CHESS FED E R ATION a Fin Al Report from Frank Skoff, Cha Ir Man of the No Mi Nations Committee

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CHESS FED E R ATION a Fin Al Report from Frank Skoff, Cha Ir Man of the No Mi Nations Committee U. S. JUNIOR CHAMPION WALTER BROWNE (Sec llGge 158) Volume XXI Nllmber 7 Jill)", 1966 EDITORS: Lt. Colonel E. B. Edmondson and Wm. Goichberg 1966 USCF CHESS FED E R ATION A fin al report from Frank Skoff, Cha ir man of the No mi nations Committee. lists the following candidates for offi ce. PRESIDE NT U . C(llonel E. B. Edmondson REGIONAL VICE.PRESIDENT Region V ICE·PRESIDE NT J ames Bolton, 249 Highlan d Street, New Have n, Conn. David Hoffmann " Region II: Mic hael Raimo, 434 Scotland Road, Orange, N.J. REGIONAL V ICE·PRESIDENTS NEW I!NGLAND Stanley Kin, Region Ill: Steve Carr uth£lrs, RO 2, Ephrata, Pa. 17422 Hnold Dondl. Ell Uo urdon EASTERN I. ero), Dubeck Region IV: Ralph Hall, 897 1 SW 57t h. Terrace, Miami, Fla. 33 143 ~wll E. Wood Robert LaO.lIe P hilip Lamb, 779 Orange St., Maeon, Ga. 31201 Albert T. Pearson, 313 Plantation Place, Charlotte, N.C. M I D-ATLANTIC Earl Clary Edward O. Strehle William A. Scott, 1387 Morley Place SW, Atlanta, Ga. Robert t;rkCI SOUTHERN Or. Robert )' roemke Re gion V: V. E. Vandenburg, 2177 M·99 Road, Route 3, Ea1 0n Rapids, Mich. Pa ter Lahde CarrOll M. Crull CREAT L A K ES No rbert Ma tt hewa Region VI: Dr. George Tiers, 165 S. Cleveland, St. Paul, Minn. 55105 Don.. ld W. IIUdl nl' Peter WoH, 6427 N. Damen, C hh:~ ago , Ill. 60647 Dr. H.rvey McClella n NORTH CENT RAL ((obert Lerne r .Iohn Oslle.. Region VII : J ohn A. Howell, 244 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colo . K en Ryk k en SOUTHWESTERN W. W. Crew Region VIII: Burrard Eddy, 504 Terry Ave. (209), Seattle, Wash. Ke nneth S mit h "art IlI. hop As delailed in last month's CHESS LIFE, nominees for national ofrice are: PACI F IC Kenneth Jone. Gordon Barrett President: Dav id HolIman, Marshall Ro hland, Donald D. Schultz. Col. P.u.l L. W e bb SECRETARY Vice-President: Peter P. Berlow, Isaac Knshdan. Marshall Rohland Secretary: Dr. Leroy Dubeck, Robert Goodspeed. NATIONAL CHA IRME N and OFFICERS Nomin ations may be made from the {loor on August 18 at Seattle; however, ARMED FORCES CHESS .. " ............ Robert Karch since the majority of the ballots arc cast by mail, it is reasonable to assume that BUSIN ESS MANAGER ........... " ... J . ~'. Reinha rdt yo ur next group of elect£ld officers is included in the above nominees. COLLEGE CHESS ................................ P . ul C. J 08$ Members of the USCF Board of Directors, if you have not already marked INDU STRIAL CHESS.. ..........St a nley W. D. KIn, and returned your ballot and proxy please do so today, INTERNATIONAL AFfAIRS .... ... Isaac Kuhdan Women', IntcrnaUonal .............. Kathryn Slater The Presidential Report will appear in August CHESS LIFE. JUN IOR CHESS.. _. ... _ •.. _• ..•..•.•..• __ •.Robe rt Erkel MASTERS AffAI RS ......•..•....•........... Robert Byr n .. MEMBERSH IP .•....•................. _. ...•. Dona14 Schult~ NATIONAL OPEN __ ...•....•. ___ ._.Herman Estrada JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NOMINATIONS __ . __ ._. ___ ._... _....•. _Frank Skon PRES IDENTIA L ASS LSTANT ..•.•..... f'rcd Cra mer USCF 1& • n on-proHt demo(r'Uc or g.nlzaUon, the official govemlna- body . nd FIDE unll for RAT LNGS & PA IRINGS._ •....•. _.... Ar p.d E. Elo t he .. in the USA. Anyone lnlerelted In .dv.ncin, American chell I.t ell,ihle lor membenhlp. RAT ING STATISTICIAN .• __ .. __ Wm. Golchber. TA X DEDUCT IBILITY __ ._. __ ._. __ 11"01<1 DOlldl, ,.",.mbenh lp, Including CHESS UFE ... bscrlptlon , e U&iblUty tor USCF_raUn" .nd all TOURNAMENT ADM. ___G eor,e 1d prlvUeeel.: I y r.: 5.00; Z yn.: $9.50; l YR.: $13.50; S U'Wrung: $I0.GO fbeoonUng IIf.. ltfembenhlp TOURNAMENT RUL£S __ ._._• .• _.Jamea S herwln . fte r 10 plI.)'menta); W e: $100.00. FI "'U, Mem lH: r ahlp (two or more famUy me mben .t H..IIl. .. TREASURER _. __. __ •__ •__ .... _. ___ ••t.lUto n RUlk11l addru s, only one CHESS LIFE ...bllC riptlon): r&t u • • . bove fo r fint family member, plUII U, S. CHAMPIONSHIP. ...•_ •.• _••.• ld .urlce Kliper followln, ror eacb . dditlon, 1 mem ber : I yr.: U .50; Z yr • . : ....n ; lyra.: $6.75. W OMEN'S CNES S._. __ ._. __ ._. __ .•.• __ Ev. ArvnllOlI CH ESS LifE II publlJohed m onthly hy USCF . nd enten-d II Rcond·d au matter .t ENt Dubuque, n Unoia. NOli_member l.yr.