Emergency Department Update - Mona Vale & Manly Hospitals Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) invites GPs, Primary Care Nurses, Pharmacists and Allied Health professionals and RACF staff to an update from Mona Vale/Manly Hospital Emergency Department. EVENT INFORMATION DATE Wednesday 17 August 2016 TIME 7.00pm registration and dinner 7.30pm – 9.30pm workshop VENUE Dee Why RSL Club, Oaks Room, Level 3, 932 Pittwater Road, Dee Why (entry to multi-storey parking from Clarence Street) TOPICS Manly and Mona Vale Hospital Emergency Department Update Beaches Rapid Access Care of the Elderly Advance Care Directives in the emergency hospital setting SPEAKERS Dr Michele Franks, ED Director, Manly Hospital Dr Tom Wallis, Emergency Medicine, Mona Vale Hospital Dr Angela Bowman, Beaches Rapid Access Care of Elderly (BRACE) Dr Helen Gillespie, Clinical Director of Rehabilitation & Aged Care, Mona Vale Hospital LEARNING Recognise what services are available through the Emergency Department OBJECTIVES Implement and optimise referral pathways Understanding of implementing Advance Care Directives in an ED setting COST There is no cost for GPs and health professionals within the Sydney North Health Network region ENQUIRIES Judy or Robi, Education Team on 9432 8250 or
[email protected] I would like to attend Yes, I have special dietary requirements Name Phone Email Email address is required for workshop confirmation purpose Practice Name Practice Address I am a: GP Practice Nurse Pharmacist RACF Staff Allied Health Professional (please specify): ______________________ To register please reply to
[email protected] or fax this form to 8088 4770 This activity is accredited for 4 Category 2 points, as part of the RACGP Quality Improvement & Continuing Professional Development Program in the 2014-16 Triennium.