RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640 april 2019 | VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 4 | `100


Suresh Prabhu C S R FOR SWAChH

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 1 BHARAT CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 2 from the editor

swachhata mission

his special issue of CSR Times focuses on Swachhata Abhiyan launched on October 2, 2014, by Prime Minister Harish Chandra Tcommemorating the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. CSR Times in association with Clean Action and Assessment Group (CAAG) India was in the forefront in organizing the National Swach- hata Summit 2019 at the India Habitat Centre in New on February 19, 2019. In this national summit, Union Minister for Commerce and To make Civil Aviation , Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and other prominent people in the government and corporate have Swachhata joined the conference. Abhiyan a CSR Times has done a comprehensive coverage and a review of success, small, the Swachhata Abhiyan since its launch four years back. The Central Government has taken a pledge to turn the country clean before Oc- big and mega tober 2, 2019, the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The corporates, state governments, local bodies and panchayat sabhas in tandem have both public and been engaged in accomplishing the goal with a single-minded devotion private, have and dedication. We provide a glimpse of what’s happening across the country on this programme. been pushed to To make this mission a success, small, big and mega corporates, spend the CSR both public and private, have been pushed to spend the CSR outlays outlays on the on the Swachhata campaign. The corporate sector is not lagging far behind in this national mis- Swachhata sion. Many private companies have joined the bandwagon to carry the campaign. mission forward. This issue has a story on the journey of Magasaysay awardee Bezwada Wilson, who has been championing the plight of manual scavengers in India, and trying to fix this problem with the help of bureaucracy and by invoking the law of the land. Similarly, another story of interest in this edition of CSR Times is the interview with Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of National Commis- sion for Women, who apart from flagging various women’s issues also talked about the swachhata programme her organization had taken up in Delhi and other places in India.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 3 csr times EDITOR’S CHOICE Vol. 7, Issue 4 (April 2019) RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640

EDITOR Harish Chandra

Executive EDITOR Amit Goenka

CONSULTING EDITORS A Venkata Narayana, KN Jayaraj, Sucheta Das Mohapatra

SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Rekha Sharma (MP), Dr Sudipta Narayan Roy (WB), Ilaria Gualtieri (West Asia)

CORRESPONDENTS Prashant Das G Shiva (AP), Subramanya Shastri (MS)

PHOTOGRAPHER n March 27, the Indian defence kilometres. The interceptor missile is Anurag Nanda Oestablishment has added one a three-stage missile having two solid DESIGNER more feather to its cap with the suc- rocket boosters and a “Hit to Kill” ca- B.S. Rawat cessful launch of Mission Shakti, an pable Kill Vehicle (KV). V.P. SALES & MARKETING Anti-Satellite (A-SAT) test from Ka- Mission Shakti was closely guarded Rajesh Manglani lam Island in Odisha. from public until the successful launch GM MARKETING The mission is planned in three on March 27. Prime Minister Narendra Manoj Sandal stages from inception of the plan for Modi in his brief address to the nation MANAGER, EVENTS & the test to the final test where the in- announced the news to the public. Only BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Luisa Sachdeva terceptor missile shot down one of a few people within the establishment

MARKETING MANAGER its satellites in the space. With this were aware of the mission. Prime Min- Akanksha Sharma accomplishment, India has joined an ister Modi congratulated the DRDO PRODUCTION MANAGER elite club of space powers. As of now, staff in achieving this marvellous feat. Rahul Thakur only three countries have occupied this DRDO Director G. Satheesh CIRCULATION HEAD high pedestal – the United States, Rus- Reddy said that Mission Shakti was Rahul Halder sia and China. launched not to target any country, He LEGAL ADVISOR The video released by the Defence said, “Space has gained importance in Suman Dobal Research and Development Organisa- the military domain. When a country ADVISORS SP Singh, Girish Kumar, tion (DRDO) shows a series of pictures like India has done an exercise like this Ravi Shankar, Newton Mishra, and graphics of the entire mission, from and shown capability of interception of Rajesh Thakur the execution to the shooting down of a target, you have shown the capabil- PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY the satellite. The target was to hit at an ity for such operations. Best way of Harish Chandra for First Step Foundation accuracy of 10 cm and at height of 283 defence is to have deterrence.” PUBLISHED AT 312, Vardhman Sunrize Plaza, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096 Phone: 011-43085920 F E E D B A C K [email protected] www.linkedin.com/in/csrtimesmag EDITORIAL MENTOR www.facebook.com/csrtimesmag www.csrtimes.org SIDHARTH MISHRA www.twitter.com/csrtimesmag

PRINTED AT: LIPEE Scan Pvt Ltd, 89, DSIDC Shed, Okhla, Industrial Area-1, New Delhi - 110020 DISCLAIMER: All views expressed in this issue are that of the respective authors. The publishers may not agree with the independent views expressed in this magazine. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only. COPYRIGHT: No content, text or image of this magazine is permissible for reproduction in any form, print or digital, without written consent of the Editor.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 4 csr psus CSR in Navratna 06 PSU Corporations 2019 | VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 4 csr times april content

csr psu clean campaign education NMDC Spreading Working towards “Catch them 12 Smiles 26making pilgrimage a 32 young” Swachh experience interview inno vaTION Interview Foundation of New India For a greener and ‘NCW’s in-depth studies 18 on strong infrastructure 28 sustainable future 38 on women’s issues brings swachhata summit hope’ social initiative Awarding Good Corporate Citizens NALCO dedicates Ultra- 20 Modern Eye Care Centre swachhata abhiyan 40 public campaign Creating Happy and 24 Healthy Schools Mitigating Manual nation building 42 Scavenging Building the Nation public decision 30 through Sustainable India gets its Development of Society 46 first Lokpal ^loZ f’k{kk] loZ ÅtkZ] loZ ldkjkRed lksp*

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CSR in Navratna PSU Corporations ollowing amendments in the Sched- normal course of business and must be as well as of the local communities and ule VII of the new Companies Act with respect to any of the activities men- society at large. Fof 2013, with effect from April 1, tioned in Schedule VII of the 2013 Act. 2014, every company, private or public It is incumbent now upon all public and limited, which either has a net worth private corporates to follow the law of BHEL’s Mission: Be a of `500 crore or a turnover of `1,000 the land in adopting the provisions laid Committed Corporate Citizen crore or net profit of `5 crore, needs to out in the corporate social responsibility BHEL’s contributions towards CSR till spend at least 2 per cent of its average (CSR) is the which is a continuing com- date include adoption of villages, or- net profit for the immediately preceding mitment by businesses to behave ethically ganizg free medical camps/supporting three financial years on corporate social and to contribute to nation’s economic de- charitable dispensaries, schools for the responsibility activities (CSR). The CSR velopment while improving the quality of underprivileged and handicapped chil- activities should not be undertaken in the life of the workforce and their families dren, providing aid during disasters/natu-

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ral calamities, providing employment to handicapped and ex-serviceman, rainwa- ter harvesting, plantation of millions of trees, energy saving and conservation of natural resources through environmental management. BHEL has identified eight key thrust areas under which the CSR activities are carried out in the compnay. Globally, the business scenario has been undergoing an unprecedented change leading to evolution of innova- tive strategies. Organizations are increas- ingly realizing that their operations have a large impact on not only stakeholders like employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers but also on members of public activities across the nation in thrust areas Bhubaneswar (SDI-B) was established in sphere, communities and environment. It including safe drinking water and protec- May 2016 with an aim to provide oppor- is considered to be the moral responsibil- tion of water resources, healthcare and tunities for skilling and livelihood to the ity for an organization to take care of the sanitation, education and employment- unemployed and underprivileged youth of surroundings and people whose lives are enhancing vocational skills, empower- Odisha and to provide skilled manpower being impacted by its operations. ment of women and socially/economi- to the industry. Initially, SDI-B started Every business enterprise must take cally backward groups. The CSR projects operation in two trades, viz. industrial responsibility and be accountable for the of Indian Oil are mostly undertaken in the electrician & welder, however, with in- social and environmental effects it has in vicinity of its establishments for improv- creasing demand of skilled manpower, its surroundings. Through this the concept ing the quality of life of the community, four new courses, viz. fitter, instrumenta- of CSR emerged, paving a way for busi- which invariably includes marginalized tion, computer data application (only for nesses to return back to the society from groups belonging to the underprivileged girls) and pipe fitter were added in 2017- the profits it earns. Such initiatives on the section of the society. 18. Once functional, about 4,000 youth part of a company to improve livelihood Indian Oil has a longstanding CSR leg- will be trained every year in 16 regular of people and preserving environment at acy, which started much before the CSR trades pertaining to the hydrocarbon sec- surroundings of its operations also go a legislation (Companies Act, 2013) came tor and local industries. long way in gathering acceptance from into force in 2014-15. For the year 2017- Kaushal Vikas Kendra, Barauni, Bi- local communities. 18, entire budget allocation of `331.05 har: Indian Oil’s Kaushal Vikas Kendra, Engagement of local communities is crore was spent on CSR activities, thereby Barauni started functioning from March essential for long-term sustainability for achieving 100 per cent budget utilization. 2017 with an aim to provide skill training any organization. This also ensures en- to the youth of Begusarai district, in which hancement of triple bottom line of Peo- skill training is provided in five trades, ple-Planet-Profit, depicting the inclusive Key CSR Initiatives viz. plumbing, masonry, welding, fitter growth for an organization. CSR is the The Institute of Chemical Technology- and electrician. way to move forward for all organizations Mumbai, Indian Oil Odisha Campus Skill Training in Plastic Engineering and become good corporate citizens by (ICTM-IOC), Bhubaneswar: President trades in Assam, Odisha & West Bengal: preserving the environment and bettering of India inaugurated ICTM-IOC at Bhu- Plastic industry centric skill training was lives of all stakeholders. baneswar on March 18, 2018. ICTM-IOC provided to unemployed youth in Assam, will offer first-of-its-kind programmes Odisha & West Bengal through Central viz. five-year integrated M.Tech. and Institute of Plastics & Engineering Tech- Indian Oil: Improving two-year Executive M.Tech. in addition nology (CIPET) centres at Guwahati, Quality of Life to Ph.D. courses. Bhubaneswar and Haldia. Three to six Indian Oil has been actively engaged in Skill Development Institute, Bhu- month skill training was provided in 3 a gamut of social welfare and upliftment baneshwar: Skill Development Institute, trades viz. machine operator, injection

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Surya Prakash, has fulfilled the need for clean drinking water and illumination of many villages, including hope town vil- lage of South Andaman district. Enclosure for Asiatic lions: Indian Oil constructed an enclosure for Asiatic lions in Dr. Shivarama Karantha Pilikula Nisarga Dhama (Biological Park), Man- galuru, which is spread over an area of 142 hectares. The enclosure will provide exclusive habitation for the Asiatic lions, which is an endangered species.

Swachh Bharat : A CSR initiative by ONGC moulding and plastic processing. hati, Haldia and Mathura and one higher The Swachh Bharat Campaign is imple- Multi Skill Development Institute, Dig- secondary school at Bongaigaon. Indian mented across ONGC by conducting reg- boi: Multi-Skill Development Institute Oil provides infrastructure facilities with ular cleanliness drives in office premises, (iMSDI) in Digboi started operations in well-equipped facilities, viz. labs, library, installations and in and around operational 2014 to provide vocational skill training playground, etc for all-round develop- areas of ONGC. The historic Jantar Man- to local youth in various industry-linked ment of the students. During 2017-18, tar adopted by ONGC witness’s regular skills and competencies. Every year, some 3,345 students were supported cleanliness drive on weekly basis to re- about 400 youth benefit from this project. through these schools. tain its magnificent glory. Under Swachh Assam Oil School of Nursing, Digboi: Assistive devices to Divyangjans: In- Smarak, ONGC would incorporate up- Assam Oil School of Nursing (AOSN) dian Oil, in association with Artificial gradation, beautification, cleanliness and was established in 1986. It offers three- Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (AL- maintenance of monuments including year diploma course in general nursing IMCO), provided assistive devices like construction, restoration/refurbishment, and midwifery and four-year B.Sc. (nurs- tricycles, wheelchairs, crutches, walking illumination, landscaping, etc based on ing) course to 60 young girls. sticks, hearing aids, artificial limbs, etc. to a Comprehensive Conservation and De- Gyanodaya scheme in ITIs & Polytech- Divyangjans in Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, velopment Plan as developed by the Ar- nics: This scheme was launched in 2017 Odisha and Bihar. chaeological Survey of India (ASI). For with the aim to provide scholarships on Quenching the thirst of villagers & il- Swachh Vidhyalaya campaign, the project merit-cum-means basis to students pursu- luminating villages: Indian Oil, through of providing sanitation facilities to 8,500 ing two-year regular courses in govern- its flagship CSR projects Jal-Jeevan & schools across India is through NGOs and ment ITIs and three-year regular courses in government polytechnics to incentivize them to perform well. The scheme aims to cover 36 government institutes (18 ITIs and 18 polytechnics) near the IOC refin- ery locations. Some 50 students per batch are selected from each institute every year. Each student is provided scholarship `1,000 per month for the entire duration of the regular courses. Supporting and sustaining five schools at Refinery units: Indian Oil is supporting and sustaining four kendriya vidyalayas at four refinery units at Barauni, Guwa-

