when Soth- ern, ducking a wild pitch, accident­ \ MALONEY'S COMEBACK ger, who has recognized ability as a ■ Fill ^our tank full o f tydol ethyl at the next orange, •- leader, in charge of the team, the ally popped a single which scored Boston. Mass., Aug. 15.— Scoring two runs, the Quakers beating the black and gray sign. Your cair will thrive as yon a six-round win over Tony Fuehte Tigers certainly ought to become Reds. 6 to 4. a first division club. SWEATERS ' drive with such a diet! Two champions in one • • • Mexican aspirant. Jim Maloney at Old Sam Jones, going like a It is understand that the White '' Braves Field last night advanced house afire for Washington, held at your service. another step toward his comeback Gox have put out some feeler . to the Browns to four hits and blanked In the front ranks of the world's Washington about- Harris .and this them 3 to 0. heavyweight division. The battle would Indicate that Blackburne is George Uhle. once Cleveland's •was stopped In the sixth because still the ‘-temporary manager" that ace. turned in his* first good game lor Summer Wear the visitor was unable to continue he was classified in the announce- In fK long time, ■winning a 2 to 1 o-wlng to an injury to his ankle re- "ment made by the club when Ray duel from Ruffing of the Red Sox- Just arm ed, another shipment of the newest pat­ \ celved In the fifth when Maloney Schalk "quit. " Blackburne says he With Carmen Hill doing the terns in Sport Sweaters. All styles, all sizes knocked him to the floor. was assured that he was to be re­ throwing, ;the Pirates kayoed Mc­ IT»S RED! tained as the manager next season Weeny and trimmed Brooklyn. 4 to \. You can «ee U*m red BABB HITS NO. 44 if he delivered but tbose assurances 2, advancing to within a game and in the color gauge New: York, Aug. 16.— ^Wlth the \from Comlakey haven't been so a half of the first division. $ 5.00 *“$8 50 OL at the orangot iBhort right field fenc6 at Yankee much in previous cases. Take one on your vacation. Stadium affording an alluring target Donle Bush has told his friends black and gray Babe Ruth Is starting another drive that he doesn t want any more of TYDOL ETHYL putl^. NO MORE LONG CONTRACTS. to set a new season's record of 61 the Pittsburgh club and he has been home runs. He got No. 44 yester- mentioned as a successor to George Babe. Ruth. In denying current .day off Adkins of the White Sox Morlarlty In Detroit but If he Is and Is now fifteen games, nineteen rumors that he plans to quit base­ after the Detroit job he will not ball - after next season, says he GLENNEY'S days and eight homers ahead of his be able to get it unless the Tiger V . 1927 pace« won t sign any contracts-'in the officials fail to get Harris, future longer than- for one year* ■ « i . A A A


Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall and IT’S HER SECRET Mrs. Alice E. Hall spent Saturday LAST OF CAR BARN National League American League Triple Play Scuttles TOLLAND at Indian Neck. Miss Bernice Hall -> JANE: YOU mustn’t tell any-',^ who has spent a week there return­ one about our engagement. Results Results William Senk, Jr., Robert and ed home with them., MATERIALS REMOVED JOHN; Why not? Cheney Girls In Last Frances Meacham wh* have been Mrs. Lucy Ushfer and daughter JANE: Because I want to.— on.'an automobile trip of a week In’ Ethel, attended a birthday party Life. ■' At New Tork>— At St. LonlM>— New England, southeran Canada given in honor of Mrs. Usher’s son The removal of the briclf and CHISOX 4. YANKS 1 CARDS 6, BRAVES 1 Inning As Green Wins and New , York state returned home last Tuesday evening at the home lumber from the site of the razed T Chicago St. Louis . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. AB. K. H. PO. A. E. Saturday evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Usher at car barns on Center street will be Mostll, cf ...... 4 2 2 3 0 0 Douthit, cf ...... 5 0 2 0 0 0 Mrs. Zoe .Beckley who recently South Wlllington. completed today and the grading Swanson, 2b ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 High. 3b ...... 4 1 0 1 3 0 The old saying that a man may be^when she attempted to score on went to Mexico to Interview Presi­ Mrs. Matilda Meyer and daughter of the land will then be taken up “Barrett, x ...... 1110 0 0 Frisch, 2b ...... 4 1 0 4 4 0 dent Calles, Judge Alonso Aznar Miss Elsie Meyer of New York City, by the town. Redfern, 2b ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Bottomley. lb ..... 3 1 2 12 1 1 down but never out seems to fit the play after holding third on the Metzler, rf ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 Hafey, If ...... 4 2 3 3 0 0 perfectly on Cheney Brothers’ Girls catch. The box score: Menloza, Ambassador'Dwight W. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John All the heavy tiniher. has been •Blackerby, If ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Harper, rf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 baseball team which last night lost GREEN GIRLS (17) Morrow and several others return­ H. Steele. either sold or removed to Hart­ Falk. If ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 E. Smith, c ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 ed here to her summer home Fri­ Miss Clara Dodge of Barre, Ver­ ford and today the bricks from the Kamm, 3b ...... 4 0 1 4 2 0 Thevenow, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 6 0 to the Manchester Green Girls for AB R H PO A • Clancy, lb ...... 4 Alexander, p ...... 3 0 1 0 3 0 the fourth time this season. The E. Mohr, cf . . .3 2 1 0 0 day evening last. mont is spending her vacation at boiler roona were being carted away- •Ctssell, ss ...... 3 score was 17 to 14. Groggy, but J. Jewell, rf . .1 0 0 0 0 Charles Beckwith of Stafford the home of her sister. Mrs. Wil­ Nearly 60,000 bricks were reclaim­ Berg, c ...... 3 0 0 34 6 10 27 17 1 undismayed, the silk mill lassies Fitch, rf . . . .3 3 3 0 0 Springs called on friends here Mon­ liam Ayers and family of Merrow ed from the boiler roprn and sup­ Adkins, p ...... 4 0 1 Boston HIPAik AB. R. H. PO. A. E. still insist that they’ll beat the B. Ellverst’n lb 4 2 3 7 0 day. road. ports in other parts of the building. 35 5 11 27 10 0 Richbourg, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Green girls before they put their M. Boyle, ss . .3 2 1 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Overman Mrs. Raymond Ladd of Rockville All found a ready market.’and it New York J. Smith, If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 and daughter Eleanor, who have was not necessary to cart any to Sisler, lb ...... 4 0 0 12 0 0 suits in camphor balls for the win­ M Rosetta, 2b If 3 spent Monday with Mrs. Charles AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ter. I. Cole, p . . . .4 3 2 1 5 been in Maine for ten days return­ Preston Meacham.. the yards of the wrecking, company. m Combs, cf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Hornsby. 2b ...... 4 0 2 3 4 0 Such residue of wood as is left Gazell. 3b, 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 2 0 Clark, cf ...... 4 0 2 2 0 0 Last night the teams played at E Pr’ntice 3b 2b 4 1 2 2 1 ed Tuesday. ^ Clarence Aborn has completed We have grown up Ruth, rf ...... 2 1 1 2 0 0 Bell, 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 3 1 the' West Side playgrounds without E P’ckh’m 2b 3b 4 1 0 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of New w'ill be given to anyone who will Farrell, ss ...... 4 0 0 1 3 1 his tenth airplane flight making his with the automobile Gehrig, lb ...... 3 1 2 13 1 0 announcing the fact and conse­ J. Lloyd, c . .3 2 0 3 0 Britain were week-end guests of last trip in a plane owned by take it away unless an offer is ac­ industry and are ex­ Meusel, If ...... 0 0 1 0 0 0 Taylor, c ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 cepted whereby, all the wood would Koenig, ss ...... 4 0 2 1 4 1 Spohrer, c ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 quently a very small crowd was on Mr, and Mrs. Robert Doyle and the Ahern Laneri Corporation of perienced as repairers Durocher, 2b ...... 3 0 0 4 2 0 Delaney, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 hand. Perhaps Cheneys thought Total 33 17 12 15 9 family of Tolland avenue. Hartford over Crystal Lake and go to one person in repayment for of motor cars. Let Cantwell, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 cleaning up the grounds. Lazzeri, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0. 0 they might have a better chance in CHENEY GIRLS (14) Miss Anna Smedley of Westches­ surrounding towns. us remedy your car's Dugan, 3b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Edwards, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 There will be considerable filling Freigau, x ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 “ solitude.” At any rate they got AB R H PO A ter, Penn., Is a guest at the home mechanical defects. Bengough, c ...... 3 0 1 3 2 0 Rev. Myron Center, . dlstrrict necessary before the land can be Paschal, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 away to a seven run lead in the J. Morgan, ss. . 3 2 1 0 2 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sterritt. superintendent, will hold the first Our work Is speedy 35 1 7 24 12 2 brought to proper grade as the Heimach. P ...... 3 0 1 0 6 0 first inning and were still leading Jarvis, lb . . . .3 2 1 6 0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCray of quarterly conference of the and satisfactory. Durst, zzz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis ...... 103 001 lOx— t) 1 1 ground slopes away to the north. Bo.ston ...... 000 000 100— 1 14 to 6 at the end of the third inn­ M. Sullivan, 3b4 3 0 Springfield, Mass., Mrs. L. R. Ladd Methodist society at the parsonage, “ We Repair Right” 1 0 ■ 0 0 Also a large fill will have to be 32 2 a 27 17 1 Two base hits, Thevenow, Bell, ing. However, when the fifth had M. Strong, If..2 and Mrs. George Newman of Rock­ August 16th, Thursday afternoon. Hafey; sacrifice, Alexander; double 2 6 1 made in what was t^e north-east Chicago ...... 001 000 022— 5 been completed the Green was out H. Bodreau, 2b 5 2 ville were Sunday guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Meacham New York ...... 100 000 010-2 plays. Bell to Hornsby to Sisler; left in front 17 to 14. P. Hollister, P .4 1 1 0 1 corner of the car barns. on bases, Boston 7. St. Louis 9; base home of Mr. and Mrs. William entertained at a family gathering Two base hit, Mostil; three base The outstanding feature of the G. Giglio, rf . .4 1 1 0 0 hits, Gehrig. Redfern; homo run. on balls, off Delaney 4; struck out, by Ayers of Merrow road. Sunday last. Those present were: Alexander 1, Edwards 1; hits, off De­ game was a triple play executed by C. Jackmore . .3 1 1 2 2 Ruth: sacrifices, Meusel, -Jerg: double Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall had Mrs. Emily Meacham of Hartford, plays, Heimach to Durocher to Geh­ laney 5 in 2 (none out in 3rd), Cant­ the Green team. This is quite a rare R. Peterson, cf.3 1 1 0 1 as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. OH, L.1DY, LADY! rig, Koenig to Duroche to Gehrig, well 4 in 4, Edwards 1 in 2; losing Mrs. Anna Meacham Risley and son pitcher. Delaney; umpires, Quigley, play when one stops to realize that L. Archie Hall of 'South Manches­ SERVICE STATION Kamm to Clancy, Adkins to Cissell to Total 14 8 15 8 8 of Manchester, Mrs. Ruby Doran 255 Center St. Tel 060 Clancv; left on bases. .New York 7. Stark and Pfirman; time, 1:37. not a single one 1. ' been made by ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson, X—Freigau batted for Cantwell in Innings: and children of Ellington, Frances Chicago S: base on balls, oft Heimach any team in Manchester this sea­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason of SHE: What makes you so sure South Manchester | 3, off Adkins 4; struck out. by Hei­ 7 th. son. It came in the last inning. The Cheneys ...... 734 00— 14 Meacham w Newark, New Jersey, mach 3, by Adkins 3; umpires, Mc­ G re e n ...... 033 56— 17 Hartford, Miss Little, Miss Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Preston he kissed me yesterday? Green’s three run lead was serious­ Miss Gertrude Miller and two ANOTHER: Oh, he was around Gowan, Owens and Geisel; time, 1:55. ly threatened when Helen Bodreau Two base hits,Silverstein; dou­ Meacham, Robert Morris Meacham X—Barrett batted for Swanson in At Chicago I— friends of Springfield, M^s. this morning begging me to for­ GIANTS 10, CUBS 2 reached third and Pearl Hollister ble plays, Bodreau (unassisted), the Misses Florence, Helen and z—Lazzeri batted for Durocher in New York got to second \vith only one out. Rosetta to Silverstein; Boyle to Emil Ewald who has been a guest -\lice Meacham, James and Ray­ give him.— Life. Stl'- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Then Grace Giglio hit a pop fly to Prentice; triple plays: Cole to of relatives in New York City has mond of Tolland. zz—Paschal batted for Bengough In Welsh, cf ...... 6 2 2 5 0 0 returned. 9 th. O’Doul, If ...... 5 1 2 4 0 0 the pitcher’s box. Ida Cole took it Prentice to Lloyd; first base on zzz—Durst batted for Heimach in Ott, rf ...... 1 1 1 3 0 0 and peggedvto second doubling Hol­ balls, off Cole 8, Hollister 4; struck Julius Baaron who lias spent 9th. Mann, rf ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 lister. Helen was tripled at home out by Cole 2, Hollister 2. some time with Mrs. Baaron and SAVE THE BUNNIES O’Farrell, c ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 "T daughter at the home of Louis EATON, CRANE & PIKE STATIONERY At Philadelphia I— Llndstrom, 3b ...... 5 1 2 0 0 0 Gorky has returned to New York TIGERS 4, ATHLETICS 1 Terry, lb ...... 5 0 2 9 0 0 Hazelton, Pa.,— Save the rabbits Combination of One Pound of Paper and Two Packages of Detroit Jackson, ss ...... 2 0 0 1 3 0 City. and kill the dogs is an order of Envelopes to match. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cohen, 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 3 0 HEBRON WARPING Mrs. Virginia Fullnwider of State Game Warden Carl Meiss Sweeney, lb ...... 4 1 0 10 0 0 Hogan, c ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 Burmingham, Ala., is a guest of her a.long with a caution to dog owners Warner, 3b . 0 1 2 Reese, xxx ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 55c, 75c, 85c and $1.20 Gehringer, 2b 1 2 2 Benton, p ...... 4 2 2 0 5 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Burr of Hartford, sister Mrs. Zoe Beckley at her sum­ to keep their dogs from prowling in Wrlghtstone, xx ... 1 1 1 0 0 0 Combination of One Pound of Full Size Sheet Paper j C Rice, cf ...... 3 0 1 1 is the guest at the home of Mr. and mer home here. th. woods and killing the bunnies. and 2 Packages of Enveloiies to m atch ...... ^ X « 0 0 Heilmann, rf . • • . ‘XJS ^ 1 2 3 Profdfesor Utt of South Lancas­ Several Tolland people attended Deputies are ranging the forests 2 3 40 10 15 27 11 0 Mrs. Robert Valentine of Pleasant Hargrave, c ...... 4 1 ter, Mass., visited Hopevale, taking Valley. the auction at the Nathaniel Knowl- and killing dogs found at large. Wingo, If ...... 4 0 0 3 Chicago part in the Sabbath services and ...... 4 0 0 3 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Rev. Truman H. Woodward is ill ton place in West Ashford Monday, Tavener, ss . speaking in the interests of educa­ Vangilder, p ...... 4 0 1 0 Beck, ss ...... 4 0 1 2 2 0 at his home with the summer grip. Harry A. Batchelor and two sons Maguire, 2b ...... 4 1 2 3 8 0 tional work in connection with Sev­ The Sunday School class of high Robert and David, of Pittsburgh, Dewey'Richnian Co. 35 4 9 27 9 0 Cuyler, rf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Wilson, cf ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0 enth Day Advent schools. He was Authorized Philadelphia on a visit of inspection to all the school girls of Mrs. Albert E.--Stiles Penn., are visiting Mr, Batchelor’s a B. R. H. PO. Stephenson, If ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 of Pleasant Valley, enjoyed a social Jewelers, Stationers, Silversmiths ^ Grimm, lb ...... 