REQUEST FOR INFORMATION & IDEAS (RFI) FOR CITY OF CHICAGO MUNICIPAL MARKETING PROGRAM Re sp o nse No : 0 602 17 Required for use by: CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Issued by: CITY OF CHICAGO Department of Finance Department of Technology & Innovation Department of Transportation SIX (6) HARDCOPIES OF THE RESPONSE AND SIX (1) CD or Flash Drive OF ANY PRODUCT LITERATURE OR DATA MUST BE SUBMITTED All responses shall be addressed and returned to: Carole Brown, Chief Financial Officer Attention: Colleen Stone Department of Finance Bid and Bond - Room 700, City Hall 121 North La Salle Street Chicago, II 60602 Responses must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, on Monday, July 24, 2017 the outside of the envelope or package must clearly indicate the name of the project, “RFI for Municipal Marketing and Smart City Innovations,” Response No. 060217 , the time, and the date specified for receipt. The name and address of the Respondent must be clearly printed on the outside envelope or package. RAHM EMANUEL CAROLE BROWN MAYOR CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1 Colleen Stone, Project Manager, (312) 742-6958 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SUBJECT: RFI FOR INFORMATION AND IDEAS FOR THE CITY OF CHICAGO MUNICIPAL MARKETING PROGR AM AND “SMART CITY” INNOVATIONS AND O PPORTUNITIES THROUGH THE USE OF CITY ASSETS. INQUIRIES: All inquiries or questions must be directed to Colleen Stone, Project Manager, Office of the Chief Financial Officer at the City of Chicago Department of Finance, Room 700, 121 N. LaSalle St., (312) 742-6958, or by email at
[email protected], Questions must be received no later than 4:00 p.m.