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Sulabh Sauchalaya. ONGC aims to cre- ate 50,000 individuals household latrines per year at various operational areas by financially supporting the state govern- ment sanitation missions there. Some 500 events per annum such as quiz competi- tion, drawing competitions, poster com- petition, etc. are also to be conducted to implement the campaigns on real-time ba- sis and to bring greater awareness among the employees and schoolchildren. • Project Utkarsh- Livelihood Proj- ect in Sibasagar • ONGC-NSTFDC Hathkargha Prashikshan • ONGC Hospitals tem in place for executing CSR projects. since its inception, NTPC has a compre- • ONGC-GICEIT Computer Centre CSR projects being undertaken for hensive resettlement and rehabilitation • Udaan — An ONGC CSR Enter- stakeholders in the value chain of our (R&R) policy covering community de- prise business velopment activities. There is a separate • Varisthajana Swasthya Sewa Ab- The CSR projects are largely executed CSR-Community Development Policy hiyan in and around our business units mainly in which covers a vast gamut of activities • Harit Moksha — A Unique CSR the above mentioned thrust areas. starting from the grassroots at the unit Venture Furthermore, certain initiatives are level right up to the regional and national • ONGC-Eastern Swamp Deer carried out in rural and tribal areas for level. Conservation Project in Kaziranga backward, underprivileged, population NTPC’s CSR initiatives and pro- National Park as well. These are with the sole intention grammes are benefiting over a million of nation building. people in some 500 villages. NTPC is Earmark up to 5 per cent of total also a member of Global Compact Net- CSR in BPCL: CSR budget each year for capacity work, India and confirms its involvement Nation Building building of employees as well as CSR in various CSR activities in line with 10 BPCL’s CSR policy as approved by the implementation partners through in- Global Compact principles and shares its board as per the amended Companies Act stitutions with well-established track experiences with the world via “Commu- of 2013. In brief: In every financial year, record of at least three financial years. nication on Progress”, a public disclosure. at least 2 per cent of average net profits of The CSR expenditure shall include con- the company made during the three imme- tribution to corpus, subject to approvals diately preceding financial years will be Focus Areas earmarked for undertaking CSR activities. NTPC: Focus on Like the colours of a rainbow, NTPC’s The CSR Committee of the board Environment Protection involvement in community development consists of five directors, i.e. Indepen- Core to the company’s philosophy, CSR projects covers a diverse range of issues dent Director as Chairman, two part-time has been an integral part of NTPC’s busi- such as basic infrastructure develop- (ex-officio) Directors, Director (HR) and ness of power generation and lighting up ment, education, community health and Director (F) as members which is the ap- the lives of millions of Indians. NTPC’s sanitation, capacity building and gender proving committee for all CSR projects. spirit of caring and sharing is embedded empowerment. The projects are custom- Schedule VII of the new Companies in its mission statement. NTPC believes ized based on specific local requirements Act 2013 has given a list of ten activities that communities located in the vicinity and guided by extensive need assessment under which CSR activities may be tak- of projects as well as those displaced by surveys and consultations through various en up. Within these ten activities, BPCL them are important partners/stakeholders participative forums like Village Develop- takes up CSR projects largely in the five in India’s growth story. ment Advisory Committee, Rehabilitation core thrust areas. BPCL has three-tier sys- Based on our dedication to the cause and Periphery Development Advisory

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Committee. The active participation/en- specializing in CSR-related disciplines. gagement and ownership of these initia- The CSR budget and expenditure tives by the local communities is the key of CIL during fiscal year 2017-18 was to the smooth and successful implementa- `504.51 crore. Being a coal giant and with tion of these schemes. The company spent one of the largest CSR budget, CIL has `241.54 crore in CSR activities during fis- the opportunity to be more innovative and cal year 2017-18. implement innovative CSR programmes which are scalable and replicable in big- ger number than the Premashraya project. CIL HOLISTIC OBJECTIVE The list of important CSR activities taken CIL is responsible to the environment up by cial India rae providing schloaships of India by virtue of its very role of dig- to BPL students, financial assistance for ging coal and affecting the environmen- purchase of an ambulance, homes for tal conditions of the country. CIL is duly underprivileged, disabled children, as- implementing CSR projects all over the sistance in digging borewells, hostel gor country, matching with the local needs to Bengal. Beneficiary group for energy, ag- BPL students, medical help for cataract win the confidence of the public. riculture and KRCs is the whole popula- patients, and providing infrastructure for CIL provides funding for Premashra- tion of these villages. Since the problems a school building, sports complexes, help ya, a home for underprivileged cancer which these intervention intend to solve in solid waste managements, construction patients to provide accommodation for are uniform for whole of the population of of public toilets. free or at highly subsidized rates to un- the village, the whole village population derprivileged cancer patients and their was selected as the beneficiary group. The families. Those patients, without this agriculture activity covers 1,250 house- SAIL’S CSR: SOCIAL & support, would have landed up on streets holds in 10 villages. These were short- ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS of Kolkata for shelter, while undergoing listed based on the primary occupation Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) their treatment, which would have further being agriculture, availability of land and is the largest steel maker of India. SAIL lead to infection, lack of hygiene, mal- favourable soil conditions for the inter- is the top public sector enterprise in terms nutrition, improper attention and care. vention. of turnover with the prestigious status of Special cancer awareness sessions are Purulia district is one of backward dis- “Maharatna”. Owing to this there is re- aimed at preventing and early detection tricts of West Bengal and also a part of the sponsibility of being a catalyst for posi- of the disease. district close to the two blocks of project tive change. Apart from the business of Most underprivileged people find it implementation lies close to the coal field manufacturing steel, the objective of the hard to arrange for accommodation and areas of Eastern Coalfields Ltd (ECL), a company is to conduct business in ways often resort to unhygienic places in some subsidiary of CIL. that produce social, environmental and cases to streets also which negatively af- Each subsidiary of CIL as well as CIL economic benefits to the communities in fects their ongoing treatment. Hence, the (HQ) have their separate CSR depart- which it operates. poor and underprivileged cancer patients ments to implement CSR activities. The SAIL’s socio-economic objectives are are the targeted beneficiaries. overall guidance of CSR is provided by echoed in their principle which includes Healthcare is chosen as a thematic area CIL and subsidiary companies Boards a commitment to uphold the highest ethi- because cancer is increasingly becoming and the board level CSR committees (hav- cal standards in conduct of business, and a leading cause of death in India with over ing three board level executives, with at of valuing the opportunity and responsi- 10 lakh new cases every year and over least one independent director). General bility “to make a meaningful difference seven lakh deaths every year. Premashra- manager / chief manager rank people are in people’s lives”. SAIL’s concern for ya has helped the cancer patients visiting heading the CSR departments. There are people also reflects the company’s com- TMC immensely. Now the patients do not CSR committees at HQ and areas which mitment towards society at large, which have to worry for the accommodation dur- have executives from other disciplines it endeavours to fulfill through wide rang- ing their stay. also to better scrutinize the CSR proj- ing and diversified initiatives and activi- CIL has taken up holistic Development ects. CIL is the only Maharatna Com- ties under CSR. of 40 villages in Purulia district, West pany which has recruited 120 executives For SAIL, CSR has been an integral

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part of its operations ever since the es- tablishment of its production units in re- mote locations of the country since the early 1950s.The present research paper tries to focus the practice of CSR status in SAIL. It provides insight into what ex- tent company follows the CSR. It would throw light on CSR of SAIL which would be of both economic and social interest. It also provides few corrective measures on their CSR practices and performance. The funds allocated for CSR shall not be diverted to any other purpose. A dedicated CSR fund, separate from the main budget, was created by SAIL so as to avoid lapse of fund and ensure full utilization of dedi- cated funds. infrastructure, SAIL has been providing monwealth Games 2010. SAIL was the additional classrooms across the country sponsor of World Cup Hockey 2010 and is and such projects are in progress at Bhilai, also sponsoring the Asian Tour-level SAIL THRUST AREAS IN CSR Durgapur, Bokaro, Rourkela, Burnpur, as Open Golf Championship for the past four Healthcare SAIL has established 44 pri- well as areas where SAIL carries out min- years, besides prestigious annual events mary health centres, 12 reproductive and ing activities. Besides this, SAIL has sup- such as Davis Cup, SAIL Trophy Cricket child health centres, 17 hospitals and 7 ported Technical University Tournament, DSA league, Nehru Cup, etc. super-specialty hospitals for providing with `50 crore, for promotion of technical Preservation of art and culture promo- specialized healthcare to more than 34 education and industry-education collabo- tion and preservation of various forms million people since inception. Kalyan ration. of Indian arts and cultures enriches our Chikitsalayas, Sarve Swasthya Kendra, Solar power promotion of alternative cultural diversity. To fulfill this aspira- exclusive health centres for the poor and source of energy is one of the thrust ar- tion, SAIL has supported maintenance of the needy has been setup at five locations, eas of SAIL. SAIL under this initiative is monuments in Delhi’s Lodhi Gardens, and where free medical treatment and medi- supporting setting up of 100-KW Com- Vedvyas, Saraswati Kund in Rourkela. cines are provided. Free medical treatment munity Solar Power Plants in Jarri, Albert To take care of distinct features of tribal to more than 30,000 patients annually is Ekka Block in Jharkhand with the help of culture, a five day Chhattisgarh Lok Kala provided in these exclusive centers. Jharkhand Renewable Energy Develop- Mahotsav is celebrated every year in Bhi- Education for 146 schools have been ment Agency. SAIL is also installing solar lai and nearby places in which more than set up in the steel townships for providing street lights at public places to eradicate 600 artistes. modern education to about 70,000 chil- the problem of power crisis in rural areas dren and assistance has been provided to of the country. CSR BUDGET ALLOCATION over 286 schools of villages surrounding Calamity Aid SAIL has always been Under the CSR, the SAIL is allocating steel plants/units for free education of a trend setter in supporting people dur- funds for the CSR activities as per the more than 55,000 students. 225 tribal chil- ing natural calamities and recently it has guidelines prescribed by the Department dren at Bhilai and 12 boys of the nearly supported construction of low-cost hous- of Public Enterprises (DPE). SAIL has extinct Birhore tribe at Bokaro have been es at Leh after a cloud burst. It provided made commitments through Board‟s adopted and are provided free education, galvanized sheets to Sikkim earthquake Resolution and CSR policy respectively boarding and lodging. victims. to the cause of CSR and has earmarked 2 With the help of Akshay Patra Foun- SAIL supported wrestlers Sushil Ku- per cent of the distributable surplus from dation, SAIL is providing midday meals mar, Yogeshwar Dutt and Deepak Sharma, the year 2006-07 for CSR activities. This to more than 23,000 students in different all of whom won top honours and made the amount is utilized for social development. schools of Bhilai every day. nation proud during international events So far as environment and safety issues In order to support the existing school such as the Beijing Olympics and Com- are concerned.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 11 csr psu NMDC Spreading Smiles NMDC has been looking to add value to its CSR efforts by aiming for improvement in major thrust areas like education, healthcare and hygiene, creation of infrastructure, skill development and sustainable income generation and safe drinking water.

MDC is one of the leading iron Balika Shiksha Yojana is a dedicated ore mining companies in India programme for tribal girls of Bastar dis- Nsince it started the journey in trict who join nursing classes which in due the late 1950s. The company has invest- course enables them to earn a livelihood. ed substantially in the socio-economic Some 260 girl students are the beneficia- development of the local communities ries of this yojana till date. especially in the tribal belts close to the Mid-day Meal Scheme is supported by mining projects. NMDC in Domimalai and Ballari areas in NMDC is striving for excellence in Karnataka. The scheme has been benefit- promoting sustainable development and ing 8,000 students. improvement in quality of life of sur- The scholar scheme Shiksha Sahayog rounding communities through CSR ini- Yojana is extended to 18,000 marginal- tiatives based on ethical, transparent and ized students who are studying in Class IX sound governance practices. It has been a for their higher, professional and technical pioneer in the area of CSR and has formed education. Students of Bastar district in a well-thought out and transparent policy Chhattisgarh have been getting benefits way back in 2008 much before the Central under this scheme. Government brought in amendments to N. Baijendra Kumar, IAS Education City, a hub of educational the Companies Act in 2013 mandating all Chairman cum Managing Director facilities, has been started in collabora- corporations to spend at least 2 per cent Schools for tribal children and differently- tion with the state government of Chhat- of their profits. abled have been constructed for higher tisgarh. Students from the primary school While pursuing its business objectives, and technical education. level to professional level institutions are NMDC has been looking to add value to NMDC Residential School has been covered under this project. its CSR efforts by aiming for improve- constructed in Bastar district of Chhat- ‘Astha Gurukul’ residential school for ment in these following major thrust ar- tisgarh state which provides education orphans provides educational facilities to eas. to 600 students who come from remote those students who are affected by left- • Education forested areas. They are first generation wing extremism in Chhattisgarh state. • Healthcare and hygiene school-goers from their families. Families and students who are victims of • Creation of infrastructure • Skill development and sustainable income generation • Safe drinking water EDUCATION Education has been a key CSR initiative of NMDC given its large-scale operation in remote, socio-economically backward areas inhabited by large tribal population.

