FOR SALE bY 216 Princess St., F. A. 12ARLNT, 11 KINGsi3.


Life insurance Pohc. y Enables a poor mari to leave an estate to provide for his family, and a rich man to leave a fund to protect hls financial interests. The Unconditional Accumulative Policy issued by the Confederation Life Association guarantees EXTENDn INSURANCE or a Pald-Up Policy after tv. o years or rash va , tie after five years. EX1 ENDED INSURANCE. Under thls prrnision the full amount of the policy is. n the event of the non-paymeat of the premium when due, extended as a term Insurance and the policyholder Is held fully covered for a term which is definitely set forth In the policy, CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. W. C. Ma-donald, J. K. MACDONALD, .1bina;,, ùtg- rede,1 HEAD OFFICE, . FRANK STRANGE, CITY AGENT, KINGSTON. 95 CLARENCE STREET. The Queen City Fire Insurance 11T . J . MOORE, ESTABLISHED 1871 . Company Head Office : Queen City Chambers, Church St ., Toronto . DIRECTORS : MACHINIST üi'(71i ti('( ►7"I'. Presid1•11t . 'l'li(► s . \\' .\l .\ItiLI :I' . ~'ir~•-l'ir~i~len t , 11 0 N . .li'tiTl('1•: \I .11'Li?N\ .1N . .1 0 IIN 1 ►. l'1111'\L\N . S . U . S( 011% \Iu .,terof 'l'itIoh . W . IItI?L-\NI ti(Yl'17. A .'a .tant-b+e,•retv)• . ► 18 Street, (Corner Princess Street), KINGSTON .

Ratio of Surplus Assets Alone to Amount at Risk 3 .58 per cent. MANUFACTURER AND REPAIRER O F THE HAND•IN-HAND INSURANCE COMPANY , FIRE AND PLATE GLASS . Founded 1873 . Head Office : 32 Church Street, Toronto .

L . W. SMITH, Q.C., D.C.L, . President. SCOTT & WALMSLEY, - Underwriters and Mana gers . JOS. WALMSLEY, Assistant Secreta ry . LOSSES EQUITABLY ADJUSTED AND PROMPTLY PAID . THE Millers and Manufacturers Insurance Co . ESTABLISHED 188 5 . Head Office, 32 Church Street, Toronto . BICYCLE S JAMES GOLDIE, President . J. L. SPINK, Vice-President . FOR 'l'lll• : THOS. WALMSLEY . Treasurer. HUGH SCOIT, Mngr. & Secy. ADAM AUSTIN . Inspector. Assurers with this Company have made a Saving of• BRANTFORD HIGH GRADE WHEELS . over 6186,873 .00. A General Stock of Bicycle Supplies kept on 1'11I . Hand. FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE CORPORATION . A11 kinds of Repairing Done Promptly. ESTABLISHED 1886 . Head Office : Queen City Chambers, Toronto . SURGICAL INSTRU11ENTS AND APPLIANCES MADE AND I lil?I/1?HI('K \\'l'I .I). :'rv•~i l•nt . H . \\' . h71 .L1(1T . \'i v•-f'r~• .i~l~ nt . REPAIRED, til'()'l'"l' ,\ \\' .\I .\Itil .l?\' . \I ;inagrr. and l'n41rr%%-1'it4•1' . .

Rates Fixed with an Intelligent Estimate of the Hazard Assumed . A. E. 11 . LOSCOI1BE, Agent, Kingston, Manufacturer of Models . FOSTEI'S Kingston Directory.

FROM JULY 1898 TO JULY 1899.




-OF - -



PIUCE - - $2 5o •


22-24 LOMBARD STREET, - - - - TORONTO, . PAGE. PAGE. 'A" Battery, R C A ...... 244 Kingston Penltentlary ...... 20 Abbreviations ...... 10 Kingston Public Library ...... 243 Alphaaetlcal List of Names ...... 88-211 Kingston Sohool of Art ...... 213 Anglican Churches ...... 236-237 Kingston Skating Rink ...... 250 A O U W ...... 244 Hnltihts of ![aecabees ...... ,{b l:anks ...... 24t;219 Labor Unions ...... 247 Baptist Churches ...... 297 Llberal Conservative 'Association ..... 250 BarrleAeld ...... 2R-253 Livery Stable 7br1Q ...... 285 Bicycle Clubs ...... 2110 Loyal Orange A/aoclaUon ...... 240 Board of Education ...... 241 Macdonald Club ...... 250 Brotherhood of St Andrew ...... 237 Masonic ...... 24ti-248 Business Directory ...... 212232 Methodtet Churches ...... 237 Cab TartR ...... 234 Ntlltary ...... ► ..... 243-2►6 Canadlan Order Chosen Friends ...... 314 Miscellaneous Dlrectory ...... 238-25,f Canadian Order Foresters ...... 245 National Bocletles ...... 2A&217 Carters' TarIR ...... 234 Newspapel0 ...... 2I9 Cataraqut ...... 254-235 Oddfellows ...... 218 o M B A ...... 247 Ontario Lords Day Alliance ...... 288 Catholic Order of Foresters ...... 247 Order of Canadian Home Circles ...... 245 Catholic Societies ...... 247 Order or Htbernlana ...... 247 Cemeterles ...... 251 Parks ...... 260 Children's Aid Society ...... 238 Penitentiary ...... 248 Children of ]lary ...... 247 Police Force ...... 204 Churches ...... 238-288 Portsmouth ...... 246-289 City Coroners ...... 296 Post Office Inspector's Office ...... 296 City Council. 1999 ...... 243 I'ostotEce staff ...... 236 CAty Officiais ...... 283 Presbyterian Churches ...... 787 Clubs ...... 250 Protestant Orphans' Home ...... 248 Coüegtate Institute ...... 242 Public Buildings, Halla, etc ...... 231 Commlttees of the City Council ...... 233 l'uiiüc Schoola ...... 242 Committees of the County Council . ... 23.5 Queen's College ...... 238-289 Congregational Churches ...... 237 tlueen's College Socletles ...... 240-242 Convent ...... 243 Railways ...... 319 County Ccunctl ...... 23t1 Reform Assoclatton ...... 249 County Otdcers ...... 236 Reglopolts Callese ...... 243 Custom House ...... 236 Rock wood Asylum ...... 218 Dominion Government Officlals ...... 236 Roman Cachollc Churches ...... 237 EdncaLooal ...... ^..... 288-213 Royal Arcanum ...... 215 Fire Atarms ...... 234 Royal Military College ...... 244 Fire Halls ...... 234 Royal Templars of Temperance ...... 245 14th P W O Rides ...... W4 Salvation Army ...... 299 4th Regiment of Hussaru ...... 2" School of Mining and Asricnltnre ...... 241 Frontenac Law Association ...... 143 Separate Schools ...... 242-243 Garden Island ...... 2ti6-260 Societies ...... 244-247 L'ospkale. Asylums, etc ...... 217-218 Sons of England ...... 240-817 I:otet Dieu ...... 248 Sons of 8cotland ...... 20 House of Industry ...... 348 Sons of Temperance ...... 245 flouse of Providence ...... 248 $t Andrew's Society ...... 247 Humane Society ...... 288 St. George's Society ...... 21e Independent Order of Foresters ...... 20 St. l'atrick'e Society ...... 247 Index to Advertisers ...... 10 SE. Vincent de 'Paul Society ...... 347 Inland Revenue Office ...... 208 Stage Routes ...... 251 Kingston Board of Trade ...... 249 Street Directory ...... 11-82 Kingston Business Collese...... 243 Kingston Christian Endeavor Union .. 288 guburban Villages ...... 250-284 Kingston Conservatory of Music ...... 20 Wolfe Island ...... 961-282 Kingston Field Battery ...... 244 YxaA ...... 2se Kingston General Hospital ...... 247-248 Yonne Men's Llberal Club ...... 90 Kingston ^Hlstoric Society ...... 918 Y W 0 A ...... 238 ^C^l 1. H s B R E C K sPEC^ ^ CLLOTR C N[A [tp;ON,• 1 ELECTRICIAN. 0 0 0 0 w I11IN0 FOR gLECTNIC LIGHTS. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. esaerate sueeuss. TELEPNONIL 94. 1339'8'"T' KINGSTON, ONT. PAOE. PAGE. Anglin S & Co., left top lines ...... , Mllne & ![ilne ...... 167 KINGSTON STREET DIRE(,T(IRY. 11 Soiler Inspection and Insurance Co... 224 Mlmes T D ...... 107 Bowman & filckey ...... 214 Model Bteam [.aundry ...... 167 Brame Henry lestate on. opposite... 94 Moore W J ...... 1 Breck I H. right top Ilnes...... Nation Joseph ...... 171 Ca.rnoveky Wood 0lfg On, Llmlted.... 100 North Amerlcan lAte Assurance Co, ln- ('oufederatlon Life Asam, front cover.. side back cover and ...... 173 KINGSTON (2iown Dr A P ...... 102 Ovens & Ziegler ...... 177 <7orbett B S ...... 107 PaAter's Steam Dye Works ...... 178 Gendron Mfg Co (Limited), front cover. field James, opposite ...... 1S3 GNdersleeve J P ...... 126 Scott & Walmaiey, Inside front covet.. Street Directorj. Johns T H ...... 141 Stevens Arthur ...... 901 Knapp A (J ...... 146 Temperance and (ieneral' Life Assur- The occupation is 1çiven in the Street Directory only at the place of business: Lantt(wrt Louis ...... 148 ance Co, left top lines ...... This is done, flt at, to distinguish a residence from a Lochhead J T ...... 151 place of busmeas ; and second, ► ...... because the occu pa Mdlsnn J S R ...... 153 Terminus Hotel 201 tion can he given much more fully in the alphabetical than in Thomy-u JainvH ...... 11LL the Street Directory, the latter being merely a plan of the streets showing the DdcDowall It J ...... 156 relative position of the buildings. Wentcru As.unui.•,. Co. back cover ... Mills & Cunningham ...... 188 S. E. for side entrance is used in the Street Directory to show that the build- ing in question faces the cross street.

ABBREVIATIONS. Adelaide StreCt, west from Mont- Knapp Dixon $ acet. accountant. teni• general• prtr. printer. real to Alfred, first north of Jantes. Vacant house agt. agent. ü T. R. Grand 7kunk Ry. pro. med. proprietary medl- LfORTH SIDE Brock at interaects agrl. Impts. agricultural Im- sro. grocer. clna pirmvnts. In. Rev. Inland Revenue. provs. provisions. Not built on Victoria Park pubir. publisher. appr. apprenttoe tnap. Inspector. aOUTH SIDE Mark at Intersects aMxn. arauclatlon. jwlr. leweller. res. residence. aset. assistt. ab. laborer. By. M. 8. Railway Mail Ser- Not opened to Division 201 Marshall Mrs Elisa J waiter. vice. attndt, attanendent. Idg. wtr. landing Stable 206 Hopton Douglas A av. avenue. 1 n. lane. ret, retail. b. boards. ludrs. laundress. Rev. Reverend. Lansdowne at intersects 207 Mulligan Win barr. barrister. Ltd. Hmited. rms. rooms. House a e 209 Boyd James bdg. her, boarding honse. 11tb, Ilthogrspher. S. A. Salvation Army. bet. between. tvs. lires. used for those Ilv- sdlr. saddler. Saunders C Benjamin 211 Alexaader Robert elaldy. saleslady. bkpr. book-keeper. in g with parents or other Sammons Isaac :13 Pjtter Capt Alexander bldg. building. relatives slamn. salesman. bldr. builder. mach. machinist. a. e. side entrance. Houston Mrs Mattha 215 Sherbino Robert W htohr. butcher. mkr. maker. s.-e. soutLeast. 217 s.s. south stde. Dix Capt James Can. Ex. Canadian Eipress. meser. messenger. Albert Street, C.P.R. Canadlan Padl]c By. mfg. manufacturing. s.-w. southwest. north from King to Prinoess at Intersects carp. carpenter. mistr. malteteri sec. hd. gds, secondfiand Fair grounds, fifth west of Barrie. 6oS Watts Wm H goods. clk clerk. mkt. gdnr. market gardener. 607 Campbell John coll. collector. mtnr. milliner. sec. secretary. L 1T sIDH sew. mach. sewing maclines. ► com. mer. commission mer- mldr. mouldor. Stuart at ends E11 Guess Edward F chant. mntr. manufacturer. sq. square. 616 comp. compmdtor, mngr. manager. etdt. student. Union at lntersecta Ramsay Mrs Elizabeth comr. commissioner. mus. tebr, music teaoher. atu. station. House s e 617 Turnbull Thomas jr n. north. etenogr. s'enogra er. cond. conductor. 3E Bryan Mrs Catherine 637 Veale confr. confectioner. n.-e. northeast. supt. superintendent. Elijah jr confy. confectionery. n s. north side. tir, tailor. E7 Grass Mrs Mary 639 Whdte Mrs Margaret tlrs. tailoreas. contr. contractor. n.-w. northwest. 81 Wrenshall 156 Birmingham John cor. corner. nr. near. tchr. teacher. Charles E Co. county. opp. opposite. tmet- teamster. 667 Jackson Calvin A. cres. crescent. opr. operator. tel. tx.egraph or teiepLone. 101 ScanJon Mrs Mary Earl at intet•set.•ts ter, terrace. C. H. Custom House. pntr. painter. 116 Walsh Lawrence F WEST sIDIe dept. department. polr. peddler. tinner, tlnsmlth. depy. deputy. photo. photographer. tp. township. 117 Ludlow Richard MacgiiHvray John, Ph.D. trans. transportation. dom. domestic. phy, physlclan. 117 (a) Chapman Hardy E pl. place, treas, treasurer. Vacant houses (2) dramkr. dressmaker. pistr. plasterer. uphol. upholsterer. 119 Doyie Mrs Ellen. e. ealat. vet. anrg. veterinary anrgaon. Union at w intetsects yImbr. plumbev. 121 Gillespie James e. a. east sids. P. O. Post Office. w. wast. Housc- a e eng. engineer. pres. presldent. w. s. waat sfde 126 Boyd Soloaton 30 Gaskin Thomas ft. foot or. prln. principal. wbol. wholesale. gdnr. gardener. prop, proprietor. wid. widow. House a e 32 Weir James; C Johnston at intersects 42 Chadwdck Mrs Alice House a e 44 Campbell Frank M CorsINATtore OAS ANC. ELrcrRac •srrunt• I. H. BRECK, I MID ELECTRIC ISU•1.1.1E1 IN STOCK. REPAIR* or •1.1. KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED d WNEGLLILIILNTO&NSTC2E.TIL ELECTRICIAN, To. BASY'anA ELECTRIC HEATERS. TELEPHONE KiNG COAL. 94. I 339 ST.. nINGSTON. SCRANTON ONT. KINGSTON sTngler DIRECTORY. KINGSTON STILE ET DIRECTORY. 12 13 349 Lawson Mrs Ella 131 Turner John 234 Haffner T B, grocer Albert St.--Continned. 351 Lawson Hugh 133 Hewton John sr 236 Thomas Samuel E 64 Craig Wm A 353 Lake Dr Elmer J 135 Asselstine Mrs Minerva 240 Gordon Win S 58 Dales John N 355 Downing Henry 137 Black James 292 Pearce Richard P 60 Dobbs John It 0 359 Ilarkes John Earl st intersects 139 Duffy Francis 248 Pannell Wm 361 Briggs Mrs Charlotte S contractor 167 MWer William H 250 Sherk Jacob C 94 Brookes T S, 365 Caldback Mrs Martha 169 Smallridge Mrs Mary A 252 Dick David J 304 Cowin Mrs Annie 369 Collacott Earl st intersects Mrs John J 254 Asselstine 306 Sinclair Bobert 387 Pigion John G, grocer Richard, market garden 258 908 Shannon James l' 163 Decker Frank MeEwen John Whit Frederick Elm at intersects 310 Wartman Raymond L 165 Flouse, s e 260 Hutcheson James E Mre Mary 169 Harris John W 427 Brock at intersects Reid Vacant Victoria l'a rk Johnston st intersects 177 Porteous Mrs Christina 429 Storey Edgar M Mack st 179 Dickson Charles T commences 340 Christmas Villinni J 433 Turloington William J Wune. a e intersects 181 Murphy John Brock st Sixth st ends 322 Stone Charles Small Mrs Phibp H W Graham Mrs Sarah 193 437 Adsit George 324 Montgomery Samuel Wells William J S Mercer Mrs Ann 201 439 McKenstrie Donald 326 Bowen Mrs Mary Black James R Gray George W 203 441 Burns George 328 Meek Misa Mack st intersects (a) Snowden Wm, contractor Sarah, dressmaker 203 York st intersects 336 Adams James McDonell Aeneas D 0 205 Vair Robert Pine st ends Princess et intersects Crues Wm H Jackson Edward P 209 Stanley st ends 564 Flartells Oscar V 464 Grimason Thomas Stacey John, mar House, s e 366 Kelley James painters 466 Ceunpbell William R 211 McKee J & Ce, 487 Babcock Henry 368 Newlands Alexande• F Saunders John 0 Houee s e Adelaide st ends 370 De Carteret Clement Johnston st irtersezte Gray D J, contractor WEST SIDE 372 Cot-ter Mrs Frances Methodist Church Alexander Princesa st 229 Snodden Union at w intersects 374 Ferris Jonathan P H intersects Princess et 235 Cays Duncan A Victoria School 276 Ferguson Wro B Store, 8 e 237 Wright Charles Cruse James G, caretaker Colle- 378 Cooke Rev Arthur W Reeve Walter King Major Wm 239 giate I nstitut 380 Kemp Mrs Mary J • Reeve Robert Martin Alfred 11 332 241 Collegiate Institute Robinson Mra Margaret Edward A. ir 243 Booth Copt Earl st intersects 284 Middleton Mrs Sophia Alfred Street, north from Alice to Flouse, s e 246 Ruddick John A 386 Milne Alexander R Concession Road, first west of Uni- 172 House, 8 e Booth Capt Edward A 388 Abrey James versity Avenue. Brock et istersects 176 Wintemute Orbi F 390 Franklin Charles D EAST SIDE House, s e 178 Ely Samuel 392 Spencer Rev Canon Albert 95 Bassani William E 273 Howland Thomas, cab owner 180 Folger Frederick A, jr Rayson Rev Robert W 97 Stockhill Richard 277 Wilson Richar d J 200 Grant Archibald 394 Clark Thomas S 105 White Frederick 279 Robinson Chriebopher 202 Roadley Joseph 204 Elm at intersects 107 Scott I%Ira Vine 281 Mundell Wm Darragh John A 428 Volume Mrs Anna E 206 109 Wallace Robert 285 Gallivan Mrs Amwtasia Hall David 936 Trotter David 111 McRae Alexander D 293 McLeod James 208 Peters 'Mrs Johanna York st intersects Fair Grounds House s e 295 Nicolle John Purcell Michael, rear 210 Union st w interaects 201 Shaw David A McCaig Neil jr Alice Street, Hannah 214 Hallett Charles A west from University HOU8(` s e 303 Macdonald Mist Avenue to Albert 216 Watts Mrs Eliza. Street, second Bailey Ethan B, grocer 305 Conroy Michael north of King. 307 Macgillivray Rev Malcolm 218 Lawler James Store house NORTE SIDE 113 McLeod Nc'.1 309 Ross Rev Donald 220 Asselatine William H Goodwin Prof Win L 117 Hughson "drs Ann Princess st iiterseetS Johnston st Intersects House, s e Alfred 129 Noble Thomas P 347 Van Luvin Alvin st commences Maxwell James tourt+rohne:frEreeitetreerietarionGee:ele. Pselviardetstigartel- Thirty Years' Experience companles) shows a saving of wet of the experted SPECIALTIES . ELECTRIC""'. HEATERS, for profits, and only 3% in its General Section, I. H. BRECK mortality in Its Temperance Section I .... WIRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GENERAL LIFE gives Abstainers the full advantages they ars THE TEM r - RANCE AND ELECTRICIAN. et KIN G Id" Matltled to. OU•PLICS. TELEPHONE 94. 33o ST, KINGSTON, ONT.


