Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 DOI 10.1007/s00227-008-1083-z


Feeding macroecology of territorial damselWshes (Perciformes: )

Diego R. Barneche · S. R. Floeter · D. M. Ceccarelli · D. M. B. Frensel · D. F. Dinslaken · H. F. S. Mário · C. E. L. Ferreira

Received: 10 March 2008 / Accepted: 28 October 2008 / Published online: 18 November 2008 © Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract The present study provides the Wrst analysis of and , but this relationship was not the feeding macroecology of territorial damselWshes (Perci- signiWcant when all territorial pomacentrids were analyzed formes: Pomacentridae), a circumtropical family whose together. A negative correlation between body size and feeding and behavioral activities are important in structur- SST was observed for the whole group and for the genera ing tropical and subtropical reef benthic communities. The Stegastes, and Pomacentrus. No relationship was found analyses were conducted from data collected by the authors between territory size and feeding rates. Principal Compo- and from the literature. A strong positive correlation was nents Analysis showed that diVerences in feeding rates observed between bite rates and sea surface temperature accounted for most of the variability in the data. It also sug- (SST) for the Stegastes. A negative correlation was gested that body size may be important in characterizing found between bite rates and mean body size for the genera the diVerent genera. In general, tropical are smaller and have higher bite rates than subtropical ones. This study extended the validity of Bergmann’s rule, which states that Communicated by S.D. Connell. larger species or larger individuals within species occur D. R. Barneche (&) · S. R. Floeter · D. M. B. Frensel · towards higher latitudes and/or lower temperatures, for an D. F. Dinslaken important group of reef Wshes. The identiWcation of large- Laboratório de BiogeograWa e Macroecologia Marinha, scale, robust ecological patterns in the feeding ecology of Depto. de Ecologia e Zoologia, Universidade Federal de Santa W Catarina, Florianópolis, SC 88010-970, Brazil pomacentrid shes may establish a foundation for predict- e-mail: [email protected] ing large-scale changes in reef Wsh assemblages with expected future changes in global SST. D. M. Ceccarelli Centre for Coral Reef Biodiversity, School of Marine Biology and Aquaculture, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Introduction

