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Pfeifer Realty Group WEEK OF APRIL 16, 2014 island REPORTER SAMfiCL AMO CAPTIVA. FLORIDA Earth Day at ‘Ding’ Darling . r offers a fun chance to celebrate . and team Bagzilla will be making an appear­ ance during Earth Day. Bagzilla is a creature made up of 200-plus single­ use shopping bags. PHOTO PROVIDED AISOMSfflETODAY Shell Shocked......................... 4 Island Home ...........................16 Island Reporter .... 23-66 C alen d ar..................................72 Captiva Current.................... 69 Classifieds..............................85 Living Sanibel....................... 81 Poetic License ......................36 What’s Blooming................... 80 ALSOINSIDETODAY This Week's ...766 Sand Dollar Drive 4/5.5 Intersecting Canal Views SSMH03 jeujoisno |E|)uap|S9H Featured Property If™ " * Near Beach / Pool Home eezs# uuuad I d ‘S U 3 AW id for Sale... $1,495,000 Call Eric Pfeifer aivd aovisod sn ais aisdd Pfeifer Realty Group , 239-472-0004 V 013 CS Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail - by way of FISH Cu Special to the Islander able to enjoy a nice holiday meal, and in spite of talk of a growing economy. ■ Non-emergency transport on and F.l.S.H. of Sanibel-Captiva will be children will have a happy Easter com­ This year, for example, FISH is provid­ off the Island assembling Easter dinner baskets for plete with chocolate eggs, Peeps 'A and ing the same amount of Easter baskets ■ Temporary loan of health equip­ » their clients in need this year. Each food other sweet seasonal delights thanks to and Bunny baskets when compared to ment basket is suitable for families or indi­ the support of our local donors,” said last year. ■ Hurricane preparedness informa­ viduals and will contain everything Program Director and L.C.S.W. tion needed for a healthy Easter dinner. Christine Swiersz. “Each year FISH About F.l.S.H. ■ Daily hot meals program u a FISH will also be assembling Easter teams up with local businesses and pri­ F.l.S.H of Sanibel-Captiva. Inc. is a FISH relies on community support to < Bunny baskets filled with candy and vate donors to provide funds for Easter non-profit, staffed by more than 1 50 vol­ fund all programs and accepts toys. Each basket contains a medium­ baskets for the community’s most unteers, assisting Sanibel and Captiva unopened, unexpired food items which cs -a sized stuffed animal, along with other needy families and children. Soon, the islanders and visitors with a wide range are delivered directly to island families Vi a> toys, candy and, of course, plastic grass. office floor will be carpeted with multi- of services. For more than 30 years FISH in need. 100% of all contributions are C hued cellophane-wrapped baskets burst­ has been a “neighbors helping neigh­ used by F.l.S.H. of Sanibel-Captiva, ■O The toys vary, depending on whether the basket is intended for a boy or a girl ing with food, Easter candy and good­ bors” organization offering a wide range Inc. to support its mission. F.l.S.H. of I and the age of the recipient. The Easter ies. Families will pick up the baskets of human services including: Sanibel-Captiva, Inc. is a United Way baskets are one of several community Tuesday through Thursday, April 15- ■ Emergency financial assistance house and an equal opportunity service projects FISH takes on. 17.” ■ Food pantry provider. For more information: fishof- O) “Dozens of needy families will be Demand for services remains strong, ■ In-home visitation I I CAN NO T TELL A LIE...IT'S SIMPLY THE BEST...I CANNOT TELL A LIE.JT'S SIMPLY THE BEST... Holiday Hours: Easter E Closed Easter Sunday, o Basket u A p r i l 2 0 Ice Cream "S jO We will re-open 9*™? ‘5 OJ Vi on Monday, 4/21 OS £ i l l a W e W i s h E v e r y o n e a Pinocchio’s S o Gift Certificates' Come See Why yljihfojf f. ”"f£EFlfor your Original Italian Ice Cream There's Always a A Sanibel Tradition for 34 Years Crowd At Pinocchio’s fSS 1h 01 Home of the Original Sanibel (Crunch®, Dirty Sand Dollar® & Key Lime Frozen Yogurt T3 C CS We make it today and serve it tomorrow. I t can't get any fresher than that! Ed es Ice Creams - Gelato - Sorbets - Frozen Yogurt - Shakes - Malts - Smoothies - Frozen Coffee Drinks *3 a S3 U ■ "3 .o c at Are YOU a Beach Foodie? A Market for People Who Love Good Food! Are \ i Beach Foodie? Page Page 3 M Week Week of Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Sanibel-Captiva Islander APRIL 17-19 MAZZA SAVE THE DATE Lily's Birthday Bash Saturday, April 26 Noon - 4PM LILY/Co Sanibel’s sweet revenge on a snowbird The day finally arrived when one heads north. “Oh. Mr. Stevens, I’m so sorry, but that evening is Periwinkle was no longer a vast parking I’ve got Sanibel just where I want it. reserved for veterans of the Civil War.” Jot. You could actually move on it. But, It’s mine, all mine. I don’t have to share “What are you talking about?” I stammered. you know, I had mixed feelings about it with six million visitors. I can get a “There’s no one alive who fought in the Civil War.” that. table at any restaurant I want. Or so I She said "We’re having a special four-course seance During the winter months Sanibel thought. to connect with those brave heroes from the Civil thrives on having throngs of visitors I called Traders ^ast week to make a War.” here. The full time and snow bird resi­ reservation. The lady at the other end of I tried another restaurant, the Twilight^Cafe. They dents have to grin and bear it. We need the phone said, “A table for four? accepted my reservation until I gave my name. And the business. So we have to put up with Certainly, sir. The name, please? then: “Oh, Mr. Stevens, we do apologize but the crowds, long waiting lines at Sanibel I said “Art Stevens” and there was a restaurant is undergoing a name change and we’ll be restaurants and busy beaches. We tend to Art Stevens long pause. She said “one moment, putting new signs up. We'll be calling it 'The Dusk become more tolerant, patient, under­ please. I have to check with manage­ Cafe' through the early evening, the 'Dawn Cafe' in standing and amenable. ment.” A minute passed. Finally, she got the morning and back to the ‘Twilight Cafe” later in I’m talking about you folks, not me. Shell back on. She said: “Oh, Mr. Stevens, I'm the day. Please try us in January.” And then I discov­ As far as I’m concerned, I’m a full- so sorry, sir, but I just learned that the ered that the Twilight Cafe was actually out of busi­ fledged member of the original curmudg­ Shocked Republican national convention will be ness. eon club who wants Sanibel all to myself. taking place at Traders this week. I tried a different tack. I called Jacaranda and told Week Week of Wednesday, April 16, 2014 B Page 4 I hate crowds. i Perhaps you can call back another time.” them my name was Harrison Ford. That didn’t work hate stop and go I was incensed, of course, as you would be too if either. “Oh, Mr. Stevens, we’ve already gotten traffic. I hate hav­ you expect your reservation to be accepted without advance word that you’d be calling around.,. SanibeC Captiva ing to wait an hour question. Unfortunately, we’ll be closed that evening to honor islander to get into restau­ “Well then, how about a reservation in August sea turtle nesting season.” i s l a n d rants. I hate having when 1 return for a spell?” I asked. “Oh, Mr. Stevens, That did it. I got the message. I decided to eat at REPORTER to wait at the Island I’m looking at our calendar and 1 see that we have home and tried shopping at Bailey’s. But they would­ Cinema to see a fetish worship induction ceremonies scheduled every n’t let me in because they said I was carrying the (USPS 481-400) marginal movie. 1 evening in August.” tsetse fly virus. 2340 Periwinkle Way hate having to wait “Well, how about November,” 1 said. “I’ll be back I pleaded with them to let me in. I told them that Sanibel, FL 33957 for anything. I hate, then and 1 like to plan ahead.” no restaurant would take me and that I was very hun­ Phone: (239) 472-1587 I hate, 1 hate. “Mr. Stevens, I see that the Smuckers people have gry. I also made it clear that I couldn’t have picked up Fax: (239) 472-8398 There, I've gotten taken over our restaurant for that time period to cele­ the tsetse fly virus because 1 hadn’t been to Brooklyn Web: it off my chest. I brate the 100th anniversary of their Cherry in years. It did no good. Unable to get anything to eat can now spend my Preserves.” in Sanibel I decided to head north early. But the air­ P u b lis h e r remaining several “Oh, never mind,” I said. I’ll call back in three line wouldn’t let me on the plane because they Scolt Blonde weeks as a winter years.” 1 then tried another restaurant.
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