
Starts the same way

Even ssame knife block

Facebook…..stalker…….move on with technology…at the time was cutting edge…she calls police on a computer by typing…DVD rentals…watching a DVD at home….moved with the times…

Channing Tatum….you’ve been punked….direct reference….phone call Scene from Scream 1

It’s a joke…..same scene in Scream

Same looking house….as 1

Film in a film…Stab - self reflexive…..draws attention to its own construction….

Bunch of articulate teens sit around deconstructing horror movies……referring to the fans who watching 4 too…

Recycling the same shit…….

Death of horror…done to death…..something real about a guy with a knife…..

Stab 7….another film in a film in a film…..

Twilight Zone – its illogical…..

Weird noise…goes to check….

This is the last person you are going to see alive…….again…

Lights out…phone on the floor..you know you really should direct horror films…i.e. convnetions…..

App on your phone……talk like …referencing another scream movie….self reflexive…..

You’re in my movie…….You are the dumb blonde with the big tits…….

Garage door death…direct to Scream 1 – the death of the whore….self reflexive…..quotation……pastiche…parody….

Cousin of Sidney…..girl from 1…jenny randall…

What’s your favourite scarey movie…

Wow that was original…

One generations tragedy is the next one’s joke…

Stab movies based on films…….the wodsboro murders……self reflexive….

Reinvent myself……sign of the times…??????

10th anniversasry…..

What is your favourite scarey movie…line from Stab 1…….quotation….

Media circus……..focus on tragedy….

It is all over the internet…….

Is It a bad thing…..checking the rules with the cops….

Murders resemble……Woodsboro….orignal….stab 1 = scream 1

Policemans sister was the whore……

Sidney had a visit from the killer boyfriend too who came through the window..

Watching shaun of the dead…..another postmodern horror movie…parody

All double bluf….no one is sure who anyone is anymore……postmodern….what is original, true?

Psycho….watch a murder through a window….witness it…

This isn’t a movie…it will be……comment on real life stories becoming films….in other words not original stories….

The angel of death….



She;s the star……star from tragedy…..what can make you famous?

I hate underground car parks…….

Resemble pattern of original Woodsboro murders……..stab 1 scream 1

Town curfew again…….same old plot…

Posters….quotation….his own films…..

The new new version…the killer should be filming the murders…natural next step…..makes your art as immortal as you……..

Who do you think….switch to seeing it through his eyes…what did he just say?

Shriekqual and Screamake….

Watching her watching herself…. Pastiche of the scream rules from Scream 1…

Modern audiences get savvy to the rules of the original….

You do a remake to outdo the original……….better or the same but different……not necessarily better..how many sequals have failed…???

Stabathon…..fan conventions……

Pub drinking games…..

Gale planted a camera just like she did in Scream 1

You do a remake to out do the original….thats what the kid says….

How meta can you get……narrative…meta narrative….big stories……..how watta can you get?

Such an in joke….

Psycho shower….girls resembles from Scream 1……self reflesive…pastiche….

Reminds us SR that is it is movie…constructed…..

He’s behind you…..

This time he is making the movie…….film matching real life…….

He’s recording the movie….

Movie cop rule…it sucks to be a copy…direct quotation….

Watch the teaser….

Watching stab 7 that we watched earlier…..


Police funny

Remake of patio

Quiz – experts……

Ground breaking….audience in killers pov….peeping tom…

She lists millions…..

I win…..I win……only to be stabbed…she beats the conventions….but doesn’t…the whore survives…not.

Doesn’t happen as fast as it does in the movies…..i know… The reveal……jilll……virgin and the nerd…..

This is the part where the cameras turn off…..

Boyfriend who dumped you at least made you famous……

Ready for Act 3……..real life mimics film…..makes them more creative….

Trevor is Billy LOmez

We are the innocent victims…..Sidney and Randy…….

They are going to see it….they just heard about it with you……

No one reads any more….need images…..that’s all….

You’re going to know fame…..like you never even dreamed of…….

This time Randy gets the girl……Randy was the nerd in last one……

Well now I am the special one….

There’s a sole survivor….the virgin…..

I need fans…..not ….comment on stardom..celebrity….

15 minutes of fame…..

You don’t have to acehive anything……

DID HE SET OUT TO CREATE A FRANCHISE? DID IT MORPH WITH THE TIMES AND COMMENT ON CELEBRITY?...is it postmodern because it is commenting, reflective, borrows,

She gets her celebrity……

First rule of remakes….don’t fuck with the original…….

Recap of end scene of Scream 1 when in the hospital…..

Woodsboro massacre reboot…..

An American hero right out of the movies……when do movies mimic real life or vice versa?