4 0 1 10 1 1 Advent churches of the Atlantic sister Mrs. Howard Crandall and Bishop, 2b ...... 3 0 1 2 afternoon at the home of Mrs. HUPMOBILE Haas, cf ...... 3 0 0 0 Hartnett, c ...... 4 0 2 5 0 0 Union Conference. family at Stony Brook Farm. Cochrane, c ...... 3 0 0 0 McMillan, 3b ...... 3 0 0 2 1 1 Stiles last Saturday afternoon, William Beenk of New York City and Simmons, If ...... 4 0 0 0 Root, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 The regular Sunday morning v/here they entertained as their 2 10 Jones, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 is spending two weeks vacation at Poxx. 3b ...... 4 0 service at St. Peter’s cluirch was guests all of the mothers of the Stony Brook Farm. Miller, rf ...... 4 1 0 0 Heathcote, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 omitted as the rector, the Rev. T. DURANT 1 14 0 0 Carlson, p ...... o 0 0 0 0 0 girls. Dr. W. L. Higgins of South Orwoll, lb • • • • • 4 0 D. Martin has not sufficiently re­ Boley, ss ...... 4 0 Holley, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mrs. Frank S. Stoughton had as Coventry, George Liswick of Staf­ Welnert, p ...... 0 0 0 () 0 0 covered from his indisposition to SERVICE French, z .. 1 0 her guest the past week.' her broth­ ford and Harry C. Smith of Rock­ A Good Location Is a Business Asset Hassler, ss 0 0 0 0 be able.to officiate. er, Richard Cheetham of^Hartford. Speaker, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 34 2 10 x26 13 2 ville, the board of Tolland county General repairing on all makes Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wool- Mrs. George Hills and little son, Ehmke, p ...... 0 0 New York ...... 001 120 OOG—10 commissioners met at Tolland to of cars. Cobb, zzz ...... 1 0 Chicago ...... 000 001 001— 2 ley and their daughters, the Misses with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ A Few Desirable Offices Are Rommel, p ...... 1 0 Two base hits, Ott, O’Doul, Terry; Catherine and Marion Woolley of transact business for the county home run, Welsh; sacrifice, Jackson; liam Leahman of West Hartford, Expert workmanship. Collins, X ...... 1 0 Passaic, N. J., spent the week-end have been spending about a week Friday last. Walberg, p ...... 0 0 double plays, Benton to Jackson to Mrs. Grace Sage of Flushing, L. All Work Guaranteed. Available in State Theater Bldg. Hale, XX ...... 1 0 0 0 Terry, McMillan to Maguire to at the local inn. They were on their at Indian Neck. Grimm; Cohen to Terry, Jackson to way to Maine, making the trip by Mrs. Asher A. Collins and three I., has been a recent guest at the oi: 1 Q27 14 1 Cohen to Terry, Grimm to Hartnett: motor. Miss Catherine returned to boys, Porter, David and baby Sher­ home of Mrs. Asa Bird. At Moderate Rentals Detroit ...... 102 000 010— 4hits, off Root 5 in 4 (none out in 5th), New York, where she has a busi­ Russell Green of New York City Philadelphia ...... 000 000 100— 1Jones 3 in 4, Carlson 4 in 0 (none out man, left last Sunday for a week’s Machell & Urwick’s Two base hits, Hargrave; three in 9th), Holley 3 in 0 (none out in ness position. visit with Mrs. Collin’s parents, spent the week-end with Mrs. INQUIRE JACK SANSON base hits, Gehringer, Hale; home 9th), AVeipert 0 in 1; base on balls, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Beuzinger Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Barnes of Green at their summer home. South .Manchester run, Hargrave; stolen bases, Coch­ off Root 1, Jones 1, Holley 2, Weinert and family spent the week-end as Leete Stone of New York City Manager of the State Theater rane, Tavener, Miller, Orwoll; double 1; struck out, by Root 2, by Benton Colrain, Mass. Garage plays. Gehringer to Tavener to Swee­ 2; left on bases. New York 9, Chicago the guest of relatives out of town. Mr. and Mrs. John A Collins and spent the week-end at the summer ney, Rommel to Bishop to Orwoll, 5; losing pitcher. Root; wild pitch, Mrs. Edward Fredericks and lit­ daughter Miss Faith M. .Collins, left home of Mrs. Zoe Beckley. 478 Center St. Tel. 680 Boley to Bishop to Orwoll; left on Benton; dmpires, Jorda, Rigler and tle son. Royal, spent the week-end last Friday for Cambridge, New base, Detroit 6, Philadelphia 10; base Hart; time, 1:50, at the home of -relatives in Colum­ on balls, off Vangilder 3, off Ehmke z— Heathcote batted for Jones in York, by automobile, where they 2; struck out, by Vangilder 8. Ehmke 8th. bia. stayed with friends returning to 1. Rommel 1, Walberg 1; hits, off X—Mann out, hit by batted ball. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cole of South their home here on Monday after­ Ehmke 4 In 3, Rommel 3 in 4. Wal­ XX—Wrlghtstone batted for Mann Manchester were Sunday visitors berg 2 in 2; losing pitcher, Ehmke; in 9th. noon. umpires, Hildebrand, Ormsby and xxx—Reese ran for Hogan in 9th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ames Lisle West, who has had an Guthrie; time, 1:43^ W. Sisson. operation recently, at the Hartford WITH THESE z—French batted for Boley in 7th. At Plttsbnrg;li The Rev. and Mrs. John Deeter hospital, has so far recovered as to zz—Speaker batted for Hassler in PIRATES 4, DODGERS 2 and children accompanied by Mrs. be able to return to his home here, 9 th. Pittsburgh Deeter’s sister, Mrs. Nickel and zzz— Cobb batted for Rommel in AB. R. H. PO. A. E. the last of the week. 7th. .■Ydams, 2b ...... 4 0 2 5 children, left on Tuesday for a mo­ Miss Harriett E. Sharp and Mi..s XX—^Hale batted for Walberg in L. Waner, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 tor trip through New England, vis­ Faith M. Collins left here Tuesday 9 th. P. Waner, rf ...... 3 1 0 3 iting Plymouth and other histori­ NEW 1929 MODELS Grantham, lb .. . . . 3 0 1 11 afternoon for Storrs, where they Traynor, 3b .... cal places, and going on to Canada. will attend the Connecticut Summer At Horton t— . . . 4 0 1 0 Brickell, If ...... 4 2 3 1 The Congregational church at the School of Religious Education, for INDIANS 2, RED SOX 1 Bartell, ss ...... Cleveland .. . 2 1 1 2 Center will be closed on Sunday the next eleven days.' The Wapping Hargreaves, c .. . . . 2 0 1 3 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hill, p ...... next, as will also that at Gilead Federated Sunday School won the Langford, If i..-.'.... 4 1 2 4 0 0 .. .'4 0 1 0 unless special arrangements are Lind, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 2 1 scholarships by having the largest CENTURY VALUES J. Sewell, ss ....mec 4 1 2 2 4 0 30 4 10 27 made. percentage of attendance at the Hodapp, 3b .«. .3 0 1 Brooklyn Many of the Christian Endeavor Sunday School Convention at Wet. - Summa, rf 4 0 1 0 0 „ ^ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. members were present at a union Morgan, lb 4 0 0 12 0 Hendrick, 3b ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 ersfield. Miss Sharp will receive Statz, cf ...... 2 0 0 5 0 0 meeting of the Hebron and Gilead the scholarshfp fee and the Sunday Harvel, cf ..a>i.;ci.. 4 0 1 Herman, rf ...... 2 0 0 3 0 0 Societies Sunday evening. A num­ L. Sewell, c .... t. . . 4 0 1 0 0 Flowers. 2b ...... 3 1 0 2 3 0 School voted to pay the ^peases Uhle, p ...... 4 0 1 1 0 ber of members from Buckingham REMAIN SUPREME Bissonette, lb ...... 4 0 2 8 1 0 of Miss Collins also. Bressler, If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 were also present, that society hav­ 35 2 10 27 11 1 Boston Bancroft, ss ...... 4 0 2 2 3 0 ing been included in the union Henline, c ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 meeting. The attraction was a mu­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Harris, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rothrock, 3b ...... 4 McWeeny, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 sical program given by the choir Rogell, S3 ...... 4 Clark, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 of the Colored Baptist church of Flagstead, cf ...... 4 K. Williams, If . . . . 4 Willimantic, who, with their pas­ Regan, 2b .*. ... 4 ^ ^ 30 2 6 24 9 ”0 tor, the Rev. A, E. Hendricks, are ‘M odel‘T ’ Taitt, rf*»^...... 3 Pittsburgh ...... 100 201 OOx— 4 Brooklyn ...... 2OO 000 000— 2 in this way helping to raise funds Compared with every rival Todt, lb ...... • 'j^»: • • 2 0 0 Three base hits. Bissonette, Bar- for the building of a new church Hoffman, c .•J.* 1 0 0 0 0 \ tell; sacrifices. Statz. Herman. Har­ for their use in Willimantic. ^lyer, z . . . . . %. .. 1 0 0 greaves 2. Bartell; double ' play Russeli, zz ...... 0 Dr. Benjamin Blssell has return­ in the fine car field, New Adams to Bartell to Grantham; left WillNever Berry, c ...... 0 0 0 0 ,0 on bases, Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 8- ed from a visit in Cambridge at Ruffing, p ...... '. 3 0 0 12 base on balls, off Hill 3, McWeeny 3- the home of Dr. Austin Warren, struck out, by Hill 3; hits, off Mc-1 and his grandmother, Mrs. I. S. Century models reveal 30 1 5 27 10 0 Weeny 9 in 5 2-3, Clark 1 in 2 1-3; Cleveland ...... 200 000 000— 2 losing pitcher. McWeeny; umpires, Dillingham, also at Littleton at Boston ...... 100 000 000— 1 Klem and McCormick; time, 1:38. the home of Dr. Warren’s parents, Two base hits, Lind, J. Sewell, Be An X —Harris batted for Henline In Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Warren. Dr. large advantages in price, Uhle; sacrifices. Hodapp, Hoffman, 9th. Todt; left on bases, Cleveland 8, Bos­ Warren and Dr. Bissell spent some ton 4; base on balls, off Ruffing 1; time in Concord visiting the Alcott struck out, by Uhle 1, Ruffing 1; wild At Cincinnati t— value, beauty and perform­ pitch, Uhle; umpires, Nallin and PHILLIES 6, REDS 4 and Hawthorne houses, Dr. Bissell No longer is there uncertainty as to What the year Dtneen; time, 1:31. Philadelphia going on to New York and New Orphan’ z—Myer batted for Hoffman In 8th. AB. R. H. PO. A. F. Haven. The trip was taken partly ance. They are the only will offer in advancement of motor car style and zz—Russell ran for Myer In 8th, Southern, cf . . . . . 4 0 2 6 0 0 Thompson, 2b • • • • • 3 0 0 2 0 1 In the interests of St. Peter’s Friberg, 3b • ess* 2 0 0 school. Your old Model T Ford values. You have jieen the best the industry will At WaBhliigtoni— ^ 1 3 0 Hurst, lb ...... 4 1 0 7 0 0 Miss Jessie Post is spending Is not so good as the new completely tailored-metal NATIONALS 3, BROWNS 0 Klein, rf ...... 5 1 2 3 0 Washington 0 some time as the guest of her aunt, offer and you can prove fo r yourself that the Cen­ Leach, If ...... ^ 1 2 3 0 0 Model A Ford but un­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Whitney, 3b ...... 5 1 2 0 0 0 Mrs. Mary Mitchell. West, cf ...... 4 1 3 5 0 0 'and. S3 ...... 4 0 0 2 3 Mrs. Marian Hilliard has return­ doubtedly It has a great motor cars. tury’s best is the year’s best,—that the new 1929 ...... 4 0 Rice, rf ... 0 3 0 0 0 Davis, c ...... 3 2 1 3 1 0 ed to her home at Sterling Hill, many thousand miles of Goslin, If , 3 0 0 3 0 0 Benge, p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 Century Six and Eight advance Hupmobile to a Judge, lb ...... 2 0 0 8 0 0 having been the guest of her sister, happy service in It yet. Do Bluege, 3b ...... 3 1 1 2 1 0 36 6 10 27 7 1 Mrs. John N. Hewitt for a few not be in too great a hurry higher and stronger position than ever. Shimmer­ Reeves, 3b • • • •.• • • • X 0 1 0 0 0 Cincinnati weeks,. Cronin, ss • ••••••• 4 0 2 4 2 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. to trade It off. It is sur­ Harris, 2b ,...... 3 1 1 1 G 1 Mrs. Emily Hewitt is spending ing, glistening newness—backed by the Centufy’s Critz. 2b ...... 4 0 0 0 prising how much differ­ Compaire Them Huel, c ...... 3 0 1 4 0 0 Zitzmann, If ...... 4 1 2 1 two weeks at the seashore at the Jones, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Walker, rf .. cottage owned by her grandson, ...... 4 1 1 4 ence a few dollars worth of . i finest craftsmanship in design and construction— Kelly, lb ...... 3 1 1 5 Sidney Hewitt, at Giant’s Neck, Ni- labor and parts will make 30 3 12 27 9 1 Strlpp, 3b .. . 1 2 ' 3 antlo. Mr. Hewitt is spending at prices which make h ^ e r price a folly. These St. Louis Allen, cf ...... 4 0 0 3 in a Ford that is begin­ Today AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Plclnioh, 0 .. •#•••• 4 0 2 6 his vacation there. Blue, lb ...... ____3 0 1 10 1 0 Ford, ss ...... 3 0 1 Sunday visitors at the home of ning to show signs of use. are the great advantages whichf keep Hupmobile ___ 4 0 McGowan, rf .. 0 1 2 1 0 Luque, p ...... 2 0 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Waldo We have arranged some Manush, If ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Jablonowskl, P »:• • 1 0 0 0 the sales leader in the field of finest motor cars. Schulte, cf ...... 3 0 0 2 2 0 were Mr. and Mrs. Newman Seare new groups of labor sched­ Kress, ss ...... :- 3 0 0 3 3 0 and two daughters, the Misses 33 4 8 27 8 0 ules for such cars, as will O’Rourke, 3b ...... 3 0 0 2 0 2 Philadelphia 030 100 1 Helen and Charlotte Sears, o f Brannon, 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 2 0 Cincinnati ... 022 000 1 Rocky Hill, also Mr. and Mrs. Sel- need' attention until the Schang, c ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Two base hits. Walker, Strlpp; Stewart, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 three base hits, Whitney, Kelly, den Sears of New Haven. new Model A Fords come Sturdy, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Stripp; home run, Zitzmann; stolen Mrs, William Griswold and in sufficient volume to base, Leach; doublep lays. Sand to daughters, the Misses Helen, Mary ,NEW 1929 HUPMOBltE 32 0 4 24 13 2 make possible immediate Friberg to Hurst. Kelly to Ford; left and Margaret Griswold of Rocky Washington ... 110 100 OOx-—3 on bases, Philadelphia 9, Cincinnati deliveries.' You may find Two base hits, Cronin 2, Blue, 3; base on balls, off Benge 1, Luque Hill, also Mr. and Mrs. Henry West; three base hits, Manush, 6, Jablonowskl 1; struck out, by Church of Norwich and Mr. and dealers of other cars very Bluege; sacrifices. Judge; double Benge 2, Luque 3, Jablonowskl 2; Mrs. Mortimer Eldridge of Hart­ anxious to trade for your plays, Schulte to Schang, Kress to hits, off Luque 8 in 6 2-3, Jablonowskl ford, were Sunday guests at the Blue, Stewart to Kress to Blue; left 2 in 2 1-3; losing pitcher Luque; um­ old Ford, but It will pay on base, St. Louis 9, Washington 6; pires, Moran, Magee and Reardon; home of Mr, and Mrs, E. G. Lord. base on balis, off Stewart 2, Jones 4; time, 1:44. you to wait and to consult struck out, by Jones 4; umpires, us before deciding that Campbell. Connolly and Van Graflan; time, 1:29. BRITTON STILL GOOD GRAHAM WINS your car needs a lot of re­ X—Sturdy batted for Stewart in 9th. pairs or should be traded CENTURY New Vork, Aug. 15.— Twenty- Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 15.— in. five years in the ring. Jack Britton Bushy Graham, bantamweight LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS is still clever enough at the ripe champion from Utica, N. Y., today SIX&EKHT old pugilistic age of 43 to outbox boasted a decision over (jharley At Janesville, Wis.— Sammy many of his young rivals. The form­ Pinto of Syracuse. Manchester Mandell, of Rockford,. 111., world’s er welterweight champion, now a Graham scored an easy victory lightweight champion, scored tech­ middleweight, easily outboxed Tony over the Syracuse lad In ten fast Motor Sales nical knockout over Johnny O’Don­ Vaccarelli, New York Italian, In a rounds at Olympic Auditorium last nell; of St. Paul, 8. ’ en round bout here last night. In night. Upwards of 7,000 fans saw MACHELL MOTOR SALES 1069 Main St. At Boston— Jim Maloney, Boston :he seventh round Britton bobbed the show. Graham’s title was not at heavyweight, scored technical and wove around Vaccarelli like a stake. IPhone 740^ 22-24 MAPLE STREET, SOUTH MANCHES^ knockout over Tony Fuente of Mex- dancing master and hit him amost Pinto was floored in the third ic(», 6, at will. ■ and tenth rouods. \ ■ V ' 1 A . ■ '., : ~l ~ .r ^ ' ' 'T ' ^ *-r> "I yx


