Homelessness Around Us - Public Hidden Potential HOMELESSNESS AROUND US
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Homelessness around us - public hidden potential HOMELESSNESS AROUND US PUBLIC HIDDEN POTENTIAL RE SEARCH COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 1 Homelessness around us - public hidden potential Homelessness around us - public hidden potential HOMELESSNESS AROUND US PUBLIC HIDDEN POTENTIAL Skopje 2016 2 3 Homelessness around us - public hidden potential Homelessness around us - public hidden potential Dear Reader, Published by:Association for Research, Communications and Development – PUBLIC This book is dedicated to the problem of homelessness and as such is a true rarity in About the publisher:Klimentina Ilijevski, Executive Director the existing professional and academic texts in the country. The homelessness is a spe- cific and complex social phenomenon and a process which involves individuals exposed Authors: M.Sc. Klimentina Ilijevski, M.Sc. Katerina Mojančevska, Aleksandra Iloska, Maja Nedelkovska to a multitude of social risks, are marginalized and often live in poverty and social exclu- Academic consultants: Prof. Dr. Maria Donevska, M.Sc. Katerina Mojančevska Associates: M.Sc. Tiana Radeska, Aneta Risteska sion. The specific actions and policies targeting the homeless as a vulnerable category Strategy on Inclusive Communication: Nebojsa Ilijevski of people exceed the national boundaries, while taking into consideration the flexibility Logistic support: Zarmena Božinovska of their profile which has recently expanded to include categories of people such as im- Graphic design: Zoran Inadeski migrants, youngsters and children. Translator: Anica Kozmanovska This book is a rare contribution to the problem of homelessness, particularly as it Print: KONTURA provides insight on: Net press run 100 copies 1) the theoretical and conceptual basis of the analysis on homelessness, as well as Free copy, for non-commercial purposes empirical data on the challenges faced by the homeless people, and 2) a comparative analysis on the homelessness and the respective policies in many European countries, as well as a review of the situation and the relevant measures in the Republic of Macedonia implemented to alleviate the challenges posed by the homeless- ness at national and local level. This publication has been supported by the American people through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Such dual approach allows the book to help support further exploration of the critical as part of the USAID project on civil society. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of PUBLIC - Agency for debates on homelessness in the Republic of Macedonia, while being a remarkably useful Research, Communication and Development and does not express the views of the USAID or the Government of the United States of America. tool for the creators of the policies and the measures that affect the living conditions of the homeless people. In light of the above, a greater acknowledgment is due to the Association for Re- CIP - Каталогизација во публикација search, Communications and Development – PUBLIC, which, while working on civil so- Национална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје ciety issues, has decided to focus its research on homelessness. Their initiative is likely 364.2-058.51 to prompt further theoretical and applicable research endeavors by other civil organiza- tions that would ultimately help improve the prospects of dealing with the challenges HOMELESSNESS around us : public, hidden, potential / [authors of homelessness. Klimentina Ilijevski ... [и др.] ; translator Anica Kozmanovska]. - Skopje : Association for research, communications and development Public, 2016. - 111 стр. : илустр. ; 21 см Prof. Dr. Maja Gerovska - Mitev Превод на делото: Бездомништвото околу нас : јавно, скриено, потенцијално / автори Климентина Илиејвски ...[ и др.]. - Фусноти кон текстот. - Автори: Klimentina Ilijevski, Katerina Mojančevska, Aleksandra Iloska, Maja Nedelkovska. - Библиографија: стр. 108-110 ISBN 978-608-65957-1-5 1. Ilijevski, Klimentina [автор] а) Социјално загрозени лица - Бездомници COBISS.MK-ID 100987914 4 5 Homelessness around us - public hidden potential Homelessness around us - public hidden potential INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS The United Nations Millennium Develop- package for methodological work with these ment Goals, and the new UN Document-Sus- groups – prevention, early intervention, inter- I WHAT IS HOMELESSNESS? SHORT THEORETICAL SUMMARY 8 tainable Development Indicators 2025, have vention in crisis and social integration, as well made the fight against poverty and hunger a as the instrument for measuring the depth II ETHOS – EUROPEAN TYPOLOGY ON HOMELESSNESS AND HOUSING EXCLUSION priority task, a significant part