H. F. S. Mário A major goal of macroecology is to study the general pat- Laboratório de Hidráulica Marinha, Depto. de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, terns of the ecological assembly and structure of biotas on Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, a large scale (Brown 1995; Lomolino et al. 2006). Some Florianópolis, SC 88010-970, Brazil of these patterns are surprisingly consistent; for example, there are “ecogeographic rules” (sensu Lomolino et al. C. E. L. Ferreira Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação de Ambientes Recifais, 2006) in which recurring geographic gradients in the fea- Depto. de Biologia Marinha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, tures of organisms occur across continental and/or marine Niterói, RJ 24001-970, Brazil realms (Gaston et al. 2008). Analyses of these gradients generally evaluate the relationships between geographical Present Address: D. M. Ceccarelli and/or environmental variables (e.g. latitude, temperature, C&R Consulting (Geochemical and Hydrobiological Solutions) humidity) and morphological aspects (e.g. body size, Pty Ltd, PO Box 1777, Thuringowa, QLD 4817, Australia mass, color), and are the key to understanding patterns of 123 290 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 diversity along large-scale gradients (Lomolino et al. relationships between feeding behavior, size, territory size 2006). and temperature we can begin to understand how the pat- Most macroecological studies have been conducted on terns of damselWsh herbivory are organized on a global scale. terrestrial organisms (see Brown 1995; Eeley and Foley DamselWsh aggression may be related to their territory 1999; Kelt and Van Vuren 2001), with less focus on size, or to the amount of inside their territories (Jan attempting to understand the underlying rules for aquatic et al. 2003). However, it is known that the algal turf the organisms (Rex et al. 1997; Roy and Martein 2001; Alimov damselWsh feeds on does not always encompass the entire 2003), including Wshes (Sale 1978; Macpherson and Duarte territory area (Jan et al. 2003; Ceccarelli, 2007). Therefore, 1994; Minns 1995; Smith and Brown 2002; Floeter et al. it can be said that the relationship between territorial and 2005, 2007). Bergmann’s rule, for example, which states feeding behaviors, territory size and algal turf abundance is that larger species or larger individuals within species (see still poorly understood (but see Hata and Kato 2004). Given Gaston et al. 2008) occur towards higher latitudes and/or the current lack of consensus, it is possible that clearer pat- lower temperatures, is well described for several vertebrate terns exist between damselWsh feeding activity and territo- groups (e.g. mammals, birds, salamanders and turtles; riality at larger scales. One may ask the question: do Lomolino et al. 2006). However, there is little evidence that individuals defending smaller territories display higher this pattern exists for marine Wshes (see Discussions in feeding rates than the ones with larger territories? Macpherson and Duarte 1994; Choat and Robertson 2002; Smith and Brown 2002). The present macroecological anal- The inXuence of temperature on feeding activity ysis is one of the Wrst studies of its kind based on behavioral and body size in situ observations of reef Wshes (see Floeter et al. 2005, 2007). Fishes, with few exceptions (e.g. Scombridae; Schmidt- Nielsen 2002), are thermo-dependent organisms whose DamselWshes as study models metabolism is regulated according to the surrounding water temperature, which also inXuences their body size. It has In the last decades, territorial pomacentrids have been sub- been demonstrated that the herbivorous surgeonWsh ject to a number of manipulation experiments (Robertson Acanthurus bahianus live longer and grow larger in colder 1984, 1995; Ferreira et al. 1998; Ceccarelli et al. 2005), and waters when compared to tropical counterparts (Choat and have provided the foundation of many population and com- Robertson 2002). The same pattern was observed for the munity theories. They are a widespread and abundant com- Brazilian damselWsh : this species attains ponent of reef Wsh communities and are considered the larger maximum sizes in temperate waters found along the numerically dominant herbivores on some reefs and in southern Brazilian coast than in the warmer waters of some habitats (Scott and Russ 1987; Ceccarelli 2007). They northeastern Brazil (Floeter and Ferreira pers. obs.). It may have been found to mediate algal diversity (Hixon and be important to examine variations in body size with tem- BrostoV 1983), aVect coral zonation (Wellington 1982), perature and/or latitude in herbivorous reef Wshes in general and structure the benthic communities within their territo- (e.g. Acanthuridae, Scarinae and some Pomacentridae), to ries through their feeding and behavioral activities (Ferreira better understand the magnitude of their roles as modiWers et al. 1998; Ceccarelli et al. 2001; Ceccarelli 2007). At Liz- of the reef benthic community (Ceccarelli et al. 2005; Cec- ard Island, Great Barrier Reef, the family Pomacentridae carelli 2007) and as primary consumers in marine trophic was found to have the highest rate of body mass growth per webs (Horn 1989). We therefore ask: do damselWshes in week, showing their importance for trophic energy trans- colder waters grow larger than those in warmer waters? mission on coral reefs (Depczynski et al. 2007). The relationship between water temperature and Wsh Many studies have tried to understand the feeding and metabolism tends to be one where metabolic rates increase territorial activity of damselWshes in order to quantify their as temperature rises (Clarke and Johnston 1999). Daily and role in structuring reef communities (Brawley and Adey seasonal temperature variation can therefore play an impor- 1977; Robertson 1984, 1996; Ferreira et al. 1998; Letour- tant role in the activity of reef Wshes. Studies have reported neur 2000; Hata and Kato 2002; Menegatti et al. 2003; that damselWshes and other herbivorous reef Wshes increase Alwany et al. 2005; Osório et al. 2006). The magnitude of their feeding activity either throughout the day or season- their inXuence on coral reef communities depends on their ally with increasing temperature (Polunin and Klumpp density, size, territorial and feeding behaviors (Robertson 1989; Ferreira et al. 1998). These relationships, however, 1984, 1996; Hixon and Webster 2002). These factors are were described for a single species at a time. In the present often inter-related and inXuenced by environmental param- study, we investigated whether temperature was a relevant eters such as water temperature (Polunin and Klumpp 1989; factor in damselWshes’ feeding activity at a global scale, Ferreira et al. 1998). By addressing the nature of the with the question: do damselWshes inhabiting warmer 123 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 291 waters display higher feeding rates compared to those boundaries in which patrolling activities took place were inhabiting colder waters? marked with a rope divided into 10 cm intervals with lead Fish metabolism is also related to their body mass/size, weights. The area was calculated by measuring the circum- and smaller Wshes generally have a higher speciWc metabo- ference of each territory and using the formula for a circle lism (O2 consumption/mass/time) than larger ones (Yager of equivalent circumference. and Summerfelt 1993). To maintain the faster metabolism, Indo-West PaciWc data for (Mag- smaller Wshes must display proportionally higher feeding netic Island, GBR, Australia), Pomacentrus chrysurus rates than larger ones. Menegatti et al. (2003) observed a and Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon (Orpheus Island, decrease in bite rates from juveniles to adults in Brazilian GBR Australia), P. burroughi, P. bankanensis, Plec- damselWsh Stegastes fuscus, which may reXect the higher troglyphidodon lacrymatus, nigroris metabolic rate in juveniles. Here we test whether this rela- and S. lividus (Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea) and tionship is applicable to a broad scale analysis with several P. tripunctatus, P. wardi and P. adelus (two or more of species of damselWshes, where most reach diVerent adult the locations above) were collected by DMC using meth- sizes and assess whether larger damselWshes have lower ods similar to those described above. Feeding observa- feeding rates than smaller ones. tion periods were 15 min and included the assessment of A global scale macroecological study of territorial dam- territory boundaries. The boundaries were marked and selWshes can assist with the understanding of large scale measured at the end of the observation periods, and ter- patterns for this group or Wshes, and will be useful to ritory area estimated with the method described above. inform future manipulation experiments trying to predict The Wsh were subsequently caught for gut content analy- the impacts of damselWshes on reefs. sis (see Ceccarelli 2007), and total length measured in the laboratory.

