Over Atlantic Homeward Trip

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Over Atlantic Homeward Trip ■ ■ V.' , 1- /■ ' ' ' T t - i - '■ i f , - ■ ' ' ' .’I" - ' . ■” ■ ' p ? ..-. in. .. .Iji' ?*.' -v .- ■ r . -J : ' t. - • t ’ . ■ V THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN FofecMt b y tjrs. Weather Bureau, A.VERAOE DAILY CIRCULATION ' THartford. lor the Month of May, 1980 eSn/Stat^UWary-^omp.^^ ' Fair tonight and {Wednesday, not 5 , 5 1 8 much change in temp^ture. Members of the Andit Bureau of Circulations V SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENtSi VQL. XLIV., NO. 208. (Classified Advertising on Page 10^ OVER ATLANTIC There’s Politics in the Air! CRAZED FELONS -'1 FLEE HOSPITAL; HOMEWARD TRIP llA T U B E R T Y Making About 90 Miles an WAR IN CHINA Five Slayers Among Those Plenty Pygmies Left Bishop Flatly Declines to An- Hour Favored by a Tail FLARES AGAIN; Who Escape; Armed With swer Questions Concern* Wind; Changes Course to Knives They Force Says Woman Explorer ing His Acts During 1928 Head for Seville, Spain. U m NEARS Guards to Open Gates. Paris, June 3.—(AP.)—Mrs. Dellai^ Mrs. Akeley, whose husband died Presidential Campaip; J. Akeley, the first v^fe of Carl Akfe- at Kabale, Uganda, in 1926 and was BULLETIN : Reports Indicate 400,000 Ionia, Mich., June 3.- (AP)— ley, sculptor and naturalist, who burled on the spot where he slew Says He Is Being Perse­ London, June 3.—(AP)—A died and was burled in Africa, to- his biggest gorilla, said that the le­ radio dispatch to the Associated Thirteen insane criminals, five of, returned to Paris after a year’s Press from the master of the them slayers, armed then?selves I expedition hunting the elusive’ pyg' gend of the pygmies dying out was cuted; Talks Freely About Troops Are Facing Each with knives and razors, imprisoned i mies of the interior of the dark cou- due to their shyness, which had steamship America says: taught them the art of making “Passed the Graf Zeppelin at tiVt) guards, threatened the night | tinent. , . , 1:30 p. m. G. M. T., North Other on Honan Front; Ex­ themselves all but invisible. Temperance Work Before 40:22, West 58.11, flying about supervisor with death and escaped , declared, but they are , She said she found many villages, 2,400 feet high. Fine weather.” from the State Hospital for Crlmi-1 difficult to locate and disappear like of the little people, who are the size pect General Advance. nal Insane early today. i a flash if an Intruder approaches. I of normal 10-year-old children. They Senate Probers. ' live in tiny huts made of leaves, in By Associated Press Two of the fugitives were recap-; nut tured on highways a few miles from | ern Belgian Congo and which they crouch. They move away Homeward bound with a bit in Shanghai, June 3.—(AP)—After .................. ........ _ ______ at the slightest alarm and constant- Wa^shington,. June 3 — (AP) — her teeth, the Graf Zeppelin today the institution within a few hours | coUection'Naibobi with for thea Brooklyn Museum ijly are shifting from one food source Bishop James Cannon, Jr., today was speeding east over the North h!Jfwepn^^^thr Na^^^^^ ' ^ famous young man was the chauffeur of the plane which brought while city, county and state officers and other institutions. to another. hostilities between the Nationalist, ^jjj^,j^ggador Dwight W. Morrow back to Newark, N. J., from a political engaged in a widespread search for flatly declined’ before the Senate Atlantic at a pace approximately 90 government and the Northern al- j in Atlantic City the other day. Here you see ' Morrow being the others. lobby comm.ittee to answer a ques­ miles an hour. Cut Telephone Wires tion about his political activities in Taking off from the naval station liance which is seeking to create an | assisted from the plane. Now'look in the front cockpit. Recognize the at Lakehurst, N. J., =at 9:12 (E. S. independent government in north j driver? He’s Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, son-livJaw of the New Jersey Before leaving the Institution the the 1927 presidential campaign. senatorial candidate. The famous flyer has not commented on whether Inmates opened cells releasing 24 T.) last night she reported her posi­ China centering at Peiping, advices j Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon- he will campaign for Morrow. prisoners but none of the others HERE IS PRIMARY LIST tion twelve hours later as 40.18 from the Honan province today in­ North, 57.30 West, approximately dicated renewed fighting is immi­ joined in the break. They also cut 780 miles due West of New York telephone wires. nent. Dr. Perry C. Robertson, superin­ Despatches indicated that at least OF FORTY-THREE STATES From 5 a. m. to 9 a. m. she had 400,000 troops might oppose each tendent of the hospital blamed the