Trait d’Union 2017

Femmes Internationales Murs Brisés

The will to unite


About the Oath of Humanity©

To live on a peaceful planet is the hope of all human beings. From hope to reality, a lot of work remains to be done. The Oath of Humanity© is opening a path made of bonds and mutual aid. There is no other way out than a patient painstaking work, carried out with all the good wills, to break the walls of hatred and intolerance that hide the true destiny of the world. But proposing innovative ideas is always a challenge. First of all, these ideas may meet strong opposition. It may go stonewalled by a disapproving frowning eyebrow or a blatant contempt. There are also benevolent people who ask no questions, they feel the importance of the issue and engage themselves spontaneously. Only an exchange of glances emphasizes a mutual understanding, beyond words. And time, which is a great master, accomplishes its temporal work of wisdom. And what was unthinkable yesterday becomes obvious. The Oath of Humanity© offers an enlarged vision of human relationships, a new connection, a bridge that must be crossed. The so-called "together". Tell me, how is it still possible to fight on questions qualified as existential, and they abound, when the earth and all that lives, dies of hunger, thirst and lack of love? Where are we? Where is humanity going to? The Oath offers a moment of reflection and an opportunity for commitment. It is a wish, a promise of alliance, a helping hand. The pact offers an open space within our consciousness where the hope of another world can flourish, wiser and more tolerant, above all more respectful of the values. Reality, or perhaps the dream of another shore, where humanity must head for, at last. I understand. Reaching for the sky sometimes makes you dizzy... but is not it time to dare?... the first step.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama officially gives his support to the noble goals of FIMB for a better world. In Dharamsala, HP On October 24, 2017

Page 4-5 - General description


ABOUT US Femmes Internationales Murs Brisés (FIMB), established in 1990 by Evelyne Mesquida, is a global mutual aid network. It establishes connections with all the actors in society who contribute to building a better world. It is a network of networks where the partners are independent. FIMB is an apolitical and non-confessional organization which is based on women's sensitivity facing the difficulties of the world and their commitment to resolve them. Men who stand in solidarity with our values support us. In 2017, FIMB represents 350 million people who take action on the ground in 105 countries.

OUR VOCATION The protection of life in all its aspects The diffusion of high values at the heart of the actions


OUR NETWORK The Concept "Broken Walls" This concept brings together means, skills and know-how, beyond borders, affiliations and ideals. It incorporates the notion of diversity of cultures and ideas.

Components of our network


- A Management Board; - International representations - A committee of honorary members - International delegates - The circle of ambassadresses - Relay points - A patrons’ committee - Members - Partners - Volunteers - National representations

Network management and development The network grows naturally thanks to our actions in the field: humanitarian missions, environment, interfaith, education to nonviolence, training courses, support for our partners, conferences and seminars, artistic representations. - Our International Academy of Nonviolence teaches Chindai©, a method standing for high values in different spheres of society, and trains speakers. - The Blue Swan Guild, our company of artists, creates and produces choreographic performances in the service of non- violence. - The Oath of Humanity seals the alliance between all people of good will concerned by the emergence for a better world. Each signer promises to build bridges, pass on high values, carry out joint actions in various fields. - To live with all the diversities in a world of peace, a section Tradi-Link has been open to religions, traditions and philosophies since 2009.

OPERATION The link Each member, individual or organization, signs a protocol or a membership form that formalizes the link and defines the mode of operation. The signing of our charter of ethics concretizes the agreement on high values: mutual aid, reciprocity, respect and responsibility.

Management The International Headquarters, based in Perpignan (), defines the strategy of the network, ensures coordination and respect of the missions. The management team is composed of 3 employees and 50 volunteer people; it enables the daily accomplishment of the objectives. The individuals’ and the partners’ membership fees, the actions of the Academy of nonviolence, the conferences and the donations represent the sources of funding for the network. These funds help to create new representations, humanitarian missions and actions with our partners. This mode of operation guarantees sound, sustainable and independent management.

Network accounting Every year, in France and abroad, our representations and partners communicate the extent of their own network: - presence in the countries - counting their direct members and their partners FIMB compiles these figures. The total represents the number of people working within the network and the number of countries covered.

Communication FIMB communicates through its website, its bimonthly newsletter, breaking news notices, its annual journal Trait d’Union (The Hyphen) and events (conferences, shows, etc.).

Page 6 - TRIBUTE

Alexandre HOMÉ "The light in the shadows" 3

Alexandre Homé was born in Algeria (Oranie) in 1931. He left this world in February 2017 in the South of France. But it is there, on the other side of the sea, that he lived his childhood, his Christian education in a country where lived Jews and Muslims, his athletic training, his studies of agronomy, his beginnings in professional life and then, at 27, his marriage. Unclassifiable by nature, giving without restraint and without returns, always in the service despite oppositions, without giving himself a title to avoid labelling, he devoted his life to help others and gave his knowledge for all. He dedicated his life to infusing innovative elements into traditional sciences in many fields: martial arts, healthcare, research, ecology, knowledge ... His life sheds light on the depth of the path of service, always in accordance with the rule of free will, he showed us the way of Faith, Responsibility and Righteous action. He gave the example of a tireless life of work, a path of reserve and solitude accomplished in all simplicity, without any ostentation, without ever imposing anything. He trusted men of good will, especially women, to bring back the sense of High Values to this world. For 27 years, he had supported FIMB as a co-founder member. Some people leave an immense void when they pass away, Alexandre Homé offers us his presence, so dense, so light, an open door on a future world, certainly a better world.

Evelyne Mesquida Founding Director

Thanks to this collection of highly inspired sentences, the author offers a unifying thread of great universal wisdom.


The Circle of Ambassadors brings together Women of the World who are willing to act with us. The first ladies, queens, princesses, Nobel prizes, great ladies, are emblematic figures in their country and their sphere of influence.

Princess Karina Bagration-Moukhransky Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies Shirin Ebadi Nobel Prize

We are privileged to welcome to the FIMB Ambassadors' Circle Mrs Mintou Doucouré Traoré, former First Lady of Mali. The wife of Professor Dioncounda Traoré, mathematician and acting president of the 2012 Transition, is a fighter of the first hours of democracy. A technical Advisor responsible for social action to the Prime Minister until her retirement, Ms. Doucouré Traoré has supported the socio-professional insertion of her country fellow persons with physical disabilities and blindness. She worked for the national reconciliation, seeking the involvement of all Malians, and specifically that of women for the central role they play in the social balance within the nation. On June 13, 2013 at the rostrum of the United Nations in New York, she made a strong plea to the place of her sister First Ladies, on the situation of the areas occupied as well as the suffering of women and children living in these areas. As such, the Voices of African Mothers organization has awarded her the Millennium Development Goals: 2013 Women's Progress Award. This award recognizes the efforts of her Association pour le Développement et les Activités en matière de Population (Association for Development and Population Activities) in the context of the Millennium Development Goals. Founded in 1987, ADAP- Mali operates in the areas of health, education and local development and focuses on the economic empowerment of women. Page 8 - OUR PATRONS

The new patrons

Pierre Barnerias


Pierre Barnérias worked in major media: Ouest France, RTL2, France 2, France 5. His career is marked by the idea that journalism is a link between men, playing a role in building a more just and humane world. His program Graines d’espoir (Seeds of Hope) portrays social entrepreneurs. He founded Flair Production to promote information solutions: Passeurs d'espoir, his series dedicated to sustainable development. With an interest in the big screen, he co-founded Flair Films and produced Les yeux ouverts (Eyes Open). His beliefs as a citizen, producer and director pushed him to found Tprod. With M and the 3rd Secret, he lifts the veil on the 3rd secret of Fatima. His latest documentary on the story of Severino Diaz, Sous peine d’innocence (Under penalty of innocence), was released on March 1st.

Abha Bhaiya Abha Bhaiya, Executive Director of Jagori Rural Charitable Trust in India, is part of the feminist movement of the 1970s. She is among the first in her country to examine the issue of single women, and puts the subject on the agenda. Her work also aims to help rural women become independent leaders. In 2002, she created the Training and Research Academy, India's premier center for feminist and ecological retreats and training. She is a member of several major regional and international organizations. Abha Bhaiya is the India coordinator of One Billion Rising, a women's mass action, created in 2012, calling for the end of violence against women.

Philippe Pozzo di Borgo Former head of the Pommery champagne house, the heir to the Dukes Pozzo di Borgo and the Marquis de Vogüé, two great families of the French aristocracy, became a quadriplegic at 42, following a paragliding accident in 1993. The death of his wife, 3 years later, plunges him into a deep depression from which he left thanks to his caretaker Abdel Yasmin Sellou. His experience and his return to life, which he tells in a book Le second souffle (The Second Breath), inspired the film Intouchables in 2011, a huge success with more than 52 million ticket sales worldwide. In 2012, he was decorated Knight of the Legion of Honor. Since 2003, for health reasons, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo has been living in Morocco, in the region of Essaouira. There he met his second wife Khadidja and founded a new family.


Pierre Rabhi, a signature that sings At the end of January, Pierre Rabhi launched Le chant des Colibris, the call of the world of tomorrow! A call for signatures ( and citizen gatherings in six cities in France from March to June 2017. "We, the signatories of this call, do not believe that politicians alone have the power to transform society. There is no providential man or woman. So that political and economic leaders may change, they need to be carried, accompanied, sometimes forced by a powerful movement, by millions of people who unite and engage in their daily lives.” A call heard by Alain Souchon, Arthur H, Nicolas Hulot, Marion Cotillard, Greenpeace France, Izia, Farms of the Future, Patrick Viveret, Emmaus ... In her own name, Evelyne Mesquida, founding director, signed this Call for the World of Tomorrow. Pierre Rabhi received on March 21st the insignia of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor from the hands of Ségolène Royal, Minister of the Environment.

Agnès Bricard Agnès Bricard, Honorary President of the Superior Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants and the Federation of Women Directors, received the insignia of Officer of the Legion of Honor on March 8 from the hands of Paulette Laubie, founder of the European Council of women, businesses and trade, first woman Commander of the Legion of Honor, and Martine de Boisdeffre, president of the report section and studies of the State Council, former director of the Archives of France. Elaine Kibaro In 2013, as part of the United Nations-sponsored World Disarmament Week, she inaugurated Bonneheure. tv, the web TV / radio of his association ORIAN. In May, for the 4th anniversary of the channel, Mikaël Productions, and ORIAN organize the Peace Trophy Awards at the cinema Le Desperado (Paris) with the exceptional projection of the feature film Love with words directed by the singer in 2012. A six-act play published in 2016 by Editions du Net also bears the title of this film, already seen by nearly 230,000 spectators. 5

Leili Anvar, when words fly away ... In 2012, Leili Anvar completed the versified translation of the Song of the Birds of the Iranian medieval poet Farid ud-Din Attar. As a showcase for this work, the Sacred Music Festival of Perpignan offered her a concert and text reading. To recite an excerpt from the 8,000 verses of this great classic of Eastern mysticism, Leili Anvar was accompanied by the literary essayist and journalist Frédéric Ferney, and Fady Zakar, a musician specializing in traditional instruments. Caroline Carmona Mesquida and Magali Domin of the FIMB Headquarters appreciated this pleasant moment of grace.

