Selective Killing of CD8+ Cells with a `Memory' Phenotype (Cd62llo) by the N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine-Speci®C Lectin from Viscum Album L
Cell Death and Differentiation (1998) 5, 231 ± 240 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 13509047/98 $12.00 Selective killing of CD8+ cells with a `memory' phenotype (CD62Llo) by the N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-speci®c lectin from Viscum album L 1,3 1 2 Arndt BuÈssing , Gerburg M. Stein and Uwe PfuÈller Introduction 1 Krebsforschung Herdecke, Department of Applied Immunology, Communal There is emerging evidence that lectins are dynamic Hospital Herdecke, D-58313 Herdecke. Tel: ++49-2330-623246; fax: ++49- contributors to tumour cell recognition, cell adhesion, signal 2330-624003; e-mail: transduction across membranes, mitogenic stimulation, and 2 Institute of Phytochemistry, University Witten/Herdecke, D-58448 Witten, augmentation of host immune defence (reviewed by Mody et Germany 3 al, 1995). However, lectins were also recognised to induce corresponding author: Dr A BuÈssing, Krebsforschung Herdecke, Department of Applied Immunology, Communal Hospital Herdecke, D-58313 Herdecke, apoptosis in several tumour cell lines, epithelial cells, Germany macrophages, and human lymphocytes (Griffiths et al, 1987; Kim et al, 1993; Janssen et al, 1993; Khan and Waring, 1993; Received 1.6.97; revised 1.9.97; accepted 14.10.97 Kulkarni and McCulloch, 1995; Perillo et al, 1995; BuÈssing et Edited by M.L. Gougeon al, 1996a). A number of plant proteins such as the toxic lectins from Ricinus communis, Abrus precatorus,andViscum album Abstract have been identified that catalytically damage eukaryotic ribosomes making them unable to bind the elongation As reported previously by our group, among the toxic factor 2, and consequently unable to perform the elongation proteins from Viscum album L.
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