traveled 358 miles, which would other on the Honan front. CONGRESS UPSETS I BINGHAM FAVORS break on the limited facilities which place her average speed at 89.7 The Nationalists were reported to [ made it necessary to confine 18 men TEN CHILDREN HIT miles an hour. Although the ^nes- have increased their forces to at [ with dangerous reputations in a BY LIGHTNING BOLT. sage did not say, it was presumed least 150,000 Indicating that Chiang i PRESIDENT’S VETO DRY LAW REPEAL ward, rather than in separate cells. All Members of House to Be she was favored by a tall wind as The night supervlsop, Gene Owen Kai Shek has ordered a general ad- j was called to the ward on the third Blatinltz, Czechoslovakia, her average cruising speed is around vance and lending strength to the I Chosen This Year With June 3.—(AP)—Ten boys and 60 miles an hour. belief that renewed hostilities are | floor by U. S. Davis and Bert Hill, After soaring over New York City guards, at 2:30 a. m., after the lat­ girls,, among them a football imminent. Both Houses Pass Spanish Connecticut Senator Also team, were struck by lightning and Long Island last night in a fare­ A third battle line is eictended \ ter had been told by an inmate that Thirty-five Senators and well salute, she headed northwest some of the men there were trying while seeking shelter today un­ along the Peiping-Hankow railway i der a tree from a downpour of up the North Atlantic coast. After southward to Chengchow. The War Veterans’ Bill hy Big! Declares He Is for State to escape. As they opened the door 5 o’clock she changed her coarse to­ Nationalist claim that their forces the three men were set upon by the High State Officials. rain. ward the southeast and Seville, her are steadily advancing on this front, prisoners who had armed them­ Two hoys fifteen and sixteen fir.«<t stop on her way home to Fried- while the Northerners asserted to­ Majorities. ' Referendum on Suhject. selves with improvised knives and years old, and two girls eighteen rlchshafen. with razors. The two guards were Washington, June 3. (AP)- years old were killed Instant'y. day that they had shattered the With Florida voting today and Nationalist threat against the north­ locked in a washroom. Owen was Others, it was feared, were REPORTS POSITION taken through the building to the North Carolina n Saturday, 43 burned fatally. ern headquarters at Chengchow. Washington, June 3 — (AP) — (Special to The Herald.) New York, June 3—(AP)— The Expect Sharp Fighting front gate. states will be left at-the close of the <gf=----------------------- ;------------ Hamburg-Amerlcan line received a President Hoover said today he had ' Washington, June 3.—(AP,)— Gate Is Opened week on the list of those still to Sharp fighting on all fronts Is Senator Hiram Bingham of Connec­ radiogram from the Graf Zeppelin generally anticipated. The National­ not changed his opinion that the One of the men held a knife to nominate candidates ' " the elec­ today, reporting. her position at 9 ticut has joined that fast growing tions of November 4. ists are particularly seeking to Spanish-American war veterans number of Senators and Represen­ Owen’s throat and told Guy Car- a. m. (E. S. T.) as 40.18 North and penetrate the enemy territory north pension bill enacted over his veto baugh, guard at the gate, that Owen All members of the House are to FOUR PERSONS HURT 57.30 West, almost 780 miles due tatives who in the last few days be chosen this year, together with of Chengchow, planning to destroy yesterday by Congress was unwise. have declared themselves as in favor would be killed unless the gate was east of New York. At 5 ^ m., the the Peiping-Hankow railway bridge "I favored a liberalization of the opened. Carbaugh let them out. 35 Senators and many high state Graf was 500 miles northeast of of state referendums on the repeal officers. Pennsylvania, Kansas ana ■ Bishop James Cannon. New York, indicating' she has over the Yellow river, 18 miles north Spanish war veteran pensions. Hoo­ of the Eighteenth amendment and They took Owen outside the gate IN THREE CRASHES of Chengchow, thereby crippling the ver said, "because they have not who have expressed their purpose before scattering in different direc­ Ohio are electing Senators out of changed her course from northeast been on a parity with other ser­ tana, in adjourning the committee to southeast and travelled approxi­ Northerners’ principal avenue of of being guided by the determina- tions. the regular order.. Ordinarily 3* informed the bishop that "of course supplies from the north. vices, but I have not changed my A guard was dispatched t^ Ionia Senators^ are chosen every two mately 358 miles in the last four opinion that it should have been tions of their constituents in th eir, - ^ - - .
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