PPDA Patrick Poivre d'Arvor has been on CNews since February, every Friday evening from 6 pm to 8 pm, to host a literary program, Vive les livres, followed by a debate on the news, + de recul with Rachid Arhab.

Marc Leval Through his choice of innovative conferences, Marc Leval, founder of ABC Talk Production, offers another gateway to the world. A beautiful philosophy to find on:

Page 10 - LIBRARY

Jacques Salomé The last book by Jacques Salome A Zest of Eternity was published in May (Les Editions de l’Homme). Beyond the silence that envelops him today, he continues to give life to projects, to plow the furrows he has so carefully dug, to tirelessly meet his readers, accompanied by his faithful wife Valeria.

Laurent Gounelle Et tu trouveras le trésor qui dort en toi (And you will find the treasure that sleeps in you) (Éditions Kero). In this new moving and captivating novel, Laurent Gounelle takes us into an exciting universe to discover what allows man to rise to another dimension, where his actions are powerful and his joy a lasting state.

Genevieve Delpech After the death of her husband and French singer Michel Delpech, with the days passing, Genevieve Delpech experienced the irresistible desire to reconnect with the one she missed so much. But how do you do it? In this new book Te retrouver (Find you again) (Ed. First), she tells readers how she managed it and how, from one world to another, they continue to dialogue and share an ever-lasting love.

Dr. Jean-Jacques Charbonier Cette chose... une révélation époustouflante sur l’après-vie (This thing ... a breathtaking revelation about the afterlife ) (First Editions). A young M.D., Dr. Charbonier has a shattering revelation: the soul survives the death of the body and continues to exist in another dimension. Since then, he has become one of the world's greatest specialists in life after life. In this personal exciting book, he gives us the fruit of his research on the subject. How can consciousness manifest outside the body?

Henri Joyeux and Jean Joyeux Manger mieux et meilleur de 0 à 100 ans (Eat better and better from 0 to 100 years) (Editions du Rocher). The diseases of civilization are numerous. Linked to our way of life and deficits of our immune defenses, they affect us all near and far. Fortunately, eating better and better helps maintain, wake up and boost your immunity, and thus rebuild your health. It's never too late to change! You will be trained to discern biased information from seductive advertisements. 6

Marlène Ionesco Director, producer of film documentaries, Marlène Ionesco is passionate about dance, whether classical or contemporary. Her latest project, Backstage, released in December 2016, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of dance in magical places like the Paris Opera or the Mariinsky Theater in Saint-Petersburg.

Cyril Massarotto In February, Cyril Massarotto published Quelqu’un à qui parler (Someone to talk to) (XO Editions). He signs a novel full of accuracy, tenderness and humour on the child who still lives in us ... and we must never forget to listen. The main protagonist, a 35-year-old adult, has a regular telephone conversation with himself when he was a 10-year-old. Thanks to this unexpected and unhoped dialogue, Samuel will, little by little, become an actor in his life. And move on, finally!

Anne Givaudan Implants & parasitages - Mode d'emploi - Et si on arrêtait d'avoir peur ? (Implants & parasitages - How to use - And what if we stopped being afraid?) (SOIS Editions) An implant is a device introduced into a human or animal body the size of a grain of rice. The parasite lives at the expense of the one who shelters it. Both can affect us. You will discover in this book a different look on these parasites of the body and the soul.


The FIMB Humanitarian Section is based on a particular concept: education to mutual help and autonomy. The ethics, with women at his core, makes it possible to understand the importance of working in connection with all the diversities, despite difficulties encountered on the field. A real challenge. Thanks to the richness of its components, the network has allowed various assistance and solidarity actions. Each of us is a resource person.

BURKINA FASO This year, we supported the initiatives of our relay point, Arouna Traore (Cultural Center of Integration and Social Development - CCIDS): - Financial contribution from FIMB Marseille for the organization of the TOA Festival (Trophies of the Orality of Plastic Arts). - sending nutritional supplements for Sy Amadou Taos. Financing a water tower. The International Headquarters of FIMB awarded Arouna Traoré financial support of 2500 € to help in the realization of the project "Dji Séné" (Cultivating water) which offers support for the preservation of local natural resources, the promotion of market gardening and related income-generating activities.

FRANCE • In Marseille, with our partner the Association d’Aide aux Populations Immigrées: people in precarious situations, most of them women, come in large numbers to receive material and administrative support. Regularly, we deliver packages of clothes and shoes for adults, children and babies. • Following the climatic events that hit the French islands of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy in September, Sarah Sanchez Sensi, a nurse from Pyrénées-Orientales, affected by the disaster, launched a call for donations on Facebook. Very quickly, a solidarity chain was organized. A 20-foot container could be transported by sea to Saint- Martin. FIMB Marseille, in collaboration with the International Headquarters, which has made a financial contribution, has invested in this citizen initiative: advice, logistical, administrative and accounting assistance. SENEGAL • In January, we gave parcels of children's clothes, household linen, computer equipment for the children of the districts of Pikine (suburb of Dakar) to Aminata Diouf - coordinator of the association Solidarity Africa in Marseille. And also baby clothes and small medical equipment for M'Bour hospital, about 80 km from the capital. Our partner, the AMIA- EDE association, was responsible for on-site distribution to beneficiaries. A beautiful chain of solidarity.


• In February, from Perpignan to Toulouse, we brought medical equipment, clothing, household linen and computers to meet the demand of our partner, the association Les Amis de Maguette Thienne. Aminata M'Baye, her dynamic president, works tirelessly to help children and abandoned young people of Malika. • In June and September, Aminata Diouf again, with the help of FIMB Marseille, forwarded parcels for the children of the informal school of Pikine Tally Boubesse in Dakar.

TOGO In November, International Headquarters and FIMB Toulouse have sent packages of clothes to Lomé, in order to support the action of Culture Sport Plus International for the benefit of girls.

UKRAINE • In February, the donation of 110 kilos of warm clothing for adults and children, as well as blankets, plaids ... collected by us, reached Kiev and the Svonodnoe village school (Donesk region), thanks to our partner Princess Carina Organization. • In November, a second similar operation to send a hundred pounds of warm clothes, blankets and shoes.


BRAZIL Education: Cultivate, Nurture, Educate and Humanize The project aims to educate young people from 14 to 30 years to the environment, through a healthy diet in two points: the cultivation of aromatic plants and terrarium spices, and gardening as an effective tool for a better quality of life. This activity is therapeutic and brings many benefits to the mind and body. The second proposal of the project is to grow organic products in pots, especially for modest family homes that have no garden. During the workshops, the young people learned to look for information to know how to take care of each species of plants, while listening to nature. Lucia Pires, Delegate Education and Culture - Salvador de Bahia

BURKINA FASO Education: Years go by and determination does not falter At the CCIDS (Cultural Center of Integration and Social Development), under the impetus of Arouna Traore, this 2016- 2017 cultural season has been rich in activities and experiences. We have emphasized the awakening of consciousness, the development of women and children. We have created new links and strengthened collaboration during meetings and events, thanks to the combined efforts of the CCIDS, FIMB N'Diaye de Orodara (bravo to its president Philomène S. Kaboré Zongo) and our technical and financial partners. The result obtained is considered satisfactory. Let us cite: - the 6th edition of the Trophy of Orality and the Visual Arts (TOA) - the day of the child (potluck and screening of film) - the 2nd edition of the Camp holiday Arts and Leisure with 70 children - the 4th edition of the caravan of 10 stories in elementary school and dissemination of the shows in the communes of Orodara, Kourinion, Banzon and Djigouera - every month, the night of the dialogue during which, storytellers, slammers, comedians, humorists and wise share the stage at the Museum of the word - the participation in the International Forum of leadership, friendship and solidarity in Lome in Togo - assistance for poor children: support for their tuition fees and costs of care in case of illness (sponsorship by sponsors) - renewal of the executive offices of FIMB No passport of Orodara and the CCIDS - moral and financial assistance to the members of the CCIDS and FIMB N'diaye of Orodara. CANADA FIMB Canada in Toronto for the Oath of Humanity Rajagopal PV, founder of the Indian organization Ekta Parishad, and his wife, Jill Carr-Harris, Director of the International Gandhian Institute for Nonviolence and Peace (IGINP), were in Toronto in late June. A delegation from FIMB Canada visited them to present the Oath of Humanity©. The meeting took place at the Religious Society of Friends 8

(Quakers) in the presence of Lyn Adamson, Quaker and co-chair of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. The couple has worked tirelessly for nonviolence, equity and peace for decades. They are sensitive to the message and intent of the Oath they sign on behalf of Ekta Parishad and its 250,000 members. Our delegation then attended a presentation by Nicholas Barla, a Christian priest who founded the Indigenous Peoples Forum Odisha, to give a voice to the indigenous people of India who live in very difficult conditions because of the mining operations. Interested in the message conveyed by the Oath, he signs on behalf of its members (10,000 people). In July, Gabriela Guilbault, coordinator of FIMB Canada, returned to Toronto for a new working session with Jill Carr- Harris.

CÔTE D’IVOIRE Health: Sickle Cell Conference at Sinfra City Hall This disease, which affects hemoglobin, is ranked first in the world and affects 120 million people, two thirds of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the latest WHO estimates. This hereditary pathology is strongly present in Ivory Coast, particularly in the North and center of the country, with 5,000 to 6,000 new cases each year. In 30 years, the life expectancy of the people affected by the sickle cell disease has increased from less than 30 years to more than 45 years. The intensity of pain involves the use of particularly powerful sedatives. Efforts are still needed to reduce the risk of transmission and to help improve the management of patients.

INDE Environment: 1000 km by bike to fight against pollution India is drowning in rubbish and its capital, New Delhi, was ranked as the most polluted city in the world in 2014 by the World Health Organization. In the houses, 98% of the waste could be avoided and be used differently. While the authorities are often held responsible for mismanagement of garbage, Sanjeeta Singh Negi, President FIMB - NOSD Gujarat and his friend Piyush Shah, cycled more than 1000 kilometers in 10 days, to meet the inhabitants and explain how to act on their level. In total, they crossed four states: Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and New Delhi. Sanjeeta Singh Negi, also a consultant in charge of promoting organic farming in the villages of the Gujarat region in the north-west of the country, explains her approach: "We gave lectures in schools, businesses and town halls and explained what to avoid. This project, performed entirely by volunteers, received no funding and had immediate effects. There are two examples: a company organized a garbage collection as part of our arrival and we were received by the Himmatnagar town hall, proof that even the authorities have begun to become aware of the problem. Bravo! This proves that brave private initiatives can give a good example. Ragpickers and their role in Indian society India has a serious problem of garbage disposal. Landfills are overflowing and selective sorting of waste is urgently needed. Rag pickers, garbage collectors, unsung heroes of Indian society, serve the population by keeping a clean environment. But they are not recognized by the government and the citizens. They emigrate from their villages, illiterate, unskilled, struggling to conform to the urban way of life. "My goal is to create an environment of respect for the work they do, anonymously. I teach intensive waste recycling courses wherever I go. We have prepared a documentary about scavengers "Let's talk trash", directed by Kabir Dave. » Let’s talk trash available on YouTube :

THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Concerns for Education FIMB Democratic Republic of Congo, with its president Masika Mahamba Mwamini, the vice-president Justin Masinda and Emmanuella Mbake's sister, coordinator, works every day to the smooth running of Munyabelu primary school in the city of Beni, North Kivu Province. It has 17 classrooms with 17 teachers and a management team. The 312 pupils are from 7 to 13 years old with a good parity girls / boys. Our Congolese President reports: "We started the school year with a delay of one week due to the security, political-administrative and economic situation. For several years, parents have contributed to the payment of the teacher's premium because they receive virtually no salary from the state. «Sister Emmanuella takes care of a library where the students consult the books on the spot. The works are few but very

9 diverse. Sister Emmanuella is also listening to war wounded; it refers to a specialized center of psychiatric care those who recover with difficulty atrocities lived.