Materials and methods Data standardization

Database compilation All data were standardized to conduct the analyses. Feeding rates were transformed to bites per minute, sizes (cm) were A database was compiled using existing literature and the transformed (when necessary) to total length and territory authors’ data (Table 1) for herbivorous territorial dam- size to square meters (m2). We transformed standard selWshes throughout the world (Fig. 1). It encompassed: (1) lengths (SL) into total lengths (TL) using photographs of feeding rates, (2) body sizes (total length) as described in adults (Allen 1991) from which we obtained the ratio the literature or collected by the authors, (3) territory size between SL and TL. and (4) sea surface temperature (SST). Only published data for adults collected between 11:00 h and 18:00 h were Sea surface temperature included based on herbivorous Wsh diurnal feeding activity (Zemke-White et al. 2002), except for Lison de Loma and The high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) analysis Harmelin-Vivien (2002) and Lobel (1980), which con- product used in the present study was developed by tained data from earlier hours in the morning. Reynolds et al. (2007) using optimum interpolation (OI) version 2 ( Authors’ data sst.pdf). The analyses are global and have a spatial grid resolution of 0.25° and temporal resolution of 1 day. The Atlantic data for chrysurus, Stegastes adu- analysis uses Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer stus, S. planifrons (Bocas del Toro, Panama) and S. imbric- (AVHRR) infrared satellite SST data and in situ data from atus (São Tomé & Príncipe, Africa) were collected by ships and buoys that include a large-scale adjustment of sat- CELF and SRF; S. fuscus data from the Brazilian coast ellite biases. For this study, we used the data set between were collected by DRB, SRF, CELF, DMBF and DFD January 1985 and December 2005. using identical methods. The feeding activity and size (total We obtained mean annual SST values over 21 years for length visually estimated with 1 cm precision) of individual each site from a time series of daily SST extracted from the damselWsh were recorded during 5-minute observation global grids, summing 21 years of SST averages. In the periods; feeding rates were assessed according to the fre- same way the minimum and the maximum values of each quency of bites on the substratum during the observation month were extracted from the global grids to calculate the periods and are expressed as bites per minute. To estimate mean minimum and maximum SST for each site over territory size of S. adustus and S. planifrons (CELF and 21 years. For the analyses we used the mean minimum data SRF), individual Wsh were observed for 15 min, and the set as the minimum temperature may present physiological 123 292 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 ) ) ) ) 1997 1989 ) 2002 2002 ) ) ) 2003 ) ) 1998 1980 2006 1984 1984 Harmelin-Vivien ( Harmelin-Vivien ( erent localities and sources, and the minimum 21-year average sea surface tem- surface sea average 21-year minimum and the sources, and localities erent Porto Belo, Brazil Belo, Porto 18.0 paper This Guarapari, BrazilGuarapari, 20.5et Menegatti ( al. Florianópolis, BrazilFlorianópolis, 18.0 paper This Punta de San Blas, Panama Blas, San de Punta 24.0( Robertson Motupore, Papua New Guinea New Papua Motupore, 23.5( Klumpp and Polunin Lizard Island, GBRBocas del Toro, Panama Panama Blas, San de Punta California of Gulf Frailes, Los 24.5 24.0 23.0 21.0( This paper Robertson ( Montgomery Wilson and Bellwood ( Orpheus Island, GBR 22.0 This paper Tamandaré Reefs, BrazilReefs, Tamandaré Africa Tomé, São Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 23.5 26.0 paper This paper This 23.5 paper This V ) Locality (°C) SST Reference 2 0.19Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.08 Arraialdo Cabo, Brazil 19.5 Ferreiraet al. ( 0.06Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.21 Orpheus Island, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.09 MagneticIsland, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.10Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.05 Bocas del Toro, Panama 24.5 This paper 0.05 MagneticIsland, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.03Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.16 Orpheus Island, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.08Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.04 MagneticIsland, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.08Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0 paper This 0.21 Orpheus Island, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.40 Orpheus Island, GBR 22.0 This paper 0.16 João Pessoa, Brazil 23.5 Osório et al.( shes from di from shes § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § W – – – – – – – – – 0.20 1.38 0.15 1.19 0.21 1.70 0.54 1.57 0.15 1.06 0.28 0.89 0.21 0.85 0.27 0.95 0.31 1.43 0.00 0.38 0.90 0.17 0.18 0.31 0.17 1.45 0.63 2.15 0.37 0.12 0.17 0.16 2.88 § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § –– –– –– –– 0.50 10.00 1.99 0.51 7.20 0.22 0.97 8.96 0.29 13.80 2.10 0.49 6.69 0.510.46 13.00 0.93 9.37 0.290.43 8.38 16.10 0.87 8.06 0.84 8.27 0.72 0.61 10.34 0.72 7.65 0.26 11.35 0.740.28 15.00 0.05 16.39 0.66 20.00 10.00 0.250.20 10.84 9.63 1.60 0.18 10.70 0.07 Réunion Island 22.0 Lison de Loma and 0.98 8.41 0.70 17.78 0.550.33 9.40 0.53 10.38 0.26 9.52 10.80 0.12 Réunion Island 22.0 Lison de Loma and § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § ) Bites/min (cm) Size (m Territory n 5 11.10 24 8.73 10 5.36 54 4.38 10 5.87 12 2.14 10 5.91 2240 4.08 4.35 10 5.73 1210 8.07 4.36 10 3.78 14 13.14 34 4.25 10 4.18 10 4.25 10 2.02 11128810 10.71 8.34 2.23 2.39 1010 1.89 2.96 51 8.17 10 3.43 10 3.93 30501051 7.04 4.44 3.93 10.50 Feeding rates, sample sizes, mean body sizes (total length) and territory sizes of damsel of sizes territory and length) (total sizes body mean sizes, sample rates, Feeding S. fuscus5 P. chrysurus P. S. fuscus4 P. burroughi S. fuscus3 P. bankanensis S. fuscus1 S. fuscus2 P. adelus 2 S. adustus 2 S. apicalis Pomacentrus adelus 1 adelus Pomacentrus Stegastes adustus1 P. lacrymatus 2 P. wardi 2 lacrymatus 1 P. wardi 1 1 2 M. chrysurus dorsalis M. Neoglyphidodon nigroris P. tripunctatus 2 P. tripunctatus 3 H. plagiometopon 2 S. nigricans 2 P. tripunctatus 1 Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon 1 plagiometopon Hemiglyphidodon S. fuscus6 S. imbricatus S. lividus S. nigricans 1 Table 1 perature (SST) compiled from NOAA database for each locality each for NOAA database from compiled (SST) perature Species Sample (

