University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 15, 1981 University of New Mexico Board of Regents

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University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 15, 1981 University of New Mexico Board of Regents University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Board of Regents Meeting Minutes University of New Mexico Board of Regents 5-15-1981 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 15, 1981 University of New Mexico Board of Regents Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico Board of Regents. "University of New Mexico Board of Regents Minutes for May 15, 1981." (1981). This Minutes is brought to you for free and open access by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Regents Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO May 15, 1981 The Regents of the University met at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 15, 1981 in the Roberts Room of Scholes Hall. Affidavits concerning the public notice of the meeting are on file in the office of the Secretary of the University. Present: Mr. Henry Jaramillo, Jr., President Mrs. William A. Jourdan, Vice President Mr. Calvin P. Horn, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. George J. Maloof Dr. Phillip U. Martinez Mr. Paul Kruse, President, GSA, Adviser Also Present: Dr. William E. Davis, President of the University Dr. McAllister Hull, Provost Dr. Leonard Napolitano, Dean/Director, Medical Center Ms. Anne J. Brown, Secretary of the University Dr. Joel Jones, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Dr. Alex Sanchez, Associate Provost for Community Education Dr. Joseph Scaletti, Associate Provost for Research Mr. James Wiegmann, Budget Director Mr. Ted Martinez, Assistant Administrative Vice President Mr. D. Peter Rask, University Counsel Mr. Bill Weeks, Executive Assistant to the President Reporters from the News Media Also present for portions of the meeting: Mr. James Ritchie and Mr. Carl Esbeck; representatives of the Rodey Law Firm; Dean Kar'enGlaser, Dean qf Students; Professor Rus'se 11 Goodman and Mr. Eric Maddy; members of the KUNM Radio Board; Mr. Van Dorn Hooker, University Architect; Mr~ Jon Cooper, Manager, KNME/TV; Mr. Robert ,Roqriguez, ~ember, Board of Educational Finance; ~ean Do~ald McRae; Fine Arts; and Dean R~bertD~siderio, Law. ****** It was moved by Mrs. Jourdan, Adoption of the Agenda seconded by Mr. Horn, that the Regents adopt the agenda as printed. Carried. ****** It was moved by Dr. Martinez, Minutes of April 21, 1981 seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the minutes of April 21, 1981 be approved as distributed with one correction -- John Boyd should be listed as a member of the Community Advisory Board. Carried. ****** KUNM. President Davis said that Administrative Report Mr. Ted Martinez had been working with the KUNM Radio Board and others and will present a motion for consideration by the Regents. The President also stated that he approved the motion and recommended its adoption. Mr. Martinez told the Regents that several meetings had been held with members of the Radio Board, the administration, and with people interested in KUNM, and also that input had been received from members of the Board of Regents. He further stated that the agreement which had been formulated seems to answer most of the concerns which have been raised about KUNM. Secretary Anne Brown read the following motion: KUNM-FM is licensed to the Regents of the University of New Mexico by the Federal Communications Commission as a non-commercial radio facility, whose purpose as defined by law is to serve in the public interest, convenience and necessity. In an effort to clarify the role of KUNM Radio within the University structure, provide for its operation within established University policies and insure input from the University community, it is moved that: KUNM, as a non-commercial, educational radio facility, shall fulfill the following goals and requirements in its operation: A. Fulfill all licensing requirements B. Serve the people of Albuquerque and North Central New Mexico by providing a variety of high-quality programming that serves the diverse interests and needs of these people. C. Fairly and accurately report local, regional and national news and issues in a greater depth than that provideo by other local broadcast media. D. Be an educational resource: 1. For its listeners, KUNM should provide programming, information, and informed commentary in the areas of the arts, the sciences and culture generally. The station should reflect the University of New Mexico's contributions in these areas, through cooperative efforts with faculty, staff, and students. Further, the station shall produce and seek distribution for programming for other local, regional, and national outlets. 