The Academy of Nonviolence is part of the Education component of FIMB. It teaches Chindaï©, a method bearing high values for oneself and for others. It comes in different forms: nonviolent martial art, choreographic art, relaxation... Weekly classes, workshops and children's workshops are offered. The Academy is also a training for professionals who choose to use the method in their sphere of activity.


Summer training course : from the outside to the inside: a path This was the theme of the summer training course which took place from August 7th to 11th in the beautiful setting of the Lembrun estate (Temple-sur-Lot, 47). How to become aware of your living space and reinforce it, better manage your emotions, act with measure, find an interior benchmark or meditate on a daily basis? The workshops: martial art, choreography (in music), stick, relaxation, meditation... have proposed simple exercises to put into practice on a daily basis. Trainees and trainers all enjoyed this time of sharing, learning and serenity. See you next August! Next summer: August 5 to 9, 2018 at the Lembrun estate (47) Information and registration: Magali Domin +33 (0) 6 63 46 82 65 [email protected]

Lorsque l’élève s’épanouit (When the students thrive) by Catherine Marquot The OECD's international PISA survey revealed the limits of French pedagogy, which for the past 10 years has been considered as anxiety-provoking and divisive. Faced with this observation, teachers have made the choice to train, on their free time and at their expense, teaching methods that take into account the human dimension of the child, as well as the acquisition of knowledge. Catherine Marquot, passionate about education, has investigated these positive initiatives currently taking place in France, to valorize these brave innovators, to reinforce them in their approaches and to inspire other professionals. His book, Lorsque l’élève s’épanouit, was published on October 13th at Editions le Souffle d'Or, Naître & Grandir. It is rich in references (Montessori, Steiner, Freinet, Jacques Salomé, Céline Alvarez, Isabelle Peloux, Antonella Verdiani...) and testimonials. In a section dedicated to 21st century citizen initiatives that often include a pedagogical component, a chapter is dedicated to the Academy of nonviolence and its method of education at the service of schools and health, institutional, artistic, associative and corporate organizations.


Children’s workshops This year, our trainers welcomed a group of ten children from 3 to 12 years old every Wednesday from 2 pm to 5 pm. Given the age gap and the youth of some, it was a first and a great experience to discover the difference... and patience! Curricula: learn how to manage daily life and changes of state in a fun way (at school or at home), relax and calm down; while developing high values: respect, sharing, mutual help, a taste for work well done, perseverance... Under the guidance of a team of trainers, the youth discovered how to relieve tension through various exercises, how to pacify behaviours by not responding to violence with violence and how to focus on homework and learning. Thanks to the

10 trainers for their faithful involvement: Monique Carmona, Charles Lassalle, Cécile Sorbier, Chantal Arjeliès and Sylvie Baranger.

Retirement homes Led by Jérôme Badrignans, our workshops for seniors are always appreciated in Perpignan: at the residence Service 3e Age Le Wahoo and Residence Odette Ribeil, our trainers, Michelle Auzas and Cathy Mañas, work with about twenty participants who experience the beneficial effects of these highly anticipated sessions. This success with residents has led the management of these retirement homes to renew our interventions in 2018!

Training of caregivers For the fourth consecutive year, thirty students from the school of helpers of the Association Educative pour l'Hospitalisation Privée (AEHP) of Perpignan were initiated to the method of communication to nonviolence. The training is provided by Nicolas Lamole, himself a caregiver. Highly concerned by the topics covered, students experimented with keys to maximize their potential while remaining calm and centered in a very demanding environment. These future professionals also learned to evacuate the tensions accumulated in their daily life full of pressures and solicitations. Very positive results!


Retreat with Conrad in Lembrun A group of people participated in a retreat in the Lot-et-Garonne with our patron Conrad, organized by FIMB Bordeaux. The theme: freeing oneself from illusion and (re) finding inner peace, has created strong experiences around Conrad's rich teachings. Also on the program, body anchoring with breathing and slow movements of Chindaï © was proposed to volunteers by Marie Elkine, president of our Bordeaux representation. Members of the group were delighted and felt grown inside!

Festival pour l’école de de la vie For this 3rd edition of the Festival pour l’école de la vie in Montpellier, more than 12,000 people have come to discover a panel of activities aimed at rethinking together the education of our children, and more broadly our society. Our teams of Bordeaux and Toulouse met the young coach and lecturer David Laroche, the educational psychologist Bruno Humbeeck, and Sophie Bouquet-Rabhi, founder of "La ferme des enfants". It is with joy that we met the designer of bioanalogy concept, our patron Jean-Philippe Brebion. Chindaï © workshops for adults and children allowed festival- goers to discover the virtues of calm and relaxation in the exceptional setting of Flaugergues Castle. In front of a very attentive audience of more than two hundred people, Marie Elkine, president of FIMB Bordeaux who has trained nearly 500 teachers, parents and educators, shared her teaching experience and presented our method on how to teach children a "non-violent state of mind". Simple tools have been proposed to teach young and old to manage their emotions, their stress while rehabilitating high values.


Les journées de l’humain More and more of us are becoming aware of the importance of the world around us, the need to take care of ourselves and to consider our responsibilities in everyday life. This is the proposal of these Journées de l'humain which took place in Toulouse from May 19th to 21st. The diversity of professionals present (science, economy, food, education, leisure) has given everyone the opportunity to find new avenues for reflection on his way of thinking and acting. The program was rich in encounters, new relationships, and the opportunity for our Toulouse team to publicize our trainings, with an interactive conference and a discovery workshop of Chindaï ©.


Curricula February 21, at the Espace Transparence of Toulouse, the trainers Florence Béziat and Gilles François gave a lecture on the educational method for teaching nonviolence. This interactive presentation allows any actor in the education, health or business sectors to understand what the method brings concretely to everyday life. As a result, a course was opened in Toulouse. The first 3 weekends gathered several people who, without having practiced Chindaï©, wanted to learn the basics of our method. Professional coach for cancer patients and their entourage, specialized educator, midwife or early childhood educator, these trainees from across Occitania have greatly appreciated this first training component. Its concrete aspect and the physical practice, taught from the beginning, facilitated the quick application of the keys in their daily life. Plans were made for the 2018 deepening session. And a new curriculum for beginners started in October. Contact: [email protected]


Ambassadors get together Since 2012, in addition to classroom workshops, Olivier Béraneck, our technical advisor, trains Nonviolence Ambassadors: students in grades 5 and 6 who chose to conduct short workshops in their school classes. They restore the virtues and benefits of nonviolence in everyday school life. On April 6th, the Ambassadors of the Gilles-Vigneault, Sans Frontières and Sainte-Bibiane schools gathered at Gilles-Vigneault school to discuss nonviolence and the reality of this choice in their daily lives. A beautiful meeting full of conviviality and commitment! Some answers to the three questions posed to them on stage: 1) Why did you choose to become an ambassador of nonviolence? To bring peace around us and in schools; to stop the problems; so that there is no more intimidation; to open up to the world ... 2) How to apply nonviolence in everyday life? By setting an example by teamwork, remaining calm, respecting others ... 3) Can the path of nonviolence lead to more peace? Yes, because when one is at peace with oneself, one invites others to be at peace with themselves; Yes because this way can calm problems, and stop the war, remove stress and dishonest ideas.

The academy in education 5th edition of Colloque Techniques d'Éducation Spécialisée (TES). (nearly 400 specialized educators) 2 workshops of 35 people for students and education professionals. Theme: Increase calm, decrease anxiety!

The intercollegiate dance festival, located at Ahuntsic College, 2 workshops proposed to thirty future dancers, delighted to watch an excerpt from the show Metamorphosis of The Blue Swan Guild, the artistic company of our network.

Teachers' Center (CEE) of Montreal. One-day workshop for primary school teachers. Theme: Strategies for refocusing and stress management

Journées de la Culture in Quebec. Creativity Awareness workshops for 3-6 year olds, and Nonviolence Ambassadors for 6 to 12 year olds, were highly appreciated by participants.

GRAND GATHERING HYMN TO PEACE In the context of the 375th anniversary of Montreal


The network Peace tools invited us to participate in the project Stories of peace in Montreal. As part of the International Day of Peace 2017 and the 375th anniversary of the city, this project highlights peace or nonviolent initiatives deployed recently or historically on the territory. The project organizers were touched by our Grand Gathering and gave it visibility on their website, thank you!

The Academy held its 4th Great Gathering on the theme A culture of peace for successful citizenship. For several years, in Montreal, Chindaï© has been part of the educational project of several schools, in support of prevention and intervention plans against bullying and violence. About 12,000 children and 200 teachers have regularly benefited from practical workshops in the classroom. At the Jarry Park Stadium, on May 25, more than 700 students, accompanied by school and management teams, demonstrated the possibility of living together peacefully. Thanks to the different gestures practiced, we could feel the assembly becoming calmer as the morning progressed. In this state of mind, the parents, grandparents and guests of different organizations, performed the choreography Hymn to Peace. In opening, the reading of the poem written for the occasion by Jacques Salomé, French psychosociologist, writer and patron of FIMB, has touched many. At the heart of the show, 53 Ambassadors of nonviolence, placed in the center of the stadium, gave the example. These elementary school students, in grades 5 and 6, are committed to relaying the concepts of nonviolence to the youngest members of their school. They expressed to the assembly the reasons for this choice: "Bring peace around us and in schools", "Realize the importance of small gestures reducing violence in our daily lives" and "Solve problems with soft words". Our guest of honor Harout Chitilian, then vice-president of the executive committee of the city of Montreal, responsible for youth, praised our work in Montreal schools through her political attache, Vana Nazarian. Chantal Jorg, Ahuntsic-Ouest-Cartierville school commissioner, said it was a magical moment of peace and solidarity during which the children were calm and in silence. Les Chasseurs de Rêves, partner of FIMB, is a company of performing artists inspired by circus and street theater. They led the event with an acrobat and gigantic birds on stilts in a whirlwind of colors and graceful movements. This 4th Grand Gathering was made possible thanks to the participation of the schools Gilles-Vigneault, Sainte-Bibiane, Sans Frontiers and Lucien-Pagé, Deaf Sector: students, teachers, specialists, principals and school commissioner. We especially thank Richard Filion, Director General of the Dawson College, our Support Committee, partners and donors without whom this event could not have taken place.

Thanks to our supporters Jacques Salomé, through Valeria Salomé, has written a poem in support of the Grand Gathering, Hymn to Peace proposed by FIMB in Montreal in the spring...

