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Greetings to all members of the Clan Hannay Society, and particularly to our newest branches - the Ho~eye Chapter in Oaklahoma, Convener Jay Hannah, and the Canadian Branch based in Gibson, British Columbia, Convener Michael Hannah. We look forward to seeing many clansmen and clanswomen from overseas at our gathering at Sorbie on May 28th 1994. They can be assured of a great welcome. The repair and maintenance of our ancestral home Sorbie Tower is our constant concern. Last year we received a grant from Ground base, and some Qenerous gifts from members of the Society, so were able to get a lot of work done. Each year we try to do some building up e.g. re-constructing arches and replacing sandstone window surrounds, also some general maintenance e.g. pointing stonewol1<, removing ivy, and keeping the grounds in trim. It is an ongoing process and only the Clan itself can keep the old place in reasonable shape, and gradually build it back up. We wish to make a special effort in 1994. We ask for your help.


The meeting was opened by Patrick A Playfair- Hannay of Kingsmuir (Vice-Convener of the Clan Hannay Society) who intimated that the Chief was unable to attend and had asked him to chair the meeting. He welcomed all present. OBITUARIES The death of Peter Hannah Main of Glasgow in 1992 was noted with regret He was a long standing member of the Society whose clan membership number was 39. THE MINUTES The minu1es of the Annual Genera; Meeting held in October 1992, already circulated to clan members 1n the Newsletter, were approved and duly signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising The Chairman read out the Convener's Report which he had received from Maj. Ramsay R. Hannay as follows: 'My apologies for not being able to be with you today, but my wife has not been well, and I am unable to leave her. Many thanks to Patrick for chairing the meeting. The Clan's participation in the Drumlanrig Gathering organized by 'Roots 93' on May 23rd 1993 was most enjoyable, and I am grateful to Dorothea and Evelyn for manning the Clan Tent, and to Douglas Hannah for the time he spent attending meetings of "Roots 93' and keeping us Informed. The Sorbie Gathering on May 29th 1993 was a very successful occasion. An excellent lunch at Castle Wigg Hotel, and ending with a very enjoyable tea at Kirkdale. Many thanks to Evelyn for her organization of the day and to Russell Hannah for transporting the Edinburgh contingent. A new branch of the Clan is being founded in Canada by Sgt. Michael Hannah of Gibson, British Columbia, who has just retired from the Canadian Army. He has the backing of Maj. Gen. James Hanna of Ontario, also retired, and at one time in command of the Canadian Forces attached to NATO. Sgt. Hannah asked me formally for permission to start a Canadian Branch, which I gave him, and at the same time asked him to keep in touch. Another branch of the Clan was founded in 1990 in the State of Oklahoma by Jay Hannah who was president of the First National Bank of Oklahoma He and his wife visited us in 1988. He has the backing of Rev. James Hanna. the USA National Convener. Since the early Hannays settled in what was known as the Hogeye Community, this branch is calling themselves the "Hogeye Chapter of the Clan Hannah!' Some of their members are from the neighbouring state of Arkansas. Mr & Mrs Jones from Tennessee who were at the Sorbie Gathering in 1992 also attend their gatherings. Miss Althea Hannay, who is the daughter of the Rev. Canon Hannay - better known in his day as the author 'George Birmingham' -tells me that one of her father's books, either 'General George Regan' or 'Spanish Gold' may be produced by an Irish company for showing on T.V. Lady Kinahan from Country Antrim is writing his biography. I hope you have a constructive meeting.' Signed Ramsay W.R. Hannay The Chairman said everyone was distressed to learn of the illness of Mrs Ramsay R. Hannay and sent their warmest wishes for her recovery . • THE SECRETARY'S REPORT There has been 19 new members enroled since the last AGM in 1992 viz 10 from England, 7 from USA. 1 from Germany and 1 from Canada. These consisted of 8 Family Life, 10 Life and 1 Annual member. Clan Hannay booked a tent at Drumlanrig Castf3 1t* 'Roots 93' Gathering on May 23rd 1993 and we welcomed many visitors. Our Chief and several other clan members took part in the 'March of the Clansmen' and they all looked splendid in their clan . The Serbia Gathering on May 29th 1993 begari ,wi~ lunch at Castle Wigg Hotel when 68 members and friends were welcomed by the Chief. Russell Hannah of Blackburn presented to the Chief the Clan Banner which had adorned the tent at Drumlanrig, and which he had purchased f~r :the Clan. Then to the Tower- piped up by Professor David .Hannay. Dorothea Hannah and her helpers sold clan goods under the trees and a press photographer captured us all looking handsome in our tartan! Then to Kirkdale House for tea with the Chief and his family, and a guided tour of the house, a wonderful day! TREASURER'S FINANCIAL REPORT 25TH OCTOBER 1992 TO 31ST OCTOBER 1993 INCOME EXPENDITURE £ Bank Balance Brought Forward Replacement of Clan Goods 152.20 25th October 1992 1945.77 Insurance cover for Goods 66.13 Sale of Clan Goods 2669.98* Room Hire for AGM 1992 5.00 Life Members Fees 892.30 Secretary/Treasurer's Expenses 416.69 Annual Members Fees 168.60 Serbia Tower Expenses 1923.28 Donations 304.28 Constable's Expenses 197.40 Lunches at Sorbie 476.00 Goods Postal Expenses 146.00* Donations to Trust Fund 25.00 Donations transferred to Grant to Serbia Tower 630.00 Trust Fund 25.00 Serbia Lunches 476.00 Bank Charges 65.58 Bank Balance 3530.75 Cash in Hand 107.90

