Carr Hill Community Primary School Knowledge Organiser

Upper Key Stage Two Aut 1st Half Term Art Focus:

Key Knowledge Key Vocabulary Textiles Spelling Definition/Sentence What is art is the process of creating something using fibres gained Applique /picture sewed on top of another piece of from sources like plants, animals, insects (think silk worms!), or textile art? Technique fabric. synthetic materials. Making textiles is an extremely old art form. Textile fragments have been found dating back to prehistoric times Running A simple stich made up of a line of What are Examples of textiles include tapestries, rugs, quilts, and of course clothing. small even stiches which run back and forth examples People also used textiles to make objects that signalled status or through cloth without overlapping of textiles? commemorated important events. Examples of this type of textile include Whip Stitch A whip stitch is a simple stitch which the things like flags, military uniforms, or ceremonial banners needle is passed in and out of the fabric in a What is A decorative technique used in textiles design to add a motif, pattern or series of stitches that circle an edge of the fabric. the picture onto a fabric by sewing another piece of fabric on top. Overcast Stitch Overcast stitch is a type of stitch used to Applique enclose a raw, or unfinished, or edge. The technique? purpose is to prevent unraveling of the fabric. The textile industry is one of the world’s largest industries. There is an extraordinary range of Backward Stitch A method of sewing with overlapping stitches. fabrics, each with its own properties and characteristics. The way a fabric is made gives it a particular look and feel. Natural fibres are spun into that are used to make woven or hem The edge of the fabric. knitted fabric. Woven fabrics tend not to stretch whereas knitted fabric does. Natural fibres include silk, cotton, wool and linen Labels and Diagrams Artists Work to inspire our NHS Badges Whip Stitch Banksy-style unknown artist Running stitch

Overcast Stitch Backward Stitch