123 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 293

) constraints to herbivorous Wshes (Floeter et al. 2005). Moreover, the correlation between the minimum and the 1997 2 ) mean SST for all sites is highly signiWcant (r =0.99; )

) p < 0.0001). 2002 1980 ) 1984 Data analyses 1980 Regression analyses were conducted to verify the relation- ship and signiWcance between the estimated macroecological parameters (Zar 1999). The genera Pomacentrus and Stegas- tes were analyzed separately, as they represent the two most diverse genera of herbivorous territorial pomacentrids (Allen 1991). Microspathodon spp. was added to the Stegastes anal- ysis of bite rates against SST due to the phylogenetic prox- imity of these two genera (Quenouille et al. 2004; Cooper et al. 2008). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to test whether feeding rates and body size are diVerent between Stegastes and Pomacentrus. A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) biplot was used to summarize the overall relationship between feeding rates, body size and SST. Body size data for the species Stegastes fuscus 2 and 4, which were not col- lected, were extrapolated based on the closest species data available. All data (bites/min, body size and SST) Puntade San Blas, Panama 24.0 Robertson( Fanning Atoll, Line IslandsSesoko Island, OkinawaLizard Island,GBR 24.0 21.0 Lobel ( 23.0 Hata and Kato( Wilson and Bellwood ( were log10 transformed to reduce the eVect generated by diVerent orders of magnitude in some of the values (i.e., ) Locality SST (°C) Reference 2 bite rates ranged from approximately 6 to 13 bites/min, 0.23 Brazil Noronha, de Fernando 24.0 (2007) Souza 0.05 Panama Toro, del Bocas 24.5 paper This 0.08Guinea New Papua Bay, Kimbe 26.0paper This mean body size from 7 to 20 cm while SST ranged from § § § 18 to 26°C). MVSP 3.1 for Windows software was used – – for the PCA.

