Department of the Interior BLM U.S. Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Arcata Field Office King Range National Conservation Area 2012 Business Plan California Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Arcata Field Office King Range National Conservation Area King Range Wilderness 2012 Business Plan Wilderness Permit Program and New Individual Special Recreation Permit Fee Schedule Developed Campground Expanded Amenity Fee Schedule Photo, front cover: The Lost Coast Trail near Sea Lion Gulch Photo, opposite page: Giant Green Anemone feed in tidal pools adjacent to the Lost Coast Trail i Bureau of Land Management July 29, 2013 Dear Reader, Attached for your review and comment is the Draft 2012 Business Plan for the King Range National Conservation Area (NCA). In this business plan, the Arcata Field Office proposes a new individual Special Recreation Permit requirement and fee of $5 per-person, per-day for overnight use in the King Range Wilderness and Backcountry. This new Wilderness Permit Program would replace the current Backcountry Permit Program. The Wilderness Permit Program would, for the first time, limit overnight use in the King Range Wilderness and Backcountry through an allocation system administered through the National Reservation Service at The Arcata Field Office also proposes increasing the existing fee schedule for the six King Range NCA developed campgrounds from the current $8 to $15 per night, per site. This would affect the Mattole, Honeydew Creek, Horse Mountain, Tolkan, Nadelos, and Wailaki campgrounds. Your comments on these proposals are welcome. You can send them by email to
[email protected].