華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc.

週年紀念1982-2017 Anniversary Celebration 上主,你是我的磐石,我的保障,我的避難所;你是我的天主,我所一心

依靠的磐石;你是我的護盾,我救恩的角,我的堡壘。 詠 18:3 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Table of Contents 目錄

目錄 Contents 1

會長致辭 Message from the President 2 - 3

祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & reminiscence 4 - 37

神職人員 The Religious

政府代表 Government Representatives

委員會成員及友好 Committee Members and Associates

教友分享 Sharing 38 - 42

「相」當年 Memories 43 - 58

鳴謝 Thank You 59 - 61

廣告贊助 Sponsors 62 - 65

華人天主教會活動 CCC Activities 66 - 68

(所有稿件棑名不分先後 All articles not in any order)

1 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Message from the President 會長致辭 Message from the President 會長致辭 Message from the President 會長致辭

Message from the President 會長致辭 I feel very excited to witness another important milestone in the history of Chinese Catholic Community 我帶着一份興奮的心情,迎接華人天主教會(CCC)三十五週年紀念,在她歷史上的一個重要里程 (CCC) – its 35th anniversary! 碑。

Since its formation back in 1982, CCC has remained as a laity group working closely with the churches and looking after the spiritual needs of its community members. “God is Love” is our motto, and we 從一九八二年創會至今的三十五年,CCC一直以「天主是愛」為座右銘,組織平信徒與教會一起活 have adhered to these values throughout our years. 動,幫助教友在靈修上的需要。

Cohering a group of people in a community over 35 years is not a simple task. CCC is growing but its journey has not been all smooth. We had undergone a rough time with unexpected structural changes, CCC在這三十五年裏有不少的發展,但這段過程並非平坦順利。曾經由於有突發性的會務結構改 and our Community experienced some divisive situations, like in the early days of the Church mentioned in the Acts of Apostle. It was a sad time to a lot of our community members, and people puzzled on 變,會內產生了分裂,有如早期教會出現的情况。對大部份會員,這是一段傷感和痛心的日子。 why it could happen.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 主說:「因為我的思念不是你們的思念,你們的行徑也不是我的行徑」(依 55:8) Neither are your ways my ways”, declares the LORD (Isaiah 55:8)

It was not hard to appreciate the feelings of the community members at low times, but it was out of our 雖然當時我們都不能理解為何天主能讓這事在會內發生,但我們沒有對天主的信念動搖。天主常 ability to understand the plan of God. Though we could not understand at that time, we never lost the 與我們一起渡過難關,遵從祂的計劃,CCC在不久後又再成長起來。天主的行徑實在是神妙莫測! hope and faith in God. It is our blessing that God is always staying with our community throughout our journey. With faith, our Community was growing steadily again a few years later. God’s plan is a great mystery! 從過往歷史中學習是我們成長裏重要的一環,今年我剛當上了會長一職,很多事情還需學習,猶

Learning from the history is an important part in our growth. With this being my first year as President 幸有一群富有經驗的委員和前會長幫助,大家合力定下將來發展的方向。 of CCC, I am fortunate to inherit a good wealth of experience from the past presidents and committee members. Their previous work helped me with the direction to lead the community forward. CCC並沒有太多財富上的資產,我們最大的資產就是會內一群充滿主的愛心、常在教會聚會和願意 CCC does not have large tangible assets on paper. Our asset is the people in our community who loves 在主內互相扶持的弟兄姊妹。我們合力把主的喜訊從不同渠道發放給未信主的人,這三十五年 God, meeting in church regularly and willingness to support each other’s spiritual needs. We team up to spread the good news of God, through different activities and contacts, to the ones who may not have a 來,通過CCC慕道班而接受領洗者,已超過一千人。我們又經常舉辦家庭營、退省及講座等去學習 chance to share our religious belief. Through the hard work of our RCIA programs, more than a thou- 聖言,保持心靈有主愛的滋潤。 sand people have been baptised over the 35 years and many are still active in CCC. Our regular adora-

tions, religious talks, retreats and family camps nourish our spiritual needs. 除了教堂的宗教活動,CCC也辦了一所中文語言學校,給本地中、小學生提供一個學習中國語文和 CCC community looks after people of many different ages. In addition to church activities, we run a 文化的機會,同時也可以向學生的家庭傳播天主的喜訊。另外我們有一個已成立了十八年的「高 Chinese school for community language education to the younger generation as a venue to foster our culture as well as our religion. It acts as a place where we can contact the families by spreading God’s 齡之家」,向華裔退休者提供租金低廉的獨立居所。司徒修女經常帶領一群熱心教友探訪住客。 good news. Chinese Catholic Community Homes is an associated charitable organisation, providing low -cost accommodation to a group of retirees of Chinese ethnicity for 18 years. Sr. Seeto has been leading a group of community members visiting the residents and encourage them in activity participation. CCC多年來得到主教的支持和帶領,又有很多神父不辭勞苦,每週為我們開彌撤,及多位修士修女 長期幫忙,我在這裏衷心感謝他們。沒有這些支持和幫助,我們的會務就不能展開。 Our community would not be functioning without the support and guidance of the Bishops, there are many priests celebrating Mass for us every Sunday, and the many Sisters and Brothers who are helping us in Liturgy and RCIA for many years. I highly appreciate their help to CCC over the years. Together 對於CCC的將來,我深信主仍會繼續帶領我們為有需要的人服務,在主的大家庭一起成長。 with the continuous support from our members is invaluable, I strongly believe God will guide us to continue our journey into the years ahead, helping us to provide better and more services to those in need.

God’s love is prevailing in our Community, and we can achieve its growth as God’s family.

關耀江 會長

Joe Kwan President

2 3 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc Government週年紀念 Bodies 政府機Anniversary關 Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧




I extend my warmest congratulations to the Chinese Catholic Community on the occasion of your 35th anniversary.

At this significant moment in the life of your congregation, I can only imagine the pride you must be feeling at the achievement of this special milestone.

The foundation of a parish is a venture of great devotion—representing the hard work and sacrifice of many, and their hopes for the faith of future generations.

It was with this optimism that the founders of the Chinese Catholic Community greeted the future thirty-five years ago, and it is with the same dedication and high hopes that your journey continues.

In reflecting on the profound contributions this congregation has made to so many— from spiritual guidance and education, to offering a place of warmth and welcome for new migrants—I trust that you will be inspired and uplifted, now and in the years to come.

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP Prime Minister of

28 April 2017

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華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

Chinese Catholic Community 35th Anniversary - 20 May 2017

To the members of the Chinese Catholic Community of Sydney

I congratulate you on this milestone achievement in celebrating 35 years of pastoral service to the Chinese Community in Sydney.

You have shared the gift of faith by presenting Christ to your younger members and through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Also, through language classes and cultural education, the Community has supported its members by establishing links between their traditional culture and their experience of their new life in Sydney.

The practical support and encouragement offered by the Chinese Catholic Community to so many in the form of pastoral care of young people, the sick and the elderly is to be highly commended.

I personally thank you all for your service to the Church and wider Community. At a time of great challenges to the , your personal contribution is greatly valued and provides inspiration and energy to those around you.

I send my blessings to you all as you celebrate this significant milestone.

Yours in Christ

+Julian C Porteous Archbishop of Hobart

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華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Message from Bishop Comensoli Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

8 9 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

華 人 天 主 教 華 會 成 人 裔 立 三 立 十 靈 五 週

修 業

年 天 誌

主 慶 德 傳 教 澳

澳 顯 聖 洲

門 華 教 人

主 道

區 天

二 李 主 零 斌 榮 華 教 一 生 會 七 主 成 人 裔 立

年 教 三 靈 立 十 五 週 修 業 年 10 天 11 誌

主 慶 德 傳 教 澳 顯 聖 門 教

主 道

區 二 李

零 斌 榮 一 生 七 主

年 教

華 人

主 願 願 願 教 上 上 上 團 華人天主教會 週年紀念 Chinese Catholic Community Inc Anniversary Celebration體 主 主 Congratulations主 & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 三 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 轉 的 降 十 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

五 面“You“You must must live慈 live your your whole whole life according福 life according to the Christto the you Christ have you received have received --- Jesus the Lord; you must be rooted in him and built on him and held --- Jesus the Lord; you must be rooted in him周 and built on him and held firm by the faith you have been taught, and full of thanksgiving”. (Letter firm by the faith you have been taught, and full of thanksgiving”. (Letter 華 垂of Paul to the顏 Colossians Ch.2你 vs. 6-7) of Paul to the Colossians Ch.2 vs. 6-7) 年 人

誌 天 顧 光 們

主 With gratitude to the Lord, I have grown up with the Chinese Catholic Com- 慶 願 願 願 教 你 照 , 上 上 上 團 munityWith ever gratitude since itsto birth the 35Lord, years I haveago. grown up with the Chinese Catholic Com- 主 主 主 體 munity ever since its birth 35 years ago. 三 們May what the 你great Apostle Paul’s保 exhortation to his faithful in Colossae be 轉 的 降 十 also an exhortation to us all. 五 May what the great Apostle Paul’s exhortation to his faithful in Colossae be 面 慈 福 香 , 們 護 閻周 also an exhortation to us all. May I also take this opportunity to wish each and every member of the Com- 垂 顏 你 年 港 誌 賜munity a very ,warm greeting and你 prayer on this very special occasion of the 德 th 顧 光 們 35May anniversary I also take of the this Community. opportunity to wish each and every member of the Com-

慶 明 你 照 , munity a very warm greeting and prayer on this very special occasion of the 龍 th

你35 anniversary仁 of the Community.們 們 你 保 愛

香 , 們 護 神 ( 閻 港 總 們 慈 德 賜 , 你 父 明 戶 龍 6

你 仁 們 裁

愛 : 平 對

神 ( 總 們 慈 2 父 4 戶 6 裁 - Fr. Edward Khong.

: 平 對

安 待 2 2

4 Director of Catholic Centre, - 6

安 待 2 ) 6 Catholic Diocese of . )

你 Fr. Edward你 Khong.

Director of Catholic Centre,

Catholic Diocese們 of Hong Kong.

