S;x'y·Sevenl.h Yedr, No.8 - Wllole No. 800 JULY. 1976 The New Fisk Organ at the University of Vermont-A Review by Frank Taylor

The dt.'diC:llioll ccrclIlunic!i lor the hlock Jla .. ~a~c uf the sound of the Great ne\o\' Citadel; FI.!iL: Ol'g:I" at the nivcrsitl division from the orgnnist. Finall)' Fisk af VCmlOlI( :1.( nurlington marked (he cOllcch'cd the idt.'a of cantilevering the

•.f " / ,ttemat;otJa l Mouth,>, Devoted to the Organ, the Ha7psichO'(d and Church Mwic A Report by Arthur Lawrence OJlicinl Journal of the Ame7'iclttl/nJlitute 01 Organbuildns

;1I1d in il a Oucroqllct-8arkcr organ of In the spring of 197fi, a manifesto Edilnr headed Encore un cltel d'"uvre efl p~r"'! " l1"lI1uals nlld (HI stCJp5 (including two JULY. 1976 52's) w:n installed between 1849 and ROUU SCHUNEMAN L'orgue de Sa;ut·Etutnche se meurl • •. FUTUIlES was POSIW at prominent spotS jmt in­ 18!H: rhis is the basis of the present Th. N.w Flak Ortaa at tb. Ual.... nlty lu"n... Ma..... r side Ihe church of Saint·Eustache in lIluch·rehuilt instrument. It was enlarged of V.naont - A R.... I •• I'aris. This notice bricOy recalled the hy Merklin in 1876,9 and again In 1950- by Fraalt Tcryl.r 1. , DOROTHY ROSER 2 by Victor Gonzalez. when the aClion hislory of the organ there, then madc Ano·h.r Ma.t.rplec. in Dcmq.r: Th. Anittan' Editor 5~l£i c Ch31l;CS concerning the poor was electrified. The last "complete" reo Orqan 01 St-ElI.tach. la Dying - WESLEY VOS quality of recent work done on the or· huildinJt look place in 1965·i: the organ A R.port gan, and conduded with a stalement of wa i enlarged 10 5 Illauuals and 100 by Arlhur Lawrenee 2 actions taken by the rector ;md the stopli, "'hh a !!il'colld comole added to Rbythmlc: Alt.radon ia LARRY PAlMER D'"ganist. Behind it lies a fascinating make performance from the main noor R.nal.. anc:e SpaID storr and something of a scandal. of the na"c pouible. This rebuild (al­ by Cal.... rt JohftllOll ... 1-7 Hatptld>.,., S:lint.Eustadtc is onc of the largest ways Icnned "re!loratiou" by Ihe V 1Cf0ll WEIEII and most beautiful churches in the )--rcnch) had Wille celebrated repcrcus REVIEWS cr.. ,,.,, _ French capit;11. Located OIL the edge of sions: the dly of Paris awardcd the N•• Rec:ordlDqa by Rob.rt 2, 10, 15 l#e1 Holies, the great market area of work 10 Jean Hermann without the ap' fonner times, it was buill as 3. rh'al to prm':al or the titulnire (Andre Mar~hal . DALE CARR the of Notre-Dame; construc­ who resigned in protest) ; thi5 bullder LETrEIIS TO THE EDrTOll 7 8,,,,,, tion look place [rom 1532 to 1754. With died afler completing only one of thc its 1000tioll in the center of the city, it consoles. :md the completion of the NEWS beelllle the largest parish in Paris and work wali then awardt.'tl 10 the GOII ­ Cl..... land M,""clpal Orqaa 1 1,_-$7.50 zalez firm. Since the death of that fiml'~ , "''as the sttne of much public ceremony: R.-IDau.,.uuted. 2 1tL-$I3_oo founder in 1956. this company ha!!i IX'ell Coa",.a~ within its walls were held the baptism H.,. 6, com".th!.... II• S....,. C:opy-$IJ)O of Richelieu, the fint communion of direch,'tl IJ)" a grand!50Il, Georges Dan inn AppohlhHnt. 14 Louis XIV, Ihe funeral or Miubcau. who was prc,t;oush' in the aulol1lotin" led N._ ... $I.75 busines.... Danion, then, w~s in charg' (me,. ,ltan 2 y"'. old} U conlains the tombs of Coll~rt ;md NEW ORGANS 12-13 R:uncau. as well as the relics of Saint of completing the most recent work. Cecilia. patroness of music. The m3nifc~to W35 occasioned by the troublcs which havc constantly plagued CALENDAR 16-17 THE DIAPASON In musical lernIS, the church is one the orgoLn in recent years. and br the or the most important in Paris. a dis­ -454 South Wabash Avenue, fact thai a new rebuilding has now been CLASIFJED ADVERTISEMENTS 11-11 Chicogo. 111_ 60605_ Pho"" (!I2) 427-!149 tinclion it has historically shared with found neces..<;ary. despite the fact that Saint-Sulpice and, during Ihe time of Second-<"'" l-14g< Paid ., Ihe last work. is barely ten }'C3U oldl Chbeo, II'., MId .t .ddiliorud ,"ierne. Notre·Dame; these three also Once again. the city of Paris. owner of comaiu the largest organs in . mallitl/l oflk._ the church and organ, and controller of lu.ud monthl,. Saint·Eust:l.che has had many famous funds, has awanlrd a million-franc job organists, induding Edouard Batiste. 10 Danion·Gonzalcz, and. once again. All ...boc:rlben .... llrg

2 THE DIAPASON Fisk Organ give joy to the most ardent Wurlitzer thc Fisk shop, and the VOlClIlg of the mas Chorale: l'om Himmel hod, da (Continued from p. 1) 10\('r's heart. In various other combi­ Bourdons and mutations is more foun­ hom",' iell her (5.769) of J. 5. Bach and nations we ha\'c all the essentials for a dational, less bright. than their connter­ the Firml, Op. 21. of Cesar Franck. Mr. cmlurl de Illltes, lomis d'orgue~ the solo parts on the Fisk instruments we are Douglaslj' reputation as a scholar of This seems to impart a living. animate possibilities of the flute stops with or accustomed to. It is, quite simply, more early I:renclt mllsic was certainly sup­ without the 2·2/ 3 nasard, the classic 16' trul)' French Ihan Manlloutier/Old ported his performances of this hi~hly quality to the 1111151C. One has only to hy play the concluding sections or March· Bourdon plus 4' Clarion and so on West. And this time aU the reed SlOpS spedaHzed repertory but we were gh'en ad i"/it,illl,,,. arc of classic 18th century construction. and's great Diu/agile 011 this instrument more tha" performances: these were to realize the astonishing rhythmic ,·itai· They makc a magnificent effect alolle recreations in sound of the highest mu­ it} inhcrclll in the music whch not The IJosith'e is two or three stops or in combination with the \'arious Cor­ sical order - stylish, flexible, and ex­ c\'cn the organ at Old Wcst (which also smaller than would he expected in a nelS. The 1,ler",,,,, howe\'cr, is "Gl m'er· Iremely llIusical. ,\s ;a result, one's en­ h;15 a ncxihlc wind supply. but of a dif. I;rellch illtrumellt with a Creat this whelming: in point or fact, Old West jOYllIent of this music was sharpened ferent nature) is able to project. This size - traditional design would re(llIire gh'es an impression of greater power. and illuminated. Thesc French pieces, sallie GnUfrit'd Silhcnn31111 t} pc of wind· the presellce of a MOline 8', plus \\'ind pressurc Oil the instrument is of course, illustrated Ihc beauties of ing aleQ makes ,'cry ccrccth C Ihe Trcm· anuther Trumpet and Clarion. The pres­ 65mll1., considerably lower than that Ihe instrulllent in all its aspects. One blant dOIlX, a healing trclIlulant that ent dh'ision, howc\ er, docs include the used as colllmon practice ill 18th cell­ he;ard the Plei" Jeu with pedal reeds, aClIIally illlCHupt'i lIlolllentarily the flow I Yi Larigot and a 2' fhlle (which is tury France - IJoitiers, for example is Oil Ihe wlllulerflli Cornets and Cromorne of air to the (.reat dh isioll and causes lIever round in a French specification of 125 111111 •• and there is no com'incing evi­ and Voix Hmnaine both as solo stops all brallches of the wind trce to sh'lke the period though the Larigot may ap­ dence that the original pressure was an)' aud :IS part of the Grtmd Jell; thc nute in unison. A characteristic of the Ircm pear somewhat frequently). The all­ lower. The lightness. rcsponsh'encss and stops with trcmulallt were heard in all bla"t dOll .... is that. when drawn, it low­ important 2·2/3' nasard is available as subtlety of Fisk's key action is a conse· their lH.'allty in a quiet chorale or two; ers the a'"cragc wiud pressure in the a separate rank on the double draw quence of the combination of low pres­ the brilliant reed solo ill the Dandrieu. windchcst. causing the principal stops to 51.'Squiaitera. sure and Fisk's superb craftmanship and The Bach "roccata ill F, a work peri· take 011 a more nute)' and somewhat balancing. The tuning is in unequal lous fol' must perrormers, was beauti­ temperament after Werckmcister II. ThL' hilly played hy ~Ir. Douglass. Every­ breath} sound of great beauty. Of major interest and utility is the mctal flule stops are of lead, and Fisk \\ here one \\ as CUUSciUIlS of the playing Redt V Rk. Cornet. This reglstcr is has used wider windwa),s and opened ur :1 IIIIHicwn, not just a technicall)' without a stop action since there arc no A glance at the specification reveals the toes to a greater exlent than is cus, plOficielll organist. As a concluding £iI. other mices 011 the dh isioll. It is there, many French Classical features, a few of lumary in 18th century French practicc. lip, Ihe Ces:Ir Frank Fir",/, played with fore permanently "on". lis post ion. I-lis enormous skill ill voicing and regu· which already hm'c been disCllsscd. In ahO\e the Great chest, makes it a su­ l,'Tl'at tllml, showed the I:ranck multi be addhion we £ind 011 the Great all the lating howc\'er has produced a lonal perfcJrtlled Ull all organ uf this sort with perh solo stop and it expands enonn­ In quality which rh'als the best I:rellch CX ~ ~tops es ~ell tial the Jlieirl Jeu and ously the scope of what is in reality a most or the nnmllltic characteristics of t\\O 16' stops, open ami umples of two hundred years ago, the wllrk still intact, Only the lack of a Grand Jeu: hlrge two-manual organ. stopped (of which the bass octa\'e of thc Swell division mill Ihe " bounce" of the fonner is duplexed froID the Pedal 16' hig chords ,II the t'nd u( this piece gave Open), two 8' stops. olle open, one The IJedal dh'ision unfortunately auy indicatioll that the organ was de· stopped. ·1' IJrincipal, 2' Doublet and lacks the essential oj' Clarion, a register 1'01' the dedication p)'Ogram Sum),,}' signt'd ror music uf another school. an­ \'111 Rk. Mixture. This lalter stop is a hasic 10 the classic French scheme; the night, I'ehruary 22, Fellner Douglass, ulher limc. This li~t C llel' was totally un· double draw - expl'lined abm'c. The 8' TrllnlllCt, howe\'er, is a strong and chairman of the organ department ;at disturhed hy the IIUl'(lual temperament Grn.tIli Jell consists of the nute stops hrillialll reed which comes through most Duke Ullh'ersity. included Faux/umr­ n£ the iuslrulTlent in this concluding pillS thc GI'U5se Tierce 3Vr,', III Rk. crfecthcly in its function o( pro\,iding clOIIS, f)'Om the JlIusic of Ihe coul'l of ullllpn~iti()11 - hut when has olle ever Comet (12 ~ 15 · 17 - abo a duuhle uraw, it mlllllS Ir",IIs wilh thc Pie" je" of the Carlos V. AnonYlllous (16th (l'lllllry); IIcard :111 organ ill I:rallcc that was the nasaI'd being the first draw) and (,reat. The 2' ~ight Hom, once again, Six \'erses 011 the dlon.le: Herr je,m really in tlllle? A largc audience, with thc Tnllllpet aud Clation. rhc Grand is foreign to the clas.sic Pedal, but in Christ, fliel, ZIIS 1m,," we"cI, Georg Bohm; m:lIl}' standing in line, necessilated the Jeu de lierce (a rarety in America) this case Jlf(l\'idcs a most useful addi­ Clwcmme e" /Ii, Lamhert Chaumont; rCI)Clitioli or thc CUllcel'l the following iL'ads off from the 16' UOtlUJolI , through tion In the pedal in the perfoml­ Chorale Prelude! I'fm Gott will iell "id,t murning. Mr. Douglass's recilal was a thc 8', 4', 3V!. ' and III Rk. Comet. In ance or the Cerman 17th and 18th cen­ lassen, joh:1I111 Sebastiau lIach aud the filling clilllax In the dedication of this addition wc ha\'e the t:rench "oix Hu­ tury Jilemturc. ' rhe 16' Bassoon has Toccata i" F Major, Bach. After the impressivc concert hall with its superb maine. olle of the most tI ~ crlll solo reeds already l»!en discussed. intermission one heard Gilles jullien's urg-,Ul, and the Un\'ersilY or "enuont of the I;rench clas.'Hc organ, traditionall} This instrumcnt sounds quite different Prelude ti ciuq parties and 'rrio; the shuuld take great pride nol only in the IIsed as a Cl'omome in rec,/$ ami 1II0st from an)' othel' organ Charle l'is,," has Dialoglle de Cllromhotrlc erl taWe et tie handmme huilding with its facilities and urten in combination with 8' or -I' huilt. rile principal chorus 011 the Great Comt:t separt!, Fo"d d'orglle and -rierer cufl\'cniences, but in Ihe daring and UOUldolt without the tl"Clll lllalll. Thesc is ha cd on a unison Diapason of more en taWe of jacques Bop'in; Duo sur It, \'ision o( the members ur the music de· nUlC stops wilh the "nix Humainc and llelHral tollal call than the nonnal Trompete of jean-Fram;ois Damlrieu; partmell( who ha\'e worked and thought trelllulal1l p roducc a sound Ihat \\ ill IJ..-illcipals we arc IIscd to hearing (rom the Canonic Variations on the Christ- wgether to make it all a reality.

GREAT, 56 notes POSITIVE, 56 notes PEDAL, 30 note5 Double Open Diapason 16' +f pipes Bou rd on 0' 56 pipes (wood/metal, chimneys) Predant 16' 30 pipes (bass from Ped. 16') Prest ant 04' 56 pipes Flute B' 30 pipes Double Stopped Diapawn 16' 56 pipes Doublet 2' 56 pipes Flute 04' 30 pipes (wood/metal) Quarte de nasard 2' 56 pipes Niqht Horn 2 30 pipes Principal S' 56 pipes Larigot 1-1/3' 56 pipes Bassoon 16' 30 pipe5 (wood/metal) Bourdon 8' 56 pipes Sesquialtra I end II 112 pipes Trumpet 8' 30 pipes Octave 04' 56 pipes Fourniture IV 2204 pipes Chimney Flule 04' 56 pipes Cromorne B' 56 pipes Double Tierce 3·1/5' 56 pipes Doublet 2' 56 pipes RECIT, 25 notes (from Middle C) Cornet I and III 16B pipes Cornet V 125 pipes Grosse Fournilure VI and VIII 365 pipes General Tremulant Trumpet S' 56 pipes Great to Pedal Voix Humllillc S' 56 pipes Positive to Pedal C arion 04' 56 pipes Positive to Great

lIelow: View of the facade from Itage showing canti­ levered positiv•.

