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New-Church Messenger e NEW-CHURCH MESSENGER January 8, 1955 Education Number "Man is born natural, but is educated so as to become civil and moral, and afterwards spiritual." (Apocalypse Revealed) The Goal of Religious Education George Pausch Men To Match Our Mountains Othmar Tobisch Twenty Years A Teacher Daniel Nielsen The New Curriculum Ernest Martin Vol. 175, No. 1—Whole No. 4644 THE PARTIAL LIST PRINCIPAL FOREIGM NEW-CHURCH OF CHURCHES MISSIONS MESSENGER STATIONS AND OUTPOSTS OF Official organ of The General Convention BALTIMORE, MD. THE GENERAL CONVENTION of the New Jerusalem in the United States Calverl Street, near Chase (Usually the city lined ■> the field head- of America. Convention founded in 1817. BATH. MB. quarter! of the mitsionary or leader.) (Swcdenborgian) Middle and Winter Streets • BOSTON. MASS. Mkudzb or the Associated Church Press Bowdoin Street, opp. State Hou»e ARGBNTINE • BRIDGBWATER, MASS. Buenos Aires, Callo Gualeguaychea 4144 Published biweekly by The New Church Central Square AUSTRIA Prew, 108 Clark Street. Brooklyn, New York. BROCKTON, MASS. Vienna, Liniengasto 31/16, VII Kntered as second-class matter at the Post 34 Crescent Slcccl, near Main Office. Brooklyn. N. Y.. under Act of Con- BRITISH GUIANA CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Georgetown, Robb « Light Sts. Kresi of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for Quincy Street, rorner Kirkland mailing at special rate of postage provided CHINA for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, CHICAGO. ILL. Nanping, 52 New Town, San Yuan Fen Kenwood, 3710 So. Woodlawn Ave. authorited on luly 30, 1918. (Printed in (Temporarily suspended) Northside Parish, 912 W. Sheridan U. S. A.) CINCINNATI, OHIO CUBA • Oak Street and Window Avenue Havana, Campanario 609 Subscription $3.00 a year; foreign postage, CLBVELAND. OHIO CZECHOSLOVAKIA 25 cents extra, (lift subscription, if from Prague, Legcrova 6, Praha-Kral, Vinohrady a subscriber. tl.SO. Single copies. 15 cents. 12600 Euclid Avenue, E. Cleveland Lipnik, Moravia, Nadratni ul. 729 Address subscriptions to the publisher. Ad DETROIT, MICH. vertising rale card on request. Meyers Road and Curtis Street DENMARK EDMONTON. ALB. Copenhagen, Forhaabningsholms Alice 8 OFFICERS OF CONVENTION 11408—71il Street DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Ritv. Frakklik Henry Blackues. President, EL CERRITO. CALIF. Monte Christy, Palo Verde 134 Bowdoin Street, Boston 8, Mass.; Ms. 1420 Navtllier Street Gbobgb Paosch, Vice-President, 209 South- DUTCH GUIANA ELMWOOD, MASS. Paramaribo, 102A, Weiderstroat way, Guilford, Baltimore 18, Md.; Mr. W«l Street Horace B. Blackuer. Recording Secretary. ECUADOR 134 Bowdoin St.. Boston 8, Mass.; Mr. PRYEBURG, ME. Cojimes, Manabi AtuEBT P. Carter, Treasurer, Sll Barristers Main Street GULFPORT, MISS. FRANCE Hall. Boston 8. Mass. Mr. Chester T. Paris, 14 Sentier des Them, Bellevue Cook, Auditor. 2608 Kelley Avenue INDIANAPOLIS GERMANY EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 623 No. Alabama Street Berlin, Gciienhcimcrsir. 33, Wilmersdnrl Bochum, Glackengaise 50 Phiiip M. Ai.DE». Mrs. Ernest O. Martin, KITCHENER, ONT. Stuttgart, Stitzenburgstr. IS Edward F. Memmott. Rev. Clayton S. Margaret Ave. N. and Queen St. Priestnal, Rev. William F. Wunscii. LAKBWOOD, OHIO ITALY Corner Detroit and Andrews Avenue Rome, Via G. Castellini 24 Trieste, Via Dcllo Scoglio 33 LAPORTB. IND. Editor Venice, S. Croce 7a Bjorn Johannson Indiana and Maple Avenues JAPAN • LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 509 South Westmoreland Avenue Tokyo, 2398, 3 Chome, Setagaya, Associate Editor Selagaya-Ku MANCHESTER. N. H. MAURITIUS Carol Lowson Conant Street Curepipe, Rue Remono • MANSFIELD, MASS. Port Louis, Rue Champ-de-Lort Row 2 Addrtll all editorial correspondence end West Street MEXICO manuscripts to the Editor, Box 65, MONTEZUMA. KANS. Monterrey. N. L.. 132 Morelos Ave.. Ote. Main Street Eranslon Branch. Cincinnati 7, Ohio. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS NBWTONVILLE, MASS. • Manila. 82 Leon St. Malabon Highland Avenue The opiniont of contributor/ do not neces- POLAND NORWAY. IOWA tartly reflect the rievs of the editor* or Cicttochowa, Ulica Street 7, Kamienic Lenox Township Church Nr. 21/m. 18 trmetent the petition of the Church. NBW YORK CITY SWEDEN 33ih Street, bet. Park and Lexington Aves. Stockholm, Tegnerlunden 7 Clark Street and Monroe Place, Brooklyn January 8, 1955 Harlem New-Church Minion, 166 W. 136 St. SWITZERLAND ORANGE. N. J. Herisau, Gossauerstr. 17a Vol. 175. No. I Whole No. 4644 Bitei Avenue near Main Street Zurich, Appollostrasse 2 PALOS VBRDBS, CALIF. Geneva, 6 Rue de PUniversite Wayfarers' Chapel, Portugese Bend Lamannc, Rue Caroline 21 Vevey, 3 Rue du Leman PRINCIPAL CONTENTS PATBRSON, N. J. EDITORIALS: 380 Van Hotiten Street Knowledge — What For? 6 PAWNBE ROCK. KANS. Main Street Parents, Wake Up! 0 PHILADELPHIA. PA. at ARTICLES: 22nd and delimit Streets Goal of Religious Education... 