Chess. Each Scored 6·1

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Chess. Each Scored 6·1 SEPTEMBER 1967 VICTOR OF MOSCOW ( See p ;a Qe 260) 65 CENTS Subscription Rate ONE YEAR $7.50 e uof '--' wn 789 PAGES: 7 112 by 9 inches. clothbound 221 diograms 493 idea variations 1704 practical variations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all variations and 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A . HOROWITZ in collaboration with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe, Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch, and many other noted authorities This latest and imm ense work, the most exhaustive of its kind, ex· plains in encyclopedic detail the fine points of all openings. It ca rries the reader well into th e middle game, eva luates the prospects there and often gives complete exemplary games so that he is not left hanging in mid.position wi Lh the query: What happens now? A logical sequellce binds the continuity in each opening. First come Ul e moves with foo Lnotes leading to the key position. Then fo l· BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observa tions, illustrated by "Idea Variations." Finall y, Glossy paper. handsome print. Practical and S uppl e me l1 lar ~ ' Varintions, well annotated, exemplify the spacious paging and all the effective possiLilit ies. Each line is appraised: +, - or =. The la rge Iormat- 7-IJ:-:> x 9 inches-is designed for ease of read· other appurtenances of exquis­ ing and playing. It eliminates milch tiresome shuffl ing of pages ite book-making combine to between the principal lines and the respective comments. Clear, make this the handsomest of legible lype, a wide margin for inserting notes and variat ion-identify­ ing d iagrams are other plus features. chess books! In addition to all else, this book contaill S 439 com plete ga mes- a golden treaMlry in itself! 1- - - -------------- - - - - - - - - -- -- - I I Please send me Chess Openings: Theory and Practice at 512.50 I I Name .. _ .. _ . .. _ . _ . _ .. •. • . _ . _ . .. ... .. .. ... _ .. _ ..... .. ......... .. I I Address ... .. .... .• . _ . _ . .. • •• . ... .. • .. • . • .•. .. .... ........ _ ....... • ........ I I City & Sta te .. .. _ ... .. • .. .. .•. • . , .. .. ... .. Zip Code No ..... , .. .. I I Check/ Money order enclolled I ,------------------------------, (under 18, SS) + u seF UUC$: rel; isler by 9 .HI, Sept. 16: SS fund $250 if 01'Cr CHESS :IS EFs : inq-:liries to C. F . .!'Il orey. 81 7 \ '. Wallace. Indianapolis, Indiana "·6201. REVIEW Co...... ecticut _ Septembe r 23 to 24 flflrt/ord Expert Opell & Amal,ellr Of/I'll Vo lu me 35 Number 9 Septembe r 1957 al YMCA, 315 Pea rl St., Ha rtford, Conn: EDI TED &. PUBLISHED BY t::rpert 4 Rd 5S, 40 m o\'esj 2 hours, 20 I. A.. Horowitz aft er; open 10 2000 & highe r ralings: IF (810 till Sepl. 16): 58 50% gr05. • EFs 10 lsi, 25% to 2d, tou rn ament book Table of Contents 10 each enlrant: starts 10 AM: Amalellr 7 Rd 55, 30 moves/ hour: open to ratings Chess Club Oirectory ............. 