Right: Th. completed organ.

B.low: Th. Conlol• •


JULY, 1976 :I Rhythmic Alteration in Renaissance Spain

by Calvert Johnson

Spanish thcorcticiam :lntl composers source in justifying his approach to scs­ The aheration of a series of scmiml­ FRANCISCO CORREA DE AROUXO of the 16th and early 17th centuries quialtera, but applying Correa's ideas oims or of fusas (by the first method) h"xc pTOvitlcd 115 with :1 large l>otJy of in Cabclou's music is queslionablc. al­ reminds one of "ates ;',igales. But there Sevcnlecmh.oCentury notation was un­ prnctic;J1 information for the proper pcr. though not neccssarily incorrcct. is a \'ery strong prdcrcnce in this trea­ dergoing change. and many theoreticians form;Ulcc of their music. The subjects tise for lomhardic pattcrns. which did amI composers devised personal nota­ discussed include inSlntlllctlt:uinn. om3· not become popul3r in F ..mcc. Of ut­ lioll' to soh'c rhylhmic problcms. This mentation and diminution, fingering. most import311ce is the a(hice (0 amid ill undoubtctlly the C3SC with Correa's melodic and rh)thmic alter'llion, and "Squarcness." Santa Marla remarks that treatment of ~quiahcra and the more lu a limited extent, registration. The the allcratioo "is pla}-ed as ,IIollglt the ullmual proportions of 5tl, 712. 11/2, most detailed description or kcybord first scmiminim were dotted and the and 13 / 2. The performer is frcc to play pcrronnaucc practict.'S is gh'cn by fray TOMAS DE SANTA MARIA sccond were a fusa" and that "Ihe short­ the rhythm exactly as it is written, or Tomas dc Santa Marla, Libra lIamado cned semiminim need not be very fast, hc may introduce the alteralions sug­ A l'te de Inner FII"Iml. (nook Entitled Three types of dOllcd rhythm may but SOmellJ/lllt moderatecl" (ilalics gested by Correa. Perhaps "alteration" the Art of Playing Fantasia). 1965. Con­ he applied. apparcntly ;11 will, unless mille) .•-urlhennorc , he did 1101 attempl is a poor lerm in Ihis casc since the 110- rinn:llioll of milch of his account is the Olhcration would conOicl with an­ (as I ha,'c) 10 wrile out the rhythm for lalion £('''3l1y meant somelhing other found in works primarily for kcyoo:lftl other mice. Santa Marla allows only a the final alteralion, This is perhaps in­ than what it would 3ppear to me311. players by fr.J;f Ju:m Bcnnudo. Dulara­ long-short alteration on scmiminims. Al­ dicath'c as well that the allcr31ion's A group of primc number notes (5, eirill tit! I,u/rume"tas lIIu.sicnles. 1955: teration of fusas includes Lombardic pcrfonll311ce rhythm was to be felt 3S Luis Vt.-ncgas dc HCIlt."Sltosa, prdacc to rhythm aud a f3ster version of lom­ free rather than precisely indicated. (Corl lirw('d./Jage G) his anthology Libro tie Ci/ra Nutria bardi< rhythm as well as the long-short (800k in the New Tablature), 1557; paltern. Following is Santa Marfa's com­ Hernando de Cabez6n, pre£ace to his mentary. His musical examplcs follow. edition of the Ollras de AItuica (Musi­ cal Works) of his father Antonio de "As fo r playing with good air _ • _ • Cahczon, 1578; and Francisco Correa de lake nOle that it is rcquired to play Ar::ltIxo, l.illro de 'rieutos y Diswrsos scmimillims in one way antI (usas in de "'r;,sica pnIcl;cn y ,IIioricn de O~ga"o thn't.". The way requircd (or playing ;nti"datlo Facllllad orgtl"icn (Book of scmiminhns is holding the first an(j Ticlltos and Discursos and of Practic:al f:uter on thc second, and holding no and Thcoretic:al Music for Organ En­ lIIore nor 1t..'SS on the third and (aster titled Organ Method), 1626. Information on the fourth, and continuing in this on performance practices for stringed in­ way (or 311 the scmiminims. This is struments which is equally applicable played as though the first scmirninim 10 the keyboard (with allowances for werc dolled and the second wcre a instrumental idiosyncradt..'S) Is foulld in (usa, and similarly as though Ihe third the following sources: Lu)'s Mil:in, L;­ wcre dotted and the fourth were a fusa, lIra de Mruica de vi/Illeia de ma"a- i1l­ and so on for all the scmiminims. And ,i'!llado el Maellro (Book of Music for he advi~d that the shortened scmiminim the Han(j Vihllcla Entitled The Masler) I nl't.'tl nOI be \'cry fast, but somewhat 151:15; 1\101150 MudaTTa, Tres LilJrOJ de lIIoc.leratl'ti . .• Mluica en ci/ra IJara vilUlela (Thn."C "Of the thfl"C ways of playing fU53S. Music nooks in Tablature for Vihuela) , two are p13yt..'lI in nearly the S3I11C war. 1546; Dit..ogo Orliz, Tratntlo de Glostu which is by lingering on one fUS3 3ud Johre ciausllias y olnu gbluos de PIllI­ speeding the next. They dirrer in that los en la mdsica tie violorles (Treatise in the first way the lingering is begun all Diminution in Cadences and other 011 thc first fus3. faster on the second, situations in the music for \'iols). 1553; no more nor less hoMing the third and '!he three "..,. to plQ' rua .. and Miguel de Fuenllana, l .. ilITo tie Md­ faster on the fourth, and so 011 for all sica /lDra 1fi/lllela i",illliado OrJ,lte"ica of thelli. This Is pla)'l'lJ as If Ihc first - -=~~~r-::::'\ = = ~-=f:;!\= =1:=1: =1:1';\ lyra (MlISic Boo&;. for vihucl:l £nlitlcti fusa were (jolled and the 5C(ond Were --- -:- -"";-~"4~;+"::;i='- ~ - ·~t~--.r-~~~ Orpheus' J)'re). 1r.54 _ a St.'1uifuS3. and similarly. as though 'l1lere is a definite continuit), or style the third fusa wcre dotted and the exhibited in Iht..'5C sources, both in the fourth were a scmifusa, and so all in g J_ j ' -~ I cOlluncnU on perrormancc and in the this manner for all. This method is music itself. The illfonnation providt.'tI used for completely contrapuntal works - r F---F consists not in slrict rules, but rather and for long and short glosas. in guldelincs. All final decisions are "The second way is played by speed­ • left 10 the plarer's discretion and the ing the first fusa and lingering 011 the conlext of the music. ,\ remarkable de­ second, ami no more nor less speeding gree of fn."Cdom of inlerprctation is on (he third and holding Ihe founh. expt'tlcd of the performer. aud so on for all of them. This is Oue of the most intriguing perfonn- 1ayt.'tJ :lS if the first (usa were a St.'f1li· 3nce practices of the Spanish Renaissance r.lisa and the second fusa wcre dotted, is rhythmic alteration. Only three tht..'O ­ and sil1lil3Tly as if the third fusa. were reticialls discuss 3ny aspect of the sub­ a selllifu5a and the fourth fus3 were ject. 3nd each presents a complelely in­ dotted. and continuing in this fashion dependent type of alteration. __ . This method is used for short gIOSM. Milan prescribeS a nuclU3t1ng tempo and is played in pieces and f3ntasias. in certain "Tentos de Falllasi3." Milan's And note that this way is IUllch InOrc alteration probably shOUld not be ap­ gallant Ihan the preceding. plictl 10 works by other composers be­ "The third u'ay is playcd by speed­ C:Ulse it is so specifically intended for a ing three fusas and stopping on the sm31l group of his own vihucla pieces. fourth, and Ihen speeding another three Thl!!. his comments will IJc excIudt.-d and Slopping on thc fourth. And note from this discussion. that this stopping must be for as mud, Tomas de Santa Marfa suggests vari­ time as necessary so that the fifth fusa ous dotted rhythmic patterns for glosas is struck in its place on the half tactus, (diminution) o[ semiminim, (quarter and continuing in this manner for all nOles) and fus.1s (eighth notes) . Santa of Ihelll. The effect ought to be a mo,'e· MarC3 describes what W3S 3pparcntly IIICnt of four by (ollr. played as though a common liberty gh'cn to the perform­ the Ihree fnsas were semifuS3.s, antI the er, and the modem perfornler ought fOllrth were dOllcd. Thc third method 10 3pply these altcrations to works of is the most gallant of 311, and is used C:lbczon anti olhers, espcd31ly since CI­ for shOrl :t.lld long glosas. Ucron had approved S3nta Marla's trea­ "Ue advised that the lingering on the tise. fusas need not be long, but only for as Correa notates scsquialtcra aUd othcr long as notatcd, and this must be un­ proportions in a highly individual man­ dcrslood to be mt..'Tcly a little beCllIsc lier so that often what af,pc3r! to be great p3using creates great ungr..ceful­ lIotaled triplets is to be per ormed either ness and ugliness in the IIIl1sic. And as wrinen or else ailcn'ti to fit the un· therefore, the three shortened fusas must derlying duple meter. If COlTea's altera­ 1101 be shortened too much, but with tion is applied 10 his tienlos, his nota­ moderation in respect to the Slopping tion must be followctl precisely (when done on Ihe fourlh fU53:'! Olnd whcn not to introduce thc altcra­ tion) . Correa appeals 10 Cabczoo as a

THE DIAPASON The Allen Syslem 120 Digital Computer Organ Case for ~Classieal~~

(though \\re also make "theatl·e~ models) Over the past several years, since the advent of computer tone generation, Impressive numbers of organs like the above have been acquired for use In homes. Missing are glide pedals, rhythms, and the like. Instead, there are fine straight specifications, an AGO console, and genuinely legitimate sound. We make It a point, wllh prospective buyers, to outline the case for classical organ playing In the home and why II offers a brighter future, especially where young people are involved. We have, In fact, written a pamphlet on the subject. A copy is yours for the asking. You might lind II useful with students and friends. ~1t1l,"~:::EY ©1976 Macungie, Pennsylvania 18082 Rhythmic Alteration add one to quintuple r.roportion, you will ha\'e six, and the t lird pan of six (Contin ued from p. 4) is two. Thus you have to play the meas· ure with a quintuple figure by giving thrre notes to the downbeat and rising 7. 11. etc.) notated against an underly­ on the fourth note (leaving two notes, ing duple meter was to be regrouped which is the number you arrived at by into two units: one unit per beat or the computation above for the upbeat) . thc meier, with the larger unit on the And if adding one doesn't produce a duwnbeat. To dctennine how many quantity divisible by three, add two and notcs fall into each unit. Correa devised )'ou will havc it. And he adviscd that the following formula: add "onc" to the in order to know on which note to be· prime number, and divide by "three." gin the upbeat of the measure (the first The result is thc lIumber of notes in note or the Ian third) , you don't really the upbl'at unit. If adding "one" docs ha\'e to add the numbers together (that nnt produce a dh idend et)ually divisi­ is, pla)'ing it and singing it with the hie by "three," add "two" IIlstead. addition), but mentally, that is, with "Take notice of the 5o·caIled Pytha­ consideration before you perfonn it.''' gorean table of proportions, and you will learn many di££erellt proportions. An example of a quintuple propor­ I want (0 gh'e you notice of several in tion is found in Correa's Ti~n'o 41. It passing. l'roportion is appropriately has been transcribed from the original spoken of as a comparison of one num· tablature in the Monumentos de la Mu. bel to another, for example. a number sica Espanola edition as follows:' of notes of equal \"aille in one \oice to another number of notes in another (Example 2) voice. Specifically, if YOll consider one against Olle, it will be equal proportion; According 10 Correa's instructions, i£ two to one, duple; if three to one, this passage ought to be perfonned more triple; if four, quadruple; if five, quin. or less as shown in the following:' tuple: if six, sextllple; if seven to one, septuple: and many others: two to two, (Example 3) to three, to four, to five, etc., which you will see in the table. And theoretically Scsquialtera is the proportion three to St Monica's R.C.Church "'HI can proc(.'Cd to infinity in this man­ two: three notes in one voice against Philadelphia, ner although in practicality you cannot the underlying duple meter. Correa's proceed rurther than to certain figures: dcfinition is; to as mallY as the hands can play in one measure. Those measures that, being "In a glosa [diminution] of sesquial­ simple, can be divided by haIr must be tera with six figures per measure. if it played equally and binary; and those is notated with an air of lesser propor­ 3 Manuals tlmt can he reduced 10 three equal parts tion with a "three" above, play the lIlust be play(.,(J unequally and ternary downbeat on the first, rise on the fourth 61 Ranks with the tactus on the first, 'being' on and again down in the next measure on the second, and rising on the third. And the scvcnth. If it is notated with an air 49 Stops in figures thai cannot be dh'ided in of greater proportion with a "two" half or in three parts, stich as five, seven, above. play the downbeat on the first, c1e\en, thirt<.'Cn, nfteen, se\'enteell, etc., rise all the fifth, and again downbeat }Oll must create in the figure two un· in the Ilext measure on the sc\'enth. equal parts; the larger has to be given "In a gJosa of sesquiahera with nine all the tactus and the smaller all the figures per measure, which is greater upbeat. The way to determine the num· proportion with lesser prolation, down­ )- -- ~REUTIAORGANCOMPAHY.BOX486AG ber or notes to be given to the upbeat beat on the Urst, accent the fourth, and ~ LAMENCE. KANSAS 66044 • PHONE (913)843-2622 is the following: add to the said propor. rise on the se\'cnth, again downbeat on ~ .., ...... ~II tion one alll.l d ivide by three; if you the tenth in the next measure, which

SCIILICKEB OBGANS Org.D BuildiDg For All Situ.timas

• •• ltlechanical Action Instruments • •• Straight organs using slider chests with electric pnlldown of the pallets. • •• Electro.pneumatic unit organs where budget and space are limited.