\ T n w TIATri fTTW/\

!l'- t u i ^ i n u HINTS ON HOW TO KEjBP.WELL ■ \ d r BKTHDEWiy O t o m ©m® ^ « THIS HAS HAPPENED by World Famed Authority - Bertie Lou laughed. "You see Bertie Lou gazed at him from > BERTIE LOU and ROD BRYER what appeal you have for me,” she me happily married, until LILA startled eyes. “ Oh, no,” she said warned him. “ You won’ t be safe quickly. “ Marco, you know . LOREE plots to separate them. with me, Marco.” AVOID LAXATIVES WITH, ^ wiH hrina ’ ahnirt '-rio-lAMW She had once refused to marry I’m still married to Rod.” “ I’ll take a chance,” he answer­ Marco looked unhappy. “ But you APPEXDICIIIS SYMPTOMS fm ascfes^'AU^S of‘ dSase°s Rod because he was poor. She ed. “ You’ll never want those things meets and marries CYRUS LOREE said you were going to get a di accompanied by. slight; fever, an4-, bad enough to marry for them un­ vorce this Spring. It’s Spring now BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN and pursuades him to aid Rod in less you care something about the many' diseases are associated witii' business while she gains Bertie Bertie Lou.” a high percentage of white cells in man. I don’t expect you to idolize "Is it?” she asked blankly. As Editor Joomal of the American Ihe blood. ___ . , , Lon’s confidence by showering her me, Bertie Lou, or anything like Medical Association and of Hygeia, with favors. though she didn’t know it* But it It therefore becomes necessary that. But I may get to be a habit ■was only the beginning of Spring. the Health. Magazine Gradually she arouses Rod’s In­ that you can’t break if I stick for the physician, on- the^basis,ot terest and faith In her while she She was like a pfisoper whose days his knowledge of disease around, and you don’t know how were numbered. The condition commonly called plants seeds of doubt about his you’ll feel 10 years from now.” and of the causes of disease, to wife. When Bertie Lon discovers Time;- that for others fleeted by acute Indigestion is not infrequent­ consider the relatlon.-!hlp of the “ Oh, goodness, Marco, you’ll be unheeded, was counted in hours by ly acute appendicitis; sometimes that they see each other secretly, bored to death trailing along with symptoms to each other and to the she is heartbroken and indulges in Bertie Lou. Spring would ring gall stones, ulcer of the stomach, condition generally and on : this me. And it won’t do you a bit of down the curtain on the union that or some othei abdominal condition the dissipation of Idle wives whlclii good.” basis to ma ke-his diagnosis. _To the Lila bad taught her. had held a wealth of joy once upon may be responsible. “ It might. Only if you ever say a time.. But Spring was not of man who knows, the disease, the They drift apart but Rod will again you’ll marry me you’ve got As Dr. Hubert A. Royster has picture is striking and easily identi­ not commit himself to Lila. This to do it.” day. She had a little more time. emphasized, fob much stress must fied. ;il Spring! New green leaves, new infuriates her and she fakes a “ Then ask me first if I want you not be placed on an Indiscretion in Unfortunately the average per­ jewel robbery in which It appears loves. What a time to tear her diet^ as cause of a pain, because or your money. I’m a perfect Idiot marriage asunder! Words. Words son confronted with syqjptoms of : that he is the thief, then insists not to grab you. It just chances many times imprudent eating will this nature attempts to overcome on keeping it secret to save his of a minister, words of a judge. not bring on digestive trouble and to be one of my ethical days, but I It was over. But words did not them by taking a purgative mix­ reputation. He discovers her have others, when I’m so human not infrequently the symptoms of ture. This is the most dangerou's' .* treachery, and siie says she did make a marriage. Words could acute appendicitis will develop I’m scared stiff at the thought of never undo what love had done. procedure in which he can indulge it to gain his love. taking care of myself. You see I’m when food has not been recently himself. When ‘;ber8 is a suspicion He repudiates her disloyalty to Love? Love had passed. But taken. not a strictly modern girl, Marco, memories remained. of appendicitis, the giv.ng of a her husband, and she reminds him I always had someone to look after In short, it Is not safe to make purgative brings about increased that tiis wife is out with MARCO “ Marco,” Bertie Lou said sud­ me. . . .” she stopped and sniffed. a diagnosis when there*^ is severe abdominal pressure aad the violent PALMER. Rod drives to the denly, “ please take me home at pain in thi- abdomen, and particu­ “I feel so sorry for myself,” she once. I’m getting deljrious.” action of the bowels may produce Palmer estate where he sees Marco added forlornly. larly on the right side fairly low a rupture of the appendix. and Bertie Lou in lounging robes (To Be Continued.) “ You’re modern to the tip of down, unless one is thoroughly Rupture of the appendix with' and departs without learning that your lizard slippers,” Marco as­ familiar with scientific medical they were merely coming upstairs the discharge of the infected mat­ serted vehemently. “ The old-fash­ diagnosis. Physicians classify the ter into the abdominal cavity pro­ from the swimming pool. ioned girl sometimes married for symptoms of acute appendicitis in Rod leaves Bertie Lou with no duces peritonitis. Peritonitis is a protection. As long as you insist the order of their occurrence and serious condition, fatal in a con­ explanation, and she thinks that upon having a little love mixed up your, their importance as pain, nausea siderable number of cases, and far Lila has won him. Both women with it, you’re modern, Bertie and vomiting, tendernes' rigidity try to find him without success. Lou.” more difficult to treat than acute children of the muscles, some fever, and In­ appendicitis. Bertie Lou obtains a position and “ Well, then, let’s, get back to crease in the number of whHe cells is puzzled when Rod makes no town. I have to get up early to­ in the blood. The mortality from the opera­ tion for acute appendicitis, whea move to get a divorce although morrow.” There happen to be any number his lawyer offers her one. The “What for?” this is done early, is not great. The - ^ suspense and dreariness of her of diseases that will give pain and most conspicuous of such caes in “ “ I’m going back to work. Mr. that will cause vomiting and ten­ lot causes her to seek forgetful­ Harrod has been wonderful. I can Cornelia Stratton Parker has which fatal delay ensued was-that ness in Marco’s gay crowd. She written the article called “ Take derness. Almost any disturbance In of the movie actor, Rudolph Valen­ never thank you enough for get­ the abdomen associated with pain decides to buy a “ dream home’’ ting me a position with him, lo u r Children to Europe.” tino, \ with the money Rod had sent Marco.” It is^ instructive, entertaining her when he left. “ If I thought it would help my gnd enlightening, for perhaps it ‘ — VBM— 'Pjr I case any I’d ask him to fire you,” is the only article of its kind ever KNOW — ’CAUCe. I NOAV GO ON WITH THE STORY Marco told her. , “ Hello, here we states not only are on the Pike! l know a dandy the reasons she and her husband CHAPTER XL place to eat down the road a few had for taking a four-year-old and r Marco drove his car over to the miles.” ' a one-year-old abroad to spend five side of the road and brought it to What kind of a place?” Bertie formative years, but describes the a stop. Then he turned to Bertie Lou asked suspiciously. result of the experiment. Lou and kissed her. She closed her _ After, an interval of five years “ A swell place.” ©1928. BY NEA .SERVICE. INC All the girls on the street eyes, and kissed him back. It was “ Dancing?” m America, they returned to Eu­ were eazl.g at the picture ot Ge“ e T r!e ra u y w L "7 ^ fair. “Food too.” rope, this time with three children, Tuuney-a fiancee as I went down- ' kthey i t didn’t go on about their bush-' "1 Quickly she pulled herself away. “ Nothing doing, Marco. You’re and^spent five more years in for­ town one morning, and reading “ Let me go,’’ she cried wildly. ness and do things as they had trying to start me on the road to eign-countries..' • ' ONLY MORE SO with obvious rapture the stbry of “ Marco, I didn’t mean it; there was ruin again.” 1>hG children learned many planned, busted hones or no bust­ the romance. The mOot frequent ed bones. / nothing in that kiss, nothing.’’ “ You talk like a movie star. languages, for they obtained their comment heard as girls talked to­ Marco winced. “I know,’’ he SHE; Darling, .one..feels as we OPEN FORUM Many a cyiriral- male will oplna Food won’t hurt-you, Bertie Lou. I education in German, Swiss, and speed along that life Is really and gether was, “ Ijn’t she the luckiest ^aid quietly. “ It was a dud, but 1 never knew a girl could be so thin. French schools. But better still that the bridegroom shpuld bp' tked it, Bertie Lou.’’ truly worth living. girl? Money, beauty, and to get a Funny how you . still look pretty.’’ they made friends'With children HE: Yes, and,, judging from the man like Tunney!” glad he’s 80 and not 20, starting. "'I There was a boyish simplicity in . “ Is that a propiise not to drink Editor, The Herald:, out on his “ Jennis’ll run things” ' of other nations, other races, other way the pedestrians dodge us, It is curious to reflect that prob­ poiic.v...... T s ,-,; the way he said it that made Ber­ anything?” she countered. creeds than their own. Another letter about the cravel I 2 tie Lou’s heart ache for him. “ You they feel like that, too.— The Hu­ ably infinitely more people envy “ Cross my heart.” Now they are what Mrs. Parker morist. am on which may.be of interest to^ the girl than envy the man, ought to hate me, Marco,” she told you and readers of The Heiald. him. “ I was just thinking about calls internationalists. They do not though she.. Is' marrying “ only Fashion Plaque your money, about how easy you hesitate to make friends with any­ We found Paris a dirty noisy city prize fighter,” and he is marryin He remained true to his word. one whom they li’^e. We cannot Kellogg is bothered about Pana­ full of motion. We visited the’stores blue-blood, wealth, social positiom could make life for me. I was They drank mineral water with take our children to Europe, but ma balloting and the people about and took trips to points of interest W. W, W enf^uiorfh everything. This is a situation s<) afraid. Afraid to stay here and their dinner of roast duckling and ordinary straw. live forever in a dreary hall bed­ the result of this courageous wo­ visiting the noted Catiiedral of No­ American as to be unbelieveable a big cup of- coffee with cream for man s experiineat handed over for tre Dame, Napoleon’s tomb, besides: ♦ room. For I can’t go home, I can’t. their deepdish apple pie; anywhere else, and even for Amer­ our judgment deserves serious con the rides around the city,- saw the OPEN BLINDLY. Oh, Marco, I don’t know what to Bertie Lou thought of the usual ica it- is a bit out of the regular do!” sideration. house Napoleon bfiilt for Josephine, run of the mill. demi-tasse, sometimes with brandy, The world is all one now. ^ There his wife whom he divorced; Ver­ In the previous installment were Marco didn’t know either, beyond and the countless cigarets that had sailles and the home of Marie An­ An office philosopher just re­ offering her a nice tweed shoulder are no barriers of distance or com­ discussed the four most desirable marked. too, that the girl was to followed the dinners together in toinette, where she spent her sum­ opening leads when the declarer to cry on. He was deeply shaken what she called the old days. She munication. If we are to have last­ be envied. I asked him why’ He ing peace 'and progress children mers among the peasants. To Foun- has named a suit. But the neces­ himself. “ Right up to the pearly wondered how Marco liked such tainbleau with a stop at the vil­ explained that the attitude was ~^tes,” he hi jeered in silent self simple fare. must be taught not only national- sary holdings for those leads do the inevitable product of an age Rockery. ism, but internationaiisrn as welJ. lage of Barbijon where the Artist not always occur. Below are othei- “ He’ll tire of it,” she told her­ Millet lived, painted and died, see­ which made husbands a scarcitj’ ‘Well, anyway, powder your self; “ no need to be ruthless. He They should not hear from their examples which should cover prac­ and girls a drug on the market, parents that such and such a fam­ ing on the way the field, the sub­ tically every situation. nose and you’ll feel better,” he said will go back to his former friend? ject of- his two pictures that are so with more women than men and ily IS queer or inferior merely be­ aloud. “ If I can’t be any more when he becomes bored with this famous, “ The Angelus” and “ The Allof .the following leads are matrimony less of an asset than at than a friend I insist upon having sort of thing.” She looked out at cause they have a different re­ Gleaners.” : ^ fraught with danger; as they mav one time. Therefore, any girls who you look your best.” the dancing throng in the center of ligion or,nationality, .place wour partner in a vulnerabl'e made any haul was to be envied, “ You’re the nicest person I The streets of these places are the room. f Of course the millenium is not so narrow it seems as though the position and help the declarer es­ while a girl who found a Tunney know,” Bertie Lou told him, dab­ “ You wouldn’t like to dance here. We’ cannot overcome our- large busses just fill them from tablish winning cards: got a real hand. bing at her eyes and half laughing, would you?” she asked sympa­ race or creed prejudices over­ FOITRTH-FRO.M-TOP LEAD. For half crying. side to side. The trip by train from thetically. night perhaps. But say what you Paris to Geneva was a long dirty want, of-a better legd, open a four “ Yeah, nice,” Marco sniffed. : HEANEY, TOO! “ Don’t care a thing about it.” will and put up any argument you one,, so everybody was delighted card suit.as Q X X X, J X X Y, or “ Don’t you know, Bertie Lou, that like, It is the only real founda­ Rather a coincideijce, the mar­ Bertie Lou looked at him with a when we arrived at Geneva to such 10 X X X or X X X X, with the low­ riage of Tom Heeney right after you’re a girl in a million? I knew flash of fear. He had spoken with tion for world peace and it is the est in tbe. suit. . . a clean, delightful spot. A ride the fight, and the announcement darned well what I was doing when great Conviction. What if she were only way for real progress. Our around Geneva visiting the League WEAK’iYHREE CARD SUIT. A I tried to hound you into marrying wrong,, and he really was serious children have a. right. to be free lead fron^iQ X X, J X’ 10 X X pf Tunney’s engagement. One building and hearing, m.uCH ^bouf doesn’t need. such, reminders’, of VARI-SIZED. CIRiCLES at -Oia' me. I’ve heard dad’s money talk about dropping out of h i s giddy from the prejudices' of their an­ or X X X-:. often"-leaves lyour part­ the jvorklng of the League'of Na­ course, that women still like cave front elaborate a two-piece knitted too many times not to know what crowd? To have him constantly cestors and from our prejudices. ner’In a :maze as to’ your holding " I i tions and the Industrial Labor men. That’s one of the taken-for- costume for fall’. '' The' cre'w neck;' -■i' an agreeable sound it makes. I offering her the haven and se­ National prejudice is * as ele­ League, how it settles, or tries to. and is not K J 10 is less desirable thought I c.ould buy you. And I curity of his fortune— he would mental and as ignorant as New granted things as Is the fact that cuffs, lower edge and circles are' ■'sl all international labor questions, DOUBLETON LEAD. A lead deep rose on a softer shade of rose. would, too, if you’d have me.” come into his grandmother’s money England witchcraft. Such a thing from .a two card suit, as J X, 10 X, the cave men are not averse to trying to make a uniform system