NEW DELHI TIMES R.N.I. No 53449/91 DL-SW-1/4124/20-22 (Monday/Tuesday same week) (Published Every Monday) New Delhi Page 24 Rs. 7.00

8 - 14 June 2020 Vol - 30 No. 19 Email : [email protected] Founder : Dr. Govind Narain Srivastava ISSN -2349-1221

Eco-terrorist group The American uprising expands sphere of influence America is on fire, at the cusp of a much- awaited and much-needed change, one that is Eco-extremism of eco-terrorism can broadly not just about race, but also about wealth and be defined as a neologism so broad that how we define theft. it can include a type of terrorism whose purpose in relation to the environment, can The question is, will this change take place be both the protection of “everything” and in our lifetime or will it dissipate as it did at the same time, of “nothing”. According to in the late 1960s when hope on the streets, Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Ecoterrorism, also campuses and ghettos was smothered by the called ecological terrorism or environmental 1973 global oil crisis and pictures of Kent terrorism, destruction... State were erased by the sight of long... By Dr. Ankit Srivastava Page 3 By Tarek Fatah Page 2

Taliban & Al-Qaeda Love Affair no more a secret By NDT Special Bureau Page 2

Wooden Breast Syndrome in Mother Earth gives back what The Global 31st Tiananmen Chicken it receives Massacre Anniversary online event

I must have pointed out a hundred problems in eating We are the children of Mother Earth. It is the only planet Friends of the people of China, Thirty-one years ago chicken. The latest is something that has the poultry in the Universe that supports life to all irrespective of today, hard-liners in Beijing ordered the military to crush industry really worried. They have labelled... caste, creed, colour, form or anything else and that... a pro-democracy demonstration... By Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi Page 22 By Dr. Pramila Srivastava Page 21 By David Kilgour Page 20

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1 twitter@NewDelhiTimes 2 8 - 14 June 2020

Opinion NEW DELHI TIMES Taliban & Al-Qaeda Love Affair no more a secret Highlighting the cordial bond between the Taliban and Al-Qaida, the report raises concern over the Afghan Peace process under their protection. The report mentions network of mentors and advisers who are from increasing Al-Qaeda’s presence, the ◆ By NDT Special Bureau that Al-Qaida and the Taliban held meetings embedded with the Taliban, providing report also points out that Islamic State in @NewDelhiTimes over the course of 2019 and in early 2020 advice, guidance and financial support. As Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan (ISIL-K) suffered severe setbacks during the reporting [email protected] period, being nearly eradicated from its main Afghan base in the Nangarhar Province in n May 27, 2020, the United Nations November 2019 and then incurring further O Security Council (UNSC) issued the losses in its new refuge in the neighbouring eleventh report of the ‘Analytical Support Kunar in early 2020. and Sanctions Monitoring Team’, “submitted pursuant to resolution 2501 (2019) However, the ISIL-K is still capable of concerning the Taliban and other associated mounting attacks in various parts of the individuals and entities constituting a country, including Kabul. As per the report, threat to the peace, stability and security of the “main risk of ISIL-K resurgence in the Afghanistan”. One of the major findings of context of the Afghan peace process may the report pertains to strengthening of Al- lie in its ability to present itself as the only to discuss cooperation related to operational further proof of the increasing Al-Qaeda’s Qaeda in Afghanistan and its growing ties defiant terror group in the country and attract planning, training and the provision by the presence in Afghanistan, the report cites with the Taliban. recruits and funding accordingly”. Taliban of safe havens for Al-Qaida members an online summary of operations published inside Afghanistan. Al-Qaida is covertly active by Al-Qaeda’s media arms, Thabat from This report by highlighting the facts shows The report mentions, “the senior leadership in 12 Afghan provinces namely Badakhshan, March 26 to April 2, 2020. Its infographics that the Taliban has not committed fully to of Al-Qaida remains present in Afghanistan, Ghazni, Helmand, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, show hundreds of alleged attacks carried the terms of the Afghan peace deal signed as well as hundreds of armed operatives, Logar, Nangarhar, Nimruz, out in Afghanistan and on February 29, 2020, in Doha. According to Al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent, and Nuristan, Paktiya and Zabul. ISIL-K is still subsequent casualties among the deal, Afghanistan must “prevent the use groups of foreign terrorist fighters aligned As per the report, there are capable of Afghan Forces during of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or with the Taliban. Relations between the “ individual against the security of the United 400 to 600 armed operatives fighting in March. This is a Taliban, especially the Haqqani Network mounting attacks of Al-Qaeda operating in “ significant information as States and its allies”. and Al-Qaida remain close, based on in various parts Afghanistan. The report well as “unusual as Al-Qaida friendship, a history of shared struggle, Highlighting the cordial bond between the mentions that the Taliban of the country, usually maintains silence on ideological sympathy and intermarriage. Taliban and Al-Qaida, the reports raises appears to have strengthened including Kabul its operations in Afghanistan, The Taliban regularly consulted with Al- concern over the Afghan Peace process. their relationship with Al- respecting the Taliban’s Qaida during negotiations with the United Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had also Qaida rather than the opposite. One Member preference for discretion”. States and offered guarantees that it would remarked that “the Taliban have now made State reported that the regularity of meetings honour their historical ties. Al-Qaida has The U.N. member states are not alone the break” with Al-Qaeda. between Al-Qaida seniors and the Taliban reacted positively to the agreement, with when it comes to doubts regarding relations “They’ve said they will not permit terror to “made any notion of a break between the statements from its acolytes celebrating between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. General be thrust upon anyone, including the United two a mere fiction”. it as a victory for the Taliban’s cause and Kenneth McKenzie, the Commander of States, from Afghanistan”. The UN report thus for global militancy”. Information The link was described not in simple terms the U.S. Central Command, told the U.S. serves as a testament to the fragility of the provided to the Monitoring Team since its of group-to-group, but rather as “one of deep lawmakers in March that he was “less U.S.-Taliban peace agreement. Any success previous report has indicated that Al-Qaida personal ties (including through marriage) optimistic” about the Taliban’s willingness of the Afghan peace relations will depend on is quietly gaining strength in Afghanistan and long-term sense of brotherhood”. to confront Al-Qaida as part of its pledge to how the Taliban shapes its relations with Al- while continuing to operate with the Taliban Al-Qaida capitalizes on this through its counter-terror groups on Afghan soil. Apart Qaeda. The American uprising population was forgotten. As professor Clare politician condemning ◆ By Tarek Fatah Author & Columnist, Canada Corbould of Melbourne’s Deakin University the murder, but writes: “The protests that have engulfed not one touching @TarekFatah American cities in the past week are rooted on the economic [email protected] in decades of frustrations. Racist policing, conditions that give merica is on fire, at the cusp of a much- legal and extra-legal discrimination, rise to racism. A awaited and much-needed change, one exclusion from the major avenues of wealth The increasing that is not just about race, but also about creation and vicious stereotyping have long concentration of wealth and how we define theft. histories and endure today.” wealth in the hands of the top 10% The question is, will this change take place There are some who are careful to feign of the population, in our lifetime or will it dissipate as it did outrage at the murder of George Floyd by almost all White, in the late 1960s when hope on the streets, four armed policemen, but then reveal their needs to be addressed. In March, the campuses and ghettos was smothered by real feelings when they throw their arms Washington Center for Equitable Growth the 1973 global oil crisis and in the air at the sight of young reported: “Wealth is distributed in a highly pictures of Kent State were If the current black men looting stores and unequal fashion, with the wealthiest 1 erased by the sight of long protests remain smashing windows. percent of families in the United States queues at gas stations? fixated on anti-Black holding about 40 percent of all wealth and racism alone, then I They express disgust at the sight the bottom 90 percent of families holding Photo Credit : Getty Images family. Sen. Warren’s wealth tax breaks down We wondered in the 1960s if a am afraid the battle of a store being looted, but none less than one-quarter of all wealth.” as follows: A 2% tax on individuals whose net society built on free land taken will be lost of these “law and order” friends from First Nations and free of mine have any problem if Even Forbes magazine, the voice of big worth is more than $50 million and up to 6% for labour extracted from African entire countries are looted, as in business, raised the alarm last week. It Americans with a net worth of $1 billion or more. slaves, some sold by Arab merchants to the infamous Asian currency crisis triggered reported, “The bottom 50% [of Americans] The millions marching in America would do White colonialists, would be able to live by George Soros in 1996 or the fraud on saw essentially zero net gains in wealth great service to the memory of George Floyd up to its Declaration of Independence that Wall Street exposed by author Michael over those 30 years, driving their already by rallying around the proposal of Senator professed, “All men are born free and equal.” Lewis in his books on the subject. If the meagre share of total wealth down to just Warren even as they call for police reform current protests remain fixated on anti-Black 1% from 4%.” The answer to America’s and demand the other three police officers Suffice to say our hopes were dashed. The racism alone, then I am afraid the battle will racial and economic divide may well lie charged with murder. 1973 Arab war against Israel made the Arab be lost. It will be reduced to theatrics on with Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s proposal of as the enemy, not the cops beating anti- streets, not concrete steps that tie together a wealth tax (not an income tax) on the As for America’s billionaire class, you are racism protesters. The economic deprivation the issue of race and wealth. This can be seen richest of Americans to raise trillions to lucky you are facing Sleepy Joe, not Bernie of America’s Black and working-class White in the near unanimity of every American pull the outcasts back into the American Sanders. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 3

Editor’s Desk NEW DELHI TIMES Eco-terrorist group expands sphere of influence

co-extremism of eco-terrorism can ◆ Dr. Ankit Srivastava E broadly be defined as a neologism so Chief Editor broad that it can include a type of terrorism Individualidades Tendiendo @AnkitNDT whose purpose in relation to the environment, [email protected] can be both the protection of “everything” and at the same time, of “nothing”. a lo Salvaje (ITS) According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Ecoterrorism, also called ecological terrorism Individualidades Tendiendo a in the country since then. In or environmental terrorism, destruction, or lo Salvaje (ITS), or Individuals its manifesto, ITS states that the threat of destruction, of the environment by states, groups, or individuals in order Tending Towards the Savage, “We have said it before, we act to intimidate or to coerce governments or is a small but violent eco- without any compassion in the civilians”. extremist militant organisation feral defense of Wild Nature”. One such group is Individualidades Tendiendo originating in Mexico that a lo Salvaje (ITS) founded in 2011 in aspires to wipe out all “civilised” It adds, “Did those who Mexico. It is a group with anarchist and humanity. modify and destroy the Earth primitive views. Roughly translated think their actions wouldn’t as ‘Individuals Tending to the Wild’, ITS describe themselves The group claims to have killed have repercussions? That they as ‘eco-anarchists’ in a series of civilians at random, indulged in wouldn’t pay a price? If they rambling manifestos posted on blogs. The Terrorism Research dark occultism, and appears to thought so, they are mistaken”. and Analysis Consortium of be inspiring new cells beyond experts describes them as: America and in Europe. “ITS threatens more bombings “A violent fringe group with against Mexican scientists anarcho-primitivist views.” The group was established in because “they must pay for Thus, the ITS, according 2011 in Mexico and has been what they are doing to the to its own manifestos, carrying out terror activities Earth”. affirms that the destruction of the human species, 2019, the ITS claimed responsibility for vehemently opposes. There is information irremediably alienated, a series of attacks in communications to that other organizations are acting and that constitutes the only various local media. they are causing acts of violence”. Since possibility of saving its 2011 formation, the group has expanded the planet. This, However, the President of Mexico Andrés beyond its country of origin (Mexico) and because the species is Manuel López Obrador, in a press conference other countries in Latin America to claim exterminated, a new called on March 4, 2019 to announce various attacks-ranging from low-level arson and human being will be born and the planet will have survived. ITS is unlike any modern militant organisation, An understanding and the future path of its campaign of militancy of the group’s ideology can be is hard to predict. more properly deciphered on security initiatives, stated that “there is no the basis of the IED attacks to assassinations-in Greece, recent information on the terrorist group group’s thought Spain and a single attack the UK in 2018. (ITS). ITS members have written guides on and drive towards It has purported cells in six countries: how to mix into normal society as a means militancy that is Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Mexico to subvert institutions and infiltrate places probably best laid and Spain. intended as targets for attack. out in Atassa-two anthologies of eco- The augmenting sphere of influence of the extremist essays, The group has also written poems that eco-terrorist groups raises serious threats to ‘ITS’ communiqués, romanticise violence, and ITS members the world at large. Its adoption of violent and ‘Presentations’, on the tribal war. are determined to see any form of violence measures and the speedy spread of its as a means to elevate themselves above ideology from the centre of its influence, An understanding of the group’s the “technocratic” society that the ITS so i.e., Mexico raises the risk bar quite high. ideology can be more properly deciphered on the basis of the group’s thought and drive towards militancy that is probably best laid out in Atassa-two anthologies of eco-extremist essays, ‘ITS’ communiqués, and ‘Presentations’, on the tribal war.

At the crux of the group’s ideology is what the ITS calls eco-extremism-that is, an unrelenting desire to use violent militant tactics to fight against anyone and anything that the group perceives to be violating nature in all its forms. With a complicated ideology, the ITS is unlike any modern militant organization, and the future path of its campaign of militancy is hard to predict. Despite its initial base in Mexico, attacks claimed by lone-actor and small-cell franchises of the group have occurred in

Photo Credit : Getty Images Photo Credit Europe and the United States. In February Photo Credit : Getty Images

India’s only International Newspaper 4 8 - 14 June 2020

International NEW DELHI TIMES International Political Scenario of the Week expression of trust, joint exercises are ◆ By NDT Bureau evidence of close cooperation, said Defence @NewDelhiTimes Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, who was present on the spot. Defender-Europe 20 [email protected] Plus exercises are organized by the United Brazil States and Poland. This is a modification of Defender-Europe 20-announced as the Brazil is witnessing a wave of protests, both largest transfer of the US troops to Europe in favour of and against the government of in 25 years-and the associated Allied Spirit President Jair Bolsanaro. Jair Bolsonaro has exercise, initially planned for May. urged his supporters to put off their protests The inauguration took place on June 4 with against the country’s Supreme Court on the participation of the Minister of Defence. June 7 after counter-demonstrations turned basic income and to reject the ‘alternation thousands of people in Hong Kong defiantly The holding of the military drill increases the violent. Bolsonaro said he had no role in and gradualness’ model to begin face-to- commemorated the Tiananmen Square likelihood of Russian fighter jets breaching organizing the protests against the Supreme face classes in schools. “The teachers of massacre, holding a vigil despite police the NATO airspace over the Polish territory Court. “I don’t coordinate anything...I just Colombia are rejecting the government ban. The day June 9, marks the one-year or over the Baltic Sea. attend,” he said. The Anti-government directive with which it intends to return anniversary of a major protest against the demonstrations are scheduled for June 7 to face-to-face classes under the scheme proposed extradition bill that drew around one USA June in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, they call ‘alternation and gradualness’ million people. Marches in commemoration Belo Horizonte, Salvador, and Porto Alegre, because there are no biosafety conditions of the anniversary are likely, with more than The killing of George Floyd, an African while Bolsonaro’s supporters are expected to and teachers, students and parents are at tens of thousands of people likely to gather American man who died after a white police demonstrate in the capital Brasilia. risk,” said the Secretary of Educational, around commercial hubs, especially around officer held him down and pressed aknee Pedagogical and Scientific Affairs of Victoria Park. Violent conflict is likely against his neck, has triggered a wave of Colombia Fecode, Miguel Ángel Pardo. The protests between protestors and police. protests in the US. The US has been marked of teachers will further continue. by growing unrest, with many protests On June 4, the Colombian Federation of Poland ending in violent clashes. Education Workers (Fecode) organised Hong Kong SAR sit-ins of around 50 people each in Bogotá, Polish-American military exercises began In some cities, protesters threw projectiles Cali, Medellín and Bucaramanga. The 2020 has been a tumultuous year of Hong in Drawsko Pomorskie (West Pomeranian). and shone lasers, while police fired tear teachers demanded more health resources Kong as protests have escalated further The presence of the US troops in Poland, gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets. These from the government, the approval of a defying Chinese authority. On June 4, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, is an protests are likely to escalate. Royal Malaysian will involve the redocumentation of assets by the human resources department at the air force Russia’s Airborne Troops (VDV) receive Air Force forms new headquarters and the like. 160 armoured vehicles in 2020 squadron for unmanned “But I feel we do not have a choice as its vehicle is armed with a 100mm 2A70 semi- implementation is in accordance with ◆ By NDT Bureau automatic gun/missile launcher weighing aerial system preserving historical facts,” he said.” Ackbal @NewDelhiTimes 332kg. The BMD2K is a variant of BMD-2. said that the RMAF had carried out 42 The BTR-MD “Rakushka” (Ob’yekt 955) is [email protected] ◆ By NDT Bureau missions carrying 270 tonnes of essentials, a multi-role transport vehicle variant of the @NewDelhiTimes including medical items, additional clinical he Russian Ministry of Defence the BMD-3 “Bakhcha” with a bigger hull specimens and PPE for frontliners in Sabah T and no turret. [email protected] (MoD) announced in a press release on and Sarawak. May 29 that Russia’s Airborne Troops (VDV) have received 160 armoured vehicles he Royal Malaysian Air Force “Alhamdulillah, all of these missions have since the beginning of the year. T (RMAF) has formed new squadron been well implemented which proved that for unmanned aerial system (UAS). The the RMAF is always ready and committed,” It may be noted that in January 2020, some RMAF Chief General Datuk Seri Ackbal he said. The RMAF assets have also been Abdul Samad announced this news in a Russian media outlets reported that able to track down several foreign boats “considering the deliveries of modern special message on the RMAF official in the Straits of Melaka carrying hundreds Facebook page in conjunction with the 62nd armour planned for 2020, the Airborne of immigrants, said Ackbal, who also Troops are set to take the delivery of two BMD-4M battalion sets this year.

The rearmament of the service with modern vehicles and command and control systems will beef up the combat capacities of the VDV units, while the implementation of the State Defence Order for the military service will increase the proportion of modern and upgraded hardware”.

