Plymouth &c. 6.50 p.m. (with an additional ~d. stamp, County Police Station, West end, Samuel Vanson, ser~ 6.55 p.m); London (day), Devonport, Ph'lllouth geant, & 4 constables 8.45 Seorrier & , p.m. Daily.-C.amborne' Druids' Hall, Penrvn• street, S. Milford Abbott, hon. sec , &c. (night), 6.25 .a.m.; Londo~ Inland Revenue Office, Thornton house, Ointon road ; (night) & all parts, 4.50 p.m. (with additional !d. Jonathan Orchard B.Sc.Lond. supervisor; C. W. stamp, 5· IS p.m) Tippet, officer, Rose bill Parcel l\Iails.-Latest Hour for Receiving Parcels. ~fa sonic Hall, Green lane ; J ames Sims, sec Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must Miners' Hospital, West end, Charles. Tweedy esq. hon. be presented at the counter between the hours of sec. & treas.; :\fiss Edith Fry, matron 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. on week days 1\Iining Exchange, Alma place, Wm. Fdk. Edwards, sec :\forth of ; Scotland & Ireland; Southampton, Radical Hall, Green lane, John Ge()rge James Stevens, South West of England; Devonport & Pl)'IDOuth, hon. sec Exeter, Cornwall, I2.I5 p.m.; , Hayle, Pen­ Stamp Office, 70 Fore st. :\Irs.Fanny Tregaskis,distribtr z:mce &c. I. 15 p.m. ; Devonport, Falmouth, Plymouth, Town Hall, Penryn street, used as the county court & & Truro, 2. IO p. m. ; Penzance, 3.40 p.m. ; Mr. Peter's offices London (night) & all parts, 4·35 p.m.; Camborne, West Cornwall Women's Hospital, "West end, Alfred H. Hayle, Penzance, 5.30 p.m. ; Plymouth, 6.30 p.m.; Jenkin, hon. sec.; Miss Edith Fry, matron Camborne, Hayle, Penzance &c. (night), 8 p.m VOLUNTEERS. URBAN DISTRICT COU:XCIL. rst Volunteer Batalion Duke of Cornwall's Light In­ • fantry (H Company), Armoury, East end; Captain Offices, Station Hill. Frederick Donald Bain, commanding; Serge.ant James :\Ieetings held alternate mondays, at 7.30 p.m. I D. Finucane, drill instructor Members. UNION. *Alfred (chairman) tCharles Tweedy Board day, alternate fridays at II.IS a.m. at the Work­ *Arthur Edwd. Permewan tWilliam Hooper house, . The union comprises the following *Edward Lanyon l tArthur Carkeek pari>hes :-Camborne, Gwennap, Gwinear, Gwithian, *W. C. Wickett 1 t'W. H. Hitchens Illogan, Phillack East, Phillack West, Redruth & *John Hicks I tW. L. Tamblyn Stitbians. The population of the union in 1891 was tW. Chandler I tA. Grylls 49,2I3; area, 40,426 acres; rateable value, 1896, tW. Teague tW. T. Hoskings £129,494 tR. Trestrail Clerk to the Guardian~ & Assessment Committee, )larked thus * retire in April, 1898. Thurst3n Collins Peter, Town Hall, Penryn street. ~larked thus t retire in April, 1899· Treasurer, Charles Tweedy, CDrnish Bank )iarked thus t retire in .April, 1900. Relieving Officers, · Camborne district, John Letcher, Oerk, Henry Paige, ·west end Basset road, Camborne; Redruth district, John Harry, Treasurer, David Wise Bain, Treruffe hill, Redruth )fedical Officer of Health, Frank Hichens M.D., B.S., Vaccination Officers, Richard Ellis, Highway, Illogan ; D.P.H. I6 Green lane John Letcber, Camborne & W. l\IJrtin, Survey()r & Inspector of Nuisances.,Richd. Jas.Station hl ~Iedical Officers, Cam borne district, John H. Tanking Collector, Edwin Bonds, Higher Sentry l\LB., L.R.C.P.Lond. Camborne; Gwennap district, George J'\lichell, St. Day ; Gwinear district, Thomas REDRUTH RGRAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. l\Iudge, Hayle; Illogan district, E. D. Duffett L.R.C.P. )feets at the Workhouse on fridays once a month at Edin. Pool ; Redruth district, Arthur Edward Perm"- 2 p.m 1\""an ~f.D., D.P.H. Redruth; Stithians di~trict, Frank Clerk, Thurstan Collins Peter, Town hall, Penryn st. Hicbens 1\I.D., B.S.