• u b-cr lpUon: ....00 ("'.00 ouUlde USA); .Inille cop,.: t.OII! ( ~ WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outside USA). C!lange of adelre,,: Allow .1:1: weeka nOUoo; plea5o! ,I\'e u s both t he new .ddr es, (F.I.D.E.) and the old addre ... Includtna !.he lIumbe.... n d d .tu on the top Une of your stencil. F red Cramer Vice·President, Zo ne 5 (U.S.A.) Add",,, all communle.Uon., and , II cheek, payable to: -------- UNITED STATES CHESS FEDIiRATION, 10 I!nt 11th Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. 11003 150 CHESS LIFE - Petrosian Comments on His Victory By Grandmaster Yury Averbakh thcse games had a bad effect on Korch · affected me in a good way: it forced me noi; they gave him a wrong im pression to concentratc myself for the concluding, APN Chess Commentotor of his ability. decisive games." " It is important, during a five-hour I met Tigran Petrosian the next day Q : " What would you like to say about battle on the chessboard, to have a fresh Spassky?" aHer the 22nd game of his world chess mind throughout, not to overwork your­ title match with Boris Spassky. The self. Therefore, if you want to win, you A : "The commentators believe that he series was still on, but the main thing mu st know how to save your phySical didn't show his lull ability in this had already become clear: Petrosian nervous energy, to last out till the end. match, or as Botvinnik put it: 'Boris would wear the world chess crown for We know of many highly-talented players didn't program himself properly (or another three years. who have failed to show thcir true ability Pelrosian.' True, Botvinnik also failed to I called on Tigran in the morning beCause of their poor distribuUon of do this himselI in his time. A title match when he and his trainer Isaac Boleslav­ strength and energy." is a clash of two personalities, and 'pro­ sky were getting ready for game 23. gramming' doesn't depend only on one of When these preparations were over, the Q : " What can yo u say about yo ur them. world chess sovereign turned towards match with Spassky?" "I agree with Botvinnik that Spassky's me and said: "O.K., shoo t with your A: "I missed a wondcrful chance of journey to the Ha stings Christmas Co n­ questions." ga ining the lead in the very first game, gress wasn't tbe bcst way to prcpare for the world titlc match. 1 also believe that Q: "The commentators observed that and this upset me so much that I was yo u were well prepared [or the title too nervous in the ncxt two games. Thc th.c results of the Challengers' Rounds ending of the second game wasn't so were to blame for Boris's underestima· defense. Could you give some details tion of the games with me. He believed about this?" simple as it seemed to certain commen· tators. I want to point out that Boris in his lucky star after his hrilJiant vic· A: "I began training long before the displayed great perseverance and in­ tories over Keres, Geller, and T al, and match was supposed to start. Spassky had genuity in defense. thought that things would continue to move on by inertia, to say." not yet sat down to play with Tal in the " 1 regard the seventh game as my so last elimination match when Boleslav­ best aebievement in thc match. It demon­ Q : "Are you very tired after the sky and I drew up a detailed plan of stratcs my views-the rival's limited pos­ match?" preparations. The first stage was devoted sibilities, strategy of play everywhere A: " I ce rtainly am, but I think that I to the study of my games from all on the board, and the encircling and angles. I made a special trip to Tbilisi was much more worn out after the world gradUal tightening of the ring of e n· title match with Botvinnik. Or, perhaps, to watch my rivals, Spassky and Tal, in circlement around the rival King. their knockout round . When it grew it's simply that I've grown accustomed " There were two crucial moments for to match play." clear that Spassky would win, t returned me in the match. 'rhe first came up after to Moscow and began analysing his thc 12th game, wh ere I launched a beau­ Q: "Wh at·s your opinion about Spas· games. This took up a co nsiderable tiful combination, but didn't carry it out sky's experiments in the opening stages amount of time. Only after that did 1 to the end. I wish to explain that the of games in the latter h.alf of the match?" begin training for the approaching 24- ending of this game proceeded in deep game marathon match. with the aspirant A : '·!t's possible to play this way, too, ti me trouble, and I forgot about the pos­ but whether it's necessary is another to the world throne.
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