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district. • Facilitated construction of 1,662 household toilets in Dantewada district. • Carried out cleanliness aware- ness programme in 16 villages in violence, destitute and the marginalized HEALTHCARE Dantewada. get enrolment under this scheme. About NMDC has taken significant initiatives 920 students have been enrolled. in healthcare. Free medical treatment to INFRASTRUCTURE NMDC facilitates opportunity to stu- tribal population is offered in which more • High-level bridges on Dankini dents for free coaching who are keen to than one lakh outpatients and 10,000 in- constructed, which is a lifeline in pursue higher professional courses in en- patients are annually provided healthcare the remote area. gineering and medicine under the Choo facility. Besides, under the Hospital on • Gaurav Path, a four-way road, has Lo Aasmaan programme. Wheels programme, NMDC provides been constructed in Dantewada. Saksham is an educational facility for regular medical camps to remote areas • A bypass road connecting specially-abled students numbering 206. covering 37 villages. Dantewada to Jagdalpur has been NMDC provides 100 per cent support to constructed. these students. SWACHH BHARAT MISSION Polytechnic College and ITIs have • NMDC is a partner in the national been started in Dantewada where 206 movement of Clean India con- SKILL DEVELOPMENT and 76 students respectively get quality tributing its mite to the Swachh Skill development is an initiative which education. Bharat Movement. has been launched to encompass the youth • Constructed 2,089 toilets in Bastar of the country with skill sets which make them more employable and productive in the work environment. NMDC has con- ducted training programmes in bell metal, bamboo and tribal arts which are part of tribal skills. About 1,600 youth have been the beneficiaries. DRINKING WATER • Hand pumps have been installed in the remote areas of Dantewada. • A water purification plant has been installed in Domimalai plant in Bellari district, Karnataka. • A group water supply scheme has also been launched by NMDC.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 13 cover story T aowards a Sw chh India Along with other cleanliness initiatives, the government has constructed 86 million toilets since 2014, reducing the number of persons who openly defecate from 550 million to fewer than 150 million. But mere construction of toilets cannot bring a change in the behaviour of people towards cleanliness. Much more will have to be done to alter the mindset of people.

he Swachh Bharat Mission which garding healthy sanitation prac- • Household toilets, including con- was launched on October 2, 2014, tices version of insanitary latrines into Taims at making the country free • Generate awareness about sani- pour-flush latrines from open defecation and achieving 100 tation and its linkage with public • Community toilets per cent scientific management of munici- health • Public toilets pal solid waste in 4,041 statutory towns • Capacity augmentation for urban • Solid waste management in the country. local bodies • Information Education Communi- • To create an enabling environ- cation (IEC) and public awareness Objectives of the mission ment for private sector partici- • Capacity building and administra- • Elimination of open defecation pation in Capex (capital expen- tive and office expenses (A&OE) • Eradication of manual scavenging diture) and Opex (operation and • Modern and scientific municipal maintenance) The Targets for the Mission solid waste management • Construction of 66.42 lakh indi- • To effect behavioural change re- Components of the Mission vidual household toilets (IHHL).

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• Construction of 2.52 lakh com- dia clean. But the campaign of Swachh ees, students from schools and colleges munity toilet (CT) seats. Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Movement as well had participated in the event to • Construction of 2.56 lakh public is the biggest step taken ever as a cleanli- make it popularize globally and make toilet (PT) seats. ness drive till date. The government had common public aware about it. This event • Achieving 100 per cent door-to- associated the Abhiyan with the Father of was organized at Rashtrapati Bhawan on door collection and scientific man- the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, as he was October 2, 2014, in the presence of 1,500 agement of municipal solid waste a great supporter of the cleanliness cause people. This event was flagged off by the (MSW). in the country and throughout his life was then President . involved in activities related to sanitation Prime Minister Narendra Modi had To ensure continuous engagement and and hygiene. nominated the name of nine famous per- higher awareness among the citizens, a The aim was to provide sanitation fa- sonalities from business, industry, sports participatory approach for implementa- cilities to every family, including toilets, and Bollywood to drive the clean India tion of the Swachh Bharat Mission is being solid and liquid waste disposal systems, campaign. He also had requested all the planned in the form of cleanliness drives village cleanliness, and safe and adequate nine personalities to invite another nine at regular intervals, which are specific to drinking water supply by October 2, 2019. personalities individually and requested a sector. Theme-based interventions are It is significant that the Prime Minister them to continue the chain of nine people conducted, targeting core city spaces and Narendra Modi himself is taking a very and take this campaign to every Indian areas. Depending upon the specific theme, proactive role in making the campaign a living in any corner of the country. relevant government departments and en- success; at Rajghat he started the cam- The Prime Minister also said that this tities are engaged to facilitate the imple- paign by cleaning the street by himself. campaign should be taken as a big chal- mentation of the drives and participation A clean India would be the best tribute lenge and should pass the request to invite by relevant stakeholders. India could pay to Mahatma Gandhi on other nine people individually (just like It’s not in our behaviour to keep our his 150th birth anniversary in 2019, the branching of tree) so that this vision of surrounding clean and sanitized. At the Prime Minister had said while launching cleanliness may be completed till 2019 most we keep our own houses clean and it the Abhiyan. and India can become a clean country is of no concern of ours to be careful about However, it has been clearly declared forever in the history. streets, lanes, parks or other public places. that the campaign is not only the duty of Even after 71 years of independence, it is the government but each and every citizen Cleanliness Drives in really shameful that Indians are famous of the country is equally responsible to Neighbouring Countries for their unhygienic behaviour. keep the nation clean or swachh. Getting inspired from this Indian cam- Whichever government comes to On the day of the launch of campaign paign, the Indo-Nepal Doctors Associa- power, its main priority is to make In- around three million government employ- tion launched a campaign called ‘Swachh Bharat Nepal – Swasth Bharat Nepal Ab- hiyan’ on January 3, 2015. It was started from the Indo-Nepal Border Region, Sunauli–Belihiya (near the birth place of Lord Buddha, the holy city of Lumbini, Nepal).

Other Cleanliness Programmes in India The Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) was started in 1986 all over the country with a focus to construct individ- ual sanitary latrines for the personal use of the people living below the poverty line. It had focused to convert the dry latrines to the low-cost sanitary latrines, to con-

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DLF, Vedanta, Bharti, TCS, Ambuja Ce- ments, Toyota Kirloskar, Maruti, Tata Motors, Coca-Cola, Dabur, Aditya Birla, Adani, Infosys, TVS and many others have earmarked budgets for Swachh Bharat projects. According to one esti- mate, `1,000 crore worth of various clean- liness projects are in the pipeline by the corporate sector, out of which `500 crore have been already invested on the cam- paign in past few years. These projects include building toilets in distant villages, running workshops on behavioural chang- es, waste management, water hygiene and sanitation activities among other things. In a bid to invite corporate funds for Swachh Bharat campaign, the govern- ment had recently decided that corporate contributions towards this scheme will struct latrines especially for rural women Gandhi Ji’s now be counted as CSR spend. And to with other facilities of hand-pump, bath- make it clearer later, the Corporate Affairs ing room, sanitation, washing hands, etc. Scavenging Work Ministry also amended Schedule VII of It was targeted that all the provided When the villagers near Gandhi’s ash- Companies Act to specify that contribu- facilities should be properly maintained ram refused to cover excreta with soil tions to Swachh Bharat Kosh would be by the village panchayats. It includes believing it to be a scavenger work and an eligible CSR spending. Therefore, not proper sanitation of the village such as sinful, Gandhi personally supervised only government and private individuals drain systems, soakage pits, disposal of the scavenging work in villages. To set but also the corporate sector is playing its solid and liquid wastes, awareness of an example, he himself used to go to the role in making India totally clean. health education, awareness for social, villages with a bucket and a broom and personal, household and environmental would clean the places. It is a great gesture sanitation, etc. and an apt tribute to the Mahatma that the Celebrities Involvement The total sanitation campaign (TSC) government launched the Swachh Bharat in the Initiative was started in 1999 by the Government Campaign on his birthday, i.e. October 2. Many famous personalities of the film in- of India in order to restructure the Ru- dustry, politicians, sports, business indus- ral Sanitation Programme. Nirmal Gram Corporate India’s tries, etc. such as Aamir Khan, Amitabh Puraskar was started in the month of June Contribution Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Sachin Ten- in 2003 as a sanitation programme to Heeding to the call of Prime Minister Nar- dulkar, Mridula Sinha, Anil Ambani, Baba boost the TSC. It was an incentive scheme endra Modi, corporate India is also enthu- Ramdev, Shashi Tharoor, Kamal Haasan, launched by the in siastically taking steps towards making Priyanka Chopra, M. , 2003 to award people for total sanitation the Abhiyan a success. , Salman Khan, team of a TV coverage, maintaining clean environment Public and private companies are ap- soap ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma’ as well as making villages Open Defeca- pending in cleanliness activities under and many others participated in the cam- tion Free (ODF). their compulsory corporate social respon- paign and uploaded their pictures on the The Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) sibility (CSR) schemes which is a statu- Internet via Facebook and . Other was also started in 2012. However, tory requirement as per the Companies celebrities involved in Swachh Bharat all the sanitation and cleanliness pro- Act, 2013. CSR is a mechanism through Abhiyan are Bollywood actors Anupam grammes run by the Indian Government which companies invest in activities ben- Kher, Parineeti Chopra, Akshay Kumar, earlier were not as effective as the current eficial to society as a whole. Alia Bhatt, Neha Dhupia, Ajay Devgan, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of 2014. Major corporate houses such as L&T, Subash Ghai (filmmaker), Gagan Narang

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(shooter), Vijender Singh (boxer), Manoj citizens. There is a huge participation in Tiwari, Mary Kom, Nagarjuna, Taman- the campaign from individuals and orga- naah Bhatia, Hema Malini, among others. nizations in all the corners of the nation. The drive has taken the face of a national movement and people are joining hands Participation of to clean their surroundings and environ- Schools and Colleges ment. It was also followed by the students from Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is not only schools, colleges, universities and other the responsibility of the government but educational institutions. Youths of the also needs the unanimous support of the country involved in the daily routine jobs citizens to achieve its goal. If the same and other business activities also partici- zeal and zest continues forever then the pated in the event and did the same. day is not very far when there will neither be a single heap of garbage nor a particle of dirt in our surroundings. And this will Involvement of be the day when we can pay tribute to Public Figures Mahatma Gandhi in real terms. Most of the independent app developers The mission has two thrusts: Swachh have come out with mobile applications Bharat Abhiyan (gramin or rural), which using technologies to make this campaign operates under the Ministry of Drinking a success. Electronic and print media is Swachh Bharat Mission: Water and Sanitation; and Swachh Bharat also boosting this campaign through their • Around 89 million household Abhiyan (urban), which operates under articles and news publications. The Times toilets were built since October the Ministry of Housing and Urban Af- of India motivated people towards the 2, 2014. fairs. campaign by publishing an article under • More than 5 lakh villages were As part of the campaign, volunteers, the title “Desi Companies Beat Facebook made Open Defecation Free, un- known as Swachhagrahis, or “ambas- in ‘Swachh’ Apps Race”. Another pub- der the campaign. sadors of cleanliness”, have promoted lished article was titled “This Indian App • Additional 4,465 villages were indoor plumbing and community ap- Could Change How People Talk to Their made ODF across Namami Gange proaches to sanitation (CAS) at the village Government”. Initiative. level. Other non-governmental activities • Some 533 districts and 25 states include national real-time monitoring A Movie Supporting were made ODF under the and updates from non-governmental or- the Campaign scheme. ganizations (NGOs) such as The Ugly A movie named Toilet: Ek Prem Katha • The household toilet overage in Indian, Waste Warriors, and SWaCH was released in August 2017. This film India has increased to 96.55 per Pune (Solid Waste Collection and Han- was directed by Shree Narayan Singh cent till November 2018 from dling) that are working towards its ideas and co-produced by Akshay Kumar and 38.70 per cent in October 2014. of Swachh Bharat. Neeraj Pandey. Lead roles were played by • Some 7.45 lakh people upload- The government has constructed 89 Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar. This ed their photographs under the million toilets since 2014, reducing the movie supported the campaign of Swachh Swachh Bharat Abhiyan since Oc- number of persons who openly defecate Bharat Abhiyan run by the Modi govern- tober 2, 2014. from 550 million to fewer than 150 ment in order to improve the sanitation million in 2018. But many people still conditions and promote the eradication continue to not use toilets despite hav- of open defecation especially in the rural What Lies Ahead? ing those. The campaign has also been areas. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is the best tribute criticized for using coercive approaches that we can pay to Mahatma Gandhi. The to force people to use toilets. A behaviour A Review initiative has started showing its results in change is nevertheless needed to realize Following are the facts and figures the past few years and a sense of responsi- the dream of a Swachh Bharat and slowly (as of November 2018) regarding the bility has been evoked in the minds of the but surely it will be achieved.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 17 interview Foundation of New India on strong infrastructure An Interview by Amit Goenka with Suresh Prabhu, Minister for Commerce and Industry and Civil Aviation. The Minister underlined the point that India is uniquely poised to benefit from what is being called the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

