
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Volume in Combat-Exposed Veterans With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder A Cross-sectional Study

Janice R. Kuo, PhD; Danny G. Kaloupek, PhD; Steven H. Woodward, PhD

Context: Data from animal models demonstrate a link justed for total cerebral volume, Life Events Checklist, between stress exposure and hypertrophic changes in the and the Combat Exposure Scale. amygdala; however, studies of adults with posttrau- matic stress disorder (PTSD) have failed to find analo- Results: Analysis 1 indicated that combat-exposed in- gous structural alterations. dividuals with PTSD exhibited larger total amygdala vol- ume compared with their non-PTSD counterparts (99 in- Objectives: To compare amygdala volumes between a dividuals, P=.047). Analysis 2 indicated that greater sample of combat veterans with and without PTSD (analy- severity of combat exposure (87 individuals, P=.02), as sis 1) and examine whether our observation of larger well as the interaction between the presence of early life amygdala volume in individuals with PTSD could be ac- trauma and the severity of combat exposure (87 indi- counted for by the presence of trauma exposure in child- viduals, P=.008), were significantly associated with hood and the severity of combat exposure in adulthood smaller total amygdala volume. The PTSD diagnosis con- (analysis 2). tinued to explain larger amygdala volume (87 individu- als, P=.006). Design: Cross-sectional magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusions: Posttraumatic stress disorder is associated Setting: Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System with enlarged amygdala volume, above the variance ac- Inpatient Trauma Recovery Program and Veterans Af- counted for by a history of early life trauma and severity fairs New England Health Care System Outpatient PTSD of adult trauma exposure. The discrepancy between our program. and prior findings may be explained by variability in these trauma indices in previous investigations. These findings Participants: Ninety-nine combat-exposed veterans from support additional study of amygdala structure in human the Vietnam Conflict or the Persian Gulf War who had stress disorders and further delineation of the role of early been exposed to substantial military operational stress. and adult trauma on associated neurologic changes.

Main Outcome Measures: Amygdala volume ad- Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012;69(10):1080-1086

OSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISOR- phy in both the basolateral complex of the der (PTSD) is a severe and of- amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria ten debilitating disorder that terminalis. Increased anxiety levels, as mea- Author Affiliations: encompasses cognitive, emo- sured by the elevated plus-maze paradigm, Author Affil Department of Psychology, tional, and behavioral distur- accompanied these dendritic increases. A Department Ryerson University, Toronto, 1,2 1-3 6 Ryerson Uni Ontario, Canada (Dr Kuo); Pbances. Functionalneuroimagingstudies subsequent study explored the long-term Ontario, Can National Center for inPTSDhaveconsistentlyobservedevidence effects of chronic stress on the basolateral National Cen Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of heightened amygdala reactivity among in- complex of the amygdala in rats and found Posttraumati (PTSD), Behavioral Science dividuals with PTSD undergoing stress- that increased arborization and dendritic hy- (PTSD), Beh Division, Veterans Affairs (VA) reactivity paradigms with generic fear and pertrophy persisted even after a consider- Division, Vet Boston Health Care System, and Boston Healt Department of Psychiatry, trauma-relatedstimuli.Inapparentharmony able recovery period, as did anxiety. Build- Department Boston University School of with these human studies, animal studies ing on this work, more recent studies have Boston Univ Medicine, Boston, have consistently shown trophic structural indicated that chronic unpredictable stress7 Medicine, Bo Massachusetts (Dr Kaloupek); alterations in the amygdala as a consequence and a single prolonged stressor8 can result Massachuset and Dissemination and Training of severe and/or prolonged stress. Vyas and in increased volume of the bed nucleus of and Dissemi Division, National Center for 4,5 Division, Na PTSD, VA Palo Alto Health Care colleagues found that rats exposed to a 10- the stria terminalis in rats and that the in- PTSD, VA Pa System, Menlo Park, California day chronic stress paradigm exhibited in- crease is due, in part, to increased dendritic System, Men (Dr Woodward). creased arborization and dendritic hypertro- arborization.8 (Dr Woodwa