Results 0.13 1.61 0.16 0.44 0.15 0.90 § § § Feeding rates and body size versus SST –– ––

No correlation between bite rates and SST was found for the territorial Pomacentridae (Fig. 2). When the two most 0.340.080.28 8.15 10.00 11.00 – Los Frailes,Gulf of California 21.0 Montgomery ( 1.00 0.230.40 0.63 12.10 8.19 0.16 13.62 diverse genera of this group were analyzed separately, we § § § § § § § § observed a positive correlation for the genus Stegastes, but not for the genus Pomacentrus (Fig. 2). Data for S.nigri- cans 3 and S. lividus from Papua New Guinea were consid- ered outliers and were therefore removed from these

) Bites/min (cm) Size (m Territory analyses (see Discussion for more details). ANOVA n showed that Stegastes spp. have higher feeding rates than

58.00 Pomacentrus spp. (F1,30 = 7.71; p < 0.01) which may 1280 7.57 4.85 1016 6.48 7.44 10 2.05 405 8.53 147 6.89 explain why the mixing between diVerent genera (Poma- centridae) was not signiWcant. A negative correlation between body size and SST was observed for the territorial Pomacentridae as well as the continued

1 genus Stegastes (Fig. 3). This correlation, however, was only marginally signiWcant for the genus Pomacentrus S. planifrons 2 rectifraenum S. S. rocasensis S. nigricans 4 S. nigricans 5 S. nigricans 6 S. planifrons 1 Table S. nigricans 3 Species Sample ( (Fig. 3). 123 294 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299

2(a) 10(o,p,q) 11(o,p,q) 8(a) 9(m,n) 12(r) 3(b) 4(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) 5(a,i) 13(s) 1(a) 6(d,g,i,j,k) 14(s) 19(t) 15(s) 16(s) 7(g,k,l) 17(s) 18(s)

2.000 km

Fig. 1 World map showing the places where data were collected by (a) , (b) Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus, (c) the authors (gray arrows) and from the literature (black arrows). Neoglyphidodon nigroris, (d) Pomacentrus adelus, (e) P. bankanensis, 1 Réunion Island, 2 Sesoko Island, 3 Motupore Island, 4 Kimbe Bay, (f) P. burroughi, (g) P. tripunctatus, (h) S. lividus, (i) Hemiglyphid- 5 Lizard Island, 6 Orpheus Island, 7 Magnetic Island, 8 Fanning Atoll, odon plagiometopon, (j) P. chrysurus, (k) P. wardi, (l) S. apicalis, (m) 9 Los Frailes, 10 Bocas del Toro, 11 San Blas, 12 Fernando de Microspathodon dorsalis, (n) S. rectifraenum, (o) Microspathodon Noronha, 13 João Pessoa, 14 Tamandaré Reefs, 15 Guarapari, 16 chrysurus, (p) S. adustus, (q) S. planifrons, (r) S. rocasensis, (s) S. fus- Arraial do Cabo, 17 Porto Belo, 18 Florianópolis, 19 São Tomé. cus, (t) S. imbricatus

16 15 8 Pomacentridae Stegastes Pomacentrus

12 12 r² = 0.06 r² = 0.39 6 F1,35 = 2.37 F1,20 = 12.92 p = 0.13 9 p = 0.001 8 4 6 r² = 0.14

Bites/min ± SE 4 2 3 F1,8 = 1.34 p = 0.27

0 0 0 17 19.5 22 24.5 27 17 19 21 23 25 21 23 25 27 SST °C

Fig. 2 Relationship between feeding rates (bites/min) and sea surface square = S. fuscus or P. tripunctatus; white square = S. apicalis; gray temperature (SST) in the territorial Pomacentridae and the genera Steg- square = S. rocasensis; gray circle = Microspathodon dorsalis; gray astes and Pomacentrus. For Stegastes and Pomacentrus graphs the triangle = M. chrysurus. For the Pomacentridae graph, the white trian- black triangle represents S. adustus or P. adelus; white triangle = gle represents Neoglyphidodon; black diamond = Hemiglyphidodon; S. nigricans or P. wardi; black diamond = S. imbricatus or P. bankan- white diamond = Plectroglyphidodon; black circle = Stegastes; white ensis; white diamond = S. lividus or P. burroughi; black circle = circle = Pomacentrus; gray triangle = Microspathodon S. rectifraenum; white circle = S. planifrons or P. chrysurus; black

