THE CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY NEWSLETTER-2017 Created exclusively for Clan Hannay Society Members - Issue 18 - November 2017

2017 An Exciting Year for Clan Hannay Chief’s Message

This year has been busy with a visit to New York during Week in April, to raise funds for the restoration of Tower. In August, Scottish clans were represented at the Tattoo with two or three clans at each performance. Clan Hannay led by the Chief, paraded with the MacGregors and Buchanans, while Edinburgh castle was illuminated with the clan . In September, the Convenor organised three ‘Mostly Ghostly’ evenings at the tower during the Book Festival. The tower and grounds were illuminated, while stories were told and proved very popular. In November, the tower was decorated with a cascade of poppies to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. Sorbie Tower is being well used and has many visitors. We hope to see you there and that you will contribute to its restoration for future generations. David R Hannay, Clan Chief

Tartan Day Parade, New York City

The Clan Hannay New York reception and Tartan Day Parade were special not just because I got to see my Scottish cousins, but also because I got to meet my first cousins Beverly Hanna Charles and Cindy Hanna Todd. Our fathers were very close in age, but because they grew up in Massachusetts and I grew up in southern California, we had not spent time together. From the moment we met, I felt like I’ve known them all my life. We thought it was too bad we couldn’t have shared the experience with our dads. They would’ve loved it, but sadly both have passed away. One of my favorite moments was when the three of us proudly donned our Hannay tartan and marched in the parade. I also loved meeting all the other wonderful Hannas/Hannays/Hannahs/Hanneys at the reception and during the visit.

Ren Hanami Hanna

Top Row: Ren Hanami Hanna. Susan Napier, Ren, Beverly Charles and Cindy Todd (both formerly Hanna), and Cathy Hanna. David Hannah (Constable) with Beverly and Cindy. Stephen Hannay (Convenor), Wee McCash and Alberta Blum.

Next Row: Stephen with Wee McCash at the presentation given to guests. Clan Hannay on parade and, finally, Wee McCash going through security at the at the airport.

UK members….. are you remembering to use easyfundraising? CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2017 Saturday 27 May – 11.00am VILLAGE HALL Welcome

Chief, Dr David R Hannay welcomed everyone present, particularly those who had travelled some distance and from overseas.

1. Present, Apologies and Obituaries  Present

Dr David R Hannay, , Janette Hannah West , Scotland Janet R Hannay, Wigtownshire, Scotland Russell Hannah, , Scotland Frederick Hannay, London, England Jacquie Hannay, , Scotland Lynn Hannay, London, England Keith Hannay, Edinburgh, Scotland David Hannah, , Scotland Stephen Hanna, Wigtownshire, Scotland Patricia Hannah, Sutherland, Scotland Chris Hanna, Wigtownshire, Scotland David Hanna, County Down, Northern Ireland John Bassett, Surrey, England John Hannah, Paisley, Scotland Ian Hanney, Nottingham, England Jo Hannah, Paisley, Scotland Wendy Hanney, Nottingham, England Aileen Livingston, Paisley, Scotland Douglas Hannah, Wigtownshire, Scotland Len Hanney, Nottingham, England Tommy Hanna, , Scotland Hilda Hanney, Nottingham, England Sandra Hanna, Glasgow, Scotland Layton Traver, Wisconsin, USA Jane Taylor, Norwich, England Nola Walter, Wisconsin, USA Tom Higgin, Norwich, England Peter Hanney, Worcestershire, England Anthony Hannay, Cheshire, England Ann Ward, Worcestershire, England Rosemary Hannay, Cheshire, England James Hanney, Worcestershire, England Brian Hannah, Wigtownshire, Scotland Ruth Hanney, Worcestershire, England Susan Logan, Wigtownshire, Scotland Wendy Ronan, Wigtownshire, Scotland

 Apologies

Robert Hannah, Hampshire, England John and Debbie Hanna, Dayton, Ohio Jett Hanna, Austin, Texas Judith Crompton, Lancashire, England Shelagh Fuller, Hillcrest, South Africa Alastair Hannay, , Scotland Grant and Margit Lee, Sutherland, Scotland Dr Robert and Valena Hannay Moffitt, Victoria, Australia Georgina Burdett, Nottingham, England Dave and Janis Hannah, Whangaparaoa, New Zealand Robert Wilson, New York, USA Rev Robert Hanna, County Antrim, Northern Ireland Susan Napier, Edinburgh, Scotland Rev Desmond Hanna, County Down, Northern Ireland

 Obituaries

122 L Mr Ronald Hannay (2008) Edinburgh Scotland 123 L. Mrs Isabel Hannay Edinburgh Scotland 88 L. Mrs Dorothea Hannah South Scotland 1082 L. Mr Carl Norris Hanna North Carolina USA 569 L. Mrs Charlotte Duvall Florida USA 1194 L. Mrs Kathleen Scadeng Hampshire England 1229 L. Mr James Hanna Michigan USA 835 L. Mr John Roderick Wilson Georgia USA

2. Approval of 2016 minutes

The minutes were approved by Dr David Hannay and seconded by Keith Hannay.

3 1 3. Matters Arising

Keith Hanna the Clan Genealogist, who unfortunately was unable to attend the AGM, has completed a review on the surnames eligible for membership of the Clan Hannay Society; Hanna / Hannah / Hannay / Hanney, worldwide. As of 2014 we can estimate the number of individuals globally (of Scottish descent) holding the four Clan surnames as:

Hanna - 92,000 Hannah - 48,000 Hannay - 3,000 Hanney - 3,000

The reason the name Hanna is the most common is because it is of Middle Eastern origin. The Clan has amended the relevant sentence in the Membership Policy to state: Membership of the Society is open to all those with the surname, Hannay, Hannah, Hanna or Hanney, who originate from South West Scotland; their families, descendants and relatives by marriage.

4. Convenor’s Report

Stephen welcomed everyone to Garlieston for the 2017 Gathering.

It has been an interesting year, with lots of ideas hopefully bought to fruition. Work has been completed to restore the double doorway on the third floor, which is the first dressed sandstone to be fitted into Sorbie Tower since the 1970s when the fireplace was reinstated The scaffolding that is in place within the Tower has been purchased by the Clan Society, and allows greater access to the upper levels for weed control. We are obliged to monitor the scaffolding and complete a yearly report on its condition.

We have now engaged a new conservation architect, Scotwham Architects, based in . Our next phase of work would ideally be to fill the hole in the kitchen vaulting, if allowed, and then work towards the staircase. We hope to complete the much needed toilet facilities at the Sorbie Tower site in the next few months, because we want to promote Sorbie Tower for a number of things, as well as a wedding venue.

In April we made the long awaited fundraising trip to America, where we met members and new friends. For fundraising in America we produced a Sorbie Tower Restoration brochure, which is now available for sale at £5 per copy to Clan members. Thanks to Chris Hanna and the team at Creetown Initiative for the work they have put in producing the brochure.

Please remember easyfundraising when doing Internet shopping in the UK. By nominating Clan Hannay as your chosen charity we receive a percentage of the sale price.

In November my project for the Tower is to celebrate Remembrance, by producing a ‘Weeping Window’. I am using 9,000 crochet poppies which were handmade by the Women’s Royal Institute and displayed at Castle. I am going to produce a weeping window installation, hopefully with help from a team at Poppy Scotland, who have agreed to divide funds raised 50/50 between Poppy Scotland and the Sorbie Tower Charity. People will be able to purchase poppies from the installation and the event will run from 1st November until Armistice Day on 12th November.

The next twelve months are going to be really busy.

A big thank you to our dedicated team, who without their efforts none of what we do would be possible.

