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Attribution Problems in English Drama, 1660-1700

Attribution Problems in English Drama, 1660-1700

Attribution problems in English drama, 1660-1700

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Citation Hume, Robert D., and Judith Milhous. 1983. Attribution problems in English drama, 1660-1700. Harvard Library Bulletin XXXI (1), Winter 1983: 5-39.

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F 6 78 j1lay tit1es f ro1n the period 1660--1700 Iistcd in the Harbage-Schoenhaucn Annals of h~11glishDratna, 563 have authors of son1e sort ascribed to them. Of those 563, about 80 are significantly qucstionab]c. This figure inc]udes lost 1 plays? closet dra1nas, translations 1 drolls, and even ghosts~ The entire! y anonymous p]ays (some 115 in number) are by no means ,vholJy a Jost ca use. Just. \Vt thin the last f e\\' years, E,;1ilia( 167 2) has been definitively ascribed tu I·,lccknoc.,and The Faithfi1IVirgins (1663; redated ca. 1670) to £lizaucth _Pol\vhele. Our prinu1ry concern here, ho\vever.,is ,vith those plnys f~r ,vhich \Ve _do possess son1c sort of attribution. Such ascriptions have a ,vay . of getting repeated from reference book to reference book ,vithout n1uch fresh cxan1ination. ln the course of preparing a nc,v edition of

Part 1 of TheLondon Stage., '"e have made a systematic study 1 hoping (1) to determine exactly ,vhat the evidence is for each attribution; (2) to incorporate the findings of recent scholars; (3) to offer t.he best opinion \Ve can as to the authorship of each of the disputed plays; and (4) to exp]ode son1e traditional attributions. In cases such as ' 1Lcanerd's" The Cnunteifeitsnnd 'tScttlc's" 1tJeFairy-Queen, a hard look at the evidence sho\vs oft-repeated attributions close to ,vorth- less. PJa ys brought to the stage by actors arc particulad y treacher- ous. 2 And a play like '~Betterton 's', llen,y the Fourth is not in ar1y sense an original p1ay, or even an ad nptation; in our opinion it shou]d henceforth be expunged from p1ay lists~

1 \Ve ha\'e excluded L.:uin plays and Kirkm~n's l Vit.~{:ollt{·tions of l 6f'i2-rlnd l f'i73T\Ve h~\·e also ex-duded plays \i'hosc autho"r is known onlr Ly Jrliti~ls(e.g., "\V.1\.·t •s 7'htHrm1ingum Diver1isrmen1,1678) unless earlier authorities ha\ ·c tried to cxp;ind them or the ca~e present~ features of s pccia I i ntcrcst.

2 For ad iscussion of this problcm 1 p.1tticularly in r-ctuion to the plar:s of the 1690st see

Rohc-tt U . J Iurnc 1 ,~· l ·he OrigEn or the Act or Ilen cfit in it~ fort hcorni ng in TheaI re Rega,,·h bJIt! nm t iMwl. 5

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 6 Harvard JJibrnJJBulletin \Vc shou]d cn1phasizc that this is a bibliogn.1phical in vestig:1tion. \\ 7e have not attcn1ptcd to consider interna] evidence or sty]e. Fe\v of these case.s are even arguab]y open to such an approach, and the exa111p]eof The Indian Queen(,vhich has been the subject of such argurnents) is a cautionary one. Con~cqucntly ,vc have ~tuck tu ,vhat is said in prefaces, prologues, and epi1ogucs; lo biographical fact; and to attributions fron1 T.. nngba in e and his n un1erous successors. J\1an y of the doubtf u 1 ascrj ption s derive f rorn ear] y p] ay lists - e~g.,. Lang- 1 bainc, G i1don, ~~dears,' YVhincop,'' and the 17 64 1 17 82 and 1812 editions of the BiograpbiaDrrunatica. Son1e corne fro1n the highly unreliab]e Chet,vood. Othcr5 first appear ,vithout supporting evi- dence in nineteenth-century con1pi]ations. Play ]ists checked in all cases are recorded belo,v, together ,vith other sou recs f rcgucntl y consulted. 3

A 11unlsof English Drama, 975-1700 1 con1p. 1\lfrcd

1-JJrbage 3 re\·. S. Schoenbanm (London: i\·lcrhucn, l 964). Gerald Eades Bentley t 'Jl1e Jacobeanand lTnroli,u·

Stage, 7 YO ls. (Oxford: Clarendon Press i 1941-1968 ). I 7 82 niogra phia Dn1 n1u tic a haac Reed~ lliograp/Jittl)nnnatica~ 2 vols. (London: i\·lcssrs Rivingtons cc aL, 1781}. 18I 2 Hiograp/JiaJJnm1(ltica Stephen Jones, RiographiaJ Jramal ica, 3 \·ol.s.{Lon• don~ Longnian et a1., 18 i 2). Chenvood \Vill ian1 Rufus Chcnrood, Tbr British Tlu:alre {DuLli n: Peter \ Vilson, 17 ;o). Dav1d Erskine Baker, 1\ Con1panio11to thf Play- House.,l \'ols. (London: -r. Becket ct al.~ 1764). John Do"'ncs, Rosdur A nglican!ls (London: H. Pla.. vford, 1708) . Gildon Charles Gildon, The lives and Cbnrac,e-r:trJj thf h'ng/iJh l)ramal ick Poets (l .ondon~ J ..eigh and 'I ..urncr., [ l 699]). Hal lhvell-Phi II ipps J. O. I-Ialliv~·ell [-Phillipp~L A !Jictim1my rd-Vld E1iglisbPloys (London: John Russell Srnith, 1860). \V. C. 1-Iailitt \ Y. C. I Iazlitt, A 1t1muu1!... of Old EnglishPlay_r {J 892;,rpt. N~\\" '{ork: Burt Franklin] 1966).

3 For a fuU h1l•llugraphy of pfay lists, sc-cCarl J. Straunan 1 iinramatic Pb.y J .b;1:s: I j91.

1961,', B11flrtinrJf 1hc l',lcw J"

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) /J~uglisbDrtllJUI A tt ributions: 7 Jacob Giles Jacob., Thr:Poetical Regislel' (London: Curll, 1719). Kirknlan Fr.:.ultis Ktrkn1j_n~il True-iPe,fec/-i mu! Entel Cata- logueof All tbe Co111edies,Tragedies, Tragi-Com- cdics... /J"'t1)crYet Printed {London: Kirkn1an~ 1671). Langbr.inc Gerard Langbainc, Au Account of the Enl;li.. b Dra~ uwl irk PrJetJ{Oxford: \ Vesr (lnd Cl ('n1cnts, 1691 ).

1 'he!.mu/011 St age 'J"hel.,mulon St(lge, 1660-/800 1 Pan I: 1660-1700, ed. \Villia.n1\t ;111 I....cnncp1-E1nmcu L. _.i\,·ery) and l\rthur ]-1. Scouten (Ca rbondak: South- ern [Jli_nois-U ni\'crsity Press, l 965). ''Lost PJaysn Judirh l\-1ilhou.~and Robert [). 1-Jlllnc, HLo.st

English P1ays1 1660-1700/' I -iAH\' Altl.l Lrnl{ARY Iluu.r.TI~, XX V ( 1977), 5-33.

1713 i\'lcars \V. l\·]cars1 1\ TnH and E-raa Catnlagut~of All tht Pf.a~sT'hal \\'ere E(',;erret Printed (London: J\-1ears) 1713).

1719 ~'lc~rs \VT l\lciars1 A Con,p!en1l'"(IJa!ogue (etc.) (London: 1\l~nrsi J 719}. I 726 i\1cars \ V. /\-tears, A C(J1nplrntCatologru: (etc.) (London: 1\lean,1 J726}. /\1ilhous, 4'~I'hon1as JudLLh lvlilhous, ' 1TJ10[ll3S Iletlerton\ P]ay,1.'rtt- Bcttertu n '5 Pla y,,Ti t Jngn ing, '~ Bulleti,: of the l'-/eu·York Public library, I .,XX\'l I ( 1974), 375 ~392. Sun1n1crs, Bibliography ~i\1ontaguc-Su1nrncrs, A flibliogn1p~l'ef tlx RL·strna- tior1Dl'ama (19 35; rpt. N c,v "\'ork: H.u~sclland

Ru.~~eUJ 1970). Su n1n1c rs, P!aybouse ef P tp)'s l\1o n tag uc Su Ill rncrs, Tbc Playhouse of Pepys{ 19 J 5; rpt. I\" C\l' York: I-Ju1n:1niries Press~ 1964 )T \Vhincop "Thonrns \ Vhincopl) Uohn i\1ouley]J "A Complete

List . T • of AH the Pia ys Ever PrinLcd in the E,ngll Sh J..!l ngu ilge 1-D p ll h I1 shed \\'l th Scm1der- be~(London: \V. Rcc\'c., 1747). . ' \Ving I.Jonald \Ying~ Short-1ti1k Catalogue(''ol. 1 rev. 1972; \Tol. 1, l948; \ 1nl. 3, 1951}. \\~ood., A tbenlf Oxm1icJJses Anthony. a \Vood, Alhrnd' ·oxonieuses,cd. Philip Illiss, 4 ,,ols. ([ ..nndnn: F. C. and J+ Hivington c-t al., 18 l 3-l820). \Voodis Fm·ti O.ronicnsc.1i:s

appended 10 ,, olumc 1\' 1 co!u n1ns nun11Jcrcd separate-Iy. (;~rt rude L+ \Voud\\·ard and Jan1c.s G. i~1c~'lana\vay, A Check Lift of Englirh Plays

J 641 A 1700 (Chicago: I\Te\\·berry Library~ 1945).

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) S H n1 ·-va rd Lib,·a ry Bulie Ii 11 Some uf the classic pro blcn1s (such as Sotloniand The lndian Queen) ,vii] probably re1nnin inso]ub]c, barring the discovery off resh man- uscript evidence. l~he anonymity of n1any political skits is regrctta- b1e1 but not so1ncthing ,ve can du much about. A good nun1ber of p1ays have shaky ''traditional,, .attributions \vhich descrvt: scrutiny. 1'hcrc js, at any rate, no excuse for repeating then1 unquestioningly. In t\\'cnty-seven cases ,vc have found insufficient substance in such attributions to ,varrant their reiteration even as conjecture. One general prob]en1 that ,vc have had to tack]c is that of consist- ency. Thus," The Hu,norouslovers (#3 3), said by the Auuals to be by

Ca\"·endish\\'ith help fron1 Dryden, Shir]ey I or Shad\vcl1, n1ight be

said to parallel (:ongreve's JY;eOld Batchelour1 ,vhich Dryden is kno\vn to have fixed up for production - but no one a tt ri butcs that play to HCongreve and Dryden.'' A certain an1ount of fixing by 1nanagen1ent and friends \vas nurn1al and need not be considered collaboration. Of the cighty-t,vo cases surveyed here, \l'e regard thirty-three as settled beyond reasonable doubt. \\'c have indicated plays ,vhose authorship seen1sdefinite \vith an asterisk(*) before the iten1 nun1ber. In fifty-five instances our conclusion auout the attribution differs significantly fron1 ,vhat is given in the Annals, The London Stage, ur both of thetn. Such cases are signaled for the reader \Vith a prelimi- nary dagger (t). EYcn ,vhere ,ve are not able to supply a positive attribution, ,ve have often been ab!e to clarify the nature of the ¥ problem, if only by rejecting unfounded attributions. Inevitably, this study leaves a greaL1nan y prohlen1s unsolved, but ,vc hope that this list ,vill at ]east alert future scholars to the puzzles stiU in need of solutions. 4 Plays arc arranged in a]phal.Jctical order. Readers should note that ,ve have follo,vcd the short tit1t=sused in the A nuals;thus Kingb't!ward JhcThird is to be found under Edward the11/Jird, and so forth. ,,.,here performance dates differ frorn those in 1oeLo11do11 Stage, the difference is usually explained in our artic]e, '"Dating Play Prc1nieres from

Publication Data, 1660-1700/i I-IARV ARD LIBRARY BULLETIN t XXII ( I974)t 374~405. For each play \Ve have indicated performance date (exact or approxirnate), publication date, and thealrica] auspices (DG = Dorset Garden~ DL = Drurv., I.Jane;LIF = Lincoln's Inn ~"'"ie]ds).

4 In working on this- study, we ha•:e used m:iny lihr.iriC~. \Ve owe special th:lnks to

lihrJdan:5 at 1-lar\'ard (panicolarly in th~ Han.rard Theatre Coilcction), the Folger I and the British 1~ibr;1ry.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) EnglishDrtona A ttrihuJious 9 t*(l) 11fctuncncsand A1r.nalippa(unpcrfonncd? lost; date uncertain).

1 '"fhe 1726 l\1t~ars catalogue assigns this play to i \\r Jlhil jpst' (p. 97). Chet,vood givcs 1668 as the da tc; 1--Ialli,vel l Phi1lipps corrects this to 4 ' 1698, or thereabouts 1 ') evidently on the nssun1ption that the author ,vas the lVilliarn Phillips \\_,hose The Re-vengefulQueen \\las pcrforn1ed and published that year. \Ve suspect the play ,vas ,vTitten, like n1ost of thu~r listed \Vtth it, bet,vecn the appearance of J\-lcar~'s 17 l 9 ~1nd 1726catalogues .. Sec uLost Plays,'' #81. J\n alternate possibility has been raised by Roherr Jordan~ 0 Alra111eJ1est1J1d 11'/ennlippa,a I ..os1 Play f ro1n Rest.oration I re land,'' Res/oralion, \ 11 ( 19H2}J 20-3 5, \vho has found a lv1Ssatjrc ca. i 674 attributing an uAlcanlencs and l\,tcnalippa'i to l\1urrough Boyle, \ 1 iscount ill cssington. \\ 1c may be apers[ed. A. \~r. ~f-hiuauucau] (Lon- don: privately printed, 1897), p. 206, Charles 11sa,v a con1cdy \Vith

this title at Trinity ColJege, Can1bridge, on 4 October 167 l + l1~or discussion of the play and a definite at td bution, see Harold J... ove, HA J.,ost Con1edy hy Joseph Arro,vsmith,'' ]Votesand Queries, CCXTJ ( l ()6 7), 2 17-218. Sec al so i'Lost Plays, i, # 3 8. Love did not kno,v the ti tic; neither 11/JeLondon Stage nor the A unnls enters the p]ay even \vithout title. There is no connection bet ,veen this play .and Jarnes Ho\vard's All A1istaken (1665 pub. 1672). Conclusion! Joseph Arro,vsmith. (3) 11;eA1norous O/d-wo,nan (L1I/~ ca. February 1674; pub. 1674). '"fhc earliest attribution comes from Langbainc: ''I have been to]d this P]ay ,vas \l'fit by Tho. Duffel" (p. 526).. Ho\vever, I~angbaine did not feel sure enough of his hearsay evidence to list the play among Duf- fel l's ,var ks. The ti Lle pages of both the original edition and l he 168 4 reissue (as The Fond l...ad)i)say., ' 1\V"ritten Ry a Person of I-lonour.,', a

phrase not strict] y applicable to Duff ctt I a poet and fornlcr nlilliner. ~rhe prologue ref crs to '(our nc,v Poet, n though t,vo Duff ctt plays had already been mounted hy the Kingts Company, at least one \Vith success. 1""he cpi]oguc likc\visc speaks of uour unkno,vn" author. Perhaps a uPcrson of Honour'' turned this script over to the King's Company and Duffett ,vas asked to tidy it upfor production+ '''c ,vould 111odjfy the A1111alsonly slightly: anon. (brought to the stage by Thoma:s Duffett?).