To offer a time of peace, To invent a time of peace, Is to make the children of the world discover It is offering to the children of the world The wonders of existence and of life The radiance of a germ of life, In the inexhaustible wealth which inhabits them, The laugher of a better future, An invitation to self-confidence. The joy of an accomplished dream...

To share a time of peace, I invite you to cultivate Peace! Is to bring to the children of the world Sowing this inch of amazed life that the entire universe The presence of a welcoming and caring listening. needs so much With words emotions avoiding the swords of reactions, To be fulfilled and regenerated. Increase self-esteem.

To give a time of peace, It is to transmit to the children of the world, The seeds to be relational and human.

With respect for differences, beliefs and races, Welcome love in oneself.



Event in Fez Chaired by the head of human resources and the head of schools and guidance, the communicative meeting of the group of professional practice "The challenge of the Zouagha region" was hosted at El Adarissa College in Fez, May 6. The participants were numerous, among whom: the regional inspector and coordinator of anti-violence initiatives, the leader of the professional practice group, 14 school directors and teachers, the general supervisor of the college, the bursar and members of the parents' association. The director of the college presented our method of education to nonviolence. Our relay point Majda Bennani, a teacher at this school, offered hands-on exercises with her students and asked for adult participation. The audience was very interested in the demonstration and would like to benefit from the training.

Our Curriculum in Agadir Invited by Aïcha Sakmassi, president of our partner Voix de Femmes Marocaines, Délia Delmas and Micheline Cervera, our trainers, gave a session of our curriculum in March. On the premises of the Manik Center for Coaching, the trainees followed with great interest the training for women and children victims of serious acts. Coming from different horizons, the participants: doctors, students, employees and volunteers of the community have acquired stress management techniques that meet their personal and professional needs. Already volunteers to follow a second course, they evoke the possibility of a specific course for children! Beautiful meetings, very rewarding.

Pages 20-22 - ART AND CULTURE


Evening trip to Ethiopia - Marc Vella On January 27th, Marie Elkine, President of FIMB Bordeaux, had the pleasure of receiving the "nomadic pianist", Marc Vella, for an evening-trip to the heart of Ethiopia with the film of his love caravan, and rich teachings around the theme of the false note: how to recognize our beauty by accepting our dissonances, our imperfections, and the "false notes" of our life, which are all opportunities to learn, to advance, to grow and to renew. The art of making our existence a "wonderful symphony on the edge of silence".

Peace in oneself - Conrad In March in Bordeaux, Conrad gave a 4-hour lecture entitled Peace in oneself. In this period of great change, and for peace to become fully in place and manifest in the world, he recalled the essential: each being must find it in oneself before anything else, to become the example. The audience was unanimously touched by his simple words, accessible to all and full of wisdom. A very nice moment of exchanges and sharing to renew next year. Strong supporters, Marc Vella and Conrad have given us half of the profits of the evening. We warmly thank our two patrons for their generosity. Thanks also to our faithful partner, Pégase Bookstore.

FIMB NARBONNE 2017, astrologer eye on world news - Sylvain Pech On January 12, Cécile Sorbier, president of FIMB Narbonne, welcomed Sylvain Pech for a conference on world news. This former certified history teacher is a trainer and author-lecturer. He has been practicing astrology since 1973 and has developed Analytical Astrology. He founded his school in Toulouse and is also based in Narbonne. This discipline makes it possible to understand all the dimensions of the human being and the problems of the existence. At the heart of the crisis, this conference provided an original vision of our political, economic, social and civilizational context. A unique meeting with our guest, an opportunity to gain height compared to world events until 2023! Sylvain Pech, a man of heart, graciously left us the benefits of the evening.



Electromagnetic waves and their dangers - Christian Bordes Christian Bordes, independent researcher certified by the Center for Independent Research and Information on Non- ionizing ElectroMagnetic Radiation, and co-author of the book Les maladies des ondes, is a specialist in electromagnetic radiation (EM). He works in collaboration with our patron Professor Konstantin Korotkov. On February 28, in Toulouse, in his conference Electromagnetic waves, Linky meters: dangers and behavior to hold, he presented the repercussions of prolonged exposure to artificial EM fields on health: multiplication of cancers, autoimmune diseases... Several documented studies show a link between high-frequency waves (relay antennas or Wimax) and brain cancer, as well as between low-frequency waves (wifi, livebox, phones) and stroke, leukemia or Alzheimer's disease, among others. The new communicating electricity meters, called Linky, are also clearly toxic because they make radiative all the electrical cables of the low voltage network of the house. The speaker informed the audience of the existing means to guard against this environmental pollution. For more information: - et wwwelectrosensiblesolutions

Listening to the inner guide - Denise Guillaumat Denise Guillaumat, a retired lawyer, gave a lecture on March 4th at Espace Transparence Toulouse on the theme: Listening to the inner guide. For two years, she recorded her moods in a logbook every day. This experience led to a unique book entitled J’ai répondu à l’Appel de l’Âme, which reveals an authentic quest for meaning. The author testifies on the messages received with strength and humanity. She says: "It is thanks to the love and development of our feminine part that we will be able to accept and grow our divinity. The present situation pushes every human being to an inner personal work, to raise one consciousness and to transform oneself, which will give birth to a new world "

Quantum medicine - Prof. Korotkov On April 2, FIMB Toulouse welcomed Professor Konstantin Korotkov for a conference on quantum medicine. Internationally renowned researcher for more than 30 years, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State University, author of more than 200 articles and 17 patents on biophysical inventions, our patron studies in particular the permanent exchanges of material, of energy and information between the human body and its environment. The Bio- well system, which he has developed, allows real-time visualization of human energy fields using a bioelectrophotography process. This new device analyzes the light emitted by the physical body and its organs, in order to diagnose the causes of imbalances and to prevent health disorders. This energy medicine is implanted in hospitals in Russia as the first diagnostic step in health care. The conference was followed by measurements in "live" with the latest generation camera, made and commented by Christian Bordes, specialist in electro-photonic imaging. We thank Prof. Korotkov and Christian Bordes for their generosity, Sylvie Bordes for the translation of the conference, the town hall of Saint-Orens and the Altigone Hall team.


On May 13, all media in the world looked at Fátima, Portugal, a city witness of the Marian apparitions of 1917. Produced and directed by Pierre Barnérias, the feature film M and the 3rd secret, was at the heart of this event. What if the Vatican had not revealed everything about Fátima's 3rd secret, during its official revelation in the year 2000? A message issued 83 years earlier by the Virgin to little Lúcia and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco. An unprecedented survey to discover, in the four corners of the world, the many faces of this mother who, since 2000 years, reassures, consoles, cures and challenges... FIMB answered his patron’s call and signed up for the 1917-2017 tour - The ultimate Vatican secret finally revealed. At the initiative of the International Headquarters, sessions have been scheduled in several French regions. In June, Evelyne Mesquida met Pierre Barnérias in Paris. It was the opportunity for our founding director to find out more about his atypical career.


Under penalty of innocence - The film Le Méliès cinema in Castelmaurou (31) hosted in March the documentary film by Pierre Barnérias Under the Penalty of Innocence: "The story of an indestructible friendship and a unique story in the American judicial annals".

Note: documentary currently in preparation: Thanatos: vis, va et viens, in collaboration with our patron, Dr. Jean- Jacques Charbonier, on the theme of near-death experiences (EMI).

Outstanding conference The mysteries of death and reincarnation Serge Toussaint On 23 November in Toulouse, Serge Toussaint, Grand Master of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (AMORC), gave a lecture at the Palladia Hotel to a large and attentive audience. He presented the Rosicrucian conception of death and the stages that mark the passage of the soul into the hereafter. He also explained the spiritual law of the principle of reincarnation, an exciting subject that opens a door to the continuity of life, and he led an interactive forum of questions. There was an atmosphere of deep reflection in the room as the concepts were captivating. Let us recall that Serge Toussaint, as Grand Master, supervises the activities of the French-speaking AMORC jurisdiction. It is a philosophical, initiatory and traditional world movement, non-religious, non-sectarian and apolitical, open to men and women regardless of race, religion or social position. It is recognized in several countries as an organization providing a public service because of its contribution to education, culture and peace. Its motto is "Broadest tolerance, strictest independence ". Before the conference, Evelyne Mesquida, founding director of FIMB, presented the news of the network. The address was followed by a very beautiful performance of The Blue Swan Guild, our non-violent artists' company, trained since 2007 by the young choreographer Sarah Mesquida. An excerpt from the Metamorphosis show which traces the story of a girl evolving from a violent world to an ideal world was presented by 17 inspired artists. An evening of great intensity!

Pages 23-25 - WE WERE THERE

Consciousness and the invisible: at the frontiers of life On February 4 and 5, the Théâtre de la Maison de la Mutualité in Paris opened its doors to the International Conference Consciousness and the Invisible: the frontiers of life, one of the biggest events ever organized in Europe on this subject. World-renowned speakers in the fields of science, consciousness and quantum physics presented new facts and theories for everyone to progress on the path of "Know Thyself". Three of our patrons were among the many speakers: Dr. Jean- Jacques Charbonier, French specialist in near-death experiences, Dr. Raymond Moody, pioneer in this field and author of the bestsellerLa vie après la vie and Emmanuel Ransford, epistemologist and independent researcher specializing in quantum physics. Caroline Carmona Mesquida, general coordinator of FIMB, traveled to meet them.

ESF66 brings Women in the Spotlight For Women's Rights Week, thanks to Micheline Cervera, Humanitarian missions Director, our partner Ecole Sans Frontières 66 has wxelcomed Aminata Diouf from FIMB Marseille, to talk about her extraordinary path on the theme The place of the African woman here and now. She left everything in Senegal, arrived in Marseille and has become the national spokesperson for the Collectif des sans-papiers since 1995. Without papers herself for 9 years, she works for all those who have nothing, sometimes at the expense of her own material situation. She works as a social mediator for the Aide et Accompagnement de la Population Immigrée (AAPI). In a café-maquis atmosphere, this friendly event also hosted the photo exhibition Regards de femmes organized for FIMB by Chantal Carmona.


On Tour for the Respect of the Planet The collective Alternatiba 66 invited Rob Greenfield, well-known American activist, to give a conference on May 12 at the Castillet cinema in Perpignan. M. Greenfield raises awareness on topics such as food waste, waste, permaculture, alternative travel, housing, water use and responsible humanitarian engagement. He also talks on social networks about his pioneering experience of an ecologically responsible, healthy and joyful way of life. Cécile Sorbier, Environment Director, and Magali Domin, management assistant, went to meet him to present our actions. He spontaneously signed the Oath of Humanity©!

Auction in honour of our patron Naty Dunkan The association Les Enfants de la Rose organized, on June 9 in Pollestres (66), an auction of the works of our patron Naty Dunkan, who passed away in February, and other artists benefiting the Pediatric-Oncology Department of Perpignan Hospital. Julie Dunkan, her daughter, did everything possible to respect her mother’s wish and make this charity moment a success, with the help of our communication officer Isabelle Torrente. This momentum of solidarity raised € 13,000 at the rhythm of the hammer of Mr. Daniel Halimi, in the presence of 100 people. The event took place in partnership with France Bleu Roussillon, the Town Hall of Pollestres and FIMB. We were warmly received by Mayor Daniel Mach who made available a beautiful room.

