I • •

Kli:EP POSTED! ~ 0. r Ou '1 THE 1 y_. • ..• .. SlJ5e NEWPORT 9 'CE tJ' • ...., x ...... , ...,. Old .. ~ SAND ..... Old .. - •r• &.- a. -~....,...... _.of Ollc h.,. CRAB N....._ Newport - .,. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA SAM VOLmo: XXXV111 >a:\\'POllT BltACll, OALIFORNIA. THUKSDAY, 8EP'l'EMlll:R 19, llM8 ~ 1 NmD1D 'It

AIT. "Course it's kinda B screwy to wrut until the shank end of the sport Collier Asks Modern State Roads System fishing season to agrun start crabbing about brut, but you gotta start sometime and SEN. McCLELLAN VISITS HARBOR CITY perhaps the situation can be remedied by next year. But so many complrunts have Tax Base Structure Boomed State Senator in·San Diego come in from the custom­ ers that it's time somebody did something about it. As it By Knowland, Davisson, as Talk Urges Cooperation By is boats sometimes go to sea for just the ride; then agajn they go to Huntington Beach to the brut barge, then re- Aid to Real Estate Owner Cities, C_ounties, in Plan . trace their course tO the I Dana Point fishing grounds Addressing 48th Annual Conference of League or elsewhere to try and get U.S. Senator From Oakland Offers to Initiate a few rounds of and Any Sound Plan for Reduction of Tax­ of. California Cities Wednesday, Legisla­ ""8!ood, all of which is not ation in Upper House of Congress­ tor Reports Studies Made by His Fact­ conducive to anglers' tem­ pers. Could not brut receiv­ Davi880n's Constructive Recommendation Finding Committee, Stating that AD Mu­ ers be installed inside the Also Pleases California Cities League nicipal Problems Tie-In With Suggested harbor, so that outgoing Program craft can get their bate be­ Members. fore starting? In this way the bad taste in the public's SAN DIEGO, Sept. 19 (Special} .-An entirely new tax base struc­ mouths might be washed ture which should greatly assist overburdened taxpaying owners of out. What is the use of real estate properties once it is whipped into shape and passed by the SAN DIEGO. Sep&. 1L-(8(A'AW to Ule New.-'l'lmeti)-"l:veey owner or a prt\>atrJ P" '4'* ~ or a tf"Udl, wlrletbel' be be a cltJ working to bring several state and national legislatures ""·as suggested to members or the or a rural resident.. la e:qw• rtsc to. ht time and rDC>DeY eawd by thousand people here every League of California aties in conference here Tuesday afternoon. hl(h oper aU.ng eost&, tratnc ...,...... lllcta I.mun.nee rate. ~ day to cause them to leave Promoting the idea were U. S . Senator William F . Knowland of Oak­ "'MAONlFICEN'i:!" That wu the word med by U. . St-n. lohn F". McClellan,, (Dem.), Arkansu. een­ from a bipway and .tree& 1Q't1tem wWell laaa not been adeqaa.te for disgruntled and muttertng • land and 1\1.alcolm D8visson of the University of California. the latter ate n.a\•a l affaln conunlttee cha.l.rman, on hi~ \1Alt here on the " ·eekend. \\'Ith hlm. le ft to right are; quite wne ttme," declared 8l:ate 8rre&o.. Randolph Collier, ch&lrman Harry Haruten, Santa Ana C. of C.: CongTMsman .iohn Phllllpir.. H a.rry \\'e lch, Ne"'POrt C. of C.; Sen­ of the Joint Fact--F1Ddlne Cummlt&te Oil mp.wayw.. St.met. ancl Brtd.cett Work it out men. for next being tax consultant for the league. Both addressed the convention on ator ~tcClellan, Supervtsor Chal.nnan \ \11111 \\'a m e r , Huntington Reach; Capt. Sp:macel, USS: Mrs. of the State Legtdatu.Joe. ta • addr,_ at tllft '8th annual ecntference year! the subject. The senator said he would do his part to submit to the PhJlllJ>8; Mn. Hubbard Ho"·e and Mr. Ho,.."e, the latl#'r o f Corona del Ma r . of the League of C&llfonlla 0"'9 llere WedDMday. "'We muat a.pend .. + + + senate any bill that would reduce De moMy we oollect from tho motorist to reduoe Uwiee 109M." Celebrating. 'Phe Missus the tax burdens or real e11tatc. Mr. C.Ollier said that it was h.is and me played hookey by go­ Sen. Kno"'·Ja nd was applauded committee's beli{'f that it is the ing to the big city to observe \\'hen he declared that the Fed­ No. 1 job of all the people in eral government must return war· Senator Knowland Given Rousing Welcome on Orange County Tour 38 years of traveling in dou­ the state to build a modern, in­ ble harness. Mdse. 'as hard to time powers to the States, the tegTatcd and permanent road get as elsewhere. Furniture cities and the people as soon as :xi •>:+ I I I I 4 I J #;1:1 I i I I I I I • plant which will have as its first situation is ·a toughie. but possible. and primary function the solution found a store managl!r who "The tideland attempted seiz­ Says Defense of our foremost motor vehicle told us why so much of the ure by the Federal government transportation problems. is an example of the Insatiable ·-ro accomplish that objective furniture comes covered with appetite for power wtth which the rll"lt priority must necessarily muslin. It's because the fac­ we are faced." he declared. " Un· go to the procurement or rights tories buy up odd lots. make reguJa ted power is a dangerous Safe Policy of w.:y and the construction of our up what they can and let it thing." state highway system, our prin· go at that; the customer is Richard Carpenter, league le­ dpal county roads, and our major expected to re-cover his gal counsel, outlined at the morn­ city streets," the senator con­ chair or sofa later when the ing session some of the Inquiries For America tinued. explaining that his com­ received during the year. -real stuff shows up. 0 , yea! Tantalized for the past year by them while he was staff artist side line, "Tile a nd illustrate Pixie u. s. Senator WiDiun F. Know4 mittee bu devoted more than a But high prices still continue Tax Consultant Davisson got LAGUNA, Sept. lS-A sound rumors of things artistic. unique with the William Beebe Arcturus gtores for children? In them he land of Oakland wn Oven• l'CR9- year to an intenstve s tudy of and the indifference of some right do~'Jl to cases on the in­ national econoln.ic policy, stabllr.a­ and far removed from this work- Oceani:raphic expedition to the tells v.•himsical tales of the Gub- Ing reception on his ofl'iriaJ ~ Callfornla'1 present and future creasingly acute problem of how clerks is still so refreshing dbn of frderal finB.nces and main­ a-day world. goina on at Don Smith Seas. Gracious, golden diri- hies, relates their "Who's Who", electjon visit to Ornoe c.anrty bJabway, road and street needs. cities are going to save their poor tenances of a large army. navy Dickerman'• Castawa~ · club over- l~ table-- service accompanies the and draws their Driftwood Dane- Wednesday. "I can usure You." Sen. CoJ- that you'd like to knock lives financially without killing them through the window. A and air force, were suggested by looking Newport Harbor. local dishes. Instead of t ht usual cold ers and quaint characters. F b aid lier aatd. "that we are fuly cocnl- off the poor ad valorem taxpayer U. S . Senator William F . Know­ dtizens are tonight attending the gray silver. W . , . ;~mi: tr~ T ... ~~given zant of the particularly urgent woman wanted to know why completely. He strffsed that the land here today as the only safe formal opening. to be rewarded Big, comfortable chairs and a w here, 1~ any club except Dons, tn e o e ....._.... a. llL. requirement.I of the metropolitan Los Angeles wa,. without an recent nev.· forms of local taxes means for America to undertake by dining in surroundings where davenport are pulled up in front , . ould a v.,Id p~easant be a morn- he came to Newport Harbor, ueu. We believe that the pro­ such as amusement, sales tax every object In sight is a "oon\'er· 1 r th fl Id· t f" I d 1ng caller. coming up on the porch where he V.'as grened by sroups vldon of adequate and modern attemoon paper, just be­ in the future. 0 I cause a strike was on; she and parking meters must be used, , . .. e e s one irep ace an for crumbs· and what other clulr ~nd then taken OD • bJat ride state highways in your cities, in- The California senator expres- sation piece · their striking upholstery resolves 1·d 'bl 1.n the bay. . _ cl•"''- 8 --·- wh- -··-·. said that condition did not but pointed out the danger of Some or those most Interested · t 1 f ta d b r· h i owner oou poss1 Y go out at - .....~""""-~'" ~"" ~~--.r overusing them because of their sed this view of the present chao-- 1 'n o ayers o n an rown is sunrise e h · t r· d · 1 Later the Califorrua senator wa and the •-prov--t of exist in New York or Phila­ tic international situation in a refused to v.•ait a day longer than nets in small and lar"'e meshes ac morning Q in ' circ - r h -·· ·- your duplication of State and Federal nocessary and joined the Tuesday' I t ho eo"' . .~ .: ing his clubhouse. a ring of gray g~est 0 t e combined Kiwmds. ma.Jar city streets will solve a delphia where she came talk before 100 persons at a break- over rus meipun. ver1ng up; b · "tt' th · h h Lions and Rotaiy c:tui. at Santa levies. previev.· for pre~s and friends re- n d h l th and unn1es. s1 ing on e1r aunc es .W.tantlal part of your dty from. A WIDENING GAP, he said, fast meeting sponsored by the La- cei\1ng a royal welcome and slices ~~ un f e ~l t e":i t~ e gr d - to see thl' sun rise. its l'&rly rays A:na at a lwx:bt'-" reelection tbMe reuons it ii no wonder that f r general purpo&eS. 'Tw"enty He chlll'ged that ~· hile Secre- centental to be calll'd, simply, "a art and nature are blended in a Others came for the first time, to from this congress· •I dlmtrict. California'• road plant totals ap- they made for the various 0 cities in Los Angeles County last tary of S\Jlle Byrnes and his as- lamp" .. . way µever done before. 1 tw:" entranced. Th~re were the A. S. Following the dhwww:. the mem- iroximately 118,000 miles." charities and what their I year got $7,217,000 of their reve- sod.ates were trying to negotiate . Spec1~1ly designed pott~ dishes Who but Don. possessor of the i Richanhons, hosting fhe John Al- tor and frir ~ 'lft!'e llWJttried Aa dty officials, the senator plans are for the future. nue that way. a safe and sound peact', Wallatt 1n . luscious s~ades be~ 1n higJt finest private oolleetion of arm.s j ll'ns and Paul ~aimers :_ Capt. Budd to Anaheim to attend a fiesta at laid, members of the league are + + + Davisson pointed to the con· and others v.·ere making ready to relief a curving, tropical n)ing assembled. now in storage in the of Lagun~ V.'lt~ Leslie Furlong, 8 P- m. in the ~ U..trr cA. vitally and seriously concerned Senator Knowland. T h e stant increase in local sales ta:ces sabotage the program. fish. bringing to J?ickerman remi· e~ t, a~d tl'Chnical advisor ol lthe ceramic designer. and Mr. ftnd Anaheim.-s beautifal r-rk. Bis about the increasing number and meeting at Laguna Beach v.·hich were pioneered by Santa "\Ve have the unusual spec- ' nl.!lcence of the t1m('S he speared pirate pictures. would ever, as a (Continued on Page 10) audience ~mprisrd a acm 1ection growth complexity of the problems the other day of Senator Barbara and San Bernardino. Los tacle," KnoY•land said, "of one I of Rf'PIQblicai.. DeitiLUab and of city government. "We know Knowland and Congressman Angeles expects now to get more Ica binet officer. Secrf'tary H t" nry • people of Mexk2n d •• that you have problems other than the anticipated $6.500.000 an· A. \Va llace. undermining American .. nre senatcr Jeft at 10 P. m. for than streets. But our Joint Com- Phillips was interesting and nual revenue from its !lales ta:c. 1f orC'ig n policy. In effect he is LOs Angeles ~ ere lie is 9Chedul- mittee on Highways is visiting all revealing. The Senator feels he said. I sabotaging Secretary Byrnes ef- ed to ~ak Friday a:.ml Satm,lay. sectiona of the state, and where- that Commerce Secretary • He forecasts increasing use of forts to put an end to our appeRS· On his visits in the cr:Gnty the ever we have gone we have found 11 ·\vallace should be thrown s('v.·er rental charges and gnr- 1m ent program." ., senator W-'8 s ..,• 1•imd b Y the problertt of roads a nd street$ out on his ear to which this bagf' collection fees and similar Sen. Know1and was introduced Charles R. De~ Wahfugton of paramount importance." comm enta tor heartily devices. ! by Representative John Phillips. correspond~nt for thP 0-kland • • • agrees. \Vallace has always Tribune, Whfcb i& vWned by thr THE SPEAKER stated that a l- Kno~1and tannl"y. though California is still and al- made an ass of himself, even On his vmts: to San Otero W8Jl9 will be primarily an agr;. from the time he took over county the senatar WM accour- cultural state. it is becoming more the magazine plants of his pain~ by Mn. Knowland and and more industrialized, which grandfather in Des Moines California Outlook Promising daughter Ernebn sud Mr. ~ tends to increase and concentrate and through poor business However, sfm:r tr. children wse the population in metropolitan methods had to get out from to enter si::t.>! ni "o. Jin.. areu. "'We realize that the oosu under. On a recent visit in Declares Governor Warren ,·· Weal~- rH~- .aw.A~. .... lllNJM ewn malnteNMe~,. • Newport Beach, ~ · t shout pea- trhicti the economists forecast has G~'"D Ol'El'o'JNG OF CASTA::t::- OLUll, olaW tw h IV'• - - ...... ,- .._ .est- - srnter dult • pirate crew, Left te ~ a.re ,...... _ ti ,_... wt.tit ti.e crew u ... a• kUltl -- -ae· nut. today beauae, •u police ""°" not yot developed and Ido not " M }'OU know." the governor - di.at' fie>" .... - ... Olrll tmta ... llllllBtkJaal k1111 .. 'WI] the that att concluded. "Sl~mllllon bu bee<> Fraak tlell.. ettloer-el~ t ; 81 •*"'II 8"T a.a... wwltl r11r tNra ~Irk 1 -" •• ! pbysidan In ' I llall ol Hfe and ' porttd. __... stole the peanut share belief we ln :!lid tn the ra.reaaa t., Cap'Wi Dl!i•• • •• r«. •ri111·ac c-t- .. u... ~ ehilt •a;;~ > e ,.. • ' a. machlno. the middle ot an artllldal boom." tppropiated fOI' this purpose." or ~ world"", ..... New.-t • ..... - .CNS...... "We ...... - -pi-ty. . lice 1~ - (Qirt! IS ,,_ 1'llp i;) I Id