• D.P.H. Green lane, Redruth Redruth Public Vaccinators, Camborne district, C. H. Butlin, Tre3surer, Charles Tweedy, Cornish Bank Camborne; Gwinear district, Thomas l\Iudge, Hayle; )fedical Officer of Health, Artbur Edward Permewan Illogan district, E. D. Duffett L.R.C.P.Edin. Pool; )f.D., D.P.H. Redruth Redruth & Gwennap districts, Arthur Edward Per­ Inspectors of Nuisances, W. :Martin, Stitbians; J. Tre· mewan M.D., D.P.H. Redruth; Stithians district, dinnick, Illogan & John D. Hosking, Gwinear Frank Hichens M.D., B.S., D.P.H. Rtvlmth Highway Surveyors, W. Martin, Stitbians; Henry Superintendent Registrar, Tburstan Collins Peter, Tre.. Carter, Tilogan & John D. Basking, Gwinear wirgie, Redruth; deputy, Tbos. Davey, 25 Coose lane, Redruth PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Registrar of Marriages, Josiah James, jun. IS Penventon Cemetery, St. Day road, Edwin Rowe, 42 Fore street, ter.Redruth; deputy, Ricbd. Rodda,"West end, Redruth clerk to the burial board Registrar of Births & Deaths, Camborne district, J. C. County Court, Penryn st. His Honor Thomas C. Gran· Burrow, Camborne; Gwennap eub·district, Thomas ger, judge; Tburstan Collins Peter, registrar & high Curnow, Gwennap; Illogan sub-district, William bailiff. The court is held monthly, but the date varies. Phillips, PoDl; Pbillack, sub-district, C.Hosking,Hayle; The district comprises the following places, with their nedruth district, Charles Hawden, Ointon rd. Redruth hamlets :-Camborne with Tuckingmill, Roskeatr, Pen­ ·workhouse, Illogan, Richard Dunstan, master; Rev. ~egon, Brea, Beacon, Condurrow, 'froon,Bolenow, Tres­ Harry Oxland, chaplain; Fratnk Hicbens, medical lothan, Ramsgate, Barripper, Penponds, Treswitbian, officer; ~Irs. Jane Dunstan, matron Rosewortby, Kehelland, ~fenadarva, Roscroggan & Gerry; Gwennap with St. Day, Scorrier, Treske,rby, SCHOOL ATTE;\"DANCE COM~IITTEE. Busveal, Lanner, , Church Town, Tre· )Ieets at the Workhouse on fridays once a month at close samble, Frogpool, Cusgarne & Crofthandy; Gwinear of Board meeting. with Carnbell, lVall, Leeds Town, Fraddam & Church Oerk, Thurstan Collins Peter, Town ball, Penryn street, Town ; Gwithi3n with Church Town, Connor Downs & Redruth Godrevy ; Illogan with Four Lanes, Piece, Carnkie, Attendance Officers, W. Middlin, Gwinear, & W. Caddy, Bosleak, , South Carn Brea & Carn Brea Hayle (late Pool), , Church Town, Portreath, :Xancekuke, Porth Towan, Bridge, and PUBLIC OFFICERS. Highway ; Phillack with Copper House, Guildford, Assistant Overseer, Charles Bawden, Ingleside Ventonleague, Angarrack, "\Yheal Alfred, High Lanes, Certifying Factory Surgeon, Artbur Edward Permewan Hayle & Church Town; Redruth with Treleigh, North M.D., D.P.H. 4 Chapel street Country, Harris Mill, Laity, Sinns, Sparnon Gate, Inspector of Weights & 1\Ieasures,Wm.Futcber,Penryn st ~fawla, Forge, Yorth Do\\ns, Highway, Buller Downs, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of service. Southgate, Church Town, Blowing House & Tolgus ; St. Stythians with Crellow, Church Town, Foundry, St. Uny (Parish Church), Rev. James William Lane M.A. Gribbi5, Long Downs, Goonlaze, Penhalvean & Pon· rector ; Rev. Richard Dickson Purves l\LA. curate in sanootb. charge; Revs. Alexander Alien Oement Neale Vaw­ For Bankruptcy pUJrPOses it is within the jurisdiction drey l\I.A. & William Alfred Norton B.A. curates; of the Truro Court; George Apple by J enkins, Bos. II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily 8 a.m cawen street, Truro, official receiver Chapel of Ease, Chapel street; clergy same as St. Uny Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amend­ parish church; 6.30 p.m ment .Act," Richard Rodda, West end; James Victor St. An drew's, clergy sam~ as St. Uny parish church; 8 Hugo, F::]Qouth road I & II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m CORNWALL. 18