“This year, the units, formations, and other parts of the Airborne Troops have received more than 160 armoured platforms, This type can be used to transport troops, including the newest BMD-4M airborne fuel, ammunition and wounded personnel. It infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), upgraded also serves as the basis for a new range of BMD-2K-AU airborne IFVs, BTR-MDM specialised vehicles for the Russian airborne Rakushka and BTR-D armoured personnel forces, including a mortar platform, an carriers (APCs), BTR-82AM (wheeled) ambulance BMM-D, a command post vehicle APCs, and MTO-UB2 mobile workshops,” and a recovery vehicle. The BTR-82AM is said the MoD. The Ministry reported that the an 8×8 amphibious armoured personnel systems had been distributed throughout the carrier (APC) designed and developed by anniversary of the RMAF. He said the new congratulated all the RMAF personnel VDV. the Military Industrial Company of Russia. UAS formation would replace the Sukhoi involved in the operation. On the 10-year The APC is expected to replace the Russian th Su-30MKM Flankers at the 11 Squadron, Air Force Next Generation transformation The BMD-4M is a new generation Army’s existing BTR-80 series of APCs. th with the fighter jets now reassigned to the 12 plan that will expire at the end of this amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) Squadron at the Gong Kedak air base at the year, he said it would be followed by a manufactured by Kurganmashzavod JSC, The Military is planning intensive operations Kelantan-Terengganu border. new strategic plan namely the RMAF for the Russian Army. The vehicle provides with these armoured platforms during the “This development will definitely arouse Capability Development Plan 2055 improved protection and support for the summer training session, according to the emotions with the Su-30MKM personnel as it (CAP55). airborne troops. The airborne assault MoD. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 5

International NEW DELHI TIMES Tripoli forces say UK makes face masks on public transport mandatory they have ended from June 15 siege of Libyan ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes capital [email protected] F orces allied with Libya’s U.N.-supported ransport Secretary of United Kingdom government said they regained control T Grant Shapps has announced that of all of Tripoli’s entrance and exit points wearing face coverings will be compulsory after taking back the airport, claiming that on public transport in England from June 15. the siege by rival troops trying to capture the capital for over a year has effectively ended. The rule can be enforced by British transport police. Exceptions will be made for children, The announcement marks another blow to the elderly and those with respiratory the east-based Libyan Arab Armed Forces, problems. led by commander Khalifa Hifter who has recently lost several strategic spots in Photo Credit : AP Photo Public transport will also be “ramped” up totally removed,” he added after a meeting Hifter’s forces, saying the move was part of western Libya. The Tripoli-allied troops with additional trains, buses, and subways with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Moscow’s goal of establishing a foothold in said they had retaken Tripoli International added to existing routes, in order to reduce Erdogan in Ankara, Turkey. the region that could threaten NATO allies. Airport, which fell to Hifter’s forces last crowding as people return to work. U.S. and Libyan officials have also accused year. Erdogan said Turkey would step-up its Russia of deploying mercenaries from the “It’s not always possible to stay two “In these historic moments, we announce cooperation with Sarraj’s government, Wagner Group, a Kremlin-linked private meters apart on public transport,” Schapps that all municipal boundaries of Tripoli including to drill for natural resources in company, in key Libyan battlegrounds. acknowledged. Those who can work from have been liberated,” Mohamed Gnono, the eastern Mediterranean, based on an Russia has repeatedly denied playing any home should continue to do so, he said. spokesman for the Tripoli-allied forces, said economic agreement signed last fall. “We role in Libya’s fighting. in a video posted on social media. will never abandon our Libyan brothers,” Volunteers will hand out extra masks at Erdogan said. U.S. Ambassador to Libya Richard Norland public transport stations. Shapps said people Hifter’s military command said it was told reporters that the recent maneuvers who don’t comply “could” be fined. “relocating” forces out of Tripoli in response The developments illustrate how much and weapons shipments by Turkey and to calls for the resumption of the U.N.- the tide of war has turned in Libya — just Russia could set the stage for either a “full- “You cannot travel if you are not wearing a brokered political process, but that the battle months ago, Hifter was the one who had the blown regional war” or “an opportunity to face covering,” he said. for the capital “is not over.” upper hand and refused to sign a cease-fire deescalate.” agreement. Mr. Shapps said the “challenges” for the Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj vowed He expressed hope that the intensified network were “increasing” as more people go the Tripoli forces would press on, apparently Hifter’s campaign to capture Tripoli has diplomatic activity and the case-fire talks, back to work and schools and shops reopen. spurning the cease-fire talks. “We will morphed into an escalating proxy war announced this week by the U.N., could help “We are doing what many other countries have in no way give him the opportunity for between Turkey and Russia. Last month, the the sides reach an agreement. asked transport users to do,” he said. “The negotiations,” Sarraj said of Hifter. “We U.S. military accused Russia of deploying evidence is that wearing face coverings offers will continue this struggle until the enemy is 14 fighter jets to eastern Libya to help Credit : Associated Press (AP) some, albeit limited protection.”

flows. Chapter 4 is titled Banking Sector: IMF: Equity Low Rates, Low Profits? Chapter 4 finds Worrying over that while monetary policy accommodation Investors should pay has helped sustain economic growth during future, Hong Kong more attention to risk this period and has provided some support for bank profits, very low interest rates have defies ban to mark of climate change compressed banks’ net interest margins Tiananmen ◆ By NDT Bureau housands of people in Hong Kong T defied a police ban, breaking through @NewDelhiTimes barricades to hold a candlelight vigil on the [email protected] 31st anniversary of China’s crushing of a democracy movement centered on Beijing’s he International Monetary Fund has Tiananmen Square. T released the “Global Financial Stability With democracy snuffed out in the mainland, Report: Markets in the Time of COVID-19”. Photo Credit : AP Photo the focus has shifted increasingly to semi- The report is divided into five chapters. cited the need for social distancing during autonomous Hong Kong, where authorities Chapter 1 is titled ‘Global Financial the coronavirus pandemic in barricading for the first time banned the annual vigil that Stability Overview: Markets in the Time of the sprawling park, but activists saw the remembers victims of the 1989 crackdown. COVID-19’ and describes how following outbreak as a convenient excuse. Photo Credit : Getty Images the COVID-19 outbreak, the prices of Beijing is taking a tougher stance following Chapter 5 titled, Climate Change: Physical “If we don’t come out today, we don’t even risk assets collapsed and market volatility months of anti-government protests last Risk and Equity Prices examines the impact know if we can still come out next year,” spiked, while expectations of widespread year, in what activists see as an accelerating of climate change physical risk (loss of said participant Serena Cheung. defaults led to a surge in borrowing costs. erosion of the city’s rights and liberties. The life and property as well as disruptions to Chapter 2 is titled ‘Risky Credit Markets: Hong Kong legislature passed a law making Police said they made arrests in the city’s economic activity) on financial stability, Interconnecting the Dots’. This chapter maps it a crime to disrespect China’s national Mongkok district, where large crowds also and finds that equity investors might not be out the financial ecosystem of these markets anthem. Pro-democracy lawmakers had rallied. When several protesters tried to pricing these risks adequately. and identifies potential vulnerabilities, disrupted proceedings to try to prevent the block a road, officers rushed to detain them, which include weaker credit quality of The chapter shows that the impact of vote. using pepper spray and raising a blue flag borrowers, looser underwriting standards, large disasters on equity markets, bank to warn them to disperse or they would use Despite the police ban, crowds poured into liquidity risks at investment funds, and stocks, and non–life insurance stocks has force on the unauthorized gathering. On Victoria Park to light candles and observe a increased interconnectedness. generally been modest over the past 50 Twitter, they urged people not to gather in minute of silence at 8:09 p.m. (1209 GMT, years. High levels of insurance penetration groups because of the coronavirus. 8:09 a.m. EDT). Many chanted “Democracy Chapter 3 is titled, Emerging and Frontier and sovereign financial strength can help now”and “Stand for freedom, stand with After the vigil ended in Victoria Park, Markets: Managing Volatile Portfolio Flows. preserve financial stability in the face of Hong Kong.” groups of protesters dressed in black carried This chapter quantifies the sensitivities of climatic disasters. The chapter recommends flags that said, “Liberate Hong Kong, different types of portfolio flows and the that a sovereign’s financial strength allows it While police played recordings warning Revolution of our times” as well as “Hong associated cost of funding to global and to respond forcefully to disasters and reduce people not to participate in the unauthorized Kong Independence.” domestic factors during “normal” times as the economic and financial impact of the gathering, they did little to stop people well as during periods of weak or strong shock. from entering the park. Authorities had Credit : Associated Press (AP)

India’s only International Newspaper 6 8 - 14 June 2020

International NEW DELHI TIMES Pentagon investing heavily in 5G network technology Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base adds to the list of the US 5G prototyping sites, apart from Utah’s Hill Air Force Base, Washington’s Joint Base Lewis-McChord, California’s Naval Base San Diego, and Georgia’s Marine Corps Logistics Base. construction on the network at Nellis in to specific uses and software-defined ◆ By NDT Bureau July and have it fully operational in January networking, which makes network control @NewDelhiTimes of next year.” As per the information possible using software applications. This provided in the DoD’s press release, “The prototype will also test interoperability with [email protected] Information Warfare Research Project legacy and future generations of cellular and n May 28, 2020, the US Department of (IWRP), an industry consortium, will mobile networking.” O Defence issued a media release which seek commercial software prototypes through a Prototype Other Transactional Testing at Nellis will start in January stated that the Office of the Under Secretary 2021 and continue in three 12-month Photo Credit : Getty Images of Défense for Research and Engineering Authority (OTA) process it will manage. IWRP member companies may provide phases. Nellis is the fifth military base the radar spectrum sharing or coexistence (OUSD(R&E)) and the U.S. Air Force Pentagon has selected for 5G prototyping with cooperating and non-cooperating 5G Warfare Center (USAFWC) at Nellis Air prototype proposals. Prototypes will focus on two areas: Applications and Services for and experimentation. In November 2019, networks.” Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Force Base, Nevada have teamed to build Utah’s Hill Air Force Base had announced Washington state, Naval Base San Diego in a fifth-generation (5G) cellular network on Survivable Command and Control (C2) and Wireless Network Enhancements. that it will test use of the technology in California, and Marine Corps Logistics Base Nellis as part of the DoD’s development of congested environments. The objectives of in Albany, Georgia, have also been selected 5G for both defence and civilian uses. Applications and Services for Survivable C2 experiments at Hill Air Force Base in Utah for 5G testing. prototypes will build or revise C2 software are to develop 5G dynamic spectrum sharing “The Defence Department used at Air and Wing Operations Centers to capabilities between airborne radar systems This is an important development in support distributed planning and mission- and 5G cellular systems in the 3,100-3,450 Pentagon’s quest to develop, field, and deploy recognizes 5G technology execution functions. These applications MHz band. advanced, cellular-based mobile networking is vital to maintaining involve architectures that enable C2 operations communication technologies and application. under a variety of 5G network conditions. “The objective of this effort is to construct In December 2019, then US Congress called America’s military and and operate a localized full scale 5G mobile on the DoD to speed development of 5G economic advantages.” They may incorporate human-machine cellular network in order to evaluate the telecommunications technologies and to interfaces, which go beyond simple graphic- impact of the 5G network on airborne radar provide quarterly updates on 5G advancement user interfaces and may include audio, systems and the radar systems’ impact on starting next month. According to Randy Dr. Joseph Evans, DOD Technical Director gestures, augmented reality devices and the 5G network, employing both active Clark, Vice Chair of the National Spectrum for 5G and the lead for the Department’s 5G haptics that stimulate touch and motion. and passive techniques to enable sharing Consortium, “The importance the government development effort stated, “The Defence Network Enhancement prototypes will or coexistence,” according to the DoD. It is putting on accelerating this research and Department recognizes 5G technology is build and test novel 5G features including added, “The outcome of the project will be engineering for national security reasons is vital to maintaining America’s military and network slicing to allow network operators capabilities, e.g. fieldable equipment and paramount to ensuring the U.S. continues its economic advantages. We expect to start to dedicate portions of their networks control systems, and processes to allow global leadership in the 5G ecosystem”. Neo-Nazi group spread fangs across Australia The National Socialist Network believes in the ideology of White supremacy and sees people of any other race as a threat to Australia in particular and the world in general.

◆ By NDT Bureau articles under the heading ‘Worldview’. result was not a society of the same quality communicate, physical assaults and murder The first article is titled, ‘White Revolution as the one created by the pure European. are usually not far behind”, Abramovich @NewDelhiTimes is the only solution’. The article advocates A mongrel population has always created further stated. In May, the twitter account [email protected] a complete changing of the trajectory of a mongrel society, a society endemic with of this group was suspended and it then Australia through any means and the need corruption, crime and poverty”. The third increased its presence on Telegram and to “accept the revolutionary nature and article is titled, ‘The country is a sinking Gab. The suspension of the twitter account he National Socialist Network (NSN) methods of National Socialism and drop ship’. This article is critical of the Australian took place after ADC, Chairman Dr. Dvir T is a white supremacist Neo-Nazi group the right-wing, conservative and reactionary political framework as it has failed to protect Abramovich wrote to Twitter and Instagram that is gradually increasing its presence on nonsense”. The second article is titled, the interests of the Australian whites. The asking them to remove the NSN from their the Australian soil. On its official website, ‘Blood and Honour’. This section has article laments that “the founding race of platforms permanently since they were the group describes itself as one made up this civilisation is being denigrated, attacked clearly violating the company’s policies. of people of European blood dedicated and replaced with foreigners.” The fourth to disseminating the National Socialist article is titled, ‘Why National Socialism’ “Where white-supremacist worldview among the Australian public and posits that National Socialism is the and increasing racial-consciousness among world view of truth. gather and communicate, White Australians. physical assaults and murder It states that the most urgent issue, at present, The website of NSN reads, “We are united in are usually not far behind.” for the National Socialist White Australians our purpose of securing the existence of our is the survival of the White race. It mentions, -Dr. Dvir Abramovich people and a future for White children…To “Political and economic systems can be survive, White Australians must adopt the resurrected, but the death of a race is forever. revolutionary creed of National Socialism In February 2020, Mark Brugges, Head of There is nothing more significant than this so that one day we can take our continent Australia’s Security Intelligence Organisation struggle. This is the “To be or not to be” back from the scum who are occupying and (ASIO) had warned that Neo-Nazis were of our people”. The Australian authorities destroying it.” becoming one of Australia’s most difficult distinctly racist and supremacist overtones have taken cognizance of the increasing security threats and remarked that far-right This far-right group has also increased as is evident from the following statement, presence of the National Socialist Network. groups were now more organised and aware its online presence. In 2020, NSN used “Whether in Australia, New Zealand, Dr. Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the of security risks compared to just a few its digital accounts to post photos of their Canada, the United States or South Africa, Anti-defamation Commission (ADC) terms years ago. distribution of white-nationalists’ stickers anywhere the White man has conquered this rise of NSN as a ticking time bomb. at Universities and in public places, as well and simultaneously kept his blood pure and “These ticking time bombs are obviously The NSN overtly speaks of their commitments as of their members doing their Heil Hitler defended his genetic heritage, he has created emboldened and must be taken seriously to make ‘Australia for the white man’ and salutes and calling for the replacement of the a society of the same quality as those found since the threat of deadly violence posed channelizing the revolution at hand. government and a race war. The National in Europe. by such home-grown extremists, terrorists Socialist Network believes in the ideology in waiting, is real”, he remarked. “As the The world at large needs to worry about of White supremacy and sees people of This is in stark contrast to what has recent heinous massacres in Christchurch, augmenting spheres of influence of the any other race as a threat to Australia in developed in areas of the world in which San Diego, Pittsburgh and El Paso have right-wing extremists by giving due particular and the world in general. European ethnicities have conquered and shown, there is a direct link between attention to the crimes committed under the intermixed with an alien population. They words, incitement and lone-wolf shooting banner of far-right terrorism and hold them The website of the group contains four destroyed their genetic heritage and the rampages. Where white-supremacist gather and accountable. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 7

International NEW DELHI TIMES UAE announces the Australian naval shipbuilder ASC to pioneer The Czech Air creation of Advanced the use of additive manufacturing for the Force (CAF) Technology Research repair of Collins Class submarines. facing a personnel Cold spray is an additive manufacturing Council in Abu Dhabi By NDT Bureau ◆ and repair method that uses a stream of shortage ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes supersonic gas to accelerate metal powder particles at a surface, building up a dense [email protected] ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes deposit. ASC Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Whiley said: “It’s vitally important for ASC @NewDelhiTimes [email protected] SC, Australia naval shipbuilder is to be on the cutting edge of submarine A collaborating with Australia’s national [email protected] sustainment innovation, to continually AE President, Sheikh Khalifa bin science agency, CSIRO, and DMTC improve Australia’s submarine availability U Zayed Al Nahyan, in his capacity as Limited, to pioneer the use of additive he Czech Air Force has been struggling to the Royal Australian Navy service. the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, has announced manufacturing for the repair of Collins Class T with a personnel crisis for several years. The use of additive manufacturing for the the formation of the Advanced Technology submarines. The ASC is responsible for the This shortage not only applies to pilots but repair of critical submarine components, Research Council (ATRC) in accordance delivery of sustainment activities for the also to technicians and dispatchers. In an with law number 14 for 2020. including the pressure hull, will mean faster, interview, the Commander of the Air Force, less disruptive repairs for our front-line The law stipulates that the ATRC is an Petr Hromek said that the lack of staff is Collins Class submarine fleet.” Research independent legal entity with full legal mainly due to the fact that not enough new Team Leader at CSIRO, Dr. Peter King, capacity to practice its activities and is flying candidates applied to the University said: “CSIRO and ASC have been working affiliated to the Abu Dhabi Executive of Defence in Brno. together for a number of years, exploring Council. The decision also names Sara ways to use cold spray of nickel to repair Awad Issa Musallam, Mohammad Ali Al corrosion. “CSIRO has spearheaded the Shorafa Al Hammadi, and Dr. Shaikha adoption of cold spray by Australian industry Salem Al Dhaheri as board members. since first introducing the technology 18 The board will also include the Council’s years ago. We have developed unique General Secretary who will be appointed cold spray-based solutions for the printing separately by the Chairman of the Abu industry, aerospace, rail and for combating Dhabi Executive Council with the objective marine biofouling. The team is focussed on of expanding the breadth and depth of an working closely with local companies to already thriving R&D ecosystem. The Collins Class submarines and shipbuilding develop new intellectual property for Australia ATRC has been established to strengthen activities on the Hobart Class Air Warfare and to deliver on national missions such as Abu Dhabi’s position as a world-leading, Destroyer and Arafura Class Offshore Patrol building sovereign capability”, he added. dynamic hub for research and development. Vessel programs. The ASC is committed to Bringing together cross-disciplinary leaders supporting the Australian Defence Force by in research and technology, the new Council maintaining open lines of communication The two-year project seeks to deliver will cultivate a collaborative research with its customers, understanding their breakthroughs in submarine repair and community, accelerate innovation and expectations and priorities, and striving to cost-of-ownership reductions for the discovery and foster a culture of inquiry. deliver the best possible results through an Royal Australian Navy, through expert unwavering commitment to productivity contributions from industrial and research and efficiency improvements. partners.