We will remember her enthusiasm and hope for a better future.

Le chant des colibris, the call of the world of tomorrow Le chant des colibris (the song of hummingbirds), a citizen movement initiated by our patron Pierre Rabhi, went on tour from March to June 2017 in six French cities. They sang their last note in Toulouse with workshops to share good practices, participative debates and spaces of conviviality. To conclude the evening, readings by Cyril Dion (spokesperson for the Colibris and co-director of the documentary film Demain), were accompanied by Alain Souchon, his son Pierre, Zaz, Ours, Albin Simone, Fredrika Stahl, Gael Faure.... In support of this Call of Hummingbirds, FIMB Toulouse proposed a series of Chindaï© discovery workshops for children and adults. A space of expression and creativity for young and old: tomorrow a better world! I believe it! I'm part of it!

Philosophize and meditate with children Michel Tozzi and Frédéric Lenoir are convinced that it is never too early to philosophize. They talked about this subject on April 28 at Bages en Narbonnais. Caroline Carmona Mesquida and Magali Domin, of FIMB, listened with interest the two philosophers talking about their path and their exciting work with children. Michel Tozzi, emeritus professor of education sciences at Montpellier 3 University, developed the concept of democratic and philosophical discussions in 2000. Frédéric Lenoir*, sociologist, historian of religions and associate researcher of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, created the SEVE Foundation (Savoir Etre et Vivre Ensemble) in the fall of 2016, which trains educators and trainers of philosophy and meditation workshops in schools, for more sensible, respectful and peaceful relationships. * Frédéric Lenoir - Philosopher et méditer avec les enfants (Albin Michel editions)

Education, what do you want? On October 1st, the eve of the International Day of Non-Violence, the collective 1000 et 1 Créateurs d’une Éducation Joyeuse organized its first meeting on the theme Education, what do you want? in Ramonville (31). Bringing together educational professionals, parents and associations (Le Meilleur de Soi, the Academy of Nonviolence represented by Marie di Carlo, coordinator of FIMB Toulouse, Essentiel, Joli'Mômes, Inner Peace), in partnership with Enseignants pour la Paix Midi-Pyrénées, le Printemps de l’Éducation and les Colibris, this collective chose this symbolic date to create the link between those who act to develop an integral, positive and joyful education. The adventure will continue with an event in the spring of 2018. In the meantime, workshops and lectures are on the agenda.


The Health of Tomorrow A growing number of doctors and scientists are convinced of the wisdom of the quantum approach to cure diseases. They are able to bring a vision and methodology adapted to the Western thought. Several researchers gathered for an exceptional event in Montpellier (34) on April 1st on the theme Does the thought of man create his illnesses? Professors Henri Joyeux and Konstantin Korotkov, our patrons, gave remarkable lectures. Their respective subjects greatly interested the audience of the Corum, sold out for the occasion: the fight against stress as an anti-cancer cure and the development of consciousness and quantum tools to improve our health. Damien Barbera, our adviser, went on site to listen to them. Thanks to Christian Bordes, also a speaker, for his kind connection. This gathering received the patronage of world-renowned sociologist Edgar Morin.

A Hug for the World On July 8, Gabriela Guilbault, coordinator of FIMB Canada, spoke personally with Amma, founder of the NGO Embracing the World, at a gathering of 3,000 people. In the last 30 years, Amma hugged and comforted more than 37 million people.

CGPME75 We met Bernard Cohen-Hadad and the entire CPME 75 team (formerly CGPME) for the traditional golf day in Apremont (60) in June. A moment of good humour and serious discussions between business leaders in Paris.

Meeting with Bernard Montaud At the end of July, Evelyne Mesquida travelled to Chateauroux to meet Bernard Montaud, founder of the Artas spiritual movement and a technique of investigation of the past based on the memory of the body that will become Body Psychoanalysis. Early collaborator of the Oath of Humanity©, he now engages in the diffusion. This working session with our patron was also to prepare the exceptional evening of March 15, 2018, an event that will honour the Oath. A fruitful partnership work!

Pages 26-29 - NEW PARTNERS

Copie Rive-Sud located in Greenfield Park (Quebec, Canada) has specialized for more than 20 years in photocopying documents, graphic design and stationery printing, printing and reproduction of plans, site design web. Pascal Ducrey, its owner, has been supporting FIMB Canada and its mission of nonviolence education for several years. Pascal Ducrey +1 450 465 1885

The association M'em, Mariage de l'Esprit et de la Matière, organizes conferences, workshops, salons, circles of words... in connection notably with the well-being and the spirituality, in order to awaken the consciences in view of a better world. Patricia Mallemanche +33 (0) 6 66 92 47 62

CARP Montréal is part of a network of university associations in more than 63 countries. Their mission is to inspire and encourage young students to become leaders who will have an impact on society through their fields of study, while emphasizing selfless values through the application of the Principles of Unification. The objective of this organization is to create:


- a student movement with ideals of peace and unity, able to act or make a difference on individual, family, national and global levels. - a space where everyone can have authentic relationships and feel at home, in their family, and be accepted as they are. Nathan Bellow +1 514 709 08 35

In Montreal (Canada), Cute World Photography offers a personalized and authentic photography service with a focus on people, their expressions, their emotions and the complicity they have between them. The service is done in natural light in the comfort of your home or outside. More than a photo shoot, a nice and memorable moment with the people you love. Bob Kounlavout + 1 514 242 8950

À Pas de Géant / Giant Steps Founded in 1981, Giant Steps is the only school for children with autism in Quebec offering school and social integration programs. With small classes, it offers each student a highly personalized, intensive, interdisciplinary and comprehensive program. Thomas Henderson +1 514 935 1911

Fondation Sueños de Oro (FSO) was created in 2011 by Edgar Delgado Lozano. Based in Santiago de Cali, FSO transforms the lives of thousands of children through education. It promotes and generates learning processes for the development and health of people, respect for the environment and building lasting peace in Colombia. The foundation contributes to improving the quality of life of vulnerable communities, particularly single mothers, children, youth and the elderly: literacy, non-violence education, cultural visits, artistic expressions, training... Edgar Delgado Lozano [email protected]

Essentiä Mieux-Être joined the Canadian network in January. It accompanies individuals towards optimization of their energy by a better management of the stress. Color / sound baths, thanks to the unique Chromassonic System process, essential oils, meditation, forest baths and personalized coaching based on non-violence learning are among the tools used by the owner, Jacinthe Bilodeau.

In 1983, Bernard Montaud creates the association Artas, which becomes the center of research and practice of the Nuclear Psychology of which it is the founder. In 1985, his meeting with Gitta Mallasz (Dialogues with the Angel) is crucial: it will push him to compile his experience and discoveries in several books. A team, passionate about this research, joins him quickly. Together, they wrote a book that today makes reference in this area: La Psychologie Nucléaire, un accompagnement du Vivant. In 1998, Bernard Montaud bequeathed the fruit of his work to his closest collaborators and he enlarged his research to other areas. The association, now run by a college of twenty teachers, is gradually becoming a real school of internal life, structured and organized. +33 (0) 2 54 40 80 48

École Sans Frontières 66 (ESF 66). Since 1988, in a perspective of decentralized cooperation, the association ESF 66 maintains a close partnership with the department of Founzan in Burkina Faso (Province of Tuy, 15 villages) and finances projects in the field of education, health, hydraulics and income generating activities. These projects are set up and managed by an association of villagers, and supervised by a permanent paid by our local operator. ESF 66 organizes regular events, to open to African culture, defend the essential values of citizenship and solidarity... Jean-Louis Vergé +33 (0) 6 44 23 63 11 19

Mouvement Altruiste (MA). It is a human adventure imagined by men and women who wish for a happier future for the planet and its inhabitants by preaching a fundamental value: altruism, far from any ideology, sectarianism, philosophical orientation, religious or policy. MA is a multidisciplinary association which, based on altruistic values, proposes to act on different axes: education, economy, ecology, habitat, health, consumption... Bruno Lallement [email protected]

Alumnos del Perú (Peruvian Students) is a Belgian-Peruvian Association, founded in 2000 by Simon-Pierre Arnold, a Benedictine monk of Belgian origin living in a Peruvian monastery for more than 40 years. The association helps and accompanies young people from the shanty towns of Lima and Altiplano (Chucuito, on the shores of Lake Titicaca). It offers elementary and secondary school children alternative education that is out of school, according to the Montessori method, adapted to Andean culture and situations of extreme poverty; it allows them access to higher education through scholarships.

Art'as Canada is a school that allows women and men to make peace with themselves, others and the world. Based on the idea that peace on the outside can come only from that first achieved internally, Art'as Canada proposes three ways to gradually turn towards others in a simple, concrete and authentic solidarity and without urgency. Christophe Roux-Dufort +1 418 656 2131 ext 3327

Passerelles pour la Vie This association of Toulouse has the mission to inform on the topic of health via conferences, workshops or congresses: nutritional medicine, naturopathic or quantum, new therapies of well-being, awakening of the consciences, environment... "Together, let's lead the way and co-develop the world of tomorrow": Jacqueline Iché, president, works, with all his team, for a change based on humanistic values. [email protected]

Marie-Alain School Complex. This school, located in Cotonou (Benin), is managed by Firmin Didagbé, also a teacher. An ideal setting for the development of children! This generous school promoter is keen to set up communication and non- violence education programs for young people. [email protected]

Espace Temps Hamsa In Bordeaux, Ariane Hamsa organizes, at L'Espace Temps - a place of resources and experiences - personal development workshops, women's and mixed clubs, Bhajan sacred songs, and personalized follow-ups and accompaniments. Ariane Hamsa +33 (06) 61 42 15 04 [email protected]

Brahma Kumaris France is part of a global network of 9,000 Raja Yoga centers in more than 100 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the 1930s. The center of Bordeaux regularly offers conferences, seminars, workshops and moments of meditation related to wellness topics. These activities are open to the public without conditions of membership, with a financial contribution left to the appreciation of each. Yves Haaz +33 (0) 5 56 24 66 15

Ilellevousnous after accompanying his parents in the illness, Anne Barrière decided to change profession and put his skills to the service of people affected by cancer. In September 2015, she created Ilellevousnous, a multidisciplinary structure dedicated to the sick, families, carers and accompanying persons. To provide comprehensive help to patients and their entourage, Anne Barrière has surrounded herself with a team of professionals. +33 (0) 5 81 78 55 06 [email protected] 20

Created in August 2015 and based in Lomé (capital), Radio Oreole, associated with the web press, has an editorial line on health and education. It also works on other topics such as environment, social, entrepreneurship, sport, economy, citizenship... It is the only online radio in Togo with a studio, producing and broadcasting broadcasts and spoken newspapers around the world. Member of the Association Togolaise des Presses Privées en Ligne (ATOPPEL), recognized by the State, this media accompanies the NGOs, the associations, the companies, the national and international institutions by offering them a high visibility during the emissions. Eyassamim Lemou +228 92 61 93 79 +228 92 44 56 91 / +228 91 49 54 67 [email protected]

La Fleur de Vie The geometry of this mandala (in proportion to the number of gold) consists of nineteen circles, intersecting and inscribed in a sphere. It's up to everyone to use it as an object of meditation, a therapeutic tool or simply as a decoration. Claire de Latour offers to accompany you in the creation of your own flower of life.