12 Seeger Stephen Alice St.—Continued. Artillery Park, see Bagot Street 239 Rees Bros, whol confy 14 Cockade Mra Elizabeth SOUTH SIDE oppisite Barrack. Bryson W J tinsmith building, IS e Vacant school Arch Street, north from Stuart to 241 Bassam W E, baker Ireland Mrs Eliza Sagat Street, north from City Park Wilton Henry, Union, first west of Barrie. 243 harnessmaker Ireland Francis C to James, fourth west of the harbor. 245 Macnee & 31innes, wholesale Jry- EAST SIDE Knight Prof Archibald P EAST SIDE goods Wa 'kern Richard T King Mrs Eliza M. Store, a e 21 Robinson T George Hou», s e Princess st Yitersects Aima Street, north from York to 23 Craig Miss Sarah 107 Macnee Walter H Balaclava along the west side of 25 Vincent James A 109 Kent Robert E Store, s e Frontenac Park. 27 Llayett Mrs Charlotte 115 Shaw Felix British Am. Hotel sample rooms Mrs Anna Storehouse EAST SIDE 29 Keenan Patrick H 117 l'andy Frontenac l'ark Deacon st ends Gore st ends 273 Robinson Wm, Clerk of the 1st Di- 125 Smith Charles vision Court WEST SIDE 45 Hamilton Edward 127 Lawson 3Irs Frances M 275 277 Robinson Bros. painters 'Store a e 47 Vacant 129 Mason Henry 279 Vacant 12 Moon Robert T 61 Jamieson John 133 Porter Charles 281 McLean Alexander W 18 Sims Itev Albert 63 Ada Capt William 137 Clayton Martin 18 Purtell James J 55 Smythe Albert 10 Queen st intersects House. s e Salvation Army Barracks 20 Downes James 67 Healey Thomas Earl st interseets District Officers' office 22 Ada Wâtiam E 59 Mundell Mrs Mary Store, s e 305 Wright 28 Morrissey John 61 Sharp Alexander Robert J 163 Tierney John 307 Aylesworth it Fanning l'atrick, carter 65 Fitzgerald James George A Patrick st commences 69 Coffey Thomas 155 Craig James Campbell James, firewood 157 Vacant dAhvington Avenue, (Portsmouth) 77 Calvert Thomas Barrack st ends 159 Goodearle Capt John L / north from King to Union, twelfth 79 Tweed Wm A House, a e s e 161 Beatty Charles of Barrie, first 'west of City St James' Church, Cavalry Stables west 163 Nelson Miss Kathleen, dressmaker WEST SIDE Haas A & Co. vinegar mers 165 Moore David EAST SIDE Queen's College and University J Ilouse. e e Convery Thomas Queen's University, Medical Fac- 167 Oliver Charles G Orndance st intersects 169 Graham Thomas F ulty Allan Mrs Bella, dressmaker House, s e Davidson et ends Kingston School of Mining and Store, a e 357 Hartley Oscar William st Adams James Agriculture intersects 359 Murphy Thomas WEST SIDE Grant Very Rev George Monro St Vincent Academy 361 Wilton Henry Koen Michael Dyde Prof S Walters Convent of the Congregation de 363 Burke John N Notre Greer Samuel Watson Prof John Dame 505 Graham Mrs Annie A Coxworthy George Kingston Skating Rink Johnston st interse2ta 367 O'Neil Mrs Annie 211 Pogue Robert R 60 Alexander Mrs Wm II Thomson Robert Coleman Robert J 213 Orr John Day Mrs Susanna 62 Walker Mrs Jane 375 Milln Mrs Sarah A 217 Phillips Frank Baker John F 64 O'Donnell Patrick R 377 Gallivan J P, grocer 219 Day Harrison newton Otto 10 66 Vacant H Bay st intersects 226 Kinnear 68 Vacant Thomas J Houee, e e Jinn Street, west from Main to Vine, 231 Charles A Kam Sing, laundry 43 Madigan Mrs Annie second north of Colborne. 72 Asselstine 74 Clarence st ends 45 !Anthem NORTH SIDE Hughes Hobert H James 76 Compton James Brock st intersects 47 Reilly Arthur House, e e McMahon 80 Cooper Mrs Mary T & Co., wall paper OnimoIlY Mrs Elizabeth 7 Prittle Robert D 233 Loscombe A 84 Angrove Henry, jr E M, real estate 49 Byrne Simon 901ITir SIDE Smythe A 86 Warwick Mrs Caroline L 19, bailiff, etc 61 ?dcOutcheon John 1 Tarrant James A Otto Vacant Houses (2) C H, bookbinder 53 Loke Mrs Mary 10 Vacant Flotiee, a e 237 M essie James, vet surgeon 55 McDonald John goulemarioa OA • AND CLECTRIIC FIETURE• S. ANGLIN & CO., mno turcinic SUP/N.1E1i Iiroca. 1. H. BRECK I REPAIRS 0/ •Ll 5mo. •RONPTLY arycaoco To. Bay and Wellington Streets, ELECTRICIAN, trà KING TcLcrmotig 84. KINGSTON.UN. ONT. LUMBER. MIMES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, ETC. (LCGTRIG 1.1 (AAAA 33 KINGSTON STREET DIRECTORY. 17 lff KINOSToN STREET DIRECTORY.

Store a e 100 Hood Alfred A Begot St. —continued. 138 Mills IIrs Mary A, dentist 102 Wilson George 435 plcCue Miss Ellen 140 Campbell M rs John Aykroyd 5 Life lus co, D F Armstrong, 104 Belanger George H at intersects Earl st intersects N Y North 108 Belanger James 11 152 Glover Albert, grocer general agent 67 Downey Robert 108 Hepburn Itubert W 156 Whalen Mrs M, boarding Ovens & Ziegler, cabinetmakers 69 Downie Dastid 110 Gascoigne James 158 Fahey Edward 280 l'eters Mrs Lenora 79 Meagher Martin 112 Tetro Michael D 160 McLaughlin Thomas, baker 284 Dennis Mrs Fanny 81 McSorley Daniel 114 Crosby Mrs Susan 162 Babcock Ezra, shoemaker House, s e 91 Reid John M 116 Cluff Andrew E 164 Lynch Michael J QUPell st intersects 93 Ayers Francis 118 Morris Edward Donoghue Michael. rear & Marble Vi'orks 95 Goodman Michael Kingston Granite 120 Beecher George 168 Smith Mrs Elizabeth dealer 97 Donovan Mrs Eliza Wallace Robert, stone 122 Oumminga George 168 Tarrant John 99 Brady John Artillery Park 124 Nervintin Samuel J Vacant houses (2), Nos 3 and Raglan road intersects rear Office 11ilitary Districts 126 Gascoigne Joseph J 170 lÀttle Wm W C E 11ontizambert 101 Waters J M, baker 4, Lieut.-031 126 ( a) McKee John 172 Dunbar 11ris Elizabeth 103 Norris Mrs Jane District Officer commanding 128 Eward Charles 174 Newell Louis 106 Mitchell Alexander Armouries of local corps 130 Long James 176 O'Neil Terence 107 Healey Thomas H Coughlan Patrick, (caretaker 132 McArdle Patrick 178 Anderson 115 Davy Robert A Miss M A, dressmakfr Ordnance st intersects John st commences 117 Shaver James William st interseets 360 Hatch Charles H 134 Doolan John 180 Cunningham David 119 Graham Thomas 366 Blakley Travers, carter 138 Vacant 182 White Mrs Eliza Corrigan st ends .68 Hughes James P 140 Donaldson James 184 Fizzell Amos 121 Roushorn Almond F 370 Harris Mrs Hebron 142 Cushion Thomas 186 Vacant owner 123 Vacant 375 Eves .lames, cab 146 Bacon Henry 0 192 Wi/ann 125 :McCarthy John Miss Mary J Bay st intersects 148 Duffe John 194 129 Sexsmith Robert White Charles Store, s e 150 Kelliher NIrs Winifred 137 Handley William I'M Tait Mrs Annie, hoarding 42 Anderson Joseph 1) 152 Taugher Ilra :Margaret 139 Spencer S Lewis Johnston st intersects 46 Sullivan John J 154 Redmond llogue 206 Downey T, Donaldson James, coal and wood shoemaker 48 Golt Joseph 156 Travis Joseph 210 Joyce W'm J, buteher Dufferin at ends 50 Norris Marshall 158 Shannessy Mra J, dressmaker 212 Caser House, a e Wow E. eonfections 52 :McCormack Henry 160 Strong An4hony 214 Geddea .7 Charles at intersects W. upholsterer 54 Doyle John Charles st intersects Miller Charles St C,ongregational Church A H. cabinet maker 5.3-60 Corrigan Daniel, grocer 166 Bennett Capt Edward 218 WEST SIDE Hutton G J. coal and wood North st interise2ts 168 Potter Alexander 230 Bay 94 Vacant of Quinte Temperance Horse 66 Bunt Richard 170 MeCluskey 11rs Unity 93 Strachan Archibald Brock st Intersects 70 Henderson George 171 Vacant Merammon Mots, livery 100 Henderson Lawrence L 72 Sleeth Samuel 176 Sudclard James 11 238-240 Ronan Tho, undertaker 102 Petrie John 1) 74 Belanger Hilaire 178 Derush William 241 Phelan Daniel, physician 104 Spencer Levi B 76 Gates James 246 Lawlems James J 106 Hendry William 1) Balaclava Street, front Sydenham 249-250 Chown Edwin & lane commences 109 Hubbell Mns Eliza J Son, hardware to Patrick along the north side of 252 Chown A & Co, hardware 82 Seale John 110 Chown Charles D Frontenac Park. 254 White 86 Byrne 31rs Ann 124 Willies Jam« J T, insurance 88 Lemmon John NORTH SIDE 126 Allen William White W J B. insurance Toronto 90 SilMM011s NVilliam G Flouse, a e 128 Shaw Robert Auer Light Cor Limited 256 94 Phillips John 8 13 Martin Copt Charles J 130 Wilkinson Henry .1 Imperial Life Ins Co 288 96 Griffith George A 17 Robb David J 134 McKelvey John Davis James T. dentist Raglan road intersels 19 Cornelius George C 136 Birch Samuel Store. s e Princesa st inters.cts 99 Bernstein Max 21 Pritchard Capt 1)avid 3 V-

that the lives of Total Abstainers are better lives !ELLS. ANNUNCIATORS. Abundant Evidence for Insurance than those of Non-Abtitainers le SPECIALTIES ELIECOLIC HEATERS. contained in the experience of three companies which will be found on I. H. BRECK 9 •• • • WIFIING ros ELECTRIC LIGHTS. other p.ages. If you are a Total Abstainer, patronize THE TEMPERANCE ELECTRICIAN, AND GENERAL LIFE. KING VLECTILIC •UPPLICII. TLLEPHONc 94. 339 OM. KINGSTON, ONT.