According to a press release on the ASC DMTC Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mark website, dated June 1, the partners (CSIRO Hodge, welcomed the commencement of and DMTC limited) have joined forces to the new project. “This project builds on Photo Credit : Getty Images further develop ‘cold spray’ technology the relationship between ASC and CSIRO “We would like to attract pilots into the for repairing damaged metal surfaces, to since 2015 but will also leverage DMTC’s active reserves and civilian pilots in the enable the future in situ repair of submarine long history in developing cold spray as a recruitment campaign. The greatest shortage components. Successful development of repair technology for defence applications. is in the helicopter force,” said General the cold spray technique for this specific Our work to date has mainly focused on the Hromek. “We will also address former maritime application will allow Australian aerospace domain, but we are now looking to military pilots who fly with airlines, as well The ATRC will oversee all R&D activity submarines to remain at sea for longer, apply that to submarines and other defence as university students.” in the Emirate, assimilating and therefore without the need to dock for lengthy repairs. applications,” Dr. Hodge said. replacing the Abu Dhabi Research and In the interview, Gen Hromek said that he Development Authority. As per the new Argentine Air Force believed that within five years, enough flight law, the ATRC will be responsible for personnel will start leaving the University proposing general policies, strategic plans confirms the purchase of Defence, because they changed their and initiatives related to research and approach to future pilots there last year. development (R&D) in the field of advanced of Beechcraft TC-12B technology as well as setting R&D priorities Huron “They used to select pilots in the second year, in the Emirate in a manner consistent with but they are now entering the university as the Government’s directives and aspirations. to a maintenance center where they will be reconditioned to adapt them to the adepts, and that is a much greater motivation The ATRC will also be responsible for requirements of the Argentine Air Force, for them,” said the General. There used to setting controls and standards necessary mainly with regard to compliance with be five or six students in a year, last year to approve, support, finance and undertake the Military Airworthiness Directives. in September, 17 people joined. And that, R&D contracts and reporting on these to the The contract amounts to a total of USD according to Hromek, was an ideal number. Executive Council for approval. 16,700,000, an amount that includes only training of the crews and will be financed Pilots in the Czech Republic come not According to media reports, “The scope through the conditions of the FMS program; only from the University of Defense, but of advanced technology R&D was defined ◆ By NDT Bureau with a full payment completion by June also from three civilian schools-from Brno to include R&D activities in all fields 2026. University of Technology, Prague CTU and and specialties, including engineering, @NewDelhiTimes from the Mining University in Ostrava. communications, artificial intelligence, [email protected] The TC-12B will perform the functions But if they want to fly professionally and AI, robotics, space, alternative energy, of multi-engine trainer and liaison for the become captains, they must have flown a renewables, and the environmental, he Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentine Air Force. It was retired from the thousand hours. chemical, petrochemical, food, pharmaceutical T Argentina:FAA) has confirmed the US Navy in 2017, after replacing it with the and construction industries. ringing together purchase of 10 Beechcraft TC-12B Huron. T-44 Pegasus. According to Hromek, the Army can help cross-disciplinary leaders in research and The aircrafts will be delivered in 2024. them with that. “When he (the pilot) joins technology, the new Council will cultivate It is estimated that by 2024 the fleet will the army, he’ll fly the thousand hours in ten a collaborative research community, Once the aircrafts have been placed in undergo tours and maintenance, in addition years. He will help us survive the difficult accelerate innovation and discovery and flight condition by the technical personnel to the reconditioning required so that the time and then he can go into civilian life or foster a culture of inquiry.” of the 309th AMARG, they will be sent aircraft can be operated by the FAA. stay in the army, “said Hromek.

India’s only International Newspaper 8 8 - 14 June 2020

International NEW DELHI TIMES Acquisition of Hypersonic weapons technology: A new arms race? “Hypersonic Weapons: Background and ◆ By NDT Bureau Issues for Congress”, the United States @NewDelhiTimes has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons-manoeuvring weapons [email protected] that fly at speeds of at least Mach 5-as a part of its conventional prompt global strike H ypersonic weapons are those that can program since the early 2000s. In recent travel more than five times the speed of years, the United States has focused such sound, or around one mile (1.6km) per second. efforts on developing hypersonic glide According to, vehicles, which are launched from a rocket “Hypersonic weapons incorporate the speed before gliding to a target, and hypersonic of a ballistic missile with the manoeuvring cruise missiles, which are powered by high- capabilities of a cruise missile. speed, air-breathing engines during flight. Hypersonic weapons are specifically designed for increased survivability against US President Donald Trump remarked on modern ballistic missile defence systems. May 15 that the US was building an “incredible These missiles are capable of delivering military equipment”. “We have-I call it the conventional or nuclear payloads at ultra- super-duper missile,” the President said, high velocities over long ranges. Hypersonic “and I heard the other night 17 times faster missiles are delivered in two ways: (1) than what they have right now, when you they can be fired from the last stages of take the fastest missile we have right now”. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) or Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles He added, “You’ve heard Russia has five (SLBM) and skip along the top of the times and China’s working on five or six atmosphere using specialized jet engines to times, we have one 17 times and it’s just Photo Credit : Getty Images accelerate to hypersonic speeds; or (2) they gotten the go-ahead.” On the same day, of a ballistic missile with a hypersonic glide global strategic stability. Testing of the can be launched independently or released Jonathan Hoffman, the Defence Department vehicle that the U.S. assessments expect Zircon started in 2015, with nearly a dozen from a bomber-similar to cruise missiles- Press Secretary tweeted: “The Department to reach initial operating capability around launches completed by 2018. President Putin before accelerating to ultra-high speeds.” of Defense is working on developing a 2020. The country had already conducted had also mentioned the Zircon in his 2018 range of hypersonic missiles to counter our at least seven tests of experimental systems speech to Russia’s Federal Assembly as one The three major global powers- the USA, adversaries”. from 2014 to 2016. of half-a-dozen strategic systems capable of Russia and China have entered a 21st evading the US missile defences, and thus century ‘arms race’ for the acquisition of It can thus be inferred that developments in In Russia, NPO Mashinostroyeniya is guaranteeing a Russian response capability. hypersonic weapons. In the US, Pentagon’s USA are in response to China’s increasing working on the 3M22 Zircon surface-to- FY2021 budget request for all hypersonic- acquisition of supersonic weapons surface missile. The Zircon, a scramjet- According to the website, related research is $3.2 billion-up from technology. China conducted a number of powered manoeuvrable anti-ship cruise Russia test-launched its Tsirkon hypersonic $2.6 billion in the FY2020 request- successful tests of the DF-17, a medium- missile capable of accelerating to speeds missile from a ship for the first time when including $206.8million for hypersonic range ballistic missile designed to launch of up to 11,100 km an hour, is one of half- the Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov defence programs. According to the US hypersonic glide vehicles. In November a-dozen or so strategic systems being fired the weapon from the Barents Sea Congressional Research Service Report, 2019, China reportedly conducted two tests developed by Russia’s military to help ensure against a ground target in January 2020. US approves sale of PAC-3 MSE missiles to Kuwait ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes [email protected]

he US State Department has cleared T Kuwait’s request to buy Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhancements, program sustainment support and repair services under three Foreign Military Sales agreements worth $1.42B combined.

A news release by the US Defence Security (84) Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) training devices, simulators, transportation, Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Cooperative Agency (DSCA) dated May Missile Segment Enhancements (MSEs) organizational equipment, spare and repair Kuwait of Patriot program sustainment and 28, mentions that “the State Department with canisters; two (2) Patriot MSE test parts, support equipment, tools and test technical assistance as follow-on support for has made a determination approving a missiles 2-Pack per unit of issue; thirty-five equipment, technical data and publications, an estimated cost of $425 million. possible Foreign Military Sale to the (35) remanufactured (upgrades): Patriot personnel training and training equipment, Government of Kuwait of eighty-four modification kit, missile launchers A902+ U.S. government and contractor engineering, Lockheed, Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: (84) Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) Series to A903 Series; twenty-six (26) PAC- technical, and logistics support services, and RTX), Leidos (NYSE: LDOS) and KBR Missile Segment Enhancements (MSEs) 3 Missile Round Trainer (MRT); and twenty- other related elements of logistics support. (NYSE: KBR) will serve as principal and related equipment for an estimated six (26) Empty Round Trainer (ERT). The total estimated program cost is $800 contractors in this deal, which also covers the U.S. cost of $800 million. The Défense Security million.” government and contractor engineering, spare Cooperation Agency delivered the required Also included is one (1) Flight Test Target- and repair parts and organizational equipment certification notifying Congress of this Zombie, PAC-3 missile spares held in Another DSCA press release dated May 28 and requires the deployment of 27 contractor possible sale today. The Government of Continental United States (CONUS) for repair mentioned that the US State Department has personnel and five government representatives Kuwait has requested to buy eighty-four and return, two (2) PAC-3 telemetry kits, made a determination approving a possible to Kuwait for up to two years. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 9

International NEW DELHI TIMES Electricity Sector in Afghanistan witnesses spate of attacks group. The remaining six attacks were not ◆ By NDT Bureau attributed to any particular group, nor did @NewDelhiTimes anyone claim responsibility for them.

[email protected] The firm expressed concerns regarding the ongoing attempts to cut the supply of power T he electricity sector on Afghanistan has from the neighbouring countries, urging the witnessed a spate of attacks since the relevant authorities to take steps against the Afghan Peace Deal was signed on February spoilers. 29, 2020. According to Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), the nation’s For more than a decade, Afghan militants main power supply company, this year the have sporadically but consistently targeted company has sustained 800 million afs electricity towers or other infrastructure worth of damage by unknown attackers in involved in the distribution of electricity. several regions of the country who targeted According to a report released in June 2018 power pylons and transmission lines. by the ODI, a global think tank, the Taliban militants would charge DABS a “tax”, with “We are still trying to determine the exact the promise in return that they would be able amount of the loss, because we are still to resume collecting on its consumer bills. working on a number of areas. The 800 million afs loss is the direct and indirect Citing DABS officials, the report stated that loss that we have suffered, because (along this type of Taliban obstruction accounted with infrastructure damage) we have also for a 45% loss in revenues in Helmand suffered losses in the ability to sell the Photo Credit : Getty Images province alone. electricity,” said Wahidullah Tawhidi, improvised explosive device (VBIED) was attacks resulted in damages of over USD10 DABS Spokesman. detonated in the Chimtala area in the capital million. On May 8, the spokesperson for Beyond casualties, these attacks significantly Kabul. Two days later, in an unidentified the Ministry of Interior Affairs reported that undermine the already fragile electricity supply DABS said that four electricity pylons were location in Parwan province, a senior worker eight individuals allegedly connected to system. Despite large sums of development targeted by unknown gunmen in the months of the same company was killed in a similar the attacks and “linked to militants” were funding allocated to infrastructure, of March and April, eight employees of the attack. As a consequence of these attacks, arrested. Meanwhile, only two out of the Afghanistan’s complex electricity supply company were wounded in the attacks, and for which no responsibility was claimed, eight attacks were linked to the Taliban, system remains unsynchronised, depending on the Parwan electricity operations Deputy the east of the country was particularly and although the group’s Spokesperson has numerous power supplies and over-supplies of Head Sayed Murtaza was killed. On 4 May, affected, wherein residences and hospitals- denied responsibility, the tactics used and the electricity sold by neighbouring Uzbekistan 2020, four workers of state-run utility firm currently overwhelmed by the COVID-19 level of co-ordination and funding required and Tajikistan. It is subject to continuous Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) response-were left without electricity. to conduct these operations are indicative rationing equally due to attacks as well as were wounded when a vehicle-borne According to DABS, the recent spate of of the involvement of an organised militant supply shortages. Belarus developing Polish Ministry of Defence As Coronavirus toll rises, to introduce SONA system Sapphire grenade into the inventory of the launcher Brazil President threatens to Armed Forces ◆ By NDT Bureau pull Brazil out of WHO ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes @NewDelhiTimes [email protected] [email protected]

s per a representative of the Belarusian he Polish Ministry of Defence will A State Committee for Military Industry T introduce SONA system into the (GKVP). Belarus is developing the Sapfir inventory of the Polish Armed Forces. On (Sapphire) disposable grenade launcher, a May 22, Poland’s Armament Inspectorate new category of tactical support systems. (AI) launched a technical dialogue for a very The Sapfir was among the new weapon short-range air defence (VSHORAD) system systems designed by the Belarusian Defence for the Polish Armed Forces. The AI said, Industry unveiled during this year’s May 9 “The technical dialogue will be conducted Victory Day parade in Minsk. Despite compact with enterprises able to offer complex dimensions and a low weight-the grenade solutions or solutions that can be integrated launcher weighs 4.2 kg and is 750 mm long-the with VSHORAD systems qualified for the weapon can engage targets at a range of 1,000 dialogue.” A detailed description will be m. The 61 mm rocket-propelled grenade has sent to all companies that qualify for the an effective range of 450 m and can pierce 300 dialogue. mm of rolled homogeneous armour (RHA) underneath explosive reactive armour (ERA) The dialogue submissions would be tiles. The ballistic trajectory of the munition accepted until June 19 this year. The does not require any wind adjustments, procedure, meanwhile, is scheduled to take according to the GKVP representative. place between October 1 and December 18, future,” said the President of Brazil, adding 2020. The procedure could potentially be ◆ By NDT Bureau further, “Either the WHO works without The system comprises a containerised grenade extended if the goals are not achieved. The @NewDelhiTimes ideological bias, or we leave, too.” with a multipurpose high explosive dialogue shall be carried out by a task group fragmentation/anti-tank warhead, a fire- [email protected] designated by the Head of the Armament control system, and a launching unit. A The most populous nations in Latin America, Inspectorate. Brazil and Mexico are witnessing the soldier can carry up to four Sapfirs, and large razil President Jair Bolsonaro has highest rates of new Coronavirus cases. The numbers of the weapons can be mounted on B threatened of his country’s exit from According to information on the website pandemic is also gathering pace in countries various mobile platforms. The Sapfir can fire the World Health Organization after the U.N., SONA is to provide like Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Columbia. in both single and salvo modes. In salvo mode, agency warned Latin American governments the armoured elements of the Polish the launcher fires the first grenade that activates of risks of lifting lockdowns before the virus military with a complex set of VSHORAD ERA, while the others engage organic armour. spread slows down throughout the region. It must be noted that Brazil announced its capabilities, along with C-RAM capabilities This is similar to how the Russian-made death toll above 35,000, the third highest as well. SONA is to replace the legacy RPG-30 Kryuk anti-tank grenade launcher is “I’m telling you right now, the United States in the world after the United States and the Shilka/Biała systems and, to some extent, operated. left the WHO, and we’re studying that, in the United Kingdom. other VSHORAD systems as well.

India’s only International Newspaper 10 8 - 14 June 2020

Opinion NEW DELHI TIMES China transgresses Indian border at Ladakh

◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes [email protected]

ndia-China border tensions flared up I after May 5 in the Himalayan region of Ladakh when Chinese soldiers entered the Indian Territory at four different points, erected tents and guard posts, and ignored repeated verbal requests from Indian counterparts for shouting, stone-throwing and fistfights. Hundreds of Chinese troops and vehicles took over the Indian side of the Galwan valley and pitched in for another long face-off post-Doklam.

In early May, Naku La in Sikkim state bordering Bhutan, Nepal and China witnessed punches and stone-pelting. The skirmishes in Sikkim and Ladakh regions were far more serious than anything observed before. Hundreds of Chinese soldiers occupied Indian Territory and injured Indian soldiers violating the established protocol. India was concerned that the brawl could Photo Credit : Getty Images precipitate into a full-blown military action. western front on a clearly disputed and offs across the border. In 2017, India-China fault lines are many: freedom struggle in stand-off at Doklam plateau across the China- Hong Kong and Taiwan, simmering anger China downplayed the situation as stable and illegally occupied land (PoK) but laughably India-Bhutan border for 73 days checked in South China Sea, Uighur Muslims and controllable though video footage denoted protests India building infrastructure on its China’s expansion in Bhutan. smouldering rivalry with the US, Japan, otherwise. A clear pattern of “central own territory. S Korea, Vietnam, Australia and Europe. guidance from the Chinese side” was India-China established diplomatic relations China supports Pakistan on Kashmir, mentors Beijing’s nefarious activities in Nepal is discernible. India initially downplayed the in 1950. India large-heartedly offered China top Pakistan world-class terrorists, blocks well-known; their army is staying away stand-off but dismissed China’s accusations the UN permanent membership invite India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers from Nepalese PM’s politics. China’s of the Indian Army crossing the Line of it had received from the US. And China Group, prevents permanent membership pulverisation of the international economy Actual Control. Thankfully, communication shamelessly blocks India’s permanent of United Nations Security Council, and has angered the world. continued through front-line military units membership bid. triggers sporadic border clashes. and embassies. The Chinese media blames Indian troops Major portions of territory along the border In 1962, China occupied huge area in India’s But India-China economic ties have expanded. of impeding routine Chinese patrol and are yet to be defined clearly. That’s the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and Over 100 Chinese companies-private and transgressing the Line of Actual Control to genesis of the problem. China has displayed still claims further 90,000 square kilometres state-owned-have established offices or pressurize India against siding with the US- aggressive imperialist intent over last seven there. China also occupies 38,000 square operations in India. Chinese firms Xiaomi, led criticism of coronavirus issue. Protecting decades to annex territories of neighbours- kilometres of Indian Territory in the Aksai Huawei, Vivo and Oppo occupy 60 per Karakoram Highway-critical to CPEC- Taiwan, Tibet, the South China Sea, Chin Plateau in the western Himalayan cent of India’s mobile phone market. India- bothers Beijing. India can’t let its guard Arunachal Pradesh and Hong Kong-to upset Ladakh. Both signed the 1993 agreement- China trade volume crossed US$100 billion down; China cannot be trusted. the regional balance. Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity with a huge trade surplus versus India. along the Line of Actual Control-but even Chinese embassy apologized for the India built a road through the valley to after 22 rounds of talks plus multiple Corona pandemic, cancellation of trade incursion as a face-saving peaceful solution connect the region to an airstrip. Beijing meetings between PM Modi and President orders, huge financial losses in non-viable after Trump’s tweet of mediation which alleged it to be the trigger. China has created Xi, the border yet remains unsolved. Beijing OBOR projects, resultant economic downturn India gracefully sidestepped. all exemplary infrastructures-roads and air strategizes that a faster growth trajectory and rising unemployment threatens to trigger strips-on its side but similar constructions on will enable it to negotiate better terms from uprising in China. Is Another Tiananmen The US and NATO are keenly watching the Indian side tantamount to asserting control. positions of strength in future. Four decades Square brewing up? China is encashing developments on the LAC. Beijing should China built silkroad (OBOR) across India’s has witnessed no firing, but numerous face- nationalism to divert people’s attention. The be wise not to open another front with India. India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) approves procurement of 156 BMP-2 ‘Sarath’ infantry combat vehicles by Ordnance Factory Project Medak ◆ By NDT Bureau (OFPM) in southern India. Work will start @NewDelhiTimes once the order is placed by the MoD.