• • Jtt&WHW'I •••.BOA M&WW - '"*• •sstwt' sO om I - a State Senator Urges Cooperation by Cities, CountieS in Modem State Highway Program l ICm>t!nued from ~ 11 to times HU the l)l'eleJll, "yoo plan, the oenator aaid, are: (1) it proper :ooning ....., invoked •to a local r i!Oj)ODOibllity. 'Thia ~ but In 193&-Jl they spent only and th ..,.,_third u much. From menus to 11.dministeT the d ty pay the increasing costs of govern­ of of govenunenL I t is apparent that ment unlea you lncreue your use; (3) safe and efficient use where freeways att being plan- fie p-oblem. I t will be up to the tMse figures, the .enator stated. or the streets. and <4> parking. ned." dtie1 to aee that the job Js done. it is apparent to all that there BOWLING ALLEYS the property tax, your main and propel ty tax ntes or find other stable source of city revenue. hu aources of revenue." The classification procedure es- 1'1uch can be done now to make but the state, throu&h the pvper has beep a majcr shift of financial Balboa one great disadvantage-it is quite Notwithstanding these financial tabliahes the size and a:eneral easier and lea ccs·Uy the controll· agency, should in&ist that adequate responaibility from the city to the unresponsive to the price leveL difficulties.-there are problems of location of the street problem. ed access which such freeways off-street perking fadlities be ?">" state, and there hu been an actual Will Be Closed ''Assessments are slow to re­ dty government which must be the senator explained, pointing will requitt. '"'This would result vided and on-street parking be et- net reduction in the total amount nect changes in actual value in solved immedlately. Not the out that the present legal classi- in a considerable saving in right tectlvely controlled." the senator of money spent from state and From Sept. 16th Sept. 23rd both periods of inOation and leaat of these is the administra­ fication of city streets in to (1) of way costs," the senator add- con tinwd. local funds on city streets. not­ to periOO.. of deflation. Perhaps the tion of some 18,000 miles of dty highwayz in cities; (2) streets of ed. The financial aspects of the withstanding thJs substantial state streets and highways of major importance, and (3) In traveling 01-'er the state the parklna problem and the question aid 11tuatkm can be improved IOme­ within the For Re~Surfaclng Almeys what, but I doubt that it eveT can 285 cities in California. More than other city streets, appears to be Joint Fact-Finding Committee- on of whether the city or private Another trend in highway fi­ be tully corrected. It is virtu­ half the travel in the state ls in fundamentally sound, "but It lacks Highways, Streets and Bridges enterprise or both should admln- nancing is noticeable, t he senator To Be Sanctioned by ally a physical lmPoSSlbility to the cities and two-thirds of the­ unllormity and has not been ad- observed the control of traffic lster a solu tion is a matter of said. '"when we analyze the re­ reassess every parcel of pro~y traffic accidents occur inside in­ ministPred prope!'ly." he declared. in numerous cities. ''We have city policy', the senator explainj!d lationships between the counties The American Bowling Congress often enough to .Jc.eep it in lne eot'POf&ted limits, the senator re­ Streets of major importance seen outstanding examples of good u he pointed out that · state- and the cities. During the period with current prices." marked. range from 15 per cent to 50 per control and proper utilization of collected funds should not be used when the state was increasing its ...----Winter League Teams---~ 'We must all remember that streets. and we have also seen for •"-:- rvtrnne:... aid to cities at a rapid rate, county • • • cent of the total city street uu.s .-~...... - IN TIMES of depression the lag 75 per cent of California's citi­ mileage in the various cities. many bad examples." Senator "Although city street problems expenditures in and contributions NOW BEING FORMED in reappraisals means a high rate zens live in the incorporated This classification ls set up by Collier went on. are of paramount lmpcrtance to to cities were falling off." of tax delinquencies and even the cities,'" Mr. C.Ollier added. ''Tl the cities and approved by the "We realize that major con- you." Mr. Collier said, "you must In 1931-32 fhe counties spent For Information Ca.II Harbor S91 danger of tax strikes. "On tht' the population of the metropolitan Division of Highways, in accord- struction ts necessary in many realize that the committee must $4,400,000 in the 89 cities. By other hand," Mr. Collier pointed areas around the cities is included, ance with the procedure estab- cities, but no matter how much look upon the road plant as one 1934-45 the county expenditures it is closer to 90 per cent. lished by state Jaw. money we have, not all the needed vast, integrated and interconnect- in and contribution to those cities Effective SepL 23rd -ni.e safety of t heir lives and "But to be frank \lo'ith you." facilities can be constructed im· ed system of highways, roads, dropped to $2,500,000. The trend property, the economical use of the state senator smiled. adding, "I mediately. Therefore," the senator streets and bridges which will reversed itself slightly in the 1936- SOc per Line their time in going to and from am quite puzzled as to just what added, '"more emphasis must be provide all our people with a uni- '37 but amounts were still only work and the wise and prudf' nt basis is used in the selection of placed on traffic enginee~g and fled transportation service. three-fourths of the total before The Extn 2c Goes to the Boys GILL'S expendfture or their tax revenues streets of major importance . . It enfori::ement so that the safest and "Since this system involves state the state began its program of in­ are the solemn responsibility of is these streets and the state most efficien t use may be made of highways, county" roads, and city creased expenditures in the cities. I•-- .. DELICATESSEN state. county and city officials." highways through cities on which existing facilities." streets, it is obvious that a way "According to our analysis of ------.J The senator expressed the gen­ state-- collected funds should be He warned that the 50 per cent must be found to achieve unified county records, in 1937 the count- eral belief that it is .up to the spent." increase in property damage and planning among all three govern- ies gave the citil'S or spent on FOOD SHOP cities to study their street and The rema1n1ng streets are collision insurance rates since V-J men ts. • • • For example, cities city streets about $4,000,()(X)," the traffic problems a nd formulate In­ local in character a nd responsi- day is reason enough for develop- cannot properly plan future im- senator summarized, adding that • Ftteh Apple Saoee telligent plans a nd fut ure prog­ bility and should be maintained ing city and county traffic engi- provements inside the cities unless in 1945 this amount was reduced rams for the ir solution. "These • t.-:'.:J Crab Meat and resurfaced from property neering departments and the trat- the State Division ot Highways to about $1 ,700,000, considerably • D.-lng:o plans should serve as a continu­ taxes and the cities' share of fie details of police departments keeps them Informed of its plans I~ than one-half, "and almost • Plcldt!8 • Olives ing guide in the day-to-day prog­ in lieu taxes on vehicles, which in the various areas of the state. for con11tructing state highways to all of this was in Los Angeles ramming." the sena tor continued. should be returned to the cities "Our capital city of Sacra- and through the cities. Neither alone ... •Cb_., • Meat& Mr. Collier then deplored the • • Sardines - Anchovies and counties in larger amounts, mento has materially improved can local agencies protect against • • fact tha t so ma ny different depart­ he said. the administration of its traffic encroachment on proposed high- TIUS MEANS that counties • Cracken • Blscoltll ments are empo1A:ered to ha ndle \\ith large urban populations get • French Rolls " If sta te funds are to be spent detail during the past three way routes unless they know the functions of city government on streets of ma jor importance, months, a nd there has been a where they are goirfg to be." a generous apportionment based relating t9 the study and regula­ I believe the legisla ture shou1d marked reduction in traffic in- A similar problem which con­ on vehicle registration, but with tion of traffic and the planning definc the standards rather pre- juries and traffic fatalities for fronts cities and counties is that few exceptions use their money SHOP AT GILL'S and administration of city streets. ciscly to the end tha t a better clas- 'tha t period.' 0 the senator infcrm- of relocating utilities when street only on rural county roads, even "What is needed. then, is not only sificatlon of the strc-e ts of major ed the league members. and hig hway improvements are though the principle road problems For Frmher Vegetables the long r ange plan but effective importance ma y be obtained. Ho\vever, even "-ith adi..'l']Uate proposed. "This matter is be- may be on city streets. machinery for coordina tion of a ll Betu!r MeafB "Perhaps this can be accom- traffic engineering and enf..:ircc coming irlcreasing ly acute, and it "It would seem preferable to Sii NORTH ..MAIN iT. cjty activities which a ffect the pli shed by establishing a maxi· men t, not all city s treets can have is evident,'' Senator Collier said, Fancy Grocerlell development and exccutjon of the agree on a formula \vhich wilI i mum percentage limitation and enough capacity for everyon1.: to ••tha t there has been lack of more nearly approximate rural r------.. street and traffic pl an." he said. requiring the Division of High· travel in private vehicles. he add- foresight and cooperation' in plan- r oad needs of the counties and al­ • Before You Build or- Remodel 245 Forest Ave. • • • 1Ar ays to exercise closer super· cd, declaring that "city adminis- , ning for the joint use of public low the counties to spend the SOME of the more importa nt vision a nd more uniform control tra tions must also recognize tht· rights of \\'ay." e~tire amount. on county roads," Visit Our lot.eresUng Sample and Display Rooms LAGUNA BEACH phases of the city street probl em the senator said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~h~i~c~h;;m~us~t;;be~~i~n~tc~g~r;a~t~ed~·;;· n~t~li~is; oinitf ia thete dc JassiandJ icsautbiominst ted a nd by pl athnse tiopossibn iniliti croeswded of do redwntuciO\\'llng districongcests- partAft oefr hi dse addrvotinges s ato consida disceusrablsione "By t.he same token \Ve should Color- gu!~es, plap­ cities," !he sena tor explained. facilities. The improve.ment of of the financing of city str__cets, the devise an apportionment formula nlng aids, comprehens­ ~ 1 which will g ive the cities some • • • by encouraging the use of transit senator produced sta tistical data ive stock of carpets SPEAKING on the subject of mass tra nsportation facilities has to show that of the entire amount additional funds for expenditure Announcing the New Vibrapac the land use phase. the senator a lready been undertaken in some of money spent for all purposes on their city streets free from anti llnolewn. sta ted t hat the opport unit y which cities as a partial solution to the on city streets and highways in dependence oh the generosity of Building Units cities have to control land use street problems." 89 California cities, the cities the counties. through the exercise of the police • • • themselves supplied $25,052,459 or ''1lie counties also have a tre­ ALL S!Zffl BUILDING UNITS power should be more effectively THE SENATOR stated also tl1at 83 1Ai per cent for the fiscal year mendous road Jll'Oblem ; therefore," employed to aid the street and the increased. use of mass trans- 1931-32, 1A.·hile the cities' portion the senator said in conclusion, "it Brick and OtMpoo1 Bloth Now In ProdocUoa highway program. "F or example," porta tion facilities will also aid in 193&-37 was $12,415,449 or only is quite natural that they should he said, "if a city knew some some of the larger cities in solving 48 per cent. prefer to retain as much of the state apportionment as they can years ahead where a major state their parking problems. Mos ·~ cities • • • for expenditur~ on rural roads." Walter Kline Cioncrete Products Cio. highway improvement or new admit that they have thc-se prob- FOR STREET construction, LUDLUM Carpet Works ueo Newpon Ave. route were to be built, millions lems, but few appear to be doing maintenance and administration of dollars could be saved i1 ade- much about solving them. he said. alone. those 89 cl.des spent local . All kinds ~ter ribbons 11 1m-Jlelast. quate setbacks "''ere required and "And yet .parking is entirely funds of $18,000,000 in 1931-32, ·1 11~t;oclc;;;•;t;;th~e;;N;•;ws;;2- n~~,,,..;:;=;;;•;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

Co n g r a t ·uI a ti on s ( We Wish You on Your New SUCCESS -To- Enterprise SANDY'S DRIVE-IN SANDY'S DRIVE-IN J_1 632 Cioast Highway 632 Cioast Highway on the Miracle Mile SANDY'S DR~VE-IN and to you, Manager Greenhow on the Miracle Mile and CONGRATULATIONS At 632 Cioast Highway Mr nager Greenhow

And SUCCESS to Success Manager Erwin Greenhow and

• Best Wishes

Plumbing Contractors GREENLEAF and WOLDENBERG GENERAL OONTRACl'OBS lhla. Otnce: !3!8 W. Oemtn.I A.Te. (Bud) • E. J. . Jacknn Gillman &Gillman N. E. 1·1665 LjnWood, Calif.