Inquiries Invited Member APOBA Schlicller OrY.D Co•• IDc. New Yorll.14217


Monroe, Louisiana

WICKS ORGAN COMPANY Highland, Illinois 62249 Pipe Organ Craftsmen Since 1906

6 THE DIAPASON Is really the first of this measure, and original as transcribed Co modern nola· one should begin collnting anew from (iol! a nd all approximate realization arc this point. tht folluwing:- " In a gl01ll uf sesquiahera with twehe In the New Organs section of the April '76 Diapason, readers per measure, follow the same rules as (Example 4) In six per measurc. making one of thesc were referred to the Musical Times article on the organ of measures (of tweh'e] from two of those Hexham Ahbey. Excerpts from that article appear below. (of six:): downbeat on the first, rising 011 the se\'enlh, again downbeat on the thirleellth. This is understood to be l'\'QTES when there is a three ahO\e the measure. 1 T I II~ "ihuela is a gu itar-shaped IU le (J(l plllar in Spain durin! the sixleenth century. if there is a two, downheat 011 the nllt I Art, d, Tarier Fa"'4Jia. rr. 45,,47. The new organ in Hexham Abbey [iI'S(, rise on the ninth, and again down· • FarulttJd or,d"ica. If. 5,,-6. ht.... Jt 011 the thirteenth. All of which • Vol . 12, ediled by S;IIntlago Kastner, ( BIIr. is Ihe same as that described in a g/OJn rdon3 : InSlitlito EslIll ~ de "hdiculos:ia. 1952) . of !i ix, the only dHfereIJcc being £lou· 1'1. cl. hling of the numhers here. I Fllnher WI'ltGrl may he (ullnd in the Prr· Donald Wright "III sesquiqllinta proportion. with lace 10 Antonto de Cabnon', Obr41 i e M."t .. fh·c ligtlres or numbers (of tablature, IlUhtishc:d in 1578 by his son Hernando. In HiginKt '\"IIes" cditwn flf IlK' MO('I urnentos de 1974 was marked by many evenls hence nalel) per measure, downbeat all b. MllsiC3 EspaitGla. Vfli. XXVII (Barcelona : clarity is especially noted on the prinei· tht.· nut, rise UII the fotluh alld again IIiSlilUIO Espaiiol de Mllsicolosia, 19(6). II. (hroughout Norlhumberland to celebrate pal rank!> of the Great orsan, the tuUi dowuhc;It 011 the sixth. And in its dupta '27. C311 he f(lund IIII' rflU(lwins description IIf (he 1300th anniversary of the founding of which is relllarkable for its exciting with len per mcasure. downbeat on the sesquiqulnl3 I,roportion with mus i ~1 e;l[IIm(lle. of lIe'Oham Abbey by Sc. Wilfred. Of his and yet quite unforced character. In rirst, rise 011 the tenth and again down· The il31ic UI added. ori) inal church the only Sizable portion general the flutes and mulatiom. on all " SII-called sCJ(luiahl'lOI IlrlllKulifln i~ Ihr ("l~ heat on the de\'enth: " IS IIl1l1i ud 38a1 .. 't It Icmibre\'c

JULY, 1976 7 A audience of nearly In 1971·72 the kulas Foundation pre­ 3,800 people crowded the Cleveland Public Cleveland Municipal Organ Re -Inaugurated sented the city with a generous grant for the AudilOlium on May 19th to hear Michael organ's restorolkln. It was carried out by t, Murray pkly the gala re.lnauguration of 1922 Skinner Organ Restored Joseph E. Nagel of Cleveklnd, and ,he argo" the Cleveland Municipal Organ redial. It was fitted with (I new console by Klann to was a notable oo:asion, because the large duplicote exadly the old one (but the old E. M. Skinner organ of five manuals and console is also to be restored eventually. 150 stops, built in 1922, had been silent for The organ occupies a relatively shallow case many yean. Now, through a grant from the of stories height with a depth of 20 kulas FOt.Indation and tke hard work on the a half a million dollars. It was Inaugurated World War II. Then, far more thon two feel. The pipes are located on 5tOge, and part of city officials and many Cleveklnders, on September 10, 1922 on one of the hot· decodes, the organ was allowed to de­ the sloge is shared by the Public Auditorium the organ has been restored, and will be test and most humid afternoons in Cleveland teriorote, 10 become covered with dust, to which seats 20,000, and the Public Music heard in weekly organ reeilals - as It once history. Yet the heat did not prevent on be damaged by water leaks, and to fall Hall which seats 3,000. Thus, the organ is was for many years. audience of more than 20,000 persons from silent. Previou~ administrations had no funds heard in both halls. Sfcinner's ~gan, btUed in 1922 OJ "the allending Edwin Arthur klah's recital. Cleve­ for its maintenance, 01\<1 fashions had Mr. MUIJOY's re

THE ORGAN IN AMERICA SepielDher 23.25!J 1976

A three-day conference on the organ, its literature, Why does Solid State Logic Limited performance practices, and the future directions of guarantee its systems twice as long as organ building in America. almost any other part an organbuilder Co·sponsored hy ROCOCO can buy? (Reslore Ihe OM Church Organ Commillee) and Because our many years of experience Portland Chapler of A.G.O. as pioneers in this field have convinced at us they're better. Our customers, too, The Old Church, Portland, Oregon with in over 17 countries around the world. visits to new instruments in the area. Capture Systems A unique learning experience with nationally·known workshop leaders Setterboard Systems BARBARA. OWEN ORPHA. OCHSE Coupling Systems CHARLES FISK W A. YNE LEUPOLD Unification Systems JOHN JlA.MILTON DOUGLA.S L. BUTLER Relay Systems LEE GA.RRE'IT JOHN BROMBA.UGH and many accessory devices MA.RGARET mWIN-BRJ\NDON FEES: $50 Adult.; S30 Students (with ID) For further information, write or call: For further informal ion please conlacl: ROCOCO, ''The Organ in America" SSLL Solid State Logic Limited The Old Church P.O. Box 200 1422 sw nth Avenue Milan, Michigan 48160 Portland, Oregon 97201 (313) 663-6444 Phone: (503) 222·2031


"'. 8roclcpori Keyboard Festival Sympo. Michigan State Univanity it sponsoring a sium, now in its fifth year, wi ll be held at Chun::h Music Workshop on July 12.15, 1976 the State Unlversily College at Brockport, Conferences at its East lansing campus. Organ music. New York on October 7-9, 1976. As in the choral music, handbelb. and new music, ift· struments and dance which appeol to youth past, the festival will comprise three eve­ will be highlighted in the workshops. Paul nings of concerts and two days of ledure:i Monz will teach service playing, improvisa­ and Iccture·recltals in which prominent in­ tion and repertoire; David Stickler will teach strument makers, keyboard Ish. scholars. and classes in choral techniques. conduding and argonologists will combine their efforts under adult choir repertolnt, Dwight Menard will a single roof. The general theme has to do The Bimop's Advisory Commission on The lirst annual International festival of amdud classes In handbell technique and re­ with current Issues pertaining to the restora­ Church Music. fpiKCIpol Diocese of Chicago, Baroque Music of lamiqu. will be held from pertoire. Sister Marta lunz will discuss music; tion. reproduction, literature. and playing will condud Its "Saturday Music School" July 19 to July 30, 1976. Hosted by the instruments and dance which help to Improve youth in the worship service; the Allegro of keyboard instruments from earliest limes again in the coming year. The sessions for province of New Brunswick , Canada. the organists and choirmasters will be held at Festival will toke ploce in lomeque, a small Bell Choir of Hinsdale. illinois will perform; to the preSflnt, and in this year's festival o~ the enl/re workshop will be under the specific topics in each of the four above the Cathedral of St. James, Chkogo on isklnd at the entrance 0' the Boie des Cha~ Soturday afternoons. The schedule will In· a Uf •. l his area of eostern Canado Is rem­ d iredion of Albert G. Bolitho. Sporuon of areas will be soughl oul, along with tvrrent clude the follOWing les.dons: inlKent of Cope Cad, though a! yet un.­ the 22nd annual event include the Michigan Inues concerning the early argon.. clayjdwrd. Sept. 18: Richard Enright (head of organ crowded, and renowned for ils Acadian ho,," Counci l of Church ... Mkhigan Siale Univer­ harpsichord, early plana, and their modern dept., Northwellern University) on playing pita lily. Claues In Baroque flute on.d in sity's Committee on Church Rotated Programs, yariants. hymns for choir and congregation and con­ recorder will be provided by Fran,>ois Deportment of Musk, and Continuing Edu­ cation Service. For informotion. contadl It is hoped in the forthcoming symposium ducting from the conwlel Codere, and In harpsichord by Mallhieu Oct. 9, Grigg Fountain (organist of Alice Duguay. These two young musicians will Church Music Workshop, 26 Kellogg Center to pre$ent John O'Connor's nearly com. for Continuing Education, Michigan State Millar Chapel and prof. of organ, North­ also perform the complete sonatas for flute University, East lansing, MI 48824; or tele­ pleted "neo·dauic fortep/ana" bath in lec. western U.) on choir training techniques and ani harpsichord by J. S. Bach on July 20 phone (517) 353-7822. ture-demanstratlan and in concert, and also building a IJood choral tone; and July 23 In the small church of Sainte­ to present Dr. von der Meer, Instrument Nov. 20: Robert Lodlne (head 01 organ Cecile de Pelile-Rlvll;\'Ue. Tickets, reg­ curalor of the Germanlsches Museum in Nur­ dept., American ConSflrvotory of Music) on istration forms and Information may be ob­ emberg. Germany, on the topic "The Key­ organ playing and repertory; tained by writing to the International Festi­ board Instruments of C. P. E. Bach" and to Jon. 15. 19n: Gerald L. Smith (prof. of val of Baroque MusiC. Lomeque. New Bruns­ p:ay topes of instruments of C.P.E. Bach's voice, Northwestern U.l on vocal techniques wick AOB IVO, Canado. era which are housed at his museum. Prom­ for church musicians; Feb. 19, 19n: Roy Kehl (organist-choir­ inent performing keyboordlsts are to in­ master of Church of the Ascension, Chicago) clude Elli Hashimoto, harpsichordist; Malcolm (In the basks of P:alntong and AngUcon The Oroan In Americu will be the subject Bilton and Mary SadivnikoH, fortepianisls; chanl; and The Sub.cammission an liturgical Music af of a three·day conference to be held at and Kenneth Droke performing upon a re­ March 19, 1977: members of the Com· the Ofeen Boy Diocese will sponsor two The Old Church, Portland. Oregon, Septem. stored 1803 Broodwoad pianof.:.rte. The final miuion on new settings of the New Services workshops for church mustdans at St. Nor. ber 23-25, 1976. Co-sponsored by ROCOCO (Reslore The Old Church Organ Committee) evening concert will be ennHed "Keyboard and Conlides plus anthem lists. bert Abbey. De Pere. Wisconsin , on August Further information about the sessions 8.11, 1976. The folk music workshop will be and the Portland Chapter of the AGO. the Instrument Evolution," and will include five may be obtolned from Mrs. Gordon Lyall, St. held on August 9th only, but the worbhop conference will lIudy lhe American organ. its movemonts of five concertos preJented on David's Rectory, 1105 Shelmer Rood, Glen­ for organists, thoir dlredolS, tonto", song literature, p~formonce prodlel!S, and the varying indruments In quosi·historic order: view. IL 60025. leaders, etc., will be he:d through all four fulure diredions of orgon building in the paslliv tracker adion organ, the harpsi. days. The purpose of the workshaps is to Amerka, and il will include visits to new he~p church musicians in planning, choosing, Instruments in the area. The workshop lead­ chord, the fortepiano, the pianoforte, and the and executing good liturgical music in their ers will include Barbaro Owen, Charles new O'Connor "neo·doulc piano." Further particular circumstances. Faculty for the Fisk, John Hamillon, lee Garrett, Margaret Information about the symposium may be workshops will include Paul Salamunovich, Irwin·Brandon, Orpho Ochse. Wayne Leu­ obtained 'rami Dr. Dowell Multer, Coordi­ The 1976 F.stivol of the American Lint Sister Theophone Hytrek, the Rev. Richard pold, Douglas L Butler. and John Brom­ nator of Plano and Keyboard Studies, Music Society will toke place at the University of J. Wojcik, and the Rev. Ed Gutfreund. In­ bough. Further information on the confer­ Tennessee, Knollville. on October 29.31, 1976. formation about the workshops may be ob­ ence may be obtained froml ROCOCO, "The Deportment, State University College at For complete InformaHon, contact Dr. David tained from: Music Commiuion Workshop, Organ In America", The Old Church, 1422 Brockport, Brockport, NY 1-4420; or phone Z. Kushner, Deportment of Music, University liturgical Commission, P.O. Boll 937, Green SW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201; or (716) 395·2332. 0' (716) 637·3604. of Florida, Goinesyille, Florida 32611. Boy, WiscoNln 54305. phone (503) 222-2031.




During the Revolutionary period, David Tannen­ berg, of Lititz, Pennsylvania, was respected as one of the great Early American organ builders. Today at Reisner, Inc., you'll still find that same spirit evident in everything from our smallest component \0 our largest handcrafted console. There's the same dedication to quality... the special attention to detail ... and the pride of workmanship displayed by every craftsman at Reisner. It's why we're proud to say THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR REISNER QUALITY! ~ltetiBerlm ~:. B;X 11 . 2~_N. ~:OSPE~T ST~~~ GERSTOWN. ~D. ~; ;~

JULY, 1976 9 Record Reviews playrd here with organ transcription of text. that you may know Him the better (C01.lillUt!d from p. 2) the instrumental POlUS, hereb)'," At the head of the liner notes Fred Sautter handles the music well. is the saying, "OrthodOXY, th)' middlc with excellent TTlusical phrasing. articu, name is monotony, The steady, hea\')' form. ~urc1y "The D(.'spair and Agony lation, and ·fine S<.'JI5e of dynamic con· heat is no less a straightjackct. And ur lJachatl" is the 1II05t significant and trol. I-Ie IISCS a Ulodern piccolo, and monotonous." plUround o( all the pieces. Such is the background for the hymns, It is mluablc and indeed gratifying plays with lIoticeable \'ibrato - a combi. natioll that may be disturbing to sonte old and new from the h)'mnal of the In ha\'c this recording from the composer Weslcyan and Free Methodist churches, himself. purisu, Most of all what is lacking i~ the old inlonation which is a result of alllI :I few choral seLlings by Dr. Finnc),. the \'aheless instrument as well as a H)lnns arc diHicult subjects for such complclely different wning mncepl. impro\'is:alion. ror they prescribe mOl ' Jelf1 L:lIlgJais: Cinq ~riditation! sClr MallY of the harmonic deligTlts are lost terial and st),le wilhin (he IXJUnclaries IIApocalypsC'. Marie-Louise Jaqurt at the: in the "e(I":aI" tulling of the organ and of (he metrical line, the dale arc undoubtedly thc Five Medi· wrtillg to wdl worn or Inappropriale hope to IIL'a!' more rcle:ascs on the Ar~ cliches, as is so ohen the case when or. tiatium UII Ihe Apocalypsc. Horn during FC))1l1a lahel hum SI. M:aI"I.. ·s C:uhl'drnl cUII\·alt.'St."t:U(e frolll serious illness ift in Sc:lulc. ~;lIIisIS do imprO\'isc 011 h)lIms, It takes 1138 GaMn Place 19i3, Ihe), :Irc expressive of L:mgl ... is' a master), uf hanllonic matLTial ami louIMII., Kentucky 40203 deep :l1Id ahidiug spiritual attraction tn IdiolH , a lIcep sense of propriet), aud the visions uf the Hook of Re\'elation, perception about the nalure of a h)mn, ~lusi[,;IIII' ther ha,'c 0111.' foot in the Marcel Dupre: The Wa)' of the Cross. restraint in dealing with the hymn, and WENDHACK world u u.H!itiun. alld thc other foot Willialll Tt'ague at the organ of St. an ill\ol\ ement of the ferfonner as a ill a lII)sticall)' \'isiouary world from Mark's Episcopal Church, Shre\-eport, lovc r of the h pnn h.sel ror successful \\ilhill thc cOIUJHlser. Combining thc· Louisialm. LER Records (m'ailable ffOUI ilUd frt:sh improvisalion. D r. Finne)' has all of Ihese ingredicnts, It is surprising 1II:lli(. material holU Gn.ogorian chant SL Mark's Music Dept., 1'.0. Uox 4-143, ~ organs llIf1fi\'L"S and thc kind of interior per· Shrc\'cpur4 L\ 7110-1), Sterco, LER.J(lO, how liltle he resorts to expeclable (cpti()11 that (UIIIL'S from ),l'ars of Ih'ing SC194. cliche, aud )'CI hon' often he uses well · within lhe structure of the Roman wurn harmonic malerial. It is refreshing Catholic lilllrgy with thc c\'ocath'c an,d Willia1ll 'n'ague clclh"ers a sturd) per. 10 he:ar the ct'!'il.rail1( wilh whidl the pictorial "isiul1!'i with their !'iymhohc fonuance of lluprC's massi\'c symphonic orgau is used. hoth alone and with 21108 South Patrick DrlvB siglls hum the nook of Revelation. the scelles. "I here is 110 doubt thut both the \nices. It is a glor), to he'lT the lion ­ mcdil:uions form the lUost profound ef· organ and the pt.'rfonTlcr arc wcll gimmicL: y registrations with so 1II1Ich Indian Harbour aeach, Florida 32937 matched 10 thc music hel"!.', and thc 1'1." Telephone: (385) 773-1275 fcct of all of Langlais' wlllk, \ '~ r! e t )' , In .sum. the whole reconhng is Intrillsil: to the succcss of thesc mysli. cording is welcome. for it is the first of hUlllg and refresh ing, '\lId what more cal exprcssions is the sound of the French the fine organ at 5t. Mark's in Shrc\'e· rna)' olle ask? Romanlic o~an, It is then significant port where Mr. Teague is the organist. .There lila} be those \yho will quibble that thl'SC works ha\'c been recorded Further, the large acoustical properties with Ihe sl)'le of playing itsel f - it is under the direct supcnision of the COIU' uf the huge gothic building arc alro ptr. certainly not dogmatically expressh'e of )\(OAqz }loser :11 his own instrument al Ste· feCI for the Inusic. allowing Dupre's all Ihe prcsent " Oglll'S , nOr is il imilalil'e Clutjlde in I'aris, The competellt pia)'· music the nccessary space in whleh to uf <111 )' uuc flilH \'Ogue. ,\ud at lcast one {ug by onc of Langlais' students. Maric· rcsoulul. hymn \"crges dose to Ihe "corny" ill its LOllise Jacquet, is recorded here with nut Ihe recording is flawed in mall)' arrangement ("Rejoice, Ye ('ure in THE NOACI:: ORGAN CO., INC. cxcellent sound and fidelity. One won· Il."Spects that unfortunately detract from Heart", reminisccllt of Fred Waring's MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS tiers if the music might have been even Mr. Teaguc's excellent performing. In :Irl""angemellts). But it all can be de· GEORGETOWN, MA SS. DUll bcth~ r. more forceful, at the hand or the order to get all 1·1 "statIOns" onto one scribed as appropriate, For those who composcr himself. but that can remain disc, it was necessary to cut the record· Ii~c e\'angelical .hpnns sung and played only an Idle questioll. ing too close 10 the center label. thus \\'nh \'en,'e , thiS recording will be a This, then, is a signiricant and im· producing sollie pll."uy awful "wow" in superb pleasure. purt.lUt reconling. 1':\CII those who have Ih05C pieces locaied in the inner bands, UIII)' been mildly allraclcd to Langlais' Further, the), :Ire cut 50 close to the Centennial Celehr.ltion. The Chancrl Since 1780 WALCKER wml;.s ill the past should lim] more: meat center that ~lIle aucumalic tahJcs will Omir or Fint l'rcsb)'terian Church, ill tlu..'SC extraordinary pieCl."S, They are reject the arm if it is manually placed Deerfield, JIIinois; WiJIialll Bonhi\'(~rt, sure to t:ll..c Iheir pl:ace as some of thc ill the last hand - place thc arm on the dirt.'ctor; Leolt l\'t'lson. oq;allist· L .. ke Waleker Ot'gaus lIIost significant in thc French literature next 10 last hand and let it play inward Furest High School Orchestra. '(,hail. of post war years. And the recordlllg is and it will be OK (hut some automatic ahle front church) Della Custom Re­ alltl will remain an authentic portrayal arms will reject almost illlllJediatdr after