[email protected] SARATH BMP-II is powered by 300 HP Engine, it is a highly mobile to meet I ndia’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) all tactical requirements of mobility has approved the procurement of 156 in a battlefield, travels at an incredible additional licence-built BMP-2 ‘Sarath’ 65 KMPH, with easy steering ability in infantry combat vehicles (ICVs) for the cross country terrain. SARATH BMP-II is a Indian Army (IA) from the state-owned truly amphibian vehicle which can travel at Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) for 7 KMPH on water and can over-come slopes INR11.25 billion (USD148 million). up to 35 degree and can cross obstacles of Photo Credit : Getty Images 0.7 m. It can be easily transported by air due protection to the combatants. It offers a mm cannon and a second-generation State-owned Ordnance Factory Board to its low weight. chameleon like camouflage with the help homing type anti-tank guided missile, the (OFB) will be responsible for the delivery of smoke grenades creating a smoke SARATH BMP-II can neutralise all kinds of the licence-built amphibious vehicles. It is protected with armoured plates all screen. Equipped with a rapid fire 7.62 of land based and low flying military Production of the ICVs will be undertaken around there by ensuring a high degree of mm medium coaxial machine gun, a 30 objects. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 11

International NEW DELHI TIMES Deserted because Demonstrators of Coronavirus, call for justice UN Geneva for Ahmaud offices to reopen

◆ By NDT Bureau Arbery @NewDelhiTimes ◆ By NDT Bureau [email protected] @NewDelhiTimes [email protected] eserted because of the deadly Coronavirus, D the United Nations office in Geneva is Photo Credit : Getty Images mid a week of nationwide protests likely to reopen soon. The UN staff can start A over the killing of George Floyd by returning anytime soon, provided the Swiss COVID-19 crisis, said UN Geneva Director- Geneva would be more “efficient” and police in Minneapolis in the United States, government goes ahead with the third phase General Tatiana Valovaya. Ensuring social “more relevant than ever” after the crisis. demonstartors have called for justice in of deconfinement. distancing would the major challenge, for While talking about the UN Human Rights Ahmaud Arbery’s case as well. which lines have already been marked on Council session scheduled for the end of Conferences can also take place at the the floors and the number of people within June, she did not give any clarification and Detained by the Georgia Bureau of Palais des Nations from mid-June but with a room will be kept restricted, she said, said that this was a call to be taken up by the Investigation (GBI) on May 7, the father-son different formats from the ones before the expressing confidence that International UN Member States. duo-Gregory, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34, are in the custody of the Glynn County George Floyd’s death Joe Biden turns into Democratic Sheriff’s Department, facing murder and sparks agitation aggravated assault charges. Presidential nominee to run for Apart from them, a neighbour who filmed across the world: a video of the confrontation, William Bryan, was arrested on May 21, over the Black lives matter the White House charges of criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment. ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes The three men have denied the charges. It must be noted that in an autopsy report, it [email protected] has been showed that Mr. Arbery had two gunshot wounds in his chest while the other ot only in every single state but in cities was inside off one of his wrists. N across the world, protests are being held for George Floyd’s death that happened In the latest development at a preliminary on May 25. trial hearing on June 4, a judge determined that there were enough evidences to try all The world is watching as the protests are three men for murder of Ahmaud Arbery. being held everywhere around the world, including in cities like New York, Tel Aviv, Israel, Helsinki, and Auckland, New Venice flooded by Zealand, Seattle, Sydney, Cape Town and dignity-now. We need equal justice-and South Africa. unusual high tide, ◆ By NDT Bureau equal opportunities-for every American @NewDelhiTimes now. We need a president who cares about 3rd highest for June helping us heal-now,” said Biden. [email protected] quarter of Venice has been submerged Taking his tally of pledged delegates to A by a near-record high tide for June, a ormer Vice Chairman Joe Biden, on June over the midway mark of 1,991, Joe Biden, time of year when such flooding is rare. F 5, formally turned into the Democratic 77, turned himself into eligible to earn the Presidential nominee to run for the White Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination. The water level in Italy’s lagoon city House, bruising challenge to President The veteran Democrat, who served as the reached 116 centimeters (3 feet, 9.7 inches), th Donald Trump within the elections 47 Vice Chairman of the United States the third-highest mark for June. That level scheduled to be held in November. from 2009 to 2017, during the Presidency indicates that around a quarter of Venice has of Mr. Barack Obama, would formally be been flooded. “We need an economy that works for nominated on the Democratic National everyone-now. We need jobs that bring Convention in Wisconsin in August. Venice’s sea monitoring agency blamed the unusually high late spring tide on a storm in

Photo Credit : Getty Images Russia declares state the Atlantic that brought heavy winds and Citywide curfews have been put into of emergency after a rain to northern Italy. Another unseasonably force in cities like New York, Washington, high tide is expected Friday night. D.C., Raleigh, Atlanta, North Carolina mining company spilled and Los Angeles in an effort to dissuade The highest June high tide was registered demonstrations after dark. In some cases, over 20,000 tons of oil in 2002, when the water mark hit 121 Police and the National Guard have been a state of emergency has been declared by the centimeters, followed by 117 centimeters in deployed to monitor the protests. Arctic Circle Russian President, allowing extra resources to June of 2016. be deployed for the cleanup. Criticizing Sergei Protesting in solidarity with protests being ◆ By NDT Bureau Lipin, the head of the company which is the Venice authorities on Friday didn’t put out held in Minneapolis and around the U.S for @NewDelhiTimes world’s top nickel and palladium producer, pedestrian bridges, which are usually only George Floyd, members of the ‘Migrant President Putin said, “Why did government used in the peak “acqua alta” season from Women and Daughters Network’ in Italy, [email protected] agencies only find out about this two days September to April. came together and called for justice for all after the fact?” “Are we going to learn about victims of social and institutional racism. parking the anger of Russian President emergency situations from social media?” Venice and the rest of Italy are still closed S Vladimir Putin, a Russian mining he asked. An investigation has been ordered to cruise ships but Italy relaxed travel As protests over police racism and racial company spilled more than 20,000 tons of in the matter while on the other hand, the restrictions for Italians and most Europeans inequality spread across more than 140 diesel oil into a river in the Arctic Circle, Investigative Committee, Russia’s top law on Wednesday. cities in the United States, since the death of in the city of Norilsk in Siberia, turning the enforcement body has also announced a George Floyd, the world has been watching. river red, on May 29. Following the incident, criminal probe into the matter. Credit : Associated Press (AP)

India’s only International Newspaper 12 8 - 14 June 2020

International NEW DELHI TIMES

gawking multitudes, the only sign of life Barcelona locals outside was an elderly man dozing on a bench. Turkey strips 3 legislators of reclaim city from But whatever their feelings on tourism, Barcelona’s residents are about to feel the seats, setting off protest economic pain of living without a huge tourists during urkey’s parliament stripped three chunk of the 10 million foreigners who visit T opposition party deputies of their each year. pandemic legislative seats, setting off a raucous protest Unlike Italy, which is opening up to foreign inside the assembly hall by colleagues who or florist Laura Gómez and many other tourists, Spain is waiting until July to lift its accused the ruling party of an assault on F Barcelona residents, the COVID-19 14-day quarantine on incoming travelers — democracy. pandemic has one silver lining, amid all the despite pressure to restart its economy that death and suffering. relies on tourism for 12% of its activity. Deputy speaker Sureyya Sadi Bilgic read For the first time in decades, locals won’t The national statistics office said that zero out appeals court decisions confirming feel outnumbered by the throngs of foreign tourists arrived in April. A year earlier, 7 the legislators’ convictions, a process that visitors that flood Spain’s top tourist million tourists spent 7 billion euros ($7.8 automatically leads to the deputies’ losing destination each summer. billion) in Spain. their legal immunity and parliamentary seats. Photo Credit : AP Photo No one doubts that their absence will deepen While Europe considers how to safely resume who were convicted of links to Kurdish continental travel during a pandemic, Spain’s rebels. The parties deny the accusations and Spain’s pandemic-induced economic slump, Opposition legislators banged on their desks government is encouraging Spaniards maintain that the cases against the legislators but those like Gómez who have avoided and chanted slogans denouncing President to vacation domestically. Catalonia’s are politically-motivated. infection hope to enjoy at least a few weeks’ Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling Justice and separatist-led regional government has respite from mass tourism, which they Development Party, or AK Party, as “the even launched a tourism campaign to attract The CHP maintains Berberoglu was stripped believe is ruining their hometown. enemy of democracy.” people from elsewhere in Spain. of his status and legal immunity prematurely, “Las Ramblas are ours again,” Gómez said, arguing that his case is still being reviewed tending the flower stall her family has run Many business owners and workers, The move came as tensions in parliament by Turkey’s highest court. The party also for four generations in a prime location however, fear they may not make it without were already running high over a contentious says the AK Party broke away with the on that iconic Barcelona promenade. She foreigner customers. bill that would grant neighborhood tradition of delaying the reading of the court reopened it last week after two months of watchmen similar powers as the country’s Jesús Martín runs the Can Ramonet decisions until the end of the legislative lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak regular police force. restaurant specializing in paella near term. Emin Akbasoglu, a senior AK Party that has killed more than 27,000 in Spain. Barcelona’s seaside. He is unsure whether legislator, said the move was in line with the The legislators are Enis Berberoglu of the he can cover his costs with local clients. Turkish Constitution. “The HDP and CHP’s main opposition Republican People’s Party, positions that openly praise the crime and “This place has been in my family for three or CHP, who went on trial on espionage the criminal is unacceptable,” he said. generations, so staying open is about more charges for allegedly leaking to an than just money,” Martín said. “We depend opposition newspaper images that allegedly Berberoglu said he would hand himself over on foreign tourists... I am not sure if we can showed Turkey’s intelligence agency to authorities to serve his 18-month prison get by with just Spaniards.” smuggling weapons into Syria, and Leyla term. Guven and Musa Farisoglullari of the pro- Barcelona became one of the world’s top Kurdish People’s Democratic Party, or HDP, Credit : Associated Press (AP) destinations after using the 1992 Summer Olympics to showcase its Mediterranean both developing and rich economies. The climate and cuisine, mesmerizing European Central central bank for the 19 countries that use the architecture, and liberal lifestyle. Bank nearly doubles euro expects the bloc’s economy to shrink Visitors kept on coming, despite a terror by a painful 8.7% this year and to recover attack on Las Ramblas in 2017 and rioting pandemic support by a more modest 5.2% in 2021. President by Catalan separatists last year. The city of Christine Lagarde warned that “the speed just 1.6 million people welcomed a record scheme and scale of the rebound are highly 11.9 million tourists in 2019, almost 10 uncertain.” Photo Credit : AP Photo he European Central Bank has boosted million of them from abroad. T its pandemic emergency support program Lagarde removed a face mask as she Where caricature artists normally hawk by an unexpectedly large 600 billion euros walked into an empty press room at the their works and the incessant chatter of the But even though the sector provides to 1.35 trillion euros ($1.5 trillion), adding bank’s skyscraper headquarters in Frankfurt flowing crowds masks all gentler sounds, Barcelona with 15% of its economic activity to efforts in Europe and around the world for the online news conference after the you can now hear something unfamiliar: and 10% of its jobs, a growing number of to help the economy weather the steep policy meeting of the bank’s 25-member birdsong. citizens have soured on tourism. A survey downturn caused by the virus outbreak. of 3,600 residents by the city hall last year governing council, which was conducted by “You can’t imagine how annoying it is” with found that 61% felt Barcelona could not teleconference. tourists, Gómez said. “People asking you handle greater inflows. She cautioned that even though lockdown all day long where the cathedral is, where measures are being eased, a significant the beach is. I am not a tourist information Graffiti saying “Tourists, go home” popped rebound was not yet in sight. office!” up, along with protests against short-term rental platforms like Airbnb which residents “While survey data and real-time indicators She still sells her dwindling number of local blame for driving up real estate prices and for economic activity have shown some clients cut roses and sunflowers, bouquets, forcing locals to move out. Many complain signs of a bottoming-out alongside the seed packets and potted geraniums, shunning about the replacement of family-run stores gradual easing of the containment measures, the cacti in souvenir mugs that are a staple of by global chains, and the rowdy behavior of the improvement has so far been tepid other flower stalls. foreign youths lured by low-cost flights. compared with the speed at which the “Tourists only want to take a photo, why indicators plummeted in the preceding two “Barcelona has become a top destination for would they want to buy flowers?” said months,” she said. cheap, drunk partying. I’m all for partying, Gómez. “No one lives here anymore. Go to but I’m the first one to go out on my balcony The ECB’s moves reflect similar concerns the outer neighborhoods and you see people and shout for people to be quiet,” said Mario, to those motivating other central banks, in the street. Here the people couldn’t take it Photo Credit : AP Photo who did not share his last name because he including the Fed, which has slashed short- any more and left.” The ECB measures announced aim to keep works in the tourism sector. term interest rates to near zero and started affordable credit flowing to the economy Some, however, miss the vibrancy they say buying $2 trillion in Treasury securities amid uncertainty about the speed of any tourists provide. Mario was rollerblading along a beachfront and mortgage-backed bonds to keep credit free of rental bikes and Segways weaving recovery following the easing of lockdowns markets functioning. “It is a pity to see Las Ramblas like this,” around couples taking selfies. In place of across Europe. said José Montero, who works nearby and sun-baked bodies luxuriating in the warm Central banks have once again come to the The new stimulus comes on top of added lunches daily at an outdoor restaurant on the sun and gentle breeze, the sand was occupied rescue of financial markets with monetary spending by governments and similar street. “Las Ramblas needs life.” by a handful of families who flouted a “bazookas” of aid through the pandemic, efforts by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the temporary prohibition on sunbathing and let learning from their experience during the The city’s other top site, Antoni Gaudí’s La Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and their children frolic in the surf. financial crisis. Sagrada Familia Basilica with its sandcastle- others around the globe as the world tries like spires, remains closed. Without the Credit : Associated Press (AP) to cope with a sharp, simultaneous blow to Credit : Associated Press (AP) India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 13

International NEW DELHI TIMES Germany, France hope cloud data project to boost sovereignty ermany and France launched a project G to set up a European cloud computing platform that they hope will enhance European economic sovereignty in the wake of the coronavirus crisis and break the continent’s dependence on U.S. and Chinese companies.