King st interseetil Balaclava St. —Continued. 309 Armstrong Francis 34 Strange John 23 Coyle Mrs Rose House, s e Store, s e 36 Striudre J Montagne 43) Redan st eSMIlletlefR Vacant bowies 1'nm-etas st intersects 84 Dwyer Edward 27 Spencer Ntrs Isabella Lennox llouse Store, s e 66 Harty Mrs Ellen Wellington id intersects 41 Maxam Charles 325 Mullin James 72 Murphy Mrs Catherine B 51 Boume John C., coal oil 92 Thunston Henry 327 Donoghue Mrs Catherine 78 (»over Prof T R Patrick st c.ommences 96 Vacant 329 McBride J Stinson Stuart st commences 98 Vacant SOUTH SIDE 331 O'Donnell John FO Waldron Richard 102 Gilbert Albert a e 333 Newland's Wm, contractor 82 Flanagan Mrs Mary S Frontenac l'ark Kennedy Timothy, carter, rear House, * e Flanagan M E, florist Alma st ends Barrigan Jacob, mar Queen st intensects 84 Lewis Mrs Ellen 104 Raymond Ira W Houme, s e Fti Bower John Sarraelc Street, west from the har- 106 Nuttall George E Store, s e 88 Baille Wm bor to flagot, 2.1 north of Princes. 110 Wright Mrs Margaret Colborne st intersects 90 Moore. Henry NORTH sIDE 112 Lenin:ley George, carter House. s e 94 Johnston Albert Tete de l'ont Barracks 116 Fannon Mrs Elizabeth 383 Driver John 96 Kirkpatrick Mrs Harriet B Ontario at intensects 118 Campbell James coal and wood 366 Mamie Wm, contractor Deacon st commences 3 Snider Marshall P 387 Lewis Wm Barrie Street, north from King to Sutherland Samuel 5 Stewart William Ordnance st intersect's 98 north of Raglan Road along the west Edward 9 Hoppins Abiram 389 Rock Philip 100 Moore side of City Park. Edgar C 11 Vacant 291 Sharman Mrs Isabella 102 Hiacock Howarth Charles N'aeont hous•i (2) EAST SIDE York st intersects 104 Robert Galbraith Rev Wm King st e commences 405 Harris David 106 McFaul King st interprets City l'ark 407 Burton Samuel 110 Vacant J 49 Fenwick T M. physiician l'ark ave commences 411 Sullivan John 112 Pappa 51 Bramah Wilham Cricket Grounds 429 Porbea William 114 Chown Dr Albert P 53 Maloney John Court House 436 Harrison Abraham 116 Vacant 55-57 Walsh I'atrick, eoal and Wood Kingston Dadry School 437 Dowers John 120 Fair Wm J D Riding School Kingston Veterinary College, a e 439 Lees Adam 124 McRae Wm Wellington or intersect» Clergy st commencer' 441 Stansbury John 128 Vacant Roche Ilerrick II 85 Anglin Samuel Chaliner's Church Raglan road intensects 140 87 Gallagher Mrs Mary J Earl st intersects 447 McRae Wm J 144 Shaw Mrs Agners 89 Parkin Thomas House, a e 449 Gilmour Robert 146 Kidd Wm G Rideau st commences 229 Kavanagh Mrs Mary 451 Scott John 148 Rogers R Vashon, Q 0 Store, a e 231 Makins Wm 453 Vjck David A 152 MacMordne Rev John K 111 Killeen Thonias F House, a e 455 Rollinson Walter W Union st w commences 115 Twigs Francia, carter William st intersects 457 Smith Walter 162 McIver John B Hall Miele Emma House, s e 459 Dutton Samuel 164 Cliff George 117-119 Aiken Robert E Howse, s e 4131 Jones John 170 Ellis Wm S Johnston st intersects WOuTH SIDE WEST RIDE 172 Robbins Edwin S M T Oo's Broek Intersets elevator King et w commences 174 Kilpatrick Samuel J 295 Sutherland :Mrs Elizabeth Ontario st intersects House, s e 178 Vacant 297 Armstrong Mrs Isabella Dominion House 20 Vacant 180 Skinner James A 301-309 Maple How 30 Vacant 22 Chadwick Allan 182 Vacant 301 Vacant 32 Oakes Miss Surian 24 Crawford Robert 184 McAllister Mrs M A, nurse (loft' sheds 303 Spence David M O'Kill st commences 1it1 Driscoll Jeremiah A 305 Vacant lane 26 OaPPon Prof James 188 Twigg William A House, a e 307 Staley Capt Charles 28 Matthewson John P 190 Jamieson Alexander S. ANGLIN k CO., 1 CowuarloN os s AND sL[CTKIO ►IaTVNa{ •Na LL[Cra1C •Y P► LI[a IN 11 TOCK . à Y and WELLINGTON STREETS, A I . H . BRECK ~ agi-AIaa o•ul KINOa raoN/TLV aTT[NO[oTO. gA w11C, ?L V IIC, 1[ATGUINIi, ELECTRICIAn, KI NO , 1[OIILDIIIC, i?C . . TLLLrNONL 94 339 Sr . . KINGStON, ONT. MILL WORK gIJ[CTNIC HLATLRi .


Barrie at.-Contualled . Store, a e Bay Street, west from the river to 60 Cooper Mrs Johanna Princess at Intersects 192 Hastings Mrs Louisa Frontetiac Park, fourth north of 62 Frape :terttt Arthur E Young Men's Christian Ass n 194 Gilbert John, grocer Princerx . 64 Lawrence Franci s 332 Vacant 196 \'eale John, baker NORTH SIDE 66 Carr Alexander House, a e 68 tiallivan James P. g rocer (]ergy at w commenoeP Davis Dry Dock 00 ljueen at intersects intersects 204 Stevenson Joseph, fruits B, foundry Bagot at 158 Oliver Charles Angrove T House, s e 206 StAgney, Thomas and lumber 362 Brown James Aagiin S & Co, coal 90 Simmons Capt Win 212 Mcl,ow•an George A S64 Parks George L \ acant bouse b2 Struthers Clinton L 216 F'raxer Mrs Rcbecca, boardiag :1ark Jonas, rear 366 Martin Charles A ( 94 Brick Mrs Margaret 220 Itaynerd Mrs Ellen . rr ;i r :68 Knight Robert Kirkwood Kiohard 96 e ",Y! Martin Mise Mary a ~t Intersects Storehous 370 Briden S, groce lod' 224 JlcConvilte T & Son, butchers G r 95 Kennedy Miss Mary Colborne at intersecte Store, a e Earl at iaterse :ts Sto re. a e 45 Smyth Samuel Mont real et intersects 226 Moxley Robert, groce r Store, s e 374 Landeryou Joseph T A 47 Cooper Charles House of Providence 226 Reid Mrs Mary J 376 Atkinson W m 49 l3canlan Patrick J Sydenham et intermets 2" MCllahon Andrew C 378 RotK•rts Ernest T 51 Nicholson Amos J Hou.oe, a e it32 NVeese Osca r 380 Oranger Edgerton 55 O'Neill Charles J 136 (byle James 234 Gamble Aire Jeunie, boarding lhduance at Intersecb 57 Nobes John 140 Kimpson Joseph 236 Hyland Mrs SI, boarding Houee, a 69 Jlarphy Mrs Margaret 144 Wright George A 238 Williams Mrs E . laundry e 3" WBley Jabes W 61 Murphy Willia m 146 Jacoba T F, music teacher 240 Smith Josep h 400 Mills Andre w 63, 65. 67 and 69 Vacan t 148 Jacv)be Wm J . piano tuner 242 Hoskin Mrs Clara lingot at intersects 402 Archbi+hop Hecto r Beverly Street, north from Kin g 244 Henderson James 73 Phoenix Portrait Co 404 De Root Alfred, grocer . seventh w•. of Barrie . 246 Sing Doo, laundry 75 Gudld Joh n w4'-1t to Union William st intersects York at IntersecG EAST SID E 406 Vacant 91 Nicoll John 246 I\etbitt Mrs S. grocer 93 Carr Irwin Honxe, s e 408 Rubery Patrick 248 George Francis W 95 Conley James Givens, Charles 410 Stratford Henry 250 Sexton James I ., boarding M ^G ranaghan Robert 412 Bennett Sire M J, dressmaker 97 Mcculla James 252 Hyods James Montreal at intersect s Ragan NItw 9fary, grocer 428 Pigion Mrs Jan e 254 McFaul Michael Vacant honse 430 Kennedy William Store, s e House, s e 111 Holland James CampbeH James 432 Wade Frederick J Johnston at intersects 113 McFarlane Robert Stone quarry ♦ Raglan road intersectt Rutherford James A 286 Derry Wm H 115 Keiley Wm A Peters Samuel If LaRush Richard J 299 Silver Benjami House, s e n Dennison Mrs Rebecca 294 Doyle Hugh, coal OU Bartlett Street, see South Bartlett Sydenham at intertlects Street . Baiaclava at commences Jamieson David Brock at intersects Bath Ro". 137 McBratney Hug h Matthews 11'm H 296 Lalonde Mrw E. grocer EAST SOUTH SID E WEST SIDE 296 Vacant SIDE Irwin Robert, grocer 300 Bowman William Green Samuel Wellington at ends Gonld Charles 8 Collins Win 202 Newman William Bajus' Brewery WEST SIDE Criep Rev Richard 804 Kelso lire Isabell Rideau at intersects a Timms Wm, market garden I)rur}'s wood yard House, a e Brewery Lane, rttn„ wea Green Joh n t from 908 308 .312 Vacan t 50 Sullivan Dennis Wellington Stmet . Friendship C C, market garden 814 Smith Daniel 62 Rands Thomas NORTH SIDE Waddington Win 316 Donovan lHchael 54 Scobell Frederick K Ba jua' Brewery Bushell R J . market garden 318 Orr Rober t 56 Gallagher 1Vm N, cab owner SOl'TH SID E Prison road ends 68 Vacant 320 Lee Sing, laundry Wilkinson C 1', poultry breeder 2 Adams John is the exponent of the principles ad- SPECIALTIES s SEUL ANNUNCIATORII. OUR ADVOCATE hered to by The Temperance and ELECTRIC NEATERIS. BRECK VIIRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ta statements cannot be con- H. oses General Lire. It tells Us story plainly, and i ELECTRICIAN, KING l! ST.. INGSTON, ONT. troverted. lt Is sent free to all aPPlInants. CLECTRIC TELEPHONE 94. 339 n


Brewery Lane—Continued. 83-85 .Merchants' Bank 237 O'Brien Alexander 367 Dennieen Miss I', dressmaker 4 Corrigea Francis E \Vellington et intersects 239 Loseombe Albert E M 369 Oockade William G Store, s e 6 feeder, Wm J 241 Hendersen James R 371 Marshall Samuel 103 Keeley W J, mfg jeweler Clenehan Mn; Swan 243 Lewin Rev Win 373 Fisher John 105 Woods Miss M, fancy g,00ds 245 Halligan John 277 Chapthan S W, contracter 109 Ohlke Mrs Maria, pictures Brock Street, west from the harbor 247 Vacast 381 Rotherford Charles 111 Alexander Roderick, provisions to Nelson, fi nit simili of Princess. 249 Fowler ',sire, phyeielan 391 Wilmot Henry F 113 Jackson Misses M & E, nullinere NORTH SIDE 255 MeNlahon John T 393 Ford Mrs Annie M 115 Vacant Folger'm dock 257 Chown George Y 395 Latdlaw David G 115 (a) Hutchison D A, fleur and feed Kingston Milling 00, gour mill Cletgy st intereeets 397 Vacant 116 (b) Exchange Chambers Folger's l'encrai Ticket Agency House, s e 399 Mann William El% Arthur, architect American Line to Montreal 269 Yates Mrs Elizabeth s e Ireland bladame,hair specialist Thousand Island Flouse 271 Iiersey Mre M L dressmaker University ave intersects Metropolitan Life lns Co, H Down- tintante st interseets 273 Cousins Mrs 1011y( flouse, s e ing superintendent Kennedy lieuse 275 Carson Robert J 421 Phillipe Mrs Cinderilla 117 Franklin Jos. fleur and grain 21 Exchange liotel l'ire Station No 2 42r; Nicholson 11Irs Mary 119-127 Queen's liotel 25 Clow Lewis, tiour and feed 291 Cardwell Miss Dliza 429 Dttinger John G 129 Bibby Frederick A. livery 27 Murray \Vm jr, auctioneer Bouse, s e 431 Scott Capt John H 131 McCutcheon Thomas, tailor 29 American Hotel Barrie st intersects 433 Crawford John J 133 Malahon T & Co, paintere 31 Beun Ernest R., barber • Store, s e 139 Loiaeau lilderique Bagne at intersects 33 Clarendon House 305 Hartley William Alfred st intersects 35 Provincial Lieuse McCammon Bree, livery 307 Vanasky Mrs Ellen Victoria Park 37 Oldlin J W plumber 117 Deeks Wm A & Son, blacksmiths 309 Munro NIrs Margaret Frontenac st intereects 39-41 Anchor Building 149 Blake Henry 311 Going Shirley Victoria Park Albert ft intersects 39 Smith C F, barrister 151 McKay John. leather and hides 313 Sharpe Joseph Godwin W H, insurance 153 Keyes Miss Alice, dn.ssmaker 315 Dougall Italph SOUTH SIDE Farrell Thomas Keyes Mrs Ann e17 Carroll Miss Ellen K & P IlV grounds Smith H P, anhitect 155 Aehley William 0 319 Armstrong William J Ontario st intersects Bell W P & Son, photos 167 Parieian Steam Laundry 321 Hunter John City buildings 41 Ward John, grocer 161 Newman Mrs Mary A 323 Oman! Mark W Market Canadien Express Co 163 Ityan Edward. physician 325 Jones Nin Catherine King et e intersects American Express Co Montreal st commences 329 Nolan James Store, s e King st e intersects Third Methodist Church 331 Flood :Michael 56 Parkin Thomas M, confy Wade Henry, druggist 182 Hutten Henry M Carroll Met Ellen , rear 58 Salter Joseph, auctioneer 61 Gleeeon John, provisions 187 Chuan Edwin Collins Miss Kate, rear 60 Lake Ontario ?Wh Oo 53 Halligan John & Co, grocers 189 Glasgow Miss Jeanie, boarding McConville Misa Kate, rear 62 Metcalfe J 0, butcher 55 I'revost Z. merchaist tailor 191 Earle Mn; Silas 337 Cunningham Charles 64 Vacant 57 Johnson 0 G, florist 193 Erwin \\*Minuit Division st intersects 66 McNeil Neil, plumber 59-61 Henderson J 8, grocer Cooke's Church House, s e 68 Bowen Mrs E, baker 65 Peters W P, tiour and feed 199 Fergneon Bey George D,B.A 347 Vacant 70 Johnson H 8, barber 67 Adams Wm, shoemaker 201 Drennan Jennie G, physicien 349 Martin John W 72 Johnston John E 69-71 McKelvey & Birch. plumbers Drennan Rev Alexander 353 Hall Samuel 74 Green Samuel, butcher 73 Hemsley Mrs M E, dresernaker 211-217 McGowan G A, c'en» matr 355 Stevenson Robert 11 76 Mille John Il 75-77 LIvingeton C & Hm, tailors 219 March Mrs Mary 357 Boyd Capt John 78 Schroder John, provisions 79 Craig J & Co, grocers 221 Vacant 359 Thompeon George 80 Vacant 81 Power & Son, architects 223 Nelly P J, harnessmaker 261 Livingstone Mrs Senne 82-84 Allen W & Son, boots and shoee Givens David A, barrister Cutter John 363 Cumming Mrs Caroline 86 Walsh Michael, hi:bicher Macpherson & Hooper, insurance 235 CMBA lodge rooms 65 Sinclair David A e0-94 Carnovsky W H, fruits, etc S. ANGLIN & CO.. cool:-NATION OM AaD [uCTa1C FI;TUa[a •ND [L[CTalo aJYPPU[a IN STOO1l. Bay and Wellington Street$, H. BRECK or . 1. "^'•'"a Nlaoa Faor ►►Lv An[MOao To. , IIRL IcIRDLINO, NARD AND sOFT WOOD- ELECTRICIAN, I D sawad and sFllt. KL[6TRIC N[AT[Its. T[L[rMON[ 94. 9 ., FIRE W00 33 's "7 " KINGSTON, ONT.


Eves John Brode St. -('outinued. 250 Nolan Michael P Carlisle Street, north from York to Wellington at intersects 8b4 Connor Jirs Matilda ('iu•stnut. 'ccond west of Barrie. McCormick Armstrong "Obterburn" McRae Bros. grocers 356 Huber Henry A N,,t builton. Mrs Agnes H Ford McRae W lt & On, liquors 858 Gardiner John F McRae's warehouse 360 Drummond Mrs Jane B Ootaraqui Street, west from the Ohapmatn Street, (,orth from Queen Clarence at ends 362 VanLuven Robert M river to west of Rideau. to ('ollN,rne, first east of Division. Ragot at intersects 3G4 Clugaton Thomas A NORTH SIDE. EAST SIDE House, s e 870 Robinson Alexander Estes William House, a e Johnson A J. carpenter 372 Parker George McLeod John, tanner Gardiner Rev Davis Hotel Dieu 374 Gilbert Richard Orchard at commences Chapman W J, Contractor Sydenham at ends Vacant house, rear Odette John WEST BIDE 228-242 Selma Place 378 Mills Thomas H Albert J Mundell D hI, phystciaa 380 McNamee Mrs Margaret Vacant ochool building 228 ]icl.achlan John 230 Starr D Evans 382 Sawyer Mrs 101isa J Vezina Charles jr Charles Street, west from Rideau 232 Carey Rev W ta IS 384 I)nly Charles B Maxam George W Donovan Miss Edna to Patrick, fifth north of Bay. 234 Cunningham Arthur B 994 Railway crossing 286 Macpherson Miss Willina 396 L`lugoton Robert, contractor NORTH SIDE. Imperial Oil Co, s e 9 Ilnndall James 238 Wade Henry 398 Boyd Isaac Rideau at InterAects 400 Smith John 11 Coggao J Alfred 240 Ourulingham Thomas 87 Hughes William Worrell Rev Prof C L 404 Vacant 13 Connor John 242 89 Gow Walter M Andin John T 406 McCutcbeon WilYam 15 Young Stephen R 91 Nevens William St Mary's School University ave Iaterse(Ks 17 Jackson Thomas Ulerlry at interseet n OOL'TH SIDE. 19 Lemmon William 408 Sherman J F, grocer St Mary's Cathedral Dominion Cotton Mills Co'y 21 Smith Frederick 428 Henzy Henry Mallen James, coal and wood 27 Wright Thomas A Palace grounds 430 Vacant Barrit. at intersects Vacant building 29 Fraaso Joseph 432 Geele John Itailwny croeEing 35 Cooper James E ritore, a e 434 : bernethy Wm, contractor Andre Peter ► ]tidvmu st inter^ect. 37 Graben Thomas 304 438 Wilson Mrs Sarah House, s e 39 Vacant 306 Alexander Mrs Jane 440 l;ill William 41 Scouten Mrs Grace 310 Flynn John 442 Murray Mrs Frances 312 Oamplon Mrs Mary Centre Street, north from King w. Congregational Church, a e Alfred it intersects 314 Boyce Richard J to Union, eighth west of Barrie. Bagot at intersecte Honse, s e 316 Kilpatrick John H EAST SIDE Hoase, s e Mrs J H, dressmaker 460 Swinyard Leone N Clark Francis H Kilpatrick House, s e 462 Richardson Wm L 318 Sills Mrs Mary E, boarding "Bellevue" Goodell Chancey, carter 464 Dunlop Herbert A 222 Casey Hdram W Wilton-James House, a e 466 Scribner Dr John F 324 lbohey Mrs Ann Birkett John H Montreal at intersects 330 Johnston John 468 Seaton Edward T (Known as Upper Charles from WEST SIDE 332 Johnston Edward W 470 Turner George W here) 334 Jordan Charles O 472 Blanchard Alexander -Marshall Prof David H Store a e 386 Diack Robert A J 474 Rnider Korah W Cook John 13 Stratford Henry, taxidermist Woodhouse David B 338 Pelletier J J Cyrille 476 Stover Philip H 15 Spooner Charles N Marsh Thomas 3•t0 Vacant Frontenac at interse,,-ts 17 Scouten George McCormick Robert Division st intersects 4£0 Malone Capt Abraham H 21 Dalaell Thomas McCormick Miss Mary 25 Purtell William :16bert at tntet•sects Store, a e Potter Rev James S 31 Quigley James 346 Vacant 520 Cttlpack Mrs Barbara Givens John 33 Joyce Lawrence 348 Nolan Michael 522 Scriven John A Deacon John T 37 Tait Joseph, contractor AND GENERAL LIFE The Plane and Policies of THE TEMPERANCE give liberty without license , and protect the SELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, ASSURANCE COMPANY SPECIALTIES ELECTRIC HEATERS. best risks get most for their money , as they should. H. BRECK rights of all. The • • • • V/IRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRICIAN, KING ELECTRIC SUPPLIES TELEPHONE 94. 33 KINGSTON, ONT. DIRECTORY. KINGSTON FITREET KINGSTON STREET DIRECTORY. 27