Stephen Hanna, Clan Hannay Convenor

5. Secretary’s Report


We have had 17 new memberships this year to date. Our overall new membership since the last AGM is 45 Our total membership now stands at 614

4 2 3. Matters Arising The breakdown of new members since the last AGM is:

Keith Hanna the Clan Genealogist, who unfortunately was unable to attend the AGM, has completed a review on COUNTRY NUMBER LIFE ANNUAL the surnames eligible for membership of the Clan Hannay Society; Hanna / Hannah / Hannay / Hanney, worldwide. Australia 1 1 As of 2014 we can estimate the number of individuals globally (of Scottish descent) holding the four Clan Canada 2 2 surnames as: England 2 1 1

Hanna - 92,000 Hannah - 48,000 Hannay - 3,000 Hanney - 3,000 New Zealand 2 1 1 Scotland 5 3 2 The reason the name Hanna is the most common is because it is of Middle Eastern origin. USA 33 18 15 The Clan has amended the relevant sentence in the Membership Policy to state: Membership of the Society is open to all those with the surname, Hannay, Hannah, Hanna or Hanney, who originate from South West Scotland; their families, descendants and relatives by marriage. TOTAL 45 24 21

4. Convenor’s Report Total Membership breakdown by Country Stephen welcomed everyone to Garlieston for the 2017 Gathering. Australia 46 Luxemburg 2 Scotland 78 It has been an interesting year, with lots of ideas hopefully bought to fruition. Work has been completed to Canada 36 Malaysia 1 Singapore 1 restore the double doorway on the third floor, which is the first dressed sandstone to be fitted into Sorbie Tower Costa Rica 1 Netherlands 1 South Africa 3 since the 1970s when the fireplace was reinstated The scaffolding that is in place within the Tower has been England 107 New Zealand 15 Sweden 1 purchased by the Clan Society, and allows greater access to the upper levels for weed control. We are obliged to France 1 Northern Ireland 13 USA 288 monitor the scaffolding and complete a yearly report on its condition. Iceland 2 Norway 5 Wales 2 2 Republic of Ireland 9 We have now engaged a new conservation architect, Scotwham Architects, based in Ayrshire. Our next phase of work would ideally be to fill the hole in the kitchen vaulting, if allowed, and then work towards the staircase. We hope to complete the much needed toilet facilities at the Sorbie Tower site in the next few months, because we Total Membership breakdown by Life / Annual / Honorary want to promote Sorbie Tower for a number of things, as well as a wedding venue. Life 562 Annual 51 Honorary 1 In April we made the long awaited fundraising trip to America, where we met members and new friends. For fundraising in America we produced a Sorbie Tower Restoration brochure, which is now available for sale at £5 per Jacquie Hannay, Secretary copy to Clan members. Thanks to Chris Hanna and the team at Creetown Initiative for the work they have put in producing the brochure. 6. Treasurer’s Report

Please remember easyfundraising when doing Internet shopping in the UK. By nominating Clan Hannay as your  The 2016 Gathering generated net income of £656. The previous year was the major 50th anniversary chosen charity we receive a percentage of the sale price. event so is not comparable.  Membership fees have fallen by 22% in monetary terms to £3,697. In November my project for the Tower is to celebrate Remembrance, by producing a ‘Weeping Window’. I am  Sales of calendars for a second year have generated approximately the same revenue but at a using 9,000 crochet poppies which were handmade by the Women’s Royal Institute and displayed at Carlisle substantially reduced cost of production, realising a profit of £901. Castle. I am going to produce a weeping window installation, hopefully with help from a team at Poppy Scotland,  Sorbie Tower maintenance costs, the most unpredictable of our outgoings, were £1,227 with no major who have agreed to divide funds raised 50/50 between Poppy Scotland and the Sorbie Tower Charity. People will one-off items this year. be able to purchase poppies from the installation and the event will run from 1st November until Armistice Day on th  Donations for the Tower received in the Clan account amounted to £660 which, when added to a receipt 12 November. at the end of last year, amounts to £899 and was transferred to The Sorbie Tower Charity in March.

The next twelve months are going to be really busy. The Clan Hannay website ( now allows donors to choose between donating to the Tower, in which case the funds go directly to the Charity, or towards our general Clan funds, the latter still being most A big thank you to our dedicated team, who without their efforts none of what we do would be possible. welcome.

Stephen Hanna, Clan Hannay Convenor After other minor debits and credits the bank balance now stands at £6,798 compared to £4,822 at 31 March 2016. 5. Secretary’s Report Since the year end we have successfully introduced the ability to make electronic payments from the bank Membership account, which will be of some administrative benefit in paying bills.

We have had 17 new memberships this year to date. The accounts have been reviewed by our auditor and former Treasurer, Patrick Playfair. Our overall new membership since the last AGM is 45 Our total membership now stands at 614 Keith P Hannay, Treasurer

4 5 3

CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY Accounts for year to 31 March

INCOME 2017 2016 EXPENDITURE 2017 2016 Membership £ 3,697 4,747 Secretary’s expenses £ 1,084 1,408 Sale of goods 857 581 Goods purchased 361 245 Sale of calendars 2,063 2,163 Print Calendars plus P & P 1.162 1.433 2016 (2015) Gathering 1,650 7,883 2016 (2015) Gathering 1,287 6,803

2017 (2016) Gathering 413 294 2017 Gathering - - Council meetings 363 389 Council meetings 361 386 The Sorbie Tower 660 3,350 to The Sorbie Tower Charity 899 3,307 Charity Donations, general 99 323 SorbieTower Charity set up - 7,360 From N. American - 2,616 Sorbie Tower maintenance 1,227 2,934 account

American Scottish Foundation 423 - Printing & miscellaneous 967 578 Opening bank balance 4,822 6,793 Closing cash balance 107 52 Opening cash balance 52 189 Closing bank balance 6,798 4,822 £ 14,676 29,328 £ 14,676 29,328

2017 2016 CLAN ASSETS Bank account £ 6,798 4,822 Cash account 107 52 Goods at valuation 1,743 2,367 £ 8,648 7,241

North American account CAD 4,993 2,997 1,751 The Sorbie Tower Charity account 26,289 50,376

CLAN TOTAL ASSETS £ 37,934 59,368


Brought forward 1 April £ 52 189 Drawn from funds in the year 1,700 1,829 £ 1,752 2,018 Postage, printing, stationery etc (1,084) (1,408) Postage & packing of calendars (561) (558)

Balance carried forward at 31 March £ 107 52

6 4 7. Constable’s Report CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY Accounts for year to 31 March There have been three work party sessions at the Tower since the last Clan Gathering, but Clan members did not support them. INCOME 2017 2016 EXPENDITURE 2017 2016 Thank you very much to a very small group of dedicated Clan Council members – David Hannay (the Chief), Wendy Membership £ 3,697 4,747 Secretary’s expenses £ 1,084 1,408 and Stephen (also Convenor), the Tower Wardens, Kevin Boyce (grounds maintenance contractor), visitors and Sale of goods 857 581 Goods purchased 361 245 Clan members for their continuing financial and moral support, without which this job would be meaningless – Sale of calendars 2,063 2,163 Print Calendars plus P & P 1.162 1.433 THANK YOU TO ALL.

2016 (2015) Gathering 1,650 7,883 2016 (2015) Gathering 1,287 6,803 Another year relatively vandal free, apart from plants being stolen. Thanks to Wendy’s ever watchful presence.

