tUf- - .-^-afc.^-:V*^'- * ‘ f NET PRESS RUN A.VERAGB DAILY CIRCULATION Foreeaot br 0> S* Weather Bnreinu. for tlie month of July, 1028 New H avea Fah: and slightly cooler tonlig^t; 5,125 Thnrsday increasing clondiness fol­ Hember •( the Andit Bnremi of I- lowed by showers at night. Clrenlatlone ^ ^ ^ VOL. XLH., NO. 271. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1928. (FOUftlTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO T -r ❖ - ii. ENFORCEMENT 16 Months Old Child SOUTBSURVEYS Mother of Twd Kills Rival’ LASTING PEACE IS OF “D R f UW, Is Killed By Exp ress LOSSES CAUSED TEXT OF COOLIDGE H O O r a PLAN Nantasket Beach, Mass., Aug. 15.<a baby’s parents at Nantasket Junc- BYHIMICANES —^While creeping .along the rail­ tion. The fast commuters’ train from road tracks near his home today, the south shore tore down on the SPEECH If Elected, Republican Nomi> William Galuzzo, 16 months old, crawling baby before the engineer Torrential Rains in Past Few was killed by the “Millionaires’ saw the little figure. While the Express,” Duxbury to Boston over mother was in another part of the nee Will Try to Make Na­ house, the baby had crawled out oi Days Wash Out Roads President Addresses Ameri­ the New York, New Haven & Hart­ the back door and through a hole CASE COMPANY tion Bone Dry— No Half ford Railroad. The scene of the ac­ in thg fence and onto the railroad and Flood Rivers and cident was near the home of the tracks. can Legion Memberr, Way Measures. Creeks. BOARD MILL AT Praises Kellogg’s Treaty KIDNAP GEM SALESMAN; Ontlawing War— Crowd Stanford University, Cal., Aug. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 15.-^—The ANDOVERBURNS'1 ' * . 15—The American people can ex­ south today surveyed the damage pect a bone-dry enforcement of the $100,000 IN JEWELS TAKEN and took measures to combat the of 10.000 Hears talk; eighteenth Amendment and modifi­ floods resulting from the torentlal $75;000 Loss in Destruction cation of the Volstead Act to prove rains that accompanied the storms Presidential Party Re­ stricter enforcement of prohibition GIRL OF FIFTEEN of the past few'days. of Only Industry in the if Herbert Hoover is elected presi­ Held Dp in Omaha He Is From Macon, Ga., south to Okee­ turns to Summer White dent, it was learned today on the SHOOTS OLD MAN chobee, Fla., on both sides of the Town — Early Morning highest authority. Found in Chicago Suhurh coast, creeks and rivers were swol­ Honse. All doubt over the Republican Her Father Also Uses Gun— len to near-flood stage. Many roads nominee’s dryness was dissipated Both Flee—Wounded Man is were impassable, with; highways Blaze. throujgh the discovery of two Hoo­ Handcuffed and Blind­ Dying. inundated and littered with fallen ver utterances on prohibition, made trees and wires. Wausau, Wis., Aug. 15—A new back in 1918 under wartime law. New York, Aug. 15.—A The tail-end of the second tropi­ The plant of the Case Board hope for lasting peace was held up A ‘•‘teinpest in a teapot” controversy folded— His Story. strange drama of Latin pas­ cal disturbance which swept up the Company; Andover’s only manu- today by President Coolidge before had raged here since Saturday due sions was enacted not far from Florida west coast Tuesday was to a “wet” interpretation, placed facturing concern, was destroyed the men who fought ten years ag« police headquarters when a felt as far north as Atlanta, which with that goal in view. on Hoover’s prohibition declaration, •Chicago, Aug. 15.—A long dis­ young Italian girl and her experienced a sharp drop in tem­ by fire early today at a loss of by one of his closest political ad­ tance kidnaping and robbery epi­ father fired a rain of bullets Addressing the Wisconsin Ameri­ visers. His dryness however, had perature and a terrific downpour. approximately $75,000, The cause can Legion, in convention here, the sode, which netted the perpetrators from two revolvers at Saferio It still was raining here today. of the fire is not known but It *is been announced by International Pantellina, 59, as he sat on his Rivers Rising President pointed to the multila­ News Service on July 25 th. $100,000 in unset gems, terminat­ doorstep. said to have started in the dryloft. teral treaty outlawing war recently The 1918 utterances revealed The Ocmulgee, Oconee, Alta- negotiated between the United ed in Wheaton, 111., West Chicago Pantellina, in a critical con­ maha and Flint rivers in south The fire was discovered a few Hoover as a strict prohibitionist, dition at St. Vincent’s hospital States and fourteeU other powers as a man who sought to establish suburbs, early today. Georgia -were reported rising