CSR Times: In a few days’ time, the creates and nurtures entrepreneurs, which other initiatives of this government which Narendra Modi government’s term would is a paradigm shift in itself. Jan Dhan Yo- are bringing in a paradigm shift in gover- be completing full course. Has it been jana has been the world’s biggest financial nance and society. All in all, calling this a transformational government as it inclusion scheme. Through Beti Bachao, government truly transformational will claims to be? Beti Padhao, Ujjwala Yojana and many not be an overstatement. Suresh Prabhu: There is no doubt about other steps this government has taken we it. This government under the leadership are not only improving lives of women CSR Times: One of our trading main of Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi but moving to a paradigm of women-led stay United States has recently taken has taken steps which have touched every development. For the first time, India made steps which have been adversarial to cross section of the society in every aspect a record jump and broke into Top 100 in Indian interests. As Commerce Minister of life. From Ease of Doing Business to Ease of Doing Business ranking by the how do you propose to engage with the Ease of Living, this government has worked World Bank. India is uniquely poised to United States? to improve the lives of people in every benefit from what is being called the In- Suresh Prabhu: We have a special long- imaginable way. dustrial Revolution 4.0. standing relation with the United States Foundation of a New India has to be UDAN an ambitious scheme to make as a major trade partner, which is multi- built on strong infrastructure. We have common citizens of this country fly is pro- faceted, multi-dimensional and also very made unprecedented infra creation in rail- ducing results. More than 20 airports have strategic. Rest assured, we are working ways, roads and other sectors. Through been operationalized under UDAN till now. with the United States at all levels to ad- Start-up India, Mudra Yojana , Stand Up Air Sewa is making air travel experience dress the trade issues. Our strategy is to India, we are creating an ecosystem which hassle free and superior. There are so many follow the principle of multilateralism as

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well as continue intensive direct engage- Minister is to oversee the privatization of CSR Times: At the time of taking over ment with the US trade officials. Air India. What’s your vision and mis- as the Commerce Minister two years sion statement on the matter? ago, you had said that Prime Minister CSR Times: Exports have been majorly Suresh Prabhu: I would like Air India to be Modi has asked you to promote Startups. hit by the GST regime. You have also a strong and vibrant airline. The alternative What steps have you taken to promote asked exporters to raise matter with the mechanism, consisting of senior ministers Startup so far? Finance Ministry? As country’s trade of the government, will guide this process Suresh Prabhu: Promoting Startups is a minister what relief you propose for the accordingly. key focus area for the government. Various exporters? unique initiatives have been taken. Our Suresh Prabhu: We are passing through CSR Times: You had recently said that approach towards promoting Startups is a challenging but an opportune time. If we the new industrial policy would bring not only incentive driven but includes a play our cards properly, and that is what we industrial revolution 4.0. Could you ex- holistic plan to nurture the entrepreneurial are trying to do, we can actually benefit from plain in detail? ecosystem through various interventions. it by creating opportunities around issues. Suresh Prabhu: We cannot afford to be We have forged international collabora- Having said that, GST is a game changer oblivious of the changes taking place in tions with Startup nations like Israel and reform in our taxation regime which will the world. The New India as envisioned Sweden. We launched a one-stop-shop prove beneficial to our economy. There can by Hon’ble Prime Minister is not an India Startup India online hub for connecting be short-term challenges which the gov- which will observe the evolving world go entrepreneurs with the Startup ecosystem. ernment is fully geared up to tackle and is by, but it is an India which will ride the wave We have also initiated on-ground direct responsive in that regard. of change. The new industrial policy will outreach to budding entrepreneurs through focus on modernizing existing industries, Startup India Yatras in Gujarat, Odisha and CSR Times: The trade deficit with our besides pushing new technologies like ar- Uttarakhand, and very recently launched other major trade partner China too tificial intelligence, robotics, etc. Through the State Startup Ranking exercise that has been ballooning under the present the new policy, we will implore industries leverages Cooperative and Competitive regime. Does the government have any to come forward to respond to the changes Federalism to encourage. plans to narrow down the trade deficit? which would come up on account of In- Suresh Prabhu: First of all I would like to dustrial Revolution 4.0. CSR Times: Sometime back you said say that the two countries might be having that government is taking initiatives to trade deficit but there is no trust deficit. CSR Times: In the name of promoting promote growth at district level. Could And if there is no trust deficit, the other ‘Make in India’ policy, the Modi govern- you give some details on the matter? deficits can be addresses in a cooperative ment has been charged by our trading Suresh Prabhu: To push India’s growth manner. Recently, I had a Joint Economic partners of indulging in protectionism. story further, a bottom-up approach is Group (JEG) meeting with Chinese Com- How true is the charge? Would you re- required. The next wave of growth will merce Minister Mr. Zhong Shan. During fute it? not be limited to metropolitan cities the meeting, both sides agreed to working Suresh Prabhu: The thrust on boosting alone. We are working on a paradigm of on balance trade between the two countries. manufacturing of indigenous products, or districts-led growth. Therefore, districts China has agreed to balance the trade with on attracting manufacturers to set base in need to be considered as planning and ex- India over a period of time. China would the country spells good sense for the In- ecution units, facilitating change at micro also work to provide greater market access dian economy and eventually for country’s level. In order to achieve this aim, few to agricultural items, pharmaceuticals and overall trade scenario. It aims to increase districts including Sindhudurg, Ratnag- other manufactured products from India. share of manufacturing in India’s GDP. At iri, Varanasi and Visakhapatnam, across In fact, after the meeting, China has ex- the same time, it does not intend to be at different states will be selected in Phase 1 empted import tariff on 28 essential drugs, all a protectionist step, rather it is also an of the pilot project. Efforts will be made including cancer medicines which will boost opportunity for the world to get the best to converge government and private sec- drug exports from India benefiting Indian human resources, the best quality prod- tor initiatives and introduce mechanism pharma industry. ucts at competitive pricing and the best of for handholding and mentoring. A de- technology to cater to the world, thereby tailed action plan is being drafted in this CSR Times: One of the major assignments sharing our growth and prosperity with regard to ensure smooth implementation that you have as country’s Civil Aviation everyone else. of the strategy.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 19 swachhata summit A warding Good Corporate Citizens Out of the target to construct 65 lakh individual household toilets by October 2019, 95 per cent, that is, 63 lakhs have already been built; and the target to construct 5 lakh community toilets has already been achieved, informed Minister Hardeep Singh Puri during the National Swachhata Summit 2019 organized recently by CSR Times and CAAG.

Harish Chandra, Editor CSR Times, welcoming Union Minister Suresh Prabhu at the National Hardeep Singh Puri, Union Minister for Housing Swachhata Summit. and Urban Affairs. SR Times in association with while Union Minister of Commerce and Abhiyan who are making immense con- Clean Action and Assessment Industry and Civil Aviation Suresh Prabhu, tribution giving shape to the movement CGroup (CAAG) India organized was the guest of honour. Union Minister for cleanliness. This, she said, is in a way the National Swachhata Summit 2019 at of Human Resource Development Prakash ensuring us Indians our fundamental right the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi Javadekar sent a video message. to breathe clean air, eat clean, green and on February 19, 2019. On the occasion, Giving the welcome address, Stuti non-adulterated food, drink safe water and awards were given to corporates who have Kacker, former chairperson, National dispose pollutants in a very responsible been contributing in the Central Govern- Commission for Protection of Child Rights manner. “By participating in such Abhi- ment’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan since its (NCPCR) and Secretary Department of yans launched by the government, we will launch in October 2014. Disability Affairs, thanked CSR Times ensure a better future for our children as Union Minister of State (Independent and CAAG for organizing the National we pass along,” she said. Charge) for Housing and Urban Affairs Swachh Summit 2019 and bringing to- Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister for Hardeep Singh Puri was the chief guest gether the key players of the Swachhata Human Resource Development, shared a

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Suresh Prabhu, Minister for Commerce, Indus- Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs presenting award to try and Civil Aviation. Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for children. video message with the participants. He Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. He said it is be- Speaking about the steps taken by the said that for the past four-and-a-half years, cause of you the programme has become government in the direction, Urban Affairs the Swachhata Abhiyan has become a mass massive and has unfolded into a Jan An- Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said out of movement with lakhs of young people and dolan. “Sanitation is more important than the target to construct 65 lakh individual students taking active part in helping peo- political independence, Gandhi ji had said household toilets by October 2019, 95 per ple to change their attitudes and mindsets. in 1916. Speaking at the Banaras Hindu cent, viz, 63 lakhs have already been built, More than 2.5 lakh government and 6.5 University (BHU) he had called for a na- and the target to construct 5 lakh com- lakh private schools have joined in making tional awakening and creation of a con- munity toilets has already been achieved. their school premises clean and hygenic. sciousness on sanitation. His political and The Urban Affairs Minister added that More than 4,500 colleges and universities social mobilization for independence came 37,000 toilets have been mapped and are and some 4,50,000 students have joined a year later in 1917.” available on the Google maps. Google the Swachhata bandwagon countrywide. The Minister said Prime Minister Na- toilet locator also provides an option to For example, he said that in Pune, which rendra Modi had said from the ramparts citizens to provide a feedback after using a is otherwise a clean city, students have of Red Fort on Independence Day, Au- toilet. The Minister said besides the physi- collected more than 100 tonnes of plastic gust 15, 2014, that it will be a tribute to cal target which will soon be met, a para- in the Swachhata drive. the Mahatma if by his 150th anniversary digm shift in terms of behaviour change Chief guest Hardeep Singh Puri in 2019 we are open defecation free and is also required. And the good news is that thanked the corporates, the foundations achieve 100 per cent solid scientific waste we are slowly and surely getting there. It and NGOs for their contribution in the management. is a journey that we will have to follow in our subsequent programmes too, he said. “We have taken up a multi-pronged strat- egy to make this mission successful and in turning it into a people’s movement.” One of the most important components in the Abhiyan Hardeep Singh Puri said is the impact that the corporates can make. The government, he said, is also creating an enabling environment for private sector participation including through corporate social responsibility (CSR) interventions. The total budget outlay for Swachh Bharat Mission is `62,000 crore, out of which B.K. Das, GM, CP & SM, NALCO, receiving an award from Sailesh, Secretary of Minority Affairs at National Swachhata Summit. `14,000 crore is being spent by the Cen-

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Jagdishwar Goburdhun, High Commissioner, Ram Mohan Mishra, Additional Secretary, Sailesh, Secretary of Minority Affairs at Embassy of Mauritius in India. MSME. National Swachhata Summit. tral Government and the state and urban Some of the corporate he listed in- Waste processing which was 18 per cent local bodies share is `5,000 crore. The re- cluded: Adar Poonawala of Sherman In- at the start of the project has gone up to maining `40,000 crore has to be generated stitute of India who undertook the clean 51 per cent, said the Minister and added from other sources including corporates city movement to support the Pune Mu- that a considerable investment is being through CSR. nicipal Corporation in collection of daily made in the waste to compost, waste to He thanked CSR Times for providing a street waste; Tata Chemicals which do- energy projects, and plants are under con- platform for showing the CSR efforts by nated `1.5 crore to Swachh Bharat Gujarat struction. He said ODF plus and ODF plus corporates, which he hoped will inspire Mission, scientific disposal of solid and plus have been launched and cities have other like-minded organizations to come liquid waste and initiatives for improving participated enthusiastically. The number forward and contribute their time and re- public health and cleanliness; Mahendra of urban local bodies participating in it is sources in the war against gandagi (filth). and Mahendra which contributed `1.39 very encouraging he said. He concluded Many corporates along with the public crore to make Mohali clean by construct- by saying that to meet our objective of an sector undertakings (PSUs) are partnering ing public toilets and putting up bins; ITC India which lives in the cities but where with government to realize the dreams which helped construct over 1,000 toilets the city dwellers have ease of living, green of a clean India. Naming a few, he said, and for segregation and recycling of waste; and silicon technology should be used in the purpose is to encourage others to step and Mata Amritanandamayi who contrib- construction. forward. uted `100 crore to build toilets. Union Minister Suresh Prabhu said he

Stuti Kacker, former Chairperson, NCPCR/ Secretary Department of Disability Affairs. A panel discussion in progress.

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Dr. D. Vijaya Krishna, Managing Director, Kolors Healthcare, receiving the award. Sanjay Chaubey, CMD, ECIL. is happy that the focus is on the biggest sion undertaken in the Indian Railways challenge that we are facing: “How to when he was the Minister for Railways keep our cities, towns, villages and public he said he had started the SMS service places clean, neat and healthy”. Unfortu- wherein if anybody finds that the coach is nately, despite the fact that our culture has not clean, he can send an SMS “clean my been focusing on cleanliness and we try to coach” and within 15 minutes the service do that in our own household, somehow would be provided and the coach will be realization that keeping outside our house cleaned. Unless the person who made the clean is not there, he said. This is causing complain responds back saying the coach innumerable damage to India’s reputation, is clean now, the docket will still be open creating health hazards and not allowing and action will continue. This, he said, the true tourism potential in India to be resulted in making railway platforms and fully exploited. Therefore, the Prime Min- coaches clean. ister launched this very big programme The Minister said rather than expect-

Swachh Bharat which has really yielded ing others to go and clean why not we Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak, Director (Projects), GAIL. huge results, Prabhu said adding that of ourselves keep it clean. It should be a joint course we still have a long way to go. combined responsibility of each one of Minister for Commerce and Industry he Giving examples of the swachhata mis- us to keep our surroundings clean. As the said he had an unprecedented video con- ference with people not only in district but also sub-district level where there is trade and commerce. “I told them it is our joint responsibility to address some of the social issues.” Minister Suresh Prabhu said that the competitive spirit of “keeping clean” will make India clean. Technology has to be introduced, mindset has to be changed, some punitive action has to be taken and one of the great incentives is to give awards to those who have made it better, he said and congratulated the corporates who were awarded for their swachhata A panel discussion in progress at National Swachhata Summit. initiatives during the Summit.