12 13

華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 祝賀與回顧 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence Congratulations & Reminiscenceth CCCCCC 35 35th ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY


th TheThe occasion occasion ofof the 35 th anniversaryanniversary of of CCC CCC is anis importantan important time timeto give to thanks.give thanks. Above Aboveall, the com-all, the com- munitymunity flourishes flourishes because of of the the grace grace of ofGod. God. The The members members of the of community the community gather regularlygather regularly for for Sunday Mass and for other spiritual activities. The annual family camp has been a great occasion for Sunday Mass and for other spiritual activities. The annual family camp has been a great occasion for th spiritual formation of all members. We should give thanks for these opportunities. Chinese Community - 35 Year Celebration spiritual formation of all members. We should give thanks for these opportunities.

Our faith is centred on the fact that God took on human flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. For this reason, the It is healthy to take time out and to celebrate milestone events as to OurChristian faith is religion centred has on always the fact recognised that God the took importance on human of human flesh inbeings, Jesus human of Nazareth. activities, For and this the reason, the Christianwhole of religioncreation inhas revealing always Godrecognised in our world. the importance Here is another of human reason beings, to give thanks:human so activities, many people and the where we have come from in life and then assess as to where we may wholehave givenof creation their time in revealing and their talents God in to our support world. CCC Here and ensureis another that itreason is truly to a giveplace thanks:where people so many people like to go to in the future. haveare nourishedgiven their and time supported and their in their talents faith. to So,support a big CCCthank youand toensure all who that have it isgiven truly and a placecontinue where to people aregive nourished generously and to supported the community. in their You faith. reveal So, God’s a big love thank to us. you to all who have given and continue to give generously to the community. You reveal God’s love to us. On a personal note, I would also like to thank everyone for their hospitality in making me welcome Since coming here to St Kevin’s at Eastwood in January 2014 I have among you. As your spiritual director, I recognise the importance you place on this role within the come to appreciate the wonderful contribution that the Chinese Oncommunity. a personal I note, also acknowledge I would also that like you to teachthank me everyone much about for faiththeir and hospitality life. in making me welcome among you. As your spiritual director, I recognise the importance you place on this role within the Catholic Community have made not just to the Parish of St Kevin but community. I also acknowledge that you teach me much about faith and life. to the wider Church here in Sydney. The occasions of the 35th anniversary is also a time to look forward. For a community to remain active for thirty-five years means that new members keep joining and younger people step up into leadership Theroles. occasions I encourage of the CCC 35 thto anniversary continue to nurture is also our a time young to people.look forward. The community For a community provides a safe to remain and active forsupporting thirty-five environment years means for youngthat new people members to learn keep more joining about their and faith younger and to people make astep commitment up into leadership to Some of the things that have impressed me so much is the high value it. As young people move into adult life they can be confident about their faith. roles. I encourage CCC to continue to nurture our young people. The community provides a safe and this community places on youth education, prayer, singing and music supporting environment for young people to learn more about their faith and to make a commitment to as well as hospitality. In many ways the Chinese Community has set a it.The As characteristic young people of moveany church into communityadult life they is that can it doesbe confident not exist simplyabout theirfor itself faith. and its members. It exists for the sake of the Gospel; it exists to be a witness in the world to the kingdom of God. standard for other church community to follow!

The characteristic of any church community is that it does not exist simply for itself and its members. It Asexists CCC for celebrates the sake this of anniversarythe Gospel; and it exists looks forwardto be a witnessto the years in theahead, world may to the the vison kingdom of the gospelof God. continue to inspire our members and keep us focused on the world beyond the community. May our My thanks for what you do and my blessings for the future, you are in members continue to be a leaven in the world. many ways “a jewel in the crown” of Catholic living today. As CCC celebrates this anniversary and looks forward to the years ahead, may the vison of the gospel continue to inspire our members and keep us focused on the world beyond the community. May our members continue to be a leaven in the world.

Fr Martin R Maunsell Fr Gerard Kelly St Kevin’s Parish, Eastwood

Fr Gerard Kelly

14 15 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧



9 April 2017 時間的洪流轉運, 卅五週年消逝; 小梁自一九八 9 April 2017 二至一九九二年, 離去了美國波士頓; 回來後,未 To the President, Committee 受正式委派﹐樂意像在自由社會裡作地下教會 and members of the Chinese Catholic Community, Sydney. 一般的服務(一笑)。迄今這個龐大團體, 東南西 To the President, Committee It is a great pleasureand members to congratulate of the Chinese you on Catholic the 35th Community, anniversary Sydney. of your foundation. 北中心到處發展; 分枝 或分散; 分枝的,謝上主,

與為人者的合作﹐蓬勃發展; 分散的, 也提醒我 For a number of years the priests of the Society of St Paul have celebrated the EucharistIt is a great with pleasure you on totwo congratulate or three Sundays you on theeach 35th month. anniversary It has been of your a blessing foundation. to 們, 每個領導者, 都不是十全十美的 (perfect); 當今教宗方濟各最 experienceFor a number the ofstrong years faith the priestslife of yourof the community Society of St expressed Paul have in celebrated your prayerful, the 近亦指出, 作父親的, 不尋找完美無暇的母親, 母親也不尋找完美 heartfeltEucharist and with lively you participation on two or three in the Sundays Mass. each month. It has been a blessing to 無缺的父親 父母也不尋找缺失全無的子女﹗言外是說﹐完美無 experience the strong faith life of your community expressed in your prayerful, ; We have witnessed the pastoral care you have for all the members of your heartfelt and lively participation in the Mass. 瑕者何處找﹗ community from the very small to the very old, as well as your active involvement in theWe wider have Church witnessed and the society, pastoral taking care part you havein the for various all the programs members of yourthe local Church 因此, 任何團體都需要彼此諒解﹐聖週四我們都參與, 主耶穌示 andcommunity always ready from to the provide very small assistance to the very when old, tragedies as well as occur, your activeboth locally, involvement nationally in the wider Church and society, taking part in the various programs of the local Church 愛, 給宗徒們洗腳, 祂說: [若我為主子, 為師傅的, 給你們洗腳, 你們 and internationally. and always ready to provide assistance when tragedies occur, both locally, nationally 也該彼此洗腳; 我給你們立了榜樣呌你們也照我給你們所做的去 Weand pray internationally. that the Lord who has watched over you until this day will continue to bestow abundant blessings on you for many years to come. 做. . . . 你們既知道了這些事. 如果實行, 便是有福的] (若13: 14- We pray that the Lord who has watched over you until this day will continue to 15,17) In bestowChrist, ourabundant Teacher, blessings Way, Truthon you and for Life,many years to come.

親愛的兄弟姊妹, 讓我們大家彼此,共同,奮勇,誠心,切求.主的 In Christ, our Teacher, Way, Truth and Life, 聖神光照我們, 靠著祂的神力, 共勉不懈; 祝各位親愛的姊妹兄 Fr Michael Goonan SSP 弟,前程萬里, 光榮上主, 從現在直至永遠.ALLELUIA! DelegateFr Michael Superior Goonan SSP Society of St Paul Delegate Superior Australia 主年二零壹七,復活節慈悲主日-----小梁謹 Society of St Paul Australia

35 Meredith St – PO Box 906 – Strathfield NSW 2135 Australia 16 17 35Tel Meredith 02-9394-3400 St – PO – FaxBox 02-9746-1140906 – Strathfield – www.stpauls.com.auNSW 2135 Australia Tel 02-9394-3400 – Fax 02-9746-1140 – www.stpauls.com.au

華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

 Christian-Muslim Relations  Peace Ecology and Justice  Mission Studies


35 Meredith St – PO Box 906 – Strathfield NSW 2135 – Tel. +612 93943420 – Fax +612 97461140

[email protected] – http://society.stpauls.com.au To the Chinese Community – Sydney

I am writing to congratulate you all on your 35th anniversary. I hope the Mass and meal are graced and enjoyable. 2 April 2017

I am not sure how long I have been saying Masses at either Lindfield, North Parramatta, ON THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF CCC – SYDNEY Camperdown or Eastwood. I began around 2003 because Father Cyril Hally convinced me to help out. TO:

China is special for Columbans but it was especially important for Father Cyril. He often told me Hudson Chen that it was stories about China that he heard from the Sisters in his primary school in Dunedin, and all the members of the Chinese Catholic Community in Sydney New Zealand that convinced him to become a Columban. We Columbans were founded by Bishop Edward Galvin for China. He was the first Bishop of Hanyang. Hanyang is now part of “I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my the city of Wuhan, the part between the Yangtze and Han Rivers. We will be celebrating our every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first th 100 anniversary of our founding next year, 2018. day until now. (Phil 1:3-5) ” Like Cyril, I dreamed of going to China but it wasn’t possible in the 1970s. Still I will never th forget the day I climbed the observation tower in Fanling, Hong Kong to look out over China for I share this Pauline greetings and prayer with you as you celebrate the 35 the first time. I was full of excitement at seeing a large country with such a rich culture and long Anniversary of the Catholic Chinese Community in Sydney. Indeed, it was a history. So, it has also been exciting to work with a Chinese community. privilege to have journeyed with you in the Sunday Eucharistic Thanksgiving, as well as the fellowship thereafter. I have always enjoyed the energy and devotion of your Masses and the meals both in the hall after Mass and during special celebrations. Unfortunately, they haven’t helped me to stay trim and taut. May you continue to keep the alive and share that faith entrusted to you, and enkindle the flame of devotion to the Lord Jesus in your liturgical worship, sacramental life, The weeks I am on Mass for the community I normally regret having to write my homily in catechetical instructions, and community building. advance. But it has been a good discipline. I like teaching and preaching and I think writing them early has normally meant a better homily. At least I hope so. We trust that the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ remain in your hearts, guide and Finally, as I have said many times before, the thing I admire most about your community is that it is lay run. I believe that is the strength of the CCC. It has meant that many people have inspire you in building the church, his mystical body alive today, which you are. served in leadership and it has also ensured that it is “your church”. We priests are invited to serve you but we do not run the community. That is unique. It is a wonderful tribute to you that Praying with you, you have could keep the Chinese Catholic Community alive and vibrant for so long.