21 Pomacentridae 19 12 Stegastes Pomacentrus 17 18 r² = 0.48 r² = 0.33 F1,14 = 13.27 F1,8 = 4.02 15 p < 0.01 10 p = 0.07 15 13 12 11 8 r² = 0.21 Size (cm) ± SE 9 F = 8.28 1,31 9 p < 0.01

6 7 6 17 19.5 22 24.5 27 17 19 21 23 25 27 21 23 25 27 SST°C

Fig. 3 Relationship between body size and sea surface temperature (SST) in the territorial Pomacentridae and the genera Stegastes and Pomacen- trus. See Fig. 2 for graphic representation of species

Feeding rates versus body size and territory size genera Stegastes and Pomacentrus (Fig. 4). ANOVA showed that Stegastes spp. are signiWcantly larger than W There was no signi cant relationship between body size Pomacentrus spp, (F1,25 = 4.40; p < 0.05) which indi- and bite rates for the territorial Pomacentridae (Fig.4). cates that combining diVerent genera may not be appro- However, we found a negative correlation for both the priate. 123 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 295

16 16 8 Pomacentridae r² = 0.06 Stegastes Pomacentrus F1,31 = 2.28 p = 0.14 r² = 0.44 12 12 F1,15 = 12.06 6 p = 0.003

8 8 4

r² = 0.49 4 4 2 F1,8 = 7.77 Bites/min ± SE p = 0.02

0 0 0 51015207 9 11 13 15 17 5791113 Size (cm) ± SE

Fig. 4 Relationship between feeding rates (bites/min) and body size in the territorial Pomacentridae and the genera Stegastes and Pomacentrus. See Fig. 2 for graphic representation of species

None of the analyses showed a relationship between Neoglyphidodon nigroris and Plectroglyphidodon lacryma- feeding rates and territory size: Pomacentridae (r2 =0.14; tus are generally smaller than Stegastes spp. 2 F1,19 = 3.22; p = 0.08); Stegastes (r = 0.18; F1,7 =1.63; 2 p=0.24); Pomacentrus (r = 0.18; F1,7 = 1.61; p = 0.24). Discussion and conclusions Principal components analysis The inXuence of temperature on feeding DiVerences in feeding rates (bites/min) explained most of the variability in the PCA (Axis 1: 74.40%; Fig. 5). DiVer- This study has highlighted general large-scale patterns in ences in body size and SST accounted for the other 22.75% the relationships between temperature, body size and feed- (Axis 2) of the variation in the data. Larger species, such as ing activity in territorial pomacentrids. Temperature is a subtropical fringe Stegastes spp., Hemiglyphidodon plagio- key factor in driving Wsh feeding activity. The higher tem- metopon and Microspathodon dorsalis were characterized peratures found in the tropics are directly related to an by having lower feeding rates than the smaller tropical increase in the metabolic rates of thermo-dependent organ- Western Atlantic Stegastes spp. and the Indo-West PaciWc isms (Clarke and Johnston 1999; Schmidt-Nielsen 2002). S. nigricans. Despite the relatively large size of the tropical Therefore, feeding activities must increase as well (Floeter M. chrysurus, it has much higher feeding rates than its sub- et al. 2005). While there was a positive correlation between tropical counterpart M. dorsalis. All species of Pomacentrus, bite rates and SST in the genus Stegastes, this relationship

Fig. 5 Principal Components Stegastes - Tropical WA Analysis biplot of the overall Stegastes - Tropical EA 12 cm relationship between sea surface temperature (SST), body size Stegastes- Eastern Pacific and bite rates for the territorial Stegastes - Indo-Pacific Pomacentridae. The length of Stegastes - Subtropical fringe the arrows indicates the relative Pomacentrus

importance of the three test Microspathodon chrysurus Axis 2 (22.75%) factors. Circle sizes are Microspathodon dorsalis proportional to body size, which Hemiglyphidodon Size is indicated by the horizontal Plectroglyphidodon bar. The species numbering code is based on Table 1 Neoglyphidodon

Mchr2 Mdor Hpla1 Mchr1 Sapi

Sfus4 Snig5 Snig1 Sfus3 Sfus1 Bites Snig2

Sfus2 Sroc Snig3 Sfus5 Axis 1 (74,40%) Srec Pwar2 Pwar1 Sfus6 Sadu1 Ptri3 Simb Sadu2 Ptri2 Sliv Pade2 Pbur Spla1 Spla2 Ptri1 Nnig SST