House, s e Charles St. -Continued. 7 Groombridge Edward NORTH sIDE. 61 Marchand William Newell Napoleon Chestnut st interseets 39 Graves Mrs Charlotte K & P Ity freight sheds John 59 O'Brien's quarry 49 Gallivan Mrs Mary K &. P Ry Station, e e Catherine 67 Crothers st intersects 53 Martin Mrs Mrs Emma Ontario st intereects 69 Chalkley Cannem Samuel 59 Beicook James Elm st Intersects Stanley House Mrs Sarah A House, a e Rear entrances 61 Guun HOCEP, a e Charles Pine st intersects 63 Farrell Fifth st intersecto Perry Norman 11 Doherty 'Mrs Agnes House, s e McDonald Dennis J 65 99 Smith Edward M 67 Beecher Charles 61 Downey NIrs Mary J Rear entrance 101 Saunders Win 63 Norris Mrs Jas*. sot TH SIDE. Sixth st intenaects Canal Office, Wm Burrows, Collec- 65 Northmore Edward J e tor of Tolls 12 Cameron Harvey 71 Eves Wm H intersects York at intersects Gas Inspector's Office, J J Behan Begot' st Frontenac School r e WEST SIDE " Inspector House, s e Weights and Measures 22 Lace« Louis, see hd gdo WEST SIDE Office, J Clancy Thomas. butcher Behan, Inspector 24 Spooner Edward 1:L0U/if., s e Cooke Charles II Lawless James, Hartrick Mrs Martha 14 Moore David J caretaker Store s e Rea r entra nets 3Iontreal at intersects 18 Randall Mrs Margaret Chestnut st intersects liouse, a e Seeley David Store s e 30 Orser Thomas G Quebec Dominion Express Co. s e Pomfret Richard First st intersects st intersects 66 Corcoran John King st e intersects 68 Whinton John M Colborne st intersects 34 O'Brien Ontario Chambers John W House, s e l'homas 70 C,onnor Moore's Real Estate Agency Upper Charles from 60 Galdback John H House, s e 'Known as Shibley Henry T, barrister here) Film st intersects l'ine et intersects Gallinger Terrace House, s e Sun Life Assurance Co 24 Dickson James 1 60 Holland Win London Life Ins Go 26 Walsh Edwin Vacant 2 Mollinger 70 Nuttall Oscar A Smythe & Lyon. barristers 28 Robinson Webb Thomas 72 Peters Joseph, blacksmith King Francis, barrister 34 Grove Joseph 3 Celdback R James 4 Rice Thomas Board of Trade 38 Wilson Richard Rogers Thomas X, caretaker M 5 Vacant Chestnut Street, 42 Randall Wm northwest from 67 Ontario Building & Savings 6 Saunders; John A Carlisle Socy 46 Smith James B to Quebec, first north of 69 Britton & Whiting, barristers 48 Bell James II 7 Blake Colburn York. Quirt John 71 Cridiford John 52 Lawler J Herbert NORTH SIDE. 73 9 Mulholland James Purcell Patrick J, barber 54 Winter Wm Anderson John 79 Mills & Cunningham, bankers 58 Purtell James, carter Fifth st interseeta Plum at Skinner J $, barrister 62 Cassidy Mrs Nancy le0 Boon John ends Sixth st intersects Cherry st intersects Cunningham A B, barrister 64 Edwards Mre Rhoda Oliver Rubery Nlichael J 41 Ward William C G, customs broker FUitise, a e 81 °lark Mrs Annie 134 Woods Mrs Mary SOUTH SIDE. 83 Long 138 Buck Mrs Martha Wah, laundry Chatham Street, north from Prin- Cherry st intersects 63 Hide Inspector's Office York st intersects House, s e cess to Pine, first west of Division. 87 F'rontenae Loan & Buse Joseph Invest Society EAST SIDE 69 Mudie John, barrister Cherry Street, north from York to Truesdell David W ELouse. s e Simpson Isaac, banker north of Pine, first east Prime st ends 23 Vacant of division. Conreen Mrs Catherine 25 Bryant NIrs Sarah EAST SIDE 91 Kent Bros, bankers larence First st intersects Store se e Street, west from the 93 Walkem & Walkern, barristers harbor to Junction Vacant 3 Ward Wm R of Begot and 95 Strange & Strange, insurance 45 Brook Colborne st intersects 5 Miles Robert Streets, first west of Market. Strange John, barrister COMBINATION G•le APIS ELEctsIC FIXTURES AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIE, IN STOCK. I. H. BRECK / REPAIRS o• •LL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDEO To. .anAd WNEGLLLINIGNTO &NSCT 2E.TIS. ELECTRICIAN, I KING sir SCRANTON COAL...SY .-■■■• ELECTRIC HEATERS. TELEPHONE 94. 339 ST., _ TepN, ONT. KINGSTON STREET DIRECTORY. KINGSTON STREET DIRECTORY. 213

112 Johnston Miss Margery. deesmaker Clarence St.—Continued. 177 Hunter Henry Clergy Street West, [formerly military 114 Robinson Thomas H Strange Capt Frank, aupt 181 Vacant Yongel west froni Barrie to Univer- 116 Vacant stores 183 Tandy Mrs Mary 3 sity Ave, tire north of Union. Cliff George, real estate 118-122 Wilson T C. Every stable 165 Chamberlain Allan J Mfg Co, implts 97 Carruthers .1 B. banker 124-126 Noson Broa 187 Ilunter John J NORTH SIDE. Wellington st intersects 128 Daley Patrick, publisher Canadian 189 Spriggs Miss Olive House, a e Golden Lion Block Freeman (weekly) 191 Horsey Samuel J 5 Vacant 132 MaRsey-liarris, Co. implemtnta 11 Shines.» Matthias Vacant store, a e WEST SIDE Bella 134 Nichols Wm, vet surgeon Little Thomas, rear 101 Dunoon lIrs Chalmer'a Church 15 Milne Alexander J SOUTH SIDE Earl st intersects NIurphy's Dock Clergy Street, north from Barrie to House, s e 17 Daly Mrs Catherine Store a e Ordnance, sixth west of th? harbor. 38 Barron George 21 O'Brien John (Ontario at intersects 40 N'acant 27 Smith Charles F EAST SIDE 26 Fol epr Bros. bankers Williitni st intersects 29 Smith Henry Veterinary College 30 Canadian Pacific Ity 0o's Telegh Kingston 44 Barter Mr« C, boarding 31 Cannon Nirs David Bay of Quinte Railway Co House, a e 46 N'aeant 35 Hamilton Mns Sarah st intersects 34 Great North Western Tel Co Earl 48 McDermott James 37 Vacant 36 Sullivan W H. barrister House, 5 e Friser Min( $, dresamaker 39 Shanahan John William st intersects 38 Steamboat Inspector's MON% Copt 50 IVilkineon Miss A Louise 41 Doyle Miss Johanna T Donnelly, Inspeetor 45 Macdonell Angus J 62 Whiting Rev Richard 46 Hamilton James Thompson T I', inspector of siteum- 17 Macarow Philip H Quinn Charles, coal and wood House, s e boat boilers 49 Parker Mrs Fanny A 60 Lee Mrs M Jane Division st intersects A 38 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co 51 Walsh Mrs Mary Johnston st intersects House, s e Maehar John M. barrister 63 Kearns James St Mary's Cathedral 55 Carter Mrs Mary A McIver John B. inaurance 55 Mitchell W'm A Brock et intersects 77 Hamlett Win jr st intensects Cartwright Sir Richard J Johnston 96 Morrison Mrs Catherine 79 Craig James A MactIonaell 1 Farrell, barristera 65-89 St Mary'm School 98 McDonald Francis 81 Bavvden DIrs Elizabeth Dunn Wm. caretaker 89 Ryau Win, Caretaker 100 Vacant 89 Oram John P 40-42 Gildersleeve J I'. insurance Brock at intersects 102 Youlden Henry 91 Galloway James jr Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte House, s e 104 Corbett John 93 Horn Alexander Steamboat Co (Ltd) 101 Hales Mns Mary L 106 Murray Capt James 95 Clark Joseph E Clark J E. acct 107 Vacant 108 Van Arnam Charles A 97 Johns Thomas 11 Standard Lite Assurance Co Welch E R & Son. marb'e works 110 Pollie John, tinsmith 99 Hardy John C 44 Vacant Prineeee at intersects Algoma House Home, s e Princesa at intersects 44 Frontenac Cafe Store a e SOUTH SIDE Campbell J W. physician St Andrew's Church 48 Sample room B A Hotel 133-136 Hotne, s e Walker Wm, vet snrgeon Mackie 'ley John 60 Jones James H. barber 137 14 Richie Howard Queen st intersects Queen st intersects British American Hotel House, s e 16 'Vacant Queen st Methodiat Church King st e intersects 162 Crozier James 18 Vacant 151 Harmer Alfred $ Custom House, Clark Hamilton 164 Vince William 20 Stanley James E 153 Christmas Mr?. Imabella Collector Colborne st intersects 22 Johnston Arthur D Mrs Margaret Pcstoffice, Alexander Gunn, Post- 163 Forder Store s e 24 Butler William A C,oltiorne st intersects 176 maxter Harrigan Mrs Mary Wade's lane ends Post Office Inapector's Office, Henry 165 Elliott Robert J 178 Cornelius Mis E, hoarding 40 Vacant Merrick, Ireptetor 167 Hewgill Vi'm I' 180 Shales Robert J 42 Vacant Wellington st Intersecta 169 Hopping Densmore 182 Merritt Edward House, s e House, s e 171 Norris William II 90 McBride James Division st intersects no Hawley Thomas B. bdg house 175 Forsyth Mrs Alma J 92 James Mrs Bridget 42 Vacant ALL TOTAL ABSTAINERS IN SPECIALTIES BELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, should know that The TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE I. I-1. BRECK, ELECTRIC HEATERS, COMPANY guarantees Total Abstainers distinctly lower rates than any ELECTRICIAN, • • • • WIRING rota ELECTRIC tismrs. other company. A KING If ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. TELEPHONE 94. 33e KINGSTON, ONT. DIRECTORY. 30 KINGSTON STREET KINGSTON STREET DIRECTORY.

ad. 127 Keen George Olergy St. W•et.--Cont . 44 Jenkin Isaac EAST SIDE H 129 Bunt Wm 44 Graham William 46 Donnelly Thomas Not built on lai Powers John 46 McFarland Charles D 48 Dunlop Andrew W La France Mrs Margaret WEST SI DE 48 Wilson Houghton W 60 Pollie John 133 Klein Louis House, s e 68 Newton John 137 Drury Wm Vacant house Colborne Street, west from Syden- 60 McCullough John 189 Lowry Peter Wellborn William ham tu west of Chatham, second 62 Smith John 141 Livingston Wm L north of Princess. 68 Marshall John 143 Pope Thomas N Oollingwood Street, north front 70 Clark James NORTH SIDE. 145 Lee Miss Rebecca King tø Johnston, fifth west of 74 Flett Alexander G lionne, s e 147 Hogan John Barrie. 78 Orman Mrs Wm EAST SIDE Boyd Richard, cab owner Ferguson Alexander 7 149 80 Pope T N, shoemaker Miller Andrew 151 Suddard Mrs Lucy Cummings Charles E 9 82 James Thomas, butcher House, s e Germain Daniel 11 Tracy Francis Barrie at intersects A Division st intersects 83 Atkinson Thomas 13 Lyme Charles Briden George 8, grocer Frederick House, a e 85 Neileon Mrs Emma 16 Simummi W 114 Fralick George 0 181 Wilmot Nathaniel 87 O'Neil William B 17 Tierney James 116 Bloomfield Capt Wm Daniel 193 Cameron Mrs Lucy 89 Francis Gerrot 21 Snider 118 Lambert Thomas 185 Copley William 129 Murray John 26 Wright Clark W 120 Bailey William 193 Lennon Thomas 111 McMahon Mrs Ann 27 Vacant 122 Briden Mrs Elizabeth F 195 Somerville Francis 133 Dennieon James 29 Wilson George 124 Chaprnan W J, contractor J 197 Rees Herbert H L 135 Geary George 31 Nixon Albert Chapman st ends 1Ie Moore John 137 Rea Mrs Elizabeth 33 Vacant Queen Street School yard House, s e 201 Finlay Alexander Union at intersects 136 Barr Robert • Baptist Church Clergy st Intersects 203 Bell Wm P 138 La France Mrs Catherine Cob« Ivo L A 41 Auchinvole Gilbert, grocer 205 Barnum Charles 140 King Norris W Smith Nathaniel L 45 ?Milan Miss M H, dreasmaker 209 Eward Robert 14e Mason Samuel Dehaney Wm 47 Boyd Ferguson 213 Rudd Mrs Jane 148 Walsh Mrs Sarah A Sullivan Charter 49 Smith Alfred T 215 Bews James 150 Vacant Pringle Ira L 58 Wentworth William 217 Bryant Reuben 152 Vacant McDonald Roderick 235 Bell Robert 0 65 Lees Joseph 154 Worth Mrs Ellen nail at ends Pokes Edward J 20 Sherman Francis 67 Division at Interseets Pollitt Wm, baker 245 Helder John B 69 Dean William 192 Dunlop Robert Orser Sidney H Chatham st Internet' 67 Kane James 196 Jones J Edward WEST SIDE 261 Kenney Thomas C9 Davidson Mrs Ann E 198 Young George Roach Edward William 71 Driver SOUTH SIDE 202 Godman Daniel G 38 Williamson Mrs Mary 2 McNaughtion 73 Hamer John Archibald 204 Blake Horatio 42 Johnston Mrs Margaret John R 4 Dolan Michael J 75 Magpie 208 Lyne John 44 McDonell Mis Mary A 79 Haas Anton 8 Burke William T 210 Hynds John Herndston Charles D 14 nurater George, contractor 81 Morris John 214 Lewers Robert • Fraser Calvin P Barrie st interse•ts 22 Thompson J Duncan 216 McIlroy Mrs Annie Holmee Rev John A, grocer 30 Elliott Rev James 83 Shaw David 240 Hunter George McIntosh Henry 85 Langdon Nathaniel, eontractor 34 Keys Thomas 244 Cohen Myer Union, st w intersects Mary 36 Maxam Alfred 87 Warner Mrs Store a e Gilmour William 106 Sangeter William 40 Porter John Chatham st Intersects Hunter Lt-Ool George House, 119 Robertson Herbert N e e Healey Mrs Clara Main st commere•es Clergy st Intersects College Street, north from Union Milo Edward M 128 Robinson Wm House, s e ve. third west of Albert. Francis John S. ANGLIN & CO., COYa1NATION GA• AND âIECTRIC r1aTURte ^NO EL[CTRIC Bay and Wellington Streets. I. H. BRECK aiUPrU[a IN sTDOa. ELECTRICIAN, K"•'"` °` ^" KINDa raeal ►TlVATTEIIDEa Te. LU M BER, SN/ jOLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS. ETC. KING CLâOTtItC N[AT[K.. T[L[taNON[ 94. 33 9 aT., KINGSTON. ONT.