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 In light of heightened reactivity in humans with PTSD assessed structural brain volumes in Vietnamese ex- and trophic dendritic arborization in stressed animals, political detainees exposed to torture. The authors re- it would be reasonable to predict enlarged amygdala vol- ported an association between smaller right amygdala vol- ume in PTSD. However, the results of in vivo structural ume and the number of traumatic events reported. neuroimaging studies have been inconclusive, with most In combination, extant data suggest that the pres- extant data indicating no effect of diagnosis,9-13 al- ence of early life trauma and severity of adult criterion A though smaller amygdala volume in persons with PTSD trauma might play separable roles in amygdala altera- has been reported.14,15 Because samples have generally been tions independent of a PTSD diagnosis. Among the vet- small, 2 meta-analyses aggregated the results of these stud- erans examined in the present study, many reported cri- ies to increase power. Karl and colleagues16 aggregated terion A events occurring during childhood. Furthermore, 50 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies (21 hip- the age at which these events occurred was associated with pocampus, 11 amygdala, and 18 other structural brain systematic effects on cerebral macrodevelopment.24-26 The measures) of adults and children with PTSD and re- current study, therefore, had 2 objectives. The first was ported smaller left amygdala volume in participants with to compare the amygdala volume between our sample of PTSD. Woon and Hedges17 examined the results of 9 MRI combat-exposed veterans with and without PTSD. Given studies comparing amygdala volumes of adults with PTSD our observation of larger amygdala in the PTSD group, vs those without PTSD and found no significant group our secondary objective aimed to (1) delineate how early differences in total amygdala volume. It is noteworthy life trauma and severity of adult combat exposure might that these 2 meta-analyses used overlapping study samples explain why our findings conflict with those of prior re- and that the samples exhibited considerable trauma ports and (2) examine whether these 2 indices might ac- heterogeneity (eg, single- vs multiple-incident trauma). count for variation in amygdala volume, independent of We therefore elected to revisit the of amyg- the PTSD diagnosis. dala volume in PTSD in a relatively large and homoge- neous sample of combat veterans with a chronic, se- METHODS vere, multiple-traumatization form of the disorder and in whom several common findings have been repli- PARTICIPANTS cated. These included smaller hippocampal volume18 and 19 smaller anterior cingulate cortex volume. In the pri- Participants were recruited through a combination of adver- mary analysis (analysis 1) of the present study, our com- tising and word-of-mouth contacts with current and past Vet- parison of individuals with and without PTSD found evi- erans Affairs (VA) Palo Alto Health Care System Trauma Re- dence of larger amygdala volume in the PTSD group, a covery Program inpatients, VA New England Health Care System finding that could not be accounted for by many pos- PTSD outpatients, and community-residing volunteers. Par- sible confounders. ticipants provided written informed consent in accordance with In an effort to understand why our findings differed the procedures of the institutional review boards of Stanford from those of prior studies, we conducted secondary analy- University Medical School/VA Palo Alto Health Care System ses (analysis 2) that examined whether the observed as- or Boston VA Medical Center and the McLean Hospital, Bel- mont, Massachusetts. Initial screening established that the par- sociation between PTSD and enlarged amygdala vol- ticipants were US military veterans of the Vietnam Conflict or ume could be accounted for by 2 trauma-related indices the Persian Gulf War who had been exposed to substantial mili- that have been linked to amygdala alterations: the pres- tary operational stress. Exclusion criteria included current or ence of early life trauma and severity of adult criterion A past central nervous system disease, psychosis, and alcohol or trauma. Our investigation of the former was motivated substance abuse/dependence within the past 6 months. Indi- by the