The Italian Armed Forces in a Revolutionary Era: “Transforming While Operating”
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THE ITALIAN ARMED FORCES IN A REVOLUTIONARY ERA: “TRANSFORMING WHILE OPERATING” 1 EEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN –– RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN Key events transform evolution into revolution 2 TTHHEE CCAAUUSSEESS OOFF TTHHEE CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN -- 11 • Increasing gap between the developed and the underdeveloped world • Loss of fundamental values 3 TTHHEE CCAAUUSSEESS OOFF TTHHEE CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN -- 22 • Digital divide • Information Technology explosion 4 TTHHEE CCAAUUSSEESS OOFF TTHHEE CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN -- 33 • Globalisation 5 TTHHEE CCAAUUSSEESS OOFF TTHHEE CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN -- 44 Loss of sovereignty Moving towards wider Decay of state and differentiated supra- capabilities to handle nation-aggregations (UN, citizens’ lives as well as EU, NATO, ASEAN inter-state relations MERCOSUR, NAFTA) (“bad governance” and failing states) 6 THE GLOBALISED CORE AND THE DISCONNECTED GAP 7 TTHHEE RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN OOFF TTHHEE SSEECCUURRIITTYY SSCCEENNAARRIIOO Crises occurring in the interaction area between the globalised core and the disconnected gap 8 SSTTRRAATTEEGGIICC TTRREENNDDSS Resources Social Military Defence & Security Implications Science & Political technology 9 WORLD AREAS OF FUTURE POTENTIAL STRESS Riparian areas risks Water shortage Demographic stress Scarcity of food resources 10 CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN && TTRREENNDDSS CCOONNCCEEPPTTUUAALL RREESSPPOONNSSEE • Increasing importance of the International Organisations • Security = internal & external «continuum» • Holistic approach = Multilateralism + Continuum 11 CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN && TTRREENNDDSS TTHHEE SSTTRRAATTEEGGYY Pro-active attitude Multilateral and multidisciplinary stabilising action & cooperation towards the disconnected gap Synergy between the political, diplomatic, social-economic initiatives supported, when and as necessary, by the military component Transforming the tools at our disposal in order to optimise their use and effect 12 CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN && TTRREENNDDSS TTHHEE NNEEWW MMIILLIITTAARRYY AAPPPPRROOAACCHH Effect EBO Based Operations soldier (EBO) Cultural revolution 13 IITTAALLIIAANN AARRMMEEDD FFOORRCCEESS FFAACCIINNGG TTHHEE CCUURRRREENNTT RREEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN && TTRREENNDDSS “Transforming while operating” 14 ““TTRRAANNSSFFOORRMMIINNGG WWHHIILLEE OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG”” •The operational commitments are the catalysts of the transformation •“Operations and transformation” are cause-effect linked in the development process of the future military instrument •Transformation is a vital process for the Italian Armed Forces’ future 15 “OPERATING” CURRENT COMMITMENTS • Daily average of 8.000 personnel deployed in overseas missions with peaks of more than 11.500 in the recent past • One of the major troops contributor for the UN, EU, NATO and multinational operations • As a consequence of our relevant effort Italian Officers and Italian-led HQ have been and are