The platform, entitled GAIA-X, is meant to be up and running — at least in prototype form — at the beginning of next year and be open to users from outside Europe that commit to adhere to European standards. Photo Credit : AP Photo German Economy Peter Altmaier said that by the coronavirus crisis, French Economy countries with our own values and our own Beyond that, “the idea is that we invite the aim is “nothing less than a European Minister Bruno Le Maire said. economic interests that we want to defend,” companies across the world providing moonshot in digital policy.” Le Maire said. He stressed the importance their cloud services according to European “With the COVID crisis, companies of “interoperability,” allowing companies standards and rules,” Altmaier said. Germany and France will set up a non-profit massively shifted to teleworking. This makes to switch easily to the new system without “Everyone who wants to have the label association to coordinate and organize the the need for (a) secure and European cloud losing any data. of GAIA-X will have to respect and to solution all the more urgent,” Le Maire told satisfy several sets of rules,” including on data infrastructure, Altmaier said. Conceived The two ministers said the project has a news conference by video link from Paris. interoperability and data migration. last year and initially announced in October, brought together 22 companies in France GAIA-X follows on the heels of an existing and Germany, including Dassault Systemes, “The crisis also showed that the giant tech He said that the project’s success “will be push by the European Union’s two biggest Orange, Siemens, SAP, Robert Bosch companies are the winners ... the European crucial for Germany, for France and for economies to set up a car battery consortium and Deutsche Telekom. They didn’t give digital space has to be protected,” he added, Europe as far as our economic strength, aimed at catching up with Asian rivals. financial details. pledging that the new platform “will ensure our competitivity and our sovereignty are The cloud computing project “could not the application of policy rules based on EU Le Maire called on “all other European concerned.” have been more timely” as Europe tries to values and standards.” “We are not China, we companies and countries” to join the dig itself out of a deep recession caused are not the United States — we are European initiative. Credit : Associated Press (AP) Putin chastises Russian “At a relatively early stage, we detected New Zealand military Japan’s pandemic signs of infections and we were aware of tycoon over massive how the coronavirus transmits ... We were buys 5 Lockheed deaths low, but future able to warn the people against the ‘3 Cs’ Arctic oil spill success uncertain from early on,” said Shireru Omi, a public Hercules planes for $1B ussian President Vladimir Putin chastised health expert and leading figure on the ew Zealand’s military said it will buy apan has kept its deaths from the new government task force. R the billionaire owner of a nickel giant J coronavirus low despite a series of N five Super Hercules transport planes for negligence over a massive fuel oil spill missteps that beg the question of whether it “Japan could have been like (the U.S. or from Lockheed Martin for $1 billion. that has inflicted huge damage on a fragile can prevent future waves of infections. Europe) if infections had overshot at the Arctic region. beginning,” he said. The planes will replace the military’s existing Authorities were criticized for bungling fleet of Hercules, all of which are more than An estimated 20,000 tons of diesel oil a cruise ship quarantine and were slow to 50 years old and have been involved in a spilled into the Ambarnaya River from a close Japan’s borders. They have conducted series of embarrassing breakdowns over broken tank at a power plant in Norilsk, only a fraction of the tests needed to find and recent years. 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) northeast of isolate patients and let businesses operate Moscow. Booms were laid across the river almost as usual, even under a pandemic state Defense Minister Ron Mark said the new to prevent the fuel oil from getting into a of emergency. planes will be used for operations in New lake downstream that feeds another river Zealand, the South Pacific and Antarctica. leading to the environmentally delicate But the roughly 900 deaths, or 7 per million Arctic Ocean. people, in Japan are far fewer than the 320 “Generations of New Zealanders have grown per million in the U.S. and more than 550 up and grown old with the Hercules, and Putin has declared a state of emergency in the per million in Italy and Britain. they know these aircraft are an essential first region to help minimize the consequences line of response,” Mark said in a statement. of the spill. The power plant is operated by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on May 25 a division of Norilsk Nickel, whose giant declared an end to a 7-week pandemic He said the new planes will be able to carry plants in the area have made Norilsk one state of emergency, lauding “the power a bigger payload as well as travel farther and of the most heavily polluted places on the of the Japan model” and winning World faster than the current fleet. planet. Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s praise as a “success.” Three of the nation’s current C-130 Hercules Photo Credit : AP Photo planes date back to 1965 and the other two Experts say it’s unclear exactly how Japan Omi and other experts say widespread use to 1969. They have been upgraded over has managed to keep outbreaks in check, but of masks to fend off allergies and prevent the years, but frequent breakdowns have the country needs to use the reprieve to beef sharing colds; the Japanese custom of hampered some high-profile missions. up testing and healthcare systems to better bowing instead of shaking hands or hugging; At one point last year, the entire fleet was find, isolate and treat patients to minimize a taboo on wearing shoes inside homes and temporarily grounded. future waves of infections. a highly accessible, affordable public health A government-commissioned panel concluded system all helped. New Zealand will take delivery of the first of the new C-130J-30 aircraft in 2024 with the Photo Credit : AP Photo that early contact-tracing helped pinpoint outbreaks, slowing the spread of the Patients who were hospitalized benefited full fleet operating by 2025. The price tag of Investigators have started looking into the virus until late March, when a surge of from Japanese doctors’ heavy reliance 1.5 billion New Zealand dollars ($1 billion) cause of the accident and local officials’ cases overwhelmed the extremely labor on CAT scans and X-rays to diagnose includes a flight simulator and supporting failure to quickly report it to federal intensive process of investigating clusters pneumonia cases. Researchers also suspect infrastructure. authorities. The company said the accident of infections. A campaign to get the public possible past exposure to other strains of might have been triggered by melting Lookheed Martin is based in Bethesda, to avoid high-risk environments, dubbed the coronavirus might provide some protection permafrost. Maryland. “three Cs,” or close contact, closed settings from the illness. Credit : Associated Press (AP) and crowded places, also helped, it said. Credit : Associated Press (AP) Credit : Associated Press (AP)

India’s only International Newspaper 14 8 - 14 June 2020

Delhi/NCR NEW DELHI TIMES JNU and DU students hold protests demanding release of jailed anti-CAA activists their involvement in the conspiracy behind ◆ By NDT Bureau the Northeast Delhi riots in February, the @NewDelhiTimes students carried placards reading “Sab Yaad Rakha Jaayega” and “Down with CAA- [email protected] NPR-NRC”. tudents of several Universities S including JNU and Delhi University The teacher’s association of JNU also staged anti-CAA protests both virtually and expressed their solidarity with the protests in person demanding the release of activists staged by the students in the varsity. arrested for staging protest against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA). Many The Registrar of JNU, Pramod Kumar, on students even held symbolic protests inside June 5, citing a protest held by teachers in the JNU and Jamia Millia Islamia campuses campus against the Citizenship Amendment with some students holding placards. Act (CAA) on June 3, requested the faculty Photo Credit : Getty Images members to not sully the image of the example, particularly when it is staged by requested not to sully the image of the Expressing solidarity with Jamia Millia University by violating the COVID-19 intellectuals of a prestigious University, University by violating the COVID-19 Islamia students Meeran Haider and Safoora guidelines, saying, “While right to protest such as JNU.” guidelines when the nation is working hard Zargar and Pinjra Tod activists Devangana is well-recognised and respected, violating to contain the spread of Coronavirus,” he Kalita and Natasha Narwal, accused of COVID-19 guidelines…sets a wrong “The protesting faculty members are added.

Adding further, the order also stated that CBSE issues Delhi Government 25 per cent of the total COVID beds in Delhi Government these three hospitals shall be free for EWS notification for identifies extended patients. issues new SOP for conducting remaining COVID-19 hospitals treating Coronavirus exams for Class X with hike in cases patients and Class XII ◆ By NDT Bureau ◆ By NDT Bureau ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes @NewDelhiTimes [email protected] @NewDelhiTimes [email protected]

[email protected] hree private hospitals, including he Aam Aadmi Party government in T Moolchand Hospital, Sir Ganga T the National Capital on June 4 issued Photo Credit : Getty Images S pecial efforts are being made to ensure Ram Hospital and Saroj Super Speciality a new standard operating procedure or SOP that the remaining board examinations Hospital that run on concessional land, have The Delhi Government has also identified for treatment of Coronavirus patients. The of Class X and Class XII students are been declared by the Delhi Government as Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, the Saket move comes amid reports of people claiming conducted in safe manner, in the wake of COVID hospitals. Sports Complex, Siri Fort Sports Complex, to have been returned back or made to wait the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, a private hospital, three hotels and two for a long time at hospitals. for which the Central Board of Secondary The Moolchand Hospital has 140 beds, banquet halls among facilities to be turned Education (CBSE) has issued a notification while Saroj Super Specialty Hospital and Sir into extended COVID-19 hospitals or stating the guidelines. Ganga Ram Hospital are equipped with 154 dedicated care facilities, if the need arises. beds and 508 beds respectively. This comes in the wake of more than 1,000 Moolchand Hospital and Saroj Super cases being reported daily on an average Specialty Hospital will have to give 100 per in the National Capital, for past week. At cent of their beds for COVID-19 patients least 13 additional cremation facilities and while Sir Ganga Ram Hospital will have four burial grounds for COVID deaths to provide 80 per cent of its beds for the (both confirmed and suspected) have also purpose, said the order issued by the State been identified by the Aam Aadmi Party Health Secretary, Padmini Singla. government in the National Capital. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari announces a new Greenfield Photo Credit : Getty Images Expressway plan “Exams will be conducted in the respective school of the candidates. In each district, ◆ By NDT Bureau Photo Credit : Getty Images where CBSE is having affiliated schools, one Amritsar Expressway, the Union Minister As per the new rules, the patients infected @NewDelhiTimes school will be fixed as a nodal examination said that the move will reduce the travel time with COVID-19 shall be brought to the triage centre for the candidates who have shifted [email protected] from Amritsar to Delhi International Airport area from the ambulance within 15 minutes, from their earlier district of examination to four hours against the present timing without asking for any details. Doctors on centre to another district in India,” CBSE U nion Minister for Road Transport & of about eight hours. “This Greenfield call are required to attend the patient within said. Highways Nitin Gadkari announced alignment will not only provide shortest and an hour. Food and water should be made that the Greenfield Expressway plan has alternate express connectivity to Amritsar available in the waiting area as well. It must be recalled that the remaining been approved by the government that will city but also to other religious centres of examinations of Class X will be conducted help reduce the travel time between Amritsar Sultanpur Lodhi, Goindwal Sahib, Khadoor In case there is unavailability of beds in only for the Northeast district of Delhi and and the National Capital to four hours. Sahib as well as the recently developed Dera the hospital, then it entirely will be the Class XII examinations will be conducted all Announcing the development of a new Baba Nanak/Kartarpur Sahib International responsibility of the hospital to transfer the over India. The examinations are scheduled Greenfield connectivity to Amritsar City from Corridor in Punjab,” said Mr. Gadkari, patient to another one. And till then, the to be held from July 1 to July 15, for which Nakodar via Sultanpur Lodhi, Goindwal adding, the first phase of the Expressway patient will be provided medical care by that the date sheet was declared on May 18. Sahib, Khadoor Sahib as part of Delhi- would cost about Rs 25,000 crore. hospital only, say the new rules. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 15

National NEW DELHI TIMES Pro Khalistan posters Citing 79% decline in found in Sirsa diesel sale, automobile ◆ By NDT Bureau fuel dealers urge Delhi @NewDelhiTimes CM to roll back 30% [email protected] VAT on diesel and petrol

osters with Khalistan Zindabad were ◆ By NDT Bureau P spotted in Kailianwali area of Sirsa, Haryana have swung the authorities into @NewDelhiTimes action. The posters also mention of never [email protected] forgetting those responsible for 1984. Police have begun an inquiry and registered cases. he automobile fuel dealers on June 4, CCTV footage of the Kailianwali area is T appealed to the Delhi Chief Minister also investigated Arvind Kejriwal to roll back the 30% VAT Photo Credit : Getty Images “We received information that some posters on diesel and petrol, imposed by the state the month of May. The calculations show a have come up in the Kailianwali area which government from May 5. This comes citing case. The investigation is underway which loss of revenue to the tune of Rs. 58 crore can incite communal passion. I and other a decline of 79% in the sale of diesel last includes our crime team, cyber cell, and a month due to higher taxes. Neighbouring police officers reached the spot and removed month. local cops. We may uncover details soon,” states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, the posters and registered an FIR in the Sirsa DSP said in a video statement. “Even with partial unlocking of the state in meanwhile, have recovered most of their May, the sales drop in diesel is still at 79% diesel sales,” said Anil Bijlani, Delhi Petrol SDMC begins compared to the national average (-31%) in Dealers Association (DPDA) President. offline mode of filing As Delhi opens property tax returns and for their convenience, SDMC has up gradually, air also started accepting property tax returns through manual modes also. The last date pollution levels on for making payment of property tax both online and offline with 15% timely rebate a rise will be June 30,” read a statement issued by by Centre for Science and Environment the south civic body. Keeping in view future (CSE). “In Delhi-NCR, one of the major necessities, the SDMC developed a website Photo Credit : Getty Images factors that led to the drop in pollution for online filing of property tax and payment was a 97% reduction in overall traffic and to make the system more citizen-friendly ◆ By NDT Bureau 91% reduction in trucks and commercial vehicles entering the capital during April, and streamline operations. @NewDelhiTimes as compared to the pre-lockdown months of South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) [email protected] December-January,” the study read. is one of the municipal corporations in Delhi, fter being down by around 79 per cent Of the 84,399 heavy vehicles that entered ◆ By NDT Bureau It occupies an area of 656.91 Sq. K.M. which A is further sub- divided into 4 Zones- Central, during the initial phase of lockdown, Delhi in January this year, only 7,942 plied @NewDelhiTimes South, West and Najafgarh Zone and has 104 pollution levels in Delhi-NCR have began in the city during April, the time when witnessing an upswing again as the capital nationwide lockdown was in full effect, the [email protected] wards. SDMC also has unique distinction of providing civic services from highly posh city gradually opens up, as per a study study further read. iting the difficulties faced by residents residential and commercial areas to rural and C while filing property tax on the website, urban villages, JJ Resettlement Colonies, the South Delhi Municipal Corporation regularized and unauthorized colonies. There Air India opens bookings for (SDMC) on June 4, decided to provide the are 388 Approved Colonies, 86 Rural villages, facility of filing property tax returns and 81 Urbanized villages, 111 Unauthorized making payments in both online and offline colonies, 252 Unauthorized regularized flights to U.S., Canada modes. “On the requests of its citizens colonies and 32 JJ Resettlement Colonies. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal plants sapling on World Environment Day, urges citizens to do the same ◆ By NDT Bureau @NewDelhiTimes [email protected]

n the World Environment Day, June 5, O Vancouver and Toronto. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal ◆ By NDT Bureau planted a sapling at his residence and urged “Those who wish to travel to US and @NewDelhiTimes the citizens to follow the same. Canada and fulfil required entry conditions [email protected] can book themselves on these outbound Taking it to the micro-blogging site Twitter, flights. Some foreign airlines have already Delhi CMO tweeted, “Due to Corona, mass carried out evacuation flights & are planning nder phase-3 of the Vande Bharat tree plantation programs are not happening to operate more flights. These flights will U Mission, the national carrier Air India this year, but the Chief Minister has appealed also take foreign nationals,” Aviation on June 5, opened bookings for around 75 to everyone to plant trees on their own”. Minister Hardeep Singh Puri had tweeted, special repatriation flights from India to the announcing the move. Saying that protecting Earth’s environment United States and Canada. To be operating is something that the people of Delhi or Photo Credit : Getty Images under the third phase of the Vande Bharat To be noted, international travel has been India can win alone, Delhi Chief Minister I wish all the people of Delhi a very happy Mission, the flights will be operating halted in the wake of the novel Coronavirus Arvind Kejriwal tweeted, “If we come World Environment Day. Together let us between June 9 and June 30, ferrying people and the decision regarding this has not yet together again, with a common purpose, we build a city filled with clean air, pure water to destinations, like New York, Newark, taken by the Centre, but is likely to resume can once again achieve tremendous things. and happy, healthy people.” Chicago, Washington, San Francisco, operations in the third phase of unlocking.

India’s only International Newspaper 16 8 - 14 June 2020

Neighbourhood NEW DELHI TIMES Bangladesh Covid-19 st confirms 1 death infections rise of Rohingya from nearly 500% in coronavirus uthorities in Bangladesh have Pakistan A confirmed the first death of a Rohingya refugee from the coronavirus, as infections ealth officials in Pakistan said on rise in sprawling camps where more than 1 H June 3 that two more lawmakers have million Rohingya Muslims have been living died after contracting the coronavirus, as since fleeing from neighboring Myanmar. the national tally of infections has risen by nearly 500% over the past month. The 71-year-old refugee died at Ukhiya in Cox’s Bazar, and samples collected from The pandemic hit the country of 220 million him tested positive said Abu Toha M.R. people in late February and has since Bhuiyan, chief health coordinator of the killed about 1,700 Pakistanis, including office of the Refugee, Relief and Repatriation five members of national and provincial Commissioner. parliaments. The man died in an isolation center set up Officials have confirmed several other Photo Credit : Getty Images by the government and aid agencies where lawmakers and ministers also are among they have helped us enhance our measures announcing further easing of restrictions. he had been admitted with COVID-19 more than 80,000 confirmed cases of [against COVID-19],” Rashid said. “Therefore, except for a few sectors, all COVID-19 infections. other businesses are being opened, including symptoms a week earlier. Easing restrictions The government data for April 30 had put the tourism sector.” Louise Donovan, a spokeswoman for Despite Pakistan witnessing a rapid increase the number of deaths and patients at just The goal, he said, was to “save people from the U.N. refugee agency, said at least 29 in the number of COVID-19 cases, Prime over 300 and 16,400, respectively. coronavirus and hunger simultaneously.” Rohingya refugees have tested positive for Minister Imran Khan has rejected calls for the disease. Pakistan’s most populous province of Punjab enforcing a complete lockdown to stem the Tourism criticism is said to be the worst-hit by COVID-19 spread of the disease. infections. Khan stressed that Pakistanis will need to learn He has warned that such a move would to live with the virus by strictly following An official sample survey has concluded endanger the lives of millions of poverty- safety guidelines because “coronavirus is that about 700,000 people might have been stricken families, mostly those of daily going nowhere, at least this year.” infected in the provincial capital, Lahore, wagers and laborers. Their livelihood means the country’s second largest city. have already been disrupted by initial In an editorial, the DAWN newspaper lockdown restrictions, he insisted. described as “alarming” the prime minister’s The findings suggested “no workplace, decision to further ease lockdown curbs. market and residential area … is disease- Khan’s government has launched emergency free” in the city of about 12 million people. relief programs, distributing cash grants “What is most shocking is the decision to resume tourism in the country,” the editorial Provincial Health Minister Yasmin Rashid among 12 million directly affected poverty- lamented. Photo Credit : AP Photo told reporters the research was done by a stricken families across Pakistan. With about 40,000 people per square team of local and international experts with The Prime Minister, however, has cautioned “Who will travel to Pakistan, where infection kilometer (103,600 per square mile), the the goal of helping the government assess that without restoring economic activities, rates are climbing? It is still not too late to 34 refugee camps have more than 40 times how the disease is going to grow in coming his cash-strapped government would not lock down and lower the transmission rate, Bangladesh’s average population density. weeks. be able to feed an estimated 150 million as has been done in other countries, which Each shack is barely 10 square meters (107 Pakistanis beyond few months. have flattened the curve and are slowly square feet) and many are packed with up to “The samples collected had an infectivity reopening.” 12 residents. rate of about 5.8%. These are extrapolated “We no longer can afford that,” Khan said figures that we use to combat a disease, but in his nationally televised remarks while Credit : Voice of America (VOA) Aid agencies and government officials say the challenge of handling a wide outbreak of Sri Lankan cafe owner the virus in the camps could be huge. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric called feeds and shelters the death “a very worrying development” stranded tourists and said U.N. humanitarian teams “are were running low on provisions. Darshana working very diligently with the refugee established his Chill Cafe as a juice bar with community, with the host community, and two tables 13 years ago. The business has of course, the Bangladeshi communities to grown to a full restaurant and boutique hotel try to contain the outbreak as quickly and as with 72 employees. effectively as possible.” Just after the curfew was imposed, Darshana “But, obviously, refugee camps, especially prepared a list of those staying in lodges the various camps around Cox’s Bazar, are and began boxed dinner deliveries. And he a very, very high risk area, and that’s why Photo Credit : AP Photo convinced lodge owners to let their guests we’re working very quickly to try to contain he tourists came to see the magical given to us and we have to pay for everything stay on for free.“Our livelihood depends on it,” Dujarric told reporters in New York. T waterfalls and mountain views of the which is fine. But here, locals providing us- tourism. We must help tourists when they Authorities in Buddhist-majority Myanmar lowland jungle and rainforest. But then the tourists-free food and accommodation, is are in trouble. Money isn’t everything. We consider Muslim Rohingya to be migrants pandemic hit, and they were stranded in Sri really humbling.” must help and share at difficult times like Lanka. this,” he said. from Bangladesh, even though their families The Sri Lankan government imposed a have lived in Myanmar for decades. Nearly When flights were cancelled and the airports nationwide curfew on March 20 to curb He said he also donated 5 million Sri Lankan all have been denied citizenship since 1982, shut down, Darshana Ratnayake came to the the spread of the virus, sealing off entire rupees ($27,000) to tour guides who lost their effectively rendering them stateless. They rescue. regions of the Indian Ocean island nation. income when tourism came to a standstill. are also denied freedom of movement and Degmetich was among 40 tourists from 11 Ratnayake, a cafe owner in Ella, a former Darshana said Sri Lanka’s bloody, decades- other basic rights, including education. countries stranded in Ella, 200 kilometers colonial hill station in Sri Lankan tea long civil war had a huge impact on tourism (120 miles) east of the capital, Colombo. Most of the Rohingya in the camps country, organized free food and shelter for in Ella. Any time a bomb went off in the Ella’s famous treks tend to draw a young fled Myanmar after August 2017, when dozens of stranded tourists. country, he said, tourist arrivals fell sharply. backpacker crowd, and Darshana knew Myanmar’s military launched clearance For 25 years, separatists from the minority they’d soon be out of money, and the small operations in response to attacks by a rebel “We were totally blown away,” said Alex Tamil community fought for a separate state. bed-and-breakfast lodges out of food. group. Security forces have been accused Degmetich, a 31-year-old American cruise By the time government forces crushed the line entertainment director. of mass rapes, killings and the burning of He was right: Many of the tourists had rebellion in 2009, U.N. estimates say some thousands of homes. “It’s pretty remarkable,” he said. “Coming just enough money to pay for the trip, and 100,000 people had been killed. Credit : Associated Press (AP) from Western society, where nothing is really broken supply chains meant the lodges Credit : Associated Press (AP) India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 17

