

March 2015 LGBT Issues

Edited by Seth Chalmer with Steven M. Cohen and with a guest introduction by Daniel Nevins

(Image: NPR) Guest Introduction: Rabbi Daniel Nevins

Dean, JTS Division of Religious Leadership

Seldom has public opinion on a charged social issue reversed as quickly as has occurred regarding LGBT equality in America. Gay rights rose in public consciousness in the 1980s during the devastating outbreak of HIV-AIDS. Initial homophobic declarations by religious leaders (including by my Rosh Yeshivah) about divine punishment evoked a rising tide of indignation led by members of the LGBT community. They were soon joined by allies—family, friends and faith leaders whose conscience could no longer abide the preaching of intolerance and even hatred within their tradition. For some faith leaders—both Jewish and Christian—a reversal of policy was quickly achieved, and the teaching of gay pride became its own religious imperative. Among more traditional denominations, the process was slower and even torturous. Was it possible to accomplish a dramatic shift in the ancient heteronormative assumptions of tradition without undermining all that remained precious and holy within its structures? For some communities, the answer was and remains no, or at least not yet.

Even in the most traditional circles, whether Orthodox Jewish or Roman Catholic, there is a notable softening of rhetoric and an informal respect for LGBT people, though policy has not changed, and prominent homophobic voices remain. Still, the liberal and centrist strands of the Jewish community have preceded and influenced the wave of change in American society as marriage equality has displaced the recent consensus in “defense of marriage.” The essays included in this collection reflect the varied trajectories of different sectors of the Jewish community on LGBT inclusion and are an important archive of this chapter of American Jewish history.

Within the Conservative Movement of , I witnessed a profound shift over the course of twenty years. While that span seemed an eternity for many engaged in the process, it is but a blink in the course of Jewish history. In 1991, when I was still a rabbinical student at JTS, the first round of debates in the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards included some vitriolic statements regarding the threat posed by gays to the Jewish family. The 1994 consensus statement was to “welcome” gays,

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Guest Introduction (cntd.): Rabbi Daniel Nevins

but not as married couples, much less as clergy. By 2006, when the CJLS voted again, the votes were literally split down the middle, with 13 of 25 voting for two opposed papers (one voter was himself divided!). Rabbi Joel Roth argued that Jewish law simply could not accommodate gay rights, but Rabbis Elliot Dorff, Avram Reisner and I argued that the halakhic principle of human dignity demanded an accommodation to allow gay Jews to form a committed relationship with a beloved partner, and to bring their talents and faith to the service of God and the Jewish people as leaders, including as clergy.

By 2012, when our same team proposed ceremonies for same-sex marriage and divorce, our paper received unanimous support. Just recently, one of the colleagues who voted against our 2006 paper wrote a moving article about his decision to perform a wedding for two men, and his gratitude that our approach had prevailed despite his initial opposition. As dean of the JTS rabbinical school since 2007, I have been fortunate to welcome and gay, and then (after further process) bisexual and transgender students, to ordain them, and to see them begin their rabbinic careers. We are committed to continuing that process of reflection and growing sensitivity, even as other denominations have continued to adapt their liturgy and rites to celebrate the diversity of their community. By scanning this rich collection we are prompted to look back and reflect on how far American Jewry has come.

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Identity, Community, Sexuality

Mazel Tov, You are a Jewish Lesbian | Rebecca Weiner. Sh’ma, Jan 1995

Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review--Complete Issue #67: Queer Jews | 1997

Sh'ma November 14, 1980: Homosexuality--Complete Issue

Seeking a Mate: Inter-Group Partnerships among Gay Jewish Men Randal F. Schnoor, Morton Weinfeld. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2005

Being Gay and Jewish: Negotiating Intersecting Identities | Randal F. Schnoor. Sociology of Religion, 2006

We Are You: An Exploration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Colorado's Jewish Community | Caryn Aviv, David Shneer, Gregg Drinkwater. Jewish Mosaic: The National Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Mar 2006

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Identity, Community, Sexuality

Gay, Jewish, or Both? Sexual Orientation and Jewish Engagement Steven M. Cohen, Ari Y. Kelman, Caryn Aviv. JJCS, 2009

LGBT Alliance Study: A Needs Assessment of the San Francisco Bay Area LGBT Jewish Community | Caryn Aviv. Jewish Mosaic: The National Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, 2010