Pade1 Pl_lac1 Pchr Pban

123 296 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 was not signiWcant in the territorial Pomacentridae and the spans for reef Wsh in the tropics (Choat and Robertson genus Pomacentrus. The lack of a good range of SST data 2002). for the latter – data were collected at three Indo-PaciWc This same study demonstrated that individual Acanthu- locations, resulting in only two diVerent temperatures rus bahianus grow larger (and live longer) in colder waters (Ceccarelli, present paper) – made the analysis of macro- (Choat and Robertson 2002). The authors suggested that ecological patterns with an emphasis on temperature less lower temperatures reduce growth rates and/or increase life robust for this genus. The combining of diVerent genera for span, and that this pattern may be related to low recruitment the analysis of territorial Pomacentridae may not be rates in subtropical fringe areas, also leading to a longer life appropriate, as an ANOVA showed signiWcant diVerences span. Although there are local ecological attributes to in feeding activity of both Stegastes and Pomacentrus. address when analyzing the body size of Wshes (e.g. territo- Seasonal variations in temperature account for diVer- rial behavior and competition; Robertson 1984, 1995, 1996; ences in feeding activities. Previous studies have demon- Choat and Robertson 2002; Hata and Kato 2004), we sug- strated that the bite rates of a single damselWsh species (e.g. gest that metabolic aspects were the main factor driving the Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus, S. fuscus and S. rocasen- observed patterns between body size and temperature in sis) within the same location can vary daily and seasonally reef Wshes on a macro scale analysis. with temperature (Polunin and Klumpp 1989; Ferreira et al. 1998; Souza 2007). Our study ascertains that temperature The inXuence of body size on feeding variations have a strong inXuence on feeding activity in the Stegastes genus. However, we do not know enough about There was a negative correlation between feeding rates and how other oceanographic (e.g. hydrodynamics) and biolog- body size for both Stegastes and Pomacentrus, but not ical conditions (e.g. density–dependent interactions) can for the Pomacentridae combined. The diVerence in body exert some inXuence on macroecological Wsh foraging pat- size between Stegastes and Pomacentrus as showed by terns (Ferreira et al. 1998). ANOVA indicates that combining the two genera may not be appropriate. Larger individuals tend to have lower feed- The inXuence of temperature on body size ing rates than smaller ones regardless temperature, as their speciWc metabolism (O2 consumption/mass/time)—and Our results show that a negative correlation between body therefore their feeding activity—is expected to be lower size and SST exists for Stegastes spp. and the Pomacentri- (Yager and Summerfelt 1993). dae family, and it is marginally signiWcant in the genus Natural variations in body size exist between and within Pomacentrus, conWrming the applicability of Bergmann’s species and genera, and this can determine the behavioral rule to this group of Wshes. Sampling Pomacentrus in a activity of individual Wsh. Ecological interactions between wider range of temperatures is likely to give a clearer view diVerent species may play a large role in determining indi- of this pattern. vidual body size: the presence of larger and dominant spe- Coral reefs have long been described as the richest cies (Robertson 1984), intra and interspeciWc competition marine ecosystem on the planet, with a complex three- and ability (Robertson 1995, 1996), density and distribution dimensional structure, being compared only to tropical of territories (Meadows 2001) and diVerent feeding and rain forests (Connell 1978). Being members of one of the ‘farming’ patterns (extensive vs. intensive; Hata and Kato most abundant and diverse reef Wsh families, territorial 2004). Despite all the ‘noise’ that may be caused by those damselWshes display intense inter- and intraspeciWc com- interactions during the life of a damselWsh, we demonstrate petition (Robertson 1984, 1995; Ferreira et al. 1998; Cec- that macroecological patterns emerge when a large enough carelli et al. 2001; Hata and Kato 2002), may face high pool of species is analyzed. predation pressure (see Hixon and Webster 2002) and The temperature-size axis in the PCA (Axis 1) separates must deter intruding competitors (such as larger roving the genus Pomacentrus from the other species considered herbivores) from depleting the resources in their territo- in this study. This may be due to the geographic separation ries (Ceccarelli et al. 2005, 2006; Osório et al. 2006; of sampling sites (Pomacentrus spp. were only sampled in Souza 2007). The cost of repelling intruders is expected to the Indo-West PaciWc), but potentially indicates the impor- be high, and as smaller Wshes allocate comparatively more tance of size, rather than feeding rates, in characterizing the energy to their