recent emergence of findings from the develop- viduals were excluded for the following reasons: negative for mental literature. Mehta and colleagues20 compared Ro- current military PTSD but positive for lifetime civilian PTSD manian children who had been adopted from institu- (18 individuals), positive for current/recent alcohol/drug abuse (14), probable brain damage (loss of consciousness for Ͼ30 min- tions with both noninstitutionalized and nonadopted Ͼ peers. At adolescence, previously institutionalized chil- utes or history of temperature 40°C) (6), or psychosis (2). In addition, 4 participants later withdrew because of fatigue or dren exhibited amygdala volumes (adjusted for cerebral nicotine withdrawal, 2 missed their scanning appointments and tissue volumes) that were 33.5% larger than those in both 21 were unreachable, and 5 withdrew because of claustrophobia. control groups. Similarly, Tottenham and colleagues After participating, 11 additional volunteers were excluded be- found, in a sample of 78 children adopted from Eastern cause of imaging artifact and 2 because of previously undiag- European orphanages into socioeconomically advan- nosed brain injury. The final sample was 99 participants; ap- taged homes, that those institutionalized for the first 15 proximately half were recruited at each site. Fifty-one months of life had larger amygdala volumes than did chil- participants (52%) met the criteria for current PTSD, and 92 dren who had been adopted at younger ages. They also (93%) were men. found that amygdala volume was significantly associ- ated with age at adoption and with impaired emotion regu- ASSESSMENTS lation. Lupien et al22 recently reported increased amyg- dala volume in children exposed to adverse rearing PTSD Status and Trauma Exposure conditions associated with maternal depressive symp- toms. The potential relevance of our second trauma- The participants’ PTSD status was determined via the Clinician- related index, severity of adult criterion A trauma, was Administered PTSD Scale.27 Other Axis I diagnoses were de- suggested by the results of Mollica and colleagues,23 who termined using the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 IV.28 Combat Exposure Scale (CES)29 total scores were used to of 99 participants. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was index an individual’s cumulative degree of combat exposure. performed to test for laterality effects in which a diagnosis of Trauma exposure was indexed using the Life Events Check- PTSD was entered as the between-subject factor and hemi- list30 (LEC) component of the Clinician-Administered PTSD sphere was entered as the within-subject factor. Several pos- Scale. The LEC assesses exposure to 16 events known to po- sible confounders were also tested at this stage (ie, age/ tentially result in PTSD (eg, natural disaster, serious accident, conflict cohort, lifetime alcohol abuse/dependence, and study and sexual or physical assault) as well as 1 item that assesses site). any other extraordinarily stressful event not captured. The LEC was augmented by a structured follow-up interview establish- Analysis 2 ing the subcategory A1 and subcategory A2 criteria and the pe- riod of trauma occurrence. Results of analysis 1 indicated a significant association be- tween PTSD diagnosis and larger amygdala volume, a finding Magnetic Resonance Imaging at variance with prior studies. Therefore, we performed sec- ondary analyses (analysis 2), which examined the indepen- Magnetic resonance imaging was performed using two 1.5-T dent and/or interactive influence of 2 trauma-related indices scanners (General Electric Signa), one located at the Diagnos- on amygdala volume. The first was a dichotomous index indi- tic Radiology Center of the VA Palo Alto Health Care System cating whether the age at which a participant was first ex- and the other at the Brain Imaging Center of McLean Hospital. posed to a criterion A trauma of any kind was 13 years or younger Images were acquired with a 3-dimensional volumetric pulse (ie, presence/absence of early life trauma) based on the LEC. sequence (repetition time, 35 milliseconds; echo time, 6 mil- This cutoff was selected because it yielded reasonable cell sizes liseconds; flip angle,45°; number of excitations,1; matrix when crossed with PTSD diagnosis (yes/no,39/48) and has been size,256ϫ192; field of view,24 