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V01.5 Price—One Cent. St. John's, N.P., SaturdayEVENING TELEGRAM.Evening, March 3, 1883. $3.00 Per Annum. No. 53. ) Fa <«*-*../ CALENDAR „__. Wlw order. In half a minute after the alarm had NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sed a most contemptuous opinion of Mr. Alex- k OfccH \For the Week. \ OTH ___ " been given half the children were in the street. ander Murray, and of his publio services. As as ten spoke of him aa (From the Ncvfoundland Almanac.) Just at this time the Sister in charge ofthe girls' long years ago be freely olass on the second floor fainted, and with a wild a useless and superannuated old humbug—or Meow's Phases. Last qtr. 2d d. March, lh, 56m ev>. cry seventy or eighty young girls left without a Athenaeum Hall. words to that effect—and as one who ought to be leader, the cut adrift, was a mere incubus upon andUtTa't !?«te_*H MSMOBAHDA. rushed through door into the already beoause he St. John's. St. Johns.. crowded hall-way. The children shrieked, the publio funds. If the Reverend Moses forgets MoK., 26—6.52 6.32,10.07 10.31 utteranoei of TOSS., 27-6.61 6.34 110.56 11.20 Longfellow born, 1807 crowded, rolled and fell down stairs to get out. or denies these freely-expressed Wed., 28-6.49 5.35 11.45 jLamartine died, 1869 The GRAND CONCERT. we endeavor to re- Mabch. weak fell or were pushed down and trampled his about Mi. Murray, will TatJß., 1-6.4(5 5.39 ! 0.34 O.S9JSt. David upon, others struggling over them forming an fresh his memory, and in a waythat will oonvinoe FaiD*T,2-6.41 5.41 1.23 1.47 J. Wesley died, 1791 3—6.42 - on as Satdb., 5.42 2.12 2.36'Evacu'n Paris, 1871 impassable barrier the stairs from the him—sceptic and all he is! street. Suddenly the hand rail and board TUESDAY, March 6th, 1883, Yet now forsooth, beoause he wants to insin- partition guarding the stairs on the exposed side uate another utterly useless fossil into the Geo- crushed in and the mass of dead and dying child- logical office, the Reverend Moses finds it to his ren fell to the narrow hall below, filling it four (fhurth aooount to dip his * longhandled brush' into the the in tfongrrptiotutl Choir, more whitewash,' and by Telegraph. and five deep. From heap of children smeach of some insinoere' Latest the west hall, six dead girls, from 17 years of A»wi*t«?tl by several Ladies anil Gentlemen of dls- to beslaver the very men he tries to undermine ! age, were taken out and carried into the church, tint;ui«li4'4l Muaical ability. We can inform the Rev. Moses Harvey that SPLENDID AWARD TO THE CAP- where they wore laid in the front chancel, and there are dozens of men it St. John's who know ineffectual attempts to resuscitate them were CONDUCTOR:-Mr. JAMES TUCKER. ACCOMPANIST: lfllaa BARNES. what his opinions of dear old Mr. Murray are, TAIN OF THE QUEBEC. made. Mothers forcing their way, despite the and what extent of good-will the reverend forco of police, filled the sacred building with old ' dodger' really entertains for Mr. James Sir Arthur Otway Elect- pitiful cries. Ono recognizing her child, fell Howley. • FIRST PART. SECOND PART. ed Deputy Speaker. upon it with agonising shrieks. Policemen and The latter gentleman is a thorough and —■ Solo and Chorus—The Silver Queen Bishop Glee—When winds breathe soft Webbe » grave Monks who looked on turned away unable Solos by Misses Sopcr and Harris &I. R. McNeily Song—Farewell to Erin Claribel painstaking ■ geologist' of native growth, and Song—Nelson Braham Miss Edith Carter. from to witness the scene. A olamoring, shrieking G one who has seen more of Newfoundland THE VERY LATEST FROM _, _ _, , Mr,*, j; _~ , Piano Trio Selections from Donnizette throng ofwoman, with upliftod handsand stream- Piano Duet-Shepherd s Evening Song Blake Mrß# Bradshaw, Mrs. Bulley, Mr. 0. Hutton. personal inspection than all the Harveys that Mrs. Henderson and Miss Barnes. mi, Ti ;„, tt PROFESSOR WIGGINS. Song-The«___ A Fairyn T.