2017 (2016) Gathering 413 294 2017 Gathering - On my last maintenance visit earlier this month, the Tower and grounds looked absolutely fabulous, definitely - calendar photo standard. Council meetings 363 389 Council meetings 361 386 The Sorbie Tower Visitor numbers continue to grow steadily and I have now recorded over 4,700 since we started the ‘post box’ on 660 3,350 to The Sorbie Tower Charity 899 3,307 Charity the new shed in 2000. We reckon this is only about one third of those who visit – so estimated actual visitor number would be 14,000. Our average of around 17% of our visitors having ‘Hannay’ connections is dropping off, Donations, general 99 323 SorbieTower Charity set up - 7,360 which is a surprise considering how much support we seem to have on Facebook, but we really appreciate the From N. American - 2,616 Sorbie Tower maintenance 1,227 2,934 donations a few of them give and send. account th American Scottish Foundation 423 I’ll be back to clean up in October this year 15 to 18th, after the next Clan Council meeting. I don’t see any point - in publishing dates if no one is coming, but I will put a note in the Clan Hannay Forum on Facebook a couple of Printing & miscellaneous 967 578 weeks before I go down to tidy up after the winter. If you would like to help then or at any other time, let me Opening bank balance 4,822 6,793 Closing cash balance 107 52 know and I’ll be pleased to give you a work programme of a few jobs to be done. [email protected]

189 4,822 Opening cash balance 52 Closing bank balance 6,798 David Hannah, Constable of Sorbie Tower £ 14,676 29,328 £ 14,676 29,328 8. Webmasters’ Report

2017 2016 The (upcoming) new website is coming along quite well. Eric Hanna (Illinois, USA) and I have assembled a team of volunteers. CLAN ASSETS Bank account £ 6,798 4,822 The biggest hurdle before we can go “live” is moving all of the member profile and login information from the old site to the new one. Eric Hanna and Jacquie Hannay are currently tackling that. In the meantime, we invite you Cash account 107 52 to get an idea of what the site will look like for by going to . Note that as of now Goods at valuation 1,743 2,367 only staff members can log in, as the members-only portions are still being worked on. Also note that this is a temporary address, so please don’t advertise it publicly, as (a) it will change before the official launch and (b) all £ 8,648 7,241 the information on it is not necessarily accurate, as we’re still testing.

Want to help? North American account CAD 4,993 2,997 1,751

The Sorbie Tower Charity account 26,289 50,376 To maintain an acceptable level of fresh content on the site, we would like to distribute the effort over as large a team as possible. Given that we are completely volunteer-based, various work and family commitments prevent any one of us from being solely responsible for large blocks of time maintaining the site. Setting up a roster across CLAN TOTAL ASSETS £ 37,934 59,368 a team, however, enables many society members to contribute at a level commensurate with individual availability. If you would like to contribute articles, proofread, look for bugs, fix bugs, or any combination of these, please contact Frank Lawler at [email protected] and give a brief description of the following: SECRETARY’S CASH ACCOUNT  Your physical location (e.g. Calgary, Alberta, Canada) Brought forward 1 April £ 52 189  Your email address  Drawn from funds in the year 1,700 1,829 Your area of interest (e.g. family anecdotes, DNA research, Scots Irish History, US Civil War History, Wordpress development, proofreading, software testing, etc…) £ 1,752 2,018  Your technical skill level (e.g. familiarity with Wordpress, Microsoft Word maven, Javascript jockey, Postage, printing, stationery etc (1,084) (1,408) eCommerce expert, professional copyeditor, etc.) Postage & packing of calendars (561) (558) We would especially welcome volunteers outside of the USA, so that we can cover a greater number of perspectives and time zones. Balance carried forward at 31 March £ 107 52

6 7 5 Existing Website Until the new site is launched, we will keep our old running. Although we had a substantial spike in visits around the time of the New York City reception, as noted in our last report, the site popularity has been generally decreasing since there is little new content there. The vast majority of online activity is either:

 On the new site  On our Facebook group

Most visitors come to our site from either Google or Facebook, though the third highest number of referrals come from, which is the Sorbie family genealogy website (The Sorbie family traces its origins back to , but the surname seems to have vanished from the area around the time the Hannay name started appearing in the records.)

Facebook The vast majority of our online activity occurs on Facebook. The Clan Hannay official Facebook page ( has 607 followers, while our highly active Facebook forum ( has 1,392 members. We will likely continue to use Facebook for public discussions while focusing on being the source for official Hanna/e/h/y information.

Respectfully submitted to Clan Council May 19, 2017 -Frank Lawler, Seattle, WA, USA

However, it may be by the time this newsletter is distributed.

9. Genealogist’s Report It’s been a relatively quiet year for genealogical requests compared to previous years. I have dealt with requests from Dan Norris, Stu Hannay, Teresa Shepard, Calvin Hanna and Angela Davis from the USA, plus Georgie Burdett from the UK. In an ongoing dialogue with Dermot Balsom from Western Australia, he has been providing an amazing array of diagrams and maps of the Mourne barony in County Down, where his Hanna ancestors came from.

I have been busy assembling together several Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of Clan surnames related to named individuals pre-19th Century in Ireland. These are part of an initiative I have tasked myself to do in terms of trying to get all historical records in a digital searchable database for pre-19th Century Records (so we can have it as a source of information for Clan Members in the future):

a. 17th and 18th Century Irish BDM Church Records (mainly Dublin churches)

b. Pre 19th Century BDM Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices) post 1738 for all Clan surnames

c. 18th and early 19th Century Irish Grand Lodge of Freemasons Records (1720 – 1810)

Finally, I have been researching extensively the Family Tree of William Hanna (of Hanna-Barbara cartoon fame in Hollywood) and, together with the help of Ren Hanami of Los Angeles, we have reached out to the surviving family. I have created a detailed tree of the American side of his Hanna family and presently I am trying to pin down the exact location in County Antrim, his grandfather emigrated to the US in the 1860s.

Keith Hanna, Genealogist

10. Overseas Report Alabama Branch - It has been a quiet year for the Alabama Branch of the Clan Hannay Society. Our membership still stands at 18 life members. Unfortunately, none of us were able to attend the April reception in New York or the Clan Gathering this year. However, we send our best wishes for continued progress on the restoration project.

Patti Hannah, Convenor, Alabama Branch

8 6 Existing Website London Group Until the new site is launched, we will keep our old running. Although we had a substantial spike in visits around the time of the New York City reception, as noted in our last report, the site popularity has been The London Group are arranging a date for a summer social. If anyone knows anybody in the London area who generally decreasing since there is little new content there. The vast majority of online activity is either: may be interested in joining the London Group, please get it touch with Frederick Hannay: [email protected]

 On the new site 11. Sorbie Tower - Restoration Appeal

 On our Facebook group In 2015 Sorbie Tower was placed in a charity to enable tax relief to be claimed on charitable donations, and a reception was held in the House of Lords to raise funds for a restoration appeal. In 2016 emergency repairs were Most visitors come to our site from either Google or Facebook, though the third highest number of referrals come carried out to the internal stair wall with a 50% grant of £15,083 from Historic Environment Scotland (HES), and at from, which is the Sorbie family genealogy website (The Sorbie family traces its origins back to the same time scaffolding was purchased for £3,720 to enable on-going maintenance. Galloway, but the surname seems to have vanished from the area around the time the Hannay name started appearing in the records.) In November last year the chief made a preliminary visit to New York to establish a partnership with the American Scottish Foundation so that tax relief for dollar donations could be claimed, and also to arrange a reception in aid Facebook of the restoration appeal during Tartan Week in April 2017. All 313 clan members in America and Canada were The vast majority of our online activity occurs on Facebook. The Clan Hannay official Facebook page sent an invitation with explanatory information, as were 270 potential donors who were not clan members. In the ( has 607 followers, while our highly active Facebook forum event 52 attended the reception and a further 27 made donations. At the reception, Chief David Hannay gave a ( has 1,392 members. We will likely continue to use presentation about the Clan Hannay Society and Convenor Stephen Hanna about the restoration of Sorbie Tower. Facebook for public discussions while focusing on being the source for official Hanna/e/h/y The total raised after expenses for the reception and the ASF commission was approximately £10,000. The information. number of donors was 12% of those circulated, compared to 13% for the House of Lords reception in 2015. Nine th Respectfully submitted to Clan Council May 19, 2017 clan members travelled from the UK and took part in the Tartan Day parade down 6 Avenue.