10 THE DIAPASON Emma lou Diemer performed a concert of Here & There keyboard compositions by women. ,composers on April 25th of the Univel'1l'y ~ f Coli· fornia at Santo Barbaro, Californio: The program, p!ayed on the plano, harpsichord, The Hymn Society of America has elected and argon, included works by Marianne ,he following officers for 1976·1978: l. Martines, Elizabeth Jacquet de Guerre, David Miller, presidentl William J. Reynolds. 10 Moria Teresio von Parodies, Clara Schu· president-.rect (to ou ume presidency in 1978); Morgon F, Simmons. vice-president; ,mann, ludmi!~ Ulehlo, GermOin~.Tl;lilleferr~l and Barbara Penllond, as well as ,wor"ks...&y;· • Anastasio Von Burkolow, secretary; William Ms. DielMr, Ludmila Uleh!a"'i "Five oVir- lambochner. treasurer; the Rev. Henry l. . Twelve: Pr~ludes on a Twelve Tone Row". .1ar ,:.- William" historian; Dnd Harry Eskew, editor ·1: piano 'was given lis first performance, as Was of "The Hymn", The executive committee Ms. Diemer's "Pianoharpsichordorgan", a will consist of all affiters with President taped composition. The Dallas Civic Chorus, Miller as chairman, and the following memo under the direc.lion of lloyd PfautKh, gave bers-at·large: Roberto Bllgood, Wilbur Held, the premlera of Ms. Diemer's "ChoruSoh on and the Re v. William W. Reid. Jr. W. Thomas freedom" for chorus, slrings, piano. or.d Smith of Spfinglield. Ohio, has been named percussion. in DoUas, Tellos lost December. executive d iredCN" of the Sociely. The $0- DONALD M. ROLANDER ctely adopted (] new constitution which mode pouible a reorganization of Its officers New World Records has reh,03ed its first All American Composers and committees. bul affirmed lis purpose to ten recordings in April. The new nan.profit Bicentennial Recital promote the wrfling and publishing of new recording compo ny, created through a grant hymns " related to the needs of the American from the Rockefeller Foundation, intends to people and their churches," but retaining Robin Hyland has been chosen to receive produce a recorded anthology of American the best of the older hymns af recent cen· the fourth annual "Young Organist of the music consisting of 100 records, and will luries. Year" award by Keyboord Arts, Inco rporated , distribute them free. world.wide, to some The Handbook for American Catholic of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Miss Hyland ' 7000 educational InstitUlions with signifi· Hymnals was pUbli' hed by the Hymn Society will appear in recilal on September 29th at J cant music deparlments ~ and to music li· of America on June 1, and is available from Memorial Music Hall in Methuen, Moss., ' braries. One of Ihe first records is "Fugues. the Society at 475 Riverside Drive, New where she will be presented with a $200 FantaSia. ond Varlatlon: Nineleenth Century York, NY 10027. The author af the volume cash award ond a p!oque to com memorate ~ Americon Concert Organ Music" with liner Is J . Vincent Higginson of Long Island City. the occasion. Miu Hyland is a junior at the I notes by Barbato Owen. The company reo whose research and compiling of the 4QO. Manhattan School of Music. New York City, , lease does not soy who the performer is. page volume was done over 25 yeors. He Is where she Is majoring in organ un der Fred· I now president emeritus of the Society. The erick Swann . During the post several years. I Robert E. Woodworth, Jr., director of work contains information concerning vet· she has held various organist positions music 01 Ebenezer Lutheran Church of Chi. nacular hymns in American Catholic hymnals throughout the New York and New Jersey cogo, lIIinoh. :Was the organist and choir· from the early years of the nolloo to 'he areas. mosIer for the Easler Sunday services at pre Ml nt. " conlalns the source and back. Ebenezer Chu~ celebrated in the presence ground of 1100 lellis and their lunes from of Carl WI Gt,tf6ve, K,ng of Sweden. The 30 hymnals in common use from 1871 fa BARRY E. STEVENS preludC'.redt.21 included music for flule, 1964. Biogra phies of the a uthors of hymns argon, brau ensemble and timpani. and is a lso Included. Michael Murray. newly named Municipol ( service music was provided by the church's For further information, Organist of Cleveland, will moke his third choirs. EbeOl!:zer lutheran Church shll re· • contact concert tour of Europe in June and .July, tains mdch of ils S...... dish immigrant her!· including oppea rances at St. Stephan's Wilma Jensen will conclude a busy sum­ loge, and was one of Ihe many stops by the SUNCOAST CONCERT Cathedral in Vienna, and on all·Du pre mem· Swedish King an his good·will tour of the mer wilh a concert tour to The Netherland. oriol concert at the late moster's villa' near MANAGEMENT in Aug ust. Mbs Jensen will ploy recitals at United States. Paris for the Interna tional Dupre Society's the Putten Reformed Church on August 4th, and PrQductions, Inc. annuol convocation weekend. Other dates at Veenendoal Reformed Church on August Include Cologne, Lelden, and Lake Como In W. David lynch, chairman of the music Box 2096 7th, 01 Rynsbufg Reformed 'Church on August Italy. His tour w1ll end with two days of departmenl at Meredith College, Ral. lgh. ,Clearwater, FL 33517 10th, and finally ot the Voorburg Marlinl recording ot St. Ouen In Rauen, the North Carolina, presented a d 'slinguished (813) 446·2914 Church on August 14th. Miss Jensen played first American recording for Advent record· faculty redtal a t Meredith College which a recital at Northwestern University and Ings of the original Cavaille..coll organ which Included the world premiere of "The Hound gove a two·week workshop at Garrett Theo· will be released in December. Mr. Murray's of Morrisville" by Peter Bollard Klousmeyer. logical Seminary, Evanston, Illinois from fourth Advent recording, a Dupre disc reo The piece was commiuioned for the recital. June 14.26th, and she also lectured and corded 01 Basillque NOlre·Dame du Cap near The program included 20th century American played at the Church Music Worhhop spon· Montreol, wos released on June I. orga n mUiic by Krene k. Barber. Persichetll. ~ sored by the University of Wlsconsin·Exten· Ives, and Bolcom. ' s;on in Madison, WiKonsln on July 27.28th.

Marie-Claire Aloin, internationally famous Marlr. Smilh condurted the choir and cham­ French orga nist, was recent ly honored by Robert Sutherland lord, associate profes· ber orchestra of Old First Church (Presby. Erato R.ecard, for her numerous oclivilies for sor of music history, university organist, and terian), Son FranciKo, California, on May that firm . She was awarded a gold disc ~o n director of groduale studies In the depart· 2nd in a concert which Included Beethoven's the occasion of the sa le 01 her one· m,lIionth ment of music, University of Pittsburgh, "Choral Fantasia," Opus 80, and the Can· record of argon musk on tha i label. lhe p~ayed works by Tournemire and Pittsburgh certo in D for violin, Opus 61 by Beethoven. ~ award was mode ot the Pa ris headquarters composer Thomas Janson In his organ re­ Michael Grube of Germany was the violinist, of Erato. cllal ot Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on and Felder Groham was the pianist, and Moy 271h. Dr. lord is currently In France on vocal solo,sts Included Anne Br ubacher, Dirk A. flen'rop, farmer director of the a grant to research the music of Tourne­ Norma J. Levister, Cindy Bryan Bu rt, Dorio Flentrop Orgelbouw. Zaondam, Holland, mire. Fraticelli, Bart Crosby, and Les Skurdal, who retired on May lsi. has r~ived the royal honor "Olflcer of the Order of Orange·Nassau" on May 17th in Holland.


Todd WiIIOn, student of Wavne Fisher at the University of Cincinnati Colleqe-Conserv. olory of MU1ic. hos won Ihe 'national com· nl!ljtian for the Stroder Scholof~hip for \1rod. unte students at that school. He received his M"sS 'degree in 'o,.gd'n perforniance and will enter the Calielle·Conservatory Qraduate pro­ qram In the f~11. 'A hative of Toledo, Ohid, Mr. Wilson was winner of the regional AGO competitions In Doyton and louisville, ond he was winner of the 1976 Notional Organ Playil19 Competition sponsored by the First C~ngtegatianal Church, Los Angeles, Sir William McKie (left), honorary lif. .hop wal a celebration Itt honor of the member of the RCCO and a pa.t secretary U.S. Bicentennial. Charles B. Tompkin', a senior organ s'u· of the Royal Calleg. of Organi.ts; Roberta dent at the Eastman School of Music, wan Bilgood, presiden' of the AGO; Charles The OttaWd Centre RCCO continued ill first place 'n the Nollonal Society of Arts Peohr. honorary president of the RCCO; bu.y , ch.dule .f.\ May with a visit to Ash­ a nd Leiters organ playing competition In and Gerald Balel (right', chairman of the bury CoU.,., wf;eri Alan Thoma. directed Wo1hlngon. D.C., held 0 1 the National Pres­ Ottawa Centre of the RCeO, are ,hown an instrumental rlKital by Athbury 'tudent', byterran Church on April 2Jrd. Mr, Tomp­ at the April 24th meeting of the Ottawa and where ,he a"nua. general ,"",ing was kins, a stud !!! n' of Runell Saunders, was Centre. Dr. Bltgoocf conducted a work'hop held, fallowed b)' a 40-minu.e. film on selected from amang 12 contestants for the H 101 ttt. c.nlre at Saulhminster UnHeci ''1M W•• tmin.ter Abbey Organ narrated p,,' UI which cartles 0 $1500 gra duate schol· Church in whfch she pre.ented a program by Simon P'."on. On May 30th the Ottawa arship owo·d and a recilal appearance In of contemporary American choral compo­ Cenh. members trav.n.d to 'embroke for Washington. Mr. Tompkins was Ihe winner .ition,. The c.ntre held I.. organkt-c:le,gy a loint me.tins with the 'embroke Cent.r, 1051 year of Ihe nal j a n a ~ competition span· dinner the .ame evening at Knox Pre.b),­ and a pragram by ,h" choir of St. Augu ... sared by the Boston Chapter of the AGO t.rian Church. with Dr. Bitgood a. the line's Church of OHawa unde,. the dlrec­ an~, H~~ .Memor/al Church .. at Harvard gu•• ' .peak.r. The dinner and the work- tlon of RolM,. University.