the gentler domestic arts, algo. Bertie Lou put a hand on his. when he was 30, he’d told her— as patriotism must not be lost that is useful to all countries. ^ A X or K X is decidely un­ “ If I loved you the least little bit, was a prospect that frightened her; sight of,. , But there is a difference desirable. Marco, it would make me awfully The sail on Lake Geneva to Mon- it was too tempting when one was between real patriotism and pa­ treux was a , wild one.,as a storm Wa s t e d l e a d . Holding a x i FASHIONS. happy to be your wife. But I don’t. in the grip of despair. triotic snobbery. X or A X X X, avoid leadiUg these I like you immensely. So much that arose which rocked the boat and Carrying $30,000 worth of She wanted Marco for a friend, we saw waves higher than any we suits without capturing oppo­ \ it’s going to hurt not to see you fashions to Paris, as Miss Dolores but she knew that she would have saw on the Atlantic. The stop at nents’ King or Queen. If you do Del Rio of Hollywood did the any more.” to face moments of stark loneli­ Montreux was too short, it was such opeii these suits, lead the Ace other day, may. seem much like “ That’s a grief you’ll never ness, of terror at the approach of know,” Marco replied. “ Just try a wonderful place, with the high DENOUNCED LEAD. The lead carrying coals to Newcastle. I an old age without a home and chil­ snow capped mountains all around. from a suit headed by K, as K X not seeing me any more and you dren. She knew, too, that there haven’t a doubt, however, that will find that this nice side of me A visit to the Castle o f Chillbn X X. K X X, K J X X or K 10 X X most of those fashions were Paris would be times when she would be built in 800 by the Duke of Savoy will usually be denounced by your you seem to know so much about seized with a desire to climb high­ One-Minute born. Competition has grown so is only a disguise.” y o u n g e r FASHIONABLE and later used as a prison and later partner if you lead the lowest. fast In the world of fashion as er on the social ladder than Lila made famous by Bryon in his poehf LEAST DESIRABLE LEAD. “ It will be you, Marco, who will — to have a finer home and more Novel ideas now appear on frocks everywhere else that nobody end our friendship,” Bertie Lou for the younger fashionables. In “ The Prisoner of Chillon,” was.'a suits as A Q 10. A j knows what, styles are Paris or servants than the girl who had Interviews place where we all were filled with 10,-.> Q X. A J X. said soberly. “ I’m not going to any stolen her husband. Style No. 875, for instance, the sep­ New York or Chicago, or London arate blouse has an inset chemi­ awe. Then on to Stresa, Italy, an­ more parties or night clubs.” She had had these moments, born, and nobody cares. \ “ I don’t expect you to until you sette. The two-piece skirt with other beautiful spot on Lake Mag-; these seizures,- before. She saw giore, where we were enchanted^ ,:;Th r iv in g . l it t l e c it y get stronger.” plaited insets is attached to an un- “ JENNIE’LL RUN IT.” « * « herself arriving in Wayville in au A TRIBUTE TO WORK OP PUB- with the beauty. There we sailed dwwaist. French blue linen with Madison, Wls.— Taking the cen- “ Jennie IS-.running • the thing— imported limousine, with a second L ie HEALTH NURSES white vestee, printed sateen, blue over to one of the Borromean Isjs Bertie Lou shook her head. “ Not man beside the driver. Brothers and Bar- ask her,” suggested an 80-year-old even then. I never really enjoyed and beige jersey, plaid and plain owned by a wealthy Itaiiah.rpiince She would buy her mother a fine Dr. Valeria H. Parker, president woolen, dainty wool challls, color- and his family more than 300 years. num';^&' Bailey circus is quite a “bridegroom lying on a hospital cot pretending you could forget there house— the finest in Wayville; of the NEtiojial Council of Women ful rayon, w ool' crepe and printed One of the isles was like a hanging taslr. The last'me showed a vopula- in Boston when asked, by reporters wasn’t anything worth living for,” with a marquee on the lawn, where to tell the story of his romance she said slowly. in the United States, expressed un­ and plain velveteen are smart and garden with flowers la great pro­ tio ^ o f 1,617 persons, 892 horses, guests might have tea in the sum­ bounded admiration for the public serviceable. Pattern comes in sizes fusion adding, much to,' the beauty elephants'and zebras and 1009 with his 76-year-old bride which “ But I’ve reformed,” Marco mer time. It would soon be sum­ nurses’ contribution to America to­ wilC animals'. • ' chad; led to their marriage in a maintained. “ I haven’t even got a 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. For the of the landscape. Promt Stresa to mer now. day. Milan, a large city in Northern hospital. hip flasksk an;any more ♦ • • 8-year-old miss !•% yards of 40- I’t tni If ‘the race moves forward on inch material wIthS;% yard of 36- Italy, where we visited the' Wonder­ “ Jennie' simply explained that ‘Don’t think I haven’t appreci- the feet of little children.’ then the ated the sacrifices you’ve made to ^Bertie Lou put down her-fork mch contrasting and % yard of lin­ ful Cathedral, o f MHan. . .'Jle im­ Bjf lious Headache with a sudden distaste for more public health nurse— In decreasing ing is all that Is needed.' Pattern mense size and many columns, keep me from being lonely,” Ber deaths, stamping out contagion and tie Lou said. “ But now that you food. - She couldn’t play with price 1 5 ,cents in stamps or coin spires and wonderful carvings fill­ Mclieved/By New know it won’t lead to anything Marco’s_ heart like a ti^wfs ball, make and keep ! (coin is preferred). WiTd corn care! ed one with a'We. We were'all glad batting “it this way and that; "yes well ,the babies in their communi-! fully. ^• wrap coin care- to leave Milan for Switzerland again for It ’d more than friendship you must for­ tlcs Is a vital factor in world pro­ ,. There Is hardly a household that get me, Marco. I shouldn’t have let and no. If she said yes again she We suggest that when you send where we stopped fd r'a ;^hile at ^spirin-Laxative must mean it. And her memory of gress,” she asserted. for this pattern, you enclose 10 Lucerne. The ride by train drawn hasn’t heard of Castorla! At least you go on believing I’d change my ‘Various groups of women five million homes are never with­ mind. I knew l never could say the time she had’.been tempted to cents additional for a copy of our by two electric engines" uu the not­ marry him was so clear. So ter­ throughout the colmtry-. are now ed St. Gothards pass was one full . awful dizziness, nausea and out It. If there are children in your I' yes to you.” new Fall . Fashion Magazine, show­ headache is quickly stopped by Asper- ribly clear just now when her working hand in hand with the pub­ ing all the most attractive Autumn of thrills as the train wound in'and family, there’s, always almost daily ’’ “ No one knows what he will do,” lic health nurse to promote better 'Eax:, Marvelous new kind of aspirin need of its comfort. And any night Marco stated firmly. “ And while mind' had flashed out to her home and early Winter styles, and con­ out through tunnels gradually wind­ and her father’s house. health conditions. ing higher until we * could look- in -Jaxative. form. Neutralizes and may And you very thankful there's’ ’ there’s life in my body I’ll keep oh taining some valuable dressmaking eliminates toxic poisons. Cleans out She could feel the. heat of the “ It is gratifying to find out that articles, embroidery pages, etc. down on the track where we had a bottle in the Apiise. Just a feiV' hoping that you will care enough many of the constituent organiza­ Stops pain. Absolutely hann- drops, and that oollc- or constifi4- \ for me some day to marry me.” night before her wedding. How just been, then over the Valley,,then tions of the National Council have less.j^ Money-back guarantee—quick, tion is relieved; or-diarrhea check­ . "No, Marco, we mustn’t see each frightfully oppressive it had been! r again the descent to the. city way posiOTe relief or no cost Asper-Lax Not long now and it would be like included health programs and have Manchester Herald below, all this tinle' having a won­ ed. A vegetable prpduct; a, bab* " other any more— we mustn’t. You committees on Puljlic Health. is sold by alt-dealers. remedy meant for young folks. Ca^ ^ don’t know. , , , i may be tempted that again. And her mother, still Pattern Service derful view of the Alps with the weak perhaps from heir long ill­ Their effortei encourage the.rec­ snowion the topis, here and there a toria is about the only thing ytiti" ^ as I was a while ago, to accept the ognition of the public health nUrse As our patterns . are mailed things you can give— pleasure and ness, up and down stairs, stewing mountain with waterfall. have ever heard ^doetpri advise glv-‘ over the preserves that must be in the steadily broadening fields of from New York City please al­ We arrived in Lucerne on Aug­ Ihg.to infants. Stronger inediiMzbes travel and a beautiful home, gay endeavor which she Is entering low five days. ' i are dangerous to a tiny baby, how-' ' Jl| friends and a giddy wWrl of ex­ done up, worrying about her. ust first, Switzerland’s great holi­ A Small Farm "My mother' would 'like you," ■"The results of her work are’ of day like our. Fourth' of July. Saw ever harmless they play he.” W citement, dancing In smart hotels fundamental and constructive val­ , J^ttern N o...... i^ t a b l e f o r p o u l t r y grown-ups. Good old. Caaiorlat R # - and jazzy clubs, something doing she said to Marco. She was surpris­ the. mountain ,tops illuipinated and MONUMENTS ed to hear herself saying it. It was ue in; the- great movement" being heard a concert In .the evening Vdih" 5,.;acres. member the name,, abfl’ rembthb^* ' every mfnute she was grow­ Brice 15 Cents so far from their .preejous re­ carried on for improving the health fireworks. On the’ lake Were nu- % ngalow with 5 rooms and bath to buy it. It may Spare.ybii a slef^-?- ^ ing excited, speaking rapidly marks. ojE; the. people of America.” less, anxious night. It |s always^ •*, , , everything like a dream! Name ...... ••••, merojiB boats lighted’ with ' Japfin- on hret floor; room for - 8 more Grave markers and orna­ “ Does she wear a gingham apron i. ese lantern's. In all.yse far. o\ir trip’ rooms on second floor. ready, always ’safe tp;;usfej »vely clothes, real pearls, to melt mental stone work of'every de­ orgencies, or. _ tci^ everyday,. i?Pj ke tears In our champagne. , . and make ginger cookies?” ^ Marco Size, • I has been one-of great pleasure and House Is jnst being plastered; asked eagerly. > the hotels where we '‘have stopped ments. Any hour of "the day’,-.'Sr “ Wake np,*< Marco besought her. ; ELECTROCUTES ’EM bnjriw can select elect):|c fixtures, scription. e "Perfectly delicious ones.” Address . clean and very nice. % night that Baby becomes fret&h “ you ever got dad to give' you a in t ^ o r detprAtidris, etc/ .- r i i .O r restless. Gastorla wa^ neVesif*^ pearl tocktall you'd deserve a - "Then conMder’ ihe-'ln^’love'-with' ' Arkansas City;’ ’AVki— The! latest ■ - Alice, p.. Dexter; he said. "Say, Bertie Lou, Switzerland, August 3, 1928.. «- A find place dt a 'reasonable more 'popular wlt'b mpthers t h a n ; ^ „ medal for distinguished''service. In fly. swatters is the electric chair. price. Gad^lla AitiKirosini why don’t you let'me drive you out A packing bouse'here charges Its is today. Every druggls;::: has You could get It out-of me all righi ------' I" only you know 1 won’t have any there this summer'to see her? screen doors and the flies electro­ Send Your order,to the "Pat­ Shop at East end of Kissell St. Maybe if she met me I’d have an tern Dept., Manchester Evening jreal pck fp? yews and years.”- ally.” cute (lieiQficXKes . by flying dnto- the Since i857 ^he TJnited States wire. HexUd, Man Chester,‘Co'nitL"' “ ■ has supplied” 6 4-« per ddnt. o f the world’s outp.ut o f peirpleVm. £ V- %' ■-yv . ■ w \V / MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. Wj^NESDAV', AUGUST 15,1028, PAGE ELEVEN M E R SEYMOUR OPENS ITS ENFORCEMENT TRAPEZE PERFORMERS LOCAL MAN’S MOTHER ‘ FRMSOKOLOSKIIS iJ NEW T ^ C SYSTEM AT M OO^ CARNIVAL / d e a d ! FLORIDA • SUITOR F o k i i s , M WITH TARIFF, t -■— ^ OF D R F LAW, OflScials From Many Connecti- Save By System Sp^ial Attraction Added to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dean ahd- Ask» Court Award i|R im ^ cut Towns and Cities Pres­ Amusements; Another Good children \ave returned to their ! AL’S PROMISE ent— How It Works. HOOVER PLAN home on Delmont. street after $500.vPamages' for RetentW Crowd Last Night. spending .the past six* weeks ' at V of H|^ Livestock. Yop trill have ^ - Seymour, Aug. 15.— Before a Oswego, N. Y. where they occupied' '(Contiimed from Page 1.) ' The Carnival conducted by the Because he hasn’t been able to \ , . f . *' large group of its own officials and Manchester Home Club Association a cottage on the shores of Lake On­ Nonmee Completes Speech citizens' and municipal, police and tario. Mr. Dean who is supervis'or collect pay for. the chiobens - and Iq lew than 1 y < ^ .. f . Hoover, as food administrator close for Moose members, at their home pigs he.^ owned when he was sent to traffic officials from several other breweries throughout the country. of manual training in the Eighth h f deposidog $2 a week- /- on Brainajrd place, still favored by jail, Frank Sojioloski. the dethron­ of Acceptance— To As­ Connecticut towns and cities, the Hoover’s-Answer pleaaaht weather,’ 'did a thriving district schools has been taking town of Seymour yesterday put in­ "If brewing is stopped,’’ Hoover ba'8lness..last evening. Several new several advanced courses at the ed king of Homestead Park, has to operation its new electro-matic replied, “ beer would disappear from bqotbs were in operation. The dis­ state normal school in Oswego.. ^ brought suit asking $500 damages sure Big Business He Will traffic dispatching system at the in­ the liquor trade within obe or two plays attracted much attention from , This morning Mr. Dean received from his neighbor, Micahel Boggin You will have ^ tersection of Main and Bank months qnd the whole country the crowd, but dancing continues to a .telegram from his father, Joseph of Homestead Park and yesterday Y o u can accumulate streets. The switch supplying elec­ would be put practically on a 'whis­ be the main feature in popularity. Dean of St. Petersburg, Florida, afternoon Constable Jac=es Duffy $500 let Tariff Alone. tricity to the mechanical brain of key, brandy and gin basis, with- Last night the dance fioor was announcing the sudden death of his attached a bne-helf Interest that in approximately 3 years a definite sum of the traffic control was thrown at some supplies of wine. Instead of a crowded,'and at the conclusion of mother from heart failure. . Mrs Boggin owns In property known as by depositing |3 a week 3 p. m., by First Selectman Ray- large proportion of their customers each daoce the rounds of applause Dfean prior to removing from this lots No. 62 and 63 of the Home­ m oney in a stated mond E. Gilyard,' and preceding this Albany, N. Y., Aug. being served with a drink 2% per that/greeted Al Behrend’s ^orches- state about three years ago had fre­ stead Park section. \ formality short, addresses were de- cent alcoholic content, and therer- tra indicated the dancer’s apprecia­ quently visited her-son’s ^family The writ, which was drawn by period of time by a two weeks of almost steady work, llvered by Lieutenant-Governor J. here. Mr. Dean will leave St. fore, from a temperance viewpoint, tion. M *'■ Attorney R. L. Carmody, does not You will have Gov. A1 Smith today had completed Edwin Brainard of Branford and much less harmful. Petersburg tomorrow with the body set up*a complete case, merely systematic plan of the address he will deliver a week Clarence G. Smith, past president Tcpigh't,' as a special added fea­ “ It raises the very serious moral ture attraction, the carnival com- of his wife. Services will be held stating