288 below 2000: EF S7 (S6 till Sept. 16) : Chess Quill: . " . 258 lrophies to Champion, lsI 3 in A, B, C Game of the Month ... .. ..... _.. .. ' 264 CO MING EVENTS IN THE U . S. & D, lst in E, Unrated, & book awards; ANO CANADA Games from Recent Event!: . .. ... .. 282 to urnament hoo k to each entrant, Slarts ,\ I)\)I'CY in tion»- SS: Swiss SY$tem Tourll<l' !It 10 MI: inquiries & ad\' EFs 10 r. Half Fish, Half Girl . .. .. .. .... ... _ 266 ment (In l il t round entries paired by tot or $elcetlon; In $ul>sequent roullds plnyers with Tuwnsend, 10 Bermuda nd., Wethersfield, On the Cover . .. .. .. .. - ... .. .. 260 similar scOr"" paired). RR: Round Robin Co nn. 06109. Tournament (each llIan \lhl>'" eve ry other . - . 272 postal Cheu . "'(l.n). KO: Knock·out Tournament 10$e" $ New Jersey _ September 23 to 24 or low llcore,·s elimina ted). $$: C<l sh Problemart , . , . 284 . E F : Entry fee. CC Che$s Clu\). CF: Chess j ersey Cil)' Y OPCll at Jersey City Solitaire Chess . .. ........ _ ... 287 I~cd e ratjon . CA: Chess Association. CL: YMCA, 654 Bergen Av., Jersey City, N. J. Cheu League. Rd: I·onnds. USCF dues: $J O Spotlight on Openings . .. ... .. 280 membel'$hlp per ye;) r . 0730'k 5 Rd 55; 50 llioves/ 2 hours: EI-' 56 (54 fo r club members) + USCF dues USSR vs Yugoslav Mateh Tourname nt 266 Massachusetts _ Septembe r 9 t o 10 + $2 after Sept. 15: i$ lst $50, 2d 530, World of Chess .. .. .. .. .... , . .. 259 M r:rrimack Amalr:llr alld Open al Taga. 3d $20; trophies for top Expcrt, A, B, C, .Ian Hall, Merrimack College, N. Andover, o & Unrated : st arts 10 AM; 3 Rd Sept. Ma5sachuseus : 5 H,l SS, 50 mo\'esj 2 23; 2 Rd, 24: inquiries to J ersey City EXECUTIVE EDITOR hours : Opell EF' S8 + uscr d,ues : YMCA Chess Cl ub, address above. Amfllenr EF 56 d ues (ad\' F.F Ja.::k Straley Baltell + uscr Indiana _ September 30 to Oct. 1 liII Sel''' 8 SI less): SS fund SI30 & MANAGING EDITOR 2d Alitl,CClllml Open at Ho[el Elkharl, Irophies; for hUlll sections lsi $30. 2d Arthu r B. 8lsgu;~r 5 Hd 55, 45 mOl'esj 2 hours : EF Sl1 820, 3d SIO ; trophies LO Expert or A, n CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ( under 18, S8) : registe r lalcst 8 AM, Sept. .& Junior : registcr lalest by 9 AM, Se pt. J. 'V. Collins, T . A. Dunst, 30 & a(ll' EFs refundable till then : $$ 9: lnquiries ;jnd ad" EFs to S. H. Phil· Svetoznr GU gorlch, HILllS Kmoch. run $125. 75, 50, 25, 15 & 12, a!~o to top \Va.ller !<or» and Dr. P . 'rrifunovich. l iJl ~, 18 Rennie Drive, Andover, Mass. 01810. A, B & C per EFs: EFs & inq ui ri es to CORRESPONDENTS T. PehnG'C, 1124 Grant St., Elkhart, In. Alabama E. M. Cockrell. New York _ S e pt ember 15 to 17 diana 46514. California Llr. H. Ral$ton. },f. .1. fioye'·. E(l:Jt r: m N cw York Opcn Colorado J. J. Reid. at Schencctady New York _ S e ptember 30 to Oct. 1 District of Columbia R. S. Canlwell. Do wn[ o ll'n YI'\,I{:i\, 13 Slate Street : 5 Hd Syr(IC1I5e AlI/a/elU al G. E. Eleclronics Florida R. C. East"·ood. 55, 50 JllU\' esj 2 hou rs : EF 810 (unde r HI , Georgia Bra$well Deen. Park cafeteria, ex it 37 N Y Thruway. Idaho £1. S. Vandenberg. S5), bdore 5epl. 13 S8 ($4), + uscr 5yracu~e : , ~ Rd 55; 50 mOl'esj2 hours: Illinois J. G. Warren. ..... NYSCA du e ~: SS 1st 3100, 2d 840. A upen 10 any below 2000 or Unraled: EF Indl:lna I). C. Hille. D. E. Uhead. & B 815 each. C·O &' Unrated 31 0 each ; Iowa J. ~1. OSIlUS. 