JULY, 1976 ~~ St. 'aul'l C..hdtal, BuHalo, New Yo,t 8t.JlIt by Schlie ••, Organ Company, Buf. New Organs falo, New yo,t New 2-manual and pedal organ in re., !!Ja1lery to complement 3. manual lind p.dal pr.vious 1952 Schlic.e, org_n in chancel lenl_rged in 1967) _nd GALLERY SOLO ORGAN (1907, Hop.· which ,.t.ins pomon, of the Hop.-Jon., Jone.) oran of 1908 in a Solo division in the gallery, All organs pleyabla from the HOrft Diapason I t chancel conlo1e. Design of neW organ bV Tibia Clausa S' the lat. Harmen Schlicke" who took e Quintadena B' .trong peno"ll inhrest in th .. music pro· Quintadena Celeste B' Undo Moris /I 8' g,em of .hl Cath.dr.1 and we, a great O ctOYil of ' f,iend of the choir of men end boys, The Tibia Clusa

Slider sea Is for slider chests. RANDALL S. DYER PIANO TUNING Verschue ..n B.V. ANDOVER ORGAN COMPANY, INC, learn Plana tuning and repair with Pipe Organs ..,.j Organ ServIce easy to follow home study course. Pipe Organ Builders ••• H Wid. open field with good earnings. Heythuysen ILl Bax 489 Methu.n, Manachu ..... 01144 Mokes exceUent " ••tra " lob. Write The Netherlands Jeff...... ely, Ten_ 377fJJ ...... _nkol_ American School of Piono Tuning 17050 T.... 11<. DotlD I ... CA 15031

12 THE DIAPASON .... -- The Organ stoplist

Klais Blanchard THE ORGAN STOPLIST ORGANS OF OUR TIME 136 pages, Illustrated 100 Klais stoplists, 112 pholos $1 S.OO poslpaid $20.00 poslpaid (Ohio re.idents odd 61c soles ta.) (Ohio residenls add 90c soles tax, The two logether $30.00 (Ohio residenls add $1.35 sales tax, No dealen Send Check Wilh Order THE PRAESTANT PRESS P.O. Box 43 Delaware, Ohio 43015

Colgate Memorial Chapel, Colgate Uni­ Tierce '·3/5' 61 pipes venity, Hamilton, New Yor~. Built by the Glodenlein I' 61 pipes Fournilure IV 2/3' 244 pipes Holt~amp Organ Company, Cleveland, Cromorne S' 61 pipes Ohio. l-manual and pedal, 51 ranb, me­ chanical ~ey action, electrical stop action, SWELL solid state combination action. Inaugural Gamba 8' 61 pipes recital by Mary Ann Dodd, Univenity Voix Celeste S' 56 pipes Organist, scheduled for September 24, Rohrflole S' 61 pipes 1976. Bourdon '" 61 pipes Principal 2' 61 pipes Lorigol 1· 1/3' 61 pipes G REAT Cymbol IV 1/3' 244 pipes Pommer 16' 61 pipes Dullian 16' 61 pipes Princ ipal S' 61 pipes F090tt S' 61 pipes GedacU S' 61 pipes Cloiron 4' 61 pipes Octave '" 61 pipes Tremulont SpHzllote '" 61 pipes Superoctave 2' 61 pipes PEDAL Sesquialtra " 122 pipe. Principal 16' 32 pipes STEPHEN HAMILTON Mixture IV 2' 244 pipes Pommer 16' (Great) Scharf III 1/2' 183 pipes SubbalS 16' 32 pipes concert organist Trumpet 8' 61 pipes Octave S' 32 pipes POSITIV Flute 8' 31 pipes Copula S' 61 pipes Chorolboss 4' 32 pipes Praestont 4' 61 pipes Rouschbass IV 2·2/3' 128 pipes Rohrflote '" 61 pipes Posaune 16' 32 pipes Virginia Intermont College Hazard 2·2/3" 61 pipes Trumpel S' 32 pipes SiocUl6 te 2' 61 pipes Scholmey '" 32 pipes Bristol, Virginia 24201

flentrop organ Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Zimbel III 1/2' IB3 pipes Santa Ana, California. Built by lawrence Krummhom S' 61 pipes Tremulant Phelps and Associates, Erie, Pennsylvania. Zimbelsfern 3-manual and pedal, electrically operated -slider chests, solid state control systems SWELL 117 J. H. & C. S. ODELL & co., INC. and combination capture system. Draw­ Rohrflole S' 61 pipes Y 12-14 Morning.ide Av •. , Yonbn, N.w Yorlc 10703 ~nob console. Inaugural recital by Manha SlIlizicnal 8" 61 pipes E ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN YEARS Folgrover, May 23. 1976. Vox. Coelestis 8' 54 pipes Spilzprinzipol -4' 61 pipes A 1859 - 1976 GREAT R Quintoden 16' 61 pipes Hachthorn '" 61 pipes Five Generations building Odell Organs Flochflole 2' 61 pipes S Prinzipol S' 61 pipes 914 Yonkers 5-2607 Gemshorn 8' 61 pipes Schllrf IV I' 244 pipes Bordun 8' 61 pipes Dubion 16' 61 pipes OHov 4' 61 pipes Oboe S' 61 pipes SpitzflBte 4' 61 pipes Klorine 4' 61 pipes Super OUav 2' 61 pipes Tremulant Midur IV 1· 1/3' 2+4 pipes Trompele 8' 61 pipes PEDAL Prinzipol 16' 32 pipes THE KING'S LETTER POSITIV Subbass 16' 32 pipes Gedod.tf16te 8' 61 pipes Ol.:iavboss 8' 32 pipes Concerning the King of Instrumenl. - The PIPE ORGAN Prinzipol '" 61 pipes GedocUpommer 8' 32 pipes Koppelfl6te '" 61 pipes Choralboss 4' 32 pipes Consumers "nd businessmen hlllve their newsletter ( Ii ~e Moneysworth, Kipplinger Hosol 2·2/3' 61 pipes Mix.tur IV 2' 96 pipes Letter) now the PIPE ORGAN WORLD hillS its own newsletter, THE KING'S OHov 2' 61 pipes Fogo" 16' 32 pipes LETTER. Woldflote 2' 61 pipes Trompelte S'~2 pipes Ten: 1.3/5' 61 pipes Scholmei 4' ;rl. pipes Will hlllve erticles like: Hints for Emergency Repairs: Why end When 1II Can­ sultent; Who Put the Rugs on the Floors? Survey of Orglllnists' ContrGcts; Whlllt Tuners ChGrge: Using Free Publicity. CREATIVE ORGAN BUILD1NG FOR ARTImC MUSICAL RESULTS For 12 issues of TH E KING'S LETTER mllil your check for $15 lind the coupon below to: NAME •.• _._ .• _.. ___ ._•. Greenwood Organ Company THE KING·S LETTER STREET ___ ._ .• _.• _.• _ •. _ _. _____ R.F.D. # 1. Dept. DS CHAlLom. NORTH CAROLINA 21205 CITY •• _ •• _._ •• _._.____ ._ .• _•• WI.sled. Cown. 06098 STATE __•. _. ______ZIP __ ~ "rHREE GENERATIONS Of OIIOAN IUILDINC" JULY, 1976 13 GEORGE MARKEY Appointments Records Markey Enterprises 201·762·7674 Recitals 42 Maplewood Avenue Instrudion Maplewood, N.J. 07040 WilliG'" J. Weluer has been appointed diredor of music fot the Edenton Street Uniled Methodist C hurch . Raleigh, Nort h Carolina , wh ere he will he responsib le for six singing choirs and three handball choirs and Instrumenlal en5Omb!e!. Mr . Weisser is a g rqci uale of the Westminster Choir College pOCOI2O BOq sloGe~s where he studied with Theodore C. Herzel, STATE COIJ.EGE, fAST STROUDSBURG. P£NNSYLVANIA IB301 George Markev, and Don ald Mc Dona!d. Most recently he has been dlredor of music K. BERNARD SCHADE. FOUNDER AND MUSICAL DIRECTOR at White Memorial Presbylerlan Church in Raleigh and minister of music and youth at the First Presbyterion Church, Joliet, Illinois. Mr. Weisser has done graduate work 01 In­ diana University under Oswald Ragolz; he RAYMOND H. CHENAULT has served as dean of the Joliet Chapter M. Mus. FCM Recitalist AGO, and he has just been e!ected dean of the Central Nonh Carolina Chapter of the Organist - Choirmaster AGO. All Saints Episcopal Church, Allanta. Glol'lla Brock W . Downward has been appointed diredor of music 01 While MefnO(ial Presby­ Robert Creech has been appointed choir­ terian Ch urch, Raleigh. North Carolina, ef• R man of the department of apptled music 01 fective J uly 1. 1976. Dr. Downward holds E .JOHN HOLTZ the University of Western Onta rio, Londo n, C degrees from Oberlin College and the Eost· Ontario. Mr. Creech, a French horn/st, I man School of Music. His teachers have been T Faculty: HARn COLLEGE, University of Hartford studied at Curtis Institute of Mu sic. and has A Claude Means, Garth Peoc.ock, and David p layed with the CBC Symphony Orchestra. L Craighead. While complellng h is doctoral S Organist: CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hartford th e Vancouver Symphony. and the Stra tford studies at Eastman. Dr. Downward served as Festival Orchestra. He has been recently organist and choirmaster of Twelve Corners head of th e department of music at Von· Presbyterian Church, Rochester, Now York. couver Community College, Vancouver, B.C .• MARIL YN MASO N and founder-d iredor of the Courtenay Youth James H. Vail, professor of music and fac­ Music Centre, Canada's largest summer CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENT Of ORGAN ulty member at the University of Southern school. Mr. Creech replaces J. S. Mcintosh UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN California since 1961 , has been appointed who is laking a study leave to begin work ANN ARBOR chairman of the d epartments of ch urch music on his book dealing with the history of and choral music USC, follOWing the re· at Canadia n argon b ui lding. "MIa Ma.on played w,,,. o,,"erJly oml re.. rve, clemondra,'" anew lirement of Charles C. Hirt. Dr. Vall will con­ Iter extrD"ttI'nary fadrlty ••• I, Des Mot.,.. R.. lat ..., OdoHr 5, 19M tinue os the conductor of the USC Concert Choir. Rod ney Eichenberger will join the USC Robert J. Wall. has been added to the Margaret Malvin chorol faculty in September 0' profeuor of educoUonal OM soles representatives of music. and he will be conductot of 'he stoff usc Chamber Choir. Mr. Eichenberger has of Shawnee Press, Inc., Qelowoul Water DICKINSON been head of the choral deportment 01 the Gop, Pennsylvania. He will be ottendlng Unlv ....ity of louIsville University of Washington, Seattle, and con­ convenUans and meetings of music educators louisville Bach Socl.ty dudor 2af the University of Washington and working with music dealon. Mr. Wol" has developed vocal and choral music pro­ Calvary EpIscopal St. FrDncl ...fl.ld. Episcopal Chorale and tke Seattle Chorale. Thoma. Somerville, associate prafeuor of groms In school music programs at all grade music and a member of the US C faculty since levels In Kearny, New Jersey and Madison, 1972, will become conductor of the University New Jersey, and he has taught music pri­ Chorus, which he will redevelop as one of vately to students at all age levels. For four the moio r performing groups on campus by years, he served as music director and organ­ emphasizing performance of larger choral ist at the First Congregational Church of works with orchestra. Mr. SomervUle is also Union, New Jersey. Mr. Wa lls is a graduate THOMAS MURRAY director of the Trojan Chorale. of Kean College. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL BOSTON 02111

Richard robert anderson D .. • • • Mast.r Croft.rnen" M FADO THE TEMPLE SMD A. O,.enr..ld (Ma ..) Regi.'er A. ANDERSON SoutMm Mtthodlst UnlvtJ'l1ty C""fiand, Ohio 44106 V r.r Recital. R "n•• " Calf.. e I S Gr.. n.boro, N. Co. Dalla., T.XII. 75215 D by n DAVID Th ... ,lay.,. Writ. A. n L CHARLonE AND WILUAM GOODING E CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC L HEINZ ARNOLD 105 Mapl. Avltnue, W '.A.G.O. D.Mus. THE CLEVELAND ORCHmRA L K.. n., N.w Hamp.hire 03431 B ATKINSON STEPHENS COLLEGE FIRST PRESIYTnlAN CHURCH MUSICAL HnlTAOE soclm E or phone U 2001 EI Camino Reol T COLUMBIA, MO. RECORDINGS 603 357a3202 S Ocean.We, CalifornIa 92054 T 239"'325 H Thomas L. Bailey LARRY PALMER a.rilll EpillCopat Church Peter J. Basch MARTHA FOLTS Roanoke, VD. Wildwood Road HarpslchorJl - Orgo" , Traditional Recilal. Califon, New Jersey 07830 50.them M.thodld UIII ....lty " . Recitals: Orgaarst.Cholr.,alter ROBERTA BITGOOD CHARLES BOEHM Sal.t .... k.·s Epl.oopal Cb.rob Avant·garde TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Fir.' Congregalional Church Hicksville, N.V. Dalla., Texas 6337 Jackson Streat BAnlE CREEK. MICHIGAN NASSAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pittsl:tu'ah, P~ . 15206 Garden City, N.Y.

ORGAN SERVICE"· J. E. Lee, Jr. Felix Schoen stein THOMAS BRANTIGAN JOHN BULLOUGH KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE 37901 D.M.A. A.B. M.5.M. Ch.M. Box 2061 & Sons Pipe Organ Builders Unl".n'ty of Nebra.ka at Omoha Farleigh Dickinson Unintllty Teaneck, New J.ney Tuning. Molnlenonce. Rebuilding Dund.e Presbyt.rian Chutch Worle.hop. in Organ Dnd Choral Mamarial Methodl.t Church Con.ultants SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Technlqu•• , P.ycholotlY Dnd MusIc White Plains, N.w Yo,k

THE DIAPASON Record Reviews whistles" whcn hc chose such a material (Continued from p. 10) - it was as ob\'iolls to him as it is to uS totlay that the climate o( thc Philip. THE DIAPASON A MUST fOR EVERY ORGANIST pines was (is) such thac ordinary organ pipes woulll ha\'e 5urrercd sure destruc­ ($7.s0 D yeor-$13.00 for two yean) wilh lhe restraint that is wrought of tion lUuch sooner than those made of Do nol ..nd ceth good taste dcveloped over lears of h!!rd bamboo. He was unable to make reed work. Ycs,onc is aw!!re of the sometimcs pipes with bamboo. however. and so Send THE DIAPASON for _____ hl1.zy imon;llion and O.::luing th!!t comes organ mctal was used. The bamboo nue year(s) to from volunteer singers who C10 practice pipes gh'c the organ its unmistakable only two or three hours of the week flavor and timbrc. hm.. 'e, 'cr. in spite of Name Enclosed Is $. ____ after worldng hard 3.t thcir other jobs. thc fact that thc small one-manual anti AIII.J one is aware thai the muSic is petlal instrument with divided 5tops is chosen with the differing and widely distinctly classical Spanish in 5tyle and Street THE DIAPASON \'aricg:ucd tastcs of a congregation in conception. mind (some of it not \'ery intcresting to Dy the )960's, thc organ W3.5 almost City ______434 South Wabash Ave. this "cuhivalcd" critic). And one is -::_-=_ ill an unplayable state. badly in need awarc that expcrt engineering in thc Chicago, III. 60605 of rcstor.ltion. and it was then that ef­ State Zip lecording is lacking (this p:lrticular re­ rorts wcre intensified to do so, A con­ cording has a [):ld "tunneling eUect from tract \\'3.5 finally awarded to Johannes the microphone placement) 3.nd th3.t Klais Orgclbau in Bonn, GennallY. and cconomics are a problem tor the non­ the rcstoration was carried out in the KATHRYN ESKEY profcssional recording company (thc sur­ noun workshops of the firm in 1973. EUGENIA EARLE face pressing is not \'cry good). Bul it 1975. On Fcbruary 17, 1975, the organ THchers Co1l08e, Columbia University is <:Ill to tJlC credit of Mr. Bonhi\'Crt. was playcd again. The University of his choirs. :l.IId Mr. Nelson. as well as The music on this rccording serves to Harpsichord Recitals the high school instrumentalists. that. in North Carolina dClllonslJ";lte the orS"n \\'ell, illld Mr, Performance Practlce Workshops !tpitc of all these problcms, they dcli\'cr OclIlIlS' choice of music and rcgiSlra.tions 01 Greensboro an extremely pleasing musical record­ work well. c\'cn if the playing itself is 15 Wod 14th 51,"', New Yo,lr. N.Y. 1002

Bo6ert CI.rll Harry E. Cooper WILL O. HEADLEE SAMUEL HILL School of Music SCHOOL OF ~IUSIC SL Paur. Church University of Michigan Mus. D., F.A.G.O. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Cbkago. DUnob Ann Arbor RALEIGH, N. CAROLINA SYRACUSE, :\E.W YORK 13210 'Harry H. HUber MICHAEL CORZINE WALLACE M. COURSEN, JR. VICTOR HILL M.Mw. School of Music FA.G.O. Harp.lchord Kansas Wesleyan University Florida State University CHRIST CHURCH University Methodist Church William. College SALINA. KANSAS Tallahassee BLOOMFIELD AHD GLEH RIDGE. HJ. Williamstown, Ma... 01267 FRANK IACINO DAVIDSON DELBERT D1SSELHORST d. deane Organ Virtuoso DMA Recording Artist J.", F. Susan L. For tecital booking., wrile 101 MSM. MGO ChM MSM, Chid Univ.rsi.y of Iowa hutchison Ha,per colfeQe The P, ..byterr.n Chutch Frank Vincent '.I.tlne, 1111_11 "rrlngten. IIIlnols Iowa City Iowa portland, oregan 161 Oakwood A.... Apt. 304 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