that the defendent owes the $1,000 regular deposits at from tonight on the east steps of of the Seymour Chamber of Com­ problem as to wether infinitely' on their arrival at Reed’s Under­ plaintiff $250. Damages are asked the State Capitol in formally ac­ mlttefi has booked a headline act of' in less than 4 years merce. more damage will not result from taking parlors in New Haven, with In the amouni of $500. The writ la cepting the Democratic presidential The new Seymour traffic control trapese. artists and tumblers who by depositing $5 a week compoimd interest. such action than in a continuation will put on a free performance some burial in the family plot at East returnable to the September term nomination. is Identical with the electro-matic of the use of this limited amount Haven cemetery. Although he has had much ex­ installation which has been in op­ time during the evening. ' of the Common Pleas Court of of foodstuff in brewing. It does Mrs. Dean leaves besides her Hartford County. , perience In writing public docu­ eration at the intersection of appear to me that the losses in food son here, three other sons and two ments during the eight years he has Orange and Humphrey streets in The suit Is the outcoipe of the are entirely secondary to the moral MAN. GREEN BOYS grandchildren. ownership of twenty-two chickens, been chief "executive of New York, New Haven since April 10. During and physical dangers. the governor, according to his con­ the past four months, this deylce a cow and four pigs which belong­ “ You are probably aware that I ed to Prank when he was sentenced fidants, has found that the prep­ has been passing through the pion­ have been a lifelong believer in The Savings Bank of J^anchester eering stage through which all MAKE CANADIAN TRIP to Jail for an assault upop his com­ aration of a presidential campaign national temperance.” - CREDITORS ACCEPT Center and Knpx Streets message is far different than that epoch making Inventions must pass mon-law wife, which resulted in Another Statement her death.. The chickens, pigs and of a message to the State Legis­ and has successfully coped witn The following day, Jiihe 5, ^jl8,~ every traffic situation which has Eight Manchester Green boys nRM’S ACCOUNTING cows were kept by Boggin while lature. ’ Hoover Issued a public statement, have returned home from a week’s In his usual manner. Smith has arisen. Trafffb experts from every saying: '*lf we stop brewing, the Prank was in Jail. When the latter part of the country have viewed the automobile tout through New Eng­ came out he demanded them. He made his position perfectly clear on saloon of the country will still be land and parts of Canada and re- every national.issue, including pro­ device in operation and have de­ open but confined practically to ,sf The final accounting of the would not, however, pay Boggin’s clared it superior to any other au­ p ^ t a thoroughly enjoyable sight- bin for their care and so Boggin hibition, farm relief, foreign affairs wkiskey and gin basis any tru«^|d^. Ip in g trip. In one car were the United States Products Corporation, and even the tariff, his close friends tomatic means of directing traffic. vocate of temperance and of natmn^ which at one time did business in held .onto the livestock. Operating through its mechanical *1 ;7(.yi,«'*j:*^owing boys, Aaron Cook, James declare. al * efficiency in these umesj iWll.fJvMA'her, Joseph Picaut and Robert the rear of the Carlyle Johnson Hands Off Tariff. brain, the new traffic signal func­ shrink from this situation, for the Machine Company’s plant on Main Great , Brtain produces, approxi­ tions exactly as would a human be­ Hastings; and in the other, James mately, 117,000,000 pairs of boots The governor went to some national danger in it is greater than and Jerry Sullivan, John Gamba street, was accepted at a meeting of length in writing his acceptance ing entrusted with the duties of the use of some 4,000,000 bushqls the creditors held at the office of and shoes every year. traffic direction, except that it can and Raymond Woodbridge. the r.eferee in bankruptcy in Hart­ HALE'S SELF-SERVE speech. It was learned on good o ' grain monthly in the breweries. Outside of two flat tires they had. authoritiy, to serve notice on the make no mistakes. Instead of “ If the American people want ford yesterday. changing from green to red at fix­ practically no trouble with the ma­ The company, which was first Large Corner Lot big business of the country that, in prohibition, they should prohihlt chines. Thep planned to camp the event of his election he had no ed periodic Intervals, like all lights hy legislation to that end and ’not organized in Massachusetts and was □ p? □ c E n Y now in use, the electro-matic light wherever night overtook them but With new 6 room house. intention of tinkering with the force the food administration to the started in Manchester to take up a [it PAVa TP WAIT ON Y O M W S C U P ^ changes to meet exact traffic^con­ as there were more rainstorms business that had once been profit­ Reception hall. tariff. It was said he would fur­ responsibility for an orgy of drunk­ than they anticipated, the nights ditions, the Intervals between enness. It is mighty difficult to get able, dealing In the manufacture Large Living Room. ther emphasize this point in some changes being dependent upon the were frequently spent at farm­ of the speeches he_jwill make during drunk on'2% per cent beer; It will and sale of ammonia had its plade Steam Heat. volume of vehicles in all directions. houses or tourists’ camps. They of business in the building that ha,d his campaign. , bs easy enough if we force a sub­ Water, Sewer, Gas all in. It meets every situation as it stitute of distilled drink for It. camped out the first night at'Old been used as a horse barn by the As he often has done on previous arises, eliminating the 30 second, * “ The food administration has Orchard, Maine. The weather wa,s Prank Goetz Bakery Company when $500 down. Special occasions. Smith is understood to and even greater, delays which now all that.could be desired but the that^lant was in operation. have struck out bluntly and boldly occur. gone as far as It can toward tem­ Balance, easy paj’ments. perance without precipitating a mosquitoes were a little too active The company went Into bank­ at prohibition. He is said to have Vehicles are never kept waiting for the comfort of the boys and an­ Price $0,000. made it plain that he has never- worse situation. If the American ruptcy some time ago, but the final by the red signal when the delay is noyed them more than at any other accounting was not presented until Phone 74 for particulars. urged the repeal of the 18 th not necessary ' for safety’s sake. people or Congress will stop the sale of distilled liquors, the admin­ place t h ^ stopped. this week. J. M. Miller was the Tomorrow Amendment, but that he does be­ Cars approaching the intersection From"aIaine they drove up to trustee. lieve the Volstead Law should be istration will find no difficulty in W. Harry England are signalled to proceed as soon as stopping brewing.” Canada and visited historic Quebec, modified in the interest of temper­ cars passing in the cross direction spent two days at Montreal, then ance. have safely cleared the intersection. Since these utterances, the Amerir can people wrote the 18fh Amend­ idrove down through Vermont. The 5X*SCXJ83{X5{3SSS36XSCS836SS3S50C5S5$X38S65SX3t3S5SSS3£X58SS3S3SSCX!){3Wj3S38SfS8S6SOS3C|t Farm Relief. When there is a long line of cars boys are planning to take another Because he regards farm relief moving in one direction, it is given ment into the Constitution and Crab M eat can c Hoover has declared against its re-? trip some time later with Niagara 3 2 as one of the major issues of the a continuous right of wa,y until I'alls and Toronto as the objective. campaign, the governor is under­ cross street traffic actu^ly ap­ peal. In the opinion of his friends Namco, 3 cans ...... 95c here, he stands committed to the stood to have devoted a consider­ proaches. Then the line is stopped Friction Is greater between soft at the first gap or after a fixed In­ dryest kind of prohibition enforce­ SPECIAL! SPECIAL! able part of his acceptance speech ment. substances than it is between hard to a frank discussion of this sub­ terval, but only long enough to per­ substances. mit the cross traffic time enough to Hoover planned to spend another ject. He IS understood to have re­ day quietly resting at his home, iterated that he stands squarely pass. The device operates through pending his start back to Washlngr One Week upon the Democratic platform as it ton Thursday night. His only visi­ relates to farm relief, but at the pavement units or contacts set into MeadowGoldButter each approaching street. When ve­ tor was to be George Wingfield, Re­ PEACHES same .time to have declared in favor publican leader from Nevada. of the enactment of a law to con­ hicles pass over these, electrical FOR SALE—EARLY Display trol surplus farm commodity by impulses are flashed to the control, 1 lb. 5 0 c 2 lbs. 0 9 c assessing the cost, on the group or “ brain,” of the system. The PUBUC RECORDS benefited. control regulates these impulses and ELBERTAS Over one thousand pounds sold weekly. Should he be elected, the govern­ operates the light so that the exact or plans to call a conference of situation at every moment of the H. Dudek American farm experts to work out a con-" day is cared for in the most ’effi­ Patrick J. Moriarty to Maria A. Crete relief plan for submission to cient way. To all external' appear­ Moriarty, one half interest in the MtfNall St., Oakland' ances, the control sees, hears and Bluefield Pilling Station, on Cen­ Congress at its opening session. The thinks. Phone 1345-5 Pocket Knives governor already has said that for­ ter street. \ PRICED AT ABOUT Pure Lard 2 lb.pkg. 5 2 c mer Frank O. Lowden, of Illinois, The average daily consumption a candidate for president at the Aviators from numerous coun­ ONE HALF REAL of milk in England and Wales is tries are brewing new fight rec­ Republican national convention, is less than one-third pint per person. VALUE one of the men he would invite to ords with ocean hops. such a conference. S ilv e rw a re American Jack Knives___ ...... 59c each 10,000 Word Address. American'Boy Scout Jr. Knives .. 69c each The governor’s address is under­ AS WEDDING GIFTS Miscelleanous Specials stood to contain upwards of 10,000 American Boy Scout Knives...... 79c each Ririso, Ig. pkg. ______21c words and he is expected to require ‘ For the Fall Bride. about an hour and a half to deliver Every man wants a good strong serviceable pocket It. The notification ceremoney, Unrestricted Choice of Any In a variety of patterns and knife. Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs...... 23c which will start promptly at 7 prices. Every boy wants a Scout Knife. This is your oppor- o’clock, daylight saving time, will tunity. Gold Dust, Ig. pkg...... 23c be carried to all parts of the world through ninety radio stations. Sena­ tor Key Pittman of Nevada, will Eagle Condens^ Milk, can ...... 18c preside and formally notify the 2 Hamilton and Elgin governor of his nomination. SUMMER HAT Manchester Plumbing & Supply Co. Knox Gelatine, pkg...... 19c From Josephus Daniels, of Watches 877 Main Street Raleigh, N, C., former secretary of IN ENTIRE STOCK in the latest style cases. the navy, the governor today will “If It’s Hardware' We Have It” National Biscuit Graham Crackers receive some first hand.information Phone i59 Use It. 2 lb. pkgs...... 36c of the politioal situation in the / south. , It is understood ^hat *Smith •— - I ^ will ask Daniels to make an active each Pull Line of Clocks o campaign in some of the southern $ 1 .0 0 states in behalf of the national Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ticket." Felts, Crepes, Hair Hats and Milans in white, pink. The largest and most complete display in town. Tomorrow Senator Walter F . Conklin Pen and / George, of Georgia, is coming to the maize, sand, orchid and blacks. Native, Fresh Picked 0£ executive mansion to tell the gov­ All sales final. ernor of the situation in his state, Pencil Sets ‘ GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, dozen ....!...... d l D C and on Friday he will have Senator Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, as AU. Conklin Endura lines ICEBERG LETTUCE, heads ...... % a his guest. ^ r y a lifetime guarantee. (Large solid headsX The governor conferred at the mansion until late last night with ALICE F. HEALEY SUMMER SQUASH " -■ o Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, Millinery Shop, Park Building The Best Guardian of and Norman Davis, of New York, R. DONNELLY ■* X both of whom were close to the late Jeweler Native Greensboro President Wilson. Life and Property - 515 Main St., So. Manchester PEACHES, large basket...... f O C 4 q u a r ts ...... 29c D’AMICO SAVES A DOG From Pero’s orchards. AND RESUSCITATES IT S ervice — Q uality — L o w Prices Insure Your Valuables Frank D’Amico, well known Finest FVesh Fish h a l e s Manchester lifeguard, is back in A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT the spotlight again. A dispatch f r e s h MACKEREL ! | SWORDFISH from Rutland, Vt., accompanied by IS THE his picture, appeared on the front FILET OP^ COD ; SALMON HEALTM page of th'e Albany Evening News HALIBUT STEAier BEST AND ClffiAPEST INSURANCE. a few days ago under a two-column heading relating the details of a FILET OF HAJ)DOCK rescue of a dog the Manchester STUFFED AND BAKED MACKEREL . 40c Seiid For This . The Manchester Trust Co. : man made at Ne-sho-be Beach, Lake Bomoseen, Rutland. S^TUFFED AND BAKED HADDOCK .. .40c Accident Bulletin It appears that Bronzo, fox ter­ S p e ^ k d ! rier, mascot of the beach, owned by BAKERYi • ' ' SPECIALS The kind of Accident insurance William Maynard of that resort, Boneless, Sugar Cured Angel Cakes ...... ______,25c each a man needs depends on his oc­ was gagged by some children and SMOKED SHOULDERS, lb. . I.. dropped into the water under the Old Fashioned Loaf Cakes ...... 25c ^ c h cupation, family requirements, pier, rne dog’s struggle exhausted Pineapple Squares ; ...... 25c dozen and various other JFactors. Trader, Sugar Cured > it and it sank In five feet of water about 25 feet from shore. Cries SUGAR COOKIES ’ Bulletin, “ Accident Insurance BONELES^HAM, l i ...... from the children brought D'Amico to Fit Your Needs”, enables CARAWAY SEED COOKIES Tender, Lean to the assistance. It was an easy CURRANT COOKIES you to decide what type is best matter to rescue Bronzo, but the GINGER COOKIES '/suited to you. ^ Takes three SHOULDER PORK CHOPS, lb. . hard, part‘d came in reviving him, minutes to run tlirougb. Read once safely on land again. It re­ Tender quired twenty minutes ^of continu­ Your Choice 20c Dozen ', and decide what your Accident X ^ ous artlciflal respiration work on ' premium should pay for. -- '/-W SHORT STEAK,Ib: .. A ...... »■ ■ ^ the part of D’Ami to bring the anl- may t^ conseioasness agkin. • Copy is yours for the asking. The 'newspaper dispatch goes into G . R IC H STEAK SPEO^li lb ...... considerable detail regarding the Manchester Public . Market Connecticut General Manchester man’s history and says Life Insurance Company Tinker Bnfldingy^ Sooth Manchester. has-saTed ^iO-persons from A. Podrove, ’ Propi Phone 10 during ;his fifteen years’ , - V r.lrith([>at. counting i^res* Payette B. ( jarke^ \ ‘..caes nlofld^ln-shore*: 10 Depot Square . a d v e r t is e in t h e HERALD^IT p a t s »;'V.' •...• -1 A / ■ f-:.- 5'. P ., . -5L)f .t tST v. .-•J- > • ■ •• V . ' f s X f l - T