Congratulations to you all. I wish the Community and you all individually a long, happy and graced future. Fr. Ruben Areno, SSP Society of St Paul Peace,

Columban Mission Institute Phone: + 61 2 9352 8000 P O Box 968, North Sydney NSW 2059 Fax: + 61 2 9746 8033 Level 8, 23 Berry Street Email: [email protected] North Sydney NSW 2060 Website: www.columban.org.au ABN 17 686 524 625 18 19

愛的分享 真情的愛 沒有忘懷相遇之情 發自人心中的善 沒有疏隔的障礙 善與人同 發之於心的友情之愛 真意的愛 有年復年的回憶 能與真理同樂 共同建樹了對天主的愛 沒有虛偽 甘心情願地奉獻上感恩聖祭 真義的愛 作出無私大愛的分享 給人一個公義公正的交代 使生命充滿著永生喜樂的希望 不鬥不爭的互助互愛 ………… ………… 一朵玫瑰代表了愛的分享 愛使人的生命顯得光采 祈禱中的玫瑰更代表了愛的溝通和奉獻 給世界帶來希望 我們將玫瑰化作祈禱文 人與人能互相共融 一朵一朵 灑在人的心田 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic 提高人的道德意識Community Inc 週年紀念結成愛的服務Anniversary Celebration 懂得抉擇善而棄絕惡 奉獻給主……與主相合為一

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧由是 更將自我的齋戒Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 LOVING CONGRATULATIONS TOCongratulations CCC ON &OUR Reminiscence 35th ANNIVERSARY 祝賀與回顧 今人要培養智慧 作為克己復禮的表達 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 好能提高認知真理的能力 愛的分享 使生命在與主的溝通中

真情的愛 沒有忘懷相遇之情 LOVING CONGRATULATIONS 喚醒良知良能 發自人心中的善 以真誠與純淨的心血灌溉心田沒有疏隔的障礙 TO CCC ON OUR 35th ANNIVERSARY 善與人同 發之於心的友情之愛 Let us thank the Lord for his many blessings, 在生命中發現真理 真意的愛 栽種心中的玫瑰 有年復年的回憶 And his loving relationship with us. 能與真理同樂 共同建樹了對天主的愛 去除虛偽不實的事情 每一朵有愛心的玫瑰都是生命的財富 沒有虛偽 甘心情願地奉獻上感恩聖祭 真義的愛 作出無私大愛的分享 Let“The us thank one thewho Lord welcomes for his you, many welcomes blessings,能明辨善惡是非 me, 人在慷慨的布施分享中 And his loving relationship with us. 給人一個公義公正的交代 使生命充滿著永生喜樂的希望 and the one who welcomes Me, welcomes ………… 更懂得印證價值 不鬥不爭的互助互愛願意將愛心玫瑰送給有愛心的人 the One who sent Me.” Mt 10:40 ………… 一朵玫瑰代表了愛的分享

愛使人的生命顯得光采 祈禱中的玫瑰更代表了愛的溝通和奉獻 “The one who welcomes you, welcomes 在生命中不但了解福禍相連me, 更需要送給需要愛的人和缺乏愛的人 給世界帶來希望 我們將玫瑰化作祈禱文 and the one who welcomes Me, welcomes CCC have taken this quote to heart, we are an Inclusive助人抉擇善而消滅惡 Community, 人與人能互相共融 將人與人的生命不再疏離——一朵一朵 灑在人的心田 the One who sent Me.” Mt 10:40 where everyone is welcomed. A great model for the Church today, 提高人的道德意識 結成愛的服務

where everyone is involved in the ministry of………… the Church. 懂得抉擇善而棄絕惡 因著愛 使人互通合一奉獻給主……與主相合為一

Let us give witness with joy and simplicity to what we are, 由是 更將自我的齋戒 CCC have taken this quote to heart, we are an Inclusive Community, 今人要培養智慧 因著愛 使人和諧共融作為克己復禮的表達 and what we believe in. 愛是需要分享的 where everyone is welcomed. A great model for the Church today, 好能提高認知真理的能力 使生命在與主的溝通中

where everyone is involved in the ministry of the關閉自封的愛不是真愛 Church. 喚醒良知良能 因著愛 使人心靈安和以真誠與純淨的心血灌溉心田 Let us give witness with joy and simplicity to what we are, 在生命中發現真理 栽種心中的玫瑰 TOGETHER LET US FACEand THE what FUTURE we believe WITH in. CONFIDENCE人在分享生命的愛之際 AND HOPE. 去除虛偽不實的事情 因著愛 使人喜樂平安每一朵有愛心的玫瑰都是生命的財富

要有真情真意真義…… 能明辨善惡是非 因著愛 使人充實美麗人在慷慨的布施分享中 更懂得印證價值 願意將愛心玫瑰送給有愛心的人 TOGETHER LET US FACE THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE分享永遠是雙方的行動 AND HOPE. 在生命中不但了解福禍相連 因著愛 使人勇敢創新更需要送給需要愛的人和缺乏愛的人 助人抉擇善而消滅惡 將人與人的生命不再疏離—— ………… 因著愛 使人無是無非 因著愛 使人互通合一 不按私意私心而行 愛是需要分享的 因著愛 使人和諧共融

Teresia Seeto rsj 關閉自封的愛不是真愛 因著愛 使人心靈安和 在無私心下的分享 因著愛 使人不憂不懼 人在分享生命的愛之際 因著愛 使人喜樂平安

要有真情真意真義…… 因著愛 使人充實美麗 才能流露出愛的光芒 如是者 分享永遠是雙方的行動 因著愛 使人勇敢創新 Teresia Seeto rsj 照亮人心……溫暖人靈…… 不按私意私心而行 人人在愛中共建人間淨土 因著愛 使人無是無非 在無私心下的分享 因著愛 使人不憂不懼 ………… 才能流露出愛的光芒 如是者 照亮人心……溫暖人靈…… 人人在愛中共建人間淨土 這有朋自遠方來 ………… 這有朋自遠方來 是一份愛的回憶 是一份愛的回憶 周景勳神父 也是一份愛的尊重 周景勳神父 也是一份愛的尊重

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Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

Victor Dominello Minister for Finance, Services and Property


Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Chinese Catholic Community 35th Anniversary

It gives me great pleasure to contribute a message on this significant occasion.

Over the past 35 years the Chinese Catholic Community has provided members of the Chinese community with Christian teaching and outreach. It has also administered programs focused on social and educational assistance.

The growth of the organisation since its founding is testament to its commitment and dedication to community service.

Australia enjoys a strong and growing Chinese community and the Chinese Australian community has played an integral role in the development of our harmonious multicultural society.

Today NSW is proudly home to more than 400,000 residents who were either born in China or come from Chinese ancestry.

Today is an opportunity to reflect on the organisation’s achievements and recognise those that have made it so successful over the past 35 years.

Thank you again for including me in this special occasion. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Yours sincerely,

The Hon. Victor Dominello MP Minister for Finance, Services and Property

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Special Envoy for Human Rights 週年紀念 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations to the Chinese Catholic Community on your 35th anniversary. Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

Your achievements in providing religious centres for the Asian Migrants have played a significant role in migrants’ experience in a new country, especially when there are language and culture differences.

CCC had not only sponsored the refugees from Vietnam, to migrate to this country. You have provided assistance to them in gaining access to domestic accommodation, school, medical services and social benefits. Similarly, had assisted the Chinese Students 1984 to remain in Australia. Your liturgy services, On behalf of the NSW Federation of Community Language School management committee and catechism, bible sharing groups, home visit for the sick, School, retreats/family staff, I would like to congratulate the Chinese Catholic Community on the celebration on your camps, migrant welfare and luncheon group after Sunday mass have benefited many. 35th Anniversary of your community language school.

Since your humble beginning in Camperdown’s St Josephs Church your school community has continued to grow and prosper due to the hard work and dedication of so many of the within the Chinese Catholic Community. I was invited to the official opening ceremony of the CCC Homes Project with the Most Rev Bishop Manning, Bishop of Parramatta. I can still remember my firsthand experience of your comprehensive Having established a Chinese community language schoolfirst in Camperdown then at Northmead High School that caters to the needs of both the Mandarin and speaking care for your members from babies to when they are aged. communities highlights the richness of Chinese languages and culture.

By having this very important community asset; the Chinese community language school enables your community to assist the newly arrived migrants as well as those of Chinese It is my pleasure to say that CCC has not only served the Lord, it has proudly served humanity and Aus- heritage who wish to learn the language of their parents or grandparents. tralia. The NSW Federation of Community Language Schools is very proud to provide assistance to the Chinese Catholic Community when needed and will continue to lobby on your behalf for additional funding to ensure that your school has the resources and teachers to enable the students to enjoy learning the Mandarin or Cantonese languages.

Yours sincerely The Chinese Catholic Communityis an important part of our multicultural society here in NSW and it is important that as community leaders that your organisation continues to grow and serve the needs of the community.

We wish you all the best for your anniversary and may you have a bright and prosperous future for many more years to come

The Hon Philip Ruddock Kind Regards

Albert Vella OAM President - NSWFCLS

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Committee Members and Associates 委員會成員及友好 In 1992, we were fortunate to be able to appoint Fr. Matthias Mo as our Chaplain.

In 1997, using the same formula for the establishment of the Western Centre at St Monica’s, a third location – the “Northern Centre” - was opened at the Holy Family Parish in Lindfield for the members living in the Broken Bay Diocese. The Ups and Downs of CCC over the last 35 years (1984 – 2017) In the same year, with the Government’s subsidy, a home for the well-aged mem- bers was constructed and opened in Toongabbie where the elderly members of our community live Everything has a humble beginning and it is good because the situation can only improve if you have together happily under CCC’s management. a goal or goals to guide you. What goes up must come down! (or so they say…) 35 years ago, I joined a group of faithfuls believing that we can help both ourselves and others to jointly strengthen our faith. At the same time, we believed in evangelisation. Bravely, despite the ob- Sadly, CCC went through a change as the winds shifted in 2007. It withdrew from the Western Centre jection from certain religious order, we decided to set up a laity-based religious organisation to even though a majority of the members remained at St Monica’s with a parish priest. Some members achieve our goals - strengthening both our faith and evangelisation. went to Camperdown, others to Lindfield and some went to their own local parishes.

In 1984, Cardinal Freeman granted us permission to officially form the Chinese Catholic Community Whilst the change was not ideal, there was a silver lining. Whilst CCC had relinquished the Western to practise Vatican II doctrines. He had also allocated a priest to be our spiritual director and a cen- Centre, the strong and faithful members from St. Monica’s still gathered for their evangelisation and tre at St. Joseph’s Parish Church, Camperdown. bible sharing activities. They have now become the corner stones of the Eastwood Centre formed in 2014 based at St Kevin’s Parish. From there, we kept on going to reach our goals by having a devoted management committee to guide and work with groups focusing on the liturgy, catechism, bible sharing, home visits to the sick, CCC’s Eastwood Centre received the blessing of both Bishop (before he was ap- Chinese Language School, common interest hobbies, retreats/family camps, migrant welfare and pointed Bishop of Broken Bay) and Fr. Martin Manusell, the then new parish priest of St. Kevin’s. I am luncheon group (sharing a meal after Sunday mass) for the Glory of God. happy to share that St Kevin’s is thriving with a wonderful community of loving members.