JULY. 1976 15 EllEN KURtz KIM R. KASLING CALENDAR JACOBSON D.M.A. w.. tMft MkWaan UrMWenily Deaenln. for thi. cal.Mo, wa. JuM 10 M.N.n. AAG.O. ftnt c...... ,.,... dutrdt Concard. California KaIanHa .., Mkh'" 5 JUlY lng, Purdue U, lafayette, IN (thru July 19) Fhnt Hills Choral Symposium. John AUdh, Albert Boll1ger, Cathedrol. Viborg. Den­ dir; Kan sas Stala U. Manhattan, KS (thtu mark James Kibbie SHARON KLECKNER July II) House of Hope 15 JULY Holy Family Church Presbyterian Church 6 JUlY James Hejduk, Memorial Church. Harvord William Whitehead, Riverside Church. New U, Cambridge, MA 12:10 pm Fort Worth, Texas St. Paul, MN 55105 York, NY 7 pm Robert Corwithen. Great Auditorium, Recitals Louise Temle, Christ United Methodist, Ocean Gra... e . NJ 7:30 pm Rochester, MN 12 noon Kenneth Bruggers, Bruton Parish Church. A Ibert Bolliger, Fredrlkstad, Norway Williamsburg. VA 8 pm 2nd Annual Madrigal Dinner Conferonce GEORGE E. KLUMP 7 JUlY of Thornton Community College. Chicago­ Carrol Houman. Music Hall, Methuen, MA South Harvey Holiday Inn, Harvey. Il (thru DIVISION OF THE ARTS WILLIAM KUHLMAN 8:30 pm July 17) Luther College J. Franklin Clark, St. John', Episcopal, DALLAS BAP11ST CaLLED. Washi ngton, DC 12:10 pm 16 JUlY DAu.AS, TEXAS 75211 Decorah, IOlVa 52101 Donald Renr, St. Paul', lutheran, Ann Virgil Fox. Bohirnore Symphony Otche$lra, Ar bor, MI 12:15 pm Post Pa'lillon Baltimore MD MoIIi Voinio. northern organ music by 8pm • • Bond, kostioinen and Sibeliu,; Stadtklrche, Albert Bolliger. CalJ.edral. GOtebarg, Bod Hersfeld, Germany 6 pm Sweden 8 JUlY Arthur laMirande HUW LEWIS 17 JUlY Barbara Grant, soprano; Lorna McDaniel, Beeit,.ltI organ; Memorial Church, HotVard U, Com· Gordon H Turk, Great Auditorium. Ocean Gro... e, NJ Church of the Holy Name of Jesus bridge, MA 12110 pm Saint John'. Church Gillion Weir, Trinity College. Cambridge, "Muses Delight" from Ithaca College, New York, N.Y. 10025 $0 Fi••• ,. DMroil. MI 4120' England Washington Cathedral, Washington, DC 8 Peler Hurford, Ely Cathedral. England pm 7:30 pm 9 JULY RICHARD W. L1TTERST David Lowry German Requiem by Brahms, Helmuth 18 JUlY North American Instilute on Worship and I..illlocil 01 .'\.111'>ic Rilling, dir; U of Oregon, Euge ne, OR M. S. M. Albert 8o1liger, Holy Trinity Church, Kr ls­ Music.l Prayer in the Parilh, St, Mar(. SECOIII CONCILESAnONAL CHURCH t\illtlllop lllllt'ql' lianstad, Sweden Seminary a nd Vni ... erslty. Baltimore. MD {th,u July 3D} ROCKFORD, IWHOIS Hot Ii. Ihil. ~()Il,h l ,lTOllllol lln:n 10 JULY McClure H S Symphonic: Band (St. Louis Gordon H Turk, Great Audilorium. Ocean County. MO), Washington Cathedral. Wash· Gra... e, NJ Ington, DC 6 pm Light in the Wild.rneu and Th .y All Song Requiem by Vefdi, Helmuth Rilling. d ir. U FREDERICK L. MARRIDTT Yank .. Doodla by Do"'a Brube<:k. composer of Oregon, Eugene, OR condudlng; Washing Ion Cathedral, Wruhing· ORGANIST - CARIUONNEUR William MacGowan ton, DC 19 JULY .....,-th...s.a KIRK·IN.THE·HIU5 Virgil fox, Calumet Theatre, Calumet, MI Kenneth 8ruggen, Meredith College, Ra· 8looMflElD Hlll5. MICH. 48013 8 pm leigh, NC 8 pm Palm Beach, Florida Seminar in Organ Improvisation, Norlh­ OrClon1Jt. the D.lrolt Symphony 11 JULY western V, E... anston . Il (thru July 23) lutheran Inslitute for Worship and Music. John Obetr, Presbyterian Conference on Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA (thru Worship and Music, Austin College. Sherman, HAROLD MUELLER July 16) TX JAMES R. METZLER Kenneth Bruggers, St. Anne', Episcopal. ' .A.G.O. Annapolis, MD 3 pm 20 JUlY TRINITY CHURCH Trinity Episcopal Church Alvin lunde. Washington Cathedral. Wash· Mel ... ille Cook, Riverside Church. New York. ington, DC 5 pm NY7 pm TOLEDO, OHIO Temple Sherith Israel Bruce Bengtson, Shrine of the Immaculate Ronald Neil, violinl Lorry Palmer. harpsi­ SoD P,..,chco CancepHo n, WO:I hlngton, DC 7 pm chord; Washington Cathedral, Washington. Mote ts BW 225-226 by Bach. works of DC 8 pm Da ... id; Helmuth Rilli ng. dlr; U of Oregon, Daniel Roth, Northwestern U. E... anston, IL Eugene. OR Elsie Naylor, Christ Uniled Methodist, WIWAM H. MURRAY CARLENE Samoa I John Swartr. Groce Cathedral, Rochester, MN 12 noon M... M F.A.G.O. Son Fra ltCisco. CA 5 pm Wilmo Jensen, United Methodill Church, Luthe ron Institute lDr Worship and MusK. Elk C;ry. OK NEIHART UCLA, len Angeles. CA (,hlu July 16) GilUon Weir, mallerclou. New College, 51. Andr.w'. EpIscopal amd. of"'" MHIol.. a...... london Orgon Week orw:l Competition. Oxford. Englond Me," CIfttf Wontal London, England (thru July 18) do"" ... Ia. IC_... City, MkMuri 64113 Summer Academy for Organhts, Haorlem, 21 JUlY The Netherlands (Ihru July 3 1) Kenneth Grinnell~ Music Hall, Methuen, MA 8:30 pm JOHN KEN OGASAPIAN 12 JULY Charles Kopfstein.Penk. flutel St. John', Peler B Beardsley. recital Induding pre­ Episcopal. Washington. DC 12: I a pm frank a. novak miere of Partila on "Efn feste Burg" by HOLY T1UNITY LUTHERAN Setlnt A..... '. Church Gillian Weir. New College, Oxford, ERg. Andrew L Clarke; flnt United Methodist. land CHURCH MaI_chule", Stole C...... Pittsfield, MA 8 pm 1080 Mala law.n Marilyn Mason, Sacred Heart Seminary. Bul&Jo, N.Y. 101209 DelrOit, MI 3:15 pm 22 JUlY James Johnson. Memorial Church. HOr¥ord 13 JUlY U. Cambridge, MA 12110 pm Robert MacDonald. RiversIde Church, New Southern Cathedrals Festi ... al. Salisbury, York . NY 7pm England (thru July 25) RICHARD M. PEEK FRANKLIN E. PERKINS Margarel Clyde. Christ United Methodist, PIt.D. Rochest er, MN 12 noon 23 JUlY Gunther Kaunrlger. French organ music. Albert 8

RICHARD M. GEDDES PIPE ORGAN CONSULTANT R.F.D. #IE, WINSTED, CONN. 06098 Qualifications, Fee, Contract details sent on request of church official using church stationery.

16 THE DIAPASON 25 JulY 2 AUGUST Gloria by Poulenc; Cantata 106 by Bach; GIA Warluhop, U of Southern California, Thr.. Poems by COI'"l Sandburg by Fenno Las Ange~I, CA (thru Aug 6) MYRTLE REGIER Heath; litchfie!d County Chorol Union, Fenno International Summer Coorse for Organ, ole !eJgwag Master Class Flor Peeters, Mechelen, Bel· Heath, dir; Yole Summer School, Ellen Bot­ Mount Holy." c.... r tinily Eplt.. pa1 C•• ,eII tell Stoeckel Estate, Norfolk. CT 3:30 pm gium Ithru Aug 13) roptlleld, Conrad Bernier, Shrine of the Immaculate Sou.h HodJey, ••lCIchuMlb MaUCK".,,,,,, 0,'13 Conception. Washington. DC 7 pm Ilecilel. 51. Thomas Church Choir (VolleJos. Swe­ 3 AUGUST den), at Ebenezer lutheran, Chicago. Il PhyUis Bryn-Julson. soprano; Donald Suth~ erland, organ; Riverside Church, New York, 4:30 pm NY 7 pm ALEXANDER BOGGS K. BERNARD SCHADE Lutheran Institute for Worship and Music, ,.M.M. CDthage College. Kenosha. WI (thru July 30) Marilyn Keiser, lake Junaluska, NC 8 pm Oswald Rogalz. Groce Cathedral, San Ann Peterson, Christ Unueci Methodist, STATIi COlLEGE FranciSCO, CA 5 pm Rod~e)ter, MN 12 noon RYAN WI mOUDSlUlO, 'A_ Ron Doiron, Trinity United Presbyterian, lynn Davis, St 80'10 Church, Hoarlem, Cathedral Church 0' Chtiat the KIn, Holland Worbhopt .nd lKtu,.. Sonto Ana, CA 8 pm Kalamazoo, Mich"an 49007 Th. Kod.1y C1M... 1 Mothod

UJULY '" AUGUST John Obell. Prewyle,ion Conference on Douglas Risner, Musk Han, Methuen, MA Worship and Music. Monlreal, NC 8:30 pm Robert Shepfer L. ROBERT SLUSSER Th. Ballad of Dr, Fouslu., ploy by Mar~ Church Music Conference. U of Wisconsin­ Orlanl,... Cholrma.ter MUS. M., A.A,O.O. Extension, Madison, WI (thru July 28) lowe with music and words added by Richard SECOND 'RES.YTOIAN CHURCH Evergreen Church Music Conference, Ever­ Dirksen, staged by Shapespeare and Co of LA JOUA 'IESaYTE.1AN CHURCH h,cUaMl,Dlis, 1nd1oM 46260 grtN!n, CO (thru Aug 7) SI Albans Trapiar Theatre; Washington Co· LA JOUA. CAliFORNIA Ch:ual Warhhop with Robert Show, U of thedral, Waullngton. DC (fhru Aug 7) Recitals Southern California, Los Angeles, CA (thru Simon Presion, Sf Joseph's Oratory, Mon­ Aug. 10) treal, Quebec John Searchileld, St. Peler's Parish Church. Brighton, Eng'and 8 pm 27 JULY Carl Staplin Frederick Swann, Riverside Church, New Ph.D. A.A.O.O. York, NY 7 pm 5 AUGUST ROLLIN SMITH Jeff Daehm, Christ United Methodist, David Whiteside, flute; Willam Owen, ar­ Drake Unlvenlty Rochester, MN 12 noon gon; Memorial Church, Harvard U. Com· Unlvenlty Christian Church bridge, MA 12:10 pm RECITALS Shawni9an Summer School of the Arts, t 150 Fort,.~Gnt Stftf'tt BrooILI,.... NY 11211 DO MOINES. IOWA Marle.cta;re Aloin, Wes.tminster Choir Col· St Michael's University Sth~ , Vidoria, BC (fhfu Aug 27) lege, Princeton, NJ (also master classes, Aug. 6-7) Mu •• Doc., F.A.G,O. Kenneth Bruggers, U of Noire Oame, South NORMA STEVUNGSON 28 JULY Bend. IN 8 pm ADOLPH STEUTERMAN Brion Jones, Memorial Music Hall, Meth. O.M.A. uen. MA 8:30 pm South","• .". III M...... ls Universltr 01 W;scondn-Superfor 6 AUGUST Robert Benjamin Dobey, St. John's Episco­ Calvary Eplsco,.1 Church Pilgrim luth.ran Cltureb pal. Washington, DC 12: I 0 pm Virgil Fox, Temple U Music Festival, Am­ Superior, WllCOndn 54140 Alan Barthel, Gordon Jeffery, Aeolian bler, PA 8:30 pm Memphls. '"n ..... Town Hall. london, Ontorio 8:30 pm Arthur Wills, soloist, Royal liverpool Phil­ 8 AUGUST harmonic Orchestra; Ely Cathedral, England Mark Hanak, Shrine of the Immaculate George Norman Tucker 7:30 pm Conception, Washington, DC 7 pm FREDERICK SWANN M .... Bach. Roger Rauell, US Air Force Academy, The Riverside Church ST. LUKE'S CHORISTERS 29 JULY Colarado Springs, CO 8 pm Modon Ruhl, MemorkJl Church, Harvard Samuel Porter, Groce Cathedral, San Kalamazoo Francisco, CA 5 pm New York City U, Cambridge, MA 12:10 pm BOY CHOIRS Frederick Swann, First Presbyterian, Co­ lynne Davis, Cathedral, Chartres, France Illmbus, GA Terry Charles, "Sound of a Great Amen", 9 AUGUST Kirk of Dunedin. Otlnedin, fl John Obetz. fOt'" Augsburg Church Musk JOHN TUTTLE, FAGO Oswald Ragatz, Cathedral of St John the Clinic. A$tenslon lutheran. Columbus, OH slIlly sllIIIe WIllJltH' Evangelist, SpOkane, WA 8 pm Saini Paul's Anglican Church 227 atoo< S,,", East .... '.0. c:h.m. 10 AUGUST Taranto. Ontario CHURCH OF 31 JULY Dione 8ish, Riverside Church, New York. W.W lCI ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Gordon H Turk, Greot Auditorium, Ocean NY 7 pm recitals Instruction ...... Hili _on Grove, NJ Wo~hlngton Modern Donce Society, Wash­ ington, DC 8 pm Sue Walby, Christ United Methodist, I AUGUST Rochester, MN 12 noon Kenneth lowenberg. Shrine of the Immocu· WA-Ll-RO CLARENCE WATTERS late ConcepHon, Washington, DC 7 pm lutheran Institute for Worship and MUik, 11 AUGUST BOY CHOIR RECITALS lenoir Rhyne College, Hickory, NC (thru Charles Tompkins. Music Hal~ Methuen, WARREN C. M1UEa - DIRECTOR The Chapel, Trinity College Aug 6) MA 8:30 p.m. Christ Churdo, Shaker HoIgh .. 22, Ohio Kenneth Bruggers, UnUed Methodist John Obetz. fOl'" Schmidt Music Clinic, Min­ Hartford, Connecticut Church, Berea, OH J pm neapolis. MN Marianne Webb, Regio na l Conference, Mar'e-Cioire Alain, St JaMlph' s OrotOfy, NAFOMM, IIl1nob Wesleyan U, Bloomington, Mantreal, Quebec DAVID A. Il (thru Aug 6) C. GORDON Anton Heiller, Summer Organ Workshop, Colorado Stote U, Fort Collins. CO (.hru 12 AUGUST Aug '28) Yuko Hayashi, Memorial Church, HOI'IOrd WEDERTZ WEHR Jester Haiutan and tho Summer Choir, U, Cambridge, MA 12110 pm W4 w.. Ulth It. -... KUltuckJ UulnnllJ Garden Grove Community Church, Garden ClUCAGO 10655 R1cbmoad,KUltuckJ Grove, CA 6 pm Master Workshop in Choral Rehearsal and 15 AUGUST Performance Techniques, David Wilkoclul Dale Krider, Shrine of the Immaculate Lomo Lindo U, RiverskJe, CA (fhru Aug 1'2) Conception, Washington, DC 7 pm International Organ days, Gesellschaft Stephen Hamilton, US Air Force Academy, HARRY ARTHUR WELLS HARRY WILKINSON Ph.D. FAG.O. der Orgelfreunde, Schwetzingen/ Heidelberg, Colorado Springs, CO 8 pm Trlolly IutMr.o Ch.rch West Germany (thru Aug 7) Lutheran Instltule for Worship and Music, Sl. MAIT1N·1N.THE.flELDS Pacific U·tllt''lfan U, Tacoma, WA Uhru Aug WOlh'ng'on St.... Untvenity Robert Anderson, Gedachtniskirche, West HUI. 1'Io11odelplola Serl/n, Germany 20) '.-"163 WEST CHfSTER STATE COLLEGE. PA.

