LAF 11/20

Suffolk Local Access Forum

Title: Divestment of Countryside Sites

Meeting Date: 14 July 2011

Author/Contact: David Falk Venue: Aspall Room, Kerrison Conference Centre, Stoke Road, Thorndon, nr Eye, , IP23 7JG

Message from Cllr Judy Terry

Full details can be located at 476E-9D16-78720F40511B/0/ProposalsOverviewwebversion3.pdf

I would like to update you on the future of country parks and recreation sites within Suffolk.

As you are aware, having reviewed all the proposals received regarding our portfolio of country parks and recreation sites, I agreed a list of next steps with the Director of Economy, Skills and Environment, Lucy Robinson. In the few cases where no proposals had been received, I advised you that officers from the county council would be working closely with the local county councillor to encourage interest.

I would now like to update you on progress on each of our sites. For ease of reference, the portfolio of sites has been divided into district/borough council areas. Please note that this briefing reflects the discussions which are taking place rather than final decisions.

Babergh District Council area

Belstead Meadows

Unfortunately no proposals have been received for Belstead Meadows; however, the parish council has expressed an interest in organising a meeting between officers from the county council, the district council and Greenways. The county council currently pays Greenways to manage the site.

Cattawade Picnic Site

The River Stour Boating Community Interest Company is looking to take on the maintenance of the site and own the land through a leasehold arrangement. The company proposes to extend the parking area to meet peak demands during the boating season and retain a riverside picnic area with benches. The Community Interest Company (CIC) has concerns over the costs of public liability and the county council has arranged to meet with the CIC to discuss further. The county council is in discussion with Suffolk ACRE about the provision of good value public liability insurance which we hope will help the River Stour Boating Community Interest Company.

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Lavenham Walk

Unfortunately no proposals have yet been received for Lavenham Walk. The county council is in discussions with the parish council. The main concern raised by the parish council is that the walk extends into a neighbouring parish and includes a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), which requires a lot of management and can be costly to maintain.

Melford Walk and Rodbridge Picnic Site

The county council is currently working with the Long Melford Residents Group who has submitted a proposal to take on the Melford Walk and Rodbridge Picnic Site. The LM Residents Group has requested continuing financial assistance from the county council to take on these two sites which will obviously require further discussion as this is not in line with our policy. The county council is in the process of organising a meeting with the LM Residents Group to discuss their proposal further.

Valley Walk

In partnership with , Sudbury Town Council wishes to take on the management of this site with the Common Lands carrying out the maintenance. The town council wishes the county council to continue to maintain and insure the bridges along Valley Walk and any other major structures (such as steps required for access). Sudbury Town Council proposes to raise the precept to cover the general annual maintenance costs (except for bridges). The county council is keen for the town council to work in association with Sustrans – who also submitted a proposal to take on this site and the county council has commenced discussions on this basis. The bridges issue will require further discussion and negotiation.

Forest Heath District Council area

Brandon Country Park

The county council wants those who have expressed an interest in the country park to become involved in the creation of a cluster involving the three major assets in Brandon being treated as one (old school site, the country park and the library) and it is suggested that a Trust should be established to own the sites (including the country park). This Trust could include Keystone, the town council and other local groups and the delivery arm for the country park could be one of a number of bodies, such as Anglia Leisure Trust, the borough/district council or Keystone. A separate project team will be set up to deliver this overall project. A meeting has been arranged for the end of June to consider this idea.

Ramparts Field Picnic Site

Unfortunately, we have not received any proposals for this site. This site is leased to the county council by two separate owners; three acres are leased from Icklingham Parish Council and 13.6 acres are leased from a local individual. A meeting is being arranged with Cllr Colin Noble to discuss the future of this site.

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Mid Suffolk District Council area

Barham Picnic Site

Barham Parish Council is looking to support Claydon Football Club in turning the site into football pitches. The parish council is looking to own the freehold title of the land and grant a long lease to Claydon Football Club. The parish council is looking to put in a formal application for planning permission.

The county council has received an outline proposal for change of use of the site to a sports facility from the parish council and a site meeting was recently held to look at the workshop. The county council is working closely with the parish council to identify opportunities for grant funding and is encouraging the parish council to submit a planning application at the earliest opportunity.

Bramford Picnic Site and Local Nature Reserve

In partnership with Suffolk Wildlife Trust, District Council, River Gipping Trust and potentially Foundation East Ltd, Bramford Parish Council is looking to conserve the existing two meadows whilst continuing to improve the habitat in terms of bio-diversity and eco-study opportunities. The parish council is looking to seek to develop a dedicated revenue stream for the site and guarantee to cover the cost of annual maintenance. The parish council is hopeful for grant funding for capital outlay on fencing and ditching to enhance the site and to improve opportunities for public use. The parish council wishes to negotiate with the county council about whether or not the county council takes on some remedial work where the parish council believes there is a need for such work and the county council is in the process of organising a meeting with the parish council to discuss this further.