The number of members kept increasing so that we were encouraged to renovate both the church’s In the last 35 years, with God’s Love and Trust in HIM, CCC has had its ups and downs and I believe choir loft and meeting hall to accommodate the overflowing church and meeting rooms. We were eventually, no matter how down one might be, as long as we stay with HIM, we will eventually go up also encouraged that the numbers of baptisms were ever increasing for the first 20 years as we wel- to Heaven. comed more to the Catholic Faith. The last count was an impressive number of over 1,000 baptisms!

To accommodate the growing need, a second Centre for the CCC was established in 1991. Under the chaplaincy of Fr. Joseph Tak Lung YIM of Hong Kong we gathered weekly at St. Monica’s Parish Church, North Parramatta which was referred to as the “Western Centre”. Within 6 years, (until it was taken over by the Parish Priest of St. Monica’s), the average Sunday attendants were:

Sunday Mass – 600 Hudson Chen Sunday school/youth - 100 Consultant to CCC Administration Catechism – 5 classes Chinese School – 620 students Sunday luncheon – 250

There were also numerous groups for bible sharing, common interest hobbies, liturgy, visiting of the sick, monthly bulletin, radio program for bible sharing and hobby groups etc.

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I was born in Chinese Catholic Community in 1998 with my family, husband & daughter. We 祝賀華人天主教會三十五週年慶典 were one of the hundreds of families that got baptised in CCC. Soon after the baptism, I was invited by Wai Pon to take up the Secretary role within the community and my husband had 當關會長告訴我「我需要你們寫一篇關於華人天主教會三十五週年的文章」,我一直在想 also started to teach Sunday School in Western Centre. 應該寫什麼呢?回想起來,我參與華人天主教會已經二十年了,自從參與CCC北區的第一次 As I had just stopped working then, I really appreciated the opportunity to use my skills again 彌撒開始,由1997年六月到今年已經踏入二十年,其間參與彌撒,從不間斷。我是一個默 and serve the community. Since then, I had always been a committee members until 2007 默工作的人,總是盡力而為,少說話多做事,抱著愛心去做好眼前的工作。每星期主日都 when Western Centre was dissolved. It was until three years ago (2014) when CCC established 以愉快的心情去參與彌撒,更開心的是,我和丈夫Henry都是北區煮飯組的成員之一,每個 the Eastwood Centre that I returned to the committee and started supporting the youth group.

月有一次煮餸的機會,我很珍惜這個機會,希望有更多的教友都能體驗到服務其實是一份 Like many other newly baptized Catholics, I didn’t have much faith after baptism. It was 恩寵。亦希望教友們都有一份包容的心去接受身邊其他的人,將福音的教導以行動實踐, through all these years of participating in the committee, that I found Jesus in the people 愛主愛人。 around me. The selfless dedication of the committees of CCC, the teamwork to make things happen, and even the disagreements when everyone was trying to get things done perfectly, I have learned from all these to know where God’s love is. 望到成長的孩子,亦心感歲月的度過。我身為四個孩子的母親,及四個孫兒的祖母,從

1985 年移民澳洲到今天亦有三十二年寒暑。當年新移民的我,和丈夫帶著兩個幼兒,費心 During my experience of ups and downs in CCC in the past 20 years, I have started to build up 為四歲的大兒子找幼稚園,真是天主的安排,在街上我們碰到了一位太太,告訴我附近有 my faith. I have learned how to embrace, how to love your neighbour as well as people that upset you. I have also learned to trust Him, knowing that He is always there with us. 一間天主教小學,可試試運氣。我們心想我們不是教徒,學校會收我兒子嗎,出乎意料,

修女校長錄取了我兒子。後來送兒子上學時見到了介紹給我這學校的太太,她的兒子也進 I used to think that it was good to be able to help or serve others, but after so many years I fi- 了同一間小學。當時校長一共錄取了起碼五位非教友的華人小朋友,現在這五個華人家庭 nally realized that it is God’s blessing to have the opportunity to serve the community and learn 都是虔誠的教友,真是一份非常有意思的福傳,實是天主的恩賜。我們家住在 Lindfield how to be In Him With Him Through Him in the unity of Holy Spirit.

區,到附近 Holy Family Catholic Church 參加活動,不經不覺已經三十年。 Knowing that there are many capable and dedicated members in our community, I have never imagined taking up the Chairperson position. I believe God may want to tell me that I still have 我除了參與CCC 行政委員會的工作外,亦是CCC Homes 委員會成員之一。親身體驗到每一 more to learn. 個委員會的成員都以熱誠、愛心、奉獻的精神,努力不懈地工作。我從他們的服務精神, I really enjoy the friendship, the dedication and teamwork of our community. I pray that God 學習到如何做基督的兒女。我們是天主福傳的工具,亦是祂的見證。 continues to give us guidance to build the community and spread the Good News to more peo- ple. 在此祝賀華人天主教會三十五週年紀念,同時亦期望華人天主教會能以不懈的努力,繼續


Catherine Wong Chairperson, Eastwood Centre

Gloria Cheung Chairperson, Lindfield Centre

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Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

奇妙的靈性健身房 It is a joy to send my congratulations to the CCC for 35 wonderful years celebrated in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 「你的言語是我步履前的靈燈,是我路途上的光明。」(詠115:109)

感謝主的真光,帶領 CCC 邁入感恩的35週年!不管晴天陰天下雨天,CCC 沿途都有慈愛的 History reveals that many communities never reach this milestone of 35 years. It is evident this 主耶穌結伴同行,那是何等的福氣!實在叫我們教友難掩心中的興奮,忙不迭地高聲歌讚 community has a strong and devoted group of volunteers. 頌主恩!

My family and I were truly blessed when God gave us the opportunity to join this community. My 以人的年齡計算,35歲正值壯年,是人生衝鋒陷陣的拼搏期。但是,相信聰明的現代人不 spiritual journey started in this community and through all the activities we have enjoyed, such 會再愚昧得不分輕重,不知好歹地衹為應付生計而衝、衝、衝。他們不會再一頭栽進「年 as recently a talk from John Poon, the adorations, prayers and sharing groups, I am sure my spiri- 輕時用健康換金錢,等年紀老大之時,則花金錢去保健康」這莫大的諷刺裏面。健康,人 tual journey will continue to grow. Thank you to God for the way he has guided and provided. 人想要!君不見當今新舊的健身強體運動名目多多:什麼 kickboxing、birkam yoga、太 極拳劍刀扇班。多少人不惜花錢入會,為的是強迫自己一星期去幾回Gym;去Boot Camp受 訓鍛鍊、去跳廣場舞等等以提升體能,活化筋絡。 Also praise the Lord for our founding members of this church community, Mr Hudson Chen and

the team, for those whom God has added to our church family over the years for their devotion. 其實,我們可有留意,原來這35年來,主耶穌在 CCC 也開設了一間十分具規模的靈性健身 房。不論男女老幼,一律免費入會。看!35年來,祂還親自從世界各地,召叫了無數的神 Anniversaries allow us to remember God's goodness by looking at how far he has brought us. At 父來到悉尼為我們擔當靈魂的教練。祂舉辦了明供聖體、退省、家庭營、靈修講座等,足 the same time, anniversaries also challenge us to move forward and move closer toward God's 以強化信仰身心靈肌肉的特訓鍛鍊班。而且每一次祂都必定蒞臨,親自教導我們!祂日夜 vision and the plan he holds for us. 盼望教友都能充滿聖神的智慧,不要墮入耗盡一生去換取可被蟲蛀、被盜竊的資財的陷 阱。祂多麼渴望我們不要等到回歸天家之時,才驀然驚懼,原來自己沒有為不朽的靈魂花

過什麼心思、提供過什麼滋補;更遑論為靈魂積聚過什麼天上的財富!為教友的靈魂來 May God’s grace, wisdom and blessings pour upon this church community as we celebrate the 說,比起身體失去健康,這可不是更失落的諷刺嗎? Lord our God.

主啊,祢讓我們有別於其他受造物,就在於那由祢親自內置的尊貴靈魂。真的,靈修生活 Every community needs a group of people who will take God, His word and His testimony seri- 的健康何其重要!究竟我們靈魂的活水江河管道是否硬化了?心靈的筋絡有否因為缺乏靈 ously and commit to live the same. PRAISE THE LORD! for what He has done, what He is doing 修的活動而變得老化?和別人的關係有沒有缺乏靈修的彈性而顯得僵化? and what He is going to do for His Glory through us. 主內的兄弟姊妹,來吧!讓我們在慶祝 CCC 成立 35週年之時,憑著聖神的推動,在未

來,齊來參與耶穌靈性健身房的訓練活動吧!讓我們的靈性肌肉得以強化,心靈的血管得 The best is yet to come. May God’s continued blessings rest upon the community and give us 以活化,彼此相親相愛的人際彈性得以舒張有度 many more fruitful years. 吧!