North America NEW DELHI TIMES Navy carrier sidelined by virus is back operating in Pacific en long weeks after a massive T coronavirus outbreak sidelined one of the Navy’s signature warships, the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt has returned to sea and is conducting military operations in the Pacific region. Lining the flight deck in their dress white uniforms, sailors wearing white face masks stood a virus-safe 10 feet (3 meters) apart in Photo Credit : AP Photo a final, formal thank you as the ship sailed flight deck and fighter squadron, such as “It was amazing,” said VanDrimmelen, of expanded investigation into what triggered out of port in Guam and headed into the takeoffs and landings on the carrier. Ogden, Utah. “It was very comforting to be the outbreak and how well top naval Philippine Sea. back in our normal atmosphere. Everybody commanders handled it. Earlier this week, the Roosevelt wrapped was happy.” “We manned the rail, which we don’t up training and returned to Guam to pick Sardiello, had previously captained the normally do. There was a lot of symbolism up nearly 1,000 sailors who had been left Sardiello said that watching the sailors board Roosevelt but was abruptly sent back to the in that,” Navy Capt. Carlos Sardiello told there to either complete their quarantine or the ship was a great feeling, but he knows ship in early April to take command after The Associated Press in an interview from to manage and work with those still on the he’s not done yet. There are still about 350 Capt. Brett Crozier was fired for urging his the ship. “They’re excited. They’re fired up island. As the ship sailed into the port, it was sailors on Guam who are either in isolation commanders to take faster action to stem the to be back at sea doing the mission.” flying a flag with the words “Don’t Give Up or are there as support staff. virus outbreak onboard. the Ship,” a famous Navy battle cry from the The Roosevelt pulled into Guam on March After a preliminary review last month, War of 1812. “More and more of those sailors are meeting 27, with a rapidly escalating number of the return-to-work criteria, and we’re flying Adm. Mike Gilday, the Navy’s top officer, sailors testing positive for the virus. Over “Our sailors didn’t give up the ship. They them on board every single day. So, we’re recommended that Crozier be reinstated time, more than 1,000 were infected with fought and got it back. So I thought it was whittling down that number day by day,” as ship captain. But the Navy decided to COVID-19, setting off a lengthy and appropriate,” said Sardiello, who asked one said Sardiello. “But I really want those 350 conduct the broader investigation. systematic process to move about 4,000 of the other Navy ships to borrow their flag. remaining back. And we’re working hard on That review, which effectively delays a sailors ashore for quarantine and treatment, “The ship was clean and the ship was healthy that.” decision on Crozier’s reinstatement, was while about 800 remained aboard to protect with no COVID cases. So I said, OK, we’re finished and submitted to Gilday at the and run the high-tech systems, including the going to fly that one time on the way into He said that any sailors who don’t recover end of March and he is still reviewing the nuclear reactors that run the vessel. Guam as a symbol to bolster their morale.” in time will be transported back to the U.S. The ship is expected to continue operations extensive report, which includes several Slowly, sailors were methodically brought RS1 Katie VanDrimmelen was one of the in the Pacific, and then would likely head hundred pages of interviews, documents and back on board, while the others who had sailors left ashore during the two-week home to San Diego later this summer. recommendations. remained went ashore for their mandated training. She had tested positive for the Cmdr. Nate Christensen, spokesman for two-week quarantine. And in late March, virus and was in quarantine for about five The Roosevelt has been at the center of a Gilday, said it will take time for the admiral the ship with only about 3,000 crew aboard weeks. Walking back onto the ship, she still unresolved controversy that led to the to finish his review and make any decisions. went out to sea for roughly two weeks of said, was like being welcomed home from firing of the ship’s previous captain, the training, including the recertification of the a deployment. resignation of the Navy secretary and an Credit : Associated Press (AP) Authorities in Jalisco have said that was approved. One of the biggest concerns Anger rising in López was detained May 4 in a town near Puerto Rico for some is that while the new code upholds Guadalajara for a misdemeanor equivalent the right to have an abortion in Puerto Rico, Mexico over alleged to disturbing the peace or resisting arrest. it also for the first time recognizes the rights overhauls 1930 of a fetus. police brutality death A video of his detention shows municipal police wrestling him into a patrol truck s protests rock the United States over as residents argued with officers about civil code amid allegations of police abuses, anger A excessive use of force and rules requiring built in over its own police brutality case: face masks, a measure designed to slow the a young man allegedly beaten to death after sharp criticism spread of the coronavirus. Hours later he was officers detained him for not wearing a face taken from his cell for medical treatment and or the first time in nearly a century, mask during the coronavirus pandemic. died. F Puerto Rico overhauled a series of laws that regulate rights in the U.S. territory None of the municipal police in the town of including marriage, abortion and property Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos have been ownership without having held any public arrested, fired or charged in the death, which hearings. officials have said was the result of beatings. Photo Credit : AP Photo Gov. Wanda Vázquez signed into law “You have to ask yourself, ‘Why was Jalisco state prosecutor Gerardo Solis said a new civil code that replaces the one that clause included? What’s the final that the police officers had been placed created in 1930 and contains more than intention?’” said Edgardo Román, president under investigation. 130 amendments, raising concerns that of Puerto Rico’s Bar Association, adding State Gov. Enrique Alfaro called the López’s some could lead to certain loopholes in that in the future, it could be used to question death “an atrocity” and promised results what is considered Puerto Rico’s second the legality of abortion or in cases where a from the investigation “within hours.” most important legal document after its mother might be in a coma or incapacitated Constitution. in some way. But the governor also said the incident was Photo Credit : AP Photo “an act of the municipal authorities” and the “We will never have a civil code with 100% Meanwhile, the island’s LGBTQ community Hundreds of protesters marched in state wasn’t to blame. “I am also hurt, I am consensus,” she said as she defended the in part decried what it described as obscure Guadalajara, the capital of Jalisco state, to also indignant, I am also enraged that these new code, adding there will always be room and contradicting language regarding the demand justice in the death of Giovanni happen in Mexico,” Alfaro wrote. to improve or change it. ongoing right to change one’s gender on López. Some broke into the state Capitol their birth certificate. Vázquez said she consulted numerous and sprayed graffiti on the walls while others But the federal Interior Department said in experts including judges and professors as later set two police patrol vehicles on fire. a statement that the tough anti-pandemic Human rights activist Pedro Julio Serrano measures implemented by Alfaro in Jalisco, part of an effort that began more than 20 said he expects a flurry of lawsuits over the years ago. An online campaign already in progress including detaining people for violating new civil code: “They wanted to satisfy God and the devil, and they ended up making no calling for justice in López’s death has curfews or not wearing masks, contributed Critics agree that it was time to revise and one happy.” drawn support from stars like Oscar-winning to the problem. modernize the civil code, but said legislators director Guillermo del Toro. Credit : Associated Press (AP) should have held public hearings before it Credit : Associated Press (AP)

India’s only International Newspaper 18 8 - 14 June 2020

Africa NEW DELHI TIMES Arab-dominated Sudanese government South Africa’s hotspot of Africa’s most popular tourist destinations UN moves toward of discrimination. The government in before the pandemic, is bracing for a peak Khartoum was accused of retaliating by limits most testing to in COVID-19 infections and deaths in the ending UN-AU arming local nomadic Arab tribes and next few months. It already has 597 of South unleashing them on civilian populations — above age 55 Africa’s 792 deaths. peacekeeping in a charge it denies. outh Africa’s worst hotspot for the In recent years, as the result of a successful S coronavirus is no longer testing most Sudan’s Darfur government military campaign, the rebellion people under age 55 as it tries to clear a has been reduced to a rebel Sudan Liberation backlog of 27,000 tests amid a shortage of he U.N. Security Council voted Army faction headed by Abdul Wahid Elnur kits. unanimously to move toward ending T in Jebel Marra. the joint U.N.-African Union peacekeeping Western Cape province, centered on the city force in Sudan’s vast western Darfur region In July 2018, the Security Council voted of Cape Town, will test people under 55 only and replacing it with a civilian mission to dramatically cut the UNAMID force in if they have serious health conditions, have focusing on the country’s democratic response to reduced fighting and improved been admitted to a hospital or are a front-line transition. security conditions. The target then was to health worker, Premier Alan Winde said. end the mission on June 30, 2020. But the council did not set a date for the end “If you’re younger than 55 and you have of the mission, known as UNAMID, in the The Darfur conflict took place under the symptoms, assume you have COVID-19 two related resolutions that were approved three-decade autocratic rule of former ... After 14 days, you’ll be fine. There’s no in writing under new rules initiated because president Omar al-Bashir, during which purpose in getting a test,” Western Cape of the COVID-19 pandemic and formally Sudan was convulsed by a bloody civil head of health Keith Cloete told radio adopted at a Security Council meeting war and rebellions, not only in Darfur but station Cape Talk this week. People who are in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. Al- younger than 55 and generally healthy are The resolution, adopted by a vote of 15-0 Bashir’s rule ended in April 2019 when the advised to isolate themselves if they show Photo Credit : AP Photo extends the current 6,500-strong mission military ousted him after mass street protests symptoms. Cape Town announced a “fatalities management for six months until Dec. 31, 2020. It by a pro-democracy movement which began plan” last month and said the number of says the council will decide by then on “We want to preserve tests for where it in late 2018. people dying in the city from COVID-19 “the responsible draw-down and exit of makes the most difference,” Cloete said. could reach around 4,000 per month. UNAMID,” taking into account a special A power-sharing agreement signed in The province continues to see a worrying report from U.N. Secretary-General Antonio August 2019 between the military and increase in infections that has made it the Testing materials remain in short supply Guterres and the chair of the African Union protesters created a joint civilian-military epicenter of the outbreak in Africa. The across Africa, but the head of the Africa Commission.That report, which is due by ruling “sovereign council,” but the civilians Western Cape has a population of around Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 6 million and more than 24,000 of South said a new platform to pool the continent’s Africa’s 35,725 confirmed cases. purchasing powers has obtained about 15 million coronavirus testing kits for the next The province alone has more confirmed six months. cases than any other country on the 54-nation continent except Egypt. South Africa has the John Nkengasong told reporters that the most cases in Africa, where overall cases continent is still far behind the goal of have surpassed 162,000. conducting at least 10,000 tests per 1 million people. He said just about 1,700 tests are The Western Cape’s testing problems are being carried out per million compared to part of a countrywide issue. South Africa about 37,000 per million in Italy and 30,000 has a national backlog of nearly 100,000 per million in the UK. tests, although it has also conducted the most tests in Africa. The Western Cape, one Credit : Associated Press (AP) Virus has been ‘very 1.3 billion people. In some cases, local airlines are so important devastating’ for many for pan-African business on a vast continent with historically poor infrastructure that African airlines their collapse would cripple speedy travel. Photo Credit : AP Photo “new baby” was born with the revival In other cases, however, airlines have been A of Uganda Airlines, the country’s seen as vanity projects for states that can Oct. 31, should assess the situation on the are struggling to assert authority in the face president announced last year. But now its hardly afford to support them. ground and include the impact of Sudan’s of the military’s power. In October 2019, four new jets sit idle, business suspended peace process on the security situation in the Security Council voted unanimously to Nowel Ngala, commercial director of Asky indefinitely because of coronavirus-related Darfur and the capacity of the Sudanese keep UNAMID in Darfur for another year Airlines — a carrier launched in 2010 by travel restrictions. government to protect civilians, which is in hopes the new civilian-led transitional a group of regional banks hoping to solve UNAMID’s primary mandate, the resolution government can restore peace. transport difficulties in central and West says. Africa — said the pandemic has been “very It faces towering challenges, including the devastating “to the company, whose nine The other resolution, also adopted by a 15-0 dire economic conditions that fueled the aircraft are grounded. vote, establishes a new political mission, protests. Sudan’s economy has been battered the United Nations Integrated Transition by civil wars and international sanctions. Revenue losses are substantial and there Assistance Mission in Sudan to be known Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has said have been “serious impacts in terms of as UNITAMS, for an initial period of one achieving peace with armed groups is also maintaining” the planes for whenever year. It has a mandate to assist the country crucial for the government as it would allow business resumes. in its political transition toward democratic a reduction in military spending, which The International Air Transport Association governance and in protecting and promoting takes up to 80% of the budget. in April warned that African airlines human rights and sustainable peace. The UNAMID resolution recognizes could lose $6 billion in passenger revenue It says UNITAMS should also assist the improvements in security conditions, compared to last year, and half of the government in “peace-building, civilian “while expressing concern that the security Photo Credit : AP Photo region’s 6 million jobs in aviation and protection and rule of law, in particular in situation in some regions of Darfur remains Questions are swirling in Africa and related industries could be lost. Air traffic Darfur,” provide technical assistance in precarious.” It underscores the need to elsewhere over the financial wisdom of this year is expected to fall by half, it said. drafting a constitution, and support peace sustaining prestige carriers that often have a protect peace-building gains in Darfur and These estimates are based on a scenario of negotiations and implementation of any tiny share of an aviation market that sees no “avoid a relapse into conflict.” severe travel restrictions lasting for three peace agreements if asked. recovery in sight. The resolution underscores that withdrawal months, with a gradual lifting of restrictions The Security Council asked Guterres to of UNAMID “should take into account African airlines had been piling on debt in domestic markets, followed by regional swiftly establish UNITAMS, with a view the progress made in the peace process,” long before the pandemic but government and intercontinental,” the IATA said. to reaching its full operational capacity as and supports the African Union Peace and bailouts allowed them to limp on for years. soon as possible so it can start delivering Now, as sub-Saharan Africa faces its first That three-month period is already nearing Security Council’s call “for extreme caution an end, with no return to normal air travel on its mandates no later than Jan. 1, 2021. in the withdrawal of UNAMID.” recession in a quarter-century, some airlines The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when will find it harder to survive. That’s despite in sight. ethnic Africans rebelled, accusing the Credit : Associated Press (AP) growing global interest in the continent of Credit : Associated Press (AP) India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 19