from 450 north from Pine to Concession Road, west Cowdy Street, 27 Houghton Charles Queen ^'. , Adeluide, second east of Division. Division. 29Cook WmW Store a e NORTH SIDE. EAST SIDH 31 McQuirk Mrs Mary Cilllw,rne at intersccts 33 Ferns Miss Jane O House, s e House, a e 221 Stuart John Bryant Win sr WEST SIDE 35 Moore Andrew 225 Ker•ne \l'm 11, grocer 37 McArthur James Gordon Robert Store se Ellice at ends Clergy st w intereects Bryant J Wesley Swanaton'e bakeshop 231 McIntyre Donald M 47 Charles Edwin Bryant Francis 3-5 Vacant 237 Raney Frank 49 Scott Thomas H Bryant Edward 7 Redden Jeremiah 239 Shibley Rev Samuel 51 Pratt Mrs Matilda McLaughlin Edward 9 McMaster James 249 Hayden Mrs Anna 53 Turbett Jirs Julia Robb James 11 Eces William 251 Gormiey Sirs Johanna 66 Percy Thomas Theriault F X, dairy Frontenac School 253 Clark George Reid Wm H 57 McIntyre Mrs Ana 24 Vacant 61 Baboook J S, grocer Wilder Artemus, farmer Davidson Street, west from Eller L'nfini"hed house Earl at intersects Palace Schooi INrk Ave to city limite. 271 Pound Mrs Mary A House, a e Clark John W Not built on 281 Vacant Wilder Henry S, dairy 71 Dempater WiNiam 283 Green Robert 73 Vacant Maslen Mrs Alice Deacon Street, runs west from 98 285 SOUTH SIDE 75 Baker Mrs Margaret J 297 Allen Mrs Sarah E Barrie to Arch first south of Union. House, a e 79 Squire Mrs Harriet M 299 Kellar Charles W Lanadowne at ends NORTH SIDE. 83 Tùrcott Alphus 301 Vacant Saunders John House, s e 86 Guy Mrs Dinah L 303 Vacant Vacant house 9 Shea WSiliam 87 Mullin E W, grocer 306 Small James William St ends Babcook W Norman 11 Jackson George 307 Hyland Samuel Botta Alfred 15 Clark \\'m J, confy 93 Robinson Wm J Main si onds Holland W Chester 17 Vacant 96 Scobell Sydney S 327 Crawford James House, s e Moore Robert B SOUTH SIDE 329 Crawford George Vacant house Johnston at intersects York st inter4ects House, a e Louise Public School Poeta William 12 McKenna house, s e Miss Helen 127 Kirkpatrick George H Vacant houses (2) 14 Mercer Stewart 336 Kennedy George W 129 Kllcawley Patrick Alfred at ends 18 Cunningham Mrs Sarah 337 Moxley Wm 131 Ward William Fair grounds 22 Forgie John G 341 McCleiland Richard J Nelson st ends House, a e 343 McMahon Robert Brock at intersects Victoria at ends Division Street, north from Union 345 Stevenson Wm H House, s e west to city limits, first west of Quebec st ends 149 Clark Mrs Mary Oorrlgan Street, west from 180 Barrie 853 Robinson Wm 151 Perry John W 555 Vanluven Wesley Rideau to Bagot, third north of Bay. EAST SIDE 153 Vacant 1 Vacant 357 Soles Wesley NORTH SIDE. HE Burton J J, grocer 3 Spencer William G 359 Allen James, grocer House, s e 163 Baker Mrs Mary 6 Cannem Walter Pine at intersects 1 Davis Matthew R House, e e 7 McArthur John 471 R.ibbridtper Thomas 3 Harrison Edward Princess at intersecte 16 Linton Charles E 375 Hartman David Honse, s e House, e e 381 Dawson Edward 17 Mooney Robert J 179 Welch Edwin R SOUTH SIDE 387 OrNCr Edward 19 Dean Alfred E 181 Vacant 391 Camp`L^II Mrs Ann House, a e 21 Redmond Patrick 183 Marriott Mrs Eliza 333 Pound George 16 Handley Mrs Mary A 23 Smyth Archibald 185 Ammel George W House, s e 25 O'Brien Edward 395 Peters William Ilvuse, a e Adelaide et intersects S. DULL TIMES OR GOOD TIMES SPECIALTIES : ~ LKG•" CNHEA [IIAI:, " The TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL LIFE goes right along making steady, la H BRECK 1 K I n~ a FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. solid gains In business and In public confidence . i . . IT 18 TRI DEiT COIQANT ELECTRICIAN, I S S e e FOR TIR E1SJT YISLS. s L soratc su ►►ucs TELE ►HONE 84 . 339 sT ., KINGSTON, ONT,

31 K1N( :ST40"' tiTtt}]ET UIR E('rOHY . KIV(:xTO~ R•rttr:H:•r nlHra-r~~ttl~ . :i.~

Division Street ('t,ntinuc~(l. 90 ( ;Pale John 290 Lyons John 24 Mann Mrs Mary 425 Taylor J~~h u 92 Hunlon Bernard J 294 Vacan t 26 Seaton Richard 447 Devine Jtuneh, carter 94 Free Robert J, contractor 296 Paddon Thomas, carter 28 R'anless Bcrgt William A 449 (-;a~ake Joh n 96 Iweshy Thomas J 322 Vacant 3C Gallagher Thomas J 461 llçl%er Thomas 98 Leahy 11rs Mary Ail Saints' Church 32 McCauley Mrs Ann 453 Gallican Daniel 100 Areelatine Peter, contractor 824 Arnicl Thomas 34 Gimblett Win H House, a e Gunn John B York at intersects SOUTH SIDE 455 Kemp Wm J Johnston st intersects e86 Murray \Ir:v Sarah House, s e 124 Crawford Anthon y 457 Vacant 360 Robinson Andrew Rea David J 459 Vacan t 130 Chapman Alber t 364 Clark James T 134 JG•agher Thomas F 366 Elliott Robert 467 Grarlund Wm Durham Street, west from Victoria 469 Vacant 136 Hipson Joseph R K Pine at Intersects to west of \Iacdonnell, first south of Russell at end s 140 Kennedy Joseph, grocer 368 Cflnley Mrs Rebecc a P[•incet ;~. 683 Thompson Robert Brock at interse._ta 37£ Abbott Thomas 609 Kemp George, market garden 146 Saunders \\' m 384 Lcmmon James H NORTH SIDE. Wilson Walter P 148 Henderson Mrs Margaret B Stanley at commences Not built o n 386 Moore Danie,l, carter Wilson Thomas J 152 Dix Miss Maggi e SOCTH SIDE lE8 Asselstine Benjamin, contractor 392 Tolhuret Wm Fraser George 28 Vacant 298 Canem Mrs Jane Vacant hous e Garrett at com[nrncea 34 Lamb Walter House, s e 398 (a) Pogue Irwin 676 Marti,; Jacob, dairy Bpence Jackson W Princess at interseets 400 Wade James WEST SIDE Perry Alfred 210 Anderson Bros, grocers Adelaide at commences 18 Genge Robert E 426 Treneer John P . carte r Haffn e r Eckhard 212 Harold Alexander i! \tucdonnell at interseets 20 Barry Miss Frances 436 Collins Thomas 214 Anderson Wm 76-78 \\'ildAhire \\•alte r 24 Packer Thomas 216 Decker Robert 448 Gibson Mrs Eeunor E 28 Elmer Albert E 218 McCalium Joh n Concession road commences 32 Hazlett Thomas H Cari Street, west from Ontario to 222 Pugh Mrs Elizabeth 450 Vacan t Collingwood, fifth southof Princess. 34 Dickson John H 1'l.1 \ ncant 458 Gibeon Thomas W Clergy at w interse`ta Colborne at Intersects 460 Devans Mrs Sarah NORTH SID® . 36 Friendship Miss Mary, grocer 220 Waldron Mrs Jan e 464 Corrigan Daniel Yards Grant Thomas 8 222 (a) Dorland Mra Carrie 476 Bands Henry 23-25 Small Philip H 40 Wilkinson George 224 (a) Mowat Henry Gibson's quarry House, s e 42 Brady George 2Z6 Moore Thomas 490 James Thomas King at e intersects 44 Webb Mrs Julia 229 Mills Daniel F 498 Joyce Win J House, a e 46 McK enzie Alexander A 230 Booth George St Mary's Cemetery 45 McDermott Edwatd 48 Ilea Davi d 232 Walsh Patrick Lawless Edward, caretaker 47 Dodds Joseph 60 Flanagan Pat ri ck 240 Eward 3frs Mary 47 (a) Bowea Misa Jane, dressmaker 52 Flanagan John 248 Strachan Mrs Sarah J DuflFerin Street, west from 200 49 Johnson James B 54 Qan& W m Laidlaw J R, contracto r Rideau to Bagot, fourth north of 53 Johnson Miss Annie 56 Dt-yle James Elm at commences Bay . 55 Munro Charles Hrlae,se 264 Joyce Mrs An n NORTH SIDE. 63 Welch Mrs Mary ffi Earl at intersects 256 Goodell George FTouee, a e 65 H.tnley Thomas A Gardiner Co The, biscuit mfrs 258 Cowan Abraham 12 Kidd Robert 67 Hanley Mrv Sarah 78 Edwards Richard 260 Joyner Mrs Laura 14 Cunningham Charles A Wellington at interseots 80 Comer George W H 270 Hepburn Win B 18 Mitchell Mrs Sara h House, a e 82 Taylor Mrs Mary 278 Gordon John 18 Gilmour Wallace 81 McMahon Andrew 86 McI .ellan Jame s Fifth at commpaces 20 Jackson Charles F 83 Gailinger Harvey, grocer 88 O'Brien William H 284 Grimahaw S A . c~ .tor 22 Gormley James 87 Kelly Isaac COYa1N11TION G11• AND (LrCTa1C i 1XTYa[a H. BRECK AND EL[CT11I C fu ►► UCS IN tTOCa. RzeAlas o, ... Klaoe vser►rw ATVaNeeD TD. ELECTRICIAN, K INO , 9LXOTIt10 M[AT[ttt. T[LE HONL 84. •T MILL WORK ► 339 KINGsTON, ONT.


I 50 Meek Robert Earl Street Continued. Bowen Philip, rear 216 Ilollow•ell Henry C 63 Anglin W l.', physician 89 Lane Mrs t', confections \'acauR houoes 12), rear 222 I.aHieaa Mithael, carter 56 Anglin William 91 Millau Jeremiah, dairy 255 Cliff, MrM Mary A 224 Barney Benjamin 58 Simp,wn Charles Wilson Mrs Oathctiah rear 257 Agnew Robert 226 A,etelMtine Alexander M Division Pt intersects 62 Richardson Mrs Jane 228 97 Foley Michael, carter Da%y Ilerbert W Biscuit factory, s e 66 Munch William 8 R Deeks William 230 Lawlor Joseph Braniff Hnych, dairy 68 Grady Michael J. contractor 99 Clark Patrick, butcher 267 232 Pugh Miss Leah, dressmaker Bagot at intersects 269 Ca,usgnrn Mrs Winifred Wellington at Intersects Harnden P Wj coal and wood 277 Fow k•r Charles It 72 Dunneet William Store s e 242 Cartnidy Andrew X 2fl9 Hogan Michael 74 Mitchell Mrs Ann 113 Provost Zotique 244 Hamilton Patrick 303 \l.•KniKht John 76 üouling Montague W 246 117 Hague George E McF:enna Henry 305 Wood Ilion Margaret O'Cunnor Johq rear 119 Macpherson Richard 348 Yates James B 307 Leronge W John 11: 80 Jiilian Dennis J House, s e Store e e 82 Vacant Sydenham at intersects Enright Michael, rear Division at inters.-ts 309 Smallridge Wm If 90 Hayward Mrs Christina Hou+r, s e 254 O'Donnell Bryan University ave intersecte 92 Charlton Robert 149 Skinner Mrs Etta 256 Minogue Jlns Mary i Houre, a e 94 Strange Maxwell W 161 Sutherland diacolm 8 268 Murlen Mrs Elizabeth 817 Ross Mrtt Jane E 96 Geddee James W 155 Kerr John 260 Cummine Mi^hael 319 Fraser George E 98 Murray David 262 Anderson Daniel 161 Robertson Benjamin W Storese 100 Perry William 169 Ounniugham Henry 264 Vacant Alfred at interneots 102 McRae Robert W R Wm J 266 Robinson Miss Martha 179 Orothers 323 Sutherland Samuel l : Clergy at intersects Bagot at intersects 272 Renton Mrs Lucinda 826 Walker David J 108 O'Connor John 276 Christmas Henry 185 Johnston Mrs Thereea M 327 Grass George 1, 110 McDonald Donald J Hannay Mrs Rachel 282 Dooley Mrs Ann 189 329'Donnelly Capt J ohn sr 114 Dennis Isaac 196 Brcard Francis 294 alc{:ranaghan Samuel 831 Thompson Thomas 116 Lee George 199 Vacant 286 Hynds Wm H 333 Mason William 118 Hooper Richard J Wm D 302 Cochrane William 201 Muckler Frontenac at lnterreete 120 Martin Barrie at interse:ts Wm O 304 Galloway James ar House, a e 122 (bchrane Capt John Ii 306 Aesel+tine Michael Store ee 377 Ryan Patrick 130 Nickle Mrs Ellen House, s e 211 Morley Robert McCrn'ady Wm 379 132 Muckleston John University ave inrterKects 218 Vacant 383 Ansley John W 184 Thacker Mrs Emily 215 Vacant House, a e 386 Dodd hira Janet Sydenham at intersects 217 Fraser Schyler 8 Albert at intereerte 310 Litton John F or House, a e 219 Oooney Mrs Eiiz• Nelson at inrter++ectP 318 King Rev Charles W 148 Sears George 320 McOallum Rev Daniel 221 Catts George SOI.'TH SIDE 154 Mitchell E Clarence Alfred at intersects 223 Gommer John I 12 Monck Solomon D 158 Penner Miss Eliza CoNegiate InaMtute 225 Hooper Joseph, contractor 14 VacanR. 160 Rowland Fleming Frontenac at intersects 227 Hickey Mre Isabella 16 Lovitt Jeff Thomas 182 Nic+ol Prof William 380 Baker Robert D 231 Warmington George 18 Hunt John Went at ends 382 Baker William or 233 Hall Walter A 20 MeNaney Mrs Mary 836 Gillie James 201-2 Shurpe Miss H E. dressmaker Albert at intl•rwets 237 Jackson William F 22 Hunter John Nekon st inter,rrte 239 Brown David Watson Alexander 243 Ainslie David J House, s e Store s e [Ile^beCk Ave, north from King w King st initersecto 245 Denny James 212 Pimer John to Union, ninth weiit of Barrit.. 247 Lawùees Patrick J House, R e 214 Kennedy Charles (npstaitt) EAST SIDE Tenney Wm J. rear 46 Saunders John 214 Arniel William McWhinnay Hugh, rear 48 Williams Mrs Martitia Thurlby Thomas . The Australasian Temperance and General Mutual Lite reports In Ifs' . BELLO. ANNUNCIATORS. fourth quInquenniai perlod a savIng In mortality for profits of 40.8 per SPECIALTIES 1 ELECTRIC HEATERS. cent., and In Its General Section a savIng of 10.3 per cent. . . . . THE I. H. BRECK 0 e•ee WIRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. TEMPERANCE AND GENERAL LIFE Is the Canadien Total Abstalners' ELECTRICIAN, Company. r-% KING 11' CLICTRIC •UPP.L.C8. TELEPHONE 94. 33W IIT.. KINGSTON, ONT. — _


