THE TSITSA PROJECT Integrated Restoration and Sustainable Land Management Plan Working Together Adaptively to Manage and Restore Ecological Infrastructure for Improved Livelihoods and Futures T35A-E (Phase 1 of TP) Version 1.1 2018 V e r s i o n 1 Report to: Department of Environmental Affairs: Environmental Programmes – Natural Resource Management Programmes. Directorate – Operational Support and Planning. By Bennie van der Waal (RU), Kate Rowntree (RU), Jay le Roux (UFS), Japie Buckle (DEA), Harry Biggs (Independent), Michael Braack (DEA), Michael Kawa (DEA), Margaret Wolff (RU), Tally Palmer (RU), Lawrence Sisitka (Independent), Mike Powell (RU), Ralph Clark (UFS) Valuable inputs by: Ayanda Sigwela, Monde Ntshudu, Nosi Mtati, Johan van Tol, George van Zijl, Laura Bannatyne, Namso Myamela, Dylan Weyer, Sheona Shackleton, Charlie Shackleton, Nelson Odume, Dirk Pretorius, Lehman Lindeque, Alta de Vos, James Gambiza, Trevor Pike, Mdoda Ngwenya DEA EP NRM OSP Report No. All communication regarding the report are directed to DEA EP NRM. Operational Support and Planning:
[email protected] Disclaimer This report has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Environmental Affairs: Environmental Programmes – Natural Resource Management Programmes. Directorate – Operational Support and Planning. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and the policies of DEA, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ii TSITSA PROJECT: Restoration and Sustainable Land Management Plan for T35A-E (Phase 1) V e r s i o n 1 Executive summary The Tsitsa Project (TP) aims at carrying out erosion prevention, avoided habitat degradation and general rehabilitation efforts in the Tsitsa catchment (T35), particularly those reducing sediment delivery into proposed dams and associated infrastructure of the Mzimvubu Water Project (MWP).