Celebrating Distinctions: A Strategic Plan for the LGBT Alliance Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties, Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay, 2010

Gay, Iranian-Jewish, and American: Negotiating Traditional Identities in an Open Society | Samira Setareh. HUC-JIR, Aug 2013

Jewish Community Study of New York: 2011--Special Study on Jewish Households with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender) Individuals | UJA-Fed NY, Jun 2014

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Leaders & Professionals

The Impact of Changing Lifestyles on a Family Service Agency Sophie Harris. JJCS, Mar 1976

Homosexuals in Leadership Positions (1981) CCAR, 1981

Report of the CCAR Ad Hoc Committee on Homosexuality and the Rabbinate CCAR, 1990

Statement on Homosexuality in the Cantorate Adopted at the 1991 Convention of the American Conference of Cantors | American Conference of Cantors, URJ, Jan 1991

Resolution on Promoting Equal Employment Opportunities within the Reform Movement | UAHC, URJ, Apr 1991

Resolution on Gay and Lesbian Jews NATE, Nov 1991

Consensus Statement on Homosexuality RA, 1992

Jewish Norms for Sexual Behavior: A Responsum Embodying a Proposal Elliot N. Dorff. RA, 1992

In the Image of God: A Dissent in Favor of the Full Equality of Gay and Lesbian Jews into the Community of | Howard Handler. RA, 1992

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Leaders & Professionals

Placing Homosexuals in Congregations Kassel Abelson. RA, 1993

Placing Homosexuals in Congregations Arnold M. Goodman. RA, 1993

Promoting Equal Employment and Leadership Opportunities for and Gays in the Reform Movement | URJ, Dec 1995

The Ethics of Gay and Lesbian Adoptions Norman Linzer. JJCS, 1997

On Being a Rabbi at the Margins Rebecca T. Alpert. The Reconstructionist, 1999

Gays, Lesbians, and the Conservative Movement: The JTS Survey of Conservative Clergy, Students, Professionals, and Lay Leaders Steven M. Cohen, Jan 2007

Being Out at Work Susan Tanchel. HaYidion, 2007

Nurturing LGBTQ Jewish Leaders Nora Smith. eJP, Aug 2013

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues & Values

Homosexuality and the Halakhah David M. Feldman. Sh’ma, May 1972

Judaism and Homosexuality (1973) - Central Conference of American Rabbis Responsa

Homosexuality: The Jewish Perspective | AJC, 1977

Accommodating to Diversity | Leonard Fein, 1980

Opening Up to Homosexual Family Members | Lawrence H. Fuchs. Sh’ma, 1995

CCAR Ad Hoc Committee on Human Sexuality Report | CCAR, 1998

In Support of Diverse Sexualities and Gender Identities Association of Humanistic Rabbis, 2003

Countering the Family Values Monopoly | David H. Ellenson. Jewish Journal, Feb 2004

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Halakha & Values

Toward a Queer Jewish Theology Jay Michaelson. Sh’ma, Dec 2005

Homosexuality, Human Dignity and Halakhah: A Combined Responsum for the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards Elliot N. Dorff, Daniel S. Nevins, Avram I. Reisner. RA, 2006

Halakhic and Metahalakhik Arguments Concerning Judaism and Homosexuality Gordon Tucker. RA, 2006

Homosexuality Revisited | Joel Roth. RA, 2006

The Halakhah of Same-Sex Relations in a New Context Myron S. Geller, Robert E. Fine, David J. Fine. RA, 2006

Patrilineal Descent and Same-Sex Parents: New Definitions of Identity Renee Bauer. The Reconstructionist, 2006

'Abomination' is Hate Speech | Jay Michaelson. Sh’ma, Apr 2012

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Inclusion in Religious Life

Must Homosexuals Be Jewish Outcasts | Anonymous. Sh’ma, Oct 1975

Homosexual Convert | CCAR, 1982

Helping the Families of Homosexual Jews Aaron Cooper, Pat Blumenthal. Sh’ma, Apr 1983

Lesbians and Their Children | CCAR, 1986

Gay and Lesbian Jews | URJ, UAHC, Nov 1989

Guide for Advocacy and Action by the Women of National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods Implementing Resolutions Adopted in 1991 at the NFTS 38th Biennial Assembly -- The Rights of and Lesbian Women National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, URJ, Jan 1991

