Metroid Prime™: Federation Force Blast Ball Demo Play Journal Entries

Brandon Weave88 07/27/2016 10:18 PM

As much as I want to like Blast Ball I haven't gotten an opportunity to play online. Playing with the bots has been frustrating. It plays like wanted to capitalize off the success of Rocket League by having an arcade type soccer game. Unfortunately, instead of wanting to keep playing Blast Ball I choose to boot up my XBONE and play Rocket League instead.

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Brandon 07/27/2016 10:22 PM I've seen people complain about the controls. I'm not sure why. The developers did a great job of bringing the Prime controls from the GCN while adding gyro in a similar fashion to how the remote worked in Prime 3. The Federation Force portion of the game should play great with these controls. They work fine in Blast Ball too, I just haven't enjoyed my experience with this demo and lack of online.

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Clouvas 07/27/2016 10:34 PM The 3DS gyro controls are very stiff compared to the Wii U's. This is a fairly consistent problem across many 3DS titles that incorporate gyro controls (Sub Wars comes to mind), owing to the smaller size of the device which cannot accommodate a very wide range of motion. It can also be difficult to focus because the screen moves with input as opposed to something like Splatoon with a stationary TV

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Clouvas 07/27/2016 10:36 PM I personally feel that, for all the versatility of the 3DS, fast-paced, first person shooter games are far from ideal for such a small device. Maybe next gen.

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Brandon 07/27/2016 10:56 PM I feel completely the opposite when it comes to gyro controls. I used them in Majora's Mask 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D and felt they worked great. I turned them off in Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD because they felt clunky to me.

On the other hand I really enjoyed them in Zero but again it was similar to how the 3DS incorporates gyro by having you move the screen...

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Brandon 07/27/2016 10:58 PM that you are also looking at. I don't think the size of the device has anything to do with how the controls handle. A lot of it, obviously, is player preference. Some people like their controls a certain way, gyro isn't any different.

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Clouvas 07/27/2016 11:41 PM The size does matter because of basic physics. The smaller the object, the more precisely it must be tilted to achieve the desired angle. With a smaller device it can be much easier to overshoot the desired angle that with a larger device which allows more room for correction.

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Clouvas 07/27/2016 11:46 PM The Wii U also uses an accelerometer to adjust the input based on velocity (how fast you tilt the gamepad), allowing for the silky smooth aiming in games like and Splatoon. The 3DS also has an accelerometer, but I believe it is only used as a pedometer, hence the stiffness when trying to aim. Though it could just be the result of a less sophisticated gyroscope/accelerometer.

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Nightshade 07/27/2016 11:49 PM yeahh but theres not enough light hearted games out there. everyone copies.

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Clouvas 07/27/2016 11:51 PM One thing I'll say for sure is I've noticed a very limited range of motion in games that use gyro controls on the 3DS, when comparing it to gyro controls on the Wii U. The actual cause of this could be many things, but it's something I've noticed very consistently. I think others who complain about Blast Ball's controls have been having similar experiences.

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Ed 07/28/2016 5:28 AM I didn't mind OoT 3D and MM 3D's gyro controls, but I can't say I used them terribly often. Space Soccer's gyro just doesn't feel as convenient, so to speak. Like Clouvas mentioned, moving the screen every which way isn't what I like to do when I'm trying to focus on a frenzied firefight.

I almost wish this game has Kid Icarus: Uprising controls. I know that game's setup is infamous, but I

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Ed 07/28/2016 5:29 AM honestly found that it gave me more precision and more aiming convenience than most other games.

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Brandon 07/28/2016 11:31 AM Guess I'm the odd man out here but I've felt no stiffness in 3DS gyro controls. I have no problem being precise with the controls the way they are.

Ed, I liked the controls in Uprising but I think what we have for the latest "Metroid" incarnation will work fine. The last Metroid on DS used similar controls to Uprising. It was fine but got old after a while. E Yeah! e 1 D

Ed 07/28/2016 6:01 PM They'll work, I'll agree to that. Not the most ideal, but I'm not saying I won't get by...

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Ray 07/29/2016 8:46 PM I agree with Brandon here in that I really liked the motion controls in OoT3D and MM3D. I also enjoy the way Blast Ball's controls work: it's one of the things the devs of that game really got right, I think. It's much less stiff that using the D-pad for movement, at least.

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Ray 07/29/2016 8:49 PM *D-pad for camera movement*

Tbh, I like most of Nintendo's implementations of tilt controls for aiming. I don't like to use motion in Mario Kart or 3D, because in those games you're actually controlling your in-game avatar with the motion. Otherwise, though, for Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, all the Wii U and 3DS 3D Zelda remakes... I find the added physicality of the controls helpful.

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