3 Prankford, Paul and Unity Street! of ©Iff GEORGE PA USC H PITTSBURGH. PA. Commission on Religious Edu Sanduiky St. near North Ave. There is one God, and He is PORTLAND. ME. cation 6 302 Stevens Ave. cor. Monlrose the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. KBNESTO. MARTIN PORTLAND. OREGON • O, Give Me Men to Match My 2037 S.B. Spruce Ave. Mountains 1 PRETTY PRAIRIE. KANS. The Word is Divine and con East Main Street OTM3IAR TOB1SCII tains a spiritual or inner meaning BIVERSIDE, CALIF. The New Curriculum 8 364J Locust Street whereby is revealed the way of ERNEST O. MARTIN SAN DIEGO, CALIF. regeneration. Observe 100th Anniversary at 4144 Campus Avenue Elm wood New Church 0 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. • I.yon and Waahinston Streets Twenty Years A Teacher 10 ST. LOUIS. MO. Saving faith is to believe in ]>AN*IFX NIELSEN 620 N. Spring Avenue Him and keep the Commandments How Shall I Teach 12 ST. PAUL, MINN. of His Word. EttNESTO. MARTIN S.E. cor. Virginia and Selby Aves. Our Predestined Hour 13 ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. 1913—5th Street, N. BESS FOSTER SMITH Evil ia to be shunned as sin TORONTO. ONT. Keeping Silence Before the College St. near Euclid Ave. against God. Lord « VANCOUVER, B. C. FEATURES: 2316 W. 12th Avenue Contest * WASHINGTON. D. C. Human life is unbroken and Letters to the Editor 10 16th and Corcoran Streets, N.W. continuous, and the world of the Natural Notes 16 WILMINGTON. DEL. Pennsylvania Avenue and Broom Street spirit is real and near. liirtha, Baptisms, Memorials 1C THE GOAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION by George Pausch 73T HE Constitution of Convention announces in its prayer-life and to lead into the Scriptures and writ V/ very first paragraph that it consists of "nil ings of the Church; the Bible Study School, largely who acknowledge the doctrines of the New Church for non-members of the Church, and the Swedenborg as revealed by the Lord God the Savior Jesus Christ Student, now printed in Tub Messenger, for the in His Word by means of the theological writings study of the Arcana. In recent years there has been of Emanuel Swedenborg," who unite with it in per formed the Commission on Religious Education, at forming the general uses of a church. In this the Council of Ministers' instance, which envisions succinct way it tells of what it stands for as an finally a Department of Education under a full-time organized body of the New Church. How does this Director. Its present activity is concentrated upon body profess and proclaim these doctrines? By the the subject of Sunday-school lessons. written word, the spoken word, and by uniting in worship. With its related bodies it publishes thou Departure From Goal sands of copies of the writings of Swedenborg, with It must be recognized, however, that some of these a rich body of collateral literature of books, pamph projects have gotten away from the goals originally lets and magazines. It maintains missionary work set for them. The Waltham School, for example, here and abroad. At Palos Verdes it lias found an has become a purely non-sectarian school, although unrivalled outlet for reaching the public. It pub founded by New Church people. Urbana has in lishes its Book of Worship containing rich rituals effect become a local institution, in which all the and hymns. The Messenger is designed to reach courses are upon secular subjects, certainly so far its members wherever they are with its articles and as the New Church is concerned. Leaving out for news of the Church. the moment the Academy of the General Church, there does not exist at this time any educational in Education in the Church stitution in which a New Churchman can educate his This article is designed to draw attention to the children, or in which a young man who desires to work of education in the Church. Almost from its enter the ministry, can prepare himself for the train beginning, the organized New Church, here and ing in the Theological School. abroad, was concerned witli the great objective of bringing our teachings into the education of our Secularization of Schools children and young people, and of adults. The Lest it appear that I am critical of the schools writer has seen an outline for a proposed college in I have mentioned, let me point out that many de this country, written at the turn of the nineteenth nominations have in the past century, and earlier, century by a devoted New Churchman. This con founded educational institutions under which their cern for religious education has found expression in children could obtain education under religious aus the founding of schools and colleges, and the con pices, but which have become completely secularized tributions of substantial sums of money and dedi through the passing of the years. These institutions cated efforts on the part of leaders of the Church. furnished a
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