Resolution of the National Federation of Temple Youth 1991 -- Homosexuality NFTY, URJ, Jan 1991

Becoming a "Kehillah Mekabelet" | Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (JRF), 1998

Gay Teens and Jewish Schools | Steve Greenberg. CLAL, 1999

Alienated Jews: What about Outreach to Jewish Lesbians? Danita Mushkat. JJCS, Jun 1999

Resolution on Transforming Congregations into Inclusive and Jewish Caring Communities | URJ, UAHC, Dec 1999

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Inclusion in Religious Life

Challenges in Outreach to GLBT Interfaith Couples Jeffrey Scheckner. Big Tent Judaism / JOI, Jun 2003

"Gay Judaism" and the Struggle for Inclusion Joshua Lesser. Reconstructionism Today, 2003

Including LGBT Jews Gregg Drinkwater. HaYidion, 2007

Queer Jews Studying Talmud Sh’ma, Dec 2007

Recentering the Kehilah: Gender and Sexual Identity in Jewish Emerging Communities Shawn Landres. Sh’ma, Jan 2008

Welcoming Synagogues Project: Preliminary Results from the 2009 Synagogue Survey on Diversity and LGBT Inclusion | Steven M. Cohen, Caryn Aviv, Judith Veinstein. Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation (IJSO),Jewish Mosaic: The National Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, 2009

Religious Identity and Cultural Diversity: Exploring the Relationships Between Religious Identity, Sexism, Homophobia, and Multicultural Competence Lewis Z. Schlosser, Richard S. Balkin, Dana Heller-Levitt. Journal of Counseling and Development, 2009

18 Ways to Make Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Members Feel Welcome in Your Congregation | URJ, 2010

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Inclusion in Orthodox Life

Orthodox Non-Conformism Steven Greenberg. Sh’ma, Sep 2000

The Gay Orthodox Underground Naomi Grossman. Moment, Jan 2001

The Way to Open Conversation Steven Greenberg. Sh’ma, Nov 2001

Trembling Before God on Steven Greenberg. Sh’ma, Sep 2002

Inclusion and Welcoming Criteria for Orthodox Synagogues Steven Greenberg. Wrestling with God & Men, 2004

Sorting Sins: When the Law Stays the Same and Everything Else Changes Steven Greenberg. Sh’ma, Sep 2008

Statement of Principles on the Place of Jews with a Homosexual Orientation in Our Community | July 2010

...Embarrassing, harassing or demeaning someone with a homosexual orientation or same-sex attraction is a violation of prohibitions that embody the deepest values of Judaism... Jews struggling to live their lives in accordance with halakhic values need and deserve our support... Accordingly, Jews with homosexual orientations or same sex-attractions should be welcomed as full members of the synagogue and school community...

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Transgender Issues

Marriage After a Sex-Change Operation | CCAR, 1978

Conversion and Marriage after Transsexual Surgery | CCAR, 1990

Support for the Inclusion and Acceptance of the Transgender and Bisexual Communities | URJ, Mar 2003

Transgender and Bisexual Rights | URJ, Women of Reform Judaism. Apr 2003

Making Your Community More Transgender-Friendly: Guidelines for Individuals and Congregations | Reuben Zellman. TransTorah, Jan 2004

Making Your Jewish Congregation or Community More Transgender Friendly | Reuben Zellman, Elliot R. Kukla. TransTorah, Jan 2007

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Transgender Issues

Changing Sex, Changing Gender | Dzmura. Sh’ma, Dec 2007

ReMapping the Road from Sinai | Judith Plaskow, Elliot-Rose Kukla. Sh’ma, Dec 2007

Bind These Words | Ari-Lev Fornari. Sh’ma, Dec 2007

Room to Grow: Jewish Education for Men, Women, and Everybody Else TransTorah, Dec 2007

Transitioning: The Halakhic Ramifications | Olivia Wiznitzer. YU Observer, Oct 2008

Resources for Transgender Jews, Their Families, Friends, Communities, and Allies Vered Meir. TransTorah, 2009

"Mom-Dad" and "Dad-Mom": Transgender Parents and Our Children | Alex Coleman. Sh’ma, Jun 2014