主耶穌, 我們來啦! Lucy Leung

Vice Chairperson, Eastwood Centre


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今年是華人天主教會成立三十五週年,正好我和妻子亦結婚了三十五年。反思華人天主教會的萌 芽及成長跟自己的結婚很相似。它的成立好像當初和所鍾愛的人締合,大家合力地建立一個理想 的家庭。好像我倆經歷生兒育女,供書教學,直至他們成家立業一樣。我們的團體亦經過不少銳 變,其中起起落落,離離合合,悲喜參半。

喜的是日見團體壯大,不斷有新家庭及教友加入,新的肢體不斷成立-中區中心、西區中心、北 區中心、中文學校、以及高齡之家。服務對象由孩童、青年、成年,更惠至年長者。多年來見證 了不同移民家庭的成長及變化,看着自己及他人的孩子,由主日學到上中文學校,交友及成家立 室,生兒育女,三代隨著至四代,在主的愛內團體不斷日益茁壯。

然而亦目睹到團體的銳變。正如我倆夫妻相處亦經過不少考驗,兩人意見的分歧,對事情看法各 異,都增添不少挑戰和危機。因種種不同的原因,團體經歷了多次重大的變遷,西區中心撥交教 區華人牧民處,中區中心回歸堂區,及看見高齡之家和團體內的長者及弟兄姊妹之離別,深深感 受到一個家的分裂及家人離開之悲傷。

前年,在天主眷顧下,團體順利地在依士活駐足,在 St Kevin Parish 成立了一個新的肢體。非 常感受到主在我們這個團體所作的一切,引領著我們穩步前進。

回望這些主的工作,心裏感觸良多。祂一直耐心地看顧這團體,照顧團體中每一個人,一手編織 著一個個不同的人生。然而,人不一定會永遠常在,團體亦不一定要永遠人聲鼎沸,但正正是那 一份真切的愛,大家懷著包容的心,好像主耶穌愛我們一樣,不離不棄。子女長大離開父母,但 仍會默默地懷念這個家,一聽召喚就趕切回到這個心繫的團體。

有幸當了幾年高齡之家管理委員會主席,服務這個小天地,經多年來和多位長者相處,感受到長 者對生命的熱愛及對人的忠誠,他們付予我及周圍的人的關心,使我領悟到何謂愛主愛人,懇切 希望能引証這份愛去感染更多人,尤其是未歸信主的,讓主的愛在每個人的心中成長。

團體的大小並不重要,只要心繫基督,信靠天主,把福音用行為廣傳開去,成聖自身,聖化他 人,便是好事。祝願華人天主教會代代相傳,結出更多豐美的果實。

Joe Lai Chairperson, CCC Homes

32 33 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

I would also like to thank the countless number of CCC aunties and uncles that volunteered their time to shape I may only have had been about 5 years old at the time, but I remember standing at the front of the altar receiving the community into what it is today. It is through their selfless actions and love for God that I would be able to the sacrament of baptism with my mother and sister at St Joseph’s Camperdown – my first recollection of CCC al- learn from on how to be a follower of Christ. most 30 years ago. Today, I would like to share a short reflection of my faith journey in this community.

I feel truly blessed to have been brought up in the CCC community for the past 30 years – to have had the oppor- When I was very young, my parents, as most of you would know as Wai and Van-Ky, drove my sister and me to tunity to grow in God’s love and at the same time retain my Chinese identity in a Western country. I pray that Camperdown every Sunday morning. This was at a time when traffic congestion wasn’t much of an issue– yes I God’s grace will continue to be poured out over the community to grow and stay strong under His guidance. know that it’s hard to imagine!

My early Christian life was very simple – colouring pictures of Jesus and other Biblical characters in Sunday School

and learning how to fold paper aeroplanes. Attending mass usually involved sitting down on the kneeler and using Harold Pon the pews as a table where we played with our toys or colouring books (sometimes even on the pews but don’t tell Youth Group/Young Adult Group Leader the current parish priest that). Yes, that was how my faith journey began!

After lunch in the Church hall, my mother would walk my sister and me (I had a bright yellow back pack at the time) down Parramatta Rd to the local school where we attended Chinese School run by the Church parents. It was a good 20 minute walk which to a young boy at the time felt like Dante’s walk in the Divine Comedy – long and painful.

Even though I may not have valued it at the time (attending an extra day of school!), upon reflection now as an young adult, I truly appreciate the perseverance that my parents imposed on me to study Chinese and also thank- ful to CCC for running the school and thus giving Australian Born Chinese (ABC) kids, like myself, the opportunity to learn about their cultural heritage in a safe and fun environment.

In mid 1990s, CCC established the Western Centre in North Parramatta and the Chinese School was also relocated there. My parents followed and there began a new chapter in my faith journey and new memories.

Not long after we moved there, I joined a newly formed ABC group, “Altar Boy Club”, with a few other young boys whom some would later become my close friends in life. My involvement in Church ministry commenced.

As the number of new young families joined the church, the number of youths increased. The parents saw the need for youth ministry leading to the formation of the CCC Youth Group. It started from humble beginnings GROWING TOGETHER IN FAITH where the Sunday Youth gatherings mainly involved games and bible re-enactments. As we grew older, the format slowly evolved to Church teachings and we had camps and Praise & Worships nights. It was through the CCC Youth Group that I forged many life-long friendships. Friends who not only shared common interest in games or sports St Kevin’s Youth Group/Young Adults Eastwood, or better known as SKYE, is currently in its second year after the but friends who would encourage each other to develop further in their faith journey. establishment of CCC’s Eastwood community. With the help and support of CCC, our youth group is slowly grow- ing as young teens and adults join in sharing the Catholic faith every Sunday. Through the sharing of experiences in Some of my fondest recollections at St Monica’s include playing hide and seek game at the CCC Mid-Autumn festi- relation to the Gospel every week, we are able to empathise and incorporate the ways of God’s Word into our val as an “annual” tradition amongst the youths. In one particular year, 2 youths even climbed to the top of the daily lives. In turn, this allows all of us to share personal encounters and encourage a closer fellowship. portable classrooms to hide (come talk to me if you want to know who they were). As a young adult who has been a member of the CCC community since two decades ago, it has been a pleasure to I would like to express my gratitude to all the Church parents that worked tirelessly to run and organise the Youth grow in faith with this wonderful community. All the mentors and leaders have played an important role in nur- Group. I don’t recall being the best-behaved youth when I was younger and would regularly incur the wrath of the turing and strengthening our relationship with God in the hopes that this example would be sustained for future “church parents” for my many mischiefs. Without their patience and words of wisdom, many of us wouldn’t be members. where we are now in our faith journey. On behalf of SKYE, we would like to express our gratitude for CCC’s continuous support and encouragement. We would also like to congratulate CCC a happy 35th anniversary and hope that it may continue to strengthen in faith and community throughout the years ahead.

From one of the SKYE leaders

34 35 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧 Congratulations & Reminiscence 祝賀與回顧

為什麼我們要辦中文學校? 過去兩年間,有機會為 CCC Eastwood中心担任排舞班導師,是我畢生最感欣慰的事情。

每逢主日下午,我帶着期待及興奮的心情,抵達 St Kevin’s 聖堂。

很高興能分享華人天主教會慶祝三十五週年的喜樂,在這裡先祝賀華人天主教會踏進第三 十六年,在主的光照及引領下,能繼續克盡己任,成為地上的鹽,世上的光,傳揚天主的 排舞班在二零一四年十月開始,舉辦初期,主要為初學者而設。回想第一課開始之時,同 喜訊。 學們戰戰兢兢驚驚地步入禮堂,大家略欠信心,靦腆地開展人生初次的「舞蹈生涯」。儘 管有些同學從未跳過舞,但他/她們勤奮好學,鍥而不捨地學習,甚至休息時間也互相學習 華人天主教會中文學校於華人天主教會成立翌年開辦,今年已經進入第三十四個年頭。初 砥礪。返家後又重新溫習,絕不苟且。 期在 Camperdown 上課,於一九九一年搬到 North Parramatta, 再於二〇〇七年遷到 Northmead, 運作到現在。今年的學生人數為一百三十人左右,跟高峰期的數百人相比, 轉瞬間,排舞班己渡過兩個多年頭。 當然不能同日而喻。那為什麼我們還要辦下去呢?

我從二〇〇七年開始擔任義務學校總務,在這之前,我是云云家長之一,每個星期日風雨 班上的小孩兒如今己長大成人,悠然自得,不徐不疾地隨着音樂起舞,過去兩年,更在節 不改地送孩子們到中文學校,但免不了要面對孩子不肯上學的時刻。期間只好不斷循循善 日慶典中表演。 誘,甚至無所不用其極,務求令孩子走進課室,便可心安理得地離開。每當孩子們問我為 什麼要上中文學校時,我的答案是:華裔移民在澳洲生活,不僅要融入主流社會,更要保 透過互相學習及支持,同學們建立了溫馨的友誼。除了上課,不時有聚會,交流跳舞心 留自己民族的文化傳統,集合東西文化的好處,真是受益不盡。當然,從實際角度來看, 得。有些同學更因此成為知交,在其他事情上,互相扶持,彼此照顧。同學們在排舞班找 懂中英兩種語言,差不多可以走遍天下了。而且華人天主教會中文學校是悉尼區內少數開 到身、心、靈的支持,是我感到最為安慰之事。 辦粵語繁體字班,而同時從六年級開始在粵語班加設普通話拼音課程的學校,若學生們努 力學習,便可以達到兩文三語的標準。華人天主教會中文學校的存在,就是保存中國傳統 文化,傳授中文知識,讓學生們能豐富知識技能,好好為他們的人生作出準備。 在此,謹向 CCC 同仁致謝,除了優秀的場地,更獲Eastwood 中心的執委們事無大小的慷 慨協助及支持。此外,還有排舞班的義工隊伍勤懇無私的奉献,令每星期的排舞班得以順 然而華人天主教會中文學校同時肩負另一個重要使命,就是接觸學生家長,舉辦活動,進 利進行。在CCC 這兩年,我深深體驗到這個教會團體的互助互愛,人間有情的典範。 行福傳工作。鑑於人手不足及其他客觀因素,目前我們只能夠在上課前集隊時誦念天主 經,以及透過電郵及通告,讓家長們得知華人天主教會活動的訊息,從而邀請他們參加, 盼望在天主的眷顧下,我們繼續手牽手,心連心地向教會內外更多的朋友,伸出友誼之 希望幫助他們邁出接觸天主的第一步。 手。

基於以上的信念,加上華人天主教會的支持,義工們的支援,中文學校得以運作至今。希 望學校能繼續得到大家各方面的支持,堅持使命,邁向四十週年。

張麗梅 Anna Pi 學校總務 排舞班老師

36 37 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Sharing 教友分享 Sharing 教友分享

昔日 、今日 在場各位處於現今亂世多事之時,彼此應團結合作,做基督化身,多關心身邊的一切事 物,並有忘我精神。若有新教友或新移民,遇到困難時應施予援手,好讓他們能解開心 雪梨華人天主教會成立三十五週年,可喜可賀!身為教會內的弟兄姊妹亦感到欣慰地共 結,渡過逆境,步向光明的人生旅程! 同慶祝。三十五年前它由幾個華人天主教家庭組成,以增進成員的共融,加強彼此對教