metabolism than bigger Wshes, the tropical diVerent genera. Sampling Pomacentrus spp. more widely environment may favor smaller and less aggressive indi- will oVer a clearer view of this pattern. viduals. In addition, the faster metabolism causes a larger The PCA analysis grouped S. nigricans 3 with subtropi- degree of oxidative stress, which, together with possible cal fringe species due to its larger size and very low feeding higher predation rates, shortens their life span. This is cor- rate, even though it inhabits relatively warm waters (Kimbe roborated by data showing smaller sizes and shorter life Bay, PNG). In terms of SST, S. nigricans 3 is an “outlier” 123 Mar Biol (2009) 156:289–299 297 within the genus Stegastes, as a tropical Stegastes species aVected by the species composition of the surrounding Wsh would be expected to be smaller. A further contrast high- community (Crossman et al. 2001; Purcell and Bellwood lighted by the PCA is that Hemiglyphidodon plagiometo- 2001; Russ 2003; Ceccarelli et al. 2006). pon is large, inhabits warm waters and displays a low Studies have shown that larger Wshes defend larger terri- feeding rate, while the size equivalent Microspathodon tories (Sale 1978; Letourneur 2000). The size of the ‘feed- chrysurus, also living in warm waters, has a much higher ing patch’ may be also proportional to the feeding activity feeding rate. Furthermore, M. dorsalis displays lower feed- and/or the size of the occupant, but this assumption has yet ing rates than M. chrysurus, as would be expected for a sub- to be investigated. Although our study does not analyze this tropical species. Overall, it appears that within each genus aspect, we suggest that these patches may vary between there is a particular pattern for the relationship between taxa or even between locations for a single species. feeding activity, body size and temperature that may or may not correspond to the pattern displayed by other genera. Conclusions Some studies show that macroecological patterns become clearer as the group analyzed becomes more restricted On the basis of these results, we extend the validity of (Macpherson and Duarte 1994; Choat and Robertson 2002; Bergmann’s rule to territorial damselWshes, a numerically Smith and Brown 2002). Among territorial damselWshes, and ecologically important group of reef Wshes. This ecoge- territoriality may vary considerably spatially (e.g. density- ographic rule applies to the territorial damselWsh group in dependent processes—not evaluated here; Hixon and Web- this study despite phylogenetic diVerences and variations in ster 2002), and between taxa (Ceccarelli et al. 2001). Stegas- diet, aggression and sampling methods. Territorial dam- tinae and are not closely related genera selWshes inhabiting warmer waters are smaller and have within Pomacentridae (Quenouille et al. 2004; Cooper et al. higher feeding rates than their subtropical counterparts. The 2008) and have diVerent demographic structures (Ceccarelli identiWcation of large-scale, robust ecological patterns pers. obs.), which may be a determining factor in shaping underpins the understanding of reef Wsh community mac- species’ body size and therefore also inXuence their feeding roecology. Identifying these relationships for other reef Wsh activity. Pomacentrus spp. are smaller (as showed by groups may establish a foundation for predicting future ANOVA) and less aggressive than Stegastes spp. (D.M.B. large-scale changes in reef Wsh assemblages with expected Frensel, D.R. Barneche, S.R. Floeter, D.M. Ceccarelli, changes in SST. C.E.L. Ferreira, D.F. Dinslaken, in prep.), and may be able to inhabit coral reef systems by maintaining extensive, Acknowledgments We would like to thank D. Wilhelm Filho and the rather than intensive, algal farming (Hata and Kato 2004). In three reviewers for corrections and insightful comments; R.F. Yamash- ita for Tamadaré Reef data; H. Andrade for statistical advice. Financial addition, we observed that Microspathodon spp. data added support was provided by CNPq (D.R. Barneche Bolsista PIBIC do to the Stegastes analysis sustained the pattern observed, and CNPq - Brazil), National Geographic Society (grant 7937–05 to S.R. we believe that this is due to their close phylogenetic rela- Floeter), Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STV grants to S.R. tionship (Quenouille et al. 2004; Cooper et al. 2008). When Floeter and C.E.L. Ferreira), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Funpesquisa grant 239–2006 to S.R. Floeter) and IEAPM (C.E.L. Stegastes and Pomacentrus were analyzed separately, they Ferreira). Data collection on Australian and PNG reefs was supported presented the same pattern, albeit at diVerent scales. As a by GBRMPA and ARC grants to D.M. Ceccarelli and G.P. Jones. consequence, no pattern is observed when the data are pooled for the family analysis. References Feeding activity and territory area Alimov AF (2003) Territoriality in aquatic and their sizes. 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