.. .. . *f i4i, -■ . V . ■ -; . ^ -■■-.•• ' ‘- . ■ 1 ■ '■ ■ ' ' ' ' '”■ ' ' V/*' > 3PAGB TWEEVB ' (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. WEDNESDAY, ADGUSX X5* 1928. ■ :.:.i , • -T ;--'.5:m--v ConcentrcUe Your The •4;,^ 1.',— ruiAnnfti~innrirw .*v*Cr-~~incpr~*'~*'*'^'*^*^^'*'*-"*'*~~~-‘~~'*~'‘'**:'*'*~-*~ — 1—ii*.~ni*n~*~~r'—i‘inni'^~in oqiiin.iiiin i^i^iwrijjrirrri^ifriri~i~’r^n'‘'trL~.^r.<~,~~~rr~'^— ------; — WKi>^rt»ysii 2 FQR SALE^TWIN stroll er;; good as new. Inquire 181 L 2 Oak-fsitrelet. Phone Your Want Ads Count «lx avoraso words to a Una,. S'l'Ea MSH I P nU K liri'B—a 11 parts ot ^*The^8caiiie**f;i^eatiirew Th^H"’Manchester Chamber of Initials, numbers and abbreviations world. Ask. tor iBalllng Hats and each count as a word and compound; rates.' Phone 760-S. Robert J’. Smith. ,T Fuel -anil Feed j . ’ 41)^4 T o T h b » i |i ^ ; :VAllii ana ____ Commerce has recently received , a words as two worda Minimum cost Is 1009 Main street. Maine,: Woman lot of New Ehgland road maps that price ot three Une^a ^ , f o r SALET-^SfeA-SoNED hgrd woDid. saw ed stiijve ’lengths, chunkis -16.50 a Tiller GWs. ^ - .'^ wereprepared and published by the Line rates per day for transient , . , Antomoblles for Sale' 4 load,- sp lit $7.25 a” lo a^.‘-F re d O. Glesecke, ..telephone . Manchester. Owns Animal; Many Othm JTTT- New Enj^and Affairs Bureani under Effective Marcb IT, 1927 1204-12. ,.y . ■ y ■Virginia, the femr the dlreotfop of the Boston; Gbamr Cash Charge 1926-1927 BUICKv sedans In perfect Evenihg Herald Inine E i^p e,” a..:Fo?t h e r ’pf; Goihmerce, The "booklet 6 Consecutive Days ..I 7 ota 9 ots condition. Call 1600. GanleurFai^-B^fT- ^ro 5H Featm-es at Fair, prdducUon';>^ij?e t?s?o-§^y ’tT^fed States;;aBd, state numbered ^ A^IL orders for Irregular Insertions •..,1926 Oldsmoblle Coach. FOR SALE-i-c0i8TOM .pldked fresh’ sho.^rlng; : ^ a te - tb fiter' pn roister ajpd p#“the principal historic will be charged at the one-time, rata ■'.‘1927. P ontiac Coach. GoldetL ; BahtAm’.. rfeont, - .suimner Thur^jfr oaefof several Chlga^ Special rates for long term overy 1927 Chrysler Roadster. jutuash, totnatoes,- beans, ' Peas, -'The Connecticut State Fair whi.eh .cpmihtm^ies In, New England; list Also 5 other good used cars. celery, cabbage, 'pa,“ Ots,, beeta,' ap-’ 664 takes place Labor Day week at go girls ‘ have-wo9^. fame and of the outstanding historical places day advertising given upon req-ieot. Crawford Auto Supply Co. pies, etc. Driveway Inn, 655 North for^tune Jn .thP:ih^ft'Ph picture bus- Ads ordered for three or six days ’ Main-street’ -V. .’■,i Charter Oak Park, Hartford, ill New: England; detail map of and stopped before the third ■ or nftn Center and Trotter Streets inesSor;.''■ : ! ~ V; ! Telephone. 1174 or 2021-2 And Ask for “Bee” v boasts many novelties and thrills, numbeFed routes; in Boston and vi­ day will be charged only for the ac­ but none will surpass the wonder Although' sb©,f!Bter,ed ’profession­ cinity; color scheme of-route mark­ tual number of times the ai- apoMr- Bonscliold Gdods 51 al life ,fpr the Dhrp.osej of ed. charging at the rare earned, but YOU ARE ASSURED OP A good deal Tell Her What You Want talking dog. The spokesman of ers; map :diridenR s a l e —rPAJlLOJR dnd.y^itchen land; list of gasoline supply sta­ furnltift-e aliuost, pew, luoludes $245 '.to take advahtage ot the CASH RATE. officially as AKC 521509, ownedrhy the y?lndy City, and was ehepurgg- tions along routes. of any advertisement ordered for dnto dccessurles— Tires a ed.. by!: her^:Trents to. go on .the more than one time. , grey enamel comblnatlop" 'ftove. All M4ts. Walter Robinson ot Bangor. These maps are complete in de­ Tho Inadvertent omission of Incor- very reasonable. Call after 6 p. m„ stage.;Sbe:hPBear?d {15 BUYS COMPLEl'E set of four evenings efr, Sunday. Call. 63 Clinton Maine, is a French Bull and has tail and Would:,be of value to any rect puhlleatlon of advertising will be Indian Shock Absorbers. Free trial received world-wide attention for Essahay !plcthve|fcVatMhai; time one rectified only ►'y cancellation of the street. . - ’ ’ of the; .best-knQy^»';prpddoing units motorist considering touring the charge made for the service rendered. The Indian Is the finest shock ab­ her, phenomenal ability to pro­ New‘England states or New York. sorber yet made. Ask us about it. ...■' - nounce and spell many words with in Aipdirica, -transferred Center A^uto Supply Co... 166 Center. $95 her affections tp>:hiew York. These maps will be given free to All advertl'ements must conforrn T el 673. Now“ Is the time to think of your unmistakable distinctness. This anyone that will call at the Cham­ In style, copy and typography with , Ajikctments, Plats, Tenements 03 On the same-.; program i will be regulations enforced by the publish­ living -room. Three piece 'Jacquard' achievement has been widely her­ ber, of Gommercq rooms on Main Honsehold Services Offered 13 tA velour suite, covered all'iivpp,, re­ alded by the press throughout the seen Syd^Chaplin in ;a side-splitter ers, and they reserve the right :> versible cushions, web- bottom epu- FDR BENT—TWO five room flats, all GILEAD “Skirts.’,’;: vin this film.the famous street. * edit, revise or reject any copy con­ struction quality suite, wi .otir well recently painted and repapered. In country although the dbg has .not sidered obj tlonah’ . „ ^ ! FLUFF RUGS made to order from known guarantee of satisfi'etion or Greenacres. Phone 820. appeare^d nearer in this section Tiller Girls, the L0.n.don imusic ball •OSING HOURS—Classified ads your old c.irpets. C. Schulze, 6 your money back. ; ' ' than Boston where she was the dances are, seen. ,! > . to be puhlsihed same day must be re­ Chamberlain street, Rockville, Conn. FOR- RENT—5 ROOM tenem ent, low- There will be no service at the ceived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays h o l m e s BROS. FURNITURE CO. center of interest at the Dog Shew. It .;ia: the first, tim e! that this 649 Main SL Phppe '1268- ervfloor, newly renovated, avaHable church Sunday morning the 19th, 10:30 a. m. \ troupie- of dancing,, girls has , .ever Flo rlsts— N n rseries 15 after August 1st. Apply 44 Cam­ as Rev. J. W. Deeter is having his According to Dr. F. I. Maxon, of bridge streiet. telephone 1191-3. 'Hartford, chairman .of the^ Dog been ijss^p on tbe^;American!,a6^e»h, Telephone Your Want Ads Wanted—To Buy 5« vacation. for Sy^fcOhaplih - y^ent- to Invest' Your FOR SALE—15U.OOO winter cabbage TO RENT-i-rj:ROOM tenement modern Last Sunday evening members of Show committee, who made a spe­ Ads are accepted over the telephone and celery plants. Geraniums and .- improvements. ’ newI.V papered and the Baptist Calvary (Colored) cial trip in order to check up on to fiin^ this conredyv an adaptatRm' other flowering plants, 379 Burnside ’I WILL BUY’ANYTHING you’ll sell of the' Iiondon=: stage, success, !'A at the CHAKOv: RATE given above in the. llhe .pf’ junk or old furniture. paintediSk, School^ street. church, Willimantic, had charge of .the. dog’s ability as a linguist, she as a convenience to advertisers, but Ave. Greenhouse, East Hartford. Cal! Little Bit of Fluff;!’, .This particular Laurel 1610. Will pay highest- price. Wm. Ostrin- the Christian Endeavor servic<5. is a beautiful specimen of her the CASH RATES will be accepted as sky. Tel. :'849. ' FOR HWNfl'—-'I'h^O RO')M apfcrtment, troupe of TiUer’:girls Is.the rage in f u l l p a y m e n t If paid at the busi­ „ also,.furniBhed room. Inquire at Sel- They sang negro melodies and spir­ breed, good-humored and willing wlta:-3hoe Shopi, to perfofm. At the Bqston show, th London, and Gbipitn thought s ’’ $3,60()’iB'the price of a nice cot* ness office on or before the seventh Moving—Trucking—Storage 20 w a n t e d TO.BfiY'old cars for Junk, ituals and recited poems written, by would be a good mo.ve'ttt;put them day following the first insert..,ri .. used parts, tor's'al^ general auto re­ colored folks. There was also a pi­ fact, her long declamations even:- tape, furnCce, gas, bathroom, etc. each ad. 0|th3rwlse the CHARt-E pairing, , day'and -,;ntght wrecking FOR'UENT-f-4 KOOM Mnetnent at 177 tually developed into a case of in as atmospbete ia h,London night RATE will be collected. No responsi­ LOCAL AND LONG distance moving .Oh,li'Street-- Inquire 179 Oak street. ano solo, rendered by a blind wom­ near Main: street, ’J'room s on firsl by experienced m. U T. Wood. 65 service,:"'Abel's, 26. Cooper street. hoarseness which, necessitated a club sequence in the film; floor, space for 2 more on second bility for errors In telephoned ads Telaphorie • Tstf.- ‘ ' o p ’qalU 1-619 a fte r 6 p. rr. an. The offering was for their ben­ will he assumed and their accuracy Bissell street. I'el 496. efit. soothing gargle after which-^she In an' exact replica of a famous floor. Garage also. cannot be guaranteed. APARTlilt^N’l'S—Two three and four continued her performance before London cabaret these Tiller girls • • . PEKKETT & GLENNEY moving sea­ I WILL- BU Y ANYTHING you’ll adll . rdoiti apart ruents,. heat, lanttor ser- Rev. and Mrs.. J. W. Deeter and went through'their dance routine JlTihQO for 3 family house on son is here. Several trucks at your In the ItBfijot Junk AhdMjld turnliure; LvIgA fSaa: range, refrigerator,- in-a- children accompanied by their admiring throngs. “Hello,’’ “eleva­ Index of Classifications j Call Win, OBtrIriskjr! T e i 8J9. , Spruce street. One of those places service, up to date lUtpmenL ex­ ■;.dobr'bed‘’Curill8hed. Gall Manchester guests from Kansas are touring the tor,’’ “I will,” “I won't,” “ou,” with ?aU' the grace! pep and. accur­ Evening Herald Want Ads a-e now perienced men. Phono 7-2. Construction Company, 2100 or tele-, “Bangor” are some of the answers acy usually associated .iohly : with to hold for future increase In value, grouped according to classifications WILL P ay HUiHES'l' prtoee tor all phone 782-2. / ' New England states. .They also American-dancing girls; I pays good rent. below and for handy reference will MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR Dis­ kinds of poultry. We will also buy plan to visit the Niagara Falls and she makes to various questions. appear in the numerical order ndl- patch—Part loads to and from New rags, papers and all ktnda of lunk. FOR REN’l'—SEVERAL first class The entire Dog Show which is To this cabaret scene they have Green Hill stre^, excellent, hotne York, regular service. Call 7-2 or Call 15U6-2. enter Canada. contributed some of the most strik­ cated: rente with all improvements. Apply Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hutchinson being staged under the auspices of hf 6 rooms and breakfast room, nab Births ...... A 1282. ■'Edward I. Uoll 865 Main streeL Tel the First Company Governor’s ing ballet work ever-seen, upon the floors, steam, screens. 2 car garage, Engagements ...... Booms. Without Board 5U 6611. entertained Saturday afternoon Dr. screen, many of their gyrations be­ 2 rriR^6s ».•••••••••••••••••••• ^ R epairing 23 and Mrs. G. W. Mills of Hartford, Foot Guard, bids fair to be one of Owner said sell, leaving town. Youi Deaths ...... - ...... D .Fi.)K REN'l'—TWO AND three room ing performed with a' skill, grace unfurnished ROOMS for light Dr. Nickel and Mr. Tinklepaugh of the greatest exhibitions of itk kind opportunity.. Cards of Thanks ...... E - suites in Johnson Block, with mod­ ever seen before in this state. Tbs and symmetry of movement srtdom In Memorlam ...... F l a w n MOWERS SHARPENED and housekeeping; also furnished -rooms ern unprovem ents Apply to lohn- Witchetan, Kansas and Rev. and equalled anywhere. West Center Street on a lot 85] Lost and Four ’’ repaired, chimneys cleaned, key dt> by da.v or week- A. J. HyJek. Tele- son. *Phi>ne 524 or lanitor ZU4U. Mrs. J. W. Deeter of this place. committee is made up of members Ing. safes opened, saw filing and hone •2K82-W. Comedies and'short subjects fiur T76 with . fruit and poultry house, 2 Announcements . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Hills from art part's of the state, and Personets grinding. Work called toi, Harold Ish the bill: Today and tonight for six room single.. Would you tak< Clemson, 108 North Elm street. Tel Houses for Sake 73 were visitors Saturday at Mrs. thousands of dollars have been ex­ ' Anfomohiles lloardera Wanted 3l)-A pended to bring many attractions the last’ times Bebe Daniels will, be it for $5,UUU. Small cash payment Automobllt'S for Sale ..... 462. ‘ Thomas Proctor’s in Hampton. They Six room Colonial, oak .floors FQR SALE - DELMONT STREET which the ordinary kennel ehow seen in ‘?Hot News.” Automobiles for Exchange also called on Mrs. Etta Lewis, who t ■ ^ ^ ' . steam, gas, white plumbing. 2 ca* Auto Accessories—Tlr^s .. SEWING MACHINE, repairing of nice six. -room bungalow. Owner all makes, oils, needles an-^ suppL’es. ROOM AND BOARD a t 354 Mall) is spending the summer in Hamp­ does not include. Auto Repairing—Painting street. Phone 187-3. leaving town. P'rlce very low. Call In addition to the wonderful dis­ President Galles of. Mexico has garage. A buy at 1.6,650, |50l Auto Schools...... K. W. Garrard. 37 Edward str ->t. Arthur A. Knofla, telephone 782-2, ton. cash. Phone 716. 875 Main street. play of thoroughbreds which would issued a decree forbidding moth­ Autos—Ship by Truck WANTED — g e n t l e m a n to , room Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote and Autos—For Hire in itself make the .show a good one, ers from > takin.a children under LAWN MijWER sh •-’•ening, repair­ and board, all home comforts, 169. Eo R SALB-t-WEST c e n t e r ST.—10 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Foote and chil­ Garages—Service-—Storage ..... 10 Main street. Tel. 855-5. the talking dog, grayhound races, two years of age ' into movie Motorcycles—Bicycle ...... 11 ing. Phonographs, clocks, electric minutes from the mills, 6 room dren were Sunday visitors at Mrs. cleaners, locks repaired. Key n>ak- scaling events, whippet and saluki houses on the grounds th at it in­ Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 12 home, large lot. fruit .rees and Elizabeth P. Hills on the Camp terferes with their‘Sleep. Presi­ Robert J. Smith Buaineas and Pcofeaslonal Services Ing. Uraithwalte. 52 Pearl si reel. aparunents,'Flutik Tnuempiits ^03 shrubs. Price only $5000, Call Arthur Ground, Willimantic, and at Mr. races and many more attractions ’ 1009 Main St. Business Scvlces Offered...... 13 A.'Knofla. Telephone 782-2, 875 Main have been arranged. Besides these, dent -Calles, jiobvlously, doesn’t . street., and Mrs. A. H. Foote's in Colches­ Real Estate,^ » Insurance Household Services Offered ,...'.13-A Money to Loan .SJl TO RENT—5' ROOM flat, first ter. the committee is negotiating for know V what gh excellent sop'eH^ffc Building—Contracting ...... 14 all Improvements.' Inquire .2,70.'-Oak some Ara'hvles can bd.-- : - i ' i ' / , Steamship Tickets. F,lorists--Nurserles...... 15 Be,H| KstHle for tilxcliungu Hi Mrs. Clifford R. Perry and son another feature which, altbongli LOANS—TO BUILDERS and prospec­ street after 5 p. ni. not officially as yet, will be one Funeral Directors ....r ...... 16 tive home owners we can arrange,a Laurence returned Saturday from Heating—Plumblng-rRoofing .... 17 builders loan for you, if you have a FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, w ith Im- Branford, where they were the of the big features of the, Fair. ! Insurance ...... IS pro’vements, upstairs. Inquire 20 'l-OU SALE tlR EXCHAN'IE property lot. See Stuart J. Wasley, 827 Main : in town, in good locality. What have This exhibition oj canine beauty millnery—Dressmaking ...... 19 street. Tel. 1428-2. Knox street. guests of her sister Miss Mildrgd, TliE BOOK OP ENG)^ ilovlng—Trucking—Storage .... 20 —...... - . I iiii . II ,1 . I. I I fy o u to offer? Wm, KanehL relephone Stone. afiff prowess will'take place Wed-- Painting—Papering ...... 21 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM , flat, -ll?76, Homer Hills is the guest of his nesday and Thursday of Falr^eek Professional Services...... 22 Help Wanted— Feiiinie 35 ground floor, all improvements. $28. and will occupy two large tents. . .■ i ., (,366) , A WeatJier Glass Repairing ...... 23 226 Woodbrldge street. 0- E- Powell. aunt, Mrs. Lucy Milton at her home Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 on 'Westland street, Hartford. Special preparations are being WANTED—GIRL to attend High made to handle the largest croWd ^etclies by tiy Braucher Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 school, and act as mother's helper, FOR r e n t —SIX ROOM tenem ent STRAIGHTEN OUT STREET Elmer Finley and son, who are W anted—Business S e rv ic e ...... 