
Ashley Maman

Scream 2 Poster

AO2 - Describe the structure of media products using the correct terminology AO3 - Explore and describe how meaning is created in media products through the interaction of different elements

• A simple poster that looks similar to the previous ‘Scream’ poster. • The background image is of a pale woman, it is sort of black and white but you can see the distinctive colour of the eyes. • The tagline at the top of the poster suggest a lot about the film and narrative. It states ‘sequels’ which would assume that the story or concept of the film carries on from the previous. • Much like poster, the tagline is situated at the top of the page, the central image is strong and eye catching as it is in colour and dominates the centre of the poster. • The strong image of the 5 characters suggests the characters that might be targeted in the film and also who are the main characters too. • The background image is of two faces that are partially cropped. The image is of 2 ladies, who look like they are screaming, which might also relate to the title of the film and also the screaming in the film too. • The center image of the 5 characters is in colour to help centre the focus to those characters as they play a significant part in the film. • There is a dagger motif in the letter ‘M’ of the film’s title - not clearly an image of a knife but the dropped central stroke of the ‘M’ definitely suggests this. • As mentioned previously, the background image of the screaming faces suggest the horror genre, which also relates to the name of the film too. • Below the title of the film is a long line of actor names, the long line of 8 actors might also suggest there might be 8 killings in the film?