SITREP#92 28Oct 2016Final
Republic of South Sudan Situation Report #92 on Cholera in South Sudan As at 23:59 Hours, 28 October 2016 Situation Update Cholera outbreaks have been confirmed in 8 (28.6%) of 28 states countrywide. The affected states include Imatong, Eastern Lakes, Jubek, Terekeka, Jonglei, Western Bieh, Northern Liech, and Southern Liech (Figure 1.0). Suspect cholera cases have been reported in Mayendit, Ayod, and Pigi (Table 4). Cumulatively 101 (38.5%) of the samples tested positive for Vibrio Cholerae inaba in the National Public Health Laboratory as of 28 October 2016 (Table 3). Jubek state has recorded 1952 cholera cases including 14 deaths (CFR 0.72 %). A total of 24 new cholera cases reported in Jubek State during week 43 of 2016 (Table 1 and Figure 1.1). During the week, a new cluster of cases was reported in Gurei block 2, Northern Bari payam in Jubek. In response, surveillance, case management, social mobilization, hygiene promotion, and targeted oral cholera vaccination were initiated. Following the confirmation of cholera in Bentiu PoC on 21 October 2016, new cases continue to be reported among recent arrivals from Leer, Mayendit, Guit, Koch, and Panyijiar that were not vaccinated with oral cholera vaccine in 2015. During the week, a new cholera alert involving three suspect cases including one death was reported in Tayar, Ganyliel. Investigation and response activities have been initiated (Table 4). The implementation of sustained and comprehensive investigation and response activities in Leer, Mayendit, and Ayod continues to be constrained by security concerns. Response to suspect cholera cases in Pigi is ongoing with a total of 83 suspect cholera cases including 13 deaths reported since 15 October 2016 (Table 4).
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