Ellerbeck Ave.—l'ontinued. 79 Bonny George jr M'use, s e Victoria Park Chatham st intersects Hamilton John Mack et intersects u'EsT mina 89 Dougherty Patrick Bristow Wm l'rincess at intersects 32 Kelly Samuel 91 Dougherty Mrs Elizabeth Quinn William House. s e 36 Lindsay Robert J Offord 99 Cooper Thomas SOI TH SIDE Jonathan Davidson st commences Alfred st intersects lionses s e 8 Reynolds William Simons Robert Meagher James G 10 Rendait George Ellice Street, west frein 16 Main to Clyde Thomas Tait Joseph G 12 Davidson Mrs Rachel 14 Burnett Mrs Ilester E Division, tiret north of Colhorne. SOUTH SIDE 6 Rutherford John Fi Walker Mrs lielen 16 Hughes Henry NORTH SIDE. Flouse, s e Chatham st intersects EJm st ends 18 Stage Mrs Nlartha HoUse, s e Mulholland James T Veale William J 9 Babcook Mrs W Norman Suddard Edward S 11 Gibbs John 22 lai Eardley Charles. baker wEsT su»: First Street, across Chatham, finit 21 Pitman NIrs Catherine 24 1:"eene Win H north of Princess. 21; Sargent Frederick It 23 Vacant 26 Lake John RO Fletcher William II Patrick NORTH SIDE. 25 Lalonde Louis 28 Culhane 34 Otto .loshua J Mrs Susan 1 McNlillan Richard Vine gt commencea 36 Rowe 36 Taudvin John NV ?dm Nlargaret Chatham st intersects Filtz E 42 Henderson 38 Frost Arthur II 48 McKegg John. carter 25 Smith Henry A Vanwinkle John Earl et interwcta 50 Leader Arthur 27 Vacant 27 Swan George T. grocer 76 Bibby Freik.rick A Nash James 31 MeGee Patrick Flouse, s e 64 7k Wright Thomas J 60 Barry James 33 Salsbury Benjamin S OU TH SIDE . 80 Thompson James 64 Nlarsh John W SOUTH NIUE. 86 Sinclair Mrs Nlary Flouse, s e HOU:8e. s e 2 Sherring Benjamin H 92 Bawden Joseph 8 Taylor Jonathan, carter Chatham st intersects HOU9P, s e Lingwood Frederick 22 Weston Mrs Matilda Alfred at intersects II Chatham st iutersects 96 Darling Thomas 21 Matthews Thomas Murphy Joseph Bouse, s e Johnston et intersects 26 Willett Mrs Mary Coleman Wm J, basket mer 152 Smith George 2G lai Plank Jetiez James north from the harbor Eml'y Street, 158 Sleeman Thomas, butcher Win H 28 Clancy to King, first east of Barrie. Frontenac Street, north frotn 164 Cochrane Mrs Christine 30 MeNlullen Richard Union w. to EAST SIDE Fair Grounds, first west House, s e 32 Carr Mrs Annie C of Alfred. 34 Contusion Mrs Nlargaret W 1 Folger M Henry Brock st intersects EAST SIDE Victoria Park 36 O'Reilly Patrick, shoemaker 3 Stmthy Mrs Elvire 34 Davy George 5 Vacant Victoria School grounds Mack st interfaces Collegiate Honse, s e 40 Simpeon Wm J House. s e Institute grounds Earl at intersects 7 Comper George WEST SIDE 81 Vacant 9 Hamilton Samuel Elm Street, west from 248 Division Macdonald Park 83 Jones Owen 11 Vacant to Alfred, second north of Princess. 85 Filgate Charles .1 13 Olivine William west from 278 Division NORTH SIDE. Fifth Street, Johnston st interseets rwigg John E third north of House, 8 e to west of Chatham, }longe, s e Stacey James 23 Flouse John Princess. 147 Hazlett William 25 Evans John 95 Nloulton Charles NORTH SIDE. 149 Lemon Charles Princess st intersects 43 Vacant Flouse, s e 15: Corby NInk Gladys Grey Mrs Lena E 47 Swan Samuel D 10 Turcott John B 153 Shannon Alfred J 17 Thornton Wm .1 49 Brc.use Henry 12 Tureott George 167 Hazlett John 19 Miller Henry A Chatham st Intersects 65 t.anigan Andrew Brock st interseets Nlarsh William .1 S. ANGLIN & CO., COMBINATION Omo •50 ELECTRIC FtETURE• I. H. BRECK • 1410 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES IN STOCK. Bay and Wellington Streets, RE••11•11o• •LL MINOS PROMPTLY •TTENDED ELECTRICIAN, To. PIIIE S'OPALISA, HARO AND SOFT WOOD- Iri RING IL FIRE WOO D • ELEATS IC mEATESS. Tmenonc 94. 33W ST., nINGSTON, ONT. Sawed aind SPOT.


84 Johnston James S Hickson Lane, !mati from 011lrrIltt Str4119% west front Division Gordon Street, changed to Univer- Hickson 88 Campbell Miss Bella Avenue to G. T. University Ave, thst south of sity Ave. R. track. to 90 McCormick William J EAST Princess. Winder Mn; Marthe R SIDE. Gore Street, from the h••.rbor to House, s e NORTH SIDE. 94 Gilbert John. krocer Ragot Street, sixth west ot Princess. Abbott William Moucrieff & Co Psiutera Wellington ut intersects Leach Edward NORTH SIDE. House, a e WEST SIDE House, s e Canadian Locomotive & Engioe Co 104 Melville Mrs Elizabeth CoFte William R Ontario et intersects 106 Perey John, cab owner SOUTH SIDE. Hartley Wm J Store a e 112-114 George Joseph, pianos Flouse, s e 35 MeOurkell A, boat builder 116 Vacant 2 Mngleton Arthur C James Street, west front Rideau to 45 Gildersieeve James P 118 Swales Mrs Jane Allen Mis Margaret J Patrick, sixth north of Bay. 4 Oliver A 8, physicien Flouse. g e Thomas 6 Conley Kiag st e iutersects NORTH SIDE. S Reid Robert J House, s e north Montreal st intersects 20 Wright John Gray's Land, front 25 Upper 65 Oliver Utpt John William. Houes:, s e 24 Davy Stewart 73 Hanley James 21 St George's Mission Burton John J 1 Ourr Mrs Louise 26 75 Llanley Archibald Nicholson Mrs Ilargaret s e 2 Meliahon Cornelius 77 Walsh John 3 Vacant 25 McLaughlin James A 79 Moran Patrick 27 Campbell Michael 81 Leeslie Mrs Catherine 29 Steel John Street, north from King w. Grove afierad Richard S Street, changed to Rideau. 33 Cullen William to Stuart, lire west of Barrie. 83 Waldron 85 Norton-Taylor Wm H 35 Jones Byron EAST SIDE 89 Hamilton MI% Isabel Hickson Avenue, west from Mont- 37 Solen William A fioutse, a e 91 Vacant real Street, Outer Station. 41 Hunter Mrs Itebecca O'Kill st intersects Wellington et iuteraects Hastings Albert NORTE! SIDE. 29 McConville Bernard House, s e 43 Williams NIrs Elizabeth Denis Joseph 33 Kearns Robert 103 Linton Mrs Jessie A 45 Vacant H.elt William K 15 Vacant 106 Linton Win N 47 Phelan Thomas Nli•liermott Mrs Dora 41 Birch George 107 Minnes William T 49 Singleton M R A. dreasmaker McDertuott Thomas J 43 Burns R Easton 109 Mimes James A Francisco Wm N SOUTH SIDE. 47 Shannon James 115 Williamson Adam. builder Smith Patrick Cairns William 55 Kent Noel House, s e Vacant bouges (3) Bligot st ends 57 Lesedle Wm SOUTH MID.% Gallagher Daniel House, s e 59 Gee David H K E & T Oo's eles.4tor Lappage William Stables 61 Henderson Edward J Kingston Dry Dock Hicksou Inne Flouse, s e 63 Hawley John A commences Corrigan Wm flouse, a e Montrent st intersects WEST SIDE Ontario et interese?ta 24 Cleary NIrs C-atherine flouse, s e House, a e 40 Kingston Elevator & Transit Co 40 Clark Thomas 6 McOutcheon Thomas 6 Coventry Frederick J 42 Andre Alexander 42 Lambert Samuel 8 Vacant h Porter Frank 44 Uunter John 44 Jefleries Mra Elizabeth 10 Peters Mn; Margaret 10 Green Mrs Sarah 48 Wilson James, lumber Vacant hou» 12 Smith Charles E 14 Purvis W John House, g c Gares William J 14 Quigley Thomas 16 Scrutton Edmund King st e intersects NIcAdoo Wm 16 Clark Thomas G 20 Murray George 64 Power William Lambert Michael B 22 Kirk Samuel T 22 Blomeiey James 76 Vacant 28 Lti• William J SOUTH O'Kill st intersects 78 Vacant SIDE. 30 Sissones John W N, t built Kingston General Hospital. s 'Poye Richard H on 32 Clark Andrew has made more steady, solid and satisfactory NO COMPANY progress than SELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, SPECIALTIES ELECTRIC HEATERS, THE TESIPERANCE AND GENERAL LIFE I. H. BRECK I '0,6 vhaiNG FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. during the past seven years. ELECTRICIAN, CUCTRIC SUPPLIES. TELEPHONE 94. I 339 WIG. KINGSTON, ONT. >twosToN STREET DIREcToRY. 42 KINGSTON STRF.KT DIRErTORT,

— James St. Continued 50 Wilson George 189 Vacant 349 (a) Storehouse 34 Wart Miles 54 McKim John 191 Phelan Daniel, MD 351 Coyne Mrs Mary A 38 MeGinnie, Mrs Margaret Stables 193 Schroder John 353 Collins Mrs Mary, dressmaker r,S McDonald Martin McGillivray James R 195 Dobbs Richard S, C El (retired) 355 l'avant 60 Shepherd John E Patrick st intersects 197 Steacy Edward T 357 Armstrong David F Clergy st intersects 761 Taylor Henry II Jenkln Street, changeti to Elm. Johnston Street, west from the St Mary's Cathedral flouse, a e harbor to city limita, third muth of 225 Archbishop's Palace Alfred st Princess. intersects John Street, west front Bagot to Kelly Very Rev Thomas, Vicar- 373 Crowley J W, carter West of Patrick, first north of Raglan NORTH SIDE. General of Kingston 279 Walker George Beeeher Rev Patrick A Roml. Swift's Wharf 381 Vacant Meagher Rev Michael mums sum. Swift James & Co. coal deilers 383 Meredith A Brock, grocer O'Brien Rev Patrick 0 House, s e Railway crossing 385 Barlow Thomas Barrie st interaects Ilawken %NM, shoemaker St Lawrence Inn 387 Morley Wm 247 (Iottle Mrs Letitia P Store s e Warehouse, a e 389 Hay John st intersects 249 Coughlin Mrs Elizabeth Montreal Ontario st intersects 391 Vacant 259 Martin Capt James F 9 Punis Thomas Terminus IIotel, s e 393 Campbell Matthew, milk 261 Boyd Miss Harriet. dreisimaker 11 O'Neill James 19 Nugent 3Irs Elizabeth 395 Davy Charles I 263 O'Connor Mrs Ellen 17 Whalen Patrick 21 McKillip Miss Mary Frontenac at Intersect); 265 Horsey Edwin 21 Cowie Robert 25 Lynch Misa Ellen 413 Vacant 267 &smile John 23 Driscoll Patrick 31 Cameron Mrs Etta 415 Nash Mrs Mary A Louise Public School 27 Sharman Jacob M 33 Gorrie Ilre Mary 417 Filtz Richard Division st intersects 29 Vacant 37 O'Shea Mrs Eliza 419 Hughes John J 291 1\lunday Alfred 31 Dunlop Robert Connell J C, oculist, s e 423 Bowie Thonms W 293 Guirey Daniel 35 Ahearn Joseph King st e istereects 425 Short Rev Wm 293 McKernan Mrs M A, groeer 47 Black James St George's r."athedral, s e 129 Davis John 295 A'Brien Mrs Ann 51 O'Rourke Francis Wellington st istersects 431 Sliter Ernest 0 297 Bedford John Haggerty John Congregational Church, s e Albert st intersect); 301 Hayward William 55 Cassidy Mrs Sarah Murray R B. rear, sexton 445 Comper John, contractor McCambridge Francis 307 Scott David G 67 87 'McWilliams Charles B Nelson at commences 307 (a) Thor-Mon Samuel 59 Germain J Edmund McWilliams Charles A, rear McCoy John T 309 Boyd George 67 Phillips Charles Massy Mrs Martha, rear Wheelock Milton B st intersects 311 Wood Mrs Abby A Patrick McKane NIrs Jennie, rear 467 Payne George A 211 O'Relly Thomas House, a e Vacant house, rear Victoria st commences Miss Mary 315 McSorley Charles J Dinsmore Quilicia Stephen, rear Toronto st Commences 317 Reid Mrs Marion SIN TR SIDE. Bernier Alfred, rear Macdonnell st intersects 319 Lawless Peter, cab owner 93 Laing Rev Douglas Ault Miss Harriet, dressmaker House, a e Lawless James, cab owner A lane Baptist Church Itegent st commences 323 Fowler Mrs Jane Oity limits House, a e 101 Crook Frederick A 225 Sloan John Johnson 0 G, florist Montreal st intersects 103 Gleeson Misses M & S, dressmakers 327 Greer Roger Johnson G M D, market garden Store a e Begot st intersects 233 Knapp James F Prison Hotel Dieu grounds road intersects 8 Irwin Mrs Annie 335 McDonald John Hotel Dieu Monastery SOUT E SIDE. 10 Monett Henry R 337 Nesbit Robert W Sydenham st isterserts G T R wharf 12-14 Bailey Charles 339 Ostler Bros, butchers G T R freight sheds St John's Seperate School Houston Rev Samuel Store, s e Brunett Mrs Mary, caretaker 185 Smith John S Railway crossing University ave intersects C T R station 42 Gossage John 187 Vacant 349 Store, s e Hanley's General Ticket Agency COMBINATION Gal AND rLECTRIC rocruaz• s...ANGLINo&sCO.,s. 1. H. BRECK *50 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES IN STOCK. REPAIRS or A, KINDS scRANT0N comaB ELECTRICIAN, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 NG ELECTNIC kirertas. TELEPHONE 94. 339 KINGSTON. ONT. DIRECTORY. 14 KINGSTON STREET KINOSTON STREET DIRECTORY. 45