26 ^ih 'Windsor, Cohn. Address Box N, in I with shades and Improvements. 24 spending the summer, in Bolton which has ever gathered at a dis­ Ednenfioaal. ”’ care of Herald.' Church street were visitors Sunday at Mr. and play of fhls nature in Connecticut Courses and Classes ...... 27 as the show is expected to attract Private Instruction ...... 28 WANTED—GIRL for office work for FOR RENT—4 ROOli^ tenement, hear NAME MIX IN PEED Mrs. D. H. Hodge’s. Dancing ... .8-A one week. Ac\^ress Post Office Box Main street $16. Apply 58', Schorl Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buell met not only dog fanciers but the thou­ Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 street. - ‘ 54, South Manchester, Conn. ■ It . . , . with her sisters, Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. sands of others who will be attr.actr W anted—Instruction ...... 30 ed by the lure of the races and the FInnnrinI WANTED—GIRLS, typist and clerks. TWO MORE TENEMENTS to rent In' ^ In a deed^recorded today John Bissell and Miss. Joyner at the Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 Apply to Cheney Brothers Employ­ new houses just completed’with ail ®ayes transfers to John and Maria Bradford House near Jones street., novelty of the talking dog- Business Opportunities ...... 32 Judges of the show' will be'Wll- ment. office. -Improvements- -Rents very reason­ !Di Sfilvo the house and land locat­ Sunday afternoon. They al-so visit­ Money to Loan ...... 33 able. Inquire at -Minlz’s Uepartmeiii ed the old cemetery on Borough's' mot Evans, Boston, Mass., Airedald Money ’'“'anted ...... 34 WANTED—SlNGl.E girls to "leathf,; store, Depot Square. Also offices to ed in the Ely tract facing on Emer­ Terriers, Bedlington Terriers, Help npd Sfinnfions mill operations. Apply to Cheney rent (uver A. & ,P-. Store j. .Will alter son .street. This transfer again hill. They are descendants of Gov.' Help Wanted — FeipAle ...... 35 Brothers'Employment office. to suit tenants. Inquire at Mintzs ahpws'the. necessity of revising the Bradford of the Plymouth Colony. Cairn Terriers, Dandle Dim on t Ter­ Help W anted—Male ...... 36 D epartm ent' Stqhe, IJepbt ;$quare. riers, Fox Terriers, Irish Tp.riers, Help Wanted—Male or Female’... 37 ■rr ' ' town records to bring them up to Mr. and Mrs. William Bralnerd Help Wanted— Male 311 ------of Westland street, Hartford, were Kerry Blue Terries, Manchester Agents Wanted ...... ';.,3’t.-A FOR Rim'-^M-ODteRN hat of four -date, a job’which has been done in Terriers, Schnauzers Scottish Ter­ Situations vVanted—Female ,... 88 rooms. lnqurr® -7li Bridge street or ‘-Jhie deed. visitors Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Situations Wanli.t—Male ’39 WANTED—MAN to work in store phone 7.72-2, v; ’ ' ■ The Ely tract is located between Winthrop Porter's. riers, Sealyham Terriers, , Skye EiViplpyment Agencies 40 and delivery work. Phone 832-2, be­ Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hills visited Terriers, West Terriers, • West Live StovK—Peta—Poultry—Vehicle* tween 7 and 8 p. m. or w rite Box A, FOR RENT:-^6 li.dflM tehement, all. V. hat is known as Center, now can­ Highland White Terriers, < Mrs. Dogs—Blrds-r-Pets ...... 41 in care of Herald..., Improvements. ■ fh'qtflfd ‘ 52 Sprede ned West Center, Summer and Mc- his sister, Mrs. Lucy Milton in Like Stock — Vehicles ...... 42 Street.;..”.’-',. !Kee streets, one time known as Hartford, Sunday. L. Brownell, Lynn!, Mass., Boston We inay wea^er-glase Poultry d Supplies 43 WANTED—EXPERIENCED help to J. B. Jones and his guest. Prof. Terriers, Mrs. Charles R- 'Wkter* Wanted — Pets — I’oultry—Stock 44 work oh tobacco. Louis L. Grant, FOR RENT-r-6 ROOM tenetneht, .Kerry avenue. The tract was house. New Haven, Conn., Chihua- jUi the’forrri of a round lube containing liqwd^ First of ’ For Siili'— MlMcelliineona 1127 Tolland Turnpike, Buckland, thoroughly modern,’ 88 Main'atr'eat.’ 'divided by three streets which ran Dean called on old acquaintances in all we require a gjaee tube teii inches Jong iabd 'three- Articles for S ale ...... 45 Telephone 1549. Apply J, P. Tammany, , ifrom ’'Summer street to Center Colchester recently. haus, English Toy Spaniels, Grif­ Boats and Accessories ••...... 46 etrpet and' which were kmown ac- Miss Anna Buell of Hartford is fons (Brussels) Italian Gray- fourths of an in^h in diameteri Then we mustTill the Building Mateilals ...... 47 SALESMEN WANTED—Salesbooks, spending this week with her par­ hounds, Japanese Spaniels, following prescription at the druggists’: camphor, '^o Diamonds—Watches—Jewe.'y 48 manifold printing, stationery, res­ oordlng, to the layout of the map, tese, Mexican Hairless, Papll- Electric:.1 Appliances—Radio ... 49. taurant checks, register printing, REV-IPWT) T D ito rt afi'Moore, Ann and Florence streets, ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buell. drarnsr potassium 'nitrate, hajjfrdrarn; iammonium Fuel ind Feed ...... „ ,4 9 -A fanfold forms, tags. Full or part .iff These names were adopte’, be- Mr. and' Mrs. O. E. Bailey and lons, Pekingese, Pomeranltiins, Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 time-^splendid oppbrtunity. Shelby Pug, Toy Black and Tan Terriers, . cHlocidt halMram; absolute alcoh.oi, two j ounces; Household Goods ...... / 51 Salesbook Co., Shelby, Ohio. 'cAiise the property was owned by daughters, Helen and Alma, were Toy Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, - . Machinery and T o o ls ...... 52 VERW A; Jlopre family and Ann and visitors Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. E.i {Water, two:ounces. Musical Instruments ...... 53 WANTED—AT ONCE ex,perienced ibfeiiQe streets were named- after W. and H. E. Buell’s. Henry C. Forrester, Providence, R. Office and Store Equipment...... 54 man for general work on tobacco mAmifiefs pf the family. For many A daughter, Alice Mildred, Was I., chow chows, Robert K. . Reid, Sporting Gvjc ds—Gur.s ...... 5f) and dairy farm. Phone 343-2 for In­ ■WiJliam’jTurkihgton of 145 GeU'-' Pawtucket, R. I., Collies; W illi^ Sneeials at tiie S to r e s ...... v. • 56 formation. ' Fibrence street was so known born to Mr. and Mrs. Braiilt, Satur­ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... B7 ter street, receive^' a telegram this until a new street was opened , that day. Dyer, Boston, Mass,, Pointers, Set­ W'anted—to B’’ ...... 68 Live Stork—Vehk'les 42 morning cafilnig him 'Co ,Toronto,^ ran. east from Spruce street and Miss Mary Randall, and Miss ters, (English, Gordon and Irish). Itonni*—noiiril—Hnirin—Resorts Canada, ^whare he, has: a'’ ‘Bfptli'er, Grace Randall of 'WillimA.ntic were Thomas Hissey, New York, all Reslniirnnls Vraa alsovcalled Florence street. other breeds. "Variety Groups, Rooms Without Board ...... 59 FOR SALE—BLACK INDIAN pony. Rev. Edward Turkingt^p 'wfio, the. Thie east' side street developed visitors Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Boarders Wanted ...... Suitable tor riding and driving pur­ telegram stated, is so serlQusly 111 Alfred Hutchinson’s. They also number 1 Mr. Dyer, 2,. Mrs. Hissey, ■ 59-A poses. Phone 458. th,e; JCast®f of the two and the de- Country Board - R e s o r t s ...... 60 that he is noC expected to live. yeib'per. a Hartford man, had given called on Mrs. Prontide affd Mrs. 3, Mr.' Evans, 4, Mr. Waterhouse, 6, Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 Rev. Edward! Tlir^hgton Is Hanmer. Mr. Hissey." ' Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... • 62 naa»y deeds: with one of the bound- FOR SALE—7GOOD w ork horse. Call knovni ill . Manchostor.L’-.SaTfJag Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Hills ac;-. RenI Estate For Rent 38-5. arlBB; designated as “Florence Apart.nen s. Flats. Tenements 63 preached .at tlie -Sout^' Me'thodiat /-Thp. selectmen decided, companied by his cousin, Mrs. Etta pntDNESTINQ FATAIi Business Locations tor Rent .. . 64 Church a- number dt - -yeara ago, Poultry and Supplies 43 ib 'tw repttfaifn'g of several streets, Lewis of Hampton visited bis moth­ Houses for Ren ...... 65 while visiting here. He: had come . London.—Possibly tfle death of •7 ‘l.'-v Suburban, for Ren;,...... 66 -to call ;ttie-east side "street Florence er, Mrs. Elizabeth Hills at her cot­ Summer Homes for R ent ...... 67 FOR Sa l e —BARRED ROOK, Pul­ to ManebeE^ri from the Klondike, 4l'tyebt",snd;;gave-to the west side tage on the Willimantic Camp Leonard Bunting, 17, a ‘nephew of Wanted to Rent. . 68 lets. Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. where he -want-^to- open a church FiorbUCTAstPbet^ name of Emer- Ground, Saturday.' ^ the Lord Mayor of Norwich, was itenl Estate For Sale - Telephone 1877. during the gold -rush. He 'has made intended as a lesson for disturbers Apartment Buildings for Sale . . 69 soM^f street, ’Tiy . which it is now The huckleberry season Is at Its, Business Property tor Sale ... < 70 OLIVER BROTHERS day old obloka his home;^n^(SiE^lia(8da. ■ : • ■■fcn6W;..V;! height, many .quarts are being' of feathered peace. Leonard, w h ^ Farms and Land for Sale ..... 71 from two year old hena Hollywood A sister,'■who :llv€8 In Rya, N. ■¥„ picked by people in and out of birdnesting, fell from a tree Into'a Houser for Sale ...... 72 Stre.‘c - 44itvort tested and free, from has alrea^VgPhO- 'to; C town. . " : pond and was drowned. , >, Lots for Sale ...... 73 white diarrhea. Oliver Bros, Clarks Mr. Turkii!«t'Oin leaves: this a f ^ - Resort Property for Sale ,...... 74 Corner. Conn. v jWMp.:rt^yhy* radio can be enjoyed Suburban for Sale ...... 76 noon and reacli Toronto tomor­ At^’hpUnb’nin the near future, says Eastern man was', 'arrested for Nearly 80,000 oil wells are Real Estate tor Exchange . 76 row morning.!/.C"’':' ■ 'ai-Webtlnghouse expert. At last .y .. i.,r M V. . . >■ arson. But the police 'exonerated' drilled ■ annually, of which- &tet .. ;We weatherglass is Wanted — Real E st..te ...... 77 The blile ash Is the first of the sbmOhbd^’^f has found the solution him, of course, when they found one-^quarter turn out to be dry, . ’ If ttie solid Ingredients Auction—Legal Notices ashes to blossom, but unlike all Omaha’s average ■■••anii'aal t« m ^ beit placed when ex­ Auction Sales ...... fOT^tlite ,man -who read's the sub­ only an automatic cigarTighter while 31 per cent, of the hew 'W.e]^ do ho't dissoive^rej^liy^: Legal Notices others it has perfect flotvers. perature: is'.' 50 degrees. I [ titles! 6u.f;lou'dv • in his pockets. produce less than 25 barrels a: day;'' pend to the north, and .'shake the JbottUri Then in a shady place where put a oork intb'fhe top of '.the direct rays of the sun the tube to toejgi^oat dust. A^lll hot strike itr


‘Ciei^{H<^id meahi crystaik «t bot­ tom, |khi|ffH^r. frpitt in :wlh^eir; dlihr liquid, with smal^ at«’8, thunder; large flakes, heavy air, ^iove^ast sky. , show i^'wir^ter|tthreads in upper ^rt^ wii^y weather; ) smaH'tfdts, dsh^rwesthfr^ re­ main wind ih upper >iir;-smair f t a ^ ^ b r l ^ clear winter days* snow in a day or twb- 8-7 „ 'WwifM c'-. - . 3 Tf . ‘ '

..f.: > ' MANCHESTER (CONN.) E^VENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15,1928.* PAGBisnaiBif'> ...... ■ ; iM. — i.a .1 FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: SENSE and NONSENSE SKIPFY Hy PercyJl*. Crosby

TO LAST YEAR’S CARNIVAL ^tefeu«TNAt'f iTKOUT TO BACH OTHCR*. nouncer ever sneezed, ten million TfMe.hfo8oDV(s FeeciN's IF £ HAVe T o TACK To A SAVIN* A U/oeO, THfiN IT'S A PiNC OA^OOAV* S onic a t THC people would say, ‘God bless you’.” CU£6K/ N ot A tuuRP. fS HURT. TH AT'S ACL u ih a T jS r c a n 't s r e w h a t ' s AN* VOU NAPPfCSTTiNVes u hats thc of (SuY, £’ M CICK60. u j h a t !s N O Sooy’A P u ttin ' it rorr. / ' use TH£R€ TotAcK ASooT? dooKS oR NOTHIN. TH6 use op aoTHeeiN* IT IS AFINC PAV TO0M7 Z HRVe even S^NY Irate Father (to mischievous chil­ ACC T « e TALK lis/’ f IT , IN dren)— “ Here, here, you behave tUiTH HUA, CAN VOO? ^ IT 00H*r ert US NelONCII^^ WAS WHCN WM yourselves or I’ll turn on one of po6SN*r C € T VA No PLACe, Oocs IT f J ------(UCKC 0AtTtN'ouT those sermons!” C SICCH/CC._^ Mr. Man: The radio announcer z for KDKA is always advising J 0 “ “ Please stand by.” I refuse to do it. I just “ sit by” in my easy chair r REau.ttPAT.orr. and wait for the program to con­ <01928, BY NCA SOtVICC. INC. tinue. The only thing that can make me stand is "The Star Spangl­ A wise girl never blows her CoppUltK Ittt, Pwter L. CwOf, CMttiil rn« i knows. ed Banner.” When there is static it drowns OUR BOARDING HOUSE out everything else on the radio. “Spunky^’ Edwards’ Monkey By Fontaine Fox When there is no static, the per­ By Gene Ahem formers try to drown each other out. 'XoiA^o^ -TAyt-o/^ dHAUUe-r^a^P Preacher: “ Henry, your main enemy is Drink.” ^tllEYyZyASoM ! STARTS OUT HARD Henry: “ Yeah, and yer th’ old wHoo guy what told me to love my SH'rf'it'' UlHAfS 'AT lY SOliKiPS Today’s round of letter golf enemies”’ Hqo- MIS-TAM M AtfoR? Bounds harder than it is. From Oq . UKB A RROViiUBR OP HARD to BOIL is a fairly simple Synonyms: Companionate mar­ 0© AY *1b Mo GOOP par five hole. One solution is on an­ riage, legalized adultery. ' 50UMP5 -Yo MB other page. l a k a Grios-rff- No girl is perturned over the A p e e p INKALB passing of a leap-year. Like mistle­ UM-M“‘-f(OMORROUl -fo RefiAiM MeRvye-*^ H A R D toe, leap-year is now unnecessary. AY SUKlRISe ’^QUi’LL 5AY "^AsoMy-^eB-Y The Lem Lumps will always be SBB MB PoiCi’ A M e -Yt^A*Y M A C H IM B poor. Lem demands strawberries MARAYMoa\ RUAi ODY when he should be eating prunes. CF PIS Ve r b . GUKi QliPBR -YltE The Sales Manager was examin­ LAKiPSCAPB CorY,*^ AMP W9 M ing candidates for the position of TfY HoMBf “Y A K B Y H B S B -Yvdo private secretary. One girl seemed to fill the bill, but the cautious of­ A uY o a a a -Y/c s f { ^ ficial decided to ask her one more ’Moul question. “ You say you are a confidential secretary. What is the difference between a confidential secretary and B 0 1 L, a stenographer?” “ Oh,” said the girl promptly, THE RULES "you don’t dare to fire a confidentio,! secretary.” 1— The idea of letter golf is to change one word to another and do LOCATION IS EVERYTHING It in par, a given number of Sweet are. the uses of dirt, my lad, atrokes. Thus to change COW to 'Twill grow potatoes for you by HEN, in three strokes, COW, HOW, tho peck; HEW, HEN. Likewise turnips and onions, but it 2— You can change only one let- looks bad. '$er at a time. For it’s out of place there, upon ^ 1 - 3— ^You must have a complete your neck. :word, of common usage, for each \C A 'e B R A f l t l M O jump. Slang words and abbrevia- “What kind of a fellow is he, 7 tions don’t count. anyhow?” 4^—The order of letters cannot be “ One of those people who can go Changed. out of a room without leaving a vacancy of any kind.” The bookkeeper was peevish. \ y ^ "What’s wrong?’’ asked the boss. A small boy had slapped a little "That pretty typist you insisted girl. The teacher was quick to re­ buke the youngster. I REG. U. e . PAT. O FF.l on engaging spells atrociously.’’ C p c "Is that s o ? , Fine! She must be “ Jackson.” she said, “ no gentle­ (CFontiine Vox. 1928. The Bell Synd | O l3 2 0 . DV NFA SERVICE. IN ' \ good. ‘ I couldn’t spell'it.’’ man wrruld strike a lady.” The boy was all ready with his "Have you kissed the bride?” reply. It was; “ Well, no lady would "No, hut I think I could.” tickle a gentleman.” WASHINGTON TUBBS 11 By (Yane Some radio speeches have If only the dear things wouldn’t get the bloom of youth higher on WGH, GO'IS, '< 0\ i To b e t SOME -heard were as dull as well %W00\ tWES lOOK uue Trt* ^ ^ He'S THE BI6WST SCOUMWtn of TM * known thud. one cheek than on the other. T4PICM. oestR-T bueiKS iusT LOOK Those 0^1C VIE v\(v,D t«0UBC6 \Al\tV( OH ML-T he TERROR OF ThC DESeRT. BfOOFS eeUO\MS OVER. NOT HPvMDSQMC MT BO^T. v\E PWetTV SNM»PV. tCT WATCH OUT FOR uKe Tv\E ^^ov\es ’em, WITS HUUSOM HIM iFTOUttM) TROUBtt,BO'/B. But fiuTuM, eu\cyt.6UM?.DLS PvUffians. mm HE'S Rl&WT HBRE »N ToO&(iOORi; 3 e n Siomr ^ UAL CO€H^tAM— PICTURES KNICK T A.'