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 10 l lar·vard fibJ1/1yB1~/leti11 (4) The Anncnian Queen (DI_.? ca. August 1674; lost). See (~l.,ost P]ays," #47. l(no,vn only fron1 a prologue and epilogue for it by Tbornas Duffett, printed in his 1\rt~wPoen1.r~ SOJ'f,'l) /Jrologues anti b""pi- logucs (1676), pp. 84-87. Since all hut t\VO of the other fourteen proJogucs and epilogues in th is volun1c arc for other n1cn ls plays, the chances are that JJuffett ,vas not lhe nuthor of this one. lv1ost of hi.~ pro]ognes and epilogues are for reviYals or adaptations of o]d p1nys~ Consc9ucnt1y, 1oc .lirn1cnianQueen n1ay br n1crcly an alternative title for an o]d pL-1y. If it is a nt\\~ pl :-1y of the l 670s, it shou Id be reg.arde(l as unonyrnous. t*{5) Bellrnnirn;or, :toeJ11istress {l)L or DG, l\1~y 1687; pub+ J 687)+ .i\11 authorjties :-1scrtbethis .adaptation uf Terence,s E1n1uchto Sir

Char1es SedJey save the Annals, ,vhose editors add i ''& Shad,vell?'' 5 ~l'bis ~ttribution is evidently inspired by Scdlcy'~ ~tatcn1cnt in the . pref ace that '' 1\ Ji'ricnd came to n1y Chan1her as I ,vas upon the first /\c1.. . . . I Lold hirn I found it extrean1 ea sic lo go through \vhh: And that if he couid get it i\cted under his o,vn or anothers Na1nc, I ,vou'd finish it for hin1: But for I kno\l' not \Vhrtt reasons he cou'd not do it~ and I \vas oblidg'd to O\VD it n1y self, or n1y friend had lost his third day~,, In hi~ dedication of The Ten I h Satyr~( Juve no! (licensed 25 1\1ay), Shad ,veil thanks Scd ]cy for gi v-ing hin1 ''the ad vantage uf yuur C:un1-

ed y, calPd lle!lan1ira.)t Shad,vell ,vas a \"Vhigout of favfir and evidentJy blackHsted at the theatre during the mid-1680s. '''e see no evidence thnt he had any hand in the play. (:onc}usion: Scdlcy. t(6) Bonrluca(DL, October I 695; pub. I 696). George Po\veJl is generally -ered i ted \Vhh th is operatic adaptation of F1etcheris p1ay, an error perpetuated hy The loHdon Stage. Po\ve11did sign the dcdicatjont but he spccifical1 y di sci a in1s authorship in a note "1 'o the l{cadcr /'

·fhc piece ,vas a success t and I.>o,Ycll\vas not a n1odcst man. \\' e are, thereforei inc]ined to Lakehin1 at his \Vord. \"\'e agree ,vith the editors of the A1111alsthat this adaptation is ~'anon. (not Po\vcH, G .)/i t(7) }Jotto1111he li1eaver (acLed by strollers and apprentices during the interregnum and after; pub. 1661). Pub]ished by l{irkn1an and l\1ar~h in i\1arch J 66 l as a trial Galloon for 1 'loc M'its( l 662};reprinted in 2 The \11its ( 1673), in the pref ace to \V hich I(irkn1an says that ~'the

Frederick }d. Link says that h i::.t•,.daptcd from \VHliam Hc-mmin_gs•s:The Fala/ Ccn~ trot!.," an error prohah)y CMISTd hy the reprinting of th~t plar as 'J"hcEunuch in J 687. See Englfrh Dramni 1660-I SOU: A Gm'de to lnforma1ionSources (Detroit: Ga]e~ 1976), p. 280. Elkanah Settle\: lm.rcaml Rrveitqt{1674) is an idaptation of Hcmming:/.s play of 1639,

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) J;ng/isb Dran1aA It ributions 11

1ncor11para ble RobertCox . . + \Vas not only the principal Actor, but also the Contriver and 1\tnhor of n1ost of these Farces.t, ,vhether this particular canniba]ization o( Shakespeare \VasCox"s ,vork there ~eerns no \Vay to dctcrn1 inc. For dj scussion of the d rol1s ,vith ,vhich he is associated, see 111e\~ 1/ls~ ed. J. J. l~lson (Ithaca: (~ornell University }Jrcss~ 1932). \1/c sec no ca~c for the A uuals ascription to Francis Kirkn1an. Conclusion: adapted fron1 Shakespeare bet,veen 1642 and 1660, possiu1r by l{obcrt Cox. t(8) Brutus ~rA/ha [A OperaCalled . a] (l)G, OcLober 1696; pub. 1696) . .i.\ttributcu to George Jlo\vc11by 1ve Loudou Sta/{C(p. 468), to JJO\VC] I and John \ 1crbruggcn by the A 1nuds.Po,vcll and \l crl.Jrug- gen .signed the arcnti' and di.scus s a non yrnous publication. Contrary to the sta temcnt in the Anuals, the opera is nut an adaptation of~l 'atc"'s 1678 JJrutusof Alha+Sonic of the characters) nan1es and references arc

the same as those in the Tate piay 1 but others are different~ Gildon

1 1 says ' a11 the Design" ,~/as "taken out of several o]d Plays } (p. 113). Conclusion: anonyn1ous; seen to the stage by Po,vcll and \' erbrug- gen. t*(9) l'/eonzenes(DL, April 1692~pub. 1692}. Al] authorities ascribe this play to Dryden (\vho published it under his o,vn nHn1c), but the editors of the 1\1111alsadd, ''& 1,~ Southerne?'' The basis for Lhis q ua]ification is Sou thernc's dedication to The '''i.-JesExcuse ( 1692). I-le says that there is 1norc proof of l)rydcn"s positive judgtncnt of his play than just "I~ricndship,'' since '1 upon the Credit of this lJlay ,vith hi n1, falling sick last Su1nn1er, he bequeath 'd to n1y Care the ''-' riting _fhalf the last Act of hjs 1~ragcdy of (_Jeonicncs.,i Given the personal relations bet\vccn the t\VO men in the J690s, this clain1 seems indis- putable. C-onclusion: ,vritten by Dryden~ fifth act con1pleted by Southcrnc. *( 1 O) C,ornelin(\l ere St~, su1n1ner 1662; Jost). For discussion, see "L.ost l1lays,."'' # 5. ~fhc play is kno\vn fron1 an entry in I-ferbcrt's n r{1111 a ti C Records:''CO t n eJia a 1\1 e\ \' Play., sir ,v..n a rtl ey s. HoThe 18 ] 2

BiograpbiaDran1at ica interprets this to 1nean Sir \\'illiarn Berkeley i author of 'l'l;elost lad)r (163 8) and go\rcrnor of \ 1irginia. On the date~

6 The Dramtitic Rcc6rdsef Sir Hrnry llcrl,erl, ed . Joseph Quincy Ada ins (1917; rp L. New

York Blom1 n.d.),. p. l 18.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 12 /-/ar-vt,rd Librtn)' }Julletbt see The LondonStage, pp. 38-39. The attrjbution to Sir \\TjlJiam Bcrke- ]ey seerns highly Iikel y. t( 11) 11.,e.lTornisb G,o,ne~y (DG, ca. Junc 1696; pub. l 696)~ Pub] ishcd

anonyrnol1sly \\-'ith n

1 am inforn1\I. ... 'Tis dedicated by i\1c Powel 10 ChristopherRieb. )l An addjtjona 1 card issued by Read ex ,vi th th is play ascrjbcs it to George iluchanan, on \\7 hat grounds \VC do not kno,v. (12) The Cau11te1j'ei1JJridcgroo111 (OG, ca. ~pring 1677; pub. 1677). (:01n1ncnt.ators fron1 Langbaine through I Ial[i\vel1-Phi1Jipps gcncr-

aHy list this productjon adaptation of l\1i

Betterton, 'J though not by ,vhom .7 ~l"hcrcis no hard evidence for any attribution~ 8 t( 13) 1'hc l~(J1111te1ftits (DC;, l\i1ay· 1678; pub. 1679). Almost at1

authorjdes, inc]uding 'the loudoJlStage and the A11uafr1 ascribe this play to John I ..ea nerd. The source of this a ttri bu tion is t.ranghaine (p. 5 28), ,vho says, 'tl ~his C:0111edy is a scribed by sonic to Lea11a1,l~but I believe it too good to uchis \''riting." The nloral tone of the prologue is ren1ini scent of I ..ea nerd )s vie,vs in the ancillary n1atter of his first play. ,~,c bcJjcvcl ho\vcvcr, that the attriuution to LeanercJ ,nust be considered suspect at best. L.eanerd's first t,vo ph1ys~ The Count1y f 1111oce11ce( 16 77) and The RrunblingJustice (1\1arch 1678), ,vere both produced Ly the I(ing's Company and published ,\)ith L.eanerd's nnn1e on the Litle page. The Cou11JeJftits\Vas staged by the Duke's C:ompany and appeared anonyn1ously. Its prologue implies that the author is an un kno\\'n beginner: "l t i~ the ]i\ne of Strangers to the T O\\'n, I To hnve the Play and Prologue too their o,vn I ,,.,hi 1st \\'riters here for one another S\veaL n Conclusion: anonyn1ous; attri- + budon to 1.. eanerd highly suspect.

7 John (~enc:.~t-iSnme Aaom,t of the J,);g/iJhStogc\ IO vols. (1812; rpL N ~w York; Bott

Franklln t n.d .)~ I, 2 i 2-213. Sun1mcrst Bibliograpk)',p. 16. :\1tlhous1 !•Thomas Betterton ts JJlaywr]ting, 11 #2. Bentley (V, 1134) points out an adaptation/re\·ision (possibly by Shirley} staged in Dublin in 1()38, \1.·hichm=-iy or may not be th~ first pubiisht:d text of J657. \Vr h1n:c na Cl'irkncc connttling the 1638 J)c1blin rc\-j\·al with the J..<)ndonvrrsion of 1677.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) /~1zg;!ishf)ra1nn At1ribu1ious l 3 t*(l 4) The Co11nt1yKnight (DG, !viarch J67 5; "Jost''). For discus- sion, sec "1l--1ostPlays," #45. \\ 7c uel icve that l here is no reason not to identify this title ,vith John Cro\vnc's The CounJ ,y \i\-'it(DG, by 10 January 167 6; pub. 167 5). 7~hcLondon St age is in error on pages 241 242 \Vhcn it denies this idcnti fica tiun on the ground that u11jeCount 1) 1 Knightn,vas performed t,vo years earlier "on 19 A·1arch167 3/4'': cf+

p. 2 3 11 ,vhcrc it is correctly dated l 9 i\.1arch I 67 5 + Con cl u sior:i: Cro,,·ne+ (15) The Debauchee(DG, ca. February 1677; pub. 1677). This play is Brorne"s A 1l1ndCouplr '~'ell 111a1cbcd( 1639) ,vjrh 1njnor a1tennions~ The on] y evidence for atlri but ion is L.angbai ne, ,v ho says: c'This PJa y is by so1ne ascrib'd to lv1rs. Rebn; hut is indeed oniy a J>layof Brrnue"'s rcvivtd,, (p. 529). l\1rs. Behn \Vorkcd for the l)ukc's (:on1pany; 7ve Debauchee"'as published Ly Juhn 1\mery, ,vho also publishe

the p]a y \Vas ''a Present to n1c. H "f'hc GfJI Ilen1an "s ..lonr11al ("Octobcrn 1692)says that 11e1nJ'I ht:Second \Va~ ,vrittc:n by the sarne author 1- and Gildon (p. 5) assigns that p]ay- but not this one- to John Rancroft. The pro]ogue says that the play h\vas n1ade, / By one \vho Brought it us in !\.-1asquerade,'' and the epilogue conc]udcs: "And since The i\uthor \vho did this Prepare / ()nly expects your Liking for his share,/ Do not \V'ithdra,v the Profit fron1 the Player. ' 1 t\lfrcd Harbagc has argued plausihly th at this p]a y is a rc,vorking of a Jost 1'1St Da\Tcnporfs Joe /Jofitick Quren ( 162 3). 10 If Gildon is correct about lieu1}1 the Second!-and if ~11ottcux is r.:orrect about Jj..,du.,1t1rdthe 1."bird haYing the san1e author, then \Ve n1ight suppose that Bancroft

re,vorkcd an okl l\1S and gave the results to ?v1onntforl 1 \vho evidently sa,v the piece to the stage. u 1-la.rhagc correctly points out that neither

9 Frederick A1. Link 1 Apbra Rehn (New York: 'fwaync- 1 1968}i pp. 85 .86.

1 l{l A Ifr-rd l-rB.rh~gc 1' LEli 1.:1l Jf:tl1:! n- Re~torn t ion Pal Impsest 1 ., 1lI odtru l.ti nguagc Rc-vicw 1

XXXV ( 1940)1 3 l 0-318. IL 'The- prcfocc (HThc Roohellersto the Rendrr') to Six Plays ~\7rillrnby Air. Afo,mifort~2 ,·ol~. (London: Ton son and !\1ears, 1720}, says of Edward the Third and / !tn,y lhe Stco,1dlku Htho, not wl1olly composed by him, it i~ prcsu m\1 h~ h:1tl, M lc:1~t~:.1 Sh:1rc in fnttng thrm for the Srngc."