會的歸屬感。當時移民在澳的華人教友較少,彼此關心,共負責任,同甘共苦來體驗團 此外,修女們也身負重任,協助華人天主教會推進會務。現今最為人熟識的有司徒修女, 體生活的意義,並關注社會上各項影響教友生活質素的事物及政策,是一個自發性的信 她年紀不小,但精力充沛,且任勞任怨地工作。關心中心內各教友的近况外,又忙於為高 仰團體。 齡之家的住客服務,好讓他們能安享晚年,有美好的生活。當教友患病入院時,必去探

病,送上祝福和問候,盡忠職守,難能可貴!何修女、易修女、黃修女及羅修女等神職人 初期的團體只是一小幼苖,但三十五年後移民來澳的教友日漸增加,投入教會大家庭的 員,也本着「愛」為主,替教會服務。尤其是羅修女,逢週日開兩小時多的車程到北區中 人數因地域不同而增多。昔日的小幼苖,如今己茁壯成長,現分別有北區中心、依士活 心主持慕道班,風雨不改,精神可嘉!現今加入的會員有些是她的慕道者,真的是桃李滿 中心、高齡之家等。參與教會者多來自五湖四海,學貫中西,真的是臥虎藏龍,人才濟 門。可惜因路途遠,加上年紀問題,她己停止北區中心的工作。雖然她離開我們,但她那 濟。其中不少肯犧牲並熱心為教會服務者,他們都能各盡所能,各展所長地通力合作, 和靄可親,甚少生氣的慈祥面容,永留教友心中。她是主的化身,有基督般的犧牲精神為 共同推進會務。現今在雪梨華人社會中,頗有名氣,為華人爭光!身為其中一份子是多 大的福氣呀! 教會服務。羅修女,我們永遠記着你!並為妳祈禱,願主保祐你!

教會舉行特別彌撒聖祭時,定必有一寫上「天主是愛」的扇子放在祭壇中央,表示各會 總之,加入雪梨華人天主教會是主賜的福!因彼此有共同言語,容易溝通。況且人生旅途 員皆是家庭內成員。除參與宗教活動外,要有「愛主愛人」的精神,盡力為教會服務, 崎嶇,並不平坦,有時會遇上逆境。每人都有各自背負的十字架,當有解不開的心結,有 減輕會內神職人員的工作量。常見一班像基督般有愛心的教友,不甘後人肯負責抱着為 人來施予援手,彼此關懷,互相幫助,發揮「愛主愛人」的精神多好啊!何况疾病和痛苦 主服務的精神,無私地献出他們的時間來推進會務,功不可歿,值得嘉許! 是教友們的嚴重考驗。令人感受到自己力量有限和生命的脆弱時,有一班充滿愛心的主內 弟兄姊妹前來慰問,並帶來美食鮮花,滋潤的愛心湯水及書報雜誌等精神食糧,頓時既開 由於它是為華人組成的教會,故神職人員多是華人,最為熟識的有已故馬仕冲神父,仍 心又可忘却病痛。曾受惠者定會引起共嗚,並知道認識主且加入華人天主教會是福中之 在職的梁加恩神父。雪梨華人神父少,特請來自香港的神父主禮,以補不足。他們在港 福!希望教會能發揚光大,有更多的週年紀念!日後薪火相傳,不斷成長,更多外教人加 的工作雖忙,仍常抽空來雪梨主持宗教活動、聖經營、避靜等靈修善工。今年復活節的 入我們的教會,共同感謝主!事奉主!讚美主! 聖週禮儀,閻德龍神父來澳聯同梁神父主持各項活動,更為教友們做半日避靜。話題多 天主保祐! 是語重深長,一針見血,當頭棒喝來警惕教友們,加深會員的信德,以光榮主外更希望


38 39 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Sharing 教友分享 Sharing 教友分享

聖經/家庭營的誕生 (2005), 倪德文神父(2006), 韓大輝神父(2008), 周景勳神父(2009,2010, 2014), 陳永超 神父(2012), 蔡惠民神父(2013), 麥英健神父(2015)和廖雅倫神父(2016)。 1991年正值是香港人來澳洲的移民潮,CCC 有感需要在悉尼西部多設一個彌撒中心,以方 便不少在山區聚居的新移民。感謝天主的眷顧與安排,我們有幸得到巴拉瑪打教區第一任 親愛的弟兄姊妹,福傳活動是需要有創意與夢想的,如是天主喜悅的,只要我們願意行出 主教 Bishop Bead Heather 的協助及支持,北巴拉瑪打的聖莫尼加堂便成為我們在西區新 第一步,天主一定會成全一切,聖經/家庭營就是最佳見證,期望大家藉天主的恩寵,繼續 的彌撒中心,而香港時任的胡樞機亦非常擁護這新的計劃,竟派了閻德龍神父來悉尼半 努力,加油! 年,作為我們西區中心的「開荒牛」,事就這樣成了。

在這半年中,除彌撒外,閻神父主持了不少信仰活動,我內心非常欣慰之餘,而一直在我 Teresa Lau 心底的切望又重新湧現出來,那就是看見很多基督教朋友每年都有定期的舉家宿營信仰活 動,為什麼我們不能?這主要是因為我們缺乏會說廣東話的神師,而當時既然閻神父留下 有一段較長的時間,這問題便解決了。於是我便將這一直以來的夢想對閻神父及當時的會 長 Hudson 提出,很欣賞 Hudson 辦事的魄力與果斷,他很快便聯絡到來自香港的聖保祿 修女們,而她們竟又慷慨地願意將其在西郊 Moss Vale 的寄宿學校,在聖誕暑假期間借出 慈愛樂園 (Happy Family Group) 是在2008年成立,初期是為年青人設立的一個聚會。成 給我們作為場地,事就這樣成了。 立三個月後增加了成人聖言分享小組,到現在已差不多十年了。我們大部分的成員都是 CCC會員,並同時積極參與CCC各區中心的廣東話彌撒。 第一屆聖經營於91年聖誕節後的一天開始,共三日兩夜,當時參加者只有二、三十人,兒 童亦只有七、八個,我們亦有幸得到玫瑰修女(Sr. Rosanne Sinclair)幫忙照顧及帶領這 這段日子,感謝 CCC 的努力,使我們有機會參與廣東話彌撒,教會活動,如中秋節慶祝晚 班五至十歲的小伙子。成人的講座就在St. Mary 宿舍樓下的客廳舉行,有人坐在沙發上, 會、復活節聖週禮儀、神父退省等等,獲益良多。 有人席地而坐,無拘無束,加上閻神父一向風趣的講道,使那幾天的氣氛非常舒暢歡樂,

靈性得到充沛之餘,肉體的飽飫也得到一班熱心的弟兄姊妹(不乏有大廚經驗的)照顧三 在過去35年, CCC 努力不邂提供我們一個有親切感的廣東話彌撒,它願意分享資源,為不 餐,還有早午茶點。大家分工合作,有入營前購物的,有餐前洗洗切切的,正式下廚的, 同的華人天主教團體提供一個平台,使大家聚集在一起,互相支持宗教活動。並且向本地 膳後清理的.....總之,工作雖繁重,要很多安排,但大家一起合作得非常愉快,有說有 教區介紹中國文化,推廣廣東話彌撒,向華人社區廣傳福音,不遺餘力。 笑,一切輕鬆渡過,感謝主,讚美主!

在此祝願華人天主教會繼續善用天主的恩典,使更多人成為世上的鹽和光。 感謝聖保祿修女們的不斷支持及每年參加者極好的迴嚮,結果一年復一年,聖經營竟沒有

間斷地舉辨到現在,已一共有二十六年的歷史了。參加人數曾一度高達二百多人,分成 人、青年和兒童三大組別,亦由聖經營改稱為家庭營,因後者更為貼切,其中不乏有人在 參加後加入慕道班,成為教友。而我亦一共參加了二十四屆,看到因經驗的累積,一年比 一年辦得好,加上這麼多年來,華人團體的增長,已不斷有新的團體誕生或分支出來,所 以家庭營亦成為一年一度不同團體弟兄姊妹聚首的機會,去分享友誼和信仰。

在此,我衷心感謝過往曾對聖經/家庭營支持及付出努力的弟兄姊妹、聖保祿修女們、及尤 其所有曾帶領我們的神師,他/她們計有:閻德龍神父(1991,1995,1996,1997), 楊鳴章神 父(1992,1993,2002), 關俊棠神父(1994), 馬仕冲神父(1998), 林祖明/呂煥卿修女 (1999),吳岳清神父(2000,2001,2003), 關傑棠神父(2004,2007,2011), 梁潔芬修女

40 41 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

教友分享 「相」當年 Sharing Holy Week 聖周 Memories

喜聞 CCC 慶祝三十五週年,回頭看看自己廿八年前帶著二個小女兒從香港移民來澳洲雪 梨,人生路不熟,認識的人只有三個,都是以前的護士同學。其中一位為我們做了一件善 事,就是在主日帶了我們去 Camperdown 的 St Joseph Church,參加說廣東話的華人教友 團體 CCC。我說她對我們做了件善事,是因為在這團體內,我認識了今天大部分的朋友, 很多成了莫逆之交。天主在中間帶領着我開放自己,從一個只顧自己的基督徒,到今天能 1998 2005 2006 與一大班兄弟姊妹同行的教徒,都拜這團體所賜!

我本人的經歷相信也是很多朋友的寫照。移民初期每主日到教堂參與彌撒,下午則送孩子 上中文學校,家長組織查經班,從中互相交往,發展友誼圈。今天孩子們都長大成家,感 安慰的是大部分都是愛主愛人的有為青年。

差不多廿年前我們在所屬堂區 Kingsgrove 成立了華人團體,積極參與堂區事務,亦得到 2008 2012 2012 本堂神父以及教友們的支持和包容,我們團體在質與量方面都在穩步成長。雖然我們屬於 堂區,但卻與CCC保持緊密聯繫,例如每年年終的聖經營我們都踴躍投入參加。CCC就好像 我們的大哥哥一樣,從團體初成立時不斷給予支持,舉辦活動一定預留我們的一份。我們 有什麼問題,CCC 大哥大姐們都隨時幫助解決。總之就是多得 CCC 不少!感謝,感恩!

在這裏再一次恭喜,恭賀 CCC 三十五週年之喜,願主聖神不斷帶領,讓主內兄弟姐妹在團 2013 2013 2014 體內共融合一,為傳福音發熱發光!