Fen Alder Carr

In association with Creeting St Peter Parish Council, Mid Suffolk District Council proposes to take on the freehold title of and continue to run the site as a Local Nature Reserve with public access. The district council is looking for the woodland to be managed for its nature conservation value – retaining the Alder Carr and positively managing the areas of willow and reed to encourage the range of typical species associated with these habitats. The district council is looking to ensure the woodland remains publicly accessible and aims to encourage the local community to use and support them and the local parish council in maintaining the site.

The site will be managed by the countryside section of Mid Suffolk District Council at no additional cost. The MSDC countryside team is looking to undertake routine annual management of the site assisted by volunteers. Funding will be derived from the existing countryside management budget and MSDC are looking for financial support from local parish councils to assist with conservation management.

MSDC has requested a small one-off financial contribution from Suffolk County Council to enable repairs to the boardwalk and rebranding of signage on site and the county council is in the process of organising a meeting with all interested organisations to discuss this proposal further.

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Haughley Picnic Site

Mid Suffolk District Council is looking to take on the freehold title of Haughley Picnic Site with the district council’s countryside team managing the site for informal recreation. The district council intends to establish a management steering group, consisting of representatives from Haughley Parish Council, Harleston Parish Meeting, 1st Wetherden and Haughley Scouts Group, Suffolk Nature Awareness Partnership and O’Bee Community Interest Company to discuss and resolve any issues which arise on the site. The district council is also proposing for these organisations to contribute towards the cost of management of the site through licence and hire fees. Haughley Parish Council has indicated that they will support the routine management of the site either directly or through in-kind contributions. Income from the mobile phone mast is seen as an important funding stream.

In their proposal, Mid Suffolk District Council has indicated that they wish to negotiate with the county council regarding a one-off contribution to cover costs including replacement signage, replacement of damaged picnic furniture, the provision of bins and the installation of barriers and fencing. The county council is in the process of organising a meeting with the district council to discuss.

Suffolk Coastal District Council area

Bawdsey/Felixstowe Jetties and Bawdsey Quay Huts

Bawdsey Manor Estate would like the lease relating to Bawdsey Quay Huts terminated so that the huts return to their ownership and this proposal has been approved by Suffolk Coasts and Heaths.

The county council is currently in discussions with Felixstowe Ferry Boatyard Ltd over the future of the ferry service and the use of the smaller hut and the jetty. The county council has paid the rates and license fee to allow the ferry to operate for the remainder of this year to allow time for local proposals to be generated.

Greyfriars, Dunwich

With the support of the Dunwich Parish Meeting, Dunwich Town Trust, Dunwich Museum and Reading Room Charity, English Heritage and the National Trust, the Dunwich Greyfriars Trust proposes that a new Trust is created to own and manage the site for the benefit of the village and the public. The Trust is looking to generate sufficient income to finance ongoing revenue costs of the Trust and to apply for grant funding to finance capital works and large scale repairs and maintenance. The Trust is also looking to improve signage, interpretative materials and produce a programme of historical and environment events. County council officers have arranged to meet with the Dunwich Greyfriars Trust to discuss this in more detail. This proposal has received some good publicity as a result of the proposed Time Team dig in the site.

East Lane Car Park

Unfortunately the county council has not received any proposals in relation to this site to date. However, the chairman of the Deben Estuary Partnership is in the process of approaching the landowner to see there is a possibility in this site transferring to the Deben Estuary Partnership.

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Toby’s Walks Picnic Site

The county council has received a couple of commercial interests to take on the site and these proposals will be discussed with local county councillor Rae Leighton and Blythburgh Parish Council shortly.

St Edmundsbury Borough Council area

Knettishall Heath Country Park

The Suffolk Wildlife Trust wishes to take on the freehold title of the site and manage the site in perpetuity for its wildlife interest whilst continuing to provide public access. The Trust is looking to secure Heritage Lottery Funding to purchase the freehold title from the land owners to include the adjoining woodland areas. The Trust is also looking to secure grant funding for any transitional works required to cover short term revenue costs.

A meeting has recently been held between County Councillor Joanna Spicer, the agents for the land owners and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust; the purpose of which was for the land agent to provide an update on the position and for the county council to make clear its commitment to end its interest in the site and support the Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s proposal.

Clare Castle Country Park

The county council is looking to transfer the ownership and running of Clare Castle Country Park to a community or local organisation and the county council is committed to ensuring that the best outcome for the community and the park is achieved.

A group has been set up with representatives from the county council, Clare Parish Council, St Edmundsbury District Council, the National Trust, English Heritage, Clare Business Society and the Railway Society all of whom are interested in the future of the country park.

This group of representatives are looking to develop a proposal that allows the park to remain of benefit to both the people of Clare and the wider community, is financially feasible and will support the long term aspirations of the park.

Should you have any questions on the future of country parks and recreation sites or wish to comment on any of these proposals, please contact Jerry Hindle on 01473 264786 or email [email protected].

Cllr Judy Terry Portfolio Holder for the Greenest County


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