162 Ward Mrs Anna M 312 White Mrs Hannah Johnston St. - 4'ontinued. EAST SIDE Sydenhata st intersects Baseball grounds Ontario st intersects Murnay Tower House, g e 314 O'Brien Mrs Mary Store s e Macdonald Park 172 Des Rochers Mrs Mary 316 Francis William 16 Harris. John Emily st ends 176 Hickey John 318 Park George 18 Vacant 31 Nickle William 180 Mowat Prof John B 322 Gates Win J 20 Quigley Miss Nfargaret, çonfy 45 Montizambert Lt-Col C 182 Osborne George 328 Milo Frederick D 24 Hurley Patrick 49 Pense Edward J 13 Ladies' College 330 Mitchell William II Vacant house, rear 196 Kingston 62 Maclean Andrew Cornwall Mrs Mary 332 Muckier Win Rochefort Anthony Maitland at ends 26 Clergy st ntersects 334 and 336 Vacant 28 Manning Edward J 81 Short Mrs C House, s e 340 Goodearle John A 34 Jones James H 85 Kent Mns Amelia M 216 Laidlaw John House, s e 36 Sinnott Myles, cab owner Simcoe st ends Johe jr University ave interse.ta Purtell John, rear 218 McKay Hendry James A House, s e Jamieson Joseph, plumber 220 'Pompeii Mrs Elizabeth Weit st inten§ects 42 352 Nisbet Francis 44 Guardpipie Mni Catherine 222 Norris II It James 123 Mudie John 224 Rees Charles F 354 Lamb Richard 46 Haley Thomas 125 Robinson George A Mrs Caroline 356 Johnston Henry Haley Mrs Thomas, confy 226 Voight 131 Calvin Hiram A boarding 258 Hattan Archibald King st e intersects 228 Chapman Mrs R, 133 Fraser lint Catherine Anderson J II 11104 360 Macdonald Mni Marie House. s e 232 141 Fenwick Mrs Mariatu 238 Itotas Mes Mary J 262 McKenty John 52 Garrett R W. physician 157 Kitson Lieut-Col Gerald C 240 Vacant 364 Slater Win 0 54 Dalton Wm B Union at intersects Barrie st intersect , 266 Johnson Napoleon B 68 Henderson Mrs Mary 161 Swift James Rev T 0 Alfred st interse.'ts Wellington st intersects 242 Brown 165 McParland James Congregational Church House, s e House, s e Rethel 167 Briggs Thomas Hopkinson Edward 382 Knott Walter 70 Dwyer John 258 169 Robertson I/ Stewart Thomas 386 Lee James 78 Storehouse 260 Cooke 191 Ferguson William 262 Knight Robert Frontenac at intersects 80 Vacant Gore st intersects 264 Bradden James 408 Wilkins Henry 84 Kelly James H 193 Oliver A S. physician Herbert 11 410 Walker Herbert L Convent of the Congregation de 26C Cook 197 Vacant Clarke Mrs Sarah 412 Casiddy Willian H Notre Daine 268 199 Herald John, physician 'Watts James, market garden 414 Filtz Philip Bagot st interseets 27e 203 Norton-Taylor Col 416 Arthur Miss Mary Duncan House. a e 276 Paul John 213 Curtis C L. physician Wright Mrs Caroline 418 Patterson Mrs Ellen 112 Givens Nirts Susanna 278 Division st interseets 420 Megarry James Eari st intersects 114 Dowsley William 221 Folger Benjamin W 422 Harpell lira Mira J 116 Vavant 282 Carey John :23 Hart William D 424 Callaghan James 118 Vacant 284 Brennan Michael Bank of Montreal 426 Anderson James 120 Cole Edward 286 Curran James 428 Green Charles William st intersects Rachel, nurse 288 Beaupre Mrs Harriet Regiopolis Tarrant Miss 430 Perry Edward College 122 Hendry Robert jr 290 Ferris John Matthews John (upstairs) Albert st intersects 126 Rigney William 292 Perris Charles 253 Arnold Airs Niargaret 444 Peck James S 121 Birley Mrs Minnie 294 Swanson Mrs Harriet J 255 Orrell Thomas Collingwood 136 Jamieson William 296 Fowler Wm st ends 255 (al Nfatthews John Macdonnell at 138 Carey Mrs Joseph 298 IIamly Colin S interseets 257 O'Hara Henry Prison road intersects 140 Wurtele Capt Alfred G G 302 Asselatine Isaac, contractor 259 Orrell Thomas, painter 804 Sleeth Nfrs Mary Shea Cornelius, rear 142 Sutherland Miss Matilda King 146 Rudd Thomas G 206 Jackson Mne Catherine Street East, from Barrie St. Store, s e to Catarriqui River, 148 McNeil Neil 308 Richardson Miss E A, dresimaker second from Johnston harbor st interaects 154 Dolesley D lf, physician 310 Vacant 265 Connell J C, oculist and aurist and General Life classifies Its risks like The Temperance SPECIALTIES BELLS, ANNUNCIATOR'S. The Sceptre past five years shows a - ■■ ELECTRIC HEATERS. Life, and its record for the I. H. BRECK• • • profits, • e•ee WIRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. saving in mortality In its Temperance Section of 43.37 s, for and ELECTRICIAN, ClecTnic •UP•LIC•. TELEPHONE 94. In Its General Section of 15.20%. J 339 V."., KINGSTON, ONT. ■ KINGSTON sTREET J IRECTORY. KINGSTON sTREET GIRF.(ToRT. 47

240 King St. East -Continued. 407 Gowan James Irwin Mrs Marion Princeas at interseets Capt John G William 267 Partrdige le W. wire wons 409 Hurley at intersette 360 Sullivan lion M, physician Wylie George 0 244 Kilborn R K, physician 279 Caulfield Nine Mary 411 Sullivan I) V, physician ('harles 250 British American Hotel 411 Stahlschmidt Smith Very Item' B B, IID 774 Bushell John Clarence st intersects 415 Little William 32 Allen G H no McDermott John le Barrack et intersect.; 254 Clements Leonard 322-88 lieDe 295 Dominion Express Co tt .1 le, carriages House. a e 260 Stearne Philip, furrier Swift J F, insurance Queen at intersects Bowen House 264 Gildersleeve Nlias Lucretia Swift James & Co tbranc\), coal 419-425 A M Street Railvvay sheds 427 Bush John Johnston st Interne:is 297 Dolman Robert 11, bicycles Kingston Conlage Co Frideriek 0 St Hoppins Abiram, bicycles 129 Eccles George's Cathedral 402 Frost W n, carriage painter Mrs Eliza J Custom Flouse Angrove H. bicycle repairer 431 Trenhail Martin J le, sign painter Hansen James Hamilton C, collector Fourteenth Club 433 404 Burton Samuel, uphol 435 Vacant 414 303 Roche 11 11, druggist Clarence at intersects Hull Edward Market st ends House, s e Ontario Chambers 416 Aubin William H Place d'Armes intersectg Market square North American lÀfe Assuce Barrack st intersects intersects Co Brock st WEST mil:4E Ontario Bank 420 Fenwick Dr Thomas M Co 327 Canadian Express City Park 202 Toye R. H. baker and confectioner 428 Morrison William Express Co American Macdonald monument 304 McIntyre & McIntyre, barristers Morrison Mrs Vi'm, eonfy 331 Loucks E B, hardware West st inters.--' 706-310 British Whig Hackett Mrs Sarah upstairs Reeve John, 130 Black I) A. den,tiat 316 Franklin C frosty City Pound 335-7 Vacant 132 Simpson-Isaac 3I 9 Town Mrs Elizabeth 434 Lynch Mra Catherine 339 Breck I H, electrician 134 Vacant 720 Leahy T J. grocer 438 Taylor Nirs F, confections It, upstairs Tomlinson George 136 Vacant 222 Waddington Bros, butchers Place d'Armes interse3t5 liquors 341 NieParland James, 138 Price Cornelius V 224 Collender Hotel 343 B888 0 L, jeweller 326 156 Strange 0 Ss M Behan J J, grocer King Street West, west from Barrie 345 Lee Albert J, barber Union st e intersects 328 rseid W if, butcher along the lake shore to Portsmouth. Vacant upstairs 160 De Roche Nint M, boarding Grahen Thomas, hide dealer 347-9 Spangenberg F w, jeweler 162 Thompson Thomas I' NORTH SIDE. Brock st intersects Uphill John, upstairs 164-166 Clow Franklin. grocer 1 Carter Roderick C Wade Henry, druggist 351 Vacant 168 Garrett NIrm Caroline 13 Lewis Most Rev Jno Travers, OD, 332 Shaw Robert, barrister 361-3 Dunlop Wm, merchant taller 172 Nelson Alick D LLD, Archbishop of Ontario McCann J S R, 355-7 Fisher J H, grocer House, s e insurance 21 Cunningham Miss Agnes Princess st intereets Gore st interse, Det7arteret Clement, ninfrit agt George st commences Murphy L W, grocers, s e 190 Pressley John Newlands William, architect 25 Wilkinson John W 7. 74 Sheldon 369 David & Holmes, farm implements 196 Olsen John & Davis, photographers 27 Varney Richard W Bailli' 371 Magnet Daniel. barber 198 Vacant Wm, printer 29 Bateson James Van 373 Waddell J F. harnemsinaker 202 Stuart John S Luven Charles H 21 Campbell E'dward J 336 Bibby 375 Bristow .1 G. plumber 204 Craig Mrs Agnea The H I) Co, clothing 73 Wales Wilson E 372-340 Congresa 377 Flanagan T J, barber 208 Brownfield Mrs Annie E Hall 35 Purvis Nfrit Johanna 342 Gallagher 379 Stone C W, harnemmaker 212 Murray Wm, boarding E B, gents' furnishings 37 Williams Thomas 346-8 391 Shale« R J, blacksmith Earl srt intenteets Cunningham John, bicycles 39 Roach William 383-5 St Lawrence Hotel 218 Neill John Cunningham W J, watchmaker 41 Ooyle John, cab owner Queen st interse:Sa 220 Oklham Mrs Jane 30 Smith Brus, jewellers 43 Ryan Matthew P Coyle Mrs A A, dressmaker 352 Baker Win, tobacconist 393 Manion James T 45 Meilroy Nits Elizabeth 354 Boyd Isaac, Kingston Coal Co 222 Aubin Win P merchant taller Phillips Miss A, dressmaker Miss Mary 356 Jennings Harry, 401 McKegney Patrick, carter 224 Swift boots and shoes Militia Miss M J, milliner 126 Mnekleston Mrs Ann Leader, Miss M, 403 Collins Wm dressmaker 56 Massy John M 258 Howland 405 Flurley Jeremiah 232 Clench James, boarding Bros, clothing 69 ()lark 1Vm H, grocer S. ANGLIN & CO., Cora1NRT1oN CAR AND ELEOTIIIC FIRTUNEe H. BRECK ANa ELECTa1C Surnip IN STOCK. Streets, pEPAIaGOr-LKINa. raor Bay and Wellington ELECTRICIAN, ^ ►TLtATTCNOaoT0. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, ETC. gLECT111C HEATE11i. TELErMONE 94. 339 "IN*aT KINGSTON, ONT.


Ellerbeck ave commences 56 Smith Roberq stone quarry King St. West- l'ontinued. WEST SIDE 437 Shortt Prof Adam Adelaide at intentects O'Kiil at ends I Johnston at intrnutita "vinglit/ln ave commences Hospital grounds Burtch Albert W Pembroke at commences LivinSeton Ave, north frotn 4:17 81 Mc{Jonville Thomas McCall John T Kelly Thomas King w to union, tenth West or 83 Carswell Robert Durham at intersects Alwington ave commences Barrie 99 Higgins Joseph S Penitentiary grounds EAST SIDE. 101 Fitzgerald Patrick Mack Street, west frcon Alfred to Prison road commences House, a e 101 (a) McAll John -Nelson, first snuth of Princess Metcalfe James If Jones Mrs Annie. grocer George 10z; Rone , NORTH SIDE. 105 Coulson James S SOCTH SIDE Division at hterse^t9 Simmons A A, cnndle manfr 1)rennan Win M 107-9I)avy Mrs Dors, grocer Murnay Tower 43 Ryan 7 Carmichael Win D University ave commences Clifford Waker C Win F Lyon Herbert I 9 Mcf:uin Mrs Ann Daunt Joseph, boarding Macdooeld Park 117-119 13 White William J B 123 GlPeson John, ice dealer Robinson William, boat builder WEST SIDIC 15 Minnes Thomas D 127 Hewton John Abrams George M Vacant lionne 17 Newlands William 143 Moore Win Kingston Elastic Paint Co Burns Robert J Frontenac st intersects Harkness Samuel Vacant house Berrigan John L 165 23 IIanis Prof It Can St Lawrence ave commences Ice house Davidson at intersects 31 Mills George McAulcy Thomas Kingston Hoisery Co (Ltd) 34 Birmingham John R Albert ••Willow Cottawm;' B W Camp Glewan John, les house 36 Vacant et interxcts Albert at commences Breakwater 38 Vacant BOUTH BIDE Collingwood st commences 300 CTawtbrd Robert (branch), coal and 40 Edward John W Victoria Park Pipe's ice house wood 44 Hugo Nicholas Frontenac et intersects Newman*s cottages RaRhbun Company's lumber yard 46 Baylie Charles P Victoria Park 1 Newman William 302 Rvan Capt John 48 Graham James Albert et intcrsects 2 Jackson William Clarke 1. H & (70, malsters 50 Wood Nial P House, a e 3 Wood Chester W Grant William 62 Amey George B 4 Vacant Smith I.ieut-Col Henry R 54 Baiden Charles A Main Street, north-west from Col- 5 Evans James Allen Rev Joseph A 56 Davis Ebenezer R borne to Division, third west of Beverley at commences Kingston Pcnitlmtiary 62 Young Richard Sydenham Irw-in William, grocer EAST SIDH. 803 Wright John Lansdowne Street, north from Lower Bagot Street, Bagot Street Houee, s e to "Edgehill," Joseph Forlpscne York to Concession road, first west from Bay to James 9 SarsBeld George 309 Turnbuld Thomas of Division 21 McGill Archibald Hale's cottages EAST SIDE. 23 Montgomery Miss May, dressmaker É Bates Mrs E M. music teacher Lower Rideau Street, Rideau Pine at iatersw•ts 25 Maiden William J Botta Mrs H A etre(+t from Cataraqui to Montreal 4 Stoughton Miss Elizabeth HurNt Mrs James, grocer 27 Turpin George H 3. Mccallough William 3 Howard Herbert J McMahon James Macdonnell Street, north from Stanley st intersc•^t/ 35 Milne Peter J 2 Saunders Airs Katherine Union w to Princess, first west of House, s e 37 Barnes James 1 Patterson Capt Matthew Collingwood .ldclnide at inter^c -te Vacant house 39 Merchant Valentine HAST SIDB. Centre at commences WEST SIDE 41 ThomlNlon William Kingston Athletic grounds 43 Pratche2t George E Pine at inte+scets Driscoll William J Johnston Storms Abraham Hnuae, a e at intersects 45 Hume John Kearnq Patrick Bennett James 47 Crallin Edward House, a P Park at ends 39 (a) Shaw Samuel Vacant house Durham et intersects McOormack Samuel lVilrwm John 41 (a) Franklin James C by t e SPECIAITIES : ELLB , besthlv sraho ~~d ELECTR CNHEATEtRSO, R•, The Temperance and General Life ihâtahe . BRECK AN W I. H ~RtNO FOR [L[CTRIC LIGMTS . have the best re sults, and that every man should pay fully for his own risk . I ~ ~ ~ ELECTRICIAN, K N 6 s L ECrRiC s ue ►uis. TELE r HONE 94. 339 sT. INGSTON, ONT.


NORTH BIDE. Main SIL- Continued. llackett Miss Rose 141 Elmer Joseph 43 (a) Iipmsn BarneL C6ty buildings Kelly Mrs Mary 143 Warren William H 45 (a) Nolan John H Market House, s e 145-7 HaRner P A, grocer 47 (a) Martin James W SOUTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE Bay at intersects Raglan road intersects Stanley Ilouse Not buik o n 1 4 9 McCulla Jatrnaek groce r 23 a) Tynan William C Nolan Patrick, restaurant 151 Campsall Wallace P 153 And w 25 (a) Wilson Robert J A Lawless P F . grocer Montreal Street, north from 1(K3 McCann re 165 Rallie Thomas H 27 (a) Clark John 1 0 Hinds J R, soda water mnfr Brock to city limits, fifth west of 29 (a) Hogan Henry M 12 Lyons Bron, hide dealers the harbor 157 Sturgers Emanuel, carter 31 (a) Sands Charles M 14 Lyons CharMs, hotel North at intersects EAST SIDE . 33 (a) Nicholson Alexander 16 Inland Revenue Office 167 Dunn Ambrose J 35 (a) Lytle John W 18 Campbell George & Son, flour and 7 Ryan Edward, physician 169 Sulliv an Mrs Catherine 41 (a) Nicholson Thomas K fee d Kennedy Madame, dermat.ologist 173 Sullivan Michael House, s e Campbell W m Byrn" Miss C M . dtr6amaL•er 175 Hunter Peter WEST SIDE 20 Alexander James, exporter 11 Girey John 181 Sullivan Michael, contractor House, s e Caya D A . real entate 13 McConville Isobel, physician Miller's lane ends 12 Baird Robert York Co Loan & Savings Co 15 McCammon Mrs Mary A. 185 Irwin Capt Robert C 14 Taylor Richard 22-24 Halliday Fwlward, saloon 19 McCammon S H, physician 187 E6liott Jirs Jane 16 Elliott Henry Store, a e 21 Public Library 18b Murphy Jame s Ellice st commences Kingston School of Art 207 Curtis Miss M A, dressmaker 30 McCammon John Markland Street, weet from 24o 25 Mundell John, physician 209 Smith Thomas St.ore, s e 34 Qlenahan William liontrenl to Patrick, sizth north of 211 Diemond Charles 36 Clenahan Thomas PrincePa Princess at intersects Raglan road intet s eets Atm at commences Store, s e 213 Lemnwn Joseph . ttrocer NORTH SIDE 42 Smith William . 35 Vacant 215 Newnham Thomas F House, s e 39 Kiell W W, farm implements 217 Driscoll Joh n 44 Greeagan George Perryman John Raglan road intersects 41 Milo T W . painter 219 Paynter Hugh V acant house 26 Pogne George 43 Milo Thomas W 221 Bell John, baker St John's School grounds 38 (a) Morden Charles 47 Holder Miss Mary A 223 Pe rcy John A Barker Wm L 40 (a) Vacant Queen at intersects 225 Guirey Joh n Vacant hous e 46 Kendall Hiram St Paul's Churc h 243 McFarlane R N F, contractor 16 Whitehead Robert 48 Highland Samuel Artillery Park 245 O'Malley Miss Bridget 20 Hay Davi d Ordnance at intersects 2 47 McEwen Alexander 22 O'Brien TimoRhy, carter Maltla.-! d Street, north from the 118 Shortt Edward John at [ntersecL 119 Donnelly Mrs Mary harbor to King, second east of SOUTH SIDE . 25 6 Corkey Malcolm, grocer Barrie House, a e 120 Hunter Henry 257 David Ezra H E A ST SIDE . 34 Ashley George E 121 Bryant Thomas 0 259 Bennett Mrs P1im Kingston Yacht Club 36 King John 122 Sullivan John V 276 O'Toole Charles Kingston Ice Yacht Club titc(;rvRh Mrs Ellen 123 McDonnell Mrs Mary 277 Campbell Colin 18 Dunlop Miss Alb►na. boarding Bryant R William Easton Walte r 279 Murray Charles V House, a e Simpson Mrs Jame 124 Watts John H 279 (a) Newbery Henry, general store WEST SIDE Vacant house 125 Kirkpatrlck Samuel 281 Reeves Daniel 127 Kane Matthe 14 Skinner Mrs Annie w 283 Young David J 129 Dickson Mrs Annie Muse, s e Miller's Lane, west from 13aRot to 293 Sloan Miss Mary J Montreal, second north of Bay 131 McKenna James Flondy Charles Market Street, west from Ontario NORTH SIDE. 133 Richards Mrs Rosella 297 Countryman Thomas W to King, between Brock and Clar- House, s e 135 Andre Frederic k 299 Doher►,/ James 137 3icClynn Mrs Annie ence Vacant house 201 Cook .-oseph B S. ANGLIN & COMoNanON Gaz *50 tlirCrale 1, 1E1101.1re AND IELEcnuc Su••Leclie 11700.. BAY and WELLINGTON STREETS, 1. H. BRECK REP*Ins Km". PRourn.v ArtEsocoTo. SAWING, PLAYING, MATCHING, ELECTRICIAN. KING, MILL MOULDING, ETC. 94. 33 9 ST.. KINGSTON.VIS. VIII. WORK. ELEGTFDC HEstERS. TELEPHONE


