PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME VERSION 3 MAY 2017 You can register online now CLICK HERE OPPortUNITIES AND CHALLENGES ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING 28 – 30 June 2017 ICC BIRMINGHAM PLATINUM SPONSOR British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons The Royal College Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE Email:
[email protected] Website: Plan ahead Contact us at:
[email protected] +44 1635 262 400 BAOMS Flyer.1.indd 3 3/21/17 2:33 PM BIRMINGHAM 2017 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 3 CONTINUING ProFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) CONTENTS This scientific meeting aims to provide attendees with the opportunity to gain up to date knowledge on the latest developments in research, audit, education, surgical techniques, INtroDUCTION clinical patient management and outcomes in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. from ThE BAOMS PRESIDEnT This is delivered through seminars led by experts in their field, masterclasses and short papers presenting the latest research and developments. Participants should verify their own attendance record out of the maximum hours 4 available, which have been calculated as follows: Wednesday 28 June CPD hours 5.25 BAOMS COunCIL 2017 Thursday 29 June CPD hours 6.25 Friday 30 June CPD hours 6.25 4 CERTIFicaTES OF ATTENdaNCE Certificates of attendance indicating the CPD hours for the elements of the meeting ExhIBITIOn PLAn & LISTIngS booked by the attendee will be sent by email after the conference. SIGNING THE ATTENdaNCE REGISTER 5 In order to meet the requirements of verifiable CPD attendees should sign in at the Registration Desk on each day that they attend the conference.