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Transforming Lives — Stories of Hope Creating Happy and Healthy Schools under ‘Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’

ALCO, a Navratna PSU under toilet blocks to be built by NALCO, the the Ministry of Mines, has been Company went the extra mile and con- Nat the forefront in the cleanliness structed 479 toilet blocks in 227 schools drive right from the beginning. In sync one of the reasons for low enrollment of of Koraput, Angul & Khurda districts of with the Government of India’s ‘Swachh girls in schools and its unavailability also Odisha, and in Visakhapatnam of Andhra Bharat’ Mission, NALCO has undertaken has a negative impact in retention of the Pradesh. The achievements are highlight- several initiatives towards the improve- students. Young girls are forced to drop ed below: ment of sanitation condition not only in out of school due to absence of toilets and Location No of No of toilets the periphery of its plants but also in the lack of privacy. Every year thousands of schools constructed state and nation. children die from diarrhoea and related Koraput 85 172

Lending its support to the call of the diseases. Thus construction of toilets Angul 91 185 nation, the company had successfully emerged as a project of national impor- Visakhapatnam 49 118 achieved its target for the Swachh Vidya- tance. Eventually, government had initi- laya Abhiyan Project in the FY 2015-16. ated the ‘Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’. Bhubaneswar 2 4 Access to proper sanitation is a fundamen- The project aims to ensure a structure Total 227 479 tal human right. Lack of access to a clean that is more healthy and hygienic for the water and functional toilet poses severe children, especially girl students. NALCO’s intervention has not been risk to the health condition. Studies have The Ministry of Human Resource De- limited to only construction. Subsequent- revealed that non-availability of toilets is velopment (MHRD) had allocated 203 ly, the usage and maintenance was given

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 24 swachhata abhiyan

sanitation through various initiatives dur- ing the observance of Swachhta Pakhwa- da, in order to promote the importance of cleanliness. Hygienic kits comprising of organic handwash, shampoo, soap etc were distributed among the school-going girls to promote WASH. Training on WASH was also organized for employ- ees and their spouses. Skit plays were or- ganized at different locations to sensitize people on the importance of sanitation, using of toilets and other best practices towards healthy living. The company took a step further and undertook a third party assessment to un- derstand the usage and maintenance of the toilets provided under Swachh Vidyalaya importance under the project for the ef- Abhiyan project. The finding from the as- fective achievement of the objective and The construction of toilets sessment was used to take necessary re- to ensure the sustainability of the project. emerged as a project of medial measures. Realising that some toi- The school authorities and students were national importance. lets did not receive regular water supply, sensitized on the hygienic practices and Eventually, government had which is imperative to make the toilets on proper maintenance of the toilets for functional and hygienic, NALCO carried healthy living. initiated the ‘Swachh out a survey and assessed the needs of all This year, the company also started Vidyalaya Abhiyan’. The the intervened schools and proposed for promoting the proper usage and main- project aims to ensure a the provisioning of supply of water to 128 tenance of the toilets by introducing re- structure that is more schools — 74 schools at Damanjodi and ward system to the students and schools 54 schools at Angul. The results are start- for making effort to promote sanitation healthy and hygienic for ing to show as students have adapted to in their school. As per the reward system, the children, especially the ‘swachh’ way of leading a healthy and named as “Gulgul-Kunmun”, 3 schools girl students. dignified life. We hope, the action we have each from Damanjodi and Angul promot- taken today, will leave a lasting impact in ing sanitation were awarded with ` 20,000 the lives of the people we have touched. cash prize at the Foundation Day celebra- appreciation and towards furtherance of NALCO’s quest towards a “Swachh” tion. They were also provided hygiene kits best practices around sanitation. India does not end here…it’s just the be- comprising of toiletry items as a token of Besides, the company also promoted ginning!

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 25 clean campaign Working towards making pilgrimage a Swachh experience Cleanliness is next to godliness and Dr Karthik Narayanan, Managing Director of Sabari Consultants, understands it well. Because of his initiatives, Sabarimala devotees visiting the Lord Ayyappa temple are having a swachh experience.

n annual happening, every year ect to keep the temple premises clean with under his guidance and supervision, the lakhs and lakhs of pilgrims start proper waste management. This was the movement started and it has been going Avisiting Sabarimala from No- first corporate social responsibility (CSR) on successfully. vember 16th to January 20th the next year. initiative undertaken by Narayanan in the The first phase of Project Sharan was As the temple is situated in the Periyar ti- year 2010. Sabari Saran Garden, where all the dump ger reserve, a dense forest, devotees have yards were identified and converted into to trek through the tough forest path to PROJECT SHARAN beautiful floral gardens. This was the first reach the Lord Ayyappa temple. There are “Punyam Poonkavanam”, the initiative mission in this religious place that was 1,150 toilets in the Sannidhanam camp in to maintain Sabari Saran Garden, was carried out as a large-scale operation. Sabarimala but a very few in the Pampa started first by identifying the dump yards, The TDB President launched a scien- base camp of Sabarimala. And so keeping converting those into beautiful floral gar- tific cleanliness programme by the Ban- those clean is a big challenge. Adding to dens, installing water fountains, fencing galore-based Sabari Consultants at the this is the huge solid waste dumped and those to prevent animals make a mess of Sabarimala Sannidhanam in April 2014. wild forest pigs. the area, etc. The then Special Commis- The TDB President, Commissioner and Cleanliness is next to godliness. But sioner for Sabarimala & District Judge Special Commissioner appointed by the this God’s abode was full of dirt. For the of Pathanamthitta S.H. Panchapakeshan Kerala High Court K. Babu took part in devotees visiting Sabarimala, it was very was in charge of Sabarimala along with the cleaning drive PROJECT SHARAN, difficult to overcome these challenges. So the Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB). help on the Ayyappa temple premises. The Karthik Narayanan, Managing Director of The request for cleaning and maintaining TDB has entrusted Sabari Consultants Sabari Consultants, decided to start a proj- the premises was welcomed by him and with the task of cleaning the solid waste

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 26 clean campaign

and maintaining the temple in a scientific the area, installed a fountain and a fence way to provide a peaceful atmosphere. to keep away animals and visitors. Hun- Sabari Consultants had been actively dreds of devotees not only from Kerala involved in Sabarimala cleaning from but also from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and 2010 to 2014 as a voluntary service other places sponsored different varieties only. This was a part of CSR activity. Dr of saplings and some 10,001 saplings had Karthik Narayanan have cleaned Sabari- been made available from for mala premises, from Pamba to Sannid- the project. hanam trek, en-route the forest trek path, especially have cleaned toilets and have Anbudan Sapadu – maintained hygiene by bleaching the area Food with Love and creating awareness to devotees visit- Dr Karthik Narayanan’s other activities ing Sabarimala to not to open defecate and include “Anbudan Sapadu” – Food with by also joining hands with various NGOs Love, a simple concept under which home to install bio urinals in the forest trek path cooked meals are prepared, packed and without affecting the nature. delivered with clean bottled water to the Sabari Consultants Managing Direc- homeless and downtrodden and many tor Dr Karthik Narayanan said that it was people who are left out from families and always a pleasure to work in the Sannid- take shelter on the pavements, flyovers, hanam, and trust and the work efficiency railway stations and bus stands. At least shown from 2011 to 2014 had given him 450 poor living on the streets are provided this new curve to his service to Lord Ayy- CSR activities and initiatives. Mrs Usha meals every day under the project. This appa. Raman is the best inspiration and example project was started in 2014 in Tiruvan- The CSR journey of Dr Karthik Naray- for a great teacher and human being and namalai in Tamil Nadu where every day anan took off with this project. Recently, her contributions for the society is always 350 meals are served two times a day and Narayanan and his team joined hands with at par. most importantly without a day off and Mrs Usha Raman, School Head of Sri which has further been extended to other Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal Golden Sabarimala Garden Project places in Tamil Nadu. Jubilee Mat Higher Secondary School, The Sabari Saran Garden project aimed The company not only wants to carry Tirunelveli, under the guidance and su- at producing flowers required for daily out the Anbudan Sapadu programme in pervision of district Collector Mrs Shilpa rituals at Lord Ayyappa Temple and vari- these towns but also plans to spread the Prabahakar Satish in Tirunelveli District, ous other shrines at Sabarimala have been concept to all towns and cities in Tamil cleaned the entire riverbed near the Thai extended to more forest areas at the San- Nadu so that nobody goes to bed hungry. Pusa Padi Thurai, Tirunelveli in Tamil nidhanam and along the trekking path. Its more like a Food Bank System and Nadu on the occasion of River Tamirab- The project has also been extended to anyone and everyone whomsoever is hun- harani Pushkaram, which happens once in Mahadeva temple attached to the TDB at gry can call the hunger helpline and home 144 years. The sludge from the riverbed Chengannur. Nine varieties of flowering cooked fresh meals shall be delivered to was scientifically cleaned so that devotees plants specially used for rituals in Kerala them. can have a clean holy dip. temples are being cultivated in the garden. Dr Karthik Narayanan says this is just The project was undertaken as a volun- The idea was to nurse the flowering gar- a start and his service shall continue in the tary initiative by Mrs Usha Raman, who is den for a year or two and later handover years to come. In his message to youth in a visionary and has dedicated her lifetime to TDB. India, “Small Minds Always Talk About towards bringing and uplifting child’s ed- S.H. Panchapakeshan, Special Com- Others – Great Minds Share Ideas” and ucation in Tirunelveli. She runs a school missioner of Sabarimala, said that Karthik end of the day, in a gentle way, you can with strength of more than 4,000 students Narayanan, a young Ayyappa devotee, always shake the world. and is one of the most recognized school had come forward to set up a flowering When asked about his multifarious ac- in South India for its great achievements garden in about 3,000 square feet area tivities Dr. Karthik Narayanan said: Hu- and records in all fields, education, sports, which was a dumping ground at the foot- man being. “You don’t need a designation cultural activities and most importantly hills of the temple. Narayanan cleaned up to be a leaders”.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 27 innt ova ion

water is being consumed by a particular country – or globally – in a specific river For a greener and basin or from an aquifer. The different water footprints include: Green water footprint is water from sustainable future precipitation that is stored in the root zone of the soil and evaporated, transpired or Green Ecofield is trying to bring technical incorporated by plants. It is relevant for agricultural, horticultural and forestry innovations in the field of wastewater treatment products. and solve the problem of water shortage. Blue water footprint is water that has been sourced from surface or groundwater resources and is either evaporated, incorporated into a product or taken from one body of water and returned to another, or returned at a different time. Irrigated agriculture, industry and domestic water use can each have a blue water footprint. Grey water footprint is the amount of fresh water required to assimilate pollutants to meet specific water quality standards. The grey water footprint con- siders point-source pollution discharged to a freshwater resource directly through a pipe or indirectly through runoff or leaching from the soil, impervious sur- faces, or other diffuse sources. The company has a solution in the form of Hydronova, which is an auto- matic chemical analysis machine to eval- uate the wastewater treated in depurating reen Ecofield India, a joint ven- after treatment; solve the increasing de- plant. Monitoring of the integrated cycles ture between Ecofield SRL Italy mand of water day by day and improve of water is done through photometric Gpromoted by Armando Bedendo the water shortage by helping hazardous multi-parametric online analyzer. Hy- who is also the inventor and European chemical industries to reduce the output dronova operates on different analytical patent holder for Hydronova and Green of chemicals in water; bring technical in- configurations. Gardens India, promoted by Dr. Amrutraj novations in the field of wastewater treat- Hydronova 20.10 helps in online also awarded for excellence in Agri Ex- ment, among others. monitoring of anionic and not ionic sur- ports is an agri-centric company, based The company aims at reducing grey factants, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates or- in Doddballapur, Bangalore. Primarily water footprints for a greener and sustain- tho-phosphates, total phosphates, nickel, dealing with the export of processed and able future. Water footprint is measure- aluminium, manganese, cyanides, tur- fresh vegetables, Green Gardens has been ment of the amount of water used to pro- bidity sulphides, sulphates, sulphites, awarded by Eurasian Economic Congress duce each of the goods and services we residual chlorine, chlorides, iron, copper for its Brand Impact. use. It can be measured for a single pro- phenols, chromium vi and zinc. The Green Ecofield India’s goals are: cess, such as growing rice, for a product, It is simple and reliable and the miner- to overcome scarcity of water by helping such as a pair of jeans, for the fuel we put alization takes place at room temperature water treatment plants to automatically in our car, or for an entire multinational with an ultraviolet oxidation photochem- monitor the quality of the water output company. It can also tell us how much istry technique (UVC).