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 14 Har"vardlihrn;y Hulletin p1ayis 21 all like Bancroft's one certain p1ay,Sertorius (1679). Conclu- sion: probably an adapla tion of a lost h1S by Davenport; anonynH)us, though possibly by Bancroft; staged by lvlountf ort. 12 t *( l 7) E111ilia(u nactcd; pu h~ 167 2). J. l)ouglas Canfic]d has den1- onstra tcd that Rn1i/iais a revjsion of Richard Fleclo1oe,s t~rn1i11ia (1661) .. Sec "l.,he Authorship of En1ilia:Richard F]ecknoe)s Revision

of l~r1ninia/~ Restorotiou,,l IJ ( 1979}J 3-7 L t* ( 18) J'hc English Rogue(privately perforn1cd? pub. 1668). The tit]e page of the first edition saysl Hll'ritten kVT. ·r./l ,vhich the Annals editors expand to ''T[hon1as?] T[hon1son?]. n ~rhis .seems excessively conservative, since both copies in the British Library :ind one in the I-Iunti ngton have a

lVa]ter '\vrotc '/11cexcon11n1n1icated JJriuce L • • 1.. ond.. 16 79 . . . To \vhich trag+ tho' the nan1e of capt. \\'ill. Bedloe is put as author, yec 1? Fur inconclusi\·c discussion, see Albert S. Bnrgman] Tl~ Life and Dl•fllh of l \'illiom Afowttf()rl (Cambridge: l·lan·ard UniYcrsity Press, 1935), pp. 86-90. In the incroduction to hl edit ion l Juhn Cad\\ ·:1I ader di srnis~ ~s Ilancroft j n fo\'or of l'\·loun tf ort s both :1d apter a !~(I pa-oduccrJ lrnl ""ithout any clear-cut C\'idrncc for do1ng so. Sl'·c },,:ingEdwi1rd the Third (Philadelphia: Uni,·crsity of Pcnnsylv~n1a, 19,i,9}. 13 K.ir k·m.1n, p. 5 . 14 The Amwls gi\'c~ the date as ~,l 6fa0-1fitiS. n From thr use of rhyn1c anti lhc prolnblc 4lllcmpt lo capitalize on the title of Richard llcad 1s criminal-picaresque du·onidc.; of 1665, we ,,;,·ouldput the date at ca. 1665-1668. · An un . ., Thelift & fJro I b (f CapJaiH \ \ 1illiam BcdffJt(J ...on,I rm: G<.~orge Lark Ln ct al., l ti 81), pp. 110-112.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) h... 11gl ish JJranu1 At t rilnuiour 15

this lvlr. \\'alter \\Tote alJ, or the n1ost part of it .1) \\'ood criticil.es I .,angba i ne for ascribing h uto the said captain, \Vl thou t any nod cc at all of '"fho~ \~'alter. '' 16 Be

sa]es 1 and the dcni a] of parallel or al1rgory is n1ere fl i1n-tla1n. No rcso]ution sectns possible: tide page and biography cannot be cntirc]y ovtr\\'eighcd by ,v ood 's positive assertion. Con clu sjon: ,,ril 1ian1 Ucd- loe and/or Thon1as \\ralter. t(20) Thf FaiJy-Qur:en(DG, .t\1ay 1692~ pub. 1692). Unatrrjbutcd by any authority until \.V. C. 1-lazlitt ovcrcnthusinsticaHy clain1cd it for Dryden; FrankC. Bro,vn refuted 1-Jazlhtand proposed Elkanah Settle instead~ 17 I-Iisclai1n has been accepted ,vith doubl of varying degrees Ly Sun1nlcrst \\ringl '''ood\vard and l\1c!\1ana\vay., the An1uilst and 1'heLondon Stage. Bro,vn's case is, hu,vcvcr, con1plctc]y insubstantial. I-le ~ay~ that ccIn the Dedication f aclually the Preface] the author calls the p1ece h1s first opera'' - but in fact the reference is to Oavenanes account of The Siegeof Rhodes. Bro,vnls other 1najor piece of c,,.idcncc is uthc fact that son1c of the stage d ircction st 'machines,., and cla borate scenes a re almost i

1 is highly characteristic; the i ni tials ,cE. P. ' on f. 7 s,·of the llodleian

lf5 \\-'ood~ Ftisti O.nmiemrl1 col. 37 3. 17 \\1. Care\\' 1-lazlitt, BiblingrnphirafCfJllec1ions and Nolrs 011 Ear~yEnglish Li1eratnrri second

series (LJndon: Qu:uitch 1 1882}, p. I 85. Frank C. Brown, Elka,rnhSrtll.e: llis Lifr and \Vorfs

{Chkago: lJni,:crslty of Chkago Press, 1910)1 pp. £)5-97. 18The "·illingne::ssuf the p:Hent-:.'~5to pay lkUcrton £50 to :s:tagcthe operatic Jmliui1Quefrj in 169+ i~ putcrn tc~timony lO hh: importnnc;(.'in lh~ ~tagingof op(:tl nt 1)or~ct (;a rd.en up l() th,u l~rnt-. 19 Judith 1\-li!housand Robert D. Hume,. t•Two Phys by Elizabeth Polwhdc.:;The Faithful Virgillr and TmFrolicks, ~1 Papers ef, he Jlibliog r(lphiral Sriciety ef Ji -,nfffra,l ,X XI ( 1977}, 1-9.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 16 ffar1..--·ardLibra,y Bullet in I\1S, ,vhich served as a kind of scratch sheet for the author; and Pol,vhele)s reference to ,cthose that have ever seen 1nyf'aithfnl \1irginl' in her dedication of The Frolic/.:s.20 (~onclusion: Pol,vhclc. i' (22) 7'l1eJfafnl Disco,.Je,y(DL, February 1698; pub. 1698). All con11ncnLators have listed Lhis play as anonyn1ous except that the Annals adds '~(G. J)o,vcll ?) .n Povi'elJ

(2 3) The Fen1ale\iliJs (DI ..1 summer 1696; pub. 1 704). ~rhis to pica] attack on i\'1rs. J\1anlcy and Lhe L..II~,con1pan y ,vas ,vrittcn and per- formed in 1696, but not pub]ished until 1704. The quarto of 1704 says on the tit]e page, "\-\'rjtccn by J\1r. 1l'~Ai. n It ,vas pub]ishcd by someone ,vho .says~ in an unsigned preface,. (1the Author being deceas'd/" he ugot a Copy" and puh]ished it ,cto di,rert the Publick. '" Ohviou sly, the author ,vas intimately f an1iliar \vith the actors and theatrical po1itics of 1696. In her introduction to the Augustan Reprint Society facsin1ilc, IJucyle Hook suggests that the play ,vas a ctgroup cff ort," perhaps coordinattd uyJo I-Iayns, and offers his f rien

za rSlir..ahc.::tl1Puhvhele~ The Frofich 2 ed. J uc.J11h~:1 ilhous and l{obcrl D. 1-Jume (]th:1c:1: Cornell U nh-er~1ly Press, 1977), p. 5~.

11 11 Los Angeles: Augustan Rcprinl Soccety, 1967. I look pro\·C"sthat the supposed ~L J697 edition is~ gho.st - simply a ~roppcd copy of the 170-l quarto.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) b'nglisbDrtnna A tt ributioHs 17 coincidence of initials. '1"hc ..rhon1as Porter ,vho ,vrotc 1 oe\ 1illain (1662) and 'l.k Carnival( 1663) Jived frun1 1636 to 1680, but ,vhcther he \vas responsible for either A \.Vitty Con1bat(see #79 bc]o,v) or 1De J?renchCoJ1jurer, there seems nu \Vay to detennine. \\' c sec no case for

1 expanding cil~. P. ' t(25) Ft)'nr Bacon, or 1'/JeCor111f1)r]us1ice (Bartholun1e,v liair, August

1699; lost). F'ur di sc.:ussion,see ''L.ost Pia ys, ~,#8 7 4 This d rol1 is kno,vn from an undated playbill for -iil)arkcr's and Doggett's Boothn and from a description in The London Spy.21 It is attributed to l)oggctt in both the Annal.f and The London Stagl', but this is 1nere]y a plausible inference. Doggett \Vas th c chief perf or rn er; the p 1a y bi 11st atc that the drol1 is ne,v~ Doggett might "ery-\vell have concocted it. Conc]u- sion: anon y1nous (possiuly Doggett). *(26} The (;t.,.nu111 Princess(I _JF, April 1664; Just). Seen by Pepys, 15 April 1664: "to the Duke's house and there sa,v TheGer1nau I'rincesse

acted. J~ HaHi,vell-Phillipps, and others, 8uggest that this is probably the same p]ay as uT. P. n 1s A \-Vitt)rCon1bat (see #79 bc]o\Y). "fhe present p]ay, ho\vever, is attriuuttd by the general] y rel iablc '"'1668,, version of ''The Session of the Poets" Lo '

Darnn\l 1-lold~n ,vith's du11Gert!lan Princes appt-:tr\l 1 \Vho1n if D\ ..\ vcnant had help\l, .a::;son1c did supposci Apo11osaid the pilrry .~hould crop off his cars And make thern tnorc suitable unto his nose. 2l Sun1n1ers and N cthcrcot identify hin1 as John Holden!- father of one of Davcnanfs first actresses and at one time his publisher. 24 _A.H!\1r Holden" definite]y ,vrore The Ghvsts (lost), staged at L.IF at about the same tiine. Both the attribution of 'lvc Ger111anPrincess and the idcn~ tification of H I-Ioldcnn seem highly plausible. t*(27) 1'lle(;ordian K1101 U11ty't!(l)L or DG~ ca. November 1690; lost). For discussion, sec ''Lost J)lays,n #7 I. 1\1ottcux says in the (Jenile111a11 's Journal for January 1691 /2: "You have often ask'd me~

u Sl'C The I.onion Stage) Parl I I p. 5 l 2t and Sybil Rosenfeld, The Thratrt of the l.rmd(m Fci TJ (Can1Lridgc:: Cam bri dgc LTni vcrs it y Press, ] 960t pp. 12-1 3 and l 8. Surn1nc rs {Rihli-

11 cgraphyI p. l 37) q uotts a p 1:iy b t II c.alHng this nll N cw Droll and d :uc-s 11 1691 hut the

11 1 1 formula Vivat Rcx' points to a d:1tc 1695-1701. Sec \Villinm Van l...ennc-p1 iSon1c: Early English Playbillst HAR\" AlUl LlliRAR\" IllTLL[TJNl vrr1(1954), 2 35-241. .:n Poems

Ru~~cll,1967) 1 p. 272.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 18 HaJ'"7)ardl.ib111;·-v JJulletin L' ,vho \Vas the Author of that l C~on1cdy],call~d the (;ortlian Knot uuty"'d;

and \l'ondred, \vith ,nan y 1nore 1 \lrh y it \Vasne\'Cf printed. l hear that Gcndc1nan \vho \Vrit lately a n1o~t ingenious Dialogue concerning \Vo men, no\\' trans la tcd into / 1,rcnch, is the Author of that ,vi tty })}av,. :-indit is almost a Sin in hi1n to keep It and his :\1a nu~ fron1 the 'l'or]d. ,i Dennis ArundeH has pointed out that this in1plies dun the author \Vas ,,ri] lia1n ,,, alsh, ,vho \\Tote .:1 Dinlogne Concerning\·Fon1en (London, 1691 ). 25 • 1~his suggestion is dou btcd by N icol1 (I, 442 ), but accepted by the cdi tors of Jvc LondonStagti (p. 390). 1\ru ndcH ,vas unable to confirn1 the alleged tran~la1ion inlo f'rench~ \irhich \\·e can no\v do. See Defrnsedu beau sc.readdre .....Jee r) l:ugc11ie.,dialogue. flcrit en anglois. .. (A Lundrcst Chez Jayucs Partrjdgc, 1691). According to the 1''attoualUuiou Catalog, Pre-I 9S6 Jn1print-..~, lhere is a copy at the Cl.ark Li br.ary. Conclusion: \\ 1ilI ia1n \V:11 sh. t *(2 8) '' JJavcnanf sl~ Hon1/e1(acted at lJF in 166 I ? pub. 1676). l~h is ascription is the crca tion of Hazelton S pcnccr, ,v ho argued that the changes to be found in QI676 \\·ere D:tvcnanes ,vork, probab]y done in Lin1efor the first kno,vn Restoration perforrnance of Shake- speare,s play in August 1661. 26 \\'ood,vard and J\1cl\1ana,vay assign The Tra,ge~)1 of H,nnleJ Prince efDenntark (A. (:lark for J . .ivlartyn and

I-I~l-Icrrjngn1an 1 1676) to IJ.avcnant ,vithout cun1n1cnt (\V &IVl#336). 1"'hcchanges arc, in fact, n1ostly dc]etions and minor verbal alttTa- tions. 17 Though the differences are significant, they do not constitute n1orc than production adaptation, and the l{cstoration Htun!et should he considered Shakcspcarc~st not D.:1v-cnant\~. .2s t*(29) The lleircss (Bridges St., January 1669; ]o.~L).l"'he only evi- dence for a.tt ri but ion is a Jetter hy i\1rs. Evelyn dated 10 February 1668/9. She cal1s the p] ay ''one of n1y l...ord of :'\fe\vcastlcts, for ,vhich

15 Denni 5:Artindc::11, Times Li1ernry Supplemem., 4 June 1925. i\rundell1s attempt to identify this: play w il h the Iosl 1704 Squirt TreloobJ•is n1c-rcconjecture. For an cxch Jnge bt~tween \ V. .] . La,\·rence and Arundel]~ see TL';, 11 and l 6 .r unc. 6 i 1-lazchon S pc nee r I Shakesprar,:lmprovrd (1927; rpt. :,,,.Ja;w Yor-k:Ungar t l 96 3}, PP- l :i 3.. 187. 1'1on gi R:.dadd i, i 11 JJa-i.1t/ia11t 1s A dapt(]tio11s of Shufr.spearc, Stud i'1. Ang Iistica U p.s~Ia ensi a (U ppsah: AlnH}\'1_,;;t& \Vit.:sdi l 979), ac:ccrB Spenctr.'.i;:attribution ,vi th out crnnmc-nt, l hot!gh rtcog n i:zing t 11at the ch anges a re n1 most entire] y a ma ttcr of cult ing. -:n For a good discussion, see Ll\1,-rencc L. Tiachorikl uoa,Tnantt5 ShakcsJl"('arc, I 660-