• •

• • ' • ...... ;,, ...... !•~·~'*~'fl"!:l!!~·~!t!l!!'!~!!!A!.Hil~~·!!!•!:;!•'MM!!.J"~ ~i:iei:='~'~-~,=~~~o~:n:~;e,ll;~";;;;::':'~'==•1:11e~';;'.:':••::l!z~=19==11:::-"'i:::::::::~---;:;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!..,.!!~--~0 ..'* Dusty Files Disclose History Fe::: :::.!.-:;ess!:~~ TOWN' & COUNTRY Gf3alboa rlret whuf. In soing out it is lmprac­ Southern Colifonrla is destined tlcable to make the I.harp turn ror the grNitest expansion of ib Of Newport Half Century Ago long h1storical cattel'. acarding ._ b.. II y..,.. a( 8enb lo tile -· Just mentloned without letting of Three Arch Bay 11A1N "'-t Clleatele BAUSOA, CiU.D', go an anchor and allowlng the to a statement issued by Alfred HOUSE We 111'1! indebted lry the foUowing enllghtealng story of New- • • • tion. who is on a visit to this area. port Bay 57 years ago. - The Editor. LOCAL . KNOWLEDGE is re-­ H t> said the Los Angeles region­ qajred to enter and follow the al office of the Department of '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" I channel, because the entrance Commerce is going to be one or ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' From the Coast Pilot or Cal.I- Newport Bay was knME by George Davidson. of the U. S. Joaquin. Th«-:, bay is a _Jong and cept on the flood. Formerly pansion possibilities are so much A REGULAR PART OF OUR MENU Coru;t a nd Geodetic Surve)'. print- narrow cut the high . mesa ranges Wf."re nlO\'ed to t.nd.icate 1~to 1 greater here than in any other ed in 1889. l ~ nd on ~e wes-t and the sh..ghtly the position of the bar to the part of the nation. '"The Los - 'niesday - Ne"-port Bay higher_hi~ on the east. Its gen- coasting steamers. but now a Angeles regional office will be of This small bay is twenty.one er~ direction is north fo:r three local pilot comes out ln his dory tremendous importance for ·the DELICIOUS cmCKEN & DUMPLINGS 1 m.iJes from P oint San l\tateo and miles, when the head Ul'Tl5: shruir to mttt the incoming steamer, business ahead." he said. -Thuniday - thirteen and a half miles from Jy to the east for hall 8 ~le . The and very adroitly he manages to The department is now busy se­ Point San Juan Capistrano. From gnattt part of the bay lS closed cross the bar when it is break.- w-ting personnel for the orrices. THE FlNEST OF CHINESE FOOD by marsh land. but a channel · b Point Fermin it bears south eigh- wi ds thro h t th h d Th 1ng Y watching tor a favorable Cooked to p.,.ffldloa ty-seven degTees eut. dist.a.nee six- n . ug: 0 e ea · . e moment. Fortunately the bar ls seaward from the outermost part three-quarten of a mile seaward entrance lS m:tsked by 8 Jong hne very short. There is from three of the beach to the westward of -Friday- with the low plains In front, it of low . sand d~es . \\'hlch extt!nd and one-hall to four and one-hall the entrance to the bay. The point A D~EEP~ SEA FISH FRY is close under the hills forming teen miles. Looking from sea\\'ard. feet on the bar, and coasting was ch0&en · because it ii at the the cutem boundry of th ese from the general curve of the Isteamers drawing seven and one- head of the deep submarine valley These specialties are otfen!d In conjunction with out plains. A cood landmark for mak- fast land. an~ form a barrier two half feet enter at the spring which carries five fathoms of varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. Ing the bay Is to bring the double- or three rrules long •a:-oss ~e tides to bring in lumber, etc. water within three hundred and FROG LEGS, etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls of N;. peaked Santiago Mc..untain, which front of . the ~Y · Behind thia No schooners load here. ~ thirty yards of the shore. The sorted Rellshes and Salads will enhance your every meal narrow Une of sand the Santa is one- wharf warho" ·- a nd wharf is nearly three hundred back An 0 1..- ' ._...... This Panel Now lies about twenty-five miles a R1'v er comes f or two or uu-ee seven or eight small shanties yards Jong, sixty feet wide at • of the coast-line. to bear north- miles from the westward under near them. The fresh wa ter is thr- outer part, a nd is nineteen Domestic & Imported Wines - Beer Available ID east when the entrance to the the face of the me:..a. ThiJ r iver brought from a 1pring at the head feet above high water . I ts gen­ bay is directly under it. and the waters of the bay empty of the bay er al direction is southwest by We Cannot Serve AD the Foro on the Olast. So W e Serve Only through the same channel, which At the· extreme west-south· south, and at the outer part we - the Finest - Chrome cuts .through the sand dunes very west point of the west spit, two found thirty feet of "'1ater at the Christian Science near their eastern limit, where and one--half miles westward end, and sixteen and seventeen PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 they join the linP of broken blutf, from the entrance and one and feet of water about eighty yards Hours : 5 p.m. - 10. Sw>da)os, 4 p.m. - 10. Clooed Wednesdays Su_nday Theo1e 'l\fatter' which is about sixty feet in eh;• \'8- one.quarter milPS southwest from on either side tO\\'ards the shore The Golden T t>x t or the Sundt J lion. At the time of the topo- the landing inside. the line of (February 22, 1889). Outside the THE STANTOHS, DOC AND lO Lesson·Scrnon on ";,latter" ln all graphical sur\·ey 11875) this en- sand dunes makes A turn to the " 'harf a large mooring buoy is Fonnerly of the Coest Inn Flexible Shafts branc: bPs or The ~lot tier Cburr b. trance was v.i thin five hundred west-northwest. At this angle of placed in ten fathoms of water on The Flr~t t.: burt·b or t'hrist. Sl·len· yards of the Pastern end Ot the rhe shore-line the Y.'aten of the the in~r l'dge: of the plateau to list, tn Boston, la fro r..1 l)salm.1 and sand dunes • a nd th e c h anne I bay come with;... one hundred the y.· tward, y.·hich carries five Engine Drive Joints reads ...Tren 1hle. thou earth. Il l th e th h 1-t h b f • • "' pre!lence or the Lllrd. at t ;1 :! r res· h rougIf . \\'RS nort Y east or yards of the ocean at h1-gh wa ter . to !ii x fathoms of \V ater. U<'lY.'C'(' n enr e or ihr (;odor Ja,.ob," 8 a mi1£'. running directly for Here the sea does not break the buoy and the " 'harf the depth In n ~. · r t ptura l :u·eount r.nke re- a partially brok£>n. bluff to wi thin heavil}' on the beach. and the is eightt'<' n fathoms. This Y.'harf l alP!I Ill .it J i"'ll \1 " "arose out or the two hundrC'd and fifty yards lhC're- pilut'i;. boat is launched on the stood the severe gales of the \\'in­ SILVER PLATING py naf! nt:LH'. and {' ll !Pr l'I! 111 10 F:t n1 · of. nnd th C' n turnC'd . a bruptly to1 outside bf>u ch \Vhcn he ca n not ter of 1888-'89 \\'iThout damage. I on 'll housC'. And S!tuon 's ''·lrc·s !h t~ \\'t•s1"·a rd. keC'p1ng close tel cr n~s the l> it r . At !his point th<' A raHrcad is tX' ing constructed We Claim to Have All of the Silver 1uol11» r \\·a" 1:1' .• n '' l! h a 1t reat !hf' sand dunes on the south, ''ith hydr~ aphy h111 :1 1 l.: ~ t i · '", all 11\ .. y lhat hund rf'd } a rd.~ ac1oss R-nd ten f('<' t fathoms \\"ithin fi\'e·sixths of a a f l''" store·houses, a \\'hnrf, and ,·ered with -- I 9 ~ 0 1 1 1 1 SlSCE t: I 11 11) '"h k 1 ith P .. r 11 •ll ll ":lfl "" hig l1 . \\' hf'n ''·ithin thrC'(' hun. 1 milt•. \\'f'SIY.'ard of this submarine a fC\\. sha n1 ics. 1'ht_\nC<' roads run PURE 1003 FINE SILVER Lr11 "l!h t 1h .. n 1 11 11 ' • hitn: an d hf> drC' d ynrds of !his isle t the c han~ vallf'y and foL•r to six miles off to Anaheim. Santa J-\na and other J, d 11 .. 11 ;1 1! .. ' 1 , , , •' ry one or n .... I tll t th h f 1 • rns o C' nort \\'f'St or shore. tht1 re is a piftf (> all \\·ith i-hoal Points. COMME RCIAL, TRIPLE OR QUADRUPLE PLATE 1000 Soast Hiway Phone Beacon 5407 1: 1. :"id h• · I· ! 1 11· rn." . , , L d ~: ; 1 r } J);t l..· r , ' . .!y !':\~"' In ! h c> ,.,. c.,,·port fa n ini::-·1. \\d'h. 1ch is thrl'£'- \\·ater ' from 10 to 30 fathoms ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1 0 AlAo la San Fnnelsco-\\"llntlngton-Stoekton-San Diego-Oakland ('", ~ 1 · :111 ~ ! 1• .. ' "" IL1 :11k . ... ~ • · \. qua r C' rs ~ mi C' ista nt on th<' O\"C'r fine gray sand. throughout • , ~.· ,. ri · ~ d !'i·alt !J ,,·h b l\ 1· r to th~ southeast point of the mesa land San PC'dro Bay; C' BSl\\•a rd the FTh'EST TASTING 0 EXPERT SILVERSMITHS ELECTRICIANS : · 1.;1tu r1 ·'.'I " " \ \ h1 ·n '\"Ill It bt> un· and marked by house's. depth drops off into t\VO hun- SIZZLING HAMBURGERS 1! r ootl 1hal ·•:1:1- •r lt;1-. nl·ilher The channC'- l has changC'd (l&SJ ) drC"d fathoms four miles off shore STEAKS (whenever he itets ALL WORK GUARANTEED C-0-Two Fire Equipment l·11 11 .... • ·: f>, lo •'. rnr ~ ··n :t a ti on . "...nt 1- ·""'" ll' s1·n._,- . tit•.. - . ,,·ith brO\\•n and grc<'n mud. It' --wao:::o u ) ·,. H O M E B A K E D 1 · I 1;· I tin·" '·• " ht>l ll· r t ~ the There_ is nO\\' no sand-spit on the is said !ha t this submarine \'allei' Y U MMY BERRY A N D 1·· 11 1. ::: n ·ir •• t•f :Il l 11 11ff1•1 ln .i.: ~ d f APPLE PIES • for FACTORY, PIA.."'\T, ST ORE. OFFICE. F ARM, HOM'E 0 l'nd r r P:- •• I :di th r n 11 r ~ :\l in1I. and <'as! SI e thc> entrance at high can be r(>adily made out from the • lleadllPt Bellecton. AD - (Commercial Plate) t •• a• .. id l p . . ~ ·i· t and 1- tr-i u:-.l. " " ·at<'r. but at lo\v water there! hills above on account of the dis- sH E p 's -=~· ~~~~;;::::~;;~~~~~~ijij~~~~~iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:- l cish ?a nnsandel bet bank,,·ee nlh~re ~t a Y.ndit ht hea swashrocky coloThreder C' \\'areater noon editherange rsh anidn . ap.- Bavc.I.,.1NS1"~.!lrta!i ...."n! CO.~·R. point. In entering. thls sand proaching the bar from the y.·est- C. C. 1 bank- \vhich the steamship com- j y.·ard if you k('('p the beach "Cbuek" COSTA llE8A "Bob" pa.ny has marked by a red buoy thrCP-quartcrs of a mile distant 1015 COAST HIGHWAY Wortb · Band - is !('ft on tht> starboard hand. in about six or seven fathoms, NEWPORT Phone Beacon 5358-R ~ut1ng ver~this clredose aboabuoyrd, . theAlt ster eamerpass- eovnse r rgTayapidly sand. aft erThe passing watEjr dPointeep- ! :~ii"Th~~e~H~o~me~iiiioiifiiG~ood~~E~a~to~"iiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ runs for a short distance to the t.asuen, a nd a depth of one hun­ lef.t (or westward). of the rocky! dred fathoms. y.•ith blue and gTeen po~ nt and dos<' to 1t , t>e<;ause the mud, is within one and a quarter Santa's Orange County Headquarters Are at the Wheeler Shop point fr.om the \vest spit ~ak es miles south"'ard of the Newport o_u t so far that a vessel is ob- bar, being in the deep submarine hged to make a very sharp turn, valley already described. ThE> ? nd in doing so her stern S\\'i.ngs usual a nchorage for vessels re­ in . over !he sunken. rocks just maining out.,ide is either to the Inside the rocky pcunt. Thence east or west of the bar in eight thC' re is a good channel to the to ten fathoms ot water. and one­ SANTA CLAUS quarter of a mile from the beach. The channel across the bar ..,,,_,.,...... MEN - WOMEN changes at every spring tidv, Is Working Overtime Now !undies lhou1d pro•ide 1 real euagy-boost to cany • M ~DAT while the depth remains about ~r..-tr:: through fo the nming me1!. It t.&ket hcsrty food to do the job • •• 1t tchool clw• ~ 0.-a. Prostate , , - Pelvis three and a half to four and a W'n•• ....tor ro.­ or a1.,ork. Depend upon Sa!ew1y lo H1pply you with the thinp you need to fl ll O,...... park u1bstantial.1auy lunc:Ms for your f1mily. Cl>oo.. from a l.arp MIOrto half feet. A good landmark for BUT--- C• H ,..011•.C C••· l•I•,•.. , ••,..,,,, . .,rH. ..• •...ell mnit of quality lunch-box food1 at Safeway. this vicinity is Santa Ana or San ...• ll .. 10&4C • H ;.io,,• Jacinto mountain. very high and ..... double peaked. This Year's Demand Is Too BREAD ..._ ..... I'S Tides: The mean rise a nd fall IT'S YOUR of tides may be taken as the Great for Him to Possibly White or wbe11 Y1rieties. St.y. freah loager. Mrt. 1 ... same u that of Anaheim Land­ 11MAt MHW1 Ntlll Wright'• Cnicktd Wheat Bre.d.. J.Jb. loaf. lx. IMf GLANDS o...... ing, where It is four and three-­ Fill. Yes, Most Toys Will Be Tillamook Cheer Caden AVAILUU IN GUIN OZl UOWN covas Mechanical Toys ~ ~ ~~~d"'OO.:'f:: light in gifts of this ~· EqUIP" 111ent Footballs, Croquet -.. ..._ Tam• Seti, Balls "'- Cl/IUiANTllD Ataillllle low hr Ir•••• lllfllJ Sports eveey -; - ~ are litttally hun­ MEATS. l'ISH dreds ot items here that will especially please the future AIJ.--..li * S~ DUPUCATO!lS I SUPfUIS und POULTRY ADDING MACHINES Musical lnstn111ents ~~t X:.:::llF -..~ mu:!.~~ * ....ii are in good stock NOW at the Wheeler Shop. *CHICK~ MC8ti0ft81 Tove mocks. Boob to _., 0 -,.. Seb. TW

