Is This License Comparable? – the Issue of Related Transactions 116
MARKABLES Is this license comparable? – The issue of related transactions 116 Is this license comparable? – The issue of related transactions White Paper Dr. Christof Binder Schwyz, March 6th, 2018 About Trademark Comparables AG / MARKABLES Trademark Comparables AG is a privately held, Swiss based company engaged in the valuation and capitalization of IP, notably brands and customer relations. Trade- mark Comparables AG develops valuation methods and provides input data for valu- ation algorithms to appraisers, accountants, auditors, tax advisers, brand owners, banks and investors all over the world. Trademark Comparables AG operates MARK- ABLES®, the leading and unique source for trademark values worldwide. MARKA- BLES® contains the results of 10,000 reported and audited trademark valuations re- sulting from acquisitions and transactions. For more information regarding MARKA- BLES®, please visit Trademark Comparables AG Bahnhofstrasse 48 CH-6430 Schwyz Switzerland +41 (41) 810 28 83 MARKABLES Is this license comparable? – The issue of related transactions 216 Content Establishing comparability 3 Related parties 3 Related transactions 4 The nine CUT agreements used in Amazon vs IRS 5 1. Merchandising Corp. of America and Sports Archives, Inc., 1991 6 2. The Sports Authority, Inc. and Mega Sports Co. Ltd., 2004 6 3. Rampage Clothing Company and Charlotte Russe, Inc., 2001 8 4. F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation and The Right Start, Inc., 2002 9 5. Kmart Corp. and Kmart Australia Limited, 1994 10 6. Kmart Corp. and Kmart New Zealand Limited, 1994 7. Snap! LLC and ValueVision International, Inc., 1999 11 8. MacMark Corporation and Equilink Licensing Corporation, 2000 12 9.
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