Gary Zwicky DONALD WILLING DONALD W. W1WAl1S RONALD WYATT DMA FAGO 1ac.1Iy ·O.M.A. Trinity C.urcb ~.,. .Ilinol. Unl.,....., NINth 'exa. State University Zion Lutheran Church G.bClloll D_ Chorle.. OfI Ann Arbor. MI

Organ Builders and • Rebuilding * FRANK J. SAUTER SONS Inc. * • Repairing Phone.. 388·3355 • Contractural Servicing 4232 West 124th Place PO 7·1203 Alsip, illinois 60658 For Unexcelled Service

JULY, 1976 17 Clanin_ advertising rat.s: per we,ll, $.20; minimum cho,.., $2.50; box numb.r• • "UllOMI $1.00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Replies to box numb.n should iii. unt cia Th. Diapason, 434 S. Wabash Annu., Chicago. III. 60605.


RECENT GRAD; 1.5, MECHANICAL ENGl· FULL SIZE .IS" X U" Co.y nOM THE ORI· IBTH CENTURY fRENCH HARPSICHORD IN HOOK AND HASTINGS 2·MANUAL ORGAN, neering (music minot) seeks po1ition with (lrljlan ­ ginal in. tracing of the .... idely IIsed Typo "c" . • it form. We offer on ,authentic feproduclion (:ompletefy rebuilt. new cCl "t.d,. ,elealhered. buildu• ....or electronic or<;llll'l manufacturer. Ro berl Morlon Windchest. Sent in maili ng tube. 01 an anlique French dOllble manuel harpsi. Ideal for medium size church. May be seen Technil;lll "I'd/a' ulu N.Y.C.; l ong hlllnd or FIO,tpaid . First Clast. AIICl w 3 to .. weeh de· chord for emateur construction. Th. inltrument and pl.yed. Conrad O. Ollon, 221 Adams 51.. New Jersey.. pennis Sk i nne ~. 2501 Nosl r,an d Ave., livery. $9.00 each. No C .O ,D. Californ ia or· has four registers and buff stClp with a ronge Waltham. Mass. 02154. Brooklyn, NY 1 1210~Apt . 2E. ders add 6% sales tall. Landon Pipo O rgans. 01 FF .g ·... All parh are IIccurately pre.cllt P.O. BOil 61.5. Temp'e City. CA 9t7BO. and reltdy for lIuembly. The .. il\ includes de· 1m WANGER IN ORGAN. ].MANUAl, 13. ta iled d rll wings .nd instructions and .11 neces' rltnh. Ne .... Orgalecira. console releathered reo POSITIONS AVAILABlE PNEUMAIICS AND POUCHIOARDS OF ANY sary materiltls. for brochure write Frank Hub· cently. Sho.... n by appointment only. removltl mal:e recovered with Polyurethene PI.dic. Write bard, IBSJ Lyman Street, Waltham. Massachu· Jon. 1977. For complete information lend SASE CHOIRMASTER/ORGANIST· KEYBOARD I N· for q uot.tion. Church Organ Co.. IB Walton seth 021 54. to Klinger Organ Service. ]6011 W. Villard. MI· strudor. Bandmaster-Bran Instructor. Prefer St .• Edison. N.J. 08817. wou ~ ee , W I 53209. mt!lrried couple for RED SEA ACADEMY, prj.' JEREMY ADAMS. HARPSICHORD BUILDER, vt!l te 9·12 high school operating on charte red. ORGAN SER.VICEMEN : WE WILL RECOVER Antique construction. uncompromising quality. 1934 ROSS PIPE ORGAN- BUILT 1914. RE. paullnger liner in Red See, PeniGn Gulf. In ­ Cosavant and Skinner pOll chboards. primary solid .... ood painted casel. pear.wood jackl. built 1974. Condition questionable. Buyer to dilln Ocean. 22 Sept/IS May, No dependents. and offset adions. Write Burness Associates. iltnd mlt de keyboards_ Brochure aVllilable. Write remove as soon al possible. A ... ailable now. School is Anglican eHiliation. Ap ply: Dr. 1907 Susquehanna Rd ., Abin9ton, Pa. 19001. Jeremy Adams. 2A Pulnam Court. Dan ... ers. IB ranh with new console. For appointment or Peter Gibson, Presi dent, Red Sea Academy, Moss •• 01 923. informotion contltct Stephen Pinel. IB Roslyn P.O . BOll 741 , Athens, Greece. TWO, THREE AND FOUR. MANUAL AUSTIN Drive. Ballslon Lake. Ne.... York 12019. (Sla) consoles bought and ,old. Factory t r.ined tech· FINISHED HARPSICHORDS BY KEITH ]99·4-459. Pr'ce $1500 or higher bid. ORGANIST·CHOIRMASTER SEPTEMBER I. Hill a ... ailable for immedial. purchase fr~m ni cian for your a lteratiO Ai . Auchincloss Service, I4-RANK PIPE ORGAN ASSEMBL ED IN MY Paid men and boy, choir, daily masses. Bene· Millbrook. NIY. 125-45. ("4) &n·BOOI. showroom. Call (616) 245-279& o r . d d,." rn· fih and paid .... acalion. M.Mul or equi... alent. quiries to Hill Gallery. 20]1 Divi lion Ave. 5 .• home by hobbVist. Ideal for organ enthllsia,t. Married man preferred. Salary negoliable. Grand Rapids. Michigan 49507. A... ailable immediately. Accurate description QUALITY ALL ELEctRIC CHESTS MAD E 10 Send complete resume. Reefor, Holy Name available llpon request. Many spare ~r". cable order. g ood deli ... ery. Aiken Anociates. Boll 143. Cathedral (R .C .I. 710 North Wabash Ave .• HARPS ICHORDS - FRENCH, FLEMISH , AND and tools included with purchase. Console: Chicago, III. &0611 . Broo"lvn. P/\ 1881]. It.lian; single and double manull. Billed on older 2·manual Audin. Inquiries welco"'O. Bill recognized prototypel. Solid .... ood construc· Grave ine 511 P.eeves Dr., Gr.nd Forks. N. ORGA'N TECHNICIANS NEEDED IMMEDI· QUALtTY REED ORGAN REPAIRING. RE. lion. William F. Dowling. WlildobOfO, Maine 00". S8201 . (70t) 7n96lo3. etely by well·estltbl;shed New England firm building and tuning. Da ... id McCain, 152'1 West 00I 5n. (207) 832·<4510, building lind repe.iring mechanicel end elec· Touhy. Chicago. III. 6062&. (312) 7tr4 ·67OB. SU ' ERB RESIDENCE ORGAN. A"ROXIMATE· Itical ac.tioned indrurnenh. Wflges b.ned on HARPSIC HORDS. CLAVICHORDS IY NEU. Iy 15 to 19 ronks with chimes. Welte player elperience, plus full benefits. Management po­ REED ORGAN REPAIRING _ REIiDS RE· pert. REC ORDERS by Moeck, Adl.r. lind others. with rolls. Seporate console. Allo Tel.ctrie sitions possible. Reply in conf idence to G ·3. tengued . J ohn White. 2<41& Irving South. Min· Also hIstoric. instruments. W ri te or cltll Gor· ployer, brass roll i . Write or " II R. W. G.·,...I, THE DIAPAS9~. ' neopolis. Minn . S5405. (612) 377· 1950. don Wildman. 222l E. 7-1&0 5 .• Salt Lake City. 51 Buttonwood lane. Darien. Conn. 06820. (201) Utah M121. (IK)I) '42.-1751. &55· 44-45. CRAFTSMAN·ORGANBUtlDER SEEKS QUAL. REED ORGAN lUNING AND REPAIRING. ity·orlented mature voicer as pltrtner in form· Edgar A . Rodeau. 401 "Ibany Ave .• Westmont. BURTO N HARPSICHORDS AND 5PINETS - TWO MANUAL AND PEDAL MOLLER PIPE ing ne .... firm. Mud be oriented to mechltnical NJ 03100. Professional inslrumenls in kit form. Potented organ for sale. instolled 1935. re9ularly sar· ·aclion. Replies co nfidttnliel. Address E.S. THE Burlon J ach. $195-$900. Writ. Bur ton Harpsi. viced by M. P. Moller Co .• e~cellent condition, DIAPASON. . THE NEW 7·0CTAVE PETERSON CHR.OMA· chords. 727 "R" Street. BOil 80222D. Lincoln. specificotions upon request. S71X1O.OO including Nebraska 68S01. for brochure. amplificotion system. Odd Fello .... ,· Cemel.ry ORGANBUILDERS WANTED . EXPERIENCE IN tic Tuner model 320, is now ..... Itable from stock. Continuously ... ariable Vernier control a l· Co .• ]"1 West lehigh Ave .• Philad.lphia. Pa. mechan~cal aclion' an tldvontoge. Apply'Gabriei HARPSICHORDS AND VIRGINALS. CHOOSE 19132. Kney end Co .• Limiledr' fJ7 Falcon Street, Lon· lows you 10 compenlale fot temperature or from sill instruments by Zudermonn. Kih or tune celed. ronu with ease. for more d.tails: don. Ontario,. Canada ·N5W 4Z2. compleled to specification. GUllrll nteed profe,. Peterson EleCtro· Musical P, oduch. 31.­ 4-MANUAL. 44·RANK AUSTIN (1911. 47. 71), sional .... or.. by elperienced crallsman. Carl 60 slops. 2B couplers. 47 pistons. -4 elpression Worth. III. 6O-4B2. Miller. Scribner Place, Crofton, Md. 211t3. WANTED - MISCELLANEOUS pedals, SfOfl. Reversibles. Presently playing in church; good condition. For further infor. 'U8UCAJIONS FLEMISH HARPSICHORDS HANDCRAFTED USED . PIPE ORGANS. lRACKER. lUBULAR by Donald Historical copies of inilrll' mation. conlect HU9h Gibson. Chairman of Organ Committee; Cal ... ary Presbyterial'! Church; ·pneumatlc . ic pneumatic. d irect electric . SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S ITEM : lOO- PAGE meDh maae by the Rudell family. ContinllO model with wa nll l case eftd hand'poinled floral 2OZO East n Ih Slteet, Clevelend, 0 to 44 .ol. Coil: f ranl:. G. Kllnan, Pipe Organ Builder. Bi·Centennlal luua 0 1 .,... Trac\er" with .r· 16I71 .),n.I900. flcles by 8;99S. Venle, Bloo(herd. etc. 110 per wundbollrd lrom S12!.O. Rogers H a r pl ic~rds. 28 3M/20R MOLLER REBUilt HUTCHINGS. copy postpaid. O r9an HistClriul Society, P.O. Pert Ave. , AmilyYiUe, N.Y. 11701. Skinner. Console; blowers; re1ervoirs; venlil. ~ 2 OR ]· MANUAl ELECTRONIC ORGAN Box 209. Wilmin9ton, OhiCl 45177. unit chesls. Som. pipes suit.ble for thcalre ·(IIP' . lile), AGO console and pedol. Need AOt SAIATHll HARPSICHORDS. PEDAL HARP­ organs. List from: J. Killer. IIlB Ardsley Rd., be playltble. Must be completo (elcept ampli. sichords end CI .. viehords: mod relillble and KLAIS: "ORGAN STOPL\sT" $15. BLANCH· Schenectady. N.Y. 12308. Home' (SIB) 3n· ficelion). Dennil Skinner, 2501 No,trond Ave., bellutifuil y sound ing from SI. 195.O'J. Brochllre ]581. Business: ISIBI 385·9151. ,Brooklyn. NY 11210. Apt. 2E. ard: 'O rg ans of Our Tim. " $20. Bolh no. Ohio $1.00. Stereo LP $5 from Dept. D. 108<4 Homer, residents add I/tal. Send check with order. Vancouver. B.C.. Canada. 1924 ESTEY PIPE ORGAN. 25 STOPS; IN. USED SPOflED METAL AND OLD SPOTIED Praeston! Pn:ss. BO I -43 ., OH 4l01S. cludes Harp siop. VOl Humana and other in· metal ' pipes. 90 cen" per pound. Contact Tri ... o HARPSICHORDS IV KNIGHt VERNON. AU. teresting rltnk!. New 3·manual Moller con10le Company Incorporated. Manuhlcturers of Qual. OECUMUSE IS AN ENGLISH COMPANY thentic n:plicas of historic Inslrllmenh. c.,..· indolled in 19S-1. Buyer to remove entite in· ity Reed Pipes. BOil 101. Hagersto.... n. Maryland spedolisin9 in the export of high.quality fully mode and e legantly decora tad. 52S White strument. Specifications availoble from Church 21740. church/org ll n mus ic records to North America. Pigeon Street. Constantine. Michigan 0490-12. of Christ Union, CPO BOl 2332. Berea. Kc:ntllcky Recent releeses includ e I he Choir of Bishop's 40403 . GOOD .. TRUMPET, TC 37 OR 49 PIPES, Storlford Perish Church (chCl ral iteml by Tye, SPERRHAKE HARPSICHORDS AND CLAVI· small to moderate st.le. 4.IJl" .... ind. St.te Tallis, Purcell. Tchaikovsky. Belfour Gardiner, chords. Ex cellent. dependable, beautiful. Rob.rt EIGHT.RANK. TEN·STOP EL ECTRIFIED VE N. price "indo cr.ting. Organ Service Box 36. Rose; organ solol by BClyce, Budehude, Vierne. S. Taylor, 8710 Garfield St.. Bethesda. Mary. til ched Estey pipe organ. Releathered few Chotellugay, N.Y. 12920. Karg·Elert. Yon. Feding played by Andrew la nd 20034. yellrs ago. No console pedal organ or ...... 11 Teague) : S5.00; Sal"'lItor Mund i (organ solos engine. Leighlon Organ S.rvice. 160 Main SI .• SMALL, QUIET BLOWER AND SMALL RESER· by Scheidt, Bach, Mouart . H.ydn, played by HARPSICHORD S. CLAVICHORDS, MOZARt Yermoulh. Maine 00109&. (207) BU·519I. ... oir. Da ... id McCain, ISon WC51 Touhy. Chicago. Andrew Teague on three Ir.cker Instruments Pi.nos by Neupert, sale Dr rental. Fin.ncing III. &062&. (312) 7&H703. by Peter Coilins/pr.... ious y IInrecorded choral . vailable . Write or coli W ally Pollee. 1955 West ESTEY PIPE ORGAN 7· RANK ELECTRIFIED items by twentienth century English comp

18 THE DIAPASoN C10uIfIM _Vltr'Wn. ,.... : per w ....., $.20: ",1.iMVIII clio,.., $2.50: 1M_ nVMlMr, adclftloft.I $UIl. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .ephs t •• IMfMIten: should be ...., slo TIM Dlapason,434 S. WOHsh A",,", Chlcag., III. 6060S.

