[Publisbed by Authority. I

This Gazette is published fm' Police infm'mation only, and the Police tilA'onghout the Colony a"e 'inst""cted to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents. GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.

No. 18.J WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. [1894.

SL"allllg' in Dwellings, frolll the Northam.- On the 25th ult., from the" Northam" Hot.el,- keyless gold hunting Waltham , No. Person, &c. 3907005, glass missing, gold hands, sunk second­ hands, Roman figures on dial, 3 £10 (supposed) W. Vide Police Ga:etle, 1894, page 76, C.l. 198. A. Bank notes, two of them being very greasy, one Frem,antle.- Tbe number of the above-mentioned h ... the name" George Skelton" on back, 1 £5 and 5 watch, the property of Thumas DalVs, is 163196. £1 notes, and 12s. 6d. in silver, the property of GeOl'ge Skelton.- C.I. 207. .

P,·emantle. - On the 23rd ult., from the person of Gemlclton.- On the 12th ult., from a railway truck John Brown, at the H Federal" Hotel,-stem-wind­ at the 9-mileJunctiou,- 2 cases, marked" M. Fa.llon" iug silver hunting Waltham watch, white dial, gold in blue pencil, containing 1 dozen bottles Worcester , second-hands flush with dial, engine-turlled sauce, 2 bottles castor oil, 6 bottles essence of lemon, case, and gold albert, fetter link pattern, with gilt 6 Ibs. dried apples, 2 boxes baking-powder, 2 lbs. rupee attached.-C.I. 202. • plums, 2 lbs. currants, 1 bottle eucalyptus oil, and 2 pairs women's elastic-side , sizes 3 and 5, Fremantle.- On the night of the 23rd ult., from respectively, tbe property of Mrs. Martin Fallon.­ "His Lordship's Larder" Rotel,- si1ver hunting C.I.208. English lever watch, white dial, steel hands, second­ hands flush with dial. engine-turned cases, dent on Geralclton.--On the 22nd ult., from the new Jetty, out.side of front case, the initials "J.S." in German - double-barrelled breech-luac1ing hammerless fowl­ text (in monogram) on front case, and black bail' Ing-piece, maker's name H Wesley Richards" inlaid guard with gold band at centre and each end, and in gold on locks, No. (supposed) 6696, stock has gold guard with plain gold oblong lucket con­ been broken and repaired, but is scarcely noticeable, taining lady's photo. attached, the property' of the property of C. Stafford.- C.L 209. Gcorge Sinclair.-C.L 203. P.,·th.- On or about the 20th ult., from the Swan River, near Causewa,Y,- 14ft. flat-bottomed punt, F,·emantle.- On the 24th ult., from the s. s. painted drab colour, the property of John Lewis.­ "Wa,roonga,"-silver buntmg English lever watch, C.I.210. steel hands, sunk second-hands, white enamel dial, engine-turned cases, outer case slightly loose, the P.,·th.-·On the 26th ult., from the person of Hugh property of Sigrid Videli us.- C.L 204. Hayden,- small red leather purse, 4 divisions, clasp at side, containing 3 £1 bank notes, 1 sovereign, and F,·emantle.-On the 26th ult., from the person of 1 half-sovereign, and a square slIver locket with the Henry Wilson,- silver open-faced Geneva watch. figure of an emu on one side.-C.L 211. one jewel missing, engraved inside tase