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 28

nation building Building the Nation through Sustainable Development of Society

lectronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL), a Government Eof India Enterprise under Depart- ment of Atomic Energy, has been playing a pioneering role in spurring the growth of electronics industry in India since 1967. Driven by the vision of self-reliance in strategic electronics and resting on the foundations of strong R&D, ECIL has proved mettle as a multi-product, multi- disciplinary organization. ECIL’s Mission is to strengthen its status as valued tech- nological asset to the nation in the area of Strategic Electronics, meeting the re- reaching out to the needy through Corpo- ety. ECIL has identified thrust areas, i.e., quirements of Defence, Atomic Energy, rate Social Responsibility (CSR) within Education, Health, Skill Development Aerospace, Surveillance & Security, In- the ambit of Schedule-VII of the Compa- and Environment protection for the de- formation Technology & Communication nies Act 2013 and CSR Rules 2014 and velopment of communities under its CSR and e-Governance. DPE guidelines issued from time to time. Programme. ECIL believes that gainful ECIL is committed to act ethically and CSR activities are integrated into the employment for India’s vast underprivi- contribute to harmonious and sustainable business model of ECIL for the social leged youth population depends a lot on development of society through its busi- good beyond the interests of the firm. It good school education in a comfortable ness while improving the quality of life is undertaken by the company as a com- environment. The company is happy to of the community and society. ECIL is mitment for the holistic welfare of soci- note that its CSR activities are contribut-

ing towards improving the quality of life of the community and society. The activi- ties under CSR were started from the year 2011-12 onwards and incurred an amount of `8.12 crore till today. The beneficia- ries against the above initiatives are 50 government schools, consisting of around 20,000 students, which include 11,500 girl students. ECIL’s CSR activities have benefitted nearly 20,000 students in nearly 50 government schools and 3,000 fami-

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 30 nation building

stalled RO water plants for providing safe drinking water to the students in nearby 14 government schools. ECIL also con- ducted a medical camp in remote tribal area covering around 650 people.

Skill Development ECIL is imparting computer education to students in nearby government schools by providing computer labs, computers and other related infrastructure and faculty. Nearly 13,705 students of 35 govern- ment schools became computer literate by taking advantage of these initiatives and thereby increasing their potential for lies in slums/tribal hamlets. ECIL is doing facilities including provision of RO water, gainful employment. the CSR activities on its own and is not providing dual desks/benches. involving any third party/agency/NGO. ECIL is also actively undertaking activi- Environment Protection ties and allocating resources for making Health Sector ECIL has planted 4,000 plants in its open/ “Swachh Bharat Mission” a success. ECIL has conducted various medical vacant/idle land under the Harithaharm camps and provided medicines/food Scheme of the Government of Telangana, supplements and appliances, like hearing by which the greenery area of the com- Education Sector aids etc in prescribed cases. The benefi- pany has increased. Under save water ini- ECIL has surveyed nearby government ciaries are around 3,500 students in five tiatives, ECIL is digging number of bore schools located by its CSR Committee government schools. ECIL has installed well pits at appropriate places, especially, and noticed that many of these schools four sanitary napkin incinerator machines in low line areas/water stagnated areas in are facing severe shortage in infrastruc- at girls toilets in nearby four government vacant land of ECIL and also in nearby ture and observed that majority of the stu- schools (i.e, ZPHS, Kushaiguda, Dam- public places for storing/conserving rain dents in these schools are from SC/ST/BC maiguda, Kapra and Nagawaram) at a cost water to improve the ground water in the and minority communities. Accordingly, of `80,000 for safe disposal of menstrual area. To save electricity the company has ECIL has constructed class rooms, toilet waste of girls as part of “Swachh Bharat distributed 10,000 LED bulbs to the peo- blocks especially for girls, multi-purpose Mission”, as the improper disposal of ple living in slums/tribal hamlets. These halls, computer rooms, kitchens, dining used napkins may create environmental LED lamps are designed and manufac- halls, compound walls, provision of water problems in school campus. ECIL has in- tured by the company itself.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 31 education “Catch them young” The Malabar Group of Institutions which was started in the 1990s by Valsan Matathil is now a ray of hope for thousands of students from the underprivileged class living in Kerala.

better and brighter life in whichever field they choose,” he says and adds that educa- tion also enables students to develop an analytical mind which allows them to take appropriate life decisions. Matathil strongly believes that schools and colleges must impart only such skills and techniques which are required to suc- ceed in life and face the mundane chal- lenges. It is with this belief he laid the foundation of the Malabar Group of Insti- tutions in the 1990s. The Malabar Group of Institutions is providing educational fa- cilities to about 50,000 students in Kerala, Delhi and Gulf countries besides provid- ing employment to more than 1,750. Matathil urges employees to treat their job as part of a noble mission. He says: “Earlier there was no provision of career counselling for students and even teachers and parents did not guide the budding talents. Things have and should Valsan Matathil, Chairman of Malabar Group of Institutions. change.” n the 1990, when Valsan Matathil was The Malabar Group has more than a post-graduate student of economics One of the factors that stu- 120 school buses for students from dif- Iin a college in Kerala, the college was dents and their parents look ferent family backgrounds, and especially on the verge of closing down due to se- at the time of admissions in the lower income group. The Group also vere financial constraints. The governing the Malabar Group of gives free school uniforms, textbooks body of the college had no other option and other stationary items in addition to but to announce the immediate closure of Institutions is the qualified providing quality education. These edu- the institute. But a group of students led and dedicated faculty. This cational institutions are a ray of hope for by Valsan Matathil took over the govern- draws students from far thousands of students and their parents ing body of the college and managed to away places hoping that living in the neighbouring localities in and stride through the tide. That decision was around Kannur district. a stepping stone in Matathil’s journey in they get quality education. The Group runs many academic in- the field of education. stitutions, including Arts and Science Matathil, now 51, who is from Varam dation. The more the government invests Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges, Teach- in Kannur district, Kerala, has always be- in education and on the young minds, ers Training Centres and B.Ed. Colleges lieved that development is a gradual and the more all-round progress is possible. starting from the three letters LKGs. continuous process which is not possible “Education and knowledge empowers the “We focus on good quality education without laying a solid educational foun- students and young generation to lead a for the students from the weaker sections

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 32 education

Varam School, Kannur, Kerala. of the society and 95 per cent of our stu- M.Phil in Maths and a post-graduate de- Recognizing the sincere efforts made dents are not from affluent families. To gree in education. She herself is a highly by the Group in the field of education, help students facing problems in studies, acclaimed educationist. He has three the Chief Minister of Kerala in 2018 counselling and extra coaching classes are children — Arjun, a student of Medicine; conferred an award for his contribution in provided, which starts from 4:00 a.m. in Ajay who is pursuing architecture course; the field of education to Valsan Matathil. the morning,” says Matathil. “The board- and Adarsh, a professional cricketer. “This award has placed additional respon- ing facilities available at the educational institutes are of great help in fulfilling this noble mission.” The Group focuses on moulding young talents from the fifth standard on- wards, encouraging and motivating them for national-level competitive examina- tions. This includes Civil Services and Career Development Programmes under the auspices of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Chari- table Trust, which provides financial as- sistance to a large number of students to meet the expenses for their uniforms and other education-related activities. Matathil’s efforts are supplemented by his wife Smt. Sreeja Valsan, who has done

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 33 education

For his contribution to edu- cation and social develop- ment Valsan Matathil has been selected for the Mahatma Gandhi Samman 2019 which will be con- ferred upon at the House of Commons in London on May 20, 2019.

of caste, creed and religion prefer our schools and colleges considering the qual- ity of education and the way it is imparted. The high quality infrastructural facilities provided is also making a difference.” One of the factors that students and their parents look at the time of admis- Valsan Matathil with his wife Sreeja Valsan. sions in the Malabar Group of Institutions sibilities on our shoulders to reach out to 2008, honouring by the Rotary Club of is the qualified and dedicated faculty. This more students and work for the betterment Canannore in 2007 for Vocational Excel- draws students from far away places hop- of humanity,” says Matathil. lence and Junior Chamber International ing that they get quality education. For his contribution to education and Achiever’s award in 2013. The Group has 44 educational institu- social development Valsan Matathil has The Group provides better platform tions including Arts and Science College, been selected for the Mahatma Gandhi for budding young talents in various cul- Polytechnic, Teachers Training Centres Samman 2019 which will be conferred tural fields inside and outside the cam- and B.Ed College, CBSE schools and upon at the House of Commons in London pus. Many students have made their mark government-aided schools. The Malabar on May 20, 2019. He has also received in various sports competitions and cham- Group of Institutions started with provid- several honors and awards such as the pionships. ing education to LKG students and is now Sree Chithira Thirunal Smaraka award in “People from our locality, irrespective preparing students for various competi- tion examinations. The Group has also opened coaching for IAS, IPS and Allied Services aspirants in Kerala, Delhi and the Gulf. Valsan Matathil believes in “catch them young” and is giving his best in nurturing, shaping and moulding the children to be good global citizens. “I did my elemen- tary education from Varam Upper Primary School in Kannur which was rather ordi- nary. I took up the task of looking after the school and today it stands proudly amongst the best schools in Kerala,” says Matathil who is reaching out to children in Delhi, Gulf and Middle East countries Valsan Matathil receiving the award in 2018 from Chief Minister of Kerala. too through this noble pedagogy.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 34 Our Flagship Project: CSRL SUPER 30

Success rate for admission in IITs/ NITs/Other Engg. Colleges 89% Total Number of Centres 20 Total Number of Students 750 ( 2018-19 ) Providing WINGS to the one

Mr. S.K Shahi, Director, CSRL received the who think Business Excellence Award in Education at Global Leaders Awards’19 by famous Indian Film Director Madhur Bhandarkar in Dubai. They Can’t Fly (Dated 16th March, 2019)

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CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & LEADERSHIP www.csrl.in A-33, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Swasthya Vihar, New Delhi - 110092 | Ph. : 011-40047993, 7042199683 green india Boosting Government’s Drive towards a gas-based economy Out of total 1,424 CNG stations in the country, GAIL group operates 915 CNG stations. Last year registered record addition of 5 lakh households and 120 CNG stations.

or the economic development of the Government of India’s vision to make country’s premier natural gas company, any country, energy is an essential India a gas-based economy by increasing which has been at the forefront of build- Fingredient. As one of the world’s the share of natural gas in the energy mix ing the country’s natural gas pipeline in- fastest growing economies, India depends to 15 per cent. As part of its dedicated ef- frastructure since its inception in 1984. It heavily on energy sources such as coal, oil forts, the natural gas grid of the country is owns and operates a network of around and natural gas. But the share of natural being expanded at a rapid pace while city 11,400 km of high pressure trunk pipe- gas in India’s energy mix is only 6 per cent gas distribution networks are being set up lines and has a presence across the gas despite it being one of the most environ- across the country. value chain. ment-friendly fuels. This objective of the government is be- B.C. Tripathi, Chairman & Managing However, this is about to change with ing aided by GAIL (India) Limited, the Director of GAIL, says: “GAIL is play-

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 36 green india

ing a proactive role in developing the future gas economy of our country by building infrastructure and new market framework.”

Natural Gas Pipelines Since 2008, GAIL has added over 5,000 km of natural gas pipelines. However, the scale of pipeline laying operations that GAIL is presently undertaking far sur- passes any of the other transmission proj- ects in its history. GAIL is working con- currently on multiple pipeline projects, aggregating over 5,400 km, including the Jagdishpur-Haldia & Bokaro-Dhamra Pipeline (JHBDPL), popularly known as the Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga, and the vestment is likely to trigger cascading in- of the 43 lakh total PNG household con- Kochi-Kootanad-Bengaluru/Mangalore vestments through infrastructure creation nections in the country. Out of total 1,424 Pipeline. The total capex to be incurred in City Gas Distribution, LNG terminal, CNG stations in the country, GAIL group on these projects will be ` 23,903 crore. fertilizer plant revival, etc amounting to operates 915 CNG stations. Last year reg- The prestigious JHBDPL project will over ` 50,000 crore in near future by vari- istered record addition of 5 lakh house- connect eastern and north-eastern India to ous investors. holds and 120 CNG stations. the existing natural gas grid for the first The construction of the Kochi- GAIL has also been awarded six cit- time and will pass through eastern Uttar Kootanad-Bengaluru/Mangalore Pipeline ies as part of Pradhan Mantri Urja Gan- Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, (434 km section) is also in full swing and ga project viz., Varanasi, Bhubaneswar, Odisha and Assam. The total length of the is expected to be completed this year. Cuttack, Patna, Ranchi and Jamshedpur. pipeline will be 3,383 km. Out of this, 110 Apart from these, GAIL is working to In addition, GAIL will execute a CGD km section from Phulpur to Varanasi has de-bottleneck the upstream network of project in Kolkata through a JV between been successfully completed and com- the JHBDPL project. For this, a parallel GAIL and a Government of West Bengal missioned. pipeline from Vijaipur to Auraiya and up company. The pipeline shall have two gas sourc- to Phulpur (672 km) is under execution In order to ensure steady supply of es, one at Phulpur (Allahabad, UP) and in phases. natural gas in the country, GAIL has tied the other at Dhamra RLNG Terminal up with both domestic and international (Odisha). The capacity of the pipeline sources. Through long-term contracts, network is 16 MMSCMD. The project is City Gas Distribution GAIL has created geographical and progressing in full swing and the com- In the CGD arena, GAIL is a pioneer in indexation diversification of liquefied plete first phase is scheduled for comple- the country and has a significant experi- natural gas (LNG) supplies. Linkage to tion soon. ence of over two decades and formidable different indices in its LNG portfolio has This pipeline shall supply gas to fer- market share in the segment on its own mitigated risk and has allowed GAIL to tilizer plants at Gorakhpur, Barauni and as well as through its subsidiary GAIL offer stable and competitive pricing to its Sindri. These long closed plants are being Gas and other joint ventures. GAIL is cur- consumers. revived by the Government of India to rently operating in 38 cities/geographi- GAIL has hired its first LNG vessel reduce the country’s dependence on fer- cal areas throughout India directly and “Meridian Spirit” on time charter basis tilizer imports and will use environment- through its eight joint ventures/ subsidiar- to transport US volumes to India. It also friendly natural gas as feedstock. The ies in the major cities of Delhi, Mumbai, has plans to hire more ships in the future Urja Ganga shall also supply gas to City Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Pune, Varanasi, based on the requirement and will con- Gas Distribution (CGD) networks in cit- Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, etc. These CGDs tinue expanding its network to help trans- ies along the route. This trunk pipeline in- together cater to 24 lakh households out form India into a gas-based economy.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 37 Interview

