A, I. Mikiiyal{
UICT(lR PERT(l An lnlerview wilh A, I. MIKIIYAl{ Firsf Deputy Prime Minister of thc, U.S.S.R" New york I NTER NATt ONAI- PU BtIS H ER S t VICTOR PERLO How thc Sovict EconomyWorks ln fnturuiew with A. I. Mikoyzn First Deputy Prime Mi.misterof the U.S.S.R. New York INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS CONTENTS Introduction ECONOMIC PLANNING 11 Decentralization, 14; Details of the System, 1E; Twenty Year Plan, 19; The Merging of Socialist Property Forms, 22 II. SHORTCOMINGS No Dead Ends in the U.S.S.R., 2G; Raw Materials, 28; Agriculture, 29; Black Markets, 33; Quality of Construction, 34 III. EFFICIENCY AND INCENTIVE 36 Industrial Stimuli, 37; Overmanning, 39; Effi- ciency in Agriculture, 41; The Income Gap, 46 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 61-16824 Copyright 1961 IV. AMERICAN-SOVIET RELATIONS 51 by IUTBnUATIoNAL Purr,rsnpns Co., INc. American Example, 52; East-West Trade, b5; Printeil i,n the a.S.A. The American EeonomS bg; The Soviet Example, @ts20e 62 BOOKS BY VICTOR PERLO INTRODUCTION USA & USSR-The Economic Race This booklet presents the text and background of an Dollars & Sense of Disarmament (with Carl Marzani) interview with Anastas I. Mikoyan, First Deputy Premier The Empire of Hi,gh Finance of the USSR, held in the Kremlin August 1, 1960. I spent three months in the Soviet Union, at the invitation Lhe Income'Revolution' of the Institute of World Economics and fnternational Rela- The Negro in Southern Agriculture tions in Moscow. As an economist, and author of various books that have been published in the Russian language, American Imperialism I was given exce]lent cooperation in the pursuit of my professional research in the U.S.S.R.
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