FOR SALE - ElECTlIONle: ORGANS FOR SAlE - MISC. ALLEN l.MANUAL OR6AN THEATER DE: CASAVANT, l-MANUAl COLONIAL STYLE lure. Walnut. Fo ur t one cabinets, Excellent conlole. 1'153, 55 drawknobs, Z4 piltons, " toe condition. All solid state wlth 5 presets, traps. studs. 24 tablets and 8 n!venible.s. Available ctelcendo a nd two . 'prelsian pedals. Superb immediately. Send for sloplist and photo. C. l. pipe organ sound. Idul 10' church. Priced low N.m, Box 713, Up. Montclair, N.J. 01G43. (101) USE 'irES AND MISC. EQUIPMENT. WRITE FOR SAlE - E1ECTlIONle: ORGANS fOl qU'ck sale. Contoct original owner. lox 1.... '.". tf1. Oak View. Calif. ,)022 or pho ne c~led for specific needl. Box 2061, Kno..,iIIe, TN HA.y6iEN ELECTRONic CUSTOM j. laos} Mb.-291 1. LARGE REISNER RR CAPTURE SYSTEM 15 37'101. manual complete with lO"e, board, immocu. $lops. 7 cabinets, $300. New 73·nole IO-dop I.t. conlc' e. IIlflamel speaken, hw:ludft echo ALLEN - MODEL Io02·D CO .... PUTER ORGAN Iwilch end relay. Reisner parh wired to termi· PIPES. CHESTS, BLOWER, CONSOLE. ETC. organ speake,. $15,1XO originally in 195]. • .. w'th 4 Model HelD Ipeal:er cabineh. Ercellent. nal boards $350. Will not ship. Julian Wilson, SASE for list. David McCain, 152'1 Wed Touhy. built in 1970. Located at Trinity luttl.ran $15,300 (615) 37',6]'4. Rt. I, Box 20, Kingston, 15110 Shamrock Treil, Smyrna, GA 303Il:J. (404 ) Chicago, III. 6062&. Church, Hammond. Ind. Will Uicrifice for Tenn. 3n63. -i3Z·18SZ. $S 000 or bed offer. Avail"bl. after April, 1976, PIPE ORGAN 'ARTS •• 'REEDS AND StRING Contect Bill Doehring. 2911 Norman St•• High. l·MANUAL SET OF WELTE kEYS, III VEIt· pipes, lever.1 ofbet chests, shudders, etc:. Send land, Indiana "un. (219) 8]8·8349. FOR SALE - MISC. linden practice organ in eKelient condition, SASE to E·2, THE DIAPASON. 3-.... ANUAL. '''1 WICKS LOWLINE CON. 16' Double Open. Century Pipe OfC1an Co., CONN CUSTOM CHURCH OISAN, THREE­ sole, wa h floeting Antiphonal, 57 drawknobl, 311 Andanon Blvd., Genova, III. 60134. (3IZ) NEW TRAPS: TRIANGLE, COWIELL, $50.00 manual 900/902; fllllnota celeste gener.ton; 'I 28 couplers, 5 gllneral pistons. 4 pilfo~n per 21'2-12111. each; combination wood block tick locl: UO.OO; cabine" incllKlill9 thr.e "lesliH," echo, reeds; diviliDn, oar cale. Good condition with remote tambourine, cadanoh, $70.00 each. Many more six amplifiers 113·channel amplification); 3.1/2 control machine. Av.ileble 1.le August. NEW ORGAN PIPES, EXCiLLENT WORk­ availeble. Traps included with ection. All elec yean old, will guara"lee. Inst.lled in larga $5,000.00. Write The Rev. Canon C. William menJhip and erpertly voiced. Formerly super· Iric action eliminates need for oi,. Triggen Tu' sa mansion. $18,OM F.O ,I . Tu lia {" Mudal" visor of Aeolian·Skinner pipeshop. Hanl Rother, Ziegenfuss, Christ Church Cathedral, 29111 St. (rom 3 to Z4 volts DC. Laiko EftI~ i neering, 3&24 calede •• MilliS" wa ll chimes quoted at enre Charles Avenue, New Orleanl, Lou isiana 70115. Germen Organ Pipecreft, 34 Standard St., Longview, Wichite, Kansas ,niB. cost). Wi IR am P Sterne, 10lD East 18th, TutH, (504) 1r1S,6602 or (504) 891.2097. MaHepan, Mass. 02126. OUahoma 74120. Phone ('18) 587·0n0. USED ORGAN PIPES, BlOWERS, CONSOLES, '·RANK PIT .... AN CHEST IY ORGAN SUP· WICKS 2M CONSOLE WITH COUPLERS IN WURLITZER MODEL 4100. IDEAL FOR HOME etc. For Ine listing contact Klug and Schu· ply. e_cellent condition. magnets have been plain oal: case, I:ey de,1: 3M console, Hillgreen. or church. Welnut, 2.manual/ AGO Ped., lB· macher, 29S3 Oxford Ave., lal:eland, Fla. l3803. removed. Highest bidder. Pouch boards for S­ 1I 0te chime \ln it on Gt., Combinetion cepturll Lane 3M sto p key console, Kimball 16' Metal Phone (BI3 ) 68)·3226. reni Pitman ched, $100.00. 2·manual console. pistonl for each menual, three coupler IY'lems, PriftCipel " pipes, three Mits I&' Pad . Io.rdon, tripper combination ection. 4 gen, -i gr. 4 ,w. 16' Quintadena 61 pipes, Dullian 16' 61 pipes. Sw/ Sw; Sw/ Gt; Swi Ped ., IOlid stata engineer. LARGE "'ORTON K/NURA, VElY RAll, 28 tabs, $250.00. Buyer 10 ship all items. Pat· itl9. console contained lpellran wilh controll Send SASE for list . Julian lulley, 137' HaNard plKllliar quecring tone, yet re ..mbllng pungent tricl: leiko. 4CD8 East Orme, Wichita, Kans., for au. mery spoo.ers. Ercellent inlhvment et Blvd., Dayton. Ohio 45406. (511) 216-248'. oriental rtled quality. 15" wind . Fred Hermes, 'niB. I." &th Street, Racine. Wis. 5J4Ol. (414) '32· $l,lIOO. R. Dayton, '75 W. St. Chltrles Rd., l-.... ANUAL CONSOLES. 1tsl KLANN, ALL.. Elmhuut, IL 60126. (312) Bl2'B23'J. 1691 or (414) 63'·1322. JUST AI(RIVED: A NUMBER OF IRAND NEW electric. 70 drawknobs, ZS tabs, seHerbo.rd in slock q uiet imported blowen in 1.ln, 2 and HAMMOND MODEL Col, WALNUT WITH combo, lig ht oak ces., available immediately. REEDLESS SAXOPHONE I', .... IXTURE II, 3 h.p. in both three and single phese. Wich bench end erlern.1 speal er cabinet. $1 ,400.00. 19&1 Wicks l ·man. 71 dr.wl:nobs, remote combo. MelocHe 8', many offset chests, reservoin, top Org"n Company, Dept. AL, Highland, Itrnois Sudeten Orgen Company, Box 12111. Oak Brook. good condition, fan l'17l.. Two identi. note erlenlions,. manual slides. R.isner OVAl &224'. (618) 654-2 1". 111.60521. IlIZ) '63·21Ol. cal l·mllll Kilgen conlOl .. c. 1m. Lot, of tabs, no. I write for list. Johnson Organs, Box 1228, availabl. winter 1976. Hendricbon O~Gn Co •• Fa"lo. NO 58102. SPENCER BLOWER. IHP. SINGLE PHASE. EVEltrn OlGATRON 2M UP. TONE CAli. 5t, Peter, Minn. 56012. (507) 931-4271. 5" WP. 650 cfm. S60.a:t. Contact: Devid Laney, net, rebuilt 1m, $MO; Meldorl Reproducing Ii' AND • • PEDAL STO"ED WOOD. WITH 6IZ E. 800... Street. Tahlequeh, Ol:lettoma PiaMl 5' Grand $l5OCI. Adrian Mich. Phone (517) AVAILABLE AUGUST ''''. l-MANUAL. ALl chests, 42 pipes. Also 4' Me~ie, 61 pipes. 744604. (tI.) 456-22'1B. Ul·lB88. elect,ic console. Side lamb tablet type. &eel· Allyn Hov.rland, S9 Cedar. hrk fored, III. Jant condo Light oak fini"'. Complate with nt­ 60466. (112) 4B1-97l9. SAVE ON COLOR CODED ORGAN CAILEl RODGERS J.MANUAL CUSTO.... CHURCH mole combination action, and approx. 50 ft. Unusually 10UQh PVC insut.tionl Compare organ with four tone cabinell. 50 ItOPS, 22 of cablel. Can be leen end played. Price 4' RECORDER (BlOCKFLOTE), 61 PIPES. the.e prices of 24 guoge copperl 50 conductor couplers, 30 phton capture type combinetion $2000.00 loaded on your ttvcl:. Hunsicker PI'pe 40%, 12 dopped, rest 2/3 taper, S+4O uncratod. so,. per foot, M conductor at 75f, lOCI c ondu ~ _ action, e nd fou r revaniblel. L. Winquid, 4QOO. On;Jllnl, 10 Monroe St., Hyde Park, Reading, M. A. Loris, Trecker Organs, RFD 2. Barre, tor at ,..,. 10% off any order totalling 1000 It. -il. Ave. 5., Minneepolis, Minn. 55406, (&lZ) Pe. 111605. Day (ZI5) l7Hr59t, evening 929·1422. Vermont 05641. White O'9an Co., 2540 Webster Road, lansing, 72 1· 6II'l3. Mic higan <48917. (SI7J 372·152'1. REISNER 2-MANUAL DRAWICNOI CONSOLE. USED ORGAN 'IPES, CHESTS, ILOWElS, RODGERS MODEL 100 IN EXCELLENT CON. 10 yn. old. Mahagony, with nmote combina· etc. Moell er, Aeolian.Skinn.r, Murray Herris. ORGAN GRILL FAllICS. SEND DIMENSIONS dition. Two menual, and full AGO pedelbo4lrd. tion action. 23 drawl:nobs. Available Seplem. Send for free liding or call: Manuel ROleles and colou desired lor information to: Cooper Internel speo ••n w/Leslie. $3600.00. Phone : (-ill) ber 197'. C. l. Neill. lox 113, Up. Montcleir, end Assoc., 1830 No. Echo Park Av... LA•• Decoration Compony. 200 Maple St., S'!'tacule. 741·8'172. N.J. 01G43. (201) 74b-,,"7. CA 11m2'. (213) &&2·3222. New Yorl: 1]210, AHn. H. E. Coopc!r.

CHESTER A. RAYMOND, INC. PIPE ORGAN BUILDERS McMANIS ORGANS Rebuilding, Maintenance and Additions Incorporated 10th & Garf.ld P.O. Box 55 Princeton, N.J. 08540 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Phone: 609·924-0935 66104

ORGAN LEATHERS Sherwood Organ Company Inc. 85 Longdale Avenue White Plains, New York 10607 WHITE, SON COMPANY (914) 946-7990 (212) 582-4240 59Z I!aJt JIInt _ Sooth _on, M ...d ...... 021!'/ Service Mochanical and Tanal Rebuildinl Ne .. OIPn.

AU ELECTRIC CltEStS RECTRO PNEUMADC PEDAL CHmS WALTERS ORGAN CO., INC. ~ 2G27 Palmlld", Way Orlanda, Fla. 328G8 "OIHlIIIy wit" (305) 157·1481 ~ AIKEN ASSOCIA TES feellO",,- custom Built ... 143 _\YO.". 11113 717·~IH PITMAN and UNIT CHESTS

FOIl SALE: Utod ...... po.... Many of DO IT YDURSaF PIPE OIIGAN KRS antique valu •• $end $1.00 for complete MULLER PIPE ORGAN CO. JULIAN E. BULLEY ~dom 'pKfRutfo.. for cIi.,q er 1365 So. Detroit Av •• New Organs - Rebuilding not. r.sldOIlCI, complet. or Plrh, 11111 I~ Service IfnIdlana by .... bU.h.d MIld.,... Wkb Organ Compan, TaJedo, Ohio 43614 erv-. SINC! 1906 COUCIT MfG. CO. '.0. lOX 111 Hr"hland. Im.olt 62249 4\9-312-6761 1376 Ha ....n! 1IwI...-Daytoo, 0101. _ (6111 654-1191 513-276-2411 HU., SMtlon, leHale. N.Y• •CZD

CANNARSA DEVTRONIX ORGAN PRODUCTS QUALITY PIPE ORGAN Shawhan Pipe ORGANS 5872 Amapola Drive, San Jose, Calif. 9~129 RESERVOIRS Organs INC. • • H'· I6' E...... ' ..... h.'..... 1365 So. o.trolt Ave. REBUILDING - SEHVlCE NEW SELECTIVE • a...... Oreon ICltt - NEW OHGANS- ORGANS REBU ILDI NG • .eplica "WuriftHrM C...... Tolecla, Ohio 43614 1901 Howell Slreet P.O. BOX 238 Above dosc:ribed In our H o llid oy~bur9, Po. 16648 • Orlan hlWer'e o.w. $3.00 419-382-6761 Fort Warne, Ind. 46808 219422-8863 B14~695~1613 (pottpaW. rehM.w. with p. d •• 1'


BOX 272 CANAAN CONNECTICUT 06018 203-824-7877

Robert Anderson Robert Boker Charle. Benbow David Craighead Ray Ferguson

r ~/i:I!r i~

.... ,/.,:~CJr~f· ...... \ I i, '\. , Jerald Hamilton Gerre Hancock Clyde Holloway Wilma Jensen Joan LippincoH

Marilyn Mason Donald McDonald James Moeser

EUROPEAN ARTISTS AVAILABLE 1976-77 ~ ,,-_J Marie-Claire Alain .•. Guy Bovet H •

t • , Kamiel D'Hooghe It Peter Hurford I • • . David Lumsden Karel Paukert Frederick Swann Donald Sutherland ~ Rene Saorgln Gillian Weir II Heinz Wunderlich ORGAN AND ASSISTING ARTIST

W GERRE and JUDY HANCOCK Organ Duo WILMA JENSEN and William Teague Ladd Thomas U K. DEAN WALKER Organ and Percussion DONALD S. SUTHERLAND & PHYUIS BRYN..JULSON 2 Organ and Voice FREDERICK SWANN & JOHN STUART ANDERSON D Organ and Actor JOHN and MARIANNE WEAVER Organ and Flute U John Weave, William Whitehead