South America NEW DELHI TIMES Stranded Ex-Ecuador Venezuelans build President detained camp in Colombia in COVID-19 amid pandemic corruption raid ut of work, broke and left with few former Ecuadorian President has O good options during the pandemic, a A been detained after authorities raided growing number of Venezuelan migrants in his home and found a gun and medical Colombia have set up a makeshift camp on a supplies including masks as part of a wider tree-covered patch along a highway outside investigation into corruption during the the capital of Bogota. pandemic. Aside from 160 tents they’ve built out of Prosecutors and police charged into the black plastic and ropes, they have no running home of ex-President Abdalá Bucaram, 68, water, bathrooms or electricity. They survive Photo Credit : AP Photo in Guayaquil, the coastal city that became on the charity of neighbours who bring food. masks, and keeping a safe distance from The largest number of Venezuelan migrants one of the earliest cities in Latin America to see a sudden surge in COVID-19 infections. The migrants are crowded with up to six in others is nearly impossible. — 1.8 million — crossed into Colombia. Others went to Peru and Ecuador. each tent and no way to easily wash their Zagarra, 30, is a leader in the community. He Investigators said the raid was conducted in connection with an ongoing probe into hands, creating the potential for the new said that like many there, he uprooted from Quarantine orders in these countries have suspected embezzlement at a large public coronavirus to spread, although residents crisis-torn Venezuela two years ago and sparked a reverse flow of Venezuelans, who hospital. Though no charges have been filed, said they haven’t yet experienced any illness. traveled to Colombia, where he found steady say they have no other choice but to return Bucaram was detained after authorities work building communication towers. home, where at least they can live with “We’re living in a nightmare,” said Cecilio found an unlicensed gun, in addition to some relatives. Zagarra, an organizer and one of hundreds Then, the coronavirus swept across Latin 5,000 masks and 2,000 coronavirus test kits. in the camp. “We don’t know when it will America, bringing with it orders to stay at Roughly half of the Venezuelan migrants end.” home and quickly leaving him penniless. worked informally as street vendors and In the last two weeks, Colombian authorities “It changed my life by 180 degrees,” Zagarra clerks, having no safety net to help them slowed the number of Venezuelan migrants said. “The resources we had ran out. They survive without going to work each day. being allowed to travel to the border city kicked us out for not paying the rent.” Colombian migration officials report that so of Cucuta from 400 a day by more than a far, more than 72,000 displaced Venezuelans quarter. They say Venezuelan authorities Zagarra and others said they were forced have returned to their native country, are only allowing Venezuelans to cross to make the camp, receiving no help from many walking up to 20 days carrying their three days each week at what’s normally a the government. While maintaining order belongings. bustling border crossing. in their community, Zagarra said they’re pressuring officials to pay for the long bus Juan Espinosa, a Colombian migration Photo Credit : AP Photo This has caused a bottleneck of Venezuelans journey back to the Venezuelan border. official, told the AP that border communities trying to go home. The new shantytown “A lot of medical supplies were found,” and bus terminals throughout Colombia are just north of Bogota has become home to “We don’t have the necessary resources to pay chief prosecutor Diana Salazar said. for the tickets to get back,” he said. They’re growing crowded. hundreds of stranded Venezuelans, many Bucaram was elected president of the small among a flood of an estimated 5 million children, pregnant women and the elderly. “This is not the time to move and travel,” South American nation in 1996 and ousted Venezuelans who fled their native country Espinosa said, urging them to stay put and by Congress less than six months later for The Associated Press visited the makeshift in recent years, escaping a historic crisis isolate as best as they can. “mental incapacity.” He was accused of camp, observing a lack of sanitary that has left most without reliable running corruption and nepotism during his brief conditions. Most of the migrants do not have water, electricity, gasoline and health care. Credit : Associated Press (AP) time in office. Experts watch as Rio Throughout Latin America, multiple officials and business leaders have been charged or de Janeiro economy forced to resign amidst reports of fraudulent purchases of ventilators, masks and other starts to reopen equipment aimed at helping to confront the pandemic. that they will monitor the situation and, if necessary, backtrack on some measures. Prosecutors in Ecuador carried out 37 raids in The plan was approved unanimously by the Guayaquil and the capital of Quito, detaining scientific board, they said. 17 people suspected of overcharging for supplies, influence peddling and criminal Many health experts have welcomed the organization. Those captured include five cautious, step-by-step approach adopted by people tied to Quito’s public water company, Mayor Marcelo Crivella, but some fear the the ex-director of the Teodoro Maldonado opening is happening too soon. Carbo Hospital in Guayaquil, and the prefect of Guayas province, which includes the port Fiocruz, Brazil’s leading, state-run health city of 2.6 million. research institute, warned last week that the Salazar said her office estimates $12 million curve of new infections was still growing in in overcharging. the state of Rio de Janeiro, and that loosening containment measures in one municipality Images shared by prosecutors showed could threaten neighbouring cities. investigators in black protective masks Photo Credit : AP Photo searching through documents in a room with io de Janeiro, one of the cities worst though they officially remained closed, “The plan is very good,” said Celso Ramos a glass chandelier. R hit by COVID-19 in Brazil, slowly while surfers and swimmers were allowed to Filho, a professor in epidemiology at the started to reopen on, more than two months get into the sea for the first time in weeks. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro who has “Long live the homeland!” Bucaram shouted after non-essential businesses were forced to been advising city officials on the pandemic to local media as he was taken into custody, shut down in order to limit the spread of the Sports activities in training centers resumed response. “But I think we could have waited a blue medical mask drawn down around his new coronavirus. behind closed doors. a little longer, at least one more week.” chin. Prosecutors have opened 45 corruption As of June 1, Rio had more than 30,000 In the first of the plan’s six phases, most Ramos said hospitalizations and deaths were confirmed cases and 3,671 deaths. In May, street shops will remain closed, with a few cases in Ecuador related to the acquisition of going down in Rio, an encouraging sign, but medical equipment to confront the pandemic the city’s hospitals and intensive care units exceptions, such as car and furniture stores. waiting another week would have allowed filled up, and patients infected by the virus in recent weeks. In one incident, officials experts to see whether the downward trend were charged $150 for body bags that should were placed on a growing waiting list. Restaurants and bars also remain shut to continued. the public, and are only allowed to open for cost $15. Some people ventured onto the beach even take-away and delivery.City officials said Credit : Associated Press (AP) Credit : Associated Press (AP)

India’s only International Newspaper 20 8 - 14 June 2020

Opinion NEW DELHI TIMES The Global 31st Tiananmen Massacre Anniversary online event There are strong indications that some of ◆ By David Kilgour them are being used as involuntary organ Author & Lawyer “donors” and as forced labour for products made in part or whole in Xinjiang and sold in democracies. Under Xi, the persecution of Christians is also intensifying, including riends of the people of China, F those known as ‘house Christians’. Thirty-one years ago today, hard-liners Tibetans with a clear sense of ethno-cultural in Beijing ordered the military to crush a identity and a belief that they deserve at pro-democracy demonstration in Tiananmen least greater autonomy are under harsh Square - ending the longest and largest suppression. protest in modern Chinese history. There were smaller events in about 200 other cities Photo Credit : Getty Images The CCP now also believes that to counter across the country. It’s incumbent on the democratic world to overthrowing The CCP rule. Pei thinks the democracy/rule of law it must stir up For seven weeks, people had filled the remember those who were murdered and the CCP has subsequently learned some negative nationalism. That’s another ongoing tragedy Square, seeking to improve human rights, survivors who witnessed it: lessons. One is that whenever it sees signs of Tiananmen because, in the last three build democracy, and end corruption. of trouble it cracks down immediately and decades, we’ve seen moderate, technocratic · The panicked protesters struggling on Their movement attracted up to a million violently. Since Tiananmen, there have been reformists, but not many within the CCP bicycles or on foot to carry bloodied friends supporters in the capital alone. There was a hundreds of spontaneous protests, most championing political reform as party to hospitals, sense of invincibility; somehow they were of which met strong repression from the leaders in the 1980s did. on the cusp of a major change. · a gun-happy soldier quickly shooting three regime. None has developed into anything As we know, Xi Jinping now seeks to keep young female students, kneeling down in close to Tiananmen Square, but the CCP has Tragically, the People’s Liberation Army China unified by keeping its 50 plus cultural front of him, and then an old man, also moved on to harass and persecute other communities under heel and continuing his rolled in to crush their dreams. The Statue groups. of Liberty was toppled. The most credible · an eye-witness doctor, who’d been ordered ‘great leap backwards’. to stay home, heard the shooting and screams estimate of deaths today is about 10,000 (1). During the decade following 1989, the All of us meeting today hope that the and resolved to return to her hospital to help Soldiers fired weapons, clearing the square Falun Gong movement emerged, partly legacies of the brave people at Tiananmen the injured. Drawing near, she could see and forcing everyone to run for their lives. thanks to government support, growing continue to serve as inspiration for present through windows bodies being stacked like to include 70-100 million persons across The world outside China watched the and future Chinese reformers. cordwood inside. The experience led her to China by the government’s own estimate. In inhuman event. “Tank Man”-the icon of flee China forever, trying to erase from her July 1999, it became almost overnight the David Kilgour, a lawyer by profession, resistance-initially won the battle, but the memory the sights. target of massive persecution by the CCP-an served in Canada’s House of Commons for party-state violence eventually won. almost 27 years. In Jean Chretien’s Cabinet, We must continue our vigils and prayers for ongoing campaign that continues to include he was secretary of state (Africa and Latin The uprising had a profound impact on the victims and the survivors of Tiananmen; organ harvesting from non-consenting America) and secretary of state (Asia- China and its relations with the rest of the we must not let these images die. practitioners. Pacific). He is the author of several books world. There will doubtless be no reporting Minxin Pei, originally from Shanghai and Since 2017, an estimated 1-3 million Uyghur and co-author with David Matas of “Bloody of Tiananmen’s legacy today in Beijing or now a professor of government in California, Muslims in Xinjiang (Turkestan) have been Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for anywhere across China. believes the movement came close to thrown into what are concentration camps. Their Organs.” US revokes Hong Kong special status, acts tough on China stamp Parliament bypassed Hong Kong ◆ By NDT Bureau legislature and advanced the bill into law, @NewDelhiTimes severely curtailing free speech, political opposition, and basic freedom. “It’s the [email protected] end of Hong Kong. They are cutting off our souls, taking away the values which he US blames China’s trampling of we’ve always embraced-values like human T Hong Kong’s autonomy. In 2019, rights, democracy, rule of law,” screamed Washington passed a law to support Hong opposition lawmaker Claudia Mo. Free Kong’s pro-democracy protesters which operation of Chinese security agencies required the US administration to certify that will impact Hong Kong’s autonomy. The Hong Kong still enjoyed freedoms promised ‘security law’ will make Hong Kong by Beijing while negotiating with Britain to territory another ‘Re-education Camp’. take back the colony, or else the city loses trading advantages. Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing government could pass controversial national anthem law to On May 27, Secretary of State Pompeo criminalize insults to the national anthem. Photo Credit : Getty Images certified that Hong Kong “does not continue Beijing was infuriated by Hong Kong with Canada and Australia that Beijing’s Facing pressure China accused the US of to warrant treatment” it has enjoyed under football fans booing the national anthem to proposed security law “lies in direct conflict” taking the UN hostage over Hong Kong, the US laws after its handover to China show dissatisfaction with China. with China’s international obligations to kidnapping the Council for own purposes in 1997. The US Congress revoked Hong guarantee certain freedoms in Hong Kong. and urged to “stop this senseless political Kong’s special status hoping that the loss China agreeing to “One Country, Two Security law will destroy the city’s cherished manipulation”. China had grossly misused of trading privileges would also serve as Systems” and guaranteeing certain liberties autonomy and undermine the “One Country, the UN Council platform in similar fashion pressure, given Hong Kong’s importance until 2047 helped Hong Kong’s rise as a Two Systems” framework. just months back to frame India on Kashmir. to China’s economy. Pompeo asserted that world-class financial center and gave Chinese companies a crucial channel to raise capital. The UK would widen its rules around Hong Kong no more enjoyed the autonomy Hong Kong is crying for independence. But democratic unrest and the fire of freedom the rights of British National (Overseas) promised by China. A free and prosperous Taiwan is next in line to give China a are burning fast and furious to impact China’s passport holders-a status offered to many Hong Kong was hoped to provide a model fight. Not a good time for the dragon- economic progress of decades. Challenges Hongkongers at the time of handover. Now for authoritarian China, but reverse is Wuhan virus, trade disputes, territorial crop up everywhere-Hong Kong, Taiwan, Washington has also offered citizenship to happening. disputes, collapsing belt and road projects, Tibet and Ladakh. These geopolitical noise them. predatory lending, debt trap issues and now Hong Kong’s legislature is empowered cannot deflate China’s arrogance but the US, suppression of Hong Kong. by mini-constitution to enact national Britain, Canada and Australia raise the tempo Trump administration would eliminate security laws but huge protests blocked it of international pressure. the “full range” of special privileges and in 2003. It was fast-tracking the new Hong exemptions from controls on certain exports Security Council should meet and discuss Kong security bill on extraditions to the The US tried to put the controversy on as “China has replaced its promised formula Hong Kong which seeks freedom from authoritarian mainland when demonstrators’ the agenda of the United Nations Security of one country, two systems, with one China. The West has come out in full support blockade got it scrapped. However, hours Council but China fended it off. America country, one system.” Hong Kong is now with US, UK, Canada and Australia raising after Washington revoked the special and Britain secured an informal discussion caught in the middle of major China-US their voices. The West seems keen to free status on Hong Kong, China’s rubber- for May 29, pleading in a joint statement tensions. Hong Kong. India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 21

Think - Tanks NEW DELHI TIMES Mother Earth gives back what it receives Being the only creation of god gifted with logic and rationality, it is our duty as human beings to maintain a balance with Mother Earth and restrict our self-centred activities for its sustainable growth and development. its existence in every form. In fact, human our climate. As our numbers continue to logic and rationality, it is our duty as human ◆ By Dr. Pramila Srivastava interventions are having a profound impact grow, the need for far more water, far more beings to maintain a balance with mother @PramilaBK on the planet. Indeed, it is this cleverness, food, far more land, far more transport, Earth and restrict our self-centred activities inventiveness and activities that have turned far more energy and what not, continue to for its sustainable growth and development. [email protected] into the drivers of every global facing every rise unabated. Put in simple words, it is us single species, today. And as the global who are accelerating the pace at which the e are the children of Mother Earth. It It is however, true that the world today is population rises with ever-increasing trends, climate is changing. Air pollution, water W is the only planet in the universe that reeling under the Coronavirus or COVID-19 every one of these problems is accelerating supports life to all irrespective of caste, pandemic, struggling to get out of this bog. unabated. Our activities and interventions creed, colour, form or anything else and that Lockdowns have been imposed across nations have exploited Earth to a point where we even without asking anything in return. The to contain the spread of the deadly virus, have landed the natural ecosystem on the relationship we share with Mother Nature ceasing all of the activities and restricting verge of collapsing. is the past, present and future of our lives. humans from stepping out. But as it is always We have lived in coexistence with her for said that there are two sides of a story, the years but the economic trends promoted and The ways in which people have imagined deadly virus, on one hand is continuing to forced over time that promote exploitation and perceived the Mother Nature have wreak havoc all across the globe, on the other and wealth accumulation have radically changed repeatedly and dramatically over hand, mother Earth is healing herself as no one transformed this relationship with our life the course of time. These shifts in belief of us has gotten out of our homes, putting a full supporting system, Earth. systems have provided vastly various filters stop on all the activities destructing nature in through which people have come to the pollution, deforestation, wildlife trade, one way or the other. “Air pollution, water pollution, understanding of the relationship between plastic pollution, land degradation, melting deforestation, wildlife trade, plastic them and the nature. Despite being the most of glaciers and everything else that troubles Being kind to all, as she nourishes and pollution, land degradation, melting beautiful creation of god, human being, us today is the consequence of our deeds sustains our bodies and provides us with of glaciers and everything else that over the course of millennia, has put on only. The aggression towards Mother Earth the very means to make life possible on the troubles us today is the consequence stake his relationship with Mother Nature. and violations against soil, air, water, rivers, planet, mother Earth can never be harsh on of our deeds only.” The new socio-technical developments lakes, forests, biodiversity is what human her children. But as a responsible mother, that have taken place over the years, have beings today prefer doing for their own sake. she has to teach her children the ways of often acted as foci for different disputes and And global warming, climate change like life and lesson them for whatever wrong Being home to millions of species, mother confrontations about the impacts of human conditions that we face today are nothing they do. Thus, it is high time that we human Earth is dominated by just one, the human interventions on the planet Earth. but Mother Earth’s retaliation against this beings lessen our destructive activities going beings. Yes. Human beings are considered to harassment, with climate change being one against the nature and maintain a balance be the most self-seeking and self- centred of Our ever-rising uses of land, water and of the major consequences that face us today between the lives that exist here. It is time all the other creations of god. It is us whose natural resources have landed us in big in this irrational logic of life that needs to for us to wake up against all the odds that cleverness, inventiveness and activities troubles in the name of climate change and undergo change. we have caused to Mother Nature and make have modified almost every part of the other ecological imbalances. Or to put it efforts and pledge to let Mother Earth heal only planet that supports life and celebrates in another way, we had tended to change Being the only creation of god gifted with soon. Thailand’s ‘Child Support Grant’ Initiative national strategy with an aim to do away to secure the country’s growth and economy. of time and the initiatives rolled out, the ◆ By International Institute for Non - Aligned Studies with the social disparity and leaving no one Thus, it is important for such an economy economy has managed to mark a remarkable behind, the two documents firmly showcase to ensure a better future for children as it growth even in the sectors the economy @iinsNAM Thai government’s strong commitment to needs every child to reach their full potential lagged behind. As part of the Sustainable [email protected] social protection of children of the nation. and cannot afford to leave anyone behind. Development Goals (SDGs), the Non- The layout of the programme has dictated Aligned Movement has come in line with, he Non-Aligned Movement has stressed The initiative comes in line with the strategy several positive impacts on the lives of those partnerships are at the core of the economy. on the development of the children as T to strengthen and develop human capital of receiving the grant, in terms of nutrition they are the creators and shapers of nation’s the draft 12th National Economic and Social and the access to basic services, including Needing everyone’s efforts to combat the tomorrow. The children today will be the Development Plan as well as the strategy postnatal care. challenges, the NAM has always strived for adults of tomorrow and also the determinants to empower people of the draft 20-year of the kind of destiny that beacons the better and more impacting contribution as National Strategic Framework (2017-2036). Not only the children, but the women of the nation. Keeping a step forward in ensuring the goals are so ambitious that everyone has economy have also been empowered, with strengthening of the very foundation of to be involved for their contribution. Rolled out within the six months of the those receiving the Child Support Grant its economy, the government of Thailand approval and implementation decision, the are more likely to be the primary decision- in 2015 initiated an unconditional Child programme was initiated with a grant of makers in food expenditure decisions and Thus, the government of Thailand and the Support Grant for children up to one year of 400 Baht for children up to one year of age, enjoying more control over their income than United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) age living in poor and near poor households which was later in October 2016, expanded those in similar extremely poor households are working closely on the design of the across the country. with age eligibility covering the eligible that did not receive the grant. Child Support Grant and ensuring a world children for an additional two years (to age of equality with all rights protected for the A key national policy in the integrated life of three years old) along with an increase in Thailand, being an upper middle-income children of the nation. span of human development, the scheme the benefit value to THB 600 per month. economy, has dealt with several major (in arrangement with for the newborns is a social protection issues pertaining to poverty and access to News from Non-Aligned World) system by the government in Thailand for With remarkable progress in the programme health care services. But, with the passage providing welfare support to the generation and with more of the families receiving living in poor households or those at the support of the grant, the government of risk of poverty. With a promise to reduce Thailand further expanded the age group social inequality by guaranteeing that these from 0-3 to 0-6 years of age, in recent 2019. souls receive their rights directly and by Along with the age group, the maximum easing their ways to access other rights as annual income threshold also got a hike from well, Thailand, through the Child Support 36,000 Thai Baht to 100,000 Thai Baht, the Grant, has made remarkable progress in same year. As per the reports it has been strengthening child nutrition outcomes, found that the children receiving the Child improving access to social services and Support Grant were less prone to the risk of empowering women of the society. wasting than those in similar households not receiving the grant. Having ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child since 1992 and the global Being an ageing society, Thailand, in development objectives of the government the coming future, would experience a here, that are articulated in its 20-year workforce of fewer and fewer young people