I66S,,. D.r%. l\·lcGil[ Uni\·crsil}\ 1977 PP· lfH~l99. Sc::e,1lso H.adaddt 1 drnplcr J. 2:-: The editors of 'Fht'UJJJdon S1age h~n·e muddied the ,vat-crs by jndexing perforn1ances

1 in l 668, 1674, and 1686 as the-"Dan:-nanet n;-rsion1 but all others a~ uSh;-i~c!'.o'.pcarc-.' There is no n-frkncc fur sudi ~• di~tinc.:lion. Tl1c l 676 ~1uarto proh"l1ly rdkx::t$ fail'ly curre11t tlie:urkal practice: more di,in that ,ve cannot really s-ay.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) h"1{l;fisbDra111n A I I ribut ions 19 prjnted apologjcs are scattered in the assen1bly by Briden's [ error for Dryden 1s ?] order, either ror h 1n1self '" ho had sorne hand 1n it~ or for the auLhor n1osL,ii 9 If i\1rs. E\'cJyn ,vas reliably 1nforn1ed, The Heiress ,vas a play by ~C\\-'Castle \vh1ch had been polished ror the stage by Dryden~ For evidence that The lfeiress is not to be identified \Vith N e\\'casc le\; The Triun1pbnu1\.Vidow (perfortned in 167 4 and pn bl ished in 1677), see ~'I.,ost PJay.s/' # 34, and (~arol yn l(cphart, '(An Unno- t1ced Forerunner of ,~fhc 13cggar's {)pcra/ " 111usicand Letters, LXI ( 1980), 266-2 71 . C:oncl usion: N c\vcast1c (assisted by Dryden?). t*(30) lffJIIJr the l 1'ourth (LIF. January I 700; pub+ 1,his "adaptation'' of Shakespeare is credited to Thon1as Betterton by both the Annals and 1'he l.ondoJJStage, though the nt 1ribu t·1onseen1 s first t.o have been rnade hy lsa~c Reed in the 1782 RiographiaDra11101ica. 10

Jud 1th i\11i1hou s has po1nted out, ho,vever, that the changes a re n1in- in1al - sin1ply a n1atter of pcrforn1ance cuts~ 31 l~he l 700 HeJIJ)r the Fnurlh is not really an adaptat1on., and it should he considered a players 1 quarto. ·f~(3 1) /len,y I he Second( I) l~, N ove1nher 1692; pub. 169 3). Published

anony1nous]y ,vith a dcd ica tion signed by i\ 11ountfort A ttribu tcd to Juhn Bancroft uyCi]don 5), an attribution denied by the editors of the A n11als.1,·or discussion of some of the prob]em.s, see above, # 16. Harbage suggests that this play is an adaptation of a Jost IvIS, Davenport's I lenJy the Second+32 ,,.ret h1 nk 1his probable, though, unlike Harbage, \\'e .see no reason 10 disn1iss Gildon)s attribution out of hand. Conclusion: anonyn1ou s; pro ha bl y an ndaptat ion (hy fian- crof t ?}of a Jost ]VISby Davenport, brought to the stage by l\1ountfort. t*(3 2) lferaclius (L.IF, i\1arch 1664; Jost). Ahnost undoubtedJy a transJation by Sir Thon1as CJ3rges. See "l...ost PJaysl ~l# 16. Katherine PhiJ i r~ s3y s in a Jetter of 24 January 1663/4 that ~'SrTho. Clarges'l transJated Corneil1e's Hernclius "last yeare. 1 in For confir1nation~ see Patrick 1-hon1as, ''Sir 1"humas CJargcsis ~rransJation of Corncil1c"s

'l-Icrac1ius/ ,., 1\'otcrand Qucriesi CCXXII (1977}, 549~551 i ,vho prints 'tAn Epi]oguc upon S: ~J"ho:Clargis l-Icraclious being translated out

9 l Tb;:l)i(ll)' am! Co,rr('JJJmJdt1Ut.'of J(Jbn f."..-vtlyu i cd _ \Villi an~ Br.ay 1 4 ,·oh:. ,. re~:ised (L:mdon: 1-lcnry Coibt1rn, 1850-18:i2)i l V, 14. J-O Reed w::.s p roli::1L 1 y inn u c;:nc(.-<:I 11} the: ~Puriou a H rihu t ion of the l 7 20 Sequelof Henry the Fourth to llcttc-rton. H .~·tilhou.'ii,n·r1io1na~ Henenon's l'laywriring/' # 10.

11 1-Ia rhage i c,El tzabeth an-Restoration Pal 1mpscst n (nutc IO a Love}.pp. 3 l 0- 3 L8. JJ .~1:inuscript cited in Thf LondonStagrl p. 74.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 20 liar•-;)t1rdLibra,y B11llftiJ1 of French: 1664 by hin1'~ fron1 a n1anuscript in the National Library of \~1alcsT Clargcs\; play should not he confused ,vith I.... odo\vick Ca dell's traus1at ion, unacted but published in 1664 \\~ilh a licensing date of 9 J\·Iarch. Conc]usion; (]arges. t*(3 3) The/Ju111orous love1x (LIF, ?v1arch1667; pub. 1677).1"hough

1 Pepys ca1ls it i'Lhe sil1y play of my J...adyNe\vcaslle~s ' (30 l\1arch

1667), the 1677 title page says 1 ,u\,lritten by I-Iis Gn1ce the Duke of ·1\lewconI e,'' an attribution :1cccptcd by a Il ]ater authoritics. 34 1ntcrna] evidence ru]es out the Ouches~ as author. The 111111als,ho,vever, na1ncs the Duke and actdst ' 1(& Dryden? Shir1ey? or Shad,vcH ?). " 1'his is mcrcJy conjecture. Dryden he]pcd N c\vcastlc ,vith Sir A1artin /11ar-allin 1667; Shad,\·eH assisted him \vith 'l'he 1·rbnHphant\l'idow (1674 or ead1er) and \Vas his pro1~ge. It is Jikely tluu so111eonehelped the Duke tidy up h1.~script for perforn1ance, and Dryden and Shad- \vell arc pl ausih]e c.andidates. Shir] ey seen1s unl i ke]y: his connection \Vith Nc,vcastlc goes back Lefore 1642, but he is not kno,vn to ha\·c engaged in any theatrical ,vork bet:,veen 1660 and his death in 1666.

· Since the play \\'a.s put on by the Duke's Con1pnny 1 Davcnant is another logjcal candidate .. Out since there is not even anecdotal evi- dence to suggest co!laboratiun, ,vc arc inclined to ac.:ccptthe title page attribution ,vit hou t qualification. Cone] usion: l\1e\vcastle~ t*(34) The ln1periolTroge~)' (Bar bi ran Nursery r· pub. 1669)a Lang-

1 baj nc lists it under '~Unkno,vn Authors ' but adds a footnote, '~Ascrjo'd to Sir \11illian1Killcgre·w, and ~frans1atcd from the Lalin. n,5 J. P.. \ 1andcr 1\1ottcnhas rcccnt]y discovered biuliographica] evidence decisive] y confirn1ing the auri bution to Sir ,,lil] ia n1 Kil] igre\v ~6 (3 5) The Indian Queen (Bridges St., January l 664~ pub. 1665). ~fhis play rcn1ains an inso1ub]c puzzle. IJcrformed in January 1664, it ,vas pup] ished by Sir l~obert Ho,vard in his Four j'\lewPln_ys ( 1665) ,vithout any hint of coIJaboration. In a prelin1inary note to The /11di(IJ1E1nperour {staged in 1665 and published in 1667)~ Dryden refers to ~/,JeJndion QueeJIand says, ''(part of ,\-'hich Poern \Vas ,vrit by tne). '' Not unlil the 1717 edjrion ,vas the ,vork for1nal]y c1ai1ncd for Dryden~ and nut unti] the ] 764 G~on1pa11io11does any eighteenth-century play Jist call

J+ Jn 1713, i\1cars as.signs 1t to the ])udu:ss (p. 10), hut in 1719 and 17261 he a:s$i_g11~ir to the Duke on p. 36 and to 1t1~~Duchess on p. 69. H GcrJ.rd Lnngbainc, 1\1omus'Jriump&wr (London: Nichola~ Cox, l 688), p. 30. 36 J. P. ,, .andcr i ioucn I Sir H-'illiam Killir;rr1.i.) ( 16 06 T 169 5): II fr 1.ife(111d /Jra matit l Vorkr (Gent: flijk~unin:-n,·itct, l 980), pp. J02-.l04.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) EnglishDrt1111a At tribulions 2 l it a col1aboration. The disrnissnl of I-Io,vard,s clain1s by the editors of the (:a]ifornia Dryden is not to be taken serious]y.37 The ca~e for I-Io,Yard has been judiciously 1nnde by 1-1.J- {)Ji\Ter. 18 George !\1cFaddcn has recently clairned the p1ay for l)ryden ualn1ost in its entirety,'' pointing both to internal evidence and to a1lusions in pre- faces and pro]ogues by I)rydcn ,vhich n1ight be read as indirect prote~r at 1-Io,vard 's publication of the play. 39 1-lo\vard's claim mu st be gi\Tenconsiderable vi·cightt but as lvlontaguc Surnmers obser\'CS: "For 1nany reasons l)ryden n1ay have deemed it far n1orcdiplomatic not to press his clain1. ·rhat Dryden and I--Io,vardboth had son1e share in the play \\'C cannot doubt; beyond that ,ve can dra,v no safe conclusions. (3 6) 1oe Ladiestt la A1odc(Bridges St., Sept en1her 1668; ''lost,,)_ This is simply a ghost. Pepys says, ''to the King's p1ayhouse to .see a ne,v

play . + • a translation out of French hy Dryden caHcd 11.,cladys a la A1ode"(I 5 Septernber). AU authorities have agreed that this is a n1is- ascript1on of Flecknoe's 1'hcDa,noisellcs a la A1udc~pub]ishcd in 1667 before perf orn1a nee. (~oncl us ion: nu attrjbu tion prou1cn1+ t *(3 7) The L,ift of Aloiher Shipton (da tc and a uspiccs unkno,vn;- pu L- lished bet\veen 1668 and 167 l ?). 'T'hc title page says, "\''rittcn by T . ..r., a ,vhich \Vas expanded to UThon1asThon1psonl' by Kirkn1anin 1671 _41 1 "hc dou btf ulncss of the A n11a!sentry not\Vithstanding, no subsequent authority has questioned the attribution+42 Conclusion: '"rhomas ·rhon1pson+ . t(38) love a la J11ode(i\11ddlesex House, ca. 1663; pub. 1663). 1--he title page says,. '~As ~t ,vas 1ate1yActed ,vith great App1ausc at Alid- dlcsex-1/ouse~,\ 1 ritten by a Jlcrson of I-Ionour. n.u A prefatory note ,eru

Ji T/JclVorksoffobn Dry.dent''o!. "\1Hl, -ed.John 1-Iarringwn Smith, Duugald i\lac;\1illan1 and \rinton A. Dearing {ncrkck-y: University of California Press, 1962},283. B 1-1.]. Olh·cr., Sir Robert Jlou..wrdj1628-/698: A Ct'itica!Biography (Durham: DllkC' Unin::rsity Pr~ss~ l 963), pp. 63T67, 78-79. n (~~orgc J\1 c:: Fadden) IJ1Jt!e,Jl he Ptthi ic i Vriteri 16 6D~ 16 85 ( Pr inee ton: Princc-lon Uni- \·c-rstty Pres.~,197~)) pp. 72-74. 4':i /Jrydn,: Thi•Dmmatit \Forks, ed .. \·lontague Su1nn1ers, 6 vo!s. (1931-32; rpt. New York:

Gord[an 1 19..SStI, Vii. 41 Kirkman, p. 10. \\'e douut the title page as.scrtion thH it was .1.cActedNineteen days together with great AppfauscHin a period wht.!n Downes considered -right da.y:sa lung run

;md fiftrcn exception"! (Rvsdus.-1 ,rg/inu:mr 1 pp. 211 241 30), ~i For :4 full di~cU~!':ion,-~c-c Ja1ncs G _ 1\·kl'\-lnn:1way, "Philip ;\.tas~ingc:rand the Resto- ration Dram at English Literal)' History, I (1934)t 2 i6.304, c,!i:p.292-297. ~ 3 Performance at J\11ddle.scxHouse is confirmed by Ilro\vnc. See The LondonStoge, Parl l, p. 36.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 22 l/arvard LihrrOJ'Bulletin

the l~eader', is signcd by ,cT. S. n In I 860 l I I alli,\·ell-Phill ipps sug- gested that Hrhe author \Vas probnb]y T. South]andl a relative of Sir R. Colbrand, Bart') 150). --i-hissuggestion has been treated as fact by .almost al1 1ater aurhori tics. 1\ fulsotnc poe1n in praise of thr play \Vas pub]i.~hed in the 1663 quarto. Jt ,v-as addressed ccTo His 1-Ionourcd Brother, the Author,'' and signed ,cRr C1olbrn11d,Baronet" - i .c~ Sir llichnrd Co]brand, third Baronet, \\ 1 ho died unrnarried in l\1:=1rchI 664. l·Ic \Vas succeeded by his brother (~harlesl upon \\'hose death in l 667 the baroneLcy passed to thci r uncle l{ohert, fifth and youngest son of the first Baronet (d. 16 2 7). At an u n kno,vn date, Sir Robert n1arrjcd 1\'lary, daughter of 1-.honlas Southland~ ·H If ,ve can assun1e that in 1663 Sir l~ichard could ref er 10 the father of his unc]e's ,vjf e as 1~nrothcr/' then ,vc have a candida re ,v j1h the correct initials. Possibly "Rrothern is no more than an indication of close frit:ndship. ConcJusion: T. S. (possib1 y Thon1as South]and ?). *(39) Loveiu, and Love out of Foshin11(DJ..,, season of 1690-91? lost). For discussion,. sec u Lost }llays," #69. This title is kno\vn on Iy fron1 Do\vnes (p. 4] ), \vho inc]udes it in a ]ist of \Vorks perforn1cd bet,veen The J"tljllireof Ahn1ia and King 11rthur. NicoJI and the editors of the Annals suggest that it may be an uhernate title for John Bulteel's