cm2; and section thickness,1.5- used in other studies.34 The second index was the participant’s 1.7 mm, with 124 sections). Skull-stripping, positional nor- total score on the CES29 (ie, the severity of adult criterion A malization to long axis of the hippocampus orientation, re- trauma). Because LEC follow-up data were not available for 12 sampling to 0.93 cubic voxels3, and tissue segmentation were participants, analysis 2 was performed on a subsample of 87 performed using BrainImage.31 The delineation of medial tem- participants. poral volumes followed the protocol detailed by Kates et al.32(p44) A hierarchical linear regression was used to give the addi- Briefly stated, the protocol defines the following amygdala land- tive or interactive influence of each index of stress equal ac- marks: cess to variance in amygdala volume, independent of the di- agnosis of PTSD. Predictors were entered in the presumptive ...[T]heanterior slice ...isidentified in the coronal plane by the order of their developmental effects: presence/absence of of a globular, ovoid structure which can be differenti- ated . . . from the cortical ribbon. The structure should have a lighter criterion A trauma at age 13 years or younger; total CES scores; intensity than the cortical ribbon, and have a distinct superiorlateral their interaction, if any; and presence/absence of a PTSD diag- boundary which is not contiguous with the cortical ribbon....“The nosis. All predictor variables were centered in accordance with posterior slice of the amygdala coincides with a significant decrease guidelines specified by Kraemer and Blasey.35 in . . . size ...andtheappearance of the first slice in which the gyrus uncinatus forms a loop and turns laterally to abut the amyg- dala...CSFshould be present (though not continuous) between the RESULTS amygdala and the hippocampus ...anyportion that extends superior to the entorhinal sulcus should be excluded. Table 1 presents the participants’ characteristics by di- Anteriorly, “...theinferior border is marked by white mat- agnostic group, as well as tests of between-group differ- terorCSF...from the parahippocampal gyrus.” Moving cau- ences. Cross-site reliability of amygdala volume esti- dally, “...theinferior border is defined by...white mat- mates determined by 6 study staff and scanned in both ter...andthetemporal horn ...”andlater,bythe magnets was ricc=0.92, where icc indicates intraclass cor- hippocampus. “The medial superior border...canbedrawn relation coefficient. Intrarater reliability based on 16 cases as a straight line from the inferior aspect of the entorhinal sul- drawn from both sites was ricc=0.78. All amygdala vol- cus...tothetemporal stem,” excluding tissue superior to the umes were delineated by a single rater. entorhinal sulcus. The lateral border is usually demarcated by a white matter tract; when the white matter is absent, a line can be drawn between the lateral aspects of the superior and ANALYSIS 1 inferior borders. Moving caudally, if the white matter/ temporal stem cannot be visualized, a line can be extrapolated Results indicated a significant between-groups effect, with from the visible temporal stem to the inferior border of the amyg- individuals meeting the criteria for current PTSD exhib- dala. Delineated voxels were summed over sections to calcu- iting larger overall adjusted amygdala volumes than those late left and right amygdala volumes, summing as well over gray not meeting the criteria (F1,97 = 4.06, P = .047). There and white matter. was no within-group effect of hemisphere and no PTSD ϫ hemisphere interaction (all F values Ͻ1), indi- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS cating no laterality effect. There was no effect of age/ conflict cohort, no effect of lifetime alcohol abuse/ Analysis 1 dependence, no age/conflict ϫ alcohol history interaction, and no effect of study site (all F values Ͻ1). Adjusted amygdala volume was computed by extracting stan- dardized residual scores after regressing amygdala volume on total cerebral volume.33 Two sets of analyses were then per- ANALYSIS 2 formed. In analysis 1, we examined whether there were differ- ences in adjusted left and right amygdala volumes between com- Table 2 presents the zero-order Pearson correlations bat veterans with and those without PTSD in the full sample among the model factors: total adjusted amygdala vol-


