CTBUH Technical Paper
CTBUH Technical Paper http://technicalpapers.ctbuh.org Subject: Other Paper Title: Talking Tall: The Global Impact of 9/11 Author(s): Klerks, J. Affiliation(s): CTBUH Publication Date: 2011 Original Publication: CTBUH Journal 2011 Issue III Paper Type: 1. Book chapter/Part chapter 2. Journal paper 3. Conference proceeding 4. Unpublished conference paper 5. Magazine article 6. Unpublished © Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat/Author(s) CTBUH Journal International Journal on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Tall buildings: design, construction and operation | 2011 Issue III Special Edition World Trade Center: Ten Years On Inside Case Study: One World Trade Center, New York News and Events 36 Challenging Attitudes on 14 “While, in an era of supertall buildings, big of new development. The new World Trade Bridging over the tracks was certainly an Center Transportation Hub alone will occupy engineering challenge. “We used state-of-the- numbers are the norm, the numbers at One 74,300 square meters (800,000 square feet) to art methods of analysis in order to design one Codes and Safety serve 250,000 pedestrians every day. Broad of the primary shear walls that extends all the World Trade are truly staggering. But the real concourses (see Figure 2) will connect Tower way up the tower and is being transferred at One to the hub’s PATH services, 12 subway its base to clear the PATH train lines that are 02 This Issue story of One World Trade Center is the lines, the new Fulton Street Transit Center, the crossing it,” explains Yoram Eilon, vice Kenneth Lewis Nicholas Holt World Financial Center and Winter Garden, a president at WSP Cantor Seinuk, the structural innovative solutions sought for the ferry terminal, underground parking, and retail engineers for the project.
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