A1noro11sOrontus, or the Love in f'ashion, perforrned ca. 1664 1 pubJishcd in 1665, and reprinted in 1675 as 'Jve A,narous Gnllant: n;-Lot't' in fashion. 'l'his is plausible conjecture: an old l(ingls Con1pany play might \veil haYe scen1ed ne,v to Do,vnc~. \Vhy the United (~otnpany \vou]d have revived this antiquated verse adaptation of~ r. (:orneil]e's L,An,0111'a la A1odeis hard to in1agine. Conclusion: HultccL (40) Loi 1e~sA1eta,norphosis (unperf orrned? lost l\1S said to be dated 1682). This c'rococo con1edy" is kno,vn on]y fron1 1\1ontague Sun1- mcr~, ,v ho su ppljes a plot surnn1ary and tells us that ''The origina 1 1\1S~, 91 pages t foliot is inscribed 'N ar. I .JuttreH, his Book~ 1682.' n Both Sumn1ers and the l111nalseditors assun1e that this rneans Luttrcl1 \\'as o\vner~ not author, of the i\-1S - a reasonable supposition. Sum- mer.s evident! y sa,v the p]a y \\' hi]c it \Vas in a dca lcrls hands: his citation is to "Colbeck Radford & Co., Catalogue, 12-13; !\10. 10 5 5 ( 1)~ ''-l The present \vhcrcabuu ts of the ~1S is unkno,vn. The play 1

·H G lcorgc J E. Cf okayne], ed., Complctt liarr.mrtagr 6 ·vols. ( E.'\ctcr: \ Vil1 ia m Po!I :1rd i

1900-1909), 11 183. ·B Sun1nu:rsi Phyhr.mseef Pepys, pp. 343; 44?"' n. 21; RiMiogral'hy,j1. 17.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) C1114-r.:li~4JDraina At t rif)li/ inus 2 3 as Sununers describes it, is apparently unrelated to John Lyly's Love's 111c1a1norphosis(pub. 1601 The 1682 or The A1odishLovers (LIFl ca. February 1674; pub~ l 674). ~fhc dedication to this unsuccessful play is signed "J.0. /, the attribution most often giYcn for it. 46 Sununers prefers John Dover. 47 He follo\VSAnthony a \Voo,rs account, inc]uding the assertion that: "I-le hath ,vritten, The Ron1anG'enerals: or, the dfrtressedLadies . . . He hath ,vdttcn one or t,vo 1nore plays, "~hich are not yet pri nte

-w:i Langb.:i in-.; s~ys 1 ,iThis PJay is a~cri hc-rl I.J y Dr. / (Jd~ {the Prow-Bihlio1 hrcariu s to th c

Uni\•crsity) to .~tr. JJrydt11;thd methinl:s the Sttle oft he Epistle Dedicatory I is not like the rest of his \Vrhtngs"'' (Aat>1m1i p. 5 l 8). 41 Stun mer~ t Play~mr cf PcP._ri,pp. 374-379; 451 l n. 7 3. \\'ood~ Atht11.:t Oxrmfrn;cr. ] V..,597.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 24 Har·vard Librt1r}'ll11/leti11 initia]s and ,~vood's statenlent that he ,vrote plays other than 11,e Ro111anGenerals. c:oncl usion: J. D. (identity uncertain). 1"(44) The 111nriage1'l(qht (lJ F, spring 1663? pub. 1664). The t it1e page states that this p1ay is by H\'iscount Favvlk]and. ~,The problen1 ]jes in deciding \Vhich one - 1-lcnry Cary, fourth \liscount l~aulk- Jand, or J....ucius Cary~ second \ 1iscount, a question first raised in the

index to The London Stage. The play is quite olrl-fashioned 1 and there is nothing in the quarto to suggest that the author had seen it to press.

Given Lucius Ca rv"s.. Iitcra r)r activj tics l he bTcms the likelier cand i- date, though certainty is i1npussib]c on present evidence. t(45) A-1idnight'sIntrigues (l)G? J\1ay 1677? lost). Conjectured f ron1 a reference in the pro1ogue to \{'its J.,c:dl~y the }•iose.~rhc 1\11nalsraises the possibi]ity that this reference is to Aphra Behn\'. 1ne Feign'd C11rtez.ans(ca. l\1arch 1679), a suggestion ,vc find un] ikcly. V'or dis- cussion, .sec "Lost Plays,~, # 5O+ The prologue reference couJd ,vcll be to Durfev's A Fond I J11.rb(fJ1d.Conc]usion: anonvinoust if not a r ghost. 49 (46) The A1irtakenHusbn11d (LJF, l\1arch 167 4; pub. 167 5). '] ~hough often ascribed to Dryden (e.g . .,in the revised \Ving, 1, 523), this play ,vas definitely not his. A11 hard information on auchorshi p co1nes from a note in the 1675 quarto signed hy Rr Bentley (one of the publishers): ''This Pia y ,vas left in !\1r. D,ydcn's hands 1nany years since: 'T'hc Author of it \Vas unkno,vn to hin1 and return Jd not to clain1 it; ''"fis therefore to be prcsu m 'd that he is dead. _l\fter T \Velve years expectation, l\1r. Dryden gaye it to the Players, having upon perusal of it, found that it deserv"'d n better Fate than to he buried in obscurity: I have heard hin1 say, that finding a Scene "rantjng, he supp]y'd it.." Alfred Harbagc has argued that this ,vas one of a pair of Hromc manuscripts given tu Dryden for adaptation by the King's Con1pany in 1662. 50 ,:r..1e find his case high] y plausi b]e and ,vould add that the failure of The \l'ild GnllauJ probably caused Dryden to lay the second l\lS aside until the hard times ca used by the burning of the Bridges Street ~fhcatrc. Granting that the ca.se ren1ains conjec-

4v Tiu:: editors of the A1mnls r.:aise the ahcrnath·c possibility th:H this plar might be identified with Joseph \Villiams,s Htmr at All, or-The 1HidnighJAdvmlt1ru (1694}. For dcscu.~A

.sion, sc~ '•tost Plays,H #7 5. ~rht:"Ge11t/r:ma11'r journal implies that Har.it111 All is ne\,·~ but it l.'O\lldha \·e been one::-of the p1nys staged by actors ior their own bcnrtit in the nineties. In that case) i\1otteux might not h:1\·e realjz.ed that it was merely a nTi,·al. However, th(~reis no ('Vic.Jeneefor this identjf1c:1.tionother than a sin11l:irity in titJc.

so I l ~rha.g~..nEI iz:l beth ;l n-Re~to ration Pali inp~e-~t1' (note 10 a bo\'e) 1 1 B7. 3 19, esp. 30 5. 307. .

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) EnglishDran1a At I rilu11ions 25 tural, ,ve ,vould a tLribule the play, as ,ve have it, to Brome (?), ,vit h minor revisions and a ne,v scene bv Dr, 1 den .,, r" *(47) The A1lock Duel/isl (DL.1,ca. 1'1arch 1675; puh. 1675). 1"'he title page says. "'~ 1rittcn by I'. B. Gent/"' Langbainc says., ui.c. Peter l~e]on . . J\ n 1\uthor no\v living', (p. 517). Peter Ilelon (or lle1lon) ,vrote and tn1nslated sever a] "novelsll during the 1680s. j 1 A 11su bse- quent ascriptions dcri,rc from Langbainc. \\ 7c sec no reason toques- tion the attribution: LangLaine is gen(;ra11y caref u] to indicate uou bt and to idcnti fy hearsay ascriptions. Conclusion: Belon. t*(48) A1usick:or A Parleyof ln.rtr1nnents(r\caderny in l ..lF, Decem~ ber 1676; pub. 1676). Jjsted as anonyn1ous by the IL1111ab:but cor- rect] y attributed to John Bannister by the cdi tors of The Lont/011Singe. Sec the Loudon GazeI te, 7-11 December l 67 6. ·fhc text of A.fusick appeared anonymously in 1676; a copy is preserved in the British Library (she]fmark 11621.f. 31). t(49) J-.leglec!cd\1 irtuc (DL, ca. February 1696; pub. 1696). Pub- ]ishcd anonyn1uusly ,vith a dedication by the actor 1-lildcbrand l-Ior~ den, \vho says, {'This Pia y ,vas given to rny Care by a end." No authority offers any attribution until l 892, ,vhen \\'. C. 1--Iazlittsays ,vithout exp] a.nationor evidence that it is '"'byCharles 1-Jopki nsn ( 164). Snm1ners says that the 1'Friendn c'is geneniHy taken to have heen

Charles I~Iopkinsl ,, and he is fol1o,vcd by \~'ing and by \\'uod\vard and l\1cl\1ana,,;ray.. ]~he A1111alsgives it to ' 1C. Hopkins(?). n Like 7,be

LondonStage editors J ho\vever, ,ve can find no evidence to support Hazlites ascription. \\'e note that 1-lopkins signed his other three plays, starting ,vith I1yrrhus in 1695, and that all of those plays ,vcrc staged at LIF'r not Drury Lane. '''e suspect that a]phabetical juxta- position (Hopkins/Horden) may be responsible for the late ascription to Hopkins. Con~lusion~ anony1nons; seen to the stage by 1-li]debrand Horden. t(50) }lero (l\1S f rag1nent, ca. 1680). Attributed to San1ue] Butler in the Annals.. For discussion, sec ''Lost Plays/' # 5 5. 1,his piece is in fact 1nerely a selection of passages frotn the 1624 J\lcroin the hand of Butlcrls literary executor, '\'i1liam Longucvil1c.52 t(S 1) Pair Royal of Coxco111bs(acted at a dancing school, ca. 1678; H 1\ London iL:,vdlernan1cd Peter Bellon \\'a~ n:1tun1l~:.,,c,;tlon 2 5 June 1655. His conn ee- l ton lo the writer is al pn.:-s-.;ntum..leterminahlc. Ser \Villiam A. Shau.,_Dtnizatimir &· N«tura/ir;a1i1Jns1Jj Alirm in ~·11gl111ul& J,ehmd, Publications of the J-Iug11cnutSociety of 1..-ondon,XVI][ {Lymington. 1891 )t p. 68. 5 i Sc-cS a1nLl d Butler. ProseOhservatfom I ed. 1-:1ugh d c Qu chen (0 xford C!arc nrl on Prc-.,s,

1979}1 p. Ix.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 26 1-Jarvnrdlibra,y Bulleliu

lost). Sec £'Lost P]a ys, 11 # 5 2. 1... hc standard attribution to Joan Phi] i ps derive~ f rurn E<.In1u nd G ussc, \vhu did not cxpl *tinit. J-lis lud i~f th nt she \Vas the daughter of Katherine Philips is apparently erroneous. 5 3 (~onclusion: anonyn1ous; attribution to t]oan Philips' 1 highly suspect. 1 1 t *(52) l lJC/ resb;rterhu,lash l or l\ oc/ro_fj's 111aid \l'hipi (closet; pub. ~1arch 1661). 1\ ?though the t1t]e page st at es that "l t ,vas ]a tel y Acted in the Grenl Roon1e at the P__yeTn,vern at A/gate/" this piece is 1nere]y a topic a I satire in drarnatic fonn. The dedication to 1\VIr. Zach~ N oct roff e" is signed u K. F. "54 L-angbainc took thi uto Lu: F'rancis Kirkn1~n'' (p. 545). Subsequent authorities have accepted his deduc- tjon or p]a ycd safe ,vi th i'anon. ' 1 I-Ial kett and Laing report a 1\1S note by 1\1alonc in a Bodlcian copy saying that Luttrell ascribes it to J(i r1nnan. 55 1"'hc p1ece is part of !l pan1ph let contro\Tersyconcern1 ng Zachary (:rofton C'Noctroff 1 is a 1nodified anagram). rrhc attrjbution to Francis Kirkn1an sccn1s p]ausiblc. It is accepted both by the con1- piler of the 1908 catatoguc of the 1'ho111flsou11rac1s (II, 364) and by K 1rkrn:1n 's bibHographer. 56 1"*(53) The Rape ?f Europa l~yjttpiter (DG, l 694~ puh. 1694). Puh- ]ishcd anony1nous]y and not attributed by any of the standard author- ities. Eugene 1-Ia.unstates that it is Ly lVilliam l{anson, 57 but this is a 1nisreading of \'ling (I}J, 113}derived fron1 a1phabetical juxtaposi- tion. Stoddard Jjncoln attrihtHes the piece tn Jvlottcux and F,ec1es on historica] and styJistic grounds,58 an argun1cnt ,ve find hjgh]y pJau~ sihle. l-aiucyleI-look concurs. :i9 Cone] usion: \l'Ords by !vlotteu x, n1usic by Eccles. H Sec G. ~rhornDrury, A Linh'! Ari:· (I..0ndon: llobell~ 1921), p. 29.

s~ Sc\"cral ~uthorities, induJing Langhaine1 gel (he initi~ls hnckwards- F. K. 55 S:unud l-falkett ::.nd John Laing~ Dic1hnnry.1 uf Anm~ymr,urmu! Preud,mJmo1J.tE~1gh1h J,i1trt1ture, rev. lx.L, 7 vols. (Ed inuurgh: Oli\"er and Boyd, J926---1934)~ 1\\ 415 J\folonc'~ riotc) \1.·riHcr,opposite the title page in Ilodleian i\ laL 202 (4) .i;ays: u[n a cop}' of tl1is pic.:e \\'hich wa:i,in the collec:tion of i lr I .uurd, m-:1dcin 1678, it is said by that gentleman to have been "Thte-n by Francis Kirkrn~n .. fhe i [~ltials Sl!hscrRx.~dto the Dedication KF. c0untcnance the supposition. lid. n Jo StricUam.l GH1son,. A Bihliographyof Franch Kirl'llttm, Ptlblications orrhe Oxford

Hih Iiogn1 ph teal .Sockl r J NC\\· Seri l~s, Li i, (Ox ford: Bib Hographi cal Socie-ty I l 949) 1 pp. 116, ] 41.