-Frank Lawler, Seattle, WA, USA 12. Clan Goods

However, it may be by the time this newsletter is distributed. During the year sales have been steady – a dozen sales so far, plus the Gathering and similarly through Scotclans. New items such as the models of the Tower, mugs and glasses are popular for a few years and then they remain unsold. Jo has continued to make delightful items. I have now been looking after the Clan Goods for over twenty 9. Genealogist’s Report years and it is time to think of someone else taking over. However, it really needs to be someone in this area, as It’s been a relatively quiet year for genealogical requests compared to previous years. I have dealt with requests about half the sales are people calling at the house. from Dan Norris, Stu Hannay, Teresa Shepard, Calvin Hanna and Angela Davis from the USA, plus Georgie Burdett from the UK. In an ongoing dialogue with Dermot Balsom from Western Australia, he has been providing an Janet Hannay, Keeper of the Tartan amazing array of diagrams and maps of the Mourne barony in County Down, where his Hanna ancestors came from. Clan calendars are now for sale and this year the theme is ‘Hannays around the World’. £900 was raised last year for calendars alone, so this is a very important income for the Clan. I have been busy assembling together several Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of Clan surnames related to named Sorbie Tower models, both large and small, have been sold during the year. individuals pre-19th Century in Ireland. These are part of an initiative I have tasked myself to do in terms of trying to get all historical records in a digital searchable database for pre-19th Century Records (so we can have it as a There are four facets to Clan Goods: source of information for Clan Members in the future):  Traditional Clan goods, a service for members, which are advertised in the Clan newsletter and handled a. 17th and 18th Century Irish BDM Church Records (mainly Dublin churches) by Janet,  Scotclans, who are selling commercial items such as mugs, key rings etc, for which we receive a small b. Pre 19th Century BDM Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices) post 1738 for all percentage of the sale price. Clan surnames  Calendars, which are advertised with the newsletter, but also on Facebook and the website to the general public, which generates more income and encourages membership. c. 18th and early 19th Century Irish Grand Lodge of Freemasons Records (1720 – 1810)  Tower models, which are sold through Ebay and Facebook.

Finally, I have been researching extensively the Family Tree of William Hanna (of Hanna-Barbara cartoon fame in 13. Newsletter Hollywood) and, together with the help of Ren Hanami of Los Angeles, we have reached out to the surviving family. I have created a detailed tree of the American side of his Hanna family and presently I am trying to pin I now have a new system in place for the transferring of draft between Jacquie and myself, which eliminates the down the exact location in County Antrim, Ulster his grandfather emigrated to the US in the 1860s. previous problems we encountered. I have purchased a high speed memory stick which will also help. My only worry this year is that we will have enough space to fit everything in.

Keith Hanna, Genealogist Janette Hannah, Newsletter Editor

10. Overseas Report 14. Edinburgh Tattoo Alabama Branch - It has been a quiet year for the Alabama Branch of the Clan Hannay Society. Our membership still stands at 18 life members. Unfortunately, none of us were able to attend the April reception in New York or The Council of Scottish Chiefs agreed last year, with the organisers of the Tattoo that in each performance there the Clan Gathering this year. However, we send our best wishes for continued progress on the restoration project. will be two or three Scottish Clans appearing on the Esplanade at the beginning of the Tattoo; the only criteria being that they must wear their Clan’s tartan. There are twenty five performances during August and fifty eight Patti Hannah, Convenor, Alabama Branch clans taking part. Seventeen Clan Hannay members are registered to attend and take part in the parade for the st 9.00pm performance of Monday 21 August, together with McGregors and Buccanans. 8 9 7 15. Nominations

Peter Balderstone Hanna is the only Clan Council member due for retirement this year. There are two nominations for Council; Wendy Hanney, from Nottingham and Chris Hanna from Wigtownshire. Both nominations were proposed by Stephen Hanna and seconded by Chief David Hannay.

16. Election of Office Bearers and Council / Appointment of Auditor

The existing Office Bearers and Council are all willing to stay in office and were proposed by Stephen Hanna and seconded by Patricia Hannah. Patrick Playfair is willing to act as Auditor again this year.

17. Any Other Clan Business

 The Lowland Gathering in is not going to take place this year. Douglas Hanna had previously sponsored a shield for presentation at this annual event, as an award for the Piping Competition.

 We currently have a Sorbie Tower Restoration Committee which consists of; Stephen Hanna, (Convenor), David Hannay, (Chief), Keith Hannay, (Treasurer) and Susan Napier (Clan Council Member who has agreed to become a trustee). These four people are now Trustees of Sorbie Tower Charity. We need to hold a Trustees meeting at least annually and it would be sensible to amalgamate the restoration committee as one body as Charity Trustees. It was proposed that the meetings of the Trustees should take place on the mornings of the Council meetings in March and October, prior to the Council meeting proper.

 It was proposed to do a two day trip to Northern Ireland this year, on the Thursday and Friday prior to the Gathering. However, the uptake was low, possibly due to the other events this year, such as New York and the Military Tattoo, so unfortunately it was cancelled.

 Hanna are numerous in Northern Ireland and we need to engage with them to develop the Clan in this area. David Hanna, Clan Piper, will consider ideas to pursue this further, enlisting the help of Reverend Desmond Hanna.

 Stephen Hanna introduced Wee McAsh, the bear that travelled to New York with our party. Amanda Sutherland is the author of ‘Wee McAsh and Friends’, the children’s book series she is writing which is becoming quite successful. Amanda dressed Wee McAsh in Hannay Tartan and he proved highly popular in the States.

18. Date of next Council Meeting

Saturday 14th October 2017 – 1.30pm - To be held at The Kings Arms Hotel,

19. Date of next AGM and Gathering

Saturday 26th May 2018.

The Clan Hannay Society Annual General Meeting – Saturday 26th May 2018 – AGENDA

1. Present, Apologies and Obituaries 11. Sorbie Tower 2. Approval of 2017 minutes 12. Clan Goods 3. Matters Arising 13. Newsletter 4. Convenor’s Report 14. Nominations 5. Secretary’s Report 15. Election of Office Bearers and Council / 6. Treasurer’s Report Appointment of Auditor 7. Constable’s Report 16. Any Other Clan Business 8. Webmasters’ Report 17. Date of next Council Meeting 9. Genealogist’s Report 18. Date of next AGM and Gathering 10. Overseas Report

10 8 15. Nominations The Clan Hannay Society – The Objects for which the Society was formed are: Peter Balderstone Hanna is the only Clan Council member due for retirement this year. There are two nominations for Council; Wendy Hanney, from Nottingham and Chris Hanna from Wigtownshire. Both To promote and strengthen a mutual interest and fellowship throughout the world between all persons bearing nominations were proposed by Stephen Hanna and seconded by Chief David Hannay. the Family Name of Hannay, Hannah, Hanna, or Hanney and their relatives.

16. Election of Office Bearers and Council / Appointment of Auditor To preserve for all time as a Clan possession Sorbie Tower and grounds, the ancient stronghold of the Clan in Galloway. The existing Office Bearers and Council are all willing to stay in office and were proposed by Stephen Hanna and seconded by Patricia Hannah. Patrick Playfair is willing to act as Auditor again this year. To collect and preserve records, relics and traditions of the Clan for mutual benefit.

