,.~,"'...--:-~=~If Voters.Will Regl!Lter
w. PriId It Aa W. GIt It, W"atJ.o.t F.... F..... MYWtiIiM Hu No JWetiGa f•• to b. Pcfcr. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE PODI'I'E AlII) mE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT YOL.16-No.1 IL B. OLDHAM. Publi.her. .GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1940 By Mail, $2.00 per year; Sin~le CopiCl, sCent.- QIUJd4. C~? , 8:rA. P..,. ~nTatiq. • Zouiq OrdiDauee We'~e nua acron two new yeniOlU .f\cIopted At Gratiot of campaip lapel aadgets which were Trembly School ~ilclren Salute Flag 'Draft Confusion Avoided designed and executed by an Eastem Townabip MeetiJJa' hairdreliSer, One u a small ke)' with Gt'atiot TOWllship'. lIew zonin,r ordi. If Voters. Will Regl!lter the lette... WILL propped OD top; the ;,. ~,"'..... --:-~=~ other is (of aU thinas) a red rose with II&ZIcewas llll.lllimollSl" adopted as pub- the letters VELT supportill&' the Item I lished ill a reeelit isalle of The Gt'osse " .,. Before Final Deadline McNary had a little lamb !'omte Review, last Monda" evening at Wednesday, Oetober 16, wiJI be the Who's DIllIe was "Iq 0' muttoa~ a board meeting in Eastwood School Both resbtrafiol1s will be handled b,. last day in which yoters who inteud to And everytime it waned its tall, Several questionl and om)' one ob- the same perlO11Jlel in your commugjt, east a baUot at aatiouat e1eciWD 011 It Sashed a Willkie battOL jeetioa were raised duriaa' tbe eveniaa'a the and a tremendou.s load wiU be thrown Tuesday, November can teeister. diaCtlstiOll. JUltice Edward Kraft gaye 5, UJIOll the reaisttiltioa C1achinery OIl For a Iollg tiJIIe "e've tbouaht that a sbort Ipeech dcfendill&' the ordiaanee Wednesda)', October 16, wiJI also be the that lIa7.
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