Si Eugene l-faun 1 But Hark! A1f,n..• !1armony: TheJ.ib1·eJ1i rf RrYt

(Yp.'-;il:.111ti:Ea::;tcrn 1'1id1iganUni\·~rsity Prcss 1 1971} 1 pp. I 45-148 . .'is Swdd~rd Lincoln~ ,iJnhn 1~:dc~: ~l'hc 1~s1 of <,1 l~raditcon,'i Diss. \Vr-idhamCollege}

O~ford 1 196J i pp. 140-141, 219-221. n:i Peter Anthonr i\-lottcux ~nd John Eccles, Tix Rapt eft:uropa hy Jupiter and Acir and Ga/aJra, int rod i.H.::tion lJy Luc.:y h,: I ·1uok (Lo:; A ngdcs: Augustan Rcpri n t Soci cty, I f)8I), p, m.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) b';1glishDran,a A 11,-ih11tirn1s 27

(54) 11ve llehearscd (drafted ca~ 166.5;staged nt Uridgcs St.., lJeccmbcr 1671; pub. 1672). Published anonyn1ously, but no one has ever 9ues- t1oned l .Janghaine~sassertion: Hascri bed to the I .Jate Du kc of !Jurk- i11gbn11/'(p. 546). ~rhe proh]e1n lies in dctcrn1i ning \\'hat assistance he had fron1 f ricnd s a od d cpcndcnts. (Ji ff ord Sprat~ Butler, \\\1 Her, =indCo,v ley arc na n1ed in the A 11uals, the first t \VO \\rith n1orc assu r~

a nee than the others I but the evidence for their assistance is seant y Stanza 4 of the t, 1668,, version of ~~~rhcSession of the Poets'~ says:

Incclrgcncc "ras broughc' the-court bc-ingS:ll, l~haL a piay lriparl 1le was \'cry n~:.n nm de, \ Vhcrc 1nalicious ~·!au Clifford nod sr,irinrnl Sprat \ Vere joinid "'1th their ])u kc, a r~er of the trade. lays'' (perhaps in the fashion of 1oe Censure of !he Jlota) and that "the l)ukc thinking the 1v1cthod

\Vas too grave .. turn'cl the Con1n1cnt into a Con1cdy~~J 'fhc con- ternporary evidence of the ''Session'' n1akes the involven1ent of Clif- ford and Sprat high]y probable. l~ha t Co\vlcy and \Val1er ,vcrc n1ore .. 1an pcri phcra] ly in\'ol vc

to the project. All in a11i the description of con1position in the 170 3 Poen1son Affairs of Stnle seerns like]y enough:

\ Vith L-Jelr of Pirnps 1 Pfays, and 'I'able Chat,

And the Ad\'jcc of his n,,·n Canonical Spruri And bis Fa1ui]y Scribe, Antichristian A-tat.

w PornJ.S(11• l\ffei13 of State (fmtc 2 3 ~bO\T), ll 328, -6L (London: ·r on son,. l 711), p. xkii. -6i \VoO(I,.A thcn.!f O.,.:,;nfrn;esl1V, 209.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 28 llar·va,·dLibra,y JJ1tlletin \Vhh transcrihing of th-csei and tmnsvcrsi ng those., \, 11th transn1itting of Hhynu\ and transversing Prnse, I le hath drc~t up his Farce with othc-rs j\-1cnsClothes. (JJ Con cl us ion: Bucldngha nl, ,\·ith su bstantia] assistance f rorn Sprat and CJifford,. and ideas contributed hy Buckinghan1,s Iitcrary circ]c. *(55) TheResltutrutiou (possibly pcrforn1cd at DL or DG, ca. l•,eb- rnary 168 3; pu ha 17 ] 4)~64 This revision of Fletcher's Philoster ,v~1s prob abJ y done by Buckingha n1. 1-Ic dcfi nitc]y \Vrotc a proJogur and epilogue for the play (ca. l 683, f ron1 references to Shaftesbury), printed in the 1704 edition of his \-Fnrks~The 1711 edition of Beau- tnont and F1ctchcr reports that he Hbestov/d son1c tj1nc jn a]tcring . . . /Jhi/r1Jte/'out that the anonyn1ou s cd itor "cannot le" rn \vh :=1tis beco1ne of the Play ,vith hi ..;; Gr:.-lce's A Iterations'' (I, ix). 1\n adaptation of Jlbilastcrcalled The:ReslnurolioH \Vas included in the I 715 edition of Bu ckinghan1's \l 1vrks (\Vith a scpara tc tit] c page

63 Poemscm Affairs of Stal! (1703), 11, l I 6-2 I 7 ("On the D11kcof Buels,,) . 64 Tix UJH..fon Stage, Part l~ p. 3 19, errs in S;i}ing thM 1'the ad~tptation was app:ircntly ncn.:r print td. "'~

i"is(_;1 [cs J acol Ji1 Pot!ica/ Rrgiftr r, p. 326. 66 An hu r Col h y Spragu c, Bmu 11w1Hand Flacher ou t hr Reitorat icu SJage (] 9 26; rpt. i'h;w York: Blom, 1965)t pp. 187-195. 0r Sec \Villiam Van Lcnnep,. wrwu Rcstoriu ion Comedic~/) 'J'imeJJ.ilerary Lc.;uppltmilll 1 J;mu.ary pp. 28 - 1939~- 57-5R_ u-3 l~nguainc, Ac:count,.p. 547; Gildon, p- 167. l'i~ A Comparirotr/JeN.r,eeJ: ,JJ,_, 1~l'tJ Stagi'S, ed. Staring B. \VcUs (Prince.ton: Pdnctton Vni~ \·ersity Press! 19-11),p. J l, under the title The Fh~INer Trkl:,:d.

m Thr i..AJ:,-idrmStugt, P~ rt 2: l 700-1 719 1 cd. Emrnett L. Avery, l \'O ls. {C:ubond afo: Snuthc-rn lHitloi_~Uniw:r~•ty Pre.ss, 1960), I, 7 L

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) RngliJb Dra111aAt tribut iuns 29 \Vith it '"1nany a tin1c. '~ Sun1mers ignored the p1ay in his 1915 edition of Ilehn and assigned it to Betterton in his Bihliograpl~)•.Frederick i\1.

I ..ink summarized the altcra t ions (e.g. 1 changing poetry to prose) and concludes that n1any of then1 agree ,vith Bchn's habits. 71 J\.-lilhuus points out that Betterlon rnight have introduced production change~

72 1 into Behn's adaptation of !viarston perhaps at Lll "' after l 69 5, ,vhich ,vould account for the attrihution in the gent:rally reliab]e Cornparison.On the ba 1ancc ho,vcvcr, \Ve be] ieve th at lhe evidence for fiehn's author.ship of thr 1680 quarto is con\'incing. t*(57) The Ron,an \1irgiu, or Unjufl ,]udge(J.JF, !v1ay 1669; ('losf'). For discussion, sec 1\1i]hous,. "Tho1nas Rerterron 's P]a y,vriting /l # 7. l"'his adaptation of \\ 7cbster's Appi11sand Virginiais considcrc

1669 version. ~JIi] hons has argued that I there being no evidence of n1orethan n1inor production alterations, this shou]d not be considered a p]ay by Betterton. 1'he lundnn Stagerefers the reader to the quarto

of 16 79 ,vith \V'c bstcr's name on the tit le page. This is1 ho,vcver l cnere]y a reissue of the 1659 quarLo. Pepys in1plies that The l?onzan 11irgin ,vas a nc\Y production of i'nn o!d playn ,(12 j\1ay 1669). C~un- clusion: a nc\\' production of \\ 7ebster's play; staged by Bcttcrtont probably ,vith at least n11noralterations. t(58) J?on1esFollies or The An1orous FtJ 1ars (privately acted? pub. 168 l). The dedication ends, ('the Author doth [ in1pi orel your Pardons .... ,vho .subscribes hi n1sclf .... N. N. ,, Sununers lists the printer, N F\1o,vel, ,vhosc initials arc appropriate (p. 93). The \Vriteri a \Vhig propagandisti admits that the piece ~1being not a 1itt1eSatyrical against the Ron1anists ... \vould be far 1norc difficult to get p1ay,d than CaesarBorgio ,vas_: or jf it should chance to have been played, n1ight have found a colder cntcrtainn1ent than Tegue O Dive/f)r,·rhc Irish Priest, a.t the l)ukc"'s Theatre, n1erely for the Subjects sake." Unlike n1any political tracts, this is a perf or1na blc play. "f he title page states, ''As it ,vas lately Acted at a Person of Q ual itic's 1-louse." The British

I..J bra ry copy (sh cl f rnark 64 3+ d. 5 8) has a 1\1S date of ~'2 7 Jan16 81/ 2. n Sun1n1crs says that '"jr is probable that the play ,vas privately pre- sented at 'l'hanct House, Aldersgatel on this day," but he give~ nu

71 Linkt Aphra liehn~ Pr• H8-90. n J\1 i I hou s, ,cThon1:1sBetterton 's Playwriting / 1 # 3 .

n Bentley 1 \f 1 124,-1248.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 30 Har"~ardl.ribun)' Bul/eJiu evidence for this assertion. Since the 81...,copy al so has a i\1S price (IOd), the date probably records purchase rather than pcrforn1ance.

'T'he quarto ,vas advertised in tht; l1npartinl Pro/cs!out 111crcu1j•-i 3 0 l)ccen1 her 168 1-3 Jan un ry 168 l /2. 1\ccord ing to J>Jon1cr( ,vho relics 1arge1yon Dunton), N. No,vel ,vas active fron1 I 681 to 1703 and t\vas probably a retailer on1yn74 - an assertion uornc out hy J\1or- 1 rj son ls index to \\ ing C~onclus ion: J\--:.N + (N. N o,vcl ?). t(59) St. Cecily: ur JtJc c·uuverted Twins (unacted? pub. 1666). The title page ascribes the play to "I~. j\ 11.n; the dedication is signed Hl\_.L !v1cdhurnc.i, ~1ost n1odcrn authorities have fol]o\ved Summcrs's assertion that 1-V1atthe\v l\·1cdbournc '\vas ccrtai n 1y the au thori} (p. 89). One prefatory pocn1 j s signed ''111.1\1. -,i; another poen1" "To his ingenious and learned Friends, the 1\uthor and J)ublisher of this Christian Tragcdy/t is signed ~'T. lvl. l\1ed. Tcn1. Soc." 75 Both pref- atory poen1s distinguish bct,veen the author, \vho (according to l\1+ h·1.)uh.ad no 1\ 1a1uc that n1ight / Conjure and char111the l<.caderat first sight, ,i and the f ricnd ,v hose 'tla hour too / For pu b1ishi ng the same, deserves its due. )1 This n1ight be an elaborate disguise for l\1atthe\\' !vlcocts," slanza 3 5.76 N cjthcr 1JJcLondon Stage nor the Annals d isti n- guishcs this p1ayfrom 1'heCourl c.\lfcretas seen by Pepy~, 18 August 1664 - or notes that the Dnvenant-El1is version n1ay have been ,vhat he sa\\' 77 Conclusion: revision of Shir1cy by Da vcnant and El Iis?

7-¼ }·lcnry R. Plomer et al., A {)iclicmary of the Prfoters and /fooksd!erJ... 1668 lo 1725 {Oxford: Biuliogri.lph1calSociety, 1922), I)· 221. (Plomcr spe-cificallycrc::dits No\\'CI \\'ith this play.} '/'he l,ifc u,uiErrorr ef]obn !Jtmtrm,cd. J. Il. r-..1ichol.s{London: J. :...Jid1oh ct 1., 18 l 8)i 1,211. 75 ld~ntificd withou1 c;i.;pl~nationa.s Thonrns 1\-1edhournein The lVorks of John JJrytfrn1 VoL X, cd. ~1n:in1illian f .. No\·;1k and George Roher1 Guffl:')' (Ilcrkdcy~ Universily of CaliforniaPress~ I C)70)1p. 385. ;-1, PofhlJ QI[ / 1.flain1 of Stu Jc (note 2 3 nbO\'C)l r, 3 J.5.

H The::only AJmalsentry is in Supplcrm:nt.ary List 11.j., p. 2051 withour dine,. a reference tal:en frmn Sununcrs, Pla._yhourcof Pcpys1 p. 153.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) t'uglish Dnuna A ltributions 31 (6 I) She l1e11tures,and /-le \\'ins (LIF, Scptcn1hcr 1695; pub. l 696)~ ~rhe tide page ~ay~, "\\_..ri ten by a ))"uung Lad y,i; the dc

· idcnti ty... .. S un1111crshas crcd itcd her \Vith T'heLlnna I ural ,l1other ( 1697): sec # 72 hc]o,v .. Con cl us ion: anon y n1ous. (62) Sir A1arti11A1ar-all (J. ..IF, August 1667; pub+ 1668). Jlcpys cal1s it ha play nu1de by 1ny I....ordDuke of Ne,vcasc1e, hut as everybody says corrected by ])rydcn'"' ( 16 August I 667}. ])o,vncs says that Hrfhc

Duke of l·h:·i:J-C'astle I giving JVlr./JJJtden a bare ..f'rans] at ion of it . I-le Adapted the Part purposely for the l\1outh of i\1r+ r./okl's,and curious! y Polishing the ,vho]c ,i (p. 28). 1-Ierringrnan entered the ,vor~ in the Stationers' H.cgjster as ~(.AC:omcdy \Vritten hy the DL1keof 1'1e\\'C (~astlc. n · t 'hc p]a y ,vas published ,vi thout a ttri hution until 1691, ,vhcn Dryden"'s name ,va~ put on the tide page. 'fhc first public attribution to Dryden occurred in 1688.78 For a judicious revie,v of evidence, see the California Dryden. 79 F .. I-I. j\1oore~,vho has studied

the problcn1 in dctai] l olfcrs the hypothesis that Nc\vca.stlc did a trans]a tion of J\1olicrc"'sL }h'to11rdiand drafted Acts I-1l I ,vhilc Dryden ,vro1 e ,I\cts I\' -\ 1 and '\vent over the ,vhoJe p]:-1y to put it into its final forn1~'' 60 \\'e find this a plausih]e exp1:1nationof lhe con1rnents by Pepys and Oo\vnes and also of various technica] inconsistencies and bibliographical oddities about the play. f..xactly ,vho did \Vhat ,vc ,vill probably never kno,v but '"'Nc,vcastlc and l)rydcn" scen1s the rnost reasonabl~ attribution. (63} Sodmn(1672? Not perror1ned in the public theatre; preserved in various i\15S)~ This obscene farce has been attributed to the Ear] of ltuchcstcr by 1nany t\vcnticth-ccntury authoriticsl but there is no rea] evidence for his authorship+ Ascription to llochcstcr in pirate editions (no,v Jost) and in i\15S derjved fron1 then1 is close to n1ean- ing]ess. Both Anthony a \:\/ood and Gi]don denounce tl1e atlributiOTL Gildon says, "the Author of it ... \Vrts t as I l1n very ,veH assured, one !vir. }/"ishbourn/' 81 and his attribution is repeated by eighteenth- and

,i;; l...angh1ine, 1\fomuJ Triump!xnrr(note 35 abo\·c}i p. 7. 79 The \ V()rksfJj John DrydenI v·ol. IX, cd. John Loftis and Vinton A. DearJng (Berl,;dcy:

U nii,-e-rsitrof C::iliforniaPress, 1966)1 pp. 354-356. 8°F. H. J\·loon.:, wrhc Compo~it[on nf si·r Jlm--tin A1ttr~tdl/' r..'ssaysin Engfi1,h/.iurotw-e of tht CitruitalPeriod Presc11trd w DougoldtllatAiil/mJ i ed. Daniel 1V. Patterson and Albrecht B.