17. Any Other Clan Business  The Lowland Gathering in Stranraer is not going to take place this year. Douglas Hanna had previously OFFICE BEARERS of the CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY sponsored a shield for presentation at this annual event, as an award for the Piping Competition. Chief Convenor Professor David R Hannay Stephen Hanna  We currently have a Sorbie Tower Restoration Committee which consists of; Stephen Hanna, (Convenor), Cuddyfield, Carsluith, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, Bayview, 4 Culderry Row, Garlieston, Wigtownshire, David Hannay, (Chief), Keith Hannay, (Treasurer) and Susan Napier (Clan Council Member who has agreed DG8 7DS, Scotland DG8 8BE, Scotland to become a trustee). These four people are now Trustees of Sorbie Tower Charity. We need to hold a e-mail: [email protected] Trustees meeting at least annually and it would be sensible to amalgamate the restoration committee as one body as Charity Trustees. It was proposed that the meetings of the Trustees should take place on the Treasurer Secretary mornings of the Council meetings in March and October, prior to the Council meeting proper. Keith Hannay Mrs Jacquie Hannay 17 Barnton Avenue, Edinburgh, 5 Picket Cross, Bankend Road, Dumfries,  It was proposed to do a two day trip to Northern Ireland this year, on the Thursday and Friday prior to the EH4 6AJ, Scotland DG1 4AH, Scotland Gathering. However, the uptake was low, possibly due to the other events this year, such as New York and e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] the Military Tattoo, so unfortunately it was cancelled. Vice Convenor Keeper of the Tartan  Hanna are numerous in Northern Ireland and we need to engage with them to develop the Clan in this Frederick Hannay Mrs Janet R Hannay area. David Hanna, Clan Piper, will consider ideas to pursue this further, enlisting the help of Reverend 134 Quickley Lane, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire Cuddyfield, Carsluith, Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire, Desmond Hanna. WD3 5PB, England DG8 7DS, Scotland e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]  Stephen Hanna introduced Wee McAsh, the bear that travelled to New York with our party. Amanda Sutherland is the author of ‘Wee McAsh and Friends’, the children’s book series she is writing which is Newsletter Editor Constable of Sorbie Tower / Seannachie (Historian) becoming quite successful. Amanda dressed Wee McAsh in Hannay Tartan and he proved highly popular Mrs Janette Hannah David Hannah in the States. 7 Whitehill Road, Blackburn, West Lothian, Tigh na Cnoc, Ardgay Hill, Ardgay, Sutherland, EH47 7HQ, Scotland IV24 3DH, Scotland 18. Date of next Council Meeting e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] th Saturday 14 October 2017 – 1.30pm - To be held at The Kings Arms Hotel, Lockerbie Herald Piper Russell Hannah David Hanna 19. Date of next AGM and Gathering 7 Whitehill Road, Blackburn, West Lothian, 24 Ballykeel Road, Rathfriland, Newry, County Down, EH47 7HQ, Scotland BT34 5AZ, Northern Ireland th Saturday 26 May 2018. Standard Bearer Genealogist The Clan Hannay Society Annual General Meeting – Saturday 26th May 2018 – AGENDA Douglas Hannah Keith Hanna 22 John Simpson Drive, Stranraer, 1. Present, Apologies and Obituaries 11. Sorbie Tower DG9 7PQ, Scotland e-mail: [email protected] 2. Approval of 2017 minutes 12. Clan Goods 3. Matters Arising 13. Newsletter Wardens of Sorbie Tower 4. Convenor’s Report 14. Nominations 5. Secretary’s Report 15. Election of Office Bearers and Council / Mrs Wendy Ronan Stephen Hanna 6. Treasurer’s Report Appointment of Auditor 7 South Crescent, Garlieston, Wigtownshire, Bayview, 4 Culderry Row, Garlieston, 7. Constable’s Report 16. Any Other Clan Business Wigtownshire, DG8 8BE, Scotland 8. Webmasters’ Report 17. Date of next Council Meeting DG8 8BQ, Scotland e-mail: [email protected] 9. Genealogist’s Report 18. Date of next AGM and Gathering 10. Overseas Report Webmasters Frank Lawler and Jamie Hanna To contact Clan Hannay by internet / e-mail, log onto the official Clan Hannay website -


Appointed Name Due to Retire John Hannah (Paisley) Frederick Hannay (London) 2014 2018 Susan Napier (Edinburgh)

Harry Hannay (Dumfries) Jo Hannah (Paisley) 2015 Desmond Hanna (Bangor, N I) Wolfgang Bergman (London) 2019 Grant Lee (Inverness-) Ren Hanami (California)

2016 Ian Hanney (Nottingham) 2020 2017 Wendy Hanney (Nottingham) Chris Hanna (Wigtownshire) 2021 Branch Convenor and Alabama – Convenor Clan East – Contact Clan West – Contact Contacts Patricia Hannah Brook Hanna Verl Hannah Honorary Councillors Will Hanna (Northern Ireland) Patrick Playfair ()


Clan Chief Prof. David Hannay Clan Convenor and Warden of Sorbie Tower Stephen Hanna Clan Treasurer Keith Hannay Clan Constable of Sorbie Tower David Hannah Clan Herald Russell Hannah Clan Council Member Susan Napier Clan Member Neil Hannay


THE CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY – Invites you to apply for full membership or, if you are already a member, to enrol someone else as a gift Membership is individual; please complete a form for each applicant (or continue on a separate sheet)

 Life Membership - £150 US Dollars $200 Canadian Dollars $260

 Annual Membership - £25 US Dollars $35 Canadian Dollars $45

Please complete Payment Slip Page 12 and send with this completed form to the appropriate address quoted

Full Name Address

Telephone No:

e-mail address:: Post / Zip Code Country £ $ Please indicate membership chosen by ticking the box

Life Membership Annual Membership

(Please remember to notify the Secretary of any change of address details) If your family name is not Hannay, Hannah, Hanna or Hanney, please clarify your connections, ie. by marriage or lineage

If you wish to keep your Newsletter intact, please photocopy the application form. You can also send it to family, relatives, or Hannay / Hannah / Hanna / Hanney (s) in your local telephone directory, to help with recruitment.

12 10 COUNCIL MEMBERS of the CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY Description of Items for Sale – Order Form – 2017 / 2018

Appointed Name Due to Retire (All prices include postage and packing) Please complete Payment Slip on Page 12 and send with this completed form to the appropriate address quoted John Hannah (Paisley) Frederick Hannay (London) 2014 2018 Susan Napier (Edinburgh) Name Clan Membership Number

Harry Hannay (Dumfries) Jo Hannah (Paisley) 2015 Desmond Hanna (Bangor, N I) Wolfgang Bergman (London) 2019 Address Date of Order Grant Lee (Inverness-Shire) Ren Hanami (California) Telephone Number 2016 Ian Hanney (Nottingham) 2020 2017 Wendy Hanney (Nottingham) Chris Hanna (Wigtownshire) 2021 Post / ZIP Code e-mail Country Branch Convenor and Alabama – Convenor Clan East – Contact Clan West – Contact UK Europe & Quantity Value Contacts Patricia Hannah Brook Hanna Verl Hannah AUTHENTIC CLAN HANNAY GOODS only Overseas £ Honorary Councillors Will Hanna (Northern Ireland) Patrick Playfair (Roxburghshire) £ £

1 Tartan Material 54” wide – Heavy Weight, for heavier (per yard) 50.00 56.00 TRUSTEES OF SORBIE TOWER 54” wide - Medium Weight, suitable for kilts, skirts or jackets 2 Tartan Material 46.00 51.00 (per yard) Clan Chief Prof. David Hannay Clan Convenor and Warden of Sorbie Tower Stephen Hanna