N&WWWW Uiae>A NWW!-1!11!!!, Jrwwwtwt Sr Ottthl 7 .e,, - I ,. lep1 ~ 1!, lNt , I MffRlll Hits Aut.o Motel Owaers TllANlil'.OllTATION H 9LS .,_«,AJQDOtlS • So Help Me W AN'n:D--Rlcle to U. S. C. Yon- FOR SALE--Tblrt;y tt. ot &-l't. Oaklander An auto owned by Ray M . Wat­ --Hollingshead Planalng More URGENT ldi. ol. Newport Beach was hit day thru Friday. !!6'111 Seaabcift ·-- crape ·- - Wedl....t.y by a car dri\;en by Ori~ N.,.._i Bodi. 72-2tp. . Phono H-1682. 73-ltc Arthur Ehman of Costa Mesa at We regret to report that this 'Miracle Miles' .... welfare of _.. - - _. - or '.ollT ·~ -~ FOR SALE OR TRADE-For Lauded by 42nd -t. Newport Beach, po­ week we had no Pep Meeting at Home Ruined; ---. A.oc:1ai..t whit .r:w;~u ...... ,~... n , dbl. barrel 12 lice reported. J . P.I. Miller's real estate bargain 'The recenUy completed Mini.de )up eoaunerc1a1 eo.,..,.... LOST- Between Balbo:!. and Costa gauge Fox ahotgun like new; basement at 15th & Central. The Mile Motel, the largest and most tlolL Trudent.s from la- Mesa, pair of light shell read- also bed rol1. Lot 28, l2th Beek, C F. Dennison, A. B . Rous- reason was that the Boss took olf modern motor hotel on the C.OUt ...._ &el.le, Charles F . Crawford, Sam on a fishing trip, and when he's Hlgliway in Calllornla, ls the fore- ing glasses in brown sun glas! St. Trai.ler Park, Newport Hundreds Wit eIn ju red runer of a chain or motels plan- Rapecta))le, ecm.lderate case. Phone Beacon 5548-W. Beach. 73-2tp D . Porter, LeW H. Wallace, Carl not around the office f o rc e (Continued trom Pqe l) I,tunan, Heinz Kaiser. H . F . Ken- promptly loses all pretense of ha\'· ned by.its owners. rlllDlly ------73-~t~tc Venetian Blinds ny. Walter Longmoor, and F . E. ing any pep, so we just sit around Kno Fireman Clark Rescqes According to partners R. J . Col- PHONE COLLECT LOST-Man's brown wallet, vidn· Steel or aluminum made to IDNI· . " 'land had to leave the puty CJwena. and take it easy. omb and Ogden Ann.strong, New- lty of Newport Bea.ch. Contain- ure an4 installed. In San Diego and entrain for Ber- Abo present as newspapermen Before he left the Boss in.stalled Pet Dog Trapped in port Beach was chosen for their B:SO to 5 P . M. ing driver's Jicense and valuable s18 Coa.st Riway . Ph. Beacon keley, where Miss Emelyn begins were Col Seelyngliam Franklin, one of those' new gadgets that re­ Corner by Fire first project after three years of ANGELUS 1185 papers. W . Moore, San Fran- 73-45001 her second semester of college. &milt.ant editor of the Costa Mesa cord all telephone conversations. surveying potentla1 sites in Santa Edi 1'oa. I! cisco. on papers enclosed. Ad- tc The other children are. Estelle. Globe-Herald and Fred Frost, Untonunately, Holly the office By H. L. BARNUM Barbara, Palm Springs, La Jolla • dress now Ne'4'Jk>l't Beach. FOR SALE--1946 nearly new eight, and Joseph, 16. . editcr of The News-Times. boy was the first one to answer A fire which started ' " the ..a nd Hollywood. Says Mr. Colomb. WEEKENDs AND Phone Harbor lSEK>. Keep white baked tnamel Coolerator On the visit to Newport Harbor Ranakt Fairbairn. publisher of the phone that morning. The fol- ~· w f I th t th N t -.....,,.~ n10ney. 73-2tp refrlgerator, 75 lbs. capacity. living room and had blazed out of ) e. ee a e area _,,c..n...nG8 425 Marguerite, Corona del the senator was greeted at the ...... _ ~_,.,. Dail N d h · lowing transcript or the resulting ~r Mar. N~ Harbor Yacht club by .11..:: ...,..~e y ews an c. 8U'- control before it Y.'as noticed. prac-/ hu JUSt begun to grow.. ATLANTIC !15!1 LOST-On Beach at Balboa. gold '12-2tp .. ~t"'· ~ of the Kn l d tt conversation should give you some J . S . Barrett, president of the ~ ow an conuru ee idea as to why the Boss has those tically destroyed the home of Mr. Facing the hlghway wi_th a two- frame rimless glasses. Reward. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- m. Orange county, a nwd Gordon and Mrs. Gordon Hollingshead. st?ry neo~ sign that lights the/ ~;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~ I Phone Beacon 5360-J. 73-2tp !-"'OR SALE-~ h.p. IngersoI.. Rauc:r merce, and a gathering of some Richmond of Orange, ere also migraine headaches all the time: 119 East Bay Balboa 115 d 1 Miracle M1le for t\lio'O blocks, the\ 1 compreuer. almost new at bl.a ~e9mt. VOICE: "Hello. is J . M. Miller Tuesday ~g an · ear Y motel is built in four equal sec- post o~ce . ~ta M8&. discount. H . 141..J. 304 28tb s~ X> grominent people. there., .. LOS!- In Among those present were. Mn. Capt. C V . l\1:cCarty, USN HOLLY · "I'll see. \Vhat's his F1ames y,·ere .leaping through tions. comprising .40 u~lts . in all. Wanted to Buy: ~ .. ~gra,::tb lnsi~J~ Newport. Tl-3tc Lelia Eastman, chainnan of the tRet.). of Balboa, and bis old name " " · the front porch and into the sec- each_section suppli~ with its own Ne\lio-s-Tirnes. Reward. 72-2tc FOR SALE-Ice box. 75-lb. capac-- Republican een tral committee-; ilh.ip:nate. Capt. Dillon Zimmer V . . "Wha t·s whose name'!'" ond story of the ill-fated struct· heating and ve n tilatio~ S)"Jtem . ity. Nice cond. 211 Dahlia, Cof'.. Mrs. H . C. Ka ltlor . \Y. A. Spicer, man. USN, of La Jolla, now on H. "J . M . Miller, lady. Isn't that Ralph P. Ma.skey, P. A. Palmer. the detached list awaiting retire- who you wanted!" ~::mm~~= ~~~c:m:;~yw~~ :~e~;. !~~e ~~~~d':r C:,~ ~ ~~"':'.;.!: DIPLOYMENT OPFl!lll:D 11 ona del Mar. 72-2tc 2 Ne"",...,.._t Be h d . . tract, designed especially for the WiL>'-•- _,1.,nu dis•·-- ot HELP w ANTED-Female. cook- FOR SALE-Neon Sign Cafe. Andrew H. Kirk, Commodore J . A.. ment,, were also present. v . "No." ...... ac . an engzne t . l"UlUI wa.uu• ._ Wll&A,;llC' Re··· bl cau D. ~·1 ~ H . "Who do you want?" company No. 4, Balboa ts1and. re- en e.rprise. Alvarado & Central F\im. general, for a family. Day or ~na e. UIC"acon 01.u. - ...... V . " I don't want anybody. 1 ported to the scene atf :21 a. m. The .50.000 squar:e f<;Xlt area not tun time position. Harbor 1,,=,._,.--,------'ro-:.:...:tf:.:c -he d ·' t . covered by the uruts 1s p&\'ed tor ish complete description and 215()...1. 72-2tc. 1 '.FOR SALE- , __ Holli 1 uar- just want lo ta lk to J . M. Miller." . n"'"' a . ve era mo ton k 1' pa f ce t• f price 16 gauge doubJe H. ''Then why talk to me? I'm picture producer, was a"A•a kened par !'g s ce. or ex P. ton ° · WOMAN for housework in prt- rel shotgun $10. Monterey S tyle by the sme11 of smoke and the a •trip or lawn 36 feet wide and J . McCloskey-Z!l 8tlt vate family, two days a week, bed davenJ)Ort and chair $35.; not J . M ." 328 w. 7 .- V. "Who is th.i.s talking crackling or burning ' embers in ~eel Jon~ tha t separates the St • - $1.00 per hour. Call evenln- Double bed innerspring mat· please?" the fl oor below. Rushing down- building .sections. Trees, flO'-"'ers ., _,. Ansele1 S. Calllonala only, Harbor 754-W. 1404 . S:,~ tress, box springs $50. Call Har- H . "I give up. Never heard stalrs. he found his livfng room a and . hed~ icomple~e effthe land· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bay Front, Balboa Island. 72-2tp bor 1982 J. 72-.2tp. .. your voice before in my life." blazing inferno. . scap1ng. e mpress1ve ect " 'as - r aced with u· ed. created by James M . Cowie, 1722 194. 6, before me. e . K . Roi'••· • WAITRESS WANTED stx days G. E. vacuum cleaners (1938) ; 5().. V. "I mean who are you ? " r a vexa ous pr IC&· Mir h ·11 . Notary Publl I • po d i box. whit ··--·• H . '"Look. lady, make up your ment-a me{lns of escape--he re- ardamar, °'!'to wt . continue as and State. ~....:!n!fi~ r::pe~~~~ week. Norton's Bay Shore Cate, un ce e ~ ...... aa. mind. Do you want to talk to me turned upstairs 1 g en main enance man. mood P . Hob80 n. . w . lfoorti and R E. 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tfc good condition: new bat}Jinette. 0 . i h" . . • -~ li th Named after l\firacle Mile be- Jord.an.hkno wn to me to be the Per- HELP w••~w .... Call Harbor 1197-M. 72-4tc or to J . M.?' J 01n ng 1s wi 1e ~ ana, e ... t . . sora .w 09e na.nieti ~ 11ubecribed to ~"' .e..i:..v-- om.an or ,.u 1 nA ir made their w ay ' hrough the cause I is a m1rac1 e to .compete1 the wltbln fruitnunent. &nd acltnowl- for . general housework·, ~ood FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal- V . "l want to talk to Mr. Mil­ ~ • such a large project 1n these edged to me that lbey es~uted lhe • ler . Where is he?" bli di k I air d n "'""'• U In t. Harbo culator, $150. 1840 Harbor . n ng smo e o an ea y- am- ,; ...... M•tner •--irong was 1 wages; ve or ou • r fr b I .... ~, .....,... ~ 11~ n witness whereof. I haYe h•-- Blvd r -ta M-· D- H. "H e's ,1,.ith Tom Hender· ing .ont. a .cony. H e t h en took contractor a nd designer of the u nto eet my b&nd an a!ftxed :Z:.'"y 1992 . 56-tft ., \.AJilJ '"'"-· ocacaD. son." his wife 1n his ann.s and dropped bulldi orflclal 9H.I the day a.ad nu 1n tbJ• 5892-J. 61-ttc h t . ng certlflcate tint •bo,·e written. WANTED-Woman or girl to stay V . "Are they at Mr. Hender­ er to the street below. ollov.-7tc N•wport Blvd. a.ta#:.';! "2 Block from Ferry 0 just Mr. l\1iller ?" is re?JTted to have an injured back SEPTEMBF.R is. 1946 Two Waitresses V. "Just Mr. Miller ." 0 from her fall. X· Rays revealed S AN OTEGO, S'ept. 19 - Repeal ~oW:: "f: ~'!"r e~:v~,~~'l~!ri1neen w· F s · f ed Glas§ Shower Doors 113Yz Agate H. "He's out fishing with Tom that no bones were broken. daya a!ter the date po11ted . the under· tth ountaip ervtce Pre err Henderson a nd Fred Beck". Toto, Hollingshead pet fox ter· by the State and Natjonal Legis· 11 fgned propose.11 to &ell alch ollc bever- Greyhound Bus-Stat1"on made to measure and in- - lature or laws prohibiting chari- a,:ea .at these premh1e1. described u stalled. Good deliveries. V . "Could you have him call rier. \.\' BS found cringing in the b ed . rollows : 608 Coast Highway me When he gets back?" corner of a n upstairs back bed· ta le, uca11onal and religious in· •02 M•ln s t .. BALllOA / NE\VPORT Bal1'lT'iew Bui'Jders Supply stitutions from being taxed was BF:ACR. Calif. 73-1 tc .J • .. GARDEN AND PATIO WALL H . "No ma·am." room during the fire, by August Pursuant to such Intention. the 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 V . "Isn't he coming back? " Clark. enaine company No. 2 The advocated here Wednesday by undel'91gned 18 applying to the Slate HELP WANTED-Ex-navy radio o• ~1 a"-· o r Bowron of Los Angeles Board of Equlll&&tlon for luuance on 73-4tc • H. "Oh yes. At least he al­ dog was a bit singea. but none ~ · or1gtnal a ppllc•tlon of an aJ coholle technician, who wishes to con· -~------W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor ways has." the worse for his fircy experience. Bowron, who presided over a =7o?i~!.. :llcec n ite for these prem\ae,- tinue with technical radio work SALE MISCELLANEOUS SO session of mayors and councilmen · ·1· u Rer M1 Nowpon Bl..t. V. "Then Why can't you have The California type frame home " ON SALE BEF.R as c1vi ian occupa on. er· 0 . B . R --• An•on o l o 1 1 1 th 1 Auto Batten"es COSTA MESA him call me?" knolty-pine inter1·ors and was - including olayor t."-"" and ' •••I r g 0 pro e.a e iriru- ences r--uired . Local resident. had aoce ot sueh licentre m•y rile a \'ertfled ~ ... Rubber c:.! ...... aten H . Be-cause 1 don't know who valued at $18,CXX). Its contents membe " 0 r th e N ewpor t Bea ch pro~ •Ith the St•te Board or Equa.11. Write Box BU, c/ o News-Times...... -,. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, j you are." were - •mated at •• .ooo. The City Council- in the third day's utlon at Sa<:rame.nto. California. stat· 73.4tc I~month - $6.75 Ex. ~u - I 0 r th Le 0 t Cali ln g .ll"f'OURd• for denial u provided by ------V. 'That's sil ly. Any of my damage is covered by some in· con erenCt" e ague - laV, The Dreml~• are not now lleen.eed WANTED-- k be Comp oun d e d M 0 to r Oil friends can tell you who I am." aurance. The cause of the fire is fornia Cities, also urged that the ro.r 1 the sale' ~:or ~h~.h oLll .' h ti:anscnp on should At the same time. J ack Lipps the League, Charles S. Ryan, Washington. D. C .. attorney. who ~tc EARLY (mornings only) BATTERIES give )'OU some idea why the Boss announced in Santa Ana that he · E J (B d ) J kl .n Is alraJd to leave any or us in the had purchased lrom Al Andenon is executive director of the Nation­ NOW is the time tQ waterproof King Landing Gunder.an Drug Co. offtce alone. 8:"d why he hasn't the property at 405 E. Central al Municipal Lawyers association, your home--average 5-room 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor SU a( had a day off 1n months I don't · predJ cted that the problems of Newport Beach • • U 1 • - w Id h · t avenue, Balboa, '-''hich comprises stucco in good condition for re- 61-ttc. 80-tfo / think. •oc ou ave gone Yt!S er· h A d ti unionization ot municipal employ­ day on the r·sru t · th t e n erson cottages, some ve painting u }ow as $175 includ------­ 1 ~ np except at apartments for a consideration of es would be eliminated it some Ing trtm. Only the best oil Order Your '----11 T~ . Henderson ·~ one of our more $22 000 municipal heads showed the cow-­ paints used. References gladly Servel insidious competitors, and both ' · age to dema nd that salaries of furnished. C ..E . Van Hall, Tel. Tom and the are trying to ------Gas Refrigerator Boss city worken; be Increased. Harbor SS.WK. 72-2tp ALL OF THESE CEMENT WORK sell Fred Beck the s>une iot in Gene Minor, Former He excoriat<'d the professed as­ Now na& Wo...._ er .....,_ ... .,tllloow• Balboe Coves. Irs a tough way to Bike Champ, Passes sumption by some municipal ad­ COOPERATIVE . ADVANTAG)<:S at Vogel's make a living. Why not drop ministrative offi cers that the bud- ROOFING CO. 100 Main St. Harbor 14.5 a.round to the offiC"e al 15th and Eugene V. Minor. 74. d t e d get and tax structures of cities YOURS CALL I 5 i i - I FOa llfP'OIUIA.TION 52-tft Central to sympathize with him. WC'dneSday at his home, 393 Ham· " 'Ould be enhanced by keeping New and Repair The phone is Harbor 1241 . U YoU ilton street. Costa He was salary brackets at low ebb. '1 be- ~1esa . .. . when you get a job u a Hereafter lf we recap yuur ------pt Holly on the phone just hang the father of \Villard Minor of lieve," he added. " tha t the tax- Phone ~M teJephone operator. up and tr;' later. Santa Ana, who is associated with payers will support a fair deal in 21.f E. »th S t.. ea.ta Meu the engineering firm of Raub a nd wages for city employes. Raise 2&-tft Good pay lrom the •tart . .. TIRES S<> nnc- tt, Costa Mesa. their salaries and your problems ___S______:::::::: PueLtc NoTtcE yes, even while you are Mr. Minor was born in lndialla- or unlons usurping powers. which IGN PAINTING learning. We guarantee our "Car-" to tut For NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE polis and in his youth was a municipal law prohibits them from champion bicycle rider or both the having. \\ill disappear." Boats. Trucks, Windows Raises at regular intervals 20,000 MILES KNOW ALL MF.Z..' BY THESE high-'4•heel and modern models. J ames Mus•tti, general manager wan. ud Bulletlna. PRESENT S · That Kenneth f-f nu k and . . . and a chance to advance. and that's not all­ Gl•d:n Houk. dolnc buslneu u.Dde.r He was a lso a semi·professional of the California State Chamber Raised M•tal. Wood and MARINE thtt n etit lous name a.nd 11t yle of ··341"1',,.ti Cate" at 1830 Newport Boule­ baseball player. Later the family of Commerce. was one ot the prln­ PluUc Lettel"I Good working conditiom . . . WE WILL GIVE YOU ,.ard. Cb!! ta Mesa. C.Hfornta. Intend moved to Illinois and he ran a cipal speakers scheduled to open AL LACHMEYER attractive, pleasant sur­ 10 •II to J oh n A. RylU\. ~irldln.ir at g:raln el,,.,·ator for h is father. He toda?'"' finaJ sl'Ssion of the con· HARDWARE 17:'9 W ttit 9th St~t. Santa Ana. 1728 Weat Central roundings . . . friendly tel­ $20.00 C'•llfomla.. Ra. ymond F. Braun. re· had been a rE>Si dent of Costa 1''1csa vention. •Harbor 1243-M 38tfr low·workers. tildlng at •oi Eut 19th Street. ~ for 26 years. j Newport Beach municipal of- IF ONE COMES OFF MeM.. Ca.Jttomla. aod Rob.rt U. Smlt.h. Survi\i ng is the son. \Villard, a ficials this morning to PAIN1S & rhtdlOK at Z'Ot I North ROM SC.reel . prepared PAINTING Paid yac.ations, sickness RegaMI... ol Speed Santa A.na. Califom la.. the buaineas. grandson. James \Villard Minor start for home ~ter a strenuous 12 Yearw Servfoe fn Newport benefits, etc. ~ wt.II . •tock In trade ~n•l1U ng­ .- H.-bor Area ot liquors. wlne.1 ud been. and nx­ and one sister. lttrs. George L. four-day--OCCUpation Y.1th the vari­ VARNISHES ture. t'O na.l1tlnl!( of •loTH. kJtchen Olapman of Santa Ana. Funerao ous phases o f th e conference. Harr:v Hall In many cases, work ln ONE TIRE RECAPPED uteru11l.1. tabl••. ("b.&l n . reh1prat loft services will be held at 2 p. m. Ma)·or Reed. me~~ rs of the city eql.llpment a.nd ll"f'.M:ral stock In t"de PAINTING CONTR.ACI'OR neighboring central office IN 5 HOURS. of ··s..,...e'• Calf." '". located at 1U() Ne• ­ Frida...v in the Harold G r a u e I council and their immedlate u­ Phone Beacon ~ near Your home. HOUSE & pon Bou.le.-vd. Coeta lleaa. C&.11.fornJa. chapel. C.O.ta ~esa . wjth the Rev. sod.ates in the other brackets of for a complete set we will call 0 11 the 25th day of Septunbe.r, l!MC. 274 E. 19th Stroot 24-tf< at the hour or 10 :00 A.. II. of a.Id day Pttn· Sc.~ officiating. and in· the d ty government. haw oecupi­ Ono ol thete lnteresllnlC, for your car In the mornln& •t 1830 Newport BouJe't"&l'd. c.o.t. llna. terment will be in Indianapolis. ed, a suite ot rooms in the U. S. well-paid jobo ii waiting tor and deliver ume day. A1lo-a BUILDERS ' HARDWARE C&Jl ronsta. and th.at lhf! aboTe date. time and place ..,.. where the coa- Grant and other hotdl here. Painting - Decorating you, too. s:i.oo Mobllstatle ~ joti akl~t l on f~ • Id Mle la to be paid. M rs. l\tona M.oore, w b o h as when we recap yaur tires, for ""'""' ..,,...... , t•. t.... • th with h 0 SOUTIIERN CALIFORNIA SLOO. No lead welgbtt or Kl!NNETH L. ROOK. s pen e summer er par· Made ·~--rvatio""? au:1 ..extru .'' GLADYS HOUlt. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Georce Goeld· j TELEPHONE COMPANY m"AT& or CA.Lt:FORNU.. ner. 33rd street. hu returned to • COUNTY OF ORA..~G&--.. Reservatlona · are being made ~ Beacmi 578).J 47~Ut It's the 0a thla 14th day of S@c>tembtir. 1141.. Oaremont where she is s.ecretarY with Harry w~ Jclt. executive sec. I 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa ~Mk r:· !!d ~:~er:.!fd~O:nt~ot~ for the board of education at Olaf. retary of °" Newport Harbor fft()l.n g- hu:t.rument. and tlteT ae· C1 b. C '"~ .._.-~ ~U£.n --. llnowklds@d to mie that t hey aucuted forrua. under lbe n ctltlow: ft.rm n.ame u ues . of the city will be and Dl)C()R.ATfNQ Ph. Beacon 5743 lbe ..me. of Central Boat Worb and tM.t .ud prnent ar oldtime mayon of H. JC. Kcllc:m.ld • Aak for Al or Hank. WlTNE:SS rny harad aiut ottlcla.J -i nrm ts IDOl'D~ of tlle tollowtn.& pe.r· NeYi'pOrt I a~h . nte.tuncheon will io. .. Old ~ty ~.. ,..____ -- - Uc the day .nd 7u.r tn lhl• lnsll"llment .sona. •hMe D&inet and addreflflU .,.. ~ \.Allil nu.. '-'U9'8 - ....,... K-Uc nm aboTftli~~ W. C£RRLSJI ...,J~~~ t;:."~~beoa.. 401• CbaAMI be held n llt Wednelday. Bncon 5013-J 85-U. &&LS ~ • .,,,===~-==----= 23rd a. Central Not.a.tT P\:l bUe In and tor ..iJ4 Plattl N..-port BMeb C&Jlforn1a. • I..=! ------1 IVUl&D TO Jror a eou.1y • .., ...te . "• ~ ... w ...... ' "" .,,,.,;,,.. P1aco. N.... Mn. P . .. Hlalrw ot u. An· I ~sPOaTATION It p U M p S · Pb. 2600 ...... ,...... , ... II. .... - ...... Calli...... - - ti~ - BICYCLES WANTED-N- - - ellea'le ! N~~~lt . ,.. ~ . s~i.~l~::' ~ ~~.:~ts.!:"~-:i!',!t llold. -.t.ci or~ ~~1;,:UGAL ~es~~ at CERTIFICATE OF Jll USINl!.SS Sitpt-.nber. tHC.. · r • ...... ,... -..,. VCJOl:l/8 = "J'S-C: P1ctJtlowi F1nn Nanyi RJCHll0:0.-0 P. HOBSON, Mia Ellie Newland, Coat bouJe.. lOO Kaln It... .,._ For All Pi Mlltt ~ tc ,.._.-- do..,..,.,...... ,. :_. :_"']g!~... van!. and their nophew, liu9 w Soden Refripratlm W.Aln'TOBUY-l01'2palr- ~ that U..i;,.;' ...... • bO&t ...... ~ . Newland Jand f--nd New rt - X-. - ._ - ..._~ -- + •oe .... u 8ox s: .... 0 , ,... ~~oi;,rc~;lrn~ H-'""ta. _....,, -po