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Same-Sex Marriage

Homosexual Marriage | CCAR, 1985

On Recognition for Lesbian and Gay Partnerships | URJ, 1993

CCAR Responsa: On Homosexual Marriage | CCAR, 1996

Resolution on Gay and Lesbian Marriage | CCAR, Mar 1996

Civil Marriage for Gay and Lesbian Jewish Couples | UAHC, URJ, Nov 1997

Orthodox Union Deeply Troubled by Vermont Ruling for Same-Sex Couple Recognition OU, Dec 1999

On Same Gender Officiation | CCAR, 2000

Orthodox Union applauds California voters and West Virginia legislature for opposition to same-sex marriages | Mandell I. Ganchrow. OU, Mar 2000

Charting the New Maps: Reflections on Jewish Lesbian and Gay Life Cycle Celebrations Leila Gal Berner. The Reconstructionist, 2000

Resolution Concerning Same-Sex Marriages | NFTY, URJ, 2003

OU Asks Senators to Protect Traditional Definition of Marriage Nathan J. Diament, Harvey Blitz, Tzvi H. Weinreb. OU, Sep 2003

Religious Liberty, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Case of Reconstructionist Judaism Rebecca T. Alpert. The Reconstructionist, 2003

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Same-Sex Marriage

In Support of Civil Marriage for Gay and Lesbian Couples: Resolution from the 2004 RRA Convention | RRA, Jan 2004

Marriage Rights of Same-Sex Couples | Society of Humanistic Judaism, 2004

Same-Sex Marriage | Eric H. Yoffie. URJ, 2004

Proposed Federal Marriage Amendment to the United States Constitution CCAR, 2004

Support of Marriage Ruling; Opposes Efforts to Undermine Equality for Same-Sex Couples | CCAR, 2004

Same-Sex Civil Marriage | Steve Greenberg. CLAL, 2004

Union Of Orthodox Jewish Congregations Opposes Legal Recognition Of Same Sex Marriage; Supports Constitutional Amendment As Recourse | OU, Mar 2004

Lesbian and Gay Jews and Same Sex Relationships Roderick Young. Liberal Judaism, 2005

Same-Sex Commitment Ceremonies | Liberal Judaism, 2005

Orthodox Response to Same-Sex Marriage | OU, 2006

Statement on Marriage Amendment | USCJ, 2006

Including Gay and Lesbian Couples in a Premarital Education Program in Reform Congregations | Lynn Levy. JJCS, 2008

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Same-Sex Marriage

In Support of Civil Marriage for Gay and Lesbian Couples: Resolution from the 2004 RRA Convention RRA, Jan 2004

What's Different (or not) about Same-Sex Marriage Jay Michaelson. AJS Perspectives, 2013

Same-Sex Marriage and the Jews Sam Schulman. Mosaic, Feb 2014

From "We" to "I Shlomo Brody. Mosaic, Feb 2014

Is Jewish Marriage Unique? Sherif Girgis. Mosaic, Feb 2014

Gay Love and Jewish Tradition David Wolpe. Mosaic, Feb 2014

Who's Afraid of Jewish Marriage? A reply to my respondents Sam Schulman. Mosaic, Feb 2014

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Community Relations

Resolution of the Women of Reform Judaism National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods -- Homosexuality | Jan 1965

Human Rights of Homosexuals URJ, UAHC, Nov 1977

Resolution of the National Federation of Temple Youth 1983 -- Homosexuality NFTY, URJ, 1983

Resolution on Eliminating Discrimination Against Gays and Lesbians in the Military UAHC, URJ, Apr 1991

Resolution of the Executive Board of the National Federation of Temple Youth on the Boy Scouts of America NFTY, URJ, Jan 1992

Resolution on Convening in States Denying Legal Protection of Civil Rights for Gays and Lesbians CCAR, Jan 1993

Reader’s Guide: LGBT Issues Community Relations

Resolution on Responding to Anti-Gay Rights Referenda URJ, 1993

Resolution on Rights of Homosexuals URJ, Jan 1997

Gay and Lesbian Rights URJ, Women of Reform Judaism, Apr 1997

Memorandum on Boy Scouts of America UAHC, URJ, Jan 2001

Reform Movement Endorses WorldPride 2005 URJ, Apr 2005

Hadassah Memorandum on LGBT Rights Hadassah, Jan 2006

What Rabbis Can Do to Help Protect Legal Rights in Same-Sex Relationships Arthur Gross-Schaefer, Robert Dixon. The Reconstructionist, 2007

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LGBT Issues Sexuality Equality Diversity

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