Clan Treasurer Keith Hannay Clan Constable of Sorbie Tower David Hannah 3 Tartan Tie 3” wide in Hannay tartan, fully lined 18.00 20.00 Clan Herald Russell Hannah Clan Council Member Susan Napier Clan Member Neil Hannay Mahogany shield approx. 7” by 8” with Clan Crest and Motto 4 Wall Plaque Mounted on tartan 45.00 53.00 Name Tabs available: Hannay, Hannah, Hanna, Hanney versions

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 5 Silver Brooch 1” diameter, in the form of the traditional Clan Crest 42.00 45.00

THE CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY – Invites you to apply for full membership 6 Coloured Print Print of painting of Sorbie Tower by Sheila Hannah 15” by 12” 15.00 17.00 or, if you are already a member, to enrol someone else as a gift 7 Cap Badge 1.5” diameter in polished metal, brooch style. 16.00 18.00 Membership is individual; please complete a form for each applicant (or continue on a separate sheet) 8 Lapel Badge Small crest in blue and silver enamel, for tie or lapel pin 6.00 6.50  Life Membership - £150 US Dollars $200 Canadian Dollars $260 rd ‘The Hannays The 3 paperback edition of this book; is a definitive work on the  Annual Membership - £25 US Dollars $35 Canadian Dollars $45 9 of Sorbie’ by origins and history of the family and of the many branches 12.00 20.00 Stewart Francis (Scottish and Overseas) descended from Sorbie REDUCED Please complete Payment Slip Page 12 and send with this completed form to the appropriate address quoted History of Clan Hannay Society and Sorbie Tower (Please specify which format when your order 10 Clan DVD 6.00 9.00 Full Name Address The two formats are PAL for UK, Europe and Australia and NTSC for USA and Canada) REDUCED


A wider range of Clan Goods can be ordered online from: who will give a 5% discount to Telephone No: members of the Clan Society, using the voucher code HANNAY 14. Clan goods have been approved by the Clan Herald and 10% of sales will be donated to the Clan Hannay Society. Post / Zip Code e-mail address:: Country MODELS OF SORBIE TOWER - Large £ 37.50 Small £ 27.50 Both prices include postage and packing £ $ Obtainable from Stephen Hanna – See Methods of Payment on Page 12. Please indicate membership chosen by ticking the box KILTS - Carol Churchman, maker at Galloway Kilts, The Kiosk, , DG7 2RH Life Membership Annual Membership Now makes kilts using authentic Hannay Tartan. Tel: 01557 814048 e-mail: [email protected]

(Please remember to notify the Secretary of any change of address details) CLAN HANNAY CALENDAR - Following our success with previous calendars, we have are hoping to produce one for If your family name is not Hannay, Hannah, Hanna or Hanney, please clarify your connections, 2019. The proceeds from sales will again be donated to the Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund. ie. by marriage or lineage If you have any photographs that you think would be suitable for our calendar, please contact:

Ian Hanney: [email protected]

Look at our new website: and our Facebook sites:

If you wish to keep your Newsletter intact, please photocopy the application form. You can also send it to family, relatives, and or Hannay / Hannah / Hanna / Hanney (s) in your local telephone directory, to help with recruitment.

12 13 11 METHODS OF PAYMENT Bank Details: Full name & Address of Bank Account Name: Clan Hannay Society Bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-16-57 8-9 The Square Account No: 00130218 Kelso TD5 7HG Scotland

Methods of payment: Cheque or Bank Draft made payable to: The Clan Hannay Society

Or, for Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund made payable to; Sorbie Tower (Bank of Scotland, Newton Stewart) – Sort code: 80-17-86 Account No: 00743899

PayPal is available online for purchases, membership and donations - visit

Please send your payment (and completed form if necessary) to the appropriate address below

Membership / AGM Registration Clan Goods Models of Sorbie Tower Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower

Mrs Jacquie Hannay Mrs Janet Hannay Stephen Hanna Secretary Keeper of the Tartan Convenor The Clan Hannay Society The Clan Hannay Society The Clan Hannay Society 5 Picket Cross Cuddyfield Bayview Bankend Road Carsluith 4 Culderry Row Dumfries Newton Stewart Garlieston DG1 4AH Wigtownshire Wigtownshire DG8 7DS DG8 8BE

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e -mail: sphcb@aol,com

Or, if in North America Donations to - Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund Completed forms and payment Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower ( In US / Canadian dollars – at the current exchange rate ) for any of the above, can be sent to: Professor David R Hannay Chief, Clan Hannay Mr Jamie Hanna Cuddyfield Webmaster Carsluith Clan Hannay Society Newton Stewart 109 Thomas Street # 69625 Oakville Wigtownshire, Ontario DG8 7DS L6J 3A7 Scotland Canada

e-mail: [email protected]



Method of Payment – Please tick as appropriate Cheque Bank Draft

Payment has been sent to: Dr David R Hannay Mrs Jacquie Hannay

Mrs Janet Hannay Mr Stephen Hanna Mr Jamie Hanna

Donations to - The Clan Hannay Society can be included with, and sent to, any of these persons.

Membership £ / $ AGM Registration £ / $ Clan Goods £ / $ Donation to: The Clan Hannay Society £ / $ Donation to: Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund, ( Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower ) £ / $ TOTAL £ / $ 14 12 METHODS OF PAYMENT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM Bank Details: Full name & Address of Bank Account Name: Clan Hannay Society Bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-16-57 CLAN HANNAY SOCIETY – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND CLAN GATHERING 8-9 The Square Account No: 00130218 Saturday 26th May 2018 – Garlieston Village Hall Kelso Saturday - 10.30 hrs for 11.00 hrs - Annual General Meeting TD5 7HG Garlieston Village Hall MEMBERS AND ACCOMANYING GUESTS Scotland - 13.00 hrs - Buffet Lunch following AGM £8.50 each Garlieston Village Hall MEMBERS AND ACCOMANYING GUESTS X Total: £ Methods of payment: Cheque or Bank Draft made payable to: The Clan Hannay Society - 15.00 hrs. Clan Gathering - Piping in of the colours Sorbie Tower OPEN TO ALL Or, for Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund made payable to; Sorbie Tower - 18.30 hrs for 19.00 hrs prompt. Clan Hannay Dinner Dance £25.00 each (Bank of Scotland, Newton Stewart) – Sort code: 80-17-86 Account No: 00743899 Creebridge Hotel, Newton Stewart X Total: £ MEMBERS AND ACCOMANYING GUESTS PayPal is available online for purchases, membership and donations - visit Sunday - 12 noon onwards - Picnic (Bring your Own) and Clan games Donations for games welcome. Please send your payment (and completed form if necessary) to the appropriate address below Sorbie Tower OPEN TO ALL – ADULTS AND CHILDREN

Membership / AGM Registration Clan Goods Models of Sorbie Tower TOTAL £ Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower

Please return by 1st May, with full names and addresses of all those attending Mrs Jacquie Hannay Mrs Janet Hannay Stephen Hanna Secretary Keeper of the Tartan Convenor Please complete Payment Slip on Page 12 and send with this completed form to the appropriate address The Clan Hannay Society The Clan Hannay Society The Clan Hannay Society quoted. (Please note - confirmation that payment has been made must accompany the booking form) 5 Picket Cross Cuddyfield Bayview Bankend Road Carsluith 4 Culderry Row Name (s) of those attending Address Dumfries Newton Stewart Garlieston DG1 4AH Wigtownshire Wigtownshire

DG8 7DS DG8 8BE e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e -mail: sphcb@aol,com Post / ZIP Code