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 ume, presence/absence of criterion A trauma at age 13 years or younger (yes/no), total CES scores, and presence/ Table 1. Characteristics by PTSD Diagnosis absence of PTSD diagnosis (yes/no). Expected correla- in 87 Participants tions were observed between PTSD and amygdala vol- PTSD؉ PTSD− Test ume (based on analysis 1) and between PTSD and total Characteristic (n = 42) (n = 45) Statistica CES scores. A diagnosis of PTSD was also associated with Age, mean (SD), y 49.5 (8.6) 46.6 (10.5) t = –1.40 the presence of criterion A trauma at age 13 years or ␹2 ␹2 White race, % 67 80 = 1.99 younger ( 1 = 9.58, P = .002). All other associations were Current psychiatric nonsignificant. Notably, there was no zero-order rela- disorder, % tionship between the presence of criterion A trauma at MDD 74 2 ␹2 = 47.88b age 13 or younger and CES total scores. Panic disorder 7 0 ␹2 = 3.33 Table 3 presents the results of analysis 2. One case Social anxiety 50␹2 = 2.19 was identified as an outlier; however, examination of stan- disorder Criterion A trauma at age 62 29 ␹2 = 9.58d dardized residuals, the Cook distance, and leverage val- Յ13 y, %c ues indicated that this case was not an influential data Educational level, mean 14.3 (1.5) 15.3 (2.0) t = 2.42d point and was therefore retained in the analysis. Model (SD), y 1 suggested a trend level association between the pres- Total score, mean (SD) b ence of criterion A trauma at age 13 years or younger and CES 26.8 (11.2) 16.5 (10.3) t = –4.48 CAPS 76.1 (19.4) 8.4 (9.2) t = –20.56b larger amygdala. In model 2, the addition of CES total LEC 3.9 (2.8) 5.2 (3.3) t = 2.05c scores failed to account for additional variance in total adjusted amygdala volume. However, in model 3, the pres- Abbreviations: CAPS, Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; CES, Combat ence of criterion A trauma at age 13 or younger pre- Exposure Scale; LEC, Life Events Checklist; MDD, major depressive disorder; dicted larger amygdala volume (␤ = 0.24, P = .03), and PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder. a Unpaired 2-tailed t tests were used. the interaction of presence/absence of criterion A trauma b P Ͻ .001. at age 13 or younger and CES total scores predicted smaller c P Ͻ .05. amygdala volume (␤ = –0.29, P = .007). In model 4, the d P Ͻ .01. addition of PTSD diagnosis as a predictor modified the findings from model 3 such that the presence of crite- creased statistical power and the severity and chronicity rion A trauma at age 13 or younger no longer accounted of the disorder together may account for the observa- for significant unique variance in amygdala volume; CES tion of a positive association between PTSD and amyg- total scores became associated with smaller amygdala vol- dala volume, a finding in contradiction with earlier stud- ume (␤ = –0.25, P = .02). The interaction of the presence/ ies. Indeed, 8 of the 9 studies included in the Woon and absence of criterion A trauma at age 13 or younger and Hedges17 meta-analysis comparing amygdala volumes CES total scores continued to predict smaller amygdala among PTSD vs non-PTSD trauma-exposed controls or volume (␤ = –0.28, P = .008). Finally, a PTSD diagnosis healthy controls without trauma exposure indicated no accounted for additional variance in amygdala volume significant differences in amygdala volume. These stud- in a manner consistent with the results of analysis 1 ies had considerable sample heterogeneity regarding the (␤ = 0.32, P = .006). type of trauma (eg, sexual abuse, combat exposure, po- We also tested for a possible laterality effect by per- lice work, and motor vehicle accidents), age at onset of forming the same multiple regression on paired differ- the trauma, and chronicity of the trauma. Variability ences between left and right amygdala volume. There were among any of these factors may account for the discor- no significant associations ( P Ͼ .10 for all compari- dant findings. Notably, 2 of these studies13,36 compared sons), indicating no effect of laterality. combat-exposed Vietnam veterans with PTSD with com- The interaction between criterion A trauma at age 13 bat-exposed37 and non-combat-exposed controls13 and re- years or younger and CES total scores on total amygdala ported no significant differences in amygdala volume. The volume is shown in the Figure, in which the bivariate mean age of the participants from these studies, as well relationship between CES total scores and total ad- as the exclusion criteria implemented by Gurvits and col- justed amygdala volume is plotted. The observed pat- leagues36 (exclusion criteria were not reported by Gil- tern indicated that, among individuals reporting crite- bertson et al13), were similar to those of the current study. rion A trauma at 13 or younger, there was a negative However, samples from both studies were significantly association between combat exposure and adjusted amyg- smaller than ours (PTSD, 7-24 participants; non-PTSD, dala volume (r = –0.38, P = .02), whereas among indi- 8-23); thus, it is likely these 2 studies were underpow- viduals not reporting criterion A trauma at age 13 or ered to detect group differences. That being said, invok- younger, no association was observed (r = 0.19, P = .21). ing inadequate power does not reconcile our findings with reports of smaller amygdala volume in PTSD.15 Our sec- COMMENT ondary analyses offer potential insight into this conflict. Results from our secondary analyses suggest that spe- cific trauma-related indices (ie, a history of early life Our study found that amygdala volume, adjusted for total trauma and severity of adult criterion A trauma) may in- cerebral tissue volume, is systematically associated with dependently as well as interactively explain unique vari- PTSD as well as with indices of traumatic stress. Given ance in amygdala volume in adults, above the variance our relatively large and homogeneous sample, in- explained by a PTSD diagnosis. Moreover, the observed


