Washington County, Board of Commissioners last update: September 9, 1999

MINUTES WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUGUST 17, 1999 CONVENED: 10:02 a.m. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Chairman Tom Brian Vice Chair Roy Rogers Commissioner Delna Jones Commissioner Andy Duyck (Arrived 10:05 a.m.) Commissioner Kim Katsion was out of town on this date. STAFF: Robert Davis, Assistant County Administrator Dan Olsen, County Counsel John Rosenberger, Director, LUT Mark Brown, Land Development Division Manager, LUT Jim Tice, Senior Planner, LUT Bill Gaffi, General Manager, USA Linda Gray, CPO Coordinator Jeff Friend, Audio/Video Specialist Barbara Hejtmanek, Recording Secretary PRESS: Doug Browning, Hillsboro Argus Don Hamilton, The Oregonian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 27, 1999 1. CONSENT AGENDA

Chairman Brian announced the following modifications to the Consent Agenda: Item c. is continued to August 24, 1999. Item f. is moved from the Consent to the Regular Agenda. An off docket item from Support Services entitled "Declaration of Surplus Property/Support Services/Fleet Management Division (99128SP)" is added to the Consent Agenda. An off docket item from the County Administrative Office entitled "Approve Amendment to County Administrator Employment Agreement" is added to the Consent Agenda. It was moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as modified. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Jones Vote - 3-0 (Duyck absent at time of vote)

UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY 1.a. USA RO 99-38 Easements - Approval of Acquisition (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.b. USA MO 99-119

Remington, Project 8187, 1N121DD Tax Lot 5500 - Release and Quitclaim Permanent Storm, Surface Water Drainage and Detention Easement (CPO 7) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.c. USA MO 99-120

Sanitary Sewer Master Plan Update (4813) - Waive Competitive Contracting Requirements; Award Contract (Various CPOs) (Continued to August 24, 1999) 1.d. USA MO 99-121

Purchase of Geographic Information System (GIS) Servers Authorize Purchase Order (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.e. USA RO 99-39

Annual Review Performed by Washington County Audit Committee - Authorization to Include Unified Sewerage Agency (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.f. USA RO 99-40

Beaverton Creek Watershed Management Plan - Acknowledge Beaverton Creek Watershed Management Plan - Acknowledge the Work of the Project Committee and Adopt Plan (Moved to Regular Agenda) 1.g. USA MO 99-122

Intergovernmental Agreement between Unified Sewerage Agency and the City of Hillsboro - Approve Agreement for License to Manage and Maintain Property (Approved Under Consent Agenda) LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION 1.h. MO 99-348

Dedication of a Portion of County-Owned Property for Road Right-of-Way - Baseline Road (CPOs 1 and 2) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.i. RO 99-150

Carrollon Estates Subdivision - Establishment of the Road as County Road No. 3053 (CPO 6) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.j. RO 99-151

Ironwood No. 9 Subdivision - Establishment of the Road as County Road No. 3054 (CPO 1) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.k. RO 99-152

Meadow Green Estates Subdivision - Establishment of the Roads as County Road No. 3055 (CPO 6) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.l. RO 99-153

Vacation No. 388 (A Portion of SW 77th Avenue) (CPO 3) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.m. RO 99-154 Vacation No. 389 (A Portion of NW Wenmarie Drive) (CPO 1) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SERVICES 1.n. MO 99-349

Intergovernmental Agreement with Clackamas and Multnomah Counties Regarding Exchange of Library Services (MIX) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1.o. MO 99-350

Award Signature Authority to Issue Purchase Orders for Food Assessment Fees (99119SA) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.p. MO 99-351

Amend the 1999-2000 Albertina Kerr Centers Contract Increasing Funds to Provide Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.q. MO 99-352

Request Permission to Apply for Grant Funding from the Oregon Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs for Youth Substance Abuse Prevention and Acceptance of Memorandum of Agreement (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.r. MO 99-353

Request Permission to Apply for Grant from Northwest Health Foundation to Produce Instructional Video (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.s. MO 99-354

Transfer of Sanitary Service Certificate from Schmidt Sanitary, Inc. to Pride Disposal, Inc. (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.t. RO 99-155 Adopt Commingled Curbside Recycling Program Changes (Approved Under Consent Agenda) HOUSING SERVICES 1.u. MO 99-355

Home Project Agreement with Banyon Tree - Myrtlewood House (Approved Under Consent Agenda) SHERIFFS OFFICE 1.v. MO 99-356

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) Grant Acceptance (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.w. MO 99-357

Board Authorization to Apply for $56,691 in 1999 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds Offered by U.S. Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice Administration (Approved Under Consent Agenda) SUPPORT SERVICES 1.x. MO 99-358

Acceptance of Proposal/Authorization to Execute Agreement/ Sign Design Consultant/Facilities Management Division (#99060P) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.y. MO 99-359