Mary Leung

2014 2015 2015 2015


42 43 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年

Activities of CCC and its Centres 華人天主教會及其中心活動

2002 Celebrate Lindfield 5th Anniversary 2002 Camperdown Fathers and Sons Camp 中區中心親子營 慶祝北區中心五週年

1982 Camperdown Centre Grand Opening 1984 Camperdown Centre 中區中心 Fr Aidan 愛德神父 中區中心開幕慶典

2003 Fundraising Dinner for St Patrick Cathedral 2003 Celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Fr Leung’s Ordination St Patrick Cathedral 籌款晩宴 慶祝梁神父晉鐸金禧 1991 Western Centre Grand Opening 西區中心開幕慶典

2004 Chinese New Year Celebration 2006 Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Western Centre at St Patrick’s Cathedral 西區中心十五週年慶典 在 St Patrick’s Cathedral 慶祝農曆新年 1992 Farewell Fr Aidan 歡送愛德神父 1993 Dec Baptism at Western Centre 西區中心十二月領洗

2000 Thanksgiving Mass in Celebration of the Canonisation of 120 Martyrs of China at St 2001 Chinese New Year at Western Centre Mary’s Cathedral 2001 西區中心慶祝農曆新年慶祝 於聖瑪利主教座堂慶祝册封120位中華真福殉道聖品感恩祭 2007 Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of CCC 慶祝CCC二十五週年 44 45 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年

2007 Farewell of Fr Cyril at Lindfield 2008 Father’s Day Celebration at Lindfield 北區中心歡送 Fr Cyril 北區中心慶祝父親節 2010 Celebration of the Canonisation of Mary MacKallop at the Mary MacKallop Memorial Chapel in North Sydney 於北悉尼瑪利麥琦樂紀念小堂慶祝瑪利麥琦樂被册封為聖人

2008 World Youth Day in Sydney 2008 悉尼世界青年節

2010 Christmas Party at Lindfield Centre 北區中心聖𧩙𧩙聯歡

2009 Celebration of St Paul Year at St Mary’s Cathedral 2009 Corpus Christi 聖體遊行 在聖瑪利主教座堂慶祝聖保祿年 2010 Pan Australia Chinese Catholic Communities Forum 泛澳華人天主教信友團體論壇

2010 Fundraising Dinner for the Conservation of St Mary’s Cathedral 聖瑪利主教座堂文化保護工程籌款晩宴 2012 CCC 30th Anniversary Dinner 慶祝CCC三十週年晚宴 46 47 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年

2016 World Youth Day Participants from Eastwood Centre 2016 Lindfield Celebration of Fr Leung’s Birthday 依士活中心世界青年節代表 北區中心慶祝梁神父生辰 2013 Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Fr Leung ‘s 2013 Chinese New Year Celebration at Lindfield Ordination 慶祝梁神父晉鐸鑽禧 北區中心慶祝農曆新年

2016 Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Penrose Park 慈慈悲禧年往 Penrose Park 朝聖 2014 Eastwood Centre Inaugural Mass 依士活中心成立感恩祭

2016 Lindfield Pontifical Mass Celebration of Sr Seeto’s Golden Jubilee of Serving the Lord 北區主教探訪北區並主持感恩祭 慶祝司徒修女發願金禧 2015 Packing of Books Collected for 2015 Chinese New Year Celebration at Camper- 2014 Corpus Christi 聖體遊行 Donation to Hong Kong 包裝捐獻書籍往香港 down 中區中心慶祝農曆新年

2016 Celebration of Fr Kelly’s 36th 2017 Lindfield Centre Fare- 2017 Keyring Making Workshop at Eastwood 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration Ordination Anniversary well Sr Anne at Eastwood Centre 2015 Participants of Eucharistic Minister Course 2016 Mass Celebrated by Bishop from Macau 慶祝 晉鐸三十六週年 依士活中心鎖匙扣工作坊 Fr Kelly 北區中心歡送Sr Anne 依士活中心慶祝農曆新年 參與修讀送聖體員課程學員及導師 澳門李斌生主教探訪悉尼並舉行感恩祭

2016 Blessing of HSC Students 2016 Farewell for Fr Stephen at Lindfield 2016 Outing with Fr Chau during Year of Mercy 祝福應屆高考生 北區中心歡送Fr Stephen 周景勳神父慈慈悲禧年到訪 2017 Birthday Celebration for Fr Ben and Fr Martin at Eastwood Centre 依士活中心慶祝 Fr Ben和 Fr Martin 生辰 48 49 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 MemoriesMemories 「相」當年「相」當年 CCC Homes 高齡之家

Ground Breaking Ceremony 動基典禮 Opening of Phase 1 第1期啟用 2009 Celebration of the 10th Anniversary 2008 Christmas Celebration 聖 聯歡

Phase 2 Construction Work Begins 第 期啟用 Residents 高齡之家住户 第2期工程動工 Opening of Phase 2 2

2009 Father’s Day Celebration 2013 Chinese New Year Mass 委員會 慶祝父親節 農曆年感恩祭 2013 Homes Committee

Opening of Phase 2 第2期啟用 2002 Celebration of Mid Autumn Festival 慶祝中秋節

2003 Mrs Dang’s Birthday 慶祝鄧太生辰 2005 Father’s Day Celebration 2006 Christmas Celebration 聖𧩙𧩙聯歡 慶祝父親節

2014 and 2015 Celebration of Moon Festival 2014 及 2015 慶祝中秋節

2005 Christmas Celebration at Sr Seeto’s Home 祈禱小組 聖𧩙𧩙聯歡 及 慶祝母親節 在司徒修女家慶祝聖𧩙𧩙 2005 Prayer Group 2006 Christmas Celebration 2007, 2014 and 2016 Mother’s Day Celebration 2007, 2014 2016 50 51 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年 Chinese School 中文學校

2013 Chinese School 30th Anniversary 中文學校三十週年校慶 1994 Chinese Eisteddfod 1999 Presentation Day 2007 Presentation Day 結業禮 中文朗誦比賽 結業禮

2006 Chinese Eisteddfod 2008 Chinatown Excursion 2009 Long Service Award 長期服務獎 運動日 農曆年慶祝 中文朗誦比賽 唐人街校外研習 2013 Don Bosco Sports Day Don Bosco 2014 Chinese New Year

2015 Multicultural Minister’s Award 多元文化部長表揚獎 2016 Presentation Day 結業禮

2007 Chinese School Teachers 中文學校老師 2011 Presentation Day 結業禮

2016 Activity Day 遊戲日 2016 Staff Annual Dinner 教職員晩宴 Commendation from NSW 2013 Multicultural Minister’s Award 舞蹈組表演 Parliament for 30 years of service 多元文化部長表揚獎 2011 Dance Group Performance 紐省國會頒發三十年服務加許狀 52 53 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年 Family Camps 家庭營


2003 2005 Celebration Prof. Wang’s Birthday during Camp 在營內為黄教授慶祝生辰

2013 2009

Celebration of Fr Chau’s 30th Anniversary of Ordina- 2010 tion in 2010 慶祝周父晉鐸卅十週年 2015

2011 2016 54 55 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Memories 「相」當年

Ex-Spiritual Director of CCC—Fr Matthias Mo 前 CCC 靈修導師—馬仕沖神父


仕途一生為主獻 Father Mo Father Mo 沖破疾苦今升天 So humble and gentle When we are in trouble 神父機票終兌現 You are so helpful 父親擁抱來接見 When we are sinful 安全返抵天父邊 You guide us to the spiritual 息勞歸主享天筵 Even when you are painful 主必罰賞惡與善 You are so peaceful Knowing you are now in 2011 Celebration of 80th Birthday of Fr Mo 2011 Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Fr Mo’s Ordination 懷善牧群羊思念 慶祝馬神父八十大壽 慶祝馬神父晉鐸金禧 God's castle We are all very grateful. 綠衣詩

1940 1950 1961 1977 Celebration of Fr Mo’s Birthdays in 2012 and 2013 於 2012 及 2013 與馬神父共慶生辰

1994 Palm Sunday 聖枝主日 1999 Sunday School Teachers 與主日學導師共攝 Requiem Mass in 2014 at St Mary’s 在 St Mary’s 舉行追思彌撒

2000 Anointing of the sick 2002 Father’s Day Celebration 神父週年晩宴 為 病人傅油 父親節慶祝 2008 Celebrants Dinner Final Rest in Melbourne 安葬於墨爾本

56 57 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Memories 「相」當年 Thank You 鳴謝

Unite (Praise and Worship Night) 青年頌讚夜 Special thanks to the following Fathers and Sisters for conducting various religious activities over the years 特此鳴謝以下各位神父和修女在過去多年來支持本會舉辨的各項活動

Family Camp-Chinese Family Camp-youth Retreat Talks

Fr. Joseph Yim (91/95/96/97) Sr. Rosanne Sinclair Fr. Andrew Ng Fr. Andrew Ng 2010 Fr. Michael Yeung (92/93/2002) Fr. Lito Layug Fr. Joseph Yim Fr. Joseph Yim

Fr. Thomas Kwan (1994) Fr. Gerard Kelly Fr. Benedict Lam Fr. Michael Yeung

Sr. Jean Fr. Norman Penna Fr. Thomas Kwan Fr. Thomas Kwan

Sr. Mary Ann Wong Bishop Peter Comensoli Fr. Stephen Chan Fr. Stephen Chan

Fr. Benedict Lam (1999) Margaret Cawley Fr. Dominic Lee Fr. Dominic Lee

Fr. Mo (1998) Fr. Paul O’Donnell Fr. Edward Yu Fr. Edward Yu

2011 Fr. Lionel Goh (2000, 2001,2004) Fr. Edward Khong Fr. Edward Khong

Sr. Teresia Seeto Fr. Mo (1998) Fr. Benedict Lam

Sr. Ophelia Lui (91/95/99) Fr. Fr. Mo (1998)