" llWWHIM MtaoA JI . WAJttli'.Ui To IA1T &1 KOIDQAL a a&DIO M WA.!ITEDTOD:NT a •pAr.m&n ., ··~·~·~·:..·!:llllTA!!~'l'll~_:_ -:_ ___~·~' I .... ,. .. ,, ..., __ ... _ • _ ~~~·~-~:~~:::::::::::::::;:~;;;;~~~~~-::-::-:::-~;;;:;:'i;;::;,;;-~~.! -----~- •1es••·DrAD CASH FOR USED FURNiroRE mGHEST irja! paid for )'OUI' pi· WANTED TO RENT - Carap FOR S.u.E--Ol- Newport Bl..i. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -----~------come. Olmer. Pb. H-213S-W. North of Hlgh~ Will Pay Cash FOR SALE-Full set trap drums, WANTED TO RENT-One or two 6:>-lfc $6,000 - Pb: --SD> DRIVE-IN ON OOAST HIGHWAY with living quart· For your tumlture or what ~w good condition. 615 Coast Hl&h· bedJoorn houoe. Fumiahed or ------ers. Very good equipment-walk-In freezet' also Y'M- Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· way, phone Beacon !5833. 71).&tp unfurnished. Carden Crow 722. Lido Isle 1 Bedroom Home walk-in cold box; booths, counter. New ley Furniture, 1812 Newpon USED Pianos from $65. Or will Call collect. ~tc . Fw-nished bund· Blvd.. Coota Mesa. 48-11< renL Da.nx-Schmidt Plano Co., WANTED TO RENT- AslL mgr. TWO LOTS-Oioice locatlor>-a South of High\\'ay ing. Grosses $60,000 yeariy-$l5,000 full prioe. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. ~tfc MeL Llfe, desires lease or rent real buy at.. .--- ·---··-···-···· ~ Four booJ!'<"• one acre land, eaat $6750 side; Ojld loca tlnn. One !Ive. ~FOB SALE IS FOR SALE-Upright pi.no good until Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom J. M. MIIJ,ER RESTAURANT-If you are looking for a money room and three four-room maker, this place will stand investigation. Audi­ FOR SA.LE-Antique brass table ndlti ~ Pho ae' housr. Care guar. Phone S. A. h and r.. al H-~- •••• 2 Bedroom Home hD Grands. Mehlln, Kurtzman, untumlshed. house. WU1 leaw. Hot Dog, Hamburgers, Bait and Tackle Store, etc. Furnished. hard~·ood floors, gar- "Where the F1ags Fly" Price only- single mattresses, $10 each. Story & Oark Otase Halle t A: Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7ff1 age apartment on Central Ave. Harbor 2766 72-2tc 13. MOTELS from $40,000 to $150,000. 111 31st St., Apt. 3. 73-ltc Davis, Kimball: \Vebe ~ and oth- or 3.5--tfc in East Newport, near Yadtt . $8500 FOR SALE-1 double bed. 1 en. Prices start a t $485. Terms. A.PI' or SMALL HOUSE wanted CHA.llUNG new modem S-room O ub. Possession end of es- home, cedar a nd redwood lhru­ INCOME UNITS, TRAILER OOURTS. double deckered bed, both com- Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 by man and wife. We do not c:row- . plete with springs and mattress: No. Main. 70-tfc drink or smoke, no children or out. New modern living and din­ J. · . .Barnes & Son $12,000 ing room turnlture 2 blocks: from 1 chest of drawer>. 1 wickered RADIO REPAIRING peta. Phone Santa Ana 0991.w 1 ~ Newport' Blvd. --Special-- desk table and chair . Address er write Box ..X" Newport Bal- school. $15,500 505 Carnation, 311 A.polena, Bal. Island. 73-l tc Experienced ~orkme n who . know boa News-Times.. 37-tfc Corona del Mar. Call Harbor Coota ~... Ph. Beaoon' 5320 DOWNTOWN OOSTA MESA-Two bedroom and how to repair your set as tt was ------'---'------'-' Central Avenue Lot 21m.w. TI-4tc 73-ltc 41 porch; garage; 60xl25 lot...... - ...... _ $500() FOR SALE-Refrigerator , G. E .: when it left the factory-author- j •~·~~·~Ell'~'l'.~A~TE~---·--~'' Near Udo Theater- gas range; kitchen table and ized Philco service. Phone Santa --0- chairs; dining-room buffet and Two New Homes $3500 Ana 130, Knox Hardware, 420 E. HARBORINVESTMEN ' ~COMPANY misc. articles. 217 Abalona. 4th St., Santa Ana. 70-4tc Ready for occupancy. Stall A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor Balboa Island. 73-4tc showers. Glasa doors. Rugs. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-­ Ocean Front Realtors 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 73-ltc 9xl5 American Ori('ntal (Karas· Now that additional competent Call 1522.J Three-bedroom furnished house tan) Kashan design, pract. new, technidana are available, we are ~tfc with guest house, double garage, .t .t .t .t P~· ""'ar. red background. $125. able to make service calls on ------­ 5()..foot frontage. Good buy at- FLOATING SHIP REPAIR SERVICE-Well built ENJOY BALBOA ISLAND Call Harbor 2241-\V. 73-4tc large consoles. All work guar. At Corona del Mar anteed. HAROLD I.. HAMM. $16,000 barge equipped \vith 60 amp. cha.J ~r . fuel and fast FOR SALE-Junior bed and mat­ lnunedia te possession. Buy one of the homes avruJable at this fine. tress, waxed birch. excl. cond. S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Fora Grand bilge pumps, glass bottom hatc~h $1500 full price year around residence community. $42.50. Harbor 2J06..M. 72-2tc. Pb. Harbor 780. 34-tfc for a business that has avera $350 a month Ocean Front Home Lot Zoned for Business profit on a part time operation. t Prices range from $10,000 to $50.999 FOR SALE-Olesterlield set ; Radio Repairs Furnished or Unfurni.shed N a\•ajo rug. 9x12; Simmons day All makes; tubes. etc. 30x90. on OTange St.. Seashore Colony- .td:.td: 1 FOR YOUR LISTINGS CALL HUB POWERS AT 62-W bed and mattress. 513 Nar­ Beacon 5763 See ~ cissus AYe., Corona del ~t ar. W. J . HOLCOMB $1100 WATERFRONT BOATYARD dN HIGHWAY­ 72-2tc BURT NORTON 915 Coast Hlghway, Newport Corona del Mar Long lease available which will i!lclude store sized ]. A. BEEK OFFICE F OR S ALE-A·l condition, 1 box: 23-tfc "Where the F1ags Fly" Fw-nished Home showroom and equipment, also jmarine railway. Balboa Ferry Landing 73-ltc spring : 2 mattresses-single: 2 Harbor 2766 J2-2tc 60 ft. on North channel. This ill a quickie. This ,bed -springs- single. 430 Acacia. STEINWAY GRAND. Beautiful Beautiful five· bedroom, on Bay Corona del Mar. 72-2tc modern in black and silver. Gor- SAN FRANCISCO - 2-bedrooro Island with ea.st beach front and is good. This is cheap. See US\ promptly. geous tone. This is an art piano. home and 2 aparbnents for ln- unobstructed west bay vie~· . Im­ BALBOA ISLAND FOR SA.LE- Ice rcrr igerator in If you a re furnishing your home come, will sell or trade for mediate possession- d;;t;t~ good condition. holds about 250 in ''Moderne" this instrument is Newport Harbor property. Har- pounds. Price, $50. Apply 804 perfect for you. Reasonably bor 1600. 57-tfc , $50,000 COMPLETE BOATWORKS--No\Y building skiffs, "Little Island" mplete utensils Broady,•ay, Santa Ana. 73-4tc 100 lla.tn St., BaibM. Price $30,000 LIDO ISLE HOME PENINSULA LOTS and dishes. You will have to ig up your own - FOR SALE- 108 -·· Bal- lll&ndIM·lfc on oomer lot moonng for your boat. Eve.J-~ ..g in good condi­ 2 BD UP-1 BD down From $2750 tion for $7500. --Balboa Island Income lnvestmentr-­ ELECTRIC RANGE BUSINESS OPpPBTUNITIES 40 Ftreplace--Double Garage Apt. size Thermador, three-burner, ------'------Walled Patio-Barbecue Well coostructed six-unit apartment building with six oversize oven, perfect condition. Ught hauling; A very liveable home garages. Close to North Bay. Seventy-foot fl"Olltage on 117 Jade. Balboa Island. $75. Yard cleaned; JOHN E. SADLEIR $25,000.00 - Terms 302 Main St., Balboa Marine Ave. Good income under OPA ceillng- 73-tfc LaWYl.!I put in; Ralph P . Maskey ------Auto polishing: 3411 W . Phone Har. 2034 HARBOR INVESr ENT ~ Price $40,000 - Terms BOATS, 8tJPPLJJal II Pick up, deliver ; Cen•aJ-Pb. Harbor 402 69-Uc 7J...1tc COMPANY . · FOR SALE-25 ft. Seabird sloop, Outdoor repair; Realtors ', ~ .. fully equipped with North Bay Fencea painted and rlr•TJ HOUSE 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harpor 234-W Harbor 207 - 224 "ii 2ht S t . F OR RENT- House in Costa Mesa TenllS. Possession. Courtesy to Brokers. n.:zte Newport Beach 71-tfc - furnished for two or thr tt Attractive cottage on Little d is designed to =----=-'-,~~~~. --- . family. No small children. save houn; of work. All space is tilized by built-in BEAL ESTATE EXCHANOE '8 TBAILl:B8 ' II FOR S~ ft . c~b1n cruiser ; Phonfi' weekdays &aeon 5885. Balboa- ====--"'~=-~-=·---= sleeps su:: galley, dinette, head, 73-2tc · wardrobes, closets and shelves. :Ombined kitchen Couple trade modern Bay Shores FOR SALE-;-BY own..-, Curtis One of the finest apartment houses in the entire home for place 1n L. A. - Glen- Wri2'bl. house trailer, new; used large w~I house and cockpJt, I--=--~~,.,,.,=-~...:...:.:; and dining alcove. Outside enm 1nce to shower Is completely re-conditioned, bow to F OR . RENT_- ROOMS - Double. city. Nets 13 per cent. Please ask us for full par­ handy for bathers. You are ce tain to like this dale area. Ph. Budlong 830-n two-rllontha; sleeps four. See at stem; Otrysler marine engine. Druly serv1ce. Adults only. 421 ticulars. house- collect. 72-2tp 244 Heliotrope, Cor. del M. Price See owner . 133 Agate Ave., Bal- tlarding. Balboa. Calif. tfc Last two ocean front business lots, 54 ft. frontage. Priced at $18,0C MON'EI' TO LOAN 16 Sl'ioo; cost $1500. 72-2tp boa Island. 67· tfc FOR RENT-Building on Central 95 ft. deep- LOANS TO BUILD, buy. :mprov• TRAILERS FOR SALE-The best Fire Equipment Tests Ave., business location. $75 per modernlse OT rettnance. in trailers for rent and sale. month. Harbor ln\•estment Co. . $10,750 Corona de! Mar- • Newport Balboa !"eden.I Savtnp Trailers made to order. Dunlap C-<>Two. Pyrene & Foam refills. 30th and Central. Phone ar- Two bedrooms, all brick fl"Ollt. la fireplace, wall and Loan .~tloo . Trailer Rentals, Newport Auto C()r fixed system and Portables bor 1600. tfc Balboa Island- 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 Sales lot, 2600 block on Central now available. heaters, twe>-car karage. Furnish before close of A venue. ~tp ETS HOKIN It GALVAN DELUXE AP'l'S. FOii RENT- Smart new Dutch Colonial. Choice comer location. escrow. Excellent tenllS. AUTOMOTIVE a TIBE8 .. 'l'RAILERS FOR RENT- Do'°"' 1000 Coast His;hway Singles or d~b1 es . _Completely Three bedrooms and bath upstairs. Channing liv­ Ph. Beacon 5522 . 73-tf( re-decorated: mne:co11 mattress. Five rooms, two bedrooms. Near school, 60 ~ lot. CUSHMAN SCOOTER. Pre-war awn haullnc and mov1nc- All You furnish bed linen and to\\·· ing-room opens onto patio as does the dining-room. Modem stucco. Fireplace. - · te posses&on. quality. 2% h.p. Caa Economy new equipment, S2.2S ...S $2-'0 NEW AND USED els. Price ranging from $1 0.50 Spacious tile kitchen and bar. Showers bath down­ engine. Is in good shape inside per day. We fu:rnllb tlle bltcb.. stairs with outside entrance. Roomy double gar. Other houses from $6500 to 56 000. and has had wie and Myrebn Brm.. Service Statlcm, Electrical Appliances to. '15.50 per week. Will tak_e out, little Of All Kinds ctuldren. ages 12 or more. Pri­ age. You can move right in this especially well Lots from $1500 to $15,000. has been well maintained. $150 cor. 17th It Ne"port lllYd.. Ooola vate showers. THIS \VEEK built horn.,._ cash. Mark Healy, Har. 141&.W. Mesa. &lkft Newport Electric: Appliance Co. ONLY. Address: 1007 E. Central. $26,000 Newport Beach- =~------n_-&_tc_ . Sell tbat tmwanted article 2309 Coast Bh·d. Ph. Harbor 2138 Balboa Phone 236().~f . 73-tfc FOR SALE-1944 Indian Scout lhnN&b N.,.._Tlmeo - 68-Stp FOR RENT- Nice roOm. for man. Cazy knotty pine ~bedroom ro~ . Fully fur. WATERFRONT HOME AT MO lERATE PRICE motorcycle, like new. See Wal- 32-IT. CABIN CRUISER. launch· Oil Canal Front near Udo Thea­ nished. Patio, single garage and ample room for lace Rogers. 6507 Seashore Dr., All kinds typewriter ribbons In ed ?\fay 1945. New Otrysler tre. 402 Clubhouse Ave., New- construction of guest house-- It is hard to find a watel hoot ome giving you Newport. 73-ltp stock at the News-Tlmeo. port Beach. 72·2tp. crown engine. Rigged for char­ everything you want at a modera le price. See this .&vtOe WAMYW ttt, live bait tank, ice box. 14- WANTED TO BENT U $17, 500 one. It is on the Channel and h is two bedrooms, • foot skiff (new) , complete alba­ l 'h be.~ bather's shower, e garage. A-1 core and mack.ere.I gear. $5525. Established locaJ Businessman and Corona del Mar- coostruction. Concrete bulkheai · Pier and floet. WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS Inquire 202-B 20th St., Newport. Wife want year l eas~ on house; Also paved ways and boot 00.~- 69-tfc preferrabi)· furn.I.shed. \V. H. Two a