CSR Times: You have been a very vocal and active chairperson of the National ‘NCW’s in-depth Commission for Women. What has been your seminal contribution to the Commission and the Indian women in studies on women’s particular? Rekha Sharma: I am privileged to be a part of the National Commission for Wom- issues brings hope’ en since August 2015, first as a Member and then as a Chairperson since August The major grievances of women are against the 2018. The Commission has been involved in various initiatives aimed at empower- police, the judiciary, the administration, the ing women and safeguarding their rights, media and finally the societal norms, said Rekha which include: Creating specific cells in the Commis- Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for sion and strengthening of existing cells to Women (NCW) in an interview with CSR Times. ensure the safety and welfare of women. The major grievances of women are She went on to say how the NCW coordinates against the police, the judiciary, the ad- ministration, the media and finally the with concerned authorities to resolve problems societal norms. Through Mahila Jan Sun- faced by women. wais launched in August 2016, NCW has been conducting hearings at different parts of the country for on the spot disposal of complaints in coordination with District Police and District Legal Service Author- ity. Inspecting jails, reform homes and psychiatric institutions with a view to take note of the condition of women inmates and the facilities provided to them. In collaboration with TISS, NCW has started a project to respond to women sur- vivors of violence in both public and pri- vate life. The project was initially started in Delhi, has been extended to 22 districts in seven states namely Assam, Meghalaya, Bihar, , Punjab, Odisha, and Tamil Nadu. To prevent cyber crimes against wom- en, NCW has partnered with Facebook and Cyber Peace Foundation to launch ‘Digital Literacy Programme’ which initially aims to train around 60,000 women in universi- ties on online safety across major cities in Haryana, Delhi, NCR, Manipur, Meghala- ya, , Sikkim and Tamil Nadu. Partnered with the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 38 Interview

to build the capacity of elected women in Sharma: NCW in August 2016 held a Sharma: The Commission widely circu- panchayati raj institutions to enable them consultation to discuss the Draft Child Re- lates the findings of these studies. These to effectively participate in nation build- moval and Retention Bill, 2016, proposed reports bring out existing situations in the ing. by the Ministry of Women and Child De- respective areas and their dissemination to Reviews various legislations and sug- velopment. NCW opposed the Bill as it different stakeholders brings hope. gests amendments for effective implemen- was not in accordance with other laws tation of women-related laws. Currently, and legal principles in the country. The CSR Times: The NCW has also been fo- the Commission is reviewing the Sexual Ministry had constituted a Committee to cusing on women’s issues in the north- Harassment of Women at Workplace revisit the Bill, wherein NCW was also east. What has been your role? (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) a member. The Committee has already Sharma: The Commission had constituted Act (2013) and Property Rights of Women. submitted its report. an Expert Committee on Social, Economic and Political Empowerment of Women in CSR Times: The Commission has been CSR Times: As a premier statutory body the north-eastern states. The Committee pursuing the concerns of Indian wom- playing key advisory role on women’s conducted the study to ascertain on social, en/brides deserted by the non-resident issues, which are the issues you have economic and political status of women Indian (NRI) husbands. What’s been taken up on suo motto basis? in north-east and evaluate Government of currently done? Sharma: Recently, the Commission took India’s schemes where women are benefi- Sharma: The Report of the Expert Com- cognizance of the news item “Bonded ciaries through a survey and made policy mittee constituted by NCW on Laws Re- workers reveal horror at Karnataka recommendations for consideration of lating to NRI Marriages and Their Impact farms”. An Inquiry Committee headed Central and state governments. on Women was sent to the Ministry of by Chairperson visited Hasan district The Commission has also initiated Women and Child Development on Au- in Karnataka was formed on January 1, outreach programmes for women from gust 21, 2014. We are looking forward 2019. It was observed that Central Sector north-eastern states living in Delhi. They for positive outcome in the Bill on NRI Scheme for Rehabilitation and Bonded are apprised about their legal rights and marriages presented by the Ministry of Labour had implementation issues. The educated on how to invoke law and legal External Affairs to create more account- report with recommendations has been recourse in case they are targeted. As an ability and offer more protection against forwarded to the Prime Minister, Home initiative to empower women from the exploitation of Indian women by their NRI Minister and Minister of Women & Child north-east, the National Commission for spouses. Development, Minister of Labour & Em- Women in collaboration with Airbnb con- ployment, Minister of Social Justice & ducted training of women on Home Stay CSR Times: You recommended several Empowerment. Tourism in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur reforms to improve the living conditions On Ludhiana Gang rape case too, the and Meghalaya in July 2018. of women in prisons. Is there any for- Commission immediately sent its team ward movement on this? for on-the-spot inquiry. The flaws in the CSR Times: In October 2018, NCW Sharma: Based on the examination of investigation were highlighted and direc- Delhi chapter has taken up cleanliness recommendations that emerged during tions were given to the police authorities programmes in Delhi under Swachh different jail visits and proformas filled for fair investigation to take action against Bharat Mission. What lessons have by jail authorities, the Commission has the erring police officer. been learnt in Delhi and the rest of In- prepared a report and has sent it to the dia? Ministry and all state jail authorities. CSR Times: NCW has been bringing Sharma: The National Commission for out some of the important women’s Women undertook cleanliness drive at CSR Times: Child custody in foreign issues through in-depth study such as India Gate, Delhi, on October 2, 2018, countries has become a problem in the the report on war widows, widows of to carry out the initiative taken by Prime recent times because the foreign gov- Vrindavan, voice of the voiceless — a Minister Narendra Modi through Swach- ernments do not understand the Indian study on the pathetic condition of Mus- hata Mission. The drive aimed at chang- way of living. NCW has taken up this lim women, etc. Have these studies pro- ing the mindset of citizens of India. NCW matter with the Indian Government. vided hope and confidence in overall is also carrying forward the initiative by What has been the outcome of your improvement of the present state of celebrating Swachhta Pakhwada from exercise? affairs? March 1-15, 2019.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 39 social initiative NAL CO dedicates Ultra-Modern Eye Care Centre Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas lauds NALCO as an efficient company

Bhubaneshwar: NALCO, in association refractive error, cataract surgeries, medi- technology based deflouridation plant, with LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), cal care of glaucoma & retinal diseases, healthcare including mobile health ser- dedicated a state-of-the-art Secondary diabetic retinopathy and ocular surface vice through 4 MHUs & setting up of Plus Eye Care Hospital that will benefit disorders, among other diseases. secondary plus eye hospital, education more than 60,000 outpatients, perform NALCO, a Navratna PSU under the facility in DPS & SVM and scholarships 6,000 surgeries annually and offer free of Ministry of Mines, has been working dil- under Nalco-ki-Ladli to poor meritorious cost treatment to poor patients at Angul. igently to deliver high quality healthcare girl students. The ultra-modern hospital, which has solutions and is carrying out important Dharmendra Pradhan lauded NALCO been built at a cost of `25 crore, was CSR interventions for people residing for this important initiative that will de- inaugurated by Dharmendra Pradhan, in the periphery areas of its smelter and liver comprehensive and the latest eye Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural power complex at Angul. This modern care solutions to the people of Angul Gas, Skill Development & Entrepreneur- district. The sprawling hospital is spread ship, in the august presence of Rudra over 4 acres land with 35,000 sq ft. built Narayan Pani, former MP & Dr. Tapan up area and state-of-the-art modern Kumar Chand, CMD, NALCO. medical equipment’s with world-class The Eye Care Hospital will provide eye care hospital is yet another step tak- facility. free eye care services to residents of pe- en by the company to reach out to the On this occasion, Hon’ble Union riphery villages of S&P Complex and marginalized section of the society. Minister also distributed aids and as- Utkal D&E Coal block, having identi- It may be mentioned here that last sistive devices to senior citizens under fication cards. The treatment will also year the company had spent more than Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojna of the Govern- be free for BPL category families, re- `70 crore towards CSR projects includ- ment of India. It may be mentioned that siding in and around Angul district. A ing piped drinking water supply, de- under this scheme, senior citizens from team of eye care specialists will provide velopment of infrastructure for periph- BPL categories will be provided aids and comprehensive eye care for uncorrected ery villages, implementation of nano assistive devices in Angul district.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 40 achievers

or him work is worship and the biggest stress buster. He thinks big journey from son of a farmer to Fand gives his best to achieve it too. A graduate in mechanical engineering, Kuldeep Singh Rana set up Kalyan Proj- entrepreneur of the year ects Construction Company in Mohali Since establishing Kalyan Projects about two way back in 2000. The first entrepreneur of the family which was traditionally into decades ago, Kuldeep Singh Rana has been working agriculture, Rana has been leading the with a team of qualified engineers and technical company with rich business ethics for al- most two decades now. His company has specialists who believe in providing unmatched in-depth expertise in helping customers quality, timely delivery and at right price. with cost-effective engineering solutions. His company manufactures stainless steel/carbon steel pressure vessels, reactors, heat exchangers, dissolution columns and chemical storage tanks, etc. which are used mainly by world leading pharma, API and FMCG industries. Also Kalyan Projects provides various services like, installation of high pressure utility and process piping along with fabrication, erection of heavy steel structures and installation of equipment at the client’s site. Apart from his role as Managing Director of Kalyan Projects, Rana has dealership of retail outlet of the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd too. Since its establishment in October 2000, Kalyan Projects has received many best services awards from world leading MNCs like DSM Pharmaceuticals (Holland), Abbott Healthcare Pvt Ltd (USA), Akorn India Pvt Ltd (USA), BSA Hercules Cycle India. In October 2016, Kalyan Projects got its biggest Kalyan Projects Area achievement. It was allotted the project of Expertise e x e c u t i o n w o r k f o r P u r o g e n i x L t d i n U K . like Bangladesh, Kenya and Pakistan too. Today, Kalyan Projects is among • Heat exchangers Rana understands the value of human the leading project execution company • Heavy structures resources and is committed towards the in North India which works with the • High pressure processing piping welfare of his employees as much as he is • Fire fighting solutions objective of providing good quality, • Equipment Cold insulations committed towards his work and clients. transparent and timely services to its • Equipment Hot Insulation This has helped him build a motivated clients. Rana has two manufacturing • Mechanical Fabrication workforce who have a sense of pride units with over 550 highly skilled staff • Pressure Vessel for the organization, work continuously members who like him work with • Detailed Engineering towards improving their performance, • Procurement dedication to deliver the best. Kalyan deliver on time and meet the customers’ • Commissioning Projects exports its products to countries expectations.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 41 public campaign

scavenging. Too many people within the community were ashamed to even admit manual scavenging existed or that they did it. Wilson began breaking the silence. Wilson also began a letter writing cam- paign, contacting the KGF authorities, the minister and chief minister of Karnataka, the prime minister, and newspapers, but they remained largely unacknowledged. Countrywide Campaign In 1993, the Parliament enacted the Em- ployment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibi- tion) Act, which banned the construction of dry latrines and outlawed the practice of manual scavenging. Despite the ban, the practice of manual scavenging continues across India. Wilson took photographs of dry latrines and manual scavenging in KGF and sent it to P.A.K. Shettigar, the then managing Mitigating Manual director of KGF, threatening action un- der the Act. An emergency meeting was called to convert dry latrines into water seal latrines and transfer all scavengers to non-scavenging jobs. However, it was only Sc avenging when photographs were published in 1994 in the Deccan Herald, resulting in embar- ezwada Wilson is an activist and cessful. His eldest brother also worked as rassing questions in the Parliament, that one of the founders and national a manual scavenger in the Indian Railways the Karnataka government was forced to Bconvenors of the Safai Karmachari for four years and then ten years in KGF acknowledge that manual scavenging con- Andolan (SKA), a human rights organi- gold mines township. tinued to be a problem. zation that has been campaigning for the Wilson studied up to upper primary A platform, the Campaign Against Man- eradication of manual scavenging, which school in Andhra Pradesh and stayed in ual Scavenging (CAMS), was formed. This has been illegal activity in India since the hostel for Scheduled Castes. He went oversaw the conversion of dry latrines into 1993. His role at SKA has been recognized to high school and intermediate in Kolar flush toilets and rehabilitation of those who by the Ashoka Foundation which has nomi- and Hyderabad. When he realized his were engaged in manual scavenging. nated him as Senior Fellow. On July 27, parents’ true occupation, he contemplated Wilson moved to Andhra Pradesh and 2016, he was honoured with the Ramon suicide. began working with Paul Diwakar, a lead- Magsaysay Award. ing Dalit activist, and S.R. Sankaran, a re- Wilson was born in 1966 in the Ko- Early Days in the Campaign tired Indian Administrative Service officer. lar Gold Fields (KGF) in Karnataka. His In 1986, Wilson began his fight to end man- In 2001 the Andhra Pradesh government parents Rachel and Yacob belong to the ual scavenging. The first hurdle in his fight agreed to a total survey of the state to iden- manual scavenging community. His father was at home; his parents and relatives said tify manual scavengers and dry latrines for began working for the township in 1935 as he should not focus his life on something liberation and rehabilitation. Wilson pre- a manual scavenger, manually removing that always existed. It was over years that pared the survey format, where volunteers excreta from dry toilets. He attempted to they came to accept that he was dedicat- photographed and documented each manual find other manual labour, but was unsuc- ing his life to helping eradicate manual scavenger and dry latrine.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 42 public campaign