£7111 .93 £7111 .93

*The figure shown for the sale of Clan Goods includes the postaVdelivery expenses sent by the purchaser/member as well as the usual profit. BREAKDOWN OF THE SOCIETY'S RUNNING COSTS

GENERAL CLAN EXPENSES £ SORBIE TOWER EXPENSES £ Goods Insurance 66.13 Water Rates 60.00 Goods Replaced 152.20 Tower Insurance 530.40 AGM Room Hire 5.00 Work on structure of the Tower 987.50 Secretary's Expenses from March 93 312.01 Sign Board 10.00 Secretary/Treasurer Expenses Fence Posts 119.67 to October 104.68 Wooden Fencing 153.01 Bank Charges 65.58 New scytne to replace Postage on Goods 146.00 one stolen 17.04 Strimmer Head 22.03 Sundry Items for Maintenance 23.63

£851.60 £1923.28 ======THE SOCIETY'S ASSETS as at 31st . 1993 SORBIE TOWER £ GOODS IN STOCK AT COST £5089.63 BANK BALANCE/CASH IN HAND £3638.65 Auditor's Report ... I have examined the Summary Financial Statement and in my opinion this is consistent with the Income and Expenditure and Annual Report of the Society for the year ended 30th September 1993. Jane Clay, Treasurer Auditor: Susan H. Stone THE SORBIE TOWER'S REPORT 1992 TO 1993

We thank the following for their donations to the Sorbie Tower Fund Project:

Mrs Sue Schwamberger (Hon. Secretary{Treasurer, Clan Hanna, U.S.A) and the ladies present at the AGM of the Clan Hanna Society, USA held at Hannas-town, Pennsylvania in September 1993. This is the second donation we have had from the proceeds of a collection organized by these Ladies at their Annual Gathering.

Mr Undsay Montgomery for a donation made in memory of his mother, Mrs Mary Montgomery of Castle Rock Northern Ireland, a long time member of the Society.

698.L Mr David E. Martin, Niagra Falls, New York, USA

798.L Mr Michael Hannay, Easton, Bristol, UK

Mr R.J. Hannah, Minnesota, USA

Mr Terrance P. Hanna, Southern Pines, USA

679.L Mrs Lyn Brockhurst, Australia

549.AL Miss Rosemary Clarke, Dalton·in-Furness, Cumbria

361.L Mr John Mair Hutcheon, Aberdeen,

249.L Mrs Edith Hutcheon, Borgue, Scotland

233.L Mrs Barbara Campbell, Edinburgh, Scotland

Mr G. Hannah, Birmingham, Midlands, England

364.L Mr Syd Hannah, lnderoopilly, Australia

Mr Dick Troon, Grants Pass, Oregan, USA, for his splendid donation to the Tower fund which was received in the first week of October 1993, unfortunately just a few days too late to be included in our finances for 1992 to 1993.

Jane Clay, 1993


The funds in the Trust at the end of 1993 were £7,800. This has been augmented by a temporary loan from the Clan Funds. The target for the Trust is £10,000 by the end of 1994 and it is hoped that clan members will help to achieve this sum. Some members have been very generous. Will more accept the challenge? Please try. THE CONSTABLE OF SORBIE TOWER'S REPORT The harsh winter weather has brought down more stone from high levels, and damaged the mner supporting walls. Unless something is done we could lose the basic shape of the Tower. Estimates indicate that £10,000 would be needed for restoration of the barrelled ceiling and the walls. However there had been many visitors during the year, who sometimes donated money to the Tower. The Constable thanked the sub-committee for all their hard work. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS All the present office bearers were re-elected for 1993·94 by the meetmg. Those Council Members who are due to retire in 1993 viz: Mrs Marian Hannay (Edinburgh Maj.Gen. James E. Hanna (Canada) Mrs Sue Schwam berger (USA) Edwin Hannah (Kirkholm) were duly re-elected to serve another four years. MEMBERSHIP FEES The following membership fees for 1993/94 were recommended by Council to the AGM:- Ufe Membership in Britain £50 Family Life Membership in Britain £75 Annual Subscription in Britain £10 After payment of 6 successive years of annual subscription - Life membership will be granted. Those who have already been annual members for 6 years will automatically become life members. The adoption of these recommendations were approved by the meeting. On the recommendation of the Treasurer, it was agreed by the AGM that overseas membership be increased as follows:- Overseas Life Membership £100 Overseas Family Life Membership $150 Tea at Kirkdale House: Since there had been a very large number of people, some of them strangers, turning up for tea at K1rkdale after the last Sorbie Gathering, Council suggested an entry fee of £2 per head which would be donated to the Clan Hannay Trust, after expenses had been deducted. This was agreed by the meeting. Future Dates: Sorbie Gathering May 28th 1994 Annual General Meeting October 22nd 1994 There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for coming, and declared the meeting closed at 4.45pm. FUTURE EVENTS

The Sorbie Gatherlnt on May 28th 1994 will begin with a luncheon party at the Castle Wigg Hotel, near Whithorn, at 1.30pm. The cost will e £7.50 per head. Lunch bookings must be made in advance and cheques (payable to Clan Hannay Society) sent to the Secretary with names of those wishing to attend. As decided at the AGM, if you would like to come to tea at Kirkdale in the afternoon please add £2 per head to your cheques. Tea tickets will be issued at the Castle Wigg Hotel Lunch. The Annual General Meeting on October 22nd 1994 will be held in Edinburgh. If you wish to attend please let me know nearer the date, when I will be able to give you details of time and place.

Mrs Evelyn McArthur 7, St Johns Crescent Edinburgh EH12 6NX Scotland