Country Or, if in North America Donations to - Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund The Creebridge Hotel is offering a special Bed and Breakfast rate for Clan members of £50 per person, per night, Completed forms and payment Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower st ( In US / Canadian dollars – at the current exchange rate ) if booked directly with the hotel before April 1 2018. for any of the above, can be sent to: Professor David R Hannay For information on accommodation, transport, places to eat and visitor attractions, go to the

Chief, Clan Hannay Visit Scotland website. We encourage people to bring family and friends to celebrate with us. Mr Jamie Hanna Cuddyfield Some camping will be available on site. Contact Stephen Hanna to arrange this as space will be limited. Webmaster Carsluith Clan Hannay Society Newton Stewart 109 Thomas Street # 69625 Oakville Wigtownshire, NOMINATION of Clan Member for election to Clan Council at the Annual General Meeting 2018 Ontario DG8 7DS L6J 3A7 Scotland I (name) …………………………………………………………………...... Membership No: …..…………………...... Canada Hereby nominate (name) ………………………………………...... Membership No: ……………….…………… e-mail: [email protected] For election to the Clan Council at the next Annual General Meeting for the following reason (s): ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………... (eg. Has been an active Clan Member for ……… years, has raised funds for the Sorbie Tower Restoration Project, PAYMENT SLIP has experience of committee work, specialist knowledge which will help with the work of the Clan Hannay

Society). Method of Payment – Please tick as appropriate Cheque Bank Draft

Payment has been sent to: Dr David R Hannay Mrs Jacquie Hannay Signed: …………………………………………………………..

Mrs Janet Hannay Mr Stephen Hanna Mr Jamie Hanna FUND RAISING OPPORTUNITY – easyfundraising Donations to - The Clan Hannay Society can be included with, and sent to, any of these persons. Remember – members in the UK can help the Society by using every time they buy Membership £ / $ goods from online shopping sites. Sign up by typing the name as shown above and enter Clan Hannay in the AGM Registration £ / $ browser. You can then see what online stores participate and check how much has been raised using this facility. Clan Goods £ / $ Donation to: The Clan Hannay Society £ / $ Donation to: Sorbie Tower Restoration Fund, ( Must be made payable to Sorbie Tower ) £ / $ TOTAL £ / $ 14 15 13 Reflections on New York

After negotiating best deals with online booking agencies and long delays at airports where border controls seemed permanently understaffed, we arrived in New York. It is an exciting place to be with an amazing skyline of skyscrapers, and when looking up one was likely to be bumped into by people busy with their smart phones. There is an active Scottish community in New York with a Caledonian Club, St Andrews Society and the American Scottish Foundation (ASF) which organises the annual Tartan Week. The Clan Hannay Society is a corporate member of ASF so that tax relief can be claimed on dollar donations. In addition Camilla Helman, who runs ASF, organised the invitations to our reception, which was held at the 3 West Club, with help from Brook Hanna, a local clan member.

Over 50 people attended the reception, with audio-visual presentations about the Clan Society and the restoration of Sorbie Tower. It was a convivial occasion with a good finger buffet and a well-stocked bar. The next morning we went to the ‘Kirking of the Tartan’ and in the afternoon Clan Hannay were one of the many groups among the 3000 or so who marched down 6th Avenue, which was lined with cheering crowds. There is much to see in New York, including Trump Tower opposite the ASF offices on Madison Avenue which at the time tended to be blocked by police or demonstrations. As well as going to Central Park, we visited Ground Zero which is a sobering reminder of 9/11. Then there was a visit to the Frick Museum with its wonderful collection of historic paintings, and the Whitney Museum of modern art. On the last morning we visited the aircraft carrier Invincible with historic aircraft on its flight deck including Concorde, and also a space shuttle and nuclear submarine.

About 25 years ago my wife Janet visited America with my father and met the Rev. James Hanna who founded the Clan society in the East of America. Almost ten years ago my wife and I were in New York to meet clan members including Bill Haynes, but since then we have rather lost contact with Clan East. Hopefully, the restoration appeal will act as focus for closer links with clan members in America where about half our members live and from where many visitors come to Sorbie. Organising the reception in New York for the restoration appeal was an interesting experience but at times stressful, as it involved managing often different expectations. However, we made many contacts in America, established a donor base and covered our expenses with surplus funds for the restoration. But most important the visit fulfilled the first object for which the Clan society was formed namely:-“ to promote and strengthen a mutual interest and fellowship throughout the world between all persons bearing the family name of Hannay, Hannah, Hanna, Hanney and their relatives”.

David R Hannay, Clan Chief

The photo on the left shows Sorbie Tower at its most dramatic. Specially illuminated for night tours arranged by Mostly Ghostly Tours. The special tours took place at the end of September to give visitors the ultimate in Sorbie Tower experiences. The tours were part of the highly popular Wigtown Book Festival. The Tower looked spectacular in the lighting set up by Stephen, Clan Convenor, and the baking was provided by Chris, Stephen’s wife. The centre photo shows some of the brave souls who were prepared for a night of chills and thrills.

The Clan Hannay bag, shown on the right, was an idea of Gearóid Ó hAnnaidh. He kindly presented some to us when we met for the Edinburgh Tattoo in August and he has had more produced.

14 Reflections on New York HMS Hood After negotiating best deals with online booking agencies and long delays at airports where border controls seemed permanently understaffed, we arrived in New York. It is an exciting place to be with an amazing skyline of skyscrapers, and when looking up one was likely to be bumped into by people busy with their smart phones. There is an active Scottish community in New York with a Caledonian Club, St Andrews Society and the American Scottish Foundation (ASF) which organises the annual Tartan Week. The Clan Hannay Society is a corporate member of ASF so that tax relief can be claimed on dollar donations. In addition Camilla Helman, who runs ASF, organised the invitations to our reception, which was held at the 3 West Club, with help from Brook Hanna, a local clan member.

Over 50 people attended the reception, with audio-visual presentations about the Clan Society and the restoration of Sorbie Tower. It was a convivial occasion with a good finger buffet and a well-stocked bar. The next morning we went to the ‘Kirking of the Tartan’ and in the afternoon Clan Hannay were one of the many groups among the 3000 or so who marched down 6th Avenue, which was lined with cheering crowds. There is much to see in New York, including Trump Tower opposite the ASF offices on Madison Avenue which at the time tended to be blocked by police or demonstrations. As well as going to Central Park, we visited Ground Zero which is a sobering reminder of 9/11. Then there was a visit to the Frick Museum with its wonderful collection of historic paintings, and the Whitney Museum of modern art. On the last morning we visited the aircraft carrier Invincible with historic aircraft on its flight deck including Concorde, and also a space shuttle and nuclear submarine.