Strauss, Studies i11 Pbi/clog_}11 Extra Scricsl Ko. 4 {1967), pp. 27-38. 81 \Voud, i\tbnra-Oxonienses,111, 12 30; Gildon, p- 56- \Vood's opin1nn 1s in part l~a~edon

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 32 Harvard l,,ib,-r11J1 }Jufletin nineteenrh-century authorities. The n1odern c]ailns for Rochester ,vcre reopened by van Romcr's edition of 1904 a.nd are repeated u ncritjcal1 y by Johannes Prinz and .i\1ontaguc Sun1mcrs. 82 ~ 1 either Pinto nor \ 1icth finds the case plausa1le~ Sl Rodney J\1. Daine has argued for acceptance of Ji'ishbourne (specifying a Ch rist.opher Ji'ish- hourne). 84 A. S. G. Ed\,·ards has suggested n1ultipJc or conunittee authorship. 85 1~he traditional 16i8 date has been convjncing]y chal- lenged by Richard f!]jas. ~6 No definite attribution is possible, but the evidence for Rochester's in\To]vcn1cnt is completely insubstantial. Under the cJrcurnstances, Hl\1r Fishbourne (?)" is the best ,ve can do. (64) T'bcTen,pcst (DG, April 1674; pub. 1674). l•or ful1erdiscussion of this ce]cbratcd prob]cn1, sec J\1ilhous, ,,~fhomas Betterton's Play-

,vri ting,") # 8+ ~rhe history of the dispute is conveniently sumn1ed up in George Robert Guffey's Introduction to 1lfter the Ten1pesl(Los A ngcles: ( :lark I_jbrary, 1969). l)rydcn and Da,·cnant co1labora tcd

on a revised 'J'en,pcst-i staged in I 667 and pu bJishcd in 1670. 1n I 674, a further revision \\'as nlade to take advantage of the scenic capacities orthe Dorset Garden 'T.. heatre hy n1aking the \Vork an Hopcra." --rhc edition of 1674 gives us the rc\Tis~-?text but ,\'ithuut any hint a bout authorship. Dryden ,va s under cxclusi vc contract to the rival corn-

pany and hence unavailab1e+Do,vnes 1"ellsus rhar ~'in 1673 [Le. 1 1673/ 4] The Tenlpest [ \Vas] ... ,nade into an Opera by IVlr. l),bad1.ve/I'~(p. 34). l\1ost play ]ists ignore the changes and assign the ,vork to Dryden and Davcnant ,vithout distinguishing bet,vcen the 1667 and 1674

the mi sta h.!n su ppos itio n that Rochester wrote ~~Upon l ht Author of the- Play c:::-tll'd Soilom ' 1 {aermiHy Ly John Oldham). K~ RrJche.rur'rSodrm1.., ed. [from die l·hmburg J\-ISJJ... S. A. ~t ,·on Romer {Paris: 1-1. l \1d tcr, 1904 [ i. c. 190 5J}; Johan ncs Prinz, J1Jhn l l'i Im()/,Efirl of RodXJ1er:I I isLife (l nd l l' ritings,

Palaeslra 154 {LeipzigI 192i), p. 390; Snn1mcr~] P!ny/J(Jwu:of PejJ_ys,pp. 296~297. ~.H Vh·ian de Sol.a Pinto docs not tnention it in hi~ re\'i~ed hiograpJ1y, Rn,hwias, in \\-'it {London: Routledge & Kcga.n Paul, J962); Da\·jd i\1. Vieth, Thr Comple11..•r'oems ofj(Jhn U'Hmot,Earl efRo-chrrter (N~w 1-h.vcn: Yale Uni\'er.Slt)' Pressi I 968L p. vit says, 1\~o,_1(JmI 'I •• JSS LIinc, I:S spu fl ous' . 84 Rodom;1 Studier in Eu,glishLitrraturr X VU] (l 978), 42 3-43 fi.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) /J·uglisbDran1a At tribalious 33 versions. In 1946, Char]es E. YVa.rdsuggested that Betterton rather than Shad,vcH ,vas responsible for the furthcr altcra tiuns. 87 Since Betterton became famous for his staging at Dorset Garden, ,vc n1ay

pre."ume that he handled .actual production rnat ters 1 hut there is no evidence for his i11\'ol ven1ent in the textual a]tera tions. 88 ,v·e see no reason to cha1lengc Do\vncs's Conclusion: revised uy Shad \Vell. (65) Tilna!con:or The Re'uolulian(unacted? pub~ 1697). The quarto provides pro]oguc, cpi]oguc and dedication ,,·1 ~u his Friend ~/.f"'r ~" along ,vith a pref ace decrying moral laxity in plays, but no,\~herc is there a hint of the author's identity. Sumn1crs attributes the play to 'tSouthby /' 89 presu1nahly on the hasis of a cryptic lv1S note in the

Bod lei an copyl she]f1nark i\,1aL 116 (6}i the title page of ,v hich is annotated Hl\1r Southby" (ur possibly 'tSouth]y'') in an old hand. Conclusion: ''!vlr Southby '' (? (66) Toni J~~sence(l)G~ July or August 1676; pub~ 1677). I,.,angbaine lists it under ~t U nkno,vn Authors') hut adds't uThis Pia y is said to be "'rit by One l\1r. /law/ins', {p. 5 52)+j\1u~t eighteenth~ and nineteenth- century authorities expand this to 1'Thon1as Ra\vlins" - 1.e., the Engraver of the l\-1inLand author of The Rebellion(pub. 1640). Sum- 1ners points out that this Tholnas Ra\vlins died in 1670. 90 Trnn Hssence is 1nodish enough that it cannot have been ,vritten n1uch before 1676! and the 1676 "A Session of the I>octs" says! uAnd little 1,nn Essences Author, ,vas there" - i .c., he ,vas alive in 1676 to claim the laurel. 91 Conclusion: anonymous (''j\1r Ra,vlins''?) .. *(67) The Traitor to HiJnself (School at F.veshatn, pub. 1678).

According to the preface "'"fo the l{cadcr, ,i this 't!vloral lntcr1udc in

u C~rnrle~ E. \Yard, ,i'J'he'ft•m;xsl: A Restor:1tio11Oper~ Prnl)lt'in/1 Fngli~-hl.itr.:rtuy Hir- wry, X ll] (1946)~ l 19~130. . 98 Betterton might h,n·c designed the machines he intended to use and gi,·en his descrip- tions to Shad,~·ell for incorporation in the printed tc~t. Dryden tells us that Betterton gal'e hlm such descriptions for Albio11(md Albanius in 1685. See The \Vorh of John D1ydrn, , 101. XV, ed. Ear] A1in~rand George lt Guffey (Berkeley: U nivcr51ty of California Press, 1976), p. IL

w Sun~mcrs 1 llihlio/;raphyip. 114. The J.ibr~ry of Cong-rc:.;scopy ha~ a !\tS dntc of 10 ~farch 1697/6 - \\'hich we: -caketo he a date of purchase rnther than pcrfornrnncc. 90 Summers, Playhousr of Pep;•s.,p, 41 7. \ Y. C:, 1-1azl itt' s as crapt• on to Ra vcnscroft is no more than :1 blind gucs~ {AJ,m11al.p. 230). Rr1\·enscroft did th1s sort of work! but he also pu hltshcd his pl.ars u11derh Li;;own n :1fne. r;ti P(ifms 011 Several OccasionsBy the Righi Ho!lourahlc,1hr- Enrl of R-- ('1Antwcrp 1': no publisher, 1680), p. 114.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 34 Ha,.... t1n1¥l Libraty Bulletin I·leroic \ 1crscn \Vas ,vrjtten l.Jy a schoohnastcr for an end-of-tcrn1 pcrf ornu1ncc by his charges. J\ u thorities si nee the 17 82 BiogrtJphia Dra111atica assign it to \\ 7i I1ian1 Johns (b. 1644 ), schoo] n1 aster at ]~ve- sham in the 1670s. "I'hc quarto ,vas published by bookseHcrs at Oxford and Evesham~ Accordj ng to I-Ialkett and Laing (\ 11, 7 5), a copy in the Bodleian confirm~ the attrjbution. The Budlcian catalogue does attribute the p]ay to lVi l1ian1 Johns, bu L \ve find no rel evun t. e\'tdence in cj thcr Bodleian copy, C. 12 l 3. J_,incor !"1a1. 160 (2)~ Conclusion: \Vil1ian1John~ (?). t*{68) The TroJtfor (DLt l\1arch 1692; pub. 1692)~ \last confusion a bout th is play has been caused by l\1ottcux 2s account in the Gentle- 01t1n .,s~fournal: ,cThe ~1raJrfor, an old Tragedy, hath not on]y been reviv"'d the last J\1onth~ but a]so been reprinted \Vith Alterations and i\.mendn1cnts: It \Vas suppos'd to be Sbir~y"s,but he only ushcr~d it in to the Stage; '"rhe A uthour of it \Vas one i\1r. Rivers a Jesuit, \V ho ,vrotc it in his Confincn1ent in 1\1eivgate."~n l\·1ost authorities~ jnc]uding

'l.ve London Stnge) a !tribute the 1692 tide to Anthony Rivers 2 or to Iiivcrs adapting Shirley. But Ilentley cites an unpublished disserta- tion \vhich demonstrates that this is sin1ply Shirley's 'l'lJc Trnitor ( 163 1)} reprinted ,vith so1nc cu ts \vhich prc.su1nably reflect current pr<1.cticcat Drury .I~anc (\ 1, 1150-1152). Rcsponsibi]ity for these cuts is unassignable, hut this is in no sense even a genuine adapuu·ion, and in our opinion the 1692 tit le shou]d he deleted f ron1 the Annals play list. t*(69) The 11·iun1phanl\·Vido-~v (OGt Noven1ber 1674; pub. 1677). The title page says this p1ay,vas "\-Vrittcn hy His Grace the Oukt! of Ne\vcastlc. '~Nonethc]css, the Annals assigns it joindy to Nc,vcastle and Shad,vcl1TIn the same year that the p]ay \"as published, EJkanah Settle clain1cd that his enemy '"fho1nas Shadl,,.cH,''I-laving a Play, calrd the 'Ji·iu1nphant1l'iddo·w, given hi,n to uring into the Duke's P]a y-house, he spitef u l1y foists in a Scene of his O\\rn into the l1la r and n1akes a sil1y I-Ieroick Poet in it 2 speak the very ,vords he had heard n1e say. n 9 , N c,vcastle"s bi ogra phcr, I-I. T. E. Perry, suggested

~::i: Jssm.:of April 1692, p. 2 l. ~I'bt tide page of the repririt also says 1 ,.\Vritten hy !\·fr. Ri-..iers.!"!- Greg suggc.~B th ~t this red herring is ~onn cct ed to the d cd ic1t con t-O41 n in1prisoned

Jacobite. Sec \V. \V. Greg, J\ Bib!iograph)-'ef 1hr /-".'nglirbPrin1eJ Vrnmn 10 1he RtJitoralfon 1 4 ,·ol~. {London: Bibl1ographica1 Society, l 939~1959), ] I, 641-644, #498. Vi Elk.anah Sett le~ Preface lo / bruhim {the pre focc is rn issi ng fron1 many copic~ of the quarto}.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) fJ'nglishDran1a Atlrihutians 3; that the ""Cran1uo-Codshcad portionn of the p1ay ,vets Shad,\'cll's \\'Ork+ Perry a 1so cla i n1c

1 ,vrit by !vlrr R.a\lrlin 5 ~ (p. 5 54 )~ For d iscussjon of the u Ra,vlinst' problem, sec #66 above. Conclusion: anon .. ('' i\-1rRa\vlinsH?) .. 95 t{71) 1ve Ungra1eJullia1..1orite (unactcd? pub. 1664).. Published anon- yn1ous]y,vithont preface or dedication, though iL has a prologue and -epilogue. Assigned to 1-\honlas South]and by NicoU because it uses "the san1c author ascription't C-'\\7rittcn by a })crson of l-Ionour") and uthe same n1otton (Horace, /.JjJist!esII t 3:3 38) as LfJ1ve a la ~11ode(# 38 above). This attribution hns been accepted \\;ith varying degrees of reservation by Sum1ncrs, A]frcd 1--Iarbage,96 the A111Jn!s,and The London Stage~ ,,re sec no case for South]and's authorship. --rhe title page of Love a Ia A-1odereads, ']. C. for John DanicJ't; that for The UngratefulFavorite, ".1.Cottre] for San1uc] Spec(l. ' 1 Sin1i]aritic~of layout and ornainent, Lhe uPerson of J-Jon our," and the jdentical n1otto probably indicate the san1e printer but iTnp1ynothing .about authorship. C:oncl usion: anony1nous. (72) 1ve Unnatural A1othcr(LIii', ca. October 1697; pub. 1698). 1"'he

title page says, L'\Vritten by a \' oung ]..,ady+ n l,hc Prologue pleads for "''A ,~von1an . . I \'-/ho once has stood the Brunt of th is unthinking

