Congressional Record-Senate. 1131
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1888. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1131 SENATE. for the establishlnent of an experimental station for the manufacture of sugar; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and For ..:.YlONDAY, Febn~a.ry 13, 1888. estry. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. l\lr. PADDOCK presented a petition of prominent citizens of Lincoln, The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read and ap Nebr., praying that the Government bear its share of the expense of proved. paving streets adjacent to the public buildings in that city; which was EXECUTIVE COMl\fUNIC.A.TIONS. referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. He also presented a petition of the governor and other citizens of The PRESIDENT JJro tempm·e laid before the Senate a communica Nebraska, praying that a pension be granted to Mrs. Nancy Pollock, tion from tlle Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a resolu widow ofW. A. Pollock, of Nebraska; which was referred tothe Com tion of February 2, 1888, certain information as to the probable cost of mittee on Pensions. making a channel 20() feet wide through the two sand-bars near Little Mr. CHACE. I present the petition of E. A. Skillman (agent), of ~1angrove Point, Florida; which, with the accompanying papers, was Washington, D. C., praying for the passage of a law to cancel certain referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. lien certificates and relieve certain property of tha burden thereof. I He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary wish to say distinctly that I present this petition by request and have of \Var, transmitting, inrespCfilse to a resolution of February 2, 1888, no knowledge of its contents or its purport. I move the reference of certain information as to the amount of money that can be profitably the petition to the Committee on the District of Columbia. expended dming the next fiscal year in improving the northwest chun The motion was agreed to. nelnear Key West, Flu.; which, with the accompanying papers, was Mr. CHACE presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem refeiTed to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. perance Union, and other citizens, of Woodstown, N. J., praying for He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary the better legal protection of young girls in the District of Columbia; of the Interior, transmitting, in response to a resolution of J[1J1nary 25, which was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1888, certain information as to the extent of the present area and bound 11:1r. DAVIS presented a petition ofthe Woman's Christian Temper arie. of the Creur d'Alene Indian reservation in the Territory of Idaho; ance Union of Uinnesota, officially signed, praying for the submission which,' with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee to the States of a prohibitory amendment to the Const.itution; which on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. was referred to the Committt>-e on Education and Labor. ' UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. He also presented a petition of 115 citizens of Minnesota, praying for Th_e PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica prohibition in the District of Columbia; which was referred to the Com tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, for the use of the mittee on the District of Columbia. Senate, the report of the board of Govemment directors of the Union He also presented a petition of Abercrombie Post, Grand Army of PacitkRailway Company madetotha.tDepartment, dated January21, the Republic, of Lisbon, Dak., praying for the passage of a bill repeal 1888; which was read. ing the limitation in the arrears-of-pension act; which was referred to Mr. BUTLER. Will that report be printed? the Committee on Pensions. ThePRESIDENTp1·o tempo1·c. It will be ordered to be printed; but l\lr. HARRIS. .I present the petition of John H. Edwards and other the Chair is not aware what disposition has been usually made of such citizens of Weakley County, Tennes ee, praying that compensation be reports, and it will lie on the table, subject to a motion to refer. paid John H. Edwards for services rendered as an officer of t.he Army .l\Ir. BUTLER. I move that the report be referred to the Select of the United States. I move its reference, with the accompanying Committee on the Pacific Railroads. letter, to the Committee on Military Affairs. The PRESIDENT pr·o tempore. The Senator from South Carolina 'rhe motion was agreed to. moves the reference of the communication of the Secretary of the In Mr. HARRIS. I bold in my hand a memorial sent me by tQ.e Wo terior, with the accompanying report, to the Select Committee on the man's Christian Temperance Union in this District, praying for the Pacific Ra.ilway Commission Report. If there be no objection, that passage of a bill prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and importation of order will be made. alcoholic beverages in the District of Columbin, purporting to be signed PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. by 209 citizens of the District of Columbia. I move the reference of The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented the petition of 0. P. Me_... the petition to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Mains, agent for settlers on the so-called Maxwell land grant, praying The motion was agreed to. for au investigation of alleged official corruption: and for certain relief; Mr. PASCO presented the petition of J. G. W. Kraker and 45 other which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. citizens of Lanier, Fla.; the petition of W. II. Mabry and 20 ot.her He also presented the petition of John W. Buckpit, of Boston, Mass., citizens of Leesburgb, Fla., and the petition of N. L. Hopson and 20 praying for the appointment of a commis..'lion to investigate the charges other citizens of Lake County, Florida, praying for an appropriation alleged against the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church because for the purpose of making a survey of the Ocklawaha River, in Florida; of the practice of amicular confession; which was referred to the Com which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. ' mittee on Education and Labor. He also presented the petition of Henry W. Long, of Marion County, He also presented resolutions adopted by the board of directors of Florida, praying legislation to change the basis for payment of fourth the Maritime Association of the port of New York, praying aiel from class postmasters and to regulate their salaries; which was refened to Congress in opening the Nicaragua route between the Atlantic and the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Pacific Oceans; which was ordered to lie on the table. He also presented the petition of N. S. Dnnkler and 11 other clerks 111r. PLATT. I present the memorial of certain citizens of Vinita, in the Jacksonville, Fla., post-office, praying for an increase of the sal in the .Indian Territory, praying for the location of a United States aries of post-office clerks; which was referred to the Committee on Post court in the Indian Territory. I wish to say in reference to this peti Offices and Post-Roads. · tion that it is a printed petition which has been sent to me, and I do Mr. BATE presented a petition of members of the faculty of Van not know but that the same petition has already been submitted and derbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., praying for the e~actment of referred. an international copyright law for the fuller security of literary prop Mr. VEST. The bill on the subject has been reported from the Com- erty; which was referred to the Committee on Patents. mittee on the Judiciary, and is now upon the Calendar. .Mr. TURPIE presented twopetit1onsof surviving soldiers and sailors l\Ir. PLATT. Then I ask to have the petition lie on the table. of the Union Army and Navy, of Indiana., praying for the pa~~a;.;e of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It will be so ordered. tbe per diem rated service pension bill; which were referred to the Com Mr. PALMEl~ presented the petition of James B. Angell, president, mittee on Pensions. and 33 members of the faculty of the University of Michigan, praying He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tempemnce that such books as are printed in modern languages oth~r than English Union of Indiana, officially signed, praying for the passage of an amend be placed on the free-list; which was referred to the Committee on Fi ment to the Constitution prohibiting the manufuctme, exportation; nance. intportation, and sale of ali alcoholic liquors; which was referred to He also presented the petition of J. B. Knapp and 46 other citizens of the Committee on-Education and Labor. Clinton County, Michigan, praying that the patent laws be so amended :Mr. BERRY. Ipres~ntapetitionofcitiiensofVinita:, in tbe Indi~ as to protect the innocent users of patented articles; which was referred Territory, similar to the one presented by the Senator from Connecti to the Committee on Patents. cut [Mr. PLATT], in favor of the establishment of a United States court 1\Ir. WILSO~, of Iowa, presented a petition of the surviving mem in the Indian Territory. I move that the petition lie on the t-able. bers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment Iowa Infantry, praying for tlle The motion was agreed to. passage of a bill granting them pensions; which was refened to the :Mr. BERRY. I present a petition of school officials and other citi Committee on Pensions.