Sr. Miriam da Luz Fr. Thomas Lee Fr. Lionel Goh

Sr. Stella Yick Sr. Teresia Seeto Fr. Thomas Lee

Sr. Jacqueline Ho Sr. Rosanne Sinclair Sr. Teresia Seeto

2012 Sr. Charles Kwok Sr. Ophelia Lui Sr. Rosanne Sinclair

Sr. Anne Catherine Lo Sr. Miriam da Luz Sr. Ophelia Lui

Sr. Damien Lai Fr. Peter Kelly Sr. Miriam da Luz

Fr. John Kwan (2004) Fr. John Doenau Sr. Stella Yick

Sr. Beatrice Leung (2005) Fr. Thomas Law Sr. Jacqueline Ho

Professor Wang (2005) Fr. Lito Layug Fr. John B. Tsang

Fr. Moses Ngai (2006) Fr. Gerard Kelly Fr. Peter Tsang

2013 2013 2014 Fr. (2008) Fr. Moss Jap Fr. Robert Ng

Fr. Edward Chau (2009, 2010, 2014) Fr. Louis Lee

Fr. Joseph Chan (2012) Fr. Gabriel Lam

Fr. Peter Choy (2013) Fr. John Tsang

Fr. Aloysius Mak Ying Kin (2015) Fr. Giovanni Giampiatro

Fr. Joseph Liu (2016) Sr. Beatrice Leung

2016 58 59 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Thank You 鳴謝 Thank You 鳴謝

Celebrants: St. Joseph’s Parish Church: Fr. Anthony Bernard, Fr. John Speekman, Fr. Harris Payne St. Monica’s Parish Church: Fr. Brian Rooney, Fr. Gerard Ryan Holy Family Parish Church: Fr. Colin Blayney, Fr. Thomas Alackakunnel, Fr. John Wakeling, Fr. Vladimir Echalas, Fr. Raul Balute, Fr. Stephen Hamilton

St. Kevin’s Parish Church: Fr. Martin Maunsell Columban Fathers: Fr. Noel Connolly, Fr. Cyril Hally, Fr. Trevor Trotter, Fr. Peter Kelly Society of St. Paul: Fr. Michael Goonan, Fr. Nestor Candado, Fr. Francis Kochupaliathil, Fr. Ben Areno, Fr. Michael Byrnes, Fr. Thomas Manimala, Fr. Lito Layug, Fr. Norman Pena St. Anthony Church, Toongabbie: Fr. Arthur Bridge for celebrating mass for CCC Homes residents

Fr. Andrew Feng, Fr. Anthony Chung, Fr. Giles Chong Chung Chak, Fr. Shane Reade, Fr. Theodore Gillian, Fr. Moss Jap, Fr. John Wai Hung Tsang, Fr. Cao Van Nguyen, Fr. Jose Jojo Eloja, Fr. Hugh Walsh, Fr. Paul Jennings, Fr. Paul Stenhouse, Fr. Robert McGuckin, Fr Kelly Kam, Fr. Ronald Taylor, Fr. Vincent Long

Religious Sisters: Sr. Teresia Seeto, Sr. Jacqueline Ho, Sr. Angelina Fong, Sr. Anne Lo, Sr. Stella Yick, Sr. Charles Kwok, Sr. Rosanne Sinclair

Spiritual Director: Fr. Aidan Duggan, Fr. Joseph Yim, Fr. Matthias Mo, Fr. Fernando Montano, Fr. Gerard Kelly.

Overnight retreat by Fr Thomas Kwan in 2009 at St Joseph Conference Centre 關俊棠神父於 2009年在聖若瑟會議中心主持退修住宿營

60 61 Thank You 鳴謝 Galaxyfunerals 真切關懷 思憶表揚 文化兼容 與親人告別可以是極其難過之事、尤其是對仍活著的人。 在生命的最後旅程中、本公司來自不同文化的團隊成員、將 Our ‘Britannique’ Winter ’17 Campaign reveals the beauty of places and spaces that withstand the 竭誠代為安排告別程序的每一個細節、讓您可以有多一點時 tests of time, imperfect as they may be. Industrial elements are exposed as layers fall away to tell a 間與家人互表關愛。 story of a bygone era. Selina Leung 梁太 專業喪禮策劃顧問 電話: 1300 688 228 (24小時熱線)

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#forcastfashion 電郵: [email protected] www.galaxyfunerals.com.au

Chinese Catholic Community Chinese School 華人天主教會35週年誌慶 CC C 華人天主教會中文學校 Northmead High School, 28 Campbell St., Northmead Anna Pi Time: Every Sundays (during school term)

敬賀 We are a non-profit making community language Objectives: school which has been established for over 30 years. We aim at introducing the Chinese culture through the Dancing Makes You Smarter learning of Chinese language and tradition. To en- hance learning interest, we also organize extra- 排舞班地區 curricular activities including Chinese Eisteddfod, poem recital, Chinese calligraphy, painting demonstration, story-telling competition … etc. Artarmon, Eastwood, Epping, Ermington, Cantonese Class (traditional Chinese): Grandville, Lidcombe Time: 1:45-4:15 pm (pre-schooler, kindy to Yr 5) 1:45-4:45 pm (Yr 6—10) (Extra 1/2 hour Mandarin lesson for classes 詳情請致電 0400 819 832 from Yr 6) www.dancewithanna.com Mandarin Class (simplified Chinese): 1:45-4:15 pm (kindergarten to Yr 10)

Sunday : 1:30-2:30 pm Northmead High School Enquiries: Mobile: 0432 450 652 Email: [email protected]

This project is funded by the Minister for Education and administered by the Department of Education 華人天主教會 Chinese Catholic Community Inc 週年紀念Anniversary Celebration

Activities held by CCC over the Past Years 華人天主教會過去的各項活動 Past and Present CCC Presidents and CCC Homes Chairpersons 曆屆及現任會長及高齡之家會長

Outdoor and other Community Activities 户外及其他社區活動 CCC President CCC Homes Chairperson Year Name Name Snowy Mountain Trip (1981-1999) 1981/1982 Peter Wong Harbour Cruise 1982/1983 Peter Wong Picnic at Bicentennial Park, Strathfield Park, Davidson Park & Lane Cove National Park Pilgrimage to Penrose Park 1983/1984 Ben Lau St. Paul’s International School & Bowral Tulip Festival 1984/1985 Hudson Chen Badminton at Burwood High School Youth Sports Day at Don Bosco St. Mary 1985/1986 Maria O’Young Moon Festival – Lantern competition 1986/1987 Hudson Chen Fishing, Social activity group 1987/1988 Robert Pak Fund raising for CCC Homes, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Mary’s Cathedral. CCC Involvement in Mainstream & Other Communities: 1988/1989 Hudson Chen Participation in the Open Heart To Heart team in China– showing the locals the technique of Open 1989/1990 Hudson Chen Heart surgery to various hospitals in China. The 50 anniversary of United Nations. , 1990/1991 Hudson Chen World Vision, children hospital, Fred Hallows foundation, Heart Foundation 1991/1992 Hudson Chen Taiwan’s Earthquake and Typhoon 1992/1993 Hudson Chen East Timor; Indonesian Tsunami, NSW, VIC, ACT bush fire relief and involving all Australian Chinese Charity Foundation’s charity 1993/1994 Hudson Chen activities. 1994/1995 Ben Lau

1995/1996 Ben Lau

1996/2007 Hudson Chen Ben Lau 1997/1998 Hudson Chen Ben Lau Religious Activities held by CCC 華人天主教會宗教活動 1998/1999 Hudson Chen Ben Lau

For Lent & Easter – Station of the Cross, Baptism 1999/2000 Hudson Chen Michael Chung For Christmas – vigil mass, carols and New Year Vigil 2000/2001 Hudson Chen Joseph Lai Holy Communion and Confirmation 2001/2002 Hudson Chen Joseph Lai Special events for Mother’s and Father’s Days, Chinese New Year & Ching Ming Festival Youth Mass 2002/2003 Hudson Chen Monica Chu Sunday Schools 2004/2005 Hudson Chen Monica Chu Praise and Worship Night Catechism 2005/2006 Hudson Chen Joe Kwan Family Camp, youth camp 2006/2007 Hudson Chen Joe Kwan Retreat 2007/2010 Bernard Yau Joe Kwan Seminar Prayer & Bible Encounter Groups, Spiritual Development Group 2010-2013 Peter Wong Visit members who are sick, pastoral care at Westmead Hospital, funeral group. 2011 Joseph Lai Venues of CCC activities are: 2013-2016 Hudson Chen Joseph Lai St. Joseph’s Church, St. Monica’s Church, The Holy Family of Nazareth Church St. Kevin’s Parish Church 2016-2017 Joe Kwan Joseph Lai Santa Sabina College Chapel St. Paul’s International School Salesian Don Bosco Sport Centre

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Family Camp 家庭營

Year Speaker 1 1991 Fr. Joseph Yim 閻德龍 2 1992 Fr. Michael Yeung 楊鳴璋 3 1993 Fr. Michael Yeung 楊鳴璋 4 1994 Fr. Thomas Kwan 關俊棠神父 5 1995 Fr. Joseph Yim 閻德龍 6 1996 Fr. Joseph Yim 閻德龍 7 1997 Fr. Joseph Yim 閻德龍 8 1998 Fr. Matthias Mo 馬仕沖 9 1999 Fr. Benedict Lam/Sr. Ophelia 林祖明/呂煥卿 10 2000 Fr. Lionel Goh 吳岳清神父 11 2001 Fr. Lionel Goh 吳岳清神父 12 2002 Fr. Michael Yeung 楊鳴璋 13 2003 Fr. Lionel Goh 吳岳清神父 14 2004 Fr. John Kwan 關傑棠神父 15 2005 Sr. Beatrice Leung 梁潔芬修女教授 16 2006 Fr. Moses Ngai 倪德文神父 17 2007 Fr. John Kwan 關傑棠神父 18 2008 Fr. Savio HON 韓大輝神父 19 2009 Fr. Edward Chau 周景勳神父 20 2010 Fr. Edward Chau 周景勳神父 21 2011 Fr. John Kwan 關傑棠神父 PAN Fr. John Kwan 關傑棠神父 22 2012 Fr. Joseph Chan 陳永超神父 23 2013 Fr. Peter Choy 蔡惠民神父 24 2014 Fr. Edward Chau 周景勳神父 25 2015 Fr. Aloysius Mak Ying Kin 麥英健神父 26 2016 Fr. Joseph Liu 廖雅倫神父

68 我們應該彼此相愛,因為愛是出於天主 :凡有愛的,都是生於天主,也 認識天主;那不愛的,也不認識天主,因為天主是愛。 天主對我們的愛 在這事上已顯出來 :就是天主把自己的獨生子,打發到世界上來,好使 我們藉著他得到生命。 若 一 4:7-9 CHINESE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY INC. 華人天主教會 PO Box 517 Eastwood NSW 2122 Australia Home page: www.ccc-inc.org.au E-mail: [email protected] 0490 026 379