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 Table 2. Pearson Correlations Among Model Factors in 87 Participants

Characteristic Total Amygdala Volume Criterion A Trauma, Age Յ13 y CES Total Scores PTSD Diagnosis Total amygdala volume ...... Criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y 0.18 ...... CES total scores −0.07 0.14 ...... PTSD diagnosis 0.27a 0.33b 0.44c ...

Abbreviations: CES, Combat Exposure Scale; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder. a P = .01. b P = .002. c P Ͻ .001.

Table 3. Hierarchical Multiple Regression Examining Early Life Trauma, Severity of Adult Criterion A Trauma, Their Interaction, and PTSD Predicting Total Adjusted Amygdala Volume in 87 Participantsa

Model B SE ␤ t b P Valuec ⌬R 2 d ⌬F d P Valued 1 Constant 0.02 0.11 0.17 .86 0.03 2.77 .10 Criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y 0.35 0.21 0.18 1.67 .10 2 Constant 0.03 0.11 0.29 .77 Criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y 0.38 0.22 0.19 1.77 .08 0.009 0.76 .39 CES −0.008 0.009 −0.09 −0.87 .39 3 Constant 0.08 0.10 0.73 .47 Criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y 0.47 0.21 0.24 2.25 .03 0.08 7.74 .007 CES −0.01 0.009 −0.13 −1.21 .23 CES ϫ criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y −0.05 0.02 −0.29 −2.78 .007 4 Constant 0.09 0.10 0.92 .36 Criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y 0.29 0.21 0.15 1.36 .18 CES −0.02 0.009 −0.25 −2.30 .02 0.08 7.83 .006 CES ϫ criterion A trauma at age Յ13 y −0.05 0.02 −0.28 −2.74 .008 PTSD diagnosis 0.64 0.23 0.32 2.80 .006

Abbreviations: B, unstandardized beta coefficient; CES, Combat Exposure Scale; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder. a Significant differences are bold. b Unpaired t tests were used. c Values represent comparisons within the model. d Values represent comparisons between the models.