India’s only International Newspaper 22 8 - 14 June 2020

Technology & Health NEW DELHI TIMES Wooden Breast Syndrome in Chicken higher. The second solution is to find even wild, or grown slowly in natural conditions, Just as diabetes doesn’t show its symptoms, ◆ By Smt. Maneka more medicines, which will “ manage” the but develops very quickly in young chickens wooden breast, which is more common in Sanjay Gandhi problem in already stressed birds that are grown in poultries. Bigger, faster grown heavier chickens, is difficult to detect in live confined in small cages and kept alive through chickens have a million problems. If you animals, showing up after birds have been @ManekaGandhiBJP antibiotics and antifungals. In research tried to make a two year old human child killed and deboned. published in the journal “Genes’, scientists grow to six feet and get wrestler’s muscles must have pointed out a hundred The equivalent in human beings is this: I problems in eating chicken. The latest Lipoprotein lipase deficiency disrupts the is something that has the poultry industry normal breakdown of fats in the body, really worried. They have labelled the resulting in an increase of certain kinds of problem Wooden Breast Syndrome or Chewy fats. This leads to very high triglycerides, Chicken. A rising number of breast fillets which in turn causes stomach pain and are laced with hard fibres. In one study, a deposits of fat under the skin, and which can consumer panel described the affected meat lead to problems with the pancreas and liver, as “tough”, “gummy”, “chewy”, “rubbery” which in turn can lead to diabetes. and “doesn’t feel right in the mouth”. The first symptom of this condition is When you ate your chicken, was its meat usually abdominal pain, which can vary hard and chewy-and did you blame the from mild to severe due to inflammation of cook for undercooking it? There is nothing Photo Credit : Getty Images the pancreas. Affected individuals may also the cook can do any more. The problem have an enlarged liver and spleen. lies in the environment that the chicken has reported finding similarities between and breasts, that human body would also wooden breast syndrome in chickens and collapse with stress. The poultry industry been raised in. The farming technique, the The higher the levels of fat in the body, dietary routine, and the commercial-scale diabetic complications in humans, specifically has been creating chickens that are now three diabetic cardiomyopathy-a disease that times as large as they were in the 1920s. the larger the liver and spleen become. production of poultry, have severely affected Approximately half of individuals develop the quality of the meat produced. changes the molecules of the heart muscle. Then, the average chicken weighed 2.5 Scientists of the poultry industry are pounds. Chickens today weigh an average small yellow deposits of fat under the skin, called eruptive xanthomas. When fat levels The cause of hard and chewy chicken suggesting anti diabetic medicines to allow of 6-10 pounds, according to the National get very high, fats can accumulate in blood meat, University of Delaware’s College the chickens to live till they are sold. Which Chicken Council. Broiler chickens now vessels in the tissue that lines the back of of Agriculture and Natural Resources means that you will get one more medicine yield breast fillets that are heavier than an the eye. Increased fat levels can also cause researchers, publishing their work in the in your artificially fast grown, factory entire bird was a few decades ago. Imagine neurological features, such as depression, journal ‘Scientific Reports’, have discovered farmed, broiler chickens. And if you don’t your heart weighing more than your whole memory loss, and mild dementia. is that fluctuations in lipoprotein lipase, have diabetes, who knows what the traces of body. an enzyme crucial for fat metabolism, is these medicines in your chicken will do to Poultry processing industries have now causing Wooden Breast Syndrome in broiler your body. Breeding for bigger, faster-growing chickens employed people to test breast meat. If it chickens. The condition is now in lakhs of is probably tied to the emergence of wooden is chewy, it is sold and ground for keema chickens grown in industrial poultries. The Lipoprotein lipase is a “gatekeeper” that breast, says food scientist Massimiliano and chicken sausages. So, you get the same poultry industry is not worried about the determines how much fat is allowed inside Petracci of Italy’s University of Bologna. disease in these processed products as well. pain it gives the chicken – only that it is a given tissue. When the gatekeeping “It’s not the final weight so much as it is how making them unmarketable. enzyme is affected genetically, through fast the bird gets there,” said Sacit F. Bilgili, years and years of genetic abuse on so many a professor emeritus of poultry science at Eating Wooden Chicken is not just a matter Broiler chickens, which are bred forcibly, for generations of chickens, more abnormal fat Auburn University, who studies such muscle of having a bad meal. Could the meat slaughter have developed gene irregularities, accumulates in the chicken’s breast muscles abnormalities. In 1930 it took 50 days for exacerbate the problem in people with liver and this disease is characterized by abnormal and in endothelial muscles . The first stage of a broiler to gain one pound. Now it takes problems, diabetes and atherosclerosis (fatty fat accumulation in the breast muscle tissue. the condition involves inflammation of the 7.7 days to gain one pound. In 1965, a 3.5 deposits in the arteries)? Is Wooden Breast This condition causes chicken breast meat to veins in the breast tissue, and accumulation pound bird took 63 days to get to market. In Syndrome simply another name for Chicken be hard to the touch and often pale in colour, of fat around the affected veins. Over time, 2015, average birds weighed 6.2 pounds in Diabetes? with poor quality texture. The short term this is followed by muscle cell death and 48 days, according to Agri Stats Inc. Many To join the animal welfare movement solution is to kill the birds that develop this replacement by fibrous and fatty tissue. This companies are now growing chickens to 10 contact [email protected], condition, but that will bring the losses even problem does not exist in chickens in the pounds or larger. Forest losses increased in 2019 to third-largest this Century soccer field every 6 seconds. That’s outsize role in fighting climate change. A the rate at which the world lost The United Nations set a goal of ending mature tropical forests last year, according deforestation by 2020, “but we seem to to new data from the Global Forest Watch be going in the wrong direction,” WRI monitoring program. Distinguished Senior Fellow Frances Satellite data shows nearly 4 million hectares Seymour said. Photo Credit : Getty Images of tree cover disappeared, an increase from Heilmayr, a University of California, Santa legislation that environmental groups say last year and the third-largest loss this Brazil’s reversal Barbara environmental economics assistant would legalize land grabs. century. According to satellite imagery analyzed by professor, who was not involved with the “You’re starting to see the enforcement of the University of Maryland and WRI, Brazil WRI research. Some experts find hopeful notes among the laws that are on the books back off,” the bad news, however. While Brazil’s alone lost 1.4 million hectares of mature forest in 2019, more than one-third of the “I think that gave rise to this hope that if we Heilmayr said, “and I think that’s creating an forest losses have increased under right- opening for more aggressive deforestation”. wing President Jair Bolosonaro, policies to world total and nearly three times more than can harness the policies that worked in one curb deforestation appear to be working in the country with the next-largest loss, the place and just deploy them around the world, Indonesia’s surprise Indonesia, Colombia and West Africa. Democratic Republic of Congo. we’re going to see an end to deforestation globally,” Heilmayr said. On the other hand, the loss of mature forests The destruction of mature tropical forests Not counting record-breaking forest fires in Indonesia declined in 2019 for the third is a massive hit to biodiversity and is in 2016 and 2017, it’s the largest loss since But the latest data shows “we still have a straight year. 2006. long ways to go,” he said. responsible for about 8% of global carbon “I’m continuing to be pleasantly surprised dioxide emissions, according to the World Brazil had been a source of optimism until President Bolsonaro has encouraged that there’s a decrease” in Indonesia, said Resources Institute, the research and recently. Conservation policies under former development in the Amazon rainforest and Greg Asner, Drector of the Center for advocacy group that oversees Global Forest President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva curbed loosened enforcement of environmental Global Discovery and Conservation Science Watch. deforestation rates from 2004 to 2015. laws. His administration is backing a law at Arizona State University, who was not Since forests are massive sponges of carbon It was “one of the great conservation that would increase access to protected involved with the research. dioxide, reversing their loss would play an successes of this millennium,” said Robert indigenous lands for mining and supports Credit : Voice of America (VOA) India’s only International Newspaper

8 - 14 June 2020 23

Entertainment & Lifestyle NEW DELHI TIMES Ajay Devgn donates Ayushmann Khurrana oxygen cylinders and two raises voice for water portable ventilators to consumption on World Environment Day Dharavi Hospital W idely regarded as the socially oming forward for another help, actor Ajay Devgn conscious star, Ayushmann C donated oxygen cylinders and two portable Khurrana, on the occasion ventilators for a 200-bed field hospital in Dharavi. of the World Environment Day, raised his voice for With a population of more than 6.5 lakh living in an water consumption. He area spread over 2.5 square kilometres, Dharavi is at the urged the people of India epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak. to be judicious in terms of consumption of the natural After tweeting that he is helping 700 families in Dharavi resource and batted for with ration and hygiene kits, with tweet reading, “Dharavi preserving it when water is at the epicentre of the Covid-19 outbreak. Many citizens scarcity is among the major supported by MCGM are working tirelessly on ground problems people face through NGOs to provide the needy with ration and hygiene across the globe. kits. His appeal to the people We at ADFF are helping 700 families. I urge you to also of the country is in lieu donate. #MissionDharavi,” this donation comes as another with his support extended help at the hardships being faced during the times. to actress Bhumi Pednekar’s initiative ‘Climate Warrior’ that

PC : Getty Images -By NDT Bureau is trying to raise awareness on several important issues plaguing the Earth through a campaign Cinema chain AMC warns it may called ‘One Wish For The Earth’. “These are exceptional times that we not survive the pandemic have seen in the last few months. It’s time to wake up, it’s time to take notice, PC : Getty Images it’s time to participate,” Ayushmann said, adding, “This environment day, my one wish for the Earth is or rather request for all of us to use water wisely.” -By NDT Bureau Cannes announces Filmmaker Basu line-up for a festival Chatterjee passes cancelled by COVID rom an empty movie theater in Paris, away at 90 F organizers of the Cannes Film Festival Photo Credit : AP Photo announced the films that would have played ovie theater chain AMC warned that will want to be in enclosed, crowded spaces at there in May had it not been cancelled by M it may not survive the coronavirus for hours at a time. the pandemic. pandemic, which has shuttered its theaters AMC, the largest U.S. chain, said it has and led film studios to explore releasing The selections were an exercise in enough cash to reopen its theaters this more movies directly to viewers over the what-might-have-been for Cannes, the summer as planned. But if it’s not allowed internet. international French festival that for the last to reopen, it will need more money, which 73 years has been one the most prestigious It’s the latest danger sign for the theater it may not be able to borrow. Film delays and glitzy annual gatherings of cinema. business in North America, which was are another concern. AMC noted that people Cannes, originally slated for mid-May, under pressure even before the pandemic. may be afraid to go to theaters, but hopes the initially considered postponing to July but It has gotten a boost by raising ticket desire for social distancing is temporary and ultimately gave up on a 2020 edition. prices and revamping theater-going into a that people will want to go to the movies again. nown for his ‘common man’ more luxurious experience with drinks and K sensibilities reflected in films such Theater chains are also concerned that film meals, but admissions have been gradually as “”, “Baaton Baaton Mein”, studios could push more movies straight declining since 2005. The box office has “” and “”, to the streaming services that they own. become home mostly to blockbuster films: filmmaker passed away at Since the pandemic shut down theaters, Sequels, remakes and superhero movies the age of 90. entertainment companies have delayed dominate. Meanwhile, the rise of streaming most movies. But Comcast’s NBCUniversal The Ajmer-born, Basu Chatterjee who began services- Netflix and a growing stable of released “Trolls World Tour” on video his career as an illustrator and cartoonist rivals-is providing new competition. on demand in April, triggering an angry soon earned the tag of “Balcony Class The coronavirus pandemic threw in more response from the theater industry, and Director”. He made his debut with “Sara Akash” (1969), which won him the Filmfare challenges. The U.S. cinemas shut down in Disney will release “Artemis Fowl” to its Photo Credit : AP Photo March, so their owners haven’t been taking streaming service, Disney Plus, in June, Hearing what would have premiered on Best Screenplay Award. in money. Hollywood halted film production, rather than theaters. the Crosiette this year offered a tantalizing He also directed the TV Series “Byomkesh which is likely to delay movies once theaters picture of a cancelled Cannes. Two films Bakshi” and the popular series “Rajani” for Research firm MoffettNathanson expects reopen and may limit consumer eagerness to by “12 Years a Slave” filmmaker Steve Doordarshan both of which went to write box office receipts in the U.S. and Canada spend money at the multiplex. The pandemic McQueen-“Mangrove” and “Lover’s different success stories in the TV industry. to drop 50% in 2020, to $5.5 billion from has prompted entertainment companies to Rock”-had been headed to Cannes, said $11.4 billion in 2019, and then to rebound to release some movies directly to consumers, Festival Director Thierry Fremaux, as was He has also directed many Bengali films $9.7 billion in 2021. Box office hasn’t been raising concerns that more will bypass Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch” and including “Hothat Brishti”, “Hochcheta Ki” below $10 billion since 2008. theaters in the future. And when theaters do Pete Docter’s Pixar film “Soul”. and “Hothat Shei Din”. Credit : Associated Press (AP) reopen, it’s not clear how many customers Credit : Associated Press (AP) -By NDT Bureau

India’s only International Newspaper 24 8 - 14 June 2020

Sports NEW DELHI TIMES UEFA partners with European Healthy Stadia Network locally and internationally. Working with ◆ By NDT Bureau professional sports clubs, governing bodies @NewDelhiTimes of sport and public health agencies, the Healthy Stadia ensures that stadiums are [email protected] well-equipped to design and deliver public health interventions in sports settings at any EFA, the governing body of European level. In addition to developing guidance U football, has partnered with the documentation, case studies, toolkits and European Healthy Stadia Network to help undertaking bespoke ‘Healthy Stadia and support in providing access to food for Assessments’ with clubs, Healthy Stadia Photo Credit : Getty Images older or vulnerable populations in lockdown also share examples of current good practice periods introduced during the COVID-19 Objectives of European Healthy Stadia authorities and transport providers to roll amongst the network and advocates on key pandemic. Network: out health initiatives; public health issues within sport. The UEFA is committed to working with experts like 1) Promoting the Healthy Stadia concept, 3) Collation and dissemination of new The European Healthy Stadia Network CIC the European Healthy Stadia Network to disseminating good practice and guidance developments, network documents and or Healthy Stadia is a social enterprise based promote healthy and active lifestyles across documentation to professional sports clubs case studies; in the UK that works with professional and Europe. The European Healthy Stadia and stadium operators, league operators, amateur sports clubs, league operators, 4) Supporting national governing bodies Network has been at the forefront to assist governing bodies of sport and local, regional governing bodies of sport across Europe of sport and league operators, to develop the needy and the vulnerable during the and national public health agencies across to develop sports clubs and their stadia as public health policies and strategies as COVID-19 crisis. Europe; health-promoting environments. part of their commitment to the social responsibility agenda; The Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales 2) Improving health and wellbeing through The Liverpool-based network was launched in has been converted into a temporary field stadia environments by supporting and 5) Engaging large-scale sporting events to 2009, building upon a highly successful hospital to ease the pressure on the UK’s encouraging clubs and stadia to form develop public health interventions during 30-month pilot project funded by the NHS amid the COVID-19 pandemic. successful partnerships with local service tournaments and a positive health legacy European Commission through the framework The 2,000-bed facility will be known as providers such as health agencies, local post-tournament. of the Public Health Programme. Dragon’s Heart Hospital. Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (CAVUHB) said the University Hospital of Wales (UHW) the virus but cannot yet return home. Over the last 10 years Healthy Stadia the first patients were admitted at the end and the University Hospital Llandough, It is anticipated that the arena, which has established a portfolio of work both of April with many being transferred from both in Cardiff. In the Netherlands, the has hosted a variety of sporting events Rotterdam Ahoy arena has been converted including volleyball, gymnastics and into a temporary care location to relieve the futsal in the last 50 years, will have burden on the city’s hospitals. approximately 680 beds. The field hospital is being develop for The Zagreb Arena in Croatia is another patients, with or without COVID-19, sports stadium that was transformed whose condition is not serious enough to virtually overnight into a temporary field visit a hospital, but require some minor hospital in early March. The stadium was treatment and therefore cannot stay at set up to manage non-critical patients in the home. Other patients may be received event that hospital capacity in the capital from hospitals who are recovering from was stretched. F1 says racing will continue if driver

tests positive Photo Credit : Getty Images ormula One races won’t be cancelled if involved.Carey said team members will be F a driver tests positive for the coronavirus tested for the coronavirus before they depart or if a team withdraws, CEO Chase Carey for a race and then every two days. Teams says. will live in a “bubble” system, likely with “sub bubbles” to keep people apart if they do F1 wants to avoid a repeat of the season different jobs, he added. opener in Australia in March, which was cancelled when the McLaren team withdrew “Clearly we recognize our sport is one which after a staff member tested positive for the at times, we can’t have two metres between virus. The season is now set to start with two every individual on a team,” he said. “When races in Austria on July 5 and 12. a car pulls into a pit and has to change four tires, there won’t be two meters between “A team not being able to race wouldn’t every individual. We need to make sure we cancel the race. I don’t think I could sit have procedures to manage all those risks as here and lay out the consequences. But we soon as possible.” will have a procedure in place that finding infection will not lead to a Credit : Associated Press (AP) cancellation,” Carey said on the F1 website. “If a Contact New Delhi Times driver has an infection, For Complaints & Suggestions (teams have) reserve +91-9999331600 drivers available.” & F1 teams have a tougher For Advertisements time returning to +91-9999337800 competition than teams in many other sports because A-2/59, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029 of the dozens of people who usually travel to Visit us at : twitter@NewDelhiTimes a race and the regular international journeys Printer and Publisher: Dr. (Mrs.) Pramila Srivastava, on behalf of Dr. Ankur Srivastava, Printed at Sudhir Printers, 151, Desh Bandhu Gupta Market, Karol Bagh, Delhi - 110005, Published at A-2/59 Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi-110029. Ph.: 26102520, 26105846 Fax: 26196294 Email: [email protected], Vol. 30, No. 19 Editor : Dr. Ankit Srivastava India’s only International Newspaper