of which is the of homelessness. Based on the research, the (European typology on homelessness and housing exclusion) 10 homelessness. web page Homelessness.mk has been devel- The increasing societal inequalities, high oped (bezdomnistvo.mk), which provides an III KEY considerations from THE comparative analysis ON THE approach rates of unemployment and social exclusion integrated approach to this phenomenon in to homelessness 13 have contributed to the rise of homelessness Macedonia. on a global level, whereas the ongoing crisis Verification and further elaboration of the IV METHODOLOGY OF THE REASERCH 17 with the emigrants, refugees and the internally research findings were made as part of the displaced persons, pose an additional risk. conference Homelessness Around Us – Public, V BASIC INFORMATION ON SOCIAL PROTECTION IN MACEDONIA RELATED TO The limited concept of homelessness leads Hidden, Potential, which gathered represen- THE TRADITIONAL AND THE CONTEMPORARY CONCEPT ON HOMELESSNESS 21 to a conclusion that the number of homeless tatives of insitutions, NGO sector, informal people in the country is negligent. The home- assosiations, business sector as well as repre- VI RESULTS FROM THE RESEARCH 30 lessness has thus far been largely perceived as sentatives of vulnerable groups, as classifed by 6.1 Overview of the Research 31 public homelessness, comprised mainly of peo- ETHOS. 6.2 Public homelessness 35 ple sleeping on the street. The new definition, The research was conducted throughout a 6.3 Hidden homelessness 41 resulting from this research, includes two new period of 14 months, in a total of 138 research 6.4 Potential homelessness 69 profiles – hidden and potential homelessness units including experts, representatives of the – with nine categories and 15 subcategories. media, the civil sector and homeless people. VII MAIN BENEFITS FROM THE RESEARCH 93 These include people who stay with family or The team of the PUBLIC Research Centre 7.1 Definition + Categorization 94 friends, women in domestic violence shelters, would like to acknowledge the efforts made by 7.2 Measuring of the depth of homelessness 94 people with prolonged stay in institutions due the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in pro- 7.3 Professional guidance for the people working with homeless 97 to absence of home, people with a confiscated viding participation of the institutions in this 7.4 Support system for homeless people 100 mortgaged home, people living in temporary, research, the Social Activities Institute and 7.5 Development of a platform which maries theory and 103 unconventional places, etc. the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy, The research, conducted by PUBLIC Research the Faculty of Philosophy for the provided VIII INITIATIVES FOR SUPPORT OF THE HOMELESS PEOPLE IN MACEDONIA 104 Centre, provides the basis for measuring the academic and professional consultancy, the homelessness in line with the ETHOS typology Red Cross of the City of Skopje which enabled which will enable an appropriate approach to a facilitated access to the vulnerable groups this increasing problem and creation of evi- subject of this research, as well as to the Asso- dence-based policies, built on data comparable ciation of Social Workers of the City of Skopje, not only at European, but at a global level. as the most relevant authority on the issue of A further outcome of the research is the homelessness. 6 7 Homelessness around us - public hidden potential Homelessness around us - public hidden potential homelessness (lack of roof over the head). In this case the person reaches for alcohol, The inclusion in the world of homeless people personal hygiene is gradually neglected, and carries along a need for self-defining as a home- the individual is on the lookout for food and less person. other homeless people. Slowly, the homeless The first phase in the new life of public person overcomes the uncertainty and plung- homelessness, in line with the in vivo codes of es into a more inviting world – the one of the I a specific group of homeless persons, may have homeless people. The individual’s initiation into different names. In any case, it is a phase when homelessness is simultaneously the beginning the individual feels lost and is equally unrecog- of the identification with the new social group. nized by his/her closest people and by the other Given the three perspectives, the homeless WHAT IS HOMELESSNESS? homeless persons. person may be observed as a dysfunctional During this period, the individual is wary of person who loses the social ties and roles and Short theoretical summary being identified with the other homeless peo- is under constant scrutiny by the homeowners. ple. The constant tension induced by the pro- Our research team is strongly opposed to any cess of becoming or not becoming a homeless labeling