^ V. 0 1 9 2 8 . BY WE* SERVICE. WC. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Homeward Bound By Blosser /------t h e n VKie WON'Tj NKB-ee A U - e e m s x s , VMBP£ 60IM6 By XA\ R E A L L Y G LAD WODRO/OCUBlOiJCHJS 71UAk5 c m e r a a id AMyiOUS TD 6TAKT POP I FLyAOAKEui^eyo; B0AT=7A£ Risk IS t h a t 0/OCLE ' e e s r -o o R CWANC65 TiVOLVSMT MJ£ \NOULD ? TOO 6RSAT FOR US AAAEPICA I/H OOP. ' iVi*RRy CAAM S60 AIS 0PSET71M6 UOME AlftPLAMB. OAJCLJ& DlPPEPlcA)r AOVN A R £ \n£ 6 0 !A ^ ------TO F ty ” SAFE AR£AU>r PLA/OS V TO 60 7A£Ai,o/ocLe AKIAJD ABOUT FLyi>i6 AARpy Buri>A ACROSS TilSk OCEAAi • BET7£R0HAB0AT Q r r E R ALL IS SAID AND V * ’': NERVOUS ABOur AARRy ? TAAMlAi AH A B SAID VW£ VNOOLO OOHE,OHCL6 MARBV SA>n£D PUVI/^ ACROSS LEAMEOMA BOAT , AlRPLAHE "AHO r s . ID LOME A H dooo JODSHEHT IM DEODIMS 7M6 ATUsAATlc soasbtiak'^ t o d a y ' OcaAA^!' OCEAH TRIP* ro C Q N e BACk TO AMERICA By. b o a t, ih s t s a p o f a t t e m p t - IH$*n^£ WA2AROOUS P£a T OF ^AHMIHS TUB ATLAHTkC By AIRPLAHE - ASDUSk RALLS tjx e ir b o a t s t e a m s o u r PROM eoUTMAMPTOH eocVNO POR UQ M & AHO ‘■HrJ PRIENDS • *. *.*. *

>1 r » :r 'j . s . p a t . o f f . m a c . V (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Whadda Ya Think?. The tiger shortly disappeared. Then Carpy cried,. “ I see a tent. BySmaU ”Ha, ha! That was the beast Oh, look there are a lot of them. J------«ve feared,” Said Clowny to the Hurray! . We’re almost there.” I'f*) OCAO Ma h a d a HiceTUAB AT Vei^Y TUOUGHTFUL OH,YHATb>------"WeRBl eveicy THING* ^'^HOCLV SUlit. circus man. “ We thought that he “ Well, you’re a right smart Tiny- (’fiRb.CoTTrfr PftRT'V.NlRS.SHeOKLeSI BR-piH- [ ^ L u e o ft >A fiT e e tA w p N i was wild.” “Oh, no,” replied the OF You To SUGGEST WOWDSr ALL TUCKeO mite,” replied the man. “ ’Cause 5«ecKec5, DOM’T cHA -THIHK. IT ’UD BE A GOOD IT , tAR.CLEm * ALL OVeR \ AVlFY i H e VlftG SGftfCeO STIFF\ ACL man. “ He’s tame. That you were you are right. There’s heaps of euesT OF \d e a t a l b t p u t Your. ^evieLs in v ie GOTTft DO HOW ISHOiST MoltieR. frightened is a shame. That tiger fun within those tents, and you IHevkjreL -W -$A F e F6R. Sa F£ KeeplN’ '6W£€.T 505ie\ A PIS SftFftUPOH OURTRUCKH OF , is a friendly sort and wouldn’t shall have your share. • OCFLOP^ WILL ee. MUCH eAFeR.1 * iCoUPLA ROUOH LOOK- PCftRLS: . hurt a child.” “ Now, don’t be scared of any­ dftqeccstK Wet's .hurry. Aw, conie on, let’s all be very friendly when they find midmioht you’ve come with me.” R c$ ow eo run.” The circus man said. “ It’s Tb <5ive«w CALLERS too hoc. We’ll take our time and They reached the outside of one theT hike.” tent, and right inside the trainer . eeTtfefL AWAY WtTIl “Where did that friendly tiger went. He soon came out and 5€ftVi06. ^ THe. go? Has he run back to Join your brought with him a fat girl apd SHecKCES THAN % O ^ ■ sLotv? asked Coppy, as they a man. The man was thin as hh « « t e T o - 300LS walked along. “ Suppose he’d run could be, and very tall. A sight to Fop.e« away.” “ Oh, he won’t do that,” see. Right u^ to meet this funny said the man. “ Why, just the pair the Tinymltes all ran. other day he ran away and stayed -fqr two long days.. He Just does that In fun.” (Tire Tinyaaites have their first Up over one big hill they went. circus irAln ride in the lUKKt atoryBX -V:' I a GB F O X n tT E ^ iimtrlipatipr ^tupnittQ Im lb WEDNESDAY.

were swimming from the floating BON AMI BUSINESS UFE GUARDS SAVE TWO platform to shore when one of ABOUTTOWN them, who' was not a good swim­ mer, suddenly became panicky fear­ SHOWS AN INCREASE AT GLOBE HOLLOW POOL ing he could not make the distance. MIsb Belle Crosby of Robert road He grabbed his chum, who al­ )s spending a few days with friends though a good swimmer, was un­ Special Sale! in Springfield, • The report of business done by One Youtln’s Panic Puts Three able to hold his companion’s weight the Bon Ami Company for the first in addition to his own. SILK FROCKS In Danger—Busch Conies to Miss Florence A. Wilson of 98 six months of this year shows a Rescue. Assistant Lifeguard \uggle Mild- 1 Church street, is attending the New profit of $636,391 against $607,914 ner heard their cries for help and York University Summer School. for the first six months of last year. Quick action by Lifeguard Frank went to the rescue. However, both Hickory Sanitary i This is an increase of $28,477. C. Busch averted what might have youths were badly frightened by For Finishing Out the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Clarke f Under the participating provisions been a tragedy Sunday afternoon at this time and between them got a Philadelphia arf visiting Mrs. Mar­ of the shares this equals $2.93 each Globe Hollow swimming pond. It strangle hold on Mildner. At this garet Crockett of Hamlin street. share of Class A stock and $1.71 of was learned today from a young moment Busch came to the assist­ Season. Class B stock as against $2.73 of Personal Necessities man who was swimming there at ance of the trio. He succeeded in . . . • I ' Class A and $1.65 of Class B of a Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Platt of the time. breaking the boys’ grip about Mild­ 50c HICKORY SANITARY o Cambridge street have returned year ago. If applied directly to The names of two youths who ner and each lifeguard then pre­ f \ from an automobile trip through Class A stock this would have were rescued is not known. They ceded to short with one boy. BELTS ...... O y C the regions in Vermont that were equaled $6.36 a share against $6.07 Flesh colored webbing with silk tabs. Large, me^ flooded last November. for the same period a year ago. /'/ dium and small sizes. In addition to the plant in Man­ Thomas Weir’s family of Summit chester Bon Ami Is also manufac­ ♦5 ■ HICKORY SANITARY SILK H g \ street are spending their vacation tured in Montreal, Canada. $ 1 BELTS ...... O U C at White Sands Beach. 2.50 All silk- elastic sanitary belts with silk brocaded PHONE tabs. Flesh only. Large, medium and small sizes. Mrs, W. W. Robertson and Miss HOT NIGHT PRODUCES i Marion Robertson of Henry street 79c HICKORY STEP-INS AND H plan to leave tomorrow for Syra­ Washable flat crepe frocks in smart BLOOMERS ...... D J 7 C cuse, N. Y„ where they lived for a A SIDEWALK PARTY Your choice of a step-in or a bloomer of the' gen­ number of years. They will visit styles that are suitable for sports wear, uine Hickory quality. Fancy tops lace trimmed. relatives and renew acquaintances. "GOOD THINGS TO EAT ” < Large, medium and small sizes. ’ Miss Ruth L. Smith will accompany A bit of the "Sidewalks of New for week-end trips, for daytime wear at them. York” seemed to have been trans­ KEEPING IT RIGHT 79c HICKORY SANITARY planted to Manchester last night home. Pastel shades of white, peach, The righi^ way to keep meat is to keep it cold. APRONS...... D S j C Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams of when several of the occupants of a Of course. Everybody knows that in a general nile, flesh and ihaize. One and two-piece Main street block, disgusted with Fancy rayon tops with the well known Hickory East Middle Turnpike are spending way. But how cold? And how keep it so? quality rubber, lace trimmed. this week at ‘‘The Birches” Covenn indoor heat, took chairs outdoors Perhaps not everybody is aware of it, but ii> very models trimmed with kick pleats, hand and set them at the edge of the try lake. hot weather in summer it isn’ t possible to keep an fagoting, tucks and embroidery. We’ have walk and held a typical big-city ice-cooled refrigerator down to the temperature John Young and his daughter, sidewalk "conversazione.” About that is best for meat— a point just above freezing. also reduced our three-pieeb wool ensem­ Mifes Lillian C. Young of 634 Wood- eleven o’clock, after it had cooled There is many an icebox where the thermometer, bridge street have returned from a off considerably, they moved back during a torrid spell, runs ten or fifteen degrees bles to this price. Regular $29.75 grade. Fancy two weeks’ stay at Belmar, near Indoors and “ hit the hay.” Side­ higher than it should. The result of this is not Asbury Park, N. J. With them walk parties, a matter of custom in the happiest. Insufficiently chilled, the food goes were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richmond great cities, have been practically from the market to the consumer, sometimes, in and daughter Barbara of Windsor. unknown in Manchester. M good enough condition to eat at once, perhaps, but C badly prepared to stand' a few hours more of prob- Emblem club members will leave 5 ably still less effective refrigeration in the home. Rubber Aprons tomorrow by bus at 1:25 p. m. at 8 You know what happens. the Center for the outing at Crystal 5 Pinehurst’s refrigeration is automatic and per- lake. The headquarters will be at > feet. Our big refrigerator maintains its tempera- VACATION COATS Mrs, Stephen Connor’s cottage near g ture between 32 and 34 degrees, right along, re- Sandy Beach. Bathing and other ^ gardless of the weather. And in warm and hot sports will occupy the afternoon. weather the meat stays in this temperature. We Kashas, Tweeds and Broadcloths The ladies will provide sandwiches, g even do our cutting up in the refrigerator, which salad or cake for the picnic supper, is a good sized room, with block and utensils. Five attractive models to choose from and in the evening a dog and O '^vo * (LLierr me The difference between meat so kept and so pre­ trimmed with floral patterns, painted designs, marshmallow roast will be on the pared and then delivered to the customer at ex­ or trimmed with ruffles. A wid6 range of program. Manchester members de­ press speed, and meat which is cut up and exposed gay summer shades. Slightly irregulars but siring further information should to the heated atmosphere of a store or to the they will give satisfactory service. get in with Mrs. Fred DeHope slightly cooler temperature of "chilled” show or Mrs. George H. Williams. cases, is easy enough to understand. Pinehurst not only cuts absolutely first quality Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Oliver of meats but keeps them in perfect condition— and That Were $59.50 MAIN FLOOR Eldridge street have as their guest delivers them that way. Mr. Oliver’s nephew from Montreal, A cool head saves many a Tweed coats for sports and travel. . . . coats of kasha and Canada. broadcloth that can be worn right up until it is Ume to put oa cold dollar. Doing something FRESH FISH one s heavy winter coat. Each one is an individual m odel-- Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden of Swordfish, Halibut, Salmon all hand tailored, Nile, gray, black, beige and navy. Earlier Manchester Green are enjoying a that saves you money shows in the season the^e coats were marked ?59.50. trip around Cape Cod. Filets of Haddock and Sole, Butterfish that you are thrifty and wise. Very good Tub Butter ...... 49c ib. George H. Howe and Dr. Fred­ Ordering winter coal now at re­ erick Bushnell are at Nevill’s Point, THE MEAT DEPT. SUGGESTS: Earnsville, Canada for a week fish­ duced summer prices shows HALE’S APPAREL—MAIN FLOOR ing trip. They made the trip in Round Steak G rou n d ...... 49c lb. Dr. Bushnell’s automobile and have that you are looking ahead. engaged one of the four cottages Veal G rou n d ...... 4.5c lb. at that place, where fishing is said Our high grade fuel oil will Lean Tender Pork Chops, Lean Pieces of Pinehurst to be good. provide you with plenty of Quality Corned Beef. V;.. The officials of the Manchester heat. Pinehurst Hamburg ...... 30c lb. RAYON BED SPREADS Skating Club are requested to at­ We will have a special on Huckleberries at .,. .25c quart tend a special meeting at the School street Recreation Center at 8 o’clock A slightly lower price than this if you want a quan- ^ Friday night. The purpose of the tity for canning. ^ THAT ADD CHARM ANE) COLOR TO meeting is to take action on the Ripe Tomatoes, special, 4 quart basket...... 33c n condition of the lake in Center G. E. WiUis & Son, Inc. BEDROOMS Springs Park. 2 Main St. Tel. 50 TOMORROW! Charming Women's and Children’s Frocks Are $3-98 Easily Made of

Exceptional Printed in Quality Voiles and Dimities and Price

For bringing new Interest to a bedroom, nothing can equal a colorful Ic yard bedspread. At this low price the thrifty housewife will buy a few for Buy Coal Now use now at the summer cottage, or to save for fall. At this price you Sheer, .practical, .inexpensive printed dimities and v/ill find two beautiful styles to choose from: voiles in bright, clear colors and distinctive designs suitable for women’s and children’s frocks to finish Steven’s jacquard rayon spreads in soft shades of blue, rose, gold, out the summer season or for late vacation days.‘ The green and lavender. Size: 84x108 Inches. voiles are 39 inches wide, the dimities. 36 Inches wide. All tub fast colors. Regular 39c and 60c quality. Bate’s ripplette rayon spreads in handsome jacquard colored stripes. "We have also put in our regular stock of boulevard; • Two sizes: 81x108 and 72x108 inches. $5.98 quality. prints at, this price. Excellent HALE’S BEDSPREADS—MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR Delicious At The Lowest Price of the Year Fresh Store Open Orangeade Thurs, Night 5c and 10c .Glass ^ SOUTH -Mft H C H C ST £R ■ CONN Until 9 Courteous Service

ROBBED BLIND MAN? He was accused by police of taking Careful Delivery a paper and a nickel and five markr READY MADE New York — John D. Abbes, 53, ed pennies in change. Abbes insisted ^prosperous engineer, recently that he only took the proper change SEAT COVERS WATKINS BROTHERS stood in court on a charge of steal­ for a dime. He was held for Spec­ ing pennies from a blind newsboy. ial Sessions on a $500 bail. TO FIT YOUR CAR Howl’s The Time To Buy A ll Makes Funeral FILMS INSURANCE $11.95 and up Directors V, Developed and J O W B - u m N - Have yonr- ear put In shape be­ b Printed FREE NOTARY SERVIOE} fore ydu go on your vacation, Robert R. Anderson THE 19 Lilac St. Phone 1800 Phone: 600 dr 748-2 SULUVAN-HAYES FRAMING Manchester ) of AU Kinds Finest Fruits Auto Top Co. COAL CO., INC. Elite Studio In town. Large Oalifomia Pears, W .J. MESSIER Preserve The Toii Fancy Snnkist Oranges, Beet Yel- Cor. Center St. and Henderson lii' 083 Main, Upstairs low BanSanas, Malaga Grapes, Sweet TELEPHONE 125 Green Gage Plams, Extra Honey Road of Your Car Dew and Pink Meat French Melons. Phone 1816-3 Every car top ^ o u ld be dresse 3 lbs. Tomatoes . . . . 25c over twice a year .to .pretierve tfi |M RS.ELU0n’SSH0P 3 lbs. Fancy material and keep it look lug well- ’ Second Mortgage Top Dresse^ Peaches . .UT.?. 25c Money SUp Covers^’ jis'vp . ‘ Stamped Goods NOW ON HAND T -. JAMES MANNISE Curb Fruit Stand, Front of South Arthur A. Knofla ; Room 4, Park Building Mandieeter Lihranr, 870 htatn St. FtKmf 783*2 .V „ ■ . . .-V . .