Montreal St. —Continurti. WEST saint 210-212 l'oM ers Mn: E. grocer 676 Gorman 3bitthew 303 Sears E F, grocer Third Nlethodist Church, s e Raglan mad intersela Depot Scheel Charles e intereect» I' Itailway ear idiote A lane 214 Quigley James K & 305 R1air Mra Julia 12 Redick 3Irs E 0, dresamaker 216 O'Gortuan !triplet, carter K & P Ity emeting 307 Leaden Frederick A 14 Dowsley Wut, shoemaker 218 Gallagher F. cab owner Brady NIrs E, confections 309 Vacant 18 Moore W J, machinist, bicycle deal- 220 l'urtell Michael. grocer Potter Trueman 311 Frizzell Robert er and repairer 222 Branigan E P. butcher 680 Boakes James W 313 Gow Walter Martin C A, sign painter 224 Gallagher Miss Mary, dressmaker 684 Cuddeford Edwin J 316 Phelan Wm Times Office, s e 3Iarkliusi st commencer; 700 Hong John :t21 Greer John Princes« st intersects 240 311tple Leaf Hotel 728 Eunnell David 323 Judson James Store, s e 246 Walker Albert 740 Ilarmer James 0 325 Cunningham William II 26 Cannon G D. tailor Vacant, mar 770 Gogo John 327 MeConnack Thomas 28 Board of Education 248 Monck Henry 772 Fairhairn William 329 Devan Maurice PuLlic Behan' Library 250 Crowley Peter Hickson ave commences 331 Cohen Patrick Public School Inspector's Office 262 Cook Charles H. grocer 808 fluay Joseph Jantes st intersects 30 China Lee, laundry John st intersects Grand Trunk Midway Depot ltideau st ends 32 Sarsfield George, shoemaker 284 Itobba Ephraim Canada Railway News Co (Ltd1 665 Lawler Patrick 48 Albion Hotel 2..90 McCann NIre Bridget O'Brien Bruce 669 St Patrick's Separate School Queen st intersect. 292 Nagent NIne Esther G T R crosaing 675 Talion John House, s e 294 Monck Henry., barber Neilson Mrs Margaret 681 Castledine Charles Victoria terrace 296 Vacant 31.aekie James 699 Lambert k•An'uel 1 Darragh George 300 Robbs Ephraim, butcher Nicholson H E Wallace 706 Doyle Jot 2 Vacant 306-8 Allen R W. pillposter ami grocer Vacant bouse Fifth Mecnolist Church 3 Doyle Joseph H Charles st intente le 769 Henderem James 4 IIinckley Capt Coleman 312 Tooher Thomas, gmeer Nelson Street, north front Johnston 775 Amey George 6 Dick William R 324 Myers Henry J to Concession mad, third west of 777 Arney Nicholas 6 3Iadill James A 330 Palmer Met Nancy, boarding Alfred 793 Sweetman Thomas 7 Vacant 332 Monk Pcter EAST SIDE. 795 Vacant Vacant bouse 334 Tucker Ilichael 13 HouglaS Robert M Summerby James 104112 Wellington terraee 336 Shemutt 3Ire Anna B 15 Douglas Hugh Druce John 104 Meagher Mrs Margaret James st intereectis Druce Miss Ellen, grocer 17 McQuade John 106 Downey. Mrs IIester 356 Srtrachan Henry Guess 19 Pattereon Robert II James Downey Joseph 358 Burton MN Maria Postottlee 21 Vacant 108 Chedik Otto 358 TIlson Robert 23 Rea Wm A . Campbell Ales, grocer and P M Knott Frank 362 House of Industry Broek st ends Vacant house 110 Ockley Thomas G 390 3Iarsh James Grant Frederick Brignall Robert 112 Urquhart Archibald 398 Holder William Unfinished house Hanter Robert Oninance st intersects 402 Bucknell James Carley Walter McKity 3Irs Ann House of Proviidence 404 Kennedy James Ntack st ends Phillips Mrs Mary Bay st intersects 406 Merkmald Nha Bridget 137 Black Frederick Delaney Mrs Mary 142 11cLaughlin Frederick, baker 410 McKenty Patrick 141 Graham Joseph P Vacant houses (2) 144 Martin Miss Elizabeth Stephen at commences 149 Fillion Mrs Susan G T R croesing 146 Chonm Adolphus Vacant house 153 Hyland John Vacant homme (3) 148 N'amuit 464 Dinsmore John C 155 Aylesworth Andrew B Hanscombe William T 176 O'Conneil Richard, shoemaker stone dealer 157 Vacant O 466 Shufilebothatu W S, Storey Charlet 200 Grillin Joseph 468 Matthews 3Int Catherine 159 McDonnell Win A Merrin John 202 O'Reilly Felix 480 Skelbon Anthony 161 Bennett William Abbott John J 208 Tetro James Russell st commences 165 Newlande John BELLS, ANNUNCIATORS, has shown beyond a doubt that the lives of Ab- SPECIALTIES • ELECTRIC HEATERS, Actual Experience . stainers are better lives for Insurance than those BRECK of Non-Abstaine s, and no one will dispute the fact that the best lives H. • • • • main° roa ELECTRIC LIGHTS. should have the cheapest and best Insurance. . . To get it patronize The ELECTRICIAN, KING Temperance and General Life. ELECTRIC •UP•LIESI. TELEPHONE 94. 339 KINGSTON, ONT.


19 Lennon Fekix 193 Sailors' Rest —Continued. Barn Nelson St 23 Kindlier Thomas M 195 Vacant 171 Davy Wm R House, s e Montreal sit intersects Black Thomas (upstairs) Clarence st intersects 173 Davy Samuel 25 McAuley Robert J K & P Ry Station and offices Princess et intersects SOUT E SIDE. 29 Dine Thomas C Canadian Pacific Ry Sttition Store, a e K & P Ry pers 31 Vacant Bay of Quinte Ity Station Gunn Mrs Jane Railway crossing 195 Kingston FoundrV Brock st intersects 207 laingdon Win. contractor hioaier John Union tit intersects l'housand Island House 209 Dix Capt Joseph Page John D Railway cottages Kingston Milling Co 211 Vacant Rideau et intersects 1 Vacant House, s e K & P Ity stables York st ends 2 Dine Mark 62 Calaneey Mrs Mary A Fire Station No 1 House, s e 3 Byron Joseph H 64 Mullen James Miller William Fair grounds 4, 6.7 and 8 Vacant 66 'Petro Michael 5, hall John. rear 9 McManua John WEST SIDE 'Louse, s e 253 Gaiikin Capt John 10 Vacant Burke William S Bagot st intereecta Princess st intersects 11 Fitzgerald David Fisher John Corrigan Daniel, grocer 257 liouse 12 Vacant Stevenson Adolphus W Walah Thomas 259 Vacant 13 Chriwtian Wm Gunn Daniel H Corrigan Patrick 261 Tierney James, grocer 14 Byron Wril 124 Cemic Wilkiam J House. a e 263 Oklreive & Horn, sailmakers Montreal st intersects 15 Lenehan Mise Annie 126 Bruce !tin; Elizabeth 265 Vacant 16 Corrigan Wm 126 (a) Bruce Wm 267 Gaudreau Zephyrin. grocer Knott Joseph, rear 128 Hardy Oorodan 0'1(111 Street, west from 211 Barrie to Paradis I'eter, upstairs Thompson Mrs Mary, rear 130 Woods William 11 V King west 278 Vtioant Pelon Dennis, rear 132 Gidt"ngs Walter NORTH SIDE 275 Clockhum William Gore st intersects 134 Kennedy Alexis HOLERP, a e 277 Cockburn W & Son, blacksmiths Canadian Locomotive and Engine 138 Vacant 15 Willis Hugh Queen st intersects Company Limited 140 Carver John, contractor George st intersecta M T Co's storehouse . Ill Vacant 142 Mcilquham James General Hospital grounds 291 Donoghue Bras, grain 113 Vacant 293 144 Vacant E SIDE Tierney Patrick, grocer SOUT 121 Clancy Thomas 170 Follett Wm, market garden House, a e Entrance to M T Co's elevator 1257 Craig W G & Co, whol PS de Williamsville Public School, s e 20 Hitchen M Harry Barrack st intersects gTOC411 Princess at intersects George at inteise•ts Tete de Pont Barracks House, s e Warehouse Bowman & Rickey, St Luke's Church William st intersects boat livery Reynolds Robert 40 Fowler Michael T 11 yards Qatar:mid Bridge John Vacant house 42 Shea G T R City Depot WICST SIDE. 44 Francis John E Langdon John, apiarist Richelieu & Ontario Nay Co Henderson John W 48 Blhckweil James W Hanley's General Ticket AgencY Iiendenton Nicholaa, artist, 50 Herron John Johnston at intersects 10 Forrest Wm H North Street, west from the riverto 52 Regan Mrs Elizabeth 171 Hendry J A mnfra' agent 22 Vacant Sydenham, first north of Bay 62 Vacant Booth & Co ;branch), coal, etc 32 Orals Wm G NORTH SIDE Store, a e The Calvin Co, Limited Shedden Co's stable, K & P Ry round house 173 qtorehouse House, 8 e Railway crosing Ontario Street, north front West 175 Vacant Union st intersects Queen City Oil Go street to Cataraqui Bridge, first west 183 Robertson Geo & Son, a holesale 54-56 Sullivan Mrs F.,4 grocer Rideau at interse.-ia of the harbor grocers 58 Brouse John R Swift James & On. atorehonae 60 Christian Wm Vacant building EAST SIDE 189 Fenwick, Hendry & Co, wholesale 62 Thompson George R House, s e Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co potent 64 Wickham Charles • H•g04 st Interaects Water Works Pumping Station w•••••••••••-TY


194 Kirkpatrick & Roger», barristers Orchard Street, nort h (roui Catora- 145 Tetro Lewis A Ontario St.—ecntintied. Bawden Joseph, barrister qui, first 4,1st of Rideau 147 Eves Daniel, carter 66 Vacant Hailing John, caretaker 149 Atkin Patrick 68 Shamy Salim, fancy goods EAST SIDE 196-198 Folger Bros, bankers Frontenac Park 70 Vacant Smelting Works Thousand Island Steamboat Go Alma and York sts 72 Shortt John W Keenan James, watchman commence St Lawrence River Steamboat Co 187 Ryan Mra Elizabeth 74 Vacant Clarence st intersects WEST SIDE. Barrie st intersects 76 Hawley hIrs Elizabeth 200 Snook T L, barrister House, s e Noble James 78 Waahburn esrt 202-4 Stanley House 2 Lalonde Francis H Rochefort Capt Alexander 80 Burke John Market at commences 4 Clazier Charles 62 Bird Langley SotrTH SIDE Gore st intentects City buildings 6 Mahoney James House, s e Sharpe Mrs Elizabeth, grocer Bank of British North America Edmund Scrutton 64-6 flouse, s e Stafford Reuben, caretaker River et 90 Erskine John, shoemaker commences Rideau ist intersects 90 1-2 Corrigan :11re Eliza Lanigtui Andrew, caretaker House. s e 92 Bulger James Brock et luterseits Ordnance Street, west from Wei- 42 Mullen Patrick 228 Kennedy House 94 and 96 Vacant ington or Barrie, third north 44 Burns Patrick 234 Nation Joseph, rtsmiuraut 96 Joyce John of Princess Smith Mrs Elizabeth Sullivan John 236 Lachapelle Felix A. barber 46 MeCornnick Patrick 100 240-242 .Athletic House NORTH sum. Vacant 48 Martin Nina Louise 102 244-8 Mass e Wm jr, lumber flouse, s e 106 Petitt Isaac Ragot at intersects 260 Madsen 11 0, geld repairer Chambers Charles J, carter 108 IlousO, s e 76 Carvin Edward 252 Gowdey James, butcher Earl st commences Rideau on intersects M ontt-ea/ st intemects Yard Princess st intersects House, s e House, s e Kingston Vehicle Co, s e 39 Francis Lewis Long Charles E 108 Crowley hips C W, grocer Co 41 MeEwen 128-132 Carnovsky Wood hlufg 268 Burtch Ira John F 110 Crowley Charles W 43 hlurray's Electric Carpet Cleaning 270 Stansbury George A Simons Alfred M 112 Goyette Joseph 42 Works 272-4 :Unclean Andrew, grocer Towers William J 114 Elder :Andrew A 47 134-6 Nicholson Thomas, butcher Kennedy Charles Green Charles A 116 Kirkwood James st inter-400t 5 276 Milian J, butcher 49 Mallen William Michael 116 Marchand Charles E yard Clty Nancarrow Frederick Bard st intersects 124 Hastings Wm 144 Dublin House 282-284 McCarey Bernard, grocer 73 Bennett Robert J Sydenham st intersects 148 Pipe Walter. restaurant Queen st intersects 75 Deeks William W House, s e Vacant, rear 286-288 Lake View House 77 Gillespie James 134 Potts John Clarke James 160.2 290 Vacant flouse, s e 142 Vacant Revell Edward J 164 292-4 Langbort L. junk dealer hfontreal at intersects 146 Lyons Patrick Vacant 156 298-300 Globe liotel Houe of Providence 150 Lundin Jonas 164 Western Hoarse 306 hIcCarthy l'homas 115 McAvey Andrew 162 David Mrs Mary 168 Harris John 208.12 Dominion House 117 Van Winkel Niai Johnston st intersecta Housee, s e Rarrack at intersets 119 Allen 114ns 172 Terminus Hotel Elizabeth Clergy st ends CA The, builders' supplies 121 174 Twitehell Col M H, 11 8 Consul Rathbun Donovan Daniel Hours:, s e Place d'Armes commences 123 176 Ontario Powder Works Thompson Peter M 178 Abernethy Wm James, coal and wood 125 178-182 Hotel Frontenac Sowards 'McDonald Hector 184 Newlands Mrs Elizabeth Co's shipyard 184 Theobald J M. barber M T Sydenham st intersects Nevvlands Alexander, contractor Dominion Boat Co, boat builders 188 Be ie Telephone Co Store, s e 188 Gardiner James livery 188 Cuatoms Examining Warehouse Knapp A C. boat 135 Cockburn Wm jr 190 McBride Archibald Knapp Mrs Mary A 190 Robertson D S, broker 139 Ball Eduard H 192 McBride Samuel Donaldson Joseph, collector of tolk 141 192 Kingston, Portsmouth & Catara(lui Parent Napoleon 194 Wilson Wm A Cataraqui Bridgt Electric Railway Co 143 MeAvey Charles Barrie st intersects