currently leading international missions 16 CURRENT COMMITMENTS: SUPPORTING STABILISING ACTION JOINT ENTERPRISE NATO HQ UE ALTHEA NATO HQ NATO ISAF KOSOVO SKOPIE BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA 2 UNMOGIP ALBANIA INDIA-PAKISTAN DIE ALBANIA UNIFIL LEBANON NATO HQ TIRANA NTM (I) BAGHDAD UNMIK KOSOVO EUBAM EUPM GAZA BOSNIA UNTSO MINURSO MIDDLE EAST MOROCCO TIPH 2 EUPOL PALESTINE CONGO ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR MIATM AMIS MFO UNFICYP MEDITERRANEAN SEA MALTA SUDAN EGYPT CYPRU1S7 OPERATIONAL COMMITMENTS CONCLUDED IN THE RECENT PAST 18 BBAALLKKAANNSS AANNDD MMEEDDIITTEERRRRAANNEEAANN ““CCLLOOSSEERR AARREEAA”” Strong contribution to: • multinational missions (UN, EU, NATO) for post-crisis reconstruction and peace-keeping • increase of cooperation initiatives mainly on multilateral basis 19 CURRENT COMMITMENTS MIDDLE EAST - LEBANON • Achievement of UN Res.1701’s goals • Italian Commander of UNIFIL • Pozzuolo currently committed in the AOO to support Lebanese armed forces will handover to Folgore • Interim Maritime Force in the initial stage ~~22..550000 20 CURRENT COMMITMENTS RAFAH Italian leadership and contribution to the EU mission to monitor the Rafah border. 21 CURRENT COMMITMENTS MIDDLE EAST UNFICYP CYPRUS UNTSO EGYPT, ISRAEL, LEBANON, SYRIA MFO EGYPT TIPH 2 PALESTINE 22 CCUURRRREENNTT CCOOMMMMIITTMMEENNTTSS BBAALLKKAANNSS EEUU M MOONNITITOORRININGG MMISISSSIOIONN NNAATTOO KKFFOORR EEUUFFOORR EEUU P POOLLICICEE MMISISSSIOIONN Pristina KOSOVO NNAATTOO H HQQ SSaarraajejevvoo - NATO HQ Tirana - NATO HQ Tirana - NATO HQ Skopje -- 2288°°NNaavvaall GGrr.. - NATO HQ Skopje -- DDIIEE TTIIRRAANNAA --EEUU P PRROOXXIMIMAA 33..110000 23 CURRENT COMMITMENTS NATO “ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR” NATO MARITIME COMPONENT COMMANDER NEAPLES Maritime operations to prevent or counter terrorism coming from or conducted at sea and all illegality possibly connected 24 IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOOOOPPEERRAATTIIOONN IINN TTHHEE EENNLLAARRGGEEDD MMEEDDIITTEERRRRAANNEEAANN RREEGGIIOONN Support to: •NATO PfP and Mediterranean Dialogue Initiatives •EU Barcelona Process 25 VV--RRMMTTCC VVIIRRTTUUAALL RREEGGIIOONNAALL MMAARRIITTIIMMEE TTRRAAFFFFIICC CCEENNTTEERR MMAARRIITTIIMMEE SSEECCUURRIITTYY IINN TTHHEE MMEEDDIITTEERRRRAANNEEAANN AANNDD IINN TTHHEE BBLLAACCKK SSEEAA IINNIITTIIAATTIIVVEE • Network linking together the Navies’ operational centres in order to allow the exchange of information about the merchant traffic for the maritime security • CINCNAV acting as the information collection and distribution centre • 15 participating countries 26 TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL AASSSSIISSTTAANNCCEE AANNDD CCOOOOPPEERRAATTIIOONN MMIISSSSIIOONNSS ALBANIA • Technical assistance mission – Tirana • 28° Naval Group - Durres ~70 MALTA • Technical assistance mission ~40 27 ““FFAARRTTHHEERR AARREEAA”” Strong contribution to: • multinational operations • transition to post-crisis reconstruction activities Strengthening cooperation principally on a bilateral basis 28 CCUURRRREENNTT CCOOMMMMIITTMMEENNTTSS AAFFGGHHAANNIISSTTAANN ~2.100 Karshi Khanabad BADAKHSHAN STASGhirEKha n1 Keleft Balkh Jeyretan BALKH KKUUNNDDUUZZ FFEEYYZZAABBAAEDsDhkashem JOWZJAN Taloqan TAKHAR MAZAMRaz-Ear-e Konduz MSaAr-e ZPoAl R-E Baghlan STAGE 2 ShaSraimfangan SSHHAARRIIFFSAMANGAN MMAAiiMMAANNAA SAR-E POL PolB-Be