,, 1 I • - . - - . . - • .. J - - ·i -. -·. ·- ·. .. •• £ 0 t EVERYTHING AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER la Qullty DDDD'S Skating REFRIGERATION Afr C...UtlolllDg w Opens I EqaljWWt P.APALMER (law • ~ . Coaaten LIDO I5l£ PPOPERIItS Walll.._ . Foan.Wm • ~ St.ooa. W. 0 BUCIC--~~-·~--~lnsw-arv::e Counselor - Ban • Boolllo APan-Pacific C.11t lete Jlarbt. CUe, E&e. Plu•lnc ~ 1500 l!J..,,,nr"'""' ~" DEAIEP8 :ljtil?lEd as the greatest show 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA 11-year history of the Ice the 1947 edition of the ds and J ohnson ice gigan­ tic is now sho\.\ling a t the Pan­ P.,acifi G. N. PEASE, M. D. Wor d prenu"'ere of the latest Brak en Lenses Duplicated ComuJtatlon - DiacnoslS ice pr ntation will be held this , (Sept. 19), before a pack­ Hours by Appointment T he We1t'1 h11rge1t l1bor11tory 11nd experlme"bll Company, ln.corpor.tted. lnvQtlng more than • h1lf­ .ence composed of r i 1 m, far"' devoted 1xclu1lvely to the development of new million dolla,.. In the project. the company employs d radio celebrities, as well llU 8. Loo AllpJeo 8&., Analielm Phone U&rbor %181..i and Improved 1grlcultural chemical1 w11 placed In a aclentlftc ataft of 30 to 1ld farmer• In all phu 11 of and sports leaders. operation recently near Mode1to, Calif., by Sh•ll 011 agricult ural 1 ~v1ncem1nt. Roy Shipstad, good-look­ wner of the ice revue, E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. -- ' a long ca s t of skating Deliciously Prepared ons. Roy has been \.\lith the llH Weot ,OenUal Pllome -• :Ull ince its inception and ta z--.. '7 Applbl-• + + + + New Agricultural Research Laboratory than ever. Ano er brilliant star is Hazel NEWPORT Fran ·n, the petite Eng 1 Is h beaut , who is back \.\lith the Ice CAFE Is Opened at Modesto by Shell Oil Co. Folll after a short "retirement" last )I ar. Hlzel is in love with -24 Hoar Servi­ U. S. Farmers gained a new The location at Modesto was<>------1 the i show business and being + scientific partner yesterday when selected because of its suitability Return from Trip a ho wife didn't have the same Shell Oil Company, incorporated for growing a wide range or crops allure as being a star with the 118 MeFad- Place dedicated and placed tn operation needed in the research program. Mr. and Leonard C. Pettit Ice F UJes. FISHER,.,AN'S. NewportBeoeh Mrs. its new half-million dollar agrl- It was explained. The projected recently moored their 32-foot Oth sin the cast include Frick, cult ural labora tory and experi- pJanting will provide 100 acres of auxiliary sloop Makua at the an- the Sf.'ss comic; Evelyn Chandler, menta l farm, seven miles north- trees a nd vines of all commer cial chorage of Southern California, Betty SchalO\\', Mae Ross. Mar- LlJCKi west of Modesto, Calif. t}rpes and 30 acres of truck cropi.s. 3440 Via Oporto, after a trip shall ard. the McKellen Broth- The new labor atory is·the center The remaining 12 acres are uti- down the roast from Aiaska ers; e Ericsen, Jim Hutchinson, A .record ming of ftsb of the company's agricul tura l re- 1 li zed by the buildings a nd im- w aters. Shirle Ha lsted. Ginger Clayton, search in the Unitrd States and proved roads. the ~! t o ns . Johnny Kinney, Dick ••. and a cool, refresh· the only one of similar sizC> and J Additional buildings and sen 'ice Salte . Les H amilton and many ing toast to 'em with ~' scope in the West. according to units, including ranch house!, im- Manila folders at News-nm.es. other .. ••• and thank Dr. Roy Hansberry, d irector. f plPm C' n t storagC' and " 'arehouS<'s. zestful, tangy Acme,. , It is surrounded by a 142-acrC' and a fruit handling build ing u·il\ farm producin~ a variety or crops ! be constructed " 'hen mater ials ar(' th nhous£'s \\'i.!h n ronnC'Ctin~ in12: clru-C'ly \\'ith uni\' C'~sity. fC'derRl. j he:td housr. n lnrg:e lath house. and statC' and county aJ?ric u ~ tural au­ a service Liuildin i:; for j:ara ~e s and lhoritil's. it \Vas rcportN:t. Thran­

shops. nnuncC"d intrnt is to provide' a ne,,· 1 'fhC' lahoratory staff of 30 h.1.F- ly)'.>C' of loni::-rangC' sciC'nlific SE'r\'­ • !)c('r assC"mblrxpcriC'nCC' I The OC\\. rC'Sf>arch centC'r is a in every phase of agricultural coordinated acti\'ity of Shc> ll Oil ..the beer with the ~/HEN yoJ r ., .. th cash you may be sciencr. Company, Incorporated. S h e 11 In explaining the nC'cd for the ('h£·mical Corporation. and Shell ujust another custom.:r." But y,•hen you write a big rC'Sea rch CC' nter . Dr l-l ans- r)(o\'C' lopmC'n t Com p.any. high J. Q .u1 Q11e11chtsl) TENPLAN check the merchant at once knows berry stated a thrr<'·fold purpose. you by name. H e said. ,;Most important. it is a Padfield Aids Polio r~arch institution ror develop­ When you carry convenient TENPLAN checks ing ne\v ideas. It is also a prov­ Victims; 'Well' Fund instead of cash your money is safeguarded by ing ground for nalural and syn­ Contributed to Cause H. R. BRINKERHOFF thetic products derived from P<'l· SOB E. Srd SL Bank of America. r oleum a nd finally, a clearing house- of scientinc knowledge a nd All contributors to the ''Wish­ It is especially helpful to have a TENPLAN informa tion \Vh C' re Carmers' prob· ing Well" a t t he Blue Room. 206 P alm avenue, Ba lboa. wil l be I checking account now. Ten checks in a conven· terns ma)' be presented and sol\'ed." turned OV('r as a rund to fight ient packet coet only $!,and you need keep on!; "Tht'.' farmer \\"ages a continu­ ous battle against pests and plant infa nti le paralysis. it was an­ I •re c\ear· enough money on deposit in your TENPLAN ac-. diseases." Dr. Hansberry added. nounced this Wt'ek by G. A. Pad­ field, owner . I count to cover the checks you write. Open your "He suffers losses from toxic soil au\el .. conditions. tree decli ne and a host Th<' "Well" (or "Wishers" is • I account at any Bank of America branch. or plant blights. \\·ilts. rots and probably the largest in Ora nge rusts. Chemical! are needed to coun ty. It is in the Corm of a I combat damaging micrcrorgan­ fish pool eight-foot long and 18 isms in t he soil. These .are but inches dl"ep, and is surrounded "by a Ce\\' of the probl<'ms that cha.1- rustic volcanic rocks. The bottom of the pool already is covered with l c n ~c the rescarch('r and tha t I Shell is endeavoring 10 answer b)' IX'nniC'S, dimes and n ickels. ' .. , .. ,,. rr OCl.tl 011'0' ' ' l /llS UIANC( eD•,o•Afl O .. scientific experimen t.'• Accordinit to Padfield. the pond I M[lllll(t rlO(lll l(l[IY( SYSTCM will be drained each mon th. or ) whenever necessary, to gather the coins. At tha t time, an agent I from the National Foundation for I Infan tile Paralysis " ill be pres­ BALil ent to receive the collections. I Drive Caret'Ully- Spa.re a Ltfe. I MORTUARY I bpen -.t­ r:hildren should be seen, ot hurt. I Safety for yourself and others Lady Attendant Radio Service Careful driving good business I requires brakes and steering gear in insurance . .. so is eeping your I good order ... clear, safe ' -;t- Ford in repair. windshield , . . wheels aligned. 410 Coast Blvd. I CX>RONA DEL MAR Palmer Radio AND ELEOrRIO I . Telephone Barbor 42 SNI Newport 11mL ------~------~------~I . . DAY AND NIGHT - 008TA Ml:llA ere I ..0 fear Get set I Ma~e .. I .. I CONTRACTORS' I When good neighbors get together ••• I RENTAL EQUIPMENT I The same thoughtfulness that makes you a good o.;gbbor also makes you a good pany· ] aeger Compressors I line user. That's why good n.;ghbon sharing Comet Saws I the JI.Ill<: 1iDe ••• siving oadl other the same I ronsidenlioo and help ••. g« the ""* OUI ol Cement Mixers dM:ir 1elepbooe xrvia. Wood Working Equipment I ...... - -- ""' - ~.._ ..... gold••,.. cm't .. . .. I • S.,.ca J"O'lf calls imcad ol •·kiq ..... o1 m.. I Everything for the .,,.;- IDr

Woman Deplores In l& Thund&T, the E1lldac - - ln>nl the - Po- Area folk Lack of ·Popular Harbor Fishing News - - • llmlt ot white - -. !'mt • ae' 1ttl .,. Lido 00.ta ..._t olboocore, lldp­ Interest in Vote bing Assn.. jock and whf te - bus. Slllldq of Newport Harbor the Fiyer came Into ·19th St. Land­ Elected ,On ing befa- 13th, ./1 146* pound was the Nowport Pier and jetty. 'lbe nal and •·orld affa.in-it is time One h1~:t~twenty-eight mar· landed by Marshall Sasson, 217 Comet, J eanie, and Woman a18o Health Board to register and then to vote if lin and b · have been v.•eigh- N. Kenwood. Burbank, In one hour loaded up on skipjack.. The Bel8 America is to be recognized as ed in '° this season at the f'tlteen minutes on heavy tackle T, from Earl'a Landing, Sunda.Y the leading world power, Mrs. Newport bor Master dock. from the Skipper piloted by Ed had halibut, barracuda. callco bass Many Persons Given Rollin Brown, Loi Angeles, pres!- Bill ll, 230 0-aig St., Erickson. On Sept. 12th, a 164% and white sea bass. dent of the California Congress Pasadena, ded a 162* Pound Pound marlin was landed by El M. R. 0 . Nelson, 123 W. . X-Ray Examinations of Parents and Teachers, avers. marlin in minutes, Sunday, on Carlson, 1136 Hauser Blvd.. L A., L. A. caught 5 bluefin tuna on the She has pronounced views upon heavy tac e from the SP or t in 15 minutes on heavy tackl Zootsme n. Sunday. 21 spotftn ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w I The board of directors and mem­ ii bers of the advisory board of the the necessity ol registering before from the boat La Volpe . . Marlin croaker wett caught ln Newport Orange County Tuberculosis and September 26. ve to do better. Our fishing for the past few days has Harbor by Mr. Jones, one of the "M a ny sideline quarterbacka rnrnent cannot operate been slow' due to a strong west Costa Mesa Joneses, one day UU. Taxi Health association met for the have suggestions for the Paris or justly if we per- wind that has left heavy ground week. so reports Kenn Rima. that regular monthly meeting on Wed­ Com-y Peace Conference and for.the oom- u1 of people to elect swells and dirty v.·ater. However, barefoot boy with cheeks of tan VET'S nesday, Sept. 11 with a large. ~d Ing Unlted Nations Generol M- and make our la.... marlin fishing is expected to lm- in the Newport Tadde Stan Grove; Mrs. Edgar R. Hill, failure to look after our local af- for, is · the liberties of days they've been left holding the _th;;em.;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;; fairs and evidence an interest ln all and h sack. Thursday the Sport King -OUB CUSTOMERS- Newport Beach ; Rev. G. M . Baer­ · the Congreu is not observed by of good ci had 275 white sea baas, no fish 1 gen, La Habra, and Mrs. Harry auspices ot the county tuberculosis Also continued at the aanatonum. foreign powen and interpreted as "Neither brave new world, nor Friday, skipjack on Sunday. (Owned and Operated G. Burdick, Costa Mesa. Re­ aasociation and health department. ~~h~e cl~~. ':! :::: indecision or lndiffere~ - or a strong atlc nation, nor The Valencia150 m had the Puadena by Veterans) elected. Mrs. Homt>r G. Ames. Ana­ Reading the 995 films taken in f th both? The Congress must ratify a vigorous i.rogreulve state, nor Club out· Sun•·.. n d w1LLF(r REFRJ&ERlllllll ot h j l -._ m teaching, both for children o e ti d lmpl t fin ity n~~,-•·-· __, heim. the county as us ~n co · high any peace trea es an emen a e ~rous commun can brought in skipjack and calico8 1011 BROADWAY A report wu made of the 35 pleted by Dr. E. P . Brauner , dJ- elementary lleld and for the Unlted Nations for America. be built or aintained by the dti- bass. The Dora B from Port - llilll&lwt.sJERVICE CODIPRllY _ llonb rect01' of the tuberculosis control school age and adult3, thoee who "If we are make our voice zen who not register and CGota M- mm. X-ray films taken by the to California Tuberculosis and Health division of the local public health are interested in some phase of heard amon& the nations of the vote - d coming generations Orange had 35 white sea bass IJt Oout llhC., OU- tel .._ Iassociation , August 1-16, Under the service. education during their time of r e- world-indeed, if we are to ron- must sutfe the consequence of his Sunday, the largest be~g" a 2S Pllome Bar6or l'fl& eightSeventy, per cent or betweenof the 995 seven persons and _co_v_er1ng__ th_ ere_. ------tin-·_ue_as __ ana_11_o_n_o_r_r_,... __ peo_p1_e_ -._in_d:_o_le_n_""_:__-!--d-i!.a_c_li_o_n _.. ___ _:__po_:__un_der _ __ Th_e_Mi.sa_:__wt_t_broug_ _;_h_t ___ Mp_::__t..;___' .. -=--·--•-1•_1_ served. are being referred to their Does Your House private physicians for further ex- amination, completed dJagnoees, Need Painting? and treatment if so indicated. • I Five per cent of the 995, or 45, SEPTEMBER-/\ Mon h of Outrtonding Volucrl --A- were referred because of suspic­ ious lung shadows, and 10, or No waltiDg. ..Work done Immediately by bldtlY slightly more than 1 per cent, be-­ oldJled .Journeymen Palntea U:f...the m08t mod­ cause of abnormal heart outline. em equipment and finest mate Fifteen, or approximately one Buffums· 42ND ANN VERSA RY CELEBRATION and one-half per cent, were asked LONG IE AC H -ti to check on piossible non-tubercu­ Ow-i and operated by World w.,. II Vet.nm losis lung conditions such as pleu­ -artng yolll' permanent good wlD and patroaap. risy, pneumonia, cists, or bron­ chietasls. ~ The 995 persons X-rayed wer e . "" ' For Free El!IUmai­ served u follows : Essex Wire, ·~' "-t Anaheim, 160: Mansur Motor com­ Phone HARBOR 2645 pany, Orange, 190; Delhi church, I • Santa Ana, 116; Tree Sweet Prod­ ' ucts, Santa Ana, 315, and Hunt Bean and Holman Foods, Fullerton. 214. In these communities the numbers of those referred to private physicians are: Anaheim, 22 ; Orange, 13; Santa Ana, 29, and Fullerton, 6. Another 651 X-rays were taken during the early part of the cam­ paign. which proved to be unsatis­ factory and another three days were scheduled but no X-rays taken. all because of poor e lectric lnstallatlom. The equipment wu r epaired by August 9 and the pro­ gram completed on schedule. Those who reported to the fol­ lowing tocation1 cannot be given X-ray reports : Summers Motors. Fullerton; California Cordage and Romero's Grocery, Stanton area; Julio Martinez' and Ferman Alar­ con's mar~ts . Santa Ana, and Rice's Market, ElModena. They are asked to apply Fridays ~ ' ' tween 4 and 6 p.m. at the Orange County Health department. second noor of the Court House Annex, 608 North Broadway, Santa Ana, where retakes will be given free of charge. Readers will be interested in the fact that the chest X-ray !lervice i!I constantly available at the county health department 1n the Court House Annex, where the weekly clinics are having at­ tendance of eighty to one hun­ dred persons. This is a very en­ couraging indication of the fact that the citizens are very conscious of the dangers attending tubercu­ SAISON COTTON EN iEMBLE PRINT$ losis infection and are taking steps to avert its spread in this county. Special Repeat Performan.ce for our_Annive sary Event! A transfer of the headquartf."rs to the Community Center at 1104 Featuring correlated colors in matching p tterns • • • West 8th St.. Santa Ana, was " authorized and persons interested • in the work of the u.sodation 48-inches wide, vat-dyed and pre-shrunk. Choos from a lorge will find the offices Joca ted there on and after October 2. tropicol leaf pattern, small over-leaf pattern, or sm rt stri pes _ Five The services of tubercu1osls association to the patients at the beautiful new colors. - sanatorium of the Orange County hospital in the matter of projec­ tion of educational and enter tain­ Let •DOD WIRIM• kfflt ment sound films are to be con­ tinued and the physicians there in­ Yard It •ellen ...... ,. ye...... dicate that there Ls a definite therapeutic value in this service. Come In and have the fun of ensembflng your o~n dra~erles Modern living-DOW and in the futwe-depcodi! and sflpcoven from these beoutHul fabric.: Our ~rapery ex­ upoo complete dearical service. Autnm•ric e1«ttie perts wlll gladly aulst you, and your selections an be made coolcin& wai.r hearing. dishwashing and lmndcring. - easier cfeining-thae and many other ooavenieslcm up In our own workrooms. are possible in any boWc thar is properly wired. Good o._w • S-odno...... 9itiJ18 CXllt:I, on the average, ooly 4% ol die toea1 bWlding budgoet. Y ct it is one oI ~'l'IOn PUJIDllNG RABDWAU ...... for dormitory or home - ... I $55 ...... -...... : ...... NOW '395:,. GENERAL El.ECTRIC •• • I Sit.II ...... NOW '39':... CORD'1ROY BRUNCH COAT 7/5 MJlfW • WWloa.Aroa • 1'4--9 n- Bnraa 5llM 8 Beloved corduroy, that wears and weof'3, ond yet always DllllBWAM M e a&DI08 N-pwf a ea.la 11- 101 Is $41 ... . - ...... - ...... NOW '195:.. looks well and is so comfortable. long sieeYes, wrop-oround style, with set-in belt that ties in bod. Roll collar and pocket. ft••lll Nawpurt llmell D86 °n st Jlhod. CA B CO. 1t1 I Sit.SI ...... - ...... • ...... •.. NOW '195:.. Red or royal blue-Sizes 12 to 20. Gift... • &Ms • n..- -·-- • .. • • ' •