About 25 years ago my wife Janet visited America with my father and met the Rev. James Hanna who founded the Clan society in the East of America. Almost ten years ago my wife and I were in New York to meet clan members including Bill Haynes, but since then we have rather lost contact with Clan East. Hopefully, the restoration appeal will act as focus for closer links with clan members in America where about half our members live and from where many visitors come to Sorbie. Organising the reception in New York for the restoration appeal was an interesting experience but at times stressful, as it involved managing often different expectations. However, we made many contacts in America, On the 24th May 1941, during what has become known as The Battle of the Denmark Strait, the Royal Navy established a donor base and covered our expenses with surplus funds for the restoration. But most important Onbattlecruiser the 24th May HMS 1941, Hood during and several what has other become navy shipsknown engaged as The Battlethe German of the battleshipDenmark Strait,Bismark the and Royal heavy Navy cruiser the visit fulfilled the first object for which the Clan society was formed namely:-“ to promote and strengthen a battlecruiserPrinz Eugen HMSin a fierce Hood andfirefight. several Shortly other afternavy shipsthe start engaged of the battlethe German Hood battleshipwas hit by aBismark salvo of and shells heavy from cruiser Bismark, Prinz Eugen in a fierce firefight. mutual interest and fellowship throughout the world between all persons bearing the family name of Hannay, one of which is thought to have penetrated her armour and exploded in an ammunition magazine. Within 3 minutes Hannah, Hanna, Hanney and their relatives”. ShortlyHood sank after taking the start all butof the 3 of battle her 1418 Hood crew was downhit by witha salvo her. of Three shells days from later, Bismark, on the one 27th of May,which Bismark is thought herself to have was David R Hannay, Clan Chief penetratedsunk with only her 114armour survivors and exploded from a crew in an of ammunition over 2200. magazine. Within 3 minutes Hood sank taking all but 3 of her 1418Two of crew the downmen lost with from her. HMSThree Hood days were later, Robert on the Hanna27th May, and Bismark James Hannay.herself was sunk with only 114 survivors from a crew of over 2200. Robert was born on 09 May 1912 in Lurgan, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, the third son to William and Elizabeth TwoHanna. of the He menis known lost from to have HMS had Hood a sister. were Robert Robert assisted Hanna and his Jamesfather in Hannay. the family’s extensive pulmbing business. He was also known to be a keen football player (back and centre-forward) having played for Sunnyside, Celtic II Robertand Glenavon, was born and on joined09 May the 1912 Navy in inLurgan, 1938. CountyHe was Armagh,the husband Northern of Phyllis Ireland, Hanna, the third of Stedham, son to William Sussex and (married Elizabeth in Hanna.1939). He is known to have had a sister. Robert assistedwas 29 years his father old at in the the time family's of his extensive loss. We pulmbing have no additionalbusiness. information.He was also known to be a keen football player (backJames and was centre-forward) born on 15 November having played 1916, thefor Sunnyside,youngest boy Celtic of seven II and children Glenavon born and to joined Patrick the and Navy Betsy in 1938.Hannay He of was the husband of Phyllis Hanna, of Stedham, Sussex (married in 1939). Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Prior to being called up for service in later 1940, he had worked as a riveter at Caledon RobertShipyard. was He 29 also years worked old at for the some time timeof his in loss. the fishingWe have village no additional of Plockton. information. James was 24 years old at the time of his loss. We have no additional information. James was born on 15 November 1916, the youngest boy of seven children born to PatrickRussell and Betsy Hannah, Hannay Clan ofHerald Dundee, Angus, Scotland. Prior to being called up for service in later 1940, he had worked as a riveter at Caledon Shipyard. He has also worked for some time in the fishing village of Plockton. Join the ‘Eat and Drink Like a European’ Clan Hannay Tour, 20th - 29th May 2018. Anyone interested in Hannay, JamesHannah, was Hanna, 24 years or oldHanney at the family time ofhistory his loss. is welcome We have to no join additional the tour, information.starting in Edinburgh, and then via Northern Ireland, ending in Galloway at the Clan Hannay annual Gathering at Sorbie Tower. or contact: james@eatanddrinklikeaeuropean Russell Hannah, Clan Herald.

15 A Pipe of Madeira

London 5 March 1762! Gentlemen! This will be handed to you by our Robert Parker? Surgeon of the (ship name ?, Kimberbra ? Janaman ?) Capt. How ? who has agreed with me to take under? his care a pipe of Madeira wine for Mr. John Johnstone ? (Senior Merchant ?) at Stengal ? and on remuneration of above I am to allow him Twelve Guineas.! You will please therefor to furnish him with a pipe of said wine taking such a mission for delivery of it to the said John Johnstone ? or his Attorneys at Stengall ? as is customary, which must be forwarded to ?, observing to send a duplicate to me and as I have further agreed with our Parker that the premium or consideration of Twelve Guineas shall be paid to him in Madeira. I must beg the favor that you will insure said sum for me upon his granting the obligation above mentioned, and that it be included in your bill for the cost of the wine.! I am uncertain whether you ever fill your pipes in force or even whether you have The above article is from a post by David Hannah, an opportunity of doing it, but if I can be (Constable) in 2016 and was transcribed by Jett perfectly done as such a ? must be as ? Hanna. It is a copy of a letter sent from Samuel in the ? voyage ? as any other. I must Hannay on the 5th of March 1762. The copy is on assure ? that you will ? this Pipe to be ? display in the Blandy Wine House Museum in and the ? marked to prevent its being Funchal, Madeira. # turned downwards."! I am"! A ‘pipe’ of Madeira was about 120 gallons and Gentlemen"! letting it sit on the ship while it circled the globe Your most humble servant"! improved its quality. The instructions at the end Samuel Hannay! are probably for that purpose. Guineas, of course, ? Newton being gold coins.#

Left.The Weeping Window at Sorbie Tower looked spectacular. Another example of great work being done by our convener (shown ready to do # Hannawe’en for local children) and Chris, his wife, made possible by Constable and Warden organising work parties. See Constable's Report. #

16 The Clan Gathering and AGM

Top Row: Clan Council at work. Special guest Wee MacCash and the real McCash.

Second row: The Wee McCash journey. Jo and John Hannah. Our Convenor Stephen making sure the flags are all the right way up. Clan members chatting at the tower.

Third row: Frederick Hannay, Jacquie Hannay and Chief David prior to the Clan parade to the tower. Wee McCash in place of honour. Both McCashes with mum; Amanda Sutherland.

Left: Our wonderful auctioneers on The Saturday evening, Ian and Wendy Hanney.

Tomorrow, 9/6/17, would have been my mother, Valerie Hanna's 73rd birthday. She died on 9/11/01 in Tower One, along with almost all her colleagues at Marsh and McLennan. I prefer to remember her on her birthday rather than her death day, She was a vibrant and giving woman, having fostered many, many homeless teenagers over the years. She eventually put herself through college and became a computer programmer. When she was killed she was one of the top female computer programmers in the business, she was the Senior Vice President of Technology at Marsh and McLennan. Lydia Robertson

17 Far left: Sarah Jordan, grandaughter of Jim and Connie Hannah, Canada. with her two silver and one bronze medal for swimming in the Special Olympic Provincial Summer Games.

Left: The wedding of Brad Jordan and Olivia Sleeper. Brad is the grandson of Connie and James Hannah from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

We were all saddened to hear of the death of Mrs Phyllis Weston, mother of Jacquie Hannay, our Clan Secretary. Phyllis passed away following a short illness. She was a regular attendee at the Annual Gathering and also a long-time Friend of Sorbie Tower. She will be sadly missed by Jacquie, Harry and family.

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo This year, each performance of the Edinburgh tattoo commenced with a parade of two or three Scottish clans. 57 clans were represented across 25 performances, with Clan Hannay appearing on Monday 21st August with the Buchanans and MacGregors.

After a rehearsal in the great hall of Edinburgh Castle, the three clans led by pipers and their chiefs marched onto the esplanade, where the chiefs drank a ceremonial toast before all clan members went to their seats for the performance.

The 17 members of Clan Hannay were led by their Chief, Prof. David Hannay and his wife Janet, the Keeper of the Tartan. They were followed by Douglas Hannah from Stranraer as Standard Bearer and his brother Leslie, together with Tommy Hanna from Glasgow carrying the Clan banner. Others representing the clan were Russell Hannah the Clan Herald and his wife Janette the Editor of the Clan Newsletter. The Clan photographer was Wendy Hanney who came with her husband Ian from Nottingham. There were also two clan members from America, Gearoid O hAnnaidh from Luxembourg, and two sons and grandchildren of the chief. David R Hannay, Clan Chief

Selection of photos from Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Thanks to Wendy Hanney and . Also one or two from the Editor.