minutes before six o’clock just as as “one of the greatest blessings The two victims, Morris Keen, a named his assailants and po­ steadily today, owing to hea-vy temperance in America and as one lice sent out alarms for Mary the night watchmen were relieved, ever bestowed upon humanity.” who deplored the drinking of in­ New York jewelry salesman, and rains on the water shed above Alth(/ugh desperate efforts were “It Is a fitting consummation for Elmer Kibett, taxicab driver, were Arenchia, 15, and her father, Macon. All of the tributaries and toxicating liquors. He announced Joseph. Neighbors said they the first decade of peace,” he told himself fiatly as a “lifelong believer found at dawn on the outskirts of creeks pouring into these rivers made to check the blaze, the two the crowd of 10,000 assembled on Wheaton by Joseph Meyer, a farm­ had heard the Arenchias quar­ were out of their banks. brick buildings, wooden barn ahd in national temperance.” The ut­ relling wit’i Pantellina who supply yard of unfinished material the race track of the fair grounds. terances; a public statement and a er. The men were in an automobile, lives across the hall. Many automobile tourists are Here are Mrs. Ida Cross Ferkins, 27, of Whitley City, Ky.,’and her No More Isolation marooned in Macon because high­ two daughters, Jean, left, and Mildred. Mrs. Perkins was arrested for were a mass of flames in less than letter to Senator Morris Sheppard bound hand and fot, handcuffed The girl according to wit­ half an hour. The executive also voiced a for­ (D) of Texas, placed Hoover in the and blindfolded. nesses to the shooting, pull- • ways leading to Savanah, Augusta the slaying of Pearl Owens, of Louisville, whom she. found iil.^.Q^Iiany mal abandonment of the policy of and Athens are impassable. Hundreds of persons were atr category of the “bone-drys.” They told police they had been ed a paper wrapper from her with her husband on a train near Somerset, Ky. - .Mrsi< Perki«i*K^as traded'to the scene by the blaze international isolation to which More Proof kidnapped in Omaha, Neb., late revolver as the pair approach­ The situation at Lake Okeecho­ freed under $5,000 bond and trial was set for October 7 at SdrmerSietr America once held. : S’. If any further doubt might exist and their number was greatly in­ “It (the war) demonstrated so yesterday, and had been on the ed Pantellina and began firing. bee on the east Florida coast was creased by passing motorists who as to his dryness, it would disapper road, as helpless captives, all night. Her father also shot at the still acute today, with sharp dif­ clearly th# interdependence of all through the action of Daniel A. stopped to view the fire, the mill Keen works for F. Fuchs & Co., seated man who collapsed on ferences arising between residents being located only a few rods from people that we are not likely to hear Poling, editor of the Christian Her­ of New York. Kihett is an Omaha the pavement as father and there and drainage engineers at again in responsible quarters what ald and president of the Interna­ USING REAL BANDWAGONS th® state highway through the cen­ other nations do is no concern of taxi driver. daughter fled. The girl scream­ Tallahassee. Residents at Okeecho­ tional Society of Christian En­ ter of the village. The ruins were Keen’s Story ed invectives at Pantellina in bee claim the lake is at the 17 foot still ablaze this afternoon. ours,” he said. Met at the station deavor, in endorsing his acceptance “I got into Omaha yesterday Italian as she fired but police level, while the Tallahassee en­ this morning by State Legion Com­ speech declaration on prohibition. Future Unsettled mander Frank Schneller and a small morning from Minneapolis,” Keen .could not learn what she had gineers claim it is only '• fraction TO TOUR U. S. FOR G:iO. P. The Case Board Company em­ Poling,- one of the outstanding dry told Deputy Sheriff John Petzel of said. less than 15 feet. If the lake over­ committee, the President and Mrs. leaders, wired Hoover: ployed between twenty and twenty- Coolidge and their son John were- Wheaton. “I had Intended to leave flows tremendous damage would be five men, til of whom live in An­ “It was economically sound, done ft) farms anfi other private escorted through several miles of morally right and a challenge to on a 1:30 train for Denver. I took dover, Lawrence W. Case of High­ streets closely packed with ap­ a cab to the depot from the busi­ property. The danger mark is 18 HENRY FORD NOW land Park, Is president of the com-, the highest patriotism. The cam­ IOWA GETS READY feet.
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