associations between these indices and amygdala vol- opmental trajectory that places the individual at risk for ume are not straightforward. Three findings emerged structural alterations when re-exposed to traumatic events in our final model, model 4. First, severity of adult cri- in adulthood. Longitudinal studies in at-risk popula- terion A trauma (ie, combat exposure) was significantly tions are necessary to disentangle these influences. negatively associated with amygdala volume, a finding Although the associations found in our secondary in broad agreement with a study by Mollica and col- analyses are, at this juncture, poorly understood, what leagues,23 who observed a negative association between can be concluded is that different trauma-related indi- the number of traumatic events and right amygdala vol- ces appear to have independent and potentially oppos- ume among Vietnamese ex-political detainees. Second, ing influences on the amygdala. Indeed, given the sub- the interaction of early life trauma and severity of adult stantial variability across prior studies in sample criterion A trauma uniquely predicted smaller amyg- characteristics, trauma type, and trauma histories, it is dala volume. Third, a PTSD diagnosis was associated with possible that the countervailing effects of different trauma larger amygdala volume, consistent with our primary types “washed out” the ability of previous studies to de- analysis. tect group differences. The complexity of influences involving early life and Finally, it is noteworthy that our final model did not adult trauma on amygdala structure can be adduced by find evidence of a unique relationship between early life the significant interaction between early life trauma and trauma and amygdala volume. This is in apparent con- severity of criterion A trauma in adults. Inspection of this trast to studies by Tottenham et al21 and Mehta et al20 sug- interaction indicated a negative relationship between se- gesting that extended orphanage stay is associated with verity of combat exposure and amygdala volume but only larger amygdala volume. It is clear that our index of early among the subgroup reporting early life trauma. It may adversity does not replicate the sharp contrasts in very be that trauma exposure in childhood initiates a devel- early adversity/deprivation tested by Tottenham et al and


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 Mehta et al. Indeed, animal models and developmental 4 human studies suggest that stress-induced changes in the Criterion A trauma amygdala may be apparent earlier in life (reviewed by Tot- at age ≤13 y 37 No tenham and Sheridan ). Thus, it may be that our index 3 Yes of early life trauma (ie, any criterion A trauma occur- ring at age 13 years or younger) was too broad to effec- tively capture amygdala alterations that might have oc- 2 curred after very early trauma. It bears mentioning,

however, that we observed a significant positive associa- 1 ∗ tion between early life trauma and amygdala volume in r = –0.38 model 3. However, when we added PTSD to model 4, this association was lost and a significant association be- 0 r = –0.19 tween PTSD and larger amygdala volume was observed. Therefore, it appears that, in this sample, the associa- –1 tion between early life trauma and amygdala volume found mL Adjusted Amygdala Volume, Total in model 3 was better accounted for by a diagnosis of PTSD. –2 An alternative explanation for the conflict between our findings and those from the developmental studies is dif- –3 ferences in the timing of measurement. In a comprehen- 0 10 20 30 40 50 sive review of data from animal and developmental stud- Combat Exposure Scale Total Score ies, Tottenham and Sheridan37 presented an integrative developmental model proposing that exposure to trauma Figure. Interactive effect of presence or absence of criterion A trauma at age 13 years or younger and severity of combat exposure on total adjusted may result in an initial enlargement of the amygdala, fol- amygdala volume. *P = .02. lowed by eventual reduction in volume. Within this frame- work, amygdala morphology may vary as a function of the timing of measurement. The mean age at the time of trauma exposure is a necessary component of the PTSD measurement for the children observed by Tottenham and diagnosis, an initial yet critical step is to disentangle the Sheridan was 8 years, whereas the mean age of institu- relative effect of trauma exposure vs a PTSD diagnosis tionalization and adoption was 21⁄2 months and 11⁄2 years, on amygdala damage. Indeed, it is imperative that fu- respectively. Thus, participants in their sample were mea- ture studies include a clinically healthy control group to sured approximately 7 to 8 years after the onset of stress/ further delineate the effects of trauma exposure alone on trauma. In our sample, the mean age at the time of mea- structural changes. surement was 48 years, and our index of early life trauma In conclusion, to our knowledge, this study is the first was anchored to criterion A events occurring at age 13 to report an association between PTSD and an enlarged years or younger. Given that the discrepancy between the amygdala volume. Moreover, our secondary analyses sug- onset of trauma and the time of measurement in our gest that much remains to be explained in the relation- sample was substantially longer than those reported in ships among early life trauma, adult trauma, and adult the developmental literature, it may be that our mini- psychopathologic features. Cross-sectional studies of mum 35-year gap between the onset of early trauma and amygdala structure in PTSD might benefit from more re- time of measurement was too large to capture increases fined measurement of trauma history. Furthermore, lon- in amygdala volume that may have occurred earlier. gitudinal studies are necessary to provide greater clarity This study has important limitations. First, more than into the interplay between different trauma factors and 75% of the study sample met criteria for current major their relative influence on amygdala structural plastic- depressive disorder, a group in which amygdala altera- ity across human development. tions have been reported.38-40 However, we tested for the effects of depression in our primary and secondary analy- Submitted for Publication: September 28, 2011; final re- ses and found no significant effects. In addition, our pre- vision received December 22, 2011; accepted January 18, dominantly male veteran sample limits the generalizabil- 2012. ity of these findings to females and to subsamples exposed Correspondence: Janice R. Kuo, PhD, Ryerson Univer- to single-incident traumas. It is also noteworthy that we sity, Jorgenson Hall, Room 935, 350 Victoria St, To- did not include a control group that had not been ex- ronto, Ontario M5B 2K3, Canada ([email protected] posed to trauma. Thus, this study was not equipped to .ca). determine whether trauma exposure alone (indepen- Author Contributions: Dr Woodward had full access to dent of the PTSD diagnosis) is associated with struc- all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the tural amygdala alterations compared with clinically integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analy- healthy controls. The lack of a clinically healthy control sis. All statistical analyses were conducted by Drs Kuo group also precluded analysis of the potentially cumu- and Woodward. lative effects of trauma exposure concurrent with a PTSD Financial Disclosure: None reported. diagnosis. However, the primary aim of this study was Funding/Support: This work was supported under a VA/ to examine the effects of PTSD, rather than trauma ex- Department of Defense (DoD) assistance agreement to posure alone, on damage to the amygdala. Given that Drs Kaloupek and Woodward from the US Army Medi-