Irene Claw. This independent trainer in positive discipline in the Bordeaux region offers school coaching through educational kinesiology, Brain Gym (movements to strengthen connections between different parts of the brain) and RMT (Rhythmic Movement Training to improve posture and abilities learning). [email protected]

One Billion Rising, the largest mass campaign for the end of violence against women, launched on Valentine's Day 2012, began as a call to action based on staggering statistics that one in three women on the planet will be beaten or raped during his life. With a global population of 7 billion, this represents more than one billion women and girls.

Caroline Teberne is a psychotherapist in Toulouse since 2008, specialized in an integrative and transpersonal approach. Here's how she defines the partnership relationship she has just established with our network: "For twenty years I have been evolving in the field of therapies, personal development and spirituality through different groups. With FIMB and the Oath of Humanity©, I found a possible weaving among all these groups following the thread of universal values supporting the living". + 33 (0) 5 61 44 38 14

Cie Cocktail C. This professional company specializes in the creation of musical shows, with positive values and optimistic messages. Their last project, Taman à l’école des elfes, mobilizes the human values of tolerance, respect, solidarity and empathy. It serves as a support for awareness raising and prevention of bullying at school. Taman, a small fauna confronted with this ordeal, ends up getting by using tools that each child can learn. At the end of the performance, the voice is released and the actress, also a nursery nurse, leads the exchanges, based on studies and work conducted by psychologists and professionals of childhood. Vincent Jacob + 33 (0) 6 27 63 81 06

ADAP/MALI. L’Association pour le Développement et les Activités en matière de Population was founded by Mintou Doucouré Traoré, former First Lady of Mali. The association has its headquarters in Bamako, an office in Niamana in the Nara District (Koulikoro region) and a representation in France that helps them in the search for funding. ADAP / MALI is engaged in charitable and humanitarian activities for the benefit of women, children and poor people: fight against HIV / AIDS, FGC practices, cervical cancer, poverty. It works for peace in these times of occupation of northern Mali. The NGO works with donations from goodwill partners and funding from HCNLS (Haut Conseil National de Lutte contre le Sida). Coordinator: Aminata Coulibaly Souley +223 76 48 64 89 [email protected]


Gentiane Cremer, president of Itinérance Films, travelled 11,000 km throughout France from May to October 2017 to collect inspiring testimonials and lessons from actors committed to food sovereignty, more than 40 videos. The themes that the speakers discussed and the beautiful trailer of this summit are visible on Facebook and YouTube.

Nishtha Rural Health, Education & Environment Center is a charitable organization in the foothills of the Himalayas, north of India, where since 1984 the founder and director Barbara Nath-Wiser, general practitioner of Vienna. Its main objective is to work alongside local populations by improving the well-being of families, in health, education and the environment: medical clinic, village health education camps, college scholarships, procurement drinking water, sorting, training center sustainable organic farming techniques for women.

The vision of Jagori Rural Charitable Trust is to create a fair and equal society for all in four programs: the social architects of tomorrow in Himachal (SATH) for community mobilization through youth collectives; sustainable agriculture, forests and land (SAFAL) for organic agriculture and traditional knowledge for environmental health, long- term economic viability and gender equality in the Kangra Valley; Aware Girls Action for Justice (AGAJ) to make adolescent girls citizens aware of their rights; for adult women, AWAJ forms women's groups on stopping violence against women, selective abortion and neglect of girls, emphasizing women's right to safety and sexuality, and women's participation in governance.


"FIMB is a welcoming platform of all sensibilities. Our mission of communication: to disseminate the information of our networks, on the basis of our ethical charter, partners and independent." »

MAKE MOTHERS MATTER In April Ilhame Boirie was appointed President of MMM France. She took over from Marie-Laure des Brosses, who has held this position with great commitment and energy for 6 years and remains a member of the Board. This young 40 year old mother of 3, has always been a woman of commitment: volunteer at the Little Brothers of the Poor and in a women's rights association, she joined MMM France in 2014. After being a team manager in an international finance company, she worked for several years as head of commercial animation of a network of banks abroad. In 2016, she decides to devote herself fully to her passion for natural medicine by becoming a naturopath.

FRANCE TIBET France-Tibet in Geo! Our partner recognized for his work: the magazine Géo published an article in the Traveling without moving section (October 2017 issue - page 84) on France-Tibet and Marcelle Roux, its dynamic president.

ASSOCIATION OF WAR AFFECTED WOMEN “We are fortunate to have a brain and are able to support ourselves when we are adults. Organizations express concern for our rights and well-being. As for us, we also have homework: - to be more interested in our environment, our fauna and flora, because animals and plants have the same right to live - to respect the life and freedom of all, the living and also plants - understanding that we must respect others "for who they are and not for what we want them to be" Peace be upon our Earth!” Visaka Dharmadasa, AWAW President, Sri Lanka


EKTA PARISHAD Jai Jagat 2020: Building a global movement for peace Economic globalization has triggered conflicts for natural resources within and between states. This path of violence, however, provides an opportunity for individuals to come together and embrace peace as the absolute ideal. There are modest initiatives in many countries that are triggering positive global change. One of these efforts is the Jai Jagat 2020 Campaign for World Peace, initiated by Ekta Parishad (Founder Rajagopal PV.), Ekta Europe and International Gandhian Institute for Nonviolence and Peace (led by Jill Carr-Harris). Nonviolence must be a societal choice. Inspired by the Gandhian concept of sarvodaya, "well-being of all", this campaign promotes a new path of development, based on social justice and ethical governance. Jai Jagat advocates a reversal of the development model, from global to local, to rebuild a society based on "bottom-up" cooperation, including all people, of any status. True changes can be achieved if people go into action and come together. Jai Jagat 2020 aims to facilitate links between nonviolent local actions and international actors to promote well-being for all.

2017 2018 2019 2020 Local actions and Presentation of the October / Launch of the September / local formation of national campaign to the public World Peace Walk from action in Geneva networks and the press Delhi to Geneva

LES ENFANTS DU DRAGON Good news! The Vietnamese NGO Les Enfants du Dragon (EDD) received, in early July, the official decision authorizing them to open their orphanage. The final designation is: care center, reception and education of orphaned children of the district of Cần Giuộc. And in October, EDD began job interviews with the staff needed to welcome the first children entrusted by Long An Province. A magnificent achievement carried with great care and courage by the head of operations in Vietnam, Marc de Muynck! Work remains to be done: installation of the fire column and development of outdoor play areas. To help them:

NATALINA LITVINOVA Our partner gives the latest news of his project "Psychological Security of Citizen Information". The President of the Global Development Fund "Rozhdeniye mira - The birth of the world" created and formulated the Digital Dangers Index (DDI). DDI is a criterion of the stress of the global information space. The dangerous voltage index exceeds the level allowed for the optimum quality of life of a person. The increased risk index for dissemination of DDI information will be presented at the official briefing for TASS, the Russian news agency, at conferences at State round tables and public bodies. In an interview with Radio Mediametrics on June 9, Natalina Litvinova spoke about FIMB and presented our annual journal.

LUCIS TRUST - THE WILL OF ACTION Mintze van der Velde, director of the Geneva office of Lucis Trust - World Goodwill, visited the International Headquarters of FIMB in Perpignan in July. Partner for three years, he wanted to meet Evelyne Mesquida, our founding director, and visit our offices. A good opportunity to strengthen the links between our two movements. The FIMB team is looking forward to future meetings with Arcane School students. In Geneva in 2016, Mintze van der Velde attended our artistic performance in honour of Mother's Day at the Sathya Sai Center and participated in an introductory workshop on the non-violence education method. And in November of this year, he invited our environment director, Cécile Sorbier, at the World Goodwill Forum 2017, held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. She spoke on the following theme: The goals of sustainable development in the light of right human relations: discerning the truth in today's world. She talked about the experience of FIMB in this area and highlighted the rallying force of all the good will that is the network for the protection of the whole of the Living.


CHILD AND EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE IN 7 PRINCIPLES Cepps global initiative, led by Valérie Unite, founder and executive director, provides a collaborative platform in each country for healthcare, social protection and early childhood professionals - as well as civil society organizations working with prospective parents, mothers, families and children - to engage and form partnerships with governments. The goal: To accelerate the implementation of the UN Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health (2016- 2030) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. FIMB supports this project and relays the information regularly in its newsletters. In November 2016, a Mother and Child Manifesto based on 7 principles develops the need to recognize and strengthen the role of mothers, as well as the role of fathers and caregivers.

INTERNATIONAL MAHATMA GANDHI FOUNDATION The artist of peace Suraj Sadan, founder of the International Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, continued in 2017 to devote himself to the promotion of peace and harmony among peoples. Considered internationally as a great artist and peacemaker, Suraj Sadan has been painting portraits of Gandhi since he was 9, following a meeting with Mahatma in a refugee camp at Kingsway Camp (Delhi), after the partition of India. In 1969, one of the portraits was selected to appear on a stamp commemorating the centenary of the Father of the Indian nation. In January, his paintings were exhibited at the 14th edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, a feast celebrated in India on the 9th of this month to celebrate the contribution of expatriate Indians to the development of their country. In January and February, he was also welcomed in Bangalore and New Delhi to present his paintings, drawings and etchings of Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. The Secretariat of the Department of Arts, Culture & Languages of Delhi organized the exhibition Faces of Peace and Freedom, on the occasion of Martyrs' Day, commemorating the assassination of the Indian charismatic leader. Then, after a passage of his drawings in Paris, the artist - also professor and curator - returned to Montreal, where he has lived for 40 years. He organized the 8th International Art Contest, inviting young people aged 10 to 25 to submit a work on non-violence. The Academy of Nonviolence joined the event this year and co-hosts a double ceremony, in India and Canada: Mr. Sadan chaired the awards ceremony for the Indian winners in New Delhi on November 9, in the presence of Shri Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Science and Technology. Young Canadians, meanwhile, have received their certificates from Melanie Joly, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, at a ceremony organized by Olivier Béraneck and Gabriela Guilbault in Ottawa on December 4th.

PRINCESS CARINA ORGANIZATION The Princess Carina association, committed to helping children, supports: • The Kenya Society for the Blind, the most recognized charity and human rights organization in Kenya. It helps people who are blind or visually impaired to live fully, to learn and to practice despite disability and poverty. Thanks to the Scream of Desert project, revolutionary educational and sensory equipment called Top Braille has been delivered to children in the Turkana region; they will be able to read any printed text, distinguish colors, and quickly learn Braille. • The psycho-neurological sanatorium for children Zabolotny, with donations from the association and Marina Ro. The establishment of the name of the famous Ukrainian epidemiologist treats 46 girls and boys aged 7 to 14, mostly orphans in the Vinnytsia region. In partnership with FIMB, 2,300 kg of clothing and toys worth CHF 90,000 were donated, shipped and distributed to families and Ukrainian orphanages in need.