M&WIWWW •••ao& NEWPORT .ALllOA e I RISE - NEWS-TIM ES TO REMARK -- - PBONDJ B 4 "0a U _. U NEWS World Hannony Replaces ROJf. 10111' PIDLUPll • ·za s~'h:111·7 _.ftm '.,.,...... 1 v.-..mwm of the o...ta ._ ·crm P.i'' 1 S...,. W I 'a V.._. D As I sit down at thl!' typewriter • this marnJ.ng, to write the ~· Bookkeeping Dr. W. "T. Mooney Subecrlpdorl Paroble In ~ : -'2:l50 per )'Mr In~ Coull~ letter. the newspapen an n-port­ CHURCHES l Sodas at Stu nt Sessions S2.'15 per yar to 4th zcne; $3.00 per )'Mr to 8tb-. Service PliJlleluUldllwPM lng Mr. Paul Porter. the odmlnls-1~------' By~ ...... tisti , 'and a New York advertising trator of the OPA. as saying that OUR LADY OF MT. CARMRL COLIN JI'. ll&OWN Stall CoKla of world eo\'ernment in a exploitation. Reli&ion, he' de­ • is essential to its attain- Physician &: Surgeon ambling nonchalantly along side-walks; Mohammedans turn­ to do and die, and I am not sure Lido Theater, Central Av.nut five-day institute here, arranged by Student Federalists. Following men Weper Dtup• Jmlftale ing to Mecca; the painted marks of religion and caste; the whether that word should be spell­ and Via LIM S%1 MarlM Ave., ed with a "d" or 'With an ''I" . A bran.Ch at Tb.e )(other Cburcb, the working regional institute of " ere is no basis for the crea­ Dr. --0. "­ roadside vendors of insect-ridden chlese and fruit, shoe laces There is no reason for surprise The Ftnt Chureb ot ChNt, Sci· the organization, Its national con­ tion of world goveinment," he Cblropl'acttc, Dietetics, and worthless trinkets; the haggling over prices of wares; on l\itr. Porter's part. Everyone enu.t.. 1.a eo.ton. M•••chu.ett.t. vention is being held here today. sai "If we don't believe without Physlo &: Colonic Therapy in the United States. who ew Sunday School &t 9 :30 L m. SUD· So serious is this young people's apol ~Y in the brotherhood of man -- the smells; scarcity or food of any sort; the ragged thousands anything about the meat in try, day Service at 11 a. m. Wedne9day movement that leading thinkers and acknowledge henceforth the ·- (Jou& Blod., - --- sleeping the clock around on the floor in any public building excepting perhaps the b r g h t Teatimonial 14Htlng al U o'clock and speakers on world government fath rhood of God." or railway station; clothing beaten to shreds on flat rocks in young men and women the Reading Room located at 111 are aU taking time out or their . Finletter, author , lawyer, 1-a- -- Gordon M. Gnmdy, M. D. busy careers to attend. There is lieu of washing; thousands of staggering skeletons wailing for OPA, whose jobs wer valved, Palm street, Balboa. Is open dally and or four years special assistant DAY llbor Ul-1 814 Bay A•e~ Bau­ sta tl'ments which quite nbviously Rev. Herbert Roth, ~utor !2nd and Elden, Co.ta Mu.a I was never impressed by the street-comer propagandist who chard Glasgow, son of a n Oak Newport Barbor lnt had been prepared BEFORE the Se.rv1.cee : Sunday, lO:SO a.m. Sunday ecbool, 9 : t~ ; momln& HI 8. Bill 11$.. Loo A11Se1eo was always trying to prove that the 'capitalists' were OJ;>­ committee met. I rise to r emark worship, 11; Evangel.latlc llel'Vice, Ri e, Tenn., re~arc he r , spoke so '------' TU-..1ru that I do not consider this to be 7 :SO p. m .; Mid-week prayer meet· sinBely out or his own thinking By AllllOlntment pressors grinding a heel on the neck of downtrodden com­ SEVEl'o"Tll DAY ADVENTISTS tha he made a deep impression INSURANCE mon people. There was a time when I used to think they representative government. Corner Bolla and Old Country Rd, ln&: on Wedneaaay, 7:•0 p. m .; So I think I will end this col­ young people'a evan.gellatlc aervice on is fellow Student Federa lists, 1 Costa l\lesa " t's look within ourse lves," ~------~ didn't know what they were talking about. Now I know! umn, this week. with two quota· on Frld&y, 7 : •~ p. m. r------. Sabbath school, Saturday morn­ he 'aid. "Could it be that you a nd Of course there are abuses of the capitalistic system, but I've tions : " W e- are in the business," ing. 9:30 o'clock. Uncoln National Life Gerald Rausa, M. D. Paul CHURCH OF CHRIST I a e hindering world peace? said Mr. Porter, rcfl'rrlng Preaching service, 11 am. 1 Insurance Co. 2830 West Central Ave. seen how 'the other halr lives. I'm back home and glad of it. " ations do not cause wars. It to the OPA "of keeping the law Chureh and Walnllt Streets "Ii. !fame lDdlcMell Ii. ~" is u and I with our mass mis· NEWPORT BEACH I like it here." of supply and demand from '-''Ork· CHRIST CHURCH BY THI! &EA L Duane Canby, Minister. f' Pboae &.,.bor lOU ing." l can only say. in the words Service•: Sund&y, JO a. m., Bible con ptions. prejudices, hates, and DON .JEB.NiOAN COmmunfty Mcthodlat pri es who cause them. The ad­ N• -•WW: ee.11 :ae.co...... or one Washington nf'wspaper edi­ 1420 Wnt Central Avenue Study; 11 a. m .• Morulng W'Onhlp. Phone Harbor ZM·B ve of atomic energy has not M8 llarlno Ave. Balboa bl. X-Ray Service tor , "I t's a good trick. if you can Rev. E. D. Goodell, Putor our problem. It has just do it." Cburcb School. 9 : ~ L m. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY chfted Safety in Coal Mines The other quotation is rTom Mr. CHURCH in ased beyond endurance the Mumina Worehip, 11 a. m. pe ty for continued railure to .-~------~ T. P. REEDER, M. D. In a long article in the Saturday Evening Post. Elsie Mc­ Phil. Murray. the President of the Youth Fetlowablp, 6 p. m.. Carl B. Johnaon, Mlnllter and CIO. It is from his Spe{'Ch a t the 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 247S-R sol~ it." No evening v•orship during Sep­ e proposed an ans" ·er . Work OCCIDENTAL Cormick discusses the problem ot safety in the nation's coal Automobile \Vorkers Convention. Church echool, 9 :•!i L m. WM. S. IRETON, M. D. tember. orld government, he said, but LIFE INSURANCE 00. Pbyalclam and 8urpom mines. It is a story of great achievement-by operators, Wl­ "There is n't anyone. or any group," K.ld-week prayer eervlce, Wed­ Morning Won.hJp, 11 o'clock. said Mr. Murray modestly, "big Youth groupt, Hlgti .chool, ln- he same time "be the kind of - w. wtcllit Klamu, p.ator • ?J1eeting temporarily in the Wo- .. Orup o.-t,: HANSEN'S In spite of the rerord high level of employment it seems REGISTER TODA.YUi men's Oub house Newport that the man who works is becoming the vanishing Ameri­ Sunday school-10:00 L m. New--- Wonhlp servl.,.,_11 :00 L m. can. Industry simply can's find enough men to do all the ~~~~~~~~==~ Young people's service - 6:30 the Location NOW OPEN EVENINGS work that is waiting to be done. For olflce supplies, ltt the p. "'- Halt Mlle Eut <1 Old Newsweek Magazine reports that General Motors wants N...,._nn-_ Evening evangelistic service- Oil Coast HJahway. MALTS • 8ANDWIOID8 • BAllBUBGEBS to build a gray-iron foundry in either one of two northern tiful New Ice Cream to Tab Oat Ohio towns. \Vhen finished it will provide 2000 jobs. The eoc~w· Bar big job however. is to find 2000 persons to fill these jobs. So GM· is telling the towns that the one which can provide the MODElfl MAlllE SERVICE manpower will get the foundry. 1be c0mpany hopes that there are still enough "un-van­ -- lsbed" Americans in either community to fill the bill. SHELL DOCK Foreman (to new employe) : ''I'm putting this rivet In the correct position. When I nod my bead, bit it bard with BALBOA ISLAND your hammer." He woke up in the hospital ~ ..... , - •

NWWIWWW•0 .... Ward & Barrington Lumber Co. Unique, CQmpact, AH-Steel Corona del Mar L1lJdlllK AND BUILDING ll&ftUAl.8 Malt Shop llar ~Yanl lftl o.s.t ....., ~•es .. ism •Oldfa.. __ "18 OOAST mGBWA1' AT 'l'llJI: AWlllll:ll Restaurant Building Opened We - )lot this. >J strong and compact as a J...ouiSI!, former manaaen o1. a battleship. Sandy's Drive-In. 632 delicatessen located at the Vtr­ Cout Highway, arrived here fJ"om ginia Country Market, Lo ne We Have a Complet.e Line of the Ca.Jlrornia Cornice Steel Co., Beach.. Short orders are their Mesa Los Angeles, all in one piece. An specialty from 4 a . m . until mld­ UQU.OR SHOP experimental structure, the most night with visiODJ of 24 hour !erV­ 17MN.._tllml. modem in culinary establishments, ice. FRESH AND SALT WATER it i5 built of stainless steel, with It is unfortunate that "Sandy" Plenty of Whiskey counters built ln and retrigera- did not check the 552 city ordi­ No-llo~ol TACKLE tion complete. It is insulated with nances before bringing his build ­ omr..,' z«11 four inches of spun glas.s. ing to town. It aet h1m back $500. 008TA. ma. o••.1r. 'The entire establishment wu for the privilege...... ,.... u set down on a concrete founda- Rods tion, the plumbing connected, um­ • brellas were hoisted above rustic Dorn's Shore Cliff n>a INSU&ANOB 1111:11 Reels tables on a conecting patio and Properties Develop • Sandy's was open for business. Howard W. Gerrim Lines Future plans call for enclosure Into District Mode • of the patio. ... Newpert- Leaders The Drive-In is owned by A . 008TA IO:sA ,;Sandy" Steiner of the Steiner One ot the most distinctive sub­ divisions in Southern California • Rea1ty C.o.. and is managed by JD:RM now being de\•eloped is Shore RIMA Sinkers Erwtn Greenhow and his v.i!e, • Oiffs, the scenic, oceanview Ray­ Automobile • Fire Hooks mond A. Dorn properties south of • Corona del Mar. Accident • Life and all kinds of Use Wide roads lead to large Jots Liceme and Ctiiitract that CO\.'er the tract, each sjte with Bonds Writtt> n endorsed by manding officer of the :t.l4th In­ Pt.oae Bem DOD. 5014 SACRAMENTO, Sept. 19.---0p. both o the real American par- Telephone lhrbor 97 for Latest Flshhlg IDformalion lll W . 9tll SL position of the Communist party ties-li4vublican and Democratic ~a;n~lr;Y;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Loe Anpl.. 15 Verile Welles appeared in Judge to the re-election of Governor - I ro~ider it something of an Robert Gardner's court at 10 a.m. E I w · N be ·11 be ;======::.::;:;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;~ 1 Saturday to answer charges for "takenar seriously'arren in ' byove them governor,r wt thehonor alie Communisthave the oppositionparty." of violation of the R-2 zone ordin- h ·d od e sa1 t ay. Warr n pointed out he named , ance. At the same time. \Va rrcn said Willia F. Kno\\'land to the U. According to the testimony she h d 't ••• k ··- .._.. J ill e ()('SO uun .. ,any ,.,,...... p e w S. Sen! e "because I had great GORDON B~ FINDLAY MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE was renting to three families on a ha,•eany doubt ·"h• re I sl d • " a n r • confide cc in his ability, because CON'J'BACTOB AND BUILDER First Class Jot in a two-fami.Jy zone. Balboa garding Senator Kno\vland .. in the he is a ormer G. I., and because 1501 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE Island. latter's campaign to be returned of his t tig .xperi£'nce in our own omoe: MIO Ooaat BlTd. Meehan.lea.I The defendant " 'as fined $100 t th t PHONE HARBOR 2 1 25 o e u . s . se na e. legislatfe . My belief in him has Work and given 30 days in jail, the "I have al"'ays taken Com- been st ngthened by the r ecord he CABINET SHOP SERVICE sentence '"as suspended on the munist opposition seriously.'' the made i the Senate. • Fenders Fixed condition that she \\•ould commit Id f CABINEl'S AND MILLWORK governor to a press con erence. it is a little early to be MOTORS no further violation of the or· "Th f h w ·11 · z F "Whir: T . C. J OHNSON, Supt. REBUILT • \Vheels e act t at 1 . 1a m - aster, getting into any campaign. I do d inance. national head of the Communist not thi k many rv>npJe will have • Straightened The complaint was filed by W. 1 Id t C 1·1 i .-- '°'7 SOtb Street. E. Dyson, Ne,vnnrt police officer. t u th t the ·11 be Tu~Up& ·r- o anno nee a re W1 & ing Se tor Knowland." • Body Repairing par Y. wou come o a 1 orn a any do bt where I stand regard- ~======:::; • write-in campaign against me is Specialty sufficient evidence there is some­ A DS A.RTrLLE RY Plans Cruise thing serious behind it. H . Nickell, Signal Oil • "I think that in these times compa executive, will commanri • Auto Painting The live bait boat LuckY Strike, everybody should regard Com· DORALEE'S of Port Lido, b being prepared the arlit->ry in the 40th Divisi'ln, Have this 4-Point Check munist activities seriously. It is Cali:'or !;.. National Guard, Brig. e •OTOa $50 for cruises in Mexican waten. my opinion we should know not we have now Included CBac:Jl·17r ...... "" Gen. arcourt Hervey, division e V A.I.VD ... • 10Nmos and Up comm COPfirm~ today. CAUOJ< ....nc& (e r. Venetian• Blinds • to oor stock. DON'T MISS - ~ I Custom Slip Covers - Draperies • The Public Service Hour. ~393 Sil Marine Aveaue Belb. I+nd F-.U., c.p..;.. H..,, Mecbea, Califomia Sa• 7, GREYHOUND 1011'tt 11 PERSON Hiaf>-1 Potrol, ud ad.er l...tina Officcn of Onnp j·-;: c...... , in .., iaformati.. pond d'1KUUioa of tbe ...;..i Fresh Daily quation1 TRAFFIC CONTROL. OrDellcloua, complete - equ1)lll10Dt- 11$ Wiii '1$ II /Hlllllllll Tune ICYOE, 1490kc., 6:15 p ..... Friday l when you want to catch J'OUr OWD.. SHERIFF JESSE L ELLIOTT HORMEN FISH MARKET MODERATOR ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH

- - • Look for titre CLARK & BATES Copper Door • Iadmtrtal: NOW-'Round Metallizing- • Tanks, Keels, Rudders, the Island Ferry Shafts, Refrigeration Trays, etc. 9:JO A. M. TO II P. II. • OmNIM!ntal: ROSSI'S Art Objects, Doon, Signs, "quor Store South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Rlchard>on'a, Evans', Hardware. etc. 100 Ooeol mway V1lJa Marin.a, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Besooo Bay, Harbor All ~ Specialists ln Sled, Out Iron, Fo"'"tlJ Gonloll'• Drue Store Island and South Bay: IWl from any dock or float. Welding-· Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. -ALL WORK OUA&AN'J'EED- BALBOA ISLAND FERRY NE\\TORT llMCH 508 SOtb. Streei Barbor !509 llARBOB IZ-W