©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 cal Research and Material Command (DoD) adminis- 16. Karl A, Schaefer M, Malta LS, Do¨rfel D, Rohleder N, Werner A. A meta-analysis of structural brain abnormalities in PTSD. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2006;30 tered through the Institute for Medical Research (VA). (7):1004-1031. Additional Contributions: The Research Services of the 17. Woon FL, Hedges DW. Amygdala volume in adults with posttraumatic stress dis- VA Palo Alto Health Care System and VA Boston Health order: a meta-analysis. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2009;21(1):5-12. 18. Woodward SH, Kaloupek DG, Streeter CC, Kimble MO, Reiss AL, Eliez S, Wald Care System provided invaluable support for this study. LL, Renshaw PF, Frederick BB, Lane B, Sheikh JI, Stegman WK, Kutter CJ, Stew- Important institutional and technical support was also art LP, Prestel RS, Arsenault NJ. Hippocampal volume, PTSD, and alcoholism in provided by the following individuals: at VA Palo Alto combat veterans. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163(4):674-681. 19. Woodward SH, Kaloupek DG, Streeter CC, Martinez C, Schaer M, Eliez S. De- Health Care System: Wendy Stegman, BA, Lorraine creased anterior cingulate volume in combat-related PTSD. Biol Psychiatry. 2006; Leskin, PhD, Ned Arsenault, BA, John E. Drace, MD, 59(7):582-587. Patricia Spezia, BA, Carla Ambriz, BA, and Gary E. Gold, 20. Mehta MA, Golembo NI, Nosarti C, Colvert E, Mota A, Williams SCR, Rutter M, Sonuga-Barke EJS. Amygdala, hippocampal and corpus callosum size following MD; at Stanford University: Thomas J. Brosnan, PhD, Anil severe early institutional deprivation: the English and Romanian Adoptees study Patwardhan, PhD, Eric Schmitt, PhD, Allan Reiss, MD, pilot. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009;50(8):943-951. and Stephan Eliez, MD, PhD; at VA Boston Health Care 21. 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