Pages 34-35 - OUR TRAVELS



Marie Elkine, President FIMB Bordeaux representing FIMB International Headquarters Nathalie Lepeltier, member of FIMB Bordeaux and founder of Conscious Future Institute 24

In October, our two representatives met with several women's associations. Shared values and a sense of service rooted in the daily life of this country naturally lead to the signing of a relay point, partnerships and the Oath of Humanity©. - Dharamsala: Dolma Yangchen (left), president of the Tibetan Women's Association, has signed the Oath thus confirming eight years of collaboration. - Ahmedabad: an intense working session is organized with Sanjeeta Singh Negi, President of FIMBNOSD Gujarat. - New Delhi: PV Rajagopal and his wife Jill Carr-Harris have signed our protocol of collaboration on Jai Jagat 2020, the great march for Peace and Justice.

Brahma Kumaris We welcome Krooti Mazmudar, Youth Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris Ahmedabad, as a signer of the Oath. In Mount Abu, the international center of this UN-recognized spiritual movement, we have greeted Sister Jayanti Kirpalani, Coordinator Europe. Our representatives also met with the spiritual leader in charge of training programs for teachers and young people, Dadi Ratan Mohini.

Meeting with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Our delegation travelled to Bangalore, to see the ashram of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the charismatic founder of Art of Living. Our stay is organized with the greatest generosity. In July, he received our team from Canada in Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, Quebec. Bhanumati Narsihan, his sister in charge of the educational and feminine projects of the foundation, is touched by our achievements.

MOROCCO Interview with Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, the inspirer of Intouchables In November, in Essaouira, our president Monique Carmona, accompanied by her sister Chantal, met Philippe Pozzo di Borgo who inspired the film Untouchables. A quadriplegic after three months of coma following a paragliding accident, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo discovered exclusion and suffering. However, he keeps all his humour. The dramatic events that he has experienced have given him a perspective and an admirable understanding of life: "Since I'm disabled, I've learned to look at others and it makes me happy!" He feels privileged and wants to draw attention to disability. This is why he helps the association Simon de Cyrene of which he is honorary president. He agreed to join our patrons’ committee and signed the Oath of Humanity©.

TOGO International Forum of Leadership, Friendship and Solidarity of the Girl Organized by our partner Culture Sport Plus International (CSPI), this forum took place in Lomé. Micheline Cervera, Humanitarian missions Director of FIMB, joined Tiguidanké Camara, CEO of Tigui Mining Group (TMG) in the US, and Aminata Souley representing Mintou Doucouré Traoré, former First Lady of Mali. The Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Action, Women's Empowerment and Literacy opened the event. Several issues were addressed: education, values, respect for cultures, issues of violence against women and women's solidarity. Arouna Traoré, storyteller, president of the CCIDS in Burkina Faso, presented the story he created, on his own initiative, on The Oath of Humanity©; Army Commander Dr. Bassi K. Lidi spoke on the importance of sport for health; Gina Lawson, director of Radio Sport FM and two young journalists from Radio Oréole gave their testimonies; Alice Dzokoto animated the interludes with beautiful songs ... Congratulations to the organizers Marie Thérèse Kwadzo and Ezéchiel Zossou for their dedication!



The Oath of Humanity© relies on fundamental values that everyone acknowledges in one’s own life journey. The signing of the Oath is firstly a moral commitment. In respect of everyone’s free will, actions may take shape.


To build bridges between religions, traditions and philosophies


EVENING EVENT 2018 What are we doing for a better world? March 15, 2018 Venue: Le Bascala, Bruguières (Toulouse, France)

A panel of speakers from main world’s religions, women and men of convictions unite their voices.

To register: Magali Domin +33 (0)6 63 46 82 65 [email protected]

Partners of the 2018 event: ABC Talk AISA ARTAS Reflets 26

Pages 37-43 - TRADI-LINK

Our state of mind, based on mutual help, has created relationships with all. For several years, we have opened the network to religions, traditions and philosophies because "what unites us is stronger than what divides us". (John XXIII, quoted by John-Paul II in his encyclical letter Ut Unum Sint)


Our members of honour support the Tradi-Link network and represent the diversity of the cultural, religious and philosophical expressions which gather the large mosaic of fundamental values.


Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche Founder of the Ganden Ling Institute

Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche was born in south-eastern Tibet in 1932. At a very early age His Holiness the Thirteenth Dalai Lama recognized him as the reincarnation of a great Tibetan master. As a result, he received very intense spiritual training in both Buddhist philosophy and meditation. He was guided by eminent masters who transmitted to him the pure teachings passed on in an unbroken line since Buddha Shakyamuni’s time. In 1959, after eight years of Chinese occupation, the severe repression in Tibet led him to take exile in India, where he soon met some university professors. The following year they invited him to France to participate in their research and translation work. He was therefore the first Tibetan master to come to France. He then taught Tibetan language and civilization at the French School of Oriental Studies (Inalco) for almost thirty years. Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche has founded Ganden Ling Institute, Guepele Institute, as well as numerous centres for Buddhist studies and practice in France and abroad. Joining action with words, Rinpoche works tirelessly to improve the living conditions of his fellow refugees in India with the help of the charity he founded, Entraide Franco-Tibétaine.

Serge Toussaint Grand Master of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (A.M.O.R.C.)

Serge Toussaint was born in Normandy. He has been a school teacher for several years before he joined the Great Log of the francophone jurisdiction of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis in 1977. As part of his position which he has been holding since 1993, Serge Toussaint supervises the activities of A.M.O.R.C. for the following countries: Metropolitan and overseas France, Switzerland, Belgium, Quebec, French speaking Africa, Haiti and . He has written several books and regularly provides input in an exciting blog. The motto of A.M.O.R.C. is “Broadest tolerance, strictest independence”. Open to women and men of all races, religions and social positions, the philosophical, non-religious and apolitical movement is recognized in several countries as an organization providing a public service because of its contribution to culture, education and peace.


Pages 38-39 - REPORTAGE


His Holiness celebrated his 82nd birthday on July 6th. Despite health problems, he made two important trips this year: - in the USA, in June, he hosted a public lecture at the University of San Diego (California): Understand the beauty of diversity in our world. - in autumn, he has travelled for twenty days in several countries (Northern Ireland, Germany, and Latvia) for a series of public lectures and religious teachings. At the request of devotees from Taiwan, the Dalai Lama gave a lecture in Dharamsala about The entrance into the Middle Way by Chandrakirti. The Tibetan spiritual leader has received various Italian honours: the Builder of Peace, Justice and Nonviolence Award in Messina, a Master of Honour from the University of Pisa and the honorary nationality of two Sicilian cities. He reiterated "The importance of the greatest collective interest" specifying that the spirit of cooperation can be a source of inspiration in Africa, America and Asia in the times to come, contributing to world peace and prosperity. The Dalai Lama signed our editorial 2014. In 2017, he officially supports the noble objectives of FIMB for a better world.


Peace and interreligious dialogue are at the heart of Sheikh Khaled Bentounes' actions. The World Day of Living Together (JMVE), to which Sheikh Khaled Bentounes has been working since 2014, changes its name and becomes the International Day of Living Together (JIVE). As part of this process, our partner hosted a workshop on May 19 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, bringing together personalities and international organizations to encourage the project. Objective: Drafting and ratification of the Paris Declaration, a fundamental step in the process of tabling a resolution at the UN. In order to join the transformative momentum of a future project, the greatest number of supporting signatures must be obtained. Evelyne Mesquida, Founding Director of FIMB, endorsed the signing of the Paris Declaration. On December 8, in New York, the General Assembly of the 193 United Nations States adopted by consensus the resolution establishing the International Day of Living Together in Peace (JIVEP). On June 3, Sheikh Bentounes and former mayor of Rome, Francesco Rutelli, received the Concorde Méditerranée Award, as part of the XIIIth Multaqa, a meeting between cultures and religions organized by UNESCO in Valencia (Spain). At the end of June, the Pan-African Inter-religious Dialogue Delegation - composed of representatives from Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Canada - went to Rome on the occasion of Pope Francis' ordination of five cardinals including the Archbishop of Bamako (Mali). And Sheikh Bentounes, spiritual guide of the Tariqa Alawiyya, was invited to attend this first appointment of a cardinal from the African continent. He was also present during the appointment of the new archbishop of Algiers. On July 14, the United Nations officially launched the Fez Action Plan for religious leaders to prevent incitement to violence. During this event at the UN Headquarters in New York, Sheikh Bentounes, as a senior Sufi official, spoke at the forum to remind the importance of youth, education of culture of peace and the primordial place that must be given to women. He was elevated to the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit in November 2017. Honorary member of FIMB Signatory of the Oath of Humanity©



From the first day of the year, at the 50th World Day of Peace, Pope Francis delivered us a capital message "Let active nonviolence be our way of life" for a world in harmony, sure of its values and turned towards the most vulnerable: women, children and minorities oppressed for their opinion or their religion.

Children, women and the family at the heart of the action. On the 6th of February, Day for Life, the Holy Father invites us to pray for "children who are in danger of interruption of pregnancy" recalling that "Every life is sacred". He urged to fight against slavery of children, "Shameful and unacceptable crime", and called the bishops to protect childhood. He recalled: "1,000 children die every day for lack of water".

At the heart of his speech, women and the family are a powerful response to our society’s ills. The Bishop of Rome declared during the daily Mass at Casa Santa Marta: "Without women, there is no harmony in the world". In front of the members of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, he made women central to the recovery of our societies: "Women as educators, have a special vocation, capable of creating and growing new forms of acceptance and esteem."

Pope Francis continues to build bridges during his apostolic journeys. He made his 18th trip in April in Egypt on the theme of peace and unity. Among the highlights of this visit: his speech on the firm and clear "no" that religions must oppose to every form of violence, his meeting with the Patriarch of Coptic Orthodox, Tawadros II, and the signing of a joint declaration; lastly, the mass celebrated in a Cairo stadium, in the presence of thousands of Catholic faithful.

FIMB OFFERS 400 MASSES In its ongoing support to the and to His Holiness Pope Francis in particular, FIMB has funded more than 110 Masses in support of the work of the Holy Father this year. This major action, which counts to more than 400 masses since 2014, is relayed in many countries such as Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, Algeria, the Bahamas or Benin. We thank all the people and associations who participated in this action. We were very touched by the many official letters of encouragement from priests, bishops and cardinals whose dedication to Pope Francis is unwavering.

Previously, he had invited to pray with him for the persecuted Rohingya in Burma "Because of their Muslim faith". In autumn, the Pope travelled to this country before going to Bangladesh. Peace and non-violence are at the heart of the Holy Father's message during his stay for the 100th anniversary of Marian apparitions in Portugal (more than 500,000 people): "I go, as a pilgrim, to Fatima to entrust to the Virgin the temporal and eternal destinies of humanity and to implore, through her intercession, the blessings of Heaven. "

In brief: - Pope Francis authorizes the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X to celebrate the marriage of his faithful. - in a work published on September 6, the Holy Father responds to the French intellectual Dominique Wolton. All subjects were addressed, from society issues to the Church, to intimacy. The Pope has proved that he has a good knowledge of Christian France: "I believe that France – it’s my personal opinion, not the official one of the Church – should ‘ raise’ a bit the level of secularism, in the sense that it should say that religions are also part of the culture. [...] In the French heritage, the Enlightenment is too heavy. I understand this heritage from history, but the work of broadening must be done. " - he is thinking about the ordination of married men. - early 2018, it will be in Chile and Peru.