86 (55 till Sept. 22) + U5eF tlues : reg· Kanus K. it. ~ l acDona ld "tilers Iler EF ~ : register b[est 0)' 8 ... .11 , ister by 8 "M , Sell t. 30: SS, trophy and Louisiana J . 1". IIcer". A. L. "lcAuley. Sept. 15: in(Iuiries and adv EFs to J. J. Maine l •. J.-:ldrldge. 20, 20, 15, 10 & 10% EFs (arlcr t ropll)' IJragonelti, 2 Ea ~ t on Dr., Rexford, N. Y. Maryland Charles Baraseh. Dr. W. R. costs) 10 lst & lOpS in A, 13 , C, D & un· BundiCk. 12HR. Mlchillan n. BllskBg er. rated, abo 15% [0 lsI, S50 (guaranlee,l Minnesota G. Tier$. India na - September 16 t o 17 tlIinimnm ) : Ers & inquiri t: ~ to A. High. Mlssiulppl E. A. DUrnin&,. Nebr:l$ka n. E. Ellsworth, Jack Spence. jallles Kulllll Open at Mangel' Motor d ucheck, 172 Creslin e Dr., Syracuse. N. Y. Nevada It. L. Wheeler. Inn, 1530 N. Meridian 51.. Indianapolis : 13206. New Hamllshlre Rnlph }'1. Gerth. New York P. Berlow, Edward La.sker. J. N. 5 ltd SS ; 50 mo\'esj 2 hOllrs : EF $8 PennsylV ania _ Octobe r 7 to 8 Otis. North Carolina Dr. S. Noblin. Items printed for benefit of our readers C(lIc/V(lY Opel! at, Pillshurgh ce. Golden If reported by authorized olficlals at leut North DllkoU. D. C. Macdonald. T riangle YMCA, 30'J Wood 51. 5 Rd 55. Ohio n. n. Hayes, J. R. Schroeder. two months in advance, and kept to brief Pennsylvania J. E. Arm$trong. essentials. Readers: nearly all [ourneys uk 50 movesj 2 hours : register by 9 AM: EF your aid by bringing O,,'n cheu seta, boards South Dakota :IT. 1~. Anderson. S8 ( under 18, sa) + user ducs : $S lsi Tennessee Mrs. Martha Hardt, J. G. SUlli- '\lld cloekll. Al..o. "'rite for further details for s pace here Is very restricted, bllt men. van. Jr. (Co ... cluded 0'" page 263) Texas HOllier H . Hyde. tion YOIJ heard through Chess Revlewl Utah Harold Lundstrom. Wisconsin Pearle Mann. ('HESS REVIEW Is published monthly by Subscription Ratn: One year $7.50. two Wyoming E. F. Rohl!!. CHESS REV IEW. 13~ W. 72d St .. New York. years $H .OO. three years $18.50. world·wide. Collegiate: P . C. Joss. :\&W York 10023. Printed in U. S. A. Re· Change ot Address: SiX weeks' notice reo Quired. Plea se furnbh an address stencil CANAOA ""tered AI< second·<'! alS m,,-uer Augult 7. 19H. lit the Post Office n t Xew Yo rk, N. 1" .. impre8~jOn from the ,vrllppcr o f II. recent Alberta L. Steele. Ullde r tM M:t of ),[arch 3. 1879. l$Su e. Address chang"", cannot he m:u'e with· erltilh Columbia Dr. N. Dlvinsky. ou t the 0101 addl'e~ $ tiS well ~A the neW one. Man itoba M. Stover. Ge nel',,! Offices: 13~ West 12d Street.
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