Willowfield Homes Homes Limited Land South Of
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WILLOWFIELD HOMES HOMES LIMITED LAND SOUTH OF FRENCH GARDENS, RATHAM LANE BOSHAM, WEST SUSSEX Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Project Reference LLD2079-LPL-REP-001 Prepared by: KG / JP Checked By: JP Revision 00 Draft Issue Date: 15.02.2021 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A limited Minor adverse effect on localised field pattern and rural For users of Ratham Lane adjacent to the TPO'd woodland along character would result in the short term, awaiting the reinforcement of the western edge of the Site including local cyclists and vehicular i Introduction and Background boundaries from maturing of proposed vegetation in the mid to long users, (represented by Viewpoints No. 04) there would be a locally Lizard Landscape Design and Ecology has been commissioned by term. A Negligible effect is anticipated on both the wider rural setting perceptible change from the introduction of a publicly accessible Willowfield Homes Limited to undertake a Landscape and Visual of Broadbridge and separation with Fishbourne further to the east, (as access path into the woodland. This is considered to result in a Minor Impact Assessment, (LVIA) for French Gardens, Bosham, West highlighted for consideration within the Bosham Parish Character Area beneficial effect on the pleasantness of the glimpsed view for these Sussex, (Grid Reference: SU 81201 05514). 3: Broadbridge – Fishbourne Coastal Plain, (2013) and Chichester receptors. District Sub-area 91: Broadbridge - Fishbourne Coastal Plain, (2019, For users of Ratham Lane adjacent to the tree belt along the western ii Impact Assessment Terra Firma). edge of the Site the removal of trees required for the proposed Landscape Character The contribution of the western boundary treeline along Ratham Lane vehicular access road would be perceptible. However, due to the LLD consider that the irregular form of the partly enclosed Site, to landscape structure and semi-rural character would be substantively obtuse nature of the glimpsed view for fast moving traffic, and the which is otherwise defined by the historic field boundary to the east retained, with limited removal of trees to facilitate the access onto presence of vegetation at close distance beyond, the impact on the and enclosed by the high voltage electricity pylon and wires to the Ratham Lane, resulting in a localised potential Minor adverse effect. pleasantness of the view is not considered to result in more than a north east, is as much in keeping with the enclosed and residential Further to the recommended planting of a reinforcing tree belt inset Minor adverse effect. It is anticipated that this would be reduced to land use and character to the west as the more open fieldscapes within the Site, including drought resilient species, this is considered a mid to long term Negligible effect further to the recommended beyond to the north and east, when taken as a whole. to be reduced to a Negligible to Minor beneficial effect in the mid to reinforcement tree planting along this boundary. long term as the trees matured. Regarding consistency with the main settlement pattern of For local cyclists and pedestrians along the southern end of Public Broadbridge, the presence of residential use to the west of the Site Remaining trees on Site would be avoided, including the maturing Bridleway No. 3595-2, (represented by Viewpoint No. 09) who presents an existing irregularity from the limiting barrier of the West areas of trees (subject to Tree Preservation Order No.11/00110/ have visibility of the western boundary treeline and dispersed trees Coast Railway Line, which substantively maintains built form to the TPO) which would be incorporated into the layout, with access and and scrub along the eastern boundary of the Site, as part of field south. The small scale of built form proposed, combined with the specification for the cycle/pedestrian footpath, defined under the boundary vegetation there is considered to be a perceptible change, social benefit arising from the allotment provision along the northern guidance of an Arboriculturalist to minimise impact. A short term albeit consistent with the present visibility of built form beyond edge, (with access provided through a protected woodland area Negligible effect is anticipated. Proposed planting of trees both within vegetation apparent within this view. The compositional association for the local community) is considered to functionally formalise the Site and along the historic field boundary to the east is considered of the intervening field with tree belt beyond would remain. Whilst an irregular area between existing built form and the power lines, to result in a mid to long term Minor beneficial effect as this the proposed rooflines and built form would remain glimpsed and whilst affording the opportunity to reinforce the vegetated edge of matures into the mid term. compositionally consistent, with the existing presence of built form. The presence of the allotments to the centre of view would be the settlement, taking into account the primary mitigation identified Through reference to the visual amenity assessment, there would be apparent. There is considered to be a short term Minor adverse within Section 6.0. The Scheme is considered to represent a no impact on the special qualities of either the South Downs National effect on the naturalistic character of the elements to the right of view, Negligible effect on settlement pattern with beneficial effects on Park or the Chichester Harbour AONB. local recreational amenity and social value. albeit already compromised by the presence of the electricity pylon. Visual Amenity As proposed planting matured along the eastern edge of the Site, Regarding the very limited contribution from the northern and this would reinforce the naturalistic elements within the view, whilst For receptors along the platform at Bosham Station, and also while eastern edges of the Site to the more open fieldscape to north and filtering visibility of rooflines and built form, with a mid to long term crossing the footbridge (represented by Viewpoints No. 01, 02 and east, which is limited by the irregular shape of the boundary to the Negligible effect anticipated. west and presence of high voltage electricity pylon and lines to the 03, from east to west), who have filtered views of the Site through north east, the formalisation of the settlement edge in this location intervening vegetation, there would be a low magnitude of change would not have a substantive impact. The existing semi-rural edge to views as scrubby native, tree and shrub planting would remain defined by back gardens of properties off Ratham Lane would be adjacent to the platform as part of the proposals. This would result in a more cohesively defined through reinforcement of native vegetation short term Negligible effect on the pleasantness of views, improving about the perimeter. to a mid to long term Minor beneficial effect as planting matured. WILLOWFIELD HOMES LIMITED LAND SOUTH OF FRENCH GARDENS, RATHAM LANE, BOSHAM LLD2079-LPL-REP-001-00 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 6 2.0 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................... 16 4.0 PUBLISHED LANDSCAPE CHARACTER STUDIES ..................................................................................... 20 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS - FIELD SURVEY AND REVIEW .......................................................................... 30 6.0 LANDSCAPE CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................ 35 7.0 ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS ........................................................................................................................... 36 APPENDIX A - PROPOSED WEST OF CHICHESTER CITY STRATEGIC WILDLIFE CORRIDORS (2018) ........ A1 APPENDIX B - CHICHESTER LANDSCAPE CAPACITY STUDY (TERRA FIRMA, 2019) - (EXTRACTS) ............ B1 APPENDIX C - CHICHESTER LANDSCAPE GAP ASSESSMENT (TERRA FIRMA, 2019) - (EXTRACTS) .......... C1 APPENDIX D - HISTORIC MAPS AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY (EXTRACTS) .................................................... D1 APPENDIX E - VIEWPOINT PHOTOGRAPHS ........................................................................................................... E1 APPENDIX F - NO VISIBILITY SCHEDULE................................................................................................................ H1 APPENDIX G - A STUDY [...] (DAVID HARES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, APRIL 2020) - (EXTRACTS)...... 1 G FIGURES FIGURE 1.1. DEVELOPMENT SITE LOCATION ........................................................................................................ 4 FIGURE 2.1. PLANNING DESIGNATIONS ................................................................................................................. 14 FIGURE 4.1. CHICHESTER HARBOUR AONB LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AREAS (CBA, 2019) ....................... 21 FIGURE 4.2. CHICHESTER DISTRICT LANDSCAPE SUB-AREAS / CAPACITY (TERRA FIRMA, 2019) .......... 23 FIGURE 4.3. SUSSEX HISTORIC LANDSCAPE CHARACTER TYPES (BANNISTER, 2010) ............................... 25 FIGURE 5.1. STUDY AREA. ........................................................................................................................................