Dear Pope Francis - The Pope responds to the letters of all the children of the world (Mame edition) Every year, thousands of children write to him asking questions full of faith. Touched by these letters, the Pope himself responded, with great tenderness and often a hint of humour, to thirty letters from children all over the world. 29


TRIBUTE TO PADRE PIO On the initiative of FIMB Canada, the Capuchin Brothers in charge of the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart and St. Padre-Pio in Montreal, celebrated this year the feast of the saint of Pietrelcina on September 23 with a projection of the film about his life. Padre Pio, Shield of the Faith, is one of the patron saints of our Tradi-Link section and protector of the 8:00 PM Action. Our Canadian team presented this initiative to the hundred or so faithful who attended the Mass preceding the screening of the film. Then more than 130 people came to live together the story of the stigmatized priest that pilgrims from all over the world went to confess to him and implore his help. The rector of the Sanctuary, Brother Louiz Antony Arukulasseri, said he was delighted by the enthusiasm of the parishioners and is already planning to screen the film again next year. The evening took place in a beautiful spirit of collaboration with the Capuchin brothers, fruit of five years of association with the Sanctuary for the diffusion of the 8:00 PM Action. Find all the news of the film on

CELEBRATION OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY AND CANADA'S CONSECRATION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY On October 7, for the 375th anniversary of the founding of Montreal, formerly Ville-Marie, Most Rev. Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal and signer of the 8:00 PM Action, celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. FIMB Canada was present at the Basilique Notre-Dame. The celebration marked the consecration of the Archdiocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to highlight the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation.

ASSOCIATION FOR THE BEATIFICATION OF EMPRESS ZITA On October 14, Gabriela Guilbault attended a talk organized by the Association for the Beatification of Empress Zita - Canada and the Foundation of the Grand Seminary of Montreal on the theme: How to transmit the faith in our families so that it remains there? It was led by Their Imperial and Royal Highnesses Archduke Rudolf and his wife, Archduchess Marie-Helene of Austria.

THE DOUBLE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS OF FATHER ANDRÉ-MARIE AND FATHER PEDRO At the end of June in Croixrault (80), nearly 1,000 people celebrated the double birthdays of Father André-Marie, unfailing support of FIMB and fervent of our 8:00 PM Action and Father Pedro Opeka of Madagascar. For many years, Father André-Marie has welcomed hundreds of homeless and people with broken lives. As an insomniac, he never stops working. He is a poet, writer, columnist for Radio Notre Dame and artist. The sale of his works serves to help the work of his close friend Father Pedro. The latter is Argentinian who lives in Madagascar, where he founded the Akamasoa association, with the aim of restoring life and dignity to the thousands of people previously living on the Tananarive dumps. The two friends, having in common a love and a tireless service for the poorest, found themselves to celebrate the 80 years of one and the 69 years of the other, around two masses, and songs, and with the blessing of 700 bikers who came especially for the occasion.

TRIBUTE TO FATHER JEAN PAGÈS Father Pierre Jean Pagès (1929 - 2017) passed away in Perpignan on Easter day, April 17. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1952, and held various positions in the diocese. He had been the parish priest of St. Paul since 1982; he then received our offerings in his church: in 2006, a statue of St. Philomena; from 2007 to his retirement in 2009, the Cross dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that rested on the relics of the martyr virgin at the Sanctuary of Mugnano del Cardinale near Naples, Italy, is placed on the altar at each Sunday Mass. On May 5, 2007, he blessed all of FIMB's work during a big celebration. He was there on May 23, 2008, when the Hungarian association Csodalámpa (which realizes the dreams of sick children) asked us to accompany the young Anna (15 years old), suffering from cystic fibrosis, to Lourdes. With his blessing, we also conducted a 48-hour prayer relay for vocations. The Little Sisters of the Poor have hosted him since 2012. His funeral was celebrated on April 21 by Most Rev. Norbert Turini, Bishop of Perpignan-Elne, with about twenty priests, the Moulin-à-Vent choir, before an impressive assembly of faithful and representatives of FIMB. We will fondly remember his discreet generosity, his good humorous advice and his inspired homilies. 30

The Great Miracle On Sept. 23 at the Mega Castillet in Perpignan, the Association Familiale Catholique (AFC) presented the Mexican animated film: The Great Miracle. A story of the unseen when participating in the celebration of mass. The public, including many children, was very sensitive to the help provided by this understanding to overcome the trials of life.

Les sourires de Dieu (The smiles of God) (Philippe Rey edition) "Nowadays, I often hear Christians asking why go to Mass. It makes me jump because it is there that I feel most strongly the presence of Christ [..]. I have never accomplished anything more beautiful and stronger than bringing down Love in my poor hands [...]. Let us meditate, more than ever, on the mystery of love of the Eucharist, of which the sky will one day deliver us power and beauty [.]. "

La Messe, un enchantement déserté (Mass, a deserted enchantment) (Philippe Rey edition) “[...] Even Jesus was funny, there are passages in his life where his humour touches me. I have never seen him smile on our statues ... 'Tis a pity. He, the perfect man, had to have a lot of humour ... I wanted in this book to show how much God gives us his smiles on a daily basis. May these pages help you recognize them and bring joy to your life." Guy Gilbert Educator-priest for 50 years - Father Guy Gilbert supports the 8:00 PM Action.


PILGRIMAGE TO FEZ -MOROCCO The Senegalese Tijani community of Marseille, with Sheikh Ahmed Ndieguene, organized a pilgrimage from June 15 to 18 at the majestic Zouiya of Fes, where rests the body of Sidi Ahmed Tijani, Seal of the Mohammedan Holiness, founder of the Tariqa Tidjaniya. For this Order, it is the second place of pilgrimage after Mecca. In Marseille, strong partnership links unite us. Micheline Cervera, president of FIMB Marseille and Humanitarian mission director, went to Fez with Aminata Diouf and 29 members of the Order. She met again Sidi Cherif Zoubir Tijani, descendant and representative of Tariqa Tidjaniya. He places great emphasis to dialogue between religions, peace among peoples, respect and tolerance. The four days spent with the group were moments of sharing and exchange with respect for everyone. Thank you to the Ouassim family for their welcome. A beautiful example of fraternal solidarity and peace. He signed the 8:00 PM Action in 2013 and the Oath of Humanity© in 2017.

MISSION TO ENGLAND In July, a mission to England brought Magali Domin of the FIMB Headquarters to meet with two prominent world figures.

On the invitation of Bhai Sahib, Bhai Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia, Sikh Spiritual Leader, Magali Domin went to Birmingham where the president of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ) organized a working session. At the initiative of Bhai Sahib in 2011, the Charter of Forgiveness and Reconciliation was launched in 2014 at an international symposium held in Birmingham. The Sikh spiritual leader has a long history of interfaith dialogue and social justice. This former civil engineer is a disinterested visionary; it spreads the notions of peace, of service to humanity through spirituality, preservation of traditions, education in values and contributes to the creation of schools. He is the first Sikh to be made Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, a papal decoration granted in 2012.

Sister Jayanti Kirpalani, Director Europe & Middle East of the Brahma Kumaris World University, Director of the International Coordination Office in London, received our representative at the University Center of London with great warmth. The Brahma Kumaris, founded in 1937, is a spiritual movement dedicated to the renewal of the world. From its headquarters in Mount Abu, India, it has spread to every continent with the mission of helping individuals to transform a material world into a spiritual world. It proposes a meditation, accessible to all, without distinction of race, nationality, culture or religion. The regional offices are located in London, Moscow, Nairobi, New York and Sidney. Sister Jayanti, whom we already met in August 2016, is very committed to the theme of spirituality and sustainable 31

development: she participated in the preparatory meetings of the UN that led to the Earth Summit (Rio +20) in 2012 where she contributed to the creation of the Earth Charter. She has also been invited to several World Climate Conferences (COPs) as Head of Delegation and Speaker.

Page 43 – 8:00 PM ACTION

With Saint Philomena, Patroness of the Children of Mary, Spiritual patroness of FIMB, 2 minutes of daily contemplation at 8 pm (local time) for the children of all nations and those who suffer. The purpose of the 8:00 PM Action is to connect everyone who believes that prayer or silent recollection is a protective force for children and people in distress.

SYRIA Rowing against the current According to the message of Maronite Archbishop of Damascus, Most Rev. Samir Nassar: "This seventh year of war is fraught with the bitter fruits of the violent successive storms that have upset the tranquillity of Syrian society. Here are three main victims: the Family, the Youth and the Church. 1) A jostled family: this basic cell that saved the country in crisis has lost its unity... dispersed... deprived of resources... bereaved... ill-stricken... By dint of rowing against the current for seven years of violence, can the jostled and weakened family survive? 2) Tormented young people: formerly vital forces of our society, these young people leave massively the country leaving a big void... Their absence is felt in the country's economic activity, creating an acute shortage of manpower and the already fragile weakening of the collapsed local economy. 3) A Church that is having questions: the vertiginous decline of Sunday practice, catechism, first communions and pastoral activities push the exodus of priests who are reduced to minimal service and discouragement... Can we not see in these changes the beginning of a twilight? Can such an old Apostolic Church established in Tradition and customs take the step towards a new form of Christian witness? To save the morale of these last witnesses of the Gospel, our little Church relies on the SPIRIT which alone can guide a new Pentecost... COME SPIRIT OF LIGHT... Damascus, June 29, 2017 » A special intention for Syria has been brought to the 8:00 PM Action since 2011

TESTIMONIALS - Gérard Caillard, filled with the graces of Saint Philomena One of our relay point, guardian of a St Philomena chapel in the North of France, testifies the graces he received: - during the restoration of the chapel, when he was young and a poor handyman, the cross was built "through" him. - the cure of his cancer discovered on January 13, 2016. "In the hospital, I took a little statue of St. Philomena and an electric candle. In my room, for the first time after my operation I heard "to bring my hands close to the scar". I felt a soft warmth and an exquisite tingling sensation [...]. That night, I heard the same voice again asking me to put some water on different parts of my body. […] I was filled with strength. The following night, the voice asked me to open the shutter and observe the ceiling ... I saw a beautiful blue-coloured ball expand and twinkle. I was asked to take it and put it on my forehead, then on my belly: I filled myself with energy. I left the hospital without a pouch (bowel cancer), without any treatment: no radiation or chemo. YES I say without hesitation: St Philomena is powerful.”

CANADA Blessing of the works of FIMB and the 8:00 PM Action On Sunday, May 7, we invited all our partners and signers of the 8:00 PM Action of the greater Montreal to the Mary, Queen of the World cathedral. A Mass of thanksgiving in honour of St. Philomena was celebrated. The entire Canadian team was there to present the 8:00 PM Action and collect donations and signatures. A heartfelt thank you to Father Alain Vaillancourt for his service and his regular support. A unique opportunity to celebrate together anniversary of the first blessing of FIMB's work (May 5, 2007). 32