C.R. STAAF • MOORING SERVICE ;t ;t ;t Trailer Most experienced travelers agree that "Greyhound Service" Moorings Installed and Repaired. means one thing above all others-the friendly,pn-s.0110/ interest Buoys Painted and Lettered. Greyhound folks rake in lual piog each passenger with every ;t ;t ;t Canopies uavel problem to' asswe him a most enjoyable, auefree tnp. Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for G reyhound is ,,,,,,.. than just a way. to go ~ l a~ . for Prompt 8ervlee 'IOU CllNTII/JS! Greyhound's friendly personalized service begms the mm~te you • enter a depot, aod slays ,,,. tbt job right lo tbt tnd of your JOU"'

l OS ArHOl.llS MOU ­ tNVUTMINT GREYHOUllD LlllE!, LONGllUOI LESTER & .Co. SICUOfTllS PACIFIC ,...... M....Ow Los A.1,Jn Sl«.i bd>.1~ lO MW THI INVISTORS' l tvtlSIOI 2004 WEST CENTL.L A VE., NEWPORT BEACH ...... - _ HAuoa 1374-J ' ·- - - • j •

JNI WSCS Begins Fall Season With All-Day PTA Board to in Mexico Balboa Islander Newport Circle Meet; Hears Talks on India, China Meet for Brunch J . Roberts, 1951 Tustin a- To Retu~ From Newpca-t Ord.. will m oot Newport Beach W .S.C.S. held articles such u charms. bells, F a 11 plans f01" the N•wport nue, ta Mesa. is In Me>?eo Qty Summer In East Wedneodloy, Sept. 25 at 1:3() p. m. !Mir tint all-day meeting of the bangleo, prayer wheels and cloth- Beach Gram.mar IChool Parent­ With iLong Beach mounted pc>- at the home O( Mn_ J. H_ ~- ing, all lnterlice "$1.80 vation or the upper Missouri val­ Tax hacl. Mrs. Stanley, director of the Jack n . Miss. the " ·eek of Nov. "Sald. ley in the Dakotas and Montana, Corona USO and Mr. Stanley ac· and or t he opportunity and re­ 19 w re the Misses Gertrude and All kinds typeWriter ribbons in GryphoD Productions compa.ined the servicemen and Lo · Montgomery with Mrs. Guy stock at the News-'l"lmes. 0~~~~/l :i: :;') sponsib.ility ot the church in re­ hostesses. Arrangeme nts ror th(' (; :z:i gard to this project . Mill and 1'trs. Sue Bryant of ------party had previously been made Sant Ana as alternates. Miss < -< M iss Jean U'Ren was to have ':.':: PlAY~OUS~ by Mn.. Stanley with Clyde Ashen, Ger~e Montgomery has been ~ ,.been the speaker of the afternoon director or the Balboa USO. a.~k~ by the national officers to :C: but her mothe r , Mn. John U'Ren, c: Thl' visitors came by ehart('red tribute for Confederate "' LAST PLAY ::> substituted for her , giving a n ac­ gi\'el]~ bus. arriving in Balboa at 11 :30 veter ns at the m emorial hour of MACBARS < ofthe8eUOll Z count of the past year which her a. m. Tables were set up In the Aa&,, 8epL the nvention...... daughter spent in China as a box LADIES' WEAR z •• USO building, lunches spread S al guests for the day were ~ Red Cross Canteen worker and out and amid much hilarity, rec· MKS. LEO:SARD J . DOYLE. Jr., the former Joyce K&thleea. Tuf­ new officers of the U.D .C .. includ· ..,, hostess. telling of the Chinese no- c SIGNE BASSO ord playing e nd piano thumping free. ~ter of Mr. and Mn. S.. la.mes Tullree of 1101 Eut Cen­ ing l\{rs. George Lewis Stone of of 109 Main Street, Balboa 0 tables she had met and bringing and guests proceedC'd to "" •a de tral A\.·e., Balboa. .and Palm Drl\.·e, Pla.ceatta. "''bOM! man1.a&'e took Los i\ngeles and her daughter, < ID many lovely articles of · Chinese place In St. BanUace Cat.boUc chatth. Anaheim. · 0 into the rood". Mrs. f-rerbert Gerry, Southern Cal­ ..: _ embroidery, gowns and ?.1andarin - photo by OJ.rtis Studios, Los Angeles. Immediately following the lunch iforn~ chairman of courtesy to coat, brass, cloisonne and jade. :'l they wer e taken for a sight see­ scholtrship students ; ~trs. Mabel • -l ing cruise of the Harbor. made Junior Past P resident of UDC Entertains Trott.tr Dunn of Long Beach, di· Coats·· 'GEORGE' Drive Carefully- Spa.re & ute. :z available to them through the recto\of Children of the Confeder­ c A New Play by -0 cooperation and courtesy of tht" Ella Sansom Chapter at First Meeting acy i California and he r daughte r You should see these ~ Nc,vport Ha rbor Chamber of Com· Mrs. Tpsey Mila n. recording sec· L John Meredyth Lueas z attractive numbers: Callfomia's :Se"·est and mC' rce. M iss G<- r trude ~1 o nt gom er y, jun· 1 " ·as th(' aunt of the Misses Ger- r etarr of Joe \Vheeler chapter; r "' (; with JOHN NEWLAND l\ol ott Modern l\l otel After the cruise. there was a ior past state president of United t.rude and Louise 1'"1ontgomery and Mrs. 1Henry w. Johnson of Los long and fitted - - - and rush to change into swimming Daughters of the Confede racy, and Isister or th('ir mother ~l rs . Vi ctor Angeles, state tr<.'as UTer . and her short and boxie -- - her sister. l\tiss Louise l\>lontgom · , ' . f d : ~t " J w y f K c FRANK SUNDSTROM r< trunks and sun suits. The USO ery. East Central a\'enue, . lontgomery, founder 1n 1889 o augd e r . ,.1rs. . . vey o an· 0 )> beach umbrellas came in for their 21 17 wide sleeves - - - and c: ;") Miracle·Mile share of use by ithc •;isitors who Balboa. were hostesses... for the Ella Sansom chapter . 1'1rs. Coons sasNe t y~ embers were Mrs. Vir· push-up styles II. Reserved Seats 'A'Crc cautioned about .. sunburn". initial meeting of the season of " ·as next 10 the last charte r mem- glrua Carpenter, noted portrait z At 5 o'clock the group re-as· Emma Sansom chapter , luncheon her of the ch:ipter . the other be- paint rand \vriter of Yorba Linda. in the A. • Priced :z BLUE SAILS )> sembled in the USO building and being served house and ing l\1rs. J . Turne r of Los An· and er d aughter . Miss c BOOK SHOP Motel proceeded to polish off lhe bal· patio. geles. Car t er; also Mrs. P . C. Bates from...... $2250 :i: ancc of their food and prcpart"d Zinni as ranging from cream and I n Anaheim 1~1rs . Coons a nd her of H l\ Y'o'-•ood. O ther guests \Ve re Phone Barbor 818 706 COAST IDGHWAY orchid through dark pink a nd red fathC'r. Dr. Gardiner . in 1888 start· Mrs. . E . Cunningham of Fuller­ C. or Lacuna 191 l:'1 to "take off' for Corona . (Look for the Neon Sl.gn) The entire group w as loud in and pink a1naryl\is. v.·ere used in ed holding joint memorial serv- ton, ast president of the Arkan· ~ l&A!ION T1CICET8 ros 8mom& > t heir praise of the hospitalily ex· the living room. On the buffet IC'C'S \\·ith Confederate and G.A.R. sas ·ision : Mrs. Evans of Laurel, ~ IMl -• a..-.BN&e. " 'rite Orr· ~ table w as a striking centerpiece veterans a nd only once in 56 years 1-tiss. houseguest of her daughte r, (!) ..... ~ PlaT..__ 1- .,. • 40 Units and Baths t ended .them by Balboa and re· n.. llieaeb .... r.:rtlMw lat- .. marked "\Vait until the rest of of yellow and coral zinnias. '''ith did Mrs. Coons miss a service until 1'1rs. uy lwtiller : Mrs. Roy Blake Jersey Dresses • Unit Heat the patients hear about this. you'll a gre<> n a nd coral fl a mingo ar· this year "'·hen she \\·as to ill to of I Je"'ood. chairma n of hospi· r - Staged by • Box Springs probably have them every week .. . ranged in a yellow potte r y bo'A'I. at tend. talit for Braxton Bragg chapter . Beautiful pattern s • Innerspring Mattresses At one end or the table the ne\\' l\Jrs. Henr)' Kuechel of Anp..heim Th speaker, 1'1rs. Kuechel, gra- in fall coloring and Robert FAC Bridge Meets preside nt. Mrs. E lme r B. DuPree. '' 'as speaker, giving a graphic ac· cious y presented the new year Milton PH. BEACON 5299-W pr~ided over the main course count of t.he battle or Sabine Pass, book to the chapter, which she styles . . _Many other Kednesday at Newport while Mrs. Tarver Montgome r y T exas, " 'hen 42 men of the Con· had rt:lered printed as her gift. Look These served the salad. Assisting hostes· ;;;;;;r~r;;m;;~r;;;;;w:;.;;m~;;;;~;;;;;;s;;;m;;;r;~~;;;;;; fabrics and styles in The bridge section of the Fl'i· ses were ~trs . Clarence Nissen of Over day Afternoon club wiU me e t Santa Ana. Mrs. Gladys Thomp.. Skirts Gowns Sport or dressy Wednesday. Sept. 25 at the home son of Balboa and ~1.rs . Allred Blooses Slips types. of Mrs. G. V. Llnsenbard, 1526 Park and her daughter, Miss Rose­ West Ocean Front, Newport Beach mary Park or San Pedro. who have Robes Panties The dessert course will be served been houseguests of the Misses at 12:30 p. m . and Mrs. H enry Montgomery for the past week. ~------$79! Eggert will be co-hostess. Reser· At the suggestion of Mrs. DU· vation.s may be made with Mn. Pree the Ses8ion was designated Linsenbard, Harbor 1252-W, or as a memorial for the late Mrs. Mrs. P . V. Parkes, Beacon 57~J . Mary Ella Coons of Anaheim. who Folk ·visit Castaways Club, Viewed as Fairyland of All (ConUnued from Page 1) Finch. Beth Wilson, Don Hall and Would Pre,.... It the Brick Gainses. Mr. and Mrs. BALBOA Mrs. Halley Stewart. JSLiND Also from the Laguna ceramic SmithsHarry C.Oandffman Pettingills entertained; Mr. andthe :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~ 1troUP were Sven Carlson, with a Mrs. Jerry Johnson had a party party of eight ; Lisa Monk with ot eight, including the Harold *NEWPORT B..\RBOR MOVIE GUIDE* a party of ·four. and Mn. Beetzie Grauels of Costa Mesa. Ramsey 0 A repertoire just burst· Phelps and a party of four. Hal Ames. Republic star, wu there Bacon of Holly-Nood hosted a party with Bill Fox, local photographer, Lido Theatre alboa Theatre Ing with the latest trends tor four. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jen­ and Mel Ford, band leal1er at the Piao• 11.ubor !11' PlaoDe Barbor !8 In short hairdos. nings of San Franciaco, Mrs. Bamboo Room. Doon Open at t :IO ~n Open at t :SO Maxine Saltonstall of Huntington Gordon Brown and Miu Griffith 8lloW9 at 6 :45 and 1:00 811ow. at 1:'6 A: 1:00 • Rllling, Lust.rm, Helen CLASSIC Beach, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thomson of La&llD•. Mr. and Mn. Heinz ..-SatmdaJo at 1:'5 Double F- LMI CUrt1s, Cold waves - alao llESS of Hollywood and Mrs. Gall Good­ Kaller and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nor· °""""- --at 1:'5 Oo t<> - at ~lL a:ae son of Balboa were guests of Mrs. ton, the Ed Richardsons, Mr. and machineless pennanents. Dickerman. Mn. Chet Loomis and George PHONE THEATERS FOR FEATURE F ARTING TIMES PLEASE June Vogel was hostess to her Seamans of Laguna, Mr. and Mrs. husband, Dick, Mn. Vogel Sr. and Sam Porter, Mr. and Mn. John Now Sbowln.c tb:ru Saturday: No~' Bbowtnc thra Saturday: to a cousin; Wally Gerhardt was Donhoff. the M . E . Niedecken, The Bat Seller -- • Set to Slx M t the Beebes! America'• there, host to a party of 10, in­ the Roger Watsons and many New Kern 8onp FunnteJt F'Wll7! cluding Mr. and Mn.. Braden more enjoyed this very first night. ... B...... Pt to Ute by -.On BING CROSBY Grand Stan! }.lF&ED Mac.MUB&AY · Virginia Bells IEROME KEJL'l'S NALO O'CONNOR In Expert "CENTENNIAL Ooley Runleo Comedy Wt ... SUMMER" "SING YOU House of Beauty -In Technlcolor!-St&rrlnc SINNERS" Beauticians .JEA..'1>iE CRAIN 804 Marine Ave. Balboa bla.nd COR:SEL ""ILDE -4-COLOR CARTOON!!-4 for Milady LINDA DARNEl,.L ani Chap. 1-- of "H op Barrtpn" Pb one .. Harbor __ 1 8 2 7 • Perraanents. Cold \\ave, Hair "°'tLUA.1\1 EYTllE COSSTANCE BENNETT Su.nb y t hru Tuesday, Sept. 22-U: Styling, Hair Tinting - - - Bleac;h­ 1 " •.\LTER BRENNA." and lng, Facials. DOROTHY GISH M M'• Sta.r-Studded Spectacle NO WAJTINU v "ZIEGFELD BUCKLE UP.1••r Canne11 and S1&ff Sunday t.bru Tutsday, Sept. H-2': -...-'\ "liii:i7 CLAUDETTE COLBERT FOLLIES OF 1946" For Your Convenience and JOHN \\'AVJ\"E In the L in Technloolor-wttb­ spirits in this golden-buckled, fly.front ~ Sensational Comedy mt Ffed Astal.rtl - Lucille B remer ne Kelly - .Judy Garland cfaS1>ic! Styled by Serbin ... in "iegra Balboa Inn Beauty Salon "WITHOUT Skelton - Keen.an Wynn and RESERVATIONS" Stan! Stan! Stan! We Will Remain of Bur-Mil quality rayon." Choose from • w4 and Tbu.n.., Sep t.. u - %8: • Only, Sepe. Zll: Vineyard Hues of Aqua •. . Grey w- -bclaslve H&l'bor Showtnc!­ ll'. Somenet Maaataaa'• ...... Sldlte7 Greemtreet - Peter Lorre "Of Human Bondage" Ad Geraldine F1tqerald In . Open • • •. luggage .. . Beige ..• Peacock. On Your Way to Santa Ana ffhree .Strangers"- PAUL HEN1UED Sizes 12 to 20. Or When in 8 F'rlolay, Sept. %1 : Friday and Saturday ALEX18-- 8MlTll ... ELEANOR PA•l[ER xclaltwe Barbor Sllowfac- BMU - u Stop 8- Tll-.,.-Sept. - : ' •Sllerlock llolmee• la Until 9. p. m. Tiiie Bowf •.._r of lNa! "Dressed to Kill" ~ !11""7. - MAJll[ 1lll08. ~-lllaftla at f.1AJ1uehouse Blues" and All Day Sunday "A NIGHT IN -- N Week: "'Wl'IHOUT Rl'Jll!L • CASA BLANCA" VA OXS". ~ NAME 18 B0tr9·~· · "lllUDE WOU: CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Nut W-: "THE P08DIAN ALWAl'll lllNGB TWICE" - for tlleae N+*I' em.. Barbecued "NIGHT .U.'D DAY'._ Balboa Central Market Sandwiches' Fountain Service te .. .._, "LOVE& lta.-.tolp.m. BACK", -rBE ODEN Cw . c: ""HOLIDAY IN llEX· " , '*iiii& OF TREia l&UI Nw.-1 lllhd. ( Be ob) JOO'"', -&&SY TO WED", -UE­ , ""CDl'DDD"A IOND" VOl'ION"°, ...aG Bl&KP"', -..&D -U OOaMmr, -...&CK AK- ~- .. __I -'-..------..} . -