2. Through the proper University academic departments, KUNM shall provide training in the full range of public radio broadcasting arts. In addition, the station shall provide an environment for creative student extra-curricular activity. E. Attempt to reach as broad and large an' audience as possible, and enlist the assistance of that audience in the support of the station. F. Achieve a blend of spontaneity and consistency in programming, whose basic purpose should be to serve the audience members. Further, that the existing Student Radio Board be dissolved and that the following pr~nciples be adopted for the management of KUNM: A. Funding of the basic operation of the radio station will be from the University administration budget, federal funds, and other community sources. B. Management, staffing and budgeting of the radio station will be carried out through normal University administrative channels under applicable University policies. Volu.nteer participation policies will be established by the station management. C. A University Radio Committee (URC) will be created and will make recommendations to the appropriate administrator regarding the selection of the station manager. 1. The URC will serve in an advisory role to the appropriate administrator in the development of the station budget. 2. The URC will set programming policy and format for the station, based on goals established by the Board of Regents and input from the station management, CAB, and other sources. Programming policies and format will be set in conformance with standard University policies and procedures. The URC will not function in a day-to-day management role in the operation of the station. This is the responsibility of the station manager. The URC will report on its activities and present its program po licies at least annually to the President and the Board of Regents for review. 3. Make-up of the URC will consist of eight members: 1 graduate student and 2 undergraduate students, each selected by their respective student governments 2 faculty, selected by the Faculty Senate Associate Proyost for Academic Affairs or his/her designee Vice President for the Administration or his/her designee A chairperson appointed by the University President 4. The URC will meet at least once a quarter. D. A Community Advisory Board will be established in conformance with federal law and will carry out those advisory tasks established by the University President and approved by the Board of Regents. It was moved by Dr. Martinez, seconded by Mrs. Jourdan, that the Regents approve the motion as presented. Carried. President Davis thanked Mr. Martinez and the members of the Radio Board for their efforts, and Professor Goodman and Mr. Eric Maddy also expressed their appreciation to Mr. Martinez. Mr. Jaramillo said that this is an excellent example of how university governance can work with the cooperation of all constituencies. Branch Colleges. President Davis reported that he, Provost Hull, and Associate Provost Sanchez had attended the graduation ceremonies at the Gallup Branch College. He distributed an editorial, published in the Gallup Independent which praised Dr. Donald Gatzke, Director of the Branch campus, for his leadership in making the college responsive to community needs. Dr. Davis also expressed his appreciation to Dr. Gatzke. Dr. Davis then introduced Dr. Herbert Lyon, Director of UNM Los Alamos, and said that Dr. Lyon is doing an excellent job at that branch in increasing enrollments and planning for the future. President Davis also said that Associate Provost Alex Sanchez is working closely with the advisory boards from Belen and Los Lunas in the selection of a director for the new Valencia County Branch College. It is anticipated that this branch will be in operation by the beginning of the fall semester. Library. President Davis distributed figures which compared library expenditures in 1975-76, .when UN¥ was still using bond monies, and the budgeted expenditures for 1980-81. He said that the situation is critical because the saturation point has been reached concerning monies that can be reallocated internally. He stated that one of the top priorities. for the next legislative session must be a' request that the legislature consider another bond issue for library acquisitions either from surplus funds ,or from sev~ri.mce tax funds. A specific proposal will be presented to the. Regents at a later date. ****** Mr. Van Dorn Hooker Remodelling of Anthropology 170 explained that personnel in the Architect's Office have been planning moves that must be made by the Department of Geography to vacate Hodgin Hall so that the remodelling of the building can begin. He pres1nted a plan for the remodelling of Jl.01. Anthropology 170, the large lecture hall, to house ,some special laboratories and to create a classroom. A partitioning has been designed so that when geography moves to Bandelier Hall in a few years, the three spaces can easily be converted into three classrooms ranging in size from 115 to 190 seats. He explained that the ceilings in room 170 would remain intact and also that the original tin chandeliers would be reinstalled.
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