9-: Sec I Jcnry 'fen Eyc1 Perry I The Firrt Duchessef A'cwca.alt (Hoston: Ginn c1ndCompany 1 l 918), Pfl· 157-165., nnd AIIJcrt S. Borgman, ThomasShadwell ( 19281rpt. New Yo-rk~Illon1i 1969), pp. 27-28. 415 The l.omi(m StageiP;in l, p. 268, reports that a L;hrary of Congress copy has a r..1s 1 attribution to iL. Haker. H Th1s appears m~rdy to be a confusion \l'ith PJ'homasBaker's Tttnbrie[e;e\\ 10/ks ( l 703). ,;r, Alfrnl lhrlngr, C,n..ialicr Drama (l 916; rpt. Nc,v York: Rus~cnilnJ Russell, J964), p. 251.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 36 l lar•"iJardLibrn,)• Bnlletiu Age/' ,vhich imp lies that she has had a play f aiL Prcsutna bl y on this basis, Sun11ners assigns this play to icr\riadne,' (sec #61 above}. The attribution is not in1plausiblc, but there is no direct evidence for it. Conclusion: anonyn1ous. t *(7 3) \1alenlinion (D L, February l 684~ pub. 16s;), Listed in the A una/sas an anonyn1ous adaptation of llochester ,s l,ucina'sRape (itself

an adaptation of FJercher,s \' a/c11ti11iau1 1614) 1 though the ti tic page

of the 1685 quarto saysl "As ,tis Alter\i by the late Earl of Rochester. ,i \\'olesley's preface says that u.n1ylnte l ..ord Rochesterintended lo have altcr'd and corr~cted this Play 1nuch 1nore than it is. n 1lochester died in Jul r l 680. T,vo substantively identical i\1I S S of Lucina's Rape are extant: British Library Add. l\1S 28,692 and Folger \T.h. 2 3 3. N ei- ther is a holograph. The cast given in both n1anuscripts implies perforn1ancc or intended performance by the l(ing'.s Company ca. 167 5-76 (and no ]atcr than spring 1677). 'l~hc revisions 1nade for the 1684 product ion by the C nited Con1pany arc n1ostl y a 1natter of rcarrangen1ent') not a substantive further adaptation. \~le see no rea- son not to credit Rochester ,vjth authorship. 97 (74) The \~1ar aJGront111(1r(Crancbrook School~ 1666; !\1S). ]'he on]y source of inforn1ation a.bout this school play is the n1anu.scriptitself, preserved in the British I Jibrary a~ Ac.Id. lv1S 22,725 On fo] io 2 \' is ,vritten, "The YVa1Tof Gramrnar a Tragick~(:01nedy Acted by the Scholars of Crancbrook School tnore than once nut \Vithout Applause. In ,vhich the \\ 7ho]c \tuJgar c;ratnn1ar ,vith sorncthing of the Author"s o\vn is festiveously handJed. n /\. J_,atin title page, 3\ is dated 1666 . ..fhere is a f)rarnati~ flcrsonae on 3", a Preludium on 4r~ ·rhe play itself occupies 5r_50, On 1 r is ,vrittcn, '~Sarnuel Hoadley His Book J667. n Saaiuel I-loadley \\1as the father of Bishop Benjamin Hoadly.

1 i\ccording to a brief '1..,ifen in the prefatory 1natter to his son~s \·Vorks1 Sa1nuel 1-Ioadley '\vent to G,ronebrooA';to teach the ~~rec-schoolth~re., being little 1nore than nineteen 'r cars of Age">on 2 January 1663 and remained there until 1671. 98 s~1n1uelHoadley\· authorship of The ll'ar of Grtllinnar should he regarded as highly probab]c, but not certain. 99

t(7 5) The l,VoveringNy111ph I or 1t1adA 1nyntns(DL or DG ') ca. 168 3-

9~ For ~n analysis of the t\\"O \'ersions against ~he origin~l, sec Arthur Colby Spi·a.guc~ Bcoumrmt ar1d Fie tchcr {note 66 a bo\.·c), pp. 165.. 1 7 8. · 9 ~ 'J 1 . 'heU orksof BnJjuminl load{lr1 D.D., 3 \'ois. (Lnndon: Bowyer aud Nichols, 1773), 1, \'l. The srnilll san1plc-of hand\,·ri• i11gon l r n1\1st be regarded llS inronclusi\·c.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) E'11glishDran1a A. t I ributious 37 l 684~ lost?). 1\scrjbed to1\phra Rehn in the A1111af.r;.For discussion, see '"I..ost P1ays.,'' #61 . ~ehn ,vrote a pair of songs (pu h] ished in her Poe111fUpon Se·vr:!ralOcc-nsions, 1684) for a revival or adaptation of Thonuis Randolph ls 1\n1yutas ( I 630). '1~here is no evidence tluit this \Vas an adapt.at ion or that l\1rs. l3ehn ,vas the adapter, though she

does seen1 to have altered another llando]ph p]ay t 1ncJealous lo-vers1 in 1682. Conclusion: n1orc probab]y a rc, 1 ival than an adaptation; no evidence fur Behn as adapter. t*(76) The \\'idow (Tiridges St.,. j\i1ay 1665; "lost'')~ Given this title

and attributed to Boy1e, r~rl of Orrery l in a Jetter by 1-Ienry

Savi le. l'lhi s identificu tion is, ho\vever l aln1ost undoubted] ...y an error

for Ja1nes I-l(nvard's All Atistaken. Sec "Lost PJays 1 n # 19, and l{obert 1). l-Iun1c~ uDrydcn, Jan1cs 1-lo\vard~ a~d the IJatc uf All A1istakcn/' JJhilologict1!Quarter6r, LI ( I 972), 422-429+ t*(77) 1l'in Her and 1'ake lier (DL, date ·unkno,vn; pub. ] 691). l)ul.Jlishcd,vith a dedication by Cave Undcrhillt ,vho says in the prologuct "The Profits of this Play to me arc given." The 1764 Co111pa11io11-rfollo,ving Coxeter, 100 attributes it to John Sn1ith, author of C.,ytherea,an ascription corrected to John Sn1yth {b. 1662) in the 1812 BiographiaDra,natica (I1-6i8; III! 411). Anthony a YVood states . unequivocally that Smyth \vrutc \11iu lier t11ul 1ake Iler and that he published it "under the name of Cave Underhill an actor of plays" (I \T, 60 l )~ Surnn1ers says that Du rfey's epilogue '"clearly names U nderhiH as the author'' (p. 121), but this is 1101 true. In the epi1ogue, Durfey has U nderhiH ask hin1 to he] p rnake

T'he Aud icncc to be kind to my [i.e., Un

LW For an account of Thomas Co:"r:ctcr(1689-174 7} ~ml his i\1S 1'dditions to a copy of

Jacob\; L i1,gsof I he Dramal ic Poeu1 scc- the 18 I 2 fl i()graphia/J nmrnt ito 1i h: 7\i\'-l xxv. 101 For dcuils, sec Sun1mcrs, PinJbouseof Pcpyi,pp. 421-424.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) 38 llar·vard Libril1)'Bulleti11 Cha rn berla yne did not die unti] 1689, but the 167 8 guarto of \-\!its Led I~)'the /\lose ,vas published anonyn1ously, :lnd \Ve find no biograph- ica] evi de nee for his in vol vcn1ent in the rev i ~ion+Cone] us ion: anon- y 1nous adaptadocL t(79) A H1illJ' Crnnhator the //en1alcl'ictor (unperf orn1ed? pub+1663).

The ti tlc page says 1 ,c,,,ril ten by 'l\ JJ. Gent T ,~ As \Vith 1 neI- 'rench Conjurer(#24 ahove), authorities since the I 764 C,an,pnnion have expanded this to ,,.. l ..hon1as Porter (?), '1 ,vith the ,vc~ k explanation that he is lhe Hone dran1atic Author \vhose i'\1an,e \\rill correspond ,vith the letcer.s. H Porter's name is on the title page orThe \.Ii/Jainand 711c l"7ar11ivnf(published in 166 3 and 1664 ). 1\ \l' itty Co1nbat is a cJosct dran1a concerned \Vith a topical s<.:and"l(the ~Vl~ryCarleton in1pos-

t urc); \Ve sec no j ntrinsi c recison to c1ssignit to Purter. Conclusion: T + P. (identity unkno,vn). 102 (80) }7ou1h,s1 .. ragcd)r (c]oset dnnna; pub. 167 J ). '"rhc title page ascribes this n1oral pocn1 in dia]ogne to ''T. S. n The British Library Catalogueof PrintedBoo~~s and \:\ling expand these ini1ials to "~J'"hon1as Shcrn1an't (dates unkno\vn), on ,vhat grounds ,ve have been unaole to d iscovcr. "fh is idenri ficrrti on seen1s first to ha Ye been 1nade by A rber .10J Conclusion: 1·1101nas Shern1an t*(81) Ze/111a11e,or The CorinthianQut'en (Lil~, 1\ovcn1Lcr 1704; pub. 1705). The editors of the Annalsattribute this play to \Vi1lian1lvlount- fort and assign it to 1692, lhe year of his death+ The unsigned dedi- cation of the 170; quarto crediLs the p]ay to ~'i\1r+!Vl--t, n an ascription picked up hy Coxeter and accepted by Ilaker in the l 764 Con,panionand by n1any subsequent authorities. \'•/e doubt tha1 1he play ,vas \\'fittcn in 1692 or that l\1ountfort had anything to do ,vith it. This is not the sort of p]ay hr had ,vrittcn, and if he had ]eft an incotnplete l\1S (as the 1705 dedication as~erts)l his fcl1o\v actors ,vould ahnost certainly have n1ade use of it in the 1690s ... fhe _need for nc,v plays ,vas acute after the resun1ption of con1 petition in 169 5.

ioi A \\''ill)' Con1hathas often been confused '-''ith HoMents 1·hrGtrmon /Jrfouss(los;t)~ seen

Ly Pcpy5 in April l (364. Sec Summers., Playhouseof Pcp_vs,pp. 2 35-23 7 t and ~1 Lost Plays,t~

# 14. ·rbtlcndo,1 Stage, P,u1 l, p. 55, reports a partt:il h·1Scast for A H'iny CombtuI implying ptr forrn:i.11cl· IJ)" ! he l) UI,;~\ Cum pan r. The p fardocs not S{'Cill very stageable-, .3nd the Dukeis C:om prrn y seems nn l ikd y to ha \'C m ountcd n~.-o \'crs ions of the Car kt on story in successi\·e )'ears. \Ye suggest that the ;1nnot:norof tlic J 663: cdltion of,, l Vit~yC..ombat wa probably n~pon ing actors from The Ga man Prinre.ll • n l 664. ir.) Edward /\rbcr, cd.,. TheTfrm Catalogues!I 668-1709, 3 vols. (London: pri\'atdy print- ed, 1903-1906)1 11 5 32.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) t),glisb Dra111aAt tribut iuns 39 The LoudonStngc points out that Zchnancis attributed to 1\1rs. Pix in the 28 October 1704 f)iverting-JJost - a n1uch ]ikc]icr attrjbution in Ler,ns of f onn and style. 1c1-1 lebnane \\'as not included 1n the 17 2 0 ed1Lion of lv1ountforfs ]}lflJS, and his n1odcrn biographer disclain1s the \Vork. rn5 (~oncl usion; ]VIrs. Pix. t(82) Zoroastrcs (evidently unpcrforrned; "'rjtten ca. 1675-76; BL Sloane IvtS ] 828). ;\ note in an unidentified hand in the lvlS says,

1'\\ 1ritten by the right honourable ~fhc ]ate I~arl of Orrcry /' This attribution is accepted 1:1ncqu ivocally by \\' il1iam Smith Clark in The

Drn,natic lForks of Ro1gcr Boyle, t'(lr/ of Orre,y, 2 vols. (Crunbridge: l-Iarvard University Press, 1937), II, 928-929, \vho states that the manuscript is holograph. This assertion has heen cha11enged by r\ntony l-lamn1ond, ,vho has proved conclusive]y that nejther the hand ,vri ting nor the s pc]]ing of S1oane 182 8 is characteristic of Orrcry. HM l-lan1mond ends his article ,vith an expression of 1'the live]iest suspicions as to ,vhether Orrcry had anything to du ,vjth Zoroaslres.'' \\'e agree: in neither style nor construction docs the p]ay seetn re]a tcd to the rest of ()rrcryis "'ork. 107 In our opinion, Zoroastres shou]d be regarded as anunyn1uus, the ascription to Orrery in Sloane 1828 not,vjthstanding. 108

i 114 The l.. mid&u St aget Pa rt 2 , I , .SO. rn.i Albert S. Borgmant \Fif!iam Afmmtforl.,pp. 176-li 7.

rnf. Antony l-lanunorid~ •i1·hc .~fanu:;l:ript of Zomaslrrrt The lilirary, 5th scr. l XX X {197 5}, 34-40. to7 _i\1 o ntaguc Su mn1crs dues nut d1 Henge t lu:: .:11t ri hutiot1 but calls the play "'"c41:;iI y the

1 \\'ors:t of Orrery's drnnrns. u Sec "Orrcry\ "l'ht 'rrag:cdy of Zoroastrc-s.' H _Afodn·u/.a11guag1..• Rrviru.\ XII (19 l 7)t 14-32.

u~ \Ve would like to thank }.;annt.: l\.·h.::c:kins1 [)ouglas R. Butler, and Jamcs Anderson \\'inn for L1bltographical a:;sistancc.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983) CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE

RonNEr G. DENNIS is Curator of Manuscripts in the 1-lan'ard Col1cgc Library.

CAROL HoLLY is A~sistartt Professor of EngEsh and American Studies ~t St. Olaf Co11cgc,Northfield, l\1inncsota.

RoBERTD. I·luME is Professor of EngUsh at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsykaniu.

JUDITH 1-.,hLuousis Ass-ociateProfessor of Communication and l"hea.tre Arts at the University of Iowa, lo\l'a City, lo\\·a.

ANNA Dk1::NAGY is I-lead of the Documentation Dcpartn1cnt at the Teleki-Bo!yai Library~ Tirgu-Mure~, RomgDia.

l\11H.{L \' S. SF.BF.ST\'F:N is Li hrarfo.n of the ·releki-Bolyai I jbrary Tirgu- Murc}1 Ronlania.

J6z.sEF SP1 EL.MANN is Prof cssor of Mc d ica1 and Phc1rmaccu tic AlI .Jistory at the Institute of i\1edicine and Pharmacy t Tirgu-Mure~t Romania+

Col\'RAD \.VRrGHT is Professor of American Church History and John Ba rtlc tt Leet urcr on New Eng] and Church Hi story at the Harvard Divjnity School.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXI, Number 1 (Winter 1983)