Acceptance of Offer - Real Property Not Sold at Public Auction Teton Avenue, Tualatin (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.z. MO 99-360

Grant Waiver/Authorization to Execute Contracts Hispanic Sex Offender Services/Community Corrections (#99110W) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 1.aa. MO 99-361 Signature Authority to Issue Purchase Orders/Cellular Airtime Information Services (#99121SA) (Approved Under Consent Agenda) HOUSING AUTHORITY

The following action was taken as the Board of Directors for the Housing Authority - a County Service District. 1.bb. HA MO 99-14

Authorize Financial Assistance to Banyan Tree Inc. (Approved Under Consent Agenda) 2. ORAL COMMUNICATION (2 MINUTE OPPORTUNITY) Greg LaHaie, 30875 S.W. Laurelview, Hillsboro, Oregon, mentioned that he recently listened to Chairman Brian on radio station KUIK. He wished to address the disposition of surplus property on Highway. Mr. LaHaie wondered if a timeline exists for holding a public hearing on this matter. Chairman Brian responded that this has not been firmed up or scheduled at this time. He said the intent was for this issue to be discussed at a public meeting. Chairman Brian explained that it is a matter of practice to invite the public to comment when such interest is expressed. He stated that he has not discussed this specific item with the full Board yet. Mr. LaHaie wondered if a public notification process would precede the meeting at which this issue will be discussed. Commissioner Rogers clarified that there would be no individual notification. He recommended checking the County website, where all upcoming Board agendas are posted. Mr. LaHaie said there is considerable interest and some frustration in the community at not having an official forum for suggestions for disposing of the surplus property. Chairman Brian commented that there are other ways to address these concerns. He said he would be happy to meet with a group to talk about this issue. Commissioner Jones suggested that the public might want to organize an approach to be used during the two or ten minute oral communication opportunities at every regular Board Meeting. She felt this might be better than waiting to speak at the meeting where the final decision is made.

3. PUBLIC HEARING - LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION 3.a. RO 99-149 Public Hearing for Renaming Certain Roads John Rosenberger recommended that the Board rename N.W. 97th Terrace as N.W. Ashcreek Lane. He explained that this would address confusion and safety issues in the neighborhood. The public hearing was opened. No public testimony was offered. The public hearing was closed. There was a motion to rename N.W. 97th Terrace as N.W. Ashcreek Lane. Motion - Jones 2nd - Duyck Vote - 4-0

4. LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION 4.a. MO 99-344 Proposed Ballot Measure 56 Notice for Proposed Land Use Ordinance No. 541 (All Rural CPOs) John Rosenberger explained that the proposed notice is required by Ballot Measure 56. It was moved to approve the proposed Ballot Measure 56 notice for proposed Land Use Ordinance No. 541 and to authorize staff to charge an appropriate fee for printing and mailing costs for proposed ordinances. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Duyck Vote - 4-0

Commissioner Jones inquired if it is necessary to approve the charge for every notice. Mr. Rosenberger said he would check into this and report back. Commissioner Duyck pointed out that it is important to be consistent on this point. 4.b. MO 99-345

Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Beaverton John Rosenberger said that this agreement is the result of a negotiated LUBA action with the City of Beaverton for the Hearings Officer to hear the remand. He stated that the property is currently in the City of Beaverton. It was moved to approve the intergovernmental agreement with the City of Beaverton. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Jones Vote - 4-0

OFF DOCKET - LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION RO 99-156 Transfer Jurisdiction of Certain County Roads to the City of Beaverton (CR 3046T/J) John Rosenberger reported that the County has worked with the City of Beaverton over this transfer of jurisdiction from the County to the City of Beaverton. He indicated that this area has annexed and that Beaverton has mostly taken over the local streets and non-countywide road system. The public hearing was opened. No public testimony was provided. The public hearing was closed. It was moved to approve the Resolution and Order transferring jurisdiction of certain County roads to the City of Beaverton. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Duyck Vote - 4-0

OFF DOCKET - LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION RO 99-157 Transfer Jurisdiction of Certain Roads to the City of Hillsboro John Rosenberger stated that this represents the transfer of certain roads to the City of Hillsboro. He indicated that the County has worked with Hillsboro over the last several years to transfer roads that are not on the county-wide road system. The public hearing was opened. No public testimony was given. The public hearing was closed. It was moved to approve the Resolution and Order transferring jurisdiction of certain County roads to the City of Hillsboro. Motion - Duyck 2nd - Rogers Vote - 4-0

5. SUPPORT SERVICES 5.a. MO 99-346 Private Sale of County-Owned Property as Allowed Under ORS 275.225 This item was removed from todays agenda at the request of staff.

6. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 6.a. MO 99-347 Appointments to the Washington County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board There was a motion to appoint Julie Papavero and Jeanne Leeson and to reappoint Steven A. Evans and Roy Scholl to the Washington County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Motion - Jones 2nd - Duyck Vote - 4-0 UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY 1.f. USA RO 99-40

Beaverton Creek Watershed Management Plan - Acknowledge the Work of the Project Committee and Adopt Plan This item was moved from the Consent to the Regular Agenda and is now taken up for discussion. Bill Gaffi introduced Kendra Smith, Project Manager for this project. Ms. Smith recalled that the Board, on October 7, 1997, approved the formation of a Project Committee which guided the development of the Beaverton Creek Watershed Plan. She said that the twelve-person Project Committee consisted of citizens, business representatives, friends groups, the City of Beaverton, Washington County, Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation Department, Department of Environmental Quality, and the Department of Transportation. Ms. Smith reported that this committee met eleven times and, with the assistance of a technical consultant, developed a plan that identifies a variety of actions to help improve water quality, flood management, and fish and wildlife habitat. She said that at this point in time, there are 1) non-structural recommendations that are programmatic in nature and 2) structural recommendations which involve construction projects. Ms. Smith stated that the total Master Plan is expected to cost $10.6 million in order to implement the various actions within the plan. She commented that a member of the Project Committee from the City of Beaverton would like to speak to the Board about the project. Ms. Smith asked the Board today to acknowledge the work of the Project Committee and to adopt the plan so that it may be implemented into work of the Project Committee and to adopt the plan so that it may be implemented into the Master Plan. Forrest Soth, Councilor, City of Beaverton, 4890 S.W. Menlo Drive, Beaverton, Oregon, told the Board that Beaverton Creek has been an interest of his since 1976, when the Corps of Engineers first proposed their flood plain map. He noted that this is the first time there has been a basin-wide approach to something that concerns everyone. Councilor Soth indicated that a very diverse of people were able to come to a conclusion on this matter. He said this is an illustration of the way in which people in Washington County work together to solve a problem and come to a common conclusion which benefits everyone. Councilor Soth urged the Board to approve the recommendation and allow work to proceed. He believed that having this plan in place will produce a project of which Washington County can be proud. Councilor Soth further felt that this would be a model for others in the future. Chairman Brian thanked Councilor Soth for his service on this committee as well as his other efforts and leadership in Washington County. There was a motion to acknowledge the work of the Project Committee and to approve the Resolution and Order to adopt the Beaverton Creek Watershed Management Plan, including incorporating priority plan capital projects into the USA Surface Water Management Master Plan. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Duyck Vote - 4-0

Chairman Brian recognized the efforts of Kendra Smith and other staff who have been involved in this process. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATION (10 MINUTE OPPORTUNITY)

Bruce M. Pollock, 9601 N.W. Leahy, Portland, Oregon, said he is aware of ongoing planning for the Cedar Mill Town Center, which involves connectivity through a number of neighborhoods. He said there is a great deal of opposition to this, stemming largely from the fact that the Commissioners have allegedly never taken control of connectivity from Leahy to Cedar Hills Boulevard. Mr. Pollock maintained that there has been destruction of the Copeland neighborhood. He stated his belief that staff misinformed the previous Board about the problems associated with achieving this connectivity. Mr. Pollock said this is affecting what the various Planning Commissions are trying to accomplish. He wanted the Board to be aware of what the communitys negativity is based upon. Commissioner Jones informed Mr. Pollock that she has been hearing of that concern. She observed that it is difficult to go backwards. Commissioner Jones wanted Mr. Pollock to know that connectivity is a real issue for this Board as it moves through the issues associated with the Town Centers and the updated Transportation Plan. She appreciated Mr. Pollocks thoughts. Commissioner Jones agreed that the connectivity needs to be sensitive to the communitys needs. Mr. Pollock stated that a high-density development is coming in now on a local private street and said that it might not be too late to do something about it. Commissioner Jones responded that staff has informed the Board that removing the approval would leave the County in a position that could lead to Court. Mr. Pollock theorized that a mediation process might be a good idea. Commissioner Rogers recalled that this issue came before the Board on previous occasions. He noted that Mr. Pollock is referring to a remaining opportunity for connection. Commissioner Rogers felt the Board should take a further look at working with the public on this. Commissioner Jones stated that Chairman Brian has a map that looks at options for connectivity with the development that is going in now. 8. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS

Commissioner Rogers announced that the next Board Meeting on August 24, 1999, will be held in the evening at 6:30 p.m. He added that there will be no regular meeting on the fifth Tuesday, August 31, 1999. Commissioner Rogers reported that the Board will attend a luncheon meeting with Senator Ron Wyden following todays Board Meeting.

9. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 a.m. Motion - Rogers 2nd - Jones Vote - 4-0


For more information or comment: E-Mail: [email protected] or write to: Washington County Administrative Offices 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 300 Hillsboro, OR 97124 or Telephone: 503-648-8681 or Facsimile: 503-693-4545 or other phone numbers