Safai Karmachari Andolan techno-fixes won’t solve the problem. In 1994, Wilson helped found Safai Kar- Because, at root, it’s not a technological machari Andolan along with Sankaran and problem; it is first a social problem and then Paul Diwakar. SKA’s goal was to end the an administrative one. The safai karmacha- practice of manual scavenging and help ris conditioning is so deep that they don’t those engaged in it find dignified work. break these shackles even if they manage SKA initially worked on the state level, to somehow escape scavenging work. They until 2003 when Wilson and four other hide their caste identity even from their team members moved to Delhi to launch spouses, fearing discrimination. Can you the Safai Karmachari Andolan nationwide. imagine the need to hide your caste at that In 2003, Wilson and the SKA initi- level of intimacy? ated the filing of a Public Interest Litiga- Manual scavenging is specifically tion (PIL) in the Supreme Court of India. banned under laws passed in 1993 and SKA and 18 other civil society organiza- 2013. Why isn’t the law enforced? The tions, manual scavengers and individuals Supreme Court has ordered compensation signed the affidavit as litigants naming all and submitted systematic documentation of `10 lakh for each family that loses a states and government departments like of manual scavenging across the country. member to sewer cleaning work. Yet, com- railways, defence, judiciary and educa- In October 2010, Mrs Sonia Gandhi, pensation is received in barely 2 per cent of tion as violators of the Manual Scavenging head of the National Advisory Council cases. SKA has documented 1,870 deaths Prohibition Act. (NAC), wrote to the Prime Minister’s while cleaning sewers in the past 10-15 Office declaring manual scavenging as a years. Many of these cases go unreported. Justice at Slow Pace national shame and to address its abolition The PIL was a major step in the ef- with the utmost urgency and priority. The Scavenging a Spiritual forts to abolish manual scavenging. All NAC resolved to see that manual scaveng- Experience? the states and central ministries were forced ing was over by 2012. Task forces were In his book, Karmayog, Prime Minister Na- to address the issue of manual scavenging. formed by the Government of India for rendra Modi talks of manual scavenging as The Supreme Court gave strict orders that a new survey of the entire country, reha- a “spiritual experience”. Wilson urged the the Chief Secretaries of states and heads of bilitation, amendment of the law to make Prime Minister to ask a manual scavenger departments of the central ministries should it stricter and demolition of dry latrines. if s/he feels even remotely spiritual while appear before the court for the case hear- The Planning Commission of India con- cleaning other people’s excreta, whether the ings. To date there have been 23 hearings stituted a sub-group on safai karmacharis daily round feels like a pilgrimage. Without and in the state of Haryana, for the first with Wilson as its convenor. The sub-group exception, they do it because there is no time, in 2010 the act was enforced and has submitted its report. option, no alternative employment for those 16 members were taken into custody for born into castes identified with scavenging. violating the law and employing manual It’s this kind of ‘spiritual’ whitewash that scavengers. Plight of Manual Scavengers prevents the government from allocating By 2007, the SKA felt the struggle was One safai karmachari dies every five days in money for the rehabilitation of manual going too slow. The legal process had put India. And from municipalities to govern- scavengers. the onus on the victims to prove manual ments in states and at the Centre to elected The same government can allocate `2 scavenging existed. So they launched Ac- representatives, everybody just shifts the lakh crore for a sanitation campaign to build tion 2010, by which they vowed to end onus for doing something about it. The toilets. Most such toilets have pits or septic manual scavenging by 2010 by simply ask- wretched manual scavengers briefly make tanks —­ 50 million toilets means 50 million ing those engaged in the practice to leave news when there is a sewer death, due to pits. Who will clean these? Valmikis, no the practice and find alternative work. asphyxiation or accident, but no author- doubt. A government task force recently The liberation of safai karmacharis be- ity is heard saying: “This is our problem; put out a new estimate of 53,000 manual came an important issue during the drafting we’ll fix it.” scavengers in the country, but this is based of the 12th Five Year Plan in 2010. Wilson Technological innovations are welcome. on a survey of just 121 of 640 districts, but met with parliamentarians, ministers and It’ll be great if machines can take over the our own estimate of the number of manual national advisory members during this time grossest tasks of safai karmacharis. But scavengers is closer to 1,50,000.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 43 csr development CSR has to evolve into ISR The Industrial Estate & SMEs Associations, Cluster Association could initiate ‘Swachh Approach’ to join hands and bring about cleanliness and better maintenance of the infrastructure.

is also discretionary in nature or religious financial support for marriages of their By Dr. J.S. Juneja in spirit. wards particularly girls and sometimes for During our recent study of innova- educational needs, etc. There are umpteen ndia is a country of Micro, Small & tions in SMEs which was supported by examples one can site as an extension of Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The the Department of Science & Technology, their social responsibility. Here are a few: Isector provides employment to over Government of India, SMEs interpreted According to T.K. Karuppannaswa- 110 million people. So it is imperative that CSR as a support mechanism to their my of Barani Hydraulics India Pvt Ltd India works towards making the small en- employees beyond the legal/statutory re- (BHIPL), Coimbatore, the second largest terprises Corporate Social Responsibility quirements. SMEs particularly the profit hydraulic press manufacturer in India, the (CSR) self-compliant. SMEs need to re- making do discharge their Corporate firm spends nearly 30 per cent of its profit alize that CSR is the way through which Social Responsibility mostly by extend- on CSR activities annually. He provides a company can create a balance of eco- ing benefits to the employees beyond the financial help to employees to build their nomic, environmental and social goals. rule of the law particularly in the form own houses; provides scholarships and At present CSR amongst SMEs can be of medical benefits, supporting housing benefits to the needy and deserving stu- characterized as unstructured, informal needs in some cases by lending part funds, dents; and has adopted a school too. and ad hoc philanthropic activity which training and re-training of the employees, N.K. Dhand of Micromatic Grinding

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 44 csr development

Technologies Ltd (MGT), Ghaziabad, ual Social Responsibility — particularly can run mohalla clinics/dispensaries and provides internships to graduate students for SMEs which require commitment of primary schools for the betterment of chil- of local engineering colleges to equip the promoter of an SME for the cause of dren of workers. them with practical training to enhance CSR. Imagine the impact on a society even their employability as a CSR activity. An alliance of interested SMEs can be if 5 per cent of 60 million SME popula- Sagar Heavy Engineering Works created. This may be initiated by a cluster tion in India constituting about 3 million (SHEW), Ludhiana, has no formal poli- association. Alternatively, it can be initi- small and medium enterprises contribute cies in this regard as yet. However, owner ated by an individual SME in case there 2 per cent of their profits for economic Kirpal Singh’s unstated policy is to look are only a few units interested in under- and social good of the people. It is the after the employees and help them like taking CSR activities in collaboration. sacred duty of institutions, associations they are a part of the extended family of The alliance should then form a steer- such as AIMA, Chambers of Commerce, Sagar Engineering. ing committee with the representatives PHD Chamber, CII, Regional Chambers, Most of the SMEs are barely making from each SME so as to democratically SME associations at state and local level, enough money to survive and sustain decide on issues. The steering committee etc. to inculcate sense of giving particu- and have got no surplus for CSR activi- should study the institutional method of larly for consistent profit making SMEs. ties. However, many other profit making implementation, i.e. undertaking activi- If we bring this awakening and motivate SMEs are still in their nascent stage in ties through an established trust, society, a them, SMEs will rise to the occasion. We devoting their professional and financial Section 8 company under the Companies must enable such a revolution, by bring- resources for societal needs. However, Act or forming a new entity or directly ing in the SMEs into the CSR fold in a many contribute just to build their own managing the funds. careful and responsible manner. The rules social status or to satisfy and fulfill their The Industrial Estate & SMEs Asso- and guidelines have to be enablers and not moral and religious obligations. Never- ciations, Cluster Association could initi- irritants for the SMEs. theless, this religious approach of contrib- ate ‘Swachh Approach’ to join hands and uting to the society has limited cohesive- bring about cleanliness and better main- The author is the Chairman, SME Com- ness at the macro level and it does not tenance of the infrastructure. In addition, mittee and former President, AIMA, for- allow for new ideas to emerge. they can build toilets, bathing and other mer Chairman, NSIC and Chairman, CSR has to evolve into ISR – Individ- facilities on the ‘Sulabh Model’. Also they Global Projects & Services Pvt Ltd.

CSR TIMES | APRIL 2019 | 45 public decision India gets its first Lokpal Former Supreme Court Judge of India Justice P.C. Ghose, was sworn in as the Chairperson of the anti-corruption ombudsman by President Ram Nath Kovind along eight other members.

By Dr. Sudipta Narayan Roy Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sab- ha, the Chief Justice of India (or a judge ore than five years after the of the apex court nominated by him), and enactment of the Lokpal Act an eminent jurist who could be nominated M2013, the Government of In- by the President or any other member. dia appointed eight members of its first Objections were raised as the Leader of anti-corruption ombudsman, the Lokpal, the Opposition did not participate in the on March 22, 2019. The new Lokpal were selection committee meeting. administered the oath of office by Presi- As per the rules the salary and allow- dent of India Ram Nath Kovind in New ances of the Chairperson of Lokpal will be Delhi. Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose be- same as that of the Chief Justice of India. came the country’s first Chairperson of The members will also be paid salary and Lokpal. allowances same as that of a judge of the The President of India had approved Supreme Court. the appointments of the Chairperson and President Kovind had nominated for- members of the Lokpal after the selec- mer Attorney General of India Mukul tion committee led by Prime Minister Na- Rohatgi as “eminent jurist” in the Lokpal rendra Modi recommended the appoint- Justice P.C. Ghose, panel against the vacancy arising follow- ments. A person who is or has been the First Chairperson of Lokpal. ing the death of senior advocate P.P. Rao. Chief Justice of India or a Supreme Court members in the Lokpal. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act of Judge is eligible for appointment as Lok- The non-judicial members of the Lok- 2013 came into existence on January pal. Justice P.C. Ghose, 66, retired as the pal include former first woman chief of 1, 2014. The Act extends to the entire Supreme Court Judge in May 2017 and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Archana Ra- country and applies to public servants later served as the member of the National masundaram, former Maharashtra Chief as defined in the Act, which includes the Human Rights Commission (NHRC). Secretary Dinesh Kumar Jain, former In- incumbent Prime Minister and the Union The Lokpal Act, which envisages ap- dian Revenue Service (IRS) officer Ma- Ministers. Even the past public servants pointment of a Lokpal at the Centre and hender Singh and Gujarat cadre ex-IAS can also be covered under the Act. The Lokayuktas in states to look into cases officer Indrajeet Prasad Gautam. landmark law followed a war against cor- of corruption against certain categories Likewise, as per the rules, not less than ruption and probity in public life led by of public servants, was passed in 2013. 50 per cent of the members of the Lokpal Anna Hazare. According to the Act, there is provision panel shall be from amongst the persons Critiques point out that the Lokpal for a Chairperson and a maximum of eight belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Act was enacted in a great hurry and it members in the Lok Pal out of whom four Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class- contained many legal infirmities. These need to be judicial members. es, minorities and women. The Chairper- flaws have to be tested in the court of law Former Chief Justices of different High son and members shall hold office for a in due course. Courts — Justices Dilip B. Bhosale, Pra- term of five years or till they attain the How effectively the issue of corrup- dip Kumar Mohanty and Abhilasha Ku- age of 70 years. tion is addressed in the coming days by mari — besides sitting Chief Justice of The Lokpal selection committee is the newly appointed Chairperson and the Chhattisgarh High Court Ajay Kumar headed by the Prime Minister and has as team of Lokpal is a humongous challenge Tripathi were appointed as the judicial its members — the Lok Sabha Speaker, before them.

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