KAAhoGGmrHHi LLAANN ARYAB F BAGPHLaArNwan KONAR Qal eh-ye Now LAGHMAN QQAALBLAAADG--HEEIS--NNAAWW Bamyan KEPIGA BBAAMMIIAANN Charikar Bagram Asadabad CHANGHCHARAN PARVAN Herat ChaghcChHaAraNnGHCHARAN PPAARRWWAANN KabKualbul AASSAADDAABBAADD VARDAK LOWGAR HERT HHEERRAATT GHOWR JJAALLAALLAABBAADD Baraki ORUZGAN BG, Support Unit & Air Shindand STAGE 4 Baghran FFAARRAAHH GHAZNI Farah Deh Rawod GHAZNI OrgunKK-HeHOOWWSSTT component in Kabul SSHHAARRAANNAA PAKTIKA ZABOL GGAARRShDDkEEinZZ Delaram Regional Commander TGTaAArmRRabIaINNk KKOOWWTT Geresk QALAT HGELMeArNeDsk QALAT NATO PRTs West Area Zaranj KKAANNDDAAHHAARR LASHKAR GAHKANDAHASRpin Boldak Herat PRT NIMRUZ LASHKAR GAH Coalition PRTs/FSB HHEELLMMAANNDD Current PRTs FSB contribution FSB STAGE 3 Jacobabad 29 Shamsi NNAATTOO TTRRAAIINNIINNGG MMIISSSSIIOONN IIRRAAQQ • Iraqi Security Forces training program • Possible future training initiative for civilian police ~3300 30 CCUURRRREENNTT CCOOMMMMIITTMMEENNTTSS IINN AAFFRRIICCAA MINURSO AMIS EU supporting action Western Sahara Darfur Sudan EUPOL KINSHASA Congo 31 AAIIRRLLIIFFTT SSUUPPPPOORRTT FFOORR EEXXPPEEDDIITTIIOONNAARRYY OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS Kabul 3-4 h 6-7 h 4-5 h 46th Air Detachment Al Bateen – Abu Dhabi 32 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Co-operation agreements signed with 61 Countries 33 ““TTRRAANNSSFFOORRMMIINNGG”” • The current Italian Armed Forces capabilities are a consequence of the transformation started in the recent past and that has involved all sectors • The revolution of the security scenarios and the foreseeable trends calls for an acceleration of the transformation 34 TRANSFORMATION’S GOALS ACHIEVED • Reform of the military leadership • Joint Operational structures (HQ EU capable, Intelligence Centre and Special Operations HQ) • Availability of expeditionary command structures and task forces for NATO and EU rapid reaction forces • Fully professional Armed Forces • Reform of the Carabinieri • European Gendarmerie Force (FR, IT, NL, PO, SP) 35 TRANSFORMATION: KEY OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES • Expeditionary • Interoperability (joint and combined) • Logistic sustainability • C4-ISTAR in net-centric environment • Availability of high-readiness JFHQ and forces • Usability • Precision and lethality of engagement • Survivability and force protection 36 TTHHEE KKEEYY RROOLLEE OOFF TTHHEE HHIIGGHH RREEAADDIINNEESSSS FFOORRCCEESS • Strong indicator of the level of multinational integration and interoperability we have reached • Fundamental to the effective multinational approach at the military operational level 37 CONTRIBUTION TO NATO NRF • Deployable Headquarters • Land Forces: up to 1 Brigade including CS and CSS • Maritime Forces: up to 1 CV, 6 units and LF Bn • Air Forces: up to 15 aircraft plus Air Defence and Logistic assets • MSU: up to 1 Bn HQ and 2 Coys • Special Forces Teams 38 CONTRIBUTION TO EUROPEAN MULTINATIONAL FORCES EU RAPID REACTION FORCES • 3 Battle Groups: - National Land Heavy - Multinational Land Heavy (MLF framework with Hungary and Slovenia) - Multinational Amphibious (Spanish Italian Amphibious Force framework plus Portugal and Greece) • COI as Operational Headquarters EUROPEAN MULTINATIONAL FORCES • EUROFOR & EUROMARFOR (with FR, PO and SP) • EUROGENDFOR (with FR, NL, PO and SP) 39 CLOSING REMARKS • … ambitious but vital transformation • ... coherent