„ AdamBLAam has over »- ing eyes, surrounded it, shrieking for their child- Song-A Summer Shower Marzials ever were hatched. He travelled all MrJ»^«—v;-»E worthy* * ren. Those not find their little ones Miss S. Barnes. ' 1 our Island-home,' and has gathered and pub- who could Song—Twilight Harmony (a sequel to che Lost Song—Song of the Sea Shell ..Keller He Comes to Halifax to followed waggons carrying the dead. In the Chord...Phillips. Miss *Bulley. lished more useful information in a quiet and Miss Jane Duder. Polka—Violin, Flute and Piano Nymph than all the shoddy plag- Watch the Storm. rear of the building 13 little bodies were laid in Trio--2 Violins & Piano A Ramble thro' Scotland Lindsey unostentatious way, a row, numbered as they were laid with paper Messrs. Glass. Greig and Elworthy. Messrs. Glass, Greig and Elworthy. iarists like the Reverend Moses have ever even ... Duet—Tell mc. Gentle Strange... Parry Song—The Village Blacksmith Weiss does not because Howley IMPORTANT DISCOVERY BY tickets pinned to their clothes. The following Miss S. Barnes and Mr. Tucker. *§fr Howe dreamed of. Yet Mr. THE IRISH POLICE. is the list of deal and injured: Song-Bid mc .. Bishop Milking her Cow...Molloy happen to be one of the bigwigs/ he is to be ' Dead—Minnie Aster, 9 years; Mary Hap- Quartette-Italy Novello m _, ~n passed over, and superseded, in favor of some Misses Haddon & Harris, Messrs. W. Watson and Glee-Foresters Sound the Cheerful Horn pencher, 7 years ; Mary Ann Happ, 8 years ; Northfield. Bishop. political papling who does'nt know his Geologi- Another Member of the oould'nt tell a Minnie Finch, 8 years; Josephine Moore, 10 ; INTBRVAL. €JO» §AVB THE qi*EE3f, cal ' alphabet' yet, and who speci- Murder Conspiracy. Graoie Grotzner, ; Lizzie men of gold quartz from a Catalina-stone if he 11 Lena Beckorg, 9; Admission by Tickets or at the door 1/8 each. Doors open at 7.30 p.m.; to commence at 8 p.m., «» Skapetzki, 11 ; Teresa Ralszner, 11; Barbara prompt. was to be swung for it! Tickets may be had at the stores of Mrs. J. H. Martin, Messrs. Ohman & Lindstrom, and Mr. be Brundenzer, 8 ; Francis Wuittermuth, 12; Eliza Seymour, Water Street, or from any member of tho Choir. march3,3ifp We say if Mr. * Geologioal' Murray is to APPEARANCE OF THEPLAGUE ■ tl,lltMl tlttMtltMl^,lltlt,llllll,^tltlll^"tllMtlll at the expense, that IN Bradenburg, 10 ; Lena Bindnagel, 10 ; Barbara I^'Ml^'l^^ " really fossilized' publio KHURDESTAN. 9 natural suooessor, and +»» Beschal, ; Alphonso Tischer, 9. ' wtotioes i Mr. James Howley is his Injured—Louisa Flonen, 9, is suffering fear- Loyal Orange Association! we DARE the Reverend Moses or any other T WILL uot be accountable for The Syndicate's Offer to fully from suffocation and internal injuries. John man to deprive him of his right. Adjourned Session ofthe Pro- •*• the Distressed Irish. Engle, 11, log broken; Fred Gintleman, 9, rfIHEJL vineial Grand Lodtfe will open in the ■•% ES ■ D ■■ ■ G2 We don't want the ' poor old man'—we mean «»* BRITISH HALL, this-—(.Saturday) Evening, at KS •*■ -»-* M.—to leave us for truly we crushed and internal injuries ; Rudolph Mundell, 7.30, for Election of Officers and other business. Contracted by-the Sealing and Whaling Crews of Mr. yet, should Halifax, N.8., March 3. 8, internal injuries ; Siver l'hillippina, slightly (By order,) the S.S. Arctic, Thetis,* Aurora, Eesolute, Esquimaux have hearts of adamant to see him depart with- <in<\ Narwhal, except upon the written order of The owners and underwriters of the steamer injured. IM)\'tl II VIORISOX out dropping at least a stalactite over his mem- march3,l ' P. G. Secretary. the Captains. Quebec have awarded the captain ten thousand JOHM PIE ory. But as it is quite evident to all the politi- Oak Stephen Dundee Seal pounds for saving the ship. fleeting ot Royal Agent for Wm. & Co., and cal * Doctors that Our venerable friend can't Lodge, No. 22, fand Leeming Lodge, No march3,li and Whale Fishing Co. ' Abrogating the Fishery AOKKRRtIi HALL, Sir Arthur Otway has been unanimously 54, will be held in the BRITISH on Tubs- _ hold together' much longer—unless he's glued day ' next, Gth inst, at 7.30 p.m. All visiting over have no elected Depnty Speaker of the British House of Clauses of the Wash- brethren are cordially invited. THE all again—we doubt that steps will Commons, vice Playfair resigned. ington Treaty. (By order, be taken to ease him down by gentle and almost Professor Wiggins reaffirms that his great 9 i?i>WAiti> F. roi/rox. imperceptible gradations into that bourne' from Secretary Royal Oak, No. 22. ' storm will take plaoe on the 11th of March, In the U. S. Senate last week, in reply to an in- ■ BKNEST. «.i TI \IM IV. whence no geologistreturns ! and it be the that oan terrogatory from Senator Hoar, SenatorEdmunds march3,sat,tu3,fp Secy Leeming, No. 54. And when he does go—for go' he must, says will greatest possibly SATURDAY, Evening Telegram.1888. ' MARCH 3, ooour on earth. Wiggins comes to Halifax to of Vermont said that the matter of instructing Sale, some time or other—we hope our worthy * Pro- watch the storm. tho President to notify Great Britain of our desire On fessor of the Stony